Mouse game in world of tank. What equipment to put on Maus

25-02-2017, 00:13

Hello to all fans of World of Tanks and adherents of heavy equipment! Now we will talk about one of the most legendary tanks of our game and the times of the Great Patriotic War, a German giant of the tenth level, a formidable creation of the Reichstag - in front of you is Maus guide.

If in real life this armored giant terrified his enemies, then in World of Tanks Maus the tank is not so scary, but let's look at its characteristics and capabilities in more detail.

TTX Maus

It's no secret that the Maus tank is quite specific and all this big nuance is completely made up of its performance characteristics. The fact is that we have simply incredible booking rates, due to this the car weighs a lot. True, in the current realities, such seemingly serious armor saves us quite rarely, because we are the favorite target of every gunner, and when loading gold shells, it is not so difficult to break through the heavy German tank Maus WoT.

But that was before the release of update, in which the mouse was upgraded with a booking. Now in the forehead of the tower the enemy meets not 240, but 260 millimeters of pure steel. In addition, when rhombusing, you will be able to tank well, because now the bevels of the hull, which, when setting up the Maus WoT with a rhombus, made their way quite simply, have become thicker, their armor has changed from 200 to 250 millimeters.

Of course, the German heavy tank Maus is capable of tanking with its sides, especially since now their thickness has also grown somewhat. By exposing the body in a rhombus, hiding the front part with the Vulnerable NLD behind some obstacle, the sides are able to ricochet anything and this should definitely be used to hold back the enemy.

From the huge weight follows the next nuance in its characteristics - mobility. To say that the tank is slow is like saying nothing. The maximum speed is 20 kilometers, and this is assuming that we are driving in a straight line. Turning such a carcass is also extremely difficult, which means that, in addition to speed and lack of dynamics, we still have poor maneuverability.

Otherwise Maus tank world of Tanks is endowed with a huge margin of safety (one of the best in the game), which after patch 0.9.17 turned into 3200 units, as well as good overview, which is quite enough in almost any situation, of course, taking into account correctly pumped perks.


Now consider the Maus gun and the first thing that catches your eye is its caliber. With such dimensions, it is quite expected that the gun has good one-time damage, not the highest, but quite impressive. At the same time, we reload for a rather long time, but thanks to the improvement in the rate of fire in update, the Maus heavy tank now has the ability to deal almost 2500 pure level units per minute, which is very good.

As for the rest, Maus WoT penetration is also quite good, it is quite enough to penetrate most of the tanks. However, in order to butt with enemy heavies (you will do this often and a lot), it is still worth carrying at least 30% of gold ammo with you.

Another positive thing is that with the release of patch, Maus World of Tanks improved the stabilization performance, improved the dispersion and aiming speed. That is, now our gun boasts really nice accuracy indicators, which will allow you to deal damage with much greater comfort.

By the way, our gun goes down as much as 8 degrees, which is very handy, given the huge dimensions and height of this German.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, like any other vehicle, the German Maus World of Tanks tank has its advantages and disadvantages, so it's worth focusing on its strengths and weaknesses.

Big alpha strike;
Good vertical aiming angles;
Decent review rate;
A huge amount of HP;
Serious booking.

Slowness in everything (movement speed, dynamics, maneuverability, etc.);
Huge dimensions;
Presence is palpable weaknesses in armor;
We are very vulnerable to artillery.

Given all of the above, we can conclude that this is a really strong and unique car, which has a lot of advantages and has finally received an improvement in armor. However, given all the shortcomings, playing the mouse is still not easy, however, we will talk about tactics later.

Equipment for Maus

As you understand, equipment needs to be put on the Maus tank wisely, some options are completely useless to him, while others are vital, for this reason the choice will be as follows:
- due to the low DPM, we really need this detail.
- not the best stabilization and slowness, and this module will allow you to hit the target more often right away.
- everything is simple here, strengthening all the characteristics, this is very important for us.

