The force unleashed walkthrough. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition: Complete walkthrough. Jedi Temple Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Objective: Find and destroy the fugitive Jedi

Reward: Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Wookiee Infantry - Wookiees armed with crossbows. 2) Wookiee Berserker - Wookiees armed with cleavers fight in close combat.

Pilot level - we play for Vader, we go to the Jedi, along the way we destroy Wookiee troops. Stormtroopers help if they are killed - nothing will be done to us for this.

Boss: Rogue Jedi Knight is a fairly easy boss. He mainly fights with a sword, sometimes throwing it. Periodically downed LEDs fall from the sky - be careful.

TIE Fighter Factory

Objective: Find and destroy General Kotu
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 5 TIE Fighters
Experience points: 200,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Weighted Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Stormtrooper - good old stormtroopers, armed with an E-11 rifle. 2) Militia Saboteur - warriors of Kota, armed with rifles and grenades. 3) Militia Trooper - armed with shockers. 4) E-web is a stationary turret used by both Imperials and Rebels.
5) Militia Elite - use laser miniguns. 6) Imperial Officer - armed with blasters.

Easter egg - when you get to the last beam, bend it to the inside. Then jump on its end and jump to the roof, there you will find a reference to another game.

When you get to the elevator, don't get on it - first exit the bunker through the back doors and collect talent points (4\15). On the next floor of the bunker, do not rush to go further, again exit to the platform through the back doors and take the combo points (5\15). When you move to the exit from the huge hall, run into the rooms on the right, in one of them experience points (6\15) are waiting for you. Entering the room where the battle of the Imperials and the Rebels will take place, you will immediately see a Sith Holocron, which gives increased damage. After a couple of battles, you will find yourself in a room similar to the one in the center of which there was a model of the SID cabin, only this one will not have it - one of the walls has a holocron with a life-drinking aura. Soon you will reach the room where General Kota's soldiers are fighting the AT-CT. He is dangerous because he can crush and throw boxes with the help of Force waves, besides, if the rebels notice you, they will quickly start firing at you. On the elevators we rise to the very top and find two holocrons (7/15 and 8/15). After leaving the bunker, you will find yourself in exactly the same room as before. A Sith holocron with infinite energy will immediately catch your eye. Further. The elevators don't work here. You need to manually raise the wings of the LEDs and thus make your way. On one of the frozen elevators, experience points (9\15) will be waiting for you. Crystal Rubat (10\15) is on the balcony. On the conveyor you will find another Sith holocron, in the side rooms - experience points (11\15). Next, to remove the force field, you will need to destroy the generator. In the room with the generator, experience points (12\15) and pumping (13\15) will be waiting for you. In the next conveyor room you will find two holocrons with experience points (14/15 and 15/15).

Boss: General Kota is an easy boss, beware of the moment when he starts throwing things or when a green aura appears around him, he can use Force Wave. In the second half of the battle (when the control center is separated from the factory) do not step on the glowing floor - it takes away health.

Raxus Prime

Objective: Find and destroy Kazdan Parathus
Secondary Objectives: Destroy 10 scavenger skiffs
Experience points: 250,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Lightweight Tracksuit
Opponents: 1) Jawa - armed with a plasma torch and grenades. 2) Rodian Heavy Defender - armed with a laser mini-gun. 3) Rodian Ripper - armed with a sharp metal claw. Sometimes it can turn on the shield and use a kind of Force wave. 4) Scrap Guardian - armed with an energy staff, can shoot energy balls and teleport. Immune to Force Push, susceptible to Force Lightning. 5) Scrap Drone - Drains your Strength and is also immune to Force Push.

In the initial location, you can immediately find experience points (1\15), they are very easy to find when jumping on the platforms, in fact, the same applies to the Sith holocron. Many people have misunderstandings - to get out of this location you need to use Force lightning on three missiles, then they will open the way for you.

Easter egg - do not rush to go into the hole. Stand with your back to the entrance, jump onto the hill, which is to the right. Next, we look into the lava, try to find a blue glow (you can use the sight button) and raise to the surface what lies there.

Also, do not forget that in open locations you can perform additional task: just shoot the skiffs with lightning. Once in a round room with Jawas, do not rush to leave it: on one of the upper platforms there are upgrade points (2\15). Holocrons aren't worth worrying about anymore until you get to a place where droids and scavengers are fighting. To the left of the entrance are experience points (3\15); the crystal for the "compressed" (rippled blade) red blade (4/15) is behind a false wall, very easy to see. After you get out of the ship and get to the next battlefield, go to the cliff overlooking the lava river, there you will find experience points (5\15). Next, we destroy the fake door and go along a small corridor full of Jawas, at the end of it there will be a fake door, behind which experience points (6\15) will be found. When you open the giant gate, you will enter the scavenger camp. At the top of the tower is a Sith holocron. Somewhere under the tower you will find upgrade points (7\15), and on the landing pad there is a golden blade (8\15). Next, we pass into the hole in the wall (which we were shown in the cutscene) and run to chop off the generator. It is cut down easily: you just need to move the box. Under the generator will be pumping points (9\15), and to the left of the entrance - a "compressed" yellow blade (10\15). Soon you will get to the battle with the garbage titan. It is recommended to stun him with lightning, and then hit him with a sword while jumping. After doing this a couple of times, you will finish it off. You should not stand under his feet or run far away - it’s more expensive for yourself. Also in this room is a Sith Holocron and experience points (11/15). After that, you need to dump the iron beam (which the engine melted) and go down. After a couple of meters you will reach a place where you will have to lower a very creaky beam to jump over. You will see metal bars in front of you - remove them with a push and then lower the same creaky beams to get to the holocron with ... sieve cloak (12\15)! After you defeat another junk titan, the next location will have as many as 3 holocrons (15\15).

Boss: Kazdan Paratus is one of the hardest bosses in the game. When he attacks you with a sword, he uses this tactic - strike, strike, pause, third strike (usually the third one breaks the block). When he pauses, hit him, then hit him with lightning, and so several times. In the middle of the battle, he will call for a garbage titan, but this is good for us - you can heal. When Paratus jumps up and starts throwing debris, hide behind the pillars.

Objective: Find and destroy Shaak Ti
Secondary Objectives: Kill 4 Rancors
Experience points: 375,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Medical clothing
Enemies: 1) Felucian Warrior - fights in close combat, can block blows with a shield; can turn invisible and use Force Push. 2) Yerdua Posion-Spitter - cannot move, but spits poison. 3) Felucian Shaman - does not enter into battle, prefers to teleport away from the player, gives an aura of invulnerability to his brothers. 4) Felucian Chieftain - Slower than regular Felucians, but can throw energy balls.

At the very beginning, we run forward, soon enough there will be a turn to the right (after the dialogue about the Felucians), there you will find experience points (1 \ 15). Then you find yourself in a huge cave, where you have to spiral up. In the cave you can find 2 Sith holocrons (damage and aura) and 4 Jedi. Under the entrance are experience points (2\15), just above it is easy to notice another one (3\15). On two platforms, near the ceiling, there are experience points (4/15) and an "unstable" red blade (5/15).

After leaving the tunnel, you will go along a narrow corridor, at the exit turn right and reach the border of the location, there you will find experience points (6\15). Advice - be careful with bubbling bubbles on the ground: if you step on them, they will burst and endure many lives. At the exit from the location there is a Sith holocron, and to the left of the tunnel, in the bushes, there is a passage - there you will find a "compressed" golden blade (7\15). Next to the tunnel there will be a field with bubbles, in the center of which is a claw-like object sticking out of the ground. Picking up the "claw", you will find experience points (8\15). There will be a small fork in the tunnel, a holocron with upgrade points (9\15) hangs above it, it is easy to notice it. Next will be the battle with the rancor, you can use the same tactics as for the garbage titan. Also in this location there will be a Sith holocron and experience points (10\15), they are easy to find. Inside the tunnel, again at the fork, you will find experience points (11\15). We leave the tunnel and fight with three rancors and a bunch of Felucians. Platforms hang on the walls, you can find 4 holocrons (15\15) on them.

Boss: Shaak Ti - resists Force push and grip, but the wave calmly knocks her down on the spot. It is quite difficult to get an opponent with a sword - she is very dexterous. It is better to overturn with a wave and beat. Sometimes calls for the help of the Felucians, for us it means health. Be careful with the floor, there are a lot of exploding bubbles. In the second half of the battle, you move closer to the mouth of the sarlacc. Shaak Ti starts throwing Force Pushes and continues to summon his charges. When she jumps out of line of sight, the sarlacc will start lashing out with her tentacles, which requires a quick reaction.

