Oxygen not included gas pump. Oxygen Not Included is a fairly complex and well-developed simulator that is easy to dive into. Ways to get rid of carbon dioxide


I'll start with a short digression, I don't write guides very often. There are only a couple of articles behind me, but specifically in ONI I already have great experience. About ~180 hours on steam, and about 70 more on a friend's account. Of course, my opinion is subjective and is based only on personal experience in the game, and corrections from people helping me.

Before starting, while writing, I used this crack and a guide was written based on it.

And of course the VKontakte group. In it, I often make posts on various mechanics. As part of Steam, it's simply not possible to describe everything in 1-2 manuals.

And a little life hack, the game has 3 speeds x1 x2 x3. To make life easier, I advise you to enable debag_mode, this gives you access to the built-in editor, but the main handy feature is x10 time acceleration. In fact, this mode opens cheat functions, but this is already on your conscience. Well, I think the speed of x10 is normal. For on the hundredth cycle you will already get tired of looking at x3 speed. Well, on the post on inclusion.

Hotkeys - hotkeys

To make life easier, the game has keyboard shortcuts. What they actually do is they allow you to call up tools, open menus, with just the press of a button. It's very annoying to do all this with a mouse. The sooner you get used to hotkeys, the better. You can customize these binds to make it even easier. Personally, I rebinded the destruction of buildings to the letter X. It is easier to click on it than on the standard one.
I decided to duplicate the menu for clarity. All binds you can configure in menu/settings/management. And so a little about binds, from 1 to the sign - this is your entire building menu. We can quickly open the tab you are interested in (it helps when you suddenly forgot where the building is located, you can quickly look at everything at once).

The most convenient hotkeys are, of course, tools. Click them with the mouse, do not respect yourself. Of the tools, I consider the most important 3, dig (G), destroy (X) and cancel (C). Others you won't click as often. But besides these binds, F1-F9 are also useful, they allow you to see specific things on the map, whether it is the concentration of gases, or their temperature, or you can see your electrical networks with pipes.

Choice of colonists

At the beginning, you are presented with a screen with a choice of your colonists. This is a very important point. When choosing, you need to think about the future. At the beginning of the game, you really need one colonist with a pumped skill of 5+ intellect for a quick study of sciences and one colonist with a creativity skill of 5+ to play for a cycle of 25-30. And the third colonist is not important, but you can take one cook.

It is important to take into account the characteristics of the colonists. In no case should you choose a colonist with the flatulence trait, if you take a person with this trait, he will begin to emit dirty air, which in large quantities is poisonous. All other features are quite harmless. Is it better not to take anemia, because. movement speed is very important for your colonists.

It is also important to choose a combination between characteristics and decor requirements. It is better to take colonists with decor from -45 to +5. Too high decor requirements will lead to the fact that your colonists will begin to increase stress very early. If the level of decor is lower than expected, then stress will begin to rise. If the stress rises above 75-80% they will begin to show their reactions to stress. Each level of any skill adds +5 to the decor requirement. I want to note that the maximum decor level is +50, but if you take into account that the colonist may have the "perfectionist" feature, then another 20 is added to the +50 standard stats and in the toga we get +70 decor requirements with maximum skill.
I want to note that in the later stages it will not be difficult to kill 70 decors, but in the beginning it is better not to take such ones.


This is where we get into trouble. The topic is quite broad, I'll talk about the basics. By the time you have learned all the sciences that have been numbered, it will be time to build an electrolyzer. For its constant operation, a coal generator is needed as an energy source, and a hydrogen generator that will process the hydrogen released by the electrolyzers. At some point, you are faced with the fact that your wires will begin to break. Actually, this is the first and main sign of network congestion. In the game, ordinary wires conduct no more than 1 kW. If you put even more through the wire, it will begin to break. Actually, to prevent this, thick wires were introduced into the game. The main purpose of thick wires is to create the main supply network, through which smaller networks will be supplied. To separate 1 kW of energy for power, transformers are used. We just connect the wires as in the picture. To the upper left input is the energy source, and to the lower right is the consumer.

As an example, you have about 10-12 energy consumers in your network at once. Based on 8 people, these are: 1 electrolyzer, 2 gas pumps, 2 gas filters, 2 water pumps, 1 scrubber, 2 massage tables, 1 refrigerator, 2 microbe mixers, 1 grill, 1 water purifier, 1 science station, 1 supercomputer, +-4-5 bulbs. And in the end we have about ~ 3140 watts. What does it mean? This means that we need to divide our sources into groups in which there is no more than 1 kW of energy. I will try to show in the screen how to build a circuit. Important note According to construction, small wires can be built inside the walls, thanks to this you can not get a decor penalty. And thick wires will have to be hidden from the colonists, they greatly reduce the decor of the environment. You can also use bridges to hide thick wires through walls. Their purpose is to separate networks so that they do not mix.

And so, let's move on to how to build electrical networks. I have separated different networks in different colors for clarity. The scheme in modern realities needs to be improved, it was done before the agricultural renewal, but for the purposes of an example, it will do.
As you can see, the network is divided into 4 separate networks. There is also a trick in building subnets, if there are devices in the system that do not work constantly, then by calculating this you can create subnets with a consumption of more than 1 kW. But taking into account that they will not work together, but only in parts. As an example, the simultaneous presence in the network of 2 massage tables at once, and a scrubber along with a microbial mixer. If you set the scrubber to not run all the time, you can keep it all running at the same time. Schemes can be invented endlessly.

