The goal of the game is to swap places with those who. Games and exercises for parents. Exercise "Point your finger"

This fun, moving warm-up can easily relieve stiffness and fatigue among participants, and provides material for further discussion of similarities among group members. The exercise can be suspended at any time, so it is good to do it after breaks, when not all participants have returned yet. It also helps to get involved in work, tune in to continue the training, and increase concentration. In addition, it can break the stereotype of placing participants in a circle, forcing them to change their position in space and take a fresh look at the world around them.

All participants sit in a circle on chairs. The host removes his chair and says that he will now name one quality or object, and those who have this quality (object) will have to change places. Participants should try to take the vacant chairs as quickly as possible. The one who does not have time to take a place becomes the leader. Each new round of the game begins with the words "Empty those who ..." will change places.

At first, it makes sense to introduce simple features into the game.

measures, the facilitator may offer to exchange those who have blond hair, who have a red cat in their clothes, who likes to spend their free time with friends, etc. information. For example, those for whom freedom of expression is more important than career advancement are changing; for whom the team is more important in work, rather than the duties performed, etc. Instructions can also be formulated in such a way as to emphasize that the participants get a chance to get to know each other better, and not just move and compete in the speed of movement within the circle.

If the coach deems it necessary to conduct a discussion after this psycho-gymnastic exercise, it may refer to which of the signs turned out to be the most characteristic for the group as a whole, and which were less universal.

Source: Avidon I., Gonchukova O. Team building training. Materials for preparation and holding. SPb.: Speech. - 280 p. 2008(original)


Compiler: , head of MDOU "Eaglet"



Municipal preschool educational institution -

Kindergarten "Eaglet"

Computer set:

This guide is integral part development programs of the Municipal preschool educational institution - kindergarten "Eaglet", strategies for innovative activities for the internal transformation of the preschool educational institution, which contributes to the development of the union of the triune space: "child development", "teacher development", "family development" - building a system of relationships based on mutual trust , partnership and mutual assistance . Designed to organize work with the psychological - pedagogical service with teachers and parents.

© Municipal preschool educational institution - kindergarten "Eaglet", 2009


Concept " gaming technology"includes a wide range of game situations, individual game techniques and exercises that can be used when working with parents in the Parents' Club, as well as teachers, educators and specialists working with families.

The gaming technologies presented in the manual are focused on the development of a variety of skills and abilities: social, communicative, mental, artistic, organizational. They allow parents to learn to express their thoughts and feelings, analyze the experience of behavior and interaction lived in the game, and contribute to the recognition of someone else's and their own "I" as values ​​of the highest significance.

The game as the most attractive and natural type of activity makes it possible to correct the mental processes, ethical ideas, behavior and value orientations of the "risk group" not instructively, but by updating his own reserves of self-improvement.


"Why did you decide come here?"

It is aimed at identifying and updating a particular problem,contributes to the mood for productive work. Participants briefly state their concerns. The facilitator emphasizes the diversity of problems and their commonality.

"Parents, what they?"

It is aimed at reflecting the personal qualities of the parent. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and within 2 minutes writes a definition for the phrase: “Parents, what are they ...” At the end of the work, the texts are read out and the participants draw up a portrait of the parent (often idealized and multifaceted) Exchange of views.

Exercise "Child, what is he like?"
Aimed at reflecting the perception of personal characteristics

child. It is performed similarly to the previous one (usually for a parent, his child is unique and unrepeatable). Opinion exchange.


Aimed at reflecting parental feelings towardsto kid.

Participants are invited to pronounce the name, affectionate words that the child is called in the family, while rolling the ball to each other. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. Actualization of feelings.

“Why do I love myself, why do I scold myself”

Aimed at reflection of one's own feelings, reflection of self-reflectionwearing. Divide the sheet into two halves. And within 2-3 minutes, put in the columns approving and condemning statements. At the end of the exercise, analyze which column has more statements and which has less. Actualization of feelings. Discussion.

"What I like about my child is..."

Aimed at reflecting a positive attitude towards the personality of the rebenk ​​and reflection of parental feelings.

Within 2 minutes, the participants write down the positive qualities that the child has, or perceived by the tar. At the end of the exercise, what is written is read out. Participants share their feelings and experiences.

"What makes me sad about my child is..."

It is aimed at reflecting the perception of the negative in the personality andbehavior of the child and the actualization of feelings.

The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. Discussion.