Objective: Escape Empiric
Secondary Objectives: Destroy all remaining lifeboats
Experience points: 150,000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Bounty Hunter Outfit
Enemies: It makes no sense to repeat the features of the old opponents, so I will only tell you about the new ones. 1) Imperial Evo Trooper - armed with an electric gun, shots cannot be repulsed. Under no circumstances use Force lightning on him: not only will it not work, but it will also give him immunity to other Force abilities and the ability to fire a stun projectile. 2) Interrogation Droid - armed with vibroblades and a shocker. 3) Shadow Trooper - shoots with paralyzing projectiles, it's really repulsed. Can become invisible. 4) Stormtrooper Commander - has a force field that makes him immune to all Force abilities, also the first blow with a sword only removes the field. 5) Purge Trooper is one of the strongest opponents in the game. Makes strong melee attacks and shoots powerful missiles. The lightsaber is only useful when you have it on your back. It is immune to Force Grasp, Force Push and Wave are practically useless. It is best to use lightning and combos to bring down the bastard.

The beginning of the level causes many difficulties. As soon as you knock out the glass of the chamber, the room will begin to fill with gas, and the door will close. To the right of the exit from the chamber there will be a generator, you need to pick it up with the help of the Force Grasp. At the exit from the room you will be given a crystal with a blue blade (1\5). Next, you will enter a room with a bunch of cameras, like at the beginning of the level. Leveling points (2/5) are under the entrance to the room, others (3/5) are in one of the chambers. As soon as you get into the room with lifeboats, launch them all - this way you will complete an additional task. Launching them is easy - use Force Lightning. Under one of the capsules there will be a holocron with upgrade points (4\5). We leave the room, immediately pick up the Sith holocron and go to beat the helmets of the stormtrooper squad, after the skirmish you will find the Lorrdian crystal (5\5). Next will be the first meeting with the Purge Trooper - see tactics above. The rest of the level is simple - kill a bunch of people, raise both generators and save Juno.

cloud city

Objective: Escape Cloud City with General Kota
Secondary Objectives: Freeze 10 Imperials in Carbonite
Experience points: 200,000
Holocrons: 5
Reward: Corellian Pilot Suit
Opponents: 1) Senate Guard - armed with a cortosis lance, susceptible to Force abilities. 2) Ugnaught - armed with a broken bottle, he can hardly do any harm, often runs away in horror. 3) Jumptrooper - flies on rocket pack, it is impossible to repulse the shots. Force abilities are practically useless, use lightning. 4) Scout Trooper - armed with a sniper rifle, prefers to keep a distance. When a yellow strip is directed at you, it means that the scout is aiming, red - now there will be a very painful shot, it can kill. Shooting is impossible.

Try not to run far from Kota: he may get lost or die. There are two holocrons in the bar. Ruusan Crystal (1\5) - above the bar, easy to see from the stairs. If you go not to the exit, but to the right, then inside the round structure there will be an "unstable" golden blade (2\5). We leave the bar, turn right and jump off the platform - we take experience points (3/5). Pumping points (4\5) are hanging in the air, we climb onto the balcony and with the help of a jerk we jump and grab them. To complete an additional task, you need to throw barrels or tear off hoses from which carbonite whips. Then we rise to the balcony and reach the place where a large pipe passes at head level - in fact, these are rails. We jump in and pick up the "unstable" yellow blade (5\5).

Boss: Shadow Guard - slightly stronger than a regular guard. Not all Force abilities affect him, and he himself uses a grip, push and lightning. It is advisable to deal with small opponents in advance, otherwise it will be tight.

Imperial Kashyyyk

Objective: Search the imperial base
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the Imperial Communications Hub
Experience points: 360,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jungle Combat Gear
Opponents: 1) Incenerator Trooper - armed with a flamethrower, has a force field like that of an attack aircraft commander. Be careful - when you kill him, he explodes. I advise you to use the sword throw. 2) Royal Guard - similar to their counterparts, just stronger. 3) AT-KT - a stronger model, armed with a machine gun. 4) E-Wem Turret - a stationary turret that fires missiles.

As soon as the level starts, there will be a "compressed" blue blade (1\15) to your left. Next, we watch the screen saver and turn around - in front of you is a tree. Go behind him and take... Kento's cloak (2\15). Experience points (3\15) will hang in the air, to take them, you need to climb onto a large stump and pick it up with a jerk. I advise you to use double jump and lightning to kill the imperials in the nests. As soon as you get to the other side of the gate, there will be a narrow beam to the left of the energy barriers. On it lie experience points (4 \ 15). After that, there will be a fork of two bridges - go left and jump onto the beam, experience points (5\15) can be seen from afar. Leveling points (6\15) are located between a huge pipe and a tower. Next, we approach the bridge with a platform on which stands an attack aircraft with a turret. It is necessary to jump off the bridge to collect experience points (7\15). Here is an additional task. The tower has two generators: one is on the ground, the other is next to the bridge. It is enough to tear out the bars and shy away with lightning.

Easter Egg - after opening a huge gate you will enter a room with trophies, where in the center there is a cage with Wookiees. Turn around to the entrance and you will see a lovely picture. This seems to explain one of the eternal questions from fans.
Wookiee from the cage can be released, he will take your side. The experience points (8/15) are fairly easy to spot.

After the cutscene, our main task was updated - it is necessary to destroy the sky (atmospheric) elevator (expanded universe fans remember such things from the time of "Shadows of the Empire") and kill Ozzik Stern.

The first holocron (9\15) is located in the sniper's house, you can jump there using the wookie cage. Wookiees can be released and they will help you. True, there is little sense from them - the guards calmly deal with them. Experience points (10\15) are in the third sniper nest, to get them, you have to move the cobblestone and use it to jump. The third holocron (11/15) is in the Wookiee cage opposite the third nest. To remove the laser barriers, you need to use the Force to pull out the cable, which is located to your left, almost under the ceiling. Two holocrons (13\15) are in closed chambers on the sides. Wookiee slaves and a Purge Trooper are also sitting there - be careful. We leave the building and get to our goal. I recommend that you first kill all the Imperials, and individually. Experience points (14\15) are located next to one of the walls of the elevator, purple blade (15\15) is on a tree branch. To destroy the elevator, you need to pull out all the sparkling wands using telekinesis.

Boss: Ozzik Stern is a fairly simple boss, use tactics like on all ATs. Oh yeah, don't get in the line of sight of his big gun.

Imperial Felucia

Objective: Find and rescue Senator Bail Organa
Secondary Objectives: Free the Sarlacc
Experience points: 425,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Industrial Research Suit
Enemies: There are no new enemies, only the Felucians have changed a bit. That they fell for dark side, did not change their abilities, they only became more aggressive.

We jump into the abyss of the battle between the Imperials and the Felucians. The Holocron (1\15) is easy to spot - it's hanging in the air next to what looks like a giant claw. We take the boxes that stand by the bridge and collect a ladder from them to take experience points. Opposite the imperial transport there is a passage that is not marked on the map, there is a green blade (2\15). Take your time to cross the bridge: there is a passage to the right of it; picking up the claw sticking out of the ground will give you experience points (3\15). After crossing the bridge, you will find yourself on a small slope. If you turn right and jump up, you can find a "compressed" purple blade (4\15). After destroying the AT and breaking a bunch of stones, do not rush to leave. Right in front of the pile, stop, there will be a ledge to your right, which is easy enough to jump onto. Then we run through the caves, kill the stormtroopers and collect the holocrons (6\15). You have now reached the Imperial station above the Sarlacc. Here you can perform an additional task. To the right of the entrance to the valley is a large car, somewhat similar to a juggernaut. We jump on it and shoot lightning at the generator. There are also wires from the car to the sarlacc tentacle - look in the direction of the wire, a sight will appear, then throw the sword. You have probably already seen the Holocron (7\15) on thick cables, the second one (8\15) is located on the other side of the machine. Experience points (9\15) are located above the left bridge, they are easy to get. We repeat all the actions with the release of the sarlacc and the start of the generators, then we sit in the elevator. After exiting the elevator, turn right and pick up experience points (10\15). Do not be afraid of tentacles in tunnels, they are absolutely harmless, but sucking holes are dangerous - they take a lot of health. As soon as you enter the giant room (if you can call the rooms inside the sarlacc) you will see the holocron (11\15). Getting it will be difficult, but possible. Use double jump, then dash and Dashing Blast Combo (impossible without it), this should be enough to cover the distance. To close suction holes, strike electrical devices near them with lightning. Soon you will reach a room where the wind pushes you to the very beginning. You can hide from the wind behind the columns, passing the room in several passes. At the right wall are experience points (12\15). Already on the surface, you will get involved in a battle between the Imperials and the Felucians. Combo points (13\15) will hang in the middle of the location, to pick them up, you need to jump from the mushroom cap.
Then we climb the stone stairs to pick up the "unstable" blue blade (14 \ 15), you need to jump from the second stairs. Experience points (15\15) will be on the left side of the passage, next to the rancor.

