Far cry 4 ending options. We are looking for the main characters after the final credits. What to do after passing

Here we are entering the finish line, if we talk only about story missions without side and captures of outposts with towers: the Golden Way still managed to crush the power of Pagan in the southern part of Kirat, which is the main and larger one, however, with a living dictator, the people will not see a free life, therefore you need to squeeze Ming completely, for which you need to break into the northern part Kirata, where he lives happily.

The situation is complicated in that there is only one way to the north - a rather narrow Royal Bridge, immediately behind which there is a powerful checkpoint with heavy gates (which even C4 does not take), sniper positions, machine gun points and everything that is supposed to. If Ajay has already learned how to fight successfully with enemies, then the gates have been and remain an urgent problem.

However, the leaders of the Golden Path have their own solutions to this very problem: passing Far Cry 4 is slightly different on initial stage mission, while the rest of it is the same no matter which side you are on. So, Amita says that you can capture a truck with some explosive chemicals in the column of the king's army, then drive it point-blank to the gate and blow it up. This will be more effective than the useless C4 here and will surely demolish the last serious obstacle on the way of the rebels to the north.

But Sabal offers an alternative option: he has already looked after a fuel truck, which does not need to be beaten off from the column, but it stands on a small enemy base, therefore it is guarded. That is, you still have to fight a little, only the tactics of extracting an explosive machine and the place where you get it are different. In the case of Amita, we wait for the convoy, shoot the truck driver, pick up the car and fly at full speed to the bridge and the gate to the north. In the case of Sabal - the usual raid on the base, the extermination of all dissenters and the same seizure of the car.

As you drive the truck to the gate, you will repeatedly stumble upon roadblocks blocking your path. Here, a novelty in the passage of Far Cry 4 in the form of the ability to shoot while driving is very useful, especially if you take a miniature M-79 grenade launcher into the pistol slot. But even without it, it’s easy here even with a pistol: for some reason, numerous barrels of fuel flaunt at checkpoints, a couple of shots into which organize spectacular fireworks with all the ensuing consequences for enemies. If it is damaged, you can go out and repair it with a gas burner (Y - get the burner, left mouse button - repair).

One way or another, after passing the Royal Bridge and putting the car at close range next to the gate, think about how you will blow it up. You can attach C4 to the car, you can get a grenade launcher, or you can shoot for a long time and diligently from a machine gun, you can throw grenades, Molotov cocktails ... in general, destroy the car you arrived in by any means. The contents of her barrel on the back will detonate and blow the gate to hell.

Now you can start clearing the checkpoint. There are a lot of enemies, they have sirens in case something happens - it is best to covertly shoot them one at a time from a sniper with a silencer, but no one has canceled the option to go ahead. Moreover, not far from the entrance there is a suitable machine-gun point, having occupied it, you will be able to cover with dense fire all the "wishers", of which there will be many.

Well, when you have already killed a couple of dozen enemy soldiers and the camp is empty, help from the Golden Way will arrive very "on time". All the benefit of this help is thanks and applause addressed to you. It remains only to find the radio room and broadcast a message to the inhabitants of Kirat that the path to the north is open. After the message on the radio, the king's guards will arrive in time. It will be a little more difficult to deal with them than with ordinary soldiers, but nothing supernatural. After killing everyone, you will successfully complete this mission.

Truth and Justice

The first and one of the few missions available at all in northern Kirat during the passing Far Cry 4. We need to get to the village of Utkarsh, where the rebels are already waiting for us in one of the houses. After talking with them in the basement, we will hear voices upstairs: Pagan himself has appeared! He behaves extremely kindly, but as soon as he leaves the house, his soldiers break in and shoot the unarmed family.

We are faced with the task of chasing the villain, and the chase will be very easy if you have an M-79 grenade launcher in your pistol slot. The thing is that we are provided with a gyrocopter, the same small helicopter that has a decent flight speed and good maneuverability. That is, while the enemy on the ground winds along the bends of the road, we fly in a straight line along the shortest route. Very fast and convenient. The main thing is to get used to hitting a target on the go, since grenade launcher shells have a flat flight path.

But if you don’t have it, the chase will be a little more difficult, the thing is that the passage of Far Cry 4 will be complicated by a small accident: enemy soldiers will knock you down on one of the towers. But there is an ownerless transport nearby, grab it, chase Pagan further until he comes to a dead end. Now he has nowhere to go - kill him. Against the backdrop of this event, a call to Ajay's phone looks very funny. Calling... Pagan. No, not from that world. It was just his doppelgänger.


We are watching the dictator's appeal on TV. Our comrades-in-arms believe that now is the time to inflict the most severe blow on him, depriving Yuma of his "right hand" and part-time defense minister. The same one that put us in prison not so long ago. You don't need more motivation to get there, do you?

So, the rebels know that it can be found somewhere in an abandoned gold mine - drive to this mine, enter the tunnel. After reading one of the notes in the mine, Yuma suddenly appears from behind and sprays another hallucinogenic substances, so wait for the incomprehensible devilry again, feel defenseless again without your probably already cool weapon and a huge supply of health injectors. The passage of Far Cry 4 here again departs from the general pattern.

We leave the mine and go out to a crimson creek. There are no enemies yet, we just go along the corridor level and watch the "glitches" of the main character. Among these are the killings by our colleague on the Golden Path (Sabal or Amita) of dissenters who chose the side of the enemy for the "crown". Yes, forgive me for the spoiler, but a prophetic "glitch", however.

So along the stream you will reach a massive wall - you can’t go around it, but at the top there is a point to which you can hook on a hook - cling, climb up. Continuing the passage of Far Cry 4, you will see a spacious area patrolled by demons. It is better not to fight with them, but to immediately complete the key task - to destroy the gate. This is done with a shot at a vessel standing next to them, it will explode and demolish the obstacle - run at full speed there.

After passing the destroyed gate, you will see that there is no further without climbing on the hook: like a spider-man, swing on the hook and cling to the next ledges on the go. Everything is simple here. This is how you get to Yuma. And here the fun begins: again the demon Kalinag, but now there is a chance to kill him once and for all. This is quite difficult to do, as you need to act quickly.

To successfully complete Far Cry 4, you need to carry out a combination of attacks three times - "shot" - "finishing". That is, shoot the enemy with a bow while he is crouched and writhing in pain, run up and finish off with a "quick kill" ("F" key). And if the first such approach is generally cloudless and easy, since no one interferes, then on the second, a ghostly tiger will appear to help Kalinag, causing, nevertheless, not ghostly damage at all. You won't be able to kill him, hitting him, you will just force him to respawn and nothing more. Therefore, you need to do everything quickly and not be distracted. Our goal is a demon, so shoot him. And rush to immediately finish off until the tiger appears again.

