Rescue Mr. from the penguin in the museum. Walkthrough Batman: Arkham City. Killer Croc - in the world of Waylon Jones

If you are having problems with Walkthrough Batman City, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. Batman City. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Batman City read on our website.

We start with Catwoman, no matter how strange it seems to you. You must deal with Two-Face's gang and then break open the safe, meanwhile you will be disturbed by Harvey. The Penguin wants revenge on Batman by kidnapping him at the Arkham City shutdown event. As soon as you wake up, you will see Dr. Hugo Strange, he wants to get power over the whole city.

Swing in a chair and free yourself from the bandages. The soldier who will now show up, stun with a counterattack. After another soldier you will be thrown out onto the platform to other prisoners. Get in line "A" and go to the elevator. As you rise, take out the prisoners and help Jack Ryder to his feet. In the meantime, the Penguin will come, as you talk to him, inflict a counterattack on him, while he will begin to swing at you. Kill his gang and climb the stairs to the roof. Then you need to change dirty clothes for Batman outfit. .

You need to jump to the next building with a neon sign, and then climb the ledges, so you will find yourself on the roof. As you change into Batman, hack the coded radio signal (orange circle). You need to save Catwoman from Two-Face. Fly into the courthouse, kill all the guards and enter the building. We quietly destroy the enemy with a cannon, and then we jump down and fight with opponents. You managed to save her, examine the place for evidence, scan the glass that the Joker shot at, as well as a hole in the floor from a bullet. It turns out that the shooter was in the church, which is nearby, go there.

In the church you will meet Quinn, she will run to you to say hello. Put out your fist, after which she will leave the room. But her people, who will be in front of you, will not let you through. Throw the smoke bomb and climb the gargoyle above. Use the Detective mode and fly to the last ledge in the distance, quietly jump down and do a double counter. There will be two of her people with hostages. You will have to strangle one of them with your feet, and drill out the second one by breaking through a wooden wall.

Examine the bell tower, open the door on the right and go upstairs. Examine the sniper rifle and watch the video from the Joker, then jump out the window to escape the explosion. Now your task is to find the Joker, you need to find out from him what he knows about Protocol-10. You will need to look for his shelter by radio signal. If the signal is clear, then you are going in the right direction. The indicated distance to the point we need will also help in this.

Follow the tower and contact Alfred there. Jump into the chimney to get into the factory. Drop down to the platform, slide under the concrete and crawl over the pipes. In order not to burn out, take the batclaw, it will open the hatch for you. Jump down and crawl over the ledge above the molten iron. Climb onto the railing and jump onto the same railing. Once you reach a dead end, apply an explosive gel to the ground and go down. Take out the betarang and launch it into the red button above the pipe, where hot air vapors come from.

Climb into the narrow passage, as all the prisoners scatter, we crawl under the bars. In order to remove the steam that prevents you from moving on, follow the Detective mode along the pipe. Use the batarang to turn off 3 switches at the same time. Kill the Joker's people and open the map of the area. You need to follow the conveyor. Use the Detective mode, look for another way. Walk along the conveyor, press the button and the door will open. Quietly deal with the clowns and jump into the next building through the window. There we eliminate the rest of the opponents, and then we free Dr. Stacy.

Take a new gun and follow further to the Joker. Go back to the loading shop, but Quinn's door will be soldered. On the left, open another door with a remote electric charge. Then open the next door in the same way. Go to the container and through the ventilation you will get to 4 clowns, you need to eliminate them. Go to the platform, where you will meet Quinn. When she runs to the Joker, get the electric charge and use it on the generator, it will be opposite the sign. Swing the crane and take down the sign, then climb up. The clown will throw you out of there, use an electric charge on him. As you destroy the clowns, climb up, there you will find an ambush.

We play as Catwoman again, go to her apartment, from there we will pick up some items. Once you get to the roof, open the grate and kill the opponents. We take items and go to Ivy. Eliminate her buddies and gradually rise to a higher level so that you do not suffocate in a poisonous cloud. The Joker will ask Batman to find a cure to save himself. You need to find Freeze, follow the police, she is located on the shore of the bay. At the entrance to the building, knock out two clowns with an electric charge.

Open the door and take the chip and radio signal of the Penguin from the dead man. Stun four of Penguin's buddies and interrogate the fifth. We're trying to get out of the ambush. Crawl to the panel and hack it with the Encryption Sequencer. Use the word Anatomy. Exit back to Gotham through the exit and go to the museum. At the entrance, kill the guards and hack the panel, use the password - "Fossil". Once inside, dodge the knives and jump into the right window. Try to hack the console from the motion sensors, which will close the bars. Military jammers will prevent you from doing this, we destroy them.

One of them is on the roof of the museum, the other is on its northern side. And the third will be in the subway. Go there and kill the guards outside. We enter there and stun two opponents. Go down and exit the subway. Slide on the car and blow up the wall of planks. Also destroy three enemies. Then open the doors with an electric charge and slip inside. We kill opponents and eliminate the last jammer. Follow back to the museum. Hack the console again and get the password "Dinosaur".

Blow up the ice and concrete wall. Once in the hall, you will see that the Penguin has frozen the cop. You need to save him by making your way across the ice very carefully. As you will be at the suspended raft, you need to go down to the water, use the batclaw. Rescue two more cops. Now you have to save five more, use the map, everything is marked there. Follow the armory and save the three cops there. You will see Freeze's costume, but he himself is not there. Go back to the ice and follow to another building, which is opposite to the previous one. Hack the console, the password is "Reptile" and hit the opponents.

Next you will find Frieza, we grease the wall on the right with gel. Eliminate the thug who will appear out of nowhere. Free Freeze and crack the password - "Microwave". Then you need to follow back to the suit and pick up the module. Once you get the ice gun destructor, go to the Penguin. Run right up to him and use the destructor, then hit him in the head. Solomon will immediately appear, use the gel to blow up three sources of energy 3 times in a row, until the enemy is destroyed. Dodge the missiles and knock out the Penguin.

In continuation passing Batman games: Arkham City and use the detective mode, scan the ninja blood and follow the tracks to the street. The blood will lead you to the roof, where you will find bandages. Scan them and you will stumble upon that assassin. How to catch up with her, we make a counterattack and attach a bug to her back. Meanwhile, Robin will give you a rope thrower. Follow the bug signal, you will find yourself on the island of the Joker. At the sewers, kill four clowns, then parry down the tunnels. Once you're at the cliff, take out the rope launcher and shoot at the other end of the passage.

