Correctly play dota 2 carry. A good player in this position should be able to

Best Dota 2 carries

The best Dota 2 carries in patch 7.19d. They have a stable win rate, a fairly strong late game, which helps them win often. This list consists of three carry heroes. I won't wait and I'll start right away...

Chaos Knight

Chaos is stronger than ever. He is constantly not cut in patches, which is why he has become a stable hero for raising the rating. Chaos is one of those carry heroes that doesn't need full slots to be able to solo kills. 2-3 slots are enough for him so that he can walk with the team and participate in team fights. When playing as Chaos, in 5v5 fights, try to kill enemy carries or heroes with high AOE damage. If everything is done correctly, any teamfight will turn into a teamwipe. Buy a saber, then an armlet, after which you can collect a manta. If the enemies have too much magic damage, we collect BKB, you can buy a PT or a traveler from boots, we buy a tarras in the last slot.


TB is also not bad in this patch. Good player on TB he can easily have 700-800 GPM in his games. In teamfights, if you have low HP left, use your ult on the enemy core and keep fighting. Because of this, one of the enemy cows dies or leaves the teamfight with low hp. First of all, collect the aquila, and from the boots of the PT. If the enemies have a lot of DD, then after them we collect Dragon Lens. He will give us a range for metamorphosis and stats, thanks to which we become denser. Then comes the manta, and after it the skadi, or tarasca, if you need to machine a lot of damage. In some cases, you can buy both items to become a full-fledged tank.

Anti Mage

Many are probably surprised, but as for me, AM is one of the best carries of this patch. In more detail why this is so, I told here:. In short, the anti-mage has become as stable as ever. We collect the PT, and then immediately go to the BF. Then comes the manta, and the rest of the items go by situation. If you need damage, buy Butterfly. Density? No problem, take the tarras. Too many mages on the enemy? Take bkb or aganim. Missing disable? Buy abyssal.

A new player who has just recently discovered the world of MOBA games is at first completely unaware of the roles that he can play. But the division into roles is very important in this genre of online entertainment. And the success or failure of the entire team as a whole depends on how correctly each of the players in their role performs their duties.

Carry is one of the most important and popular roles in MOBA games, including Dota 2. So let's try to better understand who a carry is.

What does this term mean

FROM of English language direct translation of carry - "carry", "drag". As a rule, it is the carry that "drags" the team to victory. But it doesn't happen right away. Usually, the carry potential is revealed only in the second half of the game, in the so-called "late" (from English late - "late"). And before this very late, you still need to live and be able to swing correctly. The main plan of the carry in the game is to carefully swing under the supervision of support players (supports), try to farm the maximum amount of experience and resources. Then realize your farm in fights and at the end lead the team to the final.

What does a carry do in Dota

Who is a carry in Dota 2? This is the role in which the player performs everything that is written above. At first, the carry is not too actively involved in fights, his task is to focus on farming and try to take out useful items as quickly as possible. When a carry gains initial strength, he can take part in fights or gank - attacking a weak or isolated enemy with superior forces.

If fights and ganks end successfully, and at the same time the carry will farm on the lanes and in the forest, then he will snowball (from the English snow ball - “ snowball”) - to gain strength like a snowball rolling down a mountain. Do not forget that the word carry has a translation - "drag". The strongest carries in the late game are able to single-handedly destroy the enemy team.

Principles of playing as a carry

If you like the game, but have not quite figured out how to play Dota as a carry, here are a few simple tips to help you:

  • Play the lane carefully at first. Make sure that your creeps are located approximately in the middle between your tower and the opponent's tower. Then the lane won't shift too much to either side, which will put you either in a situation where you'll be in a dangerous position where you're easier to gank, or one in which the enemy hardliner will get a lot of experience and money.
  • If there are supports in lane with you, trust them to drive the enemy hardliner, and concentrate on farming yourself. Attack only if there is a real opportunity to kill the enemy or drive him away for a long time. Losing a pack of creeps just for the sake of giving a couple of extra "pokes" that the offlaner will quickly regenerate is unprofitable.
  • Don't farm for too long. As soon as you take out the first artifacts with which you can already fully fight, try to realize them by killing lone enemies, increasing the gap in gold and experience.

