Chess player Sergey Karyakin - biography, photo, career. Chess wives Russian chess player Karjakin

Russian chess player Grandmaster. The youngest grandmaster in history and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. FIDE World Cup Winner 2015. World Rapid Chess Champion. Doha World Blitz Champion 2016. Honored Master of Sports.
Member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation VI composition.

Sergey Karyakin was born on January 12, 1990 in the city of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. The boy learned to play chess at the age of five. Then he entered the chess club named after Alexander Momot in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk region, which was famous even then for its pupils. Sergey Karyakin was no exception and added to the list key figures in the world of chess. Trained with international master Alexander Aleksikov.

Sergey is a repeated winner of the children's and youth championships of the world and Europe. Winner and prize-winner of a number of major tournaments: champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian team in 2004.

On July 25, 2009, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, he was granted Russian citizenship. From the same year he became a member of the Russian chess team. Karyakin explains his move to change citizenship by the lack of prospects for development in Crimea and by the fact that he has always considered himself Russian.

Also, Karjakin is the silver medalist of the Olympics as part of the Russian team in 2010. On his board, he showed the best result of 8 out of 10 and received the first individual prize.

In 2012, he signed a contract with the Alpari company to provide sponsorship under the motto "Let's return the chess crown to Russia." In 2015, due to the difficult economic situation in Russia, the contract was terminated, but further sponsorship from Alpari was resumed.

Karyakin graduated from the Russian State Social University with a degree in Social Pedagogy. In March 2017, by Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, he became a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In 2016, he won the Candidates Tournament and became a rival current champion world Magnus Carlsen in the 2016 World Chess Championship Match. As a result, after a long and equal struggle, Carlsen managed to retain the title of world champion.

In the same year, at the World Rapid and Blitz Championship, Sergey managed to outplay his opponent in the second category and become the winner. Magnus Carlsen again became his opponent in the tournament.

In Karjakin's professional career, 2017 was marked by a rapid chess match. His opponent was Garry Kasparov, for whom this game was the first after his return. The competition was held in St. Louis, USA. Grandmasters tied.

Sports Achievements of Sergey Karyakin

2009 - winner of 71 international tournaments
2010, 2012, 2014 - winner of the Russian Team Championship
2013, 2014 - winner of the International Tournament in Stavanger
2013 - World Team Championship winner
2015 - World Chess Cup winner
2016 - Candidates Tournament Winner

Sergey Karyakin is a Russian chess player and grandmaster. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine and Russia. Until 2009, he had Ukrainian citizenship and played for Ukraine. Born in the 90th year in the city of Simferopol.

At the age of twelve he was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest grandmaster. He left his homeland, because he did not see prospects for development for himself. Living in Russia and training under the guidance of two eminent coaches, he quickly became one of the leading athletes in the world. Recipient of the Order of Merit. He is the world champion in rapid chess and blitz.

Since 2017, he has been a member of the Public Chamber. He opened a chess club in Moscow at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University and two clubs in the Crimea.

Personal life

In 2009, he married Ekaterina Dolzhikova, but they divorced a couple of years later.

In 2014, he married Galiya Kamalova. A year and a half later, the newlyweds had a son, Alexei, and two years later, a second son.

Sergey Karyakin's apartment in Yalta

Two bedrooms and a kitchen combined with a living room - this is quite enough for a comfortable family holiday in the summer.

To the sea only 20 meters. If you open the windows at night, you can hear the surf, and in the morning you can go out into the garden and have breakfast right on the street overlooking the sea.

According to CIAN, real estate in Yalta by the sea can be bought from 3 to 17 million rubles and more.

House of Sergey Karyakin

At the end of 2009, he moved from Ukraine and, with the help of the patronage of Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, received Russian citizenship, after which he was given housing in a new building located in the capital. Then this property was exchanged for a cottage in the Odintsovo district. With the purchase helped one of the former chess players, who is currently engaged in construction business. I managed to buy a good lot in an elite place for reasonable money.

The three-story brick mansion is located along the Rublevo-Uspenskoye highway in the village of Soloslovo, it belongs to business class housing.

On a spacious plot, fruit trees and shrubs mainly grow, as well as other crops that the wife is engaged in.

