Plants vs zombies codes for the tree of wisdom. Plants vs. Zombies guide and walkthrough. Everything is not as simple as it seems

A sea of ​​humor, puzzles of varying complexity, various tactics for passing. If you do not know what Tower Defense is, then this is a great opportunity to get acquainted. And what is especially remarkable - unlike many similar games she has a face. And no matter what



There is such a sign: if the word “against” appears in the name of a game or movie, nothing good can be expected. Exceptions are rare, and they can, perhaps, be counted on the fingers of one hand, and even "extra" fingers will remain. Perhaps this is one of the most banal variants of the name and almost the most “contagious” - only the spelling of the name through dots is worse.

Another rule is related to the presence in the game or movie of the walking dead as the main opponents. In more than half of the cases, they will walk in crowds, growling and trying to eat the main character or heroine. What to expect from a game called "Plants vs. Zombies"? Naturally - both!

They're coming!

At first, Plants vs. Zombies may seem like a completely uncomplicated game. Judge for yourself: from right to left on the screen, zombies slowly limp one after another, whose task is extremely simple: to walk across the lawn to the house, climb inside and eat its owners for food, especially their brains. Everything, as they say, "in the best traditions."

But this is not an action movie, and therefore neither a hero who single-handedly shoots the restless, nor even a group of survivors with firearms will not be in hand. To stop the bloodthirsty dead, you need to collect solar energy, which itself falls from the sky. Then plant a few sunflowers, which will give even more "suns". And only then to land in the ground the only defense available at the beginning - "pea shooters".

That's right: plants will be the last line of defense between zombies and your brain, as the name suggests. Each of them has their own abilities, but they all serve to keep the undead to the left edge of the screen, where the door to the house is located.

But zombies are only slow and weak at the beginning. Very soon the player will get acquainted with the dead, who put a bucket on their heads; dead men who can pole vault; dead men who read the newspaper, and even a whole bobsleigh team of the dead. In total, there are twenty-six varieties in the game, almost each of which requires a special approach. It happens that because of one plant planted in the wrong place, you have to start the level from the beginning.

But the "green army" can also boast of diversity - there are fighters for all occasions in it. Day or night, on land or in a pool, on the ground or on the roof - peas, mushrooms, cabbage and corn will guard the brains of those who planted them.

The complexity of the game increases gradually, so that even those who have never met games in tower genre Defense, was able to figure out what to do here.

The art of setting up a garden

The player's task is complicated by the fact that he can take a limited number of plants for each level. And if at first it is not so important - there are few varieties of zombies and defenders - then around the middle of the game, the selection of "cards" with defenders becomes quite complicated and interesting. Before the start of the level, the player is shown zombies bored behind a fence. Looking at them and imagining what they can do, you need to choose "cards".

You also have to take into account where exactly the battle will take place: at the level with the pool, you must definitely take aquatic plants, and on a foggy night, you should think about including lantern plants in your “squad” that expand your view.

And finally - personal preferences. And here the scope for choice is huge: slow down the zombies, preventing them from getting close, or build an impregnable wall of nuts that will hold back a wave of attackers? Plant three "cheap" shooters or for the same number of "suns" one, but strong? In the end, what do you prefer - peas or cabbage?

You can get to know your friends and opponents better in the in-game "almanac", in which information about everyone the player has already met is methodically entered. From it you can learn the most valuable information about the inner world of Hot Pepper, the habits of the Corn Catapult, and even the controversy of zombologists around Zomboni. But the main thing is that the "almanac" contains information about special abilities, zombie survivability or damage caused by a plant.

What else can you do with zombies?

The main action of the game is divided into five large blocks, each of which is a new battlefield or time of day. But even after defeating the big and scary Zomboss, the game does not end. On the contrary, the real fun is just beginning!

As you progress, in addition to new zombies and new plants, new game modes become available. This is the "survival game" mode, when the zombies simply do not end - everyone goes and goes, and mini-games with a completely unique, "zombie" touch. For example, a variation on the theme “match three in a row”: plants are planted randomly on the lawn, and it is from the same plants that you need to make combinations vertically and horizontally. In total, you need to pick up seventy-five "lines". It seems to be simple. But after all, the need to defend against the rushing dead has not gone away: they are still limping measuredly and hoarsely threatening to eat someone's brains. So you have to make sure that the zombies do not break through the defense due to the fact that three pea bushes suddenly disappeared from the field.

