How to get star wars the force unleashed. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition: Complete walkthrough. Kato Neimoidia. Western vault

Passed the PS2 version. Definitely better than the older version. Even with reduced combat. More precisely, it makes sense to do a combo at all, but only throwing it away and then flashing it with lightning. The rest with bosses are useless, but unnecessary for a trifle. In the older version, there was just button mashing with the hope that at least something would work.

And yes, in this version there is a Force Choke handy little thing against non-force bosses. I don’t know why it wasn’t added to the older one.

Because it is not in the older version that everyone played)

Kyle Katarn even has it) So why wouldn't an adept of the dark side have it? For simply pinching vessels and air ducts by telekinesis.

But as I said, it almost doesn’t work with power bosses, because you must first lift it into the air, and then press L1. However, the security forces either resist or break out and almost never take them. Vader for sure. Tried to stir up irony)

In general, memes immediately come to mind)

The ability is also convenient in that it can be continued by throwing a sword that pierces and sticks into the enemy. Together, it deals powerful damage.

In general, in this version of the game there are more power moves. For example, an electric bomb. The essence is a grenade of power) When hit, it spreads enemies and shocks. Or Dark Rage, which temporarily increases sword damage by three times. But there are fewer melee attacks. Yes, they are not needed. I used the older version 2, 3 of all. For ineffective and long combos.

I went through the PSP version and even it gave out more than these PS3 / Xbox360 versions, which are dull. The case when the cutback is good for the game, because the levels are not so big, because of which it is faster to go through (yes, this is a plus, because the corridor design, which is just slightly reduced in scale, does not look so dull, because those huge corridor spaces in the older versions are not used in any way), and the combat system does not seem so scarce. I have seen something similar in Sonic Unleashed (older versions are dull to the point of impossibility). Tried to start twiceForce Unleashed on PC (even with a controller) and I was quickly drawn to sleep, but I somehow endured the PSP version.

Well, they tried to overcome the Wii)

Star Wars Kinect, on which I keep wanting to put my paw along with the console, is in fact one of best games in ST, simply because you do everything yourself and without nunchucks. But like TFU, the game is an experiment. That's why it doesn't work very well. I would like to see something similar on PS3 with her Move, but there were no such mechanics foreseen (

At least just sword duels) It would be especially cool in PvP))

My high school friend had a PSP and I had an Xbox 360 so I saw both versions too. True, I did not pay attention to the already passed plot, focusing on the duel mode. After your posts about short levels, it dawned on me that the competition: "Who will pass faster" was not initially fair.

At the age of 15, in some anti-cafe, I played one Star Wars game on a kinect. There, in order to dodge and jump behind your back, you had to jump in real life. All in all, I really liked the theme. There were also races on gladers and fights with some insects with vibroblades, we played together, it was fun. I played this game twice, I still remember both times. On the gladers, it was necessary to dodge, twist the body to enter turns, well, these creatures jumped on the car, it was necessary to throw them off, well, knock them down when they were on the road, shoot at enemy cars. All in all, non-stop fun. Cool toy. And yes, there was a game without everything. Clean hands. With an imaginary sword at the ready)) and a jump behind the back a Jedi somersault like Qui-Gon

"I'm your dad," Vader said to Luke.
"It's good that I'm a mother," Luke thought, looking at Vader's metal head.

How many Star Wars games were there? And how many more there will be ... In any case - in today's review, we have a good kind of action movie for ourselves. It turns out that old Vader had ambitions to overthrow Lord Sidious, therefore, having found a boy gifted with a remarkable power, he decided to make a student out of him and, as practice has shown, in vain. The game is addictive, but could have been better executed. Nothing is perfect in the world, so let's just dive into the passage of Star Wars Force Unleashed.

Factory T-Fighters

And so, our training begins. We strive vehemently through the hangar of fighters, where along the way we will be taught the skill of owning a lightsaber. It's actually interesting how Starkiller, while holding the sword in reverse, can perform strikes using only the hand, and not the entire elbow joint. For if he performed blows according to all the laws of fencing with a reverse grip, he would cut off his limbs to all the sieves ... But, it doesn’t matter. Along the way, they will explain to us how to use power for good ... for our own good. We tear our claws forward, crumbling everything and everything, at the same time we practice the acquired skills. At the same time, it is worth completing a bonus mission. Just destroy 5 t-fighters, you need to do it by force. We push them from the launchers, let them explode in the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed.

Next - we need to choose from the hangar, for this we activate by force two switches at the gateway. We run to the control room, across the bridge, climb onto the platform above, follow further. The main thing for us is to get to the checkpoint, for this we need to get to the black gateway ahead. Further, we deftly dodge the ubiquitous fighters, follow into the next room - the control room. Just like steamed vegetables - small heaps of strands scatter like dust in the wind. Yes, a good way to deal with enemies is to simply throw them out of windows. But, keep in mind - it's better to kill them manually, because you get experience and health

Let's start...

When the last warg lets out a farewell sigh, we think about how to turn off the force field. We smash the generator to smithereens, which is well-intentionally illuminated for us. We follow further, where we will have to jump for a long time. But there is also good news - there will be enemies, there will be someone to kill, though if you do it, you will need to throw various garbage at them by force, along the way - clearing your way. So... meet the new enemy "AT-ST", the enemy is difficult, but anyway, we are the coolest in this game. We run to the left, there will be an entrance to the cockpit, we rake up idle scattered bonuses and follow on. It is vital to collect leveling spheres, our priority is lightning, parry and combo powers, without these three elements it will be difficult to have a conversation on equal terms. Here is our first boss - General Kota

On the left there will be an exit through which you can get to the cockpit. There is nothing special to do here, you can just collect bonuses and move on. As a result, you will come to the first boss, he will be General Kota. There are several features in combat. Green force field, at the moment of activation - we leave the line of fire, because it will be very painful, moreover - there is no point in trying to do something with the boss, because he is invulnerable until the end of the attack. When the phase of his attack ends, it will be possible for us to stab. Kota is weak to power attacks, so you should throw his hat with ... uh, garbage. In this way, we demolish the life of the boss by half and transfer it to a more aggressive stage. Everything is simple here, the main thing is not to flap your ears, move from the attack line in time and, most importantly, finish off Kota at the very end of the battle. This should be done with all bosses, the finishing button is our everything.

Dealing with it in general is easier than easy. He is vulnerable to manifestations of power, you can safely throw all sorts of things at him. All this can terribly beat him. The only thing to be wary of is the green force field. As soon as you notice that it has activated and the power has increased, then Kota is now attacking you. Leave the line of attack immediately. Also note that at this point he is invulnerable, so you don't even have to try to attack him - the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed will give you such an opportunity in the future.

When his life is reduced to half, there will be one curious event, I will not spoil the fun. I will only note that it is better not to stay on the floor, it will become red-hot. But you can turn this situation to your advantage, make the boss on the floor, and he will lose a life. After you finally defeat him, do not forget to press the finishing button - this is important, since simply resetting life to zero is not enough (this applies to all the following bosses).

Rexus Prime

By activating three mechanisms, we can get to the central part of the core itself, along the way we can complete a bonus mission - send ten Scythians for scrap. Close combat will solve all our problems. We follow further, jump into the hole in the ceiling, go to the next location.
We grab a piece of iron, using it as a shield, we make our way further, sending to the forefathers all those objectionable to our Sith will. As we get to the fallen heap of iron - we find a piece of the turbine and throw its combat turret. As soon as the turret appreciates our efforts and suddenly collapses, we jump into the hole and hurry forward. Having reached a huge gap, we are preparing for the fact that we will be met by arrows. Hostile shooters. As soon as we manage to cross the line of fire, we break down the oncoming door by force and observe a short cut-scene, where we will clearly be made to understand that we need to turn off the laser field. There is actually nothing to do, our hands itch to kill someone, which means we are moving on. Using the elevator we go down to the generators. Somewhere we have already gone through this, we will repeat it again. We return to the force field, we are glad that we successfully turned it off, we move on, to new evil deeds.

Next, we are greeted by the titan himself. The larger the closet, the louder it falls. A clumsy and heavy fool who can easily be fried with lightning, and they should already be pumped. As soon as the titanium is completely broken, we follow further, we break off a piece of the ship's skin by force and use it as a bridge.
We chop up all the robotics of the future into small pieces, and we get to a tidbit in the form of another titanium. The fun doesn't end there! Let me introduce Kazdon Paratus, in person!
The boss is not made of cardboard, he will skillfully defend himself in close combat. As always... lightning bolts, throwing hats. From time to time, Kazdon will summon adds... This little thing will only sweeten our feast, healing us and warming up our anger. The best part is that if you are not satisfied enough with the suffering of the boss, you can simply not finish him off, then they will give you the opportunity to kick him again, and this is very valuable in the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed.


Mission is entertainment. A wellness walk through the forest area, collecting bonuses in a basket, with the extermination of local residents along the way. Speaking of local residents, the most annoying are shamans, because their comrades are quite cunning, they tend to avoid close combat by teleportation. "She ran away from me again, but the brick will catch up with her ..." - this is our method. We grab something weighty by force and present our arguments on the dense shaman's little head. Or shock therapy with lightning - also heals from life. Leaving the corpses behind us, we pass the tunnel, we get out. We crumble four rancors into a salad, which successfully completes the second task. We move on, doing good and doing justice, first of all - finishing the shamans. Further - on a platform with rancors - we chop as much as they give us, collect everything tasty and be like that.
It's time for us to meet the temperamental Shaak Ti. An elementary boss, it’s even a shame for such a passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed, the main thing is not to fall into the exit zones, dodge, jump. It’s better not to bet on long power combos, it’s worth limiting yourself to short series, just as the girl likes to cut down long speeches. The second phase is the tentacles, which are damned damaging, therefore we avoid the fall of giant tentacles. The reference point will be a tentacle lying on the ground, because there the affected area ends with the acting ones. Do not forget to finish off the boss with the cherished button.


