Teenage games for girls. Games in Russian for girls. On the count of three


Players stand in a chain and take each other's hands. They are given leaflets with inscriptions of animals. When a participant hears the name of his animal from the host, he falls to the floor with all his might, and his neighbors must hold this participant. The whole point lies in the fact that the word "hare" is written on all the leaves. After unsuccessful attempts to "find wolves and foxes," the host says "hare." Everyone falls to the floor with a crash.


Instructions for action are written on chamomile petals, for example, such as: “Crow”, “Smile with all your teeth”, etc. Participants take turns tearing off the petals and completing tasks.

Couples vice versa

Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms are free). These couples should dance, dance or perform some task.

Who will sew faster?

Two teams of guys must “sew” all the team members to each other for speed. Instead of a needle, a spoon is used, to which a thread is tied, twine. You can “sew on” through a strap, a strap, a loop on trousers, in a word, through something that does not offend the dignity of a partner.

Alyonushka and Ivanushka

Three guys are blindfolded, but first they choose a mate. Girls to the cry of "their" Ivanushka: "Alyonushka!" - should respond: "I'm here, Ivanushka!". The guy must catch exactly his Alyonushka. The game is complicated by the fact that three pairs play at once.

shoe competition

Five girls and five guys come out. They are divided into pairs. The guys are placed with their backs to the girls. The girls take off their shoes from one foot and put them in front of them. The host changes shoes and allows the guys to turn around. The one who puts on his partner first wins.

Good - bad

Players are divided into pairs and take turns saying what they like about their partner (only what concerns appearance) and what they don’t like. When everyone has expressed their opinion, everyone should kiss what he liked and bite what he did not like.

Get an apple

The game requires a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin with his hands behind his back and tries to catch the apple with his teeth.

Ha ha ha!

The players sit in a circle, and one of them says "Ha" as seriously as possible. The next one says “Ha ha”, the third one says “Ha ha ha”, etc. Whoever says the wrong amount of "Ha" or laughs is out of the game.


Players stand in two lines. The first player of each team is given a clean sheet. On the command “start”, the participants must pass the sheet to each other, putting it to their mouth and sucking in air so that the sheet does not fall. Helping hands is prohibited. If the leaf falls, it returns to the front of the line again. The team whose list is first at the end of the line wins.

The island is narrowing

Players are divided into pairs: a girl - a guy. They stand on an open newspaper and dance to the music. Each time the music stops, the host folds the newspaper in half. The couple that dances the longest without leaving the newspaper wins.

feed an apple

Apples are hung on strings, and the girls hold these strings at arm's length. Guys have to eat an apple from their girlfriend without using their hands. Whoever does it faster wins.

Pass the ball

Players are divided into two teams and sit on chairs one after another, forming two lines. Each team is given a ball at the beginning of the line, which must be passed to the last player in the team without the help of hands. The winner is the team that passed the ball faster than others.


Good old children's game. The host collects one personal item from all the players, and then everyone writes some task on a piece of paper. Then the papers are collected, mixed, and the presenter, without looking, first pulls out someone else's object, and then a note. The person who owns the pulled item must complete the task written on a piece of paper. The game is wonderful, but only the players should remember that they themselves may come across their own task.

This circumstance somewhat limits the sadistic habits.


Everyone sits in a circle, and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must immediately say in the ear of the next one his first association with this word, the second - the third, etc., until the word returns to the first. If from a harmless "chandelier" you get "chaos" - consider that the game was a success.


Game for older kids school age, and at parties she goes with a bang. 7-8 people participate, each chooses an animal for himself and shows the others the characteristic movement of this animal. This is how "acquaintance" happens. After that, the host from the side selects the starter of the game. That one must show "himself" and another "animal", this "animal" shows itself and someone else, and so on, until the moment someone makes a mistake, i.e. will show another "animal" incorrectly or will show the one that was eliminated. The one who makes the mistake is out. The game ends when two remain.


To play, you need a sofa on which four people can sit, and five chairs arranged in a semicircle facing the sofa so that you get a closed ring and everyone can see everyone. The players, 8 people, are divided into two teams equally.

Players sit on the sofa and on four of the five chairs, leaving the middle chair free. Moreover, the players of the same team should not sit next to each other, but through one. The names of the participants are written on eight pieces of paper - one on each, avoiding repetition. The papers are shuffled and distributed to the participants.

The move is made as follows: the player to the left of which there is an empty place calls the name of one of the players, and the one who has a piece of paper with the named name in his hands moves to an empty place and exchanges pieces of paper with the player who called him. Then everything is repeated in relation to the newly freed space.

The task of the players of each team is to seat the whole team on the sofa, moving the opponents to the chairs. Fans of logic and observation can remember who was called and called and who changed with whom. But you can call the name at random, trusting only intuition.

Children can participate in the game on an equal footing with adults, they do just as well.

Frogs and bananas

Several participants are called, who will act as frogs ... "Frogs" must jump to the end of the room (preferably a large one). There will be bananas (according to the number of participants). "Frogs" should eat them, shout loudly: "Kwa!" - and jump back, but backwards!


The game requires several magazine (calendar) photos of famous athletes and actors. Each must be glued onto thin cardboard, cut into 20 parts and put in an envelope.

Players receive one envelope each and the task is to put together a whole picture from pieces. Whoever completes the task the fastest wins.

Ocean is shaking

The players, except for the leader, stand in a circle, at arm's length from each other, and each marks his place with a small circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle and begins to walk between the players in any direction. Passing by someone, he touches his shoulder with his hand and says: “The sea is worried!” The player to whom he said these words leaves the circle and follows the leader. Then the driver approaches another player and also invites him with the words “The sea is worried!”. Having collected about half of the players, he begins to drive them around the entire site. In the course of movement, everyone depicts the movements of the waves with their hands. Suddenly, the driver says: "The sea is calm." The players, including the driver, try to stand in any of the free circles. The one left without a circle becomes the leader, and the game is repeated.


Participants sit in several lines on chairs. Each line gets its own role: grandfather, grandmother, wolf, etc.; in addition, each of the participants is a “kolobok”. The host tells a fairy tale, and the participants, having heard the name of their role, must run around the chair. Everyone runs around the chairs when they hear the word "kolobok". You need to tell with a share of artistry, often repeating roles, for example: “The grandmother baked, although what kind of grandmother she is, not a grandmother, but a young grandmother, a bun.” The game ends when everyone is tired of running.

Golden Key

Two teams of 6-8 people play. Teams are given one key, fixed on a ring, and two "nose" - long paper cones with a rubber garter. At a distance of several meters from each team, a chair is placed. The first players on the team put on "noses", cling to them with keys and run each to their chair. They run around him and return to their team. Having run up to the first player in their column, they “nose”, without the help of hands, move the key to the “nose” of the next player.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

funny monkeys

The leader says:

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

We puff out cheeks

Jumping on toes

And we will even show tongues to each other.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's put a finger to the temple.

Let's stick out the tail

Ears on top.

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

How do I say the number 3, -

All freeze with grimaces!

The players repeat all the words and movements after the leader.


Any number of guests can take part in the game. All participants, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, and while it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, and as soon as the handkerchief is on the ground, everyone calms down. It is at this moment that I really want to laugh. Fanta is taken from the funniest - this is a song, a verse, etc.

Prize for "Three!"

Two participants stand opposite each other, in front of them on a chair lies a prize. The presenter counts: one, two, three ... one hundred, one, two, three ... eleven, one, two, thirty ... twenty, etc. The one who is more attentive and takes the prize first wins, when the host says - three.

cock fight

A classic children's game that can be successfully played in any company. Two hoops are placed, participants stand on one leg in them and push each other out of the circle. The goth who stands on one leg and pushes the opponent out of the circle wins. The loser must crawl under the table and crow loudly.


To play, you will need skittles - plastic water bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters, which must be numbered. It is necessary, rolling the ball, knock down the pins. The player with the most points wins the game and is rewarded with a bottle of soda.