On the ground floor are: living room, kitchen and dining room. The living room is traditionally lined with a large white fireplace, next to which is a seating area.

The owners are adherents of classical style and hi-tech. The design is made in light beige tones with dark accents.

Compact and multifunctional dining room without unnecessary details.

The study is decorated in dark colors with a large granite table and a leather armchair. There are many bright, but not conspicuous details in the room, as well as a large number of paintings and figurines.

On the second floor: master bedroom and children's room. The third - basement floor is given over to a guest room and a place for receiving guests with a ping-pong table.

According to CIAN, a cottage in the village of Soloslovo costs from 18 to 85 million and more.

Sergey Karjakin is one of the brightest and most titled chess players of our time. He is one of those about whom they say - young and early. As a 12-year-old teenager, Serezha becomes the youngest grandmaster in the history of world chess. Today, to this title, he has added the titles of World Rapid Chess Champion, Olympic Champion, World Cup Winner 2015 and World Blitz Champion (Doha 2016).

Sergey Karyakin during the international chess tournament(Wijk aan Zee, The Netherlands)

Sergey was born on January 12, 1990 in Simferopol. According to his mother, already at the age of five he became interested in playing chess, but then no one attached serious importance to this. True, the whole family helped as best they could, but Sergey himself showed enviable perseverance. He often played with himself, of course, lost and was upset to tears about this. After the first successes, when Karjakin became the winner of the championships of Ukraine and Europe among children, he was noticed and invited to train in the chess club of Kramatorsk. He will stay there for two years and it is at this time that Sergey will receive the title of grandmaster, for which he will deservedly enter the Guinness Book of Records.

According to the chess player, great diligence helped him to achieve such a result. As a child, he trained almost every day, doing 6-7 hours. Invaluable help was provided by the coaches, who were always there, supporting with advice and kind words. To fit into such a schedule, I had to study on an individual basis. After graduating from the Simferopol gymnasium, Sergey entered the RSSU (Russian State Social University) with a degree in Social Pedagogy, from which he received a diploma in 2013.

Change of citizenship

In 2009, the already world-famous grandmaster decided to leave for Russia. And this is despite the enchanting success achieved as part of the Ukrainian team, when in 2004 Sergey Karyakin, together with his comrades, became champions of the Chess Olympiad. The main reason for this step is the lack of opportunities for full-fledged training and, as a result, vague growth prospects. And Sergey's goal is the highest - to become a world champion. Since then, Karjakin has repeatedly taken part in the Russian team in major international competitions, for example, in the World Team Championship.

Success Secrets

Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, the Russian grandmaster is convinced that a chess player must be in excellent physical shape. Therefore, Sergey pays close attention to sports training - he swims a lot, rides a bike, goes in for game types sports (football, basketball, tennis). And in this he is helped by friends from the world of sports. For example, Karjakin sometimes conducts cross-country training with athlete Maria Savinova, and walks on his hands with his full namesake, the world champion in modern pentathlon Sergey Karyakin.

Sergey Karjakin's kick on the ball in time, which took place during the weekend at the tournament in Wijk aan Zee 2016

At Karjakin's headquarters, there is always a physical training coach who determines the daily routine during major tournaments. In his schedule, there is always a place for a pool, a gym and a good night's sleep.

Looking at his career, the chess player is sure that in order to reach great heights and win major tournaments, you need to start playing from an early age. It is then that the foundation is laid on the basis of which further successes are built.

Chess achievements

By the age of 26, Sergey Karjakin has become a highly titled chess player. He is the winner of the 36th Chess Olympiad (2004) as a member of the Ukrainian team and the second prize-winner of the 40th championship as a member of the Russian team (2012). Winner of the club championship of the country in the teams "Tomsk-400" (2012) and "Malachite" (2014), where he became the best on the first board. In the same year, Sergei repeated his success with Malachite by winning the European Championship. In 2015, he won the World Cup in Baku, beating compatriot P. Svidler in a dramatic final.

In March 2016, Sergey won in, after which he held the title of world chess champion. Although Karjakin could not win, he showed a very quality game- the outcome of the match was decided only in a tie-break.

