Dark sector passage of the last chapter. Game "Dark Sector": passage through the chapters. Chapter III: Baggage Claim

For starters, a few tips: 1) Don't jump on the rampage when you see that the mutants are fighting with the military - it's better to wait until some kill the others, and then finish off the survivors 2) Try to improve only one type firearms. 3) A frozen or electrified glaive can be thrown into a puddle in which enemies are standing - very effective. 4) Use cover more often. 5) All destructible objects in the game glow - pay attention to this.

Chapter I: Prologue

So, we were taken by special flight straight to Lasria, with the sole purpose of transferring the main villain to the category of the dead.

From the very beginning of the location, we go forward along the road until we reach the city. We get the first additional task- blow everything to hell. We remove the lock with a shot, and climb into the building through the window. We go down the stairs and in the room with columns we install explosives on one of these supports. Exactly the same procedure should be carried out on the floor below. To do this, we stomp down the stairs and, bypassing the bathroom - there the commando kills the prisoner. Having dealt with the killer, we install a second bomb in this room. We go further and meet a couple more soldiers on our way, whom we send to better world. We collect a variety of goodies around the room and stomp on. In the subsequent rooms we are met with dense barrage fire, but it is a matter of time to destroy the attackers. Covering the ground with the corpses of the infidels, we reach the locked door - a shot at the castle will allow us to pass this obstacle. Right outside the door we watch the plot video.

It turns out the goal of the entire mission is very, very close. We climb the stairs, but an ambush awaits us at the top. We carefully and accurately kill opponents and go through the door on the left - behind it is a ladder. Once at the top, we immediately turn on the second space speed - the gallant machine gunner in the helicopter will not hesitate. Having reached the saving room, we pick up a grenade launcher and put explosives. We run out into the street, where we kill the special forces with a couple of well-aimed bursts and deftly put a rocket into the belly of the “steel bird”. We watch the video and get upset - the goal was so close.

Chapter II: Impact

Two news: good news - now the protagonist has become a cool mutant, bad news - our Alter ego is slowly but surely dying. They won't let us back into kind and sweet-hearted America - we know about this through negotiations with the authorities - for this we use the radio station in the shed. In addition, the task of destroying the main "byaki" remains in force. We will not have time to order a pizza - we will have to fight off the attacking commando. Now a glaive has got into our grabbing hands.

We leave the barn and enjoy the spectacle of how the glaive beautifully quarters soldiers armed to the teeth. After eliminating them all, you can do looting: we take pistol cartridges and money, but we leave machine guns and shotguns to the corpses - when used, they explode.

Now we climb the stairs to the second floor, get into the bar and go through the door on the left. There we organize a mass genocide of infantrymen, we take plastic explosives on scaffolding for personal use with the help of a glaive - we install it on a locked door. Bang bang! Let's go in already open door and pay attention to the army container straight ahead. It contains an upgrade - we take it with the help of a glaive. We go into the next room, where the floor will collapse under us.

Having recovered from the fall, we arrange a funeral for the “meeting committee” and move forward along the corridor until we find ourselves in some kind of huge room. We calmly eliminate the special forces scurrying back and forth, after which we calmly watch how a hefty mutant makes an extra door in the wall. We look around and notice a red button in the distance. We press it with a well-aimed throw of the glaive and go down the lowered bridge. We go into the gap and with a glaive we tear off the lock from the sewer hatch. Feel free to climb down.

Chapter III: Baggage Claim

We found ourselves, oddly enough, in the sewers. We turn on the flashlight, and crawl straight ahead, picking up the money along the way. Then we choose Fresh air We are inside the campground. Having destroyed all the local inhabitants, we poke our nose into the locked gate. You can't just remove the lock - you have to use the new special ability of the glaive. We heal the set key (by default it is “C”) and when the color bar starts changing gamma, release it - the glaive will fly forward with great force. The castle will not withstand such a blow. We open the gate and pick up the next upgrade in the first tent. Then we go down the stairs, open the next gate, destroy the attacking commandos and again crawl into the sewer through the hatch.

They again refuse to let us go forward - another cleverly locked door is on the way. In order to open it, we disable the electrical panel by throwing the glaive - the "native" weapon is charged with electricity, and then we throw the shuriken at the door - the passage is open. Immediately outside the door we pick up the upgrade, go down and get a new kind of enemy at our disposal - mutant zombies. Their fate is death by glaive. After the act of murder, we again charge the glaive with electricity and open another door with it. Further down the stairs we go down, where we are subjected to another attack of mutants. Of course, they can be shredded one by one. But it's easier to recharge the glaive from a light bulb on the ceiling and launch a shuriken into a puddle in which zombies hang out - they will receive a lethal dose of electricity, and we will keep our health and nerves intact. After that, we go into the breach, with a power throw of the glaive we open the elevator and climb it up.

We get available new opportunity- controlled throw. At first, controlling the flight of the glaive will not be easy, but getting used to it is a matter of time. This skill is useful when you need to get something or someone from behind cover or just see what's going on around the corner. Further, with longing in our eyes, we look after the flying helicopter, cut out the opponents on the parade ground and climb down the central staircase - there we are waiting for a certain amount of ammunition and other "buns". Then we head to the wire fence and learn how to apply the controlled throw in practice. Our goal is the button that opens the door. Having exhausted ourselves and feeling much cooler, we go into the opened passage and watch the video, through which we get instructions for action. Again we climb through the hatch into the sewer.

Chapter IV: Moths to Fire

Gate again. We open them with a power throw and climb inside. Before us are the expanses of sewers, which are better to carefully examine - there are no enemies here, but ownerless money is lying around here and there. After collecting cash, we go through a narrow corridor and climb into the hatch. Voila, we are on the "black" market - here you can sell / buy weapons and ammunition, as well as install the upgrades found, as well as use your own safe, where you can put things that are not needed yet. In this chapter, we advise you to buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle and install a damage grade on it. Despite the fact that only one-handed weapons can be used with a glaive, and with prolonged use of machine guns or machine guns, the game will automatically return the shuriken to the hands, the AK-47 will be a good help to the next levels.

Having finished shopping, go ahead and jump into the hole in the floor. A fairly strong enemy squad will be waiting for us there. Not far from us there will be a large-caliber machine gun - you can use it, but it is much more effective to put bad guys from a freshly acquired Kalash. Having killed the special forces, we go to the door to the right of the machine gun, behind which there will be another gate - we open them with a power throw. Behind the passage, monsters will be waiting for us, which should be meticulously dismembered. As you can see, the mutant plant blocks the passage further. In order to get to the exit, turn the valve behind the monument, then go to the open door on the left and recharge the glaive from the electrical panel. After that, we go back and launch the glaive into the statue - the monument will light up. We “light up” the glaive from the fire (new ability!) And launch the shuriken into the plant - the passage is open.

We boldly step forward, then we climb up the stairs to the elevator, on which we get out into the street. We listen to the new task on the radio. We carefully stick our heads around the corner - special forces are sitting in an ambush there. It’s better not to go on the rampage - they are pretty cool guys. We use the favorite tactics of real heroes - we sit in a shelter until a huge mutant does all the hard work for us. After that, we bravely go forward and search the tents. Along the way, we will meet a hatch leading to the black market - if necessary, you can buy utilities. Next, we follow the building straight ahead and climb the stairs down. We eliminate the arrow, freely located behind the easel machine gun. Despite the inefficiency of this weapon, in order to avoid wasting ammunition, it is still better to use free weapons - hordes of enemies of the people will climb on us.

Having beaten off the attack, we carefully go forward for a couple more blocks. All this way we will be constantly attacked or shot at, so you should act very, very carefully. At the end of the path, the first boss will be waiting for us - a huge combat robot. To eliminate it, we select a rocket launcher near the pile of boxes. Then we constantly rush along the perimeter of the parade ground, picking up new missiles, trying to get into that part of the boss's mechanical body, which is marked with an orange marker. It is highly not recommended to hit the enemy in the sight - he is a rather dangerous guy. When the steel giant collapses to the ground, we finish it with a glaive, thereby igniting it, and make our way further by throwing the glaive at the door.