If the mini-games seem a little, there is also a "puzzle" mode. In one of them, you need to randomly break vases standing on the lawn - there may be either a plant or a zombie. The dead man, having jumped out of the vase, begins to limp measuredly towards the house, so that - guess what? - eat the brains of the owners. The second "puzzle" reverses roles: now you need to use a given set of zombies to first eat all the plants, and then - absolutely right! - brains.

Well, if you get tired of the shooting and the walking dead - welcome to the little "Zen garden", where you can just take a break, watering the flowers. For good care, the plants will generously repay you with coins, which can be used to buy new reinforced “cards” or useful devices from a neighbor that will make it easier to confront the crowds of the undead.

Black zombie, gray zombie

Talk about the Plants vs. schedule. Zombies are hard. You will never confuse one plant for another, just as you can tell a zombie footballer from a zombie with a ladder at a glance. All characters are drawn with great irony and are able to cause a well-deserved smile.

At the same time, the graphics are reminiscent of games written in flash: flat figures, drawn backgrounds... There are no high technologies here... and in fact, there is no need. The shortcomings of technology are more than compensated by humor.

The situation is approximately the same with music: there are few melodies in the game, but they unobtrusively sound just like “background” ones, without distracting attention from gameplay. This process is also voiced quite well: at least the hissing whisper of the zombies “Brains-s-s-s ...” will definitely be remembered for a long time. With plants it is a little worse - none of them are particularly talkative, and the sounds of shots and other effects in the midst of a battle create such a hodgepodge that sometimes you can get confused about what is happening because of them.

Otherwise, everything is surprisingly good. The game is free from errors, the controls and interface are simple and clear, and most importantly - convenient. What more could you want from a game called Plants vs. Zombies?

Reasons to play Plants vs. Zombies, a lot more than cons. Lots of good humor, polished gameplay with gradually increasing difficulty, lots of opportunities to play the way you like it... A huge number of additional mini-games, finally.

Sunflowers always sway to the beat of music that only they can hear. They themselves claim that this is the rhythm of the Earth itself, but other plants are suspicious of this.

No battle in Plants vs. Zombies is complete without sunflowers. After all, someone has to supply the player with solar energy so they can plant other plants? Sunflower cope with this role perfectly, from time to time scattering "suns" around them.

An additional buff card doubles the sunflowers, increasing the solar gain as well. Two sunflowers in place of one - it's very anti-zombie!

This kind of living dead only appears in the pool. They are not very strong, but they swim very fast, approach the first row of your defense and jump over it, starting to eat plants right from the second row.

To delay them, you can plant special high walnut walls in the pool on water lilies, over which you cannot jump. But if there is not enough energy for these "nuts", you can simply plant two empty sheets of water lilies. The dolphin will jump over the first one, and the zombie will start eating the second one without reaching your "main forces".

And yes, the dolphin is also a zombie.

It seems that during his lifetime, this zombie was very fond of arranging repairs in his house. At least, the ladder in the hands, the hammer on the belt and the pencil behind the ear suggest such thoughts. It's a pity that other zombies got to him, because after his death he became a real nightmare of defensive gardening.

If he puts his ladder to the barrage of nuts, then not only he, but also those zombies that follow him can freely cross it. If this happens during one of the "waves", when the dead walk in dozens, the player runs the risk of getting five or six zombies at once near unprotected plants.

Fighting him is not easy enough: he moves quickly, and his health is not bad. The only thing he's really afraid of is the magnetic mushrooms, which can leave a zombie with a ladder without a ladder in a moment.

Collection of mini-games in Plants vs. Zombies is almost a standalone game. Some of them change the gameplay so much that it’s worth stopping in more detail and seeing what exactly the developers offer players.

All mini-games can be divided into three large groups. In the first, changes occur with zombies - they get new abilities, or we will have to resist one type of them throughout the game. The second group is gameplay changes: new features, but more often additional difficulties. And finally, the third is mini-games that completely change the game.

Variety of strikers

The very first game in this group - Zombotany- at the same time one of the most difficult. Its essence is that instead of the usual walking dead, their hybrids with plants enter the field. What does it mean? This means that now the zombies will respond to our defenders with "fire" of peas and destroy the defenders from a distance.

