Bot game league of legends. Improving adaptation: bots-mentors. Learning should be fun

Hi all!

Welcome to another developer blog! Today we have an unusual topic for discussion - training newbies in League of Legends. If you've ever tried to teach a family member or friend the game, you know how difficult (and sometimes incredibly difficult) it can be. Many of you have sent us feedback with suggestions to improve this aspect of the game. Today we're going to share some basic principles that we think will make onboarding easier for new players, and we'll reveal a bit about a new mode that's meant to lend a helping hand to newcomers to the MOBA genre.

Christopher "Pwyff" Tom

Why is adaptation needed?

League of Legends was created by avid players for avid players, and the desire to not only learn how to play, but also become a master, coupled with the help of friends, has led millions of summoners through the learning process. But we listen to your feedback, in which you say that sometimes this is not enough: League of Legends is most interesting to spend time with friends, but quite often friends from other games, whom we invite to play LoL, are disappointed in the game and stop playing.

As an established player, it's pretty easy to forget the inconvenience a newbie has to go through. Although I'm sure we all remember some of the weird things we did when we were introduced to the game (trying to use Smite against champions or skills against towers, etc.). The current state of affairs shows that new players continue to step on the old rake, and sometimes even games against bots with the Beginner difficulty level cannot fully help a novice Summoner understand how to move and apply skills correctly.

We think there's a better way to explain the basics of League of Legends, to make it easier for a beginner to get started on the path to mastery.

Our approach to adaptation

So what is this method? We decided that the onboarding process should be both educational and fun, and outlined the basic principles that will help us achieve the goal:

  1. learning should be fun;
  2. the goal should be clear and achievable;
  3. information must be presented sequentially;
  4. repetition is the mother of learning;
  5. the level of difficulty must match the skill of the player.

Using these principles as an example, I will talk about the challenges that we have to take while working on adaptation, as well as talk about a new mode created specifically for Summoners taking their very first steps in the game - "Teacher Bots". It is not simple new level difficulties in the game against bots: "Bots-mentors" - a system of flexible training for beginners, more tolerant of their mistakes. Thanks to her, novice summoners will be able to grow wings for themselves before jumping out of the nest.

Learning should be fun

Trying to make learning fun, especially in a game like MOBA, is not the easiest thing to do. The most obvious way in the course of the game may be the most boring. Adapting new players isn't just about learning, you have to give them a sense of drive so that they wanted continue playing.

We started by stripping out the tedious elements: constant loss of control; a huge number of tooltips; death in the very first game, when you still do not understand what and how to do, etc. There is a situation now where the "Field Exercises" is filled with annoying pauses and incomprehensible tasks, and the "Vs. Bots" mode, even at the "Novice" level, is too difficult for the Summoners taking the first steps.

We want Bot Tutors to be a place where newbies can experience how much fun it is to play League of Legends, so we took the liberty of tweaking the rules a bit to mitigate potential gameplay annoyance. Bot damage and game level settings have been adjusted so that players who find themselves in an unfamiliar situation have more time to make decisions. We've also reduced the amount of time a player spends dead - dying a champion is still part of the tutorial, but won't be as annoying anymore.

The goal should be clear and achievable

Once you understand how to play League of Legends, your goals become clear and understandable. At any time, you can decide on the need for this or that action, whether it's getting gold, returning to the base in order to improve the item, or joining a team to control the object. Developing the skill of setting goals is the key to the process of mastery improvement. But if you have just learned the basics, your knowledge is not enough to make the right decisions. In order to make training newcomers more effective, we must set clear and achievable goals for them so that they can measure their success.

"Field Exercises" is a prime example of bad goal setting: the player is immediately asked to destroy the enemy's outer tower when the first wave of minions has just appeared. In this case, if the player decides to complete the task, they will die from the tower's shots, as they will get to it faster than the minions, while it takes several minutes to complete the task correctly, including waiting for additional waves of minions.

Instead of setting global and often incomprehensible goals, we want to create a system in which the player goes step by step towards success, becoming stronger and stronger. This desire led us to create a system of personal tasks in the "Bots-mentors" mode. The task of personal tasks is to set a goal for the player, the achievement of which is appropriate at the current time (for example, to leave the battlefield and return to the base), which will allow the novice summoner to feel the rhythm of the game in League of Legends. These tasks are activated by events occurring on the map, so they will always be relevant.