Sergey Karjakin and Magnus Carlsen. World Championship Match (New York, 2016)

In December 2016, Sergey Karjakin won the World Blitz Championship in Doha (Qatar), beating Magnus Carlsen.

A family

The first time Karjakin married at the age of 19 was a 20-year-old from Kiev Ekaterina Dolzhikova (Grandmaster of Ukraine, International Master).

Sergey Karyakin and Ekaterina Dolzhikova

Divorce from Dolzhikova Karyakin commented as follows:

"Did not get along. We are completely different. I'm more calm, she's explosive. And in general - another. Two years met before the wedding, another one and a half lived together. I hoped we would be able to get used to it, but ... Not fate, probably.

Acquaintance with his beloved wife Galina took place within the walls of the university where the famous grandmaster transferred and where the girl worked. The first time they met was when it was necessary to settle the formalities associated with the move, but then a close acquaintance did not work out. Only after the Olympiad tournament, where the Russian team became the second, did the young people begin a stormy romance. Galya is not an amateur at all ancient game- she studied at the department of chess and knows many subtleties of this craft. In 2014, Sergey and Galina got married.

Wedding photography - Sergey Karyakin with his wife Galiya (2014)

After marriage, the wife became a regular at tournaments with the participation of Sergei and turned out to be his lucky talisman.

  • One day Sergei suggested that all players who have overcome a rating of 2700 points should be given the official title of super grandmaster. But the majority of chess players did not support the idea.
  • Karjakin is not at all alien to ordinary hobbies. In his free time, besides sports, he likes to go to the cinema and play bowling.
  • According to Sergey, the first message to the game came to him after he heard an advertising slogan on TV at the age of 5 with the words "Even a pawn can become a queen."
  • During a simultaneous game session held in London on the initiative of Lord Rothschild, Karjakin had to play on 20 boards against 72 opponents for 6 hours. During this time, he managed to wind up, moving around the hall, from a dozen kilometers.
  • Becoming international grandmaster at the age of 12 years and 211 days, Sergei surpassed the achievement of his teammate Ruslan Ponomaryov, who achieved this title at 14 years and 17 days.
  • At the age of 12, he was accepted into the coaching staff of Ruslan Ponomarev, after which he also turned out to be the youngest coach in the history of chess.
  • In one of his interviews, Karyakin said that instead of chess, he could successfully engage in real estate activities.
  • For three years, from 2012 to 2015, Sergey Karyakin was sponsored by ALPARI (a dealing center providing access to the Forex currency market). Sponsorship was allocated under the motto "Let's return the chess crown to Russia." In 2015, due to the difficult economic situation in Russia, the contract was terminated.

It's always more fun with a sponsor, even if you have to wear promotional patches


Misha Osipov and Sergey Karyakin

Transfer "Best of all" with Maxim Galkin (December 25, 2016). Sergey Karjakin played with the young chess player Mikhail Osipov - a friendly draw!

Blitz game Svidler - Karjakin

The last game of the World Cup Baku 2015 with commentary.

Games with comments

Karjakin - So (Spanish part)

