The evil within 2 walkthrough final. Additional task "Unusual signal"

Chapter 1

As such, there is practically no introductory cut-scene. You are immediately thrown into the gameplay. At the beginning of the game, you will see a burning house in front of you. Run forward using the standard keys W, S, A, D. Try to open the door - the interaction key is E. Go to the right and inspect the glass sliding door - Sebastian should automatically break it.

Inside the house, move through the kitchen and to the left. Open the door on the left and go up the stairs. Look into the children's room - the door to it is plastered with different color pictures. Watch a long cut-scene - apparently, this is the introductory video.

After diving into STEM, move forward to the various objects that appear. In the end, go to the table and pick up a walkie-talkie. So you will contact Kidman and see the office - the main safe area in which you can communicate with your partner. After some explanation, the second chapter will begin.

Chapter 2

Approach the information board on the right and examine it by reading the details of each of the five missing members of the Mobius group:

  • Group leader William Baker.
  • Miles Harrison, Combat Interactions.
  • Liam O'Neill, technical support.
  • Julian Sykes, STEM programmer.
  • Yukiko Hoffman, psychoanalysis.

Next, study a few more photos and on the board and leave the office. A black cat sits on the table to the right. Approach her and take the one lying next to her. slide. You can view these slides and discuss what you see with Kidman. So do it - interact with the projector near the black cat (where you found the slide).

Getting up from a chair, pick up a jar green gel pointed to by the same cat. Go to the end of the room and interact with the terminal to the right of the mirror. Such terminals allow you to save game progress. Use the mirror to leave this place.

After the cut-scene, go forward through the door, climb the steps and approach the painting of the door hanging on the wall. Turn around - the same door should appear in front of you. After opening it, go down the corridor. You can turn on the flashlight - press the V key. Enter the last door on the left and you will see a room with Baker, who received a bullet in the forehead. This memory keeps repeating. You can enter the cube and study Baker, but you don't really need to. You can also look through the camera.

Go to the room on the left, where, apparently, photographs were developed. On the table lies photograph by William Baker (documents 01/40). There are shelving in the next room - take a look at the scratched floor near one of them. Sebastian will come to the conclusion that he was moved - interact with the rack. Go forward along the corridor, answer the phone below (the phone is hidden in a niche), but you won’t hear anything other than an ominous laugh.

Go up to the second floor and try to open the door with glass inserts - you will see a poor woman who cannot be helped. Crouch down by holding the left CTRL, and make your way under the grate on the left. On a small table against the right wall lies unusual letter (documents 02/40).

Climb to the third floor, go through the room with red curtains and use the door. You will see how an unknown maniac kills a man, and his death turns into the same energy cube, and the event is constantly repeated.

Hold Spacebar to hide behind the couch and move to the left side. When approaching the corner, press the A key again to go around it. Depending on the direction of bypassing the shelter, you will see the arrows "left", "right", "forward". Press the appropriate keys A, - and W.

When the maniac leaves through the door you came from, then use the next one, after examining the dead. You will again find yourself at the same stairs as before, but this time everything looks much gloomier. Go to the corridor on the right, where the corpse is lying and his legs are visible. Suddenly, someone will drag the body inside. Open the closed door, jump over the fallen table and the painting in front, using the keyboard shortcut W and E, and then take it from the small table in the far left corner photo of another victim (documents 03/40).

Climb to the second floor and go through the door where the woman was seen earlier. Go forward along the balcony until you see a huge energy contraption in front of you with several corpses. You can learn it by interacting with the Rebirth tablet. Enter the elevator on the left, which should open after exploring, and press the button to go down to the very bottom.

Follow through the hole on the left, for which you will need to bend down. Approach the sign on the wall, turn around and approach the camera on the footboard, then turn around again and see the door. Opening it, you will see a man with a camera. After recovering, go to the mirror to which the photo is attached. Take it, and then meet with the monster.

Go around the boxes, and then run away from the monster along the corridor. Hold Left Shift and run down the corridor, running around the crates. When you close the door behind you, you will need to find a way out as soon as possible. And it is located in the far left corner, if you stand with your back to the door. There is a ladder near the wall, above which there is an open air duct. Interact with the ladder to get inside the pipe.

Climb up the pipe until you see a hole - jump down. Then run away from the monster again, and when he catches you, then press E several times. As a result, you will open yourself from the enemy in a safe house. Here you will learn about the function of automatic health regeneration. Health will only be restored if you do not take damage, but only up to a certain risk on the scale.

Open the door, go to the table in front and get your first syringe. To use it, you need to hold down the mouse wheel and click on the E key. But this is only relevant now, since you have one item. Also, to assign any "consumables" to hotkeys, hold down the mouse wheel, select an item on A and D, and then click on the key from "1" to "0" to set a hotkey for this item.

Before going out, look into the next room, the living room, and take it from the table diary in an abandoned house (documents 04/40).

Now get out of the house. At this point, two important automatic events will occur - Sebastian will discover pistol(he received the knife after he stuck it in a huge monster) and examines the burnt photo of the Castellanos family (documents 05/40).

Go down the street, inspect the corpse in the car, after which Sebastian will automatically follow the woman into the house. Finish her off with a pistol shot - hold RMB to aim and shoot straight at her head. Go to the forge, where the deceased guy is sitting, and from the wall on the right from the first-aid kit, get a syringe with medicine. Go up to the second floor and find a jar gunpowder. Like the grass that you can find on the street, gunpowder is used to craft items (ammo).

Exit the house and go left. Break some wooden crates by pressing LMB to attack with a knife. They drop out various items. Follow the road until you see two members of the STEM group running away from the monsters. One of them manages to escape and hides inside the house. Crouch down and hide behind the car.

When the monster leaves, then follow the left through the bushes, collecting grass. Sneak up behind the enemy and kill him by pressing the F key. Do the same with the enemy knocking on the door. Along the way, you can pick up bottles, select one in your inventory and throw it to the side to distract the enemies. A green gel also flows out of each enemy killed - don't forget to collect it.

Go inside the house, follow the left and go down the stairs to get into another shelter. Watch the cut-scene in which you will meet Liam O'Neal.

Chapter 3

Talk to Liam and take the additional task "Unusual Signal". We will describe it below. Liam will also mark on your map with a white marker the place where the APC is located. There you will find the Guardian crossbow.

Let's take a look at this place. The coffee machine allows you to replenish your health, and for free. Just grab a cup of coffee when you're in a safe place. Ammo and medical supplies can be found in supply boxes - these boxes replenish over time, so return to the shelter whenever possible.

On the workbench, you can make various items - cartridges, ammunition for weapons and medicines, as well as improve weapons. The first requires ingredients (gunpowder, grass, etc.), and the second requires weapon parts that you will find already in this shelter. You can even order the first upgrade for the pistol.

Leave the shelter and in the corridor you will see a nurse Tatyana, familiar from the first part. Follow her into the mirror to move to Castellanos' office. Sit in a wheelchair that will take you to the hospital. Here you can buy upgrades using green gel.

Note: New to the Castellanos and weapon upgrade system is that you can't collect green gel and buy whatever you want (even sequentially). Some stronger improvements and upgrades are separated from the main branch by "locks". To unlock the locks, you will need either high quality parts or red gel - for weapon upgrades or for purchasing Castellanos upgrades respectively.

Come outside and main character will automatically take out your communicator. Rotate it until a hint about pressing the R key appears on the screen. This way you will detect the target you need in the story. Use the G key to hide or reach the communicator.

Cross the road and enter the white church. After dealing with the reborn priest and other enemies, go behind the altar with a corpse and find a figurine with a key on the floor.

If you go along the road to the right of the church and turn left along it (where it goes, because the path leads directly to the park), then after 50 meters right on the pavement you can find a corpse with the first pouch, increasing the amount of handgun ammo you can carry from 20 to 26.

Opposite Liam's hideout, to the left of the church, there is a building with large doors - this is the Union Visitor Center. Near him, five meters away, on a bench stands figurine with a key. Go inside it and on the edge of the counter in front on the right, look for "Welcome to Union" booklet (documents 6/40). The door to the basement is closed for now, but you will need it soon.

Go outside and stand facing the entrance to the visitor center. In the alley on the left there is a ladder leading to the roof of another building - climb there first on the steps, and then on the fire escape. Upstairs, deal with the enemy and search the two corpses of soldiers - on one of them you will find Communicator Journal: Parts (Docs 7/40).

Here, at the edge of the roof, a faulty sniper rifle is lying around. Take her.

Additional task "Unusual signal"

It's time to get going this quest, but in parallel with this we will describe the location of some necessary things. Move along the green marker, and then take out the communicator in the right place and get close to the dark silhouettes of spirits. When you are near them, a prompt will appear that you need to hold down the R key. Do so - you will receive a fragment of memories (2/24).

The quest will not be completed at this point - you will need to check two more places with resonance. But first, pay attention to the train cars, standing to the left of this place. Go to the distant train and enter inside it. Follow through the cars, killing opponents, and at the end you will find the corpse of a girl, where there is another resonance point (it will appear on your map when approaching). Come, take out your communicator and view memory fragment (2/24). Also, your first one is lying around the girl’s corpse. red gel.

Exit and walk along the green resonant "spot", which will lead you inside the auto repair shop. On the porch of the house opposite the open entrance to the workshop, find the figurine with the key. Do not rush to enter the auto repair shop.

Go around it on the left to find a door in a mesh fence. Shoot the chain and go to the closed area. Jump over the fence, look around and approach the guy's corpse near the car with the alarm turned on. Take the gun with the laser pointer - you will have to kill the enemy, and then pick up the gun.

Enter the auto repair shop and go to the far room. Activate the memory on the communicator to get a memory fragment (3/24), which is also required for the side quest.

Activate the electricity with the shield you saw in the flashback. To do this, click on the second and fourth toggle switches from left to right (the sequence is not important). Be careful, because in the next room there is a "white walker" (that's what I call the white dead - they are much stronger than usual). Be careful, these enemies cannot be killed hidden method. Pick up the nearest car, duck down and go down through the hatch into the basement. Walk a little forward and to the left, where there will be a corpse. Activate the communicator, which will allow you to find another fragment of memories (4/24).

