Warzone 2100 walkthrough

Warzone 2100

War is a misfortune, but how interesting and exciting it is to fight at least in virtual world. And how good napalm smells in the morning..

Campaign 1.

* Urban 1: Defend and Fortify.
As soon as you land, take control of the Beta ASAP base, repair the damaged structures. At the same time, prepare for defense, enemy attacks are completely inevitable. Reinforcements from the Alpha base land automatically, so you need to destroy enemy air defenses (air defenses), otherwise they will knock down your transport planes. Make several sorties and destroy enemy vehicles and troops before they go on a decisive attack and capture your base. Find three artifacts and you will be able to find out the missile codes. The Nexus will attack three times, beware of the simultaneous attack from the north of Las Sat. When you successively learn the missile codes, they will be launched automatically. Victory is yours.

*Urban 2: Transport Down.
First of all, repair the fortifications at your Beta base, load the troops onto the transport plane and send it in search of the downed transport. Land close to save your soldiers, and try to avoid losses, because, unfortunately, you can't count on reinforcements.

* Urban 3. Hold at all Costs.
Try to eliminate all possible dangers, it is necessary to protect the base from any attacks. Make a sortie and destroy all Collective structures, as well as enemy manpower. Find four artifacts at the same time, which are located in different parts of the territory, so be careful and persistent.

*Urban 4 Intercept Convoy
Load military equipment into the transport and immediately after landing, ensure the safety of the Landing Zone (landing zone). Find the enemy commander, it is absolutely necessary to destroy him before he has time to escape.
Pick up the artifact that he drops, and then return the whole squad to the landing zone, there are more interesting finds there.

* Urban 5. Destroy Enemy Air Base and Recover Vtols.
The most important thing is to strengthen the base and secure it from enemy attacks. Make a sortie, destroy the Collective bases, as well as manpower in the northeastern part of the map. And do not forget about civilians, otherwise the enemy will be able to capture them, and freeing is always more difficult than defending!
Destroying the enemy Landing Zone will be quite simple, and as a reward you will receive as many as six artifacts.

*Urban 6. Destroy Power Plant.
Load into the transport, take off into the sky and land in the Landing Zone. Provide reliable defense, destroy the nuclear reactor and all fortifications around before the Collective comes to their senses and can interfere with the combat mission. Take three artifacts, return to the landing zone and find other useful things.

*Urban 7. Capture NASDA Central.
Now you are the master of the landing and landing, and also know how to secure the landing zone. Forward for the cause, there is nothing to sit by, land troops and with powerful fire do not leave "stone unturned" from enemy fortifications. But don't get too carried away, otherwise you will destroy the NASDA Control Central in a fever, and this is completely useless. Send your soldiers to the control center and capture it - it will come in handy. Find four artifacts, go to the Landing Zone, look for useful items and you can rest.

* Urban 8. Satellite Uplink Site.
Load vehicles and secure the Landing Zone. Do not be surprised, this is the law of war, and it cannot be neglected. Destroy the Satellite Uplink and the surrounding defenses, grab the four artifacts, and return to your Landing Zone as usual.

*Urban 9. Enemy Ground Launch.
Load into the transport again, land in the Zone and organize a solid defense. Destroy the SAM installations, find the only artifact, return with your soldiers to the Landing Zone.

*Urban 10. Establish Safe Haven.
Load the aircraft again, fly to the landing zone, land, organize defense, destroy enemy manpower and equipment, take two artifacts and return back. You can have a cup of tea.

*Urban 11. Air Raid and Evac.
Evacuate as many of your soldiers as possible, defend your base from enemy attacks to continue and complete the evacuation of your troops.

Campaign 2.

* Arizona 1. Scavenger Raiders.
First of all, build a base, headquarters (HQ), a research center (Research Center), an energy generator (Power Generator) and a factory (Factory). Make a sortie and destroy Scavenger bases and enemy soldiers. Efficiently use all your resources and opportunities, become four artifacts richer and smarter.

* Arizona 2. Power Surge Detected.
Defend your base from Scavenger attacks, it's easy, just don't flap your ears. Head south and destroy Scavenger bases and troops there. Take as many artifacts as you can carry (i.e. four), do not miss this opportunity.

* Arizona 3. Locate and Recover Artefacts.
Find the Power Module artifact and use it to upgrade your Power Generator. Load into a transport and go deep into enemy territory in search of a single artifact. When you find it, you can return with a great trophy to the Landing Zone.

* Arizona 4. Investigate Structure.
As usual, after landing, build a landing zone defense to repel enemy attacks, call for reinforcements when you can safely receive them. Find the old Research Center and the Scavenger base, find two artifacts. When everything is done, calmly gather in the Landing Zone and fly home.

* Arizone 5. Encoded Sicoded Signals Detected.
Load a squad of scouts (Scouts) into the transport, after landing, organize the defense of the Landing Zone, send scouts to search for enemy bases. As soon as you find them, call for reinforcements and attack. Take four artifacts and destroy all Paradigm soldiers and their structures. It will come in very handy in the end.

* Arizona 6. Enemy Attack.
Build base defenses to successfully repel enemy attacks. Then attack the territory in the East, destroy all Paradigm and Scavenger structures, as well as their soldiers. Give them the full program. Somewhere among these installations and structures, find four artifacts. Study the territory carefully and don't let the enemies capture the vital energy resources.
Destroy defenses around enemy Landing Zones to prevent the enemy from calling for reinforcements.

* Arizona 7. Establish a Forward Base.
Organize the defense of the area "indicated" by the building, build at least four watchtowers. Try to prevent the landing of enemy transports with the help of air defense and make sorties so that life does not seem like honey to the enemy. But be careful, do not bury yourself, the enemy is strong and cunning.

* Arizona 8. Enemy Transmissions Detected.
Load the scouts into the transport, land in enemy territory and scout the location of the New Paradigm base. Once you find it, head to Landing Zone N2 and build its defenses. Reinforcements will arrive very quickly, so you can destroy the installations and Paradigm troops, find three artifacts, then safely return to the 2nd landing zone.

* Arizona 9. Synaptic Link Location.
As usual, load into the transport, fly to the target and, after disembarking, secure the Landing Zone. Make a sortie, destroy the bases and manpower of New Paradigm, find four artifacts. Everything is very simple? Do not be mistaken! If you fail to prevent the enemy from landing their troops, write wasted!

* Arizona 10. Counter Attack.
The main forces of New Paradium have landed and intend to attack your base. Make a sortie, find the enemy and destroy equipment and manpower.

* Arizona 11. New Objective.
Load up, fly over, drop off and get stronger! Try to prevent the New Paradigm soldiers from finding the artifact that they will try to find in this zone. It will come in handy! Act quickly and decisively, deal with the New Paradigm soldiers, take the artifact and return to the Landing Zone, where, as always, there is something to profit from.

* Arizona 12. Incoming Transmission.
After you land and fortify, gouge all military installations and installations of New Paradigm, find three artifacts - you can use any new technologies that you find on the enemy.

Campaign 3.

* Rockies 1. Establish A Forward Base
Of course, first of all, secure the defense of the Landing Zone, you already know how to do it perfectly, otherwise you would not have gotten so far. Now build a new base, because otherwise there will be nowhere to place reinforcements. Make the best use of available resources and prepare to launch a decisive assault on Naxus manpower, vehicles and military installations. Take a couple of artifact and home.

* Rockies 2. Launch Sit Coordinates.
Load into the teleporter, fly over and after landing, build the defenses of the Landing Zone. Call for reinforcements immediately, without waiting for major trouble. Locate the rocket towers and grind them to powder before the enemy can fire the rockets. Immediately run away to the valley, otherwise you may suffer from the explosion of the warhead.

* Rockies 3. Welcoming Committee.
Things take a dangerous turn as you are cut off from all your connections. Head north to Gamma, but be careful, it's full of nasty Nexus. Don't even try to destroy everyone
Nexus/Gamma and their vehicles, take five (!) artifacts and drape them as fast as you can!

* Rockies 4, Team Alpha Reinforcements.
Load into the transporter, after the flight and landing, secure the landing zone. Head south this time to fight the Alpha team, but don't be surprised, they might not be there! Call for reinforcements immediately, anti-air units will be especially useful. Once you've sorted out your problems, immediately go home to your favorite Landing Zone.

* Rockies 5. NEXUS Takes Control.
Be careful, at this level Nexus will systematically destroy your soldiers and military equipment. To keep their expansion, direct the main research efforts to the Resistance Circuits, build more new structures to compensate for those captured by the enemy. However, the mission must be completed, which means destroying the Nexus soldiers and structures.

* Rockies 6. Beta Team #2 Meet Up With Team Gamma.
You had a great team in mission 2, try using it here as well. Units from Gamma Base will help to safely get to the base, where they will be in relative safety.
Regain control of the base and use the bases in Home and Gamma to effectively deal with Nexus troops and vehicles. As a reward, get four more artifacts to your extensive collection.

* Rockies 7. Fire From the Skies.
Immediately evacuate all of your people from Home base to Gamme base, beware of an attack from the north. Go south, capture the rocket towers deep in the Nexus territory, you will find three artifacts near them, and go home.

* Rockies 8. NEXUS Counter-Attack
The fate of the intelligence messages needs to be clarified here, as Nexus has been launching disinformation that could disrupt the Project.

* Rockies 9. Attack Nexus Final Base.
Build a new base near the missile towers, load the attack team into the transport, organize the defense of the Landing Zone after landing, call for reinforcements. Find the main Nexus base, destroy the command post and structures around. Take artifacts (three pieces), and Victory!

Who knows, maybe this prediction of a famous prophet will come true in 2100 (God forbid that this does not happen earlier). At least, this is apparently what the developers of the new Warzone2100 strategy assume. Judge for yourself. November 3, 2085. The error of one of the defense satellites leads to the launch of missiles at the largest nuclear powers. This inevitably unleashes a nuclear war in which there are no winners, but there is death, devastation, hunger and suffering. However, a small part of the Earth's population managed to survive in this hell, enduring all the horrors of nuclear bombings and their consequences, including nuclear winter. The survivors also did not want to live in peace and harmony, but were mired in hopeless civil strife. Only a small handful of people decide to unite humanity and revive civilization. But, unfortunately, their initiative did not find support from other groups. Moreover, the latter want war and madness. Against the backdrop of such bleak events on April 4, 2100, you will have to stop the chaos by armed means (alas, there is no other way), destroying all evil on Earth.

Such is the prelude. As for the impressions directly from the game itself, this, of course, is purely military strategy. The economic factor is little expressed here, there is no diplomacy at all, but the abundance of technologies, various modifications and projects when creating units and structures is simply impressive. And if we add here a simple interface, very good three-dimensional graphics (available for owners of 3Dfx or video cards that support 3D graphics; for the rest there is a simpler mode - Software), the ability to view the map at various viewing angles (from 10 to 85 degrees), a set special effects, including fog, smoke, fire and lighting, you involuntarily forget about the nightmare from which, in general, it all started, and completely immerse yourself in this fantasy-realistic, frighteningly bewitching world of the war zone.

As promised by the developers, the intelligence of the enemy deserves some respect. So, if your barrage bastion was unsuccessfully attacked, next time wait for a strike from the flank (if the terrain allows) or a secret raid by a sabotage group directly to your rear (and with a simultaneous distracting strike on the “main”, as it seemed to you at first, direction) . The enemy does not disdain such methods of warfare as undermining the economy by striking at oil rigs and other industrial facilities. Moreover, near the oil field, the enemy immediately, as a rule, puts up protective structures. Your units are also smart enough, but only with patency and self-preservation instinct they are tight. So, if you give a group module command to send subordinates from one point to another and there will be obstacles along the way in the form of terrain or artificial structures, then there is a possibility that some of your warriors will get stuck on the road and will helplessly rush about while you re-do not specify the route. Another oddity is the tendency to stand still while moving in circles (and this happens to happen). When conducting combat operations, especially in defense, this is sometimes a plus, but, for example, when repairing Trucks towers that have been attacked, it is very unpleasant - they will stubbornly circle, pushing each other and falling under attackers' fire. And one more circumstance concerning directly the program itself and about which the developers warn. During gameplay possible failures in the form of “braking” of the game. This happens extremely rarely (for all the time it happened to me a couple of times). The way out is simple - save and reload the game in Software mode, and then again in 3D. If it doesn't help, restart Windows. These “features”, of course, are not fatal, but they should be taken into account.

The positive aspects also include the ability to create a special kind of mechanical units - Command Turret, mobile tools for managing other units. The game interface is quite simple. It should also be noted a large number of keyboard shortcuts for commands, some of them can be assigned or changed by yourself. For example, I really liked the commands that define and call, if necessary, groups of units ( ctrl and 1 – assigning the first number to the selected group, after which the key 1 activates this group, pressing again 1 takes you to it). It helps a lot when carrying out a number of tactical operations. It is also nice to have such a property of combat units as the ability to shoot back when retreating. Scheme of the military and economic development standard, with the exception of one original circumstance - at the end of the mission, everything that has been developed, built and created remains with you, and if the units or buildings were “injured”, then after moving on to the next mission they will remain in the same state. Therefore, you will have to think not only tactically, but also strategically - where to build, place, and whether it is worth immediately completing the mission. When you do not know in advance what awaits you in the future, this can lead to very unpleasant surprises. The game is divided into 3 companies, which take place in the desert, city and mountains, respectively. In addition, there is a training mission for obtaining primary skills in base development and unit management. And if we take into account the possibility of standard Multiplayer plus voice communication between participants, then Warzone2100 should be attributed to quite strong strategy war in real-time, claiming to be a hit. In a word, I recommend.


Scavenger Raiders

The purpose of the mission is to create a base and clear the territory from enemy groups.

First of all, you need to build a Command Center (command center), of course, with the help of Trucks (porter workers). Next, build an Oil Derrick (oil rig), having previously pulled military equipment to the field (indicated by a blue beacon), since this is where the first small attack on your base will be. Then build a Power Generator (a power plant that provides four oil rigs), a Research Facility (a research institute - research institute) and a Factory (factory). At the factory, create a "militia" (so far only Machinegun Viper Wheels is available - an automatic combat vehicle) and go on a campaign to the east. By the way, you can choose the place for arrival at a specific point of recruits created at the factory by dragging the square with the number 1 with the mouse to where it is needed. So, the first enemy camp east of your base will be easy to destroy. The next target is northwest. There, capture the first artifacts that should be studied at the research institute without delay. Build an oil rig on a captured field. Do not forget to withdraw your badly wounded combat units that have received a promotion from the front line in time (the wounded can be distinguished from the total mass by the team alt+E), later they can be treated. By the way, in especially difficult cases, I recommend to reduce the speed of the game ( ctrl and ; ). ctrl and + increase speed accordingly. Keep track of energy (depends on the number of oil derricks, fuel barrels captured, the intensity of unit creation and research). If it is close to zero, then you will not be able to create and explore anything. Moving north, defeat another base. Be careful with enemy defensive towers and new combat mechs! After capturing the artifact, as always, study it at the research institute. Further to the west you will find another enemy camp and an artifact that allows you to build a Machinegun Guard Tower (automatic defense tower). By the way, after studying it, you can immediately safely build several (5-7) of these towers in the south of your main base (in the next mission, expect an enemy attack from the southern mountains). In addition, a new type of military equipment will become available - Flamer Viper Wheels (combat vehicle with a flamethrower). And one more refuge of the enemy - in the south of the place last fight. Before the attack, if combat resources allow, send a small detachment to your base - enemy raids are possible in the subsequent mission. After defeating the above shelter, collect the artifact and barrels of fuel (whatever you don’t have time to pick up, you will pick up in the next mission). So, the first mission is won. Congratulations!

