Russian folk line information and analytical service. Russian nationalists apply the methods of liberals. Graphics and Audio

Interview with the newspaper "Narodny Sobor" of the editor-in-chief of the news agency "Russian Line" Anatoly Stepanov.

The news agency "Russian Line" is one of the leading Orthodox-patriotic resources of Runet. RL every day promptly offers the reader comments on the most important events of the church, political and public life. Many publications of the agency invariably attract public attention, becoming a notable event in the media space. The editor-in-chief of the Russian Line, Anatoly Dmitrievich Stepanov, is also the coordinator of the People's Cathedral movement. Today he talks about the history and present day of the RL, shares his thoughts on the problems of the development of the Orthodox-patriotic media.

- Dear Anatoly Dmitrievich, first tell us a little about the history of the creation of the Russian Line.

We are one of the old-timers of the Orthodox Runet. The news agency "Russian Line" was established in 1998 in St. Petersburg on the initiative of the "Society of Zealots in Memory of Metropolitan John (Snychev)". However, this is formal, and the actual organizer and first head of the RL was Sergei Mikhailovich Grigoriev, who today is the technical director of the agency. For the first two years, the activities of the RL were supported by his heroic efforts.

It so happened that the first news block appeared on May 9, 1998, and Russian Line considers this great day in our history to be its birthday.

At first, RL worked in the format of a weekly news bulletin, and from the end of 2002 we began to prepare daily news reports. At first it was a simple relay of news from news agencies and other media, mainly on a religious topic. When we were able to increase the number of employees, we expanded the range of our activities. The news bulletin has turned into a full-fledged information picture of the day, we monitor the media every day and offer the reader an extensive collection of articles on religious, political and social topics. Gradually, we have our own authors who constantly collaborate with us.

Many note that you have a very accurate name for a news agency. "Russian Line" has already become a fairly well-known brand. Who came up with this name?

This is the fruit of collective thinking and searching. When in 1998 we discussed the idea of ​​creating an Internet agency, several options for a name were considered, including Russian Review, Russian Courier, Russian Line, etc. We considered Russian Line to be the most acceptable name. But initially there were some difficulties with it. The fact is that at that time on NTV Gusinsky had such a correspondent in Brussels by the name of Khavin, if I am not mistaken. So he constantly ended his reports like this: “Havin, the Russian line from Brussels.” Therefore, we were worried that with the name "Russian Line" we would not be registered. However, Havin's phrase "Russian line" turned out, thank God, to be an ordinary Jewish joke. And over time, in my opinion, it completely disappeared. Now "Russian Line" is us, at least in the information space.

You offer the reader, as you said, an informational picture of the day. What principles do you follow in selecting materials?

We set the bar high for ourselves from the very beginning. We proceeded from the fact that the "Russian Line" should offer the reader neither more nor less - informational picture of the day through the eyes of an Orthodox person . Moreover, it should be ALL information picture of the day. In other words, we believe that our reader - a modern Orthodox person - is interested not only in religious news, but also in political, social, cultural and even sports news. For example, when the team of Orthodox Greece won the final against the team of Catholic Portugal at the European Championships, we could not ignore this sacramental fact and prepared an appropriate commentary on this purely sporting event.

However, we, of course, pay the main attention to the events of religious and political life. These are the main topics of our news. The themes of church-society and church-state relations are always at the center of our attention; we consider the latter to be the nerve of contemporary social life in Russia. We constantly address these topics in the news and comments.

What is the product of "Russian Line" today? How do you differ from other Orthodox-patriotic media?

Today we are preparing a daily commentary feed on the most important events of the day and a news summary. Our employees single out 10-12 major events that are talked about and written about or, on the contrary, for some reason are hushed up by all the media and turn to clergymen, scientists, politicians, public figures for commentary in order to present the reader with the opinion of a competent and authoritative person on one problem or another. The commentary feed is complemented by a newsfeed in which we report what is called a "short line" on the minor religious and political events of the day.

Another part of our content is articles. These are, firstly, the articles of regular authors of the Russian line, and secondly, the press monitoring tape.

In our work, we strive primarily for efficiency and professionalism. To ensure that the reader always finds the commentary of Orthodox experts on all the most important events with us. Moreover, the comment should appear on the same day or, at worst, the next day. And of course, the message must be prepared professionally. Here are the main criteria that we are guided by. These principles are expressed by the RL slogan: "Not a day without the Russian line" .

There are topics that you pay special attention to, somehow highlight. For example, only on the Russian line could one learn the details of the case of the former mayor of Volgograd, Yevgeny Ishchenko.

