Theos is another world. Theos: Desires of the Goddess. Multiplayer massive battles in the game teos

"Shaiya" or "Teos: Desires of a Goddess" was created in 2006 by the Korean company Sonov Entertainment.

And although the Russian version did not take root, and the servers were closed in 2012, the game is experiencing an upsurge and continues to develop.

Video game Theos: Desires of the Goddess

Updates and content additions are regularly released on foreign servers, new interesting features are introduced, locations appear, and gameplay improves.

Brief background

The war of the Gods with the evil Nameless lasted for a long time, so one day the goddess Etain decided to create a new world, called Theos.

After her death, her soul split into two parts and went to help the creatures inhabiting the world, who have to fight not only with a common enemy, but also among themselves.

Races and classes

There is a clear confrontation between the two factions, good and bad, the alliance of Light and the alliance of Fury.

On one account, a player can only create representatives of one side.

For killing an enemy- honor, praise, gold and bonuses, attacking allies is allowed only in duels after confirmation of joint consent and long curtsies.

  1. On the side of the world, humans and elves fight.
  2. Standing out from the darkness are the veela, grey-skinned creatures resembling dark elves from "La 2", and nordains, they are also eaters - pitching of huge growth.

The set of classes is standard: warriors, mages, priests, assassins and others, a total of 12 options, 3 per race.

Gameplay Features

It is unlikely that you will find anything new in Theos: Desires of the Goddess:

  • Endless grinding, diluted by going to instas from early levels,
  • Duels and massacres for several hundred people,
  • Epic mounts and character upgrades.

Crafting is well implemented: any thing is disassembled into parts to create a new, cooler one, equipment is broken and repaired, there is sharpening and enchantment.

Make allowances for the release date of the game: if in 2006 the graphics looked good, now they are already disappointing, and, having got used to non-targeting, playing an MMO with a “highlight-click-attack” combat is frankly boring.

True, unlike many Asian games, "Shaiya" looks well thought out - the division into difficulty levels, separate zones for beginners and experienced players, "the same goddess" who helps in battles, mini-games and other pleasing little things.

General impression

"Shaiya" looks decent for its time, but very outdated now, when there are many more interesting projects.

If it doesn't bother you to play on bourgeois servers, weak computer and as a nostalgia - why not?

Creation of the world. Emergence of the Creator Etain

During the First Creation, the gods left the Teos dimension empty and lifeless - the border world was supposed to serve as an indestructible barrier between the inhabited spheres of the Fan and the Dead Stripe, the possessions of the Nameless One.

For millennia, Theos remained cold and lifeless and would remain so until the very end of time, but the Nameless One intervened. Once he had already opposed the will of the gods, lost the battle and was imprisoned outside of all things, but did not give up. He accumulated rage and desire for revenge, comprehended forbidden knowledge. And a new confrontation was not long in coming - the Nameless One challenged his winners.

This time, the Prime Creators no longer had a decisive advantage, and therefore the terrible battle is still thundering, unabated. The flesh of the Fan cracks and the Universe itself groans under the blows of unprecedented power. Many lesser gods fell in battle, and the older ones, those who were not accustomed to rule over destruction and death, began to tire of the endless war.

Etain, the Creator of Worlds, left the arena of total extermination, shocked by thousands of senseless deaths. A long journey through ruined worlds has brought her to an old, abandoned frontier: the empty dimension of Theos. Fatigue did not let Etain go further, but the desire to create - the destiny and purpose of the goddess - turned out to be much stronger than the wounds inflicted by the war.

Somewhere in the Dead Zone, thousands of living beings were dying every minute in an endless confrontation, and the Creator decided to restore balance: to give the Fan another world and breathe life into Theos. With a skillful hand, she created a new world, filled it with water and raised dry land from the abyss. The first inhabitants will call the promised land Teos (Teos Epeiros - “the continent of the gods”), a gigantic island that looks like a cut chain mail, washed by a boundless ocean.

Unfortunately, Etain did not yet know what brought to Theos not only life, but also the terrible curse of the Nameless One. The Lord of the Dead Band is capable of any meanness, and he never shied away from finishing off the wounded or stabbing him in the back.

The death of the goddess

Etain inhabited the created world with a variety of living creatures, forests, steppes, mountains and rivers were filled with the irrepressible joy of being. Reasonable ones appeared on Teos last - noble elves telaiosis, which means "perfect", beloved children of the goddess, similar to her even in appearance, and brave, proud people of the duminas clan.

Having survived hundreds of bloody battles, the Creator, more than anything else, wished for a quiet, measured life for herself and her children. The peace of mind and inner harmony of the goddess protected Theos from numerous adversities and gave happiness and prosperity to the original races of Theos.

But the curse of the Nameless One, who hid for the time being, finally waited in the wings - and along with the grace of Etain, untold disasters rained down on the unsuspecting world. The walls of the cities were besieged by hordes of monsters, stones and ashes fell from the sky, volcanoes woke up, destructive hurricanes swept over the fertile fields. Incurable pestilence spread across Teos faster than wildfire.