For memory: the nuts that the player plants are shot only in one direction - and this is exactly the side that we need. In this mini-game, a well-built wall of nuts is the key to victory.

In the variant Zombotany 2 new "hybrid" zombies appear, and now it is advisable not to let them near your "beds" at all. This can be achieved in different ways: either by setting up a line of rapid-fire peas, in front of which you place burning stumps, or by trying to slow down the zombies with freezer peas.

On a note: a pea set on fire by a stump deals double damage. But the frozen pea, flying through the flame, loses its inhibitory effect.

mini games Invisi-ghoul, Big trouble, little zombies and Zombie nimble, zombie quick little different from normal levels. In the first of these, the zombies become invisible, but only to the player - the plants shoot at them as usual, so the first task is to provide at least some kind of defense.

AT Bobsled bonanza the bulk of the attackers will be "zombies", laying ice paths, and zombie bobsledders who travel along these paths. It is best to put in advance in front of each such "path" a bush of thorny grass, which the vehicles of the dead do not like very much.

Problems in defense

The mini-games of the second group are doing everything to create us additional problems. For example, in slot machine there are no initially available "cards" with plants. The defense will have to be built by pulling the handle of the "one-armed bandit": two identical patterns fell out - you get one plant. Three fell out - it will be possible to plant three plants. Each rotation of the drum will cost you twenty-five "suns", and you will have to rotate it often ... Protecting the house fades into the background here. The main task in this mini-game is to collect two thousand solar energy.

AT Wall-nut bowling The goals of the game remain the same, but here are the methods to achieve them... Of all the possible plants, only a few types of nuts will be available to you: from ordinary small ones to exploding and giant ones that roll over zombies like rollers. And with these nuts you need to bring down as many dead people as possible.

For memory: regular nuts are good here because they allow you to earn coins. Hitting a zombie, the nut bounces to the side, and if it finds another target there, the second hit will give you two coins, the third - three, and so on. Just keep collecting!

Game mode Portal combat complicated by the fact that two portals appear on the lawn, through which you can pass in both directions. That is, on the one hand, zombies can pass through them, and on the other hand, peas and cactus needles perfectly fly into one entrance and fly out of the other, hitting zombies who are about to enter the portal. Nevertheless, there is still a difference between "entrance" and "exit": although the portals look flat, they have an "entrance" on only one side. The charges fired by the plant from the other side of the portal where there is no "entrance" will fly by as if nothing had happened.

Last stand- a wonderful mini-game to test your planning and saving skills. For all expenses, the player is allocated five thousand "suns". For this amount, you need to build a defense that can withstand five waves of zombie attacks. After each wave, you will receive a "bonus" of two hundred and fifty units of solar energy, which is enough at best only to slightly patch up the defenses.

Case from practice: it is possible to hold out five "waves" almost without changing the plants. To do this, we plant “three-barreled” peas in the first line on the left, burning stumps in front of it, and on the right, on each path, as long as there is enough money, we plant spiked grass. Most zombies will not reach the stumps. Some danger is only zombie football players and zombie dolphins, but we gradually protect ourselves from them with a wall of nuts.

The game is completely different

And finally, a few more mini-games exist as if "by themselves", having almost nothing in common with what can be seen when playing through.

The first of them - Zombiquarium- gives the player an aquarium with three floating zombies. These "wrong" dead somehow drop all the same "suns" into the water. The goal of the game is to redeem the "cup", which is worth a thousand units of energy.

The problem is that the zombies still need to be fed. And with the same brains that you so diligently protected from them ...

To speed up the process, for just a hundred "suns" you can "buy" additional waterfowl zombies in the aquarium. Just remember that more than three brains cannot be in the water at the same time - and an attempt to feed five or six zombies may fail.

Whack a zombie leaves the goal of the game unchanged - to prevent zombies from entering the house. But this time you will have to do without helper plants. All you have is a heavy hammer, graves and zombies that climb from them. You will have to push the raging ghouls back into the ground, calming each with a hammer on the head with your own hands. Some - with a few blows.