If you wish, you can replace the last option with , this choice is very reasonable, because artillery fires at us very often, and so is your Mouse WoT tank will be able to live a little longer or hide in a shelter.

Crew training

So we come to another extremely important point, because pumping perks on Maus is also wise, without deviating too much from the goals that were pursued when installing the equipment. This German heavy has at its disposal 6 crew members and unusual gameplay, which means that the choice will be very difficult.
Commander - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader - , , , .
Loader - , , , .

Equipment for the Maus tank

As on most other vehicles in World of Tanks Maus, the standard set of equipment in the form of , , is well suited. However, we are designed to tank a lot of damage, as this can damage modules and concuss the crew members, so the best choice would be , and . Of course, the most desperate can even bet, but this is not recommended.

Maus tactics

Considering all our characteristics, it is worth immediately understanding that the Maus tank WoT is a machine of one direction. While the report is going on, you must clearly think over your actions, understand where you will go and crush this line until you get to the enemy base, or until you go to the hangar.
Also, you always need to remember that we are the most tasty morsel for enemy art. For this reason, try to choose your direction wisely, preferably where you are going, there is where to hide our huge body and take a good position to contain the enemy.

Regarding how we should behave, everything is quite simple. Do not expose your side to the enemy at a right angle, try to always turn the hull in relation to the opponent or tank with a reverse diamond. Also, Maus armor in the frontal projection has a very weak spot - these are the cheeks of the tower. Here the thickness of the armor plate does not exceed 240 millimeters, so after the shot you need to turn the turret too, while you can slightly twist it from side to side or dance to complicate aiming.

Otherwise, it's better to never be alone, the enemy mobile CT will easily spin us or the enemies can crush us with numbers, so always analyze the situation and look at the mini-map.

To the question: “Is Maus worth taking?”, The answer cannot be unambiguous. On the one hand, this is a really strong machine, but on the other hand, in the current realities, the fate of a mouse is completely unenviable, we are sewn with gold without any problems and the art is reduced only to us, and since the number of open cards now significantly exceeds the city ones, draw your own conclusions.

The achievements of the German school of tank building inspire unconditional respect. Engineering Solutions, used in the German tanks of World War II, were used even in equipment built years later. But the Teutonic genius is called gloomy for a reason. Suffice it to recall the morbid predilection of the Germans for super-heavy tanks. It is generally accepted that the culprit of this dubious hobby is Hitler. However, long before he came to power, at the end of the First World War, the Colossal tank was developed and built - a 150-ton monster with four guns and a crew of 22 people. The end of the war and the defeat of Germany prevented the completion of the work. So it would be more correct to say that Hitler only turned an occasional infatuation into something like a stable insanity.

In fairness, it should be noted that other countries also suffered from this. The USSR designed the 120-ton KV-5 tank, by the end of the war the Americans built three huge T95 anti-tank installations, the Japanese brought the development of the 100-ton O-I three-tower tank to the layout. Well, the French did not stand aside with their FCM 2C. But all these were separate projects, and the Third Reich put the work on a grand scale.

They say that the Germans went to the creation of a deliberately useless machine solely out of desperation. This is a fundamentally wrong opinion. Work on the "heavyweights" was started back in 1941. Then the Krupp company designed a 72-ton tank armed with a 105-mm gun. Then the same company also came up with the 90-ton Lion, work on which was stopped after Ferdinand Porsche was given the green light to build the Mouse.

It is impossible to pass by two projects that the language does not dare to call other than curiosities. The author of the first was engineer E. Grotte, who worked for the USSR in the 30s and even then shocked the military with his "land cruisers". Grotte offered the Germans a 1,000-ton monster called the Ratte. It was supposed to arm this fiend ship guns. The second project, surpassing even Ratte, was developed by Krupp. An 800-mm Dora gun was to be placed on it as a gun. Minister of Armaments Speer kept the remnants common sense and hacked to death the wonderful impulses of "brilliant" designers.