Break glass, I'm crying! Thus, we get out of the laboratory, immediately fry the energy core, to the right of the entrance, then outside, bypassing the protective containers. After passing the corridor, we go into the room where the mini-boss will be waiting for us. Close combat is not the best the best option, because the wounded animal perfectly blocks blows. Lightning, throw caps - the best option. After - we break a couple of EVO. Remember - they are immune to lightning.

As every hero-lover needs to save the lady of the heart. But first, as a Sith, we need to carry our fiery anger with hellish fire on the heads of those unfortunate energy cores that are nearby and guards. They won't let us roam, but still - a girl is waiting for us at the end. As there will be no one to kill, we have a conversation with Juno.


The mission should start with a bonus task, the essence of which is to play Mr. Freeze - turning a dozen Imperials into carbonite statues. Alas, it will not be possible to solve the problem famously, as you need to carefully behave with opponents, gently plunging guys in blue outfits into the freezing compartment, because you can accidentally kill them. As soon as we create a kind of parody of the terracotta army, we can safely go to the docks. Here we are met by a whole company of assorted opponents, droids, soldiers, snipers. It is worth starting with the latter, because the most damaging and unpleasant, in terms of combat. Along the way, collecting bonuses, we clear the area of ​​​​everything hostile to us, in the end, a shadow guard will look at the light. The guy is not made with a finger, he perfectly blocks melee attacks, all but the most sophisticated combos. Lightning comes out, but... It's not often that we have to fight against someone interesting? Therefore, I advise you to gnaw it with your lightsaber - so the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed will become much more attractive. Also, it is worth respecting the enemy, because when he attacks, it is better to let him speak out, maneuver and leave the line of fire, otherwise, if you dare to snap, you can get a violent little head like that. Also, uncle is not averse to measuring Strength. In general, the enemy is interesting, and you will have to finish him off with two buttons at once, so that it doesn’t seem enough, don’t click this moment.

Imperial Kashyuk

I strongly advise you not to rush forward to the embrasures, but look to the left, because there is a bonus there, keep in mind - it should be taken before the start of the video, otherwise it will not work after. Now you can go boldly forward, since a huge crowd of meat is moving towards us, who wants to die at our hands, though they want so much that they self-destruct, so keep in mind. Then AT-ST will walk on us. Let him confess to the God Machine, and follow on. As soon as we overcome the first gate, we will have the opportunity to complete the first bonus mission, that is, to destroy the communications tower. We break the bars and overload the two generators with Sith shock therapy. We rejoice at the received bonus and go through the gate. There, guys in stylish red armor are waiting for us ... True, it still does not save them. We do not make the princess wait - we head to the blue doors.
We are in a hurry to free the Wookiees, but before that, we should look at the nix on the sniper nests for bonuses. Poor wookiees - languishing in steel cages, they will be very happy if you rescue them and join you in killing their captors. Don't worry too much if the Wookiees die along the way. They will die the death of heroes, ascend to Valhalla... and in general, this does not affect the mission in any way. We only need to free them, not save them. By the way, the very entrance to the prison is guarded by a shadow guard. At least someone to have fun with. We finish the comrade, not forgetting to finish him off with two keys, we break into the prison. What pleases the prison itself - here you should not think about where to go, all the time straight, all the time forward. Rubik's cable, turn off the force fields, by the way they are deadly for our opponents, we shake our heads, look at the cameras, because someone very kind, especially for us, left bonuses there. At the end of the mission, there will be an opportunity to chop for glory. The main thing is not to stand still, maneuverability, speed are our main weapons. By the way, yes, it will be necessary to destroy seven more pillars. I think that in the matter of destruction and massacre - you do not need advice. Just unleash your rage, sword and Strength - make your way to a happy ... Your Future!

Imperial Felucia

We are carefully moving forward, there are a lot of bonuses at the level, the main thing is to see. In the EVO canyon, they will want to find out something from us, how to talk to insolent people - you have already been taught. Further, as the AT-ST will come to us - we rush to the other side of the canyon, break a passage for ourselves in the stone wall, and go to the next location. Another bonus task is to free the prisoner. Delov something - to cut the three chains that hold him. As soon as we activate three generators, we find ourselves zohavan Sarlaak. Well, there are only locals here, you won't have any problems with them. It is necessary to bypass the mouth of the beast, for this we charge the generator and sneak past the mouth when Sarlaak closes it. We leave through the cloaca to fresh air.
Oh, battlefield, what could be better? But, our task is to get into the cave, where at the end, two bosses will be waiting for us. Rancor and Maris are candidates for corpses in Star Wars The Force Unleashed. Well, we kill the rancor by washing and rolling, he is a heavy and heavy guy, you have to tinker, the only risk here is to get bored. But Maris... The main thing is to impose a melee fight, and the best tactic for this is to stun with lightning and get closer. Don't forget to hit!

Imperial Rexus Prime

“Remember, son, the main thing in a lightsaber is to determine where the blade will come from!” - admonished Palpatine student. Darth Maul thought and made a double-edged sword...

Finally, we can roam! Chop, kill, set on fire, decapitate, break, crush - under this slogan the lion's share of the level will pass. It's a pity, but the task is not to have fun, but, as always, to save the world. You need to get to the imperial landing base, then we jump onto the elevator, in the main room I advise you to complete the bonus task. As always - something to destroy, in this moment- a tower, and with a landing beam. To do this, we arrange an overload of control panels, in the amount of five pieces. Congratulations, let's move on. We burn two generators of the force field and hurry to the elevator, go down. We jump over the abyss, and take a little soul on the approaching opponents. Our old comrade Proki decided to try himself as a boss, which, by the way, is very idea - he plays the role of a doppelganger, turning into Maris, Shaak You, shadow guards. To defeat the copy - remember what we did with the originals. This is so that you do not relax. By the middle of the battle, a surprise awaits us - the proxy will turn into the old Darth Maul. An entertaining, but at the same time simple, short fight - the main thing is not to get hit, because the attacks of this comrade cause double damage, keep in mind. Strength, combos - all at your disposal, poor Proxy
As soon as the Proxy is everything, we reload checkpoints, of which there are already four, on a monorail gun and we finish off everyone who arrived in time. Further, we can finally take revenge on the hated T-Fighters "s, just fry them with lightning! The moment of epic comes! We! Destroy SOLO!!! A whole Star Destroyer !!! And we do it with the help of the Force and ... General it's worth listening, because he knows better when to break this crumb. Then again the stage of the battle with the fighters. Then again the stage of the battle with the Cruiser. Simple, but epic.

The Death Star

The bloodbath continues! Now in the assortment of massacre most of the opponents that we have seen, so there will be no surprises, only massacre! There are snipers, and droids, and shadow guards. Know no pity! Only anger, only destruction! As soon as there are no survivors, jump down into the flaming pipes. We walk along the map, avoiding the energy beam, two troubles await us at the exit, but there will be no problems, the main thing is not to lose vigilance and constantly move. Next - three centrifuge rings, one touch to them - death. So, boys and girls, you will have to wait for a break in the work of the green energy beam. For some reason, most of the Jedi-Sith themed games feature this Death Star mega disintegrator beam. Is that already a cliché? So, as soon as the beam pauses, we stop the rings by force and hurry to the other side of the room. And we fall into the womb of the death ray, where all such rays are concentrated into the destroyer of worlds.

Two AT-STs are loitering nearby, in the furnace of them! Next, we power the generator, which will bring the gravity platform to life. Now conducts a cursory inspection of all rooms for bonuses. Our goal is an observation platform, alas, there are very few enemies there. And so, we are waiting for a fight with the old Veidar. The right tactic is to throw the old man by force, fill up with interior items until he leaves the next room out of resentment, where the old Anaken successfully stuns us, and throws us to the center, where our tactics do not change, we still fill up Veidar with all sorts of rubbish. As soon as the antagonist falls down, such a moment of non-linearity comes, we choose how we can sophisticate to spoil the very history of Star Wars, namely who we are - an evil Sith or a furry Jedi. But, this is hackneyed and familiar, but HOW we make a choice is the root of chagrin and disappointment. If we are still for the beaver and the Jedi boys, we are going to break Palpatine. If we are true evil - we are going to talk with Darth Veidar. That is, a certain Starkiller, whom Grandpa Lucas had never heard of at all, is going to kill two key heads of the entire Star Wars saga! Nightmare...and that's what we're playing! But the passage of Star Wars The Force Unleashed began so interestingly!

Palpatine - so, wool, not a mentor. He hides behind adds that we heal from, attacks with boring lightning and tries to push us by force. But as soon as all such hysteria ends, he is sluggish and weak, so the saber and close combat put an end to his existence.

Old Darth Vader is an interesting opponent. You can't do anything without distracting maneuvers, so it's not worth trying to run into an open battle, Veidar perfectly wields a sword, blocks our blows and goes on a counterattack. Moreover, as an experienced grunt, he will catch us in a jump with a power grab, after which he returns to the ground very painfully. On him, on Vader himself, such a trick works great, by the way! And then - melee, sword and combos! By killing Darth Veidar, we become a new student of Palpatine. But, if you think about it ... Do you want to see a mentor who is weaker than Veidar himself? Hardly...

To be honest, I have never met people who would have difficulty in passing such toys, because here, you see, you don’t really need to think much, cut, kill, burn, sometimes keep your eyes open so as not to miss another bonus. Yes, even without bonuses, everything here is fine, everything goes well, the time is gone when any missed trifle can be fatal ... The only thing that such adventures could help you with is the plot. But if you write a complete walkthrough with all the plot milestones, dialogues, descriptions of the area, subcultures and other delights, it will turn out to be a small novel, far from 3k words, not 7 pages of printed text in 12 font, but much more. Therefore, I advise you, just play, think, have fun, reveal the plot twists and turns of ideas on your own, because there is nothing complicated in this. But if, after all, at some point your eyes get tired, your hand trembles, or some other bitterness happens, you still won’t be able to go further on your own - only in this case you will need such comings.
Enjoy the game, love, kindness, understanding! May the Force be with you! =)

Don't be afraid of the Death Star. Let one half of the galaxy die, but the other half will live in the Galactic Empire.