Boss: Bull Rancor - It is useless to beat Marys Brood, her turn will come later. Rancor isn't that scary, use standard tactics. However, you should not be in front of him.

Maris Brood - permanently turns invisible, use Force Wave when she starts to attack, then use the sword. Periodically, she releases Force lightning.

Imperial Raxus Prime

Objective: Destroy the orbital shipyard
Secondary Objectives: Destroy the control center of the capture beam
Experience points: 500,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Jedi Adventurer's Cloak
Enemies: No new enemies

At the very beginning, we jump to the upper right ledge, jump over to the opposite one using a double jump, dash and kick; take the crystal Sigil (1\15). Then we go back and go straight, soon there will be a turn to the left, there you will find experience points (2 \ 15). After you cross the beam that replaces the bridge, use the Force to force open the door and collect upgrade points (3\15). We go out to the right and take the experience points (4 \ 15) located on the cliff. Next, you will reach a large location where a battle takes place between the Imperials and the scavengers. The "compressed" green blade (5\15) is on the platform to the right of the entrance. Experience points (6\15) are in the tunnel from which the scavenger reinforcements came. Another experience points (7\15) are to the left of the entrance - you need to jump onto the bridge to get them. The last experience points (8\15) are right at the exit, it is impossible not to see them. In the next location, you will have to kill everyone before the door to the hangar opens. To her right, on a metal structure, are experience points (9\15). Already in the hangar itself, on the upper balcony, pumping points (10/15) are waiting for you.

After the cutscene, take the elevator and turn right. At the end of the platform, experience points (11\15) are waiting for you. When you enter the next room, turn right and go upstairs. There will be a cul-de-sac with crates, use Force Push and smash your way through, inside you will find an "unstable" purple blade (12\15). To complete the side mission, jump on the tower and use lightning to destroy the generators. To exit the room, you need to destroy the generators to the left and right of the door (use telekinesis). We go up the elevator and get into the next room. Holocron (13\15) is on the left bridge, it will be very difficult to get it (did you remember the sarlacc?) Use double jump, then dash and Dashing Blast Combo. We open the door and leave. In this room, the holocrons (15/15) are in both the left and right hallways.

Boss: Proxy - The first half of the fight is simple: use Force Wave and hit the prone. But when he turns into Darth Maul, use only telekinesis, the rest of the Force abilities will only hurt. Also stay away from his sword, hit the recumbent.

Everything is easy here, we run along the platforms and overload the generators with the help of lightning.

Landing a Star Destroyer is one of the most spectacular moments in the game. LEDs must be destroyed with lightning or telekinesis. Then we take the destroyer, and follow the instructions on the screen. Somewhere in 6 visits, he finally falls.

The Death Star

Objective: Find General Kotu and the founders of the uprising
Secondary goals: none
Experience points: 500,000
Holocrons: 15
Reward: Ceremonial Jedi Cloak or Sith Hunter Armor
Enemies: 1) Wall turret - crawls out from under the floor, it is better to kill with lightning. 2) Gunner - armed with a standard rifle, mainly shoots from a turret.

This is probably the most difficult moment in the game; you will die, and more than once. After cleaning the room, go up to the balconies where the snipers were sitting.

There you will find experience points (1\15) and a Katak crystal (2\15). Then we stand on the glowing doors in the floor and use the Force wave. At the end of the corridor, at the entrance to which you broke the glass, in the right room there are experience points (3\15). Break the glass again and go through any door. We take out everyone in the corridor and reach the end. There will be a bridge above you, we go up the elevator and jump onto the structure that passes above the laser. There you will find experience points (4/15) and an "unstable" green blade (5/15). After opening two doors with the Force, you will find yourself in another corridor. In the right rooms you will find upgrade points (6/15) and experience points (7/15). Another experience points (8\15) lie right at the exit to the pipe. Next, you need to rotate the rings using telekinesis so that they stand in one row. Keep in mind, under the first pack of rings lies a holocron (9\15), the second (10\15) is right inside the second pack of rings, it is easy to spot. In a huge hall, we jump down, destroy the AT and push the generator into the slot. By the way, it is advisable to reach the end of the bridge before the jump and jump into the laser tube, there are experience points (11\15). There is another XP (12/15) on the platform on the second floor, and a third (13/15) in the side room on the third floor. On the elevator we fly to the very top and see the holocron (14 \ 15) on a narrow beam above the laser. It will be difficult to get it, it must be done while hanging in the elevator stream, use the Dashing Blast Combo. Your reward will be ... you have been waiting for this for a long time - a black sword. The last holocron (15\15) is on the platform pointed to by the radar.

Boss: Shadow Guard - first kill those who get in the way, then deal with the shadow guard, at the end of the game it will be just fun.

Boss: Darth Vader - In the first half of the duel, use Force Pushes to knock him down on his shoulder blades, then hit him with a sword. When he starts to build up his Force Push, run behind him, wait for him to use it, and then hit. Then Vader will run to the platform. Your task is to throw it with everything that comes to hand. Then he will jump over to the bridge - here it is already necessary to bring him down on the shoulder blades with the Force and finish him off.

Now we take a breath and run towards Palpatine and his captives.

Boss: Emperor - Palpatine uses three types of attacks. 1) Force Lightning Attack - pretty easy to bypass. 2) Attack with telekinesis using things - just hide behind the consoles. 3) Summon guards - kill the red ones first, the blue ones won't create any problems. It is worth attacking the Sith when he has just completed his attack. Use sword and lightning.

Alternative ending:
After the battle with Vader, we do not run to Palpatine, but jump from the bridge to Vader.

Boss: Darth Vader - and he has already restored life and became even stronger. In no case do not jump around him, it is almost impossible to get out of his grip. Try to drop it on the floor, compete in the mastery of the Force and, of course, use combos.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed— Ultimate Sith Edition
Publisher LucasArts Entertainment Company
Official site
release date November 2009
Localizer 1C
Genre Action

Back in 1977, the world saw the first film from what later became the cult film saga "Star Wars". It is now one of the most famous brands in the entertainment industry and the Star Wars world continues to expand every year to include new films, series and games. Moreover, the number of the latter has already exceeded the number of films themselves. So this year, PC users immediately saw as many as two projects about their favorite star samurai with laser swords.

One of them, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is based on the animated series of the same name, which was produced by George Lucas himself after the completion of Revenge of the Sith in 2005. Unfortunately, like the animated series itself, the game turned out to be rather low-brow and designed exclusively for a children's audience, which will squeal with delight from one kind of kind uncles with luminous swords. And even against the backdrop of a shortage of interesting projects for this audience, Star Wars: The Clone Wars stands out only with antediluvian graphics, inconvenient controls and a terrible static camera.

Things are quite different with The game Force Unleashed, which we will focus on in this article. Its truth can be called new with a caveat, because the original was released a year ago for game consoles. At the same time, representatives of LucasArts swore oathfully that the game would never appear on the PC platform due to its technological weakness (and this at a time when we were already going through the jungle of Crysis far and wide). But, not the warmest reception of console players and the lack of high sales forced the developers to urgently revise the concept, expand the gaming audience, slightly modify the game by adding several new missions, and release it all under the name Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition.

Before that everything game projects in the Star Wars Universe dealt mainly with events not depicted in the films, offering us to find out the fate of the Republic after the fall of the Empire in the Star Wars: Jedi Knight series of games, or sending us back to the distant past in the role-playing dilogy Knights of the Old republic. The same projects that dealt directly with the well-known film conflict (like Star Wars: Battlefront) did not interfere in this story in any way, providing players with only the opportunity to participate in some battles without any independent plot.