This is not a full-fledged carry guide in Dota, but rather generally accepted rules for beginners. Use them wisely and they will help you win.

Popular carries in dota

Carry can be made from absolutely any hero, if you give him all the possible farm. But this is not always beneficial. There are heroes who perform these functions better than others. They are most often picked both in pro games and in the pub. Here are the main carry characters in Dota 2:

Popular carry items

The most popular carry items are those that provide a lot of additional damage and also allow you to increase your farming speed. The main ones are:

  • Maelstrom and his older brother Mjolnir. It gives a bonus to attack speed, damage and a passive ability - a chance to strike with chain lightning. All this allows you to quickly take out packs of creeps, and also significantly increases damage in a fight.
  • Battle Fury. This artifact is useful only for melee (melee characters), because it gives the ability to splash - a blow to all opponents standing close to the back of the one whom the character hits. A hero with good damage and attack speed with the help of Battle Fury quickly farms clusters of mobs and gives a lot of damage to a group of enemies.
  • Crystallis and his upgrade - Daedalus. For heroes with high damage, it gives a chance to deal a huge one-time damage due to a critical hit.
  • Black King Bar. The Staff of the Black King does not provide a large increase in damage, but it gives more survivability due to invulnerability to magic. A relevant item for any carry in the game where there are enemies with harmful magical abilities.

Item builds in the game are very situational and depend on a lot of factors such as allied and enemy heroes, their builds, your game plan, etc. Don't be afraid to experiment. After gaining experience, you will begin to figure out for yourself what and when to buy.


Supports are the main support of any carry. A support is a support hero, designed to help the carry as much as possible to earn as much as possible in the early game and fight well in the late game. Good supports are heroes with stun or slow capabilities that allow you to disrupt the enemy’s gank or vice versa, successfully gank him. Popular supports are: Witch Doctor, Lion, Crystal Maiden, Sand King, Lich, Apparatus.

The main task of a support in the early game is to provide a pleasant farm for the carry. This is created by pulling neutral creeps to keep the lane in one place, fighting with the offlaner so that he does not interfere with farming, ganking the midlaner to create space - pulling enemy heroes to another point on the map so that they do not attack carries.

Notable carry players

If a new player if he asks an experienced one who a carry is, he can safely throw him a link to the games of famous professional players in this position. In order to learn how to play well, you should watch their replays and notice for yourself the chips, features and style of play in this role.

The most famous carry players at the moment:

Today we will talk about the best carries in the current meta. In skillful hands, these heroes turn into real monsters of rating games.

The main client of the game hasn’t changed much since the patch before The International 2018. Most of the heroes from this list performed well at the main Dota2 tournament of the year. However, fighting in a team (even with the best) is much different from playing in a solo ladder. This rating is focused on ladder games, therefore, the appearance of heroes in it does not always coincide with their success in the pro scene.

So, let's start with 6-7 positions. These heroes are very strong in collective actions, but they still need the help of a team to win. They can be called "inferior", because they fully reveal themselves in the presence of certain items or allied heroes.

5th-6th place Gyrocopter

Air Trough performs well in the laning stage, as well as in the mid game. Gyrocopter- the perfect combination of physical and magical damage ( Rocket Barrage ). The helicopter has a mass attack ( Flak Cannon and call down ). In patch 6.87 to the arsenal Gyrocopter added Aghanim Scepter, which increases the damage from the hero's ultimate ability, and also installs a mini-turret on the helicopter, which automatically fires at the nearest enemy every 1.1 seconds in a radius of 600.

The latest change has resulted in Gyrocopter began appearing frequently in drafts with IO. Firefly, having reached level 15, “strengthens” the hero by 4200 networth.

Popular Build:


Gyrocopter loses its relevance at a later stage of the game. If the team with Gyro failed to crush the opponent before 40 minutes, or by this time they don't have a net worth advantage, expect trouble. Helicopter has damage issues, which is not enough for tight heroes. Purchase can solve it Divine Rapier but it's always a dangerous undertaking.

