Spades is a card game. Rules of the game. How to play the game. Card game spades, rules of the game Where are the spades


Personal Description
The Ace of Spades is an ancient symbol of secret mysteries, the most spiritual card of the deck, but nevertheless also the most ambitious and in many cases materially oriented. It is also called the Card of the Magicians, since the Ace of Spades was and remains a symbol used in many esoteric schools. Among them is the "Order of Magicians", whose members are responsible for the preservation and distribution of this card system.

People whose Birth Card is the Ace of Spades experience a conflict throughout their lives between material, worldly needs and the deep spiritual heritage of past incarnations. The Life Path cards of the Ace of Spades are two Sevens and two Nines. Both of these numbers are associated with higher spirituality and represent trials and tribulations on the material plane. These four cards tell the Ace of Spades that they can only find happiness if they look at their life from a spiritual perspective and seek fulfillment in that area. The Ace of Spades has more abilities and possibilities in the spiritual realm than most other cards in the deck, and if they go in this direction, many previously unknown doors will open before them. This will be a reward for choosing the right path.

The Ace of Spades is a card of extremes: the individuals it represents are either purely materialistic, aimed only at work or a career, or highly spiritual, having mastered esoteric knowledge. But even materialistic individuals strive to give gifts to other people. Self-giving is a natural manifestation of the essence of the Aces of Spades. Their Karmic Chart - the Seven of Hearts - means that some of their most difficult challenges lie in the area of ​​relationships with family and friends. But it also gives the Aces of Spades the opportunity to help their friends and everyone who needs it with advice. Some even become professional advisors or consultants. They learn to let others be themselves and learn to love them simply for existing. Sometimes these lessons are very painful. But in the end, Aces of Spades become very loving and caring people. The life task of the Aces of Spades is to find inner peace by serving people and following higher principles. The Aces of Spades come to understand the need for this after they have worked off the karma of past births and learned the unwritten law: what goes around comes around. Often these people take on an unbearable burden. Whenever they deviate from the law or neglect their spiritual essence, they suffer punishment (often even too severe).

Aces of Spades, primarily focused on material achievements, face constant problems. But if they adhere to higher principles and listen to their inner voice, they will find guidance and protection, finding inner peace by realizing the richness of their spiritual world.

The success or failure of Ace of Spades relationships with other people depends mainly on how close they are to the spiritual side of their lives. Those of them who have a materialistic approach to life will constantly encounter acute situations in the field of love relationships. For such people, emotional attachment causes constant suffering. Betrayal of loved ones, betrayal of family, endless disappointments will haunt the Aces of Spades until he understands that the root of all problems lies in his own disharmonious attachment. Another obvious reason is that the Aces of Spades place true love on a high, idealistic pedestal. Like the Aces of Clubs, the Aces of Spades seek the ideal love match with a person endowed with either spirituality or at least strength of character. They sense the potential for a "divine" love match and often expect too much from their relationship with their partner. As soon as the Aces of Spades stop daydreaming for a while and begin to work on themselves emotionally and in terms of sensual communication, their relationships will begin to improve and the chances of finding a congenial partner will increase. Aces of Spades have a difficult path in love relationships, but their problems are surmountable.

At heart, Aces of Spades are very loving and compassionate people. They dream of wonderful love and wait for these dreams to come true. Indeed, the ideal relationship that the Aces of Spades strive for is quite possible, but they usually come quite late in life.

Female Aces of Spades always benefit from communicating with men of the heart suit, and they also usually bring a lot of good to women of the club suit. Men of spades tend to like female Aces of Spades, and female Aces of Spades like men of diamonds (although these men are quite difficult to be around).

Princess Diana - Ace of Spades
The story of Princess Diana is a great example of the love life of the Ace of Spades. It's like a fairy tale about a princess who marries her prince. Many thought that this fairy tale would have the right ending - after all, after the wedding, the prince and princess should live happily ever after. And everything contributed to this, didn’t it? Many have even noticed that the astrological sun signs of this couple (Cancer and Scorpio) are the most compatible in the Zodiac. But the fate of Princess Diana turned out to be very similar to the classic fate of a person whose Birth Card is the Ace of Spades and who has quite difficult situations in her love life.

The Ace of Spades is called the Card of the Magicians, since from ancient times it has been one of the most important symbols of the secret mysteries of life. This is perhaps the most spiritual card in the deck, and all people who have it as their Birth Card must live a spiritual life, otherwise they will suffer greatly. But Princess Diana in this spiritual sense developed no more than you and me. And, perhaps, her fate once again taught us an important lesson: to become happy, popularity and royal dignity alone are not enough. Aces of Spades often have to heal deep emotional traumas. Take a look at the cards of their Life Path: among them there are two Sevens and two Nines. One of the Nines is associated with Saturn. This is a very difficult combination. And it doesn’t matter who such people are married to, how much money or fame they have: it will still be very difficult for the Ace of Spades to get rid of fears and emotional problems and love relationships. In her personal life, Princess Diana was haunted by acute situations, which ultimately led her to a final break with her husband.

Neptune's card for the Ace of Spades is the Two of Hearts. Therefore, such people most of all in life strive for a perfect love relationship. They are too idealistic and reverent about love and place too high demands on their partner. But they fail when their ideals are crushed by sober reality. Princess Diana married Prince Charles, a Scorpio sun sign whose Birth Card is the Six of Clubs. There were many connections between them, most of them favorable. But among them there were also connections through Neptune. At first, Princess Diana must have considered her marriage ideal. And indeed, there were reasons for this. There are many great marriages with less favorable connections. And although Princess Diana should not be blamed for the fact that her marriage to Prince Charles broke up, everything that happened illustrates how one person's karma can affect a couple's relationship.


Personal Description
People with this Birth Card are the masters of everything they set out to do. Unless they choose to operate at the Jacks level, they always rise to the top of their professional field. It is interesting, however, that many Kings of Spades go into the entertainment industry without fully taking advantage of the full potential given to them. Female Kings of Spades for the most part appear like Queens of Spades. If they are careless, they can wallow in mediocrity, as often happens with the Queen of Spades. However, even if this does not happen, they still will not correspond to the highest level that is available to the King of Spades who has not renounced his Birth Card. As the most powerful of the Kings, the King of Spades is able to handle enormous responsibilities, and some of the people with this Birth Card do become great leaders. To achieve this, the King of Spades must willingly accept all the responsibilities that come with being a leader. He must get rid of his inherent restlessness and come to grips with one thing. Thanks to this, he will be able to bring many benefits to humanity.

The King of Spades is the last card of the deck, which means it is the wisest and most powerful. People with this Birth Card love to learn and are willing to do whatever it takes for success and recognition. They are capable of managing large organizations, but do not always prefer this type of career to other possible paths. These people are absolutely fixed. They are not subject to outside influences and have incredible inner strength and determination. However, in critical situations, these valuable qualities turn into disadvantages, since they interfere with adapting to changes in life.

Kings of Spades are indecisive in love. Sometimes they remain bachelors for life. They are enterprising and ambitious, very rarely lazy and do not succumb to base instincts. And even if the King of Spades has not reached the pinnacle of his career, he still remains wise, perspicacious and noble. With all this, however, he is often dissatisfied with life. This can manifest itself in two ways: both as a desire to improve the world around us and as pessimism. If the King of Spades turns to spiritual life, he will easily be able to comprehend the deepest secrets of the Universe. The Kings of Spades are the rulers of the physical and spiritual world. If they willingly accept the burden of responsibility and the crown of power bestowed upon them by birthright, they have every chance of serving humanity.

Relationships with other people
Love life is the only area where the King of Spades faces serious problems. Firstly, he approaches love relationships too rationally, and secondly, he does not like changes, which instill in him a feeling of insecurity and anxiety. This anxiety can even affect your sex life. In addition, the karmic pattern of the King of Spades suggests that at some stage he will have to face betrayal in a partnership. One of the main life lessons for him is to learn to allow his partner to be himself and free himself from excessively strong emotional attachments. Considering that the King of Spades has an extremely strong will, one can understand why he rarely allows other people to get close to him.

The Seven of Hearts as a Pluto Card indicates that the goal of the King of Spades’ life is to overcome the fear of loneliness and betrayal. From time to time he will have to face both, as a result of which either the King of Spades’ negative attitude towards love will worsen, or he will find the strength to accept this challenge and transform.

Compatibility with other birth cards
If a male King of Spades decides to get married, he usually chooses as his wife a woman of the suit of clubs or hearts, to whom he feels a strong physical attraction. For female Kings of Spades, relationships with male Hearts, as well as female Clubs, are associated with many problems. Men-Tambourines, in turn, find relationships with female Kings of Spades too complicated, although they have much in common.

Heavy Crown of the King of Spades
Being the most powerful card in the deck. The King of Peaks, in theory, should be successful in everything and easily rise to any heights. But that's not true. Most Kings of Spades do not live up to these expectations. By studying the lives of representatives of this card, we can discover certain patterns that make us understand how difficult it really is to bear such a huge responsibility.

Many Kings of Spades become merchants, artists, musicians, gamblers, etc. In essence, they prefer professions associated with the Jack of Spades, the card of the actor. This is the type of Don Juan, a very versatile and charming person who does not want to bind himself to serious obligations and devote his entire life to any one business. He is playful and romantic. But deciding to play the role of Jack. The King of Spades loses a fair amount of his innate power. Florence Campbell, in Sacred Symbols of the Ancients, argues that the desire to play the role of one's Personal Map often significantly weakens a person. Since the King of Spades is initially stronger and luckier than the Jack of Spades, we have before us a clear example of such a weakening.

The question remains: why does a person endowed with such extraordinary potential decide to discard it and turn to the image of the less powerful Jack? There may be several answers. First of all, there is a time for everything. Some Kings of Spades will become more in tune with their Birth Chart over the years. They may simply be going through some sort of "incubation period" or maturation process. Perhaps they need to find something that will make them use their potential. But one thing is certain: once the King of Spades accepts his crown, he must also accept a huge responsibility along with it. And many consider responsibility to be too heavy a burden and a restriction of freedom.

