Board game seven wonders of the world. Which city is the best

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the famous Ear of Rhodes, and the Pyramids of Giza. The great wonders of the world, built in a distant era by ancient masters. Many have not survived to this day, but the memory of them has been preserved for centuries.

The game "7 Wonders" offers a journey through seven cities with ancient glory. Each city has its own specifics, it depends on the wonder of the world that can be built there. The player takes control of one of the 7 cities and must lead it, over 3 eras, to power and prosperity.

Prestigious awards and nominations

  • 2011 Gouden Ludo - Laureate
  • 2011 Fairplay À la carte - 1st place
  • 2011 Guldbrikken Best Adult Game - 1st place
  • 2011 Tabletop Game of the Year - Laureate
  • 2010 Tabletop Game of the Year - Laureate
  • 2010 Swiss Gamers Award - 1st place
  • 2011 Deutscher Spiele Preis - 1st place
  • 2011 International Gamers Awards - 1st place
  • 2011 Kennerspiel des Jahres - 1st place
  • 2011 Spiel des Jahres - Laureate
  • 2010 Meeples" Choice Award - 1st place
  • 2010 The Dice Tower Gaming Awards - 1st place
  • 2010 Tric Trac D "or - 1st place

This game is truly amazing!

Each era has its own deck of cards, one player has 6 cards, with which he develops his city and creates a Wonder of the World. At the end of the third age, players count their victory points earned throughout the game. The player with a large number victory points. If the players have the same number of victory points, then they count the money in the treasury of their city and the player with the higher amount wins.

The resources needed to construct the buildings and the Wonder are produced by the city. If the player does not have enough resources to build the desired building, he can trade with his neighbors, buying resources for coins. There are free buildings in the game - this is one free map no cost in resources.

There are also chains of free buildings, for example, building a Theater in the first age will allow you to build a statue for free in the II age, which in turn will provide free gardens in the III age.

The construction of the Wonder of the World consists of several stages, each of which gives the player additional benefits. Also noteworthy is the fact that there are two different options for creating a miracle, which can be used independently of each other. Among the construction of buildings and other cultural values, I would like to draw Special attention on the Guild, of which there are many in the game. You can buy them only at the third stage, and their value is undeniable.

The fact is that Guilds give victory points for buildings built by neighboring players. For example, the Guild of Spies gives 1 victory point for each card present in both neighboring cities. Thus, with their help, you can turn the tide of the game in one direction or another in a completely unpredictable way, and snatch victory from the leading players.

● Keep track of your neighbors and analyze their strategy. Block your opponents using cards that will give them an edge.
● Focus on the construction of buildings of the same color, or, conversely, on different colors, fight or live in peace, engage in trade or accumulate resources. Many strategies can influence your victory.
● Science strategy, ie building science buildings, is worth more points if you create groups with different symbols.

Video review of the board game "7 Wonders"

Family game "7 wonders" with a multi-faceted process

bright and exciting game"7 Wonders" will be appreciated both by fans of Eurogames and lovers of high-quality family board games. We wish you a pleasant time and "Miracles" for game table!

Exciting, stylish and multi-plot board game Trefl "7 Wonders" will be a wonderful gift for any child. All best qualities board games of the world, stylish and colorful graphics, the ability to play big company allow you to get the most out of the game.

The fate of the ancient world in children's hands

How to combine gameplay and learning? How to take a whole company of children with one common thing? How to distract a child from computer games and cartoons? The answer is simple: you just need to buy your child a new board game "7 Wonders".

What will interest children in the play set:

  • the ability to build and create new buildings (both Wonders of the World and ordinary buildings);
  • the financial foundations of the game (whoever has more financial resources wins in the end);
  • opportunities to develop your ingenuity and logic (an attentive participant will certainly achieve high results);
  • the atmosphere of the ancient era in which the game set is made;
  • with its adventurous nature.

For a board game, you can spend evenings together or invite a company of 7 people to play. The game will perfectly unite children and parents or allow the company of kids to benefit and have fun. This play set makes a great gift for kids ages 10 and up.

In our marketplace you can buy the board game 7 Wonders (in Russian) in Moscow with a cashback of 722 bonus rubles. Delivery of the board game Lifestyle 7 Wonders BP000008280 to your home takes an average of 3 days or you can pick it up at any of the pickup points on the site.

