5 year anniversary of Forge of Empires. Forge of Empires - About Jobs Forge of Empires 5th Anniversary Quests

Players often have to fight, capturing a large number of territories and maintaining their peaceful existence in their state. If you have just started playing in this project, then most likely you have already wondered how to effectively and quickly capture and expand territory, how to properly conduct battle mechanics, which troops are best used on the battlefield, and many other small details. In this guide, we will tell you about all the features of fighting and capturing sectors in Forge of Empires, which will be useful not only for beginners, but also for more experienced players!

The main types of units and their features

In the game, each unit fulfills its own role, whether it's the usual construction of buildings, the extraction of resources, or the formation of an army. Forge of Empires has a very wide range of different units, which can be either people or individual weapons. Moreover, all units will change depending on the era, respectively, and appearance, characteristics and parameters also change. The more modern the era, the more perfect weapons your soldiers, the working class, will have.

Please note that each type of soldier has its own specific characteristics, which must be paid attention to in order to win the battle and capture territories with minimal losses. For example, if you have spearmen, then it is better to use them in the forest, but if you have riders, then use them against ranged soldiers. Heavy units will have an advantage over light ones. That is, you only need to study the main advantages of each type of soldier and use it as a counterbalance to your enemy. Remember that the right tactics are already a reference to victory.

We advise you to pay attention to the elite troops. They, as a rule, have all the characteristics slightly increased when compared with standard troops. Performance increased by approximately 10%! Each unit has a set of characteristics: radius, mobility, attack with defense. The attack and defense stats determine how much damage your unit can block and deal. The radius is responsible for the range of the attack, and mobility is a separate parameter that determines which units will move first.

If we consider individual units, the picture will be something like this:
1. Artillery. Has the highest range in attack, but has too low defense, attack, and speed. They are best used against rifle units, heavy infantry.
2. Light units. Such units move quickly across the field, have certain bonuses in attack against other units, and can also receive bonuses in defense if they are in the forest.
3. Arrows. They have high attack but low defense. The speed is average, but their attack radius is not large, but moderate. If they are on a hill, then when attacking an enemy, they receive an additional bonus. Note that arrows cannot attack back!
4. Heavy troops. They have high defense, medium attack and very low movement speed. Being on the plain, they will receive additional bonuses in defense. They are mainly used to cover infantry troops, as a shield, for example, if they are placed in one line.
5. Fast units. They have the most high speed, medium defense and attack. Mainly used to quickly destroy troops that attack at long distances. Due to their speed, they can quickly reach their destination and destroy a large number of units, because. have medium protection. Bonuses from the landscape do not receive!

We also advise you to look at all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of unit. Let's say ranged troops will take the most damage from cavalry, heavy infantry is more vulnerable to ranged and siege weapons. Each type of soldier has its own bonuses, which depend on the era.
Choosing the right tactics of combat and defense

Most of your fights will take place when attacking a specific sector. This paragraph describes recommendations for choosing the right tactics if you attack!

Be sure to look at what kind of terrain in the sector you are going to attack. To quickly analyze the area, send a scout. It is best to use one horseman for this. Even if there are enemies in the territory, you can quickly retreat, but you will receive important data.
If you are going to attack the province, be sure to look at the tab with information about the presence of protection. The data is displayed in all provinces and is not hidden from users.
If you are going to attack real players, again, send scouts first. You can send 1-3 detachments with a small frequency, consisting of 1 person each. Once the picture is clear, consider right choice troops to attack. We advise you to choose only those soldiers who will have certain bonuses and privileges in relation to enemy units. That is, you specifically choose troops that will surpass the enemy in certain parameters. More Special attention refer to the era. If your era is superior to the enemy, then be sure to take siege weapons with you.
Now, let's say that they attack your territories. What to do in this case? There are also several techniques that will help you win the battle!
If you are attacked by an army consisting of rifle and siege troops, it is enough to set up 8 siege weapons against them.
If you are attacked by a player from a more developed era, focus on the correct placement and selection of fighters. See what troops are attacking you and choose those that are in opposition to the enemy, with bonus characteristics. If, when attacking you, the enemy has an epoch much lower than yours, then focus on placing siege weapons and rifle troops. It is also worth considering that siege and ranged troops do good damage, despite the fact that they do not have any additional bonuses.