By concepts

The game uses the following props: three balls of different colors - red, blue and white (instead of balls, you can take, for example, an apple, an orange and a tangerine).

Participants sit in a circle. Three participants are given a ball. The essence of the game is as follows: each ball corresponds to a certain concept. For example, red - fire, blue - water, white - air. Players must pronounce words that are related in meaning to this concept.

Red ball - sparks, fire, matches, etc.;

blue - fish, ice rink, waterfall, etc .;

white - wind, bird, sky, etc.

A conceptual connection can be established depending on the desire of the participants, for example, three different balls, respectively, denote:

red is love

blue - friendship,

There can be a lot of options.

At the signal of the host, the participants can throw the balls in turn or randomly. The player who caught the ball must name the concept corresponding to the task related to the color of the ball, after which he throws it to another participant, etc.

If a player hesitates, he is out of the circle.

The winner is the last person left.


Each participant becomes an animal - an elephant, a cancer, a mosquito, a deer, a fish, a snake, a hare, a lion or another - of his choice or by lot. The main thing is to come up with a characteristic gesture with which he will show his beast. The meaning of the game: show your beast, and then the beast of another participant. Another participant shows again his animal, and then the animal of the third participant. Everything must be done quickly, but without mistakes: whoever makes a mistake puts a phantom. At the end of the game, when two participants remain, forfeits are played out: one winner turns away and comes up with funny tasks for those whose forfeits are chosen by the other winner.


Elephant - touch the nose with the right hand. In the circle formed by the hand, stick your left hand all the way.

Cancer - fold the figs with both hands, bring them to the eyes, move the thumbs.

Mosquito - make a fist, stretch out your index finger, bring the back of your hand to your nose, wave the resulting proboscis.

Deer - with cross-folded hands with spread fingers, quickly wave over your head (like the Chukchi dance).

Fish - fold your palms, as for prayer, lower them parallel to the floor, make a wave-like movement (similar to a fish jumping and leaving it in the depths of the water).

Snake - shaking his right hand with a slightly bent palm, depict a spectacled cobra preparing to attack.

Hare - press your arms bent at the elbows to your chest; brushes depict paws. Such bunnies can be seen at any kindergarten matinee - remember your golden childhood!

The lion is almost like a hare, but the claws are out and (required!) make a brutal face.

Gestures of other animals can be invented by yourself. The main condition of the game is that all gestures must be accurate, error-free and very fast. The slightest inaccuracy or delay is punishable by a phantom. In the end, the gestures get mixed up, the crayfish begins to move its mosquito proboscis, and the hare has a ferocious expression on its face.


They play together. The first player (by lot) makes a “challenge”: he gives a task to the second player, naming one of the letters of the alphabet (except for b, b, e, d). The second player must answer: "Review" - and name three words in 10 seconds that begin with a given letter. For example, call: "M". Review: Lightning, hammer, motor. It is agreed in advance from which part of speech the words for the review should be and, of course, in the singular and the nominative case. “Review” will be more successful if three words are connected in a sentence.

If the player cannot find three words for a given letter, makes a mistake or does not meet the time, then the partner who made the challenge receives a point and makes the next challenge. If the "review" is correct, then the right to call passes to the responder. Each suggestion receives two points. The player with 10 points wins.

Surprise bag

Comic gifts for the players are put in the bag: mops, rags, brushes, washcloths, old ropes, torn shoes, broken cups, plates, pots with holes, etc. There are as many gifts as there are players.

Players take turns approaching the bag and choosing a gift. They should wittily thank for the gift and tell how they will use it, the main thing is that it should be interesting, fun and about this subject.

The most successful and funny story is awarded with a real prize.

Sometimes, instead of gifts, playful wishes for the player, excerpts from stories or poems that need to be continued and rhymed are put in envelopes in a bag. The recipient of the envelope wittily comments on the message. There may be other tasks in the envelopes: say a proverb, express a wish to your friends, perform an original exercise, depict something, and much more.

You can play together with the third one - the leader, but it is better to assemble a group. Everyone sits in a circle. The leader says: “Nose, nose, nose” - and takes his hand on his nose. On the fourth repetition, he touches his hand not to the nose, but, for example, to the ear. Those seated should do everything as the leader says, and not repeat his movements. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The last player, the most attentive, wins.

Hands up!

The game involves 7 people or more.

Players form a circle (you can stand or sit). The leader is chosen by lot. He walks in a circle and, stopping in front of any player, says: "Hands!" The driver must stop exactly opposite, otherwise the command is not executed. The player continues to stand (or sit), and both of his neighbors must raise one hand up: the neighbor on the right - left, the neighbor on the left - right. The player who raised the wrong hand or did not raise it at all replaces the driver.

Play for a set time. Players who have never been drivers win.


The game involves 10-15 people.

One player (Roly-Vstanka) stands with his arms extended along his body. The rest sit down, legs crossed, close around him and stretch out their hands to him. Roly-poly falls on the outstretched arms of the seated players, who keep pushing him away. Who could not push away Vanka-standing, he himself goes into the middle.

What a fruit!

Ten players sit in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of any fruit: orange, pear, pineapple, etc.

When the buyer (leader) enters the circle, he is asked about the purchase. He should, for example, answer: "I came from the market, I bought an apple and a pear." Those whose names he named change places, and the buyer tries to take the place of one of them. The player left without a place becomes a buyer.

In a close circle

Standing on one leg and crossing their arms over their chest, the participants try to push each other out of the circle with their shoulders or force them to stand on both legs. Whoever fails to resist is out of the game.

The finale is especially interesting when the two strongest and most dexterous participants remain in the circle.

They collect a bunch of small items: pieces of roots, pebbles, penknives, ropes, shells, buttons, leaves that will be hidden. The driver sees these objects, but he does not know to whom they will fall. When he leaves, all the participants in the game take apart the objects and sit in a circle. The driver returns and tries to guess what item is in each player's hand. If his guess is wrong, the player responds by croaking, if correct, he is silent. If the driver guesses after the first question, he is given a hidden object and he puts it on the right, if after three questions the leader guesses - on the left, and if he guesses after the second or third question - in the middle.

The driver wins if there are more things on the right, if there are more things on the left, he loses and drives again. When calculating the average pile is not considered. If the driver wins, he is replaced by the player with whom the item was found first.

Catch the pebbles

The game involves six players divided into two teams. To play, you need 25 small pebbles or round pebbles so that they all fit in a handful. The players sit in a circle. One of them takes the pebbles in his right hand, throws them up and tries to catch as much as he can, the rest fall to the ground. Then he throws the caught pebbles and again tries to catch as many as possible. The player transfers these stones to the left palm. Having thrown one pebble, he quickly picks up as many pebbles as he can. Then again he throws up one of those in the handful and with the same hand picks up the next pebble. This is repeated until the player collects all the stones or loses.

The player loses if:

- cannot pick up a single pebble while another is in the air;

- lifting one pebble, the other will budge;

- picking up a pebble, he will not be able to catch the one that is in the air.

If one player loses, the next one enters the game. If you win, when all the pebbles are collected, the next player starts the game, and the number of pebbles is recorded in favor of his team. If the players of both teams have already taken part in the game, the final result is summed up. The team with the most points wins.

Quick ball

6 or more participants take part, however, the more players, the more interesting. They line up in a row 30-40 cm apart. Outstretched arms with open palms are held behind the back. One of the players, walking along the line, pretends to want to drop a ball (or ball) into someone's palm. Players must not look back. Finally, he lowers the ball into his hand, and the player who received it breaks out of the line. Neighbors in the line must grab him (or tag him) before he moves. But at the same time, they do not have the right to leave the line. If they fail to capture him, he may return to his seat and the game continues. If caught, he changes places with the leader, and the game continues.


All participants are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.

Participants braid the "wattle" - they join hands through one, crosswise.

The members of the first team walk towards the other team, which at this time is standing still, and say: “We all congratulate Masha and wish her good health!” They say the second half of the phrase, stepping back. Then the other team does the same. Then everyone lines up in the back of the head and follows the leader, who tries to walk in such a way that everyone is confused. As soon as the leader claps his hands, both teams take their places and again braid into a “wattle fence”.