The Planetary Control card of all Kings of Spades is the Five of Clubs. As a Birth Card, the Five of Clubs is known for its aversion to serious commitment in both work and love life. And all the Kings of Spades share the spirit of adventurism and love of freedom inherent in the Fives of Clubs. The concept of responsibility, from the point of view of all Fives, contradicts the idea of ​​personal freedom, so responsibility must be avoided. This is partly why the Kings of Spades are afraid to accept their crown.

If the King of Spades does make this most important decision, he, as a rule, reaches the top in his chosen field of activity. He is not so much interested in money as in the skill that he can show in his work and in leading other people. For him, the work process itself is important - unlike Tambourines, who are more focused on results. The King of Spades becomes a true master of his craft and quite often finds himself in a leadership position. He is an excellent teacher, and the weight of the crown he bears only highlights his incomparable talents.


Personal Description
People with this Birth Card have great power and influence, but, surprisingly, do not always achieve high positions and gain power. Often they remain in a subordinate position until the end of their lives, which can only be bitterly regretted. After all, they could achieve true heights in the intellectual or moral sphere. And yet, the Queen of Spades is a card of self-improvement that occupies a central place among the cards of the Spiritual Set. If people born under its influence realize their extraordinary abilities and feel responsible for their lives, they can rise to any heights they desire.

Among the Queens of Spades there are both extremely sarcastic and intolerant people, and real mothers of the world - compassionate and wise. They were all born to rule, but they must fulfill their destiny on their own. The main role in what their life will be like is played by their value system. If the Queen of Spades is aimed only at achieving material gain (which often happens), she will lose most of her power and potential. Ladies of Spades achieve maximum success when they follow their intuition and higher guidance.

All Queens of Spades have the King of Clubs as their Planetary Control Card. It endows them with great intelligence and leadership abilities, and also brings great success in the field of education or literary activity. In addition, it gives the Queens of Spades a very independent character and subtle intuition. If Queen of Spades masters her high potential, she can become a teacher or spiritual leader.

The Queen of Spades should not mix love and money. She often faces legal difficulties. She should, if possible, avoid arguing with influential people. Ladies of Spades love to spend money and hate defeat in legal matters, although this is often the end of all their lawsuits. They function best when they understand their place in royal family and use the natural wisdom inherent in their Birth Chart. Then they rise in the eyes of God. Queen of Spades has everything necessary to achieve success in any field of activity.

Relationships with other people
Queens of Spades have high ideals about love and marriage - so high that they can sometimes border on fantasy. Queen of Spades is prone to making dubious love affairs, which for her turn out to be more losses than gains. It seems that serious financial losses are always associated with love for the Queens of Spades. They want to appear successful and have some wealthy partner, but this usually does not happen. In later years, Ladies of Spades find greater success in love, unless they give up their dreams of happiness earlier. Sometimes the strong, independent nature of the Queen of Spades makes her avoid the responsibilities in partnerships associated with marriage obligations.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Queens of Spades-women often marry Clubs men, although their relationship is not always easy. Male Ladies of Spades feel close to Tambourine women, for whom they have a mystical charm. Women of Spades also have very good compatibility with Diamond men: they feel a strong physical attraction to each other and can communicate well with each other.

Queen of Spades - self-mastery
The universe consists of two types of energy - male and female - and everything that is in it can be considered as a certain combination of these energies. Both masculine and feminine energies and their manifestations are equally important. The Universe could not exist without the complete balance of these energies. The four Queens in the deck of cards represent feminine energy. They are the archetypes of femininity, and regardless of gender, a person with this Birth Card is bound to have many feminine, receptive traits.

Masculine energy is the energy of constant movement, active energy, acting from creative motives. Feminine energy is absorbing and passive. Instead of trying to get what they need, people with strong feminine energy will attract it to themselves and become, as it were, receivers of energy. If we take the feminine energy of the Lady and combine it with the suit of spades, we get a symbol of self-improvement. Peaks are related to our spiritual development. Of course, they are also very closely related to professional activity, work and health. But at the highest level, the suit of spades is the suit of soul transformation.

When we meet a person whose Birth Card is Queen of Spades, we see before us a person who has enormous potential for embodying the highest spiritual principles. Although not all of them use these features. Many Queens of Spades get bogged down in the struggle for existence and stop noticing anything other than work. Of course, any card of the spades suit can fall into this trap, but it is the Queen of Spades that loses the most if she neglects her abilities. Among the cards of the Spiritual Set, the Queen of Spades occupies a central position associated with the Sun. Thus, it symbolizes the highest goal of the spiritual level of self-improvement and complete mastery of oneself. But what does this self-mastery consist of? What does this mean?

Complete self-mastery is the creation own world through self-knowledge. Throughout our lives, we can try to earn more money, but everything will be unsuccessful. On the other hand, if we realize how much the inner fear of poverty troubles us, we can completely get rid of this fear and become unimaginably rich without any struggle or effort on our part. This is just one example of how self-mastery works. Instead of trying to change the conditions of our lives on an external level (such as our relationships, work, or where we live), we go directly to the root cause and magically change our lives without taking any action. Queen of Spades teaches that you can control the outside world with the help of self-knowledge.

Jesus and other spiritual teachers taught that “the kingdom of God is within us” and that we should “lay up treasures in heaven” where they will not spoil or be lost. If we seek this kingdom within us by developing self-awareness, then we will truly reach the heights that everyone aspires to. If we come into contact with true reality - with what we think and feel - we will clearly see that it is thoughts, beliefs, moods and feelings, and not actions, that create our world. With this simple realization, our lives can change forever and we can reach true heights of self-mastery.


Personal Description
Thanks to an abundance of powerful mental abilities and creative talent, Jack of Spades can become both a mystic, seer and spiritual leader, and a skilled thief. This card symbolizes "spiritual initiation", but it can also be called the "con artist card". Most Jacks of Spades have both of these qualities, at least to a small extent, and it depends only on their individuality how correctly and wisely they will manage their outstanding creative abilities. If they fail, they may fall victim to their own intrigues.

There is no doubt about the strength of their creative talent and the fact that everything is accessible to their minds. The only question is in which direction they will direct their energy, whether they will use it wisely and prudently, or whether they will be seduced by the “easy victories” that they can extract from many situations and sink to the lowest level of their map. The Jack of Spades occupies a powerful position in the Life Set, and this power can either take him to the greatest heights or tempt him to the lowest level.

Essentially, of all the cards in the deck, the Jack of Spades has one of the easiest life paths. Many things come to him very easily, but this is precisely what can become the main cause of many of his problems. When life is too easy, people don't appreciate what they have or receive and are more likely to abuse or ignore the good things they have. This is partly the reason why some Jacks of Spades choose the path of a thief. They want to take life to the extreme, experiencing thrills. The danger of going to jail may be just one of those thrills that the Jack of Spades is drawn to. Many Jacks of Spades experience the spiritual initiation inherent in their Card when they are exposed and forced to look themselves in the face. He who plays with fire sooner or later gets burned. But for the Jack of Spades it is a fire of purification.

People whose Birth Card is Jack of Spades always know how to communicate with the public and can become successful actors. They often inherit money, although they can earn quite well themselves. They are usually ambitious and in most cases can hope for a successful life. They owe this to the value system they learned in childhood.

Relationships with other people
Jack of Spades in its current incarnation must work out rather difficult love karma. There are some inevitable relationships in their lives that are meant to show them the value of truthfulness and responsibility and the real meaning of their healthy sexual urges. Jacks of Spades are extremely creative, romantic and independent individuals, and the combination of all these qualities can get them into trouble if they are not guided by wisdom and honesty.

More than any other card, Jacks of Spades dream of an ideal lover or partner, and this dream haunts them all their lives. It forces them to frequently change lovers in search of a more perfect candidate for the role of ideal. It is possible that not a single partner will be able to live up to the high ideals of love of the Jack of Spades. But success in love is always in his own hands, so he has no one to blame but himself if he does not find satisfaction in the field of love relationships.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Female Jacks of Spades are a source of excitement for men of hearts, who usually have great difficulty winning and keeping them. It should be remembered that Jacks, Queens and Kings never bow to anyone and that female Jacks of Spades have greater willpower than men. Diamonds of both sexes often prove highly compatible with Jacks of Spades. Jacks of Spades - Women are usually very attractive to men of clubs, especially the more mature and powerful ones.

Spiritual Initiation of the Jack of Spades
All Jacks personify initiation of one kind or another, but it is the Jack of Spades that is a symbol of the most important initiation - spiritual initiation. One of the main life tasks of the Jack of Spades is the transition from the lowest level of the essence of Jacks to the highest. The Jack of Spades is the absolute personification of both of these levels. The lowest level Jack of Spades is a dishonest person, prone to everything bad. Such individuals use their God-given talents to fool other people and use them for their own gain, without caring at all about the harm they cause them. Many Jacks of Spades operate primarily at the low level of their card and, in truth, they always have the qualities of this level in their inner being, whether they choose to manifest them or not. But perhaps it is precisely because Jacks of Spades are so susceptible to the influence of the negative aspects of their card that they are capable of the greatest transformations in their lives. Among all the Jacks, it is the Jacks of Spades who show the greatest interest in the spiritual sphere. At some level, they recognize the potential within themselves to transform their lives. Many of them become fully immersed in this task at an early age, while others flounder on the surface, never fully immersing themselves. As always, everything is in the hands of a specific person. Each Jack of Spades follows his own path in life and is responsible for the decisions he makes.

Spiritual initiation means renunciation of the lower level and submission to higher principles and beliefs. These beliefs may include a philosophy of honesty and integrity, as well as being mindful of how our actions affect other people. But all this means nothing if the spiritual philosophy is not supported by right actions. True spiritual dedication must be reflected in our actions (deed, action - these are the key words for the entire suit of Spades). An example of what the Jack of Spades can do would be giving up the smoking habit or practicing yoga every day. Such refusal is part of the "way of life" - another key word for Peak. I use yoga as an example because it is one of many things. spiritual in nature, which can be "done". When we practice yoga, our inner consciousness will grow, even if we are doing the exercises only to lose weight.