Information must be submitted sequentially

Immerse the beginner in a violent flow of information - not the most best idea. In the very first game, everything is new, so there is a risk of mental overload when trying to process too much information, resulting in wasted time with zero results. We solve this problem by breaking down the task into stages: you learn to move, you learn to attack, you learn to use spells. The last step of this task will be to go to the lane and fight the enemy minions or the champion.

Acting carefully, we can provide the player with information in an accessible volume for assimilation. As an added bonus, the consistent flow of information speeds up the training process: if you are familiar with the MOBA genre, then you will be able to learn much faster with mentor bots than a real beginner.

We made a decision related to our desire to build a competent learning process, not to include some elements of the game in new mode. We've removed trinkets and support items from the list of recommended items, as while vision and control of the map is important in the long run, the first thing a new player needs to focus on is learning other elements of the game. Players must learn the game from easy to hard. Let's take finishing moves as an example: we believe that this element should be approached by beginners after learning the basics of the game, so the decision to include or not learning finishing moves in the new mode was not easy for us. It's not worth trying to instill all the skills of a level 30 player into a new Summoner - it can slow down the learning process, so in the new mode we're focusing on laying the foundation while still looking for alternative ways to deliver advanced level information.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Repeating the same action over and over is one of the best ways to remember information. In the current version of the training, players are asked to click once to auto-attack and click once to cast a skill. Muscle memory doesn't train that fast, so it's not uncommon for players to find it difficult to use the mouse and keyboard shortcuts for their intended purpose in their first games.

In the new mode, we have added several lessons with the possibility of repeated practice, which we think are incredibly important for learning the basics. Personal tasks will remind players of the importance of buying items and leveling up skills, as well as the need to return to the base until they begin to perform these actions without prompting. For players who get confused in the controls, we came up with cursors in the form of icons that suggest which mouse button to press to perform the necessary action. So when players are ready to move on to other game modes, they will have the knowledge they need to not feel lost.

Difficulty level should match the skill of the player

One of the goals of working on Bots Mentor was to create an environment where neither veterans of the MOBA genre nor absolute newcomers to League of Legends would feel bored and frustrated.

Previously, we were wrong about the required minimum level of complexity. In truth, a certain number of newcomers started with losing in the "Field Exercise" mode, which is a training mode. We followed the progress of the players on this list and found that some of them have reached gold leagues in ranked play. So the problem was not with the players, but with how we train them.

In Bot Tutors, we've adjusted the difficulty level so that all beginners can have a positive first game experience. At the same time, in order not to make the mode seem too easy, we have developed many elements that dynamically affect the events taking place in the game. For example, players who demonstrate knowledge of the mechanics will quickly find that the game applies to them according to their skill level: there will be fewer hints for them and a higher difficulty. While novice players will be able to enjoy a few games as they gradually learn the basics, their more advanced teammates (or opponents) in future fights will be able to quickly complete the tutorial and move on to other modes.

First important step

I hope now you better understand what are sometimes invisible to the average player, but the problems that greatly affect the game we have to solve. We understand that mentor bots aren't the answer to all first-impression questions, but we have plenty more ideas on how to solve the newbie coaching problem. game mechanics, we also do not ignore the proposals coming from the League of Legends player community.

Mentor bots will be heading to PBE soon, and they will be coming to PBE a bit later. game servers. So feel free to let us know what you think of this mode. Thank you for your attention!

Casey "Iniquitee" Grank

It has great features that will help you a lot to kill everyone in the game. You can set it up for fingerless play so that no one notices what exactly you are using lol cheats or turn on all the features and finish the game with a huge score thanks to our cheat for lol.
Bot for League of Legends allows you to customize it as you like, enable or disable any functions while in the game through a convenient cheat menu. This cheat has support any scripts which you can download or write yourself to play with with our private cheat in League of Legends.

Due to this, playing with a cheat you will get a lot of fun!
After all, Aimjunkies in the market of private cheats, for more than 3 years of successful work!

Private cheat for League of Legends | lol cheats

Game engine:
Game version:
- Latest (x64/x32)
WACTest Ware: Undetected(Never fired)

Functions of cheat bot for lol:
Lane freeze mode: Automatically last hit minions, ignoring enemy champions.
mixed mode: Same as lane freeze, but will attack enemy champions if they are in range.
Lane clear mode: Automatically pushes the lane to finish off minions while continuously attacking champions.
carry mode: Used against enemy champions, will auto-attack and ult the more susceptible and weaker target.
keys: Activate each function to any key you assign.
customizable: Allows you to create your own combo against each champion using Lua scripting.
callbacks: Carry out your callback at any stage using OrbWalking logic with Lua scripting.