5th-6th placeRanger

Traxex has a large agility boost (+2.2 per level) that helps her throughout the game. Archer mostly appears in drafts that focus on pushing fast through talent synergy. Marksmanship and Precision Aura. If your team didn't manage to end the game early, don't be discouraged. Your pick will always have the ability to instantly destroy the enemy base in the late game.

Drow Ranger attacks point targets, but if she needs to deal with multiple targets, she can collect a combination of artifacts Maelstorm(Mjollnir) and Aghanim Scepter. With the advent of these items, a whole army of illusions will not become a problem for her.

Popular build:


The archer is too fragile. She does not have the ability to escape from under the enemy focus. In addition, when the enemy gets too close to Traxes, she loses the effect from Marksmanship . Benefit Drow Ranger very dependent on its attributes.

4th place

The leader of his bear tribe is great at taking down enemies both in the early game and in the late game. Basic Damage Ursa inflicts through stuffing Fury Swipes . Coefficient damage done can rapidly increase through ability interactions Overpower and Enrage .

Initially Ursa has several problems: the lack of its own stun and vulnerability to control. However, with the purchase of certain artifacts, they are solved. Opponents are much harder to avoid attacks Ursa when she buys Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade. With the acquisition Aghanim Scepter, the she-bear becomes immune to all control abilities.

In this way Ursa- the perfect 1v1 fighter. Having gained an advantage in artifacts, she turns into a real monster that "eats" her enemies one by one.

Popular Build:


Ursa works well against any 1v1 target, but performs horribly against illusionists.

3rd place

Lycanthrope has good starting attributes. According to the game, he can act like a lone wolf, just like the real leader of his pack.

Lycan can play split-push and demolish enemy buildings with his summons from Helm of the Dominator and Summon Wolves . Damage from summoned creatures is amplified by abilities Howl , Feral Impulse and Shapeshift .

With the advent Black King Bar Lycan turns into a real monster who does not spare his enemies.

Popular Build:


Lycan does not have his own stun, the problem is solved with the purchase Skull Bashe r or Abyssal Blade. Vulnerable to various types control, performs well in mass fights only with acquisitions Black King Bar.

The lycanthrope loses its relevance in the late game, when its summons turn from a killing tool into an additional enemy farm. Then the werewolf would be better off focusing on split-pushing.

2nd place

Mercurial has become a real imba on The past International 2018. Teams that made it to the late game with spectrum almost always won. Why is this hero so good in the late game? The answer is very simple, she does not need to kill enemies, they themselves die under the influence dispersion . Also, the hero copes well with enemy supports and easily destroys the enemy position thanks to haunt .

The game model spectrum highly dependent on her first artifact. If she has a cloudless start, you need to think about buying Radiance. After that, her farm will go up sharply. If the hero cannot farm for a long time and wants to quickly benefit the team in mass fights, then you need to think about buying vanguard and Diffusion Blade.

Having acquired a certain margin of safety and health, spectrum turns into an invincible character that will crush any opponent who has become her

Popular Build:


spectrum very weak at the start of the game. She doesn't have the best damage and health regeneration. In addition, she lacks the ability to control. Slow farming and lack of impact in mass fights without the required number of artifacts.

1st Wraith King

The Skeleton King has climbed to the top of the best carries in the ladder right now. WK has a stun ( Wraithfire Blast , crits ( Mortal Strike ), lifesteal ( Vampiric Aura ), and most importantly, an extra life ( Reincarnation ). With mechanical overhaul mortal strike, The Skeleton King has gained the ability to call for help from hard workers, who, despite their harmless appearance, cause a lot of damage in the early stages of the game.

Thanks to his upgraded abilities Wraith King came out of the forest stagnation to the safe lane and became its real king. WK is good in the lane, he feels great in the middle of the game and does not lose his relevance in the late game.