Secrets of waging wars with artificial intelligence

Part of the fights you will have with the usual NPC (artificial intelligence). There are also secrets and tricks that you should know about!

1. Almost all fights artificial intelligence plays on the defensive. All troops gather in a heap and move slowly across the field. In this case, the battle will be held until the last dead fighter.
2. The NPC will first attack your units that have damage, as well as the ranged units. If you have siege weapons, then he will attack primarily on them at first!

There are actually many combat tactics in Forge of Empires, and these are just a few of the main examples! If you have only recently started playing this strategy, you can safely use the described secrets and instructions to gain experience and develop faster. Be sure to join a guild to receive support from your clanmates!

AT previous parts review, the Forge of Empires guide considered important aspects of the passage - resource extraction, construction of buildings, the use of circular quests, guild expedition buns. Here we will focus on the construction of the Great Buildings - how to do it right.

Great buildings in Forge of Empires play an important role in the development of your empire. Some produce additional goods, others increase the extraction of resources, others give bonuses to the army, the fourth provide happiness, the fifth help with blueprints, earn strategic points (SO), and receive valuable prizes. You need to build them wisely and in due time - that's what we'll talk about in this part.

Best Great Buildings Forge of Empires,
in what order to build.

What you need to know. First of all, to build any aircraft, you need blueprints - 9 pieces and a set of goods of a certain era. In addition to the variety of buns, Great Buildings are divided into two subspecies and they differ in the way they get blueprints. The first, most of them, can be obtained by clicking on the help button - BAF of buildings of friends and neighbors, up to 3 drawings per day. The second, such as the Temple of Relics, the Observatory, can only be obtained by helping friends, guild members and neighbors build these aircraft or by participating in a guild expedition. Drawings drop out randomly - by chance, it happens that many takes fall out, and the last one does not go at all. In the inventory, in the Great Buildings tab, they can be exchanged, select two extra ones, click - exchange or buy for 200 diamonds.

Just keep in mind - only one of the two drawings will return, and that one can become a duplicate, the exchange is also random. In the case of diamonds, everything is much simpler, blueprints always cost 200 diamonds and you get exactly what you need. BUT, do not rush to part with diamonds, be patient, do not spend them on Zeus, Lighthouses, Sofia. Take care of them for the construction of a rarer Great Building, for example - Alcatraz, Arches, here it is really difficult to knock out the last one, and sometimes very expensive.

Up to level 10, any Great Building needs 1 set of blueprints, above the tenth level - for each level, a set of 9 pieces. If you stick to the strategy of this review, over time, the blueprints for the Great Buildings of the first echelon (Lighthouse, Zeus, Mark, Sophia, Aachen, Castel) will be over the roof - do not rush to spend on the exchange, everything will come and work out.

Which Great Buildings to build first. Inexperienced players will advise you to build Zeus and download it to level 10, because he is small and how terrible it helps to rob neighbors. Quite narrow-minded will insist on building the Colosseum, allegedly it helps to get medals and expand the territory of the city.

In the first case, my advice is not to rush, it is better to focus on the Great Military Buildings in the Early Middle Ages, where I recommend to linger a little and not rise higher. By that time you will get stronger, collect goods and a set of drawings not only for Zeus, but also for Aachen Cathedral and Castel del Monte. Why all three? Yes, it’s very simple - raising three aircraft in parallel, for example, to level 3-4, is much cheaper than pumping one Zeus to 10. You spend less strategic points and get a greater bonus for troops, besides, Castell also returns CO-shki back.