Some topics on which there are a lot of messages or which remain in the center of public attention for some time, we highlight in the heading "Topical topics". So we have a unique collection of news reports and articles on topics such as "Hunting for Serbian leaders by the Hague prosecutors General Ratko Mladic and President Radovan Karadzic «, « Fundamentals of Orthodox culture «, « Patriarchal Metochion in Sokolniki“(We are leading this topic, one might say, together with the People’s Cathedral movement),“ The fate of the Yekaterinburg remains «, « Discussion about the personalities of Ivan the Terrible and Grigory Rasputin «, « Academician Ginzburg's war against Orthodoxy“, “The situation around the Assumption Monastery in Bakhchisarai” and others (now there are about 60 such topics). In these sections the reader can find all the articles and news reports published by the RL on the topic.

For several years we have been collecting messages and articles on a topic that is extremely relevant for any Orthodox person - “The construction of the third temple by the Jews.” Here you can find not only articles by Orthodox theologians and publicists, but also Jewish media reports about preparatory work which leak to the press from time to time.

For several years we have been conducting the topic “News from the Chechen War”. When the official propaganda was about an "anti-terrorist operation", and Russian soldiers and officers were dying every day in Chechnya, we tried to contribute to the information coverage of events in the North Caucasus. As a result, we have accumulated a huge array of information - daily reports of news from the Chechen war, which, however, has not yet been claimed by anyone. We decided that the Chechen war would end with the death of the leaders of the rebellion, and after the liquidation of Maskhadov and Basayev, we finished preparing our reports.

But against this background, the “Ishchenko Case” is a special topic for us. When it became known about the arrest of the Volgograd mayor Yevgeny Petrovich Ishchenko, whom we knew as a believer, the son of an Orthodox priest, a ktitor of the diocese, we tried to find people who could explain to us the background of the events. In the first weeks after the arrest, a real bacchanalia began in the media, obviously ordered articles appeared in leading newspapers, in which Ishchenko was portrayed as a swindler and embezzler. And not a single positive word about his work! With the help of Ishchenko's confessor, priest Oleg Kirichenko, who, despite the most severe pressure, did his best to help his spiritual son endure in a difficult battle, we began to receive reliable information. At first, it seemed that our information activities would be of no importance, because Ishchenko was "bombed" in thousands of copies. However, gradually the situation began to change, our activities began to bear fruit. Employees of central TV channels and newspapers began to turn to us for help and advice on the “Ishchenko case”. Now Yevgeny Petrovich is free. We are glad that our contribution, albeit a small one, is also in the restoration of justice.

By the way, we also have another experience of a successful information campaign. A couple of years ago Vladimir Nikolaevich Shulgin, Associate Professor at Kaliningrad University, asked us for support. He spoke out against the machinations of the university leadership in renaming the university, which, despite the protests of Shulgin and some other well-known scientists at the university, was named after the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. The rector of the university, Mr. Klemeshev, decided to punish the obstinate assistant professor in an exemplary manner and filed a lawsuit against him, accusing Shulgin of allegedly discrediting his honor and dignity. The rector had hired brisk lawyers and was evidently already rubbing his hands happily. However, the Russian Orthodox community of Kaliningrad rose to defend Shulgin. Vladimir Nikolayevich came to us, spoke at a meeting of the St. Petersburg Patriotic Forum, we accepted an appeal in his support, began collecting signatures, and actively informed the public. As a result, the rector was forced to retreat, since such wide publicity was clearly not in his interests, he withdrew his shameful lawsuit against Associate Professor Shulgin. This example is a vivid evidence of how it is possible to achieve success even with small forces, but with coordinated actions. Alas, we often, instead of working actively, weep and complain that we have little money, little strength. But we must work hard and trust in God's help, then we will definitely achieve success even with small forces.

You mentioned the St. Petersburg Patriotic Forum. What is it and what does it have to do with the Russian Line?

The St. Petersburg Patriotic Forum is a public organization that brings together Orthodox scholars, public figures, and publicists. The Forum was founded in May 2005 by Russkaya Liniya together with the non-profit Institute of Russian Culture, headed by Archpriest Nikolai Golovkin. Since then, more or less regularly, once a month, meetings of the Forum have been held, at which the most important ideological, political and social problems are discussed. The regular participants of the Forum are well-known people in St. Petersburg: Doctor of Philosophy Professor Alexander Leonidovich Kazin, Doctor of Historical Sciences Professor Andrey Leonidovich Vassoevich, Doctor of Philology Alexei Markovich Lyubomudrov, Associate Professor of the Theological Academy Deacon Vladimir Vasilik, Doctor of Philosophy Professor Yuri Yuryevich Bulychev, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Professor Sergei Viktorovich Lebedev, Chairman of the Council of the Orthodox Intelligentsia, Associate Professor Alexei Nikolaevich Shvechikov and others. The co-chairs of the Forum are Archpriest Nikolai Golovkin and the editor-in-chief of the RL.

The guests of the Forum were well-known politicians, public figures, scientists, among them State Duma deputies Dmitry Rogozin, Andrey Savelyev and Viktor Alksnis, Olga Nikolaevna Kulikovskaya-Romanova, Professor Igor Yakovlevich Froyanov and others.