Attitude towards Etain, who until recently was blindly worshiped, gradually worsened. Tormented by chaos, epidemics and catastrophes, the creatures of the goddess could not understand why the adored Creator was punishing her people. Teos grew discontented. noble elves muttered muffledly, embarrassed to express claims, but the duminas were openly preparing to oppose the goddess.

And when it became impossible to endure, people marched on the Heavenly home of Etain, and even telaiosis joined them. Only a few remained faithful to the goddess and tried to resist the rebellion, but the furious wave of the advancing swept them away like a spring flood of a coastal fishing village.

There is no more terrible enemy than a recent enthusiastic admirer suddenly disappointed in his idol. Etain's loyal servants fell to the last man during the seven-day siege. Having flooded the once sacred steps with blood, the rebels burst into the chambers of the Creator. The goddess looked tired, her pure radiance faded and dimmed - her strength was exhausted in a fruitless struggle with the curse. The stunned residents of Teos, who revered Etain, among other things, for their fabulous, unearthly beauty, suddenly saw an ugly old woman in front of them - it seemed to them so. Someone shouted that the goddess had been replaced and a disgusting monster had taken the place of the former deity. And then hundreds of blades pierced the body of the Creator.

So the last, secret part of the curse came true: one day, the children of Etain, her creations, the flesh and blood of her plans, will destroy their creator. And at the site of the death of the goddess, a giant crater now gapes - the Source of Seven Troubles, from which crowds of bloody monsters still come out and terrible disasters rain down on the long-suffering Teos.

Separation of races. Alliance of Light and Alliance of Fury

With the death of the goddess, chaos on Teos did not stop. An incredible explosion shattered Etain's Skyhome, burying thousands of recent rebels beneath it. It is said that their souls are cursed forever and in the raging crucible of the Source of Seven Troubles they turned into deadly creatures. From it, new cataclysms fell upon the "continent of the gods". The ocean was advancing on land, and disastrous storms swept away everything in their path. The frightened people of Theos prayed to Etain for intercession, but, unfortunately, there was no one to hear their calls. The body of the Creator disincarnated, and the spirit thrown out of the Fan hovered very far from her dying creation.

Divided in two by the crater of Chaos, the peoples of Teos retreated, with difficulty fighting off their pursuers. In the north, along the banks of the Great River, people and elves managed to gain a foothold, build a chain of border forts and stop the advance of the creatures of Darkness for many centuries. The southern branch of the originals, tormented by endless hurricanes and celestial rockfalls, took refuge in the caves and foothill passages of the Karlam ridge.

The once united people were divided.

For hundreds of years the invasion of Chaos continued. Epochs changed, and the inhabitants of Teos changed. The elves and people of the North have united in an indestructible Alliance of Light - in opposition to the advancing Darkness of the Nameless. Generations have matured in the ongoing war with hordes of monsters, improved magic, invented new weapons. And once they managed to reverse the invasion - the allied regiments drove the monsters back to the crater.

In the south, the originals had to face more the elements than living flesh. Many years of life underground changed them: the skin of the foothill elves turned pale, their eyes got used to the darkness. On the surface, they often appeared at night, when deadly whirlwinds and fiery rains subsided for a while. Now they called themselves Veela, renouncing the former name of their race.

The people of the South went into the labyrinth of mountain spurs, and during the years of hermitage they lost most of their previous knowledge. They say that by the day of the Unification they did not even know iron, making weapons from stone and the shells of dead animals. But in the strength of spirit and body they far surpassed the original ones and, in order to differ from them, they also took a new name for themselves - Nordane.

The fury of Chaos gradually faded, and the Veela scouts began to move farther and farther from the hidden caves of their people. The first meeting with the Nordains ended in a bloody massacre, but then skillful diplomacy reunited the divided peoples. The Veela gave their new allies weapons, taught them how to process metals again - and in a few years the united detachments were already clearing the foothills of the creatures of Chaos.

Of course, the two poles of the tormented continent could not but collide one day. Mutual hatred flared up from the first spark. The southern peoples called the Alliance of Light sissies who sat out in a calm interfluve, while hundreds of relatives perished in the mountains. The northerners were convinced that they were opposed by cruel savages who rejected the commandments of goodness and freedom. There were rumors that, allegedly due to a lack of food, Veela children do not feed on mother's milk, but on blood.

And it goes without saying that both sides held their opponents responsible for the death of their beloved Etain. The Alliance of Light has declared an unrestricted war. The Veela and Nordain accepted the challenge, raising the banner of the Union of Fury above their heads.

Split spirit - Deirdre and Riel. Goddess wishes. Blessing for the Dedicated

Yet Etain's spirit returned to Theos. Even having accepted death at the hands of her children, the Creator did not stop pitying and loving them. The disembodied soul of the goddess came to Theos in the midst of the confrontation between the Alliance and the Union. Probably, the resurrection of Etain could have stopped the fratricidal war, but, unfortunately, it happened differently. Human and elven bodies turned out to be too weak to single-handedly accept the spirit of the Creator of the Worlds. In an effort to gain flesh as quickly as possible, the goddess unleashed elemental magic. And ... miscalculated. Instead of a single being, combining the power of Fire, Water, Earth and Sky, the elements, weakened by the proximity of Chaos, attracted the spirit of the goddess to themselves and divided it in two.