Walkthrough Star Wars The Force Unleashed consists in the successive completion of a series of missions, the final of which, as a rule, is a battle with a Jedi or Sith. Main character- a student of Darth Vader lands in various locations, most often with one goal - to find and destroy the Jedi, but in addition to the main task, there are additional goals during the passage: to destroy several pieces of any equipment, score a certain number of points and find Jedi holocrons.

Completing these side quests provides bonuses in the form of orbs of new power moves, various crystals for the lightsaber that change its color and increase damage, as well as a variety of clothes for the main character, so you should not neglect the completion of additional tasks.

Passage of Mission 1. Kashyyyk.
Find and destroy the Jedi hermit.

Additional tasks: not available.

The galaxy is on the verge of plunging into darkness. The Galactic Empire destroyed the old Republic, countless worlds were squeezed in the grip of fear. Almost all the Jedi Knights were exterminated, only a few of them managed to escape from the Imperial forces and hide in the vastness of the galaxy. The Emperor's spies have discovered a lone Jedi Knight on the planet Kashyyyk, and Darth Vader is dispatched to eliminate him...

Vader on Kashyyyk

This is an introductory mission, a kind of prologue where you play as Vader. There are no side quests or holocrons at this level. We go down the path, moving in the direction of the arrow on the mini-map, which is located in the upper left corner of the screen. At the gate we get rid of the Wookiees - the defenders. We break the wooden gate with the help of a power push (the "y" key), we pass along the bridge, break the next gate, then to the elevator and move up on it. We pass the next bridges and finally get to the building with the emblem of the rebels. We deal with the hermit, watch the video ...

Passage of Mission 2. Nar Shaddaa. Fighter factory. Find and eliminate General Kota.

Additional tasks:
1) Destroy 5 tie-fighters

3) collect 15 holocrons

After landing, we move along the corridor and knock out the first door (power push). Do not forget to pick up holocrons: red ones - they briefly enhance your skills, strength, etc., we will leave their description outside the scope this passage; white - give strength points, spheres of power moves and abilities, crystals for a lightsaber and a variety of clothes. We destroy all manpower in the hangar and at the same time 5 fighters hanging from the ceiling - this additional task.

In the hangar, you can find two white Jedi holocrons on the bridges (see screenshots), which will give 10,000 power points and a yellow crystal for a lightsaber. The upper bridge with the second holocron can be reached by double jumping from the tail of the crashed shuttle with a forward power throw (space, space, shift+c).

We approach the locked door of the hangar, open the two latches of the lock with the help of a power grip - the path is clear. After you receive a message from your pilot that General Kota has taken over the bridge, go forward a little and to the right behind the closed door will be the third Jedi Holocron (10,000 points).

We move on, not forgetting to pick up the fourth holocron (sphere of power abilities) hidden behind the boxes before riding the elevator and after the ride on the elevator - the right exit from the elevator, to the left, the fifth cube (sphere of power abilities) is also hidden behind the boxes. When you get to the path on the opposite side, pick up the sixth one in the niche (10,000 power points).

Further passage does not cause difficulties to a round hall with a laser protective wall, which is activated after filling the hall with many rebels. After dealing with the enemies, disable the defense by pulling the energy block from the socket in the wall with a power dash ( right button mice).

When you reach the place where a blue-lit device protrudes from the left wall, you need to push it to the right with the help of force and use it as a step. After, in the same way, lower the bridge in front of you and jump onto it.

Destroy the walking tank and when you get to the room where the wings of the TIE fighters rise, do not forget to take the two holocrons seventh and eighth (give 10,000 power points each), which are located on the mesh passage above, behind the boxes and on the roof to the left.

Two more holocrons, the ninth (10,000 points) and the tenth (crystal of power - rubat) in a row, are in a similar room, but where the wings of the fighters do not rise, it’s just through them that you can reach the targets, after inserting, lying wings into the second on the right and left niches. The upper holocron will give you a sword crystal that increases damage, do not forget to insert it into the lightsaber using the game menu.

We go up the elevator and get into the workshop where you need to destroy the generator and turn off the insulating field, after which we find the eleventh holocron (10,000 points of strength) on the left in a niche under the bridge, the twelfth (also 10,000 points) in the right niche in the hall of generators and the thirteenth (sphere of power receptions) in the hall between the left four generators.

Having pulled the block out of the nest, we turn off the field and go into the next compartment of the fighter assembly shop, where behind the right turn is the fourteenth and on the right in the niche under the bridge the fifteenth holocrons, which will give 10,000 strength points each. So, 15 holocrons collected - additional task completed.

We go up the elevator, observing a wonderful view of the planet, and meet General Kota...

Passage of Mission 3. Raxus Prime. Dump. Find and destroy Kazdan Parathus.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy 10 garbage shuttles
2) gain 250,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons

Now you can use lightning, which will be needed to activate the reactors lying around in this dump (they are highlighted in blue). When lightning strikes, the reactor will activate, take off and punch a hole in the wall, which you need to get to. Activate three reactors and the path is clear. Don't forget to pick up the first Holocron, which gives 10,000 Power points, which is located on the left in the niche under the bridge behind the river of toxic waste.

Try to destroy the garbage shuttles at close range with lightning. Shuttles appear in this part of the level - four times. You will find the second holocron (the sphere of power moves) inside the hyperdrive, after you make your way into the hole in the wall, you can jump to it by placing two boxes on top of each other or climb along the central part of the hyperdrive and jump from the pipes to the platform.

Further, in order to protect yourself from the rain of molten metal, you need to use force to bend the parts of the metal sticking up so that they form an arch. When you reach the exit to the open area, do not rush to jump off - on the left is the third holocron on given level(gives you 10,000 points), and if you put yourself in his place, you can use lightning to destroy four more garbage shuttles. The fourth holocron containing a concentrated red crystal is in front of you on the opposite side.

Now you need to catch the flying reactor and activate it with lightning, first directing it to the hemispherical hatch shown to you at the beginning of this part of the level - this is a further way, but first you need to raise a large platform and jump to the hatch from it. Meet the four scavengers and destroy the last two scavengers from the edge of the platform, you will also see the fifth holocron (10000 power points). Go through the tunnel, where the javas throw explosives at you and at the end of it, another sixth white die with 10,000 points.

We go further, open the gate, enter, catch the flying reactors and activate them with lightning - not bad shells are obtained, we find two more holocrons - the seventh with a sphere of power moves and the eighth with a golden crystal, at this level, they are on the right and left on the site.

We go down the elevator, go out into the open space and on the right on the roof we find the ninth holocron, in it is a concentrated yellow crystal. The next one is the tenth with the sphere of power moves, you will find it under the platform with the power plant. Move the generator block to the left position and the generator is destroyed.

We rise on the elevator and jump into the rift, formed as a result of the explosion of the generator. The next, eleventh in a row, holocron (10,000 points) is on the right elevation. The turbine at the end of the left elevation must be activated by lightning and from the right elevation, forcefully bring down the long metal fragment rising up and cross the fault from the left elevation along the fallen fragment. Get rid of the garbage guards and straighten the metal piece protruding from the right wall, jump on it (c, space, space, shift) and in the same way jump from it to the platform ahead. Further, on the left, on a ledge in the form of a gear, the next twelfth holocron (with a Sith robe), to which you can jump over pieces of metal, unbending them.

We move forward, jump into the location with the gate, deal with the garbage titan, knock out the gate and in front of us is the thirteenth white cube and the firkrann crystal in it, hanging between the bridges. You can climb onto the bridge from the head of a walking tank lying nearby. Another one is the fourteenth (10000) on the left, near the gate, and the last one is the fifteenth (also 10000 power points) at the end on the right bridge. It remains only to deal with Kazdan Paratus...

Passage of Mission 4. Felucia. Find and destroy the Shaak-ti.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy 4 rancors
2) gain 375,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons

The passage of this location from the very beginning of the mission does not cause difficulties, everything is simple, we move in the direction of the arrow on the mini-map. The first holocron (10,000 points) is in the right branch of the path at the very beginning of the level, the second - also 10,000 points - in a cave right under the entrance.

The third holocron (10,000 hp) is on one of the spiral ledges at the level of the first hanging bowl, the fourth, with 10,000 hp, is in the second bowl, the fifth is in the upper bowl and contains an unstable red crystal. We leave the cave, deal with several local natives who are not bad at fighting. First of all, you need to hit the leader, and the rest do not really like a throw from a height on the ground, it is also good to use lightning if you have it pumped to the third level.

After leaving the cave, you need to deal with the local warriors and on the right, under the large fungus-plant holocron number six, it has 10,000 points.

The next one is the seventh in a row, with 10,000 power points, hidden in the same location, under a banana-shaped plant, you can see it if you remove the top of this plant, not far from the entrance to the next cave. If you can’t find under which particular plant, pluck all the plants and you will certainly find it. Also, not far from the entrance to the next location, on the left, there is a branch in the form of a cave - there you will find the eighth holocron and a concentrated golden crystal in it.

Enter the cave and immediately after the entrance in the fork of the tree you will see the ninth holocron containing the sphere of power moves. Walk through the cave to the ancient clone battle site, jump down and your robot will warn you about large creatures near you - these are rancors ( additional task- kill four of these creatures). In this location, the next holocron number ten is prominently displayed and has 10,000 power points.

Deal with a lot of local warriors, but it's better to deal with the leader first and after entering the next cave we again see the holocron - the eleventh one with 10,000 strength points.

After overcoming a narrow gorge, we get into a rather spacious cave, deal with three more rancors (additional task completed) and again we see two holocrons in the right bowls, the twelfth (10,000 points), the thirteenth (sphere of power abilities) and two more fourteenth (sphere of power moves) on the right in the bowl and fifteenth right behind the second thick tree (10,000 points). All holocrons in this level are collected. Don't forget to level up your abilities before meeting Shaak-ti.

Passage of Mission 5. Experimenter. Escape from the ship.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy all rescue modules (capsules)
2) gain 150,000 power points
3) collect 5 holocrons

After you break the glass to get out of the chamber, lethal gas will go out for you. Turn off its supply by pulling out the energy block, which is located to your right in the niche of the outer perimeter of the room. The first holocron (blue crystal) will be right behind the door through which you have to exit, do not pass by. The second holocron, with the sphere of power moves, you will find in the hall with cylindrical capsules for prisoners, inside one of them.