Alpha Base Mission: Power Surge Detected

The purpose of the mission is to find and destroy all enemy bases (indicated on the map by red beacons). Introduced game time limit - 1 hour.

If your southern outskirts of the base is protected by towers, then you can not pay special attention to attacks on these defensive lines. In general, it will be possible to fight in the south. However, before you go camping, be sure to study Engineering (engineering), which will provide an opportunity to develop Mobile Repair Turret (repair ability), and this, in turn, will lead to the creation of Mobile Repair Turret Viper Wheels (auto repairers). The latter will heal your wounded troops. In the future, it is useful to include auto repairmen in combat squads. Well, now you can go along the southern road to capture the next artifacts, which, as a rule, are located inside various buildings and become available after the destruction of structures, starting to flash a green beacon. One of them will allow the invention of the Sensor Turret (target guidance locator), and then the target gunner itself (Sensor Turret Viper Wheels). If it is included in the squad (for example, by a group module), then hitting the selected target will be more effective. Once the area is cleared, the mission will end.

Power Module Artifact

The purpose of the mission is to study the Power Module Artifact and upgrade the Power Generator.

This is a breather for you, so take your time. Repair first, complete all possible upgrades and, having prepared a combat squad of 10 units (the next mission will be a transport one), including an auto repairman and a gunner, position it near the launch pad (near the Command Center). After that, you can perform the specified task.

Alpha Base and Transport Missions: Locate and Recover Artifacts

The purpose of the mission is to load the troops into the transporter and, after landing in a given area, capture the artifact. Time - 15 minutes.

You should act more carefully (you will have a maximum of 10 units), but quickly (not much time). In case of serious damage, retreat and repair. After capturing the artifact, return to LZ (Landing Zone - a landing pad for landing).

Transport Mission: Investigate Research Center

The purpose of the mission is to scout and clear the area, capturing artifacts. Time - 30 minutes.

This time, several landings will be available. First, you can organize a campaign with one group to the west (but it is better to wait for reinforcements), and the other to the north. After clearing the territory and getting another portion of artifacts, return to in full force in LZ. True, if there is time left, do not rush to do it. Spend precious minutes on research, development and repair (it is recommended to do this in subsequent missions).

Transport Mission: Encoded Signals Detected

The purpose of the mission is to find the source of the signals and clear the area. Time - 1 hour.

You'll have to sweat. At first, you can land only one landing, but after you find the enemy’s central base (located in the center of the map), others will become available. Therefore, do not delay the first trip. His goal is to discover this base by engaging in a small reconnaissance battle. When it becomes possible to call for reinforcements, retreat immediately, as the enemy is strong enough. After the arrival of the main forces, it is advisable to divide your army into 2 parts. The first group will go to the southwest, then to the south and prepare to strike from this direction. The other, made up of newcomers, will attack the base from the north-west first and, taking the blow on itself, will divert some of the enemy's forces. At this time, the southern group, consisting of experienced "warriors", will suddenly strike from their flank. After the defeat of the central camp, a powerful fortified area awaits you in the northeast of the map. The battle will be bloody. It makes sense to reduce the speed of the game. Get ready for losses. But in case of victory, you will get a lot of scientific and technical discoveries and upgrades.

Alpha Base Mission: The New Paradigm

The goal of the mission is to destroy all enemy bases and capture artifacts. Time - 2 hours.

The resistance of the forces of evil is growing. Almost from the very beginning of the mission, tank attacks await you. After repulsing the most ardent sorties, go hiking in a southerly direction. Create tanks. Depending on the terrain and terrain features, place anti-tank "hedgehogs" (Tank Traps). They still hamper the advancement of heavy equipment. Build walls and towers. When you get to the southwestern part of the map, head south through the narrow passage in the mountains (don't miss the enemy oil rig in the southwest). Before going south, it makes sense to place a couple of the strongest defensive towers at the beginning of the passage, placing your troops behind them. Then have a few tanks provoke the enemy attack and lure him to your ambush. After several such maneuvers, you can attack the weakened enemy and defeat his southern camp, including another oil rig, as well as the southeastern base. Then head north. When you receive a task along the way to destroy the enemy LZ (located on a hill), then by completing it, it would be better to bypass the LZ with one group on the right, and use the other (only carefully) on the left flank. Having mastered the entire north (by the way, it is not at all necessary to destroy civilian structures), go to a decisive battle in the center of the map, where you need to defeat another enemy LZ as quickly as possible, otherwise the enemy landings will give you a lot of trouble. At the beginning of Operation Center, it is better to use the same tactics using two groups (the terrain will tell you in which directions to attack). In addition, it makes sense to keep 3-4 Trucks in the convoy (you will find out why in the next mission). If the control time has not come out, and the enemy has already been defeated, you proceed to the next stage. Well, if after the destruction of the enemy the mission does not want to end in any way, check the map again: something from the enemy structures was missed.

Alpha Base Mission: Establish a Forward Base

The goal of the mission is to build a second base in a given area (that's where Trucks come in handy), repelling all enemy attacks. Time - 30 minutes.

The process of building a base includes the construction of a Power Generator, Research Facility and Factory. Towers will have to be erected in any case to repel the attacks of the enemy. In addition, if you have built any structures near the eastern (relative to the main base) chain of mountains, then take care of their safety - they will be attacked by tanks. In this mission, learn how to create a Command Turret (a mobile vehicle for controlling other units). In the course of creating a second base, prepare combat landings for the next mission at the main LZ.

Transport Mission: Enemy Transmissions Detected

The goal of the mission is to land combat troops in a given area and find LZ No. 2, avoiding encounters with large enemy forces. Time - 30 minutes.

Make the first landing a combat one, since you can receive reinforcements only after finding LZ No. 2 (located on the east of the map). Do not stumble upon a strong enemy base in the center of the map. There is a small base near LZ #1, destroy it. Retreat in time and repair. Try to “slip through” to LZ #2 as stealthily as possible and with as little casualties as possible. The attacks at the beginning of the next mission will be severe.

Destroy Enemy Base

The goal of the mission is to defeat the enemy's central and northeastern bases, capture artifacts and return to LZ #2. Time - 42 minutes.

Urgently request a landing. You are attacked by tanks and similar combat units. Don't let them close to your LZ, otherwise the landing will become impossible. Trucks can be included in called groups to build and repair protective structures. Having repelled the first attacks and gathered forces, it is advisable to go to capture the northeastern camp, and then, split into two groups, attack the central base from the eastern and southern sides, respectively. After completing the defeat and obtaining artifacts, return to LZ #2.

Transport Mission: Synaptic Link Location

The purpose of the mission is to land troops and destroy all the bases. Time - 1 hour.

After the landing of the strike group, request another one, but for now, clear the south. It is better to strike the main blow from the southwest. Another smaller group can be attacked from the southeast (emphasis on distraction). It makes sense to build a couple of towers on the southwestern hills in order to complicate the attacks of the enemy. After defeating all the bases, take away the artifacts. True, if you still had time before hitting the last building, then do not rush. To make it easier to complete the task in the next mission, create a powerful army.

Alpha Base Mission: Counter Attack

The purpose of the mission is to repel the attacks of enemy landings. Time - 1 hour.

Will have to make an effort. True, you will have some time to build up. First of all, fortify your LZ #2 from the north with powerful towers. Place Trucks behind them. Attacks of cyborgs and - later - tanks are expected here. By the way, you will also learn how to create cyborgs. Next, block the same narrow passage in the mountains in the south of the map with towers, protecting them with Trucks and combat units. Enemy cyborgs will try to break through here, and later a powerful attack by tanks will follow. The towers will hold back this onslaught for a while, and it will be easier for your group lurking in ambush to fight. An enemy landing should also be expected in the northwest and west. So get stronger. In addition, the western grouping of the enemy may try to make a forced march along the road and attack your main base from the east. But if your defensive structures (towers, walls, “hedgehogs” and a small detachment of combat units) “accidentally” come across on their way, then there will be no problems. In general, the enemy will strike the main blow in the south in the area of ​​​​the narrow passage, so a significant part of your forces, respectively, should be concentrated in this direction. If you survived, then you won.

Transport Mission: New Objectives

The purpose of the mission is to capture the artifacts and prevent the enemy transport from landing. Time - 30 minutes.

Tricky mission. The whole trick and difficulty lies not in breaking the enemy (he is not that strong), but in preventing the transporter from getting on his LZ and picking up at least one enemy unit. You must act quickly and boldly. In your starting point of deployment - in the southwest. Move first in an east direction and, having reached the south, turn towards the center, bypassing enemy bases and not getting involved in battle. Then descend into the gorge and climb the mountain serpentine. At the same time, do not forget to call troops. It is better to make the first “sally” after waiting for reinforcements, as a small fight with enemy tanks can start in the gorge. (As soon as the forces guarding LZ see you, a transport will be called, and you will have very little time left.) It is better to wait for good reinforcements and quickly hit the base, trying to get your troops into position directly on LZ (then the transport will not be able to land). If you do not delay with maneuvers, then everything will end successfully for you. After activating the green beacon, return to your LZ (there will be time left - you can attack other enemy bases). And finally, advice - save before the main attack.


Alpha Base Mission: Incoming Transmission

The goal of the mission is to protect your LZ in the landing area and destroy the enemy. Time - 2 hours.

According to the laws of the genre, the last mission in the company is the most difficult, so get ready. So, collect a strong landing force and hit the road. Having landed the first group, immediately order the second. Some time later, enemy attacks with tanks will begin. After waiting for reinforcements, throw fresh forces into battle. After knocking down the first onslaught of the enemy, repair. It makes sense to build several towers to control LZ. After collecting a detachment of 2530 units, go on a hike in the northeast direction. The base east of your LZ can be left alone for now. Now it is very important to destroy the enemy LZ as quickly as possible (to stop the enemy landing), which is located a little northeast of the center of the map, as well as the base located not far from it (to the west of the enemy’s LZ, there is the enemy’s main economic center and factories for the production of combat technology). It is better to act in stages - a provocative attack by a small group, retreat (luring the enemy under attack by the main forces), a strike on enemy equipment by the main forces, repairs. But at the same time, one should take into account the abundance of enemy towers, as well as attacks from the water. When you get to the center of the map, then it is advisable to go along the northeast bank of the river right to the LZ itself. After destroying it, repair it. At this time, another group of yours, made up of all the time arriving troops, let them go to the center of the map. Next, the first group will attack military equipment, fortifications and factories of the enemy's industrial base (it is located northwest of the captured LZ), and the other from the center will attack the southern defensive lines. Then attack the strong northeast bastion. At the same time (if, of course, there is a detachment of 10 experienced units in your LZ area), you can also defeat the enemy base in the south.

When all the red beacons disappear from the map, it means that you have won the mission and the first company. In the future, after transferring to Alpha Base, you will be given 10 minutes to prepare for the second company, i.e. repair, create the necessary units or conduct scientific research. Finally, prepare the traditional combat landing for the next company.


Beta Base Mission: Eastern Sector. Defend and Fortify

The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and defeat all enemy forces. Time - 1 hour.

In the Eastern Sector, you already have a good Beta base and some forces plus one landing force, with which you, in fact, arrived. There will be attacks from the north, and later from the southeast, including aircraft, so along with traditional combat units, immediately study and create air defenses (AA HE Flak, AA Ammunition Hopper). Don't forget to gather all your strength with Alpha Base. After knocking down the greatest fury of the enemy, capture the northeastern oil field. Then break up the enemy forces in the southeast and finally clear the north.

Transport Mission: Transport Down

The goal of the mission is, after landing in a given area, to reach the place indicated on the map by a green beacon, where you need to save your troops in trouble. Time - 30 minutes.

You will be dropped off in the southwest. You will need to reach the northeast. Just go straight, trying not to get involved in the fight. When you reach the goal, you have won.

Beta Base Mission: Hold At All Costs

The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and clear the north. Time - 2 hours.

First of all, protect your northeast oil rig. Gather forces and attack the enemy hiding to the north of your base. There, capture another oil field. Include air defense systems in battle groups - there will be air raids from the northwest. Don't forget to build AA bunkers where necessary. Further north, the enemy has more serious bases. Get ready for powerful attacks. It makes sense to build protective structures near the captured oil rig. The enemy will try to break through the center first. Then he will make an attempt to strike from two or three sides, bypassing you from the flanks (he will not disdain and preliminary air strikes). Therefore, be careful. Also, don't miss the raid of the enemy sabotage group in your rear (it will try to bypass the forward checkpoint from the east). If you withstand this pressure, keeping 30 units of military equipment, consider that victory is in your pocket. Boldly finish off the enemy.

Transport Mission: Intercept Convoy

The goal of the mission is to find and return the artifact after landing in a given area, then return with it to LZ. Time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

There are two enemy bases in this area: one in the northwest, the other in the northeast. Aviation still hooligans. The path through the center is somewhat risky. There is a chance to miss an artifact in the southwest. Therefore, it would be better to go there at once; if you don't find anyone there, attack the northwest base. The artifact is there. The main thing is to capture it (it is inside one of the combat units). Once done, return to LZ. True, if there is still enough time left, you can clear the entire territory, capturing barrels of fuel as a result.

Beta Base Mission: Destroy Enemy Air Base and Recover VTOLs

The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy air base and capture artifacts (VTOLs).

Your target is in the northwest. Southwest can be left untouched for now. First, the enemy will try to attack the northern oil rig, and then there will be attacks on the base, incl. using aviation from the northwestern base. After reflecting them, go on a hike to the “source of evil”. Having broken the enemy bases along the way, go to the main one and, having destroyed it, capture the artifacts. Do not rush to destroy all the buildings. You, if everything was done correctly, should have time left. Use it for research (don't forget about aircraft), energy storage, repair, unit creation, etc.

Secondary Mission: Destroy or Drive Off Enemy Transport

The purpose of the mission is to destroy the bastion protecting the enemy LZ, to prevent the enemy transport from appearing there. Time - 55 minutes.

One of the easy and enjoyable ways to achieve victory in this mission is the competent use of aviation. Create (in case you didn't manage to do it before) planes, build more VTOL Rearming Pad to replenish its ammunition, and also place ground units not far from the enemy (only so that he does not see you). Next, raid the defenses of the LZ. After defeating the main towers and cleaning up enemy units, quickly attack the LZ, directly occupying the territory of the site itself. That's all.