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Cheats, endless suns and useful tips for the game

Where to enter Plants vs. codes Zombies / Plants vs. Zombies

All codes are entered on the title screen of the game menu, English layout EN, after which there will be an alert sound that the cheat code is activated, start any level and watch the effect.
Also, cheats work during the game, but for some you will have to restart the level.

During the game, enter the following cheat codes:
Attention: (for some of them, the Tree of Wisdom must
be at least 100 feet)
future - change the appearance of zombies (all zombies with glasses)
Mustache - mustachioed zombies
trickedout - alternative lawn mower
sukhbir - on/off call zombies with brain sounds
tohot - infinite sun (10,000 feet should be the tree of wisdom, then there will be an infinite sun.)
daisies - after killing a zombie, a small daisy remains
(The Tree of Wisdom must be at least 100 feet)
pinata - candy fountain when killing zombies
(The Tree of Wisdom must be at least 500 feet)
dance - zombies dance
(The Tree of Wisdom must be at least 1000 feet)

Plants vs. Zombies - Easter Eggs:
1. In achievement mode Game versions of the Year Edition, if you scroll all the way down, you can see things and heroes from other PopCap Games games, and at the very bottom there will be Chinese zombies.
2. If you click on the flowers in the second vase in the main menu, then one of its petals will fly away, and the second will fall. Similarly, in the third vase - one petal will fly away.
3. Dave has a box in the trunk of his car that says " War and Peas" (Russian War and peas). This is a reference to Leo Tolstoy's book War and Peace. And also there you can find a green worm from the game Bookworm.
4. In level 5.10, when Crazy Dave is trying to tell you what to use to defeat Zomboss, among his chatter you can hear: "Press up, up, down, down, left, right ...". This is the famous Konami Code.
5. For reference: The Konami Code (Konami Command) is a secret key combination used in many Konami video games. It first appeared in 1986, but gained great fame thanks to the American version of the game Contra (as "code for 30 lives"). Subsequently, it was used in dozens of other games.

Plants vs. Zombies - Tree of Wisdom
Sold at Lawn Supplies for $10,000.
The tree of wisdom gives advice and tells the secrets they are given below.
The last piece of advice the tree gives when it grows to a height of 1,000 feet is: 1,000 servings of tree food: $2,500,000.

Helpful Hints for the game they are given by the Tree of Wisdom, if it is grown:
1) Always plant at least two rows of sunflowers.
2) The pumpkin + tall-nut combination is very effective in protecting your plants.
3) Zombies frozen with snow peas move and eat your plants more slowly. However, the freezing effect from multiple rows of snow peas does not stack. In addition, the effects of freezing (when using snow pea) and setting fire to zombies (when using a burning stump, torchwood) cannot work at the same time.
4) To destroy the Gargaunt zombies, two explosions of a cherry bomb (cherry bomb) or two volleys of pepper (jalapeno), or two squash attacks (squash), or one volley from a corn cannon (cob cannon) are enough.
5) A pepper attack (jalapeno) can destroy an ice trail left by an ice stacker (zomboni).
6) Tall-nuts cannot be jumped over, they stop jumpers of all types (pole vaulting zombie, pogo zombie, dolphin rider zombie). In addition, nuts placed on lily pads will trap underwater snorkel zombies.
7) Magnetic mushrooms (magnet shroom) are very useful because they deprive many types of zombies (buckethead zombie, scereen door zombie, football zombie, jacek-in-the-box zombie, digger zombie, pogo zombie, ladder zombie) of the metal parts of their equipment. This is especially helpful in the fight against digger zombies. Also, magnetic mushrooms can remove already installed stairs. In addition, installed ladders can be destroyed with a single volley of cherry bombs.
8) Always use puff-shroom and sea-shroom in night levels as they are free. Use sun-shroom instead of sunflower. In night levels where there is no pool, always use the grave buster to destroy the graves. Additional zombies emerge from undestroyed graves during invasions.
9) The crater that remains after using doom-shroom disappears over time.
10) Against the dancing zombies, use hypno-shrooms effectively as the dancers start calling backup dancers on your side.
11) The cattail plant is very effective against air zombies.
12) In Zen Garden mode, mushrooms need to be planted in night garden, and aquatic plants - in the aquarium. Mushrooms can be obtained at night levels, aquatic plants - at levels with a pool. In mode survival games Endless can get any kind of plants. Chocolate can be obtained in any game mode and can be used to feed the snail (Stinky the Snail) and to feed the plants.
13) In the Wall-nut Bowling mini-game, the number of coins received depends on the number of ricochets that the nut makes.
14) In the Vasebreaker mini-game, start breaking the vases from the right end of the field.
15) In the I. Zombie mini-game, actively use the zombie dancer if they are available.
16) In the Survival Endless game mode, upgrading plants costs more and more with each new upgraded plant.