So, if the Jack of Spades is fully aware of the high potential given to him in his current incarnation, he will begin to take actions in accordance with spiritual principles. This does not mean that he is obliged to turn to spirituality as soon as possible. There are no time limits for such tasks. The very fact that this person is the Jack of Spades indicates that he will experience the experience of all levels of his card throughout his life. The Jack of Spades can be a thief and a liar for fifty years before his transformation takes place; but another representative of this card can free himself from base instincts in childhood and from an early age lead a life based on spiritual principles. In the third option, a person with this Birth Card may fluctuate throughout his life between low and high levels. Sometimes he can even commit actions that are both beneficial and harmful.

I met with a woman - the Jack of Spades - a professional astrologer and lawyer. She was a gifted professional, the best of them all. who I met, and undoubtedly helped many people. But, nevertheless, I still noticed how she cheated a couple of times in transactions, absolutely not feeling any responsibility for her actions. This shows how two opposing qualities can be combined in one person. This applies to each of us to some extent. In all people, in one way or another, the highest and lowest qualities of their Birth Chart manifest themselves in parallel. The extremes of the Knave of Spades' nature can serve as a reminder to us of this, and also that each of us must undergo a path of spiritual transformation and dedication during our present life.


Personal Description
Tens of Spades can be extremely materialistic and real workaholics. If this is so, then first of all their personal life and they themselves suffer. The fact is that home and family are no less important for the Ten of Spades than work. What exactly the Ten of Peaks will focus on depends only on itself, but, as a rule, it is tormented by the conflict between these two areas of life. It is especially difficult for Peak Ten women to maintain a balance between family life and career. The fate of the Ten of Spades is clearly influenced by spiritual forces, and this can help her master her abilities to the fullest and use them for the benefit of other people. However, people with this Birth Card are also characterized by a strong craving for material achievements, which can limit their horizons and development potential. However, belonging to the suit of Spades, they are quite capable of overcoming material attachments thanks to spiritual insights.

Peak Tens may show indecisiveness in love and marriage issues due to fear of poverty. If they misuse the power given to them, they will face many problems in their personal life. And yet these people are capable of great and boundless spiritual love. If they turn to the higher side of their nature and listen to the voice of intuition, they will be able to achieve everything they desire.

Both Karmic Cards of the Ten of Peaks are influenced by Neptune in the Life Set. This creates a tendency to become overly involved in any one thing. Combined with the assertiveness and zeal of the Ten of Spades, this creates the danger of extreme maximalism and going to extremes - both in good and in evil. However, Tens of Spades are able to learn a lot from experience.

The Ten Peaks expect losses in life that will remind her of the need to be able to free herself from personal attachments to ideas and to the usual way of life. Having coped with this task, the Ten of Peaks reaches the heights of spiritual consciousness, which is partly its mission in our world.

Relationships with other people
Representatives of this card often experience an internal conflict between dedication to work and love for family. Extremely ambitious and resourceful in professional life, these people can be indecisive in love, which lands them in trouble. Often they simply do not fully understand what they want in a love relationship, or they constantly come across partners who are not able to fully devote themselves to sincere love. In both cases, the result is the same: the romantic life of the Ten of Spades turns out to be chaotic and changeable. Often, a break with another partner also entails financial problems, after the resolution of which the Ten of Spades still remains a loser.

In addition, the Tens of Spades are not very confident in themselves when it comes to love affairs. This is indicated by the Three of Diamonds as a Venus Card. They must also cope with this problem in order to achieve true happiness in love. For this reason, the Ten of Peaks often enter into a successful marriage only in the later years of life. Like the Two of Spades and the Eight of Diamonds, which have to solve a similar problem (with the Three of Hearts), the Ten of Spades must answer many questions for itself before it can establish a happy partnership.

However, the basis of her love karma is not bad, so nothing seriously prevents the Ten of Spades from entering into a good marriage. Tens of Spades - generous and loving people. They just need to find a balance between the desire for family life and the professional ambitions inherent in them from birth.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Tens of Spades men can enter into successful marriages with Clubs women. Female Tens of Spades have a weakness for male Hearts and are well compatible with male Diamonds. It is also quite possible for them to have a happy romance with a man of their own suit.

Maximalism of the Tens of Spades
The Ten of Peaks is characterized by enormous professional ambition. This card is associated with the sign of Capricorn and the X astrological House - symbols of success and recognition. In their pursuit of achievement and career, Tens of Peaks can be extremely practical and decisive, and many of them achieve the fulfillment of their desires. The only thing that may be an obstacle on their way is the thirst for love, the craving for family and home (no less strong than ambitious dreams). It is curious how these traits coexist within one personality. Both Karmic Cards of the Ten of Spades, so actively aimed at work and professional achievements, are cards of the heart suit, Queen and Four. Both of these cards are associated with family and home relationships. In astrology, the X House of the horoscope (Ten of Peaks) is located opposite the IV House (Four of Hearts, Queen of Hearts), which is responsible for home shelter, security and motherhood. Thus, the Ten of Spades is unusually closely associated with the two main cards of marriage and family life. This combination of opposing influences may manifest itself in her life in different ways, but is always present.

An example is a woman who devoted herself entirely to her career and achieved great success in it. But then longing for home and family took its toll, and she got married and had a child. After a few years, she again wanted to pursue her own career. Many Peak Tens repeat a similar cycle several times, trying to realize first one side of their personality, then another.

Another example is the Ten of Spades man, who has now lived alone for six years. When asked why he doesn’t find a girlfriend, he replies: “I don’t have time for that right now.” He is studying to become a doctor and works in the evenings to pay for his studies. However, it is clear to the naked eye that he feels extremely lonely. He finds time to ski and socialize with friends, but avoids close personal relationships. He once admitted that his last novel brought him a lot of problems. And now it seems to him that the troubles that can arise in a partnership are too high a price to pay for love. However, whatever the true reason for his recluse, he behaves in full accordance with his Birth Chart. Now he is in the “working phase”, but at any moment he can fall in love and find himself in the phase of family life.


Personal Description
This is the most powerful of all universal cards, endowed with a powerful inner need to get rid of negative patterns of personality and lifestyle. Among the Nines of Spades there are people whose lives are full of losses, but there are also those who devoted themselves to serving people and achieved happiness. The Nine of Peaks combines all the qualities of the other Nines. At some level she must release a huge part of her soul, some key aspect of her personality, in order to “die” and be reborn. This could be anything from a personal or professional habit to a general approach to financial affairs or love relationships. In some cases, you need to get rid of all of the above at once. Nines of Spades can never completely ignore their inherent spirituality. If they recognize this spirituality as an important part of their personality, they can take the path of universal self-giving and free themselves from that which no longer serves their highest interests. Thanks to this, many Nines of Peaks are able to make important contributions to human history. This is the card of the greatest self-sacrifice.

Nines of Spades often become famous artists, performers, or teachers. The King of Hearts as their Karmic and Venus Card endows them with the power of feeling and the capacity for passionate love, charm and wisdom, which can bring them success and popularity. Many of them are talented musicians or actors. The same King of Hearts helps Nines of Spades overcome emotional problems that they probably often encounter in their lives: the wisdom of the King of Hearts allows them to overcome all negative emotions and fears.

In addition, Nines of Peaks are capable businessmen. They can achieve great financial success. However, their greatest achievements lie in the sphere of the “mission of love.” The wider the range of their activities and the greater the generosity they show to people, the brighter their innate power shines and the further they advance on the path to divinity.

Relationships with other people
The Nine of Spades is endowed with enough charm and emotional strength to attract almost any partner. However, due to the characteristics of her number, she is doomed to loss, so she is haunted by a subconscious fear: if she opens her soul to her beloved person and gives him her love, she will definitely lose him sooner or later. In addition, in their youth, many Nines of Spades experience emotional trauma, which forever leaves a painful scar on their soul. And yet, if the lonely Nine of Spades is in front of you, then know: she uses all her remarkable strength to keep her partner away from her. If she stops making efforts in this direction, even for a short time, then romantic relationships will begin in her life by themselves.

Women of Spades Nines are characterized by extreme willpower and independence (this is due to the King of Hearts as their Karmic Card). This can create difficulties in love relationships: not all men are able to cope with such a strong woman. For the same reason, there are many single mothers among the Nines of Peaks: a woman born under the influence of one of the Kings can become both mother and father for her child. Be that as it may, the Nine of Spades woman is unlikely to want to commit herself to one man for life, unless she falls into a relationship of interdependence and imagines herself as the “savior” of her partner.

Nines of Spades are generous and responsive; love for the team often occupies no less place in their hearts than love for an individual. As already said. Nine of Peaks is doomed to lose contact with several people important to her during her life. However, these losses should not be understood as a tragedy.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Male Nines of Spades feel a special internal kinship with female Hearts. They are connected by close friendship, which can develop into love and end in marriage. For female Nines of Spades, the same is true in relation to men of their suit. But even with men-Hearts a very happy union is possible for them, and they experience a strong physical attraction towards men-Tambourines.

My last life
Have you ever met people who claimed that they were now living their last incarnation? When I hear something like this, I usually have a hard time not laughing. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that a person living on Earth for the last time should be very happy. All his dreams, desires and aspirations must come true. And since I have never met such a person, I do not believe that I have come across anyone living their last life.

One of the first people to make such a statement in my presence was the Nine of Spades woman, born under the sign of Pisces. She is a book publisher and organizer. She cannot be called particularly happy; but one day she told me that it seemed to her that she was living on our planet for the last time. Then I just smiled to myself and thought: “Yes, yes, of course. Me too.” But later I realized that there was some truth in her words. All Nines of Peak, as, by the way, all the other Nines, came to our world to complete a larger cycle of soul evolution. The Nine of Spades is the most powerful of all the Nines, since Spades is the last suit of the deck. Therefore, the Nine of Spades in its current incarnation is approaching an extremely important achievement in the spiritual sphere. By the way, that Nine of Spades had many of the best features of her Birth Chart. She worked almost exclusively for the benefit of other people, she did not receive any compensation for her work and gave weight to the authors with whom she collaborated.