Crouch down and climb the tunnel you've made. You will find yourself in a corridor where there are doors on the left and right. The door on the left is closed to the code terminal, but there is a corpse lying in front, after searching which, you will receive unique card. No, this card will not automatically open the door, but will help you find the code. Look at the locked door and remember the letter and two numbers after it. For me, for example, they were B-34s.

Interact with the code terminal - the same card with a table and numerical values ​​should appear to the right of it. Find the desired column by letter (for example, I was interested in the second column from left to right with numbers), and then select the sequence of numbers opposite the desired numbers. At the intersection of B and "3" I had the number 76, and at the intersection of B and "4" - 96. As a result, the code combination is 7696. Enter it and take the contents of the arsenal. The box will contain an explosive crossbow bolt. You must find the crossbow itself by the APC marker, which became available after talking with Liam.

Go to the room opposite, collect useful items, kill enemies and lift the load on the loader. So you can move the cart and free the exit to the outside. By the way, in one of the rooms you will have to find the best parts that open inaccessible branches when upgrading weapons.

Go outside and opposite the auto repair shop, to the right of the house, on the porch of which the statuette was found, you will see a garage. Go behind it (you can also go inside to collect loot), after which you will catch a resonant signal. Pick up the communicator and you will see that the signal leads inside the house nearby. Enter this house, follow to the far room and take the woman's diary from the table (documents 08/40). Suddenly the picture will change, it will become cold - go back and some ghost of a woman will attack you.

Avoiding the ghost, look around. There is a door here combination lock but need a map. Find another door nearby, go through it and turn into the door on the right. Through this chamber, make your way to the next one, using the hole in the wall, and remove the key card from the cabinet with the photo. Go back, run to the door and open it with a card. Soon you will return to reality (if I may say so). On the same table will appear new item- slide.

Leave the house and notice that across the road is a huge two-story estate. But you are not interested in it, but in the house that is on the left. When approaching this house, the communicator will work. Take it out and pinpoint the source of the resonance. Enter the house, go through the white door in the narrow corridor to get into the garage. In the garage, from the wheelchair to the left of the car, take the request for an examination (9/40).

This will begin a new nightmare, during which you will find yourself in different rooms. In the bedroom, take the examination report (top - documents 10/40), which was looked at by the ghost of the doctor. Continue to explore the nightmare until you find yourself in the Beacon Asylum. Pick up the slide lying on the wheelchair in front, and then go inside and inspect the person in the chair. Back to reality, take the harpoon bolt from the dead guy's chest.

Easter egg. To the right of the tall building to which I drew your attention, there is a lower house. On the roof of this house there is still a zombie with a fire bottle. Climb to the roof on the boards leading from the wooden shed nearby. On the edge of the roof lies unique weapon is a reference to one of the Bethesda games. Guess which one!

As for the two-story mansion, there is a yellow staircase on the side - go upstairs, go along the balcony. In any case, you will touch the cord that activates the slowdown - kill the monster running at you. At the end of the balcony there will be a corpse and a crate with a shotgun pouch inside.

Go outside and run along the second resonance signal, which was spotted after the first one in the side quest. Here, enter the house, go to the back room after killing the enemies, and use the communicator to catch a memory fragment (5/24). Go through the door, find the hatch behind the boxes and go downstairs. There is a computer here - use it while holding E to get into the "Network" arsenal.

Here, move around the rooms, killing enemies until you reach a dead end. There are two doors here - the left one can be opened by firing an electric bolt at the shield on the side. Since there is no such bolt yet (and indeed this door just leads back along a shorter route, so it is pointless to open it), then open the right door. To do this, combine two waves so that they match in amplitude and frequency. Inside you can find a new weapon - a shotgun. Collect the rest and then return to Union.

When you've activated both resonance points for the quest, another one will appear, pointing to the tourist center. For now, you can go and upgrade your weapons and Castellanos. Go inside the tourist center and go to the far door - it should open automatically. Climb down and launch the communicator to activate memory fragment 6/24). View it to the end, then take it from the table in the right corner Turner's communicator journal (documents - 11/40).

After you pick up this magazine, all the dead Mobius employees will be marked on the map, from which you can find certain ammunition. Try to get out, but the same stranger will take a picture of you. Walk forward, kill opponents and get out to freedom.

Go to Liam in the hideout and tell him what you saw to get your reward and complete side quest. If you move from the corner where the armored personnel carrier stands, up the map, then you will pass by a trucking company on the right and a car repair shop on the left (we have already been here).

easter egg. First, take a look at the fenced area where the trucking company is located. After killing the enemies, inspect several trailers and inside one of them (farthest from the entrance) you will find mysterious mechanism- reference to another game of the publisher.

Further north there will be another intersection. Diagonally ahead on the right is a marker pointing to another hideout in the location. You are interested in the house ahead. You can’t get inside, but behind it there is a garage, inside of which lie sniper rifle parts. Once you pick them up (and the rifle we wrote about earlier), you can repair the weapons at the workbench or even through your inventory.

Go to the doors of the new shelter, shoot an electric bolt at the shield to raise the garage door. Kill the monster inside and then use the communicator to see memory fragment (7/24).

Enter the hideout through the door on the left and on one of the tables, next to the supply crate, find report 00122: recruitment (documents 12/40). Inside the weapon box is smoke bolt, an innovation for the Guardian crossbow.

Follow the marker that points to the Pit Stop diner. By the way, not far from the diner, in front of the field with enemies and next to the sign, on the bench is figurine with a key.

You will have to fight several opponents, including one new one. This monster, if it notices you, will immediately start screaming, attracting the attention of all allies around it. I would recommend killing him from a distance with a sniper rifle.

Near the diner, turn on the communicator and decode the signal, approaching Lily's ghost. Go inside, go to the far door and try to open it - all in vain. There is a hole nearby, but you have to move the cabinet. Get inside, look around and pick up from the floor Lily doll.

Go outside, go around the diner and find the window that leads from the back room. Examine the dumpster for Lily's footprints. So you get new marker on the map. Go in his direction, but before you have time to move away from the diner, new enemies will appear. Beware of their swoop attacks. Get to the marker, activate the communicator and follow in the footsteps of your daughter. Periodically, you need to interact with objects lying on the ground - they will be highlighted. Repeat the same steps near the shipping company, which is a little further than the auto repair shop.

Sebastian will come to the conclusion that Lily ran to the warehouses. Go to the territory and inspect the door - you need to turn on electricity. Pay attention to the wire that leads just to the right shield. Go around the containers, break the chain and kill the monsters. Here, use the shield - switch the switch to supply energy. Open the warehouse by pulling the switch near its gate. Go inside and examine the wooden board blocking the path further (the door is closed).

Interact with her to make Castellanos break the board. Go to the left wall, just in case, knock down the chain so that you can use the doors. Climb up and go to the far room to collect loot. Go back down and go along the left wall. Crouch down to get under the shelves, kill the enemy and go up the yellow stairs to the top.

Enter the first room on the left, where there is a workbench. On the shelves on the left is report 00654: core separation (documents 13/40). Look into the next room and pick up the lying doll of the World. Watch the cut-scene, get out and kill all the enemies that appear. Now you need to return to O'Neil, but if you cleared the location, then a surprise will await you - enemies will reappear on it! Returning to Liam, chat with him and get a gas mask.

In the second hideout, to the north, not far from the Pit Stop, you might have noticed the same computer that led you to the arsenal of the Network. But it was impossible to access it then, but now is the time - you will find out the password from Liam and get a gas mask. The latter will be needed to move through the tunnel leading to exit B2 and the transition point to the location with the city hall.

Chapter 4

After you receive a gas mask from Liam, you will learn about a new goal - you need to get to the northern shelter, which you have already visited, and use the computer to enter the "Network". This computer is password protected, but Liam will name it for you. You can chat with Liam for more information.

Also from now on, a shooting range in the hospital is available to you. To do this, use the mirror to move to Sebastian's office, and then pay attention to the white door that appears. Go through it and shoot at the shooting range. After that, you will be offered two tests - the first allows you to simply shoot at targets, scoring points, as long as you like. No reward. But chain shooting, the second mode, will allow you to get a certain reward. Here you have to shoot at different targets that are adjacent to each other, which will cause several to explode. Shoot the hourglass to increase the time. Do not shoot at squares with "crosses". So you will not only reduce the points scored, but also reduce the remaining time. The reward is given depending on the points scored. You cannot receive the same reward twice. Thus, if you scored 100,000 points the first time, then it makes no sense to participate in the shooting range.

Follow the marker to the northern hideout, go inside and talk to Kidman. At the entrance to the shelter must be report 00122 (documents 14/40). Next, use the computer to navigate to the "Network" management department. Exit the room and go forward along the corridor. You can hit the vending machine on the left twice to get the gel. Go into the room on the right and use the computer on the table next to the corpse. So you get e-mail "Union Growth" (documents 15/40).

Go out to the balcony and go downstairs, because here all the doors are locked. Opposite there is a yellow staircase - climb it, open the door and in the room on the corpse of the soldier "Mobius" find crossbow pouch "Guardian". Go back, go downstairs and go to the door with the screen. Use the communicator, then set up two waves, just like the Rana did in the Chapter 3 side quest. The locking system will begin to turn off - monsters will begin to appear from the three locked doors behind (two from the bottom and one at the top). Shoot them all - there is no other way.

Examine the opened rooms, and then go through the door with the monitor. Get to the tunnels, lower the switch to drain the water, and then move down the stairs. Cross over to the other side and climb up. You can use another switch to lower the bridge. But generally go through two doors. Before the last, Sebastian will put on a gas mask. You will be playing in first person.

There are few enemies here, but you can only use an ax or a knife. Be careful! Get to the white door with an electronic lock. You will need to follow the wires. Follow the first fork and turn left into a dark tunnel. Use a flashlight to see figurine with a key standing on a barrel.

Break and take the key, then move along the wires to the far room. There will be an electrical panel with four toggle switches. Each toggle switch adds a certain number of light bulbs. It is necessary to make sure that they total quantity was not less and not more than ten. I had the first, second and fourth toggle switches. Go back to the previously locked door, open it and go up the stairs. Sebastian will take off his gas mask.