The third holocron will give you an orb of force abilities, it is hidden behind one of the doors on the lower level of the hall where you found the second holocron. Knock out the door illuminated by the force field and the path from the hall is free. In the next room, deal with the stormtroopers and activate all the escape pods with lightning - this is an additional task. Behind the last capsule you will see the fourth holocron, which contains improvements in the field of power moves.

The fifth and last holocron on this level, with a Lorrdian crystal, is located behind the barrels in the corridor, on the way to the command bridge of the ship. There you will be met by a couple of heavy imperial fighters, stormtroopers and command staff. To turn off the force field, you need to pull up two blocks on both sides of the central bridge. Rescue your pilot and the mission will end there.

Passage of Mission 6. Cloud city. Escape the city with General Kota.

Additional tasks:
1) Freeze 10 Imperials in Carbonite
2) gain 200,000 power points
3) collect 5 holocrons

At the beginning of the level, you are next to the carbonite freezer containers, start completing an additional task: carefully place an imperial stormtrooper in these containers. Freeze a dozen - additional task completed. By the way, in the second container along the way to the exit is the first holocron - an unstable gold crystal. If you turn back on the first bridge, you will find the second holocron on the roof of the bar - the ruusan crystal.

The third (power sphere) and fourth (10,000 power) holocrons are clearly visible from the bridge in the next room. The fifth holocron with an unstable yellow crystal is also not heavily camouflaged, it can be seen from the round platform in the direction of travel, it is located on the beam crossing the bridge from above. All holocrons collected. Now it remains to deal with two walking loaders, and after the arrival of the shuttle with the shadow guard.

Passage of Mission 7. Imperial Kashyyyk. Survey of the imperial base.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy the imperial communication tower
2) gain 360,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons

At the very beginning of the mission, do not rush to move towards the old hut, you can pick up the first holocron - it is on the left, a few meters from the landing site, it contains a concentrated blue crystal. Now enter the old hut with the emblem of the rebels, watch the video, and after loading the new location, turn left, there is a second holocron with a kento robe behind the tree.

The third holocron and 10,000 points are a little further down the road, on the upper right behind a tree, where there were incinerators with flamethrowers. When you deal with them, then with a walking tank and machine gunners, knock out massive gates with the help of large stones lying nearby or open them with a capture. Behind the gate on the left metal structure is the fourth holocron (10,000 power points).

Not far ahead, also to the left, above the metal structure, you will find the fifth holocron, also with 10,000 power points. Move further along the metal bridge, and tear out the grate protecting the main generator of the communication tower, it will be to your right, and disable the generator with lightning. Pass the large gate, take the stairs to the right, and as you climb the bridge around the communications tower, you'll see a sixth holocron containing an orb of force moves.

Disable the spare generator of the communication tower, you will find it above the first one, on the opposite side of the tower, in front of it, next to the pipe hangs holocron number seven, it has 10,000 points. Go back to the next big gate, knock it out or open it, deal with the defenses, and in the round hall, above the trophy with mountains, take the eighth holocron, also with 10,000 power points.

When you go out the gate and get a warning about snipers, take the red holocron behind the stone on the right, it will give you invincibility, clear the clearing of enemies and on the round area where the sniper was before - the ninth holocron with the sphere of power moves. You can jump onto this platform from the cage in which the Wookiees are imprisoned, by the way, if you hit the end of the cage with a lightsaber, the cage doors will open and the freed Wookiees will help you. In one of these cells, in the one at the end of this location on the right, the tenth holocron (10,000 points) is hidden.

The eleventh holocron is located in the last round sniper area, it has 10,000 power points. Move the large stone to jump from it to this area. Move on to cell block. Sequentially turn off the energy cable hanging at the top left to deactivate the field between the compartments. Open all the chambers, and in one of them you will find the twelfth holocron with a sphere of power abilities, and in the last chamber the thirteenth and 10,000 points.

Come out to the complex with a tractor beam directed at the sky, and on the right you will see the fourteenth with a purple crystal and the fifteenth with 10,000 power points, holocrons. To complete the mission, you need to pull out all the rods located around the perimeter of the complex to turn off the beam.

Passage of Mission 8. Imperial Felucia. Find and rescue Senator Bail Organa.

Additional tasks:
1) release Starluck
2) gain 425,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons

The first holocron is visible immediately at the beginning of the level, you don’t even need to move after loading the level - it’s in front of you at the bottom of the ravine where the battle is going on, it has a sphere of power abilities, however, it hangs high enough and you can jump to it if you put a couple lying around transport of imperials, crates, on top of each other. Find the second one in the right cave and get a green crystal for a lightsaber.

The third holocron (10,000 power points) is hidden under a banana plant, in a branch to the right of the bridge at the far end of the ravine. Cross the bridge with many staggered energy shields, but don't rush to jump down. Immediately after the bridge on the right, on the upper spongy growth, you will find the next, fourth holocron with a concentrated purple crystal.

The fifth holocron opens the sphere of power moves, it is in the right recess in the wall, from where the imperial machine gunner fired at you. A little further to the right, where the path begins to narrow the sixth holocron with 10,000 points. You can't jump from the bottom of the canyon to the fifth holocron, so first you need to jump into the right cave with the sixth holocron and then go through it towards the fifth...

Reach the complex built around the starlak, here it will be tedious to activate the elevator by turning on three generators - power plants with the help of lightning. For the optional quest to free the starlak, don't forget to sever the chains holding its tentacles with a lightsaber throw. Holocron number seven with a vexstal power crystal is above the right power plant, and the eighth with 10,000 points is below this power plant.

After activating the generator of the right power plant, move along the bridge to the elevator and on the left you will see the ninth holocron, it has 10,000 points. Activate the three generators and take the elevator down into the starlak's stomach. After exiting the elevator, on the right lies the tenth holocron, which will also give you 10,000 power points.

In the center of a large space in the stomach of a starlak, you will find the eleventh holocron with 10,000 power points. To jump to it, use a double jump ("space", "space") and "c" + "y" + "shift". Jump down, go through the narrow passage and into the area where the wind blows and you need to hide behind the vertical parts, twelfth holocron (10000 points).

After you are "spit out" into the open space in front of you from above there will be the thirteenth holocron with a sphere of power moves. You can jump to it from the mushroom cap on the right. Defeat the Imperials and the rancor and you will see the fourteenth holocron above the dais, it contains an unstable blue crystal.

Passage of Mission 9. Imperial Raxus Prime. Destroy the orbital docks.

Additional tasks:
1) destroy the imperial tower with a beam
2) gain 500,000 power points
3) collect 15 holocrons

Jump to the right ledge, and from it to the left platform, on which there is a spherical metal object, go along the platform forward, to the left and jump down - there is the first holocron with a power crystal - a seal. We move on, cracking down on the Rodians and Javas. In the left branch, before the road begins to rise, we find the second holocron and 10,000 power points in it.

After you cross the rift along a narrow strip of metal, behind the door opposite you, which you need to knock out, is the third holocron with a sphere of power moves. It is difficult to get past the fourth holocron - it is on your way in the center of the round passage, we take the next 10,000 points.

After reaching a fairly large open space, look out for the fifth one with a concentrated green crystal and the sixth one with 10,000 Holocron points, they are clearly visible before you jump down. Next, you have to destroy the walking tank, the Imperials and the Rodians, after which you need to jump along the ledges of metal sticking out of the wall in the form of a ladder to the hole in the wall. Don't forget holocron number seven (10,000 points), which is hidden in the cave where the Rodians ran out of when the walking tank landed.

In the hole in your path is holocron number eight with 10,000 points. After a couple of turns along a rectangular corridor - an exit to another open space. There, on the right above one of the sites where there were snipers, the ninth holocron and also 10,000 points.

When you get close to the hangar, it will open and reinforcements will emerge from it, consisting of a walking tank, a couple of Imperial destroyers and a few attack aircraft. The next, tenth holocron hangs under the roof of the hangar, in it is a sphere of power abilities. After taking the elevator that will descend at the far end of the hangar, you will move to the landing platform, at the end of which there is an elevator, go up on it and turn around, on the left balcony there is the eleventh holocron and 10,000 power points in it.

In a large round room, in the center, you will see a tower with a tractor beam, turning it off is an additional task, to turn off the tower, destroy all five transport pipes protruding along its perimeter with lightning. Climb up the outer circumference of the room and punch a hole in the wall with force, which you will rest against in the direction of travel - there is the twelfth holocron with an unstable purple crystal. Turn off the two generators by pulling out the round elements from them, and take the elevator down. To the left of the central bridge, at the far end of the left beam, the thirteenth holocron will be visible with a sphere of series of power moves, you can get to the beam using the combo move: double jump and shift + "y".

Lift up the right and left door opening mechanisms and in the next ring-shaped corridor, if you go to the right of the entrance and to the left of the entrance you will find the last two holocrons, in which there are 10,000 power points each. Then again the elevator and an interesting battle with the Proxy in various guises. Now you need to overload with lightning four beam guns accelerator. After that, you will be on the site. You will be attacked by fighters and you need to destroy the imperial destroyer. Hide from fighter fire behind a structure roughly in the center of the site. After the fighters arrive in the affected area, jump up and destroy them with lightning. When you destroy everything, you need to deploy, with the help of force, the destroyer with its nose towards you and pull it to the ground. There will be little time, as the next link of fighters is approaching. After the fighters arrive, keep an eye on your life bar, when it decreases a lot, take care of the fighters, and then continue to pull the destroyer. You can do it in two or three steps.

Passage of Mission 10. Death Star. Find General Kota and the founders of the rebel alliance.

Additional tasks:
1) gain 500,000 power points
2) collect 15 holocrons

It's hard to deal with so many Imperial forces in the hangar, and the snipers are plenty, but nothing is impossible for a trained Jedi. After a fierce battle with the Imperial forces, you can take the elevator to the bridge for the first holocron with a katak power crystal. On the opposite side of the hangar on the bridge is the second holocron in the same place, but with 10,000 points.

