Equipment for su 101. Advantages and disadvantages of the machine in the top configuration

In September 1944, Uralmashzavod began mass production of the latest SU-100 self-propelled artillery mounts. During the Great Patriotic War the completion of work on one project was accompanied by the start of the development of new combat vehicles. Therefore, the designers who completed the creation of the SU-100 self-propelled gun immediately began to further development armored vehicles of this class. Within a few months, two projects were developed, designated SU-101 and SU-102.

Back in the summer of 1944, Uralmashzavod specialists began to work out the appearance of a promising self-propelled guns, devoid of the characteristic shortcomings of existing machines. It should be noted that the front location of the fighting compartment and the rear engine compartment used on the SU-100 or ISU-152 vehicles caused serious complaints. The gun installed in front of the hull increased the dimensions of the entire vehicle, and also worsened cross-country ability in rough terrain and in urban areas. It was necessary to build self-propelled guns with a different layout of units that did not impair the performance of the machine.

In October 1944, the designer of Uralmashzavod N.V. Kurin and his staff presented to the People's Commissariat of the tank industry five options for a promising self-propelled guns with a new layout. These were the following developments:
- ESU-100 with aft fighting compartment and electric transmission;
- SU-122P with a 122 mm gun. This ACS has already been built and tested;
- SU-122-44 based on the chassis of the T-44 tank with a front-mounted fighting compartment;
- SU-100-M-1 based on the T-44 tank with a modified layout of the hull volumes and aft fighting compartment;
- SU-100-M-2 - analogue of SU-100-M-1 with a different engine.

The Technical Council of the People's Commissariat of the Tank Industry decided that work should continue on the SU-122-44 and SU-100-M-2 projects. The decision was approved by the People's Commissar on October 26, 1944. Just a few weeks after the start of work, in December 44, it became clear that the SU-122-44 self-propelled gun did not fit into the requirements for dimensions and combat weight. As for the SU-100-M-2 project, this machine not only met the requirements, but could also have sufficiently high protection indicators. As a result, the management of Uralmashzavod proposed to stop the development of the SU-122-44 in favor of the second project.

The discussion of this proposal ended with the fact that the project SU-122-44 in its original form was closed. At the same time, the engineers were given the task of building two prototypes of the SU-100-M-2 self-propelled guns, one of which was supposed to receive a 100-mm D-10S gun, the other - a 122-mm D-25S gun. The order to build SU-100-M-2 prototypes was signed on March 7, 1945. Taking into account the merits of Uralmashzavod, the project received the additional designation Uralmash-1. In March and April, a team of designers led by L.I. Gorlitsky completed the preparation of documentation, after which the construction of experimental machines began.

At the design stage of two variants of self-propelled guns with different weapons, the projects received their own designations. The self-propelled gun with the D-10S gun was named SU-101, with the D-25S gun - SU-102. It was under such names that the vehicles entered the tests and remained in the domestic armored vehicles.

The chassis of medium tanks T-34-85 and T-44 became the basis for promising self-propelled guns. It was necessary to use the units of the latter due to the restrictions imposed by the design of the "Thirty-four". Its margin of safety was coming to an end and did not allow to seriously increase the firepower of the vehicle both by increasing the caliber and by lengthening the gun barrel. This approach to the design of the new self-propelled guns made it possible to fulfill all the requirements, as well as to some extent simplify the intended mass production of this equipment.

The general scheme of the self-propelled gun SU-101:
1 - 100 mm gun D-10S; 2 - a tube for a bannik gun; 3 - smoke bombs; 4 - guide wheel; 5 - drive wheel; 6.11 - boxes of spare parts; 7 - right exhaust pipe; 8 - observation device MK-4; 9 - fan armored cap; 10 - left exhaust pipe; 12 - driver's hatch; 13 - DShK machine gun; 14 - antenna: 15 - crew boarding door

Claims to the layout of the SU-100 self-propelled guns affected the placement of units inside the hull of the SU-101 and SU-102 vehicles. The engine compartment was placed in front of the hull on the starboard side. Next to him, on the left side, there was a control department with a driver's workplace. The aft part of the hull was given over to the fighting compartment with weapons and places for three crew members. Several hatches were provided in the hull and wheelhouse. The driver and commander, respectively, had their own hatches in the roof of the hull and cabin, and in addition, there was an additional door in the aft sheet of the fighting compartment.

