Skyrim kill character. Hidden Assassin in Skyrim. With the death of silence

Once upon a time, they were led by an adventure road ...

As in real world, there is justice in Skyrim.

A crime...
A crime is an illegal act against characters or against their property.
You will be fined if someone saw your atrocities. If not, then nothing will happen to you. You can also kill the one who noticed you, in this case the penalty is removed if you did not have time to inform the guards.

There are the following types of crimes:
  • Theft. Not everything can be taken by you. When aiming at an object that cannot be taken, a red inscription "Steal" will appear. If you are caught stealing, you will receive a fine of 40 gold or more, depending on the value of what was stolen (half). Reading books is not forbidden, but taking inventory is.
  • Pickpocketing. If you are caught pickpocketing, the same laws apply as for ordinary theft.
  • Breaking. It is also impossible to break locks in front of everyone. In any case, before learning the skillful hands perk.
  • Home invasion 5 gold.
  • Stealing a horse 50 gold each time you mount it.
  • Attack. Hitting someone also costs 40 gold.
  • Murder. Fine 1000 gold.
  • Jail break. Additional 100 gold.
  • Transform into a werewolf 1000 gold.
  • Vampirism and Cannibalism 40 gold.

Fines are cumulative. You also spoil the relationship with the characters very much.

Self defense is not a crime.

...and punishment
So, you've been denounced. Now what? Now you will be chased by the guards of the area of ​​Skyrim where the crime was committed.
There are the following areas:
  • Winterhold
  • Whiterun
  • Orc Tribes (Largashbur, Narzulbur, Dushnik-Yal, Mor Kazgur)
  • Riften
  • Limit (Markarth)
  • White Beach (Dunstar)
  • Hjaalmarch (Morthal)
  • Haafingare (Solitude)
  • Falkreath
  • Eastmarch (Windhelm)

Each of them has its own justice system. Wanted in one city, can safely roam in any other.To find out where and what fines you have been assigned, go to the statistics menu, on the crimes tab.
If you, a wanted criminal, are met by a guard, and you have a weapon in your hands, he will fight you. If you lay down your weapons, a dialogue will start. However, if you start attacking the guard, he may continue to kill you. In this case, it is better to run away and surrender to some other guard. So. If you give up, a dialogue will start.
You can:
  • Pay a fine. In this case, all things that were stolen will be taken from you. They will be placed in the "Evidence Chest", which can be found in the guard barracks. Please note that the castle is the level of the Master.
  • Go to jail. See the Escape section below for details.
  • Close your eyes on you. If the city guards treat you well, they may simply ignore your atrocities.
  • Also an exception can be made for thana.
  • Continue the battle. For notorious gentlemen of luck.
  • Bribing a guard. Perk from the Eloquence branch.
  • Bribing a guard, on behalf of the Thieves Guild. And in Skyrim - all the guards are corrupt in general! There are two options here, in the first you pay about 500 gold, and in the second you pay half of the fine. To be honest, I have no idea where and when the second option appears.

The exception is the orc tribes. With them, the conversation is short - either give them money, or you will be killed by the whole tribe.
The escape

If in the previous games of the series, getting into prison was an unpleasant and boring event, then in Skyrim everything is different.

Yes, you can just serve your time, but you risk losing your skills. To do this, you just need to activate the sleeping bag.
But you can also try to escape! The first and rather banal way to get out is the ability to open the camera lock. You keep one hidden master key with you. Adept level locks. After opening the lock, you need to get out of the prison. Killing guards with bare hands is very problematic. You need to find two chests with "evidence" (Master level locks) as soon as possible. A separate task appears in the MISCELLANEOUS section about the return of your belongings. All your equipment is there. Escape is subject to an additional 100 fines. There are several cities where only this type of escape is possible:
  • Dunstar
  • Windhelm
  • Morphal
  • Falkreath
  • Winterhold ("Prison" here is different from the rest. The fact is that the prisoners of Winterhold are exiled to a cave on a cold island, guarded by a dozen Ice Atronachs!)

