Corsairs to each his own how to open the chest. Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships. Products and prices

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General discussion and walkthrough questions
The older one was smart. The youngest son and so, and so. Basically, he was an idiot.

Ahoy, brave sailors and adventurous adventurers! Welcome to our little tavern at the end of the world! Grab yourself a pint of selected rum and make yourself comfortable. We have a long and pleasant evening in the company of port women, gambling, as well as incredible stories about the adventures that await us, ordinary corsairs, on the way to legendary treasures! Do not skimp on words! Share your experience with green cabin boys who have not yet smelled the smell of sweat and gunpowder! Those who have not yet known the joy of a fresh sea breeze after a long calm! Help me choose a ship to make world travel or tell me a couple of tricks that will help a young corsair become sea ​​legend. Relax, have fun, and remember: after all, the parrot is alive!

Plus, the developers went too far with the quests during which the GG loses his ship. You have to replay, wave the game, leaving the main ship laid up in the port, and for the task to sail on some kind of tartan or lugger.
Compared to other parts, the player is very tied to the time. He has almost no time left to engage in piracy, trade and side quests for his own pleasure. The success of completing tasks for a while depends on banal luck with a fair wind, plus there is a bug when using the "sail to ..." command takes much less time than sailing to the same point on the world map.
The only thing that pleased in this game is the trade. It really became really earn money.

I recently deleted this game, although I also played for several months, then I abandoned it, I didn’t like the too nerdy leveling of fencing, which, along with other Persian skills, increases very slowly, and therefore personal abilities are earned less often.

But with ship skills it is more difficult. I still use the skills of navigators. Fortunately, quest officers have high level skills.

In general, the game is unrealistically difficult. Quest time limits are too steep, opponents are at first crazy (only with the help of forts he could gouge), and from the very first minutes of going to the open sea at the beginning of the game you immediately meet with entire squadrons of the enemy. Natural tin. Moreover, I am infuriated by the impossibility at the beginning of the game (until you pump the skill of raising the flags or buy the patent of the West India Company) to carry out missions to deliver some passengers and ships to the Spanish coast. And almost all the characters met at first (at least in my case) ask exclusively for the Spanish colonies. But the story dragged on. The plot is good, compared to the old parts.

Plus, the developers went too far with the quests during which the GG loses his ship. You have to replay, wave the game, leaving the main ship laid up in the port, and for the task to sail on some kind of tartan or lugger.

Yes, I don't like it either. I know that in the course of the game this should be. In the same Kaleuche, in my opinion, everything is based on this. But haven't met yet. I don’t know yet whether every Luger officer will have to buy in order to keep them. For from the passage I saw that only one of them survives. I mean Mary or Rumba, depending on who you take. And yes, it's a pity that both can not be taken.

I liked the game, especially the story. He is beyond praise. So many variations of the passage, literally everything is thought out to the smallest detail. The writers really did a great job, especially when, through dialogue alone, they awarded all the NPCs with a real, lively character. I think even Stanislavsky would not have found something to complain about.
Bright, dynamic battles that even at the end of the game make you tense up and sweat. Although for a beginner (such as myself, who has only played the first Corsairs before), the game will seem too difficult even at an easy level. However, you can adapt, you just need to devote more time to the passage.
However, it was not without its downsides. The Storm engine is cunning and merciless, always starting to fail at the most crucial moment. Although, oddly enough, I had crashes less often than the rest.

Personal skills are pumped quickly enough. Fencing in general can be pumped over by stupidly making your way overland to the Spanish fort (as long as the noble hidalgos treat the character no better than a piece of impartial) and cutting down everything and everyone on the way. A couple of real time clocks and you're already at a hundred. It is better not to go to pirates with such things.

On older versions, I remember, this was really possible. In the latest version, they cut off such a freebie. Skills are pumped, but extremely slowly, only on assignments experience drips.

In fact, there is an opportunity to take both, though not forever, and even then with restrictions.

There is nothing difficult, just replay the entire Pirate Saga.


in order to take Mary on the second visit to the OS, it is necessary to make sure that the prophecy of the gypsy woman, which Helen tells about, does not come true. That is, it is necessary either not to return the chest with doubloons, or to name Helen by the name of her adoptive father, MacArthur, and not Sharpe. In this case, Mary agrees to board the ship and both girls will travel with the GG on the ship until the end of the Saga. Ellen leaves at the end. Naturally, you won't be able to choose between the two, only Mary.

Personally, for me, the positive in this part is much more than the negative. In every aspect of the game, the work of developers is visible, which cannot be said about many AAA projects that are driven by commerce, not the idea. The only thing to criticize is the engine, which, unfortunately, is not always able to function normally on XP + systems.

The speed of fencing pumping depends directly on the style of the game. It is logical to assume that if the GG is constantly at sea, sea skills will swing. As for me, duck this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills at the time of completing the quest, whether it be generator / plot / side, swing faster.