Now you can bend the massive door in the center of the hangar and jump down into the shaft. Move along the mine in the direction of the arrow on the mini-map and in the second tunnel in the pocket, where you will hide from the beam of the Death Star, open the door and take the third holocron with 10,000 power points.

In the third tunnel in the left branch, take the elevator up and jump onto the beam that runs along the top of the tunnel with the beam. There you will find the fourth (10,000 points) and the fifth, with an unstable green crystal, holocrons. Move to the right branch, open the door by lifting up with the help of force the lock of the door. Near the second door will boot new part level and behind the next door, the imperials are waiting for you, as well as in the right branch of the sixth holocron - the sphere of power abilities.

We go straight along the corridor, we send two machine gunners of the empire to eternity and in the next right pocket of holocron number seven with 10,000 power points. We go out to the left exit, into the shaft with the beam of the Death Star, of course, when it turns off, and on the opposite side we take the eighth holocron and 10,000 points.

Finally, we got to the system of rotating rings and in the first room with them, the holocron with the sphere of power moves is the ninth in a row. To move to the next compartment with the rings, after the beam turns off, stop the three rings, one by one, fixing them in the position as when the beam was on. After that, a bridge will extend, on which you will jump over to the next compartment. On your way between the bridges there will be the tenth holocron with 10,000 power points.

After passing through the halls with rotating rings, we find ourselves in a large hall where the laser beams of the Death Star converge. You need to jump to the very bottom of this hall and activate the elevators, to do this, slide a large block highlighted in blue into a niche, but they will try to place two walking tanks in you. Holocron eleven with 10,000 power points hangs in the ring, which is in the center of the hall of information. If you take the energy elevator to the topmost platform, you can see holocron twelve with a black crystal for a lightsaber, it is above the topmost lens.

The next thirteenth holocron can be found behind the door to the upper right area, it will give 10,000 power points. On the second level of the side areas of the hall of convergence, or rather on the left (if you look at the converging beams), you will find the fourteenth holocron with 10,000 points. Now you need to jump from the top point to the platform, which is opposite the converging lens. On this site you will be met by a shadow guard with help. Having dealt with them, turn towards the lens and on the right inside the circle formed by the control panels, the last one is the fifteenth holocron with the sphere of power moves.

We open the door lock clockwise and meet Vader in the corridor, or rather, he meets you. Fight him and the moment of choice will come when the emperor will deal with General Kota. You have two paths: the first is to jump off, finish off Vader and the second is to attack the emperor. The choice is yours...

Hoth Expansion Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Empire in anger. Dark times have come for the uprising. Although the Death Star was destroyed, the Imperial forces pushed the Rebel forces out of their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. While evading the intimidating Imperial fleet, a band of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker have established a new secret base on the remote, icy planet of Hoth. Guided by the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Skywalker hones his skills as a Jedi warrior to the fullest and prepares for his final showdown with the Imperial Sith assassin, Starkiller.

Main task: destroy the rebel forces at the Echo base.

Additional tasks:
2) collect 5 holocrons

Move forward along the snow-covered canyon of Hota, enter the cave. Wumpa will attack you there. It is better to deal with these creatures one by one, using the following tactics: lift with the help of force and hold in the air, throw a lightsaber at it, throw it to the ground and then finish off the fallen Wampa with lightning. If there are several Wamps, it is better to use lightning first, and then finish each creature with a lightsaber. Further in this part of the cave you will meet two more Wampas. In the far corner of the cave, break the ice that closes the passage, with the help of a force push, and enter the next cave with unstable ice platforms that form a kind of bridge. These platforms will be destroyed in a couple of seconds after you land on them, but this time is enough to make another jump. Get through the cave using Power Jump and Double Power Jump. At the other end of the cave, two Wamps await you, who will throw snow blocks at you as you approach.

In the next similar cave on one of the right platforms in the middle of the path is the first holocron, and at the end of the cave three Wamps are waiting for you. In the next cave, you will be attacked by automatic turrets, burn them one by one with lightning, hiding behind vertical ice floes in the center of the cave and attacking from behind them. Move to the passage closed by the power shield. To his left, use a force push to break the ice that closes the entrance to the side passage, where you need to pull the energy element from the socket to turn off the field. The nest will contain a red Sith holocron that will give you a health absorption aura. Return to the passage and deal with the rebels.

Move along the corridors of the Echo base to a dead end. There, the ice has formed a kind of staircase, along which you jump to the upper level of the corridors. You will find yourself on the site, directly there will be a passage closed by a force field, and on the left is a fairly large cave with rebels and Wamps. Under the ceiling in the center of the cave is a Sith holocron that increases damage. In this cave in the far right corner is a generator that feeds the force field of the passage. Bend back the generator cover and throw a box lying nearby. Before the destruction of the generator, place a large container on an idle lift to jump onto the platform and avoid trouble from the snipers that have appeared. In the next corridor: rebels and a couple of Vamps, and at the end of the corridor there are doors that need to be knocked out by force. Behind the doors is a room in which you need to break through the ice in order to get to the lower level. You can go back, bring a box, and they will break the ice floor or jump over the ice and stab with a sword when they land. After landing on the lower level, go forward, jump down again, turn around and see the second holocron

In the round room you will be given a hint - you need to lift the platform in the center of the hall with the help of force, jump on it and get from the platform to the upper level. On the upper level, take the Sith holocron, which gives infinite energy, deal with a dozen rebels, kick down the closed doors and move further down the passage. Next is the first meeting with Luke Skywalker. He's pretty easy to deal with with a sword, but he'll open the door and you'll be attacked by three Wumpas. Now you have to find the main hangar. Kick down the door, there will be many rebels in the next large room, but stormtroopers will break through and help you. In the left tunnel there will be a third holocron, and the right tunnel will lead you to the next passage to the doors that need to be knocked down. In a square room, use force to pull a rectangular block out of the service tunnel and jump into the resulting passage. On the way there will be parallel and perpendicular tubes with discharges, but they are easily destroyed by a sword throw or lightning.

From the service tunnel, you will jump down into a passage where you only need to beware of snipers. In this passage there is a left branch with knocked out doors, in which the fourth holocron. Next, you will be blocked by the rebels and a couple of Vamps, by the way, in the room with the Vamps, the Sith holocron with a health absorption aura. We knock out the next door, turn left, break the ice wall of the passage, pick up the fifth, which is also the last, holocron and get into the next corridor of the Echo base, where we deal with Wampa. After this passage we find ourselves in the main hangar. There we destroy the resistance using several Sith holocrons, and reach the double energy field generator that protects the passage to the Millennium Falcon. With the help of several boxes, we destroy both parts of the generator and meet with Skywalker. We defeat him with the help of a sword strike backed by lightning and other tricks...

Tatooine Expansion Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

Fragile hope. This is the time of the civil war. The Rebel ships, striking from a hidden base, won their first battle against the evils of the Galactic Empire. During the battle, rebel spies were able to steal the secret plans of the emperor's destructive weapon, the Death Star, an armored space station that had enough power to destroy an entire planet. Tracking the plans back to Tatooine, the Emperor orders Starkiller, the Sith assassin who destroyed Darth Vader, to retrieve them before the rebel alliance can restore freedom to the galaxy...

Primary Objective: Capture the droids with the stolen plans.

Additional tasks:
1) gain 600,000 power points
2) collect 5 holocrons

After receiving instructions from Emperor Palpatine, move along the mountains along the path. In the distance you will see a sandmobile stuck on the bridge and blocking your way. On the way to it, you will have to get rid of the Jawas throwing explosives at you, it is also desirable to destroy the blue-lit huts, from which the Jawas periodically appear. As you approach the sander, four Jawa guard droids will appear, but since you have all the skills and powers in your arsenal, it will not be difficult to hit them. Force push the sander into the abyss and the passage to the palace of Jabba the Hutt will be available. After crossing the bridge, pay attention to the map: on the left there will be a branch in the form of a small cave, in which the first holocron is hidden.

Next, stop at the edge of the ditch that crosses the road and wait for all the stones to fall from the top of the mountain on the left. Cross the two ditches and be ready for an attack by the Tuscan raiders, located on the hills to the right and left to the very front door of Jabba's palace. The main thing will quickly approach the raider until he catches you in the scope and in a jump strike him with lightning. To open the door to Jabba's palace, strike lightning into each protruding electronic eye. After the door opens, run to the center of the hall, where the red Sith holocron hangs, it will give you an aura of absorption of health, and jump into the pipe behind this holocron. In the pipe you will find the second holocron of the Jedi, and if you stand on the edge of the pipe, then the aura will do its job with the Gamorrean guards who have come running. Jump down and finish off the rest of the guards.

After a short conversation with Jabba the Hutt, you will have to finish off the rancor. There are a couple of Sith holocrons in the rancor pit. Taking a long-range, giving short-term invincibility, you can easily send the rancor to another world. Raise the door by force and exit the pit into the prison premises. There, don't forget to tear off the generators of electrical discharges from the ceiling to move along the corridor or break the walls of the prison cells. The doors between the sections open in the same way as the entrance to the palace. The third holocron is hidden in the first left cell in the direction of travel in a room with ten prison cells, and in the cell opposite the Sith holocrons with infinite energy. At the end of this room are two Weekwai guards with laser guns and a door.

After the next descent down, there will be a holocron with a health absorption aura on the right, and a semicircular corridor on the left. A couple more doors and you are in a droid torture room, where to turn off the force field that closes the passage, you need to lift up and release the cylindrical generator located to the left of the passage. At the end of the next winding passage - a similar situation indoors round shape it is better to immediately jump into one of the upper recesses, and having dealt with the Wukuai guards, take on the hacked stormtroopers - liquidators without jumping down. Here, in the lower recess, is the fourth holocron. Stop the two moving pairs of doors and jump down.