Climbing upstairs, examine the computer on the table to the left. In it you will find "Extension and Data" email (documents 16/40). Exit and run forward down the corridor. you can climb the steps on the right to find supplies. Go through the white door ahead, approach the corpse and use the communicator to view memory fragment (8/24). Return to the front door of this room and on the right side of it, find the entrance to the ventilation tunnel. Move along the air ducts forward until you find yourself on the other side of the cliff. Enter the room and use the computer to travel from the "Network" to the part of Juno where the City Hall is located.

You can use the coffee machine, the save terminal and the mirror, near which there should be a red gel. Climb up, get the communicator and pinpoint the resonance point. A green marker of a neighboring building should appear on the map. After getting outside, go forward towards the city hall to see that same stranger. This is how the next chapter will begin.

Chapter 5

Go to the gazebo on the left side, which is marked with a green marker, and use the communicator to view memory fragment (9/24). Get to the passage to the city hall, which is blocked by barbed wire, and inspect the corpse. Nailed to a soldier's head photograph by Sebastian Castellanos (documents 17/40). Go forward and you will find yourself in the courtyard. Suddenly, a Guardian with several heads of girls will appear from the corpses, wielding a circular saw.

You will have to kill the enemy. There are three points with a stretched wire on the location - if you hit it, the slow motion mode is activated. Lure the boss there, turn around and shoot him as he slowly moves towards you. You can also just force the boss to swing and hit - run back and shoot two or three times with a pistol or something more powerful. Of course, ideally here you need to use a pumped shotgun or explosive bolts. After the victory, collect the dropped gel (5000 units), as well as the rest of the loot. Then enter the city hall building.

Approach the wounded soldier, he will tell you about the emitter and give you Harrison's communicator. Go through the door ahead. You can go left and right to collect supplies, or you can go straight ahead to a large slow kill room. Go through the door on the left, turn left and at the very end find the stairs leading up. Climb to the second floor and go through the curtain. Look around - there is a picture hanging on the wall on the left, which is a clue. Under the picture in a vase are red roses. Take them away.

Look to the right and in the left corner on the cabinet, find the part of the mannequin with the necklace. Take the necklace, hang it on the mannequin in the blue dress, and then turn it towards the camera. Also insert the roses into the white vase on the side of the mannequin, then use the camera. Focus the image using W and S, and then take a picture by pressing E. Exit the zoom to Q and, if done correctly, the picture behind the mannequin will turn into a real corridor.

As you walk down the hallway forward to a framed painting that says "Check the Masterpiece," look out for the last coffee table on the left. On it lies Crimson Post article (documents 18/40). Now examine the paintings hanging on the side walls, and then turn around and see that a new one has appeared on the wall. Examine the painting depicting Lily, run to the end of the corridor, turn around and see that the door has opened on the side. Go through it, go to the picture of the door and listen to the maniac's words.

After that you should turn around and see open door. On the table in the back room, find photograph of a dead Mobius employee (documents 19/40). Try to get to the photographer and then go down the stairs and approach the chair with the mannequin head. After that, when you find yourself in a room with a lot of frozen people, go to the door and take it from the table to the left of it note (documents 20/40).

Go to the room with the emitter and activate it by normal interaction. Watch the cut-scene in which you will meet Stefano. His Obscura will appear - the monster cannot be killed, but it can be temporarily stunned. Periodically, the Obscura will photograph the emitter, which will lead to its temporary shutdown. You must stretch to the end of the countdown. If the Obscura has stopped time, then track it down, inflict a few shots until the countdown starts again. When the timer expires, the Obscura will disappear.

Exit through the same door, go through the opening ahead. When you are on the balcony of the second floor, then turn into the door on the left to get into the room. On the table lies report 00213: Union social management (documents 21/40). Get down downward, iditol into the hall, where there was a slow motion murder of one of the members of "Mobius". A new passage will open ahead, and immediately behind it you will see a pedestal with figurine with key. Go right, go through several rooms and into a room with bookcases find another one on the table Report 00977: Structural Violations (Docs 22/40). Exit the city hall and talk to your partners, after which the next chapter will begin.

Chapter 6

After leaving the city hall courtyard, go left and look for the tubes of the Mobius soldier to take from him pouch for syringes. Go back to the computer, which will take you to the "Network". Leave the room and see how the gate opens. Go forward by opening the two doors on the left side (one of them is on a combination lock using amplitude and frequency). Behind the far door on the left side is a corpse on which you will find pistol pouch.

Go along the corridor on the side, kill the enemies and get down to the very bottom. You will find yourself in corridors filled with some kind of eggs. Make your way to the room with the monitors. Sebastian will automatically stop to view the memory. After that, don't forget to take slide lying on the edge of the table.

Move on, avoid the monster, running away from him along the corridors. At the end, you will have to shoot him with a pistol. After that, if you go back, you will find that the monster is gone. When you are in front of the door with the red symbol indicating the shelter, then do not rush - open the door nearby with a combination lock and a screen on which you need to combine two waves. Inside the room on the table lies report 00532: Core branch (documents 23/40). Enter the room with the "Networks" computer and watch the cut-scene.

After talking with Hoffman, be sure to interact with a nearby computer to save e-mail "Candidates for the role of the Core" (documents 24/40). Navigate through the computer to the theater area.

Leave the office and immediately use the communicator to detect memory fragment (10/24). Go outside, go left and try to open the warehouse (separate building). Key required. Go to the gas station and inspect the burning bodies. Here you can apply the communicator and view memory fragment (11/24). After that, the same monster of several bodies will appear - kill it, acting as usual, but this time without the possibility of slowing down. It will be necessary to plant much more shells than the previous time!

Now go to the diner a little further, closer to the train, and find a corpse on a chair in the back room. Use a communicator that will let you see memory fragment (12/24). After that, try to exit the cafe, but hear the music. It comes from the jukebox in the far corner. Approach him, as the same woman from nightmares will suddenly attack. Go forward and see how the woman gets out of the mirror. Escape through any door. Surely you will return there, or maybe in a similar room.

Exit through any door to return to the first one. So, you have to choose the right routes, but for this you have to look in the mirror. Go to the mirror and see which of the four doors is glowing. If in the mirror this is the nearest door to the opening on the left, then turn around and go through the nearest door to the opening (where you came from), but on the right. The same applies to the case if the door is not next to the opening, but through one - just change sides from left to right and right to left.

Do the same in the second room with a mirror, but this time everything will be complicated by a witch moving around the location. When you select the correct door, you can go forward and eventually return to the same diner. After all these nightmares, in the hand of the murdered man sitting on a chair, will appear slide. Do not forget to pick it up, because for viewing everyone in Castellanos' office, a black cat will bring a gift (green gel).

After leaving through the main entrance of the diner, turn the corner to the left to find a dead body on the porch with sniper rifle pouch. Walk across the street from the diner and down the street, look for the devil's personal bar. Go inside and from the far table on the right hand take bartender's diary (documents 25/40). You need to go to the left of the diner on the map to find an area closed by a fence, from where gunshots and cries for help can be heard. Go inside the territory, open the gate, approach the black soldier on the overturned truck to start additional quest"Out there."

Additional quest "Out there"

Deal with two groups of zombified people, then talk to the man. He will offer to follow him to the hideout. Collect the loot, and then do so. Inside, chat with Sikes, after which you will receive a new task from him.

Before you complete it, go outside and go to the right, through the gate that led you to the territory. Follow the street to the right, turn the corner and in the alley you should see blue boxes behind which the white witch wanders. After killing her, jump over the boxes and pick up from the corpse of the Mobius soldier shotgun pouch.

Follow the marker indicated on the map, which is at the bottom of the location. You need a street where the garbage truck is standing. Kill the enemies, turn into the alley on the right and use the communicator near the girl's corpse. So you will see another memory fragment (13/24). Search it to pick up the key to the very warehouse at the beginning of the location.

Returning to the warehouse, be prepared to fight the same monster made up of other people's body parts. Kill the monster, run to the warehouse and collect everything that is there. Take a new one out of the box. long barreled shotgun. That very dumb aunt will appear - hide from her in the corner, but first you will need to try to open the door. As your aunt approaches, you will wake up and return to the reality of STEM.

Additional quest "Reconnected"

Here you need to return to the "Network" again and move along the marker. Enter the room and interact with the computer to turn on the server. See the box on the side of it? Now he and others like him will be open, and you can use the ammunition located inside. Head back to Sykes in Union and report back on your mission. Open a container located in the same hideout to get a new one in addition to supplies silenced pistol.

Go to the place of passage to the theater, but you will see that the path is blocked by two paintings. If you have already explored the location, you should have seen these paintings - one in the Devil's personal bar, and the other in the Abode Hotel. One way or another, the necessary markers will appear on the map, and the communicator will point to resonance points. A new chapter will begin.

Chapter 7

First, head to the Devil's personal bar. Go to the back room and interact with the painting in the hallway with the bag over your head. You will be transported to another reality. The door is locked, you need to find it. Turn around and run to the end of the corridor, listening to the creator's words along the way. Take the key from the severed hand, and then go back, bypassing the obstacles on the left and right and killing opponents. Approaching the grate, open it with a small key. Stretch marks will appear. Crouch and move to the right, bypassing the wires, until you see an available passage to the left, to the mannequin. As you get closer, interact with the mannequin from the back. The first piece has been destroyed!

Go to the Abode Hotel, go up to the second tier and interact with the painting. Here you again need to open the grate, for which you need to find a small key. Go to the far left room, avoiding the Obscura - a monster with a camera instead of a head. Take the key. Now you need to distract the monster and neutralize it, being in the far part of the corridors. After that, run to the grate and pick it up. I recommend shooting the Obscura with an electric bolt, and then immediately raise the grate. Open the door, duck and make your way past the next stretch marks, sneak up on the mannequin and cut it. The way to the theater is free! Return to the theater and go inside the building.

Chapter 8

Enter the theater and go to the upper tier. Do not rush to go to the theater hall, where there are chairs for the audience. Find the creation of Stefano, which is on the second tier, use the communicator and find memory fragment (14/24). Watch a long cut-scene and then chase Stefano.