With purchase Aghanim Scepter it improves the teamfight, gives the allies the opportunity, for a short while, to return to life after death. Risen heroes can cast spells and will not leave the fight without using their abilities.

Popular Build:


Wraith King very slow, he needs an artifact for initiation, but with a purchase Blink Dagger this problem should be solved.

The Skeleton King can also experience discomfort when playing against Manosos and Heroes with Diffusion blade. But with purchase BKB or pumping you need talent and this problem will become irrelevant.

And what hero did you remove / add from this list?

Are heroes like Specter and Medusa relevant in the current patch? Our colleagues at have been looking for answers to these questions, and it seems they have found them.

Accurately reveal the hard carry in Dota 2 is not an easy task. Remember the times when the forums were full of discussions about which heroes in the game can be called the strongest carries, when very subjective and meaningless conclusions were drawn, because in Internet disputes, neither side will ever change their point of view. In this article, we will stick to a broad understanding of the hard carry concept. So, this is a hero who, with the purchase of artifacts, becomes much stronger than many others, but at the start he is weaker than the rest, which is done to maintain balance. This is the reason why people think of a hard carry as a single unit army, i.e. a hero who can single-handedly win the game if given sufficient farm. The development of the game and the meta makes betting on the late game less relevant. Besides, average level gaming has risen a lot over the past few years, which is why 1vs5-thinking is becoming less common. Many changes made to Dota 2 during this period, we balanced the heroes, added / changed some items and, in general, made the game more team-based. For example, the introduced AoE distribution of gold and additional gold for a comeback serve as motives team game and can be seen as a very useful update, despite the whining of a vociferous minority. So, with this focus on team play, is there any Dota 2 a place for heroes who need a lot of farming (essentially sacrificing the opening) in order to become effective? As it turns out, the answer is yes, at least in this patch.

(Winrate indicators

We haven't seen a pick in serious competitive matches for a long time, it's unlikely to change, especially in a patch where Quas/Wex is so strong. On the other hand, in public she became one of the best ranged carries - her win rate increased by 4% at once, which placed her above the honorable mark of 55% win rate. She has a lot to offer as she is one of the few heroes whose farming speed has remained relatively unaffected by the changes to neutrals and potents, and she benefits from +30 to her health as her starting HP was among the lowest in the game. Moreover, for seven patches in a row, she has been getting more and more buffs, and since the moment she was redesigned stone gaze, this hero is only getting stronger and stronger. the last hero subjected to the same kind of “treatment” was Lina. We all saw what this resulted in: a very minor last buff led to an explosion in her popularity. Should we expect 6.86 to be the last straw and the same will happen with ?

As a dedicated fan of this hero, I feel like he's in a great position right now. Winrate Medusa a does not fall below 54% if we are talking about games up to 5,000 mmr, but even there it has 52.5%. The number of her peaks at a high rating is quite small - only a 2.1% chance of meeting her in the game. The main reason for this is that there are a lot of heroes that counter , and they peak at 5,000+ as they require quite a lot of skill. I have already mentioned , but there is also , , and Leon, which cause Medusa to lose half of her potential - all of these heroes can burn mana, lowering her survivability.

Thus, he is a very strong, but also very situational hero, who should be picked last. She has strong counters to any role, but she can be a better analog or Luna in leit. If sacrificing your early game was incredibly stupid in the previous patch, now there is every chance that this strategy will work even if you are met with enemy aggression. Just make sure you have a good anti-push and confidently crawl to victory.

(Winrate indicators, taking into account the released patches, given by the portal

He has an overall win rate of 59 percent, and 55 percent in games rated above 5,000. Now this hero is one of the strongest carries in the game, because his win rate is the second among all Dota heroes. Why did she remain invisible for such a long time?
The main problem is her inability to farm fast. In a game full of heroes who can clear a big stack and get a few hundred gold with just two button presses,
was inappropriate and could not be implemented properly, however, with latest changes and a massive nerf to the heroes' ability to farm the jungle, she suddenly became much stronger. not a great laning hero, but she shouldn't die there either. In addition, she can feel comfortable standing one-on-one with an enemy offlaner. This allows the supports on her team to be more effective and help allies in other lanes, while she freely gains experience for a much-needed sixth level, after which her game becomes completely different: the ability to be present in any fight and finish off fleeing opponents is truly unparalleled, and her potential in the late game is one of the highest in the game.