Breaking Plants games vs zombies for coins!
In order to get silver coins, we will need the ArtMoney or Cheat Engine editors, whichever is convenient for us, with the help of which we will edit their value. To do this, go to the level or store and see how much we have silver coins, I have 3100 coins, the bottom line is that zeros are not considered, they must be discarded!

1. In the editor, we are looking for the sum 31, not 3100.
2. We buy or receive coins, I will buy a pot, the amount has changed to 2350, in the editor we filter out 235 without zero!
3. Change the remaining value to 999,999 coins, now we can buy anything.

Plants vs Zombies Achievements
When the adventure is over
More than alive
Survive 10 rounds in I'm a Zombie
Blow up the zombies on a potato mine
Peace Prize
Get a golden sunflower when you complete all "Mini-games", "Puzzles", "Survivals"
Not dead
Survive 10 strikes in I'm a Zombie: Infinite
Survive 15 strikes in Vasebreaker: Infinite
Detonate 10 normal sized zombies with a single Cherry Bomb
Collect all 49 including plants from Dave and the Adventure
Heads off the shoulders
Hit 5 zombies with a nut
Replay the adventure to see the Zombie Yeti
my clear days
Collect 8,000 Sun
Good morning
Complete a daily level planting only mushrooms and coffee beans
On the other side of the earth
Win 20 min games
the wisdom of heaven
Grow the Tree of Wisdom to 100 feet
Disco never dies
Hypnotize the Zombie Dancer - To get this achievement, you need to plant a Hypnoshroom in front of the Zombie Dancer to eat it. For this, levels 2-8 and 2-10 are best suited, as well as the Third Vase level of the Vasebreaker mode. You need to wait for the Zombie Dancer to appear, and then have time to plant the mushroom before the Dancers are summoned during his dance.
Pea peace truce
Teach golden sunflower
In a china shop
Survive 15 rounds in Vasoboy
Detonate 10 normal sized zombies with a single Cherry Bomb
Peas don't bathe
Complete the pool day level without planting peas
Complete the rooftop level without using the catapults
Roll your head
Hit 5 zombies with one nut
Complete the rooftop level without using catapults
Collect 30 coins in a level without letting any disappear
Mega corn
Defeat 2 Garcantua (Thugs) with the Corn Cannon
Mushrooms don't belong here
Complete the night level without planting mushrooms
Survive 20 Zambia waves
Collect 8000 suns in one level
Mega corn
Defeat 2 Gargantua with the Corn Cannon
Mustache mode
Enable mustache mode - using cheat code

In order to open the secret zombie yeti, you need to do the following. You need to pass the level 4-10 for the second time through the game, after which the Zombie Yeti will appear when you kill him , get 4 crystals for 1000$!

Thanks to these tips, you can fight zombies as efficiently as possible and your plants will always remain intact after a fight with zombies.

There are no codes and tricks, here are tactics, plant placement, proper flower growing and other wisdom that will help in the battle and before the battle.

