Passage of the game the school white day. White Day: A Labyrinth Named School (remake)

Few people will remember, but it was he who was once one of those products that produced an immeasurable feeling of horror and unwillingness to sleep at night in people. Studio developer Sonnori decided that its game could still be relevant, which resulted in the release of a remake of White Day: A Labyrinth Named School on PC and PS4.


For those who started playing horror games relatively recently, White Day: A Labyrinth Named School will surely seem quite unusual game with not entirely clear mechanics and conventions. However, even now the game is perceived well in terms of gameplay, given that the genre has almost ceased to interest large companies and has passed into the hands of indie developers.

It should be noted right away that in terms of graphics, White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is a very primitive product, although the character models look quite nice. The game was developed on Unity engine Engine and has received some visual improvements since the original. However, the picture did not become much more modern from this, and therefore, those for whom graphics are the most important parameter will most likely not like the game. Those who primarily pay attention to the gameplay and plot in horror should be satisfied, because White Day: A Labyrinth Named School has everything in perfect order with these elements.

We play as a character named Lee Hui-ming, who one day decided to go to school to pick up his diary and leave a gift in honor of the White Day holiday celebrated in many Asian countries, including South Korea. On this day, guys should give the girls they like various gifts, mostly chocolate.

However, Lee Hui-ming's cute motive turns out to be the most terrifying thing that will happen to him in his life. The school is filled with ghosts, and an additional threat is the security guard, who is a maniac who wants to kill anyone he meets at night at the school. It should be understood that we are not playing for Chris Redfield and not even for Sebastian Castellanos, and therefore our hero is unable to fight enemies. The only thing the hero is good at is hiding and running away. This is exactly what we have to do when meeting with the enemy.


In addition to Lee Hui-ming, there are also four girls in the school with whom a guy can have a dialogue. The game provides for the possibility of choosing one or another phrase, which in the end should form our attitude towards girls. The plot in the game is also non-linear and includes eight endings. The game, of course, is far away, but still many actions, including the choice of phrases in the dialogues, affect what we will see before the final credits.

Very often, the dialogue does not convey the essence of what we want to say. Because of this, the character sometimes says things that we didn't want him to say at all. In addition, some phrases do not convey the feelings of the characters at all. For example, in some situations, the heroes are one step away from death, but instead of showing some kind of unease, they can talk about something absolutely not related to the essence of what is happening.

the lion's share gameplay occupy a puzzle. In White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, they are very interesting and well thought out. We often have to look for various keys for locks, while exploring the area along the way. Unfortunately, due to poor graphics, it is very often difficult to find any item necessary to solve the puzzle. The fact is that there is almost no lighting in the game, and the textures are poorly distinguishable. Thus, you can go around the same location several times without finding the desired item.

If many contemporary horror games are meant to impress us with visuals, White Day: A Labyrinth Named School does the same with just sound. It is recommended to play with high-quality headphones at high volume to get the most out of the atmosphere. The game does a great job of manipulating sounds, so we constantly experience wild tension. Even if the hero has taken refuge somewhere, the fear from the soundtrack will not go anywhere. In addition, the soundtrack in the game often changes depending on the situation.

Also a very interesting point in the game is the choice of difficulty. If in other games this parameter, as a rule, changes the amount of health of the main character and the amount of damage received from opponents, then in White Day: A Labyrinth Named School, the difficulty affects the frequency of our encounters with enemies. When choosing a medium difficulty level and above, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to see any clues. In addition, saving in the game is also limited, and the difficulty level affects how often we can save progress.

It is noteworthy that all the puzzles in the game are randomly generated. Even if someone once passed this game, then thanks to the constant changes in the ways of solving puzzles, the passage feels quite fresh and in a new way. So find it on the internet detailed guide with puzzle solving is not possible, at least for most situations.


Despite the age of sixteen, White Day: A Labyrinth Named School even now produces a lot of pleasant impressions. The game does not have modern graphics or any revolutionary solutions, but it has the most important thing that should be in horror - maintaining intrigue until the very credits and the ability to terrify with its atmosphere and sound.

All this is enough to advise this product to both beginners and veterans of the genre. In addition, the relatively low cost and multiplatform nature of the game is an additional plus.

A review copy of the game was provided by PQube.