*OrbWalking: Heroes with orbs (Searing Arrows, Cold Arrows, Glaives of Wisdom) can use the so-called Orb Walking. Use your orbs as a separate spell, in such cases the creeps will not attack you.

Auto Ignite: When using Ignite on any enemy champion, a total calculation is made with which the bot will automatically cast to commit a kill.
Auto Smith: Using Smite on forest monsters, You can choose through the menu which monster you want to automatically pick up (kill) using the menu.
Auto Heal: Using Heal spell, you can specify at what level (in numbers) of health, automatic healing will be activated, using the menu.
Auto Barrier: Using the Barrier spell, you can specify at what level (in numbers) of health, the magic shield is automatically activated, using the menu.
Auto Clarity: Using Clarity, you can specify at what level (in numbers) of mana reached, automatic mana replenishment was activated, using the menu.
Auto Potions: Automatically uses Health / Mana potions when the percentage of health / mana level is reached, using the menu.
keys: Custom setting of the Ignite and Smite keys specific to the cast.

Lua: Access to API engine to write custom functions using Lua scripting.
manager: Manage all your custom scripts, through the menu to see which script is available, which one is being loaded, as well as unloading loaded scripts, and so on.
callbacks: You can control the running core of the game right in the game, watch the packets sent / sent through the stream, game updates (patches), and so on.

Features in development:
Auto Evade: Automatically avoid enemy skill attacks if possible. (Only works on certain heroes)
collision: Checks and determines the available skill attacks of the opponent.
Awareness: Shows all visible champions in the available radius for skill cooldowns, and warns you to try a surprise attack from another lane, and so on.

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Tags: Cheats for League of Legends, Bot for League of Legends, Private bot for LOL, LOL cheats, private bots, buy bot, buy cheats, Aimjunkies, Lua scripts, ult hack, Private cheats for League of Legends, lol cheats

Hi all! Today I will tell you how some League of Legends players play unfairly using cheats, and maybe I will persuade someone to use software. Many players are already aware that there are cheats in LoL. Although if you remember, there was simply a bug that killed the BTRC from the active, after which many claimed that these were hacks and cheats. Although this was simply ignorance of the mechanics of the game.

This article only acquaints you with the current state of affairs and in no way encourages you to use this software. After all, you can be sure that if you get caught, you will receive a permoban for using it. She will talk about scripts and cheats for League of Legends (LoL) to help you identify violators of the order online and ban them.

It is easy to find a bot for LoL in the vastness of the network, you just need to use your search engine. This miracle is called BoL Studio (Bot of Legends Studio).

There is free version programs, although the craftsmen also made a paid, so-called VIP version for $10 per month, which, according to them, gives us separate functionality. The most useful vip feature is synchronized cheat updates with the game client, the bot will always be up to date, while users FREE version The bot will be updated only in a week.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of cheat it is. And we immediately find the answer on the forum. In fact, the cheat is completely useless, and for him correct operation special scripts are needed, which can again be found on the forums.

So much has been written on this topic, but we still do not understand what it is. Let's give an example on the top script for Katarina (Katarina, The Sinister Blade). If your hands are not growing from your shoulders, then just hold down "C" and move the cursor, and the character himself runs after him, harassing and last hitting creeps. If there is no enemy on the lane, hold "V" - push the lane. If they come out to gank us, press "G" - and make a jump!

Of course, these scripts will not give you a personal skill, and you are unlikely to play like a Faker, but they will give skill to experienced guys. There are a lot of hacks and scripts. There are also various kinds of assistants (helpers) who will not do all the work for you. For example, if you run across the map, but do not notice the enemy who puts the ward, then the helper will definitely show it to you and mark the ward and timing on the map.

There are scripts for pumping referrals. A bot is set to enter the game with Soraka in the bot. This allows you to download twinks, although now this script is no longer so relevant. There is a script for Vain that allows her to dodge all attacks or knock back the enemy. Even pro-level players cannot hit such heroes.

The most popular heroes with scripts are Xerath, Cassiopeia and Syndra in the mid lane.