The aft location of the fighting compartment made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the vehicle, as well as provide good armor protection. The forehead of the hull of both self-propelled guns was proposed to be welded from two armor plates 90 mm thick. The upper frontal part was supposed to be located at an angle of 63 ° to the vertical, the lower - 53 °. The sides of the hull had a thickness of 75 mm, the stern (common sheet of the hull and cabin) - 40 mm, the roof and bottom - 15 mm each. The fighting compartment was protected by a 120 mm thick frontal cutting sheet (55 ° angle to the vertical) and 90 mm (45 °) side sheets. The roof had a thickness of 20 mm.

In the motor-transmission engine of the SU-101 and SU-102 self-propelled guns, there was a V-44 diesel engine with an HP 500 power. To start the engine, it was possible to use a ST-700 starter with a power of 15 hp. or pneumatic system. The main part of the transmission units was borrowed from the T-34-85 tank. At the same time, however, changes had to be made to their design, due to the front location of the power plant and drive wheels. The transmission had five forward gears and one reverse gear. The fuel system included several tanks. The internal tanks had a total volume of 370 liters, the external ones, located on the sides of the cabin, had a total volume of 350 liters.

Armored hull of the self-propelled gun SU-101:
1 - housing of the antenna input; 2 - body of the commander's cupola; 3 - arm stop balancer; 4 - hole for the axis of the balancer; 5 - torsion bar above the fan hatch; 6 - hatches for fillers of fuel tanks; 7 - hatch panoramic sight; 8 - loopholes for shooting from personal; 9 - commander's hatch; 10 - hatch of the filler neck of the oil tank; 11 - hatch for draining oil from the gearbox housing; 12 - plug for draining fuel; 13 - engine hatch; 14 - plug for draining fuel from the feed tank; 15 - oil drain plug

The caterpillar undercarriage of promising self-propelled guns was a modified version of the T-44 tank propulsor. She had five road wheels with individual torsion bar suspension on each side. Due to the large diameter of the rollers, there were no supporting rollers. The guide wheels were in the stern of the hull, the driving wheels with ridge gearing were in the front.

The GT-4563-A generator with a power of 1 kW and a voltage of 24 V became the basis of the electrical systems of both self-propelled guns. In addition, the electrical equipment included four 6STE-128 batteries with a total capacity of 256 Ah. . The generator and batteries supplied energy to a number of equipment, including the TPU-3-BIS-F tank intercom, the 9RS radio station and the light signaling system for transmitting orders from the commander to the driver. As an additional means of communication between the commander and the driver, the so-called. tankophone: rubber tube connecting their work stations.

Layout of crew jobs, systems and units in SU-101:
1 2, 4, 15 - seats of the commander, gunner, driver and loader, respectively; 3 - fuel tanks; 5 - starter; 6 - gearbox cooling fan; 7 - onboard clutches; 8 - gearbox; 9 - main clutch; 10 - fan of the cooling system; 11 - engine, 12 - oil tank; 13 - air cleaners; 14 - cannon

The crew of two new self-propelled guns consisted of four people. The driver was located in front of the hull. The gunner, commander and loader were in the wheelhouse. In this case, the places of the gunner and the commander were one after another at the left side, and the loader was located to the right of the gun.

The main difference between the SU-101 and SU-102 self-propelled guns was the weapons used. The SU-101 self-propelled gun carried a D-10S rifled gun of 100 mm caliber. The gun was mounted on a mobile unit that allowed vertical and horizontal guidance. Horizontal aiming was carried out within a sector 22 ° wide, vertical - from -2 ° 15 'to + 18 °. The self-propelled gun had a Hertz panorama for firing from closed positions and a TSh-19 telescopic sight for direct fire. In the fighting compartment there were stacks for 36 unitary shots of 100 mm caliber.

The SU-102 self-propelled guns were equipped with a 122-mm D-25S rifled gun. Other dimensions of the gun affected the allowable pointing angles. Horizontal guidance could only be carried out within 19 °, vertical - from -0 ° 24 'to + 18 ° 3 '. The composition of the sighting equipment of both self-propelled guns coincided. Ammunition SU-102 was 28 rounds of separate-sleeve loading.

