World of Tanks: Tips for beginners. World of Tanks: Tips for beginners World of Tank tips for the game

I have already fought over 500 battles, which means that now I have at least some right to give advice to newcomers on the game World of Tanks. This week, finally took the badge of class Master. That is, I earned so much experience for the battle on this tank, how much 99% of players have not received in the last 7 days.

The very first piece of advice I want to give to any novice tanker is to find yourself a mentor. Comrade DerBunge, who brought me to the World of Tanks, accelerated my learning process by several times, fighting next to me and constantly correcting my actions.

  • You need to write to the chat only on business (point to the places where the enemy is congested, warn the artillery about the approach of the enemy, etc.). This item clearly demonstrates the consciousness of the tankers. Many newcomers begin to insult other players or discuss non-combat related topics.
  • It is convenient to track enemy deployment locations by tracers (smoke trails that shells leave behind). After all, a tank can be killed without even seeing it.
  • Your primary target is enemy artillery. By destroying it, you will tip the scales in favor of your team. Just don't blindly chase after her. Sometimes it's more profitable to capture the flag or defend your base, depending on the situation.
  • If you play anti-tank SPGs (as I do) - pick up good covers. It is advisable to look for several shelters nearby. Then, in case of detection, you can quickly hide and again fire at the enemy. If you want to fight in an open field and constantly attack, choose medium or heavy tanks.
  • On some maps it is more profitable to defend and wait (Westfield, Sandy River, El Halluf). This is largely due to the fact that the defenders occupy the heights and use the stereo tube to shoot ahead.
  • Don't be afraid of heavy tanks. Without support, they can be easy prey, especially for fast machines.
  • From the first battles, get used to aiming without auto-aim. In the future, this will allow you to fire with greater accuracy.
  • When driving a light tank, try to constantly maneuver. This will increase your survivability.
  • Most tanks have weakly armored vulnerabilities: commander's turrets, gas tanks, hatches...
  • The main task of a light tank is to quickly detect the enemy and not die in the process.
  • If you are unable to penetrate the armor of an enemy tank with a conventional projectile, try a land mine.
  • Constantly move away from enemy fire. Otherwise, you will become easy prey for artillery.
  • Light tanks and artillery can be destroyed by ramming.
  • The bushes stop cloaking you after the first shot. Therefore, you need to constantly change shelters.
  • To stop an enemy tank, knock down its caterpillar. This is especially true against light and heavy tanks.
  • The lower the tank, the harder it is to spot.
  • A stationary tank is harder to spot.
  • In no case do not break trees and buildings. Enemy artillery instantly notices such changes. Especially at higher levels. You won't even see the one who kills you.
  • Initially, destroy those tanks that your allies highlight on the map. The concentration of fire on one tank is the key to victory.
  • At the very beginning of the game, try to destroy all enemy light tanks. Otherwise, they will quickly get to your starting location and destroy the artillery.
  • The more tanks are in the capture circle, the faster the capture occurs.
  • A draw is tantamount to defeat.
  • While reloading, hide behind buildings, rocks, damaged tanks.
  • For shooting at teammates, a fine or even a ban is issued.
  • If you are kicked out of the game, reconnect. You have exactly 2 minutes to do this.
  • Capturing the flag is equivalent to destroying the entire enemy team.
  • Do not chase frags, think about the good of the team!
  • Upgrade your tank to the maximum. Sometimes only 10% of superiority plays a decisive role.
  • Everything is important in a gun: caliber, rate of fire, armor penetration.
  • Artillery is a dangerous opponent even in close combat.
  • If you have a mat-filter, instead of obscene language in the chat, you will see asterisks.
  • During the movement of the tank, the accuracy of shooting decreases.
  • The greater the angle of the armor, the higher the chance of ricochet.
  • The underdogs decide the outcome of the battle.

Video guides for beginner tankers

Cheat codes

The most common myth of the World of Tanks game is cheats. Many sites offer to download various programs to increase the amount of experience gained, money, or, for example, to become invulnerable. But by downloading such files, people simply open their computers to malicious attacks and get nothing in return. Rumors about cheat codes have been circulating since the official launch of the game.

How it was in practice:

  • A gamer came in, successfully using cheats in some other game.
  • Not having enough experience in tactical simulators, the gamer lost a lot of battles.
  • As a result, he concluded that opponents use cheat codes, which is why he is killed so often.