Recently, I came across a nasty bug, all networks turned off and on due to a separate sensor. This bug was wildly infuriating, because. half of the mechanisms simply stopped working. The bug is solved very simply. Add 1 battery to each network, no matter which one.
Building pipes in the game is insanely easy. What gas and water, the principle of their work is the same. (because of this, they even have common bugs, but this is not in this guide) And so the principle of connecting them is insanely simple, White color is the liquid/gas inlet and green is the outlet. On the screen you can clearly see how everything is connected. It is only important to note that I used valves. Valves are needed to ensure a constant flow of the same density. To ensure the operation of the electrolyzer, 1 kg of water is needed. So we serve exactly 1 kg of water. And so in the development process, you need to adjust all the valves, this will ensure the stability of the entire system.

The situation is similar with gases as with water. With this base as an example, I used valves to distribute air between rooms. Each is served with 120g.

In case you didn't fully understand, I made a video on this topic. So you can see. I showed the principle of operation of pipes on illustrative examples.

Production of oxygen and utilization of carbon dioxide

Taxi, I hope after reading the paragraph about electricity, you understand how to create electrical networks. Now let's move on to the electrolyzers themselves, they are the most profitable source of oxygen in the game. According to calculations, you can already make a ready-made working scheme for the production of oxygen, already by the 30-50 cycle. You can do it sooner, the sooner the better. There are two ways to separate air into oxygen and hydrogen. In the manual, I will write about standard way. You can read about tricky in the article

Build a colony in the new game from Klei studio. It is quite accessible, and at the same time very confusing.

Meet Ellie. And she got stuck. She left her workplace in a rage and is now running around the territory of the colony, hitting various blocks and in desperation hits himself on the head, periodically stopping to calm down. But, as always, it does not work out for her, and she continues her rampage. As she wanders around the rooms in a rage, she finds a power generator, which immediately gets what she deserves. By the way, in this game it looks like a hamster wheel. Ellie eventually finds a massage chair that solves all of her problems for a while. But then it turns out that another colonist, Otto, is already starting to lose consciousness due to stress.

It was the third hour of the game and things started to fall apart after the first two quiet hours of play. Oxygen Not Included is a simulator from the Klei Entertainment studio, which gave us Don't Starve. In the new game, you lead a team of brave colonists in building an underground base on an asteroid. You need to regulate the process of digging a cave, collecting resources and building equipment. You have to turn a harsh environment into a habitable underground house. As the name suggests, colonists need more than just food, water, and warmth. They also don't have clean air. And, of course, you need to keep an eye on their stress levels, which can go up due to bad smells, lack of sleep, and other factors. As in Ellie's case, it led to a nervous breakdown, or, in Otto's case, nausea.

For the first time, we recommend that you do not look for any manuals for the game and trust the in-game tutorial. Luckily, Oxygen Not Included has no problem with this. You can easily find the basic information for the game right in the game itself in hints and intrusive messages about the presence of a textbook.

You can also learn a lot from simple observation. In the game, just like in real life, gases such as oxygen and hydrogen float to the top, while others, such as carbon dioxide, settle at the bottom of the map. Due to the concentration of gases, you can see where you can breathe and what is dangerous. And you don't even need toxic-colored mists to assess the situation. Water also behaves very naturally. Even the force of surface tension acts on it. Water can cling to rocks or narrow tunnels. It is also susceptible to pollution and can pose a hazard in the form of polluted air.

There are many equipments in the game that you can unlock by researching technologies. Here, for example, there are liquid and gas pumps and pipes to direct useful elements such as water and O2 to where they need to be. You also have the option to pump out chlorine or other harmful substances. Electricity for cars is produced by a hand generator (a hamster wheel that a person runs in). To maintain the electricity in the game, there are batteries to store excess energy and wires to power equipment. When you learn the appropriate technology, you will be able to build generators that run on coal, natural gas or hydrogen. The construction process is not complicated at all. You just choose what you want to build and put where you want.

In this game, gases play a very important role. After building a hydrogen generator in a separate room, the hydrogen used by the generator will be replaced by chlorine, which will lead to an early breakdown of the device. The game has filters that will separate the two gases to fix this problem.

Then the hydrogen in the air will run out and a vacuum will form, which again will lead to the breakdown of the generator. You will have to look for different ways to get the most hydrogen from the room. After that, the generator will stop working forever. But it can be moved to another part of the map, where there is still hydrogen left.

A similar problem may arise with water that can be used in agriculture. The pump that you place in one of the caves will eventually pump out all the water from there, and you will have to look for another source. In the event of a flood, the equipment that gets water will also fail. This will lead to increased humidity. Your colonists will be unhappy and their stress levels will increase.

Proper planning is very important in this game. From the very beginning, you should think about where you will have toilets and where are the sleeping places. There are many factors that affect colonists' stress levels. And it's okay if the first time things get worse every day. In Oxygen Not Included, a lot comes with experience.

On certain moment, when your population is about 7 or 8 colonists (they are added every few days using a giant 3D printer), you will realize that it is better to start all over again. Be prepared to rebuild your game many times.

It is worth adding that the new colonists will serve you for a very long time. They can go crazy like Ellie but stay with high level health. However, they are still able to do the work and help the colony. If we have to start again, then why not look at death in this game.

To do this, simply remove all cars, toilets, generators and food sources, as well as put on a red alarm. The latter means that the colonists will do the work regardless of their own needs. And then they start falling one by one. Otto vomits for the last time from stress, Ellie stops raging and falls to her knees, and Mi-Ma pauses her pointless work, smiles and falls.