We go into the building and go up the stairs. Next, with the help of an electrical panel, we electrify the glaive and through a hole in the floor we set fire to the gas escaping from the pipe. We “light up” the glaive from the fire and with its help we open the passage right on the course. We climb to the very top. There, a crowd of zombies pounces on us and subtly hints with a magic pendel that this passage is closed. Let's go in search of another way. We go down, pass the hatch to the black market, located on the parade ground and stomp into a narrow alley. There we observe how the special forces repulse the attack of monsters - again, it’s better not to rush into a brawl, waiting until the moment when all the infected do not die the death of the brave. After that, we cut out the remaining ones in the most effective and safest way for health - we throw the glaive from around the corner in the flight control mode. Having dealt with the last soldiers, we go through the barricades along the bridge to the machine gun. We take the place of the shooter and destroy the dumb-headed zombies, brazenly prushing at the protagonist. After that, we stomp to the gate, firmly closed by a mutant plant. Turn the valve on the right, set fire to the glaive, and, as before, throw it into the plant - the passage is open. Further, ubiquitous zombies will climb on us from under the ground - it is better to kill them even before they completely get out of the mud. In addition, it is necessary to light all the torch bowls. To do this, we run down the stairs to the right to the valve.

Having finished with the "mission of Prometheus", with a lit glaive we open the gate, where another boss will be waiting for us - this time a mutant. The plan to destroy him is even simpler than it was with the previous boss. Mutant in best traditions King Kong will climb up the column - do not waste time, set fire to the glaive and throw it at the monster. The scorched boss will crash to the ground and come to his senses for a while - we take the opportunity and inflict additional damage on the mutant. After a while, the boss realizes that further climbing the pole is a hopeless business. Then you have to knock out the rest of his hit points in open confrontation, constantly recharging the glaive with electricity or flame. Soon the giant will expire. After this significant event, we go down through the grate in the floor. We don’t mess around there for a long time, otherwise we can get a rocket in the ass - we watch the video and quickly get out back, having previously appropriated the suitcase from the next room. Then we run to the left and climb into the sewers.

Chapter V: Cargo

If necessary, you can buy on the black market before the mission, but there will be nothing conceptually new there. After that, we habitually charge the glaive from the electrical panel and open the doors with it. At the exit, we have to face the next boss - the exoskeleton-robot "Jackal" will bring down a fraction of its fire potential on us. Of course, this reptile can be destroyed, but it is much more efficient to ride a heavy combat vehicle yourself. To do this, we blow up the truck to the right of us with a power throw. Then we set fire to the glaive from the car and throw it into the fence captured by the mutant plant - this will free the electrical panel. From it we recharge the glaive in the flight control mode. Now we boldly let the glaive into the robot - it will short-circuit the formidable colossus. Wasting no time, we go to the rear of the enemy and throw the pilot by the collar - now we are very, very cool. Walking on a combat robot is a very pleasant thing. Boldly prem forward and only forward, mercilessly emptying the ammunition load. But it’s still not worth getting too carried away - from time to time they will shoot at us from a grenade launcher. In order to knock missiles off the target, use infrared traps (default “G”). With fire and sword, walking along the street, we find ourselves at a dead end - we will have to leave the exoskeleton.

We selflessly climb the stairs and go through the door. There we collect everything that lies badly, and step forward. Once on the parade ground, we are subjected to the first attack, successfully repulsing which, we fall under a new assault - this time in the next building. In the same place, by the way, we will acquire another special ability - the release of energy. In order to use it, we recharge the glaive, throw it at opponents and press the control key (by default “T”) - beautiful and effective. Next, we go to the left, where we pick up the cash, then go back and go in the opposite direction, climbing the stairs. If you need to buy something - the hatch to the shelter of illegal traders is right in front of your eyes. Then we go further and watch a spectacular video.

Once on the ship, we slap up the stairs, where, by killing, we take a rifle with a telescopic sight from the sniper - immediately, with its help, we eliminate the soldiers stomping below. Then we go down and at the end of the deck we pick up the upgrade. We raise our eyes up - that's right, a helicopter flew over our soul. We stomp to the very center of the deck, where a grenade launcher lies near the boxes - from the third rocket the "beetle" will calm down and very carelessly land on the deck. We jump into the hold through a freshly made hole - there are cells with zombies, which are better to kill in advance. We go forward until it stops, until our path is interrupted by the story video.

Now it's worth hurrying up. Behind the jet of fire is a ladder - climb it up. Zombies will begin to crawl out of the water - we carefully demolish their heads, and in between we shoot at barrels of explosives. Further on the floating boxes we jump far away until we find ourselves in front of a locked door. It opens with the help of the union of the glaive and electricity. To open subsequent doors, you will have to recharge the glaive in flight control mode. Getting ready...

Chapter VI: Bait

Frankly, we are not expecting the easiest chapter in the game. At the very beginning, we will be attacked by a new kind of zombie - we will have to tinker with them. Next, it will be proposed to go to the "black" market. It is better not to neglect this opportunity - then there will be an acute shortage of cartridges, and the glaive turns out to be too slow a weapon for a "meat" fight. Having purchased according to the most “I don’t want”, we go up the stairs, where, having “smoked” the glaive, launching it in a controlled mode into the pipe, through a breach in the floor. We pick up the upgrade outside the door and fall under the distribution to a whole horde of hungry zombies - you have to sweat. Next, we go outside through the window and direct the feet inward. There we select the next upgrade on the right and go forward.

Next, we see how a commando in power armor fights monsters. This time, it's better not to wait, as the soldier will quickly deal with the zombies and take over us, "eating" a significant share of health. While the infantryman is pouring fire on the infected, we are trying to get into some kind of satchel behind his back. After eliminating the main enemy, we finish off the remaining zombies, recharge the glaive from the dead soldier with electricity and open the elevator with it - we go inside.

Chapter VII: The Industrial Revolution

To begin with, let's buy (if finances still allow) on the black market. Further, immediately after entering the street, we will fall under the fire of monsters. Most effective way fighting them is the frozen glaive. In order to achieve such a result, we launch the shuriken into the ice box standing in the corner, and then into the zombies - they will freeze to ice figures. Having followed further, we will again freeze the glaive, this time from the refrigerated car standing on the rails, and then we will launch it at the door - the passage is open.

Next, follow the door to the street. Attention, from now on, another type of zombie will be set on us - invisible. Fortunately, they are not always in a state of invisibility, so it is better not to delay with their elimination - a power throw will solve the problem. Next, we inhale the air into the chest and climb into the tunnel. There, another very unpleasant monster will attack us - you should drink from it, quickly throwing a glaive at the adversary.

It will be quite hot in the tunnels - zombies and special forces will attack us. Having met a soldier in power armor, we destroy him in the usual way from the last chapter, recharge the glaive from the corpse and open the door. Then we run along the rails to the left, where our road will be blocked by a fiery wall, which should be extinguished. To do this, we break a barrel of liquid nitrogen, and after freezing the glaive we throw it into the fire - the flame goes out. After that, we run along the rails, shooting enemies. We notice a rise on the right - there is a black market.

We drape to a machine gun, from which we will have to shoot at will - it is not easy to fight off the attacking zombies. A little ahead there will be an upgrade - we pick it up and go to the right. Once near the puddle, we turn the valve, freeze the glaive from the jet and throw it into the water - you can safely cross the ice to the other side, where a soldier in power armor is waiting for us again. After killing him again, we put out the fire, we skip the rushing train and get out into the street. From there we wander into the building, where we will have to fight quite seriously. After the battle, another boss will already be waiting for us - invisible.

This creature is quite dangerous, and will require a good reaction and ingenuity for its destruction. On the sides are barrels, as it turns out, with ice. Without wasting time, we break them for nothing and wait until the boss goes on the attack. After that, we quickly begin to freeze the water around us, throwing the glaive from the barrels to the puddles. Our task is to make the boss freeze to the floor. When this happens, we beat him with all our might. After that, the creature will break out and retreat to its original positions, from where it will start firing zombie rockets. The main thing here is to put the shield on time, then all the fired shells will return to the owner. From such impudence, the boss will get on the rampage - we do not get lost, but quickly release a magazine from a pistol or better "Kalash" into it and finish it off with a glaive. After the enemy falls, we will get another ability - "invisible". Let's use it (the default key is “E”) to go through the door on the photocells.