Such thoughts are prompted by many causeless (in their opinion) artillery hits at the very beginning of the game. People are not aware that the shooting is carried out at the most frequent places where enemy tanks accumulate "blindly". Another factor that gives rise to rumors is the carelessness of the players. Using primitive passwords and installing dubious software, they themselves give account passwords into the hands of intruders and lose their accounts.

But you can still get a certain advantage over other users of the World of Tanks game. There are two solutions here.

Official cheats

Or, in other words, paid services. When buying gold with real money (via SMS or e-wallets), you get an advantage in the form of more powerful projectiles (gold), premium tanks, consumables, as well as an increased amount of experience and game money.

Although, according to many experts gaming industry, so far in the World of Tanks influence real money feels much weaker than most online games. As a striking example, here is a strategy that is entirely based on real money.

Unofficial cheats

Young and not so young craftsmen throughout the history of the development of WoT are constantly coming up with ways to make the game easier. In another way, they are also called mods. In order not to run into viruses and other crap, I recommend looking at the corresponding section of the official forum of the game, which is called just that - Mods and software. Among other things, the most commonly used are the following:

  1. Sniper sights for tanks and self-propelled guns.
  2. Deer meter (deer meter, XVM, calculator).
  3. Skins with marked penetration zones.
  4. Modifiers for the minimap.
  5. Damage bar modifiers.
  6. Icons of shells, modules, tanks.
  7. Sound mods.
  8. Hangar Modifiers.
  9. Other…

I myself am indifferent to these "cheats". I've never used it and don't intend to. In pursuit of beautiful numbers and achievements, many people forget the essence of any computer game- getting pleasure from the process itself. And if you worry about every lost game, then the game turns into an endless nervous stress.

That's all for today. On tanks, I hope I will write more than one post. Follow the news.

It is complex and multifaceted, so it is not always easy for beginners to understand all its intricacies.

What should be done first?

First you need to learn all the classes of equipment and understand how each of them needs to behave on the battlefield. Total in game world of Tanks, there are five classes of vehicles, each of which is suitable for a certain style of combat.

Heavy tanks (TT). The most armored vehicles in the game have the highest margin of safety and do not have much mobility. Best of all, TTs show themselves at close range. TT is the main impact force your team, as strong armor and good weapons are never superfluous. Tanks of this class are great for beginners, as they can forgive even the most stupid mistakes, thanks to armor and durability.

Medium tanks (ST). Fast cars that can change flanks at lightning speed. CT guns don't deal much damage, but they have a very high rate of fire. Continuous shooting is the main guarantee of victory for ST. Tanks of this class easily hit everyone else's vulnerable sides and stern, can knock vehicles off their tracks and easily destroy them. The ST platoon is the team's most formidable force, capable of not only pushing through an entire direction, but also intercepting light tanks, capturing or defending a base, and destroying artillery.

Light tanks (LT). The most mobile cars in the game, they are small in size and have the best vision among all classes. The main task of the LT is the destruction of enemy artillery, slow TTs and tank destroyers. In addition to these tasks, light tanks perform a number of others, such as highlighting enemies to allies so that they deal damage. LTs have a low HP pool, rather mediocre weapons, and they have no armor at all. It should be said that LT is the most difficult class in the game, so it is not recommended for beginners to download them, LT do not forgive players' mistakes.

Tank destroyer. This class of equipment is designed for shooting from a long distance. Most tank destroyers do not have a turret, which makes them vulnerable to close combat. However, they have excellent camouflage and powerful guns with high accuracy, armor penetration, and damage.

ACS. Artillery or self-propelled guns is a support class that deals damage to the enemy in an arc - "from above". Artillery has the lowest durability, it has no armor at all, no turret. It is effective only when it is not visible to the enemy, because one shot can end the game for the gunner. The guns of the self-propelled guns are monstrous, they shoot mainly with high-explosives, capable of destroying a tank with one shot when they break through.

Which tanks to download first?

Having understood gameplay, you can start choosing a branch for pumping. Any professional player will tell you that for beginners there is no better branches than soviet branch TT. Why? Let's find out!