Saint Louis, 2017

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.O-O Nf6 5.d3 O-O 6.h3 d6 7.c3 a6 8.a4 Ba7 9.Re1 h6 (9...Ne7 10.Nbd2 Ng6 11.Nf1 c6 12.Bb3 d5 13.Ng3 Be6 14.exd5 Nxd5 ( Harikrishna,P (2737)-Bacrot,E (2715) Biel 2017 )) a pawn sacrifice, because ) 10.axb5 axb5 11.Bxb5 ( refuted by ) 11...Bxf2+ 12.Kxf2 Rxa1) 10.Nbd2 Be6 11.Bxe6 fxe6 12.b4 (( This week Ding Liren lost in this variation with White Anish Giri: ) 12.Nf1 Nh5 13.Be3 a5 14.Bxa7 Rxa7 15.d4 Qf6 16.Re3 Nf4 17.h4 Qg6 18.g3 Raa8 19.dxe5 Nxe5 20.Nxe5 dxe5 21.f3 Rad8 22.Qc2 Nh5 23. Kh2 Rf6 24.Rd1 Rdf8 25.Rdd3 Qf7 26.Qd1 Rg6 27.Qe1 Qe7 28.Kh3 Rxg3+!29.Nxg3 Nf4+ 30.Kh2 Qxh4+ 31.Kg1 Rf6 32.Rd8+ Kh7 33.Rd2 Rg6 34.Rg2 h5 Rxg3+ 36.Kh1 Qg5 37.Qf1 h4 38.Re1 h3 39.Rd1 Qh5 40.Rd7 Qxf3+ 41.Qxf3 Rxf3 42.Rhd2 Kh6 43.Rd8 Kh5 44.Rh8+ Kg4 45.Rd1 Ne2) 12...Qe8 $146 (12 ...Nh5 13.Ra2 Qf6 14.Nc4 b5 15.Ne3 Bb6 16.Ng4 Qe7 17.Be3 Bxe3 18.fxe3 Rab8 ( Anand,B (2786)-Carlsen, M (2832) Stavanger 2017 )) 13.Nf1 Nh5 14.Be3 Bxe3 15.Rxe3 Nf4 16.Rb1 b5 ( Prevents Karjakin's further attack on the queenside, but weakens So's queenside. ) 17.Ra1 ( Since the b-file has closed, Karjakin logically returns the rook to the a-file, which can now open at any moment. ) 17...Qg6 (( Immediate ) 17...d5 (same shortcomings , what and what and on any move in the future, but right now Black could threaten the d4 advance, weakening White's queenside. )) 18.Ng3 Qf6 19.Ne2 Ng6 20.Qb3 Kh8 21.Rf1 Rab8 22.g3 Qf7 (( Both grandmasters missed the quite obvious answer ) 22...Nf4!( which is quite strong, considering that the e3 rook is hindered by its own knights. ) 23.gxf4 (23.axb5 axb5 (23...Nxe2+ 24.Rxe2 Qxf3 25. Re3 (and White takes on c6, restoring the material balance and gaining an advantage. On ) 25...Qh5 (we can continue) 26.g4 (just to protect the h3-pawn. )) 24.Nxf4 exf4 25.Ree1 (and Black has an acceptable position, although White has everything under control.)) ((exchange can be included) 23.Nxf4 exf4 24.Ree1 bxa4 (distracting the queen) 25.Qxa4 (25.Qa3 Ne5 26.Nxe5 Qxe5 27.g4 Qb5) 25... fxg3 26.fxg3 Qxc3) 23...Qg6+ (important th check to protect the pawn e6. ) (23...exf4 24.Nxf4 Qxf4 25.axb5 axb5 26.Qxe6) 24.Kh1 exf4 (with Black's advantage. White will have to return the knight, and Black is better off by attacking the white king. )) 23.Nh2 d5 (After maneuvering on both flanks, So decides it's time to advance in the center. This decision