That's exactly what for free play there is very little time, except perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million pesos (if these pesos are not collected through the quest " dutch gambit", but through trade and piracy).

That's right, there is very little time for free play, except perhaps only at the stage of collecting a million pesos (if you collect these pesos not through the Dutch Gambit quest, but through trade and piracy).

Three months to collect one million pesos is a convention that can be violated several times. Likewise, after passing Pirate Saga you can freeplay at least ten game years, which will not affect the plot in any way. How much more free?
If, for example, we take the standard system from the GPC, where the GG immediately after the respawn is engaged in a free game - of course, there are differences, but not as critical as they seem at first glance.

Yeah. It's not viable at all, to be honest. Like a zombie. It seems to be moving, but who the hell knows when something will fall off of it.

The speed of fencing pumping depends directly on the style of the game. It is logical to assume that if the GG is constantly at sea, sea skills will swing. As for me, duck this system is quite understandable and playable. I would like to add that skills at the time of completing the quest, whether it be generator / plot / side, swing faster.

The system not only has the right to life. So she's totally awesome! She is logical and consistent. Just by doing what you are supposed to do, you increase the skill. Truth in recent times I prefer the help of gypsies. Because some skills I still don’t understand how they are pumped. For example, the same secrecy. And for some quests, this stealth is a necessary skill.

Compared to other parts, story quests have appeared that require completion by time, but this does not mean that you cannot choose the right moment for free play in between these quests

Can. But it's very hard to be honest. And the plot doesn't let go.

That's right, fencing used to swing beautifully during boarding battles with captains and the enemy team, but now for this you need to generate save/load quests for duels in cities and hunt local bandits, and fencing is barely growing.

Here fencing improves faster than other skills. Moreover, local bandits are not so rare to come across. Yes, and I often try to board an enemy ship by boarding than to flood it. Well, during secret visits to the Spanish colonies, I simply cannot resist going inside the settlement and knocking out a couple of noble conquistadors. As a result, my swordsmanship and shooting skills are fully pumped. But with the rest, everything is less rosy. Some have not even grown to 50%.

Lord. As a fan of the series with a 7-year-old (already now it became scary) experience, I read your posts with interest.
Let me first say a few words about how this game came into existence. There was (however, it still exists) such a team of enthusiastic players, Black Mark Studio, which made a global modification to the "City of Lost Ships" (the previous game in the series) - mod-pack 1.3.2 Adventure Tales. In parallel with the modification, they made a fan-made addition to the game - in fact, "To each his own". Some ideas of the addon (for example, generated quests) were tested on the modpack. The addon was supposed to have three main characters (Charles de Maur, William Paterson, Diego Montoya) with three storylines connected to each other. When Akella, as the copyright holder of the series, saw what the result was, she decided to publish this project as a separate game. This is how "Corsairs: To each his own" appeared. In the first version of the game, there is a story only for Charles de Maur, since there was no time to finalize the other two. Actually, the entire corsair community is waiting for the remaining two GGs and their lines to be added to the game. So far, the developers have released two relatively small DLS ("Kaleuche" and "Last Lesson"), the third is on the way - "Under the Black Flag".

Here's the thing. The previous game in the series, "City of the Lost Ships", was focused mainly on freeplay. Actually, the players froze enough. The developers of the KKS decided to shift the focus to the plot component. At the same time, freeplay as such has not gone anywhere - between story quests, you can have fun as the player wants.

Well, this game feature was known again in the GPC

But this surprised. It is believed that in the KKS freeplay, the emphasis is on piracy and generated quests. Trading has become more difficult than in the GPC.

In one of the updates, pumping on the soldiers in the fort was cut. Specially, in the framework of the fight against the dull-witted. As the developers explained, the leveling of the hero goes quite well in the course of side and generated quests - and this reveals the game more fully than the endless massacre for the sake of skill points.

In fact, the main character objectively does not need most of the ship's skills and abilities, because they are covered by hired officers (the key positions are navigator, gunner and boatswain). You definitely need the ability to raise foreign flags (allows you to penetrate enemy cities), it is worth pumping the branch of navigational abilities - its final perk allows you to ignore unnecessary skirmishes on the global map.

What pleases - the plot of the KKS is organically intertwined with the plots of, perhaps, all previous games in the series. From the second, third and GIC - for sure.

When it's pirates drowned ships? It's not profitable

It's strange why. At the expense of unique goods, rich capital is earned by trade in an elementary way. I'm talking specifically about free trade by the player, and not about quests from shopkeepers. We take goods where they are exported and sell where they are considered unique. And if there is still an officer with a pumped trade, then in general everything is super. Trade is complicated by the fact that there are many diplomatic barriers in the game.
After the delivery of one story quest in almost all cases, the following is immediately given. And if we take into account the fact that the completion of the quest is limited by the time frame, then there is simply no time left for freeplay.