VN Shulgin spoke at this forum. By the way, after such a successful experience, our Kaliningrad colleagues decided to establish, following our experience, the Kaliningrad Patriotic Forum, which, it should be noted, operates very effectively, turning into a prominent organization in the region.

- Are there any other projects in which the Russian line takes an active part?

We are actively collaborating with National Russian magazine"(Editor-in-chief - Sergey Vladimirovich Timchenko), which, although it appeared at the end of last year, has already managed to win the trust of a patriotic reader. A special RJ page has been created on the RL, where the reader can get acquainted with the most important publications of the journal, sometimes even before the release of the paper version. Now the design of this page is being developed, which will become an independent structural unit of the RL.

This division has been the news agency for several years now. « White Warriors» (editor-in-chief Alexander Nikolaevich Alekaev), which received in recent times wide public fame for their projects: the installation of a monument to the white general Sergei Markov in the city of Salsk, the organization of the transfer of the ashes of another general Vladimir Kappel from Harbin to Moscow and its reburial at the cemetery of the Donskoy Monastery, the installation of a memorial plaque in St. Petersburg and the planned installation of a monument in Moscow to the legendary Russian general Mikhail Skobelev.

Another project to which we attach particular importance is “ Tragedy of fratricide". This will be the name of the photo album, which is currently being actively worked on. The idea of ​​publishing a photo album belongs to one of our sponsors, an Orthodox businessman from St. Petersburg. We strongly supported this idea. The fact is that we have a strange attitude towards the civil war. In fact, the authorities are offering society to forget about this terrible tragedy, as a result of which Russia lost millions of its sons and daughters, and the Russian people were divided into “reds” and “whites”, to forget about it as some kind of unfortunate, unpleasant incident. In such a very dubious way, the authorities are trying to reconcile the “reds” and “whites”, to eliminate the division of society. Such a position is, to say the least, short-sighted.

Civil war is a terrible tragedy, the tragedy of fratricide, it is a consequence of a serious social disease of division. It is impossible to cure this disease by silence. It is no coincidence that now new political adventurers are trying to glorify the revolution and the civil war, declaring that there can be a good, national revolution. Our photo album will have to become a reminder to the society of this tragedy, of its inadmissibility.

Our activity is especially relevant in the light of the unification of the Russian Church, which has taken a decisive step towards the complete end of the civil war. We intend to dedicate the photo album “The Tragedy of Fratricide” to the reunification of the Church.

More information about the project can be found on a special page of the RL. We think of this project as a common cause and invite everyone to take part in it. Our readers from Sevastopol, Irkutsk, Kyiv, and other cities have already responded to our call by sending us photographs and documents relating to this topic.

Could you tell me, please, what are the external indicators of your work? How many people visit the site? Who are your readers? Are your materials used by other media?

Attendance is such an indicator around which there is often a lot of speculation. No one really knows what the calculation method is used by counters common on the network. We decided to act honestly by setting up several of the most popular counters: Rambler,, HotLog, etc. Anyone can check the traffic of our site by comparing the data of different counters. In May, the attendance of the RL was in the range of 6-7 thousand people per day, in the summer, of course, it decreased, but in the fall, I think we will reach the milestone of 10 thousand visitors per day. Is it a lot or a little? Among Orthodox Internet resources, this is the second result after the site of the Sretensky Monastery "Pravoslavie.Ru", but we are lagging behind the major political media.

It is difficult to answer how many readers the Russian Line has, because there are people who visit us every day, these are our most faithful, regular readers, there are people who do not read us every day, some come in from time to time, some come to us by chance through search engines. We are unable to keep records. One of the meters offers such an indicator of monthly attendance - 40-50 thousand people. Perhaps this figure is underestimated, but there is no other one, we start from it. Be that as it may, this is the circulation of a major modern magazine.

An important indicator for us is the citation index, it shows how much our materials are in demand by other media. We have this indicator of 3000, which means that we are in the third ten among all Russian-language news agencies, ahead of a number of official regional agencies.

Who are our readers? It is not easy to answer this question in relation to the Internet resource. We do not conduct special surveys. We can form some idea of ​​our readers only from personal communication, the mail that comes to us. And these ideas fully coincide with the image of the reader that we have created for ourselves. Our readers, according to our ideas, are educated Orthodox people with a fairly high social status. These are scientists, university and school teachers, clergymen, publicists, writers, businessmen, managers, in a word, the socially active part of Orthodox believers.

What is the staff of your news agency today? Who can become a Russian Line employee and how?

Today "Russian Line" is a mobile highly professional team of qualified employees.

Head of the technical department Sergei Mikhailovich Grigoriev , who from 1998 to 2004 was the editor-in-chief of the RL. He is a man of many talents. RL software is the work of his mind and hands, we have never had serious technical problems, this is the merit of the head of our technical service. In addition, Grigoriev is well versed in history, for some time he worked as a school history teacher, and now he is finishing the preparation of a unique book on the history of Galician Rus under the rule of Austria-Hungary.