Oxygen Not Included feels like a complete game and is a lot of fun to play. With each new game, your colonies will get better and better. And don't worry about accidents that will completely destroy your valiant citizens.

Oxygen Not Included Pretty difficult game, but Klei Entertainment did a good job of making the learning experience as fun as possible. This feature is not present in all games of this genre. It is very interesting to play it, constantly coming up with something new.

Continuation of the guide for the game Oxygen not included. Here you will learn about cooling mechanisms, raising the overheating threshold, methods of getting rid of carbon dioxide, and also learn not obvious tricks of the game and ways to use asteroid animals. At the end of the article, you can look at the database that the author of the article has built (with comments).


Jobs are all the activities that your colonists perform. To increase the efficiency of work, you can assign specific professions to characters, which will increase their attributes and give new abilities. Below you will see a table that clearly shows how the characteristics of duplicants correlate with a possible profession and job.

For each colonist, you can enable or disable a specific type of work so as not to overload weak characters. Some types of work are no longer available to some heroes due to their nature (this is described in detail in part 1 of the guide). In addition to all this, there is one more line - "New colonists". You can set up a job there as well, so that newly arrived settlers immediately start the specified job.

  • Not everyone is assigned all types of work - choose for action those who will cope with it best due to their characteristics.
  • If the character does not interact with blocks or buildings, then they may not be accessible.
  • To deliver resources to the machines, 1-2 people should be allocated for the first time.
  • Keep track of the temperature, the presence of oxygen and the decor at the character's workplace. Otherwise, there will be a nervous breakdown or, in a particularly difficult situation, death.
If we talk about professions, then it will help you job board. To improve your skills, you need to fully master the previous one. All the experience and skills from the mastered profession remain with the heroes forever. Carefully study what your character can do best, define him, for example, as a farmer (if he has a high farming rate) and send him to the plantations. After some time, he will improve his skills, crop production will increase, and you can easily send support in the form of new colonists to such a duplicant in the foreseeable future.


Work experience is accumulated even if the duplicant is idle.

Cooling base and mechanisms

Most machines generate heat during operation. And each has its own temperature limit. If it is reached, a breakdown will occur. Therefore, it is sometimes extremely necessary to create a cooling system. Below you will learn about several ways to cool.

Increasing the overheating threshold

Each building has its own overheating threshold, and it can be changed if the mechanism is built from a specific material. When selected, you will see the available minerals. So, obsidian, granite, igneous stone add +15 ° C to the overheating threshold;
gold amalgam, steel, pure gold, copper and iron add +50 °C to the overheating threshold; abyssalite adds +2000 °C to the overheating threshold; earth, on the other hand, lowers the overheating threshold by 10 °C.
Not the most efficient way if you need to cool the base.

Gas thermostat

In order for the mechanisms not to overheat, they must give off heat. Gases are best suited for this task. All of them have heat capacity and thermal conductivity, while they will affect the cooling rate in different ways.

Hydrogen is the most efficient coolant. If we rank the gases from best to worst, we get the following: H2, CH4, CO2, O2, polluted O2, Cl2 (hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, polluted oxygen, chlorine).

In a vacuum, the mechanisms will not be able to give off heat, therefore, they will heat up very quickly. The thermostat itself will help cool the cold plant.

liquid cooling

This method is very similar to the previous one, but it needs a liquid, not a gas. Any water will do. The liquid has a higher thermal conductivity than the gas, so it will be much more efficient than the gas method. ) than liquid oxygen (-183 °C).

A great cheap way to cool any mechanism is to build a separate room and create a vacuum (using an air pump to pump out all the gases). Place mechanisms on 2 blocks - regular and cellular. At the bottom of the room, create a small pool of clean water and water all the mechanisms from above (on a regular block). The water will cool and drain back into the pool through the honeycomb blocks. Usually the temperature does not exceed 30-40 degrees.

natural refrigerator

The refrigerator keeps food warm, so why can't we do the same for machinery? However, the refrigerator is too small to put any device in it, so we will use an ice biome as a refrigerator (however, if you are too far from it at the beginning of the game, this option will not work for you - it will take you too long to get to it, and cooling is needed now). However, the ice biome can also melt quickly, so don't overload nature.

Coolers at the base

A fairly easy way to cool down the base temperature a bit is by using coldbreath plants. It is enough to get 3-6 plants and put them in those places on the base where it is very hot. After a few cycles, the temperature, although slightly, will still decrease. Again, if you are too far away from the ice biome, this is the way to go. initial game won't fit.

Refrigerator thermostat

The method echoes the previous one and is extremely effective. You need at least three plants to work.

We create a closed room from heat-insulating blocks with a gas pump (you can also put a thermo-sensor), not forgetting to first put flower pots and plant coolers there. It is very important to put the ventilation grate on the right and the pump on the left. You can pump into the room, for example, oxygen generated by electrolyzers. The pump will pump out cooled oxygen. Strong cooling will require several cycles. Three cold breaths can cool oxygen down to -60°C. The main advantage of this method is the absence of heat generated.

Ways to get rid of carbon dioxide

The colonists breathe, so soon the base will begin to accumulate carbon dioxide. We need to get rid of it, so we will solve this problem. How? Find out below.

Firstly, from the very beginning of the game, it is desirable to make a small depression at the bottom of the base so that all carbon dioxide is collected there. It is heavy, so it will sink down. This will help early in the game. Organize sleeping places as high as possible.