Passage of game version 1.03 +DLC(2017) forPC

Gameplay Features

Your attention is invited to the passage of the game, which reveals all the logical sequences that allow you to finish the game on any of the endings you have chosen, of which there are several in the game. The game itself is non-linear, but change storyline occurs only in insertions, after a "moral choice" made from the proposed options for replicas in dialogues. This guide contains steps that are the same for all plot twists, and which we must undertake on our own. Also here are solutions to all puzzles, ways to obtain documents from the "Ghost Story" and lists the actions taken to get the ghosts themselves into the collection. The guide does not cover how to get all endings and does not provide options for choosing lines.

The author expresses his deep gratitude Pavel Lapin for the page of the game "VKontakte" he created, and for the help provided in the process of passing the game itself.


The character is controlled by the keyboard and computer mouse. You can familiarize yourself with the default control keys and change their assignment by opening the additional option " Keyboard” in the “Joystick” option in the “Parameters” section of the main menu.

You can skip the cutscene and dialogue by clicking the right mouse button (RMB).

Main menu has a set of standard options, with added options to view collectibles ("Collect List") and the ability to change character costumes ("Downloadable Content").

Exit to game menu during the game is performed by pressing the key Tab or the right mouse button (RMB). It consists of six sections:

« Backpack"- inventory (it is discussed below);

« The documents» - paper documents collected during the game;

« Map» - contains the floor plan of the school building;

« Messages» - messages received during the game (only for the first two difficulty levels);

« System" - exit to the settings menu, similar to the "Options" section in the main menu.


To exit to inventory, exit to the game menu by pressing the key Tab or RMB, and select the "Backpack" option. Myself inventory contains, in addition to the main items acquired during the game, also special items:

« Keys"- these are the keys collected during the game to open a particular door

« Medications"- these are foods and drinks that serve to restore the physical and psychological health of the character

Items marked as " Useful"- these are coins for buying" medicines and felt-tip pens, with the help of which the progress made in the game is recorded.

Items marked as " Miscellaneous” are attributes with which you can get collectible items.


Saving the current state of the game is performed in certain places on the bulletin boards. In order to save, we must have a felt-tip pen. One felt-tip pen is intended for one save (save). You can find them in various places in the locations. Six cells are allocated for saving, and the saves themselves are located at the address (for Windows 7 ):

C → Users → User → App Data → Local Low → Sonnori → What Day.

The game provides for the collection of collectibles: ghosts, figurines (for the Hell difficulty level), costumes for characters and a collection of endings.

The game has several difficulty modes. This passage was carried out in the "Hard" mode. Hell Mode is unlocked after beating in Normal Mode. At the beginning of the game, we are invited to turn on the training mode, in which you can get useful information management and interaction with the environment. Some other aspects of the game will be detailed in the proposed walkthrough.

At the beginning and during the game, it is possible to change the image of the characters. To do this, go to the "Downloadable content" option and select costume for each of them.


Hui-ming Lee, a new student at Yongtu School, is walking in the park when he sees So-young Han reading her diary on a bench. She forgets this diary when she goes to class with her friend. Hui-ming decides to return the diary to the girl, and at the same time give her candies in honor of the White Day holiday (the Korean equivalent of Valentine's Day in Europe). For this, he does not find anything better than to come to school at ten o'clock in the evening. As soon as Hui-ming Li steps on the threshold of the school, the door slams shut behind him, cutting off the way back.

Chapter first

"I have to go to junior class 8"

In the first chapter, the main task is to find the Sign of the Tree, with which it will be possible to open the door leading to Section 2 of the Main Building. To do this, you need to explore the available rooms and solve puzzles to gain access to closed rooms. Regardless of the choice we have to make in conversations with the characters, the actions we take on our own are the same for all options.

Section 1 of the Main School Building

First floor


  • The documents:

"Key Handover Log" - a document on the bulletin board (contains a hint on where to get the school plan).

Building Maintenance Status - A note in the cleaner's drawer, to the left of the door to the side corridor (contains a hint about the location of the tools and stairs and the operation of the steam valves).

"The Secret of the Pond" - document(009) lies on the floor behind the drinking water machine.

  • Items:

FELT-PIECER ("Useful") - in the washbasin (designed to record the current state of the game on bulletin boards).

