FPS sags in wot what to do. How to raise fps in World of tanks for weak computers. Mods to raise FPS in World of Tanks

Increase FPS through graphics settings

First, let's try to increase WoT performance due to its own graphic settings. After launching the game client, go to the “Menu-Settings-Graphics” item by item. You will see the window shown in Figure X - what can be changed here? At the top of the screen, it is recommended to leave a checkmark in front of the "Full screen mode" item, since the performance in the window is much less. We do not touch the rest of the items in this area of ​​the window - we are much more interested in the positions of the “Graphics Quality” set.
For low performance machines, the following settings are recommended:
Graphics - Standard,
Texture Quality - Low
Decals quality – Disabled (do not confuse decals with details),
Shadow Quality - Off
Terrain Quality – Minimum,
Water quality - Low,
Lighting quality - Off,
The quality of the trees is low,
Vegetation Quality – Off,
Extra quality effects - Low,
Postprocessing - Disabled
Render Distance – Medium,
Detailing of objects - Medium,
Add. effects in sniper mode - Low.

All four checkboxes that go further (Dynamic change in the quality of effects, Grass in sniper mode, Effect from under the caterpillars and Traces of caterpillars) can be safely removed. Through such simple actions, you can increase fps in World of Tanks to a very significant value. The above parameters have almost no effect on the gameplay - with the exception of two that were set to "Medium". The opposite question - in WoT it was possible to raise fps, but the picture became terrible. Which settings from the given set can be touched to improve the quality, but not too much subsidence? Descending answer - Texture quality, Terrain quality, Extra quality. effects. You can play with these characteristics and achieve an acceptable ratio of picture quality and number fps World of tanks. And do not use the "Auto-detect" buttons, as well as ready-made graphics quality settings - it's better to spend a quarter of an hour once and set up the client as comfortably as possible for your PC than to suffer later with brakes or a terrible picture.

Mods for FPS boost in Game

If, despite everything, low fps is preserved in WoT, then it's time to use third party applications. Many developers have developed special WoT fps mods that allow you to disable certain special effects that were not available in the graphics settings. A list of allowed modifications can be found on the forum, but we will consider a program that has absorbed all the best of them - the legendary WoT Tweaker. Refers to free software, is periodically updated in accordance with the game versions of the client, supports many languages. The main window of the program is shown in Figure X.

Working with the tweaker is simple - when low fps in WoT interferes with playing, and the standard settings failed to fix the situation, launch it and, after determining the folder with the game, select which graphic effects you can still disable:
Smoke from the exhaust pipe
Smoke from destroyed tanks
Smoke and flames when firing (required to turn off, FPS drop when shooting, especially in sniper mode, fatal),
The effects of projectile explosions,
Effects of hitting the tank,
tank destruction effects,
The effect of hitting objects,
Object destruction effects (return the dog),
tree movement effect
Cloud mapping.

Despite the seemingly cosmetic settings, some of them are very resource intensive (for comparison - in the development of Fable 2, the animation and calculation of growing grass and trees required 15% of the CPU resources, so they had to be cut significantly).

Important - download mods and tweakers only from trusted resources, and also check them with antiviruses. Do not peck at the advertisement "Acceleration of work by 2 times!" - there are no miracles, and behind the attractive content there is probably malware. Moreover, not all mods are officially approved by Wargaming, and getting banned for trying to improve WoT performance will be very disappointing.

Compressed textures

If the use of mods and tweakers failed to greatly increase the FPS of World of Tanks, then it's time to change the game client itself, namely the texture files. It's not a secret for anyone that they are packed, and quite a lot is spent on their processing and loading. big time CPU and RAM performance. The solution to increase the performance of WoT was the use of compressed textures. The concept of the idea is that the original texture file is replaced with another one of lower quality, however, it will take much less time to unpack and load the data of this file. Currently, textures with a quality of 50, 25, 12.5, 6, 3 and 0.75 percent of the standard quality are available to the general public - just go to any search engine and type "wot compressed textures", then follow the link you like and follow the installation descriptions. Attention - some mods, such as skins with penetration zones, will need to be reinstalled on top of the textures. You can also forget about a good picture - however, you have to pay for performance. Also now there is a new improved version of the WoT Tweaker Plus program with the ability to choose any degree of texture compression on your own. The compression process will run directly on your computer, it will take about 2 hours.