Chapter VIII: An Unnatural History

We make an effort on ourselves and come to our senses - we are in a medical laboratory - a familiar picture. We also fall into the chambers - immediately outside the door a small group of zombies will attack us. Their fate is to die from our heroic glaive. After the bloodshed, we go forward along the corridor until we find ourselves in a ward equipped with a voice message detector - there will be an upgrade directly opposite. We continue our difficult path along the corridor, in which bloodthirsty mutants come across here and there. When the "gut" ends and we go out into the hall - we are in no hurry to rejoice - a gang of invisible zombies will attack us. To kill them, it is better to use an easel machine gun - cartridges should be protected.

After the massacre of the aggressors, we will pick up an upgrade in the center of the room and go to the locked door. In order to electrify the glaive in the flight control mode, we launch it through the door littered with debris on the left - there is the desired electrical panel. We open the door and are in no hurry to stick our nose out - an automated turret is waiting for us there - health is not state-owned. First, let's recharge the glaive again and take down the muzzle of the vile machine gun with a power throw. We crawl into the elevator.

We go down on this invention down - there are several rooms full of traps waiting for us. We immediately switch to stealth mode and carefully pass the first room, trying not to catch the laser beams responsible for the alarm. In the next room, we quickly choose a shelter for ourselves - the room is full of automated turrets. We sit quietly and wait until heavy machine guns chop zombies into cabbage, after which we turn on invisibility again and run through a dangerous room. Next, an analogue of the first room awaits us - we act in the same way as there. After that, a crowd of invisible zombies will fall on us - we will have to sweat thoroughly. Having completed the shooting of adversaries, we receive a prize from grateful spectators - armor.

Getting ready for the tough test. We run forward - we are met by zombies, but there will be no problems with them. Further, we will not find ourselves in the sight of a whole battalion of infantry, as well as automatic turrets - we change shelters in short dashes, throwing a glaive at the turrets until there are no fragments left of them, and after that we put up a protective shield, and that there is urine we rush forward. Once in the thick of the foot soldiers, we are happy to arrange a luxurious funeral for them. After that, we enter the elevator and poke into the button.

Chapter IX: Border Guard

"Black Market", now so cute and dear! There is money - we buy in full, no - well, okay, the game will not leave us offended. We leave. Bah, ambush! Two or three dozen trained soldiers keep us at gunpoint. Oh, where ours did not disappear - we begin the process of strafe, the use of shelters in practice and the systematic shooting of special forces. Having finished with the “wet” business, we go into the building right on the course - a soldier in power armor is already waiting for us there, but we already know where to hit with a glaive. We pick up a machine gun with an underbarrel grenade launcher from the defeated enemy, electrify the glaive from it, with which we open the door, which is right on the course. We run out to the roof, where special forces and a helicopter soaring in the sky are waiting for us. It is better to deal with the first ones with the help of a glaive, since the machine gun has a large spread of bullets, and we shoot down the “steel bird” from the “grenade launcher”. We stomp to the other side of the house and enjoy how beautifully and quickly zombies die under bursts of machine guns - it is more than effective against these bastards. Then we run forward until we see how the bridge is blown up right in front of our nose.

Ambush, gentlemen. We will be met with a dense barrage by a couple of guys in power armor - we throw grenades at them, which can be found right next to the blown up bridge. Then, in stealth mode, we rush to the opposite side of the parade ground, where zombies of various shapes and sizes pounce on us. First, we cut out those that are smaller, and deal with the big guys with the help of the fire immediately obtained. Then we climb the stairs up, where we destroy the "meeting committee". Next, another boss awaits us, which is not difficult to recognize.

Despite its menacing appearance and the ability to throw its own glaive, the process of killing this boss is not too complicated and intricate. So, we rush along the parade ground, waiting until the enemy electrifies his own shuriken. After that, he will definitely throw a glaive at us - it is extremely important to dodge, but for now the enemy is unarmed, that there is strength to smack him with his weapon, recharged with electricity. After a successful hit, the boss will go into a knockdown - we run up and hit with all our might. We repeat until the creature goes to hell. After that, we go outside and sit behind the wheel of an ownerless exoskeleton, and pouring lead on everything and everyone half the way, we run forward to a dead end.

Chapter X: Territory of Darkness

There is very little left until the end. We go down the slope and watch the plot video. After that, in a short skirmish, we destroy the personal guards of the main bad guy and tops to the building. We look for a ladder, which we climb up and squeeze the red button - the doors will open. Inside the building, we will be exposed to two waves of vicious zombies - it is better not to delay their reprisal. Next, go up the elevator, go to the room on the right. Where do we press the button? The central door has opened, and behind it the final villain is waiting for us.

The final boss is the hydra. We charge the glaive with electricity, and throw it at the enemy, trying to hit the bright spots on his body. After a few hits, the hydra will scream, opening its mouth - without delay, we throw the glaive straight into the throat of the adversary. After the first three heads fall - the "enemy of the people" will appear - we beat him with a glaive immediately. After that, the heads will come to life - repeat the procedure again. The heads will come to life again, only in the amount of five pieces - we are again acting according to the old scheme. A little torment and diligence - the boss is defeated. Watch the final dramatic video. On this Walkthrough Dark sector completed.

Dark Sector walkthrough... and got the best answer

Answer from BeBop[guru]

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Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Dark Sector Walkthrough...

Answer from Daniel[guru]
Chapter 4 - Moths on Fire Open the gate with a strong throw, collect the scattered cash and go into the passage on the right. There will be a hatch - the entrance to the black market, where you can buy, sell or improve weapons. You can also use the locker. Go ahead and jump down. If you get killed, you will have to buy again. There are about 10 people below and on the left there is a stationary machine gun that can be fired from, although it is not very effective. Especially if you bought an AK-47 and upgraded your firepower. At the machine gun, turn right and enter the door, open the next door with a force throw. Kill the zombies, now you need to electrify the glaive in the room on the left, and throw it into the streams of silver garbage on the statue. A fire will ignite, and you will be able to break through the barriers on the door with a set fire to the glaive. If you have special effects turned off in the game settings, for example, to increase productivity, then you will not see the fire appear above the statue. Climb up the stairs and go to the elevator, take it up. Jagro will contact you, the transmitter for baiting the infected is on, it needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. Around the corners, the military are sitting in ambush, they will be attacked by a huge beast, do not forget to take everything that is badly lying in the tents. On the right, the hatch is the entrance to the black market. Go into the building and go down, Behind the door is a machine gun that does not shield the military and does not kill those who are far away, its dignity is only in endless ammunition and that it does not reload. Further a couple of blocks with armed resistance. At the end, the boss awaits you, he is simply killed - you need to shoot at the orange thing, when you hit it, it staggers. When it explodes, throw a glaive at him, and clean the door with a burning glaive. Climb the stairs to the left there in the little room, electrify the glaive from the shield, and through the gap in the floor, set fire to the gas leak, and with the fire glaive, clear the way further, climb the stairs there is another congestion. Upstairs, the infected will attack you and throw you out of the building. There are several barricades and the infected are fighting with the soldiers. Wet everyone and make your way to the gate. It is very convenient to mow everyone with a glaive in control mode. Behind the gate, open the valve on the right, then I think you know what to do. To light the next bowls, go along the narrow passage with escaping zombies. On the right there will be a ladder up, there will be another valve, open it and light the bowl. And so on until you get out to the square, clean the gate there. Behind the gates will be the boss Colossus. Burn him with fire, when he falls, run up and finish him off. He will fall from the columns, keep hitting him and he will die. This chapter?