On a practical level, this means that the Nine of Spades is living its last incarnation, in which it performs a certain type of work or lives in a certain style. Don't forget that the Peaks are associated with work, health and lifestyle - with what we do on a daily and yearly basis. In terms of activity, every person whose Birth Card is Nine of Peaks will achieve a lot during his life. Therefore, in relation to certain areas of life, the current incarnation is indeed their last. Now I believe that the woman intuitively felt this, although she did not quite interpret it correctly.

Nines of Hearts came to our world to complete certain personal relationships and free themselves from certain types of relationships that no longer met the needs of her evolution; Nines of Clubs - to get rid of certain ways of thinking and communication that had become useless for her. Nines of Diamonds - to free yourself from certain ways of making money, as well as from desires and values ​​that have become obsolete. And for the Nines of Spades, all this taken together is true - and not only that. Spades are the strongest suit of the deck. When they appear among the cards of our Life Set, they influence our entire lifestyle and our activities. Therefore, the Nine of Spades must free itself from much more attachments than all the other Nines. They may indeed feel that after the current incarnation there is no need to be born again. But we should not forget that each completion is only the end of the next stage of evolution. The Nine of Spades is actually preparing for a new life, much more joyful and happy than at the previous stage of development. The only sad thing is that too often she focuses her attention on the losses and losses that are inevitable for her.


Personal Description
The Eight of Spades is the most powerful of all “power cards.” She bears the heaviest burden. She must use her power for good at all costs. All Eights of Spades are faced with the temptation to use this power to escape their fears. But they came to our world to work for the happiness of humanity, and sooner or later they must put this task above personal happiness. Eights of Spades are real “workaholics.” Their strength is expressed in active activity, in the power of their irresistible will.

It is only natural that these people, endowed with the most power of all others, are the most likely to abuse it. The very fact of possessing such power can already serve as justification for them in this. The Eight of Spades may think: “If I have been given such enormous power, it means that I must use it and that I am always right.” But this has nothing to do with the truth. And if the Eight of Peaks succumbs to this delusion, it will be in big trouble.

The suit of Spades is associated with the spiritual realm, although most people of this suit only with great difficulty manage to switch attention to spiritual values ​​from material ones. It is quite easy for Eights of Spades to achieve success in life if they have set a goal for themselves. They know that they are endowed with great power. But they all face a serious test related to how they will use this power. If Eights of Spades choose to operate at a low level or be driven by their inner fears, they may use their power to avoid the truth and ultimately become self-destructive.

The Eight of Spades needs to be admired and is willing to work hard to earn that admiration. Many of the people born under the influence of this card strive to marry a wealthy partner. If their marriage breaks up, they usually always end up financially better off. Eights of Spades know how to cope with obstacles. They have enormous potential for healing power; if they can direct it in the right direction, they will change to better life loved ones. Part of their life's challenge is to develop a more optimistic attitude towards life, despite all the turmoil that fate is sure to have in store for them. Turning to spiritual teachings always benefits them and brings personal freedom.

Relationships with other people
The Eight of Spades is one of the most emotionally stable cards in the deck. It usually does not have to deal with the problems of indecision and anxiety that are so common in most other cards. Thanks to this, Eights of Spades have a greater chance of a successful marriage and happy love relationships. However, they are often emotionally immature, and it takes them some time to understand the essence of true love. At first, Eights of Spades perceive love and marriage only from an intellectual point of view. And only with experience do wisdom and sincerity in emotions come to them. Although the main life theme of the Eight of Peaks is always work, she thinks about love much more often than it seems at first glance.

Eights of Spades are attracted to partners with whom it is interesting to communicate. They have great respect for people who are intellectually superior to them. They often develop romantic relationships with work colleagues. It is possible that the spouse of the Eight of Spades turns out to be her financial partner. In general, finances for the Eight of Peaks are one of the main factors in choosing a marriage partner. Innate practicality tells her that a rich husband is good.

Possessing enormous power, the Eight of Spades often discovers that if this power is used incorrectly, it is possible to destroy the fragile balance that binds lovers at the beginning of their relationship. Prudence and awareness of one’s inner fears help the Eight of Peaks achieve stability in love.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Male Eights of Spades are extremely sympathetic to Tambourine women, but conflicts often arise between them. Eights of Spades of both sexes can form great friendships with other Peaks. Male Diamonds find relationships with Eights of Spades of both sexes difficult and tense.

The Eight of Spades is a card of power, so it will have conflicts based on power with people of any suit if their Birth Card is Jack, Queen or King.

What kind of antics is the Eight of Spades capable of?
The Eight of Peaks surpasses all other Eights in its ability to direct the course of events through willpower and determination. Let's try to illustrate this with a few examples. A couple of years ago I taught a class. All my students wore cards on their clothes with the Birth Card written on them. One woman turned out to be the Eight of Spades. I knew that as the Queen of Diamonds I was the Mars Card for this woman. Therefore, I had little doubt that sooner or later I would do something that would piss her off. And indeed, one day, after interrupting the lesson, she got up from her seat and began accusing me of being a bad teacher. The whole class froze, holding their breath and waiting for what would happen now. I thought for a moment, and a successful answer came to my mind, which, apparently, completely satisfied her. But I was amazed at how easily this woman took control of the audience from me and forced me to respond to her attack. Few people manage to puzzle me. But this lady turned out to be truly strong, as befits the Eight of Spades!

Another incident occurred when I was working for a home remodeling firm of 300 people. We were given clear instructions, and for many years not a single employee of the company violated them. But one day, under my leadership, there was a man whose Birth Card was the Eight of Spades. He was excellent at his job, but he had some personal projects that were extremely important to him. He began working on a large gardening project, using company materials and spending a lot of time. Despite all my persuasion and attempts to stop him, he still completed this project. He constantly came into conflict with management and with his colleagues, but this did not stop him from achieving his goal. So, the Eight of Spades can fearlessly fight a team of 300 people and emerge victorious from this fight.

These examples demonstrate the indomitable will of the Eight of Peaks. People with this Birth Card achieve their goals no matter what. Not all of them have to fight against established norms for this, but if this happens, they have the strength to overcome any obstacles. This is real power!


Personal Description
The Seven of Spades is considered one of the most spiritual cards in the deck. People born under its influence can achieve great success in life if they listen to the guidance of the inner voice of wisdom. They came to our world to learn to trust themselves and maintain their faith even in the most difficult circumstances. Their main problems lie in the areas of work and health. Maintaining optimism is one of the most difficult tasks when the physical body is suffering from illness. But this is precisely the task that many Peak Sevens must complete.

The King of Diamonds, as a Karmic Card, obliges the Seven of Spades to live to the highest standards. Only in this way can she achieve the gifts and rewards destined for her. The same King of Diamonds endows the Seven of Spades with inner strength and a tendency to sometimes rush things. King of Diamonds - “one-eyed”, i.e. depicted in profile. This means that the Seven of Peaks must beware of a one-sided and subjective approach in communicating with other people. She has a tendency to paint everyone with the same brush. But if she succumbs to this tendency and does not learn to reason, speak and act from a higher spiritual level, then she will face many troubles and sufferings, usually associated with physical illnesses, accidents, injuries, etc.

The Life Set of the Seven of Spades is one of the best in the entire deck. The fact that the Seven of Peaks is in the Jupiter column indicates that people with this Birth Card can achieve the fulfillment of many of their personal desires. They are endowed with diverse talents that can take them to the pinnacle of success. Even the Saturn Card in their Life Set is favorable: this is the Four of Tambourines, a symbol of protection and security. Nothing can cause real harm to the Seven of Spades except her own fears and doubts.

The Seven of Peaks is protected by a higher spiritual force, but this protection needs to be updated. To do this, the Seven of Peaks must behave in accordance with the highest truth and highest motives. If she listens to this advice, her life will flow smoothly, as if by magic.

Many Peak Sevens carry out a special mission related to helping humanity. They can bring a lot of good to people. But if the Seven of Peaks is mired in egocentrism, she will face great suffering. People with this Birth Card must follow the guidance of their intuition. Often they marry for the money or for the support that a partner can provide them. They always do hard work well and remain honest in all circumstances. Nothing can stop the Seven of Peaks except herself.

Relationships with other people
The Seven of Spades has perhaps the best marriage karma among all the cards in the deck. The benefits of a successful marriage can, in her case, extend to both the material and spiritual realms. Sevens of Spades are drawn to wealthy and intelligent partners, but they should be careful not to place too much emphasis on the financial aspect of marriage, as this can cause more problems than good.

Female Sevens of Spades are usually endowed with a strong will, exactly like the representatives of their Karmic Card - the King of Diamonds. Therefore, it is not easy for them to accept the role of a passive housewife wife. They can measure their strength with any man, and in order to connect his life with such a woman, a man must be extremely confident in himself.

Despite good marriage karma, Sevens of Spades still cannot avoid the problems characteristic of this Birth Card. These problems manifest themselves in all areas of their lives, including love relationships. Even if the Seven of Peaks has mastered everything it desires, it can still be overtaken by fear or pessimism. She needs to learn to maintain faith and a positive outlook, and then luck will not turn away from her.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Women of spades are attracted to men of diamonds and clubs. Men-Clubs reciprocate their feelings. Women-Spades have sympathy for men who are Sevens of Spades, and women-Tambourines consider relationships with them too problematic. Male Sevens of Spades, in turn, experience difficulties in relationships with female Hearts.

Seven of Peaks: danger of accidents
If you have met the Seven of Peaks, then before listening to her stories about life, ask her the question: “Have you ever been in a serious car accident?” Very often you will get the answer: “Yes.” Moreover, many Peak Sevens get into accidents all the time. These accidents are not necessarily related to cars, but Seven Peaks is very rarely without accidents.