Additional armament of two promising self-propelled guns consisted of one DShK anti-aircraft machine gun. The machine gun was mounted on a turret mounted on the commander's hatch. The design of the turret allowed firing in any direction. Permissible elevation angles - from -6 ° to + 84 ° 20 '. The DShK machine gun was equipped with a collimator sight. The main task of this weapon was to protect against enemy aircraft, but if necessary, the crew of the self-propelled gun could also use it to attack ground targets. Cartridge boxes held up to 450 rounds.

Mountings for two smoke bombs were provided on the aft hull sheet.

The use of a layout with a rear-mounted fighting compartment made it possible to reduce the overall dimensions of the new self-propelled guns. They had a length (along the hull) of 6.1 m, a width of 3 m and a height of 2.1 m. It is noteworthy that in the case of the 122 mm D-25S gun, which had a barrel length of 48 calibers, the barrel offset did not exceed 750 mm. The SU-101 self-propelled guns had a combat weight of 34.1 tons, the SU-102 - 34.8 tons.

In May 1945, Uralmashzavod built one SU-101 and one SU-102 prototype each. According to some reports, the SU-101 self-propelled gun was built in duplicate. Soon, tests of the built machines started, which continued until autumn. During the tests, the machines showed fairly high performance. On the highway, they accelerated to 50-54 km / h, on the ground - up to 25 km / h. Fuel was enough for a march 350 km long. Self-propelled guns could climb a 35-degree slope and move with a roll of up to 25 °. A ditch 2.5 m wide and a wall 0.73 m high were overcome.

The main positive features of the two new machines, noted by the test results, were to some extent associated with the layout used. So, improved maneuverability on rough terrain in the city, and the aft hatch allowed the crew to leave the car under the cover of the car. A denser arrangement of internal volumes made it possible to equip the self-propelled guns with serious anti-ballistic armor. The frontal projection of the vehicles protected from all tank and anti-tank guns that were in service with Germany in the last stages of the war.

Despite the use of relatively thick armor and heavy weapons, the SU-101 and SU-102 self-propelled guns turned out to be quite light, their combat weight slightly exceeded the corresponding indicator of the T-34 and T-44 tanks. Due to the uniform distribution of mass over the track rollers, wear was reduced and the resource of the undercarriage was increased. In addition, the dimensions and weight of the machines made it possible to upgrade them in the future using a new gun with a longer barrel.

The tight layout made it possible to reduce the size and weight of combat vehicles, but affected the comfort of the crew. In terms of its internal dimensions, the cabin of the SU-101 and SU-102 was noticeably inferior to the fighting compartment of the serial SU-100. This feature worsened the already not too good working conditions for the crew, in the first place, the loader. The control compartment had an acceptable size, but other layout features affected the comfort of the driver. Despite all efforts to ensure the cooling of the power plant, the driver's workplace was always too hot. Such heating of the control compartment was considered unacceptable. In addition, the frontal part of the hull and the front part of the roof, when fired, were subjected to the action of a shock wave, which further worsened the working conditions of the driver.

Tests in 1945 made it possible to establish the positive and negative aspects of two self-propelled guns created as part of the Uralmash-1 project. Probably, with certain modifications, it was possible to correct some of the existing shortcomings, however, the situation in the field of armored vehicles production determined the further fate of the project. In 1945, tests of the T-54 medium tank, armed with a 100-mm D-10T cannon, began. This machine was not inferior to the SU-101 and SU-102 self-propelled guns in terms of firepower, but surpassed them in terms of protection. In addition, the troops had a large number of self-propelled guns SU-100, inferior to the new technology only in defense.

Due to technical shortcomings and the lack of serious advantages over new equipment, the Uralmash-1 project was closed. Refinement of self-propelled artillery mounts SU-101 and SU-102 has ceased. The prototype of the SU-101 has survived to this day and is now in the tank museum in Kubinka. The SU-102 self-propelled guns were dismantled shortly after the end of the tests.

According to the websites:

The heroine of today's video guide World of Tanks by JMR - Soviet anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount(Fri-Sau) Level 8 SU-101. The addition of this PT was one of recent changes tree of development of Soviet tanks. And this particular machine causes very mixed reviews among the players. But before talking about its playing qualities, let's touch the history.