After turning left, as you will be at the fork, shoot it in the other direction, so you will get to the place you need. Get to the hatch, break the floor below. We destroy the Joker's friends and hack the console, the password is "Transport". As soon as the gate opens, you will see the subway. Turn right and enter the door, then left, fly over the water with a cable thrower. Once you get out on the streets, you will become ill from the poison of the Joker. Fly over the abyss and eliminate the clowns. Go out into the hall and save the doctor. Go down to the entrance, there you will feel bad again. Use the electric charge to open the gate. Kill three ninjas and open the gate again.

You will go out to a large sealed gate, use the robot, which is located not far from you. It can scan video data. But, he does not have all the information in his head, so you will need to find other robots. You can find one behind you, and the other two in the windows opposite each other. The fourth one can be found in the house on the second floor to the left of the gate. From there, shoot the cable launcher at the window with glass, fly inside, it will be opposite this house on the roof with four broken walls. Watch the video, from which you will learn about the secret passage to the habitat of the ninja. Once you're there, counter the assassin and use her sword to get inside.

As you climb up through the hatch, you will see hallucinations. Tallia will meet you there, she will be ready to accept you into her group, but for this you need to pass several tests. Go for a former friend and drink from the cup. Next, you will see a huge block of ice, fly on it, using a dive to gain altitude. In the same way we get to the next block, there we destroy two ninjas. Fly into the portal, it will take you to another place. Again get to the block, and also to the portal itself. So you need to find Ra's himself.

Climb up to Thalia and go inside. You will meet her father. You need to engage in battle with a 600 year old grandfather. Destroy his army first, and then dodge the stars and blades. Shoot Ra's with an electric bolt, then counterattack and repeat the operation with an electric bolt. Do this until the grandfather takes his daughter hostage. Choose a reverse batarang and save her. Get out on the streets through the subway and bypass the gate on the ventilation. Eliminate the clown and then the rest of the opponents. Hack the console, the password is "Squad".

We take off to the sky and follow to the kidnapped mayor. As you deal with his kidnappers, we kidnap him ourselves. Interrogate him, and then go to Freeze to give him the blood of Ra's. The healing potion is ready, but before you drink it, Freeze will require you to return his wife. But you need to knock out the medicine already, so we are fighting him now.

Use wall demolition, electromagnet, electricity on a spilled puddle of water, use of a destructor, cable launcher, sneak from behind, grab from a ledge, lure under a platform and attack from above, gliding from behind, attack from below, jump through a window and jump from above. As you destroy it, open the safe, and you will see that the medicine will not be there. You must take it away from the Joker, Victor will help you. We end with the final fight walkthrough Batman: Arkham City.

The game begins with an episode about a catwoman. Managed by Selina. With quick accurate blows, we scatter opponents in the corners, then we go to the safe and pick up the flash card.

We watch the introductory video, from which it becomes clear to us that Batman is caught by a villain named Hugo Strange. We play as Batman. We begin to swing the chair to escape. We fight off a soldier who is trying to stop us. But the second soldier pushes Bruce Wayne out of his cell, and we have to proceed to other prisoners. Some of them are quite aggressive.

We find ourselves in the arena, where you need to fight with the fighters - prisoners. Having fought off the attackers, we help the fallen Jack Ryder to rise and try to leave.

After that, we fall into the clutches of Mr. Cobblepot, who is also the notorious Penguin. He tries to hit us, but it didn't work! It is worth tempering his ardor. Despite the handcuffs, we begin to fight off the surrounding minions of the Penguin. Having got rid of them, we can approach and cut down Cobblepot himself.

Let's go to the roof. To do this, you need to climb the stairs, jump onto the pipe, overcome another flight of stairs. On the roof we contact Alfred. From there we see the ACE Chemicals sign - we jump there, and with the help of our hands we climb to the right from the sign to the next ladder. We rise along it and climb even higher. Then we find ourselves on the parapet, from which we jump to the same parapet, located in front. We get to the roof, where the equipment is already waiting for us. Well, now Batman has changed into his solid uniform suit. Having hacked the communication system of the Tiger fighters, we learn that the catwoman is in danger, and it is necessary to save her. We plan from the roof down, and fight the enemies. (Here on the roof there is an opportunity to solve the riddles of the Riddler and find his trophy).

We go into the building and get to the second floor, from where we observe how Harvey Two-Face is going to inflict reprisal on the cat woman. We go along the corridor and, having climbed another suspended ladder, we see a guard with a weapon, which must be silently removed. After we have done this, we can jump down.

After getting rid of all the attackers, turn on the detective mode and scan the room for evidence. The bullet hole left a mark in the window pane and on the floor. We scan both of these zones.

We go outside from the courthouse. We go to the church. Near the entrance we will be attacked by several thugs. Let's calm them down and enter the church. Harley Quinn will rush to meet us. But we are not up to her, so let's throw her aside, to which her friends - the bandits will offer us not to move. We will not attack them openly, this is not the most reasonable option. We throw a smoke grenade, and jump onto the back of the stone gargoyle, which is located above the entrance, right above our heads. We turn on the detective mode, and think over tactics. We need to save the hostages. Moving from one gargoyle to another, we get to the last one, and from it we quietly plan down. We turn to the wall, and breaking it we cut down the guard. We return to the top. Let's destroy the one who holds the hostage. Silently we go down behind him, and carry out a choke hold. We return to the gargoyle again. On top we move so as to be behind the two remaining terrorists. We carefully land behind them, and disable both at once. Well, that's great, the hostages are safe. We learn that Dr. Stacy Baker is in the hands of the Joker. We need to get into the bell tower and examine it. We go to the door, next to which the Bell Tower sign is placed. We go upstairs and find a rifle. We scan it and, after listening to what the Joker wants to tell us, without thinking twice, we jump out the window.

Focusing on the radio signal of the Joker, we calculate its location. The source of the signal is located in a steel mill called Sionis Industries. Once on the tower, we contact Alfred. We penetrate the building through the chimney.

We land on the rope, from where we jump to the platform. We run along the corridor, dive under a piece of wall, climb over obstacles. We reach the furnace, and in order not to die under the influence of high temperatures, we use the batclaw on the hatch. The coals are dying out, and now you can get over them. We jump down, move along the ledge, from there we move to the railing that hung over the fiery abyss, and from them we jump to other similar railings.