Transport Mission: Destroy Reactor

The purpose of the mission is to destroy the enemy base in the northeast after landing in a given area. Time - 1 hour.

Your target is in the opposite corner of the map - in the northeast. Do not rush to find yourself, wait for the second landing. Wait for the cyborgs to attack from the east, and later the tanks will come from the north. Move first to the north, and then to the east. By the way, the transporter can transport aircraft, however, keep in mind that the enemy uses air defense systems here. If you use air force, then proceed carefully. It is advisable then to grab Trucks to build the VTOL Rearming Pad. Attack the fortified area in the northeast (a balanced group of 3035 units will successfully smash the enemy stronghold to smithereens). You shouldn't have any particular problems. After completing the task, return to LZ.

Beta Base Mission: Capture NASDA Central

The goal of the mission is to capture all the artifacts and return to LZ. Time - 1 hour 15 minutes.

You will be dropped off in the northwest. The target is in the center of the map. Go there through the north, just gather your forces (don't forget about air defense). You will be periodically attacked by long-range mortar guns. It is advisable to divide your army into two parts. In the center, a fairly organized and numerous defense awaits you (first of all, this applies to protective structures). Don't try to destroy everything. The main thing is to destroy factories, research institutes and similar buildings where you can pick up artifacts. When you collect them all, LZ is activated and you can return.

Transport Mission: Satellite Uplink Site

The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy base in the northwest after landing in a given area, capturing all the artifacts. When finished, return to LZ. Time - 1 hour.

Before you wait for the second landing, you are already being attacked from the northwest direction, and a little later from the northeast, with tanks and similar mechanical structures, and even cyborgs. In short, you have to fight. Don't forget: if the enemy gets close to your LZ, landing will be impossible. By and large, you can limit yourself to defeating the base in the northwest (you can go there along the left edge of the map). This is the main goal. If you have time and desire, attack the rest of the strongholds of the enemy. To complete the mission, return to LZ when allowed.

Transport Mission: Destroy Enemy SAM Sites

The goal of the mission is to destroy all enemy strongholds and return to LZ after landing in a given area. Time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

In principle, the task here is simple. Just include air defense systems in the first landing - you will be attacked by aircraft very often. In addition, military ground equipment will also attack. When you gather your strength, go on a campaign to consistently conquer the entire territory.

Transport Mission: Establish Safe Haven

The purpose of the mission is to clear the entire area from the enemy. Time - 1 hour.

Aviation is still rampant at the beginning of the mission, so there is every reason to destroy the air base in the east of the map in the first place in order to stop these outrages. Your mortar launchers (assuming you've learned how to make them, of course) are quite long-range. Include them in groups too and place them behind your vanguard.

Beta Base Mission: Evacuate!

The purpose of the mission is to urgently evacuate your forces from the nuclear disaster zone (alas, your Beta Base has become one). Time - 30 minutes.

Thoughts on one thing - to save as many units as possible, and the most valuable ones, including air defenses and Trucks. Of course, try to somehow organize a defense, but the enemy forces are so powerful and endless that only flight will save (on a transport; it's a pity that the intervals between his arrival on LZ are long). In the first landing, include tanks, a gunner, a repairman. In the second - air defense systems, Trucks. In the third - that you have time. Make the most of all your resources to learn technology. All your achievements will automatically be transferred to the next company.


Transport Mission: Establish a Forward Base

The goal of the mission is to protect LZ, establish a new base and defeat the enemy. Time - 2 hours.

After the landing of your first assault, small sorties by cyborgs from the north and west will begin almost immediately, and later air raids will begin. So settling in a new place will be a troublesome task. After building factories and research institutes, do not forget to upgrade them with modules (it is not at all necessary to do this through the menu: if the module is studied, it is enough to activate the Truck and point it to the object). Next, create those units that you lack. Surround your base with defensive structures, including air defenses. Capture oil fields (don't forget about protecting them afterwards). As soon as you gain strength, go sequentially clear the territory from the enemy. Please note: enemy units are quite mobile and cunning. In case of serious damage, they quickly retreat for repairs. Moreover, hardy cyborgs will get you. It makes sense to start building fortifications in the north of your base, protecting incl. oil rigs. Place Trucks behind the towers. Throw the main forces in a westerly direction, sweeping away everything in your path.

I strongly advise you to prepare for the next mission. Therefore, leave one enemy building intact by placing a couple of combat units nearby in Hold Fire mode (ceasefire), and devote the rest of the time to repairs, replenishment of personnel, etc. Prepare a strong landing force in the LZ area. Now you can finish off the last building of the enemy. If suddenly the mission does not end, it means that somewhere (most likely in the north) you missed something or someone or did not find it. Then send a detachment to eliminate the shortcomings.

Transport Mission: Missile Launch Site Coordinates

The goal of the mission is to protect LZ and destroy the enemy base. Time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Having landed the landing, do not rush to attack immediately. Wait for reinforcements. Your target is in the southwest. Despite the apparent simplicity, this task is not an easy one. In addition, if you take too long to attack the industrial facilities of the enemy, he will develop and create a strong army. If you are going to use aircraft, do not forget about enemy air defense. After collecting the army, divide it into several groups and move west. The hike will be long and difficult. After destroying the roadblocks, attack the base itself. This is where aviation comes in handy. Specify it as the target of the factory. As always, if there is time left, get ready for the next mission.

Northern Sector Mission: Nuclear Blast

The goal of the mission is to save all your troops by reaching the place indicated on the map by a green beacon. Time - 25 minutes.

Everything is simple here. Gather all your strength into a fist and - forward to the rescue green beacon. You can, of course, get involved in the battle along the way, but just do not forget about the time.

Northern Sector Mission: Assist Team Gamma

The goal of the mission is to reach the green beacon. Time - 30 minutes.

If you have aviation (at least 10 aircraft), you can go to the green lighthouse on them. When you fly and click on it with the mouse, you will receive the next task. If your aircraft is very weak, get ready for heavy battles on the way to the target.

Another goal: to clear the entire territory from the enemy. Time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

Your new base, which you have reached, becomes enemy in just a few seconds. Get out of there, as your units will be periodically recruited (resistance from this kind of trouble has not yet been developed). Note also that there are enemy LZs to the west and east. What this is fraught with is already known. Aviation is essential here. This is the key to victory. Make regular raids first on the western LZ, then hit the north and “for a snack” weaken the eastern LZ. Destroy air defenses first. After weakening each area, send ground troops there and capture artifacts. The northern base is industrial. Don't forget to undermine its economy. If after defeating the enemy you were not given a victory, check the area again - you missed something. Before the final blow, prepare a combat landing in the LZ area. I recommend that before completing the mission, make a base in the west (near one of the oil fields).

Transport Mission: Team Alpha Detected

The goal of the mission is to land troops, reach the green beacon and then return the discovered group of units to LZ. Time - 1 hour.

In principle, this mission can be completed in 5-10 minutes. Why do you take aircraft, fly to the lighthouse and return with a replenished train to LZ. But I don't recommend doing that. Use the time to develop. As you move towards the lighthouse, get the opportunity to call in other landings. Order air defense equipment among other units. Don't rush to the lighthouse. Consistently clear the area. Build another Research Facility (for the next mission).

Northern Sector Mission

The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and clear the territory from the enemy. Time - 1 hour.

The mission will start with trouble. First, your Command Center will turn over, and later, in turn, other buildings and units will begin to go over to the side of the enemy. To get rid of this misfortune, urgently study NEXUS Resistance. This technology grants immunity from recruitment. By the way, the Research Facility will change you among the first, and without it you will not be able to study the much-needed technology, so having several of these buildings will not hurt. Along with recruiting, enemy attacks await you, so it will be difficult. Save more. After learning NEXUS Resistance it will become easier. Improve the technology further and, having gathered strength, look for the enemy (why is understandable). It will mainly focus on the north.

Transport Mission: Away Team

The goal of the mission is to land troops, reach the green beacon (time - 10 minutes) and then clear the territory from the enemy (time - 1 hour 30 minutes).

After you reach the lighthouse (go there in a southerly direction), you will get more time (1 hour 30 minutes) and new areas on the map will be opened. The enemy is located to the south, just beyond the mountains is the first base of the enemy. There is a guidance radar. It is better to immediately destroy it with aircraft (do not forget, as always, about enemy air defense). Even in the center (on your former south) a narrow passage will open. Cover it with troops. In addition, you will be given another base. The scheme of action is about the same - aviation strikes first, infantry finishes off. It is useful to use mortar installations.

Northern Sector Mission

The purpose of the mission is to find a green beacon, clear the entire territory from the enemy. Time - 2 hours.

The beacon activates when you approach it (south of the map). There is also an industrial center of the enemy, where there are three Missile Silos. In fact, they need to be captured (it is useful to establish another base there). By and large, the strategy and tactics are the same (aviation plus infantry). It will take patience and the skills gained during the game. After breaking the main base, take all the artifacts. Consider if your strike force in the next mission, get to the nearest Research Facility in 5 minutes. If not, then build it within reach.

Northern Sector Mission: Missile Codes

The purpose of the mission is to return the detachment that captured the artifacts to the Research Facility. Time - 5 minutes.

Quickly grab your vanguard and hit the road. The advice for this situation was given above.

Objective: Learn Missile Targeting Codes three times and survive.

Repel the attack from the northwest and develop. Learn the Angel Missile (a good ranged weapon) and, as soon as possible, Missile Targeting Codes. The study of the latest technology will go through three stages, and if you study it completely, victory in this mission will be yours. This process will take a lot of time, so get ready for numerous ground attacks, aircraft and nuclear explosions. The latter will give you a lot of trouble (although sometimes they also hit the enemy). We'll have to put up with this and rebuild (this is where the presence of several bases justifies itself). Remember that Missile Targeting Codes are studied at the Research Facility! You will be informed about the study of each stage of technology. Tip: since the terrain is mountainous, use walls (in the narrow places of approach to the bases), blocking the passage of enemy units. At the very least, this will hold them back for a while, and they will become an easy target. Your main base is in the south (where the Missile Silo is; take care of them!). Block the passages to it from the north and southwest ... And fight back, dodging nuclear explosions. All suffering will end for you with the final study of Missile Targeting Codes.

Transport Mission

The purpose of the mission is to prepare for the final battle in the landing area. Time - 30 minutes.

First, you will be given a solid amount of energy. Use it to its fullest. Build factories, research institutes, oil rigs, create units, etc. In short, get ready to land on the area where the last enemy forces are left. Aviation will be very necessary.

The purpose of the landing is to land in a given area and wait for reinforcements to defeat the southwestern stronghold of the enemy. Time is not limited.

This is your last company. So do not rush to immediately start attacking hostilities. Call in a couple of paratroopers. While reinforcements are on the way, look for some trees next to LZ. Smash them to smithereens. Here is the place for the VTOL Rearming Pad (15 pieces will not hurt). Between them it is worth building air defense systems. Aviation will play a decisive factor here. She still attacks industrial facilities, suppressing enemy air defenses. In this case, you will have to fight off enemy air raids and attacks by ground units. Industrial centers are located in the northwest, slightly north of the center of the map, in the south, southeast and the main one in the southwest. It is advisable to take on the center and the northwest first (do not completely destroy everything, but only vital and “unpleasant” objects, including mortar installations and recruiters - these towers and units are somewhat similar to cranes). Then deal with the southeast and south. Thus, you will beat down the pressure of the enemy and ensure unimpeded flights of aviation through the center. And finally, hit the southwest. Air raids (20 units), air defenses and barrage ground forces (block the last approaches from the west and south of your LZ) will do their job. Some patience is required, of course. When the enemy is economically undermined, everything else is a matter of technique. You can collect all the artifacts, and then attack the southwest, or you can immediately attack the main target. In any case, justice, albeit not in a completely righteous way, has triumphed. Mankind is saved from evil with an iron hand. Congratulations on your final victory!

And in conclusion, having recovered from numerous and bloody battles, think about another prophecy of Nostradamus: “In the year 1999 and seven months, the Great King of Horror will appear from heaven. He will bring the king of the Mongols back to life. Before and after that, the God of War reigns happily.”