"The Kite and the Lamb" (Position Choice)

The ability to feel and understand the emotional stateparent and child in each role.

Divided in pairs, the participants alternately are in the position of "kite" and "lamb". "Kite" stands, and "lamb" sits. Any arbitrary topic is discussed At the end of the exercise, questions are discussed: “What does the “lamb” feel and what does the “kite” feel?”. “Which position is preferable?”, “In which position is the child more likely to be, in which parent?”

"What makes you happy?"

Reflection of the positive emotional state of the parent, rebank and actualization of the state of general emotional upsurge. Reflection of parental feelings and feelings of the child. Participants are invited to answer the questions: “What makes you happy?”, “What makes your children happy?” To do this, divide the sheet of paper in half, for each nomination. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes. Further, analyzing the coincidence of the moments of happiness of children and parents, each participant answers the question: “Is common happiness possible?” Exchange of opinions, impressions.


Reflection of the nature of the relationship to the child.

Participants are invited to draw associative images for the 10 words they read: thunderstorm, joy, spring day, happiness, holiday, child, separation, grief, trouble, illness. Everyone pays attention to sharp lines in drawings 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and rounded, smooth lines in 2, 3, 4, 5 drawings. Special attention 6th figure - the shape of the lines indicates the attitude towards the child. Sometimes this non-verbal signal makes you think and, perhaps, discover something new for yourself and the nature of the relationship to the child - Psychologically approved, accepted is expressed in smooth lines, disapproved, not accepted - in sharp, angular .

"It is forbidden"

Reflection of the child's feelings on parental prohibitions on the needchild in the knowledge of the world around.

One of the participants - the "child" - sits on a chair in the center of the circle. The facilitator, speaking about the stages of development of the child and his cognitive needs, alternately ties his hands with a scarf (“you can’t touch”), legs (“you can’t go there”), then the ears are tied (“don’t listen, this is not for your ears”) and, finally , - eyes (“do not look, this is not for children to watch”). We often say: "Shut up!" (mouth tied). The host asks the "tied" how he feels at the same time. The statements of the parent - "child" allow other participants to understand, realize and empathize with all the negative parental prohibitions. Opinion exchange.

"Sculpture of the Family"

Reflection on family relationships, own feelings and emotional state. Acquisition of emotional and sensory experience. Each participant is invited to create a family sculpture. Kmu is assisted by other members. Any number of characters that are significant for the "sculptor" can participate in the "sculpture". The facilitator draws a diagram of the "sculpture" and designates each specific character, called the "sculptor". Through questions: “Why did you put this or that character in this place?”, “What feelings do you experience in connection with this?” and others, it is possible to create conditions for the participant to feel and understand his relationship to family members.

"Perfect Parent"

Reflection of own feelings, feelings of the child. Optionally, one parent is the "parent", the other is the "child". Since the “ideal parent” is such a huge figure, he is supposed to be on a pedestal. "Parent" stands on a chair. Any situation plays out. For example, a child comes home having received a "deuce". A dialogue between parent and child begins. The group and the facilitator not only follow their conversation, but also pay attention to non-verbal signs: posture, gestures, body movements, facial expressions. After the end of the exercise, the participants in the dialogue answer the question: “What did everyone feel while in their role?”, “What experiences did they experience?”, “What did they think?” Discussion.

"Feel like a child"

Revival of the past emotional and sensory experience. Reflexthis feeling.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, remember your childhood: what it was like, what pleased you the most, what offended you the most. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes. Participants are then asked to reflect on their feelings.


Reflection of feelings, emotional state. Pair exercise. Participants are invited to conduct a dialogue for 4 minutes, changing positions on a signal. 1 min: standing with your back to each other; 1 min: one participant is sitting, the other is standing; 1 min: participants change places: 1 min: participants sit opposite each other.

After completion, the participants analyze their state depending on the position of communication.


Reflection of feelings, development of communication skills. One participant is the "parent", the other is the "child". There is a dialogue about the fact that the child does not clean his room or often offends his brother (sister). Try to conduct a conversation, starting the phrase not with "you", but with "I". The participants change places. Topics of conversation may be different. Discussion.

"Golden mean"

Reflection of the dominant, or leading, principle (background) in the relationship with the child.

Each participant lists in writing his requirements and prohibitions in relation to the child: 1st: “I forbid the child ...” 2nd: “I allow, but set conditions ...” 3rd: “I do not allow, but sometimes I give in ... "4th:" I allow ... "

Participants analyze what dominates: prohibitions, restrictions, concessions or permissions.