Far Cry 4- video game in the genre action-adventure and open world (open world), released on November 18, 2014. Developed by the well-known studio Ubisoft Montreal, and sensational for its games, such as: a series Assassin's Creed(), Watch Dogs and recently released. You can see the articles for these games on the relevant links.

The main goal of crafting should be weapon slots, since moving around with one pistol is a little bit boring (only free slots are available at the very beginning of the game).


It is important to have a weapon with you: a revolver with a silencer, so as not to make noise near. Rifle for open conflicts. Sniper rifle (preferably silenced) for silent kills at a distance. An instrument of global destruction for clearing fortresses and sending turntables to the underworld.


Don't be afraid to use stealth elements. Sometimes, it's better to clear out an outpost by stealth than to make a noise in the whole district, so that all honest people come running….


When you clean up outposts, or fortresses, an important goal will be to turn off the alarm, otherwise, after turning on the signal, turntables will fly in.


When allocating ability points, immediately accumulate on - a ride on an elephant, removing 2 leaves from plants, killing with a knife and, of course, well-being points.


The ability to kill with a knife is similar to the previous series of games. That is: he stabbed one, threw it to the one standing in front, and so on ... By the way, it’s very fun!


Elephants are living tanks. But it is worth remembering that even a tank can be eliminated. In short, take care of the elephants...


If there is a chance of acquiring a Wing Suit, then immediately buy it. Probably everyone will agree that flying is better than falling, am I right? This is how we think...


Whenever possible, search all chests and corpses of opponents. Give preference to caves. In the boxes you can find almost everything you need in the game. After all the trash can be sold ....


Use mortars. If you act covertly, then only one of them will be able to bomb the entire fortress. It is very useful when cartridges and grenades run out, and turntables in the sky.

And now we will tell you about the endings of the game, and how to get them!

Attention, the material below contains spoilers!!!

The first ending can be obtained in just 15 minutes.

Take a look at the 1st cut-scenes when you get to Pagan Ming's residence. He will spot a Golden Path terrorist and ask you to wait. And here the main thing is not to go anywhere within 15 minutes.

The tyrant will return and lead you to your sister's burial place. Inside the temple, you must put an urn with the ashes of your mother, then set off with Ming to shoot. Everything.

The second ending is Pity Pagan.

Finish the Golden Path quests and support the idea of ​​one of the heroes. After the elimination of the Royal Guard, break the Ming sculpture and go inside the castle.

No need to shoot him, and he will declare you the Lord of Kyrat, telling you about his sister, mother and founder. He will climb into the turntable and fly away ...

Third ending - Kill Ming.

Similarly, in fact, the continuation of the second ending, but then just shoot Ming in his palace. Just don't find out the truth about your sister.

Fourth ending - Shoot down the helicopter.

The same, in fact, as for ending 2, but when the villain takes off on a turntable, shoot from a grenade launcher, or something powerful. A helicopter can be found nearby, with Pagan's golden pen and lots and lots of money...

Post-credits scenes:

  • if you choose Sabal, you must kill Amita... Sabal will be the favorite of the "Golden Path". If you visit him in the castle, he will tell you that he took good steps so that people understand their own mistakes.
  • if you choose Amita, she will become the head, and will tell you that she is actively recruiting people for the "Golden Path".

Watch the launch video. From it you will learn why Ajay Gale came to Kirat, and how he was captured by Pagan Ming. The next scene will take place in the fortress. Gale, along with a terrorist named Darpan, will be at dinner with the main villain. At the same table with them will also sit the right hand of Ming - Paul de Pleir.

At some point, the tyrant will see Darpan typing a message on his phone. This will piss him off. Ming will stick a fork in the back of the terrorist, mock him, and then send him for interrogation. All the actors, including Paul and Ming, will come out. The latter will ask Ajay Gale to stay. The main character has a choice: wait for Pagan Ming or try to save Darpan.

Alternate ending

If you wait ten to fifteen minutes, Pagan Ming will return. Together with him you will go to the burial house. It contains the ashes of Ajay's younger sister, Lakshmana. Along the way, Ming will tell the story of the family. After you leave the urn with the ashes of your mother in the house, he will invite you to shoot. This game is over.

If you decide to escape, the story will take place differently. Take the money from the table. At the other end of the room you will find a chest. There are money and ammunition. Go down to the basement where Paul de Pleir is interrogating Darpan. If you stay and listen to the speech of the villain, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Keep moving. Open the door - Sabal, the leader of the opposition Golden Path faction, is waiting behind it. He will save you. Run to the car. Take the weapon from the glove compartment. Shoot back from enemies. When the jeep rams you, you will fall down. Sabal will contact you by radio and order you to move to the tower.

Read the tactics section carefully. Here you can find a lot useful tips, which will help to survive and competently fight.

Hide behind a rock. As soon as one of the enemies turns his back to you - kill him. Distract the next enemy and deal with him. Now dive into the water. Once you're on dry land, follow the checkpoint. There you will find a dead deer. Refresh it. Climb up the rock. From there, throw a piece of meat to lure the bear, which will distract the soldiers. Follow on. Along the way, you will come across representatives of the army. Mark all targets with your camera. Kill the guard below and then run to the bell tower.

Inside the building, replenish your ammo and get ready for a firefight. After you kill enough enemies, you will be covered by an avalanche.

wolf lair

Approach Amit. She will ask you to save an old woman named Kanan from the raids of wolves. You can't make noise. Grab your bow and arrows and then head towards the mark on the map.
Upon arrival, talk to Amita on the radio. She will order to destroy the den of wolves and tear off their skins (they will be needed to make a holster). Grab your bow and get to work. Climb up the rock and mark all the animals. Now kill them. When the wolves are finished, blow up the lair. Return to Amita.

propaganda machine

In the village of Banapur, find Sagal. He will send you to disable one of the radio towers. Get to checkpoint. Pick up the "cat" and climb up. Two soldiers will stand at the bell tower. Eliminate them and then move on. Turn off the receiver and return to the village.

To make it easier to move around the map, capture towers and outposts. First, you will unlock new side missions. Secondly, after capturing key objects, you can return there using fast travel.

Return to sender

After completing the task, Sagal will contact you by radio. He will ask you to visit Longinus. The distraught merchant will read a long speech, and then give a new gun. At this point Sagal will call you. The village was attacked by Pagan Ming's soldiers - it is necessary to save its inhabitants. Come back home. When you clear the area, Sabal will ask you to find a little girl. Kill the bandits, climb through the window and go down to the first floor.

For killing opponents and completing tasks, the hero will gain experience. After accumulating a certain number of points, you can open a new skill.

Hostage talks

Sagal will ask you to save the hostages who were captured during the attack on the village. Get to the base. There will be four or five bandits. Mark them with your camera. Operate silently. If you are spotted, the hostages will be killed. Use the bow and throwing knives. Kill all the soldiers and save the villagers.