While in detective mode, in the right place, use the explosive gel on the floor to make a hole in it. Let's jump in and take a look. There is a red button on the wall where you need to throw a quick batarang. Before us is a narrow passage into which you need to get through. We move on, and soon we hear the voice of Harley Quinn, and we see a crowd of bandits. They are talking about the doctor.

We need to get past the pipes spewing fire. This can be done at the moment when the flame goes out. So that the steam from the pipe does not prevent us from going further, we turn on the detective mode and, moving along the pipe, we approach the switches that we need to launch with a betarang. Then, moving unnoticed by everyone, and listening to their conversations, we find ourselves under the floor, above which stands a bunch of Joker bandits. We jump out suddenly and get rid of everyone. Harley Quinn will appear, then we will contact Alfred, and we will go to the rescue of the doctor.

We pass through the door to the left, and move on until we see the conveyor. There is a red button above it, according to tradition, we hit it with a betarang. And a small passage is formed above the conveyor, which we will not fail to use. We take a comfortable position behind the backs of the thugs, and in the old manner, first we quietly eliminate the loner, and then the two guys in one fell swoop. Having done all this, we jump out the window. We remove all the other bandits. For convenience, we plan our actions using the detective mode. We find Dr. Stacy Baker and free her. As a reward for good behavior, we get a special device - a remote electric charge. On the left there is a gate, which can be opened just with the help of this device, and behind them is another one of the same. We take by surprise the people who tried to solder the doors, and destroy them.

We return back to where we saw Harley Quinn. When she runs away and closes in the room with the Joker, we take out the electric charge and start shooting at the generator. We observe how the closed shutters are smashed with a hook, and we go there. True, we are not yet destined to get into the room, because an unpleasant surprise has been prepared for us. The easiest way to deal with a one-armed clown is to shoot him with an energy charge, and he himself will scatter his assistants, making a "turntable". And when his henchmen are defeated, you can safely finish off him himself. We climb into the window and watch the video with the Joker.

We are playing Catwoman. Selina goes to her home for necessary things. Approaching the house, we meet uninvited guests, deal with them and climb out the window.

Well, at home we got some weapons, now you can meet Spitting. On the way, we get rid of the guards, trying not to create unnecessary noise.

When fighting with ivy's friends, we try not to linger for a long time at each level, we rise higher as soon as we have dealt with the enemy. Otherwise, there is a chance of poisoning with toxic fumes. We do not linger in one place, so as not to become a target for Ivy's disputes.

And again Batman. After watching the video, we understand that our new task is to find the coldest point in. We will look for Mr. Freeze, focusing on the climate analyzer. It turns out that he hid in the coldest room in the city, which, by a strange coincidence, was the police building.

We open the door with the help of an electric charge, take the walkie-talkie from the corpse and decode the signal transmission. We pass into the hall, where several Penguin guards will shake us, carefully remove them one by one. Penguin uses heart rate sensors to keep an eye on his subordinates. When they die, he will know about it. So you need to move as fast as possible and incapacitate by attacking from above. We interrogate the last remaining.

We are trapped, we need to get into the security room and hack code lock using a sequencer. Code word: ANATOMY.

We follow the museum, the spotlight will show us the way to it. Near the entrance, guards are waiting for us, which we have to calm down with a series of accurate blows. The entrance to the museum is under a code lock. Code word: FOSSIL. We fight off guys with knives. There is a gate in which a motion sensor is installed. To the right of them is a window into which we jump out and try to hack the control of motion sensors. Nothing works out for us - military jammers interfere, which we need to destroy. We climb onto the roof of the museum, and destroy the first of them, the second is located a little to the north, and for the third you need to go to the subway. We move there, on the way we meet the guards and deal with it. We get inside and get rid of two guys. We go down underground, we see old subway trains. We climb onto the wagon, which is located on the left, we move along it through the abandoned tunnels. We blow up the plank wall, we stun the enemies. With the help of an electric charge, we open the door, we penetrate inside. We fight with armed enemies, and destroy the last jammer. Follow the same path back to the museum.

We crack the code lock again. Codeword: Dinosaur. We go down, we release the policeman. He tells us the code. We go down even lower, and we see a grate, above which a red button is visible. We launch into the button with a betarang.

Let's watch the video. We will be attacked by a crowd of aggressive guys, we fight with them. Then a huge clown appears, infected by the Titan. We need to jump on his back, and in an attempt to throw us off, he will scatter the rest of the guys around the room. When the clown and his comrades are defeated, move on. In front of us is a live wire, behind it is a button, on which we use a controlled betarang. We crack the code lock, code: Jurassic. We go into the elevator, with the help of an explosive gel we blow up the ceiling. We go further, we blow up the wall of ice. To save the frozen policeman, we land on the ice, move carefully and, approaching, break the ice crust that bound him. We use the bat-claw to pull the raft towards us, which was previously in limbo.

Before chasing the Penguin, we must rescue the cops and Mr. Freeze. To do this, you need to go around all the nearby rooms. Their location is indicated on the map. Three police officers and a frieze suit are in the armory. To get into the room where Freeze is hidden, you need to break the lock on the gate. Code word: Reptile. We smear explosive gel on the wall, which is located to the right of Mr. Freeze. Suddenly, a one-armed thug appears. When he is defeated, we can free Freeze by breaking the code lock. Code word: Microwave.

Let's watch the video. We return to Frieza's suit, we take out the module from it. We will be given a reward - an ice gun destructor. Now you can visit Cobblepot. We approach it closely, apply the destructor and give it acceleration with a hook on the right. Solomon appears before us. To defeat him, you need to use the fast explosive gel to blow up three power sources that look like hatches in the floor three times. When the hatches are disabled, you need to hit Solomon on the head. Do not forget to dodge electric discharges. As a result, this evil monster will be defeated. Further, avoiding missiles, we get to the Penguin and turn it off.

In detective mode, we set off in the wake of the blood of Ras al Ghul's henchman. Blood leads to the roof of one of the buildings, and it breaks off there. Having scanned the bandages, we find the lady we are looking for. We pursue it and, having caught up, we use a counterattack and attach bugs. Robin appears, we communicate with him and get a cable thrower from him.