After landing, jump off the conveyor moving into the furnace, deal with the Jawas and bring the robot to the spherical scanner in the corner of the room. After these steps, the crushing mechanism will turn off, and you can go into the furnace. Make your way to the left opening at the end of the furnace, stopping to the right or left of the conveyor to avoid being hit by fire. Stand in front of the hole and the fifth holocron will be visible behind the penultimate jets of fire. Come back and jump into the passage. After entering the hangar, you must defeat Boba Fett. Don't let him get far enough away from you to shoot a rocket and use lightning to destroy him. Further in Mos Eisley you will meet Obiwan Kenobi and his spirit. Both fight well, but here we will be helped by lightning and a lightsaber strike, backed up by lightning.

Jedi Temple Walkthrough - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

You are a young Jedi who decides to go to the Jedi Temple in search of information about his dead father...

Main task: unravel the secrets of the Jedi Temple.

Additional tasks:
1) gain 600,000 power points
2) collect 10 holocrons

As you approach the Jedi Temple Ruins, you will receive a Proxy warning of strong resistance from the Imperial garrison below, so be sure to upgrade your powers, moves, combos, and change your lightsaber crystal before entering combat. Jump from the ship to the platform below and be ready for attack from all sides. You will be attacked by stormtroopers, flying and shadow troopers and an imperial destroyer droid.

To open the door to the Jedi Temple, you need to use a force grip to lift up the lightsabers of the right and left statues at the door. Move through the hall to the hall with the statues, where you can take the Red Sith Holocron with Infinite Energy - it will help you deal with the Imperial forces in this hall. In the right corner closest to the entrance to this hall is the first holocron of the Jedi with the sphere of power techniques, and the second holocron - in the opposite far right corner, which gives the sphere of force abilities. Destroy the many flying stormtroopers in the center of the temple, where the head of a large statue blocks the further path across the bridge.

Return to the center of the hall with the statues and lift the right door with the help of force. Before the door lowers, go through the passage and move down to the Padawan training room. When you enter the training hall, the training mechanisms will activate and the hall will begin to fill with various hostile droids. Jump on the balcony, take the Sith holocron, which temporarily gives infinite energy and try to destroy these mechanisms as quickly as possible - large figures, highlighted in blue, along the perimeter of the hall and small figures along the perimeter of the balcony of the training hall. There, on the balcony, you will find the third holocron with a sphere of power abilities. After destroying all the mechanisms, the door on the balcony of the training hall will open, leading to a narrow passage to the outer balcony. Once out on the outdoor balcony, beware of flying stormtroopers. From this balcony you will see the ruined part of the bridge on the right, hanging almost vertically. It needs to be raised to a horizontal position, after which you can return to the training room. The floor slabs in the hall will open and you will be attacked by interrogator droids. Beneath the shifted floor slabs is a fourth Jedi holocron with an orb of power moves.

We leave into the hall with the statues and go into the passage opposite. Use a force push to break the rubble blocking the passage, if it is not destroyed by you during the fight with stormtroopers, and move between the fallen columns to the door on the right. Position yourself on the side of the door to avoid being hit by Imperial forces and open the door by forcefully lifting it. Until the door is down, enter the next room. Behind the stairs on the left, take the Sith holocron, which increases damage, and first of all, destroy the four multi-colored urns and snipers on the balconies, as well as the plates under the balconies. In other words - destroy everything that is destroyed! The fifth holocron with the sphere of power abilities is to the left of the entrance stairs, and in order to take the sixth holocron with the sphere of power moves, you need to move the large model of the planet hanging in the center of this room.

The seventh holocron is located in a cache under the statue at the far end of the same hall. Raise the statue with Power and the Power Combo Orb Holocron will become available. Then go into the passage under the far balcony, then into the corridor with fallen columns, and behind the break in the floor, pick up the eighth holocron with the sphere of power moves. Jump into the gap a couple of floors below, go to the next balcony, where you will destroy the statue with force pushes and return to the previous room. Near the passage under the balcony, you will be met by two destroyer droids and snipers on the balcony and on the stairs before the exit. Return to the hall with the statues.

Now you need to jump over the abyss from one part of the destroyed bridge to another and along the way take the ninth holocron, which gives an improvement in the field of power moves. You can jump over using a combo technique, for this you need to press "w" - move forward, then "space" twice - double jump and then, while in the air without releasing "w", press "shift + e" to dash forward. Move forward along the corridor to the rotating holocron on the pedestal. After talking with your father, you will need to complete a series of Jedi trials.

To complete the first test, you must, holding with the help of force, move the luminous ball from the hand of the right statue to the hand of the left, moving it along the luminous line. After completing three of the same type of tasks with increasing difficulty, you will move on to the second test, which consists in crossing the abyss on the fragments of the bridge. These shards need to be moved to a position where they will turn their natural light brown color in order to be able to jump on them. Here is the last - the tenth holocron with a series of power moves. After going through three caves with fragments of the bridge, you will finally meet with the Sith, defeat him and the passage of the Jedi Temple will be completed...

What can you say about Star Wars without being obvious? I think nothing. Everything has already been reported.

There are no people who are not familiar with Vader and Luke, but suddenly, somewhere at an altitude of 6000 meters among the Tibetan ridges, there are such unfortunate people, so they don’t hurt and need it. For everyone else, it will definitely be very interesting to determine about a new manifestation of power called Star Wars Force Unleashed. I propose to stop ranting and start wielding a laser blade, and I, if possible, will try to help you.

So, we begin the domestic passage.

Thai Fighter Factory

Well, let's start learning. Starting in the Thai Fighter hangar, you will be taught how to wield a blade, how to fight, and how to use force. In the beginning, you need to wipe out two groups of enemies from the face of the earth, among which, of course, there will be attack aircraft. At the time when they are finished with, let's complete the bonus mission.

To do this, you need to wipe out five tie-fighters from the face of the earth. With force, you have the ability to push them off the launch rails and they will explode.

Now, in order to get out of the hangar, apply force to the two toggle switches by the door in order to activate them. The door will open only when both switches are activated. After that, go outside and go forward to the control tower.

Cross the bridge and go up a level. After that, go forward. Your goal is a dark door in the distance.

When you pass through it, the checkpoint is activated.

Here you will need to avoid tie-fighters, due to the fact that you cannot wipe them off the face of the earth yet. You don't have the power to throw lightning.

The next location is the control rooms. Everything is very easy here. Go ahead, just be careful, you will need to deal with several heavily armed enemies.

By breaking the windows, you can easily kill the enemies as they are pulled out, but if they die before you do any damage to them, you will not receive any bonuses. In addition, they can be thrown onto the laser field.

Having dealt with Vargs, you need to think about how to turn off the field. To do this is quite easy, you need to deal with the generator, it will be highlighted, so you can easily find it. Move on.

In this room you will need to jump, but before you start climbing, let's wipe out the enemies above. To do this is quite easy by using force on various objects. They can be pushed and thrown at enemies, so you clear your way.

On the left there will be an exit through which it is possible to get to the cockpit. There is nothing special to do here, you have the opportunity to bonuses and move on. As a result, you will come to the first boss, he will be General Kota.

Dealing with it in non-specialized is easier than a breeze. He is vulnerable to manifestations of power, you have the ability to normally throw all sorts of things at him. All this can terribly beat him. The only thing to worry about is the green force field. When you see that it has activated and the power has increased, it means that Kota is currently attacking you.

Immediately leave the line of attack. In addition, keep in mind that now he is invulnerable, so you also have the opportunity not to try to attack him.

At the time when his life is reduced to half, one curious event will happen, I will not spoil the pleasure. I will only note that it is better not to stay on the floor, it will become red-hot. But you have the opportunity to turn this situation to your advantage, force the boss to stay on the floor, and he will lose a life.

At the end of how you completely defeat him, do not forget to press the finishing button - this is fundamentally important, since life to zero is not enough (this applies to all the following bosses).

Rexus prime

You need to get to the central part of the core, for this it is enough to activate three mechanisms, they are marked, so you will not miss. Here, besides this, there is a bonus task - to wipe ten Scythians off the face of the earth. Lightly cut them with a Jedi saber, and you will be happy.

Much more serious to collect spheres of raising the level. Put bonuses into lightning throwing, defense and force combos.

Having opened the passage, go inside and pay attention to the ceiling, in that place there is a hole. If you have collected all the bonuses, you have the opportunity to go through it to the next location.

Pick up a piece of iron plate, it will protect you from falling molten pieces of metal. Then it will be necessary to fight a little with the enemies, if you want to get to the heap of metal. Here you can find a turbine, throw it into the turret. Only this will work, throwing something second is pointless.

Jump forward through the hole. Now forward, there will be no branches, so do not get lost.

At the time when you get to a huge crack, be careful, enemy arrows are waiting for you. You need to carefully cross it. Appearing at the door, apply force in order to open the passage.

In a small video you will be shown the upcoming route. You need to go in that direction in order to turn off the laser field. To do this, go down the elevator to the generators.

You have already turned off the field once, here we act besides this. By using force, you can easily cope with the task. Return to the force field, where you will notice that it is disabled.

Come forward.

In this area, a mini-boss - a titan - is waiting for you. There is nothing difficult in it. Run back to the left side of the location and use lightning (if you have them).

Before the battle, it's also good to run a little ahead and pick up the damage bonus, so you can more easily defeat the enemy. Move forward and apply force to a piece of the ship to fit it in place of the bridge.

Go forward, killing droids along the way. Be careful as another mini-boss awaits you in the front rows, just like the one you just fought. Try to keep the maximum fate in the battle with him, because immediately after that you will have a battle with a real boss.

Kazdon Paratus is not as uncomplicated as General Kota. He's harder to deal with, as he blocks almost all of your attacks with his lightblade. It will be necessary to destroy it by force. It is possible to throw various objects at him or peck him with lightning. The last option is perfect, but only if you pumped the restoration of strength, without it it will not be easy.

Throwing objects is not as effective, but, however, it breaks through his defense. In addition, keep an eye on the droids that he sometimes calls, they will not be able to deliver a large amount of trouble, but they distract you from the main goal.

There is, indeed, one good point in the invariably appearing reinforcements. By killing enemies, you thereby restore life and without that you will be able to survive in the battle. Yes, of course, do not forget to press the finishing button at the end, otherwise you will have to fight again.