It is also possible to escape through the tunnels in three cities.
  • Riften. To the left of the sign on the wall, find a broken bracket. Then a passage will open.
  • Solitude. Crumbly mortar. Through a hole in the wall in one place, it will be possible to open the chest with evidence and pick up things.
  • Whiterun. Loose grating, on the floor. Beginner level castle.

Markarth is a separate item. There the prisoners are forced to work in the mine. You can only escape during the mission " Rogue Conspiracy". Otherwise, you will have to work out your time by mining the ore. The grate cannot be opened.

In order to covertly kill enemies in Skyrim, you must consider that a number of different factors affect the effectiveness of your attempts to do this.

So, the higher the level of your Stealth skill, the more likely it is to go unnoticed by the enemy. In addition, the level of the opponent is also important - the higher it is, the harder it will be to get close to the enemy.

Lighting is also very important - of course, the darker environment, the more likely you are to go unnoticed. It is also important to pay attention to the weapons of your character - in order to kill stealthily in Skyrim, it is best to use only daggers that do not make sounds at all.

Concerning technical side question, then for a stealth kill you need to hold down the Ctrl key and get close to the enemy from the back, ideally also in the dark. The bow proved to be great in this matter, with which you don’t need to pick up point-blank range, you can shoot the enemy at a distance.

Also, do not forget that if you were not noticed, then by default your attack will inflict double damage on the enemy, and the skill develops even further, therefore, with proper skill, you can turn into a dangerous assassin.

You can increase the effectiveness of your actions with the help of a one-handed dagger, used with poison applied to the blade. And even better - add to this good also the enchantment of weapons.

Remember that wearing such sometimes useful heavy armor will play a trick on you if you try to act covertly - it is harder for Dovakin to move in it, therefore, he makes much more noise when moving.

Also, a lot of noise comes from two-handed weapons, one-handed weapons are already an order of magnitude quieter, and daggers and bows do not make noise at all.

If a torch or a fire is burning nearby, it will be much harder to hide than in the dark or at least a shadow. You can also be given away by some enchanted weapon, like a flaming sword, which has a glow effect.

You should also be careful with spells, as they can create noise and flashes of light, which will inevitably attract the attention of enemies. It is best to always go to the latter, if not from behind, then at least from the side. Attacking from the front is an almost guaranteed failure of the covert attempt.

In addition, in motion you also attract much more attention than standing still, so do not rush to run forward, something is a little wrong. Escape attempts can only permanently give up your location.

While you are moving stealthily, a special icon will be displayed in the center of the screen, by which you can navigate how successfully you are hiding. If the eye is fully open and the inscription "you have been noticed" appears under it - it's bad, the enemy clearly knows where you are and is ready to attack.

If the eye is completely closed and the inscription "you are not seen" is displayed under it, then you can be calm, they don't even try to look for you.

As for the stealth skill, Khajiit (plus ten), Argonians and Bosmer (plus five) have a slight head start in its development.

Cheats for Skyrim are bad form. But if cheating is done through legal means, everything changes! Using console commands, any player can do very, very much, turning himself into the god of the game in the literal sense of the word! Here are the most interesting console commands in Skyrim:

The video clip will show you a selection of the most-most interesting options and then you can continue reading.

God mode, you become invulnerable and can do anything. The video shows what you can achieve:

Addition to god mode: you can go to heaven or underground, anywhere, there are no barriers for you.

The castle doesn't work? There is no key, and lockpicking is poorly pumped? Write this in the console - and you will become the best bugbear in Skyrim.

You will learn all the spells in the game.

You are getting new level! Pumping is easier than ever

Completes all stages of the main quest, making playing Skyrim almost pointless.

You can change the race, however this will reset all levels and skills.

player.modav skill X
Changes the skill "skill" to the amount "x".

player.additem ITEM ###
Adds an item with the specified code and in the specified quantity to the player's inventory.

player.additem 0000000f ###
Adds from 1 to 999 gold coins.

player.additem 0000000a "###"
Adds a few picks.

Disables all game menus, great for taking screenshots.

Turns the markers on the map on or off.