In the second case - never, under any circumstances, put the Colosseum - the most useless Great Building of Forge of Empires. And here no one's opinion decides, but purely mathematics. At the first level, the Armed Forces issue 10 medals per day, at the seventh level 19, 300-570 pieces are issued per month, wow, how many. But very soon you will discover unpleasant information for yourself - with each subsequent expansion of the territory, you need more and more medals. First you will be surprised by 3000, then 9000, and after them 15000 medals and this is not the limit. Are you willing to wait thirty (30) months?

Great buildings for the main world of Forge of Empires.

In the first place, if necessary, I would put the Lighthouse - it produces the goods of your era and increases the amount of extracted resources (hammers) in production buildings. Resources will accumulate much slower than coins, the Lighthouse will correct this ratio. In second place is the Temple of Relics, I outlined the usefulness argument in the previous part of the review.

The third place I would give is Hagia Sophia. Now many igruns will exclaim loudly - useless VS, takes up a lot of space, etc. To which I can answer - they are mistaken or they look from the height of Alcatraz. For early eras, this is an indispensable Great Building that provides the city with happiness, which also produces SO-shki (I'm not talking about additional worlds).

You don’t need to swing much right away, it’s enough to catch up to the 3rd level (over time, CO costs will be reimbursed) - this will help you get rid of 3 pools (48 cells - Sofa 42) and excess hemorrhoids already in the Iron Age. You will not need to constantly ask to raise happiness in the city, you will always have a stable 2300 or 2700 on the fourth. Stay in the Early Middle Ages, you can for a long time - this is a very profitable, convenient era, the expedition is easy to go through. In FoE, it is not necessary to jump quickly up through the eras, it is important to equip the city correctly, accumulating resources. In general, we bomb the expedition, accumulate CO packages, collect blueprints.

To go through the first map of the continents (from Iron to Colonial), in order to capture all the provinces that expand the territory, you can go for a strategic trick - buy a set of goods on Alcatraz or Chateau (Progressivist goods). Exchange on the market until the desired eras and go through all the negotiations.

Fourth place will go to the trio - Zeus, Castel del Monte and Aachen Cathedral, a full-scale preparation for military operations in the expanses of the guild expedition. In the wake of them, or maybe in between times, try to get at least one Lair of robbers in events, preferably 2-3. This will allow you to go through 4 levels of the guild expedition almost without loss.

The focus on the military side of Forge of Empires brings you to another very useful Great Building, Alcatraz. Gives a lot of happiness, and most importantly - will produce daily robbers (if one of the buildings in the city is available). As a result, the war, the passage of the EG will become free for you, you will receive soldiers of your era on guild expeditions, the rest will be given by Alcatraz.

The sixth place, not by necessity and usefulness, but purely by price, is occupied by Arka. I would put it in first place, but for a novice player to pay 700-1000 CO-NIS + 200-600 diamonds for blueprints for a product is somewhat problematic. If I called Alcatraz a very useful sun, then the Arc is just a treasure for the main world of the active player. We will talk more about the use of the Arch and the secrets of earning a large number of CO-sheks in the final part of the Forge of Empires review.

Put the Arch and pump it well, look closely towards the Tower of Innovation, with a small number of Sanctuaries of Knowledge, this great building will allow you to get rid of many residential buildings, which will free up space for other buildings. It is better than Habitat, takes up less space and produces strategic points rather than coins that are useless in the future.

If you actively spin circular quests (10-20 times a day), the city is imprisoned for them, constantly participate in the construction of the sun of friends, neighbors - build Chateau, the profit from quests will increase significantly. If you complete 2-3 quests a day, putting up a Chateau, throwing away a lot of resources and CO is stupid. In the main world, the Rotating Tower will also be appropriate, you will read about it a little lower.

Starting from Modern, for the production of goods, semi-finished products are needed - goods of previous eras. To get rid of this dependence, we build Great buildings that produce goods.

St. Mark's Cathedral - will increase the number of coins and will give out semi-finished products (20 from level 1). Frauenkirche - a bit of happiness and semi-finished products, Royal Albert Hall - plus 70% to the production of resources and 22 semi-finished products at level 1, then the Rainforest Project. It is the VS-ki, with their bonuses, that must cover the entire deficit, not the goods of previous eras.