As can be assumed from its index, the SU-101 was developed to replace the SU-100. The most important shortcomings of the latter was the outdated chassis from the T-34, which no longer allowed to increase the mass of the self-propelled gun either to increase firepower or to improve armor. In addition, the front location of the SU-100 cabin increased its length along with the gun to almost 10 meters, which made it difficult to maneuver and transport this machine. Created by the spring of 1945 on the basis of the T-34-85 and T-44 chassis, the new tank destroyer was not only devoid of the shortcomings of its predecessors, but also had many significant advantages. First of all - excellent frontal armor and a good margin for modernization. In addition, the machine received a very compact size and fully retained the speed and maneuverability inherent in the serial T-34. Field tests revealed several completely removable shortcomings, such as the engine of the fighting compartment and the impact on the wheelhouse of the shock wave from its own shot. However, with the end of the war, the production of anti-tank guns ceased to be a priority. And things did not go beyond the manufacture of prototypes of the SU-101. Although many of the developments obtained during its design were used in the future.

In World of Tanks, improvements to a tank destroyer that has been researched above begin with unlocking the top suspension; the load capacity of the first is not enough, even to install optional equipment. From the previous machine SU-101-M1, we do not inherit, absolutely nothing. But since the introduction of this tank was one of the last changes to the Soviet tech tree, it's very likely that you've already unlocked other Soviet tanks. Then you may have research for a new engine used on the T-34, a pre-top gun D25-S discovered on the first branch of Soviet anti-tank guns, and a walkie-talkie used on almost half of Soviet vehicles. In this case, you will have to study only the top weapon. But be that as it may, before you start collecting experience for the next PT - SU-120-M54, be sure to bring SU-101 to the top. It is very possible that playing it in top condition will not seem easy and effortless to you. And you should not complicate your life by playing on equipment with reduced characteristics. And the characteristics of the game model SU-101 look far from being as promising as those of her real prototype.

In a fully researched state, this AT is equipped with a weapon that was not foreseen during the design: 100 mm D54-S - this version of the weapon may already be known to you from the tier 9 medium tank - T-54. Pretty modest, by the standards of classmates, penetration of the armor-piercing projectile of this gun, 219 millimeters, is nevertheless quite worthy for the 8th level. And, given the style of play of this PT, it is more than enough. But we are getting ahead of ourselves again.

Overview of performance characteristics of the SU-101 and comparison with classmates

Low, in comparison with colleagues, one-time damage is compensated by an excellent rate of fire - 8.5 rounds per minute. Together they give just a magnificent and colossal DPM, almost three thousand damage per minute. This gun has good accuracy for anti-tank guns and excellent accuracy for Soviet tanks, as well as very good (just over 2 seconds) aiming speed. By the way, he, like the version with the T-54, has excellent stabilization. However, the ammunition load of our PT is quite modest for its rate of fire - only 36 shells. Therefore, try not to shoot "in the milk." Another feature of the SU-101 is the smallest health reserve on the level - 990 units. It is due to a simply ridiculous, in comparison with other self-propelled guns, a mass of thirty-four tons with a kopeck. But such a mass gives it unique dynamic characteristics. Let's start with the fact that the specific power of the engine is almost 20 horsepower per ton of weight. Nothing like this either among PT or among heavy tanks, at least somehow approaching it in terms of firepower, are simply not at the 8th level. It easily picks up its maximum speed, which is 54 kilometers per hour forward and 16 back. The turning speed of the SU-101 is 36 degrees per second. Spinning it even in an open field will be an almost impossible task. Yes, she herself can spin many slow opponents. But her weakness- angles and inclinations of the tool. If the gun goes up more or less not badly, then shooting down is simply impossible on it. Yes, and the horizontal aiming angles are the worst on the level - only 14 degrees. However, other Soviet anti-tank guns, unlike foreign representatives of this class of equipment, do not allow themselves to be shot behind their backs. The review of the SU-101 is quite good for the 8th level - 380 meters. And, given her disguise, sometimes he allows you to work miracles. And the disguise of the SU-101 is another indicator by which it is certainly the leader in its group.