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“At the rising of the sun, they will see a great fire, noise and light moving towards the North. Inside the earth, death and screams are heard, death awaits them from the instruments of fire and hunger. (Michel de Nostradamus) Who knows, maybe this prediction of a famous prophet will come true in 2100 (God forbid that this does not happen earlier). At least, this is apparently what the developers of the new Warzone2100 strategy assume. Judge for yourself. November 3, 2085. The error of one of the defense satellites leads to the launch of missiles at the largest nuclear powers. This inevitably unleashes a nuclear war in which there are no winners, but there is death, devastation, hunger and suffering. However, a small part of the Earth's population managed to survive in this hell, enduring all the horrors of nuclear bombings and their consequences, including nuclear winter. The survivors also did not want to live in peace and harmony, but were mired in hopeless civil strife. Only a small handful of people decide to unite humanity and revive civilization. But, unfortunately, their initiative did not find support from other groups. Moreover, the latter want war and madness. Against the backdrop of such bleak events on April 4, 2100, you will have to stop the chaos by armed means (alas, there is no other way), destroying all evil on Earth. Such is the prelude. As for the impressions directly from the game itself, this, of course, is a purely military strategy. The economic factor is little expressed here, there is no diplomacy at all, but the abundance of technologies, various modifications and projects when creating units and structures is simply impressive. And if we add here a simple interface, very good three-dimensional graphics (available for owners of 3Dfx or video cards that support 3D graphics; for the rest there is a simpler mode - Software), the ability to view the map at various viewing angles (from 10 to 85 degrees), a set special effects, including fog, smoke, fire and lighting, you involuntarily forget about the nightmare from which, in general, it all started, and completely immerse yourself in this fantasy-realistic, frighteningly bewitching world of the war zone. As promised by the developers, the intelligence of the enemy deserves some respect. So, if your barrage bastion was unsuccessfully attacked, next time wait for a strike from the flank (if the terrain allows) or a secret raid by a sabotage group directly to your rear (and with a simultaneous distracting strike on the “main”, as it seemed to you at first, direction) . The enemy does not disdain such methods of warfare as undermining the economy by striking at oil rigs and other industrial facilities. Moreover, near the oil field, the enemy immediately, as a rule, puts up protective structures. Your units are also smart enough, but only with patency and self-preservation instinct they are tight. So, if you give a group module command to send subordinates from one point to another and there will be obstacles along the way in the form of terrain or artificial structures, then there is a possibility that some of your warriors will get stuck on the road and will helplessly rush about while you re-do not specify the route. Another oddity is the tendency to stand still while moving in circles (and this happens to happen). When conducting combat operations, especially in defense, this is sometimes a plus, but, for example, when repairing Trucks towers that have been attacked, it is very unpleasant - they will stubbornly circle, pushing each other and falling under attackers' fire. And one more circumstance concerning directly the program itself and about which the developers warn. During the gameplay, failures in the form of “braking” of the game are possible. This happens extremely rarely (for all the time it happened to me a couple of times). The way out is simple - save and reload the game in Software mode, and then again in 3D. If it doesn't help, restart Windows. These “features”, of course, are not fatal, but they should be taken into account. The positive aspects also include the ability to create a special kind of mechanical units - Command Turret, mobile tools for managing other units. The game interface is quite simple. It should also be noted a large number of keyboard shortcuts for commands, some of them can be assigned or changed by yourself. For example, I really liked the commands that define and call, if necessary, groups of units ( ctrl and 1 – assigning the first number to the selected group, after which the key 1 activates this group, pressing again 1 takes you to it). It helps a lot when carrying out a number of tactical operations. It is also nice to have such a property of combat units as the ability to shoot back when retreating. The scheme of military and economic development is standard, with the exception of one original circumstance - at the end of the mission, everything that has been developed, built and created remains with you, and if units or buildings were “wounded”, then after moving to the next mission they will remain in the same condition. Therefore, you will have to think not only tactically, but also strategically - where to build, place, and whether it is worth immediately completing the mission. When you do not know in advance what awaits you in the future, this can lead to very unpleasant surprises. The game is divided into 3 companies, which take place in the desert, city and mountains, respectively. In addition, there is a training mission for obtaining primary skills in base development and unit management. And if we take into account the possibility of standard Multiplayer plus voice communication between participants, then Warzone2100 should be attributed to a fairly strong real-time war strategy that claims to be a hit. In a word, I recommend. WESTERN SECTOR Scavenger Raiders The purpose of the mission is to establish a base and clear the territory of enemy groups. First of all, you need to build a Command Center (command center), of course, with the help of Trucks (porter workers). Next, build an Oil Derrick (oil rig), having previously pulled military equipment to the field (indicated by a blue beacon), since this is where the first small attack on your base will be. Then build a Power Generator (a power plant that provides four oil rigs), a Research Facility (a research institute - research institute) and a Factory (factory). At the factory, create a "militia" (so far only Machinegun Viper Wheels is available - an automatic combat vehicle) and go on a campaign to the east. By the way, you can choose the place for arrival at a specific point of recruits created at the factory by dragging the square with the number 1 with the mouse to where it is needed. So, the first enemy camp east of your base will be easy to destroy. The next target is northwest. There, capture the first artifacts that should be studied at the research institute without delay. Build an oil rig on a captured field. Do not forget to withdraw your badly wounded combat units that have received a promotion from the front line in time (the wounded can be distinguished from the total mass by the team alt+E), later they can be treated. By the way, in especially difficult cases, I recommend to reduce the speed of the game ( ctrl and ; ). ctrl and + increase speed accordingly. Keep track of energy (depends on the number of oil derricks, fuel barrels captured, the intensity of unit creation and research). If it is close to zero, then you will not be able to create and explore anything. Moving north, defeat another base. Be careful with enemy defensive towers and new combat mechs! After capturing the artifact, as always, study it at the research institute. Further to the west you will find another enemy camp and an artifact that allows you to build a Machinegun Guard Tower (automatic defense tower). By the way, after studying it, you can immediately safely build several (5-7) of these towers in the south of your main base (in the next mission, expect an enemy attack from the southern mountains). In addition, a new type of military equipment will become available - Flamer Viper Wheels (combat vehicle with a flamethrower). And one more refuge of the enemy - in the south of the place of the last battle. Before the attack, if combat resources allow, send a small detachment to your base - enemy raids are possible in the subsequent mission. After defeating the above shelter, collect the artifact and barrels of fuel (whatever you don’t have time to pick up, you will pick up in the next mission). So, the first mission is won. Congratulations! Alpha Base Mission: Power Surge Detected The purpose of the mission is to find and destroy all enemy bases (indicated on the map by red beacons). Introduced game time limit - 1 hour. If you have the southern outskirts of the base protected by towers, then you can not pay much attention to attacks on these defensive lines. In general, it will be possible to fight in the south. However, before you go camping, be sure to study Engineering (engineering), which will provide an opportunity to develop Mobile Repair Turret (repair ability), and this, in turn, will lead to the creation of Mobile Repair Turret Viper Wheels (auto repairers). The latter will heal your wounded troops. In the future, it is useful to include auto repairmen in combat squads. Well, now you can go along the southern road to capture the next artifacts, which, as a rule, are located inside various buildings and become available after the destruction of structures, starting to flash a green beacon. One of them will allow the invention of the Sensor Turret (target guidance locator), and then the target gunner itself (Sensor Turret Viper Wheels). If it is included in the squad (for example, by a group module), then hitting the selected target will be more effective. Once the area is cleared, the mission will end. Power Module Artifact The objective of the mission is to learn the Power Module Artifact and upgrade the Power Generator. This is a breather for you, so take your time. Repair first, complete all possible upgrades and, having prepared a combat squad of 10 units (the next mission will be a transport one), including an auto repairman and a gunner, position it near the launch pad (near the Command Center). After that, you can perform the specified task. Alpha Base and Transport Missions: Locate and Recover Artifacts The purpose of the mission is to load the troops into the transporter and, after landing in a given area, capture the artifact. Time - 15 minutes. You should act more carefully (you will have a maximum of 10 units), but quickly (not much time). In case of serious damage, retreat and repair. After capturing the artifact, return to LZ (Landing Zone - a landing pad for landing). Transport Mission: Investigate Research Center The purpose of the mission is to scout and clear the area, capturing artifacts. Time - 30 minutes. This time, several landings will be available. First, you can organize a campaign with one group to the west (but it is better to wait for reinforcements), and the other to the north. After clearing the territory and getting the next portion of the artifacts, return to LZ in full force. True, if there is time left, do not rush to do it. Spend precious minutes on research, development and repair (it is recommended to do this in subsequent missions). Transport Mission: Encoded Signals Detected The purpose of the mission is to locate the source of the signals and clear the area. Time - 1 hour. You'll have to sweat. At first, you can land only one landing, but after you find the enemy’s central base (located in the center of the map), others will become available. Therefore, do not delay the first trip. His goal is to discover this base by engaging in a small reconnaissance battle. When it becomes possible to call for reinforcements, retreat immediately, as the enemy is strong enough. After the arrival of the main forces, it is advisable to divide your army into 2 parts. The first group will go to the southwest, then to the south and prepare to strike from this direction. The other, made up of newcomers, will attack the base from the north-west first and, taking the blow on itself, will divert some of the enemy's forces. At this time, the southern group, consisting of experienced "warriors", will suddenly strike from their flank. After the defeat of the central camp, a powerful fortified area awaits you in the northeast of the map. The battle will be bloody. It makes sense to reduce the speed of the game. Get ready for losses. But in case of victory, you will get a lot of scientific and technical discoveries and upgrades. Alpha Base Mission: The New Paradigm The goal of the mission is to destroy all enemy bases and capture artifacts. Time - 2 hours. The resistance of the forces of evil is growing. Almost from the very beginning of the mission, tank attacks await you. After repulsing the most ardent sorties, go hiking in a southerly direction. Create tanks. Depending on the terrain and terrain features, place anti-tank "hedgehogs" (Tank Traps). They still hamper the advancement of heavy equipment. Build walls and towers. When you get to the southwestern part of the map, head south through the narrow passage in the mountains (don't miss the enemy oil rig in the southwest). Before going south, it makes sense to place a couple of the strongest defensive towers at the beginning of the passage, placing your troops behind them. Then have a few tanks provoke the enemy attack and lure him to your ambush. After several such maneuvers, you can attack the weakened enemy and defeat his southern camp, including another oil rig, as well as the southeastern base. Then head north. When you receive a task along the way to destroy the enemy LZ (located on a hill), then by completing it, it would be better to bypass the LZ with one group on the right, and use the other (only carefully) on the left flank. Having mastered the entire north (by the way, it is not at all necessary to destroy civilian structures), go to a decisive battle in the center of the map, where you need to defeat another enemy LZ as quickly as possible, otherwise the enemy landings will give you a lot of trouble. At the beginning of Operation Center, it is better to use the same tactics using two groups (the terrain will tell you in which directions to attack). In addition, it makes sense to keep 3-4 Trucks in the convoy (you will find out why in the next mission). If the control time has not come out, and the enemy has already been defeated, you proceed to the next stage. Well, if after the destruction of the enemy the mission does not want to end in any way, check the map again: something from the enemy structures was missed. Alpha Base Mission: Establish a Forward Base The purpose of the mission is to build a second base in a given area (that's where Trucks come in handy), repelling all enemy attacks. Time - 30 minutes. The process of building a base includes the construction of a Power Generator, Research Facility and Factory. Towers will have to be erected in any case to repel the attacks of the enemy. In addition, if you have built any structures near the eastern (relative to the main base) chain of mountains, then take care of their safety - they will be attacked by tanks. In this mission, learn how to create a Command Turret (a mobile vehicle for controlling other units). In the course of creating a second base, prepare combat landings for the next mission at the main LZ. Transport Mission: Enemy Transmissions Detected The goal of the mission is to land combat troops in a given area and find LZ No. 2, avoiding encounters with large enemy forces. Time - 30 minutes. Make the first landing a combat one, since you can receive reinforcements only after finding LZ No. 2 (located on the east of the map). Do not stumble upon a strong enemy base in the center of the map. There is a small base near LZ #1, destroy it. Retreat in time and repair. Try to “slip through” to LZ #2 as stealthily as possible and with as little casualties as possible. The attacks at the beginning of the next mission will be severe. Destroy Enemy Base The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy's central and northeastern bases, capture artifacts and return to LZ #2. Time - 42 minutes. Urgently request a landing. You are attacked by tanks and similar combat units. Don't let them close to your LZ, otherwise the landing will become impossible. Trucks can be included in called groups to build and repair protective structures. Having repelled the first attacks and gathered forces, it is advisable to go to capture the northeastern camp, and then, split into two groups, attack the central base from the eastern and southern sides, respectively. After completing the defeat and obtaining artifacts, return to LZ #2. Transport Mission: Synaptic Link Location The purpose of the mission is to land troops and destroy all bases. Time - 1 hour. After the landing of the strike group, request another one, but for now, clear the south. It is better to strike the main blow from the southwest. Another smaller group can be attacked from the southeast (emphasis on distraction). It makes sense to build a couple of towers on the southwestern hills in order to complicate the attacks of the enemy. After defeating all the bases, take away the artifacts. True, if you still had time before hitting the last building, then do not rush. To make it easier to complete the task in the next mission, create a powerful army. Alpha Base Mission: Counter Attack The purpose of the mission is to repel the attacks of enemy landings. Time - 1 hour. Will have to make an effort. True, you will have some time to build up. First of all, fortify your LZ #2 from the north with powerful towers. Place Trucks behind them. Attacks of cyborgs and - later - tanks are expected here. By the way, you will also learn how to create cyborgs. Next, block the same narrow passage in the mountains in the south of the map with towers, protecting them with Trucks and combat units. Enemy cyborgs will try to break through here, and later a powerful attack by tanks will follow. The towers will hold back this onslaught for a while, and it will be easier for your group lurking in ambush to fight. An enemy landing should also be expected in the northwest and west. So get stronger. In addition, the western grouping of the enemy may try to make a forced march along the road and attack your main base from the east. But if your defensive structures (towers, walls, “hedgehogs” and a small detachment of combat units) “accidentally” come across on their way, then there will be no problems. In general, the enemy will strike the main blow in the south in the area of ​​​​the narrow passage, so a significant part of your forces, respectively, should be concentrated in this direction. If you survived, then you won. Transport Mission: New Objectives The purpose of the mission is to capture the artifacts and prevent the enemy transport from landing. Time - 30 minutes. Tricky mission. The whole trick and difficulty lies not in breaking the enemy (he is not that strong), but in preventing the transporter from getting on his LZ and picking up at least one enemy unit. You must act quickly and boldly. In your starting point of deployment - in the southwest. Move first in an east direction and, having reached the south, turn towards the center, bypassing enemy bases and not getting involved in battle. Then descend into the gorge and climb the mountain serpentine. At the same time, do not forget to call troops. It is better to make the first “sally” after waiting for reinforcements, as a small fight with enemy tanks can start in the gorge. (As soon as the forces guarding LZ see you, a transport will be called, and you will have very little time left.) It is better to wait for good reinforcements and quickly hit the base, trying to get your troops into position directly on LZ (then the transport will not be able to land). If you do not delay with maneuvers, then everything will end successfully for you. After activating the green beacon, return to your LZ (there will be time left - you can attack other enemy bases). And finally, advice - save before the main attack. SECOND PAGE Alpha Base Mission: Incoming Transmission The goal of the mission is to protect your LZ in the landing area and destroy the enemy. Time - 2 hours. According to the laws of the genre, the last mission in the company is the most difficult, so get ready. So, collect a strong landing force and hit the road. Having landed the first group, immediately order the second. Some time later, enemy attacks with tanks will begin. After waiting for reinforcements, throw fresh forces into battle. After knocking down the first onslaught of the enemy, repair. It makes sense to build several towers to control LZ. After collecting a detachment of 2530 units, go on a hike in the northeast direction. The base east of your LZ can be left alone for now. Now it is very important to destroy the enemy LZ as quickly as possible (to stop the enemy landing), which is located a little northeast of the center of the map, as well as the base located not far from it (to the west of the enemy’s LZ, there is the enemy’s main economic center