In general, the World of Tanks game is very demanding on the amount of RAM - if you have an antivirus, ICQ, Skype, plus a browser with several tabs or other applications in the task list, then 2 GB of RAM will not be enough. Conclusion - close all unused applications before starting the game, use the appropriate RAM boosters. And ignore the message "Not enough memory. Please restart the game.", which will appear in the client from time to time. Banal memory leaks have been present in the project for a long time and even 16 GB of RAM does not guarantee that after 5 - 6 hours continuous play you don't have to restart your PC.

Also performance and fps increase World of Tanks largely depends on clutter operating system and the level of hard disk fragmentation (especially if a large paging file is used). Conclusion - regularly clean the registry with applications like RegCleaner or CCleaner, defragment hard drives every six months. In especially advanced cases, it makes sense to rearrange the OS or roll back to a more old version(eg switch from Vista to XP).

Hardware overclocking of components

We have considered the game settings and client settings - the last way is left, for fans of real hardcore - hardware overclocking of components. I would like to warn you right away that no responsibility is provided for computers, apartments and cities burned during the experiments. Any of your actions will be taken only by you at your own peril and risk - the data is provided for informational purposes only.

So, hardware overclocking of components. Concept - many PC elements are produced in factories a little better than the standard and they are deliberately underestimated specifications. Overclocking switches from standard to extreme operating mode, which causes more wear and tear on equipment and faster failure, but performance can be increased by 5 to 15 percent, depending on the type of components.

What can be overclocked - the processor, RAM, video card. What you need to remember when overclocking is that the increase in performance is increased by the release of additional heat, so if your processor is equipped with a cooler from the legendary company Made in China, made nowhere, then it is better to forget about overclocking the CPU. The overclocking mechanism consists in increasing the clock frequency of the devices, as well as increasing the power supply voltage (this is where the extra power comes from).

Gone are the days when overclocking was carried out by setting jumpers on the motherboard, and in case of an unsuccessful configuration, I had to reset all settings to the standard, remove the battery on the same motherboard. Now there are many applications, including those from official manufacturers of processors and video cards, that will allow you to overclock components directly in Windows. Again, the search engine will help you. Before overclocking, make sure that all the fans of the system unit are free of dust, the heatsinks fit snugly on the corresponding microcircuits, and the thermal paste (where it is needed) has not dried up.

In general, the statement “I have low fps in WoT” has become quite popular on the territory of Runet. Do not be ashamed to go to the official forum of the project, read the recommendations of other players and, in fact, the developers, and then a positive result will not keep you waiting long.

For many gamers in Russia and neighboring countries, the game World of Tanks has become a favorite among thousands of other computer entertainment. The point, perhaps, is that the tanks brought a fresh stream into gaming industry, filled with sagas about elves, orcs and shooters a la CS. The number of World of Tanks fans is growing every day. Developers represented by Wargaming do everything to please any user. WoT was originally released on the PC platform, but Wargaming decided to try its hand at console games, releasing the game for XBOX 360. Currently in testing is mobile version games available only for owners of "apple" devices. But the console and tablet versions of World of Tanks are not as popular as the PC version of the game.

Every month, developers introduce new features, functions and improve graphics into the game. But with the release of a new patch, the hardware of the computer is not updated. In this regard, the FPS gradually drops. Indeed, it is known that for comfortable game in WoT, the FPS should not be lower than 24 fps. How to increase FPS in World of Tanks?