The only super-heavy tank that Germany built completely was Professor Porsche's Maus. The contract for its development was signed in 1942. Porsche was to build a tank weighing 160 tons, armed with two guns (150 and 105 mm), with frontal armor 200 mm thick and side armor - 180 mm. The project was called "Mammoth". In December 1942, this name was changed to "Mouse" for the sake of secrecy. Ferdinand Porsche was responsible only for work on the design and technical side. Albert Speer was supposed to introduce the development into production.

Porsche failed to meet the specified mass limit. The desire to create a machine that would be as protected as possible from all sides, as well as layout problems, led to the fact that in the end the Mouse weighed 188 tons. Not a single stationary road bridge could withstand such a weight, not to mention a pontoon one. Therefore, the creators of the tank immediately made its design as protected from moisture penetration as possible and developed an underwater driving system. Theoretically, the tank could overcome water obstacles up to 8 meters deep. But in reality, even small reservoirs would most likely become a grave for him.

Patency "Mouse" also left much to be desired. Field test reports in Böblingen give her an overly positive assessment. For example, it is written there that even when the tracks were immersed in the ground up to 50 cm, the tank remained mobile. At the same time, it is silent about the fact that almost all 100 kilometers of its path during the tests the car passed exclusively on roads and solid ground. And the only case of off-road testing ended with the "Maus" bogged down almost to the very roof. They were able to pull it out only after they dug it out. The underwater driving equipment was mentioned above, but what is the point of it if the tank is tightly bogged down in the bottom mud?

There is an axiom: the tank must be mobile. The meaning of tank troops is precisely to make throws over long distances, to cover enemy units, to strike at the flanks and rear, both on the offensive and on defense. "Maus" did not correspond to this principle at all. He drove really badly.

“Perhaps it was so well protected that it could pass for some kind of mobile pillbox, capable of holding back the onslaught of large enemy forces?” - you ask. Also no.

First, the thick armor of the Mouse was of poor quality. At the time of its construction, Germany was experiencing a severe shortage of molybdenum, which is necessary for the manufacture of high-quality steel. Bad armor not only penetrated better with shells, but also cracked and chipped. A projectile hitting the car knocked out fragments from the inside, which could kill the crew and damage the internal components of the tank. In fact, in terms of its level of security, the Maus corresponded to heavy tanks weighing 60-70 tons.

Secondly, the huge size made the Porsche tank an excellent target for aviation. And the Mouse would not have survived a bomb hit. That is, here, too, its "usefulness" is in question.

Perhaps the only thing that can be credited as a plus for the Maus is its main gun of 128 mm caliber. This gun was guaranteed to penetrate any enemy tank from a distance of up to 2500 meters. Not a single tank of the anti-Hitler coalition could boast of a similar result. True, the loading of the gun was separate, so the rate of fire was limited to three rounds per minute. Nevertheless, the 128-mm gun should definitely be attributed to the merits. The second 75 mm gun was already a dubious element. To shoot at targets that do not deserve a heavy projectile, an automatic cannon would be enough. Moreover, it would be nice if this gun had a sector of destruction as close as possible to a circular one. The fact is that the Maus turret turned very slowly, and from other weapons there was only a stern machine gun, which would obviously not be enough for defense.

It can be argued with almost one hundred percent probability that almost all the padded "Mouses", if this tank had really fought, would have become irretrievable losses. The evacuation of a damaged tank of this mass was an almost impossible task. Isn't it too wasteful to scatter such expensive cars?

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately for the Germans, they did not have a chance to check how the Mouse would fight. Two finished prototype machines were blown up at the Kummersdorf training ground as they approached Soviet troops. Nevertheless, from the remains of two tanks, it was possible to assemble one, which was subsequently taken to the USSR. Today it can be seen in Kubinka among the exhibits of the museum of armored forces.