Deputy Chief Editor Alexander Mikhailovich Kolyshkin , a graduate of the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg University. He started working in RL while still a student. He is now well known as an expert on ecclesiastical and political issues.

There are two newsgroups in the structure of the RL, which provide the preparation of comments and news. They are led by candidates of historical sciences Andrey Alexandrovich Ivanov and Dmitry Igorevich Stogov , both teachers of St. Petersburg universities, well-known scientists in their field. Their assistants, young boys and girls, students of St. Petersburg universities are our growing succession.

The assistant to the editor-in-chief is a well-known St. Petersburg Orthodox journalist Marina Viktorovna Mikhailova , which provides all the current work. detailed information about the employees of the RL is posted on our website in the section "We and our partners".

We have three main requirements for candidates for the staff of the RL, it must be a person 1) a believer, a church member, a parishioner of one of the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2) who knows how to work on a computer in user mode and wants to improve his skills and knowledge; 3) disciplined. People who meet these requirements take root in the RL. We had an experience when we received baptized people, but not church people, they left after a while under various pretexts.

- The Russian Line, you said, has its own circle of authors. Who are they?

Our regular contributors are well-known Orthodox scholars, clergymen, public figures and publicists. A simple list of them would take several pages, so I will name only a few, these are: Doctor of Philology, Professor of Moscow University Vladimir Alekseevich Voropaev; Doctor of Philology Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Melnik (Moscow); Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Professor Sergei Viktorovich Lebedev (Petersburg); Abbot Daniil Gridchenko (Diocese of Tula); hegumen Kirill Semenov (Moscow); Archpriest Vyacheslav Pushkarev (Diocese of Irkutsk); Secretary of the Union of Writers Nikolai Mikhailovich Konyaev (Petersburg); member of the National Union of Writers of Ukraine Stanislav Aleksandrovich Minakov (Kharkiv); member of the Writers' Union of Russia Viktor Grigoryevich Daurov (Suzdal); publicist Sergei Vasilyevich Skatov (Nizhny Novgorod); publicist Andrey Bronislavovich Rogozyansky (Kostroma region); writer Lyudmila Alexandrovna Ilyunina (Petersburg); publicist Vladimir Petrovich Semenko (Moscow); Candidate of Historical Sciences Vladimir Nikolaevich Shulgin (Kaliningrad); writer Oleg Semenovich Slepynin (Cherkassy) and others. It's really impossible to list them all.

It is also worth mentioning those people who constantly comment on the events of church and political life for the Russian line. These are well-known politicians and public figures in the country, we also consider them our co-authors. The spiritual and moral assessment of many significant events on our website is often offered by such well-known clergy as the chairman of the Synodal Department, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, Doctor of Theology Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov, St. Petersburg Archpriest Gennady Belovolov, a well-known fighter against sectarianism, Novosibirsk Archpriest Alexander Novopashin, housekeeper of the Ploschanskaya Hermitage of the Bryansk diocese Hieromonk Diomede (Kuzmin). In general, we strive to give a spiritual and moral commentary on almost all the most important events and try to more actively involve clergy, first of all, in cooperation. Recently, I think we have achieved success in this. I would also like to note that Vasily Anisimov, head of the press service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, constantly comments on the events of church life in Ukraine.

The Russian Line regularly offers the reader the opinions of venerable scientists and experts, such as Vladimir Ivanovich Dobrenkov, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology at Moscow University, Doctor of Sociology; head of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Colonel-General Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov; Rector of the Ural Institute of Business Ivan Ilyin (Yekaterinburg), Doctor of Economic Sciences Priest Alexander Minyailo; Head of the Department of International Relations of the St. Petersburg Academy of Public Administration Yury Vasilyevich Kosov; director of the Donetsk branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Doctor of Economic Sciences Professor Yuri Vladimirovich Makogon; Director of the Center for Social Research "Sofia" (Kyiv) Andrey Vasilyevich Ermolaev and others. For several years, we have been publishing exclusive materials on the situation in fraternal Serbia. As a result, we have several topical issues on the situation in Serbia. This is the result of the work of a researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences Mikhail Leonidovich Yambaev, who is a brilliant expert on the situation in Serbia and around Serbia.

We constantly publish exclusive comments by well-known Orthodox politicians, such as the leader of the Moscow branch of A Just Russia, State Duma deputy Andrey Anatolyevich Samoshin; Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Nikolayevich Baburin; State Duma deputies Dmitry Olegovich Rogozin; Viktor Imantovich Alksnis; Alexander Viktorovich Chuev; Boris Alekseevich Vinogradov; Alexander Nikolaevich Krutov; Nikolay Sergeevich Leonov; deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Yuri Aleksandrovich Boldyrev and Leonid Ivanovich Grach; Vice Mayor of Sevastopol, Doctor of Philology Vladimir Pavlovich Kazarin; Deputy Chairman of the Tula Regional Duma Vladimir Viktorovich Timakov; Deputy of the Tula Duma Konstantin Gennadievich Novikov; coordinator of the People's Cathedral movement Oleg Yurievich Kassin and others.