According to the tests of the initiative group of players, a tank with a very popular basic view of 400 meters in the game will not be able to detect a tank standing in the field beyond 328 meters, even if its owner neglected any kind of disguise. If her entire crew has upgraded the appropriate skills, then this distance will be reduced by another 60 meters. In the movement of a non-maskable anti-tank gun, most opponents will be able to notice only from a distance of 357 meters, and when fired, also in an open field with an untrained crew, without suits and camouflage, it will light up from about 380 meters.

By the way, it is worth mentioning one interesting feature of the SU-101 - the very low silhouette of this tank. And as a result, its marker point, which is responsible for its detection by the enemy, is located much closer to the ground than most other tanks in the game. Therefore, many shrubs that start a little higher above the ground can bring you unpleasant surprises without giving you the shelter you expect. Keep this in mind, be careful when choosing a position or (if it is possible to quietly equip it before dragging on) break the nearest trees, their crowns will definitely start right from the ground, preventing you from unexpectedly getting into the light. In any case, if you make a minimum of effort: paint the PT body, dress it in a camouflage net and roll back from the nearest plant by 15 meters, the detection distance when fired will be almost halved.

Armor tests - how to break through the SU-101 tank destroyer

And now let's move on to the tests of armor and guns. For shells with armor penetration of 112 millimeters, inflicting damage on the SU-101 in the frontal projection will be a very difficult task. From here, only the driver's observation devices and the commander's setting on board the wheelhouse are available. Only the hull is accessible from the side, and the cabin also easily holds the hit of weak guns. But in karma, the thickness of the armor is only 40 millimeters. Behind the PT is essentially defenseless. The gun, with average armor penetration for the 8th level, starts confidently penetrating both the upper and lower frontal parts exactly from the front. The reduced VLD armor for armor-piercing shells is approximately 170 millimeters, so the hit of such shells can be repelled quickly without changing the angle at which you are turned towards the enemy, especially since the maneuverability of the SU-101 allows this. The felling, by the way, continues to take a hit. Only guns with penetration beyond 200 millimeters will be able to inflict damage directly through it, only exactly in front and only on condition that they do not fall into the gun mantlet. She is able to absorb damage from time to time even from the "Gold" shells of her classmates, with armor penetration of 258 millimeters.

The pride of the designers of the real SU-101 prototype is its excellent frontal armor, in the game it looks not so faded, but rather unconvincing. That transmission compartment, located in front of the hull, in battle should have served as an excellent additional protection for the crew. But in the game, it is an additional reason for the fire. In a rhombus, breaking through the front of this tank becomes much more difficult, but almost immediately after passing the ricochet angle, access is opened to rather weakly armored sides. From the side, the commander's superstructure and the hull easily break through, the cabin is somewhat more difficult. The area marked in white is a bulwark, followed by another armor plate. And although the thickness of the armor there is small, but due to the significant angles of inclination, it is quite capable of giving us surprises. The rear of the SU-101 has virtually no armor.

The SU-101 gun, as we have already said, has good accuracy, especially compared to others Soviet tanks, relatively modest armor penetration and simply magnificent DPM. Therefore, it is suitable for playing at any distance. In this test, from a distance of 440 meters - the maximum distance of our own vision, we easily hit the enemy and inflict damage on him in most of the shots. And from a distance of 200 meters, we confidently target the enemy's pain points.

Combat tactics in World of Tanks on the SU-101

So, the main advantages of the SU-101 are compactness, maneuverability and stealth. And the main drawback is the small angles of vertical and horizontal aiming. The rear location of the wheelhouse, which provides unique protection for the crew of a real anti-tank gun, for a number of reasons endows its game version with a lot of inconveniences that would not interfere with it in a real battle. Moreover, the transmission located in front of the self-propelled gun can cause a fire if it hits the forehead of the hull. In general, the armor of the SU-101 in the game is not something outstanding. However, it protects a rather compact and very maneuverable vehicle, which, in turn, can create a lot of problems for the enemy. After the first discharge, caused by the lack of gun depression angles, you must conclude: on this anti-tank, we need to take positions from which we will not have to shoot down. If there is a choice to go up a hill that overlooks a large part of the map, or in a direction in which you have to shoot in a narrow sector, the latter direction for this anti-tank may be much more preferable. Unlike UVN, horizontal pickup angles cause only slight inconvenience. They almost do not differ from either the SU-101 or, say, premium KT: SU-122, SU-124.