Already at level 5, players get the KV-1 - one of the most powerful machines on the level, with the best all-round armor on the level, low speed and powerful guns, with high one-time damage. Many opponents simply do not penetrate KV-1, so newcomers live on it for quite a long time, which allows them to be more useful to the team. Tanks up to level 5 are nothing special, but more high level more interesting.

After KV-1, you should download. This is a very dynamic vehicle, with average armor, an excellent gun with good alpha, and high DPM. At level 7 is the legend - IP. The brave "heavier" has the coolest weapon in terms of damage, which is capable of taking down 390 hit points on average in one shot. And the armor of the IS allows him to hold the shots of his “classmates”, and give him the opportunity to ricochet from more serious enemies. The speed of the IS is also not lame. It is followed by one of the most popular tanks in the game, the IS-3. This war chariot has one of the best weapons at level 8, with the same alpha, great penetration, and its armor and good speed allow it to play with even level 10 tanks.

Now let's go to " top cars". At level 9, the T-10 is conveniently located. This tank has the best speed at the level (among TTs), an excellent gun with a one-time damage of 440 HP, excellent armor penetration and a heavily armored turret. The IS-7 is considered the crowning achievement of the development of Soviet TTs - a true legend of World of Tanks. The IS-7 is famous for its incredible armor, capable of holding guns of any caliber in the game in the forehead. The sides of the tank are protected by screens capable of reflecting all shells that hit them. The speed of the IS-7 is not bad (55 km / h), but it is difficult to disperse it. The gun of the tank is not the strongest side, but the one-time damage is inspiring - 490 units.

What should newbies not do?

Ride the LT. This class of vehicle is not suitable for beginners, because in order to successfully “play”, you will need to study the map in detail, as well as the characteristics of other tanks, so as not to die in the first minutes of the battle. When playing on the LT, you need to quickly assess the situation on the battlefield in order not to get into the enemy's sight. Speed ​​and visibility are the main advantages of LT, and not all beginners can use them correctly.

Gstupid tanking. In no case should you turn your stern and sides towards the enemy, always hold the tanks with your forehead - there the armor is the strongest. You should also not show the track rollers to the enemies, because they can be easily knocked down and you will not be able to move for a while, which will make you vulnerable.

"Backing up" allies. You should never prevent allies from fighting, running away from opponents, pushing other tanks into the water, etc., because allies can behave the same way. You should always focus on your enemies, not on your allies.

"There is safety in numbers…". It is necessary to learn this rule, you should never go into battle alone if no one is covering you. Even the most formidable tank in the game is not able to kill a crowd of nimble opponents.

As a result, we figured out what tanks there are in World of Tanks and how to deal with them. Remember also that you can find an individual approach to each situation, each tank can be played outside the box. If you are a beginner - download TT USSR - they are your key to simple learning, gaining experience. Do not interfere with the play of allies, and act collectively, then you should not have problems at the start.

Good luck on the battlefield!

World of Tanks has a lot of different game mechanics and formats. However, there are unspoken rules that every self-proclaimed tanker must follow. Be sure to check them out before going to your debut fight.

1. Know your car

Before sending to the first battle, carefully study the characteristics of the tank. From them you can determine its capabilities in battle. For example, with a viewing range of less than 380 meters, it makes no sense for you to scout the area. You will not indicate the positions of the enemy to the allies, but you will give out your location. It is equally dangerous to face a heavily armored vehicle in a frontal attack if you are in a light tank. There are exceptions among the light class, for example, the French Bat.-Chatillon 25t, but this technique is not available to players at the first levels.

2. Keep track of gear, ammo and equipment

Don't forget the importance of equipment like rammers and better ventilation. So you enhance the best parts of the car. Also be sure to buy repair kits, first aid kits and fire extinguishers. Playing with a damaged ammunition rack is a sea of ​​​​problems and suffering.

3. Decide on development branches

Try to immediately decide on the country you want to study and the tank branch. To do this, study the characteristics of cars of the 10th level and choose the one you like. Remember, dozens are the crown of the development of design ideas, because there was a lot of trial and error on the way to it.

4. Always keep an eye on the composition of the teams

Studying the composition at the beginning of the match is often forgotten, and this is extremely important. You can see the number and types of vehicles in the enemy and in your own team, which can help in predicting events. In addition, it will be easier to understand where your car is most needed. Remember: traveling alone is not heroism, but a stupid undertaking. You will die in vain, without bringing your comrades any benefit.