Ship's log

In this form, the player can get acquainted with the ship's log, which is kept by the hero and automatically filled in by the system.

The event log

The journal is a list of the current tasks of the hero. Each item in the list by double-clicking or Enter is expanded into the event log. Each entry is marked with the time it was logged. The log goes from bottom to top, that is, the very first entries are at the bottom, and the latest are at the top.

Events archive

This tab contains a list of quests completed by the hero.

Cash book

On this tab, the bookkeeping of our hero is kept. All deposits and loans from moneylenders are fixed for the convenience of calculating terms and interest.


Any action of the hero is displayed on the form of statistics. There is a record of the killed inhabitants by type, accounting for the capture and sinking of ships, looting of cities, and so on.

Relations of nations

Nation Relations Matrix

Relations between powers are of three types:




To the left and above are the flags of the nations, their intersection indicates the relationship between them.

The hero belongs to his base nation - this is the nation of the start of the game or the current letter of marque, if any. For the hero, the column of his base nation is applied, taking into account the reward for the head.

Head award or appreciation for merit

The attitude towards the hero of the power, its citizens and soldiers can be different. Good deeds for the good of the country increase the reputation of the nation, while bad deeds can lead to a reward on the head of the hero. And this is an eternal pursuit on land and sea, as there will always be hunters for wild heads. The reward for the head can not only be received, but also reduced by one's own deeds or direct bribery, thus returning the friendly disposition of the state.

Flag on the ship

The hero's nation is the nation chosen at the start of the game, or the nation that this moment the hero serves (whose patent is in the hero's pocket). It can be seen on the "F2/Character" form. On the "F2/Nation" form, the current flag on the hero's ship is visible, which can only be changed at sea in order to hide its true essence. But the enemy of the power can be recognized both by ships at sea and by guards in the port. The stealth of the hero affects the success of the deception. If the hero has a bounty from his main nation, then he is considered an enemy even to her.

Recognition of the enemy takes place taking into account the relations of the countries themselves and rewards for the head on their behalf.

Fast travel in the cities of a hostile nation does not work for the hero.


The list of goods for trade is quite large. This gives a lot of freedom in trading for the hero.

Something on the islands and the mainland is an exported product and its prices are low, something is imported, and the demand is great, as well as the price is high. And something is completely prohibited for official sale, and is controlled personally by the governor.

You can make money on price differences by buying low and selling high. It is more profitable to sell more expensive, but this slippery slope lies through smuggling. And deals become completely profitable only when the goods are not bought at all, but are taken “for this”, “free of charge” from merchants at sea by the method of direct robbery and piracy.

Products and prices

The "F2/Trade" form shows the price lists collected by the hero while shopping or obtained from merchants at sea. This is the state of the store's inventory on a specific date. The list is maintained by city in a table: quantity of goods, sale price, purchase price, type (import, export or smuggling). Over time, the information becomes obsolete, as the turnover in the game lives its own life. But the main conclusions for successful trading can be drawn.

At the beginning of the game, the list is empty, as information is received (shop visits), it will be filled.

Tip: Don't miss the opportunity to find out the prices of goods from merchants at sea or in a rumored tavern.

Pricing in stores works on supply and demand: if the quantity of exported goods is constantly small (everything is bought up in large quantities), then prices for it will rise. Conversely, an imported product that is constantly on sale and creates a “package” in the store leads to a drop in prices. The situation eventually returns to its original state.

Important: The looting of the city leads to a sharp decrease in stocks in the store, which means a gradual increase in prices.

Sale of contraband

A number of goods in cities are prohibited from free circulation, this is due to the current political situation and increased tax collections. Such goods cannot be officially sold in the store. You can buy, but the price will be exorbitant.

Therefore, merchants suffering from quick profit do not shun smuggling deals. The prices there are favorable, but the patrol can also turn up. You need to negotiate a deal with a smuggler in a tavern, and then unload the entire batch in a deserted bay.

The patrol can swoop down both on the shore and wait in the sea at the exit from the bay.

Equipment and items

In this interface, the player can view the items carried by the hero and his passengers, choose a new saber or put a cuirass on the character, study the treasure map or the map of the island.

Items that are in the chests of the hero's ship's cabin can only be viewed in the cabin itself through the chest search interface. The "F2/Items" form shows the things that the hero carries with him at all times.

Hero Equipment

The hero can wear four items: a saber, a pistol, a spyglass, and a cuirass. To equip an item, you need to select it in the list and click the "Take" button. Officers choose their equipment automatically when exchanging items or buying in the store.

Items with an effect on skills, such as +10 Prestige, work if they are in the pocket of a hero or officer. The exception is clothing items that need to be equipped as a cuirass, then the effect in the skills from them will work. There is also a unique collectible artifact "three skulls", the effect will appear only when all three skulls are collected together, that is, all three of them are in objects at the same time.