So, Ferdinand Porsche, following the lead of Adolf Hitler's gigantomania, created, perhaps, the most useless tank of the Second World War. Is it right to say that the forces, time and material resources were wasted by him in vain? In no case! When creating the Maus, there were many innovative solutions in relation to the propulsion and running systems of tanks, in power supply, cooling and power supply of the motor, as well as in the design of the tower.

You can discuss the material.

Renders of this machine in all resolutions are .

Mouse- German Tier X heavy tank and the most armored and heavy tank in the whole game world of tanks. The weight of the German mastodon reaches almost 200 tons.

For my long life in the game, Maus both punished randomly and suffered - everything happened. At the time of the release of the game, the mastodon was the most dangerous enemy that alone can kill the entire enemy team. With the advent of new nations and new Tier X tanks, Maus has become a hulking block, with a slanting weapon and armor that lends itself to gold.

In 2017 (updated) 9.17.1 ) the year the mouse received the long-awaited up, which revived the players' love for this tank, but did not turn it into an imba. The advantages of the mouse have increased, but the disadvantages have remained the same, and therefore we will talk about them right now.

Advantages of Mouse

  • A formidable weapon. Even before the upgrade, the Maus gun could be called one of the worst among all Tier X tanks, but the situation has changed. Now the reload time of the gun is 12 seconds, and with full minced meat it can be accelerated to 10 seconds. Recall that the average gun damage is 490 units, and coupled with such a reload, Maus is ideally able to show 2940 units. damage per minute. Coupled with excellent stabilization and accuracy, the mouse has turned into a tank that not only absorbs damage, but also distributes it.
  • The greatest margin of safety. 3200 HP speaks for itself - a record in the game that allows the German to survive more hits than any other tank.
  • Powerful circular armor. Up brought the burly man even more armor. The armor of the sides increased slightly, and most importantly, the forehead of the tower with 240 mm of armor received 260 mm. This will allow Maus to repel most of the AP shells and the lion's share of the COP. The rest of the tank's armor remained the same.
  • Huge weight. Needless to say, what an advantage gives a huge weight. 200 tons indicate that the mouse is not afraid of a ram. From the word "not at all". Any fool, taking you on a ram, immediately go to the hangar.

Mouse Disadvantages

  • Big sizes. Is it necessary to say that it is very easy to hit the mouse without even reducing? No. Maus is one of the largest tanks in the game, except for the Japanese.
  • Poor dynamics and maneuverability. Maus is one of the slowest tanks in the game and his suffering on open maps No limit. In addition, the mouse is not able to reach the key points first. On open maps, situations are not rare when the fate of the battle has already been decided, and the mouse has just arrived to fight. Artillery to hit a slow target is not a problem, but fast tanks capable of spinning a huge carcass, leaving no chance.

As you can see, there are few shortcomings, but they strongly constrain the mouse in actions. Previously, the mastodon could not shoot normally, but now try to approach so simply.

What equipment to put on Maus?

  1. Anti-shatter lining.
  2. Rammer.
  3. Vertical stabilizer.

If everything is clear with the last two modules, then the lining for the tank is necessary for the following reasons. It is not so easy to break through the mouse of BB, BP and CS. But our main enemy is the artillery that shoots the FS. And a large lining reduces the damage from a land mine by 50%. Consequently, the German is less afraid of artillery.

If you are not afraid of art, then you can replace the lining with Fan to boost General characteristics tank.

How to pump the crew? - Perks

It's not worth going far. First of all, you should pump in the commander "Sixth Sense", and the rest of the team "Repair". The next skills will not be superfluous "The Brotherhood of War". The rest of the pumping is situational - decide for yourself, but you should not download "Disguise", because it is not an assistant to the mouse.

How to play on Mouse?

If the card is open, the mouse will suffer. In addition, if there is a lot of artillery, one should stay in cover or make a swift breakthrough, because the German is not capable of more in such situations.