Amita will contact by radio and accuse you of following Sabal's lead. All that is required of you is to attack the outpost alone and kill all the soldiers. The main thing is to turn off the alarm before they notice you, otherwise reinforcements will arrive.

Before starting an attack on an outpost, carefully study the territory. Predatory animals and bees are your allies. Seize the Opportunities environment to conquer new territories.

Hunter or Prey or Rebel Roar

After the camp is cleared, Amita will talk to you. She will ask you to stay and help the people of Kyrat. Enter the house where the leaders of the Golden Path are arguing. Amita will send Ajay for intelligence (Hunter or Prey mission), while Sabal will insist on protecting and saving people (Rebel Roar mission). The choice depends on which way events will develop further.

In our case, the choice fell on Amita. Go to the point on the map. Four hunters are waiting for you at Camp Alpha. It is difficult to kill them the first time, as they move quickly and shoot very accurately with a bow. Keep in mind that each of them will have to spend a lot of ammo or arrows. Explore the three yellow zones. As soon as you gather intelligence, tell Amita. Now you need to get to the camp "Bravo".

Clear the area. Be careful: if you shoot from a machine gun, about ten soldiers will come running to the noise.

The level of karma reflects the attitude of allies towards the main character. You can earn points for completing additional tasks or killing animals with a bow. However, not all animals are worth hunting. For example, for killing elephants at the hero.

Chal Jama Monastery

Sabal will be offended that you took Amita's side. He will remain to torture the commander of the detachment, and you must go to the monastery of Chal Jama. Inside, Ajay will be asked to undergo a sacred rite. When everything is over, Amita will speak on the radio and report the attack on the monastery. Don't let the enemy blow up the statues and get to the monks. Constantly move and destroy enemies.

Sermon on the Mount

Visit the Longinus camp on Mt. He will send the hero in search of a fallen helicopter with cargo. Approach the merchant. Together with him you will reach the Himalayas.

There you must eliminate the opponents in the first camp. Now move to the helicopter crash site. After clearing the area, search the bandits. They will not have weapons. You have three more places to check. On the left there will be a den with a bear, on the right - a small group of soldiers, and if you go straight - you will stumble upon leopards. Once you find the weapon box, return to the landing site.

During a conversation with Longin, it turns out that the box contains not weapons, but diamonds. For them, he is ready to give machine guns to the soldiers of the Golden Way. Go to Amita or Sabal and share the news.

Hunt animals. From the skins of some animals, you can sew new things for yourself.

"Reclamation" or "Burn to the ground"

Head towards Chal Jama Monastery. Enter the cave on the right. During a conversation with Amita and Sabal, an argument will begin. One side wants to save the opium fields (mission "Reclamation"), the other - to destroy them (mission "Burn to the ground"). This time we chose the Sabal option. Get to the opium fields and burn them down.


Talk to Bhadra. She will tell you that your father was killed in his own home. Go there. Inside you will meet Yogi and Reggie. They will chat you up, after which they will inject you with a powerful drug.

You will wake up in the arena of Shanat. Nur will tell you where to look for weapons. Once you're downstairs, get down to business. Pay attention to barrels with a combustible mixture. They will help a lot in the destruction of especially dangerous opponents.

After the battle in the arena, Nur will invite you to his place. She will tell you that Paul is holding her parents. She also knows the way to the fortress. You have no choice but to help the woman.

Sleeping saints

Now Amita will tell you what a scoundrel and scoundrel you are. If you want to improve, save the statues of the goddess Kira. Go to the point on the map. The gate will be closed, so you have to go around. Use the "cat" to cling to the ledges. Once you're on the platform, climb up. Act carefully. More than a dozen soldiers and a couple of snipers are waiting for you.

Once you defuse the second bomb, fight off Pagan Ming's army. After that, you must light the braziers. Do this and the mission will be completed.

City of Pain

Noor will contact Ajay by radio. We need to get back to the arena. At the meeting, she will report that Paul is leaving. Time to save the family.

Head towards the camp. Be quiet. Come in from the right side. Kill the guard. Now climb into the hole in the fence. There will be another soldier around the corner of the house. Take it off. While inside the house, quickly kill the enemy. Now get into the truck.

Next stop is "City of Pain". It contains prisoners. It is necessary to act very carefully and silently. Use stones to distract enemies, bow and throwing knives. When you free the first three captives, look for Paul. He is in a house located on a hill. Go around the guard carefully, and then climb onto the roof. There you will find an open window. Get down and watch the plot cutscene.

Take Paul and bring him to the car. This time you won't be able to pass quietly, so it's time to defuse a clip or two. Then get into the car and take his body to Sabal and Amita. They will decide for themselves what to do with it.

After Paul is neutralized, Fort Varshakot can be captured without problems. The main thing is to know where the RPG-7 is stored. It is useful for destroying helicopters. The weapon lies in the extreme hangar on the left. Climb into it through the hole in the roof.

"Subtleties of chemistry" or "Elements of chemistry"

And again, you have a choice. Follow the path of Amita (mission "Subtleties of Chemistry") or Sabal (mission "The Basics of Chemistry"). We decided that the war on drugs is our way. Go to the brick factory in Rochan and destroy everything there.

Shoot the messenger

Sabal and Amita plotted to kill Nur. You must decide for yourself how to deal with it. Go to the arena. However, go through main entrance will not work. You have to climb mountains. To the right of the entrance there will be a ledge for which you can cling to the "cat". Next, focus on climbing grips. A door is hidden in the rock - you go there.

Kill the guards inside. Nur will order to kill the man who was sitting at the control panel. Deal with the soldiers, then find Nur. Regardless of whether you kill her immediately, or talk to her, she will die. Baghadur Fortress is now weakened.

Defender Appears

Talk to Yogi and Reggie. They will tell you about a certain map that will allow you to find a piece of the canvas.
Go to the cave. It is guarded by Pagan Ming's soldiers. Take a bow and silently deal with everyone. Then climb to the very top, clinging to the ledges. There you will find the first piece of canvas.

After you take it in your hands, you will fall into Shangrila. Kill demons and complete simple tasks. When you deal with everyone, go upstairs and break the chains.

The House of Gales will be yours after completing the "A Protector Appears" mission. The merchant on the street has everything you need: he will paint the facade of the building, build a helipad, a temple, and even lay out a garden.

Free Willis

Get to the camp. There, Willis will contact you by radio and ask for help. He needs to land the plane, and Ajay Gale is the only one who can handle it.
When you arrive at the place, kill six snipers. Willis will land the plane and then begin negotiations with their commander. He will say that he must take him along with the suitcase to Yuma. After hearing the prearranged signal, start shooting enemies. There will be so many of them that there will not be enough cartridges for a rifle for everyone. Run to Willis to deal with the rest of the opponents.

After the shootout, he will reveal that he is a CIA agent. The information about who killed Ajay's father is on the plane, which is about to take off. Get on the quad bike. When you take off from the ski jump, open the wingsuit and catch up with the plane. Unfortunately, the folder will be empty.