Ways to increase FPS are suitable for two cases:

  • after the release of the patch performance dropped,
  • The game starts but the FPS is very low.

If WOT on your laptop or PC does not start at all, then do not waste time trying to increase the FPS in the game.

Some useful rules

Before you learn about ways to increase the number of processed frames, it is worth understanding a few useful rules:

  • Install the game client on the drive where you have Windows installed. This is usually the local drive C.
  • The fewer mods installed in your client, the higher the FPS in battle.
  • If you are using a laptop, then try not to play on battery power, as the performance of a laptop on battery power is slightly lower than on mains power. In the power settings of the laptop, be sure to set the "High performance" mode. FPS is horrendously low in "Energy Saver" mode on laptops.
  • Before you start playing, turn on the "Game" mode in the antivirus. If there is no such mode in your antivirus, then it is better to turn it off completely for the duration of the game so that it does not load the system. It is also worth closing all programs, turning off Skype, browsers and other softwares that “consume” the Internet and PC resources.

2. Change graphics settings

Perhaps this is the most effective way to increase the FPS in battle. If you know perfectly well that your PC has a weak graphics card, then you will undoubtedly not set high graphics performance. But there are users who do not understand certain characteristics. It is better to use the "Recommended" button in "Settings / Graphics". The game itself will select the settings and offer to save them. But this method may not always be suitable, and if after pressing this button there are brakes in the game, then it is worth doing a “manual” graphics setting.

On weak computers, it is recommended not to use "improved graphics", and it is also worth disabling "effects in sniper mode". These effects terribly slow down the game. In addition to them, it is worth turning off the grass in snipe mode, tracks from caterpillars, reduce the graphics settings in such items as the quality of shadows, trees, water, etc. Be sure to play in full screen mode, as "windowed mode" reduces performance significantly.

3. Mods that improve FPS

So, in addition to graphics settings, FPS in World of Tanks can be increased using special programs, among which WoT Tweaker Plus occupies a special place. It's free and you can find it on the game's official forum.

It is quite easy to work with her. We launch Tweaker and see a window in which you can disable additional graphics options:

If you uncheck any item, the effect will automatically turn off.

4. Compressed textures

In WoT Tweaker Plus, there is a Compressed Textures button at the bottom and a slider for texture compression. If all the above methods did not help, then it is better to use this function. Of course, the graphics will deteriorate, but the brakes in the game will be much less. To do this, move the slider to the desired compression ratio and click the "Compress" button. Texture compression may take some time during which WoT cannot be played.

If you fundamentally do not want to use someone else's software, then find ready-made compressed textures in the search engine and replace them with the original ones from the game folder.

5. PC cleaning

One of the rules said that during the game it is better to turn off all other programs. Remember that the more "extra junk" in your Windows, the lower the performance of the system as a whole. You need to do the following:

  • clean the registry and junk files with CCleaner,
  • edit and remove unnecessary from startup,
  • free up space on drive C (minimum 5-7 GB),
  • increase the paging file with a small amount of RAM.

Now you know how to increase FPS in World of Tanks. Experiment, try, dare. After all, only by trial and error can a positive result be achieved.

Passion how I love to solve problems-riddles that IT-her-life throws up. This time the trouble happened in the beloved toy world of Tanks, where I'm trying to be a nerdy extra. The game has long been criticized by players in terms of performance, since competent multithreading has not yet been implemented in order to multi-core processors began to justify their purchase. But it's worth saying Thanks game developers that in the latest patch 9.14 they introduced a new sound engine, which not only colored the game with new sounds, but also runs on a separate CPU core, which has a beneficial effect on overall performance when playing on powerful computers. It would seem that fps should grow a bit, but my problem did not look like low Frames per Second in general, but fps drop in WoT after some time.