  1. Always plant at least two rows of sunflowers.
  2. The pumpkin combination is very effective for protecting your plants.
    + tall nut (tall-nut).
  3. Zombies frozen with ice peas (snow pea),
    move and eat your plants more slowly. However, the freezing effect
    from several rows of snow pea is not cumulative. In addition, freezing effects
    (when using snow pea) and setting fire to zombies (when using a burning
    stump, torchwood) cannot act simultaneously.
  4. Two Cherry Bomb explosions are enough to destroy Gargaunt zombies
    (cherry bomb) either two volleys of pepper (jalapeno) or two zucchini attacks
    (squash), or one salvo from a corn cannon (cob cannon).
  5. Pepper attack (jalapeno) can destroy the ice trail,
    left by an ice handler (zomboni).
  6. Tall nuts (tall-nut) cannot be jumped over,
    they stop jumpers of all types (pole vaulting zombie, pogo zombie,
    dolphin rider zombie. In addition, nuts placed on lilies (lily pad),
    delay underwater zombies (snorkel zombie).
  7. Magnetic mushrooms (magnet shroom) are very useful because they deprive many
    types of zombies (buckethead zombie, scereen door zombie, football zombie,
    jacek-in-the-box zombie, digger zombie, pogo zombie, ladder zombie)
    metal parts of their equipment. This is especially helpful in combat.
    against digger zombie. Also, magnetic mushrooms can remove already installed
    stairs. In addition, installed ladders can be destroyed with a single salvo.
    cherry bomb (cherry bomb).
  8. In night levels always use puff-shroom and sea-shroom as they
    free. Use sun-shroom instead of sunflower. In the night levels
    where there is no pool, always use the grave buster to destroy the graves.
    Additional zombies emerge from undestroyed graves during invasions.
  9. The crater that remains after using doom-shroom
    disappears over time.
  10. Against dancing zombies (dancing zombie) effectively use
    hypnotic mushrooms (hypno-shroom) as the dancers begin to call
    backup dancers by your side.
  11. The cattail plant is very effective against air zombies.
  12. In Zen Garden mode, mushrooms must be planted in the night garden, and aquatic plants must
    to the aquarium. Mushrooms can be obtained at night levels, aquatic plants - at
    pool levels. In Survival Endless game mode, you can get
    any kind of plants. Chocolate can be obtained in any game mode and
    use both for snail food (Stinky the Snail) and for top dressing
  13. In the Wall-nut Bowling mini-game, the number of coins received depends
    on the number of ricochets that the nut makes.
  14. In the Vasebreaker mini-game, start breaking the vases from the right end of the field.
  15. In the I. Zombie mini-game, actively use the zombie dancer if they are available.
  16. In the Survival Endless game mode, upgrading plants costs more and more.
    more expensive with each new improved plant.

Scary, terrible zombies want to take over our planet and destroy our garden, and only green plants can save life on Earth. Flora gets in the way of the zombies, fights against them and does not allow the monsters to go beyond the green field. Every boy or girl can feel like a commander of green heroes. Our portal presents the entire series of games that you can play completely free online or download to your home gadget and play anywhere.

Each toy has several difficulty levels that open in turn, not every player can pass all the levels, but only the most successful and fastest. The site contains full versions and classic game"Plants vs. Zombies" and other games from this series, where plants fly, participate in star wars, fighting together with . Each player will be able to find a game to their taste!

How to play: Zombie War Secrets

Passing all the levels of the game is not as easy as it might seem from the first minutes. You need to have dexterity and certain skills in order to have time to plant plants that release charges into the dead, collect suns that give life to these plants, plant sunflower flowers that themselves produce new suns. In addition, you need to follow all the bonuses and tips that appear on the playing field from time to time and with which you can immediately destroy entire hordes of the enemy.

For avid zombie fighters, the developers have come up with special cheat codes that can further diversify the game. For example, you can slightly change the appearance of zombies by adding mustaches, glasses, make them dance, crumble into candies. If a child is playing, you can slow down the movements of the dead a little and plant daisies at the place of their death.

In addition, having completed all the levels of the game once, you can go through it again and again, because new opportunities open up for the player. So, a tree of wisdom appears, which needs to be fertilized in order for it to grow and reveal secrets, giving codes for passing new levels with more opportunities than the first time.

Everything is not as simple as it seems

The strategy of the game is to fill the green lawn in front of the house as quickly as possible. useful plants, which can stop the insidious zombies. You need to try to plant as many sunflowers as possible on the lawn, which produce suns, and then, earning points in the fight against walkers, buy other plants that kill insidious enemies. If the planted plants do not cope with their task, various bombs can be used to quickly save your home, which destroy all the carrion around them and consist of vegetable and berry cocktails.

After completing the first few levels, the player is in for a small surprise: an almanac opens, which presents the characteristics of available plants and descriptions various kinds zombie. The game becomes more interesting due to the choice of the enemy, his strength, capabilities and plants that can resist them. The further the player goes through the levels of the game, the more green friends with different skills he can get.