From the mighty oak groves of the North came the White goddess Deidra, the offspring of Earth and Water. The happy news of the return of the Creator spread very quickly, and the Alliance of Light swore allegiance to her. For gentleness in handling, kindness and love, Deirdre received the name of the goddess of Fidelity and Love among the people.

But at the same time, from the undermountain flame, the Dark goddess Riel, the daughter of Fire and Sky, frantic and passionate, appeared to the Weela and Nordains. The Union of Rage swore allegiance to her, naming the other part of Etain's divided spirit the goddess of Rage and Passion.

Initially, Deirdre and Riel did not count each other among the enemies, and it is unlikely that each of them considered the second hypostasis to be real - after all, they only imagined themselves to be the embodiment of the spirit of the Great Goddess. But this spirit remained incomplete, because, like any mortal woman, Etain was characterized by Loyalty and Fury, Passion and Love. Both goddesses dreamed of fully embodying the soul of the Creator. But to achieve the ideal, strength was needed, and the strength of the gods is taken only from the worship of hundreds of thousands of believers. The whole of Theos had long been divided into two opposing camps, and there was nowhere to take new adherents except from the enemy camp. Deirdre and Riel very quickly realized that they were striving for the same goal, which means that on the way to the embodiment of a single Etain, they would have to face an opponent of equal strength. And either destroy it, or perish itself. The goddesses have known the face of their enemy.

And then they announced to their worshipers the Desire - to defend their own strength and faith, to destroy the initiates of the other side for the sake of a great victory: the return of the Creator Etain. The war between the Alliance of Light and the Alliance of Fury flared up with renewed vigor, even those who had stood aloof from the conflict for a long time took up arms. In both camps, they tried to present a new confrontation as a battle of Light against Darkness or Freedom against Slavery, but there was little truth in this. The few chroniclers who are already writing the history of the epic battle in our time agree on one thing: the goals and thoughts of the goddess of Fidelity are not always as pure and flawless as one might think looking at her sparkling clothes, and the frantic impulses of the goddess of Fury are sometimes full of honor and nobility.

As a reward for defeating the enemy, Deirdre and Riel give the initiates a Blessing - a piece of their magical power, which allows you to strengthen the power of armor, increase the rage of swords and striking force spells. And there is no better reward in the world for a faithful knight than another fraction of the Blessing. For her sake, adherents of the White and Dark goddesses are capable of much. For there are no such feats that great heroes would not perform in the name of Love, and for the sake of Loyalty to the word and duty, rivers of blood were shed more than once. And the most destructive wars often began at the behest of unbridled Passions and indomitable Fury.

The desires of the goddesses are changeable and fickle, but more and more faithful admirers of Love and Fidelity, Fury and Passion are ready to cross swords for a new portion of the Blessing. And there is no hope that the epic battle on Teos will ever end in peace. The Alliance of Light and the Alliance of Fury agree to either final victory or mutual destruction.

Nothing else is given.

Taken from the official website of Theos: Goddess' Desires

Project closed

Theos Desires of the Goddess is a new multiplayer online game with a revolutionary PvP system. In the vast expanses of fantasy space, two powerful opponents are fighting - the Union of Fury and the Alliance of Light, led by the goddesses Riel and Deidra. Which side to choose? Decide for yourself, both of them have their own truth, suffered through centuries of bloody struggle. The most courageous warriors and magicians of the goddess are rewarded with a blessing, from which armor becomes stronger and magical spells gain strength. The more benevolent the goddess, the more chances to survive in epic battles legions of Fury and Light.

Adventurers will also be able to find something to do, because since the time of the invasion of monsters in the world of Teos, there have been many dungeons with ancient treasures and evil monsters guarding them. And what could be better than to kill the guardians and appropriate everything of value to yourself?

Screenshots from mmorpg games Theos: Desires of the Goddess

Theos: Desires of the Goddess features and system requirements

System requirements
. System: Windows XP/Vista/7
. Processor: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz
. Video card: Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT / Radeon 5700
. Memory: 512 MB
. Hard disk: 2GB
. Sound: Direct x 9.0 compatible or higher
. Internet: 256Kbit

Game Features
. Name:
. Subscriber. fee: None (free2play)
. Type: Online RPG
. Genre: Fantasy
. Release date: 2007
. Developer: Sonov Entertainment
. Publisher: Nival Network
. Official site:

Theos World. one

Theos legend. one

Creation of the world. Emergence of the Creator Etain. one

Death of a goddess. 2

Separation of races. Alliance of Light and Alliance of Fury. 4

Split Spirit: Deirdre and Riel. Goddess wishes. Blessing for the Initiates. five

Teos - traveler's notes. 7

Life in the world of adventure. eight

Four steps to perfection. nine

The kingdom of friendship and the kingdom of war.. 9

Teos map. eleven

Newbie. eleven

Character Creation. eleven

Character characteristics. 13

Specifications. fourteen

Skills. fifteen

Game modes.. 16

Newbie. 16

Veteran. 16

Legend. 17

Description of the interface. 17

Control. eighteen

Movement, hunting and battle. eighteen

Control. eighteen

Hunting and battle. eighteen

Mini-map and tasks. eighteen

Minimap. eighteen

Tasks. eighteen

Trade. eighteen

Decorations. eighteen

Answers to frequently asked questions.. 18

Additional services. eighteen

Services for heads of guilds. eighteen

Description of tasks related to the game store.. 18

Alliance of Light: Quest "Potion of the Goddess" (available from level 1). eighteen

Alliance of Light: Resolve to Revenge Quest (Available from level 29). eighteen

Union of Rage: Quest "Potion of the Goddess" (available from level 1). eighteen

Fury Alliance: Resolve to Revenge quest (available from level 29). eighteen

Services "Big wedding" and "Jubilee". eighteen

Application conditions: 18

Applications must include: 18

Ceremony schedule: 18

2. During the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom will receive gifts: 18

Service cost. eighteen

Tests. eighteen

Level down service. eighteen

Service conditions: 18

In order to level down, you need to do the following: 18

Item Restoration Service. eighteen

Service conditions: 18

In order to restore an item, you need to do the following: 18

Guild leader change. eighteen

Paid services Legend mode. eighteen

Terms of service "Marriage". eighteen

Application conditions: 18

The letters must indicate: 18

Marriage regulations: 18

Service cost. eighteen

Divorce. eighteen

Nordeins.. 18

Hunter. eighteen

Mercenary. eighteen

Witch. eighteen

Oracle. eighteen

Available weapons: 18

The keeper. eighteen

Available weapons: 18

Available weapons: 18

Scout. eighteen

Shooter. eighteen

PvP-mode "Invasion" - bloody assault.. 18

Canos Ilium.. 18

How to get to new locations. eighteen

Four areas of Canos-Ilium.. 18

Palaion-Regnum.. 18

Waldemar-Regnum.. 18

Invasion sign. eighteen

Fights between guilds. eighteen

Guild house.. 18

Employees. eighteen

Battles between players. eighteen

Combat mechanics. eighteen

Player versus Player (PVP). eighteen

Character death. eighteen

Legendary Guild Tournament. eighteen

Basic terms and conditions. eighteen

Award Rules: 18

Relic Defenders. eighteen

Regulations. eighteen

Awards.. 18

PvP competitions in honor of the great goddesses!. eighteen

Stage 1. How to get to the zone of the “Guild Ranking Battle”?. eighteen

Getting ethine. eighteen

Legendary weapons and divine armor. eighteen

Armor sets of the Alliance of Light. eighteen

Fury Union Armor Sets. eighteen

Weapons of the Alliance of Light and the Alliance of Fury. eighteen

Theos World

Theos legend

Creation of the world. Emergence of the Creator Etain

During the First Creation, the gods left the Teos dimension empty and lifeless - the border world was supposed to serve as an indestructible barrier between the inhabited spheres of the Fan and the Dead Stripe, the possessions of the Nameless.

For millennia, Theos remained cold and lifeless and would remain so until the very end of time, but the Nameless One intervened. Once he had already opposed the will of the gods, lost the battle and was imprisoned outside of all things, but did not give up. He accumulated rage and desire for revenge, comprehended forbidden knowledge. And a new confrontation was not long in coming - the Nameless One challenged his winners.

This time, the Prime Creators no longer had a decisive advantage, and therefore the terrible battle is still thundering, unabated. The flesh of the Fan cracks and the Universe itself groans under the blows of unprecedented power. Many younger gods fell in battle, and the older ones, those who were not accustomed to rule over destruction and death, began to tire of the endless war.

Etain, the Creator of Worlds, left the arena of total extermination, shocked by thousands of senseless deaths. A long journey through ruined worlds has brought her to an old, abandoned frontier: the empty dimension of Theos. Fatigue did not let Etain go further, but the desire to create - the destiny and purpose of the goddess - turned out to be much stronger than the wounds inflicted by the war.

Somewhere in the Dead Zone, thousands of living beings were dying every minute in an endless confrontation, and the Creator decided to restore balance: to give the Fan another world and breathe life into Theos. With a skillful hand, she created a new world, filled it with water and raised dry land from the abyss. The promised land the first inhabitants will call Theos(Teos Epeiros - "continent of the gods"), similar to a slashed chain mail, a giant island washed by a boundless ocean.

Unfortunately, Etain did not yet know what brought to Theos not only life, but also the terrible curse of the Nameless One. The Lord of the Dead Band is capable of any meanness, and he never shied away from finishing off the wounded or stabbing him in the back.