Suddenly, the area will collapse into several pieces, and you will need to make your way forward, avoiding the gaze of a huge eye. When the eye goes to the right, then follow it, hiding in shelters. After that, wait until the eye goes back, and follow on. So repeat at several points, then leave the location. Go down the stairs, go down the corridor and open the door to see another cut-scene. Here the battle with Stefano will begin.

How to beat Stefano?

After chasing Stefano all over Union, you will finally be able to fight him. This is a relatively easy fight. You just need to get used to his basic moves and attacks, after which you can defeat him without too much trouble. In this fight, it is advisable to use electric bolts to temporarily stun the boss. If there is nothing else, then use a pistol and a shotgun. Additional ammunition is scattered around the arena - keep this in mind.

At the first stage of the battle, Stefano will move in phase jumps (teleportation), and do this four times in a row, changing positions. Don't bother trying to hit the boss at these times - it's a waste of ammo. And even after the final teleportation, shoot at him no more than once with a shotgun or twice with a pistol. As soon as he teleports for the last time, he will try to run up to you and attack with a knife. Dodge first, then shoot once. Sometimes he will throw his knife in your direction, but this attack is easy to dodge, after which it will even be possible to shoot at the boss.

Stefano will also try to lure you into his camera trap - time dilation. Whenever you see him raise his camera, run out of his line of sight until you hear the shutter go off. Turn around and again make an accurate shot. After several accurate hits, the second stage of the battle will begin.

At this stage, Stefano will teleport even more times, and do it chaotically. A huge eye-lens will appear behind. Pick one side of the room you want to sit on and stay there. I chose the right side (as far as Sebastian's eye is concerned), because that's where I found it easiest to dodge the huge tentacles. Essentially, tactics remain virtually unchanged. Wait for Stefano's teleportation to complete and then take a shot. From time to time he will scream loudly and try to catch up with you, moving in a straight line. Here you do not need to run away, but turn around and shoot at the boss, trying to knock down his bulk. If he catches you, he will inflict devastating knife blows that take away a large supply of HP. However, you can still dodge them by dashing left or right. After dodging, you can also shoot at the enemy.

Stefano will try to take pictures of you sometimes. You will see orange cubes in the arena. They will explode on contact, so just stay away from them and they will eventually disappear. This is the whole fight with Stefano. Just stay on the move and dodge your opponent's knife and melee throws. Soon it will be destroyed!

Watch the cut-scene with Lily and Mira, at the end of which a huge monster will appear.

Chapter 9

Follow forward to the ritual altar, which will take you to a completely different place. Go through the door, go down the stairs and find yourself in a room with four torture chairs. Collect the loot and move on. When you go down the stairs, then turn right after them to find a small loophole leading to a secret room with supplies. After collecting everything, return and continue on your way.

Go down to the basement, where there is a locked grate ahead and a mechanism with a missing handle. The basement is filled with detention cells, which are locked by default. I recommend that you first inspect each cell and shoot all the monsters with a pistol (one accurate shot to the head). This is done for the reason that after you take the desired lever, all the cameras will open. All lying opponents with whole heads are alive, so it's better to kill them right away. In one of the chambers on the left wing, if you look at the locked door leading further, there is a figurine with a key. Don't forget to pick it up after everything here opens up.

Go to the cameras in the right wing and near the last, a little further, remove the handle from some device. All cameras will open. Collect loot from the killed enemies and go to another mechanism to which you need to attach the handle. But don't rush. To the right of it there is a grate leading to a separate room. There is a table on which lies the first page of "Submit to Freedom" (documents 26/40). There is also a table and a bench - on the bench is a pouch for the Guardian crossbow.

Now lift the grate using the handle. There are several cells in this corridor. You are interested in the second camera on the right. Enter there and kill the lying Mobius soldier, because he is alive. To the left of it there is a passage in the wall. Crouch and crawl there to use the communicator in another chamber and find a memory fragment (15/24).

A similar story with the second camera on the left. It is open by default - go there, destroy the boxes and you will see a passage leading to an adjacent room with a corpse and pistol cartridges. The corpse by the door is actually a living zombie, so kill it with a headshot beforehand.

After a series of various visions and nightmares, you will find yourself in a room with burning zombies. Perebeyte them, and then approach the wall with a burning sign. Soon a passage will appear here, and you can use the mirror to buy upgrades for Sebastian, as well as open lockers. Go to a huge hall with metal plates and channels on them. The path ahead is blocked by a grate - you need to open it.

Climb up either of the two yellow stairs and you will see four gates. Turn the leftmost valve to adjust the plate closest to the grate. To do this is as easy as shelling pears - with the narrow part turn the plate towards the grill. But in general, it is best to first adjust the second lever from left to right, so that the left plate with its channels is combined with the two extreme outputs.

Next, rotate the center piece so that the wider channel matches the top one (at least towards the grille). Then turn the left valve to flip the far plate (closest to the grate) so that the narrow part is facing towards the grate. Finally, turn the rightmost valve so that the channels on the right plate line up with those on the right side. Below is a screenshot that shows the final image.

Now go downstairs and go forward to meet Father Theodore. Watch the cut-scene.

Chapter 10

Meet Esmeralda Torres, but first destroy all the mutants. First, they will go in front, then - behind, after - from all sides, and in the end, several crawling creatures will appear at all. When everyone is destroyed, Esmeralda will go to the next room. Follow her and chat on different topics.

Now you just need to follow your partner, helping her in everything. Soon you will see an enemy with a flamethrower. He will leave, but instead of him there will be several ordinary fire opponents. Here I would recommend shooting everyone with accurate shots from a sniper rifle (to the head), but if there are no shells, then you will have to act with what is available. One way or another, you will have to get past almost all the opponents in order to approach the tree with a red flag and go down to the shelter. Chat with Torres and Kidman, after which a new chapter will begin.

Chapter 11

Find in the shelter diary Torres (documents 27/40) lying on the table. By the way, from the information in the diary, you can understand what exactly prompted Torres to take part in the operation to rescue Lily. Inside the crate located in the hideout, you will find the first cryobolt. Pay attention to the fact that in the conversation Kidman will talk about some gift left in the office of Castellanos. There is a mirror in the next room - move to the office and go to the detective's office, where the information board is hanging. Right underneath you will find slide.

Use the computer to return to the "Network". Search the room, take capacitor, which is useful for creating shells for the flamethrower. Come out and see a large gate. Interact with the electrical panel on the side and switch all the toggle switches, because in total they give 10 burning lamps.

You will find that Father Theodore has already been here. Immediately turn left, where the burnt corpse is located. Near the door is a red pedestal with candles - on it lies slide.

Enter the room on the right, where the corpse of a Mobius soldier with a syringe is lying around. There is a cart here that can be pushed back to access a supply crate. Go to Hoffman's hideout, but you won't find the girl here. But you can see memory fragment (16/24) to find out that Hoffman went to the other end of the laboratory, to the restricted area. MUST study the computer to get Hoffman Notes file (documents 28/40). Go to the restricted area, behind the corridor there will be a corpse of a Mobius soldier with shotgun pouch.

Take the elevator down. Ahead are security turnstiles and two dead guards. On the left, through the window, you can see a computer and a room with a mirror. You will have time to visit there, but right now, right through the window, you can interact with the computer to get file "Security protocols" (documents 29/40). Go past the laboratory with flasks, go ahead and see another one memory fragment (17/24). You will learn that you can only go through the door if you have a cerebral chip. We should find him!

Stand facing the door, which requires a cerebral chip. Go behind the screens on the left, where a corpse lies on a gurney. Will be attached to the wall STEM Integration Failure Report (Docs 30/40). Look around in the hall and see the door, on the side of which there is an electrical panel. It can be opened by shooting an electric bolt here. We'll do that a little later. In the meantime, turn left from the door and find a ladder leading up. Don't rush to get up! Go to the left of the stairs to find a small door leading to the morgue. Enter there and turn into the far room on the left. Find on the wheelchair failure investigation report (documents 31/40).

Now open the same gate by shooting an electric bolt at the shield. Run forward through the tunnel and enter the room on the right. Interact with the computer to get file "Observation of the pit" (documents 32/40).

Soon the cold will reappear. Try to return the same way, but an incomprehensible woman will attack you. Avoid her by hiding behind the pillars and the couch. At first, try to go to the right, but the woman will throw a whole pillar, blocking your path. Go left. Here you can even run to go down the stairs. But that's not all. Difficulties start at the bottom. You will have to change direction over and over again in order to get out of the trap and not fall into the eyes of the witch. If you are not particularly worried about death, then I would advise you to run wherever your eyes look, because in case of death you will wake up where the witch last moved the objects - and this is closer to the exit!

Run forward along the corridor and in the hall with a wheelchair, turn right to find around the corner on the table survey report (bottom - documents 33/40). Now move to the left side of the hall to find on a gurney letter from the chief of police (documents 34/40). In the end, Castellanos will finish off the part of himself left in STEM after The Lighthouse. You will automatically receive a new-old revolver. Also do not forget to pick up from the table near the computer slide.

Now go back and go up the stairs. After killing the enemies, go to the laboratory number 3. Go to the back room, where an unknown man lies on the operating table. Interact with the computer in the far left corner to get Agent Incident file (documents 35/40). Now on the same floor, go to the laboratory number 2. Use the communicator to view memory fragment (18/24). Search the Mobius soldier's body to get pouch for syringes.

Go to the laboratory number 3, which is on the second tier, and go into the room where a man lies on the operating table. Examine the hanging signs - there will be various code combinations. Try to enter each of them on the terminal located at the feet of the dead man. Sooner or later, the code will work, and the device will pull the cerebral chip out of the employee's head. Take it, go downstairs and go through that very door. In my case, the code was 0128. Try it, maybe you will have the same one.

Get to the laboratory number 4, where you will meet Yukiko and Liam. The last one will have to be destroyed - several accurate shots in the head with a sniper rifle will help you with this. Do not forget to periodically use the knife switches that start the fire extinguishing system. In addition, you can blow up nitrogen tanks. After defeating and talking to Yukiko, pick up faulty flamethrower lying near Liam.

Enter Lab #4 and use the communicator to view memory fragment (19/24). Look around and go forward along the corridor to the room with the device that Liam asked to blow up. A moment later, Torres will appear. But don't rush. Bypass the device and destroy figurine with a key. After that, talk to Torres on all topics, and then order her to blow up the device.