We follow the signal of the bug, and we get to the island of the Joker. At the entrance to the sewers, we have to fight the minions of the Joker. Having coped with the task, we tack down and move along the tunnels. Having reached the edge of the cliff, we use our brand new rope thrower. Moving with the help of a cable thrower, you need to make one more shot at the fork in the direction of the left corridor. We get to a huge hatch in the wall, near which you need to break the floor. Here we will have another showdown with the Joker guys. Having dealt with them, we crack the console. Code word: Transport. The gates open, and the subway already familiar to us appears before us.

First, turn right, go through the door and follow the left. We overcome the water with the help of a rope thrower. We leave the subway to the streets. We see that Batman's health is deteriorating, affected by the infected blood of the Joker in his body. When he comes to his senses, we follow further. We cross the abyss with the help of a rope thrower. There we fight with clowns, then we pass through the door. We rescue the hostage from the clutches of the armed guys of the Joker. We go down and approach the large doors, near which Batman will feel bad again. We open the doors with an electric charge. We stumble upon three girls from the League of Assassins, deal with them, and find the next doors that open in the same way.

Before us is a very large gate that cannot be opened. We need to find another way to get inside. Nearby, we notice a failed guard robot. We scan it and go in search of other robots that need to be scanned. While we are doing this, assassin girls will try to attack us. Two robots are on stands located opposite each other. The fourth robot is waiting for us on the street not far from the first one. To the left of the gate, on the second floor of an old abandoned house, we find the fifth robot. From the same place, we shoot with a cable thrower at the glazed window, move inside the building, go around it, break the glass in another window, and penetrate it. Here we found another robot. The last of them is on the roof of a neighboring house, in which the walls are broken. We watch the video, and go to the place that we see on it. We counterattack the killer, we use her sword to penetrate inside.

Batman gets out into the street through the hatch, he is almost exhausted, and he is visited by visions. We move to the gates that are in front of us. Thalia appears and is ready to test the Demon. We follow her and drink the contents of the cup.

We plan along the white stream, cling to the ice block with the help of a bat-claw. During the passage of the test, you do not need to touch anything, otherwise it will fail. We plan for the second block, fight with the warriors, and on the next flight we rush to the center of the fiery funnel. We continue the cycle until Ra's al Ghul offers to fight him himself. We go to Thalia, who takes us to her father. Now we have to fight with Ra's al Ghul.

First, we destroy the warriors, after which, deftly dodging the huge stars that the giant Ra's al Ghul throws at us, we shoot at him from a fast electric charge, trying to get into the gaps between the warriors revolving around him. The main villain, in addition to the stars in his arsenal, also has giant blades that move towards us along the ground. In order to stay away from the stars, you need to be in front of the blades, and dodge them at the very last moment. When the villainous power dries up, and he returns to his usual form, we use counterattacks to fight off his attack with a saber. This process is repeated several times. Ra's takes his daughter hostage and then we use the batarang.

We return back to the streets of the city, and in the same way that we got here, we move back through the metro. We crack the code lock on the gate. Code word: Branch. We go upstairs and go to the mayor of the city to free him from the guys who captured him and interrogate himself.

We return to the police station to Freeze and hand him the blood of Ra's. The healing composition is ready, but Victor does not want to give it to us. He demands to rescue his wife from the clutches of the Joker. Let's fight him. To defeat him, we will use our entire arsenal: a capture from behind, an attack from above, an attack from a hatch, jumping through a window, undermining walls, using an electromagnet, a rope thrower and a destructor. Each individual move can only be done once on Victor. You have to be extremely creative. Having defeated Freeze, we look into the safe, and we do not find any medicines there. Well, let's take it away from the Joker.

As we leave Mr. Freeze's building, we feel an urgent need to help Vicki Vale. We follow to the crash site, disable the snipers and save the journalist.

We go to the steel plant. The pipe through which we got here last time will not suit us now, because the flame is raging in it. We go to look for another entrance, not forgetting to get rid of the guards. Inside, we will be attacked by three clowns, having defeated them, you can safely go to the water. We create a raft with the help of an ice blow, and we float on it, making maneuvers with a bat-claw. We penetrate through the ventilation shafts, move forward a little, and jumping out the window, we plan directly on the back of one of the thugs, we fight with the Joker guys. Going further, we neutralize two soldiers, but it is not necessary to save a two-faced man. All the same, he will not say a kind word to us for this, but only wants to beat us. We break through a piece of the wall and swim under it on a raft. We swim to the right, and then against the current, pulling ourselves up with a cable. Then we use a rope thrower and cross to the other side. Apply ice blow to plug the pipes. Once behind the steel door, we see a knife switch behind the bars to the left of us. We throw the betarang so that it gets under an electric discharge, and then we direct it to the shield panel. Again, with an ice blow, we make a raft and swim until we see a ledge on the right under the ceiling. Let's climb it. We break the code lock. Codeword: Romansionis.

We cross the bridge and go straight along the rails. We see a door at the end of the corridor and head towards it, approaching, we get hit by a metal pipe. It turns out that the doctor hid behind the boxes. It's time to deal with the mines. We turn on the detective mode, and hunt the Joker guys from the ledges. When we neutralize everyone, we pass into the next room, where a large number of mines are collected. We carefully go around them and destroy the sniper, and then the bound Quinn appears to our attention.

We go further, neutralize two snipers, disable three clowns along the way and head upstairs, where the Joker is waiting for us. We have to fight him, and this battle promises to be quite difficult. We are surrounded by guys with knives, and among them a one-armed thug with a hammer. It is very convenient to fill combo attacks on him, jumping behind his back and hammering on it after he hits with a hammer. You need to be careful and avoid cars that appear on the rails from time to time. And then a clown pumped up by Titan appears, and you need to fight with him as well. The Joker must be hit last, because otherwise he will constantly get up and get up after our knockouts. We finish off the Joker, and watch an intriguing video.

We play an incomparable woman - a cat. We need to get into the warehouse. We run to the sewer hatch, and we go down into it. In order to crack the security system, we must get the keycards from the Tiger soldiers. It is necessary to behave as quietly as possible, and therefore we will act covertly. The cat crawls perfectly on the walls and ceiling. This skill will be useful to us in this moment- climb the ceiling, and then silently jump behind the soldier and steal the key card. We need three keys, which means that this action must be done three times. Again we return to the computer and with its help we hack access to the storage. Tiger warriors are not as stupid as we would like, we have to remove them one by one. Then we get into the vault. We disable the newly arrived soldiers and leave the storage with the diplomat. We are faced with a dilemma: save Batman or calmly retire with our prey. Batman is still not a stranger to us, so we decide to save him. If we still choose the second option, then time will rewind, and we will get a second chance. So basically there is no choice. We go to the aid of Batman.