The death of the goddess

Etain inhabited the created world with a variety of living creatures - forests, steppes, mountains and rivers were filled with the irrepressible joy of being. Reasonable ones appeared on Teos last - noble elves telaiosis, which means "perfect", beloved children of the goddess, similar to her even in appearance, and brave, proud people of the duminas clan.

Having survived hundreds of bloody battles, the Creator, more than anything else, wished for a quiet, measured life for herself and her children. The peace of mind and inner harmony of the goddess protected Theos from numerous adversities and gave happiness and prosperity to the original races of Theos.

But the curse of the Nameless One, who lurked for the time being, finally waited in the wings - and along with the grace of Etain, incalculable disasters rained down on the unsuspecting world. The walls of the cities were besieged by hordes of monsters, stones and ashes fell from the sky, volcanoes woke up, destructive hurricanes swept over the fertile fields. Incurable pestilence spread across Teos faster than wildfire.

Attitude towards Etain, who until recently was blindly worshiped, gradually worsened. Tormented by chaos, epidemics and catastrophes, the creatures of the goddess could not understand why the adored Creator was punishing her people. Teos grew discontented. The noble elves murmured muffledly, embarrassed to express their claims, but the duminas were openly preparing to oppose the goddess.

And when it became impossible to endure, people marched on the Heavenly home of Etain, and even telaiosis joined them. Only a few remained faithful to the goddess and tried to resist the rebellion, but the furious wave of the advancing swept them away like a spring flood of a coastal fishing village.

There is no more terrible enemy than a recent enthusiastic admirer suddenly disappointed in his idol. Etain's loyal servants fell to the last man during the seven-day siege. Having flooded the once sacred steps with blood, the rebels burst into the chambers of the Creator. The goddess looked tired, her pure radiance faded and dimmed - her strength was exhausted in a fruitless struggle with the curse. The stunned residents of Teos, who revered Etain, among other things, for their fabulous, unearthly beauty, suddenly saw an ugly old woman in front of them - it seemed to them so. Someone shouted that the goddess had been replaced and a disgusting monster had taken the place of the former deity. And then hundreds of blades pierced the body of the Creator.

So the last, secret part of the curse came true: one day, the children of Etain, her creations, the flesh and blood of her plans, will destroy their creator. And at the site of the death of the goddess, a giant crater now gapes - Source of the Seven Troubles, from which crowds of bloody monsters still come out and terrible disasters rain down on the long-suffering Theos.

Life in the world of adventure

The world of Teos will destroy a weak adventurer, so the creation of a new hero is an extremely important and responsible matter. To begin with, you should decide whose worldview you prefer - the freedom fighters from the Union of Fury or the defenders of justice from the Alliance of Light. As such, there is no division into black and white, all races have managed to accomplish enough feats and meanness.

The boundless and picturesque expanses of forests and steppes, high-altitude plains and serpentine roads dotted with fragments of monuments and ruined buildings will not soon quench the traveler's thirst. Vast spaces are far from dead. An inquisitive player runs the risk of stumbling upon a hunter's hut with a task in store for a random guest, a lair of monsters, a whole city with its own unique architecture, or a portal to the next location, where new adventures and discoveries await him.

There are not many options in Teos when choosing a class. True, this is what made it possible to move from quantity to quality and to hone the balance of the warring parties as much as possible. Humans and elves need no introduction and do not raise questions. human keepers excellent defense, priests heal and resurrect the dead, and fighters destroy any threat. Inconspicuous elven scouts and arrows are already attacking the enemy, when he is still unaware of the attack. Magic spells will be a good support in any raid.

Representatives of the Union of Rage are different from their rivals. Veela, who were once part of the elven people, defeat their enemies with cunning, dexterity and secret knowledge. A Veela mercenary is an Elven scout. Witch comparable to a magician oracle looks like a priest. nordains famous for the brute strength of the warriors, the power of the guards and ruthless hunters. Particularly effective for raids and clan battles are combinations of classes of different races that cover weak spots and complementary skills. Having joined one of the parties, the player will no longer be able to change the banner without deleting all of their characters.

Teos Map


Character Creation

When you first enter the game, you will be prompted to choose a faction for which you will play - Alliance of Light or Union of Rage. On one account there cannot be characters belonging to different factions. Be careful with your choice. It will be possible to change the faction and the patron goddess only after deleting all the characters on your account.

After choosing a faction, you are given the opportunity to create your first character. To do this, click the button " Create"And in the interface that appears, select the parameters of the future character:

  • Name (may consist of letters, numbers and some characters);
  • Race (one of two available races depending on the chosen faction);
  • Class (one of three classes depending on the chosen race);
  • Appearance (height, face, hairstyle);
  • Mode.

By choosing appearance and character class, you can press the button " OK».

Congratulations! You have just created your first character! You can start the game.

Character characteristics

The character leveling system is organized so that any player can not only choose the class he likes, but also adjust it to his style of play. As the character levels up, they receive a certain number of attribute points and skill points, which the player can distribute as they wish and thus create their own unique character.