But what about the Tower of Babel, the Observatory, the Delphic Oracle? - you ask. The site will answer you - everything is ambiguous with Babylon, there is free place in the city, it can't hurt. It will produce a little goods, add the same number of inhabitants. For the main world, it is not required, for additional. worlds is even nothing, allows you to throw away a few dwellings and reduce the amount of necessary BAF for the city. Also, do not particularly chase the Observatory, for you personally - there is zero benefit from it. The Oracle of Delphi is strategically a useless building, a parody of the equally dull Notre Dame.

The Cape Canaveral Cosmodrome, the Arctic Greenhouse, the Kraken are aircraft that produce strategic points, and this is what bribes many. Here it is better not to dream, but to be friends with mathematics - in order to upgrade the Greenhouse to level 10, you need to spend 5450 CO, it will begin to return 10 CO per day, the payback will be 545 days. All this time you will not receive COs, but only spend - make no mistake about this. These VSs need to be placed when you pump the Arch to level 80, and only after it the Kraken or the Greenhouse to 60-80, without stretching the construction for years. How to download the sun will tell in the final part.

This is not the end of the list of Forge of Empires Great Buildings, I just formed a backbone for you that will allow you to develop faster than others and feel like a king or queen, and not a beggarly subject. In any case, it is contraindicated to build Notre Dame, the Capitol, the Colosseum, the Atomium, the Space Needle, the Statue of Gaia, the Lotus Temple, the Habitat - well, except for chickens to laugh at. We also don’t build the Dil Castle, St. Basil’s Cathedral is an extra waste of city squares and strategic points (fill them better in the Arch), they won’t save you from a skilled player, collect goods on time in the city, the miserable ones will jump for a couple of days and break off.

Great Buildings for additional FoE worlds.

First of all, we collect drawings for the Lighthouse, Sofia and the Temple of Relics. The lighthouse will help with hammers and will give daily goods, Sophia will give the necessary happiness, make the city independent of the BAF, the Temple of Relics will help to fish out SOs and very useful buildings from the guild expedition.

We forget about the military commissar completely and completely, we focus our attention on such a great structure as the Revolving Tower. For additional worlds is just a magical building, it allows you to get goods of higher eras for free. Thanks to the Spinner, I went far ahead on the map of the continents and significantly expanded the territory of the city.

Let's take a minimum for example - 10 friends from Modern, by clicking the help button you will receive 10 goods of this era (I'm not talking about friends in the future). We will exchange on the market before the Early Middle Ages - 10 Modern = 20 Progress = 40 Industrial = 80 goods PS = 160 BC = 320 goods of the Early (daily). Free Guild Expedition + carefree passage of the Map of Continents ahead of the era of the city.

Initially, it is better to sharpen additional worlds for the guild expedition, build up to the maximum with industrial buildings. Next, we collect drawings and CO-patches for Chateau, when passing events, circular tasks will increase the number of prizes, including diamonds. How to get diamonds and CO for free and in sufficient quantities - we'll talk in the next parts of the guide.

How to properly download Great Buildings in Forge of Empires.

Players pump their VS in every way, I will try to explain how to do it correctly. There are four most common ways of pumping, three are practiced by the bulk, the fourth - by those who know how to count. The first way is “self-building”, basically this is how the owners of add-ons are built. worlds and offended by the whole world. The second is carousels, the exchange of CO within the guild, the method is beneficial only to the top, since the opportunity to win prizes is much higher than for beginners. The third way is an agreement with a friend or a guild member, agree on the amount, let's say you pour 200 CO into your friend's Great Building, he will put the same amount into your BC. Both take the 1st prize place, part of the CO returns in the form of packages.