Usually after that, "extra" hands appear.


Twenty participants are divided into two groups, stand opposite each other at a distance of 20 m and join hands, forming two chains parallel to each other.

The first group shouts in chorus: “Shackles!”

The second answers her: “Shackled! Unleash us."

First, in chorus: "Which of us?"

The second group, after conferring, chooses one of the first group and calls his name.

The chosen one runs up and tries to break the chain, the participants of which chose him (the chain of the second group), and those, in turn, try to prevent this, holding hands tightly.

If the chosen one breaks the chain, then he takes one of the two who broke the chain and takes him to his team.

If the chosen one does not break the chain, then he remains in this team (caught).

The game continues until one of the teams has 1 person left.

Alice and Basilio

The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is Alice bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with Basilio, who is blindfolded, embracing, overcome a given distance. The couple that “hobbled” first receives a “golden key” - a prize.


Several intersecting, intertwining "railroads" of different colors are drawn on the floor with colored chalk. Players, having chosen their “road”, grab each other (5-7 people) and try to reach as quickly as possible, to get to the end of the path. The train that reaches the target first is the winner.

rocket launcher

Along the edges of the site, 6-8 triangles are drawn, - “rocket sites”. Inside each of them draw circles - "rockets", but always a few circles less than the players. All participants stand in a circle in the center of the site. At the command of the leader, they walk in a circle, holding hands, saying the words: “Fast rockets are waiting for us to walk around the planets. Whatever we want, we'll fly to such! But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers!” After that, everyone runs to the “rocket launcher” and takes their places in the “rockets”. Those who do not have time to take a place are out of the game.


A simple game that is suitable for collecting "forfeits" with their subsequent playing.

Rules: the leader is called the gardener. All participants choose their own flowers, on behalf of which they will speak. Leader starts:

- I was born a gardener, I was seriously angry. I'm tired of all the flowers, except... - And he names any flower chosen by the players. He should respond: - Oh! - What happened to you? - In love (in love) ... - In whom? - In ... - And he names the flower of another participant (or gardener). He also responds: “Oh! - What happened to you? - And in a circle. A participant who has not responded gives a phantom (or leaves the game). The participant who named the missing flower also gives a phantom.

We meow and grunt

Players are divided into two teams, one team is “kittens”, the second is “pigs”, they, respectively, meow and grunt. After that, everyone is blindfolded and everyone is mixed among themselves in a circle of chairs or other guests. It is necessary to gather your team as soon as possible, without leaving the circle.


All those present are divided into two teams, line up one after another, each with a handkerchief. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, and so on. The last player ties the penultimate one and shouts victoriously: “Everyone is ready!” The whole team turns to face the opponents. You can play for speed, quality, appearance nesting dolls - the main thing is to have time to take a picture of funny nesting dolls.

The driver clamps the ring (or other small object) between the palms, all players put their hands on him with a “boat”.


The driver, putting his hands into the hands of the participants, must pass the ring to any of the players so that the rest do not guess who exactly.

After that, the phrase is pronounced: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!”

The one who got the ring should run out to the place of the driver, while the rest should try to keep him, unless, of course, they figure out in time who exactly is going to run.

If the one who received the ring manages to run out, then he leads the next horse, if not, the driver remains the same.

Cats and mice

Having chosen "cat" and "mouse", all other players become in a circle and hold hands. "Cat" - outside the circle, "mouse" - inside it.

The "cat" now and then strives to break through to the "mouse", which is guarded by the other players: they prevent the "cat" from slipping down, dropping their hands; trying to prevent her from jumping over their closed hands, raising them ...

If the “cat” manages to break into the circle, then the players should quickly open the chain so that the “mouse” can jump out of the circle, and have time to hold hands before the “cat” runs out after the “mouse”. Being outside, the "mouse" teases the "cat", and when the latter manages to jump out of the circle, the players must temporarily open the circuit again in order to let the "mouse" in, but not the "cat" ...

The game continues until the "cat" catches the "mouse".

The players choose a new "cat" and "mouse".

I go, I go, I go

According to the rhyme, one of the participants is declared superfluous.

Everyone else stands in a circle facing the center, at a distance of about one step from each other. Then the extra one moves along the outer side of the circle and says: “I'm going, I'm going, I'm going, but to someone's misfortune. Whom I hit, I run away. I just can't choose."

Finally, he lightly pats one of his comrades on the back, and from that moment on, they both become rivals, because the task of each is to run around the circle in order to occupy free place, and one runs around the circle on the left, the other on the right, that is, from different sides.

After that, the game resumes: the loser again moves in a circle behind the backs of his comrades with the words: "I'm going, I'm going ..."


The players choose the driver.

Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says these words:


What time is it

Left until the evening

Before winter?

After the words "Before the winter?" put the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the host counts: "One, two, three, ... ten." The one who holds the item the longest wins. The host can give different tasks: while holding a stick, the players must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.


The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:

- Ding, ding, ding!

- Who's there?

- Where?

- From the city...

- What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who performs the task poorly, gives a phantom. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. The players, whose forfeits are with the driver, must redeem them. The driver invents for them interesting tasks. Children count poems, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen, and the game is repeated.

On the count of three

2-3 people play. The host announces the conditions of the competition:

- I'll tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the number 3, -

Take the prize immediately.

Once we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside

Small fish were seen

And not just one, but as many as seven.

When you want to remember poetry

Don't bite them until late at night.

Take and repeat at night

Once - another, but better ... ten.

Dreaming guy hardened

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: one, two, march!

One day a train at the station

I had to wait three hours...

If the players do not have time to take the prize, the host takes it and ends:

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

When it was possible to take.

Prize on a rope

In the room, a rope is stretched between two chairs, on which prizes hang on thin threads.

The participant is blindfolded, given scissors in their hands, slightly untwisted and directed towards the hanging prizes.

The participant must approach the rope and, without touching his hand, cut off the prize.

Body parts

Players are given cards with certain letters. The task of the participants is to attach (and hold) all the cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the indicated letters.

The winner is the one who can place the most cards without dropping them.

"Fairytale" game

It is offered for a company of at least 10 people.

1. A children's book with a fairy tale is taken (the simpler, the better). “Ryaba the Hen”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, that is, any stories simplified and adapted for children are ideal ... (the more stupid, the funnier).

2. A leader is chosen (he will be a reader).

3. ALL (!) Heroes of the fairy tale are written out of the book on separate sheets, including, if the number of people allows, even trees, stumps, rivers, buckets, etc.

4. Using the method of strict scientific poke, everyone pulls their roles.


The players become in pairs - a boy-girl - in a column one after another.

Couples hold hands and raise them at head level, forming a kind of "arch".

A free girl (or guy) - a "fish" - enters the first "arch" and starts walking forward, along the way she takes any guy (girl) she likes by the hand and drags her to the end of the stream, where they get up as a new couple, be sure to kiss.

During the passage of the stream, those standing in it form “stones and snags” with their free hands, patting and pinching the passing “fish” for all the protrusions and roundness. The freed girl (guy), whose partner was “taken away”, becomes a “fish”. Couples passing along the "brook" move crouching, trying to slip quickly and dodge slaps. The game is quite dynamic.


One person stands in the center and closes his eyes. This is the Sun". The rest of the participants (“planets”) stand at the distance at which they are comfortable. You can also take various poses. Then the "sun" opens its eyes and looks at the resulting picture. After that, the person standing in the center can move people to the distance at which he would be comfortable. As a result, everyone sees a real and desired picture of the relationship of the group to the individual and the individual to the group.


Everyone stands in a column with their hands on each other's shoulders. Everyone's eyes are closed, except for the first one, who leads the group through various obstacles. If the obstacle is serious, then it is better to warn the group about them.

Option: only the last one has his eyes open, and he tells the first and the whole group where to go.