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, X360 Genre: action Release date: March 25, 2008 Developer: Digital Extremes Publisher: D3 Publisher of America Publisher in Russia: New Disc / Hunt Lasria, USSR, 1987

Chapter 1


Creepy start, by God. A hero who does not believe in his success, grayish tones and voice-overs constantly broadcasting about infection. Yes, and some kind of pathological association with Sam Fisher. Nevertheless, the mental difficulties of gaming under themselves do not imply in any way. Moreover, there is no smell of stealth here. The first enemy encountered on the way will convince us of this.

We move forward, jumping over obstacles and shooting through the keyhole with a pistol. We go down the filed, where our first competitor finishes off the infected. Well, well, here is the starting fight. The enemy fire is not very accurate, so we can calmly deal with him. We select a rifle and go further.

Behind the nearest turn - the first serious skirmish. Four opponents will fight with us at once. It is better to hide and look out with control shots from around the corner. 2 clips taken from the previous killed should be enough. We confiscate the cartridges from the corpses and continue moving.

Again, the usual skirmishes according to the usual method: we take cover around the corner, aim, shoot. Soon we get into a prison cell, and the gameplay will turn into a cutscene.

“The deed is done,” as the protagonist said. Why do we need to move on - at the exit we are again waiting for the guards. Difficulties, again, will not arise, although it opposes us with a dozen. Climb up, and immediately run across to run to run - the window is fired from a helicopter.

When going outside, the helicopter will fire a rocket at us, so we go down to the stairs as quickly as possible - the projectile will fly there. The shelling of the aircraft will end, but from below, oh, how inopportunely, soldiers will appear who will begin to fire from various sides. Without a second's hesitation, we deal with them and look for a place to hide, because soon the helicopter will again take up its usual business (yeah, catch spies). Having climbed onto the base of the fortress, you can find a bazooka - it will force the helicopter to fall silent forever. We don’t worry about the supply of shells - there is a box with shots nearby, so at some point our “bird” will “click” with its blades.

Learn the materiel, friends!

Chapter 2


At first we see badly, we walk crookedly, and it would be necessary to get rid of these inconveniences. We go straight to the open barn and after watching a short video we can already feel confident. At the same time, they saw the glaive in action. We're moving straight ahead.

Here is the 1st fight for the level. Hiding behind shelters, we try not to stick out too much and throw a glaive at dozing enemies. We will penetrate the building and, before climbing the stairs, we will look into the room on the right - we will pick up the cartridges. Once at the top, we will also search for cartridges, they will be needed very soon.

During the subsequent firefight, we will learn to attract objects to ourselves. It just becomes clear how to open the blue door that blocked the upcoming movement. To do this, we will attract the explosives located on the scaffolding of the adjoining building.

The ensuing gunfight is cut short in the middle as an oversized boss, nicknamed The Giant, appears on the scene, reminiscent of his own security officer from Collapse. Destroy this giant this moment does not seem likely, so the best solution is to help the monster deal with human opponents. We run up to the adversaries from the back, pick up their guns, shoot with our own pistol or rush with a glaive ... Obviously, the boss will not leave us without attention either - you need to constantly dodge his powerful runs and pebbles that he throws. A bit pissed off, the creature to go home. It is better that all the enemies are dead by this moment, otherwise we will simply be surrounded from all sides.

Our first meeting with the Giant. For a couple of levels you even have time to get used to it.

On the reverse side a bridge will take us across the water, which opens by hitting a glaive on a reddish light bulb flashing on the other side of the coast. We dive into the hatch inside the building, and the mission will end.

Chapter 3

Receipt of baggage

Having picked up cartridges and funds, we run away from the sewers. A shootout awaits us on the street, now the fighters will start using grenades for the first time. Only we don’t rely on one glaive, it’s better to grab a captured weapon from dying opponents. We open the metal door with a power throw. The first time it is quite difficult to perform his technique, you need to guess with accuracy the time when the sight turns yellow. After a couple of tries it will definitely work. In the tent there will be a chance to practice in the power throw again - you need to open the chest. Let's not forget to "grab" the skill "Accuracy" from the table.

The subsequent firefight will bring elements of strategy, because there are many enemies and in fact they are all hiding behind strong covers. Our task is to catch one of these guys in an open place so that he drops his gun. We select it with the help of a glaive and try to shoot as many opponents as possible. Repeat a couple of times. We are afraid of grenades - you don’t actually notice them, but after each throw, the grenade launcher shouts out the duty officers “Now it will explode!”. Grenades, by the way, can be shot in the air. The machine gunner will be the last to fall, it is better to hide from him by dashes and, having got closer, shoot at close range. There is nothing more to do on the surface - after knocking out the lock to the left of the machine gun, we penetrate the hatch.

After the cutscene, we'll be underground again. To open the blocked door in the sewers, let's go back to the corpse. There is an electronic shield, let's throw a glaive at it. The first meeting with zombies is coming soon - there are only a few of them, so there will be no problems. We recharge the glaive on the near electronic shield - and go! Soon we will get to the drain, there again, zombies are waiting, who will be born in an unknown way directly from the water. It is required to endure until the door on the other side opens. We act as follows: we run in a circle, throw a glaive, in the rarest cases we shoot back. You can electrify the glaive from a light bulb and just throw it into the input - H2O serves as a good conductor.

Monument to the builders of communism. Oh, those "Westerners"! They will not calm down with our reddish past.

On the surface - another massacre. It is better to take a massive shelter at the very beginning of the perimeter and not jump down - from here you can shoot completely in all directions. The main thing is not to miss a fighter with a shield, who can probably watch for you behind another cover. Let's try to get rid of it first. Despite his stern appearance, his shield is by no means as strong as it seems. Best Strategy- hit him with a glaive, and when he opens his armor for a couple of seconds, shoot him with a firearm.

To open the grate, throw a glaive at it, switching to the mode direct control(hold down the "C" button, and control with the mouse), and hit the reddish light. And let's not forget to look into the basements before leaving, from where the enemies ran out - usefulness is hidden there. three-pointed star
Of course, the main "trick" of the Dark Sector is the glaive. Immediately after the release of the game, the public rushed to incriminate the developers, saying that Hayden's weapon was not a glaive at all, but a shuriken or even a chakram. The glaive, according to critics, is a spear with a pointed tip, used mainly by the Swiss army in the Middle Ages. In fact, these accusations were based on ignorance, and not on the merits. The English word "glaive", as well as the Russian "glaive" has two meanings. In fantasy and science fiction, it just assumes a throwing weapon with several tips. The theme of such a glaive is especially disclosed in the cult fantasy film of the 80s "Krull". Now let's take a closer look at the possibilities that the glaive of the main character Dark Sector has endowed.


They will give it immediately after the mutation of the protagonist. With the help of a throw, you can not only cut down opponents of all kinds, but also pick up weapons, ammunition, and funds. It should be said that during the game we will use the visible more than one hundred times.

Power Throw

It is necessary to use, in the main, to open doors. Against opponents, it is not effective enough, because it requires a certain amount of time to complete, which we never have. Moreover, during use, the ward is very vulnerable.


You can charge from all electronic sources. Opens heavy doors. It has the property of a chain reaction. Hits opponents a lot. There is only one drawback - it is electrified for a short period of time.

change direction

We control the glaive in flight in manual mode with the mouse. You will need it, since human enemies are very fond of dodging the "automatic" mode of the glaive. Well, you can’t do it at all when you need to point the glaive to a clear place, from where, in an unpleasant case, you can’t get there. For example, when you need to charge it from an electronic source.

fire glaive

It acts exactly like electricity, only destroys the cocoons blocking the path. For some reason, you can’t set fire to barrels from barrels. In combat, it has the same destructive power as the current.

Force field

The force field is "showed" for the first time in Nadia's black and white level. In the middle of the game, we will acquire this skill as well. It creates a non-piercing shield around the hero that deflects bullets and rockets. The "Matrix" is no different ... You shouldn't even stutter about its usefulness - during the shootings it is simply priceless. With the ability, we are not afraid of any battles.

Glaive charge

By charging the glaive from any source of energy (fire, ice, current), you can make a small "boom"! The effectiveness is not very great, because the execution of the technique requires a lot of effort, and the effect is not the same as we would like.

Glaive Freeze

Similar to fire and electricity, only freezes opponents. Oh yes, it also allows you to pass through the fire and some kind of barriers.