Algae terrariums

Terrariums were mentioned above, in the oxygen section, so there is no point in repeating. Algae absorb carbon dioxide, so keep at least two farms in your base.

Carbon cleaners

One of the most effective ways to remove carbon dioxide. Of course, to open it, you need to study new technologies, but after building it, problems with unnecessary gas should disappear. Place the purifier at the bottom of the base and connect the liquid pipes to it, it will remove all carbon dioxide in minutes.


The Slither is a creature that can be found in Oil Lakes. Catch him. This creature is even more efficient than the previous mechanism in getting rid of carbon dioxide. Slippers are able to convert carbon dioxide into oil at no cost.

Alive organisms

Although our asteroid is not rich in life, there are some animals on it, and it is very important to know what this or that species can do. Some, for example, slippers are harmless, they can even be used to absorb carbon dioxide. Consider the most common types.


A creature that looks like a cat, a fish and a bee at the same time. It secretes mucus by absorbing polluted oxygen. How does this happen? Pufft flies towards the contaminated oxygen and sucks it in for a while, then rises to the ceiling and dumps the resulting slime down. Such animals can be kept near the base if there is a reservoir under the ceiling to which it is attached: the slime falls into the water, oxygen is not polluted, and the slime can be used for processing.


It looks like an octopus. It lives in caves with a high content of chlorine and hydrogen (mainly in the jungle). It can absorb various gases, clean and dirty water, producing polluted oxygen. Doesn't do much harm to colonists. Not aggressive. Since it is capable of producing polluted oxygen, it can be kept as a pet to produce a small amount of oxygen. Adds +10 decor (radius 1 cell).


In the guide above, this rather useful animal was already mentioned. Not aggressive, can be kept as a pet by creating an oil farm. In short, the slipper absorbs carbon dioxide (thus saving residents from suffocation), while producing oil. It is one of the most efficient creatures in the game.


Armored creature. Nocturnal animal, active at night, but does not show aggression towards colonists. However, if you destroy his hole, you will have to fight him. And who will be happy if his house is destroyed? It behaves like a nocturnal creature: it shows activity mainly in the dark time of the cycle. Absorbs unharvested resources, then produces coal. If there is not enough coal - lock the beast in a room to make a small "farm" of production the right resource. Launch it into the room with the warehouse (empty it) and fill it with garbage, then close the doors. Hutch will eat resources and produce coal (he doesn't eat coal).

Basic steps on an asteroid

We figured out the basics of construction and survival, it remains only to structure it all into one good start new game. This section will describe an approximate base development scheme that will help you survive the first time and not die on the asteroid.

When you first appear on the asteroid, examine the area using the w a s d keys. Consider where the water storage will be, where the rooms are. It is very important not to dig everything, it makes no sense. The colonists will quickly get tired, and you will not receive any resources for construction, nor a positive state of the inhabitants. Also, do not rush to dig up oxylite (it is better not to do this at all). Rare mineral, releases oxygen. As a natural resource, it will not run out as quickly as after being dug up.

The first thing the game itself warns about is the restroom. It is necessary to cope with natural needs, so we dig a tunnel, build a latrine in it, and be sure to attach a washbasin next to it. So, you will increase the hygiene score of the settlers and reduce the risk of infection. Be aware that the toilet, like many other structures, as already mentioned, reduces the decor and can stress the poor colonists, so take care that the toilet is not in the middle of the base.

Next, start looking for a place for a generator (manual) and several batteries with wires. Use basic resources, don't waste rare minerals on building. Each resource has its own bonus, for example, you can increase the overheat limit, which is very important.
After placing the toilet, generator and batteries, replenish the copper. It is better to do this now, so as not to be distracted from the construction for metal mining later.

It's time to put the colonists to work. Open the window with the work and select the same scientist who was chosen before the game. Leave him the only activity - science, and then build the Research Center. The character will automatically go to research. We do the same with the other two, only we radically change the type of activity. It all depends on who you chose at the beginning. If there is a culinary specialist, leave him cooking, and send the remaining resident to do manual labor.

Your next stage is the construction of basic mechanisms for life. It's either an Algae Deoxidizer or an Algae Farm. They will produce oxygen, more about this was described in the section above. Don't forget to organize the Microbe Mixer to get some food at the start of the game. The matter remains small - choose one of the wiring and pipe laying options presented in this guide, and continue to develop the base at full strength.

Tricks and hints

You have already learned a lot from the guide, and now it's time to learn a little tricks that will help you improve your skill in keeping the base alive.

1) As you already know, carbon dioxide falls down, and oxygen walks from above. But there is no way to explain the fact that in the game, carbon dioxide not only falls down, but also moves to the right. That is, there will be no carbon dioxide from the bottom left, but yes, from the bottom right.
2) The colonist digs the ground 2 cells away from him (to the right and to the left), he will do this without leaving his place. The same rule applies above and below - 2 cells. Keep this in mind when clearing the road, otherwise you may need to extra help in the form of a ladder.
3) One water pipe is capable of carrying as much at a time as pumping 1 pump, that is, 10 kg per second. It follows from this that you should not connect more than one pump to the pipe. Gas pipes work quite well with two gas pumps, each of which pumps 500 g per second, which in total gives 1 kg of gas per second.

Option appearance bases
Screenshots of the base of the author of the article will be presented here. As you can see, on the fifth attempt (as the name of the game suggests), I managed to bring my colonists to 400+ cycles. Each screenshot will be accompanied by a comment why it was done this way and nothing else.