Reflection of the communicative ability to actively listen Paraphrasing technique Performed by the presenter with an assistant. The following situation (this or any other) is presented: the daughter goes to a disco. Daughter: “I went. I don't know when I'll be back." Mother: "Did you go to the disco?" Daughter: "Yes."

Mother: “When will you come, do you know?”

Daughter: “I don’t know, well, when it ends, then I’ll come.”

Mother: "Okay, I'll worry," etc.

Essence: return in the affirmative form of what was told to you

child through the "I-sensual" message.

Group discussion: “What is going on7”, “What contributed to effective communication?”

Ask them to repeat this exercise in pairs. Exchange of impressions.

"Automatic Reactions"

Reflection of habitual answers.

Ray group participates. situation is suggested. The girl comes home and says: “Tanya no longer wants to be friends with me. Today she was playing and laughing with another girl, and they didn’t even look at me.” Participants are invited to express their reaction to this situation in writing or orally. Each answer is analyzed and related to one or another automatic reaction (12 types).

"Listen no -to someone else"

Reflection and diagnosis of erroneous types of statements. The group is offered several dialogues.

Daughter: “I will never go to the dentist again!”

I. Mother: Don't make it up, we have a coupon for tomorrow, we need to finish your tooth.

Daughter: "I can't take it anymore. You know how it hurt!"

2. Mother: “She didn’t die. In life, you often have to endure. And if you don’t treat, you will be left without teeth.”

Daughter: "It's good for you to talk. You weren't drilled like that! And you don't love me at all!"

Mother: "Don't be stupid." Son: "Imagine, I missed the last two workouts, and the coach kept me in reserve today."

3. Mother: "Well, nothing, someone should also sit there, and it's his own fault."
Son: “Let the other one sit, but I don’t want to. It's not fair: Petrov
weaker than me, and they put him in the game.!

"Tete-a-tete." "Preferred Outcome"

Acquisition of a new emotional and sensory experience. Reflection of feelings with techniques and ways out of conflict situations. One of the participants is a "child", five others are "adults" (parents). "Child" in the room. "Parents" (adults) leave the room, receive instructions from the presenter about the method of verbal communication in a conflict situation with the "child". The problem can be anything. For example, the child did not clean his room, the parent talks to him about this topic. "Parent" can carry on a conversation in different strategies (positions). "Child" answers him accordingly. Each of the five "parents" is given a specific position: a) The position of aggression (authoritarian style). For example, "parent": "Why didn't you clean it? Be silent when your elder is talking to you. While I sing, feed, dress you, be kind enough to clean up!

b) "0-position" - the position of indifference and alienation ("It's up to you,
do whatever you want. You are on your own, I am on my own. These are yours
problems") c) "Bribery" involves the manipulation of providing
certain benefits. For example: "If you ... then ..."

d) "Compromise" involves an agreement on mutual promises
pas "Let's agree, I will do ..., and you ...".

E) "I-approach" implies a personal interest in a person with the use of "I-statements". For example: “I feel that something is happening to you. How can I help"." I'm worry

for you". Participants play these ways of communicating in a conflict situation. After completing the exercise, each participant talks about the feelings, experiences, sensations that he experienced in his role. The group chooses the most constructive communication style from the five presented. The facilitator briefly characterizes the communication style, naming it, and also describes the child's possible reaction to the presentation of a particular position.


These games are necessary for the facilitator to keep the participants up and running. They are held at those moments when the participants get tired of sitting or work in a group is conducted in a lecture form and requires a lot of concentration and attention. Usually these exercises include many active movements: jumping, moving the head, arms, legs, etc. In these exercises, the facilitator usually shows certain movements or says words. The task of the participants is to repeat everything after the leader.

Purpose: to activate, "warm up" the members of the group, create a certain emotional mood in them, relieve tension that may arise at the initial stages of the group's work.

"Deers" (10 min.)

Each member of the group must imagine himself as some kind of animal, and then walk in an imaginary enclosure, trying to imitate the habits of this animal.

"Grandma from Brazil" (5 min.)

All participants stand in a circle (face to the center of the circle). The host shows certain movements: jumps, movements of arms, legs, head, which are accompanied by the phrases “I have a grandmother in Brazil”, “She has such a leg”, “She has such a hand and her head on her side”, “She jumps and shouts: “I am the most beautiful grandmother in the world”, etc. Then all participants repeat these movements and words.