Golden find. With it, it’s really possible to arrange a real stealth - hit opponents in the back, constantly seep into the rear unnoticed by huge clusters of opponents. Use as often as possible.123

Dark Sector is the son of difficult mistakes. This long-term construction, which originated at the beginning of the new millennium, once started as a space stealth-action, gradually transformed into something between Gears of War and resident evil 4, replacing the scenery of deep space with Soviet-style secret bases. Released in 2008 on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, canceled on a personal computer, then to return to the PC, but only in Russia and the CIS.

Dark sector

The plot of Dark Sector develops in the best traditions of three-penny action movies of the early 90s. Hayden Tenno, the best agent with a load of personal problems, an unstable psyche, and problems with superiors, is sent on a top-secret and super-dangerous mission. The region where the main character arrives has been infected, so its inhabitants are different monsters and task forces that are cleaning up the territory. By the way, the fictional country is located in Eastern Europe, so get ready for the Soviet entourage.

Behind the horror is former intelligence officer Mezner, who intends to get a mysterious virus that turns people into monsters with superpowers. Hayden's task is a mere trifle, alone to stop the spread of the infection, destroy the culprit and, if possible, stay alive. The operation is led by a stern boss who prefers to shoot rather than undershoot.

The plot is insane to the very end. The hero is turned into a monster at the very beginning of the game. Then characters from the past appear on the scene and become enemies. The authorities regularly plant a pig, and at the end a terrible conspiracy is revealed...

What happens in the game is reminiscent of an unsuccessful parody of Resident Evil 4, only Resident Evil is supported by previous series and talented screenwriters. In Dark Sector, the development of the story resembles individual shots into space. The characters met, talked and parted ways. The action is clear and simple, but the plot is actually separate from the game, the feeling of involvement is not created.

The localizers did not let us down either, having translated according to the anti-crisis economical program: periodic discrepancies between subtitles and voice acting, untranslated replicas and speech delays. After that, the actors, dejectedly reading the text and not trying to convey the emotions of the characters, are not even surprising. Indeed, why and for what?

But the optimization is at a quite decent level: the game does not crash and pleases with good performance. Too bad the same can't be said about management. Playing with the keyboard is a real torment. The situation can be corrected only if you have a programmable mouse with additional keys.

Resident of War

The gameplay in Dark Sector is a kind of mixture of Gears of War and Resident Evil 4. From the first game, the cover system and graphic style have gone over. Main character although he has superpowers, he is often embarrassed and dies under machine gun fire. Therefore, you have to hide behind covers, occasionally leaning out to shoot enemies with accurate shots or ...

By approaching the enemy from the back, you can finish him off with one blow.

Cut off glaives with throws. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, according to the developers, this weapon can be thrown like a boomerang. The idea and implementation were borrowed not from history, but from the movie "Krull". The local "glaive" does not have a shaft assigned to it, it looks like a star with curved knife-rays. A sharp throw - and the blade goes into flight, cutting off the enemy's important parts of the body, then to return to the owner. The surviving opponents fall into a stupor, providing an opportunity to finish them off with one blow. Of course, this is not such a brutal sight as gutting with a chainsaw in Gears of Wars, but it looks convincing and spectacular.

The glaive can be charged with electricity, fire or cold if desired, and a charged weapon almost always kills the first time. These nuances seriously change game process. You have to think - whether to finish off the enemy with a machine gun, or get to a burning car? Ammo is not very common, and if you spend it uncontrollably, you can end up with an empty horn when you really need an automatic weapon.

The graphics, especially the city levels, once again makes you remember the "gears of war". Gloomy and abandoned buildings with an imprint of majesty - similarity not only in design, but also in color. The visual style, despite the obvious borrowing, is impressive, and the catching up fear makes you feel out of your element. Particularly successful was the first level, made exclusively in black and white. But as soon as the action is transported to the dungeon, dull corridors appear to our eyes, blurry textures and incomprehensible piles of rubbish.

From Resident Evil 4, in addition to a similar plot about biological weapons, the game inherited a system of improvements and boss battles. After infecting the main character, the picked up weapon, thanks to the infection sensors, begins to break after 7-10 seconds of use. In order not to look for a serviceable machine gun during skirmishes, you have to buy and improve “clean” barrels for a decent amount of money. This adds versatility to the game. You have to think about which weapon to choose, and from this to build battle tactics, because you even need to take into account what cartridges it requires.

Boss fights are made in the best traditions of Japanese action movies and arcades. For each monster you need to develop your own battle tactics. The colossus cannot be pierced by any weapon until you set it on fire. And the invisibility of the Stalker can be seen only if you look closely at the circles from the paws on the water. Such fights periodically occur with ordinary opponents. Soldiers with shields and armored suits cannot be simply shot from a machine gun, they need a subtle approach. Of course, up to the level of Resident Evil 4 or Lost Planet what is happening does not hold out, but it turned out pretty well.

Good puzzles too. At first they are quite simple - charge the blade with electricity to open the door, but then it gets more interesting - the blade has to be manually controlled to go around obstacles and hit the desired object. And if this happens for a time when the character's life is at stake ... There is only one complaint about riddles - they are interesting and exciting, but there are too few of them and they do not bother the player much. I would like it to be bigger and more complex.

Dark Sector is a kind of cross between Resident Evil 4 and Gears of War from enthusiasts who stubbornly refined the adopted ideas. It turned out to be interesting and exciting, although not without drawbacks. In any case, if the plot is not the most important thing for you, namely, it is the worst thing in Dark Sector, the game is worth a try.


The glaive, when used correctly, turns into a formidable weapon. What is the principle of action? You aim and press the throw button. Hayden throws a glaive. It flies forward until it encounters an obstacle or reaches its maximum flight range. If the obstacle is an enemy, the glaive will pass through it and continue to fly forward.

If the enemy has full health, then the glaive will not finish him off, but only wound him. This is sometimes tiring, because the weapon does not return instantly, but after a while. During these painful seconds, the enemy can hobble to Hayden and begin to commit all sorts of indecency. To prevent this from happening, the developers left a pistol in the left hand, which allows you to shoot back from enemies while the glaive is in free flight.

It turns out a good combination - first you wound the enemy, and then quickly finish off with a pistol. Thus, you can deal with a crowd of enemies with minimal ammunition and time. And if you charge a weapon with fire, electricity or cold, then the enemy will not even need to be finished off. After a while, it will clear up on its own.

The capabilities of the glaive are not limited to dismemberment alone. Over time, you will receive new ones.

Gathering Items (Chapter 2). Aim at the desired object, and when the icon changes shape and color, throw the glaive. In this way, you can simply save time by collecting items, or pick up objects that cannot be reached on your own. Either way, it's a handy feature.

Powerful Throw (Chapter 3). Press and hold the throw key until the edges of the crosshair begin to move. When they converge and the sight turns yellow, release the key. Hayden will perform a powerful throw that kills most enemies in one hit. In this way, you can still break strong locks.

Quite a useful ability, but mostly against zombies. They run fast and try to impose hand-to-hand combat, but nevertheless they can be safely aimed at. With soldiers, this trick will not work. While you are waiting for the right moment, you can die from a lead overdose in the body. Of course, you can activate the shield, but no one guarantees that the enemy will not hide in cover when the blade flies.

Manual control (Chapter 3). If you press and hold the throw button after throwing the blade, you will be switched to manual control of the glaive. You can gracefully lead it into cover to surprise a soldier, or hit multiple enemies at once. But this is only in theory. In practice, managing the blade is quite difficult and uninteresting.

Much easier to make multiple accurate shots to the head, rather than actively moving the mouse (this is not a joystick from the console, where it is more difficult to aim). Manual control is usually used to solve puzzles. For example, if you need to charge the blade with electricity to open the door, and the electrical panel is behind a fence and you must first pass the blade through a narrow gap in order to accurately hit the target.

Special abilities

As you progress through the game, the main character will unlock new abilities that make life much easier. Their use consumes energy. Her level can be found by looking at Hayden's right hand. Energy is restored over time, but this does not happen as quickly as we would like.