Playing as Batman
The moment is approaching when Protocol -10 must come into force, and we absolutely need to stop it. First, we scan all helicopters for the presence of a general control program until we find the main program. We cling to the helicopter and download the necessary information.

We go to the miracle tower. Once in place, we drop two snipers and break the code lock. Code word: Inspiring. To go further, open the doors with an electric charge. We do this until we come across Tiger fighters and prisoners. After listening to Strange, we get rid of all the fighters and go down into the sewer through the sewer hatch. We use the rope thrower to get to the room with the clock, blow up the floor. We meet a doctor there.

We disable all the guards that have gathered near the tower, break open the elevator from the outside and from the inside. Codewords: Obsessive, Medicine.
We rise to the very top and leave the elevator through the hatch located on top. We strike through the glass. We crack the code lock on the gate. Code word: Booking.

We crawl along the antenna, from its end, with the help of a bat-claw, we cling to the beam, which is located above. Continuing to cling, we rise higher and higher. We make another lockpicking. Code word: Maintenance. Through the open hatch we make our way into the ventilation shaft. When we get out of there, six well-armed guys are waiting for us, who need to be neutralized. We hack the panel, code word: Gotham Defense. Protocol-10 is disabled. You can go in search of the Joker. He is hiding in the theater building, the perimeter of which is reliably guarded by snipers. We have to neutralize them quietly and imperceptibly. Getting rid of everyone, we penetrate inside.

It turns out that the Joker in front of us is not real. The Joker himself is still ill, and his role is played by Clayface, aka Clayface. Let's start a fight with him.

Dodging blows, we throw Clayface with ice bombs until he turns into stone. After that, we approach him point-blank, and begin to knead the clay with a sword. In addition, you can deal a lot of damage to him if you lure him into those corners where explosives are hidden.
The procedure will need to be repeated.

Soon a clay army appears. We fight with the soldiers and do not forget to throw ice bombs at Clayface. When he has few lives left, we come close and finish him off. Having won, we take away the medicine we need so much from Clayface and heal.

Playing Selina. Let's go home. To take your things. At home, an unpleasant surprise awaits us - a bomb is planted there, and the things we need were stolen by Two-Face. We go to visit him in the museum, where, after the massacre of the army of his guys, we take away what we came for.

Batman: Arkham Origins, the harsh superhero everyday life of the Dark Knight is extremely varied and intense. Within just a couple of days, Batman manages to clean up criminals for all kinds of criminal elements of the city of Gotham, and restore the infrastructure of his native streets, and conduct a dozen detective investigations - collecting evidence, forensic examination and knocking out testimony from suspects. In all this turmoil, it is not difficult to get confused - and that's when we come to the rescue.

In this material you will find the most important tips for passing Batman: Arkham Origins, solutions to the most difficult problems, as well as a useful video that will allow you to complete the game 100%. With this guide, you can easily deal with all the hardships of Gotham - so that Bruce Wayne can finally have a human rest for Christmas.

To get started, here are a few simple but very important things to understand about Batman: Arkham Origins that you need to know. Follow these tips and The Dark Knight will not leave the villains a single chance.

Respond to requests for help as often as possible. While moving around Gotham, you will now and then receive up-to-date information about the debauchery that is happening right now. Since such squabbles usually occur in close proximity to your current position, it is best not to ignore them. As a rule, you are required to appear at the scene of the crime and beat all the opponents - the work is dustless, fast and profitable. On the one hand, for each help you will gain experience, and on the other hand, such collisions will quickly teach you how to fight effectively in Arkham Origins. The benefit of the latter is difficult to overestimate.

Not everything you see is immediately available. All sorts of trophies, secrets and alternative paths that you will encounter during the game will not necessarily be available to you right away. Very often, in order to receive a particular reward, you will be required to have one or another gadget or ability that opens up during the story campaign. This means that the most best time to collect, for example, Enigma data blocks - after the completion of the story part of the game, when you have collected the entire arsenal of the Dark Knight.

Hidden passage gives much more experience than head-on collisions with opponents. If possible, try to stun enemies without being noticed - after a little practice, you will certainly get it easily and naturally. The secretive Dark Knight will gain experience much faster, and as a result, new abilities.

Stealth is good, but strong armor is better. To make your life easier, first upgrade Batman's armor. First for close combat, and then - ballistic. This way you will ensure better survival in the early stages of the game and save yourself a lot of nerves in battles. As master of stealth as you are, Arkham Origins will often have you fighting dozens of bandits in open combat - better be prepared for that.

It's important for Batman to fight beautifully. At the end of each skirmish with enemies, you will be given one or another amount of experience. The following points affect the battle rating: the maximum length of the chain of blows (or combo multiplier), the amount of damage received (it is better to minimize it), the variety of gadgets used in battle. In other words, you will get the most experience if you do not "miss" hits, while using your entire arsenal in the fight.

Don't skimp on the side quests. Capturing villains and thwarting their plans are generously rewarded with more experience, as well as new Batman abilities. Side quests will not only help stretch the fun of Batman: Arkham Origins, but will also allow you to come face to face with the most famous characters of the DC Universe.

Complete the Dark Knight system challenges whenever possible. The achievements built into the game itself, on the one hand, will help you get to know certain aspects better. game mechanics(for example, you can practice the technique of moving around Gotham or stealth), and on the other hand, they will give a lot of experience upon completion.


During the passage of Batman: Arkham Origins, you will meet many villains of varying degrees of lousyness. Some of them can cause a lot of problems for a novice player. About where the main difficulties may arise - below in the text.

How to beat Deathstroke

Deathstroke, one of the first bosses in Batman: Arkham Origins, is a good test of your reaction. The main difficulty in the battle with him is to hit and counterattack in a timely manner. It is very important to take your time and press the counter button only when the corresponding indicator lights up above Deathstroke's head. If counterattacked too soon or too late, Batman will get a slap in the face from one of the most skilled close combat fighters in the DC Universe.

How to beat Bane

We will meet Bane in battle twice. During the first battle, the player is required to dodge Bane's strongest blows and strike back in a timely manner with lightning-fast series. In general, your first meeting with him should not give you much trouble if you have successfully beaten ordinary opponents before.