The fourth method is more suitable for leveling Great Buildings above level 10. By this time, you should have established connections with three Archers of level 80 and above. With the growth of levels, the prize money grows, the higher the level of BC, the less the owner needs to invest in it. The better the level of cooperation, the more the Archers fill in - just passers-by pour + 85% (we multiply the prize money by 1.85), acquaintances + 87% (by 1.87), friends + 90% (by 1.9) to the prize money, negotiate this right away, I gave 10-20 CO to my friends, so that it would not be a shame to waste time on me (I downloaded quickly and a lot). For example, Alcatraz.

At level 10, you need 830 CO. Prize money:
for the 1st \u003d 85 x 1.85 \u003d 157 x2 \u003d 314 CO
for the 2nd \u003d 45 x 1.85 \u003d 83 x2 \u003d 166 CO
for 3rd = 15 x 1.85 = 28 x2 = 56 SD

314, 166 and 56 are non-overrun amounts that you need to adjust the BC to so that your friends of the Archers cannot be outbid. We fill in 516 CO and call for help, out of the remaining 314, the first Archer will fill in 157, the second 83, adjust it to 56 and the third one will fill in 28. Then we write in the chat, distribute drawings from the 4th and 5th prizes - close the level. As a result, 280 COs were saved.

On the 20th, 1063 COs are needed. Prize money:
1st \u003d 200 \u003d 370 x2 \u003d 740 CO
2nd \u003d 100 \u003d 185 x2 \u003d 370 CO
3rd = 35 = 65 x2 = 130 CO

For more high levels the scheme is the same, but everything is already easier and much more fun. Out of 1063 COs, only 323 need to be poured and you can already call Archers. The process saves about 650 CO, no exchange can compare. I hope the principle is clear - we multiply the prize money by 1.85 or 1.87 or 1.9 (as agreed), multiply the resulting numbers by 2 and adjust your VS to these values.

On the 30th you need 1361 CO. Prize money:
1st 330 = 611 x2 = 1224 CO
2nd 165 = 305 x2 = 610 CO
3rd 55 = 102 x2 = 204 CO

From level 30 you will download Great Buildings correctly, the process will seem like a fairy tale. From 1361 COs, we fill in 137 and call Arkanoids, it turns out about 1050 COs of saving. After the 36th, do not open the BC levels in advance, just before the leveling itself, so that no leftist climbs. Further adjustment is not required, the prize money (+ percentage) from the 1st place will cover the cost of the level itself. If you open it earlier, some left-handed trickster will be able to fill in a smaller, strictly non-interrupted amount and make good money on you. Good luck!

In this text, you will find simple tips and directives that will help you resist the onslaught of rivals and overcome a variety of obstacles in the game. Forge of Empires. I will tell you how to fight properly, what to consider when building up the city and much more!

In every game, even in such a thoughtful and polished one as Forge of Empires, there are bound to be loopholes and weak spots, which allow players to gain benefits that they would seem not to derive. And the speech in this text will not be about bugs at all and not about their use, all the more so. It's all about secrets and tricks., which will help you get back on your feet faster in Forge of Empires. You will be surprised how much the secrets described below can make your life easier in Forge of Empires.


Use space wisely

In Forge of Empires, the building process is somewhat different from what we are used to seeing in most strategy games. Usually development is hindered only by the lack of resources. In FoE, you have to face another problem - the lack of free space for building. The fact is that from the very beginning the player is limited in free space. But do not rush to grieve - we are still allowed to expand our city. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Collect 200 medals and use them to buy one expansion square.
  • Research technology, for which you will be rewarded with an expansion square.
  • Conquer a province and get an expansion square for it.
  • Buy crystals that give access to almost everything in this game

So, most fast way, naturally, is the latter. However, it is also extremely expensive - you understand. It follows that there are three others to choose from. The first one is unlikely to help you out, because medals are gained with difficulty and for a very long time. The second is limited by the number of technologies for which you can get an extension. It's the same story with the provinces. I have personally seen only one such territory so far, and that one at the very beginning. What is the conclusion from all this? And the conclusion from all this is very simple - build wisely. Save every cell. Compare the performance of buildings and choose those that take up less space, even if they provide slightly less resources than their counterparts. After all, by saving space, you will probably be able to place two buildings instead of one. But even if you do everything wisely, you still have to occasionally rebuild and move buildings. Fortunately, this is worth nothing in FoE.