and factories for the production of combat technology). It is better to act in stages - a provocative attack by a small group, retreat (luring the enemy under attack by the main forces), a strike on enemy equipment by the main forces, repairs. But at the same time, one should take into account the abundance of enemy towers, as well as attacks from the water. When you get to the center of the map, then it is advisable to go along the northeast bank of the river right to the LZ itself. After destroying it, repair it. At this time, another group of yours, made up of all the time arriving troops, let them go to the center of the map. Next, the first group will attack military equipment, fortifications and factories of the enemy's industrial base (it is located northwest of the captured LZ), and the other from the center will attack the southern defensive lines. Then attack the strong northeast bastion. At the same time (if, of course, there is a detachment of 10 experienced units in your LZ area), you can also defeat the enemy base in the south. When all the red beacons disappear from the map, it means that you have won the mission and the first company. In the future, after transferring to Alpha Base, you will be given 10 minutes to prepare for the second company, i.e. repair, create the necessary units or conduct scientific research. Finally, prepare the traditional combat landing for the next company. EASTERN SECTOR Beta Base Mission: Eastern Sector. Defend and Fortify The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and defeat all enemy forces. Time - 1 hour. In the Eastern Sector, you already have a good Beta base and some forces plus one landing force, with which you, in fact, arrived. There will be attacks from the north, and later from the southeast, including aircraft, so along with traditional combat units, immediately study and create air defenses (AA HE Flak, AA Ammunition Hopper). Don't forget to gather all your strength with Alpha Base. After knocking down the greatest fury of the enemy, capture the northeastern oil field. Then break up the enemy forces in the southeast and finally clear the north. Transport Mission: Transport Down The goal of the mission is, after landing in a given area, to reach the place indicated on the map by a green beacon, where you need to save your troops in trouble. Time - 30 minutes. You will be dropped off in the southwest. You will need to reach the northeast. Just go straight, trying not to get involved in the fight. When you reach the goal, you have won. Beta Base Mission: Hold At All Costs The goal of the mission is to defend your base and clear the north. Time - 2 hours. First of all, protect your northeast oil rig. Gather forces and attack the enemy hiding to the north of your base. There, capture another oil field. Include air defense systems in battle groups - there will be air raids from the northwest. Don't forget to build AA bunkers where necessary. Further north, the enemy has more serious bases. Get ready for powerful attacks. It makes sense to build protective structures near the captured oil rig. The enemy will try to break through the center first. Then he will make an attempt to strike from two or three sides, bypassing you from the flanks (he will not disdain and preliminary air strikes). Therefore, be careful. Also, don't miss the raid of the enemy sabotage group in your rear (it will try to bypass the forward checkpoint from the east). If you withstand this pressure, keeping 30 units of military equipment, consider that victory is in your pocket. Boldly finish off the enemy. Transport Mission: Intercept Convoy The purpose of the mission is to find and return the artifact after landing in a given area, then return with it to LZ. Time - 1 hour 10 minutes. There are two enemy bases in this area: one in the northwest, the other in the northeast. Aviation still hooligans. The path through the center is somewhat risky. There is a chance to miss an artifact in the southwest. Therefore, it would be better to go there at once; if you don't find anyone there, attack the northwest base. The artifact is there. The main thing is to capture it (it is inside one of the combat units). Once done, return to LZ. True, if there is still enough time left, you can clear the entire territory, capturing barrels of fuel as a result. Beta Base Mission: Destroy Enemy Air Base and Recover VTOLs The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy air base and capture artifacts (VTOLs). Your target is in the northwest. Southwest can be left untouched for now. First, the enemy will try to attack the northern oil rig, and then there will be attacks on the base, incl. using aviation from the northwestern base. After reflecting them, go on a hike to the “source of evil”. Having broken the enemy bases along the way, go to the main one and, having destroyed it, capture the artifacts. Do not rush to destroy all the buildings. You, if everything was done correctly, should have time left. Use it for research (don't forget about aircraft), energy storage, repair, unit creation, etc. Secondary Mission: Destroy or Drive Off Enemy Transport The purpose of the mission is to destroy the bastion protecting the enemy LZ, to prevent the enemy transport from appearing there. Time - 55 minutes. One of the easy and enjoyable ways to achieve victory in this mission is the competent use of aviation. Create (in case you didn't manage to do it before) planes, build more VTOL Rearming Pad to replenish its ammunition, and also place ground units not far from the enemy (only so that he does not see you). Next, raid the defenses of the LZ. After defeating the main towers and cleaning up enemy units, quickly attack the LZ, directly occupying the territory of the site itself. That's all. Transport Mission: Destroy Reactor The purpose of the mission is to destroy the enemy base in the northeast after landing in a given area. Time - 1 hour. Your target is in the opposite corner of the map - in the northeast. Do not rush to find yourself, wait for the second landing. Wait for the cyborgs to attack from the east, and later the tanks will come from the north. Move first to the north, and then to the east. By the way, the transporter can transport aircraft, however, keep in mind that the enemy uses air defense systems here. If you use air force, then proceed carefully. It is advisable then to grab Trucks to build the VTOL Rearming Pad. Attack the fortified area in the northeast (a balanced group of 3035 units will successfully smash the enemy stronghold to smithereens). You shouldn't have any particular problems. After completing the task, return to LZ. Beta Base Mission: Capture NASDA Central The goal of the mission is to capture all the artifacts and return to LZ. Time - 1 hour 15 minutes. You will be dropped off in the northwest. The target is in the center of the map. Go there through the north, just gather your forces (don't forget about air defense). You will be periodically attacked by long-range mortar guns. It is advisable to divide your army into two parts. In the center, a fairly organized and numerous defense awaits you (first of all, this applies to protective structures). Don't try to destroy everything. The main thing is to destroy factories, research institutes and similar buildings where you can pick up artifacts. When you collect them all, LZ is activated and you can return. Transport Mission: Satellite Uplink Site The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy base in the northwest after landing in a given area, capturing all the artifacts. When finished, return to LZ. Time - 1 hour. Before you wait for the second landing, you are already being attacked from the northwest direction, and a little later from the northeast, with tanks and similar mechanical structures, and even cyborgs. In short, you have to fight. Don't forget: if the enemy gets close to your LZ, landing will be impossible. By and large, you can limit yourself to defeating the base in the northwest (you can go there along the left edge of the map). This is the main goal. If you have time and desire, attack the rest of the strongholds of the enemy. To complete the mission, return to LZ when allowed. Transport Mission: Destroy Enemy SAM Sites The goal of the mission is to destroy all enemy strongholds and return to the LZ after landing in a given area. Time - 1 hour 30 minutes. In principle, the task here is simple. Just include air defense systems in the first landing - you will be attacked by aircraft very often. In addition, military ground equipment will also attack. When you gather your strength, go on a campaign to consistently conquer the entire territory. Transport Mission: Establish Safe Haven The goal of the mission is to clear the entire area from the enemy. Time - 1 hour. Aviation is still rampant at the beginning of the mission, so there is every reason to destroy the air base in the east of the map in the first place in order to stop these outrages. Your mortar launchers (assuming you've learned how to make them, of course) are quite long-range. Include them in groups too and place them behind your vanguard. Beta Base Mission: Evacuate! The purpose of the mission is to urgently evacuate your forces from the nuclear disaster zone (alas, your Beta Base has become one). Time - 30 minutes. Thoughts on one thing - to save as many units as possible, and the most valuable ones, including air defenses and Trucks. Of course, try to somehow organize a defense, but the enemy forces are so powerful and endless that only flight will save (on a transport; it's a pity that the intervals between his arrival on LZ are long). In the first landing, include tanks, a gunner, a repairman. In the second - air defense systems, Trucks. In the third - that you have time. Make the most of all your resources to learn technology. All your achievements will automatically be transferred to the next company. NORTHERN SECTOR Transport Mission: Establish a Forward Base The goal of the mission is to protect LZ, establish a new base and defeat the enemy. Time - 2 hours. After the landing of your first assault, small sorties by cyborgs from the north and west will begin almost immediately, and later air raids will begin. So settling in a new place will be a troublesome task. After building factories and research institutes, do not forget to upgrade them with modules (it is not at all necessary to do this through the menu: if the module is studied, it is enough to activate the Truck and point it to the object). Next, create those units that you lack. Surround your base with defensive structures, including air defenses. Capture oil fields (don't forget about protecting them afterwards). As soon as you gain strength, go sequentially clear the territory from the enemy. Please note: enemy units are quite mobile and cunning. In case of serious damage, they quickly retreat for repairs. Moreover, hardy cyborgs will get you. It makes sense to start building fortifications in the north of your base, protecting incl. oil rigs. Place Trucks behind the towers. Throw the main forces in a westerly direction, sweeping away everything in your path. I strongly advise you to prepare for the next mission. Therefore, leave one enemy building intact by placing a couple of combat units nearby in Hold Fire mode (ceasefire), and devote the rest of the time to repairs, replenishment of personnel, etc. Prepare a strong landing force in the LZ area. Now you can finish off the last building of the enemy. If suddenly the mission does not end, it means that somewhere (most likely in the north) you missed something or someone or did not find it. Then send a detachment to eliminate the shortcomings. Transport Mission: Missile Launch Site Coordinates The objective of the mission is to protect LZ and destroy the enemy base. Time - 1 hour 10 minutes. Having landed the landing, do not rush to attack immediately. Wait for reinforcements. Your target is in the southwest. Despite the apparent simplicity, this task is not an easy one. In addition, if you take too long to attack the industrial facilities of the enemy, he will develop and create a strong army. If you are going to use aircraft, do not forget about enemy air defense. After collecting the army, divide it into several groups and move west. The hike will be long and difficult. After destroying the roadblocks, attack the base itself. This is where aviation comes in handy. Specify it as the target of the factory. As always, if there is time left, get ready for the next mission. Northern Sector Mission: Nuclear Blast The goal of the mission is to save all your troops by reaching the location indicated on the map by a green beacon. Time - 25 minutes. Everything is simple here. Gather all your strength into a fist and - forward to the rescue green beacon. You can, of course, get involved in the battle along the way, but just do not forget about the time. Northern Sector Mission: Assist Team Gamma The goal of the mission is to reach the green beacon. Time - 30 minutes. If you have aviation (at least 10 aircraft), you can go to the green lighthouse on them. When you fly and click on it with the mouse, you will receive the next task. If your aircraft is very weak, get ready for heavy battles on the way to the target. Another goal: to clear the entire territory from the enemy. Time - 1 hour 30 minutes. Your new base, which you have reached, becomes enemy in just a few seconds. Get out of there, as your units will be periodically recruited (resistance from this kind of trouble has not yet been developed). Note also that there are enemy LZs to the west and east. What this is fraught with is already known. Aviation is essential here. This is the key to victory. Make regular raids first on the western LZ, then hit the north and “for a snack” weaken the eastern LZ. Destroy air defenses first. After weakening each area, send ground troops there and capture artifacts. The northern base is industrial. Don't forget to undermine its economy. If after defeating the enemy you were not given a victory, check the area again - you missed something. Before the final blow, prepare a combat landing in the LZ area. I recommend that before completing the mission, make a base in the west (near one of the oil fields). Transport Mission: Team Alpha Detected The purpose of the mission is to land troops, reach the green beacon and then return the detected group of units to LZ. Time - 1 hour. In principle, this mission can be completed in 5-10 minutes. Why do you take aircraft, fly to the lighthouse and return with a replenished train to LZ. But I don't recommend doing that. Use the time to develop. As you move towards the lighthouse, get the opportunity to call in other landings. Order air defense equipment among other units. Don't rush to the lighthouse. Consistently clear the area. Build another Research Facility (for the next mission). Northern Sector Mission The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and clear the territory from the enemy. Time - 1 hour. The mission will start with trouble. First, your Command Center will turn over, and later, in turn, other buildings and units will begin to go over to the side of the enemy. To get rid of this misfortune, urgently study NEXUS Resistance. This technology grants immunity from recruitment. By the way, the Research Facility will change you among the first, and without it you will not be able to study the much-needed technology, so having several of these buildings will not hurt. Along with recruiting, enemy attacks await you, so it will be difficult. Save more. After learning NEXUS Resistance it will become easier. Improve the technology further and, having gathered strength, look for the enemy (why is understandable). It will mainly focus on the north. Transport Mission: Away Team The goal of the mission is to land troops, reach the green beacon (time - 10 minutes) and then clear the area from the enemy (time - 1 hour 30 minutes). After you reach the lighthouse (go there in a southerly direction), you will get more time (1 hour 30 minutes) and new areas on the map will be opened. The enemy is located to the south, just beyond the mountains is the first base of the enemy. There is a guidance radar. It is better to immediately destroy it with aircraft (do not forget, as always, about enemy air defense). Even in the center (on your former south) a narrow passage will open. Cover it with troops. In addition, you will be given another base. The scheme of action is about the same - aviation strikes first, infantry finishes off. It is useful to use mortar installations. Northern Sector Mission The purpose of the mission is to find a green beacon, clear the entire territory from the enemy. Time - 2 hours. The beacon activates when you approach it (south of the map). There is also an industrial center of the enemy, where there are three Missile Silos. In fact, they need to be captured (it is useful to establish another base there). By and large, the strategy and tactics are the same (aviation plus infantry). It will take patience and the skills gained during the game. After breaking the main base, take all the artifacts. Estimate if your strike force in the next mission will have time to get to the nearest Research Facility in 5 minutes. If not, then build it within reach. Northern Sector Mission: Missile Codes The purpose of the mission is to return the detachment that captured the artifacts to the Research Facility. Time - 5 minutes. Quickly grab your vanguard and hit the road. The advice for this situation was given above. Objective: Learn Missile Targeting Codes three times and survive. Repel the attack from the northwest and develop. Learn the Angel Missile (a good ranged weapon) and, as soon as possible, Missile Targeting Codes. The study of the latest technology will go through three stages, and if you study it completely, victory in this mission will be yours. This process will take a lot of time, so get ready for numerous ground attacks, aircraft and nuclear explosions. The latter will give you a lot of trouble (although sometimes they also hit the enemy). We'll have to put up with this and rebuild (this is where the presence of several bases justifies itself). Remember that Missile Targeting Codes are studied at the Research Facility! You will be informed about the study of each stage of technology. Tip: since the terrain is mountainous, use walls (in the narrow places of approach to the bases), blocking the passage of enemy units. At the very least, this will hold them back for a while, and they will become an easy target. Your main base is in the south (where the Missile Silo is; take care of them!). Block the passages to it from the north and southwest ... And fight back, dodging nuclear explosions. All suffering will end for you with the final study of Missile Targeting Codes. Transport Mission The purpose of the mission is to prepare for the final battle in the landing area. Time - 30 minutes. First, you will be given a solid amount of energy. Use it to its fullest. Build factories, research institutes, oil rigs, create units, etc. In short, get ready to land on the area where the last enemy forces are left. Aviation will be very necessary. The purpose of the landing is to land in a given area and wait for reinforcements to defeat the southwestern stronghold of the enemy. Time is not limited. This is your last company. So do not rush to immediately start attacking hostilities. Call in a couple of paratroopers. While reinforcements are on the way, look for some trees next to LZ. Smash them to smithereens. Here is the place for the VTOL Rearming Pad (15 pieces will not hurt). Between them it is worth building air defense systems. Aviation will play a decisive factor here. She still attacks industrial facilities, suppressing enemy air defenses. In this case, you will have to fight off enemy air raids and attacks by ground units. Industrial centers are located in the northwest, slightly north of the center of the map, in the south, southeast and the main one in the southwest. It is advisable to take on the center and the northwest first (do not completely destroy everything, but only vital and “unpleasant” objects, including mortar installations and recruiters - these towers and units are somewhat similar to cranes). Then deal with the southeast and south. Thus, you will beat down the pressure of the enemy and ensure unimpeded flights of aviation through the center. And finally, hit the southwest. Air raids (20 units), air defenses and barrage ground forces (block the last approaches from the west and south of your LZ) will do their job. Some patience is required, of course. When the enemy is economically undermined, everything else is a matter of technique. You can collect all the artifacts, and then attack the southwest, or you can immediately attack the main target. In any case, justice, albeit not in a completely righteous way, has triumphed. Mankind is saved from evil with an iron hand. Congratulations on your final victory! And in conclusion, having recovered from numerous and bloody battles, think about another prophecy of Nostradamus: “In the year 1999 and seven months, the Great King of Horror will appear from heaven. He will bring the king of the Mongols back to life. Before and after that, the God of War reigns happily.”