During the second meeting, the battle will be divided into two parts. If the first one follows exactly the same scenario as described above, then the second part will make you tinker a little. Under the influence of Venom, Bane cannot be attacked in the forehead - Batman is forced to attack him covertly, using ventilation, gratings in the floor and electrical circuits. Keep in mind that Bane will not fall for the same trick twice, so you will have to show maximum ingenuity. You can see the successful battle with the pumped Bane in the video below.

How to beat the Mad Hatter

The entire boss fight takes place in the Hatter's world of illusions: in order to defeat the villain, you only need to reach the end of the stage using your gadgets and ingenuity. But this is easier said than done - a few insidious traps and non-obvious scenes may well become a problem for the player. How to overcome all this - again, in the video.

How to defeat Firefly

One of the final bosses in Batman: Arkham Origins. However, the fight is quite simple - if you know what gadgets to use at any given moment of the battle.

How to open suits

Batman: Arkham Origins features a wide selection of Batman costumes - each one not only changes your appearance, but also provides certain benefits. Suits are unlocked for certain actions and achievements in the game, and you can change the armor in the corresponding section of the Batcave. Here's what you need to do to unlock costumes for all occasions.

Batman- given at the beginning of the game.

Batman One Million Skin- Register for the WBID service.

New 52 Graphic- capture all the villains from the list of the most wanted.

Dark Knight- pass all tests.

Noel- Find all Enigma data blocks.

Injustice- get all the medals in the trials.

blackest night- get a level in multiplayer.

Caches of Enigma

For one hundred percent completion of Batman: Arkham Origins, you will need to collect all the Enigma data blocks that the villain hid well throughout Gotham. Interrogating Enigma agents will help you find out their location (they are marked on the city map), and this series of videos will help you figure out how to get to them.

We will have to start the game under the control of Catwoman, and not Batman, as it might seem. We deal with the people of Two-Face, after which we break open the safe, where all our success is interrupted by the announced Harvey.

Penguin wants revenge with Wayne, i.e. with Batman, so he kidnaps him right at the Arkham City closing event. Having come to his senses in a dark room, the local doctor Hugo Strange begins to flicker in front of our nose, who, apparently, wants to gain power over the entire city. Without thinking twice, we swing on a chair and get rid of the bandages. We stun the soldier who has come in with a counterattack, after which another soldier will throw us out onto the platform to other prisoners. Get in line "A" and go to the elevator. Having risen upstairs, we carry out the prisoners, after which we help Jack Ryder to get on his feet. At this time, the Penguin himself will appear. After talking with him, we inflict a counterattack on him at the moment when he starts to swing. We deal with his people and go up to the roof along the ladder, which you can climb on the container with garbage. Now you need to change the greasy suit to Batman's signature outfit. We jump to the neighboring building with a neon sign and, making our way along the ledges, we get to the roof. Having equipped, we crack the encoded radio signal, indicated by an orange circle. We need to save Catwoman from Two-Face. We fly to the courthouse, deal with the guards and get inside. We silently neutralize the enemy with a weapon, after which we jump down and proceed to a scuffle with a very much diminished audience.

Selina is saved, we need to examine this place for evidence. We scan the glass that the Joker shot at, as well as a hole in the floor from a bullet. Judging by the trajectory of the bullet, the shooter was in the church nearby - we follow there. Inside we meet Quinn, who runs towards us to greet us, apparently. We put our fist forward, after which she will be offended and leave the room. But her armed thugs in front won't let us through. We throw a smoke bomb and climb the gargoyle above. Using the Detective mode, we fly to the last ledge in the distance, silently jump down and make a double counterattack. There were two thugs with hostages left. We strangle one with our feet, hanging on the scaffolding, we cut down the second, breaking through a wooden wall. The hostages have been released, now we need to examine the place of the shot, that is, the bell tower. Open the door to the right of the main entrance and climb up. Having scanned sniper rifle, we watch the video from the Joker, after which we jump out the window, escaping from the bomb.

Batman on guard.

We need to find the Joker to interrogate him about what he knows about Protocol-10. You will have to search for his lair by radio signal. If the signal is clear and more branched, then we are going in the right direction. The specified distance to the target will also help in this. We get to the tower, from where we contact Alfred. To get to the factory, you have to jump into the chimney, which is located right next door.

We jump from the rope forward to the platform. We slide under concrete, we crawl over pipes. In order not to burn on the coals, we take a batclaw and, with its help, opens the hatch in front. We jump down, along the ledge we crawl over the molten iron. We climb onto the railing, from where we jump onto others of the same kind. Being at a dead end, we put explosive gel on the floor and go down. We take out the betarang and launch it into the red button above the pipe, from where hot air vapors come. We climb into a narrow passage and see the failed execution of the doctor. When all the prisoners run away, we crawl under the bars under the remaining clowns and, without making contact with them, we crawl further. To remove the steam that prevents us from going further, in detective mode we go along the pipe and with the help of a quick betarang we turn off three switches at once at the same time. Now you can safely walk past the ill-fated pipe to fall on the heads of the Joker's servants. Having dealt with them, open the map of the area and follow to the conveyor. Using the Detective mode, we are looking for another way. To do this, follow the conveyor, where we open the door using the button located here. We silently eliminate the clowns and jump into the next room through the window. We eliminate the rest of the armed bandits, after which we free Dr. Stacy. We pick up a new weapon and continue to keep the path to the Joker.

We return back to the loading shop, but the door sealed by Quinn's people will not let us out of here. To the left of it there is another door, which can be opened with the help of a remote electric charge. Behind it, we open the next door in exactly the same way and go out to the conveyor. Through the ventilation we go out to four clowns and scatter them. We follow to the platform where we meet Quinn. When she runs away to a very titan-beaten Joker, we take out an electric charge and use it on the generator, which is located opposite the sign. Thus swinging the crane, we demolish the sign and climb up. From there, a one-armed, pumped-up clown will throw us off with his cast-iron leg. We paralyze him with an electric charge so that he, waving his sledgehammer, inflicts considerable damage on the clowns, thereby not forcing us to strain much. When all the clowns are on the floor, we finish off the big man and climb up, where the Joker set a trap for Batman.

With a deep desire, you can even fly a “hare” in a helicopter.

Now we have to play as Selina again. We go to her apartment to pick up some things. We get to the roof, open the grate, scatter uninvited guests and pick up items. Now that we are fully armed, we are heading to the Ivy. We destroy her boyfriends, gradually rising through the levels higher and higher, so as not to suffocate in her poisonous cloud.