The group is divided into pairs. The first in a pair becomes a photographer, the second becomes a camera. The "camera" closes its eyes, the "photographer" brings it to interesting place indoors and, by lightly pressing on his head, “takes pictures”. The "camera" opens its eyes for a second, and then closes again. Then the “camera” must guess where the “pictures were taken”. Then the roles change.

Mu Mu

The group sits in a circle. The first person draws the sounds of m-u-u-u for a long time at a certain height. The moment he finishes, the next one must catch up, and so on in a circle. It is important that the sound is not interrupted. Those who laugh are out of the game.

In the dark

This game will require skittles and blindfolds according to the number of participants. Team game. Skittles are arranged in a "snake" in front of each team. The teams, holding hands, blindfolded, try to cover the distance without hitting the skittles. Whose team will have fewer knocked down pins will win the "journey". How many pins not knocked down - so many points.

two rings

The group stands hand in hand around a circle drawn on the ground. Inside this large ring is a smaller ring. The player can only be either outside the big ring or inside the small one. The task of each is to force others into the forbidden territory and at the same time hold on to it.

snake tail

Participants form a column, holding tightly to each other's waist. The task of the "head" is to catch the "tail" - the last player, and the task of the "tail" is to dodge.

Three questions

Three boys and three girls are called. The host keeps one member of the opposite sex out of six. And the rest are taken away so that they do not eavesdrop and do not peep. It is agreed with the remaining participant that he will answer the question in the sequence “yes” - “no” - “yes”. And so three times for three questions.

The facilitator asks the following questions:

- Do you know what this is?

- Do you know what it's for?

- Do you want to know?

In the first series, the host points to the palm, and after agreeing to find out what it is for, shakes the participant's palm. In the second series, the facilitator points to the shoulder and, after the answer, gently hugs the participant's shoulder. In the third series, the host points to the lips and, after answering, stretches his lips to the participant, intending to kiss, and then plays on his lip like a little one. After a friendly laugh, the host sits down, and the 1st participant takes his place. And a second member of the opposite sex is called for him.

So in turn, all six participants pass the survey.

The power of the gaze

The players stand in a circle. Participants exchange glances, agreeing who changes with whom. In the center is a leader who is trying to take someone's place. The one whose place was taken by the leader leads.

Sculpting blindly

Participants are divided into three people, and one is blindfolded. At this time, the second of the third "sculpts a sculpture." Then the “blind” must “blind” from the second the same thing that he “blinded” from the third.


Participants randomly move around the room. The leader shouts: “We unite in groups of 3 (4.5, etc.) people!” Participants should quickly come together as instructed and hug tightly in groups. Single "molecules" are out of the game.

We draw on the palm

Participants break into pairs, close their eyes and stretch out their hands to each other: one palms up, the other down. One represents some image and tries to convey it to the second by stroking it with his palms (for example: the sea, the wind, two people under a lantern, etc.). Then the couples change.

Grandma's chest

Each of the two players has his own chest or suitcase, in which various items clothes. It is more interesting to pick up old funny things. The players are blindfolded, and at the command of the leader, they begin to put on things from the chest. The task of the players is to dress up as quickly as possible.

best chauffeur

Long threads are tied to two machines, and pencils are attached to the ends, or you can also thread spools. At the command of the leader, the players begin to wind them up. The one whose car reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

Word on the back

Players are attached to their backs by a sign with a word pre-written on them. The task of the players is to read what is written on the back of the opponent, but at the same time not show their inscription.

Where is the gift

10 pieces of paper are taken, on each of which it is written where the next one lies. Then almost all the notes are hidden in different places, and one is given into the hands of the players. Their task is to find and collect all the notes. It is good to play this game at a birthday party, when the last note indicates where the gift itself is hidden.

picture the word

The players are divided into two teams. From each team, one person approaches the leader, who is given a word, a piece of paper and a pen. At the signal of the leader, these players must draw the received word on paper so that the team can guess it. The team that guesses the pictured word faster than the other wins.


The players are divided into teams, but you can arrange an individual competition. Players are given two cards each. The task of the players is to move along these “bumps” cartons, moving from one to another, to get over the “swamp” as quickly as possible.


Five or more people form a circle, hold hands and become entangled.

The task of the driver is to unravel them as quickly as possible.

What kind of animal?

Several people are called from the company, each of them pulls out a note from the box indicating which of the animals he needs to portray.

Depicts in the form of pantomime, and the company must guess who he portrays.

Until the last ball

Two large, but equal in number teams participate. Each of the participants ties with a thread to his leg an inflated balloon your team's colors. The thread can be any length, although the longer the better. Balls must be on the floor. On command, everyone begins to destroy the opponent's balls, stepping on them, while at the same time preventing them from doing it with their own. The owner of the burst ball steps aside and stops the battle. The winner is the team whose ball will be the last on the battlefield. Funny and non-traumatic. Checked. By the way, each team can develop some kind of strategy and tactics of warfare. And the balls may not be of the same color in the team, but for a successful fight you need to know your partners well.

Rope and ball

Two couples are called. A rope is stretched between two chairs. The guy and the girl squeeze the ball between themselves and, without touching the ball with their hands, pass under the rope. The second couple does the same. After that, the rope is lowered.

The game is repeated until none of the pairs can overcome the obstacle.

In order of numbers

It is not necessary to tell the name of the game in advance, so as not to let the players guess the meaning of the game before the necessary preparations are made. The principle is the following. One person who knows the rules of the game must form everyone in a circle with eyes closed. You can't peek. After that, everyone stretches one hand forward, and the leader slowly taps a number on the hand, depending on the number of participants. After that, the driver announces that it is necessary to line up in the order of numbers, i.e. the person who was hit once should be the first, then the person who was hit twice should stand, etc. At the same time, you can’t say anything, although you shout , knocking, clapping, hugging, naughty, kissing and doing any thing you can, just not to speak and not open your eyes. It is worth giving someone two identical numbers, and skip some. Then you can get two chains with a break, or you get one if people guess about your action. It is advisable to shoot everything on video, then not only the host, but everyone else will be able to see how all the participants, like blind kittens, bump into each other, mumble and try to somehow communicate. It is desirable to play the game when people are more or less relaxed and familiar with each other, but you can make the game a way to get to know each other better.


Leading in this game from one to three. If there are three of them, then everything looks clearer. choose from cheerful company the young men are stronger and larger and lined up. If the leader is alone, then he stands at the beginning of the column, if there are two, then at the beginning and at the end, if there are three, then two stand at the beginning and one at the end of the column. Suppose there is one leader in the game. The host asks a nearby player: “Listen, do you know Vanya?” Players are warned that they must answer: “Which Vanya?” Host: "Well ... Vanya, who does like this ..." The host, spreading his fingers on his right hand in different directions, begins to twist his thumb at the temple. The player then asks the question: "Do you know Vanya?" to the next player, and so on. The last one in the line turns again to the leader. So, young men stand in a row and twist their outstretched palms at their temples ... Let's move on. The host again asks the player: “Do you know Vanya?” - "What?" - “Who does like this ...” and begins to wave his hand outstretched forward, as if there is a handkerchief in it and you are seeing someone off. The player asks the next one... and so on. So ... The young men stand in a row and twist their fingers at their temples and wave their hands ... The host addresses the player with the same question: “Do you know Vanya?” Everything repeats, only now the leader squats down and puts one foot forward. Players repeat after him. Young men in such a stupid pose look very funny. And the presenter for the fourth time turns to the player with a question and an answer: “Which one?” - the presenter shouting: "Which does like this!" - pushes the player, and this whole idiotic line falls ...

Kis - meow

The game is old, but very exciting!

Girls sit on the sofa, and the presenter, together with one of the guys, gets up in the middle, the guy does not see the girls! The host points to any girl, saying: "Kiss." Then to the next one, and so on to everyone in turn, until the guy says: "Meow." If the latter has not decided on the choice, then he says "Shoot." Hearing the cherished: "Meow", the presenter asks the guy to name any color. Before the game begins, players agree on what each color means, for example, red is a kiss, yellow is a wish fulfilled, black is a snap! The host turns the guy around, points to the girl that the guy has chosen, and asks to complete the task corresponding to the named color! To make the game more fun, the participants can be seated separately: a guy-a girl. It's funny to watch two guys kiss tenderly!