I first got acquainted with this game on the First Sonya, and was immediately fascinated by many things: a deep atmosphere, the originality of the setting, the gameplay mechanism. Having gone through the existing demo, I somehow left this game for a long time, although it is very firmly stuck in my memory. I started playing a full-fledged campaign already on the PC - in the form of a project transferred to its base, which to this day develops and updates this topic. But, having passed a certain number of missions, he was rather taken aback by the turmoil that began further, and decided to postpone this matter for the time being. And now, having returned again, it has already passed to the end. This review will be rather a personal summary and a gallery of the most memorable impressions, but it may be of interest to someone else, because I think this game one of the most underestimated, due to its unknown to almost anyone.

This is how the original Warzone disc on PS One greets the player: in style, almost as always.

So, what's the point of this game? Let's list it point by point.

1. Atmosphere.
A desert scorched by a nuclear war, dotted with mountain ranges and intricate passages between them, on which the miserable remnants of humanity are fighting for survival; a zero-start Project, growing among a handful of Scavengers roaming around and surrounded on all sides by a mysterious fog of war; bases neatly inscribed in the terrain, lone oil derricks, rhythmically knocking as they roll, the screen trembling when large buildings are destroyed. It is difficult to explain what exactly (and at the same time - to everyone), but from beginning to end this game immerses you in a special world, unlike any other, living by its own laws, and even the equipment and buildings of the enemy break into pieces here, releasing clouds of stuffy flames like something according to Warzon.

Bare ground, craters from old explosions, abandoned highways and wandering enemy groups: this is how the western sector meets the first base of the Project.

2. Cumulative development of the base.
It is precisely this chip, unlike the same unit editor, that I have not seen anywhere else. The point is that your main base in each campaign moves from one mission to another unchanged, remaining in the same place and in the same state, it’s just that over time the general map expands, some additional (sometimes commensurate with all the previous ones) sectors open up. And in other cases, the available territory is simply played out differently when, at the end of the Alpha New Paradigm campaign, it begins to land troops all over the map, attacking your oil rigs, including in the deep rear of the main base, left over from the first missions, where it was already completely impossible to wait for the enemy... "One-time" cards are played with take-off missions, which are prepared in the main base and depend directly on it through the reinforcement system.

On the other hand, sometimes this poses difficult logistical problems, especially considering the system of mutual movement of units, which will be discussed later:

A typical picture at the Beta base: countless crowds of equipment, set up and returned from a departure (this is not counting those groups that are deliberately placed outside the perimeter). To move the desired unit from one end of the base to the other, you have to move the entire army. Traffic jams in 2100 are not yet a thing of the past...

3. Differentiation of forces.
What is usually meant by the term "balance" is developed here unusually strongly. Under the differentiation of forces, I understand, on the one hand, that within my own troops, where each type of weapon is rather narrowly specialized in performing specific purpose(powerful anti-tank Lancers, unable to do anything with crowds of cyborgs, long-range mortars, powerless in direct contact with heavy equipment, etc.), which makes it necessary to form strike groups that are quite diverse in composition, each link of which is strictly necessary and fulfills the role assigned to it . For example, here is the composition of the reconnaissance-combat (because it was impossible to conduct pure reconnaissance there) groups on the last mission against the Nexus, when such a division reached its peak:

The basis is 3 Scourges (anti-tank twin missiles, because mainly in this sector of technology), 2 Defenders on top (against aircraft), 1 pulse laser on the bottom (from cyborgs, usually sent more), 2 mortar howitzers in the middle right (good support against cyborgs and the ability to fire at distant targets) and two KB towers in the center (a type of sensor that radically expands the field of view, which is critical in Warzone - therefore two, in case one is destroyed: a group without eyes is meaningless).

The formed groups also differ in type: the defensive one consists of classic units + mortars, for shelling a suitable enemy, the assault one instead of them is equipped with Antibunkers, which destroy any buildings with a bang, under specific conditions, aviation, artillery can be attached to the first detachment (usually it comes later) , small reconnaissance groups are equipped with everything to a minimum.

In addition, there is a huge differentiation in the balance of forces with the enemy: at first, on a landing in new terrain the whole group can be destroyed in a matter of minutes, but after a certain mass of defensive structures erected, it becomes practically impregnable. A striking example is one of the missions in the second campaign:

The working days of the advanced base in the Beta sector: measured sorties of aviation on objects, regular artillery fire on air defenses and buildings that threaten the reconnaissance group. It's hard to believe: just 20 minutes ago, a real massacre was going on here, when the first landing detachment was fired from mortars, bombed by aircraft and surrounded by groups of vehicles and cyborgs from different sides. The hasty collection of reinforcements from all in a row was carried out hand in hand with desperate building up of the area and maneuvering equipment. Now it is a classic defense system in advanced Warzone missions: the base is formed by fortified towers with Lancers (against tanks), behind them are powerful batteries of anti-aircraft guns that stop regular raids and one or two batteries of mortars that trample any suitable enemy forces. In the place of the main accumulation of equipment, a mandatory repair (it is built first of all after disembarkation, otherwise the group will not last long, followed by Lancers, after them, immediately - air defense). In the rear of the site for the repair and reloading of aircraft, even further - long-range artillery batteries.

In addition, the marked predominance of means of destruction over means of defense forces one to always act cautiously and find sophisticated ways to solve problems: a group launched into the fortifications of the enemy is destroyed in some one or two minutes.

The standard tactics of the Beta company, which replaced large tank squadrons after researching artillery: a small reconnaissance group of one KB sensor (for aiming), one or two anti-tank missiles, an anti-aircraft gun and an Inferno gun (from cyborgs) slowly plows the expanses of the area, looking for enemy buildings , on which MLRS-artillery strikes are directed.

4. Design
The notorious unit editor is known from many games, but this, for a second, is the 99th year, and besides, it was not possible to implement it organically and competently, and most importantly, justifiably, far from everywhere, and I honestly don’t remember a single game of that time, where it would be done in a similar way. In Warzone, this is due to the system of artifacts retrieved from destroyed enemy bases, which bring new technologies to build. The most important thing is to link compositional solutions with the scope, their place and function in defense and attack, to establish optimal production and supply of samples. Classic forks of alternative fire systems, and the dilemma of maneuverability versus armor.

View of the constructor on the penultimate mission: the list of units takes up two full pages. It is almost impossible to remove anything: each type may be required to solve a specific task.

5. Style.
Flawlessly authentic. Starting from the backstory with the NASDA satellite control system, which launched a nuclear apocalypse due to a "software error", continuing with sudden messages when landing in a new sector from an unknown sender, with a threat to leave it or be destroyed, and ending with each screensaver, where a perfectly indifferently correct female voice speaks in an extremely formalized language, using expressions like "precollapse structures", "are operating in this sector" and so on. Even the playable side itself is called the impersonal word "Project". This also includes the well-known claim to the scientific validity of new technologies, in the description of each of which you can read that, for example, this flamethrower is more powerful, since propylene oxide is used (by the way, the flame really changes color - it turns blue, what diligence!), new the engine has automated injection and so on. Separately, the topic with synaptic link technology and the creation of cyborgs is well beaten. To appreciate the general atmosphere, you can see, for example, such an introductory video for one of the early missions:

Special mention deserves the musical arrangement of the main menu, created already in the new version (by the project mentioned above), which simply flawlessly conveys the atmosphere of a scary, incomprehensible, high-tech future: the gradually increasing tension of ambient noises is replaced by a continuous crushing wave of noise:

Now, in a nutshell, what can be attributed to the minuses:

1. Unit movement system
Here they are not "transparent", and everyone needs free place to go somewhere. They turn slowly, move slowly, and they don’t want to free someone from the passage further than the one closest to it, as a result of which it can be difficult to separate two large groups in a limited space.
2. Permanent technological superiority of the enemy
Except, perhaps, the first missions. Well, it’s kind of a shame when you’ve already played 3 missions against more advanced equipment, and then you finally manage to get it ... it would be better if this process were more arbitrary, and depended on some player’s actions (captious search for artifacts, or an in-depth study of the desired areas).
3. Annoying timer
There is probably someone like it, and sometimes the time limit introduces dynamics, but there are only a couple of missions in the warzone where it is not. I like to play calmly and not to rush anywhere, because a regularly used cheat was to turn off the timer.

Actually, I end on this note. this review, followed by a small gallery of remaining screenshots showing memorable moments from the game:

The most difficult mission in the Beta sector: I had to replay the landing moment 10 times, each time re-equipping the transport and choosing a different sequence of actions in the first seconds. The point is that as soon as you lean out of the pit into which the detachment was landed (above), your tanks begin to crumble artillery located at the far end of the huge base that fills the entire map (you can see it on the radar, it is highlighted with a white dot). This happens because from the cape of the plateau on which this base is located (below), you are detected by the sensors installed there. You can try to stupidly rush equipment to sensors and try to destroy them, but by the time you do this, there won’t really be anything left of the group, and then the base will be swept away anyway. You can, armed with your sensor and artillery, try to highlight enemy sensors and demolish them, but the artillery will be under fire from the enemy before that. It was like chess. Finally, the only working solution was found to equip the detachment with three units of anti-aircraft aircraft (very well equipped with anti-bunker missiles instead of bombs, because the former work from a much greater distance, leaving more chances for aircraft to escape alive from shelling, do not enter the air defense coverage system so deeply, but buildings they destroy it with one shot anyway), which they immediately aim at the sensors without suppressing the air defense systems, as suicide bombers.

The massive fortifications of the Beta main base are the consequences of a raid by enemy tanks with anti-bunkers, which destroyed each tower with one (!) Shot, which made me really freak out and make blank walls in front of them.

Outpost to protect the oil rig in the main Beta sector: the classic levels of defense listed above, plus a niche for the truck, allowing him to quickly repair attacked towers while remaining on the defensive himself - an effective technique in hot directions.

The reconnaissance group runs around the hill, in the mouth of which the battery is located, trying to detect it with sensors for destruction by artillery. From time to time you may be fired from mortars: don't worry, this is normal.

The front left flank on the penultimate mission: the Nexus laser satellite has already destroyed the previous base, and will soon begin to burn the rest, landings will be dropped along the way from different sides from the north. This base will be one of the first to be destroyed, the goal of holding it is not set: all equipment has been eaten away, only towers are left to protect oil rigs and distract attention for the maximum time. Numerous false targets (fragments of the wall) are visible in the north to distract the laser fire.

Front right flank: the situation is similar. Groups of towers are removed from each other for the longest possible opposition to the laser beam operating over the area.

Rear right flank: main base. The main emphasis is placed on the fire of batteries of mortars and angels (a new model of MLRS-artillery), massively burning out enemy units. A defense in depth was thought out, with the possibility of repeated rollback, which in the end justified itself. Mobile artillery and trucks are assigned to repair towers in case of laser/aircraft damage. Factories and generators are duplicated.

Rear left flank: spare base. Factories and all major supply systems are duplicated. A jumper is visible on the right, preventing the advance of enemy vehicles to the rear of both bases. As a result, by the end of the mission, the enemy reached the beginning of the peaceful buildings of both main bases, methodically burning everything with a laser beam.

The last mission against the Nexus: reconnaissance and assault (because pure reconnaissance will not work there due to the constant counterattacks of the Nexus with vehicles) a group of Tigers (the old heavy corps, bottom right) is replaced by a recently arrived Revenge group (the new heavy corps weighs much less, while being stronger protected : smartly sliding units like a balm for the soul after tiger snails).

The apogee of the "detect and aim" tactics on the last mission: two reconnaissance assault groups working in shifts (while the damaged composition of one is being repaired, the other replaces it) highlights groups of buildings, on which three artillery batteries (one of which Arkhangelov is the most a perfect modification that tramples any building into the ground from the first hits); the aviation unit of anti-bunkers and anti-tank (in case of particularly annoying pieces of equipment) are on duty - all, of course, under different digital keys, because without the appointment of groups it is simply unrealistic to coordinate such work.

Who knows, maybe this prediction of a famous prophet will come true in 2100 (God forbid that this does not happen earlier). At least, this is apparently what the developers of the new Warzone2100 strategy assume. Judge for yourself. November 3, 2085. The error of one of the defense satellites leads to the launch of missiles at the largest nuclear powers. This inevitably unleashes a nuclear war in which there are no winners, but there is death, devastation, hunger and suffering. However, a small part of the Earth's population managed to survive in this hell, enduring all the horrors of nuclear bombings and their consequences, including nuclear winter. The survivors also did not want to live in peace and harmony, but were mired in hopeless civil strife. Only a small handful of people decide to unite humanity and revive civilization. But, unfortunately, their initiative did not find support from other groups. Moreover, the latter want war and madness. Against the backdrop of such bleak events on April 4, 2100, you will have to stop the chaos by armed means (alas, there is no other way), destroying all evil on Earth.

Such is the prelude. As for the impressions directly from the game itself, this, of course, is a purely military strategy. The economic factor is little expressed here, there is no diplomacy at all, but the abundance of technologies, various modifications and projects when creating units and structures is simply impressive. And if we add here a simple interface, very good three-dimensional graphics (available for owners of 3Dfx or video cards that support 3D graphics; for the rest there is a simpler mode - Software), the ability to view the map at various viewing angles (from 10 to 85 degrees), a set special effects, including fog, smoke, fire and lighting, you involuntarily forget about the nightmare from which, in general, it all started, and completely immerse yourself in this fantasy-realistic, frighteningly bewitching world of the war zone.

As promised by the developers, the intelligence of the enemy deserves some respect. So, if your barrage bastion was unsuccessfully attacked, next time wait for a strike from the flank (if the terrain allows) or a secret raid by a sabotage group directly to your rear (and with a simultaneous distracting strike on the “main”, as it seemed to you at first, direction) . The enemy does not disdain such methods of warfare as undermining the economy by striking at oil rigs and other industrial facilities. Moreover, near the oil field, the enemy immediately, as a rule, puts up protective structures. Your units are also smart enough, but only with patency and self-preservation instinct they are tight. So, if you give a group module command to send subordinates from one point to another and there will be obstacles along the way in the form of terrain or artificial structures, then there is a possibility that some of your warriors will get stuck on the road and will helplessly rush about while you re-do not specify the route. Another oddity is the tendency to stand still while moving in circles (and this happens to happen). When conducting combat operations, especially in defense, this is sometimes a plus, but, for example, when repairing Trucks towers that have been attacked, it is very unpleasant - they will stubbornly circle, pushing each other and falling under attackers' fire. And one more circumstance concerning directly the program itself and about which the developers warn. During the gameplay, failures in the form of "braking" of the game are possible. This happens extremely rarely (for all the time it happened to me a couple of times). The way out is simple - save and reload the game in Software mode, and then again in 3D. If it doesn't help, restart Windows. These "features", of course, are not fatal, but they should be taken into account.