Chapter 12

You will find yourself in an unknown place where Theodore dragged you. Go to the light source, turn right and go to another one to pick up pistol pouch. Next, you will need to move around the location, killing opponents. I recommend killing the enemies first, and then turn the lever at the gate. The next location is full of monsters - you need to get to the stairs leading down. Go down and watch a lengthy cut-scene.

Note. When you see a burning statue, go up to it and take it from the altar second page "Submit to freedom" (documents 36/40).

Once inside the house, leave the bedroom and enter Lily's room. Take away slide lying on the shelves on the left. In the room near the stairs leading down, look for a mysterious symbol. This is another easter egg.

Get downstairs, go to the kitchen and pick up from the table letter from mira.

Chapter 13

After talking with Yukiko, take assault rifle lying near the dead Esmeralda. By the way, you will find out why Torres decided to help you save Lily. Go to the computer nearby, Sykes will contact you and an additional quest will begin.

Side quest "The Last Step"

Go outside and you will see an enemy with a flamethrower. It is IMPORTANT for you to kill him, because upon death he will drop one of the two missing parts of the flamethrower. Also go towards the theater, but turn left of it. Go down to the rift and go up to the parking lot on the left. You can use a communicator to make it easier to pinpoint the resonance point. Go to the corpse of a dead Mobius soldier, search his body and take sniper rifle pouch. By the way, it's next to Sykes' hideout.

Go into it, talk to the man who will point to the computer. Interact with him to move to the experimental sublevel. Kill the enemies in the corridor, and then move through the air duct to the next room. Kill opponents, get to the electrical panel and do everything you normally do. In my case, it was necessary to lower the first, second and fourth toggle switches. Go to the door to the laboratory, and when you find yourself inside, Sebastian will automatically contact Sykes. After the cut-scene and the disappearance of Sykes, go to the room with the capsule (bathroom) and take it from the stand slide. Take it out of the drawer in the left corner double barreled shotgun.

ATTENTION! If you followed our walkthrough, you collected ten slides, but there was one more left. To get it, return to Sebastian's office and review each slide, making sure to discuss it with Kidman. As soon as you do this, then follow the black cat, which will show the location of the last, eleventh slide.

By the way, there are several opponents with flamethrowers at the location in Union - kill another one, take the part and make another new weapon through handicraft in your inventory - flamethrower.

Also in the pod lab, you can read the STEM emergency exit report. Thus, it remains to be seen if Sykes managed to get out.

After completing this side quest, go to Sikes' hideout and find on the table letter from Sykes (documents 37/40).

Return to the street. In the alley with a garbage truck, which is to the right of the Devil's personal bar, the corpse of a soldier with assault rifle pouch. You can find another one on a corpse lying behind the Abode Hotel. Also, do not forget to visit the Devil's personal bar, so that in the corridor where Stefano's painting was, you can find figurine with a key. Go inside the Abode Hotel, after which Sebastian will contact Hoffman. After talking with Hoffman, take your time and look around. On the table in front of the fireplace lies Hoffman's diary (documents 38/40).

easter egg. Go to the reception desk and find mysterious mug. Think in what game you could see this?

When you're ready, tell Hoffman about it. Follow the girl, periodically killing opponents. Pay attention to the containers that fall under the protective sphere, and replenish ammunition in time. It will be possible to take some cartridges from Hoffman herself from the belt. In the end, you will overcome the fiery wall.

Chapter 14

Go forward, collecting various resources, climb the stairs and be sure to pick up from the altar writings of Theodore I (documents 39/40). Open the door ahead, from here you can go left or right. First, go to the right, into the room with the mirror, and on the table, look for the last assault rifle pouch. Now go to the left and you will find yourself in a hall with hanging burning cells. Fiery opponents will appear, which you, fortunately, can shoot down.

Next, you need to pay attention to the two available passages. In any case, they are connected to each other. First, go to where the pipes with fire are visible. Approach the grid, behind which the fire is visible, and go down the steps to the right of it. Shoot opponents behind bars, and then pull the lever. After a while, the grate will rise. Search the room, and then go back upstairs, because the second grate should also rise.

Go to another doorway, follow the corridor to the right (there will be a liquid nitrogen tank in the corridor) and find the same lever in the room against the wall (not so easy to notice). Pull on it. You will see how the gates you need open. Follow through them and up the stairs. Turn the valve to turn off the fire, and then go a little higher up the stairs. Enter the room on the left, and take it from the table in front writings of Theodore II (documents 40/40).

Climb up and shoot the small lever at the top to turn off the fire tubes. You should remember this mechanic from the first part of the game. Move along the right wall to find a door. When approaching it and trying to open it, enemies will attack you - kill them. Behind the door on the table lies the penultimate shotgun pouch.

Next, make your way through several fiery barriers, kill the monsters and take the elevator to Theodore. When you get up, don't rush! Open the communicator, use the stairs at the back of the room to go down into the pool of blood. Here you will find memory fragment (20/24).

Watch the cut-scene, after which you will have to remember all the monsters that you saw in the first part.

To get started, run away from the psycho with the chainsaw, then watch the video, at the end of which go up to him and cut him in half. Press the E key several times. Next, kill the butcher with a safe for a head three times. After three deaths, a cut-scene will start, and another reptile will crawl out of the safe. You can simply shoot her, or lure her into the fire - it's up to you. After that, watch the cut-scene.

Chapter 15

Go through the door to see what happened to the world. Here you just need to chase Mira, killing ordinary monsters and one thug. It is desirable for him to shoot at the red spots in the center of the body.

Walk forward through the snowy area and near the post, use the communicator to listen memory fragment (21/24). Go right and near another pillar, listen to another one. memory fragment (22/24). After that, move to the right, to the tall building, to view the next memory fragment (23/24). Pull up towards the house, look through another one memory fragment (24/24) and follow up, where the cut-scene will start.

Here the battle with Mira will begin, which will turn into a real monster. In fact, everything is quite simple (theoretically). First you must shoot at the abdomen where the luminous organ is visible. After it explodes, destroy one of Mira's arms. This hand will grab Sebastian, but it will be enough for you to shoot several times at its glowing part with a pistol. After that, destroy the second hand, and then - inflict several accurate headshots. During this time, it will be possible to replenish supplies by destroying frozen opponents and killing spiders.

Chapter 16

This chapter is much easier. You need to get to the house and go up to the second floor, to Lily's children's room. In parallel, you will have to manage Kidman, who must destroy several Mobius soldiers. Otherwise final chapter games is a long cut-scene.

First part The Evil Within was controversial in many ways, but managed to win the love of the players, thanks to which a sequel was released, promising to tell about the future life of detective Castellanos. The continuation of the story has become larger in all respects, but whether this series benefited, we will analyze in more detail.

The new STEM world looks much more attractive than Mayak.

Banal plot, why is it good?

The first thing I want to immediately note when starting to play The Evil Within 2, this is the story of the protagonist. It has become simpler, more banal, but this makes it clearer. Probably, one of the main complaints about the original was the plot, its presentation - the events were cut into pieces, like a layer cake and served almost randomly, many players complained about the incomprehensible narrative, and hence the lack of motivation of the protagonist. For the second part, the developers decided not to fence too much and take a scheme that has already been proven over the years, where the protagonist is trying to save his daughter from an unknown threat. Experienced players seen this twist more than once, but such a simple plot works here exactly as it should. It does not set the player the task of deciphering what the authors wanted to say, and allows you to concentrate on the gameplay, gradually immersing yourself in its atmosphere.

How did the original game start? The gamer was thrown to the location, where he himself had to guess what was happening in the game world, why detective Castellanos should move on and what would happen next. In part, this presentation is justified by the fact that the player first entered the STEM world and was not yet familiar with the rules and laws of this universe, which cannot be said about The Evil Within 2. In the sequel, the developers immediately explained Sebastian's motivation, set him a goal that he must achieve. This is a reasonable move, given that gamers already know what STEM is and have an idea about the Mobius company.

By the second part, such scenes are not so much frightening as they are interesting.

Increased scope and new location

This time secret organization created a world that is as similar as possible to a quiet American town with all its attributes - small houses on one, two floors, narrow streets and a local church. The map has grown in scale, moving away from intimacy in favor of open spaces. It is worth mentioning that Detective Castellanos will not be able to move freely throughout Union, which is how the Mobius Corporation named their city. At first, only a couple of streets will be available for exploration, but this is more than enough to understand the new mechanics of the game.

Sebastian Castellanos this time will not be constrained by the narrow corridors of a psychiatric hospital, for research in front of the player from the very beginning there is a whole block in which he can move in any direction. For example, if enemies are crowded at the crossroads, it is not at all necessary to storm them head-on, you can go around the backyard of a nearby house or climb onto the roof of a warehouse and shoot the most dangerous opponents. Cars standing on the streets, concrete blocks and other obstacles can also serve as excellent cover from monsters roaming the area. It is worth noting that this level design is great for stealth, which has been improved compared to the first part. Now you can easily eliminate opponents with one or two knife blows from the back, however, sneaking up on constantly looking enemies is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

The priest seems to be unhappy that his prayer was interrupted.

The developers were especially good at filling the city. The houses and establishments that you can enter hold a little separate story, a puzzle, or just a memorable situation. Thanks to this, the first passage brings a lot of emotions, and this is very important for games of this type. You want to explore the city to find everything that the developers have in store.

As soon as Sebastian enters the Union, a feeling of deja vu involuntarily arises in his head. The city literally falls apart, a crack can form in the middle of the street, and different districts simply hang in space, which is very reminiscent of the series Silent Hill with its bottomless abysses and cliffs of the road.

In this game, flying pieces of the city are not puzzling.

Later, the detective will find a way to move between them, and thereby discover new, more closed locations hidden from the eyes of ordinary residents. The very design and limited space of such places is already more reminiscent of the “Lighthouse” from the first part of the franchise, but the gameplay in them adheres to the same mechanics with bypassing enemies, though not always. Moreover, you can and even need to go into some houses on the map, some of them carry one or another story that complements the picture of the world. To explore every corner of the map, the player is also pushed by the constant shortage of ammunition. Of course, they do not lie in the first alley, but there you can find gunpowder, nails and other items for crafting equipment, which, in turn, is a very important part of the hero's leveling.

