tank clans. Clans in World of Tanks. How to find out who left

In almost any modern MMO, players tend to form close associations for various purposes. World of Tanks is no exception to the rule - for this there are clans.

What is nice, Wargaming fully supports the clan system, giving players the opportunity to officially join clans or create their own and invite people there using a separate service http://ru.wargaming.net/clans

What is a clan in WoT?

In general, a clan in World of Tanks is an association of players with the goal of joint game and communication. In addition, there are separate game modes for them - Fortified Areas and the Global Map. Joining a clan gives the player several benefits:

  • The ability to easily find a teammate - if there are a lot of active players in the community, then just write a request to the clan chat, and someone will definitely respond to you;
  • The opportunity to take part in sorties, the battles in which are already real teamwork - a good team, as a rule, has proven schemes, tactics, as well as competent field commanders. Thus, the level of coordination of the game exceeds that in the company and team fights not to mention random.
  • A consequence of the previous paragraph are pleasant bonuses to experience and credits - if the clan has a developed fortified area with a financial part and other buildings, the commander will periodically turn on payments.
  • Access to the Global Map - if the community holds several provinces, this means that there is in-game gold in the treasury, which you can also get if you take an active part in sorties. It is also an opportunity to participate in events and receive unique tanks as a reward. Actually, it is the game global map and is the ultimate goal of any clan, at least as planned by the developers.

How to enter?

To join any clan, you must, of course, find a suitable one. Keep in mind that not every commander will accept you - many communities select players according to several criteria, and you need to make sure that you meet these criteria. As a rule, this is your game rating, the presence of a certain technique, as well as the time of activity. To find out exactly what requirements the command imposes on recruits, click on the "Description" button on the clan's main page:

Or the "Summon Conditions" button, located a little lower:

If everything suits you and you meet the requirements, click the "Submit Application" button. In the window that opens, you can write a small comment to the commander and regular officers - say that you are an active player and will take a full part in clan life.

If you cannot find a team that suits you, you can fill out the Personal File http://ru.wargaming.net/clans/recruitstation/recruit_form/ and the system will give you everything possible options according to the questionnaire.

Entry is completely free.

How to get out?

If the community you have joined does not suit you, you can leave it at any time. To leave the clan, go to the main community page on the World of Tanks website, and in the upper left corner click the "Expand Menu" button:

After that, a menu will pop up on the left, at the bottom you will find the item "Leave the clan":

How to find out who left?

If you are a commander, then most likely you have encountered a situation where the number of people in the clan has decreased, and it is not clear who exactly left your team. If you add all your fighters as friends, then the easiest way is to see which of them no longer have a clan tag next to their name. However, this method is inconvenient if there are a lot of friends and clan members in your contact list.

Therefore, for this purpose, there is a special tool on the Ivanerr website - Player Ownership History http://ivanerr.ru/lt/history. It is enough to enter a tag in the field, and you will be able to see all the information about who entered and left the community, starting from its very foundation. You can also see where a player joined by specifying his nickname.

How to earn gold in a clan?

As mentioned above, joining a large, active and well-playing community can become a source of game gold in the long run. The main thing is that it controls at least one province on the Global Map (and the more, the better, of course). However, do not expect that you will ride in random, and the gold itself will drip into your account. The fact is that the income from the provinces is not distributed equally to all players, but goes to the clan treasury, and there the commander and his deputies decide who and how much to pay. It goes without saying that inactive players will not get a penny, so everything here depends on your initiative. Participate in GC sorties as often as possible, play well, pull fights, and then the commander will not leave you without a reward. And yet, you should not think that this will provide you mountains of gold - in addition to you, the team will probably include many more active players, and not so much gold goes to the treasury. However, you will definitely have enough to remove equipment and buy camouflages and slots.

It is worth noting that there is another way to earn gold in the clan - if the clan Stronghold has a level 9-10 "Chancery" building, and the commander periodically activates random tasks from it, then the reward for completing such a task can be gold in the amount of 500 or 1000 Naturally, to complete this combat mission, you will have to sweat a lot.

Thus, in game world of Tanks, there is a highly developed clan system, which makes it as easy as possible for players to join communities. If you are socially active and like to play in a community of like-minded people, feel free to join a clan, and new opportunities will open up for you that are inaccessible to single players.

The clans of World of Tanks, where such people appear, line up. Companies that find themselves in such communities begin to recruit more skilled players and improve their results. Field commanders suddenly start giving interviews to representatives of Wargaming.net and develop the media. This is success. The success of the commercial kind in clan life, which arose due to the existence of patrons in the World of Tanks community.

Today we will talk about current sponsors in WoT clan life and take a look at the companies and clans they help.

Harry Givizloy

One of the oldest sponsors in the game. Actively involved in clan life since the Galaxy Alliance (2012). Sponsored the tournament, which can be considered the progenitor of the AP.