If the map is urban - welcome to the world of Maus. Place your tank in a diamond shape, hiding the NLD behind obstacles, enlist the support of a couple of allies and it will be almost impossible to overcome the mouse. The main thing is that after the shot, do not forget to turn the tower away in order to increase the armor of the tower, and the mouse will turn into a mobile pillbox.

You can not approach fast and small opponents, because they will freely spin the clumsy German. You should also not disdain shots on the move, because with low speed and good stabilization, the “mouse gun” hits almost without a miss.

Conclusion and future nerf

As a conclusion, it should be said that Maus has seriously prettier, having acquired a worthy weapon. Now the mouse will not only endure, but also shoot anyone who dares to approach. 3200 durability points will no longer be given so easily. However, the rest of the shortcomings have not gone away. The mouse is still useless in environments and open maps.

Unfortunately, the developers have already reported a small nerf to the mouse: minus 200 hp to the tank's durability and +1.3 to the loading time. In principle, this is not very critical.

Mauschen - heavy German researchable tank 9 World level of Tanks submitted to SuperTest. What to expect from him, and can he become a worthy alternative to the beloved "slipper"?

The Tier IX heavy tank Mauschen, which is part of the alternative Maus upgrade tree, became available on the supertest not so long ago. The history of the tank is connected with the development of the Maus project, the super-heavy combat vehicle of the Wehrmacht.

In 1942, a breakthrough tank was ordered, with the most reinforced armor and powerful weapons. The project was handed over to Porche, and in June 1942, Hitler was presented with the basic design of the Type 205, called "Mammoth", and later "Mauschen" - "Mouse", with a tonnage of 170 tons and a 150-mm gun, since, according to Fuhrer, a 128mm cannon would have seemed like a "toy gun".

The first prototype was supposed to be released in 1943, but things did not go beyond the drawing. "Maus", in turn, was even implemented in metal. two prototypes were created, however, one of them without a tower. "Mouse" - Mauschen tank eventually became the project of the most massive tank not only in the history of World War II, but also in the entire world arms production.

Obviously, the car should be similar to its older brother, both in appearance and in the style of play. So what are the characteristics this tank at the supertest stage? Firepower is implemented by a 12.8 cm gun, similar to the E-75 and VK 4502 (B) variant.

It has a good one-time damage in 490 units— one of the highest stats among all Tier IX heavy tanks. Average rate of fire - 4.2 shots per minute without amplifiers gives us in general not so bad DPM in 1960 damage, which pays off with good alpha and good armor penetration of the main projectile - 246 mm.

In principle, not the worst DPM in the game, but among classmates there are more impressive indicators. At the same time, the tool has decent accuracy indicators.

decent 0.38 scatter combined with convergence time in 2.3 seconds create an opportunity for effective shooting not only at close, but also at medium, and sometimes long distances. The elevation angles are also quite comfortable: 8 degrees way down.

View Radius - 400 meters is considered an excellent indicator of the level. Basic projectile penetration is quite acceptable: you can easily deal damage to same-level enemies and vehicles that are lower in the list. In case of encountering level 10 heavies, you can grab 10-15 gold shells to feel more confident.

However, even considering these advantages, using a tank to shoot from the bushes is blasphemy. About disguise mauschen 170 ton Hulks, I don't think it's worth mentioning. Mobility: even a very powerful engine with 1500 hp does not allow the tank to gain speed.

Due to the high mass, the power density is limited to approx. 9 hp/t- the device accelerates extremely slowly and also turns extremely reluctantly - 15 deg/s. And it would be where to accelerate: 20 km/h maximum forward speed and 15 km/h back, thus making the tank the slowest on the level. But is the predecessor of "Maus" about mobility?

The huge heavy tank Maushen has 6 crew members on board. Let's just say that research undercarriage Mäuschen for 24,200 experience is simply not needed. Since without it, all modules, consumables and equipment are installed, and an increase in the tank’s turning speed by 3 degrees per second will not save much in battle.

