RiME is an unforgettable story after a long silence. Review. Overview of RiME. My Little Journey Rating game rime

The specifics of PC gaming is such that before proceeding with the passage, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and correlate it with the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact specifications each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other constituent parts any personal computer. The usual comparison of the main lines of components is quite enough.

For example, if the minimum system requirements for a game include a processor at least Intel Core i5, then you should not expect it to run on i3. However, comparing processors from different manufacturers is more difficult, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that the performance minimum requirements enough to get the game up and running from start to finish. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphic settings.

These games are very similar visually, and their intonation is the same: lingering music behind the scenes, emptiness, loneliness and a mysterious setting - desert island, clearly survived some kind of catastrophe in the past. The protagonist is a little boy in a red cloak, thrown by a storm onto a deserted shore. Around - not a soul, here and there there are some ruins, and in the distance rises a huge tower, to which we will strive throughout the game.

The weakest part of Rime is its first quarter. While the game has not picked up pace, you generally want to turn it off - why do we need this not very skillfully made clone of a more successful and integral adventure? The puzzles are very simple, and the main tool with which they must be solved is at least strange - this is the voice of the protagonist. Shouting at various ancient mechanisms, the boy activates them, opening the way forward.

But, even if you don't really like what's happening on the screen, it's worth a little patience, because pretty soon a dramatic turning point occurs. The developers make it very clear that their plan is much more ambitious than just copying Journey or Ico, and Rime turns from a boring adventure game into an amazing journey through beautiful and unexpected worlds.

The situation is changing, the pace of the game is changing, finally a threat appears that is worth fearing, and most importantly, something completely indescribable is happening with the puzzles. On the same mechanics, the authors of Rime are taken to create such that at times it just makes your hair stand on end. Moreover, the strength of the local puzzles is not in complexity - they will be very obvious throughout the game - but in how everything is arranged. The most striking example is a puzzle in which you need to open a door by rolling a large metal ball around a giant dial, which plays the role of a kind of arrow. The protagonist approaches this projectile, rests against it with his hands, moves it from its place ... and suddenly the sun begins to run across the sky a hundred times faster. In the opposite direction. As the ball shifts, evening turns into morning, then into night, and finally into evening. There will be many more such unexpected and insanely beautiful moments in Rime, and it is because of them that you don’t want to break away from her.

At the same time, you begin to really feel the atmosphere and history. The plot in Rime is presented very unobtrusively, the details of what is happening are deliberately not spoken out, and only at the very end it will become clear what exactly is happening around. By this point, you are already completely immersed in the game, and the ending - very sad and powerful - is shocking, making you remember Rime for a long time.

The game evolves even purely visually. She is very beautiful from the very beginning, but towards the end she turns into a real work of art. The final location is generally almost the best example of graphic design in video games. Visually, it is extremely simple, but at the same time completely unforgettable. Gloomy colors, competent use of special effects, endlessly pouring rain from the sky - all this incomparably sets the tone for the final level and, as it were, prepares the player for what is about to happen.

Rime is not just a stunningly beautiful picture, although the design of its developers alone should be respected. This is also an unforgettable, very bright adventure, the authors of which have come up with and implemented many unexpected things, and they take you by surprise every time. Despite the rather inexpressive opening act, on the whole this is one of the best games that you can play this year.

Game tested on PlayStation 4

From the outside, it might seem that RiME was created in production hell. News about the project stopped coming immediately after the publication of the trailer in 2013, then Spanish industry insiders wrote that the game did not really exist, Sony stopped funding, and the money it had already invested went nowhere. Some time later, the Tequila Games studio announced the acquisition of the rights to RiME from Sony, which many associated with problematic development and distrust on the part of a large corporation.

How much of this was true is anyone's guess. And if it’s difficult to confirm or refute insiders’ statements (there were even rumors that RiME was not a pretty adventure at all, but a MOBA or something similar), then Sony’s actions are quite understandable. In recent years, the company has been publishing indie games less and less, making an exception only for the creations of its own studios. Therefore, they remain only on PS4, and once exclusive ones do not. So RiME is available immediately on all current platforms, and in the end it turned out to be exactly the game that we were waiting for.

⇡ Again a guy, again an island

A nameless boy wakes up on the shore of a mysterious island. Seagulls scream around and crabs scurry around, and the only thing left for the guy is to run forward and try to understand where he got to. The player is not explained which buttons are responsible for what, since everything becomes clear without words: the hero jumps low, clings to ledges with his hands (interactive objects are colored like in Uncharted) and in some cases can grab objects and move them in different directions .

Almost immediately, the character meets a fox cub, who will become his guide around this island. Due to the presence of the animal in most locations, it becomes quite difficult to get lost - barking allows you to quickly determine the further direction. In addition, RiME offers exploration in more or less linear locations, and the path from one point to another in open areas is usually obvious. So, despite the similarity in visual style with , expect open world not worth it. At the same time, there are about fifty collectible items that will never catch your eye if you do not try to look for loopholes hidden behind the bushes and hidden interactive platforms.