5. Timeliness and minimap

By keeping an eye on the minimap, you will always be able to understand where the allies need help, which flank is about to break through, or where, say, the retreat has begun. Standing in the way of an enemy offensive, you will die ingloriously, so do not take cover behind a stone. It will be a surprise for the enemy if he misses you, and then suddenly slams a high-explosive projectile into a gas tank.

6. Fulfill your role on the battlefield (vehicle classes)

There are often cases in the game when a heavily armored vehicle protects the base, and no one presses the enemy front. Whooping artillery towards the IS duo is also a bad idea. A light tank on duty at the self-propelled guns, and not conducting reconnaissance, betrays a novice who could not figure out the purpose of his vehicle.

World of Tanks is a role-playing game, so the tasks of certain vehicles are enclosed in a strict framework of the gameplay. The purpose of heavy tanks is to push through the direction. Medium tanks play the role of a kind of cavalry that rushes across the battlefield and bites everyone by the tracks. Light tanks should study the enemy's rear and "shine" enemy positions for the allies.

7. Etiquette in combat

The game is "toxic", like any multiplayer project. They don't really like newbies here, so be patient. Just look at the map and think. Do not respond to angry messages from your allies or provocation from your opponent. Learn for yourself and be sure to watch out for other people's mistakes. Useful skill.

8. Make decisions quickly

An important point. You always need to leave the enemy in the minority. Pay attention to almost destroyed tanks. Destroy them first. because otherwise, not one enemy vehicle, but two will fire at you.

Take care of your own by covering your comrades in a timely manner. It makes no sense to expose yourself to a lot of strangers for the sake of one shot. In this case, just keep the enemy in sight. Your artillery or allied tanks in a more favorable position for firing will destroy the enemy themselves. In the game, experience is given (and considerable) for helping your team.


Don't knock down trees! It gives away your position even if you are invisible to the enemy.

Use terrain elements!"Fire from behind cover" and "Shot and hide." Find indestructible cover, such as a building, rock, hill, or the wreck of a destroyed tank. Move out for a shot, then duck back in for a reload. This way you can deal damage and reload safely.

Take advantage of uneven terrain! Fire from the back slopes, over the crests of the hills. In this case, the hull of the tank is closed from the enemy by a ridge and only the turret is visible. Get up to shoot and move back to reload. If you climb obliquely, then the tower will shift to the side in the enemy's sight - it will be more difficult for him to hit.

Remember! The projectile flies in an arc. Hiding behind the reverse slope of a very gentle unevenness, you run the risk of getting a projectile rounding the unevenness into the tower. Use this feature yourself: if, due to a long and gentle unevenness, the enemy is visible at least a pixel, point at him and shoot - the projectile will bypass the unevenness in an arc and, most likely, hit the roof of an enemy vehicle.

Don't go under multiple guns! This rule covers many things, from using cover to take out enemies one at a time, to avoiding obvious bottlenecks on the map.

Tanks crossing the ridge are very vulnerable! They open the lower armor plates without the ability to return fire. Shooting down the tracks of the most dangerous enemy tanks when they are on the crest of a hill will allow your allies to shoot them without damage and will not allow them to retreat.

Shooting from the edge of a high cliff can be dangerous by exposing the bottom armor plates of your tank, but can give good results by shooting at weakly protected enemy rooftops.

Come in to the enemy, especially the slow one, from the flank or from the rear! In tanks, as a rule, the bow is well protected, the sides are worse and the stern is the weakest. Fast medium tank can defeat a heavy one by simply bypassing it and shooting at weak points, while moving away from its slowly rotating turret. This is especially effective in one-on-one duels in open areas with no cover.

One on one, do not turn the board and do not let go from the flank! Faced with an enemy who is trying to get around you, turn your body so that your forehead is facing the enemy. This will force him to make a wider turn, exposing weak spots when he himself has to shoot you at your thick frontal armor.

Don't let yourself be flanked - multiple opponents / threat from the front (more common)! When several opponents intend to outflank you, or one almost went into the side, and the other is shelling in the forehead, just move back, exposing the forehead to the most serious enemy (this can be either coming from the flank or shooting from the front). This will delay the bypass of the enemy from the rear, allowing for some time to receive shells in thicker armor. Don't forget to focus your fire on one target until he or you dies.