The item build for has been pretty much the same for the past few years, with the only thing that has changed is the build order of the artifacts. The choice of boot has always depended only on the preferences of the player: phase boots have only 1.1% advantage over Power Threads. Of the required trinity of artifacts for stats: Urn of Shadows, Ring of Aquilla and Drums of Endurance, players tend to prefer Ring of Aquilla, very rarely collecting two out of three artifacts at once. Recent Changes dispersion made vanguard one of the best picks, especially if you have to play against an aggressive ganking pick. This artifact has been criticized by players for a long time, but it still fits perfectly, given that vanguard can be loaded into Crimson Guard, which is a great late game item. Quick assembly Radiance after one artifact for stats - most often the choice of high-level players, but they sometimes prefer to collect early Diffusal Blades. Although I'm generally against fast Diffuses. There are games where they can be very useful - strong debuffs and silences will rarely be a big problem for , but can be very bad for her team. In addition, reliable and instant deceleration is a very good thing. DPS Radiance and Diffusal Blades difficult to compare, but when focusing on a single target with normal armor and magic resistance, the latter will be better. That's just the case when Specter focuses on the attack of one hero - a rarity.

Instead of a conclusion

Together with nerfs and the gradual fading of and , and
have every chance of becoming the next ubiquitous heroes in the pub: they are not always hard to play against, but if their pick percentage continues to grow, both these fatal beauties can get out of control, especially if they suddenly start to be taken on the pro scene.

One big question still remains: Does this mean the return of the hard carry to the game? It may be too early to predict the meta, as it can change in completely unpredictable ways, but in general, the strategy of delaying the game until the late game pays off. Fast farming heroes who preferred methodical and patient farming over snowballing have been downgraded quite a bit - there are no longer mid game heroes that can win a game in the late game with a gold advantage. At the very least, the value of gaining such an early game advantage has been greatly reduced. All this leaves us with only one group that has not been touched by all these nerfs - the hard carry. These heroes, who have hardly been picked in competitive play since The International 2, may become popular because everyone else has become worse. And for everyone who misses smart but tortoise Dota, epic high-ground defenses from LGD, this patch might be a great gift.

Hello everyone who visits! In the first article about Dota, I briefly talked about the existing hero roles, but then it was a bit arbitrary. More on this today.

For your convenience and because of the huge size of the article, I decided to break it into 3 parts.


No hero has less than two roles; rather, all heroes combine the traits of all the roles below. Moreover, some items can give heroes roles that are not inherent in them. Sand King can be both an initiator, and a pusher, and a disabler. He does all this with equal success, and items for him can be collected to fulfill a particular role. He enjoys the greatest success in initiation, for which we love him.

Let's break the characters into roles:
- Hard carry
- Semi-carry
- support
- Disabler
- Initiator
- Nuker
- Jungler
- Pusher
- Ganker

hard carry

Who is a hard carry?

Hard-carry (hard (English) - hard, carry (English) - carry) - such heroes, the thought of which comes to mind at the word "carry" (for those who have not read the first article, kerry - carrying the whole team into battle (hence their name)). They don't always start super strong in the beginning, but in the late game they can take out the entire enemy team by themselves. Their secret lies in their ability to smoothly move from relative weakness at the beginning to insurmountable strength at the end. Most hard carries are agility heroes, as their personal stats lend themselves very well to that skill. A hard carry can be any hero with such abilities, for example percentage-based ones. So Lifestealer has an ability that heals him and deals additional damage based on the percentage of the enemy's health. By pumping his attack speed, you make him very strong. Add in skills that give him magic invulnerability and fast healing, and you have a strong hard carry.

What is the play style of a hard carry?