Of course, not all Sevens of Spades get into car accidents, but, as a rule, they have to work out their karma on their own body. This often involves injuries and illnesses, and sometimes sexually transmitted diseases, that burden their personal and family lives. It often takes many years to fight this heavy karma.

Until now, I have not yet met a single Seven of Spades who did not suffer from problems with the physical body in one way or another. And the problem here is not the illness or injury itself. The thing is. what all. what happens to the Seven of Spades on the physical level becomes one of the main themes of her life. The area of ​​greatest concern for the Seven of Spades is her health and relationship with her body.

However, we should not forget that the Seven of Spades is also a victory card. All Sevens symbolize disadvantages that can be turned into advantages with the right approach to them and adherence to spiritual principles. The highest level of the Seven of Spades is that it is the most powerful card of Spiritual Triumph and overcoming all earthly problems through faith. All physical ailments, or at least their impact on us, can be overcome through optimism and a sense of gratitude to higher powers. The Seven of Spades does this to a greater extent than any other card in the deck.


Personal Description
The Six of Spades is called the card of Fate because it is the most powerful symbol of the law of cause and effect. What we sow is what we will reap, both good and evil.

If our Birth Card is a Six, then at any moment in our lives we can expect “fatal” events. These events are predetermined by our words or actions committed in a past life, the consequences of which were not experienced immediately, but were postponed until suitable conditions arose to compensate for these actions.

Some of these events are positive and useful, others show what the retribution for negative actions can be. For the strongest among all Sixes - the Six of Peaks - such fatal events in life are more than enough: they happen so often that many Sixes of Peaks become fatalists. They begin to believe that they have very little choice in life and little power to change the current situation.

We truly cannot change the course of events once they have happened, but there are still many areas in life for which we are responsible, and in this regard, our choices are always very important. This is one of the main lessons for the Six of Spades.

The Six of Spades is a strong card, it is a card of a person who came into our lives to learn responsibility for the power given to him. Such people either reach for a higher goal, try to achieve their dreams and achieve great success, or their strength turns against them, leading them to collapse.

As a rule, people born under the influence of the Six of Peaks are very responsible for their actions, but the strong influence of Neptune can take many of them away from reality and immerse them in the world of fantasies and illusions.

These people are true dreamers, so they must ensure that their dreams do not diverge from high ideals and principles. They need to use all their strength to achieve their highest dreams. Nothing can stop them if this dream is pure. Its implementation at any level is guaranteed.

The Six of Spades has far greater potential for success and recognition than any other card in the deck, and many are born for great deeds. The Eight of Diamonds as a Mars Card and the King of Spades as a Jupiter Card indicate a high probability of huge financial gains. Of course, for this opportunity to be realized. Peak Sixes need to be active and be prepared for great responsibility.

Sixes of Spades tend to stop halfway to their goal, getting “stuck” in both comfortable and uncomfortable positions. They can also be very stubborn. By acquiring knowledge, they have the opportunity to achieve the main goal in their life and find many good friends. Perhaps the most acute life situations arise for the Six of Spades in the area of ​​love and romantic interests. Their inherent indecisiveness works against them here. The Nine of Spades as the first Karmic Card of the Six of Spades indicates the danger of serious (sometimes even tragic) losses in the lives of these people.

However, this same Nine of Spades guarantees the Six of Spades big success, if the main dream of their life is the desire to use all their abilities for the benefit of society. Sixes of Spades can be excellent sponsors, philanthropists and philanthropists, manifesting themselves in the most universal way. Many of them reach great heights in their profession.

Relationships with other people
The Six of Spades constantly thinks about love and romantic interests. At the same time, she strives to approach the situation from the intellectual side. Therefore, she is forced to accumulate experience (both positive and negative) for a long time until she acquires enough of it, to reinforce her theoretical ideas and abundance of ideas.

Sometimes Sixes of Peaks have many love affairs, which usually has bad consequences for them. This passion for multiple affairs is usually rooted in their secret fear of not receiving love. This fear, which is symbolized by the Three of Hearts as the Card of Saturn, can cause great difficulties in the field of sincere intimate relationships - until the Six of Spades recognizes it and conquers it.

Sixes of Spades of both sexes are attractive to intelligent people. Peak Six women love wealthy, authoritative or high-ranking men. In love they can be cunning or dishonest (much like the Five or Six of Diamonds), and they need to try not to fall into their own trap.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Male Six of Spades have serious relationships with women of the suit of hearts, but for these relationships to be sustainable, the Six of Spades must play a subordinate role in them.

Club men find female Six of Spades quite attractive, and Diamond men like to be friends with them.

Women of Spades Six can benefit in a wide variety of ways from relationships with other men of Spades.

Predestination vs. Free Will
According to many newspaper stories and interviews published in the 1890s, Olney Richmond argued that life was completely determined by fate. There is evidence of his unerring predictions to various people; To do this, he only needed to know the time and date of birth. Olney Richmond insisted again and again that everything in our world operates according to certain and unchanging mathematical principles and laws, without which not even a hair will fall from the head. These beliefs are shared by Indian astrologers. Those who have mastered their astrological system can tell you, based only on the time, date and place of your birth, when you will marry, how many children you will have, what type of work you will do and when you will die.

Most of us find it difficult to agree with such ideas. We want to believe that we have certain choices in life. But let's look at the facts. There are thousands of books that teach us how to become "masters of our own destiny." These books have helped many people to a certain extent. But how could Olney Richmond and other astrologers make such accurate predictions? To do this, they did not even need to meet people or know them personally. Hindu Brahmins and sages, fatalistic as it may be, still say that in order to fulfill our destiny, we need to follow our Dharma. A short definition of "dharma" is "right action." Hindus say that we should try to “Act Rightly” regardless of the fact that the circumstances of our life have already been predetermined and events have taken an unchangeable turn. And how much we believe in the predetermination of fate is shown by our Birth Card.

Cards with odd numbers (such as Aces or Threes) always provide creative opportunities for a person. For this reason, people with such Birth Cards always tend to believe that they themselves are the creators of their own destiny. Cards with even numbers (especially Sixes) tend not to interfere during life. Sixes are very fixed people and they resist any kind of change at all. You will find this out if you hang out with any of them for a while. They can get stuck in one rut for a long time, and it will seem that nothing can move them from their place. Perhaps this is why the life of Sixes seems more fatal than the fate of other cards. They seem to be unable to achieve anything in their lives because they do nothing. But everything comes to them on its own. while they just sit and stare into emptiness. Sixes of Spades, being the most powerful of all Sixes, most often act in this way and this is exactly how they understand fate and predestination.

Florence Campbell, in her book “The Sacred Symbols of the Ancients,” suggests that people born under the influence of the Six have the ability, with the help of the gift of intuition, to intervene in the real course of fate. And although at times their life may seem calm and monotonous, in the serenity of this peace Sixes can tune in to their inner voice, which is heard only when our mind is silent, at least for a while. Perhaps this is why Sixes are privy to knowledge that other cards rarely possess. Part of this knowledge is information about their own destiny and their role in helping the world. If Sixes of Peaks listen to their inner voice, they will learn that fate has destined them for a special mission and that they can bring great benefit to humanity.

FIVE ♠ - Wanderer

Personal Description
The Five of Spades is a card of change and travel. People born under its influence are restless, which sometimes manifests itself in very interesting ways. As a rule, they do not like a monotonous routine and choose a profession that allows some variety. Peak Fives love to travel or change their place of residence frequently. Sometimes this restlessness affects the sphere of spiritual quests - the search for truth and self-improvement. The Jack of Hearts as a Mercury Card indicates that Fives of Spades often make sacrifices for the sake of people close to them or for the sake of education. This is especially evident in the early years of life. Their Karmic Card Ten of Hearts foretells them social success, but sometimes public life can turn into a heavy burden for the Five of Peaks. The Nine of Clubs as a Venus Card suggests that the generous and loving nature of the Five of Spades can be ruthlessly exploited by other people. Many disappointments in personal relationships with friends and lovers are explained precisely by the influence of this Nine. For the same reason, the Five of Peaks achieves greater success when working in a group than alone. The Five of Spades is extremely drawn to spirituality. In order to manifest the highest potential of the spiritual cards (Nines of Clubs and Nines of Spades), associated in her Life Set with personal planets (Venus and Mars), the Five of Spades must learn to freely give and express her love in close relationships. However, most of the cards in her Life Set are favorable, and from a material point of view, the Five of Spades should be considered one of the luckiest cards in the deck.

People born under its influence have a clear value system and good organizational skills. Many of them achieve great success in trading or as financial advisors. With age, their life becomes easier, and after 39 years a dramatic change for the better occurs. As a rule, it is then that happiness in love and financial success come to them, and the passion for travel gradually fades away thanks to the comfort and warmth of the family hearth.

Relationships with other people
Fives of Spades are popular and enjoy universal sympathy. They love romantic adventures and travel. They are not immune from periodic disappointments in love, since karmic debt requires them to “end” some relationships that extend from past lives. Two Nines associated with Venus and Mars foreshadow that the Fives of Spades will have serious love affairs, which will turn out to be not at all as smooth as they looked at first glance. With the right attitude to these problems, they will turn from disappointments into ascent steps that complete a certain stage in the development of the soul. The Five of Peaks must realize that the severance of relationships that seem important to her is actually a benefit for her.

The influence of the two mentioned Nines is extremely strong and obvious in the life of the Five of Spades. Every person would like to have cards associated with the positions of Venus and Mars in the Life Set that promise success and happiness in love. And in this sense, the Five of Spades is unlucky: the Clubs and Nines of Spades mean the need to give up one’s desires. Some Fives of Spades will perceive this limitation as a difficult problem, but for others it will help them develop truly spiritual love. The Five of Peaks is capable of making sacrifices for the sake of a loved one and providing their partner with the freedom they need.