This is only a part of those experts whose comments are published by the RL. We value the cooperation of these people and believe that their opinion should be known to society, their voice should be heard by both society and the authorities.

- Please tell us about yourself.

I was born in 1961 in the Russian outback, in the Komarichsky district of the Bryansk region. Bryansk region is the birthplace of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev and Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. My native village of Kuban (with the accent on the first syllable) is located on the very border of Bryansk, Kursk and Oryol regions. Maternal ancestors - Kuryans, paternal - from the Bryansk region, ordinary Russian peasants. The Komaritskaya volost has long been known in history. And not only the famous dance "Komarinskaya". In the Time of Troubles at the beginning of the 17th century, there was one of the epicenters of unrest, here bandits were naughty under the leadership of a certain Cotton, the uprising could not be pacified for a long time. In the neighboring village of Brasovo there was the estate of the Grand Duke-Martyr Mikhail Alexandrovich, the brother of the Sovereign. Local peasants after 1917 did not allow the estate to be plundered. During the Great Patriotic War, this territory was the location of the so-called "Lokot Russian Republic", created by opponents of Soviet power (a little-known episode of our tragic history so far).

In 1976, our family moved to the Far East, where I graduated from high school in the city of Nakhodka, and then from the Faculty of History of the Far Eastern University in Vladivostok. For a long time he lived in the capital of the Primorsky Territory, was engaged in teaching, social work, served as an officer in the army. In 1990-1993, he studied as a postgraduate student at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) University at the Department of Russian History, which at that time was headed by the famous Russian historian Igor Yakovlevich Froyanov, prepared a dissertation on the ideology of Russian conservatism, which, unfortunately, did not have time to finish .

During these years, I came to the Church, for some time I was an employee of the press service of Metropolitan John (Snychev) of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, I worked as an editor of the Russian Orthodox Patriot newspaper, and a scientific editor of the Tsarskoye Delo publishing house. Due to everyday circumstances, I had to live in Vladivostok for two years, where I was deputy dean of the Faculty of Political Science of the Far Eastern University, and since 1996 I have been living permanently in St. Petersburg.

Since 2000, I have been working at Russkaya Liniya, and in 2004 I became the agency's editor-in-chief.

In addition to journalistic activities, I do not leave historical research in the field of the history of the Russian right-monarchist (Black Hundred) movement of the early twentieth century. In 2003, I was co-editor and author of a significant number of articles for the volume "Russian Patriotism", which was published as part of the "Encyclopedia of the Russian People", published by the famous scientist and writer Oleg Anatolyevich Platonov. In 2006, the publishing house "Tsarskoye Delo" published a book of essays about the leaders of the monarchical movement "The Host of St. George", the compilers of which and the authors of most of the articles were the editor of the RL Andrey Ivanov and your obedient servant. I hope that this year will be published collections of works by prominent right-wing figures, one of the leaders of the Black Hundred, Vladimir Andreyevich Gringmut, and the head of the right-wing faction of the 3rd State Duma, Professor Andrei Sergeevich Vyazigin. In the first book, I act as a compiler, author of an introductory article and comments, the second we prepared together with the Kharkov historian Professor Alexander Dmitrievich Kaplin. Finally, the Black Hundred Encyclopedic Dictionary, the fruit of many years of work, not only mine, should be published this fall. This will be the most complete collection of knowledge about the forgotten and slandered Russian public figures, many of whom were martyred during the years of the Chekist terror.

The latest issue of the Zavtra newspaper (No. 48) contains an article by the publicist Andrey Soshenko. Soshenko is one of the regular authors of the RNL portal, on the pages of which our polemic with him on the theme of the Russian revolution and on national issues was recently published. Andrei Vitalievich positions himself as a Russian nationalist and tries to zealously defend the ethnic interests of Russians.

Is there a "Russian" problem? - Yes, there is. Is it necessary to fight for the interests of the Russian people? - Yes, you should. But you can fight in different ways, and the way Andrey Soshenko does it makes me bewildered. He looks at the period from 2002. to 2017, that is, the last 15 years, and according to him, it turns out that the current Russian government from 2002 to this day has not improved its attitude towards the Russian people at all. But this is not true! Firstly, our government itself is heterogeneous - there are both Russophobic and Russophile groups (by the way, the same was the case under the Soviet regime), and in the early 2000s the Russophobic wing clearly dominated the Russian leadership. But even then, to say, as Soshenko does in her article, that "since August 2002, the flywheels of the 'extremist' articles 282 and 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation have been in full swing" would be a clear exaggeration. There could no longer be any "full reel" in the "Russian Question" after Yeltsin's departure. On the contrary, there has been a tendency for the Russians to recapture the Russian space. And the defeat of the Russian liberoids on Bolotnaya is clear evidence that Russian resistance has begun to grow.