View maps

To view a map-scheme, you need to select it in the list and click the "Get" button. An additional window with a map will open. Cards are sold by item merchants in town.

Treasure cards

Treasure cards are viewed in the same way as regular cards, but instead of a diagram, there will be a description that the hero made on the map indicating exactly where the treasures are hidden. A treasure map can be purchased at the tavern if there is a seller there. The card may also be fake. Also, the treasure from time to time can turn into junk.

Treasure maps can consist of several parts. To get information on exactly where to look, you need to have two parts of the map. Parts of the map can be found in treasure chests. The map will automatically stick together from parts if you click the "Take" button on any of the parts of the map.

If the treasure is in a dungeon, then opening the chest can lead to the appearance of the skeletons of pirates who were killed by the villain hiding their treasures.

Open the map and head to Martinique Island. Just make a landing in the bay of Le Francois. Once in a city overflowing with pirates, find the baron and chat. Now in the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own, you will receive a task consisting of getting the silk that was thrown out by one of his assistants when he left the opponents. If you have an active chronometer, then adjust it to the coordinates indicated in the log to get to the desired location. And if there is none, then head for Sint Maarten.

Drop anchor and swim to the longboat nearby. After you get to him on the boat, talk to the captain. Persuade you to give the stolen silk and return to Barbazon, who is waiting in Martinique. Inform him that there are nine bales of silk left. Then you get another task.

Now you have to find the assistant of one unknown who needs your help. This servant's name is Knave. He leads the ship "Marlin", which is located near Capesterville. To get to it, you need to say the password "the hunt has started." Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should go there and go to the tavern. Approach the owner and talk to her owner. Report that you are looking for the captain of the Marlin. However, you will hear another name - David Fakman. Apparently this is his nickname. So head to the house located next to the shipyard.

After talking with its owner, and then shoot him and take away the message. After reading it, you will learn that Jack was Jackman's mercenary. They prepared a trap for Thirax. So now we need to capture his ship and pretend to be Knave.

Come out to the pier and swim up to the "Marlin". After you board the ship, exchange it and head to Turks Island. After landing on the shore, go to the ship "Razluchnitsa". Examine it and swim to the South Bay to land near it. Be careful because the pirates will attack. Repel their attack and climb onto the deck of the ship to talk to its captain.

After a while, Helen will come up to you and offer to pick up several powder kegs from the Razluchnitsa, and then get as close as possible to the enemy ships that are on the opposite side of the island and throw them off. Then move away to the maximum distance and undermine the gunpowder. But they haven't exposed you yet, so go for it.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and look for enemy ships. Then grab them and go to the captain's cabin. You will find a chest in it, open it and inspect it. After that, you can start the frigate to the bottom. Once you patch up the holes, head to Isla Tesoro. Disembark and approach Jackman, the commander of the Centurion.

Start shelling with buckshot and board the ship. When you meet with the enemy face to face, then run to the far corner of his cabin. It is worth noting that after you defeat Jackman, you will have to talk with him a little. After that, the level of his health will be restored and you need to finish him off again. Also, his friend Carpaccio will help him. Try to neutralize them one by one. If you want Dani to help you in the battle, then inform him that two chests are in the cabin. Open them and take the tract the Pastor needs" and the second part of Sharpe's map.

Now in the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own, open the map and sail to the island of Martinique. Go to the corsair lair. Be careful because you will be followed by several musketeers. After you see Barbazona, talk to him, he will give his consent. Head to Hispaniola to find Marcus Tyrax there and get his consent. Then sail to Cuba and find the black Pastor. He will also agree, so feel free to return to Jan Swenson, who is in Blueveld, and chat.

Now events can develop in two ways:

Worst option

If you did not have time to complete the Pirate Sana quest in the game Corsairs: To Each His Own, then the capture of Tortuga will need to be carried out from land. Head there. It is worth noting that the crews of the two ships will include about 500 people. After you land on the shore of the Eye of the Fish beach, then go into the city. Deal with the guards and eliminate the military who control the streets of the city. Then you can go to the residence of Chevalier Levassier and chat with him. Then eliminate it and return to the ship. Open the map and head to Saint Christopher. Just change the flag to French before that. Once in the residence of Poinsey, talk to him. Then a frigate and a crew will appear at your disposal. Do not refuse this gift, thank you and leave.

The best option

If you have already managed to deliver the Shark and get the votes of all the barons, then Yang will certainly thank you. He will also talk about the operation that he plans to carry out at one of the mines. But you may or may not take part in it. If you don't want to, then just return to Jan after 10 days.

If you agree to the passage of this operation in the game Corsairs: To each his own, then return to Jan after 3 days. It will be located on Mosquitos Island. After talking to him, move on. Soon he will tell about the planned operation. If you go to the right, you will find an emergency exit near the well. Head there and tell the bandits that Jackman sent you. Then talk to Jan again and move to the left. Going behind the mountain, you will come close to the entrance to the mine. Use a password to get there.