Of course, after you have tried these scripts yourself and played with them, it is easy to notice the players playing with them in the pub. Most of the scripts are in the public domain and you can play with them, there are paid scripts, which are not very different, and they are not expensive.

For example, if you want to get into Diamond on the West while playing with one hand, you will like the Evadeee script - which allows you to dodge skill shots. He uses both spell moves and dodge skills. Including flash. Anya jumps into you on a flush, breaks in a tiber, and you jump away from her on your flush. Such a stray costs 50 dollars, and for Russians 3000 rubles.
SAC:R - sida auto carry - improves the last hit of creeps, no script or helper can compare with it, and costs only $10

And here are some more interesting scripts:

Base Ult - allows you to finish off opponents at the base with an ult after recolling. Actual for these heroes Jinx, Ash, Ezrael, Draven.

If you are greedy and do not want to buy Eveid, then Freaking Good Evade is suitable for you, it works, of course, through a stump deck.

Over the past year, Riot Games has been working very hard to make League of Legends even more friendly to players and, in particular, to newcomers. Motivating videos and images came out, bots changed, text sizes in tooltips increased. And soon the time will come when bots will teach the players themselves how to play!

Message from Kristoffer 'Pwyff' Tom

Hi all!

Welcome to another developer blog! Today we have an unusual topic for discussion - training newbies in League of Legends. If you've ever tried to teach a family member or friend the game, you know how difficult (and sometimes incredibly difficult) it can be. Many of you have sent us feedback with suggestions to improve this aspect of the game. Today we're going to share some basic principles that we think will make onboarding easier for new players, and we'll reveal a bit about a new mode that's meant to lend a helping hand to newcomers to the MOBA genre.

Why is adaptation needed?

League of Legends was created by avid players for avid players, and the desire to not only learn how to play, but also become a master, coupled with the help of friends, has led millions of summoners through the learning process. But we listen to your feedback, in which you say that sometimes this is not enough: League of Legends is most interesting to spend time with friends, but quite often friends from other games, whom we invite to play LoL, are disappointed in the game and stop playing.

As an established player, it's pretty easy to forget the inconvenience a newbie has to go through. Although I'm sure we all remember some of the weird things we did when we were introduced to the game (trying to use Smite against champions or skills against towers, etc.). The current state of affairs shows that new players continue to step on the old rake, and sometimes even games against bots with the Beginner difficulty level cannot fully help a novice Summoner understand how to move and apply skills correctly.

We think there's a better way to explain the basics of League of Legends, to make it easier for a beginner to get started on the path to mastery.

Our approach to adaptation

So what is this method? We decided that the onboarding process should be both educational and fun, and outlined the basic principles that will help us achieve the goal:

Learning should be fun; the goal should be clear and achievable; information must be presented sequentially; repetition is the mother of learning; the level of difficulty must match the skill of the player.

Using these principles as an example, I will talk about the challenges that we have to take while working on adaptation, as well as talk about a new mode created specifically for the very first steps in the game of Summoners - "Tutor Bots". This is not just a new level of difficulty in the game against bots: "Tutor bots" - a flexible training system for beginners, more tolerant of their mistakes. Thanks to her, novice summoners will be able to grow wings for themselves before jumping out of the nest.

Learning should be fun

Trying to make learning fun, especially in a game like MOBA, is not the easiest thing to do. The most obvious way in the course of the game may be the most boring. Onboarding new players isn't just about learning, you have to give them the drive to want to keep playing.

We started by stripping out the tedious elements: constant loss of control; a huge number of tooltips; death in the very first game, when you still do not understand what and how to do, etc. There is a situation now where the "Field Exercises" is filled with annoying pauses and incomprehensible tasks, and the "Vs. Bots" mode, even at the "Novice" level, is too difficult for the Summoners taking the first steps.

We want Bot Tutors to be a place where newbies can experience how much fun it is to play League of Legends, so we took the liberty of tweaking the rules a bit to mitigate potential annoyance from gameplay. Bot damage and game level settings have been adjusted so that players who find themselves in an unfamiliar situation have more time to make decisions. We've also reduced the amount of time a player spends dead - dying a champion is still part of the tutorial, but won't be as annoying anymore.