The boy does not have to fight opponents - puzzles become the only obstacle in his way. And in the first hour they seem really unusual and original - sometimes the solution is obvious, but as soon as you find the answer, the conditions immediately change, and you have to think differently. Often, tasks are related to the movement of objects: from placing them in the right positions to the play of light and shadow falling from different things. The guy copes with most problems using his voice - it is worth shouting loudly, as the statues standing nearby are activated and something happens. Sometimes you have to use several statues at the same time, choosing the right angle.

Unfortunately, after about an hour and a half, the puzzles become too easy. You almost don’t have to think about them, because when you get into one or another room, you immediately more or less imagine what you need to do. However, RiME successfully smooths this shortcoming with interesting narrative techniques. Some of them have already been in similar projects, but the presentation is still original enough not to talk about direct copying, ICO, or The Witness.

If streaks of white paint are visible somewhere, then you can climb there

The beauty of RiME and its main advantage is in the ending, which completely changes the attitude towards everything seen before the finale. Everything takes on a completely different meaning and begins to look completely different. Even the menu with a choice of chapters surprises with an unexpected decision. The game is full of mystery - as you progress, you meet unusual sculptures and mechanisms, study the paintings on the walls, follow a strange figure in a red cloak. And although not everything becomes clear immediately after the final episode, over time, the meaning of most of the details still appears.

⇡ Vivid impressions

But do not think that you have to endure the rest of RiME for the sake of the final alone - the game always maintains interest, there are simply no boring or drawn-out episodes in it. The sun-drenched shore gives way to a colorful meadow, gloomy caves and a network of underground passages. Sometimes you have to swim underwater, replenishing the supply of air in the lungs with the help of large bubbles. That time of day will change, then the weather, then new dangers will arise on the way - something is always happening in this world, and because of this, not the longest duration (if you are not distracted by secrets, get ready to spend six or seven hours) does not seem serious disadvantage.

The attention to detail here is appropriate: lizards crawl along the rocks and overgrown with vegetation, birds can always be seen and heard on the island, flocks of fish frolic underwater, and the seabed is dotted with corals and algae. Sometimes, like in The Witness, you just want to look at the environment and take nice screenshots - especially since the "cartoon" visual style looks great and is unlikely to ever seem outdated in the future. At the same time, RiME is devoid of the slovenliness inherent in many indie platformers, which is usually expressed in crooked animations, a sluggish camera, or objects placed somehow.

Therefore, it is hard to believe in the rumors mentioned at the beginning. RiME became the second Tequila Works project that the studio created independently (before that there was a platformer) - and it turned out to be something truly magical. Everything in RiME works as it should: a mysterious narrative that reveals all the cards by the end, and an unobtrusive platform component, and pleasant, albeit simple, riddles.

So it's not worth launching RiME in the hope of seeing "The Witness with a plot" - the puzzles here are much less inventive. Rather, the game will appeal to those who have pleasant memories of the ICO, who have sunk into the soul of Journey and who were able to cope with the controls in The Last Guardian to see the ending. You don't have to worry about anything here. main character deftly and relatively quickly climbs ledges and platforms, jumps where the player wants, and reacts to commands without ever causing irritation. And the puzzles are just a nice bonus, which does not interfere in any way during the passage and does not seem out of place.

RiME is one of those games that you want to advise friends and acquaintances, but it is very difficult to explain the reason for the delight. At first, it seems like a bright and, perhaps, even a banal fairy tale - there have already been many games about a hero who solves puzzles on the island. But almost immediately, the work of Tequila Works gives the impression of something much more: it surprises after the first steps, pleases the ear with an amazing soundtrack and delights with the final chapter.

RiME towers over many other story-driven platformers of recent years. This is an unforgettable adventure that can easily be put on a par with the work of Team ICO.


  • an intriguing story with a great ending;
  • colorful locations and great attention to detail;
  • amazing musical accompaniment;
  • a large number of secrets, including new costumes.

Spiritual successor of ICO and The Last Guardian which was definitely worth the wait.

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Still in the early stages of development RiME at the studio Tequila Works things were going badly. The staged video instead of gameplay, the change of publisher and the abolition of exclusivity on PS4 did their job - many began to fear that the game simply would not live to see the release. However, sometimes indie projects are much more tenacious than their big brothers. Why? Thanks to the dream, of course! And new game about the adventures of a boy and his fox friend deserves to be called, albeit a small one, but still a dream.

The palaces of the mind

Most likely, the players who launched RiME will first of all have a question - what kind of tower is this in the distance and why should we come to it at all costs. If you do not go into the details of the plot, then this tower is a kind of ultimate goal of the whole journey. Passing it up and down is your primary task, but you don’t have to get hung up on this.