The positive aspects also include the ability to create a special kind of mechanical units - Command Turret, mobile tools for managing other units. The game interface is quite simple. It should also be noted a large number of keyboard shortcuts for commands, some of them can be assigned or changed by yourself. For example, I really liked the commands that define and call, if necessary, groups of units ( ctrl and 1 – assigning the first number to the selected group, after which the key 1 activates this group, pressing again 1 takes you to it). It helps a lot when carrying out a number of tactical operations. It is also nice to have such a property of combat units as the ability to shoot back when retreating. The scheme of military and economic development is standard, with the exception of one original circumstance - at the end of the mission, everything that has been developed, built and created remains with you, and if units or buildings were “wounded”, then after moving on to the next mission they will remain in the same condition. Therefore, you will have to think not only tactically, but also strategically - where to build, place, and whether it is worth immediately completing the mission. When you do not know in advance what awaits you in the future, this can lead to very unpleasant surprises. The game is divided into 3 companies, which take place in the desert, city and mountains, respectively. In addition, there is a training mission for obtaining primary skills in base development and unit management. And if we take into account the possibility of standard Multiplayer plus voice communication between participants, then Warzone2100 should be attributed to a fairly strong real-time war strategy that claims to be a hit. In a word, I recommend.


Scavenger Raiders

The purpose of the mission is to create a base and clear the territory from enemy groups.

First of all, you need to build a Command Center (command center), of course, with the help of Trucks (porter workers). Next, build an Oil Derrick (oil rig), having previously pulled military equipment to the field (indicated by a blue beacon), since this is where the first small attack on your base will be. Then build a Power Generator (a power plant that provides four oil rigs), a Research Facility (a research institute - research institute) and a Factory (factory). At the factory, create a "militia" (so far only Machinegun Viper Wheels is available - an automatic combat vehicle) and go on a campaign to the east. By the way, you can choose the place for arrival at a specific point of recruits created at the factory by dragging the square with the number 1 with the mouse to where it is needed. So, the first enemy camp east of your base will be easy to destroy. The next target is northwest. There, capture the first artifacts that should be studied at the research institute without delay. Build an oil rig on a captured field. Do not forget to withdraw your badly wounded combat units that have received a promotion from the front line in time (the wounded can be distinguished from the total mass by the team alt+E), later they can be treated. By the way, in especially difficult cases, I recommend to reduce the speed of the game ( ctrl and ; ). ctrl and + increase speed accordingly. Keep track of energy (depends on the number of oil derricks, fuel barrels captured, the intensity of unit creation and research). If it is close to zero, then you will not be able to create and explore anything. Moving north, defeat another base. Be careful with enemy defensive towers and new combat mechs! After capturing the artifact, as always, study it at the research institute. Further to the west you will find another enemy camp and an artifact that allows you to build a Machinegun Guard Tower (automatic defense tower). By the way, after studying it, you can immediately safely build several (5-7) of these towers in the south of your main base (in the next mission, expect an enemy attack from the southern mountains). In addition, a new type of military equipment will become available - Flamer Viper Wheels (combat vehicle with a flamethrower). And one more refuge of the enemy - in the south of the place of the last battle. Before the attack, if combat resources allow, send a small detachment to your base - enemy raids are possible in the subsequent mission. After defeating the above shelter, collect the artifact and barrels of fuel (whatever you don’t have time to pick up, you will pick up in the next mission). So, the first mission is won. Congratulations!

Alpha Base Mission: Power Surge Detected

The purpose of the mission is to find and destroy all enemy bases (indicated on the map by red beacons). Introduced game time limit - 1 hour.

If you have the southern outskirts of the base protected by towers, then you can not pay much attention to attacks on these defensive lines. In general, it will be possible to fight in the south. However, before you go camping, be sure to study Engineering (engineering), which will provide an opportunity to develop Mobile Repair Turret (repair ability), and this, in turn, will lead to the creation of Mobile Repair Turret Viper Wheels (auto repairers). The latter will heal your wounded troops. In the future, it is useful to include auto repairmen in combat squads. Well, now you can go along the southern road to capture the next artifacts, which, as a rule, are located inside various buildings and become available after the destruction of structures, starting to flash a green beacon. One of them will allow the invention of the Sensor Turret (target guidance locator), and then the target gunner itself (Sensor Turret Viper Wheels). If it is included in the squad (for example, by a group module), then hitting the selected target will be more effective. Once the area is cleared, the mission will end.

Power Module Artifact

The purpose of the mission is to study the Power Module Artifact and upgrade the Power Generator.

This is a breather for you, so take your time. Repair first, complete all possible upgrades and, having prepared a combat squad of 10 units (the next mission will be a transport one), including an auto repairman and a gunner, position it near the launch pad (near the Command Center). After that, you can perform the specified task.

Alpha Base and Transport Missions: Locate and Recover Artifacts

The purpose of the mission is to load the troops into the transporter and, after landing in a given area, capture the artifact. Time - 15 minutes.

You should act more carefully (you will have a maximum of 10 units), but quickly (not much time). In case of serious damage, retreat and repair. After capturing the artifact, return to LZ (Landing Zone - a landing pad for landing).

Transport Mission: Investigate Research Center

The purpose of the mission is to scout and clear the area, capturing artifacts. Time - 30 minutes.

This time, several landings will be available. First, you can organize a campaign with one group to the west (but it is better to wait for reinforcements), and the other to the north. After clearing the territory and getting the next portion of the artifacts, return to LZ in full force. True, if there is time left, do not rush to do it. Spend precious minutes on research, development and repair (it is recommended to do this in subsequent missions).

Transport Mission: Encoded Signals Detected

The purpose of the mission is to find the source of the signals and clear the area. Time - 1 hour.

You'll have to sweat. At first, you can land only one landing, but after you find the enemy’s central base (located in the center of the map), others will become available. Therefore, do not delay the first trip. His goal is to discover this base by engaging in a small reconnaissance battle. When it becomes possible to call for reinforcements, retreat immediately, as the enemy is strong enough. After the arrival of the main forces, it is advisable to divide your army into 2 parts. The first group will go to the southwest, then to the south and prepare to strike from this direction. The other, made up of newcomers, will attack the base from the north-west first and, taking the blow on itself, will divert some of the enemy's forces. At this time, the southern group, consisting of experienced "warriors", will suddenly strike from their flank. After the defeat of the central camp, a powerful fortified area awaits you in the northeast of the map. The battle will be bloody. It makes sense to reduce the speed of the game. Get ready for losses. But in case of victory, you will get a lot of scientific and technical discoveries and upgrades.

Alpha Base Mission: The New Paradigm

The goal of the mission is to destroy all enemy bases and capture artifacts. Time - 2 hours.

The resistance of the forces of evil is growing. Almost from the very beginning of the mission, tank attacks await you. After repulsing the most ardent sorties, go hiking in a southerly direction. Create tanks. Depending on the terrain and terrain, place anti-tank "hedgehogs" (Tank Traps). They still hamper the advancement of heavy equipment. Build walls and towers. When you get to the southwestern part of the map, head south through the narrow passage in the mountains (don't miss the enemy oil rig in the southwest). Before going south, it makes sense to place a couple of the strongest defensive towers at the beginning of the passage, placing your troops behind them. Then have a few tanks provoke the enemy attack and lure him to your ambush. After several such maneuvers, you can attack the weakened enemy and defeat his southern camp, including another oil rig, as well as the southeastern base. Then head north. When you receive a task along the way to destroy the enemy LZ (located on a hill), then by completing it, it would be better to bypass the LZ with one group on the right, and use the other (only carefully) on the left flank. Having mastered the entire north (by the way, it is not at all necessary to destroy civilian structures), go to a decisive battle in the center of the map, where you need to defeat another enemy LZ as quickly as possible, otherwise the enemy landings will give you a lot of trouble. At the beginning of Operation Center, it is better to use the same tactics using two groups (the terrain will tell you in which directions to attack). In addition, it makes sense to keep 3-4 Trucks in the convoy (you will find out why in the next mission). If the control time has not come out, and the enemy has already been defeated, you proceed to the next stage. Well, if after the destruction of the enemy the mission does not want to end in any way, check the map again: something from the enemy structures was missed.

Alpha Base Mission: Establish a Forward Base

The goal of the mission is to build a second base in a given area (that's where Trucks come in handy), repelling all enemy attacks. Time - 30 minutes.

The process of building a base includes the construction of a Power Generator, Research Facility and Factory. Towers will have to be erected in any case to repel the attacks of the enemy. In addition, if you have built any structures near the eastern (relative to the main base) chain of mountains, then take care of their safety - they will be attacked by tanks. In this mission, learn how to create a Command Turret (a mobile vehicle for controlling other units). In the course of creating a second base, prepare combat landings for the next mission at the main LZ.

Transport Mission: Enemy Transmissions Detected

The goal of the mission is to land combat troops in a given area and find LZ No. 2, avoiding encounters with large enemy forces. Time - 30 minutes.

Make the first landing a combat one, since you can receive reinforcements only after finding LZ No. 2 (located on the east of the map). Do not stumble upon a strong enemy base in the center of the map. There is a small base near LZ #1, destroy it. Retreat in time and repair. Try to "slip" to LZ #2 as quietly as possible and with the least losses. The attacks at the beginning of the next mission will be severe.

Destroy Enemy Base

The goal of the mission is to defeat the enemy's central and northeastern bases, capture artifacts and return to LZ #2. Time - 42 minutes.

Urgently request a landing. You are attacked by tanks and similar combat units. Don't let them close to your LZ, otherwise the landing will become impossible. Trucks can be included in called groups to build and repair protective structures. Having repelled the first attacks and gathered forces, it is advisable to go to capture the northeastern camp, and then, split into two groups, attack the central base from the eastern and southern sides, respectively. After completing the defeat and obtaining artifacts, return to LZ #2.

Transport Mission: Synaptic Link Location

The purpose of the mission is to land troops and destroy all the bases. Time - 1 hour.

After the landing of the strike group, request another one, but for now, clear the south. It is better to strike the main blow from the southwest. Another smaller group can be attacked from the southeast (emphasis on distraction). It makes sense to build a couple of towers on the southwestern hills in order to complicate the attacks of the enemy. After defeating all the bases, take away the artifacts. True, if you still had time before hitting the last building, then do not rush. To make it easier to complete the task in the next mission, create a powerful army.

Alpha Base Mission: Counter Attack

The purpose of the mission is to repel the attacks of enemy landings. Time - 1 hour.

Will have to make an effort. True, you will have some time to build up. First of all, fortify your LZ #2 from the north with powerful towers. Place Trucks behind them. Attacks of cyborgs and - later - tanks are expected here. By the way, you will also learn how to create cyborgs. Next, block the same narrow passage in the mountains in the south of the map with towers, protecting them with Trucks and combat units. Enemy cyborgs will try to break through here, and later a powerful attack by tanks will follow. The towers will hold back this onslaught for a while, and it will be easier for your group lurking in ambush to fight. An enemy landing should also be expected in the northwest and west. So get stronger. In addition, the western grouping of the enemy may try to make a forced march along the road and attack your main base from the east. But if your defensive structures (towers, walls, "hedgehogs" and a small detachment of combat units) "accidentally" come across your defensive structures on their way, then there will be no problems. In general, the enemy will strike the main blow in the south in the area of ​​​​the narrow passage, so a significant part of your forces, respectively, should be concentrated in this direction. If you survived, then you won.

Transport Mission: New Objectives

The purpose of the mission is to capture the artifacts and prevent the enemy transport from landing. Time - 30 minutes.

Tricky mission. The whole trick and difficulty lies not in breaking the enemy (he is not that strong), but in preventing the transporter from getting on his LZ and picking up at least one enemy unit. You must act quickly and boldly. In your starting point of deployment - in the southwest. Move first in an east direction and, having reached the south, turn towards the center, bypassing enemy bases and not getting involved in battle. Then descend into the gorge and climb the mountain serpentine. At the same time, do not forget to call troops. It is better to do the first “sally” after waiting for reinforcements, as a small fight with enemy tanks can start in the gorge. (As soon as the forces guarding LZ see you, a transport will be called, and you will have very little time left.) It is better to wait for good reinforcements and quickly hit the base, trying to get your troops into position directly on LZ (then the transport will not be able to land). If you do not delay with maneuvers, then everything will end successfully for you. After activating the green beacon, return to your LZ (there will be time left - you can attack other enemy bases). And finally, advice - save before the main attack.


Alpha Base Mission: Incoming Transmission

The goal of the mission is to protect your LZ in the landing area and destroy the enemy. Time - 2 hours.

According to the laws of the genre, the last mission in the company is the most difficult, so get ready. So, collect a strong landing force and hit the road. Having landed the first group, immediately order the second. Some time later, enemy attacks with tanks will begin. After waiting for reinforcements, throw fresh forces into battle. After knocking down the first onslaught of the enemy, repair. It makes sense to build several towers to control LZ. After collecting a detachment of 2530 units, go on a hike in the northeast direction. The base east of your LZ can be left alone for now. Now it is very important to destroy the enemy LZ as quickly as possible (to stop the enemy landing), which is located a little northeast of the center of the map, as well as the base located not far from it (to the west of the enemy’s LZ, there is the enemy’s main economic center and factories for the production of combat technology). It is better to act in stages - a provocative attack by a small group, retreat (luring the enemy under attack by the main forces), a strike on enemy equipment by the main forces, repairs. But at the same time, one should take into account the abundance of enemy towers, as well as attacks from the water. When you get to the center of the map, then it is advisable to go along the northeast bank of the river right to the LZ itself. After destroying it, repair it. At this time, another group of yours, made up of all the time arriving troops, let them go to the center of the map. Next, the first group will attack military equipment, fortifications and factories of the enemy's industrial base (it is located northwest of the captured LZ), and the other from the center will attack the southern defensive lines. Then attack the strong northeast bastion. At the same time (if, of course, there is a detachment of 10 experienced units in your LZ area), you can also defeat the enemy base in the south.

When all the red beacons disappear from the map, it means that you have won the mission and the first company. In the future, after transferring to Alpha Base, you will be given 10 minutes to prepare for the second company, i.e. repair, create the necessary units or conduct scientific research. Finally, prepare the traditional combat landing for the next company.


Beta Base Mission: Eastern Sector. Defend and Fortify

The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and defeat all enemy forces. Time - 1 hour.

In the Eastern Sector, you already have a good Beta base and some forces plus one landing force, with which you, in fact, arrived. There will be attacks from the north, and later from the southeast, including aircraft, so along with traditional combat units, immediately study and create air defenses (AA HE Flak, AA Ammunition Hopper). Don't forget to gather all your strength with Alpha Base. After knocking down the greatest fury of the enemy, capture the northeastern oil field. Then break up the enemy forces in the southeast and finally clear the north.

Transport Mission: Transport Down

The goal of the mission is, after landing in a given area, to reach the place indicated on the map by a green beacon, where you need to save your troops in trouble. Time - 30 minutes.