This is the general view of the rooms. As you can see, everything is decorated in the highest class, the characters have almost no stress, as the decor just levels out bad glasses. In order not to get into trouble in the future, I advise you to choose a colonist with high creativity (creativity) at the very beginning, otherwise it will be very difficult to get a villager with a high characteristic later. Of course, anyone can draw pictures and sculpt sculptures, but this will not be of much use, it will not add decor, and some, especially picky colonists, may even get stress from a poorly drawn picture.

Nornik. You read above that you can use this little animal as a mini-farm for the production of coal. This is what he, in fact, did for the first 200 cycles. However, the base began to grow, the need for coal disappeared, the walls were demolished, instead of a pile of garbage there are now warehouses. And the nornik runs like decor. Doesn't bite, doesn't shit in slippers.

Such bridges were made between the levels of the map. There is an air freshener on each level. This is very important, because you already know that oxygen is at the top, and other gases, especially carbon dioxide, sink to the bottom. Moving between floors, your minions will simply suffocate if there is no air freshener.

My "technical" zone is placed in a separate part of the map, which I advise you to do as well. Such utilitarian buildings greatly reduce the decor of the base, the heroes will be more stressed, and you have absolutely nothing to do with it. And the general appearance of the base is much more solid and harmonious when everything is divided into sections, each of which is responsible for its own.

That's all, I hope this guide helped you a little to understand the world of the exciting game Oxygen not included!

There is a gas geyser. It stops working if the pressure of the gas next to it exceeds 5 kg per cell. The task is to store all the released gas in order to prevent the geyser from being idle. Preferably without electricity. Because electricity is an additional point of failure, and I need a "build it and forget it" scheme.

To solve the problem, a compressor on mechanized gateways and a little automation are suitable.

My variation:

The switched off clock starts the circuit. Included stop in the closed state.

Vertical buffers are set to 3 seconds. This time is enough for the mechanical doors to close without electricity and not to remove the gas.

The horizontal buffer and filter must be in sync. I have them set to 6 seconds. During this time, the working area of ​​the compressor is filled with gas. You can put less, it will fill less.

It is not my goal to use optimal timings, it is enough that the compressor has time to compress all the generated gas.

Measurements of the stored gas should be done just before the opening of the upper lock, at this moment the gas more or less settles down and you can take readings.

Well, to complete the picture, you need to add a little strapping:

Oil seal to access the top chamber.

Steel pump with atmospheric sensor control. I note that due to the characteristics of the compressor, the pressure in the chamber will jump. The most logical thing is to prohibit pumping out gas if it is less than, for example, 5 kg per cage in the chamber.

A typical value of gas generation per second, taking into account downtime, is about 100-120 grams per second, that is, about one and a half generators. Therefore, when used correctly, there is no point in installing more than one pump.

Well, on a drop of oil, you can put a gas discharge grate in order to divert gas from other sources into the same chamber. It is assumed that the gas entering here is filtered in advance, otherwise problems and breakdowns may arise at the power plant, where the gas will be pumped out of this chamber.

Plus, it’s obvious that it’s better not to climb into this chamber without exosuits. The eardrums will burn and burst.

Similar systems can be installed on other gas geysers, but it must be taken into account that some gases have a temperature of 500 degrees and before niobium is obtained, putting a pump there is not an option. An obvious solution to this problem is a heat exchanger with a refrigerant such as cold hydrogen. In this case, the upper chamber should be slightly larger.

About steam geysers. You definitely don’t need to build this on cold steam, it almost always condenses. The scheme is possible, but needs to be improved. You can put this on hot steam, but the steam will cool down, so it's better to use it, not store it.

If you like the articles on this blog or if you have questions or clarifications, then you can visit me on streams, on twitch or goodgame.

Recently released final version game that has interested many beginners. However, getting used to its gameplay was not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, we decided to publish detailed guide Oxygen Not Included with useful tips for novice players, as well as recommendations for choosing colonists, starting a colony, extracting electricity and oxygen, as well as geysers, farming and plumbing.

All this information should help you quickly understand the gameplay and create a good self-sufficient colony in space. Perhaps some information will be useful even to the "oldies".


Let's note in advance that there are 3 modes of time flow in the game: x1, x2 and x3. The latter makes it possible to noticeably speed up any game processes, but often it is not enough. In this case, we advise you to use the developer mode and activate the command that allows you to speed up the time by 10 times. In a special guide, we described in detail how to do this.

Using hotkeys

If you want to seriously simplify your life, then learn how to use keyboard shortcuts that allow you to instantly go to the menu, call on tools, and perform other useful actions. At first it seems that doing everything with the mouse is much more convenient, but then constantly moving it becomes quite dreary. Therefore, the sooner you manage to get used to hotkeys, the more effectively you will be able to act. In addition, no one forbids you to customize them for yourself by selecting other keys.

To configure binds, go to the menu, open the "settings" section and go to the "management" tab. Keys with numbers 1-0 up to the "-" sign are associated with construction. With the help of them, you can quickly go to the tab of interest, which will be very useful when you forget where the desired building is located.

However, the most useful hotkeys are those that control tools. Most often, you will use three of them: destroy (X), dig (G) and cancel (C). Some keys are not listed by default. There are also F1-F9 keys that allow you to look at certain objects on the map, such as electrical networks or gas accumulations.