Knocking down the enemy caterpillars, you make him immobile! Damage to the tracks, stops the tank until the crew fixes them. You can shoot down a caterpillar by ramming it (depending on the speed and mass of the opponents) or by firing at the caterpillars. “Always deprive dangerous opponents of caterpillars in open places where they are open to artillery. If your comrades are crowded behind in a narrow passage (for example, on a city map) and the enemy jumps out in front of you from around the corner ... knock down his caterpillar! Each tank standing behind you can make a shot, knock down the caterpillar again and together finish off the enemy, preventing him from driving behind cover.

Ram - the weapon of heroes! But ramming a heavier opponent is often not heroism, but stupidity, if it is not done wisely. In order to immobilize a strong enemy, hit him with frontal armor on the guide and drive wheels. With an ordinary blow to the side, you will immobilize not only the enemy tank, but you yourself will lose the tracks. Yes, this is a difficult technique - study, train.

A head-on attack by a PT could mean imminent death. thanks to their sloping armor and powerful front-mounted cannon. But their weak side and stern armor and the inability to fire in all directions except forward make them extremely vulnerable to a downed track.

In a group, your chances of survival increase. Barring special circumstances, supporting each other in a group is preferable to heroism and risk taking. When you're together, you deal more damage and distribute the damage between you, attacking and defending more effectively. It can also mean waiting on the spot with everyone, even if you don't agree with this tactic - a coordinated bad plan is more likely to succeed than an uncoordinated good plan. This does not mean that you need to get off the whole team in one heap. When the main body of the team goes in one direction, the others open up, giving the coordinated enemy an easy victory.

Destroy one at a time. Concentrating fire on one enemy until it is destroyed is better than spontaneously shooting at multiple targets, as in the first case, the tank is quickly taken out of the game along with the damage it could deal.

Set your priorities. Remember who you are. Are you a heavy tank, medium tank, self-propelled gun? For example, being a heavy tank, you shouldn't waste time chasing a "light frag" when there is a more significant threat, such as an enemy TT behind cover, waiting to move out and fire. Similarly, when playing CT, don't waste time on targets you can't hit, look for someone lighter to help your heavyweights. The exception is when a "light frag" shines your enemy artillery position or an enemy TT captures your base - in both cases, this tank becomes the main threat and the number one target.

Use more armored comrades as cover from enemy fire, especially helping allied heavy tanks against enemy heavy tanks. By staying alive, you can continue to deal damage to the enemy and help your team. Consider their intentions and don't block their escape route to cover.

Shoot ahead of fast moving targets! The projectile does not hit the target immediately after the shot, for some time it is in flight. During this time, the target can change its location. This means that you must aim at a certain distance in front of the target, depending on the speed, direction of the target and the distance to it. With the frontal movement of the target, range lead, with flank (to the side) - angular lead. If everything is calculated correctly, the projectile will be in the right place just when the enemy is substituted under it.

A quick dash from cover to cover will minimize your chances of being detected and destroyed! When moving from cover to cover, especially between two buildings, consider acceleration. The more speed you develop by the time you leave for open area, the faster you will slip through it and the shorter the period you will be open to enemy fire. If the situation allows, you can pull back a little before the jerk to give yourself more distance to accelerate.

Don't be afraid to run away! If the team's plan fails or the chances are slim, instead of a suicidal rush, retreat, regroup and change strategy.

Place your armor at an angle to reduce the angle at which the projectile hits the armor! Turning your tank (by 20-30 degrees) in relation to the enemy will reduce the angle of the shell's encounter with the armor and increase the chances of non-penetration or ricochet. But don't lose sight of it, this way you can expose the board to opponents far to your right or left, so this maneuver is preferable to use in confined spaces and one-on-one fights.

Continue to coordinate the attack as events unfold! In the example above, while two enemy heavy tanks distracted, medium tanks bypass them. Break into groups and work together to defeat the enemy with a coordinated strike. Use cover, camouflage, terrain and tank features to your advantage.

Always change direction! It is not more difficult to hit a maneuvering enemy.