"Empty Chair" (15 min.)

Participants are divided into the first-second. Participants numbered "one" sit in a circle, numbered "two" stand behind their chairs. One chair must remain free. The task of the participant standing behind the chair is to invite someone from those sitting to his chair with a glance. A participant who notices that he is being invited must run to an empty chair. The task of the partner behind him is to detain.

"Hurricane" (10 min.)

Participants sit in a circle, the host goes to the center of the circle and offers to swap places for everyone who has a certain sign (white shirt, brushed teeth in the morning, black eyes, etc.). Moreover, if the participant has the named sign, he must change his place or become the leader. The host calls only the sign that he is on this moment possesses. When the participants change places, he must take someone else's place. The participant left without a chair becomes the leader. If a participant cannot sit in a circle for a long time, he can say “Hurricane”, and then everyone sitting in a circle should change places

"Molecules" or "Brownian motion" (10 min.)

All participants gather in a tight group around the leader, close their eyes and begin to randomly move in different directions and buzz: F-F-F-After a while, the leader gives one signal, which means - “silence and freeze”, two signals - “line up in a circle With eyes closed", and three signals - "open your eyes and look at the resulting figure." There is another version of the game. To the music, all participants move freely. At any moment, the leader can give a signal: "Gather in groups of 5 people (3, 7 ...)!". Participants need to quickly organize such groups by standing in a circle and holding hands. And so several times, changing the number of people in groups (the number of atoms in a molecule).

Participants form two circles (external and internal), stand facing each other. The facilitator asks: “Have you ever seen how deer greet? Do you want to know how they do it? It's a whole ritual: with your right ear you rub against your partner's right ear, then with your left ear against your partner's left ear, and at the end of the greeting you need to stomp your feet! After that, the outer circle is shifted by 1 person, and the ceremony is repeated. The movement continues until all participants “greet” each other like deer and take their starting position.

Attention! This exercise is not suitable for a scattered, unfamiliar group, as physical contact may be unpleasant for people who are unfamiliar.

"Kabuki Theater" (20 min.)

Participants are divided into 2 teams. The teams agree on who will be portrayed: a princess, a dragon or a samurai.

The host shows the teams the characteristic movements for the princess, dragon, samurai.

Princess: curtsies coquettishly; dragon: with a frightening look, raising his hands up, steps forward; samurai: makes a saber swing motion. After the teams have chosen their role, the facilitator announces:

The princess charms the samurai. Samurai kills a dragon. The dragon eats the princess." Then the teams line up in 2 lines opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, show the role they have chosen with a characteristic movement.

One point is given to the team whose role is the most profitable.

For example: Princess and Samurai (Princess gets 1 point because she charms him). Samurai and Dragon (Samurai gets 1 point because he kills him).

Dragon and Princess (Dragon gets 1 point because he eats the princess). Princess and Princess, Dragon and Dragon, Samurai and Samurai (no one gets a point).

The team with the most points wins.

"Terrible-beautiful drawing" (15 min.)

The group is divided into 2 subgroups. Each group is given a sheet of paper and one marker. It is proposed to draw a "beautiful picture". After that, the drawing is transferred to the neighbor on the right, and he makes a “terrible drawing” from the received drawing within 30 seconds and passes it on to the next one. The next participant makes a "beautiful drawing". This is how the whole circle goes. The drawing is returned to the owner.



The leader raises and lowers his hands. The higher (lower) the hands, the louder (quieter) the participants clap their hands.

"Up the rainbow »

Participants are asked to stand up, close their eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that with this breath they are climbing up the rainbow, and exhaling, they are moving down from it like a slide. Repeats 3 times. After that, those who wish share their impressions, then the exercise is repeated again with open eyes, and the number of repetitions increases up to seven times. Participants are indicated the purpose of this exercise to regulate their own "emotional state.

"Who Grows Fastest"

Images of a baby, a child, a teenager, a young man, an adult are shown. Participants, divided into 5 groups, describe the physical and mental changes that occur in a person. During the discussion, the participants' attention is drawn to the fact that changes in the physical appearance of a person occur gradually, and only in adolescence does the process of a person's physical growth sharply accelerate.