Be careful, because now you will be attacked, kill everyone and go further. I advise you to constantly talk with Jan, so as not to lose sight of him. Repel the attacks of all enemies. After the next battle ends, meet with the gunner and move deeper into the mine. There are also opponents that you need to get rid of. After you kill everyone, completely different music will start playing. Chat with Jan again and exit this place.

Approach the table and take away from it some documents giving the ownership of the mine. You can get out into the street and talk to the gunner again. Board your ship and head for Blueveld. There you will need to wait about 5 days to go to Jan again.

Sharpe's will

Talk to him to receive a quest, which is to find a certain Albert Loxley. It can be found in Port Royale. By the way, this man is one of the best lawyers in the Caribbean. Yang, in the meantime, will be busy gathering the Council. So continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, open the map and head for Jamaica. After you get off at Port Royale, go to the left of the pier to get to Albert Loxley's office. Talk to a lawyer and find out the amount of the advance, which consists of 450 doubloons. You will also have to return to him in seven days.

Return to the ship and head to Swenson located in Blueveld. Talk to him and ask for doubloons. However, he will say that he simply does not have them. He will also tell you that he is engaged in trade in an outlandish tree species. But a few days ago, a batch was stolen from a warehouse. He thinks it's the work of Molligan, the commander of the Oyster. Now you will need to overtake the ship and board it to find out where the tree is. And then deliver it to Jan. It is also necessary to find out to whom Molligan is going to sell his goods in order to earn money himself.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should quickly hit the road, having previously opened the map and found the “Oyster” marked in purple on it. When you overtake her, then send the boat to talk to Molligan. Then return to your ship and start attacking the enemy. Do your best to board him. After the victory. Go to the captain's cabin and find in it a message sent by a mystery shopper.

You can head towards him or towards Jan. If you decide to return to Jan, you will be rewarded with 1500 doubloons for a lawyer and 750 in gratitude for the operation performed. Then head to Port Royal and go to the lawyer. Pay him off and find out that now you need to find documents confirming your last name.

Shadows of the past

Set a course for Antigua and move to the tavern. Ask its owner about Raymond Baker, it turns out that he sailed away on the ship Bald Maggie. But the ship has already returned, but without Baker. Try to find out from the captain about the whereabouts of Baker. Continue through Corsairs: To each his own and head to your ship to get close to Bald Maggie. After you talk with the captain, you will find out that he was pursued by corsairs. But after the doctor confessed to him, it turned out that the pirates were chasing him. There was a riot on the ship, and the captain was forced to land the doctor in the middle of the ocean.

He agrees to give you the coordinates of this place. Hurry up to go there. As soon as you find yourself in the open sea, you will immediately find a longboat. Approaching him, Captain Baker himself will be your guest.

Go to the cabin and talk to him. It turns out that Bucher is still alive. You will also learn about Jessica, who has not been heard of until now. Also, the doctor will give you a tooth that belonged to Admiral Shark. Set a course for Isla Tesoro and set out on the roadstead in the port of Sharptown. Go to the residence and talk to the Shark there. He will tell you about Leadbitter, Butcher, Jessica and Musk. After you understand the connection between them, get one of the diary pages found among the documents of Blaze, the former head of the island. There lies the valuable breadth you have been looking for.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should go to these coordinates. After mooring ashore near the Skeleton Reef, go through the bridge. Move on until you are near the grave. Open the diary to see the new entry in it. Wait until night to find Jessica near the burial site. Approach her and chat. Then you have to fight her. However, she will soon run away and appear above the house. Run to him. Just be careful, because Jessica will soon take away your run skill, and then a wave of skeletons will wash over.

Try to get the first wave out of the way and get to the zombies. After you defeat her for the second time, she will get angry and take away the pumping of weapons by 30-40 positions. Skeletons will appear again, destroy them and run across the bridge. It is worth noting that here you will be knocked down by water. To successfully pass this test in the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should renew your health level every time you are attacked by water. Gather up and approach Jessica. This time she will take your energy. Do your best to defeat her.

October 22, 2014

Today we're going to talk about a game with an amazing story. Created by a team of Black Mark Studio fans, it interested the official distributor of this game series. So a full-fledged version of the continuation of the epic - "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - was released.

Lots of easter eggs, updated fleet upgrade system. It also became possible for the main character to create things and ammunition. In addition, the world has become more open, and the plot is less linear.

Beginning, or Where to get a million

In this game, you take on the role of the French aristocrat Charles de Maur. The father asked you to find your missing son, your brother, in the Caribbean.
So, after you got off the ship in St. Pierre, Martinique, you have two options for the further development of the plot. Variety is the beauty of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own." Quests can be done in many ways.