requires an analysis of the long-term consequences: by gaining space, So gains a long-term weakness on the c5 square. When and if the white knight gets to the queenside, it will take a favorable position on this square. ) 24.Rf3 Qd7 25.axb5 axb5 26.Kg2 Rxf3 27.Nxf3 Rf8 (It never hurts to put the rook on a half-open file. The game move also prepares a tactical strike.) 28.Neg1 (( Karjakin would like to play) 28.Nd2? (but this immediately runs into ) 28...dxe4) (28.Ra1 ( one cannot advise not only because the rook should protect the kingside, but also because White would have a tactical blow in store ) 28...dxe4 29.dxe4 Rxf3 30.Kxf3 Qd3+ 31.Kg2 Qxe2) 28...Ra8 29.Rc1 Qd6 30.Ne1 Nge7 31.Ngf3 Ng8 32.Nc2 Nf6 33.Re1 Rf8 34.Na3 Rb8 35.Nc2 Rf8 36.Na3 Rb8 37.Nb1 Nd7 38.Nbd2 d4?! (So ​​is tired of endless maneuvering, but this move creates new weaknesses. Even though Karjakin constantly threatened to take on d5, this opening of the file for the rook did nothing, since the e5-pawn was very well defended. Now Karjakin moves the rook to the c-file, attacking pawn c7.) 39.Rc1 dxc3?! ((Better) 39...Rb7 ( defending the c7-pawn (Karjakin). )) 40.Qxc3 Rb6 41.Nb3 (White's advantage is clear. Finally, Karjakin can put his knight on c5. Wesley So doesn't want to suffer in silence and tries to counterattack) 41...Nxb4 42.Qxc7 Kh7 (42...Nxd3 43.Qd8+ Kh7 44.Rc8 ( leads to a winning attack. )) 43.d4 (Usually, White shouldn't have given the opponent a chance to split isolated pawns, but here the attack is the weaknesses on b5 are more important than the improvement of Black's structure) 43...Qxc7 (43...exd4) 44.Rxc7 Nf6 (Karjakin was very pleased to find the following maneuver: ) 45.Nc5! Na6 (45...exd4 ( looks absolutely necessary. )) 46.Rc8! Nxc5 (( The rationale for the combination was ) 46...exd4 47.e5 Nxc5 (47...Nd5 48.Nd7 ( and the white knight is ready to deliver the decisive blow Nf8+ )) 48.exf6 ( Black will have to give up a piece without any chance of a draw . )) 47.dxc5 Ra6 48.Nxe5 Nxe4 49.c6 Ra2 50.Kf3 ( The next move surprised Karjakin. “The knight on h3 will be out of play.”) 50...Ng5+? (50...Nf6 51.Rb8 Ra3+ 52.Kg2 Rc3 53.Rxb5 (obviously, towards the exit for White, but he would still have to solve technical problems to convert the advantage.)) 51.Ke3 Nxh3 52.Rb8 Rc2 53.f4 h5 54.Rxb5 Nf2 55.Kd4 Rd2+ 56.Kc5 Ne4+ 57.Kb6 Rc2 58.c7 Nd6 59.Rb3 Ne8 60.Nc6 Nxc7 61.Kxc7 Rc4 62.Kd6 h4 63.Ne5 1-0

