Mods for minecraft 1.7 10 smart zombies

» Zombie Awareness Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 (You Can't Hide)

Zombie Awareness Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 (You Can't Hide)

Zombie Awareness Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 makes Zombies and Skeletons more intelligent. Now they can see you from a much further distance. Doing tasks like mining makes noise that will also increase the chance of them hearing you and coming to attack. They are also attracted to light sources and can attack in groups.

This mod is based around making hostile monsters smarter. It allows them to smell players' blood that is spilled, hear the players' activities, and find their light sources. All of these allow them to find players easier.

When a player has any health taken away, they may start to bleed. When they bleed, there will be red spots placed on the blocks around them, which hostile monsters can smell. The blood spills will slowly decay until they are completely gone. When the player is below 60% of their health, or has less than 6 hearts, they will bleed every 30 seconds, which will leave a fresh scent for monsters to smell.

Anything that a player does, such as mining, placing blocks, walking, and other various activities that create sounds can alert hostile monsters within about 16 blocks. They can then find the player making the noise. Frequent noises are able to be heard farther away than non-frequent noises.

Hostile monsters will be able to spot light sources from a greater distance, and will generally try to get closer to them. They will also put out placed torches if they can.


Smarter more aware zombies (and skeletons), they track you down via blood scent, sound, and light source awareness, config lets you pick and choose what features to have.

  • Blood scents: You spill blood if you get hurt, and if low health you bleed out once in a while
  • Sound sources: Mining for blocks will alert other zombies of your position
  • Light sources: Zombies can see exposed light sources from super far away, and will come to investigate if they have line of sight
  • night surface spawning: More zombies spawn in groups at night, causes random invasions
  • Long distant waypoints: Mobs will gather up together and wander the terrain in large groups randomly
  • Randomly faster zombies: Zombies are given a small buff in speed to add more unpredictableness

Hostile monsters have been given the ability to smell blood that the player spills, and even hear the players activities depending on how loud and frequent it is. If they sense it, they will find you.

Mining in caves has a whole new challenge to it with this, be carefull not to get cornered when busy making all that noise those much needed materials, always plan an escape route.

Scent Awareness:

  • When Blood scents are dropped, they slowly decay in strength until gone, causing hostiles to pathfind to the stronger scents, where you might be.
  • When the player is hurt, he spills blood onto the ground.
  • When the player is below 60% health, he bleeds every 30 seconds leaving a fresh scent, so be sure to keep healthy.
  • Scent usage and strength is customizable, strength defaults at 100% of a 64 block radius.

Sound Awareness:

  • When pretty much anything near the player makes a sound, there is a chance that a hostile within about 16 blocks might hear it.
  • Sounds traces are amplified and are heard from farther away if they are very frequent. So a lot of arrows landing or fighting off a lot of monsters will attract company fairly soon, better relocate.
  • Sound usage and strength is customizable, strength defaults at 100% of a 64 block radius. (19 blocks)

Sight Enhancement:

  • Customizable sight awareness range.
  • Option for X-Ray Sight targeting.
  • Option for Omnipotent auto player targeting.



How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge and .
  2. Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the mod folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now the mod is installed.

If it seemed to you that the open spaces of the Minecraft zombie game are quite simple and not so interesting, then you just need to install the Zombie Awareness mod for Minecraft.

Thanks to him, you will now have the opportunity to significantly improve zombies and provide yourself interesting adventures. For example, now the zombies will become quite strong and unpredictable. They will actively move around the map and focus on one goal - to destroy you.

Now in , if you wear certain equipment or get injured, zombies will actively seek you out and lead the pursuit. Can you handle these new enemies? Then do not waste time and just start acting. We wish you good luck!

How to install the mod:

First step: download and install Minecraft Forge (You can choose the version with it in the launcher).

Second step: download the package with the modification.

Third step: copy the mod package Zombie Awareness to the .minecraft/mods section (if this folder does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).

The new scary Decimation mod will turn Minecraft into a realistic world with a zombie apocalypse, where the main goal is survival. Players are waiting for strong moments, dramatic events, friends, enemies, close-knit teams and betrayals. The modification adds military equipment, including firearms, food, ammunition, various tools for overcoming obstacles and communications, a map and detectors. Multiplayer mode is supported. On this page you can download the mod for the zombie apocalypse Decimation for the most common minecraft versions: 1.7.10 .