The events of The Force Unleashed develop between the third and fourth episodes. Anakin Skywalker, already in the role of the great and terrible Darth Vader, helps the evil emperor conquer the vast expanses of space, sowing evil and destruction around him. The time of the Republic, ruled by a bunch of soft-bodied corrupt bureaucrats, is over. The future belongs to a strong and united Empire, which will be ruled by the servants of Darkness. But for some reason, not everyone agrees with this, which is why the work of Darth Vader is overwhelming, everywhere you need to keep up and punish all the recalcitrant.

And then, as luck would have it, not all Jedi are killed. So, in search of one of these "elements" objectionable to the new government, Vader visits the Wookiee's home planet. Lazily waving his laser sword at the jumping hairy giants, and throwing the most stubborn ones aside like skittles, the Dark Lord finds the hiding Jedi. Without unnecessary ceremonies and sincere conversations, the opponents rush at each other, trying to excel in the mastery of the sword and the Force. But, of course, no matter how hard a simple Jedi tries, no matter how he throws fighter jets at Vader and hits him with lightning, he will avoid death at the hands of the Dark Lord.

But at that moment, when the luminous blade is ready to plunge into the chest of an already defeated Jedi, a miracle happens. Small child with horror in his eyes, with the power of thought, pulls the sword out of the hands of the Sith Lord. What potential is being wasted! - Vader decides and takes the boy with him, simultaneously getting rid of all the witnesses from his guard so that no one finds out about the secret student. Time passes, the past is erased from children's memory, and a new Sith named Starkiller diligently comprehends the science of controlling the Force.

And now we have a youth with seething blood, who is eager to fight. Darth Vader happily gives him his dark "blessing" and sends his mentor on his first mission, giving him full carte blanche to destroy both his own and others. Actually, from this place the main events begin to develop, and we enter the game already in the role of this young villain.

The Force Unleashed is distinguished primarily by the fact that we are finally allowed to try on a Sith warrior costume and fight for dark ideals, and not world peace, balance and other boring Jedi slogans. Moreover, as the plot develops, it becomes clear that there are also disagreements in the camp of the dark rulers of the new world. So, Vader is quietly sharpening his teeth on Emperor Sidious, and our hero will become just a cog in the game of two dark lords. However, the game does not make a special secret of this, which, perhaps, is a small minus of the whole story. And the very fact that at one point Starkiller will go rogue and even die for a while because of Vader's interests will not be a big surprise for the player.

The gameplay of the game fully justifies the name, because our main weapons will be the faithful lightsaber and the Force. The times when you could use a blaster instead or assault rifle left in the past.

To be honest, from the first minutes the game is frankly disappointing. In the role of Darth Vader, we are only given the opportunity to use the signature power "throw" and swing the sword. And all this is complemented by a lazy unhurried gait, as if on a walk in the park. And as soon as it comes to the first battle with the Jedi, you generally want to howl like a wolf from the terrible management and fake scenery ...

But then, surprisingly, everything turns out to be not so bad and much more dynamic. Although at first the young student of the Sith also does not shine with a large set of skills, but over time he improves his skills and abilities. In addition to the ability to knock back enemies and hit them with lightning, our arsenal will also include numerous combo attacks or special abilities in the form of a lightsaber throw, a temporary shield of the Force, etc. But they are provided to the hero for a reason, but for earned experience points, which are accrued upon reaching a new level, as in a role-playing game. Shredded the n-th number of enemies, received new level— keep a gift in the form of several special spheres, for which you can upgrade power skills, increase health or buy a new combo attack. Also, similar spheres can be found in secret (and not so) places on locations in the form of special holocrons.

Despite the variety of attacks and their combinations, you won’t be able to enjoy all these combos, because during a hot fight there is simply no time to perform even a combination of a sequence of three keys with appropriate pauses. So you have to do most of the game with the simplest tricks, throw and lightning. In general, the combat mechanics are terribly reminiscent of captive recent times market console slashers with an arcade flavor of consumer goods - the characters write out pirouettes in the air with swords, even "hanging" there during strikes (in the spirit of Devil May Cry fights), fallen enemies turn into small spheres that are absorbed by us to restore health, and on the screen an unnecessary list of those killed is displayed.

One of the main elements of the gameplay was the ability to throw objects and partially destroy some objects. But the implementation of the throw control is clearly lame, and the auto-capture system for such a target does not lend itself to clear logic - it depends more on where the hero himself is looking, and not the camera, but at the same time, sometimes the marker itself jumps from a near object to a distant one. When moving a raised barrel or stone block, you have to adjust its position in two planes in order to aim in the right direction, and there is simply no time for this in hot skirmishes. And the smoothness of the movement of the object with such aiming often changes dramatically, making it difficult to accurately aim. This is mainly due to the position of the camera, if it starts to “rest” against a wall or floor, then it is very problematic to aim correctly. But on the other hand, this is a very effective technique against some enemies, so you have to somehow adapt, especially since throwing objects with subsequent explosions sometimes looks very spectacular.

Not without the popular Quick Time Event. Moreover, they themselves are not particularly complex, but the reaction speeds require excellent, and even being late for some fractions of a second in pressing a key leads to an error. And not only is it necessary to press the desired key almost until the corresponding icon appears on the screen, it is also a mandatory element for finishing off various bosses and healthy rancor animals. And if everything is easier with bosses in the sense that QTE will start from the beginning each time until you just remember the desired combination, then in the second case, if an error occurs, the monster’s health is restored and you again have to shred it with a sword. The worst thing about all this insanity is that even if the health of the raknor has dropped to zero, nothing else will be able to finish him off.

Another issue is with the camera. In general, the now fashionable control with independent camera movement from the player’s movements would not cause any complaints if the camera gave complete freedom. And it hangs somehow painfully low, and does not really allow you to look around and above because it “rests” either on the floor or on the walls. But if you can still get along with these little things, then the battles with the Jedi are a real test of the strength of your nerves. The camera position suddenly changes completely, it takes a position on the side, trying to capture both us and the enemy in the frame. Not only is it not very convenient to control the movements of the characters from this angle, but the characters themselves, at a great distance from each other, turn into ants on the big screen, which can generally hide behind the health indicator or go beyond the frame while jumping. In order to somehow alleviate all these torments, it is better to get a gamepad for this game. Of course, it will not save you from the Jedi disappearing into the corner and the stupid camera, but it is more convenient to control our hero in such a battle with it than on the keyboard.

As luck would have it, the complexity of each such battle is getting higher and higher. As a result, it turns out that the passage of one boss in terms of the time spent will be several times higher than the time spent on passing the whole level. And the episode in which we will be forced to destroy a huge flying imperial cruiser, I would never want to see it at all. For the first five minutes, this lesson seems “oh, how cool,” and after an hour of torment with this cruiser, I want to tear off the hands and heads of those who thought of this.

After the above, the players will probably die out all the enthusiasm that arose while reading the first paragraphs of this article. But, as it turns out, all the torment associated with the passage of particularly difficult bosses to the accompaniment of terrible controls and cameras are more than justified. Yes, yes, those additional missions turn out to be just a great addition to the main game. And if in the original The Force Unleashed we have to visit not so many planets, which makes some scenery frankly boring, then in additional missions we, in addition to being able to visit new locations, will also get the opportunity to break the classic Lucas plot.

The add-ons themselves are not directly related to the main plot, but offer one of the options for the development of the event if we took the place of Darth Veder at the right hand of Emperor Palpatine. We will have the opportunity to find two lost robots on Tatooine or destroy the rebel base on the icy planet Hoth. And most importantly (fans, attention!) we will be able to personally fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker.

Let's not spoil your impressions, but the outcome of the battle with Luke will certainly surprise you. By the way, the missions themselves are available for passing in random order, but it would be right to leave the cold Hoth in the end, and it is best to start from Coruscant.

But not in the plot surprises and surprises, the only charm of the additions. It is in these missions that you will be able to fully enjoy all the charm of the Force. What is worth only the battle in the hall of the Jedi Academy! Dozens of soldiers and a sea of ​​interactive objects that you just want to tear off the wall and quickly throw, because the density of enemies guarantees you will hit someone. You can even move a huge ball and drive it around the room, pushing the imperial foot soldiers. It's a pity, but in the original there were catastrophically few such bright and dynamic moments, but there are more than enough boring battles and skirmishes with dejades.

Another of the bonuses of the Ultimate Sith Edition was the additional skins of the protagonist. You can, for example, play the role of Darth Maul or young Anakin Skywalker, which, of course, will also appeal to fans.