Karjakin - Dreev (Sicilian Defence)

Isle of Man, 2019

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 .Nxc6 (Karjakin goes for main variant.) (6. Ndb5 (leads to the transition to the Chelyabinsk Variation after) 6... d6 ((Historically, in the Four Knights Variation, Black moved to positions in the spirit of the French Defence:) 6... Bb4 7. a3 Bxc3+ 8. Nxc3 d5 (By the way, Dreev is a big connoisseur of this opening too...)) 7. Bf4 e5 8. Bg5) 6... bxc6 7. e5 Nd5 8. Ne4 Qc7 9. f4 Qb6 10. c4 Bb4+ 11. Ke2 f5 12. exf6 Nxf6 13. Be3 Qd8 14. Nd6+ Bxd6 15. Qxd6 Bb7 16. g4 (16. Kd1 (worse for White:) 16... c5 17. Bd3 Rc8 18. Kc2 Qb6 19. Qxb6 axb6 20. a4 Bxg2 21. Rhg1 Be4 22. Rxg7 Bg6 23. f5 Nh5 24. Bh6 Nxg7 25. Bxg7 Rg8 26. fxg6 Rxg7 27. gxh7 Rg2+ 28. Kc3 Rxh2 (Charnota,P (2532)-Navara,D (2724) Katowice 2019)) (16. Rg1) Ne4 17. Qe5 c5 18. Qxg7 Qh4 19. g3 Qxh2+ 20. Rg2 Qh1 21. Rg1 Qh5+ 22. g4 Qh2+ 23. Rg2 Ng3+ 24. Kd3 Bxg2 25. Bxg2 O-O-O (Salimova, N (2260)-Videnova, I (2345 ) Pleven 2018. Videnova was preparing for a game with her husband, GM Davorin Kovacevic, and the game was nominated for the best novelty of 2018 by New in Chess.)) 16... c5 17. Rg1 Ne4 (“I didn’t remember this move,” Karya kin. Interestingly, Dreev made it after 30 minutes of deliberation, after Yuya's move against Shirov. After the game, Dreev admitted that he was thinking of a different answer, but his neighbor confused him.) (17... Qb6 18. Bxc5 Qxb2+ 19. Ke3 Kd8 20. Bd4 Qxh2 21. Bxf6+ (1/2-1/2 (22) Bacrot,E (2696)-Chernov,V (2391) Karlsruhe 2017)) ((Karjakin thought that Dreev meant the move) 17... Rc8) 18. Qe5? (“Later I found out that this was a weak move,” Karjakin. But Shirov played so quickly on the next board, and Yu immediately brought the queen to h4. Karjakin decided that the neighbors remembered the home preparation.) 18... Qh4? (An answer mistake.) ((After the game Karjakin showed) 18... O-O 19. Bg2 d6 20. Qxe6+ Kh8 21. Bxe4 (and at first he believed he was winning after) 21... Re8 ((but then he realized that rooks is the best square) 21... Rf6!(and Black wins in the variation) 22. Qxf6 Qxf6 23. Bxb7 (with a double attack) 23... Qxb2+ (Karjakin)) 22. Qxe8+ Qxe8 23. Bxb7) 19. Bg2 (The outcome of the game depends on who first seizes the initiative and launches an attack on the king 19... Qxg4+ {В этот момент соседи отправились доигрывать в другой зал, и все стали думать самостоятельно… [#]} 20. Kd3 ({Широв продолжал} 20. Bf3 {что не нравилось Карякину ввиду} 20... Nc3+ 21. bxc3 (21. Kd3 Qxf3 22. Kxc3 Rg8 23. Rg3 Qc6 24. Bxc5 O-O-O 25. Bd6 Ba6 26. b3 Kb7 27. Rd1 Rc8 28. Rxg7 Rxg7 29. Qxg7 Bxc4 30. Kb2 Be2 31. Re1 Qxd6 32. Rxe2 Qd1 33. Qg2+ Rc6 34. a4 Qd4+ 35. Ka2 Qxf4 36. Qg7 Rd6 37. Qxh7 Rd1 38. Qh5 Qd4 39. Rb2 e5 40. h4 Rd2 41. Rxd2 Qxd2+ 42. Ka3 Qc1+ 43. Ka2 Qc2+ 44. Ka3 Qc1+ {½-½ Широв,А-Юй,Я, Большая швейцарка ФИДЕ и 2019}) 21... Qxf3+ 22. Kd3 Rg8 {(Карякин)} (22... Rf8 {тоже неплохо для черных.})) 20... Nf2+ {Ошибка, после которой партия быстро заканчивается.} (20... d6 21. Qxe4!? {Кажется удачным, но Карякин не был уверен:} ({«Есть и безопасное продолжение»} 21. Bxe4 dxe5 22. Rxg4 O-O-O+ 23. Ke2 Bxe4 24. fxe5 {«но это приведет к ничьей», — Карякин. Например:} 24... Bd3+ 25. Kf2 Rhf8+ 26. Kg1 Rf5) (21. Bh1!? dxe5 (21... Qxg1 22. Qxe6+) 22. Rxg4 O-O-O+ 23. Ke2 {белые сохраняют двух слонов и шансы на победу.}) 21... Bxe4+ 22. Bxe4 Qh5 (22... Qh3 23. Bxa8 d5 {еще сильнее, например:} 24. cxd5 O-O 25. Bc6 Rxf4! {вот почему так хорошо расположен ферзь черных!} 26. dxe6 Rd4+ 27. Ke2 Qxe6 {и с таким королем белые могут не надеяться на перевес.}) 23. Bxa8 O-O {«У белых материальный перевес, но следует d6-d5», — Карякин.}) 21. Bxf2 Bxg2 22. Bxc5 {«Я подумал, что почти выиграл. У меня большой перевес», — Карякин} 22... Rc8 ({Карякин предложил дать сначала шах:} 22... Qf3+ 23. Kd2) ({или} 22... Qh3+ 23. Kc2 {но в обоих случаях оценка позиции не меняется. Черному королю негде спрятаться, а белый хорошо чувствует себя в центре.}) 23. Rae1 Kf7 24. Re2 ({Белым казалось, что} 24. Bd4 {выигрывает, но ход в партии проще.}) 24... Qf3+ 25. Be3 {Слон черных не может отступить, и они проигрывают фигуру и партию.} 25... d6 26. Qd4 e5 27. Qxa7+ Ke6 28. Rgxg2 Rxc4 29. Kxc4 Rc8+ 30. Kb4 Qe4+ 31. Bd4 1-0!}

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Selection of games from Mega Database

Match Carlsen - Karjakin 2016

All games (12 classical + 4 rapid) of the match Carlsen - Karjakin 2016 for the title of World Chess Champion.