Participants are invited, having taken a comfortable position and relaxed, to recall the real situation that caused a feeling of joy. Then reproduce it in your imagination in great detail, remember the feelings that arose at the same time. Connect the thumb and index finger tightly. Repeat several times. The facilitator explains that in the future, by squeezing their fingers into a ring, the participants will be able to voluntarily evoke a feeling of joy and uplift.


"Collect the phrase"

Each microgroup receives a set of cards with parts of the phrase. It is necessary to restore the author's statement by reconstructing it in meaning. The group then discusses the fairness of the phrase and selects a participant to speak at the meeting with the outcome of the discussion. Let us give some statements as an example.

1) "The art of being wise consists in knowing what not to pay attention to." (W. James.)

2) “Independence is not received as a gift, in this capacity they are affirmed, and above all by deeds, deeds, responsibility.” (A. Markusha.)

3) “He who knows how to live canendure any HOW". (Nietzsche.)

4) “There is no such problem in which there would not be an invaluable gift for you. You create problems for yourself, because these gifts are urgently needed for you ”(R. Bach.)

5) “If your happiness depends on that one. whatever someone else does or doesn't do, I guess you still have a problem." (R. Bach.)

6) “There are no lesser miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness - and the right word said at the right time. To own this is to own everything." (A. Green.)

7) "If you do not know where to sail, then no wind will be favorable." (Seneca.)

"Finish the sentence."

Each microgroup receives leaflets with the beginning of a phrase. After conferring, you need to come up with your own version of its end. Then the options are discussed and compared with the original. Examples of statements:

"Being rude means..." [forgetting one's own dignity|. .

“Two forces most successfully contribute to the education of a cultured person ...” (art and science). Are both forces connected in ... (book). M. Gorky.

"Swap places."

All participants sit on chairs set in a semicircle. The leader is standing. He says: “Change places, those who ...” (options: loves his parents, loves his children, praises his child several times a day, thanks his child or parent several times a day; sometimes grumbles, etc.) . While the players change places, the leader tries to take a free place.

"I know 5 names"

(a version of the children's "ball game" I know 5 names of boys, 5 names of girls ... ").

Parents should name (or write down):

a) 5 names of friends of the son (daughter);

b) 5 favorite activities of the son (daughter);

c) 5 unloved activities of the son (daughter);

d) 5 trips that aroused the greatest interest in their child. A similar task can be thought up for teenagers.

"Funny ball"

The players, sitting in a circle, pass the ball, saying a rhyme: “Here is a funny ball running, quickly, quickly through the hands. Whoever has a funny ball will tell us something.” Each player who received the ball in his hands tells everyone:

An instructive story from your life;

About a happy day;

About who helped him;

About what could not be;

About your favorite pastime.


Participants stand in a circle. That. who has the ball in his hands, says to someone. of the participants in the game compliment and throws the ball to him. The second rock thanks then says a compliment already to someone else a compliment. Moreover, a compliment is not only about appearance, but also about deeds. After the game, you need to find out which compliment you liked more than others.

Questions header.

Each participant throws a note into the “header” with two different types of questions (on the text they read, the movie they watched, or on their personal impressions):

A question to which I myself do not know the answer, but would like to know;

The question is to find out the opinion of another about the text read, the event to compare it with your own.

All those present answer the questions, approaching the “cap” one at a time and taking out a note with a question. You can answer immediately or after some thought. During the task, the concept of “interesting” and “uninteresting” questions and answers is well revealed.

Answer Hat.

The facilitator asks a question (for example: “What is the most difficult thing in communicating between children and parents?”), And everyone writes down the answer on the sheets of paper (you can not sign it) and put it in the “hat”. After that, the facilitator takes out notes with answers, reads them out, and the discussion begins.

"Recipe for Happiness"

Participants unite at tables in groups of four and come up with a “recipe for happiness”. After 5-10 min. players exchange "recipes", discuss "recipes" offered by others (in the process of discussion, it is possible to correct one's own). This is followed by a group discussion of the results of the game. For example, the presenter can read the original “recipe for happiness” from Irina Belyaeva:

“Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, splash a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix it all well. Spread on a piece of the life allotted to you and offer to everyone who meets on your way.

"Dreams" (20 min.)

Purpose: to develop solidarity and understanding, create an atmosphere of trust among the participants and unite the group.

Materials: paper and markers.

How to play: Invite the participants to think for a few minutes about how each of them sees their future. Then exchange thoughts about your dreams or even draw them on paper. Next, let each participant determine which three specific things, actions, people can help, and which three will prevent him from fulfilling his dream, and what a person needs to do / do to make the dream come true.