Soshenko recalls the events of a decade ago, when criminal cases were initiated in Obninsk against several representatives of the Russian intelligentsia. But after all, it is not clear from Andrey Vitalyevich's article - for what exactly these cases were initiated, and this is very important. Why did Soshenko need such a revolutionary, almost Bolshevik in rhetoric, maxim: “Obninsk is not some kind of political anomaly, where an exemplary forceful flogging of Russian journalists took place. Not at all. This small town is just a slice of harsh Russophobic reality. Some kind of invisible, but well-known hand of the anti-state "fifth column" is trying to "clean up" the spokesmen for Russian interests, the Russian elite. In fact, the brain, soul and conscience of the nation is being destroyed, driven into the ghetto. Are these people either in prisons, or in exile, or on the wanted list (in particular, this applies to members of the Russian National Union (RONS), banned in Russia), or are they no longer alive? After all, things are not so simple with the RONS: the founders of the RONS wanted to turn their Union into a political nationalist party fighting for power. Moreover, note that Andrey Vitalievich directly transfers the events of ten years ago to our days. And where is today the “ghetto” into which the “brain, soul and conscience of the nation” are driven? Personally, I do not find this "ghetto". Maybe by “ghetto” Soshenko understands the Russian Orthodox Church, in which the brain, soul and conscience of the people are really found? I repeat, this quotation, and indeed the whole article, in rhetoric and in spirit are completely dissident, if not Bolshevik. Try replacing some of Soshenko's words with those that Vladimir Ilyich and his associates used to say, and you will see for yourself.

In those years, which Soshenko writes about as a period of hopeless Russophobia on the part of the authorities, everything was much more complicated. First of all, I repeat, the Russian people themselves began to change after Yeltsin and build up their patriotic potential. Power has also changed. Let's start with the fact that President Vladimir Putin was initially set up to protect Russian interests. Then he, of course, could not immediately implement everything he wanted. But now, after many years, we see that Vladimir Vladimirovich is a Russian patriot. It is for this that the West hates him fiercely. Is not it? And Andrei Vitalievich, it turns out that even today, nothing has changed for the better with regard to the Russian people in the Russian government.

By the way, I want to remind Soshenko of May 2012, when my article “From a “control walk” to a control shot” was published on the RNL, in which Russian interests were defended and liberal lawlessness was denounced. Then one of the St. Petersburg district prosecutor's offices opened a case against the editor-in-chief of the RNL Anatoly Stepanov and me, which threatened to develop into a criminal prosecution. I remember how the experienced prisoner Konstantin Dushenov gave Anatoly Dmitrievich and me advice on what to cook first of all from personal belongings before they came to arrest us - everything was so serious. But the patriotic community rose to our defense, the case came to the attention of the Central Prosecutor's Office, and it all ended with the Deputy Chief Prosecutor of St. Petersburg calling me personally and saying the following: “Don't worry, the case is closed. The Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg apologizes to you." I asked the prosecutor: “Why could this happen at all?” To which he answered me: “We also have different people in the prosecutor's office - there are patriots, but there are non-patriots.” Then we, Russian patriots, by joint efforts with state authorities won a great legal, spiritual and moral victory over our opponents. And, of course, today the conclusion that Soshenko makes in his article is completely inappropriate: “Now the state is “chewing” the remnants of the Russian elite in the person of those leaders of the Russian nation who supported and continue to support Russian President V.V. Putin." He considers the persecution of the editor-in-chief of Russky Vestnik Oleg Anatolyevich Platonov and the unsuccessful attempts to attract the editor-in-chief of the RNL Anatoly Dmitrievich Stepanov on “Russian” articles as an example of such ““ chewing up ” the remnants of the Russian elite. We, of course, fully support the Russian patriots Oleg Platonov and Anatoly Stepanov. But ""chewing" the remnants of the Russian elite" and here, dear Andrey Vitalievich? What, are mass arrests of Russian patriots taking place in Russia now? Close the newspaper "Tomorrow", which is engaged in upholding Russian interests? Close the portal "Russian People's Line"? Did they put Soshenko and Katasonov, and at the same time Filimonov, in the same cell? Why these hyperboles of yours, dear Andrey Vitalievich? It is precisely in the cases of Platonov and Stepanov that the weakening forces of our liberal opponents in power are revealed. In fact, they can no longer do anything with the growing Russian self-consciousness day by day.

At the end of the article, Soshenko proclaims: “If the “Russian” articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are not categorically and irrevocably canceled in the near future, and politically repressed carriers of Russian identity are not returned to creative, state activities from prisons, abroad and searches, then neither the country nor you not physically survive. I don't understand - why did you, dear Andrey Vitalyevich, need to resort to typical dissident methods in defending the interests of the Russian people? Why are you like the liberals, who today use any, even the most insignificant, reason to raise a cry about Stalinist repressions and camps, as was recently the case with the director Srebrennikov? The difference between the small liberal people and the Russian nationalists is only in ethnic accents, and the methods are always the same. And it is useless for the author of the article to fasten to his hyperbolic dissident conclusions the respected Schema-Archimandrite Blasius from St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery.