World Chess Cup Baku 2015

Final games between Peter Sidler and Sergey Karjakin.

The 28-year-old Russian chess player Sergey Karyakin got into the Guinness Book of Records as the world's youngest grandmaster in history chess games. The Ukrainian teenager from Simferopol received this title when he was not yet 13 years old. Having become addicted to chess at the age of five, he achieved incredible success with his perseverance. At the age of 14, Karjakin became the champion of the Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian team, and at the age of 19 he decided that Russian citizenship would give more freedom and space to grow his sports career. Since 2009, Sergei has become a chess player for the Russian team and won first the Russian club championship, and then the European championship. In 2015, he fought for the world title with the Norwegian Magnus Carlsen, but lost, but he is not going to stop there, despite the failure in the next year, 2016. Sergey Karyakin's wife is confident in the upcoming victory of her husband.

Despite his youth and his constant involvement in the game, Karjakin is married for the second time. His first wife was Ukrainian chess player Ekaterina Dolzhikova, an international master and a strong player, with whom the young grandmaster seemed to have one great passion in common. They got married in 2009 and were sure they did right choice, but time has shown that this is not so and they have much more disagreements than we would like. This marriage broke up, having existed for a short time. Ekaterina - the champion of Ukraine, remained at home. Sergei, having received Russian citizenship, left.

He met Galia Kamalova when he was transferred to the Russian State Social Institute, where she worked as an assistant to the rector. Galiya graduated from this educational institution with honors and was a student activist - the head of the institute's elders. In addition, she still managed to earn extra money in kindergarten and in the Moscow Chess Federation. Handing over documents beautiful girl, Sergey immediately wanted to get to know her better and, a few days later, offered to meet in the evening, and when she excused herself with a blockage of work, he simply came for her by car. And he continued to insist on meetings until they became close people. Young people met for several years and Galiya often accompanied Sergey to the games: he admitted that her presence in the hall has a beneficial effect on creativity and brings good luck. The lovers got married in 2014, and a year later their son Alexei was born.

Galiya Karyakina plays chess well and even got the first grade at school. She had a whole lot of hobbies in her childhood and youth - she grew up in a good family. Galia's father is a hero of Afghanistan, awarded the Order of the Red Star, and his grandfather is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Grandmother was a specialist in the Mission Control Center and is familiar with many astronauts. In this intelligent family there are teachers, engineers, financiers and even centenarians, just like in the family of Sergei. Such origin and upbringing leaves a special imprint on the descendants. The relationship of young spouses is distinguished by courtesy, care and a desire to bring joy to each other. Sergei loves to make gifts to his wife and nurses his son with pleasure, often plays and walks with him. Galiya strives to create comfortable conditions for her husband to relax and worries about the atmosphere of his stay at the competitions.

The Karyakins live in the Odintsovo suburb of Moscow, in a cozy three-story mansion with a huge garden where many fruit trees and apples are harvested year after year. Here the grandmaster returns from his tournaments, here he is patiently awaited. Raising a child takes away from the wife of Sergey Karyakin the opportunity to be constantly there on all trips, as before, but she is trying to fill this gap. Before Sergey's match with Carlsen in New York, she, leaving little Alyosha in Moscow, nevertheless flew to the USA to check the living conditions of her beloved chess player on the spot, and then spent several days with him. Who knows, maybe another defeat of her husband in this fight, Galiya attributes to her absence during the entire tournament. However, both of them have no doubts that Karjakin will definitely become a champion. Ahead is a whole happy life.

After seven games in a draw, the Russian chess player Sergey Karjakin defeated the Norwegian Magnus Carlsen. It is enough for Karjakin to win two more games to become world champion. If this happens, another chess boom awaits Russia - we will return the chess crown lost ten years ago.