At the moment, it constantly supports 3 clans. Sponsored a number of small player-organized events over the past year. He also participates in the rebellion of the clans on the Civil Code and supports this movement in every possible way.

Media activity is concentrated on the forum. However, posts on his behalf also appear on social networks, though much less frequently.

Company "Stella"
Company "YETTI"
Company "Vympel"

Company "RIF"
Company "No Name"
Company "Slam"

Company "The Inquisitionq"

The total value of these assets is not exactly known. However, a rough estimate can be given. The maintenance of such a composition of companies costs about 500,000 rubles a month.

He announced his retirement before the announcement of the rules of the 7th Season of the Civil Code or forever. If WG does not change anything for the better. But even before he made such statements and interrupted his fate in the clan life.

Maxim Shvakhin Argentum_Stellata

The most media of all sponsors. He actively leads his own group on VKontakte. The ideologist of the uprising on the Civil Code against the developers. He made a huge contribution to the development of the clan media space.

Company "Sword of Damocles"
Company "TRS"
Company "SHIELD"

The clan's budget, according to some estimates, is about 200,000 rubles a month.
He also announced his departure at the end of Season 6.

Sponsor LRY

Almost nothing is known about this man. He began his active work in the clan segment at the end of the 5th Season of the Civil Code.
However, it is worth noting that the companies playing in the clan from the very beginning have significantly improved their results. Apparently, the philanthropist's policy of developing mouths is bearing fruit.

Company "Badly"
Company "Chaos"
Company "Explosive Bullets"

There is no information about the amounts that are spent on the clan. We can only give a rough estimate based on the level of investment in similar clans.


Recently returned after a break. And immediately began to aggressively attract good fighters. The only sponsor who commands the company personally. At the moment it is known that the main goal is to achieve maximum results in the AP. Will he continue to support the clan financially -
unknown. The approximate budget is 60,000-80,000 rubles.


The appearance of a sponsor in the form of a company is not an ordinary event in the clan community. Definitely waiting for high-profile transfers at the end of the season. Especially given the departure of two serious sponsors and the number of companies that will be left without support.

Let's hope that this cooperation will bear fruit and satisfy both parties. Because in this case, the clan movement and eSports will open up new prospects.

World of Tanks is a rather extensive and large-scale multiplayer game that could not ignore the clan system that unites players among themselves and provides additional opportunities. In the World of Tanks clans play the role of receiving additional features, allowing you to play on the global map and equip your own headquarters. In addition, various competitive battles, group tournaments and many other events are held especially for clans. And if you decide to create your own clan and have not yet fully understood its role, then this article will help you find all the answers to your questions.

Why are clans needed?

First of all, clans play in World of Tanks, that is, they unite players, allow them to communicate, achieve common goals and, in the end, just be friends. But this is just the main goal, but the side ones give a chance to earn game currency and ensure a good existence in the vastness of this virtual world. For example, it will be possible to play on the global map and fight for territories that bring a certain amount of gold to the clan's treasury. You can build a headquarters and improve it, getting various bonuses to the available silver and experience. But at the same time, in World of Tanks, clans must fulfill their duties. If you have captured territory on the map or built a headquarters, all this will have to be defended from other clans.

Responsibilities and Opportunities

We considered the main possibilities, but did not indicate them. The main advantage of this internal gaming community is to gain experience In World of Tanks, clans are a great opportunity to gain experience in playing together with a group of players and commanding a company. In a good clan, each player tries out for a very different role, which gives a huge positive effect for each user. As for duties, the head of the clan must first pay a fee, which is equal to 2500 gold, then he must recruit people by advertising his so-called organization, and only then carry out various activities. It is the head who is responsible for all processes, but at the same time he can appoint assistants (field commander, treasurer and others).

primary goal

Top clans of World of Tanks - this is the main goal of each user association. After getting into the top 10 of the best, real freedom and fame opens up before the clan. The staff of the organization is replenished with professionals, the battles are getting better, there is more gold, the players in the clan become friends, as a result, you begin to conquer eSports and declare yourself much louder than before. The higher your clan is in the table of all associations, the more opportunities you will receive and the more successful your virtual business will be. The main thing is not to give up, strive for this and destroy anyone who gets in your way, naturally, not in a literal sense. The success of your clan, the amount of gold in the treasury and the overall popularity among the entire World of Tanks community will depend only on you, your command and team.

Ratings and power

The clan rating of World of Tanks is an indicator of the success of a particular association. The higher the clan is, the stronger, more powerful and more popular it is. To be in such a clan is a great honor, but to have such a clan under your command is at least a success. To rise in the rankings, you need to constantly fight on the global map and win, participate in various tournaments and earn points, try to maintain the power of your clan and conduct diplomatic negotiations with other clans correctly. It is worth considering another main point of your association - this is the power of the players. It lies in the amount of high-level equipment that is in service with the players themselves. This will allow you to find out the various special services for the game World fo Tanks. Now the choice is solely yours - to conquer virtual world in the ranks of associations or to become a conqueror yourself.