First, you go to the authorities. For a beginner, it is more correct, but there are some tricks here. Things will need to be hidden, and the weapon will be replaced with a harpoon. The stash can be made in the box, which is to the right of the fort gate.

Why such a turn? Very simple - then you will be arrested and all things will be taken away. The governor-general of the island himself will come to the prison with a proposal. He frees you, and you pay off your brother's debts. The amount is impressive, a million pesos, after all. Help would be useful here, however, in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" cheats are not common.

Having agreed, you go to the quartermaster, who will issue basic kit armor and weapons. If at the beginning you hid things in a chest, further development It will be easier. Just go to the brother in the dungeon.

The second way of plot development is suitable for more experienced people familiar with the game "Corsairs 2: To Each His Own".

Here, having felt the freedom and expanse of a pirate life, we eschew the authorities, but we figure it out ourselves. You will need to run around the city, chat with the residents. We are interested in the fate of the brother. In the process, from one person, you will learn about the abbot. Then the path leads to the church. Benoit, through a friend, will help you get to your brother in the dungeon.

We learn about - oh, God! - a debt of a million pesos, we get the first task. Remember, it's temporary. The point is this. Michel has paid a deposit for the ship, but still owes 17,000 pesos. It is necessary to find this amount in three days, otherwise you will get a wreck.
Where to get money? Let's figure it out.

call girl

For this quest, you will need to find one senior. He usually hangs around in the square near the church. Look for a light camisole and a hat. The passage of "Corsairs: To each his own" is open and non-linear. Therefore, the name is generated differently.

The point is. It is necessary to go to a brothel and negotiate with its owner about the girl Lutisse Montagne. She must be brought to this aristocrat after eleven o'clock in the evening. For all expenses, he gives 6 thousand, your earnings are the saved amount.
The secret is that before taking the quest you need to save. Upon receipt of the task, the cost of the girl for the night is randomly generated. It can be from 2500 to 5000 pesos. We load until we get the minimum number.

When talking with the hostess, choose the option that refers to the inexperience of the girl. It will be possible to pick it up from 23.00 to 00.00. In an hour it would be easy to manage and lead her to the aristocrat.

And while there is some time, we will earn some more money. Remember - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" the map of the island is an indispensable assistant when completing quests. Don't forget to check it out from time to time.

Warehouse worker

Near the brothel is a shop. Our path lies there. There, the owner will complain about the fate and talk about the runaway worker. We agree to find him. The reward is one thousand pesos. And that's just for discovering it. According to the orientation, it is located somewhere outside the walls of the city.

Our path lies in the pirate settlement of Le Francois. On the way, by the way, we will complete two more tasks. They are written below.

So, the worker is in the tavern or near it. After talking with him, we understand that the owner of the store is a miser, and Gralam will never return to him.

What can you do. We return with bad news. The merchant is upset, but he gives a reward. And, besides, he promises more if we help to hire a new employee. The higher the qualification, the higher your earnings. Does not let the game relax. What can you do - "Corsairs: To each his own"! Ships will soon be redeemed, remember? So let's push up.

We run to Le Francois. Where to look for an employee? At the tavern keeper. He appears to be a little responsive. For only a thousand pesos, he will help with the task, but you need to walk for an hour.
While we are waiting, you can play dice, a possible win will not hurt. After the agreed time, we return to the tavern and see the applicants. And then everything becomes just great. In addition to the fact that the owner will take only 500 pesos for help, the employees also offer you bribes!

We choose the one that gives a bag with fragments of amber. We will need the jewelry later, and in the city the owner of the store will pay us 5000 pesos for it. But that will be after the interview. Time is money, so we run to the head of the port department. It starts the quest "Cannibal".

Side missions

On the way to the pirate settlement, you can earn some more money. The first task will be "Scarce Goods". Do you remember where you hid things at the beginning of the game? Near this chest is a city guard. Talk to him. It turns out that he is also French, like you. And his tender stomach cannot stand the local liquor. You will be asked to bring good wine.

It seems to you that money is hard to earn in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own", the codes would obviously not interfere. All wrong! After this quest, you will forget these thoughts forever!

The income from this task is one thousand pesos. Time to complete - days. Simply and easily. Where to get alcohol? Check the chests in the fort. If fortune is not on your side, any merchant sells a bottle for seven hundred pesos.

We carry it after returning from Le Francois. The guard will be waiting on the upper platform of the fortress in the evening. But it was not there! It's not a mission, it's the Klondike! Insatiable French are ready to buy another 60 bottles of 1000 pesos. What to do? Where to rob the wagon?

No panic! We go to any merchant and for a thousand coins we buy information that there is alcohol in the store. Having gone there, we stumble upon a misunderstanding of the owner. We return to the thrower. And he wants another 2,000 for a letter of recommendation. You have to pay. With this sheet we return to the seller. Now you can buy 60 bottles for 500 pesos each. But! This is a one-time offer, so free up your inventory!