Meanwhile, the Joker has poisoned Batman and demands the cure to save himself as well. Batman himself also needs the medicine, so you have to find Freeze. It is located in the police building, the coldest point in Gotham, which is on the shore of the bay. At the entrance we cut down two clowns and, with the help of an electric charge, we open the door halfway. We slide inside, take the chip from the corpse and decode the Penguin's radio signal. We go inside and covertly stun the four people of the Penguin. We interrogate the remaining fifth fighter, after which we try to get out of the trap. To do this, we crawl to the panel and crack it with the help of an encryption sequencer. Get the word "Anatomy". We leave back to Gotham through the exit and head to the museum. At the entrance, we deal with the guards and hack the panel, the password for which is “Fossil”. Having penetrated inside and learned to dodge knives, we jump into the right window and try to hack the console from motion sensors that close the grate in front. Unsuccessfully, military jammers interfere with us, we will have to destroy them. The first is on the roof of the museum, the second is a little north on the roof. The last third is located in the subway. We head to the place and deal with the guards outside. We penetrate inside and simultaneously stun two fighters. We go down and exit into the old subway tunnels. We slide along the car, blow up the wall from the boards, scatter three bandits. Next, here we open the door with the help of an electric charge and slip inside. We destroy the armed fighters and deal with the last jammer. We follow the same path back to the museum.


Hacking by new console and get the password "Dinosaur". We pass further and release the prisoner. It turns out this is one of the cops who arrived here on assignment. However, they are all in captivity, they will have to be rescued along with Freeze. We go down below and go through the door. To raise the grate, use a controlled betarang on the button. We pass forward and go out into the arena, where the Penguin will lower us just a huge crowd of prisoners. To escape from this crowd greedy for Batman's flesh, we shoot with an electric charge at armed people so that they beat their own comrades-in-arms in paralysis. When a bandit pumped up by titanium comes out against us, we dodge his ram, stun and jump on his hump. We destroy the rest of the prisoners and the thug himself. To go further, we use a controlled betarang on the button on the left, which is behind the energized wire. We crack the panel, the password is "Yarsky". We climb into the elevator, go up, put explosive gel on the ceiling, go down, blow it up and go up again. We blow up concrete and ice walls. Going out into the large hall, we see how the Penguin froze the policeman. We save him by carefully making our way across the ice. We get to the suspended raft and, with the help of the batclaw, we lower it into the water, after which we save the other two frozen cops. Now it remains to save five more policemen, whose location is indicated on the map. First, let's go to the armory, where we save three policemen. Freeze's costume is also located here, but he himself cannot be seen. We head back to the ice, and go to another room, which is opposite the previous one. To get to the three teasing bandits, we hack the console with the password "Reptile". Having installed lights under their eyes, we go forward and find Freeze. To the right of it there is an unfortified wall, we smear gel on it, when suddenly a thug falls towards us. Having dealt with him, we go forward and free Frieza by cracking the Microwave password. Now you need to go back to the suit and pick up the module. Having received the destructor of the ice gun, we head to the Penguin. We run up to him at close range and use the destructor, after which we prescribe a noble bream to the villain. But, Solomon falls on our head. To defeat him, use the gel to blow up three energy sources three times in a row until we defeat this walking killing machine. Further, dodging the missiles, we approach the Penguin and cut him down.

In Arkham Asylum, Scarecrow created hallucinations for us, but now Ra's replaces him.

In detective mode, we scan the blood of a ninja and, following the tracks, we go outside. The blood will lead us to the roof of the building, where we find the bandages. We scan them and stumble upon that assassin. We pursue her, and when we catch up, we launch a counterattack and attach a bug to her back. At this time, Robin will come to us, who will give a cable thrower as a gift. Having chosen this useful gadget, we are heading for a bug signal. He will lead us to the island of the Joker. After breaking four clowns at the entrance to the sewers, we parry down and follow the tunnels. Having reached the cliff into the water, we take out the rope thrower and shoot from it at the other end of the passage. But, we need to turn left, so when we are at the fork, we shoot him in the other direction and thus get to the place we need. We reach a healthy wall hatch, at the bottom of which we break through the floor. Having dealt with the people of the Joker, we hack the console - "Transport". Through the opened gate we go out into the old familiar metro. We turn right, go in the door and go to the left, where we fly over the water with the help of a rope thrower.

Getting out onto the collapsed streets, Batman will feel uncomfortable all because of the same poison of the Joker. Having come to our senses, we fly over the abyss and deal with the clowns. We go out into the hall with a miracle machine, where we save the doctor. We go down and go through the door, where Batman will feel uncomfortable again. To open the gate we use an electric charge. Having met three ninjas, we deal with them and, just like in previous times, we open the gate. We leave to the huge sealed gates. You can't open them just like that, you need to find another way to get inside. Fortunately, there is a robot nearby that can be scanned to get video data. But then again, unfortunately, not all the information is contained in his head, you need to find the rest of the robots. One is behind us, the other two are in showcases opposite each other. The fourth is located to the left of the sealed gate in the house on the second floor. From there, we shoot with a cable thrower at a window with glass, fly inside, go around the building, break the second glass and scan the fifth robot. The last one remains, it is located opposite this house on the roof with four broken walls. After watching the video, we learn the secret entrance to the ninja lair. Approaching this place, counter the assassin and use his sword to get inside.




A year later, events in Arkhem have not changed. And again, we will have to help Batman deal with his enemies. Well, the passage of Batman: Arkham City will help you with this.

We wake up in a dusty and dirty cell in handcuffs. To free ourselves, we swing on a chair by pressing A and D. A guard will enter the room, as soon as he approaches, we press the counterattack button, after which Batman will steal the chip. We are dragged out of the cell and driven on. In a few moments we will have to join the fray. We neutralize all opponents, after which we help fellow unfortunate Ryder to rise.


After a short cut-scene, we deal with Penguin's mercenaries and stun him himself. Then we go up the ledges, stairs and roofs and give a signal to the butler Alfred. We pick up the Batman suit and use the chip to hack into the network of the Tiger group.

After that, we go to the theater to save the Catwoman. At the entrance, a crowd of bandits will be waiting for us. Having dealt with them, we go inside. We imperceptibly stun the enemy standing on the edge, after which we carefully walk along the rope that passes over the theater itself.