The clans of World of Tanks, where such people appear, line up. Companies that find themselves in such communities begin to recruit more skilled players and improve their results. Field commanders suddenly start giving interviews to representatives of Wargaming.net and develop the media. This is success. The success of the commercial kind in clan life, which arose due to the existence of patrons in the World of Tanks community.

Today we will talk about current sponsors in WoT clan life and take a look at the companies and clans they help.

Harry Givizloy

One of the oldest sponsors in the game. Actively involved in clan life since the Galaxy Alliance (2012). Sponsored the tournament, which can be considered the progenitor of the AP.

At the moment, it constantly supports 3 clans. Sponsored a number of small player-organized events over the past year. He also participates in the rebellion of the clans on the Civil Code and supports this movement in every possible way.

Media activity is concentrated on the forum. However, posts on his behalf also appear on social networks, though much less frequently.

Company "Stella"
Company "YETTI"
Company "Vympel"

Company "RIF"
Company "No Name"
Company "Slam"

Company "The Inquisitionq"

The total value of these assets is not exactly known. However, a rough estimate can be given. The maintenance of such a composition of companies costs about 500,000 rubles a month.

He announced his retirement before the announcement of the rules of the 7th Season of the Civil Code or forever. If WG does not change anything for the better. But even before he made such statements and interrupted his fate in the clan life.

Maxim Shvakhin Argentum_Stellata

The most media of all sponsors. He actively leads his own group on VKontakte. The ideologist of the uprising on the Civil Code against the developers. He made a huge contribution to the development of the clan media space.

Company "Sword of Damocles"
Company "TRS"
Company "SHIELD"

The clan's budget, according to some estimates, is about 200,000 rubles a month.
He also announced his departure at the end of Season 6.

Sponsor LRY

Almost nothing is known about this man. He began his active work in the clan segment at the end of the 5th Season of the Civil Code.
However, it is worth noting that the companies playing in the clan from the very beginning have significantly improved their results. Apparently, the philanthropist's policy of developing mouths is bearing fruit.

Company "Badly"
Company "Chaos"
Company "Explosive Bullets"

There is no information about the amounts that are spent on the clan. We can only give a rough estimate based on the level of investment in similar clans.


Recently returned after a break. And immediately began to aggressively attract good fighters. The only sponsor who commands the company personally. At the moment it is known that the main goal is to achieve maximum results in the AP. Will he continue to support the clan financially -
unknown. The approximate budget is 60,000-80,000 rubles.


The appearance of a sponsor in the form of a company is not an ordinary event in the clan community. Definitely waiting for high-profile transfers at the end of the season. Especially given the departure of two serious sponsors and the number of companies that will be left without support.

Let's hope that this cooperation will bear fruit and satisfy both parties. Because in this case, the clan movement and eSports will open up new prospects.

And now it's time to talk about what clans are in the game World of tank blitz. By definition, such a “grouping” in wotblitz is a kind of gaming community that unites gamers according to their interests, and these interests can be very diverse. So, for example, some collect benders, others - sandbox lovers, and some even set themselves the goal of getting into cheerful company for joint virtual rides on tanks.

Clans in game world of tanks

According to statistics, today on the Internet there is a huge variety of diverse communities united by one idea - tank battles in World of Tanks. And if one of these teams has no more than a hundred people, then another company may have five hundred or even a thousand "tankers" in its composition. And each of the clan members has their own duties: someone is a “recruiter”, someone is a “treasurer” responsible for the financial side of the matter, someone monitors statistics, and someone is appointed to the position of “deputy commander ".

But what gives the player joining such a friendly, organized group? So, let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Game on the global map. If the community that you are going to join or have already joined is strong enough, then you, as its separate unit, may well try your hand at fighting other tankers on the global map for the right to own the territory. But be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly provide assistance and support to your community, as there are often situations in which there is an acute shortage of people to protect the provinces.

Tournaments, events and other events. Any close-knit clan is famous for the fact that none of its members sit idle. Massive entertainers tirelessly come up with more and more new ideas for some interesting events - it can be something from the category of “ramming Mouse with the help of MS-1”, and “massive bridge jump”, or something else no less exciting ... We assure you - you will not be bored!

How not to make a mistake and join a decent group?

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a community you plan to join is its age, the number of units and players in each of them, as well as their skill and, most importantly, friendliness. Of course, it is simply impossible to write a universal instruction that could reveal all the secrets and tricks of choosing a team and joining it, because there are a great many such “groups”, as mentioned earlier, as well as people in them. But behind each individual gamer lies his own character, manner of playing and communicating with "tribesmen".

Therefore, the only thing that can be advised to "tankers" is to pay attention to the points that we have indicated above and listen to your own inner voice. And if you are comfortable in the "new family", then you have come to the right place. Otherwise, you shouldn’t torture yourself and it’s better to leave the group you don’t like without unnecessary words and unnecessary scandals.