Note: this exercise works very well if the exchange of dreams is creative. If it is difficult for participants to tell or draw their dream, then they can be asked to depict the dream in the form of a scene. Let the participants imagine how they can portray their dream. Any means of expression in a creative approach is preferable to oral or written text.

"Circle of acquaintances" (10 min.)

Purpose: to rally and liberate the participants of the training.

Materials: not required.

Game progress: participants stand in a circle. One of the players takes a step into the center of the circle, says his name, shows some movement or gesture that is characteristic of him or invented, then returns to the circle again. All players repeat as accurately as possible his movement, intonation, facial expressions. Thus, each of the participants will demonstrate their movement or gesture.

"Line up for growth!" (15 minutes.)

Purpose: overcoming barriers in communication between participants and their emancipation.

Materials: not required.

Game progress: participants become a tight circle, close their eyes. Their task is to line up with their eyes closed in height. After all participants find their place, give the command to open their eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether it was difficult to complete this task (how did the participants feel) or not.

Note: this game has several variations. You can give the task to line up according to the color of the eyes (from the lightest to the darkest - of course, without closing your eyes), according to the color of the hair, according to the warmth of the hands, etc.

"Confusion" (15 min.)

Purpose: to increase the tone of the group and rally the participants.

Game progress: participants stand in a circle and extend their right hand towards the center of the circle. At the signal of the host, each player finds a “handshake partner”. The number of players must be even. Then all participants extend their left hand and also find a “handshake partner” for themselves (it is very important that this is not the same person). And now the task of the participants is to unravel, that is, to line up in a circle again without separating their hands. The task can be complicated by prohibiting all verbal communication.

"My couple" (10 min.)

Purpose: to determine the indicator of group cohesion.

Game progress: all members of the group must silently, with their eyes, find a mate. The host gives about half a minute for this, and then says: “Hand!”. All participants must instantly show their hand to the person who is paired with him. If it turns out that several members of the group point to the same person, and other members do not have a partner, or someone cannot find a partner, the experience is repeated. What is important is not so much the result itself, when all participants are united in coordinated pairs, but the process: the reaction of the group to the “loss” of one or more participants who were not chosen by anyone or who were not chosen by anyone; the reaction of the participants, who thought that they had agreed with a partner on a mutual choice, but he chose someone else, etc.

The highest indicator of group cohesion is its immediate reaction to dropout, the exclusion of certain members from its ranks, and its sensitivity to the feeling of alienation from the group that arises in the training participants.


The first one in the circle (and this is the teacher) calls his name in such a way and with such intonation as he would like the rest of the participants to address him. The second repeats the name of the first and calls himself, the third repeats all the previous ones and adds his name, and so on. The teacher ends the game by repeating the names of all the participants. At the same time, we can add that by calling each other by name, we do something nice for each other. Dale Carnegie states that "nothing is more pleasing to a man than the sound of his own name"

"Name in gestures"

Participants stand in a circle. Everyone must pronounce their name, accompanying each syllable with some kind of gesture (dance, greeting, physical education, etc.). All together repeat after each his name and gestures.

"Name and Quality"

Participants take turns calling not only their name, but add some quality that characterizes their personality as a whole or their mood at the moment. Quality should begin with the first letter of the name. For example: "I am Tatyana, I am creative (or hardworking, or quiet, or patient)." Participants can be creative, treat the task with humor and give a more complex definition of quality, for example: “I am Tatyana, I am difficult to wake up in the morning (or anxious and suspicious).”

"Names in the Air"

Participants take turns writing their name in the air with their hand. Everyone repeats the spelling of the name, but with the other hand You can ask to write the name with both hands at the same time.

"Business card"

Each participant writes their name on a piece of paper and “deciphers” it by letter, for example:




And artistic

"My portrait".

Each participant draws their own "individual portrait" on paper, which may include the following components:

The name and its "decoding" by letter;

- "My appearance";

- "I love…";

- "My abilities";

- "My desires".

You can draw your features, describe them in words, compose them in the form of a collage. Headings for the "portrait" are offered the same. When the participants complete the task, it is advisable to place all the "portraits" on the board, and then it will be very clearly seen how diverse, unique self-representations turned out to be in the portraits.