Robbery and help

Starting the game, you find yourself in a certain group, consisting of beginners who become your neighbors. In my case, the number of players was about 70. It is with these players that you can contact and interact at the very beginning of the game. What can be done with them? The set is standard - rob, help, communicate, create guilds and trade. I want to pay special attention to robberies and help. I combine them together because within 24 hours you can perform only one action with each of your neighbors - that is, either rob or make friends. So here it is I will teach you how to choose this action correctly. To begin with, let's consider what robbery will give you, and what will help a neighbor. Help gives you 20 gold coins, regardless of which building you applied it to. The first advice - do not click on industrial buildings and houses, because by doing this you will increase the income from this building to your neighbor (read the enemy) for 24 hours. It is better to reap on trees, flowers, statues, etc. Robbery, in turn, can bring you much more benefits. However, several points must be taken into account here. First, you first need to make sure that the person you are going to rob has what you need. Secondly, remember that you can only rob one building, so robbery of houses for gold hardly a good idea . Thirdly, you first need to break through the enemy's defenses. At the very beginning, it is rarely strong enough, so there will almost certainly not be problems here. However, the most important thing is to correctly prioritize. Often, getting 20 gold turns out to be more reasonable than getting into battle and possibly losing one of your troops. As a result, it may turn out that there is nothing to rob, and you will have to restore the army at your own expense anyway. Therefore, be smart about picking targets for robbery - this can give you a significant advantage in the early stages.

Competent combat

A little about combat system I already wrote here, so I will not describe what and how it happens. I'll get straight to the point. Personally, I did not immediately notice that all the units in the game have a number of very interesting characteristics. For example, spearmen have an advantage when defending in the forest, which can be used wisely. Mounted units have a significant offensive advantage against ranged units, and heavy units have an advantage in attack against light ones. There are a sea of ​​similar nuances. Having studied them properly, you will be able to win even those battles that seemed lost even before the start. So, for example, in the screenshot below it is clearly seen that the preponderance of forces was on the side of the enemy. However, thanks to the competent selection of units, the victory remained with me.

Wise use of crystals

At the very beginning of the game, 300 crystals will be granted to you from the master's shoulder. Obviously, this is done in order to let you know how much this resource can simplify your in-game life. Of course, he is capable of it. However, I decided a long time ago that donat is not for me. You may not agree with me and you will be right too. I decided that I would use my 300 crystals extremely wisely. But, alas, nothing worked out for me and I almost immediately spent everything on an unnecessary theater, which gives a big plus to happiness. After a while, I can say that the best decision was to spend the crystals on expanding the territory. That is what I advise you to do as well. The bigger your city, the more you produce. This will allow you to overtake your competitors at the very start. Dare!

Forge of Empires has enough secrets for everyone

To be honest, I hardly managed to find absolutely all the tricks in FoE. I have tried to introduce you to the most useful secrets, which will really simplify the development process for you and help you not lose face. Perhaps in the future a selection of secrets will be created already for advanced players, since this one is obviously more suitable for beginners.

On April 20, 2017, Forge of Empires launched, dedicated to the five-year anniversary of the game. After completing all 10 tasks of the event, you will receive 3 special buildings that are included in Royal Garden set: Queen Statue, King Statue and Garden Ruins.
By placing these buildings nearby in your city, you can get additional bonuses from these buildings, similar to the set from the Spring Event. Two new buildings can be obtained after completing tasks:

1. Statue of the Queen- a 2x2 residential building, can be looted, cannot be motivated. To boost an epoch, you can either apply an epoch boost kit.