Therefore, the main focus should be on gun 12.8 cm Kw.K. 44L/55 for which you will have to pay 63,000 experience. Here, fans of German heavy equipment are in for a pleasant surprise: the beloved by many "Mousegun" is installed on the heavy equipment, similar to the armament of the top brother.
And the big question remains research engine DB 603 A1(51,500 experience), because an increase in power by 250 hp. for not a small amount of experience at all, and to level up the top 10 level MAUS you need 219,660 experience.

Let's get down to the main advantage of Mauschen wot - booking. Here we already have something to brag about, 200 millimeters is the upper frontal part, plus it is well inclined.

The armor plates are located at the right angles, so when the tank is placed in a rhombus, it will be simply unrealistic to break through the upper frontal part. At the same time, NLD does not have good booking indicators, so BBs from classmates and even some eights will be guaranteed to “enter” here.

The sides of the hull are approx. 140 millimeters and reinforced with screens. When set in a diamond, the board will become a serious problem for the enemy, which makes tanking from buildings successful. The stern is also surprisingly well armored and sometimes the shells of Tier VII and VIII opponents will not penetrate it. The Mauschen tower, very similar to the Maus variant, has worthy 230 millimeters in the frontal projection, however, the angle of inclination is not so pleasant - serious guns will penetrate the tower without problems.

The situation is slightly overshadowed by the presence of the commander's hatch, moreover, rather big, it is one of the few weak points of the car. The side and rear projections of the turret are reliably protected - when turning, hitting a 160 mm armor sheet often results in a ricochet.

Surely many people understand that you will have to pay for a good booking with mobility. Therefore, it is not surprising that the novelty has a stunningly low maximum speed, poor dynamics and maneuverability.

According to the results of a comparative analysis, MAUSCHEN looks like a rather curious technique. To provide more comfortable game, you can slightly enhance the characteristics with the right set of modules. Among the variety presented in the game, it is worth giving preference to such equipment:
Rammer- increase the rate of fire and alpha strike.

Stabilizer- Increased accuracy to better implement damage.

coated optics- increase the review and get the right to the first shot.

However, for "enlightenment" there are two worthy replacements:

When choosing crew perks, you can be guided by the standards that exist in the game for heavy vehicles. Considering that we are dealing with a clumsy heavy load, we must first of all take care of the survivability of equipment, and then improve the characteristics of weapons and other utilities for the crew.
Do not forget about consumables that will help increase the time spent in battle.
Therefore, when choosing equipment, it is imperative to fill the slots with a large first-aid kit and a repair kit, and grab an automatic fire extinguisher. However, the strand burns infrequently, so fire safety can be replaced
chocolate bar.

How to play Mauschen

If we recall the low speed and weak dynamics, it becomes clear that we are dealing with a tank of one direction. However, good armor contributes to an open confrontation with the enemy, so the tank feels quite comfortable in the first line.

When choosing a direction, you need to carefully analyze the situation on the battlefield. Given that he can hardly move, it may turn out that by the time you get to the line of clashes, teammates can already merge the flank and MAUSCHEN will remain in splendid isolation. When choosing a flank for an attack, you need to think over the places of shelter in advance: the younger brother MAUSA will be a tasty morsel for artillery.

If we specifically consider the behavior in battle, you need to play "from armor" and alpha. Therefore, we carefully roll out of cover, deal damage with full convergence and crawl back to the cooldown. You should not substitute the sides and NLD: it is better to catch ricochets with a tower, while maintaining a margin of safety.

In general, the tactics of playing on this tank looks quite standard for German heavy tanks: we feel confident on city maps and feel very uncomfortable in the open field. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the mini-map and try not to let fireflies and art. Nimble opponents will easily spin and dismantle the clumsy giant, and given the long reload speed, there is no possibility of a decent response. Alone in the field is not a warrior - this saying is best suited for the German tank of the 9th level MAUSCHEN.