Since absolutely all available parameters are set to the minimum position, at first I sinned on modifications (mods) that extend the standard game client in Python. There are a couple of mods that are officially recognized by everyone as "fps reducers":

  • legendary eXtended Visualization Mod (XVM, deermeter)
  • mod Angles of horizontal aiming (UGN)
  • a mod that reflects latency directly in battle to Wargaming.net servers.

OK! Let's remove the mods, but that didn't help. Thanks to a video from a well-known professional player and author of modpack ProTanki - , I was aware of the serious impact of bad Internet (high latency when delivering network packets) on FPS. Many do not understand how it can be connected network and video card. The fact is that the video card processes a lot of frames for you in the buffer and imagine a situation where, due to long delays, information comes from the server that your tank or tanks of allies / enemies are now not at this point, but at another, the so-called "teleportation effect". The video card is "forced" to throw out the previously done work and start calculating everything again. If the video card is not top-end, then it turns out that bad Internet connection gives her a job.

But logically, bad internet at not-my-home should keep low fps throughout the entire fight. And the problem with an enviable constancy looked exactly like a drop in fps after a couple of minutes of the battle. I began to look, and which settings are of a dynamic nature. I will not torment you, the setting is called dynamic change in 3D rendering. I also set the 3D render parameter to a satisfying 95%, which allowed small details to disappear and greatly simplify the silhouettes of tanks in the distance, which will make it easier for the video card to work. That's it! Drawdowns from 120 fps to 40 fps disappeared like a bad dream. Stay random, VasiliscCom goes to battle!

The FPS value (Frames Per Second) means the number of frames that your computer displays per second. The higher this indicator, the smoother your gameplay will look - there will be no lags and slowdowns.

You can normally play Wot starting with an FPS value of 30 frames per second.

1. Go to the graphics settings in the game and try to reduce everything to the maximum.
Yes, the graphics quality will decrease, some effects will disappear, it will be a little unusual to look at a clumsy and poorly drawn world, but your tank will deal with opponents without brakes and glitches.

3. Enter in the line that appears
"bcdedit /set increaseuserva*" (instead of an asterisk, specify the amount of RAM that will be used for applications.
It is recommended to use 75% from all your RAM on your computer.
For example, if you have 4 GB of RAM on your PC, then enter 3072 instead of an asterisk, for 2 GB - enter 1792).

Here we have 4GB of RAM on the PC.
We registered the value in 3072 MB. This will improve the performance of the game.

4. Restart your computer and run WoT - World of Tanks .

5. When you want to reset the values ​​​​of RAM usage - write in the cmd-term " bcdedit/deletevalue increaseuserva" (without quotes) and click Input.

Most people who play World of Tanks own far from the most powerful computers. For this reason, the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks is especially acute, but is there really nothing that can be done?

Of course, you should not despair, because even on a frankly weak computer or laptop, you can take certain actions that will raise the FPS and give the owner a little more freedom, the main thing is to know certain tricks and subtleties, which we will talk about now.

And remember, the minimum allowable FPS value in the game is 30 or more (the higher this number, the better). If the number of frames per second drops below thirty, get ready for lags, freezes, image jerks, and so on.

Client graphics settings

The very first step to how to raise fps in world of tanks is to set up the client, namely its graphical section. It's funny, but many do not even try to check the characteristics of the game settings, but here you can move the sliders, remove a few checkmarks, and the effect will be very impressive.
To change the settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen and select "Settings". Next, go to the "Graphics" tab and look. First of all, make sure that you are playing in full screen mode and not in windowed mode, this greatly affects the load on the CPU.

Now set the graphics quality to "Low" (maybe "Minimum" or "Medium" depending on your computer), uncheck "Dynamic Change" and try lowering the resolution of the 3D render by dragging the slider to the left. Thus, you will reduce the load on your video card and how to increase fps in world of tanks. It is also worth disabling the color filter and anti-aliasing, if you have them enabled (the described changes are shown in the screenshot).