Epoch Population Coins (24h) Products Rating points
Bronze Age 0 220 5 1 20
Iron Age 0 530 5 1 32
Early Middle Ages 0 880 5 1 80
High Middle Ages 0 1,260 5 1 160
Late Middle Ages 0 1,670 5 1 240
Colonial Period 0 2,140 5 1 400
Industrial Age 0 2,670 5 1 800
Era of Progressivism 0 3,320 5 1 1,200
The era of Modern 0 4,130 5 1 2,000
Postmodern era 0 5,070 5 1 3,200
Newest Time 0 6,250 5 1 4,800
Tomorrow 0 7,640 5 1 8,000
Future 0 9,220 5 1 12,800
Arctic Future 0 11,000 5 1 19,200
Oceanic Future 0 12,990 5 1 24,000

2. Statue of the King- a 2x2 residential building, can be looted, cannot be motivated. You can apply an upgrade kit or an epoch boost kit to boost an epoch.

Population Coins (24h) Medals (24h), one building included CO (24h), one building included Rating points
Bronze Age 0 220 2 1 20
Iron Age 0 530 2 1 32
Early Middle Ages 0 880 3 1 80
High Middle Ages 0 1,260 3 1 160
Late Middle Ages 0 1,670 3 1 240
Colonial Period 0 2,140 4 1 400
Industrial Age 0 2,670 6 1 800
Era of Progressivism 0 3,320 9 1 1,200
The era of Modern 0 4,130 12 1 2,000
Postmodern era 0 5,070 16 1 3,200
Newest Time 0 6,250 20 1 4,800
Tomorrow 0 7,640 25 1 8,000
Future 0 9,220 30 1 12,800
Arctic Future 0 11,000 36 1 19,200
Oceanic Future 0 12,990 42 1 24,000

On the last day of the event, you will be presented with another prize building - This is a 3x3 decor, you can use an upgrade kit or an era upgrade kit to increase the era.

Epoch Happiness One building included Two buildings included Rating points
Bronze Age 290 2% 3% 45
Iron Age 360 2% 3% 72
Early Middle Ages 410 2% 3% 180
High Middle Ages 470 2% 3% 360
Late Middle Ages 530 2% 3% 540
Colonial Period 600 2% 3% 900
Industrial Age 670 2% 3% 1,800
Era of Progressivism 750 2% 3% 2,700
The era of Modern 830 2% 3% 4,500
Postmodern era 910 2% 3% 7,200
Newest Time 1,000 2% 3% 10,800

The administrator is part of our team. Good team relationships are very important as we help and support each other in this difficult work. We have a healthy team spirit and enjoy chatting on a lively skype chat where we follow latest updates and keep abreast of the game.

The responsibilities of the Administrator include:

  • Answers to questions that players ask us
  • Detection and testing of errors (bugs) to send them to developers
  • Identification of violations of the rules and registration of bans to violators
  • Helping Players Fairly Appeal Their Ban
  • Testing game updates for bugs before release
  • Be able to respond to inquiries at least once every 5 hours

This is a customer service task and Administrators must have good relationship to all people, including those who find it difficult to write in Russian. Admins must be fluent in written Russian, and be prepared to use spell check and reread their responses before sending them to the player. Also respond to players every day and spend at least 10 hours a week on this, but most spend much more on this activity.

Administrators must be at least 18 years of age.

Forum moderator

As a Forum Moderator, you will be responsible for enforcing the rules in the threads that will be in your area of ​​responsibility. You will also take the necessary measures to prevent and stop violations. You will be an example for everyone else, and therefore you must have good communication skills.

The responsibilities of the Forum Moderator include:

  • Fight against breaking the rules
  • Checking player complaints daily (at least twice a day)
  • Offering help and consulting users
  • Representing the interests of the team on the forum

We are looking for active and responsible candidates who are fluent in written Russian. Forum experience is preferred and we expect candidates who can dedicate at least 10 hours per week to their duties. Team communication is vital and therefore all candidates should be able to use Skype on a consistent basis.

Forum moderators must be at least 18 years of age.