  • 30+ animated models of machine guns, machine guns, pistols and shotguns.
  • A selection of armor, vests, fanny packs, backpacks, helmets and masks to equip.
  • Melee weapons (including chainsaw and shield).
  • 34+ new drinks and food.
  • Fully functioning ammo system and reload magazines.
  • A wide selection of building blocks for additional map customization.
  • Various possibilities for interactive map: rope swings, locked doors and alarm systems.
  • Currency for trading.
  • NPC merchants that sell weapons and ammo.
  • Blocks to protect buildings from zombies: sandbags and barbed wire.
  • Materials and minerals for crafting items, sets, and traps.
  • Bleeding, infections and radiation.
  • Thirst and hunger system.


In-Game Commands

  • /deci help- conclusion complete list directives.
  • /deci-heal- treatment of the player, including the removal of the effects of radiation, infections and bleeding.
  • /deci resetdata- Reset player characteristics (level and skills).

Server commands

  • /deci reload- reloading the configuration file of the Decimation mod on the server.
  • /deci supplydropspawn- creating a set of useful items near the player.
  • /deci addsupplydropspawn- mark the point of discharge of provisions.
  • /deci undosupplydropspawn- Cancel reset point.
  • /deci spawntrader.(food, armor, medical, guns, ammunition)- Creation of an NPC merchant.
  • /deci removetrader- removal of merchants nearby.
  • /deci refreshtraders- reloading merchants.
  • /decisetradiationzone- setting the location chosen by the administrator as a radiation zone.
  • /deci removeradiationzone- removal of the radiation zone in which the player is located.
  • /deci refreshradiationzones- updating all locations contaminated with radiation.

Video review

Mod Zombie for Minecraft 1.7.10 designed for the most daring and experienced players who can survive in the most difficult situations and conditions. Zombie Awareness mod with which it will be difficult to lead a nocturnal lifestyle in the game, we will run into huge swarms of zombies that will try to kill us as quickly as possible to tear our body apart. And many other changes related to the mechanics and gameplay in minecraft.

What the mod adds:

  • traces of blood after the zombie hit you or vice versa.
  • Block mining soundsnow when you mine blocks, this sound will attract zombies.
  • swarms of zombiesat night, zombies gather in flocks and traveling on the map trying to find food.
  • Increased zombie speed Now if they see you, their speed will increase a little.

Zombie Awareness is a very well designed mod that is designed to make the Minecraft game a little more challenging and interesting rather than their usual goofy thinking self. There is no doubt that zombies are one of the most mysterious monsters you can fight in any game, but despite this, zombies in Minecraft seem rather lackluster and there are many different reasons for this. Luckily, you can use Zombie Awareness Mod to make those zombie games more dynamic and, overall, more fun to play against. The Zombie Awareness mod makes a lot of changes to how zombies function in the game and, thanks to these changes, playing against them feels like a dynamic activity. The biggest feature in this mod is that it gives zombies the ability to smell blood. Whenever you take damage or have low health, you will start to bleed and the zombie will be able to trace that blood for you. On top of being aware of your blood, these zombies will also be able to track your location through the sounds you make. On top of the aforementioned feature, Zombie Awareness mod zombies also gives them the ability to detect lights from afar, and this gives them a slight movement speed boost. Movement speed will increase - this is very important because vanilla zombies are very slow and can be easily kited because of this. Lastly, this mod makes it so that zombies mostly spawn at night, and this makes it even more dangerous while lurking behind them. All in all, Zombie Awareness is a great mod that’s perfect for players who want to improve how zombies function in Minecraft.

Mod Smart Zombies or Zombie Awareness for Minecraft 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 is designed to improve Zombies in Minecraft. Now they can gather in groups, herd and attack in a crowd. Zombie is a kind of monster in Minecraft. Compare with a Skeleton that can attack from afar, a Creeper that can sneak up on players, or a Spider that can scale walls at high speeds, besides having a lot of attacks, it costs next to nothing for a Zombie on the left.

The old version of Minecraft has a varied monster system, but the monster AI is quite simple and very easy to use to destroy them. In later versions after the Combat Update, Skeleton owned an excellent artificial intelligence; they can attack from a greater distance than old version, constantly moving to dodge player attacks, making the Skeleton one of the hardest organisms to kill in Minecraft.

But the Zombie is still the same, still moving mindless piece of meat and always losing to the players. While a Skeleton with the same amount of HP can attack from afar, a Zombie is forced to get closer to players in order to attack. With zombie awareness, players need to be more careful with this enemy as they can now attack almost anything: the smell of blood, sound, lighting. The zombie mechanism is also improved: it spawns in groups, moves to groups, and can randomly speed up its attacks.