Then we select the target and dive down, stunning the enemies along the way. We watch a small cut-scene in which Batman saves the Cat from being shot. Now we need to scan the area, noting the bullet hole in the window and on the floor. The clues lead to the Joker.

Now we need to find the place from which they shot. We are trying to break through to the church, clearing out enemies in front of it, as well as inside it, but there are too many enemies, so we throw a saber and grab the ledge above with a hook. We turn on our visor again, scan the area and find several prisoners who need to be neutralized.

Trying not to make any noise, keep to the left side, after which, in the style of the terminator, we break through the wall and stun two enemies nearby. Below there will be two more enemies that can be killed at the same time if you dive from the edge of the ledge. Then we climb onto the church and inspect the rifle, then we safely disappear.

Now we need to get to the northern pier. Having reached the marked point, we move forward through the pipes and climb into the hatch. We run forward along the ledges and pipes until we hit a dead end: it's time to use the explosive gel (don't forget to move to a fairly safe distance). We pass further, with the help of a boomerang we cut down the steam and go into the dungeon, at the exit from which a small group of Joker's guys will be waiting for us.

We pass through the left door, start the conveyor, cut down the bandits, go further along the ledges. We break through the window, go to the left, after which we save the doctor from the local punks. We are trying to go back, before the door is already locked - we will have to look for another way. With the help of explosives, we open the left door, and the one behind it. We pass on, having dealt with the enemies, and at the same time meeting Quinn.

But, unfortunately, she manages to escape again ... We blow up the generator, jump onto the crane and climb higher, we will be met by the Joker's henchman, whom we need to deal with. To begin with, try to stun him so that he hits the others with his sledgehammer, if it doesn’t work out, then just hammer him. We climb higher again and meet another Joker trap.

Use the thermometer to find Dr. Freeze. Having dealt with the enemies, we go into the police building, take the chip from the dead guard and improve our device. We make our way into the hall, but without attacking anyone, we pass by and climb onto the ledge. We secretly cut down opponents, and interrogate the latter.

We break open the control panel at the security room, go further to the museum, focusing on a bright pillar of light. In the museum, we will have to fool around with the door again, after which, having dealt with the Penguin's friends, we pass to the huge gate.


Unfortunately, it will not work to get into them, so we climb out the window and turn on the device. Nothing works out for us, so it is necessary to deactivate the Penguin's jammers, which are located on the roof. Then we go down to the subway, then up the mine. Inside you will find many enemies. Do not rush forward, it is better to kill everyone covertly and imperceptibly, and your favorite gargoyles will help you with this.

Having completed the task, we go back to the museum. Once again we break open the control panel and free the prisoner. We go down, with the help of a boomerang we raise the gate, where a surprise awaits us in the form of a crowd of psychos. We ourselves will not get our hands dirty, so we cut down Penguin's associates with electric charges, in a fit of convulsions they will help us.

Then a mini-boss will come out, which we knock out by jumping on his back. We go to the elevator, use the gun and break through the barrier. We save a few more cops, and then Freeze himself.

In the room opposite we pick up new lotions, and go to the old friend Penguin. With the help of columns, we sneak up on the fat man and turn off his gun. Zatm with the help of explosives we cut down three generators, having done all this and having dealt with the enemies, we finish off the Penguin. Now we need to find Gul. To do this, we scan the area (we find a trace, blood, and bandages on the roof).

We go further, put a beacon on the killer and pick up the gadget. We leave for the island, through the sewer system we make our way further. We use the cable to overcome the obstacle. We jump on the trolley, then on another.

In the hatch we break through the floor and hack the system. At the exit from the subway, enemies will again be waiting for us. We save another hostage, then we destroy the gate and make our legs. We scan the area for the presence of robots. We go to a dead end, we try to open the door, but they are already waiting for us. With the help of the received sword, we unlock the gate and go inside.

We drink the liquid from the bowl, then we go along the white trail, grab the ledge. Trying not to hurt anything, we stun the enemies, jump into the center of the hurricane. Find the girl and talk to her. Here we will have a large army. First, deal with small opponents, and then attack the giant. Having finished it, we return back through the subway.

Now you need to pick up the mayor of the city, simultaneously destroying a couple of bandits. We give the found evidence to the police, then we get rid of Freeze, actively using the environment. We take medicine, we get a new device. The ubiquitous journalist is in trouble, so you have to save her. We go to the place of the accident, neutralizing the enemy snipers along the way.


We save Vicki and go to look for Mrs. Freeze. We leave for the Docks, Freeze herself will be nearby. Again we go to the police and tell Freeze about his wife. Now our target is the factory. We swim along the channel, then along the ventilation shaft, we make our way through the window, several bandits will be waiting for us. We make our way further, again we have to swim. With the help of a boomerang, we open the steel door, go into the corridor on the right and break open the socket.

Old acquaintances are already waiting for us in the next room. Having dealt with them, as well as with a sniper and other nasty things, we go to the conveyor. We jump higher and, here's a surprise, we find a captive Quinn there. Through the hatches we go to the next workshop, in which we will have a couple more snipers.

We go into the office and start having fun with the Joker, for dessert we will be served his friends, with whom it is also better not to stand on ceremony. Next will be another robot, already familiar to us earlier. To stop Protocol 10, we need to find the control panel. It is already known that she is on one of the helicopters that patrol the city.

We get out on the roof and inspect all the turntables around. On one of them we will find this very panel, which gives us access to the Observation Tower. We recover to it, we go through the main entrance, we hear the announcement of Streydzha. After destroying the run out enemies, we go to the sewers, jump into the opening and cling to the ledge. We pass into a small hall, where a captive doctor will be waiting for us.

Then we break open the elevator, climb higher, climb into the hatch, several enemies will be waiting for us, which it is desirable to neutralize covertly. We neutralize the control panel, open the doors and climb higher and higher. We climb into another hatch, attack the bandits, and then go to the panel. We are finally turning off the ill-fated Protocol 10, now it remains to deal with the Joker.

Judging by the marked point, he is in the theater. We are not in a hurry to meddle there, first we quietly neutralize the snipers and other enemies around, and only then we go inside. There we are waiting for a mini-boss, which can be dealt with by throwing ice and explosives. When he gets tired of swinging the sword, we climb onto it and finish the job.

Finally, we take the antidote and use it. Congratulations, Batman: Arkham City walkthrough is complete.