Pharm. Lots of farm. Lots of farm. The hard carry has to farm the whole game. Gold is the blood of these heroes. You should keep a simple line and avoid ganks. In general, you have to be a little paranoid in order to guess where the enemy heroes are. If at least someone is not on the lanes, start playing more carefully. The ability to finish creeps (deal the last blow, because it is the killer who is given gold) is REQUIRED for a hard carry. You have to be very clear about the hero's attack animation (how long it takes to hit), his projectile speed (for ranged heroes) and the base damage, or damage from the hand, so that you miss as few last hits as possible (last hit (English) - the last blow). At the beginning of the game, playing as a hard carry is pretty boring, but later on, if you farm well, you will dominate.

When should I pick a hard carry?

Every team should have at least one carry, unless it has some extraordinary goals. Most players prefer hard carries as they have the biggest swords/barrels/axes/knives/insert weapons. If there is no carry in the team, take one.

What items are good for hard carry?

Quelling Blade. The item is mainly for melee hard carries. Inexpensive, usually bought at the beginning of the game. Increases damage against creeps, therefore, helps newbies in last hitting.

Black King Bar. Gives immunity to magic for a short period of time, starting from 10 seconds and ending with 5. As a carry, you will always be the first to be killed. BKB blocks almost all disables (more on that below), while at the same time not preventing you from dealing damage.

Butterfly. Mainly for carry agility. The characteristics are amazing. Increased damage, attack speed, agility, 30% evasion. What could be better? Expensive but worth it.

Who is the best hard carry?

1st place - Anti-Mage

The Anti-Mage is best known for his passion for corrupting games. It can do great damage, but that's not why I put it here. He's here for survival. his teleport, Blink, has a cooldown of only 5 seconds at max level. This is great. He can get out of even the most unpleasant situations. It also means increased creep farming speed in the later stages of the game. By adding more and Spell Shield, which increases resistance to magic, it is a very tough nut to crack.

2nd place - Lone Druid

Druid combines 2 heroes at once. His key ability is to summon a bear. The bear can also collect items, making it quite dangerous. Therefore, being against a druid can become your nightmare. He technically has the highest damage potential, meaning 12 item slots, but the game never goes long enough to fill them all. As such, he has no power limit and is very hard to lane against.

3rd place - Morphing

Not only that, due to his strength, he can gain agility to increase damage due to his passive ability, the elemental's other skills are means of escape. Thus, we get a very popular hard carry.


Who is a semi-carry?

Semi-carries (semi- (English) - semi-) are very close in meaning to hard carries. The difference is only in the amount of farm needed to achieve maximum efficiency and absolute superiority. Semi-carries don't need to farm as much, unlike hard carries, they rely more on their abilities than items.

What is the play style of the semi-carry?

Semi-carries play almost like a hard carry, only again they rely more on their own skills. Usually their damage "from the hand" on high levels bounces really fast and all they need to kill enemy heroes is to hit them right click(when you click on a map point or a friendly creep or hero, you move in the indicated direction, and when you click on an enemy, you attack). Semi-carries have more targeting skills, making them more effective. Although slightly inferior to hard carries, they are less prone to ganks from opponents (this does not hurt them much, unlike hard carries), and they are a bit easier to play (they can miss lasts more hits), making them a great choice for beginners.

When should I pick a semi-carry?

Semi-carries are a great choice if the team wants to end the fight in the mid game, because such heroes lose their effectiveness in the late game. As with a hard carry, you don't want to have multiple seven-carries on your team, but due to less farming, you can pick two to play in different lanes.

What items are good for a semi-carry?

The same as for hard carry, for obvious reasons.

Manta style is a good item to buy for any semi-carry. Excellent stats and the ability to create illusions make this item a great mid game item.

Who is the best semi-carry?

1st place - Mirana

Mirana is a very flexible hero. Ability Leap, or jump, gives her mobility and survivability, while starfall and upgraded arrows are great examples of how important it is to use them correctly rather than relying on items to upgrade them. Her ultimate (ultimate ability, unlocked at level 6), makes all allies near her invisible, very useful, but this is why she cannot be fully called a carry.