Net earnings - 27 thousand coins. And received in the following story mission game "Corsairs: To each his own" map will greatly help in the future.

In the city, all quests available on given level, are taken. We leave the gate. But what is it? A corpse lies on the road, and the local natives run away. Let's go through the pockets of the dead man. 560 pesos for expenses, small change and earrings. Save this decoration, we'll need it later when we get back from Le Francois.

So, we sorted out the hard workers in the village (the quest is described above - “Warehouse Worker”). It's time to remember the find. We go straight to the governor-general. You can, of course, ask the price of merchants, but there the price is lower. De Poinsy will give you a "Cheap Map of the Islands" for them. Such a gift will greatly facilitate the passage for you. "Corsairs: To each his own" is a game that is designed specifically for making money in the spirit of piracy.


The tropics, the starving local population, sleek European aristocrats... It turns out that the head of the port is looking for an assistant to his friend. Prospero's daughter was stolen. The poor father spent most of his property on the purchase of a musket and is already outside the walls of the city. We'll run after the money promised by the store owner later, now - to save the girl!

We find Truval near the well. From his story, we understand that abductions have become more frequent, and this is being operated by cannibal Indians. They get food, so to speak.

In this task, we will not only enrich ourselves financially, but also gain a lot of experience, if there is a desire. Only if fencing is not pumped, it will be bad. In the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" cheats are aimed precisely at this area.

The point is. Your father will tell you how to act. If you do so, the quest will be completed quickly. If you destroy all the Indians yourself, without his help, you will get a lot of experience.

In the cave we find a daughter and another hostage. We accompany them to the city and get a reward. And this is neither more nor less - 8 thousand pesos, 35 doubloons and a good amulet.
In principle, the minimum of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" has been completed. The ships are already available for purchase. Count, there should be more than 17 thousand in your pocket. However, we still need officers, a team, ammunition. In addition, in stock the whole day.

How to have a fun night

What to do in the tavern, waiting for the morning? Don't sleep!
There are several activities to choose from - gambling, duels, "divorce" of the waitress. But first things first.

So, dice and cards. There will be a lot to save here. How to win? Just. We always start with the maximum bet - 1000 coins. We trade until the opponent agrees. For example, we play for 800 pesos. You win. Better save. If he wins, and then he starts to drain his bank to you, we rejoice and earn.
The main thing is not to win very often, otherwise they will call you a cheater and stop inviting you to the table.

When everyone is broke, you can still earn. Blame someone for cheating. Or get into a fight. Duels are won easily, and the dead drop good things and a lot of gold, if you're lucky.

The third fun is related to the waitress. You need to flirt with her until she invites you to spend time with her. We order a room from the owner of the tavern and wait. Instead of a girl, an accomplice appears, burning with a desire to rob us. Killed easily. The beauty of this task is that the waitress apparently has a lot of thugs. And from each you can get things and money. Without such pranks, the passage will be boring. "Corsairs: To Each His Own" allows you to experience the wild life to the fullest.

Rum for the bartender

Morning. The owner enriched himself by renting a room for an hour, so he is kind. When asked about the task, you receive an offer to smuggle cargo.
It is important to remember the password when receiving the task! He will not sign up anywhere, and without him the quest cannot be completed. There are several options, but the most common are: “the bay is ready for landing” or “old Thomas was waiting for a beer.” Again, yours may be different. Will have to write it down.

So, at seven o'clock in the evening we go to the pier, sit on the launch and quickly move to the right of the pier. If the wind is fair, it will be easier, if not, we go in zigzags.
Destination - ship "Ghost" near Lamentin beach. When the boat from the longboat approaches it, you will need to write a password in the dialog box. Did you remember him?

We receive a contraband cargo and quickly move to the bay of Le Francois. There, you pass the ship with alcohol to the people of the owner of the tavern, and you yourself go on foot to it. You get 5000 pesos, a couple of bottles of rum and a spyglass as a gift.

Spanish engineer

We bought the ship. Where can I get a team? That's right, in a tavern. After much questioning and persuasion, the bartender gives a tip. There is one sailor, decommissioned ashore.
We get acquainted, we answer a meticulous interrogation. He agrees to go to you, but only with his entire team. Not bad! 40 sailors at once for 8,000 pesos.

But where to get a navigator? The tavern keeper doesn't know. We run to the port. Good people say that there is one. He is in jail for debt.

I'm going to the moneylender. You will have to pay 11,000 pesos. Or maybe there is another option? There is. You need to free his friend from captivity. Easily!

Freebie - that's the basis of the game "Corsairs: To each his own"! Quests are supplemented with gifts. Before meeting the pawnbroker, hide your gun. He will give you a new one, with cartridges!

At half past eleven at night we go to the beach, we beat off the Spaniard from the pirates. The secret is that the first robber you meet must be killed first, immediately after the conversation. The rest is easy to put in. But the saved will attack you. We beat him until he gives up.
Now the hardest part. At night, patrols roam the city, so you need not get caught. We save in front of the city.