Baba Yaga

Players are divided into several teams, depending on the number. The first player is given a mop in his hand, with one foot he stands in a bucket, with one hand he holds on to the bucket, and with the other - on the mop. In this position, the player must run a certain distance and pass the equipment to the next.


There are many balls scattered across the floor.

Those who wish are called. On command, to fast music, each of the participants must take and hold as many balls as possible. The most greedy wins.

Talent Hunt

The game reminds everyone of the well-known "Treasure Hunt", but in the process, the participants find not only a prize, but also talents that they had not previously suspected. Those present form several teams. Their task: to find "treasures" as quickly as possible - a case of cola or a delicious cake. The organizers must prepare 12 notes, each one with the location of the next one. But the main difference is that some of the notes are hidden, and some are in special "exchange points". The team will receive a note at such a point if they fulfill a certain condition.

1. Push-ups 30 times - in the paragraph "There is strength - no mind is needed."

2. Inflate 5 balloons in 1 minute - at the “Inflate” point (balloons will then come in handy for many games and contests).

3. Guess riddles - in the item "Mysterious".

4. Show pantomime - in the item "Theatre of one actor".

6. Dance the lambada dance with the whole team - in the paragraph “Everyone dance”, etc.

If a team does a task incorrectly, they can be given a "false" note. A good mood for big and small is guaranteed for a good half of the day!

In the bag

All participants write on pieces of paper the name of any part of the body (arm, thigh, ear, nose, etc.). All papers are folded into a hat. The hat is placed on the floor, and the participants stand around it (it is advisable to alternate girls with boys). In turn, taking out pieces of paper, they touch the indicated places with their hands (1st circle - with the right hand, 2nd - with the left, 3rd again with the right, etc.). As a result, unique poses are formed. Everyone is having fun. The game ends when there are no papers left in the hat.


For the participants of this game, caps and one stand for a raw egg are made from a newspaper (it is necessary to demonstrate that the egg is really raw by spinning it on the table), which, together with the egg, should be hidden under any of the caps. The host takes one of the participants, the "informer", into another room. All participants wear caps. Any known way a victim is selected who will have an egg on his head under a cap. The "snitch" enters. His task: to hit one person on the cap. If this person did not have an egg under the cap, the “snitch” sits in his place, and he goes into another room. Then everything repeats. It is clear that a humane presenter at the last moment will imperceptibly replace a raw egg with a boiled one.

Vacuum cleaners

This game can have any number of players, any gender ratio. One is taken playing card(preferably plastic). Everyone stands in a circle and begins to pass the card to each other, holding it with their mouths by sucking in air. The one, through whose fault the card "went out of the race", is out. In the end, there is only one winner. After some training, the final game (when two people remain) turns into a gambling spectacle (you can even place bets).


The players of each team are taken under the arms, stand on the line (between the lines - 10 steps) facing each other. Then converge in the middle so that each competitor from one team takes a place between two players from the other team.

It turns out a kind of chain, where the players of each team look in opposite directions. On a signal, they try to push the enemy back behind the starting line. Players who break the chain are out of the game.

Pairs football

At first glance, this is ordinary football: two teams, a ball, a goal, the usual rules. But this is not so... The players in the teams are divided into pairs (it is better to put a guy and a girl in a pair), they are tied: one leg with the partner's leg. You can also tie the torso, as you like. The game starts on command. The task of the players is to score the ball into the opponent's goal. Goalkeepers are not needed, it will be difficult to score the ball. General wallowing on the ground is guaranteed!!! It is best to play in winter in soft snow.

Because we are pilots

This contest is for some very fun teams. On a spacious platform, two marks are placed, between which the “airplane” runs - the whole team. The captain puts on the pilot's goggles, picks up the "steering wheel" (donut), sits in the basin. The team moves the captain so that the basin does not touch the floor. This is a competition for speed or for the distance traveled in a certain time.

We make dumplings

The same task is written on two sheets of paper, for example: “Knead the dough, wind the minced meat and stick dumplings to the festive table.” Worksheets are placed in an envelope. The participants are divided into two teams. Captains are given envelopes with the task. The captains, after reading it, do not tell anyone about the essence of the task.

Their task is to show their team the process of making dumplings so that everyone understands what is happening. Each captain has only a table at his disposal. All other things are imaginary. The captains stand with their backs to each other or are separated by a screen. At the leader's command, both begin "work". The entire demonstration is limited to one minute. A minute later, the leader gives a command, according to which the captain is replaced by a member of the team. And so on until all the participants try their hand. The task of each participant is complicated, however, by the fact that he must correctly understand what the previous player did, establish the logic of the actions performed before him, correctly continue what he started and give the right direction to the next member of his team.

The team that doesn't turn dumpling cooking into sex on the beach wins.

intricate pose

To play, you need to prepare cards with numbers and one without a number, 2 screens. Three chairs are placed in a row with an interval of 1.5-2 m, separated from one another by thick screens so that those seated do not see each other.

Participants first draw lots, and then randomly choose a place on the chairs. The one who pulled out a card without a number sits on a chair in the middle, who pulled out number 1, sits on a chair on the right, number 2 on a chair on the left. On the right - a representative of the "odd" team, on the left - "even". None of those present knows what numbers each has, but everyone knows his representative.

Now the participant, sitting with an empty card in his hands, must take some kind of intricate pose. Both teams, remaining in their places, help their representative to take the same pose.

The winner will be the team whose representative is the first to complete the task and sit in the same position as the participant in the middle chair.

Small choir

Participants sit on stools. Funny faces are drawn on the bare knees of the participants, some clothes are put on the shins, the knees are decorated with scarves and bows, the feet remain bare. A sheet is pulled in front of the participants. The host announces: “Because of the forest, because of the mountains, a small choir came to us.”

The assistants raise the sheet to their knees so that only the legs of the speakers can be seen. The artists sing children's songs or ditties, moving their legs, feet, etc. The performances of such a choir usually take place as an encore, so the concert participants need to take care of the repertoire. Ditties are especially popular, for example:

I was at the market

I saw Myron.

Myron on the nose

The crow was crying.


To play, you need to prepare 4 sets of Chinese sticks, two cups, popcorn.

6 people are called. They are divided into two teams. One member of each team sits on a chair and opens his mouth - this is the "cuckoo", the rest of the players are "caring titmouse". At a distance of 2-3 meters from the cuckoos, two cups with the same amount of popcorn are placed on the table.

At the signal of the leader, the “titmouse” begin to feed the voracious foundlings, that is, they transfer popcorn from a cup into the mouth of the “cuckoo” with Chinese sticks. Don't litter on the floor!

The "cuckoo" of the winning team can "push" its brother out of the nest - push it off the chair.

Option: wear with a spoon clamped in your teeth, salad or ice cream.

delicious nose

A couple or several couples are selected (then the competition is held for a while). An ordinary sheet of paper is placed between the partners' faces. Those, in turn, hold him with their foreheads (it's easy). Now, on command, they try to make a hole in the sheet (this is already more difficult). The facilitator must warn the participants that tearing the sheet is strictly prohibited - a fine is assigned for this.

Tip: It's easiest to pierce a leaf with your tongue.

Of course, you can try to bite through the leaf, but for some reason, the partner’s nose always comes across with the leaf.

Blind Man's Buff with Rattle

The rules are the same as in the usual "Blind Man's Bluff". The highlight lies in the fact that a rattle is strengthened on a circular elastic band, and the elastic band itself is put on the legs of the participants so that the rattle is between the knees. The task of the players is to move around the room (previously limited space) without making noise. Zhmurka catches the most noisy.