PAPER CRANE (“MISCELLANEOUS”) - in the drawer of the grandfather clock.

FELT-PIECER ("Useful") - on the heating radiator in the men's toilet.

CIGARETTES ("Miscellaneous") - on the farthest booth in the men's room.

COIN ("Useful") - in washbasin in the women's restroom center (used to buy food and drinks from vending machines).

Note. All active items and documents are highlighted in the game with a flickering light.

Information: there is a bulletin board in the lobby.

On the wall, next to the door to the classroom near the corridor, we see pencil drawing 1/10 .

Note: in section 1 you need to collect 10 pencil drawings on the walls for the subsequent opening of a new character in the game - Zhi-ming Yu, which can be interacted with when replaying the game.

Important for the collection: At the bottom of the drawer in locker, standing in the wall between the windows, there is an active zone.

Grade 2-6

  • The documents:

"Note from the Class President" - A note on the first desk in the right row (contains a hint about using the number of awards as a password reminder for the safe and a hint about the properties of the solvent).

  • Items:

Yontu School SCHOOL JOURNAL - On the locker, contains the school MAP.

SOY MILK ("Medicine") - on the last desk in the left row. Allows you to restore physical health.

Having completed the study of the lobby, toilets and class 2-6, having collected all the items and documents available in the listed rooms, we approach the door leading to the side corridor.

Xwei-ming notices that there is someone at the school, because the door, previously locked, is now open.

We open the door.

side corridor

Hui-ming sees two students in the corridor.

Approaches them.

Note. From this moment, the principle of "moral choice" begins to operate, in which we are given the right to choose from two options for replicas. Depending on the choice made, the next encounters with the characters will take place in various variations. As already noted, in this passage only those actions that we perform on our own, controlling the main character, are indicated.

Key for Seon-oh

After one of the students, Ji-hyun-sol, leaves Hui-ming and her friend Seon-oh alone, the girl asks to help her.

Regardless of the choice of answer, we follow the girl to the women's toilet, where she asks to get the key to the home economics class.

Note. On the school plan, the class that Seon-oh is talking about is marked as “Chief Economic Class". Here and in the future, the names of the premises and the names of the characters are given according to the texts in the game. It should be noted that the translation of the game into Russian is not entirely correct, due to which inconsistencies arise at some points, and in one specific case, an incorrect translation makes solving the puzzle impossible, which will be discussed further.

According to the girl, the key is in the workshop. You can get there through the ventilation duct, on the grate of which she points.

A note from the janitor's mailbox, Building Maintenance Status, stated that there was a tool and a ladder in the area of ​​the workshop where renovations were taking place. We return to the side corridor, examine it.

side corridor

From the table in the corner we take the CUTTERS. At the end of the corridor we find the LADDER. We read the note "Note on Ventilation" attached to the stairs, which contains a hint that the ventilation duct passes through several rooms. We pay attention to the bag with the tool lying on the floor, on which there is an active zone. We select COIN lying near the machine.

On the wall, next to the door to the Economy class, look at pencil drawing 2/10 .

Another pencil drawing (3/10 ) is located between the two doors to the workshop. We pay attention to the locked box with hieroglyphs. We carry the stairs to the women's toilet in the lobby.


We install the ladder under the ventilation grill, and it automatically takes the desired position. We click the left mouse button (LMB) on the appeared (when approaching it), on the stairs icon, and automatically climb the stairs. We click LMB on the icon that appears on the grid, and automatically apply wire cutters to the grid.

Note. In the future, all items in the inventory are used automatically. A magnifying glass icon on an active object indicates that an item can be applied to it, which in this moment not in inventory.

We click on the icon that appears inside the channel and automatically climb into it. We move along the bends of the channel.

Through the side bars, Hui-ming sees the scene of the murder of a school student.

When the path ahead is blocked by steam escaping from the pipe, we turn left, then, at the fork, we turn left again. We get to the valve, turn the valve. We turn around and move: forward, at the intersection - to the left, at a dead end - to the right. Turn the second valve. We return to the pipe from which steam escaped, we make our way forward, we approach the grate. We use wire cutters to remove it, and jump into the room.


An alarm goes off and a symbol appears on the floor of the workshop.

We take away the document ("Engineer's Note") from the safe. We pay attention to the hint. In order to temporarily turn off the system, you need to connect the third and fourth sockets. We approach the power shield on the wall on the right.

