Monina hyperactive children psychological and pedagogical assistance

“Hyper...” - (from Greek Hyper - over, above) - component complex words, indicating excess of the norm. The word “active” came into Russian from the Latin “a tivus” and means “effective, active”.

The authors of the psychological dictionary refer to the external manifestations of hyperactivity inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, increased motor activity. Often hyperactivity is accompanied by problems in relationships with others, learning difficulties, low self-esteem. At the same time, the level of intellectual development in children does not depend on the degree of hyperactivity and may exceed the age norm. The first manifestations of hyperactivity are observed before the age of 7 years and are more common in boys than in girls.

There are different opinions about the causes of hyperactivity: these can be genetic factors, features of the structure and functioning of the brain, birth injuries, infectious diseases suffered by the child in the first months of life, etc.

As a rule, the hyperactivity syndrome is based on minimal cerebral dysfunction (MMD), the presence of which is determined by a neuropathologist after a special diagnosis. If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.

However, the approach to the treatment of a hyperactive child and his adaptation in the team should be comprehensive. As noted by a specialist in working with hyperactive children, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yu.S. Shevchenko, “not a single pill can teach a person how to behave. Inappropriate behavior that arose in childhood can be fixed and habitually reproduced ... ”(1997, p. 4) This is where the educator, psychologist, teacher comes to the rescue, who, working in close contact with parents, can teach the child effective ways communication with peers and adults.

Every teacher working with a hyperactive child knows how much trouble and trouble he causes to those around him. However, this is only one side of the coin. We must not forget that the child himself suffers first of all. After all, he cannot behave as adults demand, and not because he does not want to, but because his physiological capabilities do not allow him to do this. It is difficult for such a child to sit still for a long time, not to fidget, not to talk. Constant shouting, remarks, threats to

the punishments that adults are so generous with do not improve his behavior, and sometimes even become sources of new conflicts. In addition, such forms of influence can contribute to the formation of “negative” character traits in a child. As a result, everyone suffers: both the child, and adults, and the children with whom he communicates.

No one has yet succeeded in making a hyperactive child obedient and accommodating, and learning to live in the world and cooperate with it is quite a feasible task.

1.1 What is hyperactivity?

"Hyper ..." - (from Greek. Hyper - above, above) - an integral part of compound words, indicating ... excess of the norm. The word active” came into Russian from Latin. "Activus" means "active, active". Initially, this term was used in Russia only in a commercial sense (the beginning of the 19th century).

The authors of the psychological dictionary refer to the external manifestations of hyperactivity as inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, and increased motor activity. Often, hyperactivity is accompanied by such negative aspects as lack of concentration, problems in relationships with others, learning difficulties, low self-esteem. At the same time, the level of intellectual development in children does not depend on the degree of hyperactivity and may exceed the age norm. The first manifestations of hyperactivity are observed before the age of 7 years and are more common in boys than in girls.

There are many opinions about the causes of hyperactivity: in some cases, these may be genetic factors, features of the structure and functioning of the brain, birth trauma, infectious diseases suffered by a child in the first months of life, etc.

1.2 Portrait of a hyperactive child

Probably every group kindergarten there are such children who find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time, to be silent for a long time. not to fuss. They, as a rule, create additional difficulties in the work of educators, because they move a lot. , spinning in place, fussy, impulsive. Often, hyperactive children have poor coordination of movements, therefore, when moving, they touch and drop various objects, push their peers, thereby creating conflict situations at every step. The famous American psychologist Violet Oaklander characterizes hyperactive children as follows: “It is difficult for a hyperactive child to sit, he is fidgety, moves a lot, turns around in place, sometimes overly talkative, can be annoying with his behavior. Often he has poor coordination or insufficient muscle control. He is clumsy, drops or breaks things, spills milk.It is difficult for such a child to concentrate his attention, he is easily distracted, often asks a lot of questions, but rarely waits for answers, probably, every teacher is familiar with a painted portrait.

1.3 Diagnosing a hyperactive child

The behavior of hyperactive children may be superficially similar to the behavior of children with increased anxiety. Therefore, it is important for the educator to know the main differences between the behavioral factors of one category of children from another. The table below will help you with this.

Table 2. How to distinguish a hyperactive child from an anxious one.

In addition, an anxious child is not socially destructive, and a hyperactive child is often a source of various conflicts, fights, and simply misunderstandings.

To identify a hyperactive child in a kindergarten group, long-term observation of children, conversations with parents and employees of a children's institution (music worker, psychologist, methodologist) are necessary.