The goal should be clear and achievable

Once you understand how to play League of Legends, your goals become clear and understandable. At any time, you can decide on the need for this or that action, whether it's getting gold, returning to the base in order to improve the item, or joining a team to control the object. Developing the skill of setting goals is the key to the process of mastery improvement. But if you have just learned the basics, your knowledge is not enough to make the right decisions. In order to make training newcomers more effective, we must set clear and achievable goals for them so that they can measure their success.

"Field Exercises" is a prime example of bad goal setting: the player is immediately asked to destroy the enemy's outer tower when the first wave of minions has just appeared. In this case, if the player decides to complete the task, they will die from the tower's shots, as they will get to it faster than the minions, while it takes several minutes to complete the task correctly, including waiting for additional waves of minions.

Instead of setting global and often incomprehensible goals, we want to create a system in which the player goes step by step towards success, becoming stronger and stronger. This desire led us to create a system of personal tasks in the "Bots-mentors" mode. The task of personal tasks is to set a goal for the player, the achievement of which is appropriate at the current time (for example, to leave the battlefield and return to the base), which will allow the novice summoner to feel the rhythm of the game in League of Legends. These tasks are activated by events occurring on the map, so they will always be relevant.

Information must be submitted sequentially

Immersing a beginner in a violent flow of information is not the best idea. In the very first game, everything is new, so there is a risk of mental overload when trying to process too much information, resulting in wasted time with zero results. We solve this problem by breaking down the task into stages: you learn to move, you learn to attack, you learn to use spells. Last step this task will be going to the lane and fighting enemy minions or a champion.

Acting carefully, we can provide the player with information in an accessible volume for assimilation. As an added bonus, the consistent flow of information speeds up the training process: if you are familiar with the MOBA genre, then you will be able to learn much faster with mentor bots than a real beginner.

We made a decision related to our desire to build a competent learning process, not to include some elements of the game in the new mode. We've removed trinkets and support items from the list of recommended items, as while vision and control of the map is important in the long run, the first thing a new player needs to focus on is learning other elements of the game. Players must learn the game from easy to hard. Let's take finishing moves as an example: we believe that this element should be approached by beginners after learning the basics of the game, so the decision to include or not learning finishing moves in the new mode was not easy for us. It's not worth trying to instill all the skills of a level 30 player into a new Summoner - it can slow down the learning process, so in the new mode we're focusing on laying the foundation while still looking for alternative ways to deliver advanced level information.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Repeating the same action over and over is one of the best ways to remember information. In the current version of the training, players are asked to click once to auto-attack and click once to cast a skill. Muscle memory doesn't train that fast, so it's not uncommon for players to find it difficult to use the mouse and keyboard shortcuts for their intended purpose in their first games.

In the new mode, we have added several lessons with the possibility of repeated practice, which we think are incredibly important for learning the basics. Personal tasks will remind players of the importance of buying items and leveling up skills, as well as the need to return to the base until they begin to perform these actions without prompting. For players who get confused in the controls, we came up with cursors in the form of icons that suggest which mouse button to press to perform the necessary action. So when players are ready to move on to other game modes, they will have the knowledge they need to not feel lost.

Difficulty level should match the skill of the player

One of the goals of working on Bots Mentor was to create an environment where neither veterans of the MOBA genre nor absolute newcomers to League of Legends would feel bored and frustrated.

Previously, we were wrong about the required minimum level of complexity. In truth, a certain number of beginners started out by failing in the "Field Exercise" mode, which is a training mode. We followed the progress of the players on this list and found that some of them have reached gold leagues in ranked play. So the problem was not with the players, but with how we train them.

In Bot Tutors, we've adjusted the difficulty level so that all beginners can have a positive first game experience. At the same time, in order not to make the mode seem too easy, we have developed many elements that dynamically affect the events taking place in the game. For example, players who demonstrate knowledge of the mechanics will quickly find that the game applies to them according to their skill level: there will be fewer hints for them and a higher difficulty. While novice players will be able to enjoy a few games as they gradually learn the basics, their more advanced teammates (or opponents) in future fights will be able to quickly complete the tutorial and move on to other modes.

First important step

I hope now you understand better what are sometimes invisible to the average player, but the problems that greatly affect the game we have to solve. We understand that mentor bots aren't the answer to every first-impression question, but we still have plenty of ideas on how to solve the problem of teaching game mechanics to newbies, and we're also listening to feedback from the League of Legends player community. suggestions.

Bots-mentors will soon go to the PBE, and a little later they will appear on the game servers. So feel free to let us know what you think of this mode. Thank you for your attention!