You will be dropped off in the southwest. You will need to reach the northeast. Just go straight, trying not to get involved in the fight. When you reach the goal, you have won.

Beta Base Mission: Hold At All Costs

The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and clear the north. Time - 2 hours.

First of all, protect your northeast oil rig. Gather forces and attack the enemy hiding to the north of your base. There, capture another oil field. Include air defense systems in battle groups - there will be air raids from the northwest. Don't forget to build AA bunkers where necessary. Further north, the enemy has more serious bases. Get ready for powerful attacks. It makes sense to build protective structures near the captured oil rig. The enemy will try to break through the center first. Then he will make an attempt to strike from two or three sides, bypassing you from the flanks (he will not disdain and preliminary air strikes). Therefore, be careful. Also, don't miss the raid of the enemy sabotage group in your rear (it will try to bypass the forward checkpoint from the east). If you withstand this pressure, keeping 30 units of military equipment, consider that victory is in your pocket. Boldly finish off the enemy.

Transport Mission: Intercept Convoy

The goal of the mission is to find and return the artifact after landing in a given area, then return with it to LZ. Time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

There are two enemy bases in this area: one in the northwest, the other in the northeast. Aviation still hooligans. The path through the center is somewhat risky. There is a chance to miss an artifact in the southwest. Therefore, it would be better to go there at once; if you don't find anyone there, attack the northwest base. The artifact is there. The main thing is to capture it (it is inside one of the combat units). Once done, return to LZ. True, if there is still enough time left, you can clear the entire territory, capturing barrels of fuel as a result.

Beta Base Mission: Destroy Enemy Air Base and Recover VTOLs

The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy air base and capture artifacts (VTOLs).

Your target is in the northwest. Southwest can be left untouched for now. First, the enemy will try to attack the northern oil rig, and then there will be attacks on the base, incl. using aviation from the northwestern base. After reflecting them, go on a hike to the "source of evil." Having broken the enemy bases along the way, go to the main one and, having destroyed it, capture the artifacts. Do not rush to destroy all the buildings. You, if everything was done correctly, should have time left. Use it for research (don't forget about aircraft), energy storage, repair, unit creation, etc.

Secondary Mission: Destroy or Drive Off Enemy Transport

The purpose of the mission is to destroy the bastion protecting the enemy LZ, to prevent the enemy transport from appearing there. Time - 55 minutes.

One of the easy and enjoyable ways to achieve victory in this mission is the competent use of aviation. Create (in case you didn't manage to do it before) planes, build more VTOL Rearming Pad to replenish its ammunition, and also place ground units not far from the enemy (only so that he does not see you). Next, raid the defenses of the LZ. After defeating the main towers and cleaning up enemy units, quickly attack the LZ, directly occupying the territory of the site itself. That's all.

Transport Mission: Destroy Reactor

The purpose of the mission is to destroy the enemy base in the northeast after landing in a given area. Time - 1 hour.

Your target is in the opposite corner of the map - in the northeast. Do not rush to find yourself, wait for the second landing. Wait for the cyborgs to attack from the east, and later the tanks will come from the north. Move first to the north, and then to the east. By the way, the transporter can transport aircraft, however, keep in mind that the enemy uses air defense systems here. If you use air force, then proceed carefully. It is advisable then to grab Trucks to build the VTOL Rearming Pad. Attack the fortified area in the northeast (a balanced group of 3035 units will successfully smash the enemy stronghold to smithereens). You shouldn't have any particular problems. After completing the task, return to LZ.

Beta Base Mission: Capture NASDA Central

The goal of the mission is to capture all the artifacts and return to LZ. Time - 1 hour 15 minutes.

You will be dropped off in the northwest. The target is in the center of the map. Go there through the north, just gather your forces (don't forget about air defense). You will be periodically attacked by long-range mortar guns. It is advisable to divide your army into two parts. In the center, a fairly organized and numerous defense awaits you (first of all, this applies to protective structures). Don't try to destroy everything. The main thing is to destroy factories, research institutes and similar buildings where you can pick up artifacts. When you collect them all, LZ is activated and you can return.

Transport Mission: Satellite Uplink Site

The goal of the mission is to destroy the enemy base in the northwest after landing in a given area, capturing all the artifacts. When finished, return to LZ. Time - 1 hour.

Before you wait for the second landing, you are already being attacked from the northwest direction, and a little later from the northeast, with tanks and similar mechanical structures, and even cyborgs. In short, you have to fight. Don't forget: if the enemy gets close to your LZ, landing will be impossible. By and large, you can limit yourself to defeating the base in the northwest (you can go there along the left edge of the map). This is the main goal. If you have time and desire, attack the rest of the strongholds of the enemy. To complete the mission, return to LZ when allowed.

Transport Mission: Destroy Enemy SAM Sites

The goal of the mission is to destroy all enemy strongholds and return to LZ after landing in a given area. Time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

In principle, the task here is simple. Just include air defense systems in the first landing - you will be attacked by aircraft very often. In addition, military ground equipment will also attack. When you gather your strength, go on a campaign to consistently conquer the entire territory.

Transport Mission: Establish Safe Haven

The purpose of the mission is to clear the entire area from the enemy. Time - 1 hour.

Aviation is still rampant at the beginning of the mission, so there is every reason to destroy the air base in the east of the map in the first place in order to stop these outrages. Your mortar launchers (assuming you've learned how to make them, of course) are quite long-range. Include them in groups too and place them behind your vanguard.

Beta Base Mission: Evacuate!

The purpose of the mission is to urgently evacuate your forces from the nuclear disaster zone (alas, your Beta Base has become one). Time - 30 minutes.

Thoughts on one thing - to save as many units as possible, and the most valuable ones, including air defenses and Trucks. Of course, try to somehow organize a defense, but the enemy forces are so powerful and endless that only flight will save (on a transport; it's a pity that the intervals between his arrival on LZ are long). In the first landing, include tanks, a gunner, a repairman. In the second - air defense systems, Trucks. In the third - that you have time. Make the most of all your resources to learn technology. All your achievements will automatically be transferred to the next company.


Transport Mission: Establish a Forward Base

The goal of the mission is to protect LZ, establish a new base and defeat the enemy. Time - 2 hours.

After the landing of your first assault, small sorties by cyborgs from the north and west will begin almost immediately, and later air raids will begin. So settling in a new place will be a troublesome task. After building factories and research institutes, do not forget to upgrade them with modules (it is not at all necessary to do this through the menu: if the module is studied, it is enough to activate the Truck and point it to the object). Next, create those units that you lack. Surround your base with defensive structures, including air defenses. Capture oil fields (don't forget about protecting them afterwards). As soon as you gain strength, go sequentially clear the territory from the enemy. Please note: enemy units are quite mobile and cunning. In case of serious damage, they quickly retreat for repairs. Moreover, hardy cyborgs will get you. It makes sense to start building fortifications in the north of your base, protecting incl. oil rigs. Place Trucks behind the towers. Throw the main forces in a westerly direction, sweeping away everything in your path.

I strongly advise you to prepare for the next mission. Therefore, leave one enemy building intact by placing a couple of combat units nearby in Hold Fire mode (ceasefire), and devote the rest of the time to repairs, replenishment of personnel, etc. Prepare a strong landing force in the LZ area. Now you can finish off the last building of the enemy. If suddenly the mission does not end, it means that somewhere (most likely in the north) you missed something or someone or did not find it. Then send a detachment to eliminate the shortcomings.

Transport Mission: Missile Launch Site Coordinates

The goal of the mission is to protect LZ and destroy the enemy base. Time - 1 hour 10 minutes.

Having landed the landing, do not rush to attack immediately. Wait for reinforcements. Your target is in the southwest. Despite the apparent simplicity, this task is not an easy one. In addition, if you take too long to attack the industrial facilities of the enemy, he will develop and create a strong army. If you are going to use aircraft, do not forget about enemy air defense. After collecting the army, divide it into several groups and move west. The hike will be long and difficult. After destroying the roadblocks, attack the base itself. This is where aviation comes in handy. Specify it as the target of the factory. As always, if there is time left, get ready for the next mission.

Northern Sector Mission: Nuclear Blast

The goal of the mission is to save all your troops by reaching the place indicated on the map by a green beacon. Time - 25 minutes.

Everything is simple here. Gather all your strength into a fist and - forward to the rescue green beacon. You can, of course, get involved in the battle along the way, but just do not forget about the time.

Northern Sector Mission: Assist Team Gamma

The goal of the mission is to reach the green beacon. Time - 30 minutes.

If you have aviation (at least 10 aircraft), you can go to the green lighthouse on them. When you fly and click on it with the mouse, you will receive the next task. If your aircraft is very weak, get ready for heavy battles on the way to the target.

Another goal: to clear the entire territory from the enemy. Time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

Your new base, which you have reached, becomes enemy in just a few seconds. Get out of there, as your units will be periodically recruited (resistance from this kind of trouble has not yet been developed). Note also that there are enemy LZs to the west and east. What this is fraught with is already known. Aviation is essential here. This is the key to victory. Make regular raids first on the western LZ, then hit the north and “for a snack” weaken the eastern LZ. Destroy air defenses first. After weakening each area, send ground troops there and capture artifacts. The northern base is industrial. Don't forget to undermine its economy. If after defeating the enemy you were not given a victory, check the area again - you missed something. Before the final blow, prepare a combat landing in the LZ area. I recommend that before completing the mission, make a base in the west (near one of the oil fields).

Transport Mission: Team Alpha Detected

The goal of the mission is to land troops, reach the green beacon and then return the discovered group of units to LZ. Time - 1 hour.

In principle, this mission can be completed in 5-10 minutes. Why do you take aircraft, fly to the lighthouse and return with a replenished train to LZ. But I don't recommend doing that. Use the time to develop. As you move towards the lighthouse, get the opportunity to call in other landings. Order air defense equipment among other units. Don't rush to the lighthouse. Consistently clear the area. Build another Research Facility (for the next mission).

Northern Sector Mission

The purpose of the mission is to protect your base and clear the territory from the enemy. Time - 1 hour.

The mission will start with trouble. First, your Command Center will turn over, and later, in turn, other buildings and units will begin to go over to the side of the enemy. To get rid of this misfortune, urgently study NEXUS Resistance. This technology grants immunity from recruitment. By the way, the Research Facility will change you among the first, and without it you will not be able to study the much-needed technology, so having several of these buildings will not hurt. Along with recruiting, enemy attacks await you, so it will be difficult. Save more. After learning NEXUS Resistance it will become easier. Improve the technology further and, having gathered strength, look for the enemy (why is understandable). It will mainly focus on the north.

Transport Mission: Away Team

The goal of the mission is to land troops, reach the green beacon (time - 10 minutes) and then clear the territory from the enemy (time - 1 hour 30 minutes).

After you reach the lighthouse (go there in a southerly direction), you will get more time (1 hour 30 minutes) and new areas on the map will be opened. The enemy is located to the south, just beyond the mountains is the first base of the enemy. There is a guidance radar. It is better to immediately destroy it with aircraft (do not forget, as always, about enemy air defense). Even in the center (on your former south) a narrow passage will open. Cover it with troops. In addition, you will be given another base. The scheme of action is about the same - aviation strikes first, infantry finishes off. It is useful to use mortar installations.

Northern Sector Mission

The purpose of the mission is to find a green beacon, clear the entire territory from the enemy. Time - 2 hours.

The beacon activates when you approach it (south of the map). There is also an industrial center of the enemy, where there are three Missile Silos. In fact, they need to be captured (it is useful to establish another base there). By and large, the strategy and tactics are the same (aviation plus infantry). It will take patience and the skills gained during the game. After breaking the main base, take all the artifacts. Estimate if your strike force in the next mission will have time to get to the nearest Research Facility in 5 minutes. If not, then build it within reach.

Northern Sector Mission: Missile Codes

The purpose of the mission is to return the detachment that captured the artifacts to the Research Facility. Time - 5 minutes.

Quickly grab your vanguard and hit the road. The advice for this situation was given above.

Objective: Learn Missile Targeting Codes three times and survive.

Repel the attack from the northwest and develop. Learn the Angel Missile (a good ranged weapon) and, as soon as possible, Missile Targeting Codes. The study of the latest technology will go through three stages, and if you study it completely, victory in this mission will be yours. This process will take a lot of time, so get ready for numerous ground attacks, aircraft and nuclear explosions. The latter will give you a lot of trouble (although sometimes they also hit the enemy). We'll have to put up with this and rebuild (this is where the presence of several bases justifies itself). Remember that Missile Targeting Codes are studied at the Research Facility! You will be informed about the study of each stage of technology. Tip: since the terrain is mountainous, use walls (in the narrow places of approach to the bases), blocking the passage of enemy units. At the very least, this will hold them back for a while, and they will become an easy target. Your main base is in the south (where the Missile Silo is; take care of them!). Block the passages to it from the north and southwest ... And fight back, dodging nuclear explosions. All suffering will end for you with the final study of Missile Targeting Codes.

Transport Mission

The purpose of the mission is to prepare for the final battle in the landing area. Time - 30 minutes.

First, you will be given a solid amount of energy. Use it to its fullest. Build factories, research institutes, oil rigs, create units, etc. In short, get ready to land on the area where the last enemy forces are left. Aviation will be very necessary.

The purpose of the landing is to land in a given area and wait for reinforcements to defeat the southwestern stronghold of the enemy. Time is not limited.

This is your last company. So do not rush to immediately start attacking hostilities. Call in a couple of paratroopers. While reinforcements are on the way, look for some trees next to LZ. Smash them to smithereens. Here is the place for the VTOL Rearming Pad (15 pieces will not hurt). Between them it is worth building air defense systems. Aviation will play a decisive factor here. She still attacks industrial facilities, suppressing enemy air defenses. In this case, you will have to fight off enemy air raids and attacks by ground units. Industrial centers are located in the northwest, slightly north of the center of the map, in the south, southeast and the main one in the southwest. It is advisable to take on the center and northwest first (do not completely destroy everything, but only vital and "unpleasant" objects, including mortar installations and recruiters - these towers and units are somewhat similar to cranes). Then deal with the southeast and south. Thus, you will beat down the pressure of the enemy and ensure unimpeded flights of aviation through the center. And finally, hit the southwest. Air raids (20 units), air defenses and barrage ground forces (block the last approaches from the west and south of your LZ) will do their job. Some patience is required, of course. When the enemy is economically undermined, everything else is a matter of technique. You can collect all the artifacts, and then attack the southwest, or you can immediately attack the main target. In any case, justice, albeit not in a completely righteous way, has triumphed. Mankind is saved from evil with an iron hand. Congratulations on your final victory!

And in conclusion, having recovered from numerous and bloody battles, think about another prophecy of Nostradamus: “In the year 1999 and seven months, the Great King of Horror will appear from heaven. He will bring the king of the Mongols back to life. Before and after that, the God of War reigns happily.”