You should also pay attention to the Two of Hearts as a Card of Jupiter. This card can, at the very least, provide the Five of Spades with lasting and joyful friendships that will last a lifetime. If the Five of Spades learns the lesson that the two Nines teach it in the positions of Venus and Mars, then the Two of Hearts will allow it to meet true happy love. This is why Fives of Spades often find happiness in their later years.

Compatibility with other birth cards
The Five of Spades woman can become a good wife for a man of the suit of Hearts, although some difficulties and problems await her along this path. A male Tambourine would suit her as a friend. Clubs women have a certain weakness for Fives of Spades men. Women of Spades get along well with men of the suit of Spades, although they have some lessons to learn in these relationships.

Thirst for the experience of the Five of Spades
Being the strongest among the Fives, the Five of Peaks is capable of going to any extremes in order to gain new life experience. In her example, we observe the most striking manifestations of the general craving of Fives for novelty. Five as the “number of man” symbolizes people who came into our world in order to experience everything that life has to offer them. They want to experience a variety of situations, be in a variety of environments, and try everything they can get their hands on.

Let's take for example. The Five of Peaks, which necessarily moves to a new place every six months. What is curious is not even this fact itself, but the fact that from the point of view of the Five of Spades, this is exactly how all people in the world should live. This person simply cannot imagine that some people like permanence and stability. This is one version of the Five of Spades.

Another option is "jack of all trades." During his life he changed a huge number of professions. His office is littered with books, various mechanisms and objects related to almost twenty different areas of activity. Like most Fives, he achieved success in trading, but even a successful career did not quench his thirst for new experience. To this day, he changes professions and masters new ways to make money.

And finally, the third version of the Five of Spades, this time a woman. She has two houses and two places of work, which are separated by a distance of 500 kilometers. She arranged her life in such a way that she moved from place to place about once every two weeks. Her work comes down mainly to organizing concerts and art exhibitions (areas of activity related to the Karmic Card - the Ten of Hearts). One fine day she met a man and began a love relationship with him. They began to live together, although our Five of Spades regularly left home and were absent for two weeks at a time. One day, while she was away, her partner met another woman who was homeless. He invited her to live in the apartment next door. When the Five of Spades returned, she found her boyfriend having breakfast with his new girlfriend. It was all very suspicious. But Five of Peaks behaved in this situation completely unexpectedly for all her friends: she decided to tolerate the presence of a stranger. As a result, this woman lived in the apartment offered to her for many more months; the Five of Peaks partner helped her find a good job and generally did a lot of good for her. All the friends of the Five of Spades told her that she was crazy if she tolerated the existence of such a “triangle” in her life.

And finally, about a year later, circumstances came to a head, and the woman moved out of the apartment. The Five of Spades admitted that they didn’t actually try to resolve this situation for so long because they had never experienced feelings of jealousy in their lives. Her partner turned out to be the first man for her towards whom she could feel something like that. The Five of Spades wanted to really know what jealousy was, and she endured this ambiguous situation for a whole year. And only after “competing” enough, she decided that she had had enough of this experience, and quickly ended the “triangle”.

This is an example of how Fives often make decisions that are completely inexplicable to other people, but for themselves are perfectly logical. The driving force for them is the thirst for new experience, the desire to experience what is possible. This main motive of behavior distinguishes them from all other cards in the deck.


Personal Description
The Two of Spades is a card of working partnership and friendship. Twos are generally characterized by fears, especially the fear of being left alone. And the Two of Spades is no exception. Many people with this Birth Card are willing to do anything to keep company. They are especially hurt by betrayal of friendship or trust. Karmic Card of the Two of Spades - Six of Peaks, one of the most powerful Karmic Cards, giving the fate of the Two of Peaks a special fatality. Because of her influence, the life of the Two of Spades from time to time falls into a well-worn rut, from which it is very difficult to get out. This same exposure brings health problems; however, most Twos of Spades do not have bad habits, which helps them resist illness.

The double connection of the Two of Spades with Uranus in the Basic Spiritual Set indicates that representatives of this card are gifted with tremendous intuition. But to realize this potential, the Two of Spades must be sincerely interested in the spiritual side of life; and cards of the spades suit, as a rule, ignore it in favor of professional or career interests.

Twos of Spades are distinguished by good mental abilities and developed logic. These qualities contribute to success at work, but sometimes become a hindrance in personal relationships. Many Twos of Spades become so engrossed in their work and mesmerized by the power of their own logical minds that they try their best to avoid situations that involve challenges in these areas, and these situations include marriage. Twos of Spades are very talented and capable of achieving a lot in social life, but the Three of Hearts as a Pluto Card indicates a skeptical and hesitant attitude of these people towards love affairs in particular, and to everything that could disrupt their usual way of life, in general. But in general, the life path of the Two of Spades is smoother than that of most cards, and people with this Birth Card do not allow themselves to become lazy and relax in vain. They often marry for money.

Many Twos of Spades achieve fame and even fame in life. Men born under the influence of this card achieve particularly noticeable success and often find themselves in leadership positions. The King Cross as their second Karmic Card indicates innate leadership abilities that manifest very easily and naturally in the right situation.

If the Two of Peaks turns to the spiritual side of life, it will show greater progressiveness, flexibility and efficiency in working to harmonize the world around it. This is a card of cooperation and brotherly love - a card of the Age of Aquarius, which humanity is currently entering. In this regard, the Two of Spades can serve as a model of friendship that will define relationships between people over the next 2000 years.

Relationships with other people
The Twos of Spades have perhaps the best “marriage karma” among all the cards in the deck. But they usually enter into a successful marriage in the second half of life - after they have resolved the problem associated with indecision and fear of love relationships. Often their love life is built on alternating attraction and repulsion. They either allow their partner to come close to them, or push him away from them, fearing excessive intimacy. The Two of Spades is an extremely logical card, which is reflected in its ideas about love. People with this Birth Card analyze various concepts related to married life and try to develop some logical conclusions that allow them to manage their relationship with their partner. But in reality, love life is a realm of emotions, and Twos of Spades tend to neglect emotional matters.

The good karma of Twos of Spades is explained by the fact that in past incarnations these people were generous with their partners, and now the time has come for them to reap the benefits of this dedication. Twos of Spades are excellent husbands and wives; they are faithful and devoted to their spouse. There may be long periods of calm in their love life, but the Two of Spades have only themselves to blame for this. Fears and doubts often prevent them from starting new romantic relationships, and only working on oneself in the area of ​​emotional problems can help here.

The main culprit for the indecisiveness of these people in matters of love and marriage is the Three of Hearts as a Pluto Card. Twos of Spades too often try to rationally “calculate” love and marriage - and as a result they begin to “walk in circles”, not understanding that all their grief is caused by an internal fear of the future. In other cases, the Three of Hearts simply pushes away their chances of happy love. Again, Twos of Spades are unaware of this because they pay too much attention to the rationalistic left hemisphere of the brain.

Compatibility with other birth cards
Two of Spades men are happy with women of the suit of Hearts. All Twos of Spades make excellent friendships with female Clubs. Women of spades, Twos, dream of love with men of their own suit, but men of the Tambourine suit are more likely to be attracted to them. And Club men often consider conquering Women of Spades Twos a worthy task.

Classic pattern of the Two of Spades
As a classic example of the Two of Spades, I want to cite a person who was born on May 4th and fits perfectly into the type of hardworking and rationalistic person that most people with this Birth Card are. This man is a programmer who has achieved great success in his profession. He works for one of the thriving computer game companies. Florence Kzmpbell in "The Sacred Symbols of the Ancients" writes that all Twos, as a rule, are afraid of loneliness. Our Birth Chart, like our sun sign in astrology, represents an energy that we tend to identify almost entirely with our personality. Therefore, Twos usually consider themselves half of a certain partner couple - in contrast to Aces, who to some extent perceive themselves as individualists and loners.

Two of Peak considers friendship to be one of the most important values ​​in life - both with men and women. They prefer to work together with other people. Even when they are alone, they constantly talk on the phone with their friends. Almost always one of their friends is in their house or they themselves are visiting friends. Two of Peak spends a lot of energy trying to get everything done together with other people. Friendship is much more important to them than to the average person. For the Two of Spades, friendship means joint activities, and not just communication or business, as in the cases of the Two of Clubs or the Two of Diamonds. In the area of ​​love relationships, things are somewhat different. It happens that the Two of Spades is almost ready to get married, but never makes it to the altar. Either he is attracted to women who do not want to marry him, or he himself does not want to connect his life with them. Despite all his powerful logical mind, the Two of Spades often finds it difficult to come to a final decision on the issue of love and marriage.

The strong trait of Twos of Spades is that they are the best friends in the world. All of Paul's friends love and appreciate him; he knows how to maintain friendly relations with women who were his lovers in the past. The only weak point of the Two of Spades is that it experiences severe pain if a friend leaves her.

The game uses a deck of 36 cards (52 in some cases) and involves two to six players; When playing with a deck of 52 cards, up to 8 players can play. Everyone is dealt 6 cards, the next (or last, possibly any of the deck) card is revealed and its suit sets the trump card for this game, and the rest of the deck is placed on top so that the trump card is visible to everyone. An ace cannot be a trump card. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards. The last player who does not get rid of cards remains a “fool.”



The game differs from other varieties only in that the game is played without trump cards.

Double trump

In this type of game, each player has his own trump card. Thus, if one of the players bets MY trump card, then it will not be a trump card for the opposing player. However, by agreement of the players, the following rule can also be introduced:

  • if one of the players bets ANOTHER'S trump card, then the opposing player must beat it as a trump card.


In this type of fool's game, the suit only plays a role in the selection of the trump card. That is, you need to beat cards with a large card (the suit does not matter) or a trump card.


The game differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that after each “beat” or capture, the players exchange cards with each other. If there are many players playing, they change clockwise: 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-1


This variation differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that immediately after all players have been dealt six cards to each, the deck with the trump card is removed from the game.

Piled up

The only difference between this type of fool is that initially the deck is divided equally between the players.