This is a very small mission and very simple besides. So, make your way through the forest, not forgetting to look around for bonuses. Enter the tower, in that place there will be a couple of bonuses besides this.

Go forward until you reappear in the forest.

Be careful, you must first of all wipe out shamans from the face of the earth, do not be distracted by simple enemies. Shamans are the primary target. Keep in mind that at the time when you approach them, they will teleport somewhere far away from you.

You will need to shoot them with lightning - this is the best option.

Go through the tunnel, and when you get out, immediately kill four rancors, this is an additional task for this mission. Make your way through the caves, avoiding the berserkers and destroying all the shamans you meet. While on the platform with the rancors, wipe out as many as it takes to complete the bonus building.

Explore the area in order to collect bonuses, after which move on.

The boss fight - Shaak Ti, will be quite easy if you become attentive. She loves to use her strength to push you and thereby disrupt your attack and, of course, damage you. It is imperative to avoid these attacks by jumping lightly to avoid getting into strike territory.

Press her, slowly reducing health.

The second part of the battle will be a little more difficult, since you will be able to attack giant tentacles, the main thing is to run forward to what lies on the ground, so you will not receive damage from the others. In the event that you are hooked by such an attack, you will either lose almost all your health, or, more likely, . At the end of the battle, don't forget to finish off the boss by pressing the kill button.


Get out of the laboratory by breaking the glass. Apply force to the energy core, to the right of the laser-protected exit. Go outside and make your way past the protective containers.

Exit to the corridor and continue moving forward to the door. Come inside to meet the mini boss. Fighting with a sword does not make sense - it is long and difficult, because. it successfully blocks most of the attacks.

You need to use zippers, that's the easiest way. In addition, there will be "EVO", they need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Just keep in mind that they are not sensitive to lightning, you will need to use the second type of force.

In order to save Juno, you need to disable the laser field holding him. To turn off the field, you need to deactivate two energy cores, next to the bridge. Please note that they will be guarded.

At the time the field is disabled, make sure to search the area for bonuses. When you approach Juno, the mission will end.

Bespin It is worth starting the bonus task right away. You need to freeze ten Imperials in carbonite. Two freezers are located next to you. Pay attention to the warriors in light blue armor. Carefully, by force, transfer them and lower them to the floor in the place of freezing.

Be careful, if you kill them, the task will not count. Repeat freezing until the enemies run out. Now it is possible to go to the docks.

Come out to the docks, here you will find a real ambush. It will be difficult to advance, because you will be attacked not only by warriors, but also by snipers. First of all, take care of the snipers, they represent a huge threat.

At the top you can find bonuses, try not to miss them. At the end, you will need to fight the shadow guard. This is a very scary young man.

It will not be possible to break through him with a simple attack with a saber, he defends himself perfectly. It probably goes without saying to use complex combos, but they don't always work. The best way out is to use lightning, it will be the easiest way.

But keep in mind that at the time when he attacks you, it is better not to shoot, but to defend yourself. Get out of his line of attack. Keep in mind that he can also use force against you, so be careful. At the end of the battle, you will need to finish him off, but, unlike previous bosses, here you will need to press two different finishing buttons.

Be careful, do not miss the moment of appearance.

Imperial Kashyuk

When the mission starts, turn left and run towards the bonus. You can only pick it up before the cutscene starts. After that, you will need to fight the advancing enemies, be careful, they explode. After that, you will be attacked by "AT-ST", it must be wiped off the face of the earth by means of lightning.

Everything is now possible to move forward.

Appearing behind the first gate, you will be able to complete the bonus task of this mission. You need to destroy the communication tower. Get rid of the bars, and then shoot electricity at both generators in order to overload them.

As a result, you will receive a bonus that you can spend on whatever you want.

Go through the next gate and deal with the guard in red armor. Search the area for bonuses, and then go to the light blue door to meet the princess.

In this location, you need to search the sniper nests, there may be bonuses in that place, and after that, release the Wookiees. To do this, you need to cut with a light blade on their iron cages. Deal with the enemies, the Wookiees will help you. If they are killed, do not be discouraged, move on. The Wookiee colony is protected by a shadow guard, just as bad as the one we killed back in past mission. Use the same tactics as in the previous mission.

After dealing with him, enter the colony.

Move forward easily. Destroy power cables to disable laser fields. Keep in mind that it is possible to throw enemies into these fields, this is the most simple method of killing.

Yes, in some chambers it is possible to find bonuses, so if you have a desire, you can search.

In the final part of the mission there will be a large number of enemies, and you still need to wipe out seven supporting columns from the face of the earth. The only plus is that behind them it is possible to hide from enemy fire. In general, this part is planned for your reaction, try not to be in place and use force more often.

Imperial Felucia

Go to the end of the bridge and stop between it and the stone wall. Do a double jump to get to the bonus. After that, go to the canyon, in that place there will be a large number of EVO enemies, but you already understand how to deal with them, everything will be fine.

Just as the AT-ST appears on the scene, cross the canyon to appear on the other side. Punch a hole in the stone wall and you will be able to get into the next location.

The bonus quest resides in freeing the prisoner. To do this, you need to cut all three chains holding it. After that, activate three generators. As a result, you will find yourself in Sarlaaka. There will be only Felucians in that place, so you should not have any difficulties. You need to somehow get past the open mouth, to do this, easily power the generator with electricity and run past the mouth when it is closed.

Go to the finish line and get out of Sarlaak through its sewer.

Appearing outside, you will need to cross the battlefield. Your goal lies in the forefront - this is a cave. At the end of the tunnel, the chief will be waiting for you, so try not to waste your life, it will be difficult to return it later.

There are two bosses waiting for you right away. Well, the first one - the rancor - is easy enough to deal with, be patient, you need to attack with a lightsaber throw. This is the best tactic. But to cope with Maris is not so easy. Here you need to try to go into close combat.

By means of electricity, you must shock her in order to have time to get close and finish the job with a blade.

Imperial Rexus Prime

Easily destroy everyone in a row and move forward. Besides, I don't know what advice to give here. in the forefront, the obvious rubilovo awaits you.

No tricks, everyone in a row and sometimes we use force. You need to get to the Imperial landing base. Kill everyone in front of the entrance so that the doors open.

Come inside, not forgetting to collect bonuses before that, and take the elevator up. Collect bonuses, and after that go to the main room. Here you have the opportunity to complete a bonus task. You need to destroy the landing beam tower. In order to do this, it is enough to burn five red control panels with electricity.

Get into the elevator and go down. Here you will need to jump over a huge gap, and then defeat the enemies. Immediately after that, you will have a skirmish with the boss.

You will need to fight the proxy. The proxy will take the form of Maris, Shaak Ti, shadow guardians. You need to be alert and fight. Remember how you fought with the originals, in addition, it is possible to do with copies. Somewhere in the middle of the battle, the enemy will take the form of Darth Maul.

His attacks deal double damage, so try not to get hit. the best approach here is to grab by force, followed by throwing it somewhere. After the victory, go to the next room.

Electricize four control points on the rail gun and kill the remaining enemies. Then we have to fight with Thai fighters. You need to destroy them with lightning. After that, you have to wipe the Star Destroyer from the face of the earth, for this you will need to capture it by force. The moment to attack will be advised by Kota, so listen carefully. At some point, new thie fighters will appear and attack you.

Run back, hide in cover and start destroying them. After that, repeat all over again and without that until you wipe Star Destroyer from the face of the earth.

The Death Star

At the beginning, you will have a wonderful battle with everyone. There will be imperial warriors, and snipers, and chiefs, and shadow wars. The fight will not be easy, but you, fortunately, have already encountered all these enemies before, so you understand how to destroy them.

At the end of the battle, jump down into the fire tubes.

You will need to stay here for a while, so here is my advice, do not touch the energy beam for anything - this is one hundred percent death. Move forward, always referring to the map. You need to move towards the exit from these tunnels.

Closer to the exit there will be two enemies, but you should easily defeat them.

In the next room you will notice three rings. If you touch them while they are moving, you will die. Wait until the energy beam falls through the ground.

After that, by force, stop the rings and soon run to the other side.

But in this room, the rays plan into something terrible, or rather, into the very ray that crumbles the planets. Of course, if you touch at least one beam, you will die. In the beginning, you need to wipe out two "AT-STs" from the face of the earth. Activate the generator to turn on the gravity lift. Now you have the opportunity to explore all the floors of the room in order to collect bonuses. Your task is to get to the observation platform, on which there will be a couple of enemies.

Kill them and go through the doors to fight the bosses.

Here the game completely breaks the whole cinematic history, for which I obviously did not like it. The ending is so-so, I assure you. We have to fill up or Darth Vader, or Palpatine.

At the end of the start of the fight with Vader, throw him with force and reduce his life until he decides to move to the next room. Follow him. Here he will automatically stun you and throw you on the central platform.

From it you have the ability to throw various objects at Vader - the most effective tactic. At the end of how you press the finishing button, you will need to decide.

If you want to become a Jedi, go and kill Palpatine, if your element is to be a Sith, your goal is Vader.

Let me tell you right off the bat, killing Palpatine is pretty easy. It will lead to help, so you can easily fix your health. He will attack you with lightning bolts and try to push you with force.

Immediately after using force, he is quite vulnerable, so you can easily kill him with a lightsaber.

But Vader is a very tough nut to crack. It's not easy to deal with him. Yes, better not jump, he can catch you in the air and throw you somewhere.

The PC game Battlefield has always been distinguished by excellent multiplayer and a complete lack of attention to the single-player part. By and large, it was not more correct, until recently. Such…

The first part of The Force Unleashed did not deserve critical acclaim, but it sold in large enough circulation that the developers began to continue. The game has not made any steps forward since then, it is still the same action movie with special effects and without any special ideas. But if you liked the battles in the first part, then the second will not leave you indifferent.

Senseless story

The events of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 take place several months after the end of the first part, long before the start of A New Hope. The protagonist is a clone of Starkiller, a negligent student of Darth Vader who managed to defect to the side of the Jedi. Tormented by memories of a lost love, he leaves the clone factory, rescues a blind general, helps stage a rebel attack on an Empire base, and comes face to face with his creator.