Kill or be killed

To find out the truth about his parents, you have to work for Willis. Get on the plane. The next stop is Akashi Monastery.
Here you need to find one of Yuma's close associates. The task is long, but simple - you have to kill everyone.

Murder from above

Willis is ready to put an end to the case with Yuma. And again, the scene will be the monastery of Akashi. Use the wingsuit to get to the archaeological site. Kill all of Pagan Ming's soldiers there. Remember, the goal is at the very top. Cut him with a knife like Willis asked, and then take a picture. Get back to the plane. Unfortunately, Willis played dishonestly. He needed to purge the CIA, and he would leave you to be torn to pieces by Pagan Ming.

You are now Yuma's prisoner. Her guard will inject you with a drug that causes hallucinations. Wake up and get out of the cell. Go left. Watch out, there will be a demon. He cannot be killed. The only option is to confuse him by running in circles. You will find the hook in the body of a dead person. Come back. A door will open to the right.

Go straight to the end. Then to the left. You will see a demon ahead. Get around it. Find the altar with the dead man. There you will find a rope. Take her. The same demon will come running to the noise. Run with all your might to the place where you need to use the "cat". Now get down.

The demon will catch up with you and cut off the rope. The fall can hardly be called successful. However, Ajay will survive. Now you need to escape from the prison camp, so much so that you are not heard. At first, you will be able to get a few throwing knives and a machine gun with fifteen rounds. Further more. Keep your patience and perseverance. If they raise the alarm, you're done.

When you get to the gate, shoot the castle and then run.

Key to the north

Go to Amita. She will instruct you to capture the bridge - the only thing that connects the northern part of Kirat with the southern one.

If you chose Sabal as leader, he will tell you where to find a truck with fuel. If you are for Amita, then you will have to intercept the column. In any case, you need to get into the truck and go to the bridge. When you blow up the passage, a shootout will begin. Hold positions until reinforcements arrive.

Truth and Justice

Go to the point on the map. Sabal will inform you that you need to meet with the rebels in Utkarsha. Enter the house and go down to the basement. At the same moment, Pagan Ming will appear and shoot civilians. Get out of the house, and then kill two soldiers. Get into the gerokopter and go in pursuit.

Shooting at the car is completely optional. You can let him get to the city and calmly kill him there. After that, the voice of Ming will sound on the radio. He will report that you dealt with his best double.


Watch the performance of the tyrant on TV. Reach the Keo Swarga Mine to kill Yuma. Once inside, explore the cave. When you read the last note, Yuma will appear. She will take you to Shangrila.

Go straight. When you see enemies on the horizon, kill them all with a bow. Then blow up the gate. Use the "cat" to climb up the buildings. In the cave, you will meet Yuma once again. She will seduce Ajay and then shoot him.

After death, you will be transported to the next location. There it is necessary to eliminate Kalinaga (keeper of Shangril). He must be hit three times with a knife. But before you can strike, you need to hit him with a bow. The situation is complicated by the presence of hunters and white tigers. However, after Kalinaga is killed, you will wake up and realize that you have been fighting Yuma and her squad all this time.

"Cease and Desist" or "Culture Wars"

Again a choice. Or choose the path of Amita (mission "Culture Wars"), who wants to destroy the temple and plunder it. Or you prefer Sabal to her, who dreams of preserving traditions. The decision depends on who will lead Kirat after the war.

We preferred Sabal's choice. Get to the temple. If you are spotted, the king's soldiers will activate the detonators. You will have four minutes to disable them. After Ming will try to recapture the temple. Destroy all soldiers. We recommend taking the RPG-7 as the fourth weapon for this mission.

To the shelter

After capturing the temple, artillery will hit Utkarsh. Time is limited. You must get to the place as quickly as possible and protect the city. There will be a lot of soldiers. So before the task, replenish your stocks of weapons and medicines, otherwise you will die. Take the RPG-7 with you too - it will come in handy against helicopters. Reflect three waves of attack - and the city will be saved.

What goes around comes around

Sabal will order to kill Amita. Get to her camp. Try not to kill her people - karma points are taken away for each death. When you reach Amita, you will have a choice - kill her or let her go.

Ashes to Ashes

The next task is an attack on the royal fortress of Pagan Ming. Here you need to shoot accurately and capture key objects. When you control the area, blow up the gold statue of Ming.

Get to the royal palace. Min will be alone. He will offer two options. First: kill him immediately. Second: have dinner with him, and then scatter the ashes of his mother.

The storyline will end when you talk to Reggie and Yogi after all this. Perhaps for the last time.

Hi all. Maybe I made up my own mind, but maybe I stumbled upon a clue/riddle...

In general, I completed the game by 98 percent, I decided to use the pipe of Reggie and Yogi.
This tube threw me onto the road, and when I got up, my sight pointed directly to the Cave of the Dead (location).
I already had it open, but just in case, I went to check.

I didn’t find anything special in the cave, except for the entry “Goat” - there was something like: “I saw you wandering in the market, so carefree, as if the whole world is before your feet, etc."

I think it might make sense...
I open the map, start looking at locations and see - " Market mansa", not far from the cave.

I'm heading there on a coccyx-hydro.

I rip up and down the market, and in the halabud I see a note - "This wandering monk- my friend. and therefore he should be given honor and, above all, protection. From working for the glory of Banashur. If he is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him water. Treat him as if he were your own family.
Thanks to."

Interesting... Maybe a coincidence, maybe not. Now I think to continue looking for clues.
What a monk, what a note means ...

If anyone has any thoughts - write, or look for yourself and talk about the finds.

(added after 5 minutes)
In general, the thought came that maybe this is not just.
In this booth, where the note was located, there was an exit. Behind. Nothing remarkable if it weren't for the brick road. The thought came to me that perhaps the "wandering monk" had set out on this very road.
I followed her. I turned and came across a crosshair (to the right and to the left). To the right led to a hill, to the left to nowhere.
Went to the right.
The road led me to the bell tower.
I thought that it seems that I did something wrong until I went inside the bell tower. I saw a note there.
And what do you think about it?
Himself went nuts:
"Monk and his bees (called)"
"I told you not to mess with monk. Nearly doganli (doGAnli is not a typo, as it is written in translation) and here on you - a beehive. We then burned it, but the bees are building it again. I'm not superstitious, but have we been cursed? Can monks curse? Well, I'm talking about legends, about the past. They certainly cursed me, I am now the place of all the bees. They sting, their mother!"

So our monk was here too. Near the bell tower.
Now I'm starting to look at it.
Of the noteworthy, I found only graffiti of an eagle on the wall of a flying one (perhaps a hint that you need to go down a "quick" descent from above.
Let's see.