Brief summary of the Mauschen tank

As a result, we get an analogue of the top German TT only at tier IX. Their essence is absolutely the same. Of the advantages, it is worth noting the large caliber of the gun, which is sometimes easier to implement than damage per minute, strong armor, quite suitable for playing at IX and even X levels, as well as the high mass of the tank, which can be used advantageously when ramming.

However, very low indicators of maneuverability and mobility do not allow us to quickly change position and occupy key points on the map. mauschen wot requires a competent choice of a place where it will be convenient for you to use the armor and the Mouse's weapon, pushing the direction or holding back the enemy.

A couple of years ago, an apparatus of this design could be safely called an imba. However, in the current realities, when security has long faded into the background, giving way to dynamism and good weapons, this vehicle will seriously suffer from a lack of mobility, constant focused artillery fire, and a lack of visibility and camouflage. Therefore, the range of application mauschen limited only by city maps on which the Mouse can realize his advantages.

Mauschen pros and cons

Having considered specifications and armament parameters, we can draw the first conclusions about the new German heavy tank. To get a better picture, you can sum up all the indicators, dividing them into strengths and weak sides.


  • An impressive amount of health.
  • Excellent frontal armor for the hull and turret.
  • Acceptable alpha strike.
  • Comfortable indicators of armor penetration.
  • Good elevation angles.


  • Bulky silhouette.
  • Terrifyingly weak dynamics.
  • Low accuracy.
  • Not the best DPM on the level.

The most armored and most durable tank in the game. It has a weapon with high one-time damage, but mediocre accuracy and armor penetration. However, due to its extremely low mobility and huge size, it is an easy target for enemy self-propelled guns.


Maus is the next tank after the VK 4502 (P) Ausf. B. Requires 196,470 experience to learn. You don't need to explore modules.

Elite equipment


  • Excellent booking
  • Large supply of HP
  • High alpha damage
  • Weight


  • Low speed
  • Slow turret turn
  • Huge dimensions
  • high visibility
  • Low penetration and accuracy

Crew skills and abilities

Equipment and equipment

How to play

Maus is a very specific tank. Due to its extremely low mobility, it cannot effectively move around the battlefield, reacting to changing situations in battle.

Therefore, the choice of tactics and the route of movement on the map should be approached very responsibly. Maus can be used both defensively and offensively:

Base defense

Thanks to excellent armor and a large margin of safety, Maus can hold off superior enemy forces on the outskirts of the base, while the allies attack in other directions.

The main disadvantage lies in the fact that the advancing allies lose support top machine and their attack may bog down. In this case, it will not be difficult for the enemy to break them, and then deal with Mouse, using a numerical superiority.

"Steel wall"

The Maus can be used offensively as a human shield for allies. This tactic is especially effective in a city where artillery is difficult to operate.

The bottom line is that Maus goes first, taking on enemy projectiles, and the allies following him take cover behind his powerful body and fire at the enemy.

It should be noted that the importance of the Mouse in battle has dropped significantly after the introduction of tier 10 tank destroyers. The guns of these machines can easily penetrate almost any armor, and the nature of the battles has changed to a more dynamic one, and therefore the Maus with its mediocre gun finds itself at a disadvantage on the battlefield.


Maus is an unbreakable fortress that can block massive amounts of damage thanks to its armor. The performance of the gun is not impressive: low damage per minute, penetration, dispersion. According to the style of the game, the tank plays the role of a mobile fortress.

History reference

At the end of 1942, work began in Germany on the creation of a "breakthrough tank" with the highest possible armor protection. The tank, designed by Ferdinand Porsche, was named Porsche 205 ("Maus").

A full-size wooden model of the tank was presented on 14 May 1943, and the first prototype entered sea trials in December 1943.

The tank was equipped with an artillery turret, a full set of internal equipment and a Daimler-Benz diesel engine, capricious and unreliable in operation.

The tank was not tested in combat operations. At the end of the war, the Germans decided to destroy the prototypes due to the impossibility of their evacuation.