The problem of hyperactivity is very relevant. This monograph is one of the first attempts to implement an integrated approach not only at the level of theory, but also at the level of its practical application.

The book covers many important topics that will be of interest to both specialists working with this problem and parents of hyperactive children. Prevalence and causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Signs of the disease and associated disorders. Diagnosis and various treatments for ADHD. Training program for parents and children.

The book describes games for young children - up to three years old (some of the proposed games are recommended from birth).

The games proposed by the authors will allow parents and educators to solve a whole range of tasks: to develop the emotional sphere of the child, his intellectual abilities, to develop his skills of interaction with adults and peers. In addition, the book provides basic theoretical information about younger age- they will help to better understand the features of interaction with the baby and the key tasks of his development at this stage.

Games for children from three to seven years old

The presented games will allow parents and educators to solve a whole range of tasks for the development of the emotional-volitional, physical and cognitive spheres of the child. Also, these games will allow the child to improve their communication skills with peers and adults.

Anger management games. A set of educational cards

Lots of anger management games that: teach kids how to deal with anger and other negative emotions; show them ways to express anger in an acceptable way; develop communication skills and empathy in children; develop the ability to control their body.

Cheer games for good mood

The proposed games, which can be used not only in working with children, but also in teenage groups and even in adult trainings, will help the psychologist and teacher achieve a variety of goals:

set an optimistic constructive attitude;
will stimulate creativity;
ensure the cohesion of the group and its well-coordinated work;
help develop social skills.

Communication training. Teachers, psychologists, parents

The book is addressed to everyone who works with parents of children and adolescents: practical psychologists, teachers, employees of children's preschool institutions, club leaders, etc., as well as psychology teachers who can take individual exercises for their trainings and practical exercises.

The authors of the book cover in detail the following issues: how to make communication with parents more effective, how to communicate information about the child, how to ask questions, how to resist manipulation, how to be more confident, how to deal with your emotions and how to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Problems of a small child

The book is a guide to age-related crises and other features of the development of a young child (up to three years old). It provides approximate tables of norms: what a child aged from one to three should be able to do. There is also a collection of various games for any age, an analysis of children's drawings, lullaby texts, tips for all occasions.

Particular attention is paid to the crisis of three years. A feature of behavior at this age: the child often comes into conflict with himself, “I want”, “I don’t want anymore” and “I want again” flicker with enviable speed. The authors give a detailed definition of a crisis and advise on how to deal with various situations.

Psychological counseling for children and adolescents. Fragment

The book "Psychological Counseling of Children and Adolescents" introduces the history of formation, the subject and modern methods of counseling children of early and preschool age, junior schoolchildren and teenagers.

The author examines the counseling of these categories from the standpoint of the age-psychological approach, presents various models of counseling and their own approaches that determine the choice of methods and techniques in practice.

Psychology of the negotiation process: E-learning

The manual aims to familiarize students with the negotiation process and the psychological characteristics of its various aspects.

AT study guide reveals the idea of ​​a situation in which negotiations are possible, the functions and types of negotiations, gives an idea of ​​the dynamics of the negotiation process, strategies and tactics in the negotiations. The manual provides a description of the various styles of negotiation that its participants adhere to, the types of psychological influence of opponents on each other, as well as the main socio-psychological aspects that affect the course of the negotiation process.

The manual includes the following sections: introduction to the theory of negotiations; the structure and dynamics of negotiations; strategy and tactics in negotiations; negotiations in conflict situations; mediated negotiations; negotiations and sales; control questions for mastering the material; recommended literature; final test of knowledge on mastering the discipline.

Electronic textbook for distance learning.

Family Psychology: Electronic Study Guide

The manual aims to acquaint students with the concepts of domestic and foreign psychological science, considering the family as a multilevel and multifunctional system.

The textbook provides a scientific understanding of the most significant concepts in the field of marriage and family: attitudes towards marriage and family, determinants of choosing a marriage partner, forms of marriage and family, composition, functions, life cycle of family development, harmonious and disharmonious family, normative and non-normative crises family development, etc.

The presentation of the material of the manual is based on the study and analysis of the role of the family in the formation of personality, marital problems, parent-child relations in the family, the dynamics of family relations, and issues of psychological assistance to the family.

The manual includes the following sections: functions, family composition and types of families; family development life cycle; psychological features of family relations; psychological assistance to the family; control questions for mastering the material; recommended literature; final test of knowledge on mastering the discipline.