Adventure Time: Charming Ooodyssey. Game for girls and girls! Adventure Time: Charming Ooodyssey is a multi-level skill adventure game in Russian. In this game, girls, you have to go with Lady Rainbowhorn on a flight through the lands of OOO. Lady Rainbowhorn is Princess Bubblegum's friend and vehicle, as well as Jake's girlfriend. We warn you right away: the flight will not be easy. You will need to guide Lady Rainyhorn through the cosmic hoops. Try not to miss a single hoop. The more points you manage to score, the faster it will get to the next level. Occasionally, Star Rings will come across Lady Rainbowhorn's path. Try to get Lady Rainbow Horn through them. This will speed her up to the next level. To control the game you will need arrow keys and your quick reaction. Good luck!

Adventure Time: Charming Ooodisse

Princesses Elsa and Anna: Spring Barbecue Party. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Elsa and Anna: Spring Barbecue Party is a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, hello! Let's rejoice together with sisters Elsa and Anna in the coming of spring! In Arendelle, the weather is wonderful, warm, and in honor of the arrival of spring, the princesses decided to arrange a spring barbecue party for their friends Rapunzel and Ariel. As it turned out, for this, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the yard, repair and paint the fence and the fountain, put the windows in order. Oh, yes, there will still be finishing work for the house and, of course, work on the design of the yard. But here, girls, a magic wand will work for you. One movement of the wand and the court of princesses will be able to amaze guests with its splendor and comfort. Now you can safely call your friends. In the meantime, we need to add missing parts for the party while they arrive. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princesses Elsa and Anna: Spring Barbecue in

Skate hooligans and hooligans. Game for girls and girls! Skate hooligans and hooligans is the best game for girls in the series of skill games about little hooligans on a skateboard, in Russian. Hooligans and hooligans on a skateboard are hyperactive kids whom you have to help in the game, saving them from law enforcement officers. Control them with the arrow keys and do not forget to collect coins and other bonuses. They will provide your bully with an advantage for a while. So, a bonus in the form of a police car will make your hooligan invulnerable to the participants traffic. He will be able to drive under signs, jump on buses, slip easily between vehicles. And the coins you earn will allow you to buy another skateboard for the hooligans and, if you wish, even change the hero. Good luck to you!

Trollface Quest - TV show. Game for girls and girls! Trollface Quest: TV Show is a cool game about trolling and practical jokes, in Russian. There is no need to remind about who the trolls are. Over time, their insidious nature and unusual logic do not change. And today, a lot of heroes from the cartoon series familiar to you about Doctor House, Sherlock Holmes, The Addams Family, Gravity Falls, fell under the scope of arrogant trolls, Secret materials and so on and so forth... These cartoon people are bored to troll alone, so girls, they invited you to arrange this funny TV show with them. As the game progresses, you have to find options to troll everyone, or you will be among the trolled ones. Be prepared: in the game you will need to give everything 100% and even more. Being able to think logically is cool - but in this game you will have to learn how to do it outside the box. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon, Fairy Patrol". A game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon Fantasy Patrol - a game for girls and girls, in Russian. Girls, first of all, we will remind you of the main characters of this patrol. These are Masha, Varya, Snezhana and Alenka. All of them sorceresses. And the team they created is faced with the following task: they must monitor the behavior of fairy-tale characters, and also stand guard over their town of Myshkin. Here they are - young, brave, purposeful. And in order to decide which of these brave girls you similar, you have to answer a few questions.The game will analyze them and give you its summary.Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon, Fairy tale p

Quiz: How similar are you to Princess Star. Game for girls and girls! Quiz: How similar are you to Princess Zvezdochka - a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, remember the story of Princess Zvezdochka from the cool cartoon - Star Princess and the Forces of Evil. Asterisk Butterfly at the age of 14 received a magic wand as an inheritance. But she could not cope with her crushing power, and after she almost destroyed her hometown, she was sent to another dimension, to Earth. There, having settled in the family of Diaz's relatives, she met Marco. Encouraged by the example of the brave Asterisk, Diaz becomes her true friend. Together they fight the forces of evil, travel across different dimensions and protect the magic wand from dangerous encroachments. That's the way it is, girls. And now about the test. Answer the given test questions. The game, as always, will analyze them and give you its summary. Play with the mouse.

Quiz: How similar are you to Princess Zwo?

Test: An episode from which cartoon about you. Game for girls and girls! Test: An episode from which cartoon about you - a test game for girls and girls, in Russian. It seems that this happens to almost everyone, when watching an episode of an interesting cartoon, you suddenly start to think that these events are about you. In this game you will be offered several of these exciting episodes. Take the test and figure out which one is for you. Good luck!

Test: An episode from which cartoon about you

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Sing. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon Singing - a test game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, let us briefly remind you about the events of the new cartoon, Sing, which also has another name - The Path to Glory. Somewhere in the vast online expanses there is an unusual fairy-tale country in which only animals live. As expected, the country has a theater. But its existence is under threat of closure. The owner of the theater Koala Buster Moon, trying to save the theater, organized a singing competition for the inhabitants of this country. Many people accepted Moon's idea, but the best and most responsible heroes among them turned out to be: the pig Rosita, always busy with family affairs; cheerful street musician mouse Mike; rock-loving porcupine Ash; dear, modest elephant Mina; the son of a criminal who decided to devote himself to music is the gorilla Johnny. And now, girls, directly about the test. To find out which of the characters in the cartoon "Sing" you resemble in character, you just need to answer a few questions of the proposed test. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: What does your birthday mean in a week. Game for girls and girls! Test: What does your birthday mean in a week - a game for girls and girls in Russian. As soon as the game is loaded on the screen, using the mouse, get to your birthday in the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. When you get there, click on it. The game will immediately give you a description of people born on this day of the week. Good luck!

Quiz: What does your birthday mean?

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Little Pet Shop. Game for girls and girls! Test: Who are you from the cartoon Little pet shop - a test game for girls in Russian. Girls, remember the story of the girl Blyce, whose dad got a promotion and moved his family to the city. There they moved into an apartment located above the Little Pet Shop. The same store also houses a nursery for pets. And later it happened that Blyce suddenly discovered that she understood the language of animals and could talk to them. Among the characters of the cartoon there are heroes who, like Blythe, adore animals, and also such as, for example, the sisters Whitney and Britney, who envy Blyce and do not like her. And, of course, among them there are a lot of all sorts of animals: smart, kind, funny and not very ... So, girls, in order to find out which of them you resemble in your character, you will need to answer a few questions. The game will analyze the answers and give you your resume. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Who are you from the cartoon Little zoom

Puzzles with Masha. Game for girls and girls! Puzzles with Masha - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, you have never been offered such an abundance of puzzles in one game. And play the game like this. When you see the game screen with the splash screen of the game, left-click on Masha. The game will load and the picture with Mashenka will appear again. And again, left-click on Masha. Before you open many levels of puzzles with stories from different games about Mashenka and the Bear. By clicking on the first level, you will again see Mashenka, who will greet you and introduce you to the rules of the game. And then it remains only to wish you success. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Smilebattle. Game for girls and girls! Smilebuttle is a cool, multi-level skill game for girls and girls in Russian. Here you will need to throw packets of chips at the characters on the screen. Hitting the character will give him a smile. For each smiled character you will receive points. To know how to do it successfully, read the rules of the game. To control the game you will need the spacebar and arrow keys. Good luck!

Lost Temple Legends. Game for girls and girls! Legends of the Lost Temple - an exciting adventure adventure game for dexterity and ingenuity, in Russian, the events of which will mainly take place on the way to the lost temple and within its walls. The heroes of this game are Sedi's older sister and her two younger brothers. Sedi's older sister is constantly asked to keep an eye on her brothers, but she herself would like to become a participant in some kind of adventure. In the end, the events of this game develop in such a way that Sedi manages to get into history. She is heading to the lost temple and does not yet know that many dangers await her along the way. Girls, go after her and help her get out of this story. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse and arrow keys.