The first stage of settings is completed and you can safely proceed to the second. Click the "Advanced" button in the same settings section, and you will see an extensive list of configurations for more complete changes. Here we put a tick in front of the item "Graphics - standard" and set the sliders as follows:
· Quality of textures - low;
· Lighting quality - off;
· Shadow quality - off;
· Quality of additional effects - low;
· Add. effects in sniper mode - low;
Turn off the amount of vegetation and post-processing.
· Remove the checkmarks "Grass in sniper mode" and "Effects from under the tracks."

So, you can manually adjust the quality of graphics and visualization of effects in such a way that everything matches your hardware as much as possible. The above points apply to rather weak vehicles, so you may need to play with the settings and test the changes in combat in order to find the best option. As a result, the overall picture should look like the one shown in the screenshot.

Next, go down to the stop and make last changes:
· The quality of the landscape is low;
· Quality of water - low;
· Turn off the quality of decals;
· Detailing of objects - low;
Tree detail - low;
· Distance of drawing - it is better to set it to "medium", since this indicator greatly affects the drawing of rocks, houses and other objects at a distance. If you reduce this scale to a minimum, there is a chance that a piece of rock will not be drawn, and you will shoot at it, trying to target the enemy peeking out from behind it.
· Motion blur quality - low;
· Dynamic change in the quality of effects - it is better to leave a tick;
· Turn off the transparency of foliage and traces of caterpillars.

After all these adjustments (screenshot below), click the "Apply" button, restart the game client and go into battle, see how the FPS has changed in World of Tanks.

Mods for raise FPS in World of Tanks

If the graphics changes in the game client settings did not have enough effect, there is another easy way to lower the FPS. You can install mods to reduce the load on the video card and computer processor.

One of these mods, the most significant and famous, is WoT Tweaker. This modification is good because after its launch, you can disable those graphic effects that are not displayed in the client menu, simply by checking a few checkboxes. These are smoke from the exhaust pipe, clouds, effects of shots, etc. This script looks very simple, and all changes subject to it can be seen in the screenshot. By the way, in almost every popular for World games of Tanks, which are on our website, you can find a built-in tweaker as well.

Installing Compressed Textures

Another very effective way to increase FPS in World of Tanks is to install compressed textures in the game. What does it mean? To put it simply, all the textures in the game, for example, the image of tanks and so on, are standardly at a certain quality level and are archived in the root folder of the game. And later, when you play, the game accesses these textures, loading them into the computer's RAM and video card.

If we change standard textures, tanks, landscape, trees, we turn off various smokes, clouds, and other beauties of the game, thereby reducing the load on RAM and CPU time to generate the game's landscape and other textures. Thus, if translated into ballroom language, we increase the FPS in World of tanks.

Downloading WoT mod Tweaker Plus on our website in the World of Tanks mods section, the settings, as shown in the screenshot, are simple and intuitive. The extended version of the tweaker has the ability to compress textures, and it looks like this.

Driver update

Another method to increase FPS in world of tanks, sometimes bearing fruit, is updating the video card drivers to the latest version. The fact is that the creators of video cards sometimes optimize their work by releasing new drivers, and installing them can give a good result. Although this procedure is unlikely to help much, it is still worth a try.

To update, knowledgeable people can go to the official website of the creator of the video card, Nvidia or AMD, and download the driver for their video card there. For those who do not know how this is done, it is recommended to download and install a special utility - Driver Puck Solution. With its help, in the driver menu, you can find the necessary update or even several, if any.

For the correct use of this program in the settings, you need to check the box next to "Expert Mode" and start the search. After that, select the desired driver and click the "Install" button, how to do this is shown in the screenshot. Next, just restart your computer and you're done.

As you can see, using pretty simple tools and knowing some subtleties of the game settings, you can easily raise the FPS even on a weak computer. As a result, you will be able to install several mods and play comfortably at the same time, and the number of frames per second will not fall below 30, causing hated lags and image jerks.