The graphics leave quite mixed impressions. It seems that there is an abundance of shiny shader surfaces, chic post-effects and excellent detailing of the main character, right down to the scars on the body and dirt spots, but as soon as the camera zooms in closer, the muddy textures of the surrounding objects are immediately visible. Yes, and close-ups are not always successful for developers, sometimes they are just a feast for the eyes, and sometimes everything is spoiled by disgusting muddy backdrops.

But in general, the visual performance of the game leaves positive emotions thanks to the bright fantastic landscapes, even if not everywhere successful. A good addition is the rather high interactivity of the environment. Everywhere is full of all sorts of barrels and boxes that can be thrown to the sides, some elements can be pulled out of the walls that will spew sheaves of sparks along the way, glass crumbles into pieces (in some places you can even knock out a porthole and enemies will be sucked into outer space), huge Plants on the planet Felucia sway after using the Force. And all this interacts with each other: thrown objects bounce off the walls and each other, throw the soldiers to the sides.

But even here everything did not go so smoothly. Some of these effects look somehow fake, in particular, bending down "plastic" grass and trees falling from the blows of the Force in the very first location. And in general, the first mission for Darth Vader, already mentioned more than once in a negative way, creates exclusively bad impression in every way. And if in terms of gameplay in the future the game is corrected, but the feeling of “I don’t believe it!” more than once you will have to watch lazily flying Imperial fighters or motionless walker tanks through the windows of the rebel headquarters on the planet Hoth. Even the lightsaber turns out to be somehow painfully weak, leaving not a single trace on the skins of the enemies, and the carcasses of the enemies themselves, in the tradition of antediluvian games, quickly dissolve after their death. In the games of the Jedi Knight series on the ancient Quake 3 engine, with a successful blow, it was possible to cut off the enemy’s hand or head, not to mention the fact that a sword strike on any surface, albeit not for long, left a trace.

The game does not provide any graphic settings other than resolution, which is why users of weak computers are unlikely to achieve normal performance. Interestingly, the fps in the game is fixed at 30 frames, so there won't be much difference between modern video cards.

Authentic music by John Williams perfectly complements game process. What is worth only the battle with Darth Maul under the same melody from "The Phantom Menace" that accompanied the appearance of this character there!

But owners of multi-channel audio systems may encounter an unpleasant bug when this very music sounds exclusively from one speaker. That is, all the effects of the environment and sounds are regularly fed to five channels, but the music is exclusively from the left front. Perhaps the described problem is one of the rare cases, but the author of these lines had to deal with it on a Creative Audigy 4 card under operating system Vista. Of course, it would be stupid to demand high-quality sound from Audigy in this OS, but I would like to get at least some semblance of it without any problems ...

If we try to sum up some of the above, then we can state that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed wins mainly due to its setting and the universe. Swinging a lightsaber, scattering soldiers to the sides with the help of telekinesis is always a pleasure. The skills of using the Force and the sword of the protagonist are more diverse than ever. Another thing is that it is problematic to implement all these spectacular combos because of not the most convenient controls. The battles with the Jedi, which have turned into a kind of fighting game, will give players more problems than pleasure. Fans of the adventures of Kyle Katarn and graduates of the Jedi Academy will now only have to sigh and nostalgic for the old days and the combat system old Star wars. But active new game a relatively good physical model of the interaction of objects, which will make it possible to organize spectacular pogroms with explosions and other fireworks in many locations. And the very scale of the battles has grown significantly, plunging the player into the abyss of a large military conflict. And for the surprises that additional missions are preparing for us, you can turn a blind eye to some of the shortcomings. Although, close do not close your eyes, but the difficulties in passing many players will still be scared away.

But for fans of the Universe, the question of whether to play or not to play is, in principle, not worth it. Yes, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is full of flaws, but it's still the best "star" action game since it was released in 2003 Jedi Academy. So get your gamepads ready and may the Force be with you!

Additional tasks: not available.
The galaxy is on the verge of plunging into darkness. The Galactic Empire destroyed the old Republic, countless worlds were squeezed in the grip of fear. Almost all the Jedi Knights were exterminated, only a few of them managed to escape from the Imperial forces and hide in the vastness of the galaxy. The Emperor's spies have discovered a lone Jedi Knight on the planet Kashyyyk, and Darth Vader is dispatched to eliminate him...

Mission 2. Nar Shaddaa. Fighter factory. Find and eliminate General Kota.

Additional tasks:
1) Destroy 5 tie-fighters
2) gain 200,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons

After landing, we move along the corridor and knock out the first door (power push). Don't forget to pick up holocrons: red ones - briefly enhance your skills, strength, etc., we will leave their description beyond the scope of this walkthrough; white - give strength points, spheres of power moves and abilities, crystals for a lightsaber and a variety of clothes. Destroy all manpower in the hangar and at the same time 5 fighters hanging from the ceiling - this is an additional task.

Mission 3. Raxus Prime. Dump. Find and destroy Kazdan Parathus.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy 10 garbage shuttles
2) gain 250,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons
Now you can use lightning, which will be needed to activate the reactors lying around in this dump (they are highlighted in blue). When lightning strikes, the reactor will activate, take off and punch a hole in the wall, which you need to get to. Activate three reactors and the path is clear. Don't forget to pick up the first Holocron, which gives 10,000 Power points, which is located on the left in the niche under the bridge behind the river of toxic waste.

Mission 4. Felucia. Find and destroy the Shaak-ti.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy 4 rancors
2) gain 375,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons
The passage of this location from the very beginning of the mission does not cause difficulties, everything is simple, we move in the direction of the arrow on the mini-map. The first holocron (10,000 points) is in the right branch of the path at the very beginning of the level, the second - also 10,000 points - in a cave right under the entrance.

Mission 5. Experimenter. Escape from the ship.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy all rescue modules (capsules)
2) gain 150,000 power points
3) collect 5 holocrons
After you break the glass to get out of the chamber, lethal gas will go out for you. Turn off its supply by pulling out the energy block, which is located to your right in the niche of the outer perimeter of the room. The first holocron (blue crystal) will be right behind the door through which you have to exit, do not pass by. The second holocron, with the sphere of power moves, you will find in the hall with cylindrical capsules for prisoners, inside one of them.

Mission 6. Cloud city. Escape the city with General Kota.

Additional tasks:
1) Freeze 10 Imperials in Carbonite
2) gain 200,000 power points
3) collect 5 holocrons
At the beginning of the level, you are next to the carbonite freezer containers, start completing an additional task: carefully place an imperial stormtrooper in these containers. Freeze a dozen - additional task completed. By the way, in the second container along the way to the exit is the first holocron - an unstable gold crystal. If you turn back on the first bridge, you will find the second holocron on the roof of the bar - the ruusan crystal.

Mission 7. Imperial Kashyyyk. Survey of the imperial base.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy the imperial communication tower
2) gain 360,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons
At the very beginning of the mission, do not rush to move towards the old hut, you can pick up the first holocron - it is on the left, a few meters from the landing site, it contains a concentrated blue crystal. Now enter the old hut with the emblem of the rebels, watch the video, and after loading the new location, turn left, there is a second holocron with a kento robe behind the tree.

Mission 8. Imperial Felucia. Find and rescue Senator Bail Organa.

Additional tasks:
1) release Starluck
2) gain 425,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons
The first holocron is visible immediately at the beginning of the level, you don’t even need to move after loading the level - it’s in front of you at the bottom of the ravine where the battle is going on, it has a sphere of power abilities, however, it hangs high enough and you can jump to it if you put a couple lying around transport of imperials, crates, on top of each other. Find the second one in the right cave and get a green crystal for a lightsaber.

Mission 9. Imperial Raxus Prime. Destroy the orbital docks.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy the imperial tower with a beam
2) gain 500,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons
Jump to the right ledge, and from it to the left platform, on which there is a spherical metal object, go along the platform forward, to the left and jump down - there is the first holocron with a power crystal - a seal. We move on, cracking down on the Rodians and Javas. In the left branch, before the road begins to rise, we find the second holocron and 10,000 power points in it.

Mission 10. Death Star. Find General Kota and the founders of the rebel alliance.

Additional tasks:
1) gain 500,000 power points
2) collect 15 holocrons
It's hard to deal with so many Imperial forces in the hangar, and the snipers are plenty, but nothing is impossible for a trained Jedi. After a fierce battle with the Imperial forces, you can take the elevator to the bridge for the first holocron with a katak power crystal. On the opposite side of the hangar on the bridge is the second holocron in the same place, but with 10,000 points.
Now you can bend the massive door in the center of the hangar and jump down into the shaft. Move along the mine in the direction of the arrow on the mini-map and in the second tunnel in the pocket, where you will hide from the beam of the Death Star, open the door and take the third holocron with 10,000 power points.