Priest Alexander Shumsky, publicist

Lineage 2 is an online role-playing game for personal computers on the Windows platform, better known as "lineage". The ancestor of client MMOPRGs appeared back in 2003 in South Korea and since then continues to set the tone for the entire community. Perhaps it is worth saying that the game is included in and this is of course correct. But in my subjective opinion, the "line" is above all ratings, and the novelties of client online games are still far from it, because without L2 the concept of client fantasy would not exist at all. Many modern projects simply copied the game Lineage 2 and stuck it in "their" universe (DARK ERA, BLACK DESERT, Sphere 3, NEVERWINTER). In general, the project adheres to the business model familiar to this genre - free-to-play, although there is content purchased in the internal store for real money.

Lineage 2 game review

The game will take the user to the established world of Aden, divided into two vast kingdoms. The history of the creation of the world and the appearance of the races inhabiting it are lost, but in the course of the passage you can collect some grains that give some understanding of the times preceding the game. You have to plunge into the world, absorbed endless war good and evil and the choice of side is not the most fundamental factor. Each new update takes the story in an unexpected direction.

Overview of classes and races

Seven different races are available for character creation, each with its own strengths and weaknesses (PANZAR is silently jealous). For all races, there are two main classes - a warrior and a mystic, and when you reach level 75, you can take a double class (or, more precisely, a triple one). To list all classes and their subspecies is really long, so in short:

  • Humans are the most common ethnicity in the game world, humans are the most versatile. They make both excellent warriors and capable mystics. Balanced tanks, decent mages and summoners.
  • Elves are representatives of an ancient and noble race, the best archers and support mages. The military branch is not the best, but mages, like healers, come first.
  • Dark elves are not much different from their kind, with the exception of dark skin (due to living underground) and a love of melee weapons. Insidious killers and the most damage procasters of all.
  • Orcs are belligerent and unstoppable, if an orc warrior is a dangerous opponent, then an orc shaman is a nightmare. Excellent melee fighters and strong shamans, able to both provide support and personally participate in the fight.

  • Gnomes are undersized strong warriors, masters of crafting and spoiling. Among all races, the best gatherers and artisans (spoil and crafting allows dwarves to be the richest characters). It should be noted that very often experienced players create another hero of this particular race to extract resources and craft things (such a decision will save you a lot of game currency And besides, it will allow you to get rich).
  • Kamael - representatives of a race of half-divine beings (this half, let's say, is not the kindest). A good choice of both fighters, damgers, and tanks, mages do not have pronounced features.
  • Artei - like Kamael, partly people, partly Gods, only the divinity in them is brighter. As an alternative to the dark "relatives" they have good magical specialists, but weaker warriors.
  • In the opinion of most players, the most universal race is precisely the people, and the most common class is the Commander of Tyr (an excellent balance of damage and defense makes such characters desirable allies in battle).

Video trailer


Now you won’t surprise anyone with the gameplay of the line, but in those days when it came out, these were innovative innovations. Unique system battles, pumping, obtaining specialties and classes is the standard for heirs. And the system of non-linear quests is still used not only in online games. You can also note the possibility of capturing territories and castles, which even today are not present everywhere. You can play Linage 2 both alone (solo) and in the company of friends or clan members, firstly, the level is pumped faster, and secondly, as part of a group (party), you can farm well on small and large bosses.


You can talk about the features for a long time, but it is simply impossible to tell and sort them all out "on the shelves". The main elements can be identified as a developed resource extraction system (spoil) and a deep crafting system (not only weapons with armor, but also amulets, jewelry, bottles of HP recovery, manna, elixirs). PvP battles set the tone for many decades, it was in L2 that the possibility of clan (guild) wars with the seizure of territories was introduced. The abundance of pets (both small and useless, and impressive flying dragons) and the social component (for example: you can arrange weddings with all the ensuing consequences) will distract you from destroying crowds of creeps and raiding world bosses. There is a system of titles and nobility (a sort of rating option), the main "prize" will be getting the status of a Hero (which absolutely all users aspire to).


System requirements

In Lineage 2, the system requirements have not changed much over the years. The Unreal Engine 2.5 engine is still responsible for the visual element (which is gradually "finished" and improved with each update). For comfortable game You will need a computer with the following configuration:

  • Operating system- Windows Vista/7/8 (support for 32 and 64 bit systems)
  • Processor - Intel Core 2 or equivalent from AMD
  • Video card - Geforce 7600, any other with shaders of the second version.
  • RAM- 1 Gb ideally 2Gb

Is it worth playing? Results.