The main defensive and attacking units in the game:

  • sunflowers, they generate suns that feed other plants;
  • pea shooters;
  • watermelon throwers;
  • bomb vegetables;
  • cherries-bombs;
  • killer mushrooms and many others that open as you progress through the levels.

In addition to the standard version, the game has several other modes that can be activated for a change:

  • adventure: a regular game, for the passage of which the player receives a "Silver Sunflower";
  • survival: defense in the conditions of constant, not for a second stopping, attacks of the dead;
  • version: a special video game for two, in which one player can play as zombies and the other as plants, competing in the skill of controlling their units;
  • : in it the player is already in favor of a team of zombies and must destroy all the plants and break into the house.

In addition, the game pleases with a variety of bonuses, one of which is the ability to set up your own garden and grow plants for war in it, and even sell seedlings to other players for coins and crystals. Or you can just have fun, painting the zombie avatar with funny mustaches, sideburns, change their hairstyle, eye shape, clothes and accessories. Create your own enemy, feel like a game developer!

« Plants vs. Zombies" - one of cult games which has only grown in popularity over the years. Passing it completely and more than once is a matter of honor for every player.

The number of fans of the exciting online game Plants vs. Zombies is growing every day. And this is not surprising, given its fascinating story and cool graphics.

It is worth noting that gamers generally love entertainment in which they have to fight with the risen dead. But even among them, Zombie vs Plant games are unbeatable. With their help, you can protect your personal virtual world from blatant attacks. What's more, with a game about how plants rise up against zombies and win, it's so easy to pretend to be the hero. Well, what could be more inspiring and enjoyable than this exciting feeling - feeling like a winner?

Haven't experienced anything like this in a long time? No problem! Rather, download our wonderful game, plunge headlong into the battle that takes your breath away, come out of it as a winner and enjoy an exciting cocktail of delight, excitement, adrenaline and a sense of your own strength. And all this, mind you, you can get in abundance, without even leaving your room. Where else is such a miracle possible?!

Where do we start playing?

The toy begins with a completely pastoral picture, in which the sun is shining, the grass is turning green and the leaves of the plant are being pulled towards you, which can be planted on the beds that are broken right there. But be on the lookout and don't relax too much: at any moment, the first half-decayed monsters may appear around the corner. FROM empty eye sockets and with disgusting hooked bones-hands put forward, they will go straight to your beds and, if nothing is done this very second, they will trample them and the newly planted seedlings. The trick is to play online game Zombies against plants need to be very fast - only under the condition of instant decision-making and lightning-fast actions do you have a chance to repel any attack of vile creatures. It's good that the plants in your beds are not just pretty flowers, but real warriors, quite capable of tearing apart the enemy. With their help, you have every chance to win.

What to look out for

Firstly, the fact that not all the flowers in your beds are the same. They have different reserves of vitality, different power of projectiles for firing at enemies and different frequency of shots. All these factors must be considered when placing plants on the beds. But the difficulty is that there are few colors in your arsenal. More precisely, there can be as many as you like, but only for money. And you can get gold coins for buying plants for killing nasty zombies. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to carefully count the number of scalps, since the amount of money you have is reflected on the panel at the top of the screen (after killing the next monster, it instantly changes). There you will also see the cost of each flower that can be planted in the garden. As you pass game levels the range of plants will grow, and with it their combat capabilities. True, the number of types of zombies will also change, and not in the direction of reduction. In the army of the dead, more powerful and tenacious individuals will appear, which will be much more difficult to defeat than ordinary corpses. But the more interesting the game will become, in which with each new level it will be more and more difficult for plants fighting against zombies to win. We hope you have enough talent and endurance to go through all the stages of this exciting confrontation to the end and still forever free your flower garden from the threat of being trampled down by long-dead corpses.


The gameplay of the game about the battle of zombies against plants is very simple and convenient. You will perform all actions for placing flowers on the beds, adjusting the direction of their shooting and other indicators using only the cursor. Just point it at the object that you are in this moment interested and click. To mark the monster that the selected flower will aim at, first click on the plant, and then on the unfortunate zombie.

Oh, and don't forget to keep an eye on the scale of vitality located above the heads of both zombies and flowers, so you can think over the strategy of destroying enemies much more efficiently. Good luck!