Leveling, equipment, skills

The system for improving the characteristics of the character migrated from original game but has undergone some changes. So the player cannot immediately fully upgrade a weapon or some skill, even if he has enough green gel, which is used in The Evil Within as experience points. The fact is that the improvement tree is divided into several sectors, of which only the initial one is available. In order to learn new techniques or pump weapons even more strongly, certain items will be required, for weapons these are improved parts, and for the character - red gel.

Sebastian's arsenal has increased several times, so by the end of the game, a meticulous player's inventory can have four types of pistols, three shotguns, a crossbow for firing bolts with various properties, an assault rifle, a sniper and a flamethrower. Note that the player finds part of the weapon in the process of passing, but the flamethrower and sniper rifle must be assembled in parts, performing side quests and scouring the area. The set of melee weapons is not so large, it includes only two items, this is a knife and an ax, which breaks after the first blow, but due to its power, the second is not needed.

In the shelter, you can replenish lives with a cup of coffee.

All gear can now be crafted from ingredients at workbenches in hideouts, but that doesn't mean that if you're out on the battlefield without ammo, you'll have to run to cover. The crafting system allows you to create ammo right on your knee, but this will require much more parts. Do not forget that some ingredients cannot be used for different types of ammunition, only gunpowder is universal, from which you can create cartridges for any firearms. In other words, gamers are not faced with the choice of building three freezing or seven regular crossbow shells from the same set, as they are crafted from different parts.

In addition, Detective Castellanos can learn new abilities in the “office” of Tatiana Gutierrez, an old acquaintance of Sebastian from the first part. The mysterious nurse did not leave her hard work after the events in the Mayak psychiatric hospital and is again ready to help the main character improve her body.

The mysterious nurse once again helps Sebastian on his adventures.

AT The Evil Within 2 the player is offered to learn several techniques, such as freeing from a hold with a bottle strike, a lightning jump to an unsuspecting enemy, and much more. It's worth noting that not everything in the game works as intended, for example we ran into an issue that prevented one of the most expensive abilities to learn from being used. To dash towards the enemy, a red marker should appear behind his back, after which the protagonist starts moving towards the target, the melee attack icon appears halfway, and when the button is pressed in time, the enemy is instantly eliminated. This is how it was supposed to work, but in fact it is often easier to sneak up close to the enemy yourself than to wait for this red marker to appear. It would seem that this is already enough to make such a promising perk useless, but that's not all, since the melee attack icon also appears every other time and Sebastian can simply fly out in front of the enemy without causing him any damage. After such a somersault, of course, one has to flee, wait until the enemy calms down and only then try to sneak up on him again.

For strong enemies, such a blow takes only half of their lives.

Another nuisance for fans of covert passage awaits in the bushes. The thing is that when the main character is hiding in dense thickets, the opponents do not notice him, but this is convenient only in cases where the bushes do not exceed half the height of a person, but if they are higher, then the foliage blocks the camera and the player simply does not see, when Sebastian steps out of the bush. At such a moment, enemies can easily notice the detective and raise the alarm, which will attract other monsters.

New and old enemies

Initially, Union was inhabited by ordinary citizens, who later turned into hard-hitting monsters. They can be divided into several types, these are basic zombie-like enemies, slightly stronger monsters with different abilities, and bosses. Ordinary opponents are killed with a couple of headshots or one takedown from the back. For more complex ones, you need to look for your own approach, they cannot be eliminated with one stealth attack, and they can absorb much more hits. These enemies are best lured into traps or shot from a distance, and then finished off in melee when they can't see the player.

Speaking of traps, with the help of a crossbow you can place mines and tripwires on the ground, which brings even more tactical elements to the game. In addition, the developers scattered barrels of fuel and fire hydrants around the city, which can also help the player in eliminating opponents. The classic red barrels predictably explode from gunshots, but there is a quieter option - Detective Castellanos can spill gasoline and then set fire to it with a shot, thereby setting a trap for unsuspecting enemies. Hydrants work on the same principle, they must first be opened in order to form a puddle that conducts electricity perfectly.

It is often easier to lure enemies into a trap than to shoot them in a frontal attack.

As for some bosses, a number of questions arise in relation to them. For example, the monster with a chainsaw, which Sebastian meets almost at the very beginning of the game, appears several times during the passage, three of which in our case ended in death for him, but he appeared again and again, and then disappeared. This approach introduced an element of innuendo into the game, why did the enemy appear a second time if the detective destroyed him? If he was not killed in the usual way, then why did he die after the third fight? Unfortunately, we do not have answers to these questions. The same with other bosses, the same Obscura - a monster with a camera instead of a head - during the passage we encountered it twice, but never killed it, after which you could hear Stefano's monologue, where he upgraded the Obscura, probably by sewing it on new parts. After this, anyone will prepare for a new fight with this walking tripod, but, alas, this did not happen, which only added to the feeling of incompleteness.

A very atmospheric, though not revealed monster.

The third drop was a ghost, Sebastian first encounters him in an ordinary house, where the diary of a dead woman lies, telling that there is someone in the house. The detective falls into a trap and does not expect to see the ghost again, but he begins to haunt the player for half the game. He first appears in the city in random moment, making the map foggy. A few other encounters, Castellanos asks himself what the poltergeist is and why he's following him. As you might guess, there is no one to answer these questions, as well as to kill a ghost. Thus, it turns out that there are several very charismatic monsters in the game, but encounters with them have no logical outcome.

During the game, Sebastian Castellanos will meet with already familiar enemies from the original The Evil Within, however, in the sequel, the fight with them will be short. Their quick departure may be a symbol that the detective has overcome his fears and guilt, has become stronger - it is this leitmotif that is seen in the second half of the game.

The most memorable enemy of the first game will appear in the sequel.

It should be noted that the enemies The Evil Within 2 divided into three main types, depending on what story boss on the this moment the player is looking for. It is worth talking about this in more detail apart from the monsters themselves, concentrating on the gameplay component.

Game process. Is it worth stretching the game?

Initially, the player is presented with one single protagonist, the eccentric artist Stefano Valentini. This extremely charismatic and interesting character is presented as the main villain The Evil Within 2 and as soon as the player gets close to him, it turns out that this is not so and the game continues. No, the scene does not change, Sebastian continues to plow through the old locations, but with new enemies in pursuit of the next boss. The developers did not begin to draw new areas, they simply released slightly modified enemies on the same streets of Union.

Even the simplest enemies become dangerous when attacking in a crowd.

This approach on the part of the authors gives rise to the idea of ​​deliberately delaying the game and, most likely, this is the case. Let's go back a couple of chapters in the story. If a player completely clears a location to certain moment stories, the monsters on it are simply reborn to increase the passage time. The lack of ammo also contributes to more thoughtful gameplay, as you have to search every trash can for a new handful of gunpowder. The latter, of course, is an indisputable plus, gamers are being pushed to explore the map, finding ways around difficult opponents.

The only thing that saves the situation is excitement and the desire to pump the character. During the passage, we cleared every map that Sebastian got on, the green gel flowed like a river, but it is simply impossible to improve all the characteristics in one playthrough. The most interesting thing for us was solving tactical puzzles, how to get close to the enemy so that the rest did not notice, how to get rid of weak opponents without attracting the attention of flamethrowers, and so on. This may seem uninteresting to other players and they will simply pass by, for them the game will not be long, they will meet the standard 12-14 hours by today's standards. We spent 24 hours on the average difficulty level. Why so many, you ask? The whole point is that The Evil Within 2 filled with small non-obligatory activities, like collecting documents, slides or Easter eggs. The latter abound in the game, the detective collects various figures from other Bethesda projects and compiles them in his office. For us, it turned out to be a kind of challenge to collect them all, for example, in the game there is a mask of Corvo from Dishonored, a small paratrooper figurine from the recent reboot of the series DOOM, Panzerhound from wolfenstein and much more.

The culmination of the Sebastian collection will be the guardian figurine from the first game.

Among the new activities, a prize shooting range and another modification of the Match 3 puzzle were added to the game. In the first case, by shooting at targets, the detective can win parts for weapons, keys to equipment lockers in Tatiana's office, or gel for pumping skills. The second mini-game turned out to be much more difficult for us, according to the rules, you need to shoot at the colored blocks, collecting them together. The more blocks of the same color are nearby, the greater the chance to extend the game time and earn extra points. These modes are worth paying attention to when Sebastian's pistol shooting is pumped up and the recoil is reduced as much as possible, this will make it easier for the player to complete the tasks assigned to the player. Another pleasant little thing worth noting is the opportunity to play for Julie Kidman, who was the main character of two plot additions to the original game.

Results. Is it a failure?

Remembering all the adventures of Sebastian Castellanos in The Evil Within 2, I just want to applaud the developers. Despite the large number of disadvantages, the game turned out to be interesting and exciting. She underwent the same metamorphoses as in her time with dead space , which by the second moved away from intimacy and added in scale, and this applies not only to the map, but also to the whole world of the game, characters, new stories, and the capabilities of the protagonist. Exactly the same step was taken by the series The Evil Within, where the first part was a chilling horror, and the second became an intriguing thriller.

When you can see your home from the workplace.

Undoubtedly, I would like the developers to deliberately not delay the passage, to correct all the shortcomings in the mechanics, to finalize technical flaws, but if we look at the final product, omitting minor roughnesses, we will see good game able to further develop the world The Evil Within. Especially when you consider that the developers left the groundwork for the third part and this cannot but rejoice, but whether there will be a continuation will show the sales of the game, which are currently extremely low. It remains to be hoped that the players will support the developers with a purchase The Evil Within 2 and the publisher will approve the third part of the adventures of Sebastian Castellanos.

They didn't give up on him. You will meet several bosses in the game, and the battle with each of them does not promise to be easy. You will have to kill every monster, otherwise you will not be able to complete the main story of the game. Not all bosses can be completed using the standard kill approach. Sometimes you have to use environment, apply another tactic, try different variants, but with a lot of trial and error, any player will sooner or later be able to defeat the hated opponent. Our advice about bosses Evil Within 2 will help you deal with any of them faster.