Second try

This version differs from other types of fool only in that if the player has nothing to beat the card with, he must first take another card from the deck. If this card is suitable to beat the desired card, the player beats it. But if it doesn’t fit, the player takes it. The player can also refuse the second attempt and take the cards immediately.


In this case, the player can move not only his card, but also take one card lying on top of the deck. This action can be done only once per turn (by agreement of the players, this number can be increased indefinitely).

Armenian-Second attempt

This type of fool is a combination of the Armenian fool and the Second Attempt Fool.

Transferable 2

This game differs from the game of translation fool in that you can translate after throwing it up. For example: the first player hit ten of spades, the second beat the jack of spades, and the first threw the jack of clubs, but the second has the jack of diamonds, then he can transfer it and the first player will have to beat it.

Transferable 3

In this version, when transferring one player (1) to another (2), player “2” must beat only the card that player “1” transferred. That is, if player “2” placed the seven of clubs, and player “1” moved the seven of diamonds, then player “2” is required to beat only the seven of diamonds.


This game differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that the player takes cards from the deck only if there are no cards left in his hands.


In this version of the fool, you can only move with the strongest card in your hand (you can beat anyone).


This game differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool in the following way: The game is played with 2 decks of 36 cards (72 cards in total). You cannot fight back with a card of equal value or a card of the same suit. A player who ends up with 52 or more cards loses immediately.


This game is played with 2 decks of 36 cards (72 cards in total). You can fight back according to the rules of a simple, throw-in or transfer fool. If a player fights back with a card of absolutely equal value, the possibility of tossing by other players is blocked (this move is not considered a transfer). A player who ends up with 52 or more cards loses immediately.


The royal fool differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool in that the lowest card (usually from two to ten) can only be beaten by the highest card (usually an ace or joker). And the highest card can only be beaten by the lowest or trump card (the joker can only be beaten by the lowest).

Three rubles

This game is played in general according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, transfer or Japanese fool, with the only difference that you need to enter immediately with three cards. If the player has only two in his hands - from two, if one - from one.


In poker fool, before hitting the cards, the player has the right to exchange 2 cards for 2 cards from the deck.

Armenian Poker

Combination of Armenian and Poker Fools.

Poker-Second try

Combination of Poker Fool and Fool - Second Try.

Armenian Poker-Second Attempt

Combination of Armenian, Poker and Second attempt of fools.


The game of point fool differs from the game of simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool only in that the player who wins the most cards wins.


When playing Chinese Fool, cards are dealt as in Piled Fool. The player with nine diamonds goes first. If a player beats nine diamonds, further tossing by other players is blocked (this move is not considered a transfer). If the player was unable to fight back, he takes only the first card that he fought off. The remaining cards end up in the landfill. If the player was unable to return the first card, he also takes it. Otherwise, the rules coincide with the rules of other types of games.


This version differs from the others only in that of the 6 cards dealt, only one is available to players at first. With every lights out, everything becomes available more cards(one for each rebound). If the players run out of cards in their hands, cards are taken from the deck and everything starts over. If the deck runs out, all cards in the players' hands become available. If a player takes cards, all cards taken are available to him.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool, but the cards in the deck are arranged in descending order. That is: aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens, etc.


They play with a deck of 54 cards (2 jokers). The game is generally played according to the rules of other fool options. Jokers have a special role in the game. If a player hits the black joker, he will have to give any two of his cards to his opponent. If a player hits a red joker, the opponent must give him any two of his cards. Both jokers can beat any card, and they can also be beaten by any other card. But the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The player who only has a joker at the end of the game loses in any case.
  • If a player puts one joker, and the second one can transfer it with another joker. The second player must give away any five of his cards.
  • If a player bets two jokers, he must give any five of his cards to his opponent.
  • If a player does not have enough cards to give to his opponent (due to a joker), he takes from the deck as many cards as he needs.
  • If either player does not have enough cards to give to their opponent (due to a joker) and the deck runs out, the joker's ability is disabled.
  • By agreement of the players, combinations of cards can be entered that block the joker's ability. A combination consists of any 5 cards. It is best that it consists of three paired cards and two more different ones.

Double joker

The game is played according to the rules of simple, toss or transfer. But the game is played with a deck of 54 cards (2 jokers). If the trump card is hearts or diamonds, the red joker is the highest card in the game, and the black one simply beats all the spades and clubs (black cards). If the trump card is spades or clubs, the black joker is the highest card in the game, and the red joker simply beats all the hearts and diamonds (red cards). If the joker is a trump card, then all cards of its color become trump cards. For example, if the joker is black, all spades and clubs are trump cards, but if it is red, the trump cards are diamonds and hearts. In another variant, jokers cannot be trumps and only cards of their own color are beaten, regardless of which suit is trump.

Single joker

The game is played according to the rules of a simple, flip, transfer or Japanese fool, but with 53 cards (1 joker). The Joker can beat any card.

Double joker Novosibirsk

This variation allows the endgame to achieve a balance between the player who has the trump ace and the player who does not. The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in or transfer fool with a deck of 54 cards, including two jokers. The joker beats any ace, including trump, but does not beat any other card. The joker can be beaten by any card except aces and another joker. When a joker lands as a trump card, the game goes on without trump cards, and the joker itself beats any card, but can also be beaten by any card except aces and another joker.


The game is played according to the rules of other fool variants, but with 58 cards (2 jokers and 4 wild). Wild cards can cover any card, but they can also beat any card. Then, after being hit by the joker, “beat” is announced.


This type of fool differs from the others in that when the players can no longer throw cards to the fighting player, he has the right to throw them to himself and then beat him.


The game is played according to the rules of the transferable fool, taking into account the rules of the transferable-2 and −3 fools. The game is played with a deck of 54 cards (two jokers). If a player must bet any card and he has a pair, three or four cards of the same value, he can bet them all at once, rather than tossing them one by one. A joker can beat any card except twos and threes (an ace is beaten by a two, a joker or a trump card), which themselves beat it.


The game is played according to the rules of the Estonian fool, although the game is also possible with another variety. They play with a deck of 55 cards (2 jokers and 1 mega). The only difference between the capital's fool and the Estonian one is the presence of a mega-card (superjoker, superjoker, prime minister, green joker). The mega card beats any cards except fours, which themselves beat it.


The game is played according to the rules of the Chinese fool, however, if the player was unable to beat off and took, as it should be, only the first card that he beat off, the remaining cards go to the next player to clear. If the player could not beat the first card, he takes it and skips the turn. The turn passes to the next player.


The game is played according to the rules of a simple, throw-in, transfer or Japanese fool, but if a player cannot beat the cards and takes them, he does not miss a turn, but goes under the next player.


Each player takes one card from the deck and places it face down. The first taker from the deck is first determined by lot, then the loser. The one with the highest card goes first. The remaining players must place cards on this card, one higher in value.

If some player does not have the required card all the cards for himself, he takes all the cards for himself. Everything starts all over again. This continues until the deck is completely depleted. If there are two or three highest cards, the card is placed on the nearest one in a clockwise direction. When the deck is played, the game of Japanese fool begins, given that the trump cards are always diamonds. However, as a special suit, not spades, but clubs are highlighted; they are fought only by clubs of a higher value.

With a tossing dummy

This game is interesting because the game involves an imaginary player - a “dummy”. The player who wins the toss and gets the right to make the first move has the right to toss for the dummy. The idiot has no right to walk around and fight back. The game is played according to the usual rules of a fool. The blockhead is not considered a loser.

With a playing dummy

This game also involves a "boob". However, here the player who wins the lot has the right (or rather should) not only toss, but also to go for it. The idiot can win and lose.


This game follows the rules of the translation. But you can’t throw it in it. If a player has reached his turn and he has a group of cards of the same value, he, like a simple fool, must bet everything at once.


The secret fool differs from the game of a simple, false or transferred fool only in that at the beginning of the game, as soon as the trump card becomes known from the closed deck, they take another card and place it either under the trump card or next to the deck, naturally face down. When the deck runs out along with a trump card, that card will be revealed and become a new trump card.


This version of the game of the fool differs from the others in that if one player was unable to beat off all the cards and takes them, then the player whose card made the first participant in the game unable to fight off has the right to beat his own card. And thereby add cards in the hands of the taking player, and reduce them in yourself. After this, all players can throw as much as they want (but, of course, what according to the rules can be thrown in this or that case) and, if desired, beat their own cards. Here it is worth considering that those cards with which one player beat his own can no longer be tossed, unless cards of this value were encountered in the game when the player whom they initially played against was still fighting back.


This game follows the rules of a cunning fool, but in order to toss the player must first beat his own card, and only then toss it to the player who was initially targeted. The arrogant fool is much inferior in popularity to the cunning one, but does not die out.

With couples

The game is played according to the usual rules of a fool. But each player is dealt not 6, but 5. If a player has a pair of cards, he has the right to play with this pair and any other card. If there are two pairs of cards, you can also play with them and another card. You can use just one card. But:

  • Other combinations of cards during the move are impossible (you can beat them with any).

From groups

The game is played according to the rules of a fool with pairs, but you can play with threes or fours of cards of the same value. It is not necessary to add another card to groups of cards. It is forbidden to add cards to the three.


The game is played according to the rules of a throwing or transfer fool. But the following concept is introduced into the game - “figure card”. These are cards of higher value than nine, that is: tens, jacks, queens, kings, aces. During the game, all players record how many face cards they hit. If a player first repelled the figure cards, but then another was thrown to him, the figured cards are not counted as repulsed (the player takes).


A comic version of playing the fool. The deck is dealt equally. The one who has a six and who sits closest to the left of the dealer goes first

He moves with this six. The turn passes to the next player. If he has a seven, he puts it on a six. The next player will have to place an eight, then a nine, a ten, ... and so on until the ace, and the ace is therefore covered by a six. If a player does not have the required card, he misses his turn. At the same time, each player in the game is given nicknames, such as “cat, donkey, wolf, horse...”. And if the player cannot place the required card, he makes sounds, in accordance with his nickname. If he did this without either player laughing, he takes the cards for himself. The first one to run out of all cards wins.