The line is still the flagship of the world of client-side MMORPGs, which will be an excellent option for getting to know this genre. Besides new Lineage 2 (Last update) brought to the game a lot of new adventures, enemies, things and of course improved graphics. If you liked the review of Lineage 2, tell a friend about it. :)

42 10

Title: Lineage II - Gracia Epilogue (Plus)
Year: 2009
Developer: NCSoft
Publisher: NCsoft, Innova Systems
Publication type: license
Interface language: Russian / English
Voice language: English
NoDVD: not required

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Processor: 2.0 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Hard disk: 10 GB free space
Video card: 128 MB
Sound card: DirectX compatible
Internet connection: 128 kilobytes per second

Lineage 2 is a legendary MMORPG in which you, as a hero, travel across a vast fantasy world in search of adventure, along with thousands of other players.
Unique races, an interesting character development system by class, many abilities and spells, excellent graphics, colorful world, which is full of monsters, dungeons and cities, a developed PvP system (player versus player), epic battles for fortresses and castles, a unique organization of guilds and clans - and this is just a part of what Lineage 2 game made a revolution in the genre and received the recognition of millions players around the world!

DriveDrom Servers:
Despite the abundance of different Chronicle Lineage 2, we stayed true to the chronicles of Epilogue, these chronicles, in our opinion, were the most successful and balanced. Our server is based on the release of Lineage 2 Epilogue, which ensures high stability, reliability, data safety and eliminates malfunctions, malfunctions, cheating, qualified personnel work around the clock and powerful hardware is used to maintain performance.

Information about x10 server:
 Server rates: EXP: x10 SP: x10 Adena: x12 Drop: x10 Spoil: x6
 Obtaining the first and second profession does not require passing the quest. For the third, you will have to do a quest. It is also possible to buy them for a donation (this feature will not lead to an imbalance on the server, but it will make it possible to improve our project).
 A convenient donation store where you can buy a lot of things you need (up to A Grade).
 Unique protection of the server side.
 Global event 7 seals works in full cycle.
 Unique server part (corresponds to the official server).
 Carefully designed map and surface textures (Geodata).
 A fully functional Olympiad.
 All skills and clan skills work.
 Lack of donate things (after A Grade) affecting game balance.
 Catacombs, 7 seals, nobility, sub classes are 100% functional.
 Augmentation and sharpening skills.
 Fixes for many known bugs.

Technical specifications:
Processor: 2 x Quad Core XEON E5335 ( [email protected])
Memory: 8 Gb DDR2 FB-DIMM KINGSTON (expandable up to 32 Gb)
Hard drives: 3x100Gb SATA2 (RAID 5 Base; 1xServer; 1xWindows), 2x500 GB HDD - backup.
1) Every 10 minutes backup is saved locally + uploaded to a remote FTP server;
2) Optical channel: 1Gb/s

The team wishes you a pleasant game

This client is required to play on servers

Repack features:
√ nothing cut or recoded
√ Estimated installation time: 13 minutes


In the classic version of L2, the user can choose one of five races: human, elf, dark Elf, orc, dwarf. You can give him interesting facial features, hair, clothes and ammunition. From the very beginning, you have to prepare for epic battles, as well as master the basics of the economy. AT starting location you will have to fight monsters and go through simple quests to gain experience and skills. In general, you will have several characteristics that determine the strength of your hero. These are health, mana, attack power. All of them increase upon reaching the next level.

Also in the game you can create, join clans and unite with others to form an alliance. Clans can fight each other, participate in the battle for castles and forts.

Game Features:

  • pumping a character up to level 99;
  • various locations;
  • a large number of monsters and classes;
  • trade in valuable items, spells and equipment;
  • exciting online battles on servers.

We liked:

  • there are many options for combat in PVP and PVE, which allows each player to choose their own tactics, master the techniques of combat with real players or with monsters;
  • it is possible to fight both independently and in alliances or clans;
  • You can download Lineage 2 for free.

We didn't like:

  • it takes a very long time to reach new levels;
  • not fully thought out map of locations;
  • it is not always possible to skip the animated intros.

Along with the classic Lineage 2, the developers have also released an updated version - Lineage 2. It is distinguished by accelerated pumping and the ability to carry out cross-server sieges. Although the main innovation is, of course, two new races. Players now have access to representatives of the Kamael race, who have mastered dark magic, the warriors of Artey, who have conquered the power of the wind. In honor of the latter, in fact, the game is named. These characters have mastered Alchemy and are therefore able to craft valuable items themselves. In addition to joining existing clans on the server or creating your own, you can challenge those that are on other servers. For such a battle, you will need to be among the 70 strongest characters whose level is not lower than 85. The winners of the server war will receive unique bonuses, including Energy from Another Dimension, distributed to all players and valid for an hour. Interestingly, in updated version you can restore experience in the training camp, including offline. Also, when you exit the Network, you are allowed to remain in the auction.

Playing Lineage 2 is much more fun due to access to crafting, which was previously only possible with dwarves. Cross-server battles are sure to appeal to those who seek glory, while offline mode for the Training Camp and Auction will attract players who want to get at least a few hours of sleep before the next battle.


  • World of Warcraft - an exciting multiplayer role-playing game with characters such as Blood Elves, Goblins and Tauren.
  • is another fantasy RPG from NCsoft with angels, demons and dragons.