Hoth Expansion Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Empire in anger. Dark times have come for the uprising. Although the Death Star was destroyed, the Imperial forces pushed the Rebel forces out of their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. While evading the intimidating Imperial fleet, a band of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker have established a new secret base on the remote, icy planet of Hoth. Guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Skywalker hones his skills as a Jedi warrior to the fullest and prepares for his final showdown with the Imperial Sith assassin, Starkiller.
Main task: destroy the rebel forces at the Echo base.
Additional tasks:
1) gain 600,000 power points
2) collect 5 holocrons

Tatooine Expansion Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Fragile hope. This is the time of the civil war. The Rebel ships, striking from a hidden base, won their first battle against the evils of the Galactic Empire. During the battle, rebel spies were able to steal the secret plans of the emperor's destructive weapon, the Death Star, an armored space station that had enough power to destroy an entire planet. Tracking the plans back to Tatooine, the Emperor orders Starkiller, the Sith assassin who destroyed Darth Vader, to retrieve them before the rebel alliance can restore freedom to the galaxy...
Primary Objective: Capture the droids with the stolen plans.
Additional tasks:
1) gain 600,000 power points
2) collect 5 holocrons

Jedi Temple Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

You are a young Jedi who decides to go to the Jedi Temple in search of information about his dead father...
Main task: unravel the secrets of the Jedi Temple.
Additional tasks:
1) gain 600,000 power points
2) collect 10 holocrons
As you approach the Jedi Temple Ruins, you will receive a Proxy warning of strong resistance from the Imperial garrison below, so be sure to upgrade your powers, moves, combos, and change your lightsaber crystal before entering combat. Jump from the ship to the platform below and be ready for attack from all sides. You will be attacked by stormtroopers, flying and shadow troopers and an imperial destroyer droid.

If you are having problems with passing Star games Wars The Force Unleashed, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Star Wars The Force Unleashed. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Star Wars The Force Unleashed read on our website.

Thai Fighter Factory

Let's start training. You will be told in detail how to handle the sword, as well as how to fight and use your power. After training, you will need to eliminate two groups of opponents, among them there are pilots. Once you deal with them, you need to complete the bonus mission. To do this, you need to kill five tie-fighters. Use your might, push them off the launch rails and they will explode. Get out of the boathouse and use your power on the two switches that are located near the doors, they are activated.

The doors will become accessible, you will be able to enter, then exit and follow straight to the control tower. We pass the bridge and rise to the location up. Then go straight ahead without turning. You need to get to the black door, which will be in the distance. Enter it and the checkpoint is activated. There you will have to weed off the tie-fighters, so far it will not work to eliminate them. The next level is the control rooms. We head straight and deal with strong opponents along the way. Break the window and it will pull out, you can throw a laser field at them.

On the left side you will see the exit, through it you can go to the cockpit. Collect there bonuses and follow further. You will be visiting the first leader, his name is General Kota. Throw things at him, he's not that strong to resist. You just have to beware of the green force field. As you see the field activate, get ready for Kota to hit you. Leave the line of impact immediately.

It should also be noted that by this moment he is invincible, you should not even touch him at these moments. Once you see that his health is only half, you can observe something. You should force the leader to stand on the floor, and he will lose damage. As soon as you defeat him, we press the finishing button, this is important, this will apply to all the next leaders.

Rexus Prime

Your next task, you must get to the main part of the core. To make it work, we activate three constructions, they will be marked. You can also complete a bonus mission. To do this, you will need to eliminate a dozen Scythians. Chop them to pieces with your saber. Collect areas of raising locations, this is also important. We invest our bonuses in throwing lightning, armor, as well as combo attacks. As the passage becomes available, we go in there and look at the ceiling.

It will have a hole in it. If you managed to collect all the bonuses, you can get out through it to the next level. Next, we watch the video, follow the route that was in the video, you will need to cut down the laser field. Take the elevator down to the stimulants. Disable the field by using your power. We return back to the force field, it will be deactivated. We pass directly, there the titan is already waiting for you, run back to the left side of the level and use the lightning bolts.

Before the start of the fight, run a little straight and pick up the damage bonus, so you can easily defeat the enemy. We pass directly and use our power to the ship, we adapt it instead of the bridge. We head straight, destroy the enemies along the way. Next, there will be another leader, eliminate him, after, another meeting with a more serious leader named Kazdon Paratus. He's not that easy to deal with. Tip: take care of your health. You will be able to liquidate only with the help of your power. We throw various things at him and finish him off with lightning. He will call his assistants who will attack you. Destroy them as they come in, for this you will recover health. At the end, do not forget to press the finishing button, or you will have to fight again.


This mission is very easy, we can do it quickly. Go through the forest, look around, there may be bonuses. We go to the tower and take a couple of bonuses. We follow to go straight, you will find yourself again in the forest. We head through the underground corridor, and how to get free, we immediately kill several rancors, this is an additional task. Follow to go further through the caves, dodge the berserkers and kill all the sorcerers on your way. Once you're on the plate with the rancors, kill as many of them as you need to complete the bonus task. We study the territory and collect rewards, then we go further. After that, you have to fight with Shaak Ti herself, be vigilant. She usually uses her power, avoid her attacks, jump more often. Squeeze her, so her damage will drop. In the second part of the battle will be more difficult. Large tentacles can pounce on you, run up a little straight to the ground. If you manage to get hooked, you can lose almost all your damage, or just die. At the end of the battle, click on the finishing button.


Break the glass to get out of the lab. We apply our power to the current core, it is located on the right side. Leave the laboratory and go near the receptacle. Exit to the hall and follow further to the doors. Enter them and meet the leader. Use lightning in the battle, so you will be able to defeat him, just destroy the rest of the opponents.

Against them, use other forces, turn off the laser field to rescue Juno. We turn off the two current cores that are located near the bridge and the field will be cut down. There will be guards, deal with them. Look again at the territory for rewards, suddenly you will find something. As you approach Juno, the mission will be completed.

Imperial Kashyuk

When the task begins, turn left and go to the reward. You can take it only until the very beginning of the video. After you have a fight with another enemy, you should be careful, they can explode. When you are attacked by AT-ST, eliminate with lightning. Then follow further, as you are outside the gate, complete the assignment, for which you will then receive a reward. Break the telecommunications tower.

We get rid of the fence, and then we shoot current at two hydro generators, they will reboot. For this you will receive a reward. We pass further through the next gate and deal with the guard, he will still be in red protection. We search the territory, suddenly find any rewards, then go to the blue door, there you will meet with the princess. Here you will have to search the shooters' nests, they may contain rewards for you.

Slash the metal cells with your lightsaber to release the Wookiees. Destroy the opponents, the Wookiees will come to your aid. If suddenly they are eliminated, do not be upset, follow on. The Wookiee prison is guarded by a guard, you need to destroy it. After we go into the prison and eliminate seven columns, as well as a bunch of opponents.

Imperial Felucia

We go to the end of the bridge and stop between it and the wall. We make a double jump, so you get to the reward. Then go to the canyon, there you will see a crowd of opponents who must be eliminated immediately, you already know how to do this. As soon as you see the AT-ST on the scene, we cross the canyon right there and you will find yourself on the opposite side.

Punch a hole in the wall and go to the next level. Once outside, you will have to cross the battlefield. You need to get into the cave, follow the course straight ahead. Already at the very end of the cave you will see the leader, then another one. To eliminate the first one, you should jump and hit him with your lightsaber. This will be the best of the attacks. Overcoming Maris will be very difficult. You need to jump into a close fight and use the current to shock her properly, have time to get closer and at the end use the sword to finish the fight with her.

Imperial Rexus Prime

Here you must eliminate everyone in your path, as well as go straight and straight. There is a stupid massacre expected here, so be prepared. Cut down everyone you come across, and sometimes use your power. Your next task, you must reach the imperial launch base. We eliminate enemies before entering and the doors will become available to you. We go there and collect rewards along the way. Take the elevator up and collect the rewards again.