The first player takes the top card from the deck and places it in the center of the table. Then he takes another card from the deck. If this card is of the same suit as the one originally taken, and also of a higher value, the player takes both of the above cards. Then the same player takes a third card from the deck and the turn passes to the next player. If the received card cannot beat the laid out one, the player places it next to the laid out one, takes another card from the deck and places it in the center of the table. The turn passes to the next player. The second player again takes cards from the deck and repeats everything described above. If he beats, he will take all the cards on the table. Game continues. When the deck is played, the game is played according to the rules of a toss or transfer fool.


The game is played according to classical rules playing the fool. But during every second release, the cards do not go into a closed pile, but are mixed with the deck.


This version differs from other versions of the fool only in that the ace cannot be beaten with the lowest card, but only with the trump card. Therefore, the trump ace in the game plays the role of a “wild” card (“dummy”).

With arithmetic progression

The game is played according to the classic fool's rules, but at first each player is given only one card. After each next move, the cards in the players’ hands are supplemented by 1 more. That is, the second time the number of cards in hand is increased to two, then to 3, 4, 5, and so on until the deck runs out.

With a purchase

A distinctive feature is that when cards are dealt, each player is given a certain number of cards face down - a buy-in. At the end of the game, when there are no cards left in the deck and the player has thrown away all his cards, he takes his buy-in and continues the game.


The game differs from the others in the following way: If one player was matched and he can fight back with the card with the value that the player already has in his hands, he has the right to also put this (these) card, and then the second one will have to beat both cards . For example: player “2” matched player “1” with nine clubs, and player “1” beat with ten clubs, but he also has a ten of spades, he can also put it and then player “2” should hit, he needs beat both tens.


The game is different in that only four players play, sitting opposite each other, who form playing pairs. During the game, only the players of one pair to which the walking player belongs have the right to toss. Accordingly, a win (or loss) is recorded not for an individual player, but for a pair.


  • Trump, trump suit- a suit that has special power, standing above others.
  • Lights out, beat- 1) a situation when the player who was played covered similar cards; 2) similar and covering maps in such a situation; 3) all cards played so far.
  • Shoulder straps- a situation where the last cards the winner plays are a non-trump six or two sixes. These sixes are placed on the shoulders of the fool, and then the latter is called “a fool with shoulder straps” (or with one shoulder strap). Such a loss is considered more shameful than an ordinary one.
  • Wikipedia - Card game, in which you need to throw certain cards to one of the players... Wikipedia


Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 52
Number of players:4 (pair per pair)
Card seniority: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: score 500 points or more together with a player.
Rules of the game. Players play in pairs and players of one pair sit opposite each other. The first dealer is determined by lot; in the following games, players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and each player is dealt 13 cards. Spades are the trump suit. The game consists of two stages: announcement and drawing. The first to announce is the player to the left of the dealer, who announces the number of tricks his pair can take. The combined bid of two players is called a contract. Next, another couple makes an announcement. Then the drawing begins. The first move belongs to the player to the right of the dealer. The player can place any card, except for the spades card. A player can enter with a spade only when this suit is open. The next player clockwise (dealer) must put a card of the same suit; if there is no such card, then he can put any card. The rest of the players go next. The bribe is taken by the player who places a higher card than the card in the move suit, or a trump card, provided that there is only one trump card in the bribe. Thus, all cards are played. After the players have no cards left, scoring begins. Each trick is worth 10 points. If a couple of players did not take the bribes specified in the contract, then the players receive a fine in the amount of the contract, for example, a contract of 60 points, then the fine will be minus 60 points. If players collect more tricks than specified in the contract, then they are fined one point for each extra trick taken. These points for busting are counted in the “bag” and if more than 10 points for busting accumulate in the “bag”, then the players are fined 100 points, while the points in the “bag” are reset to zero. If players declared a minuscule or double minuscule and did not fulfill the contract, then they are fined 100 or 200 points, respectively. The first pair of players to score 500 points or more wins the game. If both pairs of players simultaneously reach 500 points on the same bet, the pair with more points wins. Also, if one of the pairs ends the game with a score of -200 points or less, then the game also ends in favor of those who scored more positive points or are simply in the black.

The star of this summer was the track “Partymaker”. Few people know that it was written and performed by the aspiring Rostov rapper Vitaly Pika. In the online community, only the lazy didn’t write a joke about this song. She stood on a par with Joycasino and vapers. Who is the man behind this summer's hit? Let's tell you more about a simple Rostov guy.

Vitaly Pika: biography

The first time I heard Vitaly rap was back in kindergarten. He immediately fell in love with the clear rhythms of Africa - Bambat and Ice T. In 1998, he came across a cassette with a recording of the breakdancing competition Battle of Year. He looked at the strange dances of the contestants and realized what he wanted to do. Vitaly first trained himself, and then became part of the Motor Motion team.

Then the rapper began to earn money. The dancers brought sheets of fiberboard to the local Gorky Park, played hip-hop on a tape recorder and walked around the audience with their hats. The team was noticed and began to invite rappers to perform at concerts. When he was a b-boy, Vitaly Pika met rapper Basta and members of “Casta”. At this time he had to lead an almost nomadic lifestyle.

At the same time, Pika managed to graduate from a nautical school, from where they repeatedly threatened to expel him. Although he failed to complete the internship. He was decommissioned from the ship in Kaliningrad, from where Vitaly had to return to Rostov on his own.

Collaboration with rapper Basta

Basta himself says about Vitaly that he once stayed overnight in the studio and recorded an album. However, the first joint performances were not related to rapping. Vitaly Pika simply broke danced during Basta’s concerts, with whom they traveled all over Russia and Ukraine.

Later, Pika is invited to the “Gazgolder” association, which includes quite a lot of young performers. Before the release of the album ALFV in 2016, Vitaly most often performed as a backing performer at concerts of already promoted rappers.


However, the debut album would not have sold so well among listeners if it had not been for the track that made the rapper famous. Of course we're talking about about the notorious “Patimemaker”. This song became the anthem of June, although Vitaly Pika did not expect such success from the track. The first video for this composition was amateur. He started collecting views on Youtube, so Vitaly had to shoot his video very quickly.

The theme of the video was as simple as the lyrics - three guys breakdancing on the roof. Since its release (June 10, 2016), this video has been viewed by several million Internet users. The song began to be used in the creation of funny videos, and responses to it began to come from all over the world. Even Jean-Claude Van Damme was seen among those dancing to “Partymaker”.

In each suits cards are ranked from weakest to strongest: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.

Spades are always the trump suit. This means that any card of spades beats all cards of any other suit. Hearts, clubs and diamonds have the same priority, and all of these suits are weaker than spades. Thus, the two of spades is stronger than the ace of any other suit.

The goal of the game of spades

The goal of the game of spades is to enter into a team contract and play cards in agreement with your partner to fulfill the contract. The game ends when one team scores 500 points or minus 200 points.


The game of spades begins with one announcement circle applications. The goal of trading is to correctly predict the number of your tricks. Players look at the cards and order the number of tricks they can take on this hand. The combined bid of the two partners constitutes the contract. After the trade is completed, the partners must fulfill this contract. Each partner is not required to take the ordered number of bribes. It is important that their total number of bribes matches the contract. A player can take the missing tricks if his partner does not reach the ordered number of tricks.

If the number of tricks at the end of the game is less than the number in the contract, this is called a shortfall. At the end of the game, a fine is imposed for a shortfall. If a player declares minuscule, this means that he undertakes not to take bribes. If a player plays a minuscule game, his team gets extra points. If a minuscule was ordered, but it was not possible to play it, the team receives an additional fine. If a double minuscule is ordered, then these points are doubled, but a double minuscule is only ordered with hole cards. The betting round ends after all players have made a bid.

Progress of the game of spades

The goal of the game is to complete Contract. The contract is fulfilled by taking or giving bribes. If an application has been submitted for larger number bribes, then it is necessary to take bribes. If an application for a small number of bribes has been submitted, then bribes should be given to opponents. The trump cards are always spades. The player who plays the strongest trump card takes the bribe. If trump cards are not played, the player who placed the highest card of the suit being played receives the trick. The card being played is the suit of the card that was placed by the player who went first. For example, if the player who goes first lays down the ten of hearts, the suit played is hearts.

The player sitting to the right of the dealer always goes first. Next, the remaining players take turns (clockwise) placing one card each. It is necessary to place a card of the same suit as the card with which the circle was started. If a player does not have cards of the suit being played, then he can discard any card. To enter, you can use any card with one exception: the player cannot enter with a spade until that suit is revealed. The game continues until all 13 tricks have been played.


After drawing For all 13 tricks, the results of the round are displayed. Team points are summed up. Each trick is worth 10 points. For example, a contract for 6 tricks is worth 60 points if fulfilled. If the team has a shortfall, that is, fewer tricks are won than stated in the contract when trading, the team receives fine for the contract amount (60 points in our example). If you win more bribes, than was stated, that is, there are extra bribes, the team receives the value of the contract plus one additional point for each extra bribe.

If in our example the team wins 7 tricks, then it receives 61 points. As a penalty for each extra trick, one point is awarded for busting. The point for busting in itself has no meaning. However, these points accumulate in a "bag". If a team scores 10 points for overkill, they receive a penalty of 100 points. After deducting these points, the accumulated points are released from the "bag". A penalty of 100 points is assessed each time the bag reaches 10 points for busting. For completing an application for a minuscule, the team receives 100 points, and for completing an application for a double minuscule - 200 points.

If a minuscule or double minuscule is declared and the application is not fulfilled, the team will be given a fine of 100 or 200 points, respectively. In addition, for each trick taken by a player who declared a minuscule or double minuscule, one point is added for busting.

The first team to score 500 points wins the game. If both teams cross the 500 point barrier. If both teams cross the 500 point barrier on one con, the team with more points wins. Also, the game ends if one of the teams finishes the game with a score of minus 200 or less. If the score is tied, the game continues until one team has more points than the other.