Each generation tries to "inherit" in history and leave to posterity a "memento" - something big, monumental, practically useless, but inspiring admiration. In a word - Wonder of the World. This is what we will do - today on the Pink sofa - a miracle card board game 7 Wonders.

Since ancient times, Turkey has tried to attract tourists to its shores, and somewhere in the 3rd century BC, in the port city of Rhodes, one of the Wonders of the World, the Colossus of Rhodes, was erected. About twenty tons of metal went to the statue, holding a torch in its hand, which, according to the sculptor's idea, should light the way for ships entering the port.

The building was wildly popular with visitors and got into all guidebooks. ancient world. But, unfortunately, a strong earthquake “shaken” the Colossus, and the statue, as if decimated, collapsed on the excursion ships of the Arabs passing by, who subsequently captured the island and, full of indignation towards the unlucky builders, melted the wreckage, using the metal to rearm their army. This Miracle, as well as a bunch of other, no less great Miracles, was chosen for the image on the box by the publishers, symbolizing monumentality gameplay.

The most thoughtful organizer I have ever seen - recesses for three decks of cards that fit without problems in them with protectors, a niche for tokens and a notepad for notes, grooves for individual fields, three books and three memos " Creating a Wonder of the World for Dummies". Everything is very colorful and evokes positive emotions as soon as you remove the no less beautiful cover of the box.

Rule booklets and memos tell in great detail about the gameplay, and a lot of pictures and examples will help the beginner to embark on the path of the "miracle worker". You can find the translation of the rules from sNOwBODY at the end of the review, for which many thanks to him.

Individual boards of players with the image of Wonders of the World - each contains a set of symbols and has two sides "A" and "B". Side "A" is for beginners, and the opposite side is for more experienced players. Thick cardboard and high-quality printing - before the game, I showed these cards to my youngest daughter and talked about the buildings depicted in the pictures. An unexpected, but very useful, application of game components.

Everyone knows that it makes no sense to take on construction without money, so units of “despicable cardboard” with a face value of one coin (46 pieces) and three coins (24 pieces) will make up the total bank of game participants.

And, of course, we will fight! You understand that when competitors calmly lay another brick in the foundation of their building, it is necessary to "shake" them with military raids. For a victory in a battle, you can get from one to five points, but for a defeat - always one with a minus sign. Total - 46 "Conflict" tokens will help in the final calculation.

Before the start of the game, no one knows what will be built, and in order to guide the player on the right path, each Wonder of the World from an individual field is duplicated on a card. Why this is done, I will tell later. There are special cards for two-player games, and the rules describe their use in detail. In short, a “virtual” builder is being created, which, to the best of its ability, prevents you from living in peace. Notepad for notes will help to take stock and identify the winner.

The most important thing in the game - three decks of cards, which are destined to play an important role in the construction, development and military operations. The only drawback is that the printing of the cards is of high quality, but the thickness of the paper and the quality of the paint itself immediately make you think about the protectors - the cards will be constantly in the “game”, so I recommend taking care of their safety, since 7 Wonders will most likely be a frequent guest on your game table.

The first and second decks consist of 49 cards, and the third - of 50. Please note that the types of cards in the first two decks are the same, but in the third, two types of "Resources" disappear, but "Guild" cards are added, the number of which depends on the number of players. By the way, the number of builders also affects the number of cards used in the game of each deck. In any case, only 7 cards from each deck are assigned to each player in the game.

It's time to do miracles!

First, we determine the number of participants and form each of the three decks in such a way that each player has exactly seven cards (as I mentioned above). Yes, at game of three players, each deck will consist of 21 cards, the rest do not participate in the game and are put back into the box.

Then we mix 7 cards with the image of the Wonders of the World and randomly distribute one to each player. Depending on the "Wonder of the World", each participant takes the corresponding individual field, three coins and 7 cards from the common deck. In the center of the table is a common bank of money and Conflict tokens.

Everything is ready - it's time to start!

The game lasts three rounds, each round uses only the deck with the corresponding number, and the calculation of victory points occurs at the very end of the game.

Let's take a closer look at the individual playing field. At the top left is the resource zone where the brown and gray cards are stacked. Resources, like other cards, remain at the disposal of the player until the very end of the game, and no one can take them from you.

At the bottom are the three "pieces" of your Wonder. As soon as you build one of the segments of your structure (put any card on this area of ​​the field), you will receive certain advantages and victory points, which are shown in the picture.