Russian Ukrainian

Born in the Crimea, in Simferopol in 1990. Claims that “all my life I felt like a Russian” and “virtually can’t speak Ukrainian”. On July 25, 2009, he accepted Russian citizenship. “At that time, in Crimea, besides me, there was only one more grandmaster who was retired, and I actually had no one to train with. And since my goal is to become a world champion, I realized that I would not be able to realize my talent if I did not move, ”the chess player told about his decision. According to Karyakin, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich helped him obtain citizenship.

Studied modeling and acrobatics

Before getting carried away with chess, Karjakin tried eight other sections: computers, English, plasticine modeling, acrobatics, tennis and table tennis, judo and swimming. Karjakin said that once in his childhood he saw on TV “a commercial of some bank”, where at the end there was a phrase: “Even a pawn can become a queen.” He asked what the words "pawn" and "queen" meant, and his father got chessboard and began to teach his son.

The youngest grandmaster

Sergey Karjakin is the youngest grandmaster in history. He became one at the age of 12 years and 211 days. This achievement of Karyakin is included in the Guinness Book of Records. According to him, there was no "special event": "We ourselves sent a letter to the Guinness Book of Records, and we received confirmation."

Married twice and lives on Rublyovka

Karjakin married twice. The first time was on the chess player Ekaterina Dolzhikova. Karjakin met his second wife, Galia Kamalova, already in Moscow - she worked as the secretary of the Russian Chess Federation. Galiya is three years older than Sergey. At the end of 2015, the couple had a son, Alexei. My father saw him for the first time only a week later, when he returned from a tournament in Macedonia. The Karyakin family lives in a large cottage on Rublyovka, in the village of Soloslovo, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

Defeated Carlsen many times

Karjakin won his first victory in a world-class tournament at the age of 22: he became the world champion in rapid chess. His current opponent and world champion Magnus Carlsen finished second in that tournament. Subsequently, Karjakin was ahead of Carlsen several times, including twice in his homeland: in 2013 and 2014, the Russian won a major international Norway Chess tournament, and both times Carlsen was second. Despite this, according to the statistics of personal meetings, the Norwegian remains ahead.

Hides his team

Much is known about Carlsen's team: for example, he has a personal Norwegian chef and a yoga instructor. Sergei Karyakin hides who is in his support group. It is known that he has a second coach Vladimir Potkin, coaches Alexander Motylev and Yuri Dokhoyan, as well as a sparring partner from Azerbaijan Shahriyar Mamedyarov. Karyakin's personal sponsors are the forex broker Alpari and the construction giant Morton. In comparison, Magnus Carlsen is backed by Microsoft.

In a quarrel with Kasparov

The press often mentions that Karjakin and ex-world champion Garry Kasparov have sharply opposed political views. In 2015, Karjakin was not approved as a participant in the competition in Stavanger as part of the Grand Chess Tour series. Tournament organizer Kasparov stated that Karjakin did not qualify. Sergey Karjakin himself commented on his suspension by posting a screenshot of the rating table on Twitter. “Reluctance to comment on this nonsense. I will give a screenshot of the rating for January 1. Draw your own conclusions." Kasparov speaks briefly about this match: "Karjakin is a good chess player, Carlsen is unique." Kasparov coached Carlsen from 2009 to 2010, while Karjakin's current mentor Yuri Dokhoyan coached Kasparov himself for 11 years.

Roots for Spartak

Football fan. Previously, he supported Tavria Simferopol, now he supports Spartak Moscow. He goes to the pool, goes in for athletics: Karyakin sometimes conducts cross-country training with athlete Maria Savinova, practices tennis with Anna Chakvetadze, and walks on his hands with his full namesake, world champion in modern pentathlon Sergey Karyakin. He believes that a good physical form of a chess player greatly increases his chances of winning: “Look at the top ten in the world rankings and you won’t see a single fat person there.”

Dreams of playing on Red Square

Karjakin's dream is to play a tournament on Red Square in Moscow. Moreover, according to Sergey, “games should be played exclusively in glass cubes, so that anyone can come up and see how they play the best chess players peace."

Active on the Internet

Karjakin has twitter accounts,