Force Shield (Chapter 4). A force shield is created in front of the character, which protects against shots (including missiles) and sends them back to the sender. Sometimes the offender dies from a rebound. In this case, you can return fire. All in all, a very useful skill. It can be used not only during an attack, but also for defense. Let's say you got in a shelter and the character is on the verge of death. Quickly turn on the power shield, back up and shoot back at the enemy.

Energy release (Chapter 5). When the glaive is charged with fire, electricity or cold, throw it at the enemy, and then press the E key. The glaive will release its energy, which will cause an explosion. Quite effective, especially when there is a whole crowd against you. But it is desirable that there is a constant source for charging weapons nearby.

Invisibility (Chapter 7). Hayden can become invisible for a while, which allows him to sneak up on the enemy and finish him off with one blow. Invisibility lasts exactly until the first hit. A practically useless ability - after all, Dark Sector is not a stealth-action, and opponents never walk alone. Having cut down one enemy, you can find yourself in the company of villains who will not let you calmly move to a safe distance.


Tekna 9mm

Price- 9000 rubles. Clip capacity- 12 rounds. Type of ammunition- for a pistol. When it becomes available- 1 chapter.

The first available pistol in the game. The weapon is so-so, but considering that it is given for free, it will do for the first time.

Tekna Burst

Price- 10500 rubles. Clip capacity- 26 rounds. Type of ammunition- for a pistol. When it becomes available- Chapter 4.

Unlike the base model, it has a larger clip and fires three rounds. Loses in accuracy, but wins in lethal force due to the rate of fire. In general, the weapon is almost for close combat.

Vekesk Micro

Price- 21000 rubles. Clip capacity- 30 rounds. Type of ammunition- for assault rifles. When it becomes available- Chapter 4.

Not too accurate, but a fast-firing submachine gun with a capacious magazine. It appears on sale simultaneously with Tekna Burst, so if you have enough money, it is better to stop at Vekesk Micro.


Price- 28000 rubles. Clip capacity- 2 cartridges. Type of ammunition- for shotguns. When it becomes available- 6 chapter.

The shotgun, of course, is a good thing, even despite the small firing range. But two rounds in a clip is no good. With the same Tekna Burst, you will shoot more enemies with less problems.

Hammer 1895

Price- 31000 rubles. Clip capacity- 6 rounds. Type of ammunition- for magnum. When it becomes available- 6 chapter.

A powerful revolver that has good accuracy and pierces through enemies. It's just great, but it's very difficult for him to find ammo. Considering how much it costs, it looks like a slight mockery.

Main weapon


Price- 20,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 30 rounds. Type of ammunition- for assault rifles. When it becomes available- Chapter 4.

The main weapon in the game, which is armed with the vast majority of enemies. An excellent assault rifle with which you can safely run until the end of the game without experiencing any particular inconvenience.


Price- 26000 rubles. Clip capacity- 6 rounds. Type of ammunition- for shotguns. When it becomes available- Chapter 4.

Powerful, but not a long-range shotgun. Can be used against zombies armed with melee weapons. In skirmishes with soldiers is not very useful.


Price- 39000 rubles. Clip capacity- 12 rounds. Type of ammunition- for shotguns. When it becomes available- Chapter 5.

A more powerful, but equally short-range shotgun. Therefore, again - exclusively against zombies.

VX Carbine

Price- 30,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 6 rounds. Type of ammunition- for magnum. When it becomes available- Chapter 5.

A sniper rifle with a telescopic sight that kills the enemy with one hit. But due to the low rate of fire and the fact that most of the fights in the game take place at medium range, this weapon is really useful only at one level.

Korbov TK6

Price- 40,000 rubles. Clip capacity- 30 rounds. Type of ammunition- for an assault rifle. When it becomes available- Chapter 7.

The best assault rifle in the game, head and shoulders above the AKS-74. But it costs so much that if you decide to buy, you need to save up from the very beginning of the game, denying yourself almost everything.

Other items in the game

Ammo boxes. You cannot remove ammo from captured weapons, even if you have exactly the same model. Therefore, you have to look for boxes of ammunition. But Hayden's pockets are not bottomless, and fit into them: for pistols - 350 rounds, for assault rifles - 800 rounds, for shotguns - 200 rounds, for magnums - 25 rounds.

Money. Cash in the game just lies in piles of 1000 rubles or unpacked into suitcases - 3000 rubles. The money is spent on buying weapons.

Improvement. A metal suitcase containing an upgrade. They are usually hidden, so search the levels carefully.

grenades. A grenade explosion covers a decent area, and the enemy often does not even have time to run back to a safe distance. Grenades are convenient to cover clusters of enemies, as well as to destroy soldiers with shields that cannot be penetrated by firearms. You can carry up to four grenades. Extra can be sold for 450 rubles.

RPG-7. The grenade launcher is usually used to fight walking robots and helicopters (you can’t get them out of other weapons anyway). But if there are extra missiles left, the RPG-7 will fit against ordinary soldiers. One shot and no one moves. You cannot use other weapons while holding a grenade launcher.

Light machine gun / grenade launcher. After receiving the suit, you will be able to pick up and use the light machine gun that soldiers in armored suits are armed with. In addition to the machine gun with endless ammo, which sows panic and fear, you can use the built-in rocket launcher. With its help, it is convenient to destroy enemies even on the outskirts or in shelters.

Shop in game

The store in the game looks like an ajar and slightly gleaming sewer hatch. The seller offers the following services - sale of weapons, purchase of weapons and unnecessary items, free improvement and storage of items. The fact is that Hayden cannot carry more than one primary and secondary weapon at the same time. The remaining trunks have to be stored in a locker. Given that the merchant is quite rare, it is better to take a responsible approach to the choice of weapons.


With the help of black suitcases, which are scattered on the level, you can improve the purchased weapons for free. But there is no way back, so think carefully about each upgrade. Unnecessary suitcases can be sold for 2500 rubles.

  • Accuracy- The weapon's accuracy is increased.
  • Increased Clip- clip capacity is increased by approximately 25%.
  • double shot Two bullets are fired instead of one. Accordingly, the consumption of cartridges increases.
  • Cartridges with enferon- bullets poison monsters and the infected, causing them to die after a while without your help. A nice improvement, especially when the opponent isn't pushing too hard.
  • destructive force- Increases damage dealt.
  • rate of fire- The rate of fire of the weapon is increased.
  • penetration- a shot pierces the enemy through and cripples the enemy standing behind.
  • Recharge- Increased reload speed.
  • stopping power- the shot knocks the enemy down, but does not damage him.
  • Additional cell- you can make an additional improvement. This upgrade can only be used once per weapon.


First chapter

The first chapter, according to tradition, is a kind of training in which you will be told how to run, jump and shoot. You will start the level with a pistol, but no one forbids picking up trophy weapons. As long as Hayden has not become infected, you can use it without fear that it will fail at the wrong moment. After a series of skirmishes and a meeting with a captured agent, you will get to the roof, where you will be attacked by a helicopter.

The helicopter will shoot a little and fly off to a safe distance. While he does not disturb you, finish off the soldiers and grab the grenade launcher that lies by the container. Now you need to knock out the turntable. Given that the pilot has no brains, the firepower of a heavy machine gun is wasted. It is enough to hide behind the container, sticking out only for a shot. If you run out of charges, there is a box with endless rockets nearby.

Hitting the helicopter three times will destroy the car and end the level. A biological wonder-yudo will come running to the roof, which, famously wrapping the rocket with a force field, will throw Hayden down. When the hero wakes up, the main villain Mezner will jump in and infect Hayden with a virus. After that, the game will take on color and the second level will begin.

Second chapter

After waking up after being infected, go to the hut to contact the authorities. During the communication session, the guards will enter the house, and Hayden will grow a glaive, with which he will gut the enemies. After the video, exit the house and finish off the enemies with the blade. Of course, you have a gun, but it lacks ammo. From now on, you cannot constantly use captured weapons, they will burn out after a while.