At the beginning of the game, each player has 7 cards in his hand, but he can play only one of them in three ways. The rest are given to the sitting player clockwise in the first and third rounds, and counterclockwise in the second. Accordingly, you will also receive his deck of cards from your neighbor. This card cycle continues until everyone has played 5 cards. The two remaining players will receive at the same time, but they will be able to use only one - the seventh is not won back and goes to the discard pile.

The first way you can use a card is to place it in front of you. If this is a “Resource” (brown and gray cards), then it is located in a chain on the left - firewood, iron, stone, etc., from which you can “pile” a statue and more. Some cards will require the player to spend coins (e.g. stone/wood). In this case, pay the indicated cost to the general bank.

Some cards indicate in the form of icons or inscriptions which "Resources" or "Buildings" will be required to use them. For example, for the construction of the "Watchtower" you will need a "Brick" - if you do not have it, then either buy from a neighbor or abandon your idea.

All cards except "Resources" are simply placed in front of the player, forming chains: blue and green will bring victory points in the final count, red ones will be useful in war, yellow ones allow you to buy resources from neighbors for half the cost, or produce resources for the owner of this card. Along the way, some cards allow you to build any building for free, indicated in the lower left corner of the picture. There are many subtleties, and all of them are detailed in the rules.

From the neighbor on the left or right, you can purchase "Resources" by paying two coins for using each. At the same time, the card of the purchased resource itself remains with the owner, and he simply receives two coins, and the buyer can “virtually” use the purchased resource for his construction once. For example, the left player needs a stone that he does not have - he pays the right two coins and lays out the "blue" card in front of him. Please note that not everything can be bought, but you will also read about this in the rules of the game.

If the player does not have “not a coin” left, and his neighbors do not really want to buy resources from him, then you can discard one card from your hand and get three coins in return - this is the second way to use the card.

And the third way allows you to build one of the parts of your Wonder of the World. It is necessary to build sequentially - from left to right, but in any of the three "eras" of the game. Take any card from your hand and place it face down under the highlighted area of ​​the Wonder of the World, marking the next "step" of construction. Please note that the cost of a building is shown on the game board in the corresponding area, so the "cost" of the card used does not affect the building in any way.

The first "stage" of the Colossus will bring us a guaranteed three victory points, the second - two units of military superiority, and the third - another seven victory points in the final calculation. Of course, in order to get all this, you need to build it all ...

At the end of each round, there are peculiar raids of opponents against each other. Military conflicts proceed at lightning speed - the player compares the number of "shields" he has in his "asset" with the number of the same symbols the opponent has on the left. The owner of the largest army receives a victory token with points, the number of which depends on the number of the round, and the loser of a kind of battle is always awarded one "negative" point, regardless of the "epoch". Then the same thing happens with the "right" neighbor...

The game ends after the third round, after which the scoring follows, in which a notepad with leaflets will come in handy. All victory points from all cards are counted (and some cards contain certain conditions for obtaining them), every three coins will bring one victory point, each "conflict" token will add or subtract points, depending on your combat success.

The hardest part is scoring the green cards, as they involve a progression based on the identity of the symbols on the cards. During the first games, you will resort to the help of the rules, since remembering everything possible options getting points is difficult at first.

The sum will reveal the winner, who is proclaimed the "Great Miracle Worker" and sent to repair old equipment gathering dust in the garage.

Wonderful miracles.

Do not be afraid of the rules, which only at first glance seem "cumbersome" and complex - they are not. Already after the first game, beginners will understand the meaning of what is happening at the gaming table, and after the second game they will completely "join" the game. The only thing that will remain a mystery even after the tenth installment is winning strategy.

I spent a long time looking for a word to describe the gameplay, and, in the end, I settled on “fascinating”. Simple rules, expectation of a “miracle” - suddenly “what I wanted” will come, an uncomplicated process, a short (about 30 minutes) game time - all this attracts and makes you play again and again.

The game is "family" - my daughter builds "Miracles" with great pleasure, builds up her military potential and develops trade. At the same time, he constantly asks: And what is it shown on the map?» You have to open encyclopedias and look for information - a huge plus for the game, which, in addition to the gameplay, serves as a kind of "visual aid" for studying world culture.