It is advisable not to decipher the content of the rubrics for participants. Practice shows that if the facilitator gives examples of the content of the headings, then the participants repeat the proposed semantic series. For example, the teacher explained: "In the heading" I love ... "you can write people dear to you, your favorite activities." After that, everyone limited themselves only to listing loved ones and favorite activities. Without preliminary explanations by the presenter, the content of the headings becomes more spontaneous, diverse, and reflects the individuality of everyone even more interesting.

"Free Mic"

In turn, the participants tell about themselves (first name, last name, where I work, interests, hobbies, life plans, something else I would like to say about myself). You can use any object as a "microphone" and pass it to each other. You can pass the word to another by throwing the ball.

"Mutual Introduction" ("Tell Me About Another")

Participants are paired up. For 1 minute in each pair, the guys take turns telling each other about themselves. Then each participant introduces his partner to everyone.


Each participant traces the outline of his palm on a piece of paper. In the center he writes the name and on each drawn finger - his own distinctive quality, character trait. Then he passes the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right, and he writes some wish or compliment on the piece of paper around the painted palm. So each leaflet is passed around and returned to the owner with numerous inscriptions and wishes addressed to him.

"Finish the sentence"

Participants in a circle talk about themselves, continuing the sentence: "What makes me different is ...". In order for the guys to be attentive to each other, each must first repeat the statement of his neighbor on the right and only after that add his sentence. For example: “Irina believes that her distinctive quality is a cheerful, cheerful character, but I think that distinguishes me ...”

"I never …"

Participants sit in a circle with their hands on their knees. Everyone should say one phrase about themselves, starting with the words “I have never ...”, for example, “I have never skydived”, or “I have never hunted a bear”, “I have never tortured animals”, etc. If one of the participants also did not do this, then he must bend one finger. When someone has 5 fingers bent, he removes one hand behind his back. If 10 fingers are bent, the participant leaves their game. The winner is the one who has at least one not bent finger left. The main condition is to tell the truth.

It is possible to state some additional terms, for example, do not name actions related to gender or age differences, for example, "I never wore bows", "I never babysat my grandchildren."

During the game, there is an expansion of ideas about each other, acquaintance with each other's life experience. At the same time, the game requires resourcefulness, flexibility of thinking, imagination, ingenuity - after all, it is necessary to invent all new types of activities without repeating those named.


The participants stand in a circle. Everyone should look to find a mate. At the signal of the leader, the pairs change places. Thus, almost everything will change. All actions take place in complete silence.

After a while, one more condition can be added: when moving from place to place, participants in pairs in the center of the circle must greet each other.

The game contributes to group cohesion, closer acquaintance due to the optimization of such a means of communication as eye contact.

"Personal associations"

Participants represent themselves with the help of associations: “If I were ... a flower, then it would be ...”, “If I were a weather condition, then this would be ...”, “If I were a cartoon character, then it would be…”.

You can use one associative series (flowers, trees, vegetables, pieces of furniture, dishes, etc.), or you can invite the participant to choose any association himself.

The game "Personal associations" Option 2

One participant becomes the leader. He goes out the door. Participants think of someone from the group. The facilitator must guess the name of the person the participants guessed. To do this, he asks questions on associations:

“If it were a book, what would it be?”

- "If it was music, what would it be?" etc.

Participants respond by choosing associations.

This game situation it can be quite difficult for the leader, so you can “drive” in pairs.

"Change of Places"

The participants sit in a circle, the teacher removes his chair and says: "Change places, those who have ..." (and name some common feature). For example, who has brown eyes, who is wearing jeans, who has a watch on his hands, who speaks Russian, etc. During the change of seats, the teacher takes someone's place. The participant who did not have enough space becomes the leader and comes up with a sign that is common to the group members.

"How are we similar"

The facilitator divides the participants into micro-groups of 3 people. In the course of a short free communication in "troikas" participants should find several common features that unite all members of the group. The groups then present their results.

"What are we like" Option 2

The facilitator divides the participants into micro-groups and asks them to complete the following tasks:

§ Find 3 common features in appearance.

§ Find 3 common features in the biography.

§ Find 3 common hobbies of group members.

§ Come up with a name for your group and introduce it, explaining the meaning of the name.

"Search for the Common"

The group is divided into pairs, and two people in the pair find as many common features as possible and make a list of them, then, at the command of the leader, the pairs are combined into fours for the same purpose. Then the fours are combined with the fours, and the search for a common one continues in the eights. You can listen to the common features of the participants from the educated eights, or you can try to find common ground in groups of 16 people.