The world of RiME can be conditionally divided into four large locations: this is the island on which we find ourselves for the first time, an arid desert, a multi-level temple with ponds and a kind of jungle, as well as a rainy area near a gloomy minaret. And if the first place beckons with its charm, you want to stay there for a long time, then the further areas are more likely to ensure that you move strictly according to a given plot.

However, all locations have their own nooks and crannies that contain collectibles. Sense from them, like from a goat of milk, but their search can stretch the passage for a dozen hours. And there are also a lot of rock carvings that complement the silent story with the necessary fragments, so keep your eyes peeled!

Fus Ro Dah!

Our hero's skills are not that many, but all will come in handy. After all, you will have to climb a lot of sheer walls and rocks, jump over obstacles and ... scream. No, you heard right - the boy can neither fight nor resist misfortunes in any other way, but he knows how to howl!

Scream is generally almost the most important gameplay element that you will resort to throughout your journey through the world of RiME. Partly because it solves a good half of the puzzles in the game. Well, puzzles are perhaps the strongest side of the project.

The principle of all such riddles is simple: shout next to the totem, and it, in turn, activates a certain object. At first, everything seems logical and understandable, but gradually the complexity of the chain of actions will grow. Somewhere it will be necessary to move the balls, which amplify the cry and bring it to distant totems, somewhere - try to shout at both at once, and stuff like that.

More often than puzzles tied to the voice of the hero, there will be two more types of riddles that focus on the perception of the surrounding world and its details. In one case, everything literally depends on your point of view (something similar had to be faced by Batman in the series Batman: Arkham), in the other, players are waiting for the game of shadows that has repeatedly appeared earlier.

However, RiME is not limited to solving all sorts of puzzles. It is actually based on one large system, when we need to find a special key and open a passage further with it, then again the key, again the passage, and so on in a circle.

Who are all these people?

But not only puzzles will test the imagination of the young hero. A little later it turns out that he and his bodyguard friend are not alone here (not taking into account the grazing boars). A mysterious stranger in a red robe will look after the characters from afar throughout the journey through the fabulous island.

And on the second "level" a hefty, pterodactyl-like bird awaits us - the local boss. And it will not be so easy to deal with it ...

Although this is nothing compared to the mystical black silhouettes that hide in the shadows. At first they seem defenseless, but over time they become aggressive and rush to deal with the boy themselves, sucking strength out of him. Just like the creepy Dementors from Harry Potter.

There will also be strange-looking mechanical creatures, as if they came straight out of the Dwemer ruins. There will be a couple of exceptional moments associated with one of these, so no more about them.

Here you will find peace

RiME does not impress with either deep detailing or design solutions, but at the same time it knows how to make it “beautiful”. Romantic lagoon, sky-colored ocean, green meadows, ancient ruins and the horizon, where a majestic tower looms, from which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off .... The first location is undoubtedly the prettiest. And the Mediterranean style really suits her.

Conceptually and visually, the game is similar to the little-known The Girl and the Robot, by the way, drawing inspiration from the animated films of Studio Ghibli. And in RiME you can find an abyss of similar images, as if taken from their feature films. So, the local "Dementors" partly resemble the Faceless God Kaonashi from " Spirited Away”, and the white tower is a tower from The Return of the Cat, where later it also appeared as a bulwark of salvation in a sense.

If you are interested technical side question, then everything is not as smooth as we would like. Optimization problems again befell the PC version. In short, it is not recommended to play RiME at high texture detail yet, otherwise you risk getting a ladder of pixels.

But what can not find fault with is the musical component. The soundtrack of the game turned out to be rich in enchanting melodies that anticipate all your small achievements in RiME.

In which the main character has to escape from a mysterious island.

Rime- platformer, released simultaneously on various gaming platforms. It was originally supposed to be exclusive to Play Station 4, but the developer Tequila Works I decided to make the game cross-platform. The game has repeatedly been included in the lists of the most anticipated games of the year, intriguing gamers all over the world with stunningly beautiful videos and press releases.


This mesmerizing beauty adventure talking about a boy Raoul stranded on a mysterious island. He must show all his ingenuity and ingenuity to escape from it. He got there trying to impress the girl, but, alas, he sailed too far into the sea. We will not reveal all the cards, but a game with a very deep philosophical overtones and worth the time.


Rome- . Most of the time you have to gather game items accompanied by pleasant music. The threshold of entry is low - you won’t get lost with all your desire. The game will constantly leave you hints in case there are difficulties. You can also interact with local animals.

Climb rocks, swim across mountain rivers, interact with the world around you, explore the ruins of a long-vanished civilization and solve interesting ones - all this awaits you in Rome!

On which platforms will Rime be played?

  • xbox one
  • Play Station 4
  • Nintendo Switch