(added after 5 minutes)
So, having circled on each floor of the bell tower, I climbed to the very top. As soon as I did this, an eagle flashed right in front of my face (camera) (he was sitting on the bell tower, at the very top). The first thought was to shoot. BUT, I noticed that he does not attack me.
Remembering that at the bottom of the tower there is a graffiti of a flying eagle, I decided to follow him (with a sniper rifle). He circled a little, circled, eventually flew to a small island, near the lake " Son Tarun Matara"and sat down. I noted the approximate point where he landed, now I'm thinking of flying after him.
Not just because it seems to me that he sat down near the lake "Son Tarun Matara". Perhaps there is a clue in the place where he sat down...
In general, flew ...

(added after 10 minutes)
Outwardly, there is nothing remarkable at this place (I did not have time to examine it in detail).
I was distracted by the fact that right in front of the place where the eagle landed and where I was now, a boat stopped (right exactly there) with civilians.
The driver and the man sitting on the starboard side.
Everything would be fine, but this sitting man - as if does not exist. That is, you aim at it - it is green. But you can go through it.
I have options:
1) Now I am sitting on a boat, maybe it will sail somewhere.
2) Or maybe the nose of the boat indicates where to go next ...
3) Or is it just a coincidence and you need to continue looking around the island where the eagle landed
4) Or you just got lucky with the eagle and you need to return to the tower and examine it in more detail
(just in case, I wrote down the number of the boat: WAR-926731- on board WAR-731 on the motor) - if he says anything, write.
ps: you can’t pick up the boat, there is no “E - pick up” sign.

(added after 15 minutes)
The boat stood for 10-15 minutes and actually went.
But at that moment I drank tea, watched as a "friendly" boat of the golden road came out towards me, moved right along the civilian boat and the cattle crushed me.
I almost spilled my tea. Your mother...
In short, again in this place waiting for the boat.

(added after a minute)
So, right now, not far from the accident site (where I was crushed), a boat with similar civilians reappeared. The number is the same (it is necessary to check with other boats, this number or not). Get in and wait.

(added after 15 minutes)
I had to wait a long time, I thought everything was already, but the boat still went. Braked often, but somewhere carried.
As a result, she stopped near the waterfall, which is located near Anjali Bakeries.
Now I’ll stand in it for another 10-15 minutes, suddenly I’ll be lucky, but if anything, I’ll go look at the waterfall (the nose of the boat points almost directly at it).
Although to be more precise, the bow of the boat points directly to the "Cat" on the rock. But it is hardly a key object, but after I look at the waterfall, I will check it there too.

(added after 20 minutes)
To begin with, I decide to follow the flow of the waterfall. The waterfall led me to the stairs of Banashura. On the way, I came across a house with a note from Yuma, the text is something like - "jealousy, etc." Doesn't make sense, but I'll check later.
I don't see any signs or anything unusual on the stairs. I climbed to the very top (where there are two rocky roads on the sides).
I don't see anything.
Either wrong or not.
Now I'm looking for clues.

(added after 10 minutes)
I did not find anything on the stairs ... Or I looked inattentively.
But in general, I got to the peak of Yugala (like on the way).
No hints or hints.

Probably somewhere I made a mistake.

(added after 20 minutes)
The search turned up nothing. It seems I made a mistake somewhere. Most likely with a boat, most likely they appeared there by accident, even if twice in a row ...

Here you can find the complete detailed walkthrough games . New part has a lot of new details that are hard to figure out as a couple, so if you have any difficulties, then you can always find here the passage of any part of the game.
Now the events take place in a fictional region called Kirat. Kirat is located in the Himalayas. You will have to visit a very wild area, which is fraught with many different dangers. In addition, all power belongs to an impostor who terrorizes the local population.

Border crossing

Your game begins with a meeting with the main villain. Shortly after the meeting, he brings you to his home to find out more about you and his enemy, the Golden Way group. They obviously don't like the person who was on the bus with you.

Soon your friend is taken to the interrogation room, leaving you alone to explore this palace. Here, for the first time, you take full control of your hero.

pagan dinner

So, your new friend was taken from this banquet to the interrogation room. You were left to study this house. Here you can finally finally control your young hero.

Before you leave here, do not forget to take the money that is on the table. Around the house there will be boxes in which you can find money, health and ammo. When you finish collecting useful items, then continue to move on.

Go down the ladder that leads to the second floor. Here you will find a couple more boxes - take everything of value and go down to the basement of that house.

Here you can see how your old friend is being tortured. Soon the Golden Path arrives to get you out of here. In the end, together with your "rescuers" you will get out of this pagan house.

Escape and reunion

You need to quickly run through the fog and through the bullets that fly at you. Run all the way to the jeep. Get in this jeep and take a gun. Here you will soon have to pass a checkpoint. Be careful and shoot at the red barrels to destroy the enemy barricade. Next, you will need to transfer to ATVs, which is located on the right side. A little later, an unpleasant event will occur.

When you regain consciousness, you will be told to move to the temple. You have the opportunity now to do everything covertly. Move along the left side of the wall and you can kill the mercenaries by stealth. Next, you will need to throw a stone into Crouch Lake. When you divert the attention of the guards, then quickly make your way around the corner and quickly run past the mercenaries. Try to keep near corners and walls to get through this area.

When you get to open area, then you will stumble upon the corpse of a deer, the meat of which you can use as bait for animals. You can also take deer skin. Predators will come for meat, so if you throw it at the enemy, then animals will immediately attack them. But if you want to avoid detection, then move along the left side of the cliff and after, jump into the lake. Soon you will find yourself in an area that is surrounded by rocks - then a person with a friendly voice will call you and drop the rope from above. Grab this rope, climb to the top and soon find yourself at the base of the Golden Way grouping.

Reach the tower

Move inside the temple to find the leader of the Golden Path partisans. Further conversation will take place with the subsequent shootout. Enemies will come from both the left and right sides. Use covers to protect yourself from bullets.

On the first floor of this building, you will find ammunition for weapons, in addition, you will gain access to grenades. Kill all attackers.

Sadal will be waiting for you in a city called Banapur. Here you also get the opportunity to relax a little, trade and talk with the rest of the members of this community. When you are ready to start the next task, then move to the letter-shaped icon - S. Here you will take the next quest.

Wolf hunting

Go to the house called "Old Aishi". It is located in the northeast of Banapur. As you approach your destination, you will meet a lot of dead animals, and eventually a drunken farmer. After a short video, you will receive a task. You will have to clear the cave with the wolves.

Go now to your destination. Soon you will find the first wolf near the village house. Here you will find a bow and arrows. To kill a wolf, you have to spend two to three arrows. Be sure to make sure the wolf is dead.

There will be two ditches in place. Use these ditches to separate the pack of wolves so you don't encounter them all at once. Then shoot and kill them. After you kill all the wolves, then go back to the farmer and he will give you a well-deserved reward.