The amount of stat and skill points you get as you level up is determined by the game mode you've chosen: the higher the mode, the more points you get. As the game mode increases, previously inaccessible character skills are also unlocked. But in any case, the system is designed in such a way that it is impossible to learn all the existing skills. Therefore, you will have to choose which skills are priority and which are not needed at all.


Each character has 6 base stats (STR, ANS, INT, WIT, DEX, LUC), which are increased by allocating attribute points. These parameters affect the derived characteristics of the character (health, mana, energy, physical and magical attack, physical and magical defense, critical strike and evasion probability, accuracy). Some of them can be seen in the character's characteristics window ("T").


As the character levels up, he gets skill points that he can spend on learning the skills you have chosen. All skills are divided into 4 groups: passive, basic, combat and special.

Passive skills can be used for as long as they are learned, and often improve a character's skill with certain weapons, give them various class features, or even allow them to understand the speech of a hostile faction.

Basic skills include basic attacking, healing, debilitating, etc. class skills.

Combat skills include offensive, defensive, healing, etc. abilities of great power.

Special Skills are unique class abilities, passive properties, and offensive abilities of special destructive power. This type of skill is not available in Beginner mode.

The list of available skills depends not only on the level and class of the character, but also on the selected mode, with the increase of which the character opens up more and more powerful and useful skills.

Game modes

The game has 4 game modes with their own characteristics - everyone will find something to their liking. The mode is selected when creating a character, and if you want to try another, you will have to create a new character. Initially, only two modes are available to choose from - Novice and Soldier. Veteran and Legend are unlocked by leveling up characters in other modes. Now consider distinctive features everyone.


  • the amount of experience required to gain levels has been reduced;
  • character level capped at 30;
  • Skills of the "Special" type are not available;
  • you cannot join a guild and create your own;
  • high-quality items (terrible, legendary and divine) cannot be used;


Standard Mode the game that most players start with. It does not give any special bonuses, but it does not introduce significant restrictions on the game process. This is the second of two modes available at the beginning of the game.

Attention: you need to reach level 30 in this mode to access the Veteran mode.

Features of this mode:

  • standard experience values ​​for getting a new level;
  • it is possible to use mounts for level 40 (both common and rare);
  • you can use high quality items, up to formidable ones (4 slots);
  • the character gains 5 stat points and 3 skill points when leveling up.


Game mode for those who already have great experience game and does not want to stop there. Character training is greatly slowed down, but the bonuses provided by the mode are worth it.

Attention: you need to reach level 40 in this mode in order to unlock access to the Legend mode.

Veteran mode features:

  • increased the amount of experience required to gain levels;
  • it is possible to upgrade the character to the maximum, 70th, level;
  • access to new character skills, previously hidden;
  • it is possible to use mounts for level 40, as well as mounts for veterans at level 50;
  • you can use high quality items, up to legendary (5 slots);
  • the character gains 7 attribute points and 4 skill points when leveling up.


The pinnacle of character development, revealing his full potential. Hero training is slower compared to Veteran mode, but with more additional features. After the death of the character, only 3 minutes are given to resurrect him.

Mode features:

  • it is possible to upgrade the character to the maximum, 70th, level;
  • access to unique character skills previously hidden;
  • you can use items of any quality, including divine (6 slots);
  • the character gains 9 attribute points and 5 skill points when leveling up.

Interface Description

Conventionally, the game interface can be divided into several main elements.

  1. Character status window. Displays the name of the character, his level, as well as the current and maximum levels of OZ, MP, OH.
  2. Target window. Displays the name of the current target, its HP level, as well as whether the target's attack belongs to one of the four elemental elements (fire, air, water, earth).
  3. Buff/weak status. Displays current information about all positive and negative spells cast on the character.
  4. Quick access panel. A panel that can be used to quickly access the main skills, actions, and items of the character. Access to the cells of the panel is carried out using the keys 1-0 on the alphabetic keyboard. It is possible to use another additional panel. To enable it, press the button with the “+” sign on the main panel. Access to the cells of the additional panel by default is carried out using the keys 1-0 on the numeric keypad, but it can be reconfigured using the "Extras" item. panel" of game settings.
  5. Character `s name. The name of your character. May be upgraded with party or PvP rank icons under appropriate conditions.
  6. Radar. Displays the current location, nearest characters, ready to give a task, the direction of movement towards the character whose task was successfully completed, and also serves as an indicator of the approach of representatives of a hostile faction. You can use the "+"/"-" buttons to change the radar scale. There is also a button with the image of parchment, with which you can call up a mini-map of the area.
  7. Function buttons. Buttons that give the user access to various auxiliary interfaces (from left to right): Shop, Characteristics, Inventory, Skills, Actions, Quests, Communication(Guild), Settings.
  8. Goddess blessing. Shows the current level of blessing, and when hovering the cursor over the full list of current bonuses.
  9. An experience. Shows the current level of experience as a percentage to the next level.
  10. System message window. Displays various service information (leveling up, dying, using skills, getting items, etc.).
  11. Chat window. Displays your messages and messages of other players. Has multiple channels and message display settings for specific channels.