All together: dynamics, camouflage, angles, slopes, gun traverses, low alpha and a decent rate of fire - unbalance many players who are accustomed to the style of play of classic CTs (hidden, gave out enough to last a long time, and hid to reload until the enemy again will not be diverted to other purposes). The SU-101 forces us to play in a very unusual manner, and even, in general, to shoot without a sniper scope, sometimes wasting an already rather modest ammunition load.

As with any other fast tank, we need to make a quick decision. At each moment of the battle we must think one step ahead of two or three possible next actions or maneuvers. We must appear where we are not expected, and thanks to our exceptional invisibility, we can do this at much shorter distances than many others. fast tanks. Deal damage while the enemy turns their attention to ours new position and quickly change it.

Of particular piquancy, but nothing more, the game on this machine gives the natural absence of a rotating turret and vertical aiming angles. If you can get used to these shortcomings and get used to the incomparable advantages of the SU-101, feel this machine, develop a characteristic style of play, then you will respond about it with nothing less than delight.

Crew skills and additional equipment for SU-101

In the meantime, let's move on to the crew and configuration. The first set of skills we must learn is the "Sixth Sense" and disguise. The SU-101's health reserves are enough to survive just a couple of hits. Therefore, the second set of skills is quite possible to put not “Repair”, but “Combat Brotherhood”. However, this branch of development ends with object 263, which "Repair" is simply necessary. Therefore, after the "Combat Brotherhood" we study it. A fire extinguisher, a repair kit and a first aid kit may well be needed in any battle and will be needed quite often. Therefore, we leave the set of equipment in this form. The equipment, like on many other tank destroyers, is worth trying out in the following two versions: for ambush tactics and for active game. In the first case, we install a gun rammer, a camouflage net and a stereo tube. Do not forget that the network and the stereo tube only start working after 3 seconds after a complete stop, so start shooting only after you stand this time. The second option: a gun rammer, ventilation and coated optics, or a reinforced aiming drive. So you will move a little faster, a little, but see farther, shoot faster, but you will lose visibility and significantly increase your detection distance when firing from installations.

On this video World overview of Tanks by JMR about the USSR tank destroyer SU-101 has come to an end. We learned all the secrets of the game on this machine, its weak and strong points.

Review video guide tank SU-101 World of Tanks

Tank 8 WoT level, or rather, the SU-101 World of Tanks tank destroyer (aka Uralmash-1) is different from most high-level Soviet ones. Its weaponry and tactics are somewhat specific, which will require the AT-Water to adapt and avoid clichés. But first things first.

Yes. The aft location of the cabin, coupled with a thick gun mantlet, contributes to the good protection of the crew, thick armor with large angles of inclination also adds confidence. The forehead with a thickness of 120 mm is surprisingly “ricocheted”! The dynamics is very good for the Soviet PT - 54 km / h in stock. An accurate gun with a large ammunition load makes it possible not to spend a lot of time on each shot - the shells fall exactly on the target one by one! In addition, the balancer is merciful to the SU-101 World of Tanks, we will often be in the top. What else is needed?


Not without it. The sides are moderately armored and not as prone to ricochets as the forehead. For all its mobility, the SU-101 WoT instantly "gets stuck" on maps dominated by swamps - the patency on soft soils is frankly weak. And the gun (any of the three - 100 mm D-10S and D-54S, 122 mm D-25S), although extremely dangerous for tanks of lower levels, for the eighth level has not the highest armor penetration and one-time damage. Yes, and UVN is not happy.

And how to be?

Hope for the crew! By the eighth level, the skill "camouflage" should already be developed. In addition, "virtuoso", "sniper" and "repair" will not be superfluous to fight the SU-101 World of Tanks from the enemy.

Video review

Most PT-vods install a rammer and reinforced aiming drives on the SU-101 WoT in order to reload and aim faster, which is important with our gun. But the third slot is occupied by some with a masknet (if a player wants to camp as long as possible "from under the bush" - a good tactic for the SU-101 World of Tanks), others - with improved ventilation (if they choose support tactics and a more mobile game in general), others - a stereo tube (for peace of mind, because it's nice to know that the enemy does not see you, but you see him). In general, the vehicle is quite versatile in terms of tactics, as it combines good protection and mobility, but you will have to adapt to the gun.