Gives access to a flying map, allowing you to view the world from the height of a dragon's flight

Disables artificial intelligence. Fully

Turns enemy AI on or off, turning dragons into pincushions

Enables or disables the ability to detect crime: murder, theft.

player.setcrimegold ###
Can increase or decrease the player's "crime" level

player.setlevel ##
Increases or decreases the player's level by the specified amount.

player.setav speedmult ###
Allows you to increase the speed to exorbitant values.

Directs you to the objective of the quest

Kills the target. Simple and effective.

Kills everyone. Nuff said.

Shows all console commands

Resurrects the target so you can kill them again

player.modav carryweight #
Changes the weight of items worn by the player.

Increases the fame of the character.

Increases the fame of the NPC.

player.setav fatigue #
Allows you to get rid of the annoying feeling of fatigue that the character experiences for some reason.

player.setav health #
Increases health

Exits the game quickly and easily.

Removes all items, including clothes, from the target.

sex change
Changes the gender of the target.

set timescale to #
Allows you to speed up or reduce the passage of time.

Use these console skyrim commands at one's own risk. Remember - cheating on the first playthrough can kill all interest!

skyrim incredible interesting game series The Elder Scrolls. The uniqueness of the presented features, features and story attracts fans from all over the world. Dragonborn in his struggle cannot choose definite purpose, since the battle is as close to real as possible; it lacks the choice of the target of the attack. Arrows will hit the place where the sight was aimed, and with a swing of the saber, you can cause damage to the enemy.

The magician, on the other hand, needs to face the enemy, and this makes it much more difficult game process, since due to your carelessness it is very easy to hit a satellite or even kill an allied NPS in mass battle. Companions have a large amount of life, it is not possible to defeat them with one blow. With a direct hit on a comrade, he will react by asking him to stop hurting him.

There are characters that cannot be killed, as they will be needed for the main storyline(these are generals and leaders of both sides). Even with a mod that gives your character immortality, their lives won't end. After damage done the mob will kneel wounded, renew his strength and rise again. This feature does not apply to minor heroes whose quests are not directly related to dragons or the war with Ulfric Stormcloak.

If you yourself killed the hero you need, how to resurrect the character in skyrim? Resurrection by principle online games there is no. In the same way, if your character dies, you will have to start from the moment you saved the save. Not game characters die forever.

A blacksmith or shopkeeper may disappear after being attacked by vampires or due to old age.

The easiest way to bring the desired mob back to life is to reload the previous save and not kill it. The automatic in-game respawn of all the inhabitants of Skyrim occurs a year from the moment of the murder, but even for in-game time, this is an incredibly long time. If for some reason it is impossible to fix the murder (or death is not related to your actions), only the command written in the console can bring it back to life.

How to resurrect a character in skyrim using the console

You can find out which character is missing by entering its ID. Two codes must be specified, one of which is required for respawning.

Resurrection algorithm:

1. Open command line console with tilde.
2. Enter: Prid, which will indicate the mob you need and its immediate REF ID code.
3. Resurrect 1 which will resurrect the desired character. If you specify the number "0" after the command, then the specified mob can be killed by deactivating its immortality.
4. Enable will apply the above action, after which the changes will take effect.
Making a character friendly is necessary if he died from your blade.
After the resurrection, the hero can appear anywhere, so to move him to the correct location, to your home or workplace, enter: Moveto playe (does not always work).
After that, the console can be closed and the selected character can be contacted for help.
Upon returning from the other world, some functions of the NPC may be lost (for example, the merchant may stop offering his goods).

To fully restore his abilities, you will have to work hard and find the faction or guild of merchants to which he was attached.

How to resurrect a character in skyrim if there is no body left or just a handful of ashes? To do this, you must first enter the NPC code, namely the command to move the character. His lifeless body can be teleported to you, which can be resurrected using the above instructions. If the ashes of the mob were incinerated, the remains can be used. Clicking on them right click, you should write a command for resurrection. After such operations, there is a possibility of bugs, for example, a pile of ashes will not disappear and will try to talk to you.