Choice of colonists

At the very beginning, you will see a menu where you have to choose your future colonists. Take this step seriously as you will have to think ahead. To get off to a good start, you will definitely need a character with 5+ intellect to quickly research sciences, and a colonist with 5+ creativity to overcome the 25-30 cycle. The third colonist is not very important, so take, for example, a cook.

Pay attention to the features of the characters. Do not take people with flatulence, as in this case they will begin to emit dirty air that can cause poisoning in large volumes. Most of the other traits are relatively harmless. Although we do not recommend that you take colonists with anemia, since the speed of movement is extremely important for them.

You should also combine characteristics with decor requirements. Take characters with a decor level from -45 to +5 units. Increased demands can lead to an early increase in stress for colonists. If stress passes the 80 percent mark, then the character will begin to react negatively to various actions.

With each increase in the level of a particular skill, the decor requirements increase by +5 units. The maximum value is +50 units. However, if a person has the “perfectionist” trait, this parameter can reach +70. However, at a later stage, even with such a value is quite easy to deal with, but in the beginning, the presence of such colonists can cause you a lot of problems.

When you start expanding your colony, pick people with high digging, building, and athletics values. By the 40th cycle, your only scientist will have to discover all possible sciences, so you don’t need to take additional researchers - you only need high-quality manpower.

Note: Until you have fully equipped your colony, do not create more than 6 people. Then you can keep 15 to 20 colonists on a permanent basis.

animal species

In Oxygen Not Included, you can meet several types of animals:

  • Pufft is a fish-like creature that secretes mucus when it consumes polluted oxygen. During feeding, he rises to the ceiling, and then throws the mucus on the floor. If there is liquid in the cave, he can throw slime directly into it, preventing the production of polluted oxygen. You can meet him in caves located in hot swamps and filled with oxygen.
  • The Morb is an octopus-like creature commonly found in jungle caves filled with chlorine or hydrogen. It can also spawn near the dead body of a Duplicant. These creatures consume water and a variety of gases, producing polluted oxygen. They do not behave aggressively and do not do much harm to Duplicants. Given their ability to release polluted oxygen, they are often kept as pets to develop this useful resource. Gives +10 units to the decor in the radius of the 1st cell.
  • The Slither is a peaceful and useful creature that hovers over the oil lakes near the asteroid's core. It is able to absorb carbon dioxide while releasing oil. With it, you can create a farm for the production of oil.
  • Hutch is an omnivorous creature that stays awake mostly at night. Shows no aggression towards Duplicants, but can stand up for himself if they attack him or destroy his burrow. In the morning, this creature tries to find a block of sand, earth, and so on, and then digs into a hole. Hutch consumes any "garbage" lying on the ground (metals, minerals, organic substances and food), and allocates coal 1 to 1 in the process. Therefore, you can lock him in a room with various trash, and then take a valuable resource from it.
  • Firefly - They can be found in the sedimentary rock biome where they eat berries. Does not pose a danger to the colonists and behaves friendly. The reason for the light it emits is the love of phosphorite.
  • Pacu is a fish that can be found in hot swamp waters. There, she eats algae, releasing polluted water in the process. Can be used as food.
  • Drekkon is a reptile that can crawl on vertical surfaces. If you cut off her fluffy tail, then you can get the fiber (later the tail becomes fluffy again). This creature lives in caves located in the jungle. It eats the leaves of flour tree, pepper hazel, and balsam lily.
  • A gas muu is a flying creature that lives in outer space in organic matter. Devours gas grass, releasing natural gas in the process.
  • Roika is a small creature that lives on the surface. Eats the earth iron ore and ore. It can not only dig holes, but also move underground.
  • Hermit Crab (Pokeshell) - eats rotten food and dirty earth, while excreting sand. Able to swim and run along the bottom. The lifetime is 100 cycles.
  • Squirrel-beaver (pip) - able to crawl along the walls and eat plants, and whole. Can allocate land. The life span is 100 cycles.

Beginning of the game

After choosing three colonists and starting the game, you will see a large playing field. At first, you will not be able to use very many options. The first step is to take a look around - take suitable sites for the premises of your colonists, water storage, laboratories and other important objects.

During the excavation, do not rush to immediately dig out all the surroundings, as this does not make sense yet. When planning, create rooms 4 cells high. In this case, you can easily fit everything you need into them.

First, you should take care of the restroom for your colonists. Dig a tunnel in one of the directions from the colony and create a toilet. Then build washstands that will help you deal with germs in the base. The number of "washbasins" should correspond to the number of latrines. Make sure to set up hand basins so that people wash their hands after using the toilet.

Note: Try not to crush the oxylite, as oxygen is released from it. When you dig up oxylite, you will get a smaller amount of oxygen, so we do not advise you to dig it up.

Remember that a lot of buildings reduce the level of decor, and the toilet is no exception. It can reduce this by 20 units up to 6 squares away, so don't place it in the center of the colony.

Now you should take care of the free space for the hand generator, batteries and wires. For construction, use basic resources, that is, do not waste rare materials. For example, you do not need to make walls from abisalite. Such raw materials should be used for special structures (greenhouses) or when trying to separate the entire colony from environment. Therefore, try to use copper or sandstone. In the future, of course, they will run out, but by then you yourself will already know which materials to spend and which to save.

It should also be remembered that the use of different materials gives buildings different qualities. Let's say if you build a wolframite thermostat and compare it to a simple copper thermostat, you will notice that it has a higher heat transfer, so it can be cooled faster by the surrounding gas.

Ensuring essential needs

At this stage, you have to open all the necessary research and get everything you need for normal life for your colonists.