But this is not so bad, but the fact that Hayden does not have the mind to remove the clip is a real disaster. Therefore, carefully search the level for crates of ammo. After a short fight, the character will have a new ability - to collect items with the help of a glaive. Pick up explosives - they will show you where it lies - and install it on the door. There will be an explosion and you will be able to go further.

Once in the building, you will fall through to the first floor. There is little room for maneuver here, so try to keep your distance from enemies. Going into a room with windows to the street, you will be ambushed. Collect ammo and shoot back, hiding behind the partition. Then a huge monster will come running, which will break through the wall of the house. The soldiers will immediately forget about Hayden and start shooting at the mutant.

Everyone forgot about you, so run out into the street and, taking advantage of the situation, slowly start to cut out the soldiers. When you are alone, the mutant will start attacking Hayden. You can't break through his armor yet, so limit yourself to somersaults and a quick run. Finally, the Colossus will get tired, and he will rush away.

Throw the glaive at the control box on the other side to lower the bridge. Collect the pluses, break the lock and move to the third chapter.

Third chapter

The level will begin with a massacre of soldiers among tents and gloomy landscapes. After that, Hayden will receive the ability of a powerful throw, which periodically helps in battles, but right now it is needed to break a strong lock on the gate. Next you will find another crowd of stupid enemies, having coped with which you can safely go down into the sewers.

In the sewers, you will meet zombies for the first time. They attack exclusively with sticks, but quickly hobble, which does not allow them to stand in one place with impunity and cut with a glaive. Constantly jump from side to side, throw a blade and shoot back with a pistol. You can use electricity to kill monsters with one hit.

After clearing the room, charge the glaive again with electricity and throw it into the lock to unlock the door. In the sewers, you will encounter crowds of zombies, so in order not to waste time, charge the blade with electricity and throw it into the water to hit several opponents at once. Hayden himself is in a suit and is sufficiently protected from side effects. If there is no constant source of energy, you can use lamps - they are enough for exactly one charge.

After reaching the elevator, go up to the upper tier. You will immediately be attacked by a detachment of soldiers, and the developers will give you a new ability - blade control in flight. If the enemy is not pushing too hard, you can use this trick to kill enemies right in cover. Just be careful not to get carried away, because soon there will be soldiers with shields. To hit them, throw grenades or shoot them in the legs.

Then you need to control the blade in flight, move the glaive over the fence and hit the control panel. Given the gifted management, this may take some time. Having coped with the task, you will find yourself in the shelter of an agent who, having issued a new portion of instructions, will push Hayden out the door. Walk down the corridor to end the level.

Fourth chapter

In this level, for the first time, a merchant will appear, which is desirable to visit in order to buy an AKS-74 or at least an improved pistol. In the courtyard you will run into a detachment of soldiers. Hide behind stone benches - wooden shelters tend to break quickly. Then go into the building and step into the courtyard of the school.

Zombies are running around in the yard. Having dealt with the monsters, turn the valve to release gas on the fountain. Then charge the blade with electricity and ignite the gas. Now charge the glaive with fire and burn the black film that is blocking the door. Enter the building and go up to the second floor. Break the locks and burn another black film to get to the elevator. The source of the fire outside the window is a set fire to the fountain.

On the third floor, everything is the same - a black film that needs to be burned. After getting out of the school, you will come under massive fire. Hide behind cover and wait. Soon the Colossus will come running and kill all the soldiers. Now we can move on. After a while, you will reach the Jackal robot. This four-legged machine fires a machine gun and periodically launches rockets.

Immediately grab the grenade launcher lying at the entrance to the courtyard and collect the rockets. If you don't have enough of them, look for additional ones - they are scattered on boxes and benches in the yard. You need to act like this: hide in a shelter, and when the robot stops shooting, lean out and make a volley. It will take about five hits to destroy the machine. Then charge the glaive with fire from the burning Jackal and burn the film on the door.

Enter the building and go up to the second floor. You need to charge the glaive with electricity and set fire to the gas on the ground floor (look for the destroyed kitchen). Now charge the blade with fire and burn the black film to go further. When you get to the attic, a monster will attack Hayden and throw our hero out the window. Hayden will lose consciousness and wake up in the middle of the night.

Walking forward a little, you will see how the soldiers are fighting the zombies. If you were not too lazy to carry a grenade launcher behind you all this time, you can charge a rocket into the crowd. Also RPG-7 will help to get rid of soldiers with shields. After crossing the bridge, quickly blow up the barrels in the tunnel to stop the endless flow of zombies. Then go down the tunnel and go through the door on the left. As a result, you will go to the cemetery.

First you need to turn the faucet to light the torches and destroy the black film. Go straight, and when you reach the mausoleum, run to the left. You will enter the mentioned crypt. Turn the valve to light the torch. Charge the blade with fire and run to the next torch stand. You must light it before the glaive goes out. Thus, you must light the torch at the crypt. Now go to the right of the mausoleum, setting fire to the meeting torches. Finally, burn the black film to exit the cemetery. You will find yourself at the church where the soldiers are fighting the Colossus. Do not pay attention to them, but immediately destroy the black film and go into the church. There, the Colossus will be waiting for you, which is already ready for the decisive battle.

The battle takes place in two stages. First, the Colossus will jump onto the pillar and throw debris. You must charge the blade with fire and throw it at the monster. It will fall to the ground and blush slightly. At this point, you should run up and strike. Then the Colossus will jump back onto the pillar. If you act quickly, he will not even have time to attack - only fall down.

After receiving three hits, the Colossus will change tactics. Now he will run, trying to trample the main character, and throw debris. When the monster stops and releases green gas, you need to throw a blade charged with fire at it. The colossus will catch fire and become vulnerable. At this point, you need to switch to the machine gun and shoot at the enemy until it goes out. If you run out of ammo, look for ammo boxes in the corners of the room.

Having received a shock dose of lead, Colossus will die, and Hayden will receive the ability - a power shield. Run into the room with the automatic cannon and force shield to reflect the rocket so that it destroys the passage behind the cannon. Then go down and go into the room. After the cutscene, the countdown to the explosion will begin. Finish off the zombies blocking the way. Run out into the corridor and jump into the tunnel on the left.

Fifth chapter

The level will begin with a battle with the Jackal. Only this time it should not be destroyed, but captured. First blow up the fuel truck. Charge the blade from it and burn the black film. Behind it is a generator. Charge the glaive with electricity and throw it at the robot. It will shorten it a bit. Run up close and throw the pilot out of the cockpit.

Now you have a robot and you can move forward. The armament is as follows - a machine gun, a cannon and an anti-missile system. The latter is needed to shoot down missiles. You can find out about their launch by a shrill squeak and icons on the screen. Go forward, taking out the infantry, until you reach the warehouse. Drop your equipment and go on foot. Going outside, Hayden will gain the ability to dispel the energy infected in the glaive.

You can indulge in a new ability, since there is a burning car nearby. Move forward until you are on the ship. Finish the sentry and pick up sniper rifle. It burns out much more slowly than a machine gun, and you can have time to finish off all the soldiers on the deck.

When you go down to the deck, you will be attacked by a helicopter. Grab a grenade launcher and start shooting back. Given that you have a force field, it will be much easier to deal with the enemy. When the helicopter crashes onto the deck, jump down the hole. After wandering around the decks a bit, you will release the Stalker from the cage, and the ship will begin to sink rapidly. You have ten minutes to leave the ship.

You will run away, everything will explode. It is not clear where the monsters will jump out and bite for different places. In addition, three times you will first have to manually control the glaive into the power source (it is located behind the fence), and then run to the door and throw the charged blade into the lock.

sixth chapter

The sixth level will be marked by the appearance of new opponents - mutants. They prefer not to get into hand-to-hand combat, but to shoot incomprehensible clots. Ignore their quirky looks, they act just like normal soldiers, hiding in cover most of the time, only running when the pressure is on.

Having reached the opening, covered with a black film, look for an invitingly gleaming pipe. Break it with the glaive. Water will fill the opening and short out the generator. It will burst into a bright flame and you can charge the blade to burn off the black film. Next you are waiting for zombies and mutants. In the big hall you will be introduced to a new enemy - a soldier in an armored suit. He is armed with a machine gun, but can occasionally fire a flare gun.