Then go to the central room. In it you can do a task for a reward. You will have to destroy the tower with the trigger beam. To do this, burn five burgundy panels with electricity. To go further, deal with two force field distributors. Once it is disabled, follow straight ahead. Next, you have to fight with the proxy. Be alert, fight. Closer to the middle of the battle, the enemy will become Darth Maula, avoid his attacks, in case you will receive double damage. Do a girth, strength will help you with this, when you manage to defeat opponents, go to the next building.

We burn four points on the railway gun with a current. We also deal with the remaining opponents who will interfere with you. As you kill them, you will have a battle with tie-fighters, to eliminate them, use lightning, a lot of lightning. Then you will have to kill STAR DESTROYER, capture him with your power. Kota will give you a hint when to strike, then be careful not to miss the right moment. After the next tie-fighters arrive again, they will begin to attack. We run back and hide in a bomb shelter. From there, start eliminating them. After that, you should repeat everything from the very beginning and so on until you eliminate STAR DESTROYER.

The Death Star

In this mission you will immediately you will fight with all opponents. Since you already know how to eliminate whom, it will be easier for you to deal with them. After the fight, we jump into the fire tubes, stay there for a while. You should not touch the current beam, it will immediately kill you. Then go straight, look periodically at the map. Follow the exit through the tunnel, as you approach there, a couple of opponents are waiting for you there, eliminate them right there, do not waste time in vain. In the next building you can see three rings, do not touch them in any way, they will destroy you. You should wait until the current beam disappears.

After using your strength to stop the rings, quickly run across to the opposite side. After the battle with Vader, you should throw him with the help of power, thereby reducing his health. He will go to the next room, follow him. Then he will stun you with something and throw you on the stove in the middle. Throw different things from it, by the end of the battle, we press the finishing button, you have the right to choose.

If you intend to become a Jedi, follow and destroy Palpatine, if you still want to be a Sith, then Vader is your mission. Let's just say that eliminating Palpatine is very easy. He will use lightning against you. Kill him with a lightsaber, and you will be happy. And Vader is not as simple as it seems, it will not be easy to defeat him. Do not jump so that he does not catch you. Use force and throw him somewhere while he is unconscious, make an attack with your sword.

Hi all!

I really liked the game, I played it many times ...

There is no time to write the passage itself, so here's what I found on

Passage of the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

What can be said about Star Wars", so as not to seem banal? I think nothing. Everything has already been said. There are no people who are not familiar with Vader and Luke, and if there are such unfortunate people somewhere at an altitude of 6000 meters among the Tibetan ridges, then they don’t hurt and need it. Everyone else will certainly be interested to know about a new manifestation of power called Star Wars Force Unleashed. I propose to stop ranting and start wielding a laser sword, and I, if possible, will try to help you. So, let's start our walkthrough of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Thai Fighter Factory

Well, let's start learning. Starting from the Tai Fighter hangar, you will be taught how to wield a sword, how to fight, and how to use power. At the very beginning, you need to destroy two groups of enemies, among which, of course, there will be attack aircraft. When they are done with, let's complete the bonus mission. To do this, you need to destroy five tie-fighters. With force, you can push them off the launch rails and they'll explode.

Now, to get out of the hangar, apply force to the two switches by the door to activate them. The door will only open when both switches are activated. Then go outside and go forward to the control tower. Cross the bridge and go up a level. Then keep going forward. Your goal is the black door in the distance. As soon as you pass through it, the checkpoint is activated.

Here you will have to avoid tie-fighters, because you cannot destroy them yet. You don't have the power to throw lightning.

The next location is the control rooms. Everything is very simple here. Go ahead, just be careful, you will have to deal with several heavily armed enemies. By breaking the windows, you can easily kill the enemies as they will be pulled out, but if they die before you do any damage to them, you will not receive any bonuses. They can also be thrown onto the laser field.

Walkthrough Star Wars

Having dealt with the Vargs, we need to think about how to turn off the field. To do this is very simple, you need to deal with the generator, it will be highlighted, so you can easily find it. Move on. In this room you will have to jump, but before you start climbing, let's take out the enemies above. It is very easy to do this by applying force to different objects. They can be pushed and thrown at enemies, so you clear your way. A little further on you will have to face the AT-ST for the first time, this is a pretty strong enemy, but if you leave a few shooters, they will draw attention to themselves, and you can easily win.

On the left there will be an exit through which you can get to the cockpit. There is nothing special to do here, you can just collect bonuses and move on. As a result, you will come to the first boss, he will be General Kota.

Dealing with it in general is easier than easy. He is vulnerable to manifestations of power, you can safely throw all sorts of things at him. All this can terribly beat him. The only thing to be wary of is the green force field. As soon as you notice that it has activated and the power has increased, then Kota is now attacking you. Leave the line of attack immediately. Also note that at this point he is invulnerable, so you don't even have to try to attack him.

When his life is reduced to half, there will be one curious event, I will not spoil the fun. I will only note that it is better not to stay on the floor, it will become red-hot. But you can turn this situation to your advantage, make the boss on the floor, and he will lose a life. After you finally defeat him, do not forget to press the finishing button - this is important, since simply resetting life to zero is not enough (this applies to all the following bosses).

Star Wars Force Unleashed walkthrough

Rexus prime

You need to get to the central part of the core, for this it is enough to activate three mechanisms, they are marked, so you will not miss. There is also a bonus task here - destroy ten Scythians. Just cut them with a Jedi saber, and you will be happy.

It is much more important to collect spheres of raising the level. Invest in lightning bolts, defenses, and power combos.

Having opened the passage, go inside and pay attention to the ceiling, there is a hole. If you have collected all the bonuses, you can exit through it to the next location.

Pick up a piece of metal plate, it will protect you from falling molten pieces of metal. Then you have to fight a little with the enemies if you want to get to the heap of metal. Here you can find a turbine, throw it at the turret. Only this will work, throwing something else is pointless. Jump forward through the hole. Now just move forward, there will be no branches, so don't get lost.

When you get to a large crack, be careful, enemy shooters are waiting for you. You need to carefully cross it. Appearing at the door, use force to open the passage.

In a short video you will be shown the further route. You need to go there to turn off the laser field. To do this, go down the elevator to the generators. You have already turned off the field once, here we do the same. By using force, you can easily cope with the task. Return to the force field, where you will see that it is disabled. Come forward.

In this zone, a mini-boss - a titan - is waiting for you. There is nothing difficult in it. Run back to the left side of the location and use lightning (if you have them). Before the battle, it's also a good idea to run forward a little and pick up the damage bonus, so you can more easily defeat the enemy. Move forward and apply force to a piece of the ship to fit it in place of the bridge.

Go forward, killing droids along the way. Be careful, as there is another mini-boss ahead of you, just like the one you just fought. Try to keep as much life as possible in the battle with him, because immediately after that you will have a battle with a real boss.

Kazdon Paratus is not as simple as General Kota. It's harder to deal with, as it blocks almost all of your lightsaber attacks. It will have to be destroyed by force. You can throw various objects at him or peck him with lightning. The last option is ideal, but only if you have pumped the restoration of strength, without it it will be difficult. Throwing objects isn't as effective, but it blows through his defenses nonetheless. Also keep an eye on the droids, which he periodically calls, they cannot deliver much trouble, but they distract you from the main goal.

There is, however, one positive moment in the constantly appearing reinforcements. By killing enemies, you thereby restore life and so you can survive in the battle. Yes, of course, do not forget to press the finishing button at the end, otherwise you will have to fight again.

Walkthrough Star Wars

This is a very small mission and very simple besides. So, make your way through the forest, not forgetting to look around in search of bonuses. Come into the tower, there will also be a couple of bonuses. Keep going forward until you are back in the forest.

Be careful, you must first of all destroy the shamans, do not be distracted by simple enemies. Shamans are the primary target. Keep in mind that when you approach them, they will teleport somewhere far away from you. You will have to shoot them with lightning - this is the best option.

Go through the tunnel, and when you get out, immediately kill four rancors, this is an additional task for this mission. Keep making your way through the caves, avoiding the berserkers and taking out any shamans you encounter. When you get to the rancor platform, destroy as many as it takes to complete the bonus building. Explore the area to collect bonuses, then move on.

The boss fight - Shaak Ti will be very easy if you pay attention. She likes to use her strength to push you and thereby disrupt your attack and, of course, damage you. Be sure to avoid these attacks by simply jumping to avoid getting into the strike zone. Push it, gradually reducing health.