After completing the task, we get IOUs, and, consequently, the navigator.
We buy provisions for the ship. Collect more charges for guns - buckshot and knippels. At the exit from the bay, a pirate ship will attack.

Getting rid of it is easy. Let's lower all the sails. We immediately destroy the entire rigging with nipples, and after the maximum command with buckshot. We board and rob. You can't take it for yourself.

"Corsairs: To each his own". "Dutch Gambit"

The second part of the epic is connected with West India Company. Here you will have to explore the entire archipelago of the Caribbean Islands. At this stage, you can already have several ships and a slightly more pumped team.

During the second part you will visit Guadeloupe, Cuba, Maracaibo and other places. Such advice. Often there will be tasks to destroy pirates, or they will meet during the voyage. Always attack several times with knippels, and then constantly with buckshot. Then board. Only such tactics will allow you to constantly win and get rich quickly.

When you're done storyline- the reward will make you happy. An amazing ship and an excellent experienced officer. Next will be the last part - "Corsairs 3. To each his own."

pirate saga

Hooray! Accumulated a million pesos! Buying brother. But everything is not so simple. The governor-general took the money, but he does not want to release the prisoner. Like, you still need to help him become the head of the island of Tortuga. Well, a challenge! Go against all the pirates at once!
Compared to this, the second part of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" - "Dutch Gambit" - is just child's play!

But it is not all that bad. Helpers are here too. Especially if you know the secrets. When you find yourself in Cartagena (it is desirable to raise the Spanish flag), find a pirate in the city. He has a very good sword. Have you learned how to duel?
Influential connections will be needed to capture Tortuga. Then the path lies to Zechariah, to Cuba. He will send us to look for the cartographer. Thus begins the next branch of the game "Corsairs: To each his own" - "The Island of Justice".

After the task "Shadows of the Past" we will receive Morgan's flamberg, which has no equal in all the Caribbean.

At the end of the line, you will kill Levasseur, report the change of power on Tortuga de Poinsy and free your brother. As a reward - a frigate with a crew and a French letter of marque.
But this is not the end of the game "Corsairs: To each his own"! The gambit was played well. Now we're racing to defend St. Pierre, our brother's former prison. After all, now our hero is a French officer!

Do you want to become invincible right away? Or is it easy to complete all tasks? We will talk about tricks and bugs.

So, in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" codes are not common, but there are many "raw" moments.

For example, when you capture an enemy ship, you can combine his team with yours. To do this, hold down the "shift" button. It may not work the first time, but the next ship will reward you with an endless team. It's time to bomb the forts!
By the way, about this. When behind the shoulders of the entire passage, "Corsairs: To Each His Own" did not end. This is just the beginning. No quests. Full freedom. We recruit officers from taverns with pumped pistols and fencing, and then through the F2 button we put them in our squad. And among the pirates you will not be equal!

Corsairs To each his own Maps
All geographical maps of islands or sections of the mainland land that your hero got, go into inventory and, if they have not been seen before, are placed in the Cartographic Atlas (by default - the (M) key). You can also view any cash cards in the tab (F2). Items (for convenience, use the "Cards" sorting filter) by selecting the item in the list and clicking the "Take" button. Cards can be bought, received as a gift, found in the treasure or in the things of the captain of an enemy ship killed by the hero, or you can simply steal from someone else's chest. In addition to individual geographical maps You will definitely come across general maps of the Archipelago of various quality, as well as a variety of excellent author's works. How to deal with them, only you can decide, but believe me: there are no accidents in this world. A player who has collected all the cards of individual islands and regions will immediately feel how much they are needed by any navigator! Sooner or later you will come across a fragment or, if you're lucky, whole map real treasure! Treasure cards can consist of two fragments: the card will automatically fold into a whole if you click the "Take" button on any of the parts of the card. Do not rely too much on treasures: the map may turn out to be a fake, or the contents will turn out to be useless junk. A treasure map can be purchased at the tavern if there is a seller (usually a very suspicious and not always pleasant person) there. Be vigilant: treasure digging is often accompanied by the appearance of not always welcome witnesses or competitors. The maps are of high quality, large, if you have a low Internet speed, wait until the end of the map loading. To save the map, click LMB on the map, after it loads and enlarges, click on the rectangle with an arrow or on the square in the lower right corner "enlarge to full size". After that, right-click where you want to save, "ok".

Map of the West Indies

simple map

Card of Two Appearances

New map Caracas

Great card Belize

Justice Island Map

trading card

Trading map with dots mark

Trade card with island mark

Anitigua Map

Barbados Map

Blueveld Map

Guadeloupe Map

Isla Tesoro Map

Cayman Map

Caracas Map

Cuba map

Cumana Map

Curacao Map

Martinique Map