The SU-101 is a machine with some controversial characteristics, which make it difficult to control. Consider not only weak sides, but also inspiring strengths, as well as combat tactics and the modules necessary for installation.

Let's start traditionally with the tank's view radius. Here it is equal to 350 meters. This result is very good in comparison with classmates. However, it can always be increased with modules.

Weight this tank- 35.15 / 37.5 tons, and engine power - 620 horsepower. Thus, we have a specific power of the machine with a value of 17.64 hp / t.

Thanks to this power result, we get very good results of top speed, dynamics and agility. Chassis turning speed - 25 degrees / s, and the maximum speed of the tank - 54/18 km / h. This result shows that our tank destroyer is the fastest on the level.

In addition, it is worth noting the small size, and as a result, a low stealth coefficient. This value cannot but rejoice.


The booking index of the SU-101 is 150/90/40 mm.

The most protected part is the VLD, which can withstand guns with armor penetration up to 170 mm. The cabin can withstand up to 190 mm of enemy penetration, and the wide gun mantlet at the right angles can ricochet the shells of even top-end vehicles.


The weapon here is an interesting question, because we are offered a choice of two.

First, consider the pre-top gun of this tank destroyer. One-time damage here is rather weak compared to classmates. However, a small alpha strike is compensated by the gun's rate of fire. Thanks to her, we get about 2900 damage per minute.

In addition to the rate of fire, this gun is distinguished by its excellent accuracy. When equipping a tank with this gun, we will get an acceptable dispersion per 100 meters, as well as a good aiming speed. As for stabilization, it is not very good here, but even so it is quite comfortable to play.

The big disadvantage of this gun is its weak armor penetration. You need to constantly and in large quantities carry gold shells.

Due to the fact that the cabin is located at the rear of the machine, there are very poor elevation angles. UGN with a value of 7.3 is also not a very good result.

The top gun differs from the previous one in higher one-time damage, but the DPM of the pre-top one turned out to be higher. The top one was not so quick-firing.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to learn to understand the tank, as well as to choose the right equipment and perks, we will consider all the strengths and weaknesses of the vehicle point by point.


  • DPM at the pretop gun;
  • accuracy;
  • armor penetration at the top gun;
  • the small size of the tank and its stealth;
  • view radius.


  • armor penetration of the pretop gun;
  • long mixing of the top gun;
  • booking.


Our goal when choosing equipment is almost always to correct disadvantages and enhance advantages. We suggest installing the following modules:

  • The rammer will increase the amount of damage per minute, which will be useful for both guns.
  • Reinforced pickup drives more relevant for the top gun. The module will increase the speed of information.
  • The stereo tube will increase the viewing radius, as well as provide a chance of the first shot.

Several options can serve as an alternative to the last point.

For example, if necessary, in the maximum viewing radius, we take " coated optics ”, and if you want to strengthen all the skills of the crew, we take a boost of all characteristics -“ ventilation».

Crew training

In order not to waste time on correcting mistakes, we approach the moment of crew training seriously.

We suggest the following sequence:

Equipment for SU-101

When choosing consumables, we focus on our stock of silver. With its lack or economy, you should take a standard kit in the form of:

  • small first aid kit;
  • small repair kit;
  • manual fire extinguisher.

In other cases, we take a premium set of equipment:

  • large first aid kit;
  • large repair kit;
  • additional rations (you can also take an automatic fire extinguisher, but the option we proposed is more in demand).

How to play the SU-101

SU-101 is a non-standard machine, the game on which requires a certain skill, precise knowledge of the machine, as well as a special approach. Always remember that due to the back position of the cabin, the elevation angles are poor here. When choosing positions, be guided by this indicator.

Being at the bottom of the list, tank destroyers cannot boast of armor, but at the same time, due to good mobility, as well as the invisibility of the tank, tactics turn out to be the most diverse. The first line of battle can be occupied, but only with extreme caution.

Playing from the second line, you provide yourself with greater security, and due to the high accuracy of both guns, you will effectively shoot through the enemy, even without being in close combat.

Never forget the mini-map and combat tracking, use your mobility, move around the map, help allies, come back to take down the base. And always remember that you are easy prey for artillery, one shot is enough to send you to the hangar, and two or three shots are enough for tandems and other tank destroyers.