2nd place - Razor

Razor has an excellent ability Plasma Field, which makes it easier for him to farm and helps him harass in lane. Like the rest of the semi-carries, he has very high damage, thanks in large part to Static Link. If given time to farm good items, he can tear apart the entire enemy team.

3rd place - Shadow Fiend

Nevermore, while having one of the highest damage stats (enough to call him a hard carry), is also very fragile. The ability to store souls for increased damage makes him a very dangerous hero even without a lot of items, but being a target for a gank, he suffers from it more than any seven-carry.


Who is a support?

Support heroes are very different from each other, but they have one common goal - to increase the effectiveness of their teammates. different kind buffs are common to everyone, some even have healing skills. Supports are almost always in lane with other heroes. This role is most connected with others, because. few heroes can be called pure supports.

What is the playstyle of the support?

The more you play Dota 2, the more your finishing skill improves, and it is very important. Supports should suppress him. Almost every hero has plans to spend gold better than you. This doesn't mean you shouldn't last-hit IN PRINCIPLE, just do it when no one else is around. Focus on last hitting your own creeps so your partner can make the most last hits. This leads to you being under-farmed compared to your teammates or opponents. You will always fight those who are stronger than you, and you have to get used to the idea that they will kill you faster than you kill them. Supports rely solely on their skills to help the team in the late game and should be very careful as they are not difficult to kill. When supports have money, they spend it on things like wards (open view of the map around them), couriers, and other useful things. You don't usually get thanked for this, but it's very, very important. If you want to be the center of attention, a support is not the hero for you.

When should I take a support?

I think the game can be won without a single carry. But no game can be won without a support. This does not mean that they are more important, or that they are more difficult to play, no. It's just that supports give a lot to their team, requiring fewer resources. When a team is made up entirely of carries or gankers, take charge of the game as a support.

What items are good for a support?

Wards. Fashionable to repeat again. A support without wards doesn't care about his team.

Bloodstone. Serves many purposes. First, it restores mana and health. Secondly, you benefit from the death of heroes around you. Thirdly, if you die, and you are very easy to kill, you can continue to help your team and gain experience.

Mekansm. There are few healing abilities in Dota. You restore health to all nearby allies and give them some armor points. Worth your money.

Who is the best support?

1st place - Venomancer

1st place - Dazzle

I apologize for Venik, I never played Dazzle and always neglected this pink freak. After playing a couple of games, I realized its popularity. He has a great slow to the point of paralysis, not like Venom, which only works after 50% of the victim's HP. Shallow Grave does not allow the ally to die at all, i.e. he does not lose HP after 1 unit. I already imagine the Huskar-Dazzle combo: the first one almost died, Shallow Grave, Huskar slices with double power (the lower health this hero has, the more damage he deals and the higher his attack speed). The wave is also very useful, both in defense and in attack. His ultimate reduces the armor of enemies in range and increases its level on his own. In general, a fairy tale, not a hero.

2nd place - Dark Seer

I'll tell you right away. This hero is here because he is one of my favorites. Okay, that's not the only reason. DS is one of those heroes that is very difficult to lane against. He has escape tricks, gank tricks and skills just to help his teammates. His Surge, which increases movement speed, is just as important as Vacuum that embraces all living things. These abilities give him the ability to play several roles at once. Ion Shell, which deals damage to all enemies near the target, has several uses at once, from ganking and harassing to protecting. But they dislike him because of his ult, Wall of Replica. You have to attack him, move away and attack again if you don't want to be surrounded by copies of him that hit pretty hard.

3rd place - Crystal Maiden

Rylai, or in the common people Snegurochka, is a pure support. She has a few offensive abilities, but mostly reduces the effectiveness of enemy heroes. Her ult is strong, but sometimes difficult to use. The reason why she is chosen so often is Brilliance Aura, which restores mana to all allies on the map. Rylai requires almost the least amount of farm to be effective.

In the following parts, I will look at the remaining roles of the characters. Thank you for your attention!