The history of The Force Unleashed 2 is a performance for fans. If digital models of the main characters were replaced with live actors, it would be a mixture of a festival masquerade and an old-fashioned film. The famous science fiction writer Robert Sawyer, in his furious address, said that George Lucas destroyed the concept of science fiction, forever tearing out of it a critical social message.

Rain from time immemorial contributes to the injection of pathos.

The Force Unleashed 2 doesn't try to fix things. Instead of a serious drama about a hero who realizes that he is just a clone, a tracing-paper from a re-educated Sith, we are treated to a porridge of bright scenes and faces of cult heroes. Darth Vader flickers in every second frame, Boba Fett is an eyesore on his space shuttle, Master Yoda reluctantly shares age-old wisdom. The authors extravagantly scatter Lucas's characters, putting remarks into their mouths, as they say, out of character. Involuntarily, canonical plot inserts from Jedi Outcast are recalled, where respect for the original trilogy was seen in every scene.

Strong man

Developers mask the lack of taste with catchy special effects and the transcendental capabilities of the protagonist. Starkiller is a real god, able to single-handedly slam a robot, crush a space fighter into a tin, fly several kilometers. The absence of even a hint of realism makes us perceive The Force Unleashed 2 as a fairy tale, an absurd dream that has nothing to do with the movie. It's sad to see how LucasArts is ditching all of the action-adventure essence of the series, leaving only a sparkling shell.

Best of all, the implementation of "power moves" - incredible fantastic spells in Starkiller's arsenal. Like some kind of Kratos from God of War, the hero from the first minutes does things with enemies that the modest Kyle Katarn never dreamed of. Starkiller pushes opponents with the help of the Force, and stormtroopers fly apart with pins, hit walls with a swing, fall from narrow bridges or die in the millstones of a futuristic engine. As his great teacher, the hero has the ability to cloud the minds of his enemies. The unfortunate, who fell under the influence of the hero, will shoot at allies and jump into the abyss on their own.

At first glance, Starkiller's power moves serve more of a decorative function, but on higher levels complexity cannot be avoided without them.

Laser swords slash the legs and arms of enemies, plunge into pipes, releasing fountains of fire, and even fly around Starkiller like birds from Disney cartoons, turning into crispy chips everything that inadvertently approached their owner. Probably never before in a Star Wars game have blades looked and sounded so great. The measured rumble is interrupted by sharp whistling sounds, a waterfall of flickering sparks fills the screen, wide scars remain on the walls, and bright beams of light pierce the metal frames of robots. Fiddling with swords and the Force is also interesting because players are allowed to independently improve the skills of the hero, turning him into the perfect killing machine.

Ringing void

Watching this circus performance from the side is a pleasure. Another thing is to participate in it. While the controls are much more responsive and precise, they are far from perfect. This is especially acute in those rare moments when you have to solve puzzles.

The developers wanted to make the second part of the project more diverse, many-sided, delighting not only fans of non-stop action, but also fans of brainwashing. If in the original the hero fought constantly, now he sometimes has to show Jedi ingenuity. The riddles are quite simple and straightforward: stop the rotating assembly of the space engine with the help of the Force, stop the work of the energy element by placing a round metal block in its center, move the frame of the defeated robot, tear off the attachments of enemy landing shuttles from the insurgent base. Small pauses in non-stop battles have only benefited The Force Unleashed 2.

Robots can be killed with their own weapons.

Nothing out of the ordinary, but even with these simple barriers, difficulties can often arise. Get ready to move the mouse around the table for a long time in an attempt to accurately aim and send the object in the right direction - and curse everything in the world when the nimble Starkiller once again slides off the tiny platform.

At the same time, the authors tried to push the players to explore the world, and the levels turned into real monuments of megalomania, a propensity for which LucasArts has long demonstrated. This is reflected in the level of detail accordingly.

Do not think that The Force Unleashed 2 is visually poor or ugly. It just lacks the dainty little things and delicious subtleties that distinguish an artist's work from a handicraft. On the other hand, there is still no time to consider pipes, generators, lanterns and walls, and in some places the game literally dazzles, laying on the shoulder blades all previous attempts to make a spectacular Star Wars action movie.

On a note: the PC version has the ability to set high quality textures, making Starkiller's adventures look just as good (and sometimes even better) than Attack of the Clones or Revenge of the Sith movies.

Developers do not want to risk an expensive license and have conservative views on building gameplay. For fans of revolutions and discoveries, the work of LucasArts and Aspyr Media will not give any new sensations. Linear levels, helpless opponents, life-deprived plot and errors in the implementation of controls cannot be written down as pluses. In fact, the main advantage of the game is devilishly attractive fights. Unfortunately, the vast Star Wars universe has long been in need of something more than just another cloned action movie.


Starkiller has several power moves at his disposal, each of which can be upgraded three times. Points to improve your abilities are knocked out of enemies or from various objects.

Force Push. The hero sends an energy blast towards the enemies, which knocks down small opponents, and causes serious damage to larger ones. If you hold down the E key, the impact force will increase significantly.

Power grab used not only in combat, but also for solving simple puzzles. With it, you can lift any garbage and explosive barrels into the air and throw them at the villains, or throw them by the villains themselves.

sword throw allows you to throw two lightsabers at enemies at once. It is used not only for remote destruction of targets, but also for spectacular reprisals. For example, you can lift an opponent with a power grab and immediately pierce him with blades.

Sometimes it is also needed to clear the way forward. Dropped a sword - blew some fuse - lowered platforms or opened a locked door.

Stormtroopers. The most common type of enemy. As a rule, they are armed with blasters and do not pose a particular threat.

Stormtrooper sniper. As a rule, they sit somewhere at a height and try to shoot you with a plasma rifle. Dodging is quite easy, as the direction of the shot is given by the laser guidance system. In addition, futuristic sniper rifles take a very long time to reload.

Sith Enforcers. Novice dark side practitioners who use only power moves in combat. Against them, the Force is useless, you have to act the old fashioned way, with a sword.

Freeze Droid. A walking refrigerator armed with an ice cannon and an impenetrable metal shield. To defeat him, you must first take away the shield with a power grab. After that, methodically strike with the sword and avoid the shots of the freeze gun. If you do get "icy", quickly press button E to "thaw out".

There is also a similar one in the game flamethrower droid - twin brother of the freeze droid, only armed with fireballs. Destroyed in the same way.

On a note: the hero can intercept an incoming fire or ice ball and throw it back.

spider robots. They attack in large groups. They can jump on the hero's back and suck the life out of him. The best tactic to deal with them is to use a force wave that easily destroys small fry in a decent radius.

Large walking tank AT-ST. The Empire's walking war machines are armed with powerful plasma cannons. You need to beat them for a long time, combining attacks with the Force and blades. To begin with, you need to cut off the armor from them, and then just finish it off. It's tedious, but it doesn't cause any particular difficulties.

TIE Fighter. They do not enter into direct confrontations with the hero, but in rare cases they are used to solve puzzles. With power grabs, the hero can crush them into a cube and throw them away.


On the way Starkiller will meet four bosses. As it should be according to the laws of the genre, each requires an individual approach.

combat space shuttle will meet you on the planet Katoy Neimoidia when you free the blind Jedi General. You will have to fight him several times.

The first meeting will take place on the bridge, where you will not be able to resist him. We'll have to quickly run away, dodging rocket salvos.

The second time he will overtake you when you ride a futuristic train. Be especially careful here, because you will have to monitor not only the health of Starkiller himself, but also the condition of the vehicle.

To deal with the shuttle, beat off the rockets flying at you in time. In some cases, the enemy fires several shells at once, so it is most convenient at the very tail of the train - more time to reflect them.

The third meeting will take place after the destruction of the barricades on the bridge. The shuttle will have a new type of attack: laser, which you need to dodge in time. Rockets, as in the previous battle, must be reflected.

Launch into the shuttle laser swords, grab it with a power grab and break first the left and then the right engines, knocking the ship against the columns with a swing.

Huge metal spider. The monster lives near the reactor of the Rescue ship of the rebels. It is protected by an energy field that needs to be eliminated. To do this, you will have to lift a few metal pins around the reactor. A powerful energy surge will follow, and the protection from the spider will subside. Beat the boss and small robots until the shield is restored.

Now you need to insert the fuses into the holes located around the perimeter of the room and charge them with lightning. Another energy surge will follow, the shield will fall again. Hit the enemy until he loses all his life energy, then perch on his head and head straight for the reactor. There it will burn, and its charred frame will serve as a platform for moving forward.

Gorog. A huge titan that you will meet in the arena on Kata Neimoidia. Don't let the size of the animal scare you, it is not easy to deal with it, but it is quite possible.

Hit the head with power punches first. The enraged monster will hit the ground with his fists, after which you need to shoot lightning into the shackles on his left and right hands and shackle him to two magnetic chains with pushes. Then a similar procedure must be turned over with the head.

All this will have to be repeated several times until Gorog loses about half of his vital energy. After that, jump on his head and tear off the metal plate from the forehead of the monster. Once at the top, an angry monster will chase you. Hit him on the head and arms, destroying the stormtroopers along the way.

Climb up the platforms to the very top of the column and keep hitting Gorog's hands. Then climb the next column and wait for the monster to catch up with you. Hit him on the paw and run across the fragile bridge to the next column. Gorog will be a little distracted by eating a traitor who has turned up, after which he will fall down. Jump after him and hit in the air, dodging blows and stones. Make sure that the monster does not crush the unfortunate General Kota.

Darth Vader. You will face Starkiller's former teacher in the very final. After jumping onto the platform with Vader, beat him until he releases the clones. Deal with them and return to the Sith. Keep hitting him with lightning and sword, dodge hits and flying fragments.

Chase Vader by jumping from one platform to another. When he starts throwing balloons at you, they need to be intercepted and thrown back. Then another fight with the clones is coming.

Run forward through the ruins of the factory and repeat the balloon trick. At the end, you will have the opportunity to stand on the light or dark side of the force. The choice is yours.

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