By this point, you should have created a restroom and found a place for batteries and power generators. Keep in mind that most of the mechanisms require copper to create, so keep an eye on its supplies and sometimes send your workers to mine it. Try to run the cable inside the walls so as not to reduce the level of decor. In the screenshot below, you can take a look at the initial plan of the colony.

As you can see, we have placed all the basic buildings that your Duplicants will need. Then you should go to the section on managing work priorities and uncheck all unnecessary checkboxes. The attack of all was removed for the reason that there are practically no creatures in the game that may not be useful to you in the future.

Next, choose a duplicant who will become your scientist. Previously, we already advised you to take a character with a pumped intellect - this is what you need to make a researcher. If there are none, then try to choose the slowest one, since the specialist will have to constantly stand in one place and discover sciences. One person will be enough for research, so uncheck the corresponding box for new colonists.

Cooking also requires no more than 1-2 chefs. We advise you not to leave food delivery in their tasks. The fact is that a bug may occur in the game, in which Duplicants create mossy bars, pick them up and take them to the box for storage. As a result, their hands become dirty. If you already have a shower, then they will constantly run into it to wash themselves, and this will significantly slow down the process of preparing food.

The rest of the parameters do not play big role. However, if at the beginning of the game you created a duplicant with increased creativity, then let only him do the decorating. Otherwise, the statues and paintings will have a low level of quality.

Now you can do research selection. In the screenshot you can see the order of studying certain sciences. The first step is to choose technologies related to terrariums, as they are the main method of obtaining oxygen up to 40-50 cycles.

After learning the first science, start thinking about getting oxygen. In the 3rd or 4th cycle it is important to have a good source of oxygen. Terrariums (before you opened the electrolyzers) are considered the most effective method of obtaining it. Build them at the bottom of the colony so that carbon dioxide flows there, undergoes processing and turns into oxygen. At the same time, build warehouses for materials.

How many terrariums are required to provide oxygen to the entire base? Let's move on to simple calculations: one colonist needs 100 grams of oxygen per second, and one terrarium is capable of producing 40 grams per second, so to calculate the required amount, we multiply the number of colonists available by 100, and then divide by 40. As a result, for 6 people consuming 600 grams of oxygen per second, 15 terrariums are required. However, we still recommend building 1 more terrarium to get extra oxygen.

Note: If light falls on the terrarium, then it begins to produce 4 grams of oxygen per second more, and therefore it is imperative to install light sources near them.

As for warehouses, after creating them, do not forget to check the box next to the “cleaning only” option, otherwise the colonists will constantly run around and collect various garbage. We advise you to manually demonstrate what materials should be collected using cleaning. By the way, do not forget to clean up all the waste that occurs in locations that are most often visited by colonists. Otherwise, they will begin to increase stress due to the deterioration of the decor. Removing junk is easy - just select it in the living area and remove it, as shown in the screenshot.

We add that in warehouses you can specify the resources to be stored. For this reason, in warehouses where simple resources are stored that do not emit gases, slime and dirty earth should be unchecked. When creating a base, you will definitely extract materials that produce dirty oxygen. For them, you should create a separate zone with a gateway. Having mastered the pipes, you will be able to improve this room, making the storage of such items more sterile by flooding it with water. You should also create a couple of separate warehouses for coal. Next, move the chests closer to the coal-fired generators.

Having set up the colony and solved its primary problems, it's time to think about food. Allocate an area for the kitchen - we recommend placing it at the bottom of the base. The screenshot shows the possible location of this room, that is, at the same level as the terrariums.

Why build a kitchen downstairs? The fact is that carbon dioxide will gradually fill the area where the food storage is located. You will be able to store food in normal food crates without wasting electrical energy as the gas will create a clean area. You don't need refrigerators.

You can ignore the diet of the colonists. Once every 30 cycles, we advise you to create a supply of 40-50 kilograms of food, choosing mossy bars as the main food. Still, it is more important to create electrolyzers and sources of constant electricity than to think about food. For this reason, you can only improve food on a 90-100 cycle.

Next, take care of stress. To reduce it, decorate the space or create massage tables. It is best to place these devices in rooms with excellent decor to speed up the recovery process of the colonists.

Now you can think about beds for the inhabitants of the colony. Create a common room for people and place beds in it. For snoring characters, a separate room should be built. Common rooms do not have any negative effect - the main thing is to separate snorers from ordinary colonists (night trips to the toilet do not wake up people sleeping nearby). Of course, do not forget to take out the trash and decorate the rooms with statues and paintings.

Electricity use

After you have unlocked all the sciences numbered above, you will need to create an electrolyzer. To ensure its continuous operation, you will need a coal generator as a power source and a hydrogen generator, which is necessary to process the hydrogen emitted by this device.

After a while, you will notice that the wires have begun to gradually fail - this is the main sign that the electrical network is overloaded. An ordinary gaming cable can withstand no more than 1 kilowatt, so if you put more current through it, it may burn out. It is for this reason that the game has thick wires - their basic function is to build the main power network, thanks to which you will supply electricity to smaller networks. To separate 1 kilowatt of energy for power, transformers must be used. Just connect the wires as shown in the screenshot. Insert the energy source to the upper left point, and the consumer to the lower right point.

Let's say your network has at least 10-12 electricity consumers. For 8 colonists, you will need the following electrical equipment: 2 gas pumps, 1 electrolyzer, 2 massage tables, 2 gas filters, 1 refrigerator, some light bulbs, 1 carbon purifier, 1 water purifier, 1 science station, 2 water pumps, 2 microbial mixers, 1 grill and 1 supercomputer. All of them will consume about 3.14 kilowatts. As a result, you will need to divide all sources into 4 groups so that they do not consume more than 1 kilowatt. The screenshot shows an example diagram for such a network.