Saw Monster (Buzzsaw Stalker)

You will meet this boss in the fifth chapter. Before the battle, prepare well by taking three syringes with you. But if you do it right, you only need one of them. When the monster starts running at you, turn around and quickly run away. Use cover to prevent his attacks from hurting your Sebastian.

  • In the corner you will find a barrel. Kick it into the oil puddle and blow it up when the boss is close.
  • Note the leaking fuel tank on the left. The puddle of oil will be updated periodically. You can use it multiple times.
  • Take the boss to the trap in the back left corner to slow him down. Once you manage to do this, shoot the "main" face of the creature with a sniper rifle or shotgun.

Keep your distance and shoot with your sniper rifle. Don't forget to use the environment and traps. In the truck, you can find explosive bolts, ammo, and more.


With Obscura, as with the previous boss, you will meet in the fifth chapter. The Obscura is a hideous, living tripod that can freeze time after you activate the emitters on the second floor of the City Hall. The fight with him will not be standard - you don't need to kill the Obscurus, you just need to keep him busy for 80 seconds.

  • Use high walls and covers to hide from the flash. If you run out of stamina, hide and wait.
  • Don't waste your ammo on the monster.
  • Wait until the timer stops and the boss starts approaching the emitter. At this moment, shoot at the camera lens.

Around the arena, you can find extra ammo. Try to use shock crossbow bolts, which will instantly stun the Obscura with one shot. You only need to hold out for 80 seconds. After that, the battle will end.


You will meet Stefano only in the eighth chapter. On the battle arena you will find a lot of cover and a few ammo points. Start the fight with at least two syringes. Grab the stamina perks you'll need in combat.

  • The boss can teleport and dodge shots. Don't waste your ammo. Wait for his attack and only after a short period of time start shooting at him.
  • Take an ax with you. He deals a lot of damage to Stefano.
  • During the first phase of the battle, he will try to close the distance and attack in close combat. When he gets close to you, dodge and fire one shot with your pistol or shotgun. If the boss used a teleport and then stands in one place, after a while he will throw a knife at you. You will have the opportunity to attack him while Stefano charges his camera.
  • In the second phase, the monster will have a giant camera eye. Tentacles will not be able to destroy high covers, so hide behind them.
  • The monster will have two new attacks. He will charge the camera, after which he will throw grenades. Avoid damage from freeze grenades.
  • When Stefano uses the teleporter, he will attempt to land a strong blow with his limbs. At this point, you just need to quickly dodge the attack.
  • During the second phase, the normal knife attack gets a second combo hit. Move back and wait for the animation to stop, then shoot him once.

Stay on your feet and rotate the camera around you. The boss will try to attack from the shadows and teleport throughout the arena. Stay close to cover to dodge. Shoot him with a pistol during the tentacle attacks, and use the shotgun when Stefano attacks you with a knife.

Inverted O "Neal (Lost O" Neal)

O'Neal will be something new when you get to the labs in the "Network". He is armed with a flamethrower, with which he can create fire barriers that block the path. Fire destroys covers and is very dangerous for your character.

  • Unlike other bosses, O'Neil is rather slow and can be easily run away from him. As soon as the boss loses sight of you, sneak back and deliver a powerful blow.
  • In the battle zone, you can find several boxes of pistol and shotgun ammo. Even if you didn't pick them up during the battle, pick them up after the battle is over.
  • Impact bolts stun O'Neil. When you managed to stun him, shoot straight at the head. It is best to use a pistol or a sniper rifle.
  • O'Neil will take off his mask when the fight is half over.
  • You can get rid of the fire with the help of yellow switches. Also, use the cryogen tanks when O'Neill approaches you. One shot will freeze him. Then shoot in the head.

To kill the boss, you need to keep moving. Attack from stealth mode and don't forget to use the water system. Take your time and you will win.

Father Theodore

Instead of fighting Father Theodore, the priest will make the past hunt Sebastian. After a quick fight with a Sadist armed with a chainsaw, you will find yourself in the arena first with the Guardian, and then with Laura.
  • The Guardian is a very tough opponent. He will constantly try to smash Sebastian's head with a hammer. You can't hide from him, so you just have to fight him.
  • In the passages you will find ammo boxes that will help you in combat.
  • Run away from him and then shoot him in the chest. Remember that he does not take damage from headshots.
You just need to put more bullets into the Guardian. This is not difficult, but when he dies, you will have to fight two Guardians at the same time. Try to gather them together and shoot them with explosive bolts.
  • After they are killed, Laura will return. She can teleport. If she manages to grab Sebastian, he will die instantly. It takes fire to kill her.
  • There are two ways to kill Laura: lure her into a fire trap and burn her, or use a repaired flamethrower.
  • If you have a repaired flamethrower, be sure to use it. It will stop when it burns. Just keep burning it and eventually it will die.
  • If you don't have a flamethrower or don't have enough fuel, you will have to use the traps in the room.
  • Stun Laura with shock or freeze bolts, turn one of the two valves in the arena.
  • When both valves are activated, a fire trap will be activated in the center of the battle zone. Lure Laura there, stun her with shock bolts and use the yellow lever.

When all the bosses are killed, you can finish off Father Theodore.

Reborn World (Possessed Myra)

The boss will meet you during the 16th chapter. This is a giant monster that appears in Sebastian's house. She lost herself in the STEM system and will do anything to stop the protagonist. To deal with her, you need to shoot at the glowing weak points, which appear in three stages: the waist, then the shoulder blades and finally the lower jaw.

  • You can't get too close to her, so you'll need a long-range weapon. A regular pistol, a full-sized shotgun, and an assault rifle are all great choices.
  • The crossbow is also good, but the constant movement of the boss will prevent you from hitting it.
  • During the fight, Mira will hit the ground and summon disgusting spiders. You can stomp on spiders to get ammo and gunpowder.

The monster will hit the ground with his hands. Try not to get too close. Keep running left or right to avoid getting hit. Destroying one arm will cause the boss to summon a tentacle that slams the ground or slides left/right.

In The Evil Within 2, you can find a huge variety of weapons. All of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some cannons can be found in areas with deceased Mobius operatives, others drop from defeated enemies, and still others lie in nooks and crannies that are extremely difficult to reach. To make it easier for you to replenish your arsenal, we decided to write a guide to the location of all weapons in the game.

Survival Knife

A large hunting knife that is suitable for stealth killing of enemies in close combat (you need to approach the enemy from behind). You will receive it when completing the main story in the second chapter. In it, you will be chased by a monster with a rotating blade. When the second chase starts, you will reach a red corridor. On the other side, an enemy will appear who will throw a knife at you. You will be able to dodge the throw, grab your knife, and leave the area safe and sound. Now you will be able to kill monsters with a knife.

Semi-Automatic Handgun

Another plot weapon which cannot be missed. At the end of Chapter 2, a few minutes after receiving the knife, you will enter a small house. Before leaving it, the hero will independently take a cannon from the bedside table, standing near the door.


This melee weapon is consumable, as it breaks after the first use. However, it can replace a knife in close combat. You can find them just like most others. game items– just pick up axes from the ground. These hatchets can also be taken from enemies. For example, monsters living in the northeast of O'Neal's hideout wield such weapons.

Crossbow "Guard". (Warden Crossbow)

The first Crossbow "Guardian". can be found in the southwest side of the Residential Area. You will be able to get here almost at the very beginning of the game. During Chapter 3, when you finally get to Union, you will be given a goal to get to O'Neill's hideout.

When you leave the safe house and take a few steps towards the road, a short cut-scene will start, which will show the Union falling apart. At this point, just follow the street to its end. If you pick up your communicator, you'll find a fallen Mobius operative. When you check the map, you will see that there is a weapon near this agent. The crossbow can be found right behind the white Humvee, not far from what looks like a roadblock. It lies on a gray box next to a dead agent. You will also find one Shock Bolt here, which we recommend that you keep it for opening some doors.

The Overseer's Crossbow can be modified at special miles, which are located in shelters. Once you pick up a weapon and collect enough of its additional parts, you will be able to improve the crossbow. We advise you to reduce the time required for reloading, as well as increase the rate of fire, ammunition and power. In addition, it is worth finding an upgrade based on the skills of the protagonist. To do this, head to Sebastian's room (broken mirror, not far from the shelter) and sit on a chair at the end of the corridor.

Sawed-Off Shotgun

When completing the task of tracking the source of the girl's voice using the communicator, you will find yourself in the Residential Zone. This is the starting area of ​​the game world. After meeting with the Moebius operative and finding the first hideout, head north to the side path. Walk along this road and go to the second house on the left side, where you will find another operative lying right in front of the entrance to the building. Enter the White House (322 Cedar Ave) and go through the door on your right. In the next room, go along the left edge to another room. Go through the new door and look for a hatch that leads to the basement.

On the lower floor you will find a small control room. Approach the computer on the table and use it to go to Marrow: Armory. In the next area, there is only one place where you can go - to another computer. Use it to get into a new room. The sawn-off shotgun is located at the end of this last building. To access it, you need to go down the other side of the first room, go through the door to the left of the elevator, crawl through the tunnel, use another door and finally adjust the amplitude and frequency on the console. Behind the door, which opens through the console, is an armory. In the corner of the armory on the ground is a case with a sawn-off shotgun. Once you have obtained this weapon, you can check its upgrades and stats in the hideout.

Laser-Sighted Handgun

The first cannon with a laser sight can be found in the Residential District. This is where you will get when passing the third chapter. At some point, you will need to trace the location of the Mobius term. He will lead you to the first hideout.

Exit this safe room and head northwest. In this area, you will find a wide street approaching the edge of the map. Follow it until you reach an auto parts store. You will see it from afar, as bright neon signs are installed on it. Next to this shop, find a closed parking lot surrounded by a chain-link fence.

Jump over the metal fence and look for the body near the white truck. Approach the corpse to find a weapon. At this moment, a monster with unique acrobatic skills may attack you. The cannon will still lie on the ground, so you can pick it up and immediately attack the monster. Then we advise you to definitely modify this weapon in order to improve its characteristics.