Attack on Banapur

Move to the letter - L. The icon will be located in the western part of Banapur. As soon as you arrive at the place, you will meet a crazy person.

Soon Sabal will call you and ask for help. You will need to return back to the city. Get ready for a fight.

You will have to defend the city. In addition to the fact that there will already be enemies in the city, reinforcements will also arrive, which will arrive in helicopters. You need to clear the town from enemy troops. Next, you have to get into the burning building and save the girl.

Move along the lower floor and find the girl. After you find it, another scene will appear and the task will soon be completed.


This attack was not completely thwarted, as the soldiers were able to take several hostages. You will have to travel northwest to Ha Carter.

But first you have to climb to a hill so that you can view the location of enemies and hostages. As you mark everyone, then go to the northern part of this camp and sit down behind the house. Here you can remove two soldiers.

After that, look to the west and you will see a patrol that needs to be neutralized. Next, you need to go to the house with the hostages and kill another enemy there. The last soldier will stand near the fire - kill him and go to the hostages.

Because of the stealth, you are entitled to a bonus for hostages. Make sure you untie each hostage to get the bonus.

Hunting for hunters

So, if you chose the Amit plan, then you have to collect enemy intelligence about the upcoming plans of the pagans. You will need to walk through the camps to find the data. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of hunters here.

You will need to look for the bodies that are scattered throughout the camp. The first body will be located at the entrance to the left temple. The second body will lie on the upper level of the temple, not far from the ammunition. There will be hunters on the left and right sides.

The third body will be located in the northern part of the camp walking from the temple. You can find it in the water. After you collect all the intelligence, then go to the next camp.

The next camp will also be crowded with hunters. Here you have to kill everyone. The building ahead will give you an advantage. In this building, you will not need to constantly look back. You need to defeat a couple of enemies. In addition, there will be a beast that has been tamed. Be aware that he may attack you.

Sermon on the Mount

So, Longinus is ready to help the Golden Way, even give out weapons, but on one condition - you will do him a favor. You will have to go straight to the Himalayas. These mountains are dangerous. Here you will meet a lot of soldiers, various strong predators and very severe frost. It's important to keep an eye on oxygen when you walk around this area! When you meet your first enemy, carefully sneak up on him, kill him and take his oxygen mask. Soon you will come across another soldier with a snowmobile standing next to him!

A snowmobile will save you a lot of time. Take this transport and go to one of the three marked with an icon on the radar (markers are marked in yellow). The first icon will be in front of the open sky, but it has a guard. Kill everyone, then go to the next marker. Be careful here, this point also has security. It will not be difficult for you to kill enemies, so you will pass this stage with ease.

The next point is located already in the ice cave. So, here you will meet a bear, so be careful. It will block your path further, so there is no way for you to bypass it. You will most likely need to put about two clips into him, so try to keep your distance from him and jump more when attacking.

After you kill the bear, go deeper and soon come across a body. Please note that getting to the body will be a very difficult job, as it is located quite deep in this cave.

After you get what you needed, you will have to go to another point and capture it. Get back to the snow. The last marker will be on the cliff. This area will be guarded by a snow leopard, so be careful. The target is not too difficult to kill, but because of his agility are created certain problems. After you still kill him, then go to the last point.

Now it would be time to go back to Longinus. Go to the place where you were once dropped off. Once you are there, you will be taken out of the Himalayas.

In the Longinus camp, walk up to him and figure out why what you were doing was so important to him and the task will be over.

Land development

You can complete this task in different ways. At your choice, you are given to follow the plan of Amita or Sabal - it's up to you.

This quest will be based on Amita's plan.

So, you have chosen Amita's plan and you should interfere with the plans of the enemy. You will have to act on poppy fields and you need not to harm these crops. Amita wants to keep the field data in order to collect money from them for future plans. But please note that Sabal is against this, as he believes that this is wrong. But you have already decided on your choice, go to these fields.

If you go higher, you can see that almost the entire area consists of these fields and only a small part is covered with places where they are not sown. The building, which is located in the very center, can serve as an excellent defensive point for you. But first you have to clear the area of ​​​​enemies, when you do this, then rather take a key position in the building. Enemy reinforcements will soon begin to arrive, but you will have to destroy them. Enemies will move from the north gate as well as the roads that are located to the east and west, so keep that in mind.

During battles, keep in mind that any spark can start a fire in poppy fields, so it makes sense to use stealth.

You also have to use the water spray system. You definitely need to use them if you want to successfully complete the task. If the fields continue to burn and you do not extinguish them, then the task will fail. And keep in mind that fires spread very quickly, so you have to act accordingly - quickly.

When the alarm is raised in the buildings, reinforcements will immediately begin to arrive, so at this time you need to get out of here. You can also call for reinforcements yourself and wait until they enter the building, and then smash the building along with the enemies.

As soon as you successfully beat off the first attack, then reinforcements will arrive before you. After that, you are informed that enemies will soon arrive, who must destroy all the crops and the center.

The bulk of the enemies will arrive from the east and north, but the first will come from the west. You need to keep your distance from enemies. Keep in mind that enemies will have bulletproof vests and Molotov cocktails. You will most likely have to put out fires, but on this moment this will be made easier due to the fact that reinforcements from the Golden Path have arrived to you.

Don't forget fire extinguishers. They will greatly simplify the task of fire fighting. As soon as you get rid of the waves of enemies, the task will be completed.


This assignment is quite short. This task just gives more understanding about a young girl who is between Sabal and Amita.

There will be a funeral pyre, or rather a funeral, which you must attend. These funerals perfectly reflect the local culture in the game. Bhadra never knew your father and even about the situation that was going on here, especially since he does not even have a clue what led your father to death. She will share everything she knows with you here.

Shepherd insanity

This quest serves as an introduction to the local Arena, but it is not friendly in any way. First, you will have to visit your father's house, where you can find some strange puppets that someone apparently made on their own. The video will explain a lot to you: what they do here, as well as so on.

Soon you will meet a crowd of very cruel fans. They're just waiting for someone to die in this arena.

In the first round, you should not worry at all. There will be only a couple of soldiers and wolves. They will attack you from the doors on the left side and on the right side of the large golden doors that are located in the middle. Soon the soldiers will come to you along with the wolves. Try to keep a close eye on the wolves.

In the second round, additional enemies will arrive to those that were, but the new enemies will not be predators. The only new enemy is a soldier with a knife, who will immediately rush at you among everyone, so he should shoot first. Otherwise, there is nothing complicated.

In the third round, a large number of soldiers await you. In addition to them, there will also be a leopard! The leopard is damn fast. He is much faster than wolves, but more easily killed. Try not to stand still, but to be constantly on the move.

There will be much more soldiers in this round, but in addition to you, they will also attack each other. In addition to the soldiers fighting among themselves, you will also meet a tiger that freely roams this arena. You can wait until the tiger himself clears the entire territory of the soldiers, and then kill him. Before the final round, pick up ammo and health.