Note: When building, small wires can be created inside the walls so as not to reduce the decor level of the base. Thick cables should definitely be hidden from people, as it significantly worsens the decor. We advise you to use bridges for this, which can separate networks so that they do not get confused with each other.

Now you can proceed to the construction of the electrical network. In the image above, the different systems are marked with different colors to make it easier for you to distinguish between them. The general network consists of 4 separate subnets. We note right away that when creating the latter, you can use a little trick- if you have mechanisms that will not work all the time, then you can connect them to the same subnet, even if the consumption exceeds 1 kilowatt. However, you will need to ensure that all devices do not work at the same time.

Construction of a water supply

It is quite easy to create pipes, both water pipes and gas pipes. The principle of connection is very simple: white indicates the inlet for liquid (gas), and green indicates the outlet. On the screenshot you can see what the connected pipes look like. Pay attention to the valves - they are necessary to create a flow of the same density. The electrolyser needs exactly 1 kilogram of water, so you can transfer just that much to it with the help of valves. So in the process of creating a water supply system, you will have to adjust all the valves so that the system works stably.

With the gas pipeline, everything is the same - you can see in the example above that we used valves to distribute air between different rooms. Each room is supplied with 120 grams of air.

How to get oxygen

Having learned how to create electrical networks, you should study the work of electrolyzers. They represent the most efficient source of oxygen production. With the proper development of the colony, you will be able to create a suitable system for the production of this element by the 40-50th cycle. However, you can try to build it early. There is one main method for separating air into two components: hydrogen and oxygen, which we will describe below.

The electrolyser is capable of producing 1 kilogram of gases, and therefore it will need at least 2 filters and 2 gas pumps. All of them will consume almost 1 kilowatt, and therefore they will have to create a separate subnet. Then you connect devices (see screenshot) and start distributing hydrogen and air.

Note: 1 electrolyzer is enough for 8 colonists. For this reason, it is not worth expanding your base before you build the 2nd device.

How to dispose of carbon dioxide

As for carbon dioxide, its accumulation will go very quickly, because it is emitted not only by people, but also by various devices, including a natural gas and coal generator. There are two methods to close the issue with this gas. We will write the standard way.

As you might have guessed by now, carbon dioxide weighs much more than oxygen, so it constantly drains to the bottom of the colony. This is where you should place the carbon cleaner. One such device is enough for 150 people, because one colonist emits only 2 grams of this substance. It is quite simple to build it - run one pipe and supply water to it with a pressure of 1 kilogram. Then take the dirty water to the purifier.


With the colony fully equipped and the basic infrastructure in place, you should consider looking for geysers of water and natural gas to provide yourself with the appropriate resources. You will need water for the electrolyzer, and gas will help supply the base with electrical energy. Coal can be obtained by mining it from veins or keeping hatches.

Two or three geysers are enough to provide a colony with water, which is inhabited by 12-16 characters. In fact, geysers create steam, which, after cooling, turns into plain water. You can find them in green biomes. There are also gas geysers. The screenshot below shows a diagram of the optimal fluid production.

In the image you can see an obstacle from the wall, which is necessary for the steam to cool and turn into water. The latter is gradually pushed out through the wall. In addition, the pump will not work until the water level rises to a certain value - this is necessary so that it does not function at idle.

If we talk about gas geysers, then they are needed only for the production of electricity. One geyser will provide resources for 2 generators at once, which will produce dirty water and carbon dioxide as by-products. The water will spill onto the floor, so build tanks under the generators - you can use it for your greenhouses in the future.

Carbon dioxide should be run into the natural gas room and tank. It will prevent dirty water from polluting the air and avoid gas leakage when collecting fertilizer.


After learning the first science with a seedling box, you can start growing flour eaters. After harvesting these crops, recycle them into bars to increase quality while reducing size.

Below we will tell you how melwoods are grown, but you can easily substitute wheat or shields instead. The optimum temperature for their cultivation ranges from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius. To cool the air, pipes with hydrogen should be placed, since it is considered the most heat-conducting gas. The inner part of the pipe can be made of granite, and the outer part, which comes out of the wall, with the use of abisalite.

In terms of characteristics, the abisalite pipe and the insulated pipe are almost the same - the main thing is the material. Hydrogen is supplied from two thermostats, and the pipe leads to six valves that divide the entire flow into 100 grams, which allows you to evenly and smoothly cool the room. Bridges at the end are required to connect flows and prevent gas blockages. Then all the gas is again collected in one stream and moves in a circle.

Note: The gas in the system does not have to be clogged to the maximum - you can get by with 15-18 kilograms. This allows you not to keep it constantly indoors, all the time cooling the room just like that.

In addition, if you look at the right passage in the screenshot, you will see that the pipe in it is also made using granite. Thus, it is possible to create a buffer temperature zone between the rooms. We advise you to use abisalite in the construction of a pipeline for dirty water and supply liquid in 200 grams. This is enough for you to irrigate. Don't forget to install a temperature sensor as well so you don't overcool the area.

The rest of the plants are grown in a similar way. For wheat, you only need to adjust the sensor to lower temperature values. We hope that this Oxygen Not Included guide will help you quickly understand the basic mechanics of the game and live the maximum number of cycles.