With the release of the "Star Temple" update in " Theos: Desires of the Goddess"A new functionality has appeared that will allow you to quickly activate skills or spells, as well as use potions and scrolls with the press of a single key. " Revolver panel" allows you to set up a "clip" of six skills, and then use them by pressing a single key " R».

All you need is to drag the spells or skills you need into the cells of the panel. Each press of the hot key will activate skills in the order you set, scrolling through them like cartridges in a real revolver. Only one can be active at a time Revolver panel". However, you can customize up to four of these "clips" of skills and switch them, depending on the tactical situation, using a keyboard shortcut Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3 and Alt+4.

In addition to " Revolver panels» in the Star Temple, each player has their own « Pocket with potions". Another panel of two cells - for potions or scrolls - will allow you to activate the items placed in it by pressing the " Z" and " X».


Key Meaning Key Meaning
Esc Cancel/Settings Tab Running/Walking
Enter Chat Q go left
F1–F8 Selecting a group member W Go forward
F10 Change view (1st person/3rd person) E go right
F11 Hide/show interface A Turn left
H On off. coordinates S go back
L On off. lighting D Turn Right
` Change of target F Selecting a new target
1–0 Accessing Quick Access Toolbar Features C Sit/Stand
T Specifications spacebar Bounce
U Tasks +/– Switch pages of the Quick Access Toolbar
I Inventory Arrows (←, , →, ↓) Controlling the camera in 3rd person mode
O Settings Home look back/forward
G Guild Page Up zoom camera
K Skills Page Down Zoom out camera
B Actions Numpad +/- On off. additional shortcut bar
P On off. quick access bar Print Screen Screenshot
V On off. radar

Movement, hunting and combat


Control the movement of the character in the world Teosa very simple. There are two ways to do this.

  • Mouse . Just left-click on the location you want to move the character to and he will start moving towards that point. Move the mouse while holding down the right button to look around.
  • Using the keyboard. You can use standard keyboard shortcuts for movement. W», « A», « S», « D» or arrow keys.

By pressing the key twice W» The character will begin to continuously move forward. If you double click " A», « S" or " D”, then the character will perform an acrobatic jump in the corresponding direction.

Space(Spacebar) is used to jump.

If suddenly you get stuck, just type the command " /return” (without quotes) in the chat window and click “ Input» (Enter) - after 10 seconds you will find yourself in the nearest city.

Hunting and battle

If you notice an enemy on the screen, be it a ferocious monster or a representative of a hostile faction, you can immediately attack him. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the enemy and, as soon as the cursor changes to the sword icon, click the left mouse button once. With these actions, you have selected the enemy as a target and now you can use magic, physical skills against him, or simply attack him by clicking again with the left mouse button.

Minimap and quests


To open the mini-map, click hot key"M" or the parchment icon on the radar.

  • Yellow dots on the mini-map indicate characters who are ready to give you a task.
  • Blue dots indicate characters whose task you have successfully completed and to which you can now return for a reward.
  • Portals are marked with orange icons. There are a lot of them on any map, but only the most important ones are indicated on the mini-map.


  • All available tasks are indicated by yellow dots on the mini-map;
  • A character who has a task for you is marked with a yellow glow above his head;
  • After double-clicking the left mouse button on a character, a dialog box will appear, in which the "Trade" and / or "Quest" buttons may be available. Click the "Task" button to see the description of the task that this character can offer you.
  • If you are satisfied with the task offered by the character, feel free to press the "Accept" button and go for unprecedented adventures and worthy rewards. If you do not like the proposed task, just click the "Cancel" button.
  • If you have received one or more tasks, the progress of their completion can be monitored at any time using the Tasks window (U). In this interface, you can see the list of all received jobs, their Full description, as well as summary their goals. Tasks, the conditions of which have been successfully completed, are marked in yellow, all the rest - in green.
  • After completing all the requirements of the task, find the blue dot on the mini-map. This is usually the same character that issued the quest. Now he is waiting for your return to generously reward you for your help.

With the Enter button, you can enter the chat window at any time. Here you can exchange messages with other players.

If you want only certain players to see the message, use the chat channel system:

  • General: a regular chat, the messages of which will be visible to all characters within a certain radius.
  • Whisper: this is a directed chat, the messages of which are visible only to the player to whom this message is addressed. To send a message in this channel, you need to know the name of the character you want to send a message to and type it before the text of the message itself.
  • Group: Messages from this channel will only be visible to members of the group.
  • Guild: Messages from this channel will only be visible to members of the guild.
  • Trade: a channel intended for messages about the sale, purchase or exchange of various things. The messages of this channel are visible to all players within the faction, but only characters who have reached level 10 can use it.


In any city or even a small settlement of Teos, you can always find merchants who are ready to offer you their goods. All of them specialize in a specific type of goods, according to which they can be divided into several categories:

  • the armor dealer always has a huge assortment of protective equipment for any class;
  • the arms dealer will help in choosing the right companion of the character - his weapon;
  • an accessories dealer will offer a wide selection of necklaces, rings and bracelets;
  • the potion merchant will supply you with the most necessary herbs, potions and scrolls that will save you from death more than once during dangerous travels across Teos;
  • a professional merchant is always ready to buy items you do not need.