The second part of the battle will be a little more difficult, as you can be attacked by giant tentacles, the main thing is to run forward to what lies on the ground, so you will not take damage from the others. If you get hooked by such an attack, you will either lose almost all of your health or, more likely, simply die. At the end of the battle, don't forget to finish off the boss by pressing the kill button.

star War walkthrough


Get out of the laboratory by breaking the glass. Apply force to the energy core, to the right of the laser-protected exit. Go outside and make your way past the protective containers. Exit to the corridor and continue moving forward to the door. Come inside to meet the mini boss. Fighting with a sword does not make sense - it is long and difficult, because. it successfully blocks most attacks. You need to use lightning, so it will be the easiest. There will also be "EVO" here, they must be destroyed. Just keep in mind that they are not susceptible to lightning, you will have to use a different kind of power.

To save Juno, you must disable the laser field holding him. To turn off the field, you must deactivate two energy cores, next to the bridge. Please note that they will be guarded. When the field is disabled, make sure to search the area for bonuses. As soon as you approach Juno, the mission will end.

Walkthrough Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Immediately it is worth starting the passage of the bonus task. You need to freeze ten Imperials in carbonite. Two freezers are located next to you. Pay attention to the soldiers in blue armor. Gently, with the help of force, transfer them and lower them to the floor in the place of freezing. Be careful, if you kill them, the task will not count. Keep repeating Freeze until the enemies run out. Now you can go to the docks.

Come out to the docks, a real ambush awaits you here. It will be difficult to advance, as you will be attacked not only by soldiers, but also by snipers. First of all, take care of the snipers, they pose the greatest threat. At the top you can find bonuses, try not to miss them. In the end, you will have to fight the shadow guard. This is an extremely dangerous guy. It will not work to break through it with a normal attack with a saber, it defends very well. You can, of course, use complex combos, but they do not always work. The best solution is to use lightning bolts, this will be the easiest way. But keep in mind that when he attacks you, it's better not to shoot, but to defend yourself. Get out of his line of attack. Keep in mind that he can also use force against you, so be careful. At the end of the battle, you will need to finish him off, but, unlike previous bosses, here you will have to press two different finishing buttons. Be careful, do not miss the moment of appearance.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed walkthrough

Imperial Kashyuk

As soon as the mission starts, turn left and run towards the bonus. You can only take it before the cutscene starts. Then you will have to fight the advancing enemies, be careful, they explode. Then you will be attacked by "AT-ST", it must be destroyed with the help of lightning. That's it, now you can move forward.

Once outside the first gate, you will be able to complete the bonus task of this mission. You need to destroy the communication tower. Get rid of the bars, and then shoot electricity at both generators to overload them. As a result, you will receive a bonus that you can spend on whatever you want.

Go through the next gate and deal with the guard in red armor. Search the area for bonuses, and then go to the blue door to meet the princess.

In this location, you need to search the sniper nests, there may be bonuses, and then free the Wookiees. To do this, you need to chop with a lightsaber on their metal cages. Deal with the enemies, the Wookiees will help you. If they get killed, don't be discouraged, keep moving forward. The Wookiee prison is guarded by a shadow guard - the same bastard as the one we killed in past mission. Use the same tactics as in the previous mission. After dealing with him, go to the prison.

Just go ahead. Destroy power cables to disable laser fields. Keep in mind that enemies can be thrown into these fields, this is the easiest way to kill. Yes, in some cells you can find bonuses, so if you want, you can search.

In the final part of the mission there will be many enemies, and you still have to destroy seven supporting columns. The only plus is that behind them you can hide from enemy fire. In general, this part is designed for your reaction, try not to stand still and use force more often.

Walkthrough Star Wars

Imperial Felucia

Go to the end of the bridge and stop between it and the stone wall. Do a double jump to get to the bonus. Then go to the canyon, there will be a lot of EVO enemies, but you already know how to deal with them, everything will be fine. When the AT-ST appears on the scene, cross the canyon to get to the other side. Punch a hole in the stone wall and you will be able to get into the next location.

The bonus task is to free the prisoner. To do this, you need to cut all three chains holding it. Then activate three generators. As a result, you will find yourself inside Sarlaak. Only Felucians will be there, so you shouldn't have any difficulties. You need to somehow get past the open mouth, to do this, just power the generator with electricity and run past the mouth when it is closed. Go to the very end and get out of Sarlaak through its sewer.

Once outside, you will have to cross the battlefield. Your goal lies ahead - this is a cave. At the end of the tunnel, the boss will be waiting for you, so try not to waste your life, it will be quite problematic to restore it later.

There are two bosses waiting for you here. Well, the first one - rancor - is pretty easy to deal with, be patient, you just have to jump and attack with a lightsaber throw. This is the best tactic. But dealing with Maris is not so easy. Here you need to try to go into close combat. With the help of electricity, you must shock her in order to have time to get close and finish the job with the sword.

Star Wars walkthrough

Imperial Rexus Prime

Just destroy everyone in a row and move forward. I don't even know what advice to give here. Ahead of you is waiting for a banal rubilovo. No tricks, just chop everyone in a row and periodically use force. You need to get to the Imperial landing base. Kill everyone in front of the entrance to open the doors.

Go inside, not forgetting to collect bonuses before that, and take the elevator up. Collect bonuses, and then go to the main room. Here you can complete the bonus task. You need to destroy the landing beam tower. To do this, it is enough to burn five red control panels with electricity. To move forward, you need to deal with two force field generators. As soon as the field turns off, go forward.

Get into the elevator and go down. Here you will need to jump over a large gap, and then defeat the enemies. Right after that, you will have a boss fight.

You will have to fight proxies. The proxy will take the form of Maris, Shaak Ti, shadow guards. You just need to be alert and fight. Remember how you fought the originals, you can do the same with copies. Somewhere in the middle of the battle, the enemy will take the form of Darth Maul. His attacks deal double damage, so try not to get hit. The best thing to do here is to grab it with force, and then throw it somewhere. After the victory, go to the next room.

Electricize four checkpoints on the rail gun and kill the remaining enemies. After that, we have to fight with Thai fighters. You need to destroy them with lightning. Then you have to destroy the "Star Destroyer", for this you will need to capture it with the help of force. The Cat will tell you when to attack, so listen carefully. At some point, new Thai Fighters will appear and attack you. Run back, hide in cover and start destroying them. Then repeat everything from the very beginning and so on until you destroy the Star Destroyer.

Walkthrough Star Wars Force Unleashed

The Death Star

At the very beginning, you will have a powerful battle with everyone in a row. There will be imperial soldiers, and snipers, and commanders, and shadow wars. The fight won't be easy, but you've luckily faced all of these enemies before, so you know how to take them down. After the battle, jump down into the fire tubes.

You will have to stay here for a while, so here is my advice, do not touch the energy beam in any case - this is one hundred percent death. Move forward, constantly checking the map. You need to move towards the exit from these tunnels. Closer to the exit there will be two enemies, but you should easily defeat them.

In the next room you will see three rings. If you touch them while they are moving, you will die. Wait until the energy beam disappears. Then, with the help of force, stop the rings and quickly run to the other side.

But in this room, the rays gather into something terrible, more precisely, into the very ray that crumbles the planets. Naturally, if you touch at least one beam, you will die. At the very beginning, you need to destroy two "AT-STs". Activate the generator to turn on the gravity lift. Now you can explore all floors of the room to collect bonuses. Your task is to get to the observation platform, on which there will be a couple of enemies. Kill them and go through the doors to fight the bosses.

Here the game completely breaks the whole cinematic history, for which I clearly did not like it. The ending is so-so, I assure you. We have to fill up either Darth Vader or Palpatine.

After starting the fight with Vader, throw him with force and reduce his life until he decides to move to the next room. Follow him. Here he will automatically stun you and throw you to the central platform. From it you can throw yourself at Vader various items is the most effective tactic. After you hit the kill button, you have to decide.

If you want to become a Jedi, go and kill Palpatine, if your element is to be a Sith, your goal is Vader.

I will say right away that killing Palpatine is very simple. He will call for help, so you can easily improve your health. He will attack you with lightning and try to push you with force. Immediately after using the power, he is very vulnerable, so you can easily kill him with a lightsaber.

But Vader is an extremely tough nut to crack. It's very hard to deal with him. Yes, better not jump, he can catch you in the air and throw you somewhere. True, it is worth noting that he himself is vulnerable to such attacks. You can grab it with force and throw it. Until he comes to his senses, you can attack him with a sword. Note that when he is in his normal state, it is almost impossible to pierce him with a sword. That's actually the whole tactic, I wish you success on the path of a new Sith, especially close to the emperor.