So here comes the final round. Here you will open the golden doors. There will be no animals here, but the soldiers will only focus on you. They are fully equipped with a full supply of grenades. In addition, you will also find heavily armored soldiers here, in which you will have to put a lot of bullets into them to kill them. After that, as you defeat all the enemies here, then success awaits you.

Arrival of the Protector

The Yogis and Reggie stayed at your dad's house, and you're still angry that you had to leave the arena. You will be told how to find your way back home. Travel to the point of Wisdom.

As soon as you reach the specified area, you will stumble upon the entrance, which is blocked. Here you can go a little lower.

Go below and soon you will find a hole that leads even lower. Use your grappling hook to descend into this hole. At the bottom you will find a reservoir. It is safe here, so there is an opportunity to land successfully. Keep in mind that demonic fish swim in the water.

Nearby is a ledge where a rope will hang, you need to find this place so that you can get out of the water. Move further into the depths of the cave and soon you will come across a statue and locked doors.

Climb up again and when you are near the doors, then look around and go along a small stone path. Soon you will come to the prayer room. On the left and right sides of the statue that stands in front, there are money - take them..

The treasure for which you went this way will lie on a table in the middle part of this statue. Take it soon and get ready for an unexpected turn of events.

You find yourself in Shangri-La. Swim through the underwater tunnels and soon you will reach the surface. After you get to the shore, carefully examine the area in this world.

Follow the bloody tracks and soon you will reach a pool of blood. There lies a tiger with severe wounds near the rock. Pull the weapon out of it and move on.

Keep going until you meet a healer. These enemies are spectral in nature, they move very quickly. Soon she will attack you, but you are unexpectedly saved by your new friend.

giant statues

This task is the most difficult among all the other tasks. Before starting the mission, make sure that you have the maximum supply: ammo, rocket launchers, syringes and patience. After that, start the task.

Climb up the cliff, and then move along the path. There are two statues here and one of them will soon explode. After the explosion, you have five minutes to climb to the top of these ruins and deactivate the detonator that is located here.

Keep in mind that a large number of enemies will block your path and the allotted time will not stand still. Try to overcome obstacles as quickly as possible and do not linger in one place for a long time. Keep moving forward.

Basically, you will have to constantly climb the stairs to the top. While you are climbing you will be shot by snipers who are located at the top, so keep this in mind. Use the pillars as cover. The columns will protect you from any snipers. In addition to the posts, there is also a curtain above you that protects you from opponents from above. Many enemies will have to climb or descend first to get to you, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Take about a minute to clear the enemies in the area. After the first waves of enemies are beaten off, then climb the stairs even higher (the stairs are on the right side) and find yourself under another canopy in these ruins.

In the middle of this area will lie a syringe with health (near the wall). If you look out from this floor of the ruins, you can clearly see the stairs below, so you can keep the lower area under control. A little higher will be the detonator along with the sniper. Between the two columns is a ladder that will lead you exactly to the detonator. In addition to the sniper, you will also meet two or three soldiers above, so keep this in mind.

Again, make sure you have full ammo now, as the next part of the mission will not be nearly as easy as the first. Here lies sniper rifle, with which you can repel further enemy attacks. Take the found detonator and get ready for the advancing enemies. In addition to the fact that the soldiers will simply run towards you, a couple of jeeps will also arrive.

Use the rocket launcher to smash the arriving jeeps. You need to continue to defend yourself from the advancing soldiers until a helicopter comes to you.

You need to destroy the helicopter extremely quickly, because if you pull, then new reinforcements will arrive. And keep in mind that enemies could climb up to you in the ruins, so constantly watch your back.

After you destroy the first helicopter, the second one will fly in, which has a heavy machine gun. Use the rocket launcher to destroy the next technique.

After you shoot down the heavy helicopter, you can finish clearing the area of ​​soldiers in ruins.

If you chose the path for Amita, then she will ask you to block the road. Go to the left side and look for the indicated points to climb up. Next you will need to find a couple of missiles and ammo.

So now it's time to shoot the rocks from above. Shoot the flare gun looking up a couple of times and soon hit the road, after which you will block the path as Amita wanted. This will complete the task.

city ​​of pain

Noor contacts Ajay via walkie-talkie. It will be necessary to urgently return back to the arena. When you meet, she will tell you that the floor is leaving. It's time to start saving the family. Go to the camp and act very quietly here. Come in from the right side and kill the guard here. After that, crawl through the hole in the fence. Around the corner of the house is another soldier. Remove it carefully. As you find yourself inside the house, kill the soldier as soon as possible, and then climb into the truck.

So, your next stop is "City of Pain". This is where the prisoners are kept. You have to work very quietly and very carefully here. Use your stones to see the attention of your enemies, but besides that, don't forget that you have a bow and throwing knives. As you free the first three captives, then proceed to the search for Paul. It will be located in the house, which is located on the hill. It is best to bypass the guards, and then climb onto the roof. There you can find an open window. Get down below and watch the story scene.

So, now take Paul and bring him to the transport. You won’t be able to go further quietly, so it’s time to take up arms and defuse a few clips. After you break through to the car, then take Paul's body to Sabal and Amita. They will then decide how to proceed.

Teaching Chemistry

The Golden Path has a number of quests that will change depending on your choice. In this task, you follow Amita's plan.

You need to get to the factory for the manufacture of local drugs. First you have to turn off the power to the generators. The generators are located outside of this plant. First you have to smoke out the soldiers here.

The first generator will be located in front of this plant. Located near green smoke. You need to be sure to keep an eye on the truck that patrols the area here.

The second generator will be located immediately near the entrance to this plant. This generator will have only one soldier. And then, this soldier is doing something, so you can get rid of him without any problems before turning off the generator. After you turn it off, it would be time to go to the office building, which is located outside of this plant.

The third generator is located near the office building. This generator is the best guarded, so you will need a lot more effort here. You can throw a couple of stones behind the factory to distract the soldiers, and in the meantime cut down the generator.

Now that you have knocked out all the generators, it's time for you to go inside this plant and find a chemist there. The entrance is on the opposite side of the office (nearby is the first generator). The doors to the factory are green.

Inside, you will have to move along the corridor and kill all the soldiers along the way. In addition, there will be chemicals - they will not act on you, but they will create very bright multi-colored clouds.

Just follow the corridor and soon you will reach the local chemist's office. Kill him and the task will be completed.

Fall of Nur

Sabal, along with Amita, want to continue hunting Ming's henchmen. Now next in line is a lady named Nur. Noor was once the head of the arena and led many people to their deaths. The golden path thinks it's time for her to bleed now.