St.Patrick 's Day. Game for girls and girls! St. Patrick's Day is a game for girls and girls in Russian. Saint Patrick's Day is a religious holiday celebrated on March 17th. Saint Patrick is considered the patron saint of Ireland. In the early 17th century it was proclaimed a Christian holiday. By tradition, festive parades and festivals are held on this day. Currently, the holiday has become popular far beyond the borders of Ireland. Girls, Finsy the dog invites you to celebrate this holiday with her. As expected, for the sake of this holiday, Finsy is going to decorate the room. But for this you will need to help her find the right items (hidden objects). This must be done quickly, so from the very beginning try to be very careful. Then, keeping best traditions this holiday, you will have to take care of Finsy's outfits. And one more thing: do not forget about a memorable photo. Good luck! Play with the mouse

Smeshariki, Finsy, puzzles. Game for girls and girls! Smeshariki, Finsy, puzzles - an exciting, educational game for girls in Russian, for intelligence and attention. Girls, here you will meet Finsy the dog and characters from Smeshariki - Losyash the elk, Kopatych the bear, Ping the penguin. Losyash, Kopatych, Pin - each at his own level - will give you his own puzzles, and you, after thinking, will give answers to them. Finsy the dog will be the chief judge. Each of your correct answers will be accompanied by beautiful flower fireworks.

Shooting practice of Princess Rapunzel. Game for girls and girls! The events of this game take place at a time when Rapunzel was imprisoned by the insidious mother Gothel and did not yet know Flynn. Moreover, she was not in love with him. And he, trying to hide from the chase, accidentally climbed into her tower. Girls, by pressing the button, Watch video", you can remind yourself of this story. And in online game then everything develops in such a way that playing as Princess Rapunzel, you have to learn archery in order to become the coolest archer in the kingdom. After reviewing the sections of the game, How to play, "Management", and "Score" - you can begin to achieve your goal. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Beautiful cake design for March 8. Game for girls and girls! Girls, have you already figured out what you will treat your guests to on March 8th? If you decided that it would be a cake, then you did the right thing! Because no one has refused to eat a portion of delicious cake. And if now you rush to our virtual kitchen, then the cute dog Finsy will teach you how to cook an amazingly beautiful and delicious cake. Don't be late! You won't see this design anywhere else!

Barboskina Lisa: Search for stars. Game for girls and girls! All the Barboskins are assembled, therefore, jokes will soon begin in the family. And there is! Two brothers, Druzhok and Gena, their sister Rosa and even the puppy Kid decided to play a joke on Lisa, who has repeatedly claimed that she has the best detective skills in their family. The hour has come when the family demanded significant evidence from Liza. The friendly team of the Barboskins scattered almost invisible stars all over the room and gave Lisa only 3 minutes to search for them. Lisa, of course, is ready to fight for the truth, but the stars are hidden so skillfully! Girls, help! For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Counting up to 10: In the meadow. Game for girls and girls! Counting up to 10: In the meadow - a cool, educational, educational game for the little ones. In this game, the kids have to go to the meadow again to complete the task with numbers there. The numbers, as before, must be connected in a certain sequence: in ascending order. The task will require attention and perseverance from the kids, because only with the correct connection of the numbers, the necessary characters will appear in the meadow. You need a mouse to complete the task. Good luck!

Children learn to count up to 10: In the meadow. Game for girls and girls! Children learn to count up to 10: In the meadow - a cool, educational, educational counting game for kids. In this game, kids need to connect the numbers in a certain sequence: in ascending order. The task will require attention and perseverance from them, because only with the correct combination of numbers will the necessary characters appear in the meadow. A mouse is required to play.

Children learn to read: Make up a word. Game for girls and girls! Kids Learn to Read: Spell Word is a cool learning game for toddlers learning the basics of reading. To make it more interesting for children to play, the authors came up with an entertaining plot for the game. Now you will sit on the train and go on a journey. On the way you will meet animals and syllables, from which you will have to collect the correct word. For this you need a mouse. If the word is spelled correctly, it will appear on the screen. Together with him, the named animal will appear on the screen. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

We train the memory of children: Remember and find. Game for girls and girls! Kids Memory Training: Memorize and Find is the best game for our little girls. I think there is no need to convince anyone how important it is to have good memory. In the meantime, memory can be improved. To do this, she needs to be trained. For example, as advised to do it this game. And so, a bird will appear on the playing field. Girls, look at the bird carefully and remember it. Then click on the arrow and try to find it among the flocks of other birds. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Logic game for kids. Game for girls and girls! Logic game for kids is the best educational game for preschoolers, elementary school students and their parents who are ready to work with their children in learning to count, read, think. Games of this kind have a dual purpose. While playing, the child has fun and at the same time comprehends the knowledge and skills that he will need at school.

We play and develop: Piglet Wilhelm and his princess. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, a cool educational, adventure game of logic about Wilhelm the pig and the princess, who in the end will turn out to be his favorite pig. Wilhelm will have to free the princess from captivity. But for this he will need to overcome several traps (tasks) and you girls will help him with this. And so, on the way to his princess, Wilhelm will have to move from letter to letter. This is where he will fall into the trap. He will transform into different animals. And only you girls can help the pig out of them. To do this, you will have to click on the animal whose name begins with the next letter in road map piglet. If you don’t know the letters yet, guess the animals by their signs: trunk, horns, tail and other characteristic features. After working with the letters, the piglet will lose his balance and then the fairy sorceress will remember that you can get into the castle only with the help of the red button. And the code for its opening will be a word that must be composed of the same letters. Let us tell you a secret - this is a frying pan. The code will give Velhelm access to an item with which he can finally free his beloved princess. Good luck!

We play and develop: Piglet Wilhelm

Learning to think with Owls. Game for girls and girls! Learning to think with Owls - Cool game for children, playing which they not only have fun, but also develop and learn to reason, thereby training their ability to think logically. And so, girls, you have a game in front of you. On its screen you will see cells, all but one filled with Owls. Your task is to choose one Owl from those shown at the bottom of the screen to fill the empty cell with it. Be careful and then in each task you will easily find a pattern according to which the rows are filled with Owls: whether it be along the usual straight line or diagonally. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Monster High: Powered photo booth. Game for girls and girls! Monster High: Powered Photo Booth is the best Monster High game for girls in Russian. ATTENTION! THE FORMAT OF THIS GAME IS THAT YOU NEED TO PLAY IT IN FULL SCREEN! The game begins by creating a photo with elements of the cartoon, Monster High: Energized. To do this, girls, you have to upload your photo or a photo from the collection of monsters. To decorate the photo, you can use different frames, cool accessories, bright animated pictures. The deeper you dive into the mysterious world under tension, the more opportunities you will have in the game. But you can open all the photos of monsters only if you play a mini-game with Ba-bah, who loves to connect several of his friends of the same color into a single chain. Follow the hints so as not to get confused in the game. If you have any difficulties, click on the button in the form of a circle with a question mark inside, located in the upper left corner game screen. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Test: Age as a state of mind. Game for girls and girls! Test: Your age as a state of mind - test game for girls in Russian. Girls, in this game, as expected, the age will be indicated in years (numbers). But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that these figures will correspond to the state of mind. Because of this, your age on the test may differ from your real age. Yes, you yourself happened to observe people whose faces are young, and their souls, gray-haired, "like an old, insensitive stump. And, conversely, when in their real 60-70-80 years, people amaze with their intelligence, vitality and energy. And so , girls, mouse in hand! We pass, Test: Your age, as a state of mind. " Good luck! "

Ordinary bears: Escape from the box. Game for girls and girls! In this puzzle game, you girls will have to deal with 3 bear brothers: regular, Panda and Grizzly. Each of the bears has its own set of abilities. So a simple bear can climb wooden posts. Panda is able to control different devices. Including elevators. The grizzly is capable of carrying heavy things. Including boxes. Using the different abilities of the bears, you will have to go through all the levels with them. Don't forget to follow the hints. To control the game you will need: 1) arrow keys - to move; 2) key X - to enable the abilities of bears; 3) key C - for jumping; numbers 1, 2, 3 - to switch bears. Good luck!