The soldier will begin to beat the mutants, and when he is done with them, he will take on Hayden. Before attacking the soldier, you need to destroy the three blue things on his back. The enemy is clumsy enough, so you can brazenly run around. It will only try to turn around. There is an optimal distance when the soldier does not start shooting yet, but no longer tries to hit with a machine gun.

After destroying the three blue things, throw a blade at the soldier. The enemy will short out, and he will turn red. At this moment, you need to come close and deliver the finishing blow. Or just shoot the machine gun until it passes out, but this will require a lot of ammo. Then charge the blade from the ruined suit and throw it at the elevator control panel. From this, it will work, and you can go down to the lower tier.

seventh chapter

You are already familiar with fire and electricity. In this chapter, you will have to get acquainted with the cold. Hitting a blade charged with cold turns the opponent into an icicle. It also destroys black film. Take advantage of this feature to move on. Having reached the area where soldiers and mutants are fighting among themselves, you will meet an enemy in an armored suit. He is killed the same way.

Charge the blade from the suit to open the door. Going forward, you will reach a tunnel engulfed in flames. Charge the blade with cold and put out the fire. Further you will meet the Stalker, who will try to strangle Hayden. Press the indicated key to release the grip. Soon you will come out into a tunnel where soldiers are fighting mutants. Using the carts as a mobile cover, sneak up close and finish off the enemies.

In the huge cave, turn the valve to release the water, then freeze it with a charged blade to create a shelter for yourself. Extinguish the flames at the end of the tunnel. Then you need to be careful not to get hit by a passing train. Finally, after going through many rooms and killing many mutants, you will reach the Stalker.

The monster acts quite uniformly. He turns invisible and runs to the corner of the room, then runs invisible towards Hayden and tries to hit him. You can understand where the enemy is moving from by following the footprints on the water. At this moment, shoot at the Stalker, jump to the side just before the impact and shoot again. Alternatively, you can charge the glaive with cold - the containers drive along the wall - and temporarily freeze the enemy.

After receiving a certain amount of damage, the Stalker will climb a pole. Keep shooting at him until the monster jumps to the floor and fires a blast of energy. Turn on the force field to reflect the projectile. After receiving his gift back, the Stalker will stop and blush slightly. At this moment, run up to the monster and inflict a fatal blow. After defeating an opponent, Hayden will gain the ability to become invisible. Use it to sneak past the security camera and finish the level.

Chapter Eight

It's time to get a suit that will make us cool and indestructible. Where did he suddenly appear from? Well, it's simple - so, at least, the developers believe. We're at a military base, period.

The level will start traditionally - hordes of monsters, long battles in the corridors, once a machine gun and cleaning the large hall. In it, do not rush to go down the stairs, but destroy the enemies from the second tier. Then go to the blockage and, controlling the blade in flight, charge the glaive from the electrical panel. Open the door and then use electricity to destroy the automatic machine gun. Just do not forget to cover yourself with a force field first so that the recoil does not torture you. Get into the elevator and go down to the laboratory.

To go further, you need to run through the security camera under invisibility. Otherwise, the door will be blocked. In the room, do not get caught in the rays, otherwise the doors will be blocked and poisonous gas will be released into the room. In the next room, automatic guns lie in wait for you. Wait until they shoot the mutants enough - just finish off the survivors - and run past under invisibility.

In the next room you need to go through the laser beams. There are significantly more of them, but they move slowly, besides, there is where to stand and wait until they move away in order to run past. Then, under invisibility, pass by the security camera. Finally, you will reach the military suit.

He, contrary to expectations, does not add much to survivability. But there is a benefit, and it looks great. Now you need to break out into the street. This will be hindered by soldiers and monsters, who both fight among themselves and try to hit Hayden in the neck. The carnage will be long and difficult in places. Two automatic machine guns must be destroyed with electricity. Entering the elevator will complete the eighth chapter.

Ninth chapter

There are no new weapons for sale, therefore, having made an improvement, you can safely go into battle. The shootout will take place in the usual way. Most importantly, do not forget to destroy the shooters on the upper tiers. When you move forward, you will be attacked by soldiers with shields. Blow them up with grenades or turn on invisibility and attack from behind. Then collect ammunition and go into the building.

In the room you will be attacked by a soldier in an armored suit. Quickly destroy it - the tactics remain the same - and charge the blade with electricity. Throw the glaive at the switch to open the door and return to the soldier. Now that you're wearing the suit, Hayden can pick up a light machine gun. This weapon has endless ammo and ten missiles. Also, you cannot run and jump, which adds some difficulties.

However, you will be saved by a force field and a well-timed retreat. Go outside and start crushing enemies. You can spare no ammo, because there is a second machine gun nearby. What to save when ammunition does not stack? You will then run into zombies. Given the weapons you have in your hands, you will cut through enemy lines like a hot knife through butter. When you reach the bridge, you will collapse to the lower level.

They are already waiting for you here, but, in addition to the usual shooters, you will have to deal with two soldiers in armored suits. Immediately concentrate machine gun fire on them. If you're lucky, you can finish them off before they set foot on the bridge. Having reached the stairs, overgrown with black film, drop the machine gun, charge the glaive with fire (fire in the far dead end) and burn the obstacle. Climbing up, finish off the next squad of soldiers and go to the battle with the boss.

Nemesis is not a difficult, but terribly nerdy opponent. She has two attacks - a blade strike and a blade throw. The second kills with one hit, so when you hear a characteristic sound, do a somersault to the side. Now you can't break through the monster's armor, limit yourself to maneuvers. When Nemesis gets tired of chasing you, which can take up to five minutes, she will charge the blade with electricity and make a throw.

While the blade is stuck in the wall or floor, you need to charge the glaive from it and throw it at Nemesis. A loaded weapon will break through the defense - the lady will blush slightly and go down on one knee. At this moment, you need to run up and strike. Now the monster will jump onto the ledge, charge the blade again and throw it at Hayden. Power up the glaive again and attack. After that, Nemesis will jump down and start chasing you again.

Here, in fact, is the whole tactic. You need to hit the lady with electricity three times and strike three times. After that, Nemesis will die and it turns out that she is already familiar to us. This is understandable and expected, but why the hell is she a head taller than Hayden in a suit? Trendy military uniform with heeled boots?

But the level doesn't end there. You need to sit on a walking tank and get to the base gate. Most importantly, do not forget to shoot down missiles in time. Ordinary enemies do not pose a serious threat.

Tenth chapter

The last level is a traditional battle with the main villain. True, you will first have to grapple with soldiers and mutants, and it is not necessary to fight with the latter to the end. The main thing is to call the elevator, wait for it and dump it quickly. Then you will be taken to Mezner.

The old man completely went berserk and merged with a huge monster. The battle traditionally takes place in several stages. During the first phase, the tentacles will spit filth and hurl debris. Dodge away from attacks.

First you need to charge the blade with electricity. The installation is located directly above the monster. With a charged blade, you need to hit one of the bubbles on any tentacle. This is easiest to do by manually operating the blade. After that, all the tentacles will open. Throw a charged blade at the center quickly to destroy the sprout. If you do not have time - repeat the attack on the bubbles. When you hit all the shoots, Mezner will appear, who needs to be hit with a charged glaive.

During the second stage, you need to do the same, but there will be two tentacles, in addition, endless zombies will get you. It makes no sense to fight with them, bet on speed. They quickly loaded the blade, hit the bubble and immediately destroyed the shoots. Of course, they will try to devour you, but when you manually control the blade, time moves much more slowly and no one really interferes. After destroying the tentacles, hit Mezner a second time.

In the third stage, the zombies will disappear, but five tentacles will appear. In addition to three in the center - two more on the sides. They attack in the same way, so a somersault will save you from all troubles. Destroy all the shoots and throw the charged blade at Mezner one last time.

The world is once again saved, and the heroes, wiping blood and sweat, rush home. It is unlikely that we will meet them again, so it remains to say: “Goodbye, Hayden. "Goodbye" is probably not appropriate here ... "