Move to the Arena and find a secret passage to the arena. There is one point, which is located on the right side at a high altitude. Find the passage and make your way inside. Soon you will find yourself near the ventilation shaft. Go inside. Move forward and you will soon make your way to the Nur base. At the base of this girl, there are a couple of corridors in which it is good to maneuver. You only need to do everything to hold back the onslaught of enemies.

You need to get to the control room first. The control room is the brain of the Arena. There is only one guard inside the room. On the right side there are levers and pieces of paper on which it is written how to release animals so as not to kill the soldiers in the arena. You can pull absolutely any lever and in any order. In the end, when you release the seven beasts, Nur will send his soldiers after you to take you. She doesn't know that it was you (Ajay Gail) who did the sabotage, but she knows that you must be stopped. You have the ability to lure all the soldiers into a trap. From the control room, go down into the corridor and then immediately take cover. All soldiers will go to the control room and you will be able to kill them all from behind.

Soon more soldiers will arrive, it will also be possible not to shoot with them. As you kill the soldiers, then go to the arena and finally defeat Nur, after which it remains only to decide her fate. In the end, the cutscene will start and the task will end there.

Defender Appears

Chat with Reggie and Yogi. They will tell you about one card that will help you find a piece of the canvas.

So, go to the cave guarded by Pagan Ming's soldiers. Take a bow and try to extremely silently kill all enemies. Then climb to the top along the ledges. Here you can find the first piece of the canvas.

After you pick it up, you immediately fall into the mysterious Shangrila. Kill the demons here and complete all the tasks. As you kill all the enemies, then rise to the top and break the chains there.

Free Willis

Get to the indicated camp. Soon Willis will contact you by radio and ask for help. He needs to land the plane and apparently you are his last hope.

Once at the destination, you first need to kill six snipers. Soon Willis will land the plane, after which he will begin to negotiate with the commander. He will say that he must take him along with the case to Yuma. As you hear the prearranged signal, then start shooting all the enemies. There will be so many of them that there will not be enough cartridges in your rifle. Run quickly to Willis and deal with the rest of the enemies.

After this massacre, he will tell you that he is a CIA agent. The information about who did kill our father Ajay will be stored in the plane, which will soon take off. Get behind the wheel of a quad bike. As soon as you take off from the springboard, then switch to the wingsuit and try to catch up with this plane. It turns out that the folder inside will already be empty.

Kill or be killed

To find out the whole truth about your parents, you will first have to work for Willis. Get on the plane and after that, your next stop is Akashi Monastery. Here you will need to find one of Yuma's henchmen. Let the task be long, but it is not too big - kill all the enemies.

Murder from above

Willis is now ready to put an end to Yumi's case. Now again the scene of action becomes the monastery of Akashi. Use the wingsuit to quickly get to the archaeological site.

Once in place, then kill all the soldiers of Pagan Ming. Keep in mind that your goal will be at the very top. You need to slaughter the indicated target and then take a picture. As you complete the tasks, then go back to the plane and it turns out that Willis is not playing very honestly. He needed to "clean up" the CIA and that's why he leaves you to be eaten by Pagan Ming.

So now you are Yuma's prisoner. Her soldier injects you with drugs that will cause very strong hallucinations. When you wake up, you will need to get out of the cell. Go to the left side and try to be careful, as there will be a demon here. It will be impossible to kill him. The only thing that can save you is the constant running around in circles. Find the hook in the human corpse. After that, go back and the doors will open on the right side.

Move to the very end. After that, go to the left side and soon you will see a demon ahead. Now you need to find the altar with the dead man. Near the altar you can find a rope. Take it and soon one of the demons will come to the noise. You will have to run from the demon that there are forces. Run to the place where you need to find the "cat". Then go down below.

Soon the demon catches up with you and cuts your rope. The fall cannot be called successful, but still our Ajay managed to survive. Time to get out of this camp. At the very beginning, you can get a couple of throwing knives and a machine gun that has seventeen rounds. Try to keep your composure and your patience. If you raise the alarm, then you can start all over again. In the end, you will find yourself near the gate - shoot the castle and get out of here as soon as possible.

Key to the north

Come to Amita and she will give you the task to capture the bridge - the only place that connects the northern and southern Kirat. If you chose Sabal as a leader, then he will tell you where the fuel truck is located. If you are for Amita, then you will have to intercept the column. In any case, you have to get into this truck and move to the bridge. After you smash the passage, it will follow big shootout. You will have to hold this position until reinforcements arrive.

Truth and Justice

Move to the specified point on your map. Sabal will tell you that you need to meet with a group of rebels in a place called Utkarsh. Go into the house and go down to the basement. At that moment, Pagan Ming appears and kills the civilians. Get out of the house and kill two soldiers, then get into the helicopter and pursue your goal.

You may or may not shoot at vehicles. You can give the opportunity to transport to the city and kill all the passengers there. Soon, you will hear the voice of Pagan Ming on the radio. He will tell you that you killed his best double.


View the next performance of the tyrant on TV. After that, get to the mine called Keo Swarga to finally kill Yuma. As you find yourself inside this cave, then carefully examine the cave. When you read the last note, Yuma will appear and take you to the mysterious Shangrila.

Go straight ahead and you will soon see enemies on the horizon that you need to kill. After, blow up the gate. Then, with the help of the "cat", climb up the houses. In the cave you will meet Yuma again. She will try to seduce you, after which she will shoot.

After your death, you will be transferred to another location. Here you will need to neutralize Kalinaga - known as the Shangril Guardian. You will need to hit him three times with your knife. But before you hit him, you first need to hit him with your bow. Your situation will be complicated by the fact that white tigers and hunters will soon appear here. But after Kalinaga is dead, you wake up and realize that you fought with Yuma and her group all the time.

Cease and Desist - Culture Wars

You have a task to choose from. If you choose the path for Amita - Culture Wars, then you will need to destroy the temple and after, plunder it. If you prefer Sabal, then you will be able to preserve the culture and traditions. It will depend on your decision who will then lead Kirat at the end of the war.

To the shelter

After you have captured the temple, the artillery will attack Utkarsh. Time will be extremely limited. You will have to try to get to the city as soon as possible and protect it. There will be a lot of enemies. Therefore, before moving to this place, replenish your stocks of weapons and medicines - without them there is no chance. PG-7 is also better to take with you, as there will be a helicopter. You will need to repel about three waves, after which the town will be safe.

What goes around comes around

So, it all depends on who you have chosen as the head before. If Sabala, then he will ask to kill Amita, if Amita, then she asks to kill Sabal.

Ashes to ashes

So, now it's time to attack Pagan Ming's royal fortress. Here you will need to shoot accurately and capture the specified objects. After you control this territory, then undermine the statue of Ming, which consists of gold.

Now go to Royal Palace. Min will be here completely alone. He will offer you two options: the first is to shoot him on the spot, the second is to have dinner and then, dispel your mother's ashes.

The plot of the game ends with you talking to Yogi and Reggie, maybe the last time this time.