Super Babes: Make a Comic. Game for girls and girls! Super crumbs: Make a comic - a game for girls in Russian. For you girls new game with the participation of heroes from the animated series about super crumbs known to you: Bubble, Flower, Pestle. This time you will have the opportunity to create your own comics with their participation. With the help of the maker you can choose backgrounds, characters of tiny superheroes, proposed stickers. If you wish, you can change the tasks of creativity a little. Having fantasized, you can draw and color some details of the comics yourself. Good luck!

Long way with Gumball the cat. Game for girls and girls! Long way with cat Gumball - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Hi all! In this game, girls, you will meet with your old friends - the kitten Gumball and his little brother Darwin. Kittens will have fun playing rugby. And so, the helmets and the ball are found, the roles are discussed. Darwin in the game serves the ball to Gumball. And you, girls, playing for Gumball, try to catch the ball, overcoming obstacles in its path and moving forward at the same time. Most obstacles can be overcome with a single or double jump. You will do this with the arrow key pointing up. One press is a normal jump. Double tap - double jump. Wooden obstacles encountered in the path of Gumball can be smashed with his head from acceleration. To strike with acceleration, you need a key with an arrow pointing to the right. So you have to help Gumball overcome as much as possible. longer way. Good luck!

Brave: The Naughty Triplets. Game for girls and girls! , Brave: Mischievous Triplets is a cool game for girls from a series of games about Princess Merida, in Russian. In this game, girls, you have to help the triplets, the red brothers of Princess Merida, get to their favorite treats. basket triplets, you girls will need to cut the ropes, shoot from a slingshot, throw various objects.And do not forget to collect stars.To be in the castle of Merida and her little brothers, you will need to perform the following steps.Click on the game screen - you will see splash screen with the name of the game: "Brave: The Naughty Triplets". Then click on the arrow - a button with a triangle inside will appear in front of you. Click on this button - you will see 10 levels of the game, Brave: Naughty Triplets. Now, by clicking on the number 1, you can start the first level of the game. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Perfect date Super Barbie. Game for girls and girls! Perfect Date Super Barbie is a game for girls and girls in Russian. Our super beauty Barbie has received three date invitations to take place in different locations: at the city's most famous restaurant, on the beach and at a picnic in the park. Ken is well versed in fashion and Barbie, in order to win his heart, for each date you need to choose the right outfits. You girls need to help her. So in a restaurant it is best for her to wear a beautiful evening dress. On the beach, you will need to choose a bright swimsuit and a nice little pario. It would be nice to come to a picnic in a stylish outfit, convenient for an outdoor event. Girls, no doubt. You are great stylists and the date Barbie wants is sure to be perfect. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Cooking magic potion. Game for girls and girls! Girls, switch the game to Russian. Now you will go to visit the sorceress to prepare a magic potion there, with the help of which you will try to turn the old hag into a beautiful princess. To do this, you will have to throw 3 ingredients into the magic cauldron, mix them and see how successful your lesson will be. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Preparing a magic potion

Snowboard: Race against an avalanche. Game for girls and girls! Snowboarding: Avalanche Race is a cool skill game about winter extreme sport snowboarding in Russian. And in the game, girls, such events will occur. In the snowy mountains, a helicopter will drop an extreme athlete in front of an avalanche. Risking his life, he will rush down the mountain, collecting bonuses using the space key and using the arrow keys, while showing tricks of incredible complexity, and you girls will help him with this. With each level, the helicopter will lift the thrill-seeker higher and higher. Therefore, each new level the game will be even more difficult, and the game is more interesting and cooler. Good luck!

Creativity: Betsy creates paintings using sand. Game for girls and girls! Girls, switch the game to Russian, now, together with the girl Betsy, you have to do unusual creativity - creating paintings using sand. It's new and challenging! But you girls, don't worry. You will succeed! Just from the very beginning of the game, carefully follow the instructions of Betsy. To make it easier for you to navigate in her tips, we offer you their translation: 1) choose the glue - select the glue; 2) clich the sand bucket and choose yor brushstroke - sand, cliche, bucket, strokes; 3) click fnd hold to sprike sand around the picture - press and hold to spread sand around the picture; 4) to cyange the color use a scraper - to remove unwanted color, use a scraper; 5) to cancel click the undo button - to cancel, click the CANCEL button; 6) want to make a prottier picture? use more color! - want to make a more beautiful picture? Use more color! 7) now you know what to do have fun painting Play with the mouse. Good luck!

The scooter kitten is a pizza lover. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, an exciting game in Russian about a kitten - a lover of pizza and scooters. In this game, you have to help a tiny kitten ride his wheeled scooter so that the baby does not fall anywhere. Otherwise, his race will have to start again. In this cool game You will meet costumes of different cartoon characters. You can put them on a kitten. But in order to do this, you first need to figure out how to get to them. Girls, to make the game more interesting, the authors of the game made it so that at each level of the game, your ward will fall into the world of new heroes. How to manage this game? Pay attention to the control panel in the form of a circle, located in the lower left corner of the game screen. There are buttons on the panel, with the help of which you, girls, will control the actions of the kitten. So clicking on laser pointer, You will give instructions to the kitten in which lane to go. Be careful, because if you make a mistake in the race, you will have to return to the start again. If you manage to overcome the right path, you will open up new opportunities - different items and new costumes. Don't forget to use what's available. Use the left mouse button when you need to give the command to change clothes. Don't forget to collect pizza. Good luck!

Disney Princesses: Royal Finds. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this multi-level game you have to search for items for Disney princesses - the royal heirs you know. The desired objects can be under any tile playing field. To find them, you, first of all, will need to familiarize yourself with the rules for finding them, since they are written in Russian in the game. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princesses: Royal Finds

It has been more than a decade since the weak, but very proud, floor has reached the Internet, and if there is a demand, there will definitely be an offer! Beautiful and good games for girls are designed specifically taking into account the tastes and preferences of the beautiful half of humanity. Games for girls are not only graphically adapted versions of classic games, but often completely new concepts. All the best, kittens and flowers: noble ladies deign to go out to frolic in the net!

Live and learn!

Our tastes and needs are almost entirely shaped by the environment in which we move. Progress does not stand still, and the technological revolution breaks into all areas of our lives! Fifteen years ago, a rare mother of the family could understand which side to press the button to turn on the terrible shaitan machine; and today some progressive young women can already reset their own operating system. And the skill “to find the browser button in any working environment to go online and get on your favorite forum” is pumped to the maximum for every inhabitant of the average office!

And now men cannot say that a woman does not need a computer. Marketers were the first to notice the impending changes, as always, and they, in turn, forced developers to notice them as well. The mass access of women to the Internet was marked by a real explosion in the field of content production, because new consumers demanded new design and stylistic solutions. The first games for girls were not original: if a fluffy kitten wandered around the game world instead of a stern Mario, it already seemed like the height of adaptation to the tastes of the user!

But, of course, no one stopped there. The more women on the Internet, the more variety they should offer their consumers various games for girls and girls. After all, although we differ in our tastes from men, we also differ from each other in the same way. And even in female gamedev, the amount of pink and cute faces should vary widely enough so that everyone can find something to their liking.

Daughters-mothers and courses for young chefs

The game is, first of all, an attempt to satisfy the needs that remain unsatisfied in ordinary life. If the boys want to feel strong and agile, they spend hours driving virtual cars and shooting from painted guns; But what are the girls to do? The main values ​​in a woman's life are family, children and her own appearance. It is these basic needs that offer to satisfy numerous games for girls - it remains only to choose what you want to do right now!

Babysitting virtual babies or practicing creating extraordinary hairstyles - whatever your area of ​​interest, games for girls will give you the opportunity of virtual self-realization for free! Even if a woman's happiness for you is cooking borscht with pots and waiting for your loved one in a clean apron, you can find it in the online world: for example, in toys with a virtual chef. Many of the online games for girls contain an educational component, which means that you can not only have fun, but also spend your free time usefully!

It's interesting that computer games for adult girls are not so different from those they played as children. Only the once beloved dolls were replaced by cartoon characters in The Sims ... After all, each of us forever keeps in our souls a little girl who loves caramels and cute animals. And good games for adult girls will allow you to briefly return to your golden childhood, where everything was clear and simple!