Sniper Rifle

In fact, you will find a broken sniper rifle, so get ready for the fact that in the future you will have to fix it. So, after starting chapter 3 and visiting the hideout in the Residential District, turn the camera to the left side. You will notice a two-story brick building. On its right side is a ladder, which you can climb up. Here you will find several more yellow ladders that lead to the roof. Keep climbing until you reach the roof. Then turn left and go to the edge. You will notice a dead body belonging to a Moebius operative, next to which will be a non-working sniper rifle.

How to repair a sniper rifle

To repair this weapon, you will need its parts. You can find them in the shed. This building is located in the northwestern part of the Residential District. Go north along the road located near the building where you found the sniper rifle. If you look at the map, you will see a building in the shape of the letter "T" on it. The barn is right behind him. Several monsters are running around him, so get ready for a fight.

Once inside the barn, look to the right. Spare parts for the sniper rifle will be on the table. Now that you have everything you need to repair weapons, you need to find a workbench. This will not take much time, since the table where the parts lay is a workbench. Use it to repair weapons.


To get a flamethrower, you need to deal with the boss that you will face at the end of the eleventh chapter. True, this weapon will be broken and you will not be able to use it until you reach the thirteenth chapter.

In Chapter 13, you have to defeat two Harbingers to get fuel tanks for the flamethrower. One of them is located near the starting shelter, and the second is south of the shelter next to the Diner. Harbingers are easy to spot - they are masked psychos with flamethrowers.

After killing these two opponents, you can finally assemble a working flamethrower. Be sure to pick it up in the next chapter and use it when fighting Laura for the "I'll Take You Down Myself" achievement.

Long-barreled shotgun (Full-Barreled Shotgun)

Assault Rifle

You can get it in chapter 13 called "Stronghold". You will be given it according to the plot, so there will be minor spoilers in the description. After waking up in Sebastian's house, do his research. After completing all the main tasks, exit the building and return to Union. After a short conversation, you will be able to pick up an assault rifle. The weapon uses rifle ammo and consumes it extremely quickly. Like other guns, you can improve this weapon.

Silenced Handgun

Rescue Sykes in Chapter 7 at the parking spot located in the middle of the Residential District. He will give you two side missions when talking to him in the hideout: Out There and Back in Touch.

For completing these two quests, you will receive a pistol with a silencer. You will need to open the container with this weapon located in the hideout.

Revolver (Classic Revolver Handgun)

To get the revolver, you will need to activate 3 separate Anima events. They represent optional encounters with a ghostly creature. It is impossible to kill him, so you will have to constantly run away from him, hiding behind various objects.

  • Chapter 3: The first event will be launched in a creepy house located in the Residential District. Exit the northern hideout and head south to the nearest residential area. Then enter the third house on the right. Find the file inside, and then run away from the ghost.
  • Chapter 7: The second ghost encounter may take place in the Business District. Find the abandoned diner and view the memory in the kitchen.
  • Chapter 11: Anima's final event will take place in the underground laboratory. Head into the large chamber where Sebastian needs to collect the chip to get through the locked door, and then take a look at the right wall with the broken panel. Shoot it with an electric bolt, enter the office and inspect the file lying at the end of the corridor.

After completing all these events, you will unlock the revolver.

Double-Barreled Shotgun

In order to get this weapon, you need to rescue Sykes and complete his "Reconnected" side quest in Chapter 7. If you do this, Sykes will give you another secondary mission in Chapter 13 called " Last step". It is automatically unlocked on your device, so be sure to check all your signals on the device.

After completing this task, Sykes will run away, and you can get a double-barreled shotgun from the container lying in the left corner.

Magnum (Magnum Handgun)

Awarded for full walkthrough games on any difficulty level.

We analyze the story of a new psychological horror film from the team of Shinji Mikami.


WARNING: All this stuff is one big spoiler. If you haven't played yet The Evil Within 2, but want to refrain from reading the article. If you have already completed the game, but are afraid that you have missed some details, welcome!

The first part left too many questions for which the writers The Evil Within did not want to answer even in two separate additions. What happened to the Mobius organization after the failed experiment at the Mayak psychiatric hospital? Is Joseph Oda still alive or did Kidman kill him? Finally, did Sebastian Castellanos get out of Ruvik's "sleep of the mind"? At the end of the first part, we see the hero who left the hospital, who watches how in the crowd of policemen, like a ghost, unnoticed by anyone, Leslie wanders - the very “lucky ticket” of Ruvik from own world nightmares.

The fact that we are still in a dream was indicated by Castellanos' migraine at the end. Throughout the game, the hero constantly suffered from a sharp headache, plunging deeper and deeper into the unstable world of Ruben Victoriano. The latter was still a scenario trick: the hero actually gets out of Ruvik's nightmare into the real world, where nothing holds him anymore. Deprived not only of his family, but also of his last friend, Joseph Oda, he leaves the police and spends most of the week alone with a bottle, blaming his own stupidity and helplessness for all troubles.

Story trailer for the game.

In this state, he is found by Julie Kidman, the Möbius agent, who skillfully pretended to be the younger partner of Castellanos in the first part. It turns out that the all-powerful organization has not abandoned its plans for world domination with the help of STEM. As they themselves believed, the Mayak incident allowed Mobius to do the necessary work on the bugs and improve the system. The main problem, as we remember, was to prevent complete psychopaths from dominating the world of a single collective consciousness, and everything else will follow ...

Now the STEM machine itself has become much more impressive and is able to fit thousands of people in a fictional world. The optimal format for the new simulation was the average American town of Union with a touch of nostalgia for the beautiful 1950s. A place where everyone is carefree and happy, where there is no hunger, strife, politics and sociopaths. The latter, in the light of the events of Mayak, was closely monitored. The need to kidnap people disappeared, as a more elegant scheme of the religious pyramid was invented. People themselves came to the so-called "Mu-centers", abandoned their relatives and friends and simply disappeared, and in fact ended up in Union with a "rewritten" memory.

The city was “inhabited” by hundreds of Moebius workers, each of whom was implanted with a chip that allows them to suppress the will of the “core” - a person whose consciousness forms the world of STEM. A candidate for such a role must have "unlimited" egocentrism, allowing you to unite everyone else in your personality. Either psychopaths with a heightened sense of narcissism are capable of this, or ... children. That child for the organization was Lily Castellanos.

For many years, Sebastian mourned his daughter and blamed himself for the death of a child who had been alive all this time and was in the hands of cultists. The hero again has a chance to see his daughter, but nothing is given to Castellanos for free. The new Möbius experiment again flies into hell: the "core" somehow disconnected from the simulation, and the whole world of Union is collapsing before our eyes, the inhabitants, for some unknown reason, turn into monsters. But organizations don’t give a damn about this, only the safety of the “core” is important, and it is for it that we are sent to the new STEM. Here we go again.

Already halfway through the story, it is impossible to get rid of the feeling of deja vu, and not only for the main character, but also for us, the players. Sometimes even dozens of tests and interviews are not able to identify well-pretend psychopaths. Stefano Valentini is Ruvik The versions Evil Within 2. Valentini is not as smart as the underground scientist from the first part, but more than compensates for this with snobbish artistry. A classic "misunderstood artist" with a stereotyped hatred for the world that does not recognize his genius, and openly sadistic inclinations. This is truly the "Ruvik" of the Union world. Only this time it was deliberately introduced into STEM by a worse person.

A group of conspirators from "Mobius" decides to destroy the organization from the inside. The backbone is Mira Castellanos, Esmeralda Torres, Kidman and Theodore Wallace. Castellanos' wife is Mira, Lily's mother; her motives are crystal clear: she is trying in every possible way to protect her daughter. Esmeralda Torres is a demolition expert trying to find a way to redeem herself for the Castellanos house fire and Lily's kidnapping.
Kidman? With Kidman, everything is more complicated: with the naked eye you can see the sympathy that Julie has for her indirect “patron” Sebastian and his daughter. She, too, wants to break out of the cult, and there may never be a better chance. Finally, “Reverend” Theodore Wallace is the charismatic spiritual leader of Mu-cult, a neurolinguist and just a good guy, out of the kindness of his heart, deciding to help the mother return the child and destroy the “evil corporation”.

Theodore is another unidentified psychopath from Moebius. Perhaps the most dangerous type of sociopath possible is the religious fanatic. If Stefano sees STEM as a canvas for his perverted masterpieces, then Father Theodore goes further: people for him are a bloody flock, for which he is a messiah, a liberator from, in his opinion, disastrous freedom... freedom to be himself. Wallace gives a "blessing" to Stefano, advising on bloody deeds. The true motive of the "holy father" is the desire to create panic, to aggravate the discord of the system.

It turns out that people turn into monsters not only under the influence of the diseased brain of the "core" (as was the case with Ruvik and Stefano). The erasure of memory, practiced on all residents of the Union, leads to the degradation of the individual: people lose their appearance, not only personal, but also physical - despite the fact that no viruses simply can not exist in a fictional world. The inhabitants of Union are gradually turning into controlled "zombies" - this is exactly what Mobius wanted from them, but STEM, like a textbook genie, understands desires literally ... The STEM project is initially doomed to failure.

After the death of Stefano, a real anti-hero enters the scene. The world of STEM is changing under the influence of Theodore. The streets are cleared by the righteous fire of the "preachers" - Theodore's impersonal soldiers. Flamethrowers in masks stuck to their faces roam the city in search of sinners, because true purification, in the eyes of Father Theodore, is possible only in the holy flame. Wallace's personality is rather contradictory: he combines the qualities of a schizophrenic and a good psychologist.
Understanding perfectly how guilt gnaws at Sebastian, Theodore appeals to the hero's fears: Castellanos sees his daughter on fire, fragments of memories from The Lighthouse. Every physical monster in the hero's head is a fear that needs to be overcome. The burden that weighed down the protagonist disappears when he decisively gives battle to each of his phobias. They may take the form of Ruvik's phantoms - the same Safehead, a maniac with a chainsaw, a burnt Laura - but for the hero they already have a completely different meaning, they act as a manifestation of internal fears.

That's all that The Evil Within 2 has to offer in terms of plot. The game lives up to its name again, because all evil comes exclusively from the inner world of the characters. Their complexes, fears, traumas, resentments find their terrible embodiment in both real world, as well as in the illusory. After all, the sleep of the mind, as you know, gives birth to monsters.