We solve the puzzle by connecting only the third and fourth terminals to the network, for which we turn three dies with wires. We select from the floor, dropped out of the opened safe, the key to the Home Economics class and the metal sign.

Pay attention to device on the table and leave the classroom.

side corridor

In the hallway, Hui-ming meets Seon-oh. He gives her the KEY to the Home Economics class, and the girl hands him the KEY to the central corridor and invites him to go to the Lecture Hall. Seon-oh herself still has "something to do" and stays.

We head to the lobby, open the door to the central corridor with the received KEY.


The exit to one or another path is carried out due to the behavior of the protagonist in the dialogues and the choice of actions at key moments.

(!) You can complete the game to any ending on any difficulty. In order to collect the complete Ending Collection» you need to get all ten "flowers" on each of the five available difficulties (in total, this is 45 passages and 5 deaths on each of the difficulties).

(!) The numbers in brackets indicate the answers in each individual dialogue (1 - on the left, 2 - on the right). Square brackets indicate actions in dialogs.

(!) Endings 9 and 10 are only present in PC/PS4 remake version. To get them, you need to enter the path of a new character Ji-Ming Yu.

(!) Answer options may not be suitable for mobile version remake on Android/iOS.

EN community

Hope you find these guides helpful! :3
For the entire Additional information gratitude to the community MediaGamesGuide"and the user" John Wolfe».​

1. White Chrysanthemum

White Chrysanthemum

General hints:

  • Don't annoy So-young while moving around locations (do not make you wait, do not push or click on it several times).


2. Hyacinth

(I'm sorry)


  • Truth ( 1. White Chrysanthemum - White Chrysanthemum) or fidelity ( 6. Dandelion - Dandelion).
  • Don't save So-young at the end of the Labyrinth.


General hints:

  • Choose a path So-young, but be rude to her or go to her path at the entrance to the New Building and be friendly.
  • The easiest way to get it is to always choose the 1st option in all dialogues and actions, without worrying about the various mandatory conventions for other endings.

4. Tuberose

(Dangerous pleasures)


  • First meeting and help Seon-A: (2, 1, 2, 1) - (1, 1) - (1)
  • Meetings with: Ji-hyun, So-young and Seon-A after defeating the boss:
    (1, 1, 2, 2) - (2, 1) - (1, 2, 1)
  • [Follow Seon-A].
  • Dialogues with Seon-A and Ji-hyun: (1, 1, 1, 1) - (1) - (2, 1)
  • [Talk to Seon-A].
  • Continuing dialogue with Seon-A in the Main and New Buildings: (1, 2, 1) - (2, 1, 2)
  • When found Ji-hyun and talking with the teacher: (2) - (2, 1)
  • Then you need to take the listened to "​ audio cassette and defeat the rooftop boss.
  • Unlock the door on the opposite side of the pool and SAVE THE GAME into a separate slot (this is useful for easier getting endings 5. Ebony - Ebony and 7. Althaea - Althea).
  • On the same 4th floor, interact with the mailbox located next to the entrance to the Reading Room.
  • Conversations with Seon-A and Ji-hyun in the final: (1, 1) - (1, 1)
  • [Go search for Seon-A]

5. Ebony


General hints:

  • The easiest way to get it is to always choose the 2nd option in all dialogues and actions, without worrying about various optional conventions for other endings.


  • Follow the order of actions for the ending 4. Tuberose - Tuberose up to the point about audio cassette", or load the same save from the guide for Tuberose
  • Conversation with Seon-A: (2, 2)
  • Proceed to the final, or load the same save from the guide Altea(below).
  • Conversation with Ji-hyun in the final: (1, 1)
  • [Go search for Seon-A].

6. Dandelion

(Tired of love)


  • Follow the order of actions for the ending 4. Tuberose - Tuberose up to the point about the "Audio Cassette", or load the same save from the guide on Tuberose. This time, you do NOT need to interact with the mailbox.
  • Conversation with Seon-A: (2, 2)
  • SAVE THE GAME into a separate slot (this is useful for easier getting the ending 5. Ebony - Ebony.)
  • Conversation with Ji-hyun in the final: (1, 2)
  • [Examine Ji-hyun's ankle].