Stay close to cover as you drive around it. to reveal yourself to the smallest possible number of enemies. In places where tanks line up on opposite sides of the crest of the hill, an open exit means certain death. Knowing who is waiting for you there is a key factor in deciding whether to advance through the obstacle or stop and hold the position. If you are not able to help knock out the enemy by driving over the ridge, try changing tactics and going in a different direction. When your comrades prevent the enemy from getting around the ridge, you can use this opportunity to outflank the enemy.

Beware of enemy baiting tricks and learn to use them to your advantage! You can get more enemy projectiles than you expected when leaving cover or moving towards a narrow passage in pursuit of an easy frag. Learn to recognize clear bait, take into account the behavior of the enemy and his potential sniper positions on the map.

Don't be predictable, it's easy to resist! Use all sorts of tips on tactics for the game from different sources.

Advanced tactics

Try using a roll shot to hit a low target when reaching the ridge. The tank rolls back and forth when it starts and stops moving. Tanks with low elevation angles are weak in hillside combat. Accelerate to a decent speed, and then, when your tower appears over the hill and sees the enemy, slow down. The tank will roll forward and the sight will go down, increasing the declination angle of the gun, making it possible to fire at an angle that is not foreseen by the characteristics of your tank. Keep in mind that you will have a very short time to shoot and your accuracy will be poor, but those few extra degrees of declination will give you the opportunity to strike. If your opponent isn't aiming at you, try rocking the tank back and forth (by pressing W and S alternately) to see if you can destroy the enemy. This technique is very important in dynamic combat.

reverse diamond

This maneuver works better on tanks with a rear turret (like the FV215b (183) , Soviet medium tanks of the alternative branch, and other vehicles). It is desirable that the tank has strong tower without vulnerabilities, like commander's turrets, and a side of medium thickness. The essence is shown in the picture: the enemy is substituted only with a side at an angle of rebound, and a caterpillar. If the caliber of an enemy projectile is three times the thickness of such armor, then there will be a ricochet. In this way, you can deal damage to the enemy in exchange for ricochets and a downed caterpillar.

1.Team game.
The main thing in World of tanks is team game. Of course, you are not Kolobanov, and certainly not Rambo, to fight alone. You must not throw allies alone on the flank, and in general you cannot throw flanks. This will still lead to the fact that sooner or later the opponents will come after you and begin to dismantle you from two sides. There should be at least three tanks on each flank so that they can somehow distribute damage among themselves.
2. Always finish off tanks with low hit points.
Here the main principle is that the strongest survive, that is, finish off cars that have little HP. No need to spray damage between multiple vehicles. Everyone wants to deal as much damage as possible, but to win, you need to reduce the number of enemy barrels. There are times when an unfinished enemy tank hides and finishes off all rivals at the end of the battle. Don't forget to cover your allies. It is better to have two living tanks with 900 hp each than one tank with 1800 hit points.
3. Analyze the situation.
Always think with your head. You shouldn't be predictable. If you are left alone on the flank, or the enemies know where you are, then you should not stand under a rock and wait for them to come for you. You can just turn around and go somewhere else. After all, it is better to retreat a little and make at least two or three more shots than to meet your death standing under a bush. Another principle is that the smart one will not go uphill, the smart one will bypass the mountain. This wonderful ancient saying refers to the situation when you are trying to climb head-on on tanks. If it is possible to bypass enemy equipment from the other side, then why go on a frontal attack. Look at the map, maybe you can find room to maneuver and surprise the enemy with an attack to the flank or in the back.
4. Initiative is punishable.
You must have common sense and you don't have to go on the attack alone. Often, allies are just watching to see what happens to you. They are in no hurry to help you. And if you want to go to shine or strike on the flank, then you should ask for allied support in the chat. After all, you do not have soothsayers in your team, and they cannot always guess about your decision to attack.
5. Do not leave the whole team on the flank.
Never collectively flank. Many have had such a situation when you see that one flank starts to lose. And the team abandons all directions and goes to the weak flank. The result is usually the same. The defeat is not all directions.
6. Get moving.
After each shot or flash, change the position of your tank. If you stand still, it will naturally lead to the death of your car. In World of tanks there is such a thing as the Great Belarusian random. With constant movement, the likelihood of a ricochet or non-penetration increases. In the event that you freeze like an idol, the enemy will easily target a weak point and inflict damage on you.