But merchants have one drawback - they offer only standard goods that do not stand out from the rest. If you want to buy something rare, unique, then your path lies on the market, which is located in the capital of the faction (Apulun for the Alliance of Light and Iris for the Union of Fury). Here you can not only see the goods of other players, but also open your own shop and offer them your goods.

It often happens that during the next hunt you got a very rare item, which, unfortunately, can only be used by the enemy faction ... If in such a situation the thirst for profit still prevails over contempt for the enemy, then you will have to go to the black market. Here, under the cover of night, blood enemies make their secret deals and, receiving the money they earn, hide in the shadows in order to later meet in a fierce battle on opposite sides of the barricades.


Total in " Theos: Desires of the Goddess» there are four types of accessories:

  • amulets;
  • rings;
  • bracelets;
  • capes (cloaks).

Accessories, unlike weapons or armor, do not have any mandatory parameters, and they do not have the Durability parameter.

The bonuses obtained when using these items are quite diverse, but in most cases they are represented by an increase in one or more basic parameters of the character.


Armor is necessary for the character to reduce the damage received from monsters and other characters. All armor elements have individual parameters of physical and magical protection, as well as a special “Durability” parameter, which shows how many hits an item can withstand before it becomes unusable. When an item's durability is reduced to zero, the character loses all defense bonuses from that item. To avoid this, it is necessary to repair the equipment at the blacksmith, who, for a small fee, will restore the durability points of equipment items to their limit values.

Various character classes use different types armor:

  • Heavy armor is designed for fighters, keepers, warriors and guards. Such armor provides the character with first-class protection against physical attacks, as well as a small amount of protection against magical attacks.
  • Light armor designed for scouts, shooters, mercenaries and hunters. Such armor has average protection parameters against all types of attacks.
  • The robe is intended for magicians, priests, oracles and sorcerers. Such armor will reliably protect the owner from magical types of attacks, but is completely unsuitable for reflecting physical damage.

To use the armor, there are special slots in the inventory window, one for each element of the armor (helmet, cuirass, greaves, gloves, boots, shield). To use an item, just click on it. right click mice in inventory.


In which system requirements at the game?

Minimum system requirements

  • Processor: Pentium III 800 MHz
  • OS: Windows 98
  • RAM: 256 MB
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Video card: Video GeForce2 / Radeon 7500
  • Network: 64 Kbps
  • Processor: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz
  • OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Video Card: Nvidia GeForce 9500 GT / Radeon 5700
  • Sound: DirectX compatible card
  • Network: 256 Kbps

Additional services

Services for Guild Leaders

As you know, the administration of the project " Theos: Desires of the Goddess» in every possible way encourages the holding of events and competitions by the players, and also helps with their organization and prizes. But what if the head of the clan wants to please only his guild with an exclusive event?

The administration is ready to meet the needs of the guilds and provide as rewards items that have already appeared in any competitions, but have not been put up for sale. Rare and very valuable things will not come for free, they will have to pay a high price set by our analysts.

If the guild exists for at least three months and the guild leader is interested in this opportunity, he can contact the support service by creating a ticket in the system marked " Teos, service". The application must indicate:

  1. What kind of items the head of the guild wants to use for the event.
  2. How many items are needed for the competition.

As applications are received, each item will be evaluated by analysts. In the future, information will be published so that other users can evaluate the possibility of holding events with the same prizes in their guilds.

Cloak of the Goddess

Warrior +15 +5 +5 +5 +5 +10
Guardian +5 +5 +15 +5 +10 +5
Mercenary +15 +5 +5 +5 +5 +10
Hunter +15 +5 +5 +5 +5 +10
Witch +5 +5 +5 +15 +10 +5
Oracle +5 +5 +5 +10 +15 +5
Fighter +12 +5 +5 +5 +5 +13
Defender +5 +5 +13 +5 +12 +5
shooter +12 +5 +5 +5 +5 +13
Scout +5 +13 +5 +5 +5 +12
Mage +5 +5 +5 +13 +12 +5
Priest +5 +5 +5 +12 +13 +5

Note: Cloak of the Goddess is assigned to the character who marries, so it cannot be transferred.

3. In the letter, it is necessary to indicate in advance the name of the crystals that the spouses want to receive, and also make sure that in the menu " Settings- The game» you have not checked the item « Reject exchange».

Service cost

Service cost - 1000 ZZ gold. To participate in the ceremony, you must buy or receive as a gift from the couple's representative wedding dresses from the play store. The transfer of wedding dresses from other players is not allowed. Write-off of funds for the wedding is carried out after the final agreement on the start time of the ceremony. The procedure for debiting the amount and the time of the wedding is determined in the process of negotiations between the representative of the couple and the support service. Payment is not refundable!

If you want to spend Anniversary"and use the wedding costumes that were preserved after the ceremony" marriage”, then the cost of the service will be 2000 ZZgold.