Nice to write about good games, but for some reason, when it came to 7 Wonders, something strange happened. It seems like a great game, but there is not much to say about it. Yes, well-honed mechanics, yes, cool design, yes, high replay value, but, unfortunately, it lacks the main thing - the atmosphere.

This fact not only frustrates me, as a desktop player, but, to be honest, even scares me in some ways. This is what happens? We create a game balanced in terms of mechanics, make it universal in terms of consumer qualities (simplicity, replay value, interaction, etc.), beautifully package it and that's it! Hit ready! But what about the atmosphere around which all the action takes place? Take at least "" with its touching "mortal" relatives, "" with hard-working and not very tribes, not to mention the truly fabulous "" with its bewitching legends. What is "spiritual" in "7 Wonders"? Alas, nothing (((But, nevertheless, the game in our family goes with a bang. Why?

What we liked:

Simple and perfect mechanics

Mix the same "soulless", but no less hit "Dominion" and the classic euro. From the first we take deck building, from the second, the placement of workers - that's the mechanics on which the "7 Wonders" is based. Let's add here a competent balance and, before us, we have an ideal game mechanism that can be easily and with interest launched by both a beginner and a geek. Antoine Bauza, as the author, did a miracle indeed. The rules are simple, the game is addictive with its logic and dynamics.

Fast and interesting

And again a miracle - a short, but at the same time deep game - a real gift to any board player. "Action" starts on the first round, the choice of strategies is wide, the randomness is minimal. All success depends on your mental efforts and, last but not least, on chance.

The games are not repeated, it is interesting to play. This makes "7 Wonders" a frequent guest on our table.

family format

What I like most about it is the ability to play on an equal footing with children. The clarity of the rules and clear mechanics allow the young participant to realize own game at a competitive level, you will not find this in every euro.

Formal conflicts

This dignity is valued in our family. Military conflicts at the end of each stage are competitive in nature and do not bring destruction to the losing side. In general, it’s quite difficult to intentionally harm an opponent - the maximum that can be done is to “remove” the card needed for the opponent from the game, and even then openly gloat will not work, so personal enmity is excluded.

Everything here is top notch! Beautiful art on an antique theme. Hand-friendly coins made of thick cardboard. Pretty smart organizer. That's just the cards of the eras are thin and require protectors.

What did not like:

Where are the miracles?

There are quite serious problems with the atmosphere in the game. Within half an hour you are building something that even magnificent illustrations cannot tie to an ancient city. And the construction of miracles during the game, around which, judging by the name, everything should revolve, also does not add entourage - these are just additional bonuses and they have nothing to do with historical miracles. As a result, there is nothing to “catch on” to, and this makes you sad, because it is the atmosphere in board games works wonders.

It is possible that the author just needed to "personalize" the game a little by including "live" characters in it. For example, instead of unidentified miracles, to introduce for each city its own set of ancient Greek gods, especially since each of them was the patron of something quite specific, and often material, thus the game would have acquired a greater connection with the ancient theme.

Interaction between players

This is both a plus and a minus. Less interaction - less conflict, but at the same time, the sharpness is lost. By my standards, the game is too tolerant - military conflicts at the end of rounds are predictable, trade relations between players are extremely mutually beneficial. Let's add here the high variability of strategies, which makes the "hunt" for maps of eras not so important. But it is this kind of "loyal" attitude between the players that my household likes and keeps 7 Wonders among their favorite games for a very long time.

And here again, returning to where we started - what is the peculiarity of the "soulless" game? Yes, as life shows - your favorite tabletop may be devoid of atmosphere, but at the same time meet quite clear criteria. But something other than that, she still has to cling. And here only one thing can be said with certainty - there is understatement in it. In 90% of the cases when we sit down for "7 Wonders" we play 2 games with a different set of cities. After the first game, there is always a feeling that there was not enough just a little, after the second ... it remains the same))) Maybe this is her highlight? Like a series where something interesting started at the very end of the series.


A great game that we are not averse to playing when the opportunity arises. Enough for a dozen evenings, suitable for both adults and children. Beautiful and balanced, but at the same time, completely soulless. It is played both between games and independently for several games in a row and always with sincere interest. Perhaps this is the main “miracle” of this board game: to be loved while being completely abstract.

Grade: 10/10

Learn quickly
Interesting and not difficult
Beautiful and high quality
Very high
Game time, min30 for three
Company, people2-7. Usually we play together. The composition for 6-7 people is gorgeous!
How much spacesmall table