The exercise develops attention to each individual, allows participants to get to know each other better..

"Man Hunt"

Each participant receives a sheet with a list of a set of personal characteristics. A certain time is given: 3-5 minutes. The task of each participant is to find out in free communication with each other who these characteristics suit. As a result of the surveys, the names or surnames of the participants should be recorded on the sheet opposite the characteristics.

Sample specs:

Who has a great-grandmother

Who knows how to bake

who knows how to knit

who has two children

Who gets up early in the morning easily ("Lark")

Who likes to watch series

Who likes to play computer games

Who has a cat at home

Who can play the guitar

Who can whistle

Who was born under the sign "lion"

Thus, to organize this game, the leader must prepare sheets with a list of characteristics. Several participants may have the same set of characteristics. In this case, it will be interesting to compare the obtained results.

"Three truths and one lie"

Each participant writes on a piece of paper four facts from his life, three of which are true and one is a lie. Participants pair up, read their information to each other and try to guess what is true and what is a lie.

"Communication Pinwheel"

Participants are counted on the first-second. The first numbers form an inner circle and are located with their backs to the center of the circle. The second numbers form an outer circle and face the center. Thus, each participant stands opposite the other. The inner circle is motionless, the outer circle is movable, at the signal of the teacher, all its participants move to the right and find themselves in front of a new partner. Task: greet each other different ways(like gentlemen, like Indians, like nesting dolls, like informals, in an oriental way, etc.). At the same time, everyone welcomes everyone. The outer circle moves clockwise, each time the student greets a new partner and receives a return greeting.

Note: This game allows all participants to simultaneously include in the process of mutual communication, makes them closely interact with each other. As partners change, the participants gain experience in communicating with different people, learn to overcome barriers in communication. The game is entertaining, causes joyful emotions, laughter and fun. At the same time, it contributes to the development of imagination, resourcefulness, ingenuity.


Participants need to silently break into groups according to the seasons according to the date of birth. Then each group pantomimically depicts its season, the task of the rest is to guess which one.

The game not only deepens the acquaintance and cohesion of the group, but also trains the skills of non-verbal communication.

"Wishing Well"

The participants sit in a circle. The facilitator suggests imagining that they are at the wishing well. Each participant in turn expresses his desire, ending the sentence:

- “If I were…., then I would….., because….”


All participants are "detectives". Everyone draws the name of a member of the group by lot. This is the "suspect". The task for the "detectives": to make a verbal portrait of the "suspect" according to the plan:

1. Appearance.

2. Expressive features of behavior (gestures, gait, facial expressions).

3. Character traits with confirmation of the manifestation of at least some traits in typical situations.

For several days, the participants observe their "suspects", but do so discreetly. In the next lesson, the teacher first finds out who noticed the observations of "his detective." Since this "detective" has not coped with his task - to be inconspicuous, unobtrusive, his "verbal portrait" is not heard. And the rest take turns reading their “portraits”. The group guesses who in question.

This game develops attentiveness to each other, as well as observation, the ability to clearly and expressively describe the details of appearance and behavior.

"Good stream"

Participants stand in two lines facing each other, as for a game of "trickle", only they do not need to join hands. One participant passes between these rows from one end to the other. Each of the “brook” line should say something good to this participant or non-verbally demonstrate to him his good disposition, sympathy, approval.

This game can be made a kind of ritual to complete the event, since at a time no more than two or three people will be able to go through the “good stream”, and it is important that everyone experience the sympathy of the “stream”.

"Rose and Thistle"

The facilitator picks up a flower ("It will be a rose") and a prickly object - a broom, a thorn or a cactus ("It will be a thistle). Participants pass these objects in a circle, accompanying it with these words:" I give you a rose, because you ... (follows a compliment), and I give you a thistle so that you never ... (follows a warning against something bad, bad) ".

"Give a Gift"

Everyone gives an imaginary gift to his neighbor on the left. He depicts this object with facial expressions, pantomime, gestures. The recipient of the gift must guess what he received and thank. Then he comes up with and "transfers" his gift to the next participant.

"Praise your friends" ("On the best side")

Participants write on separate pieces of paper in black their complaints about the behavior, feelings of people significant to them. For example, "dissatisfied with the fact that ...", "I don't like that ..." and the like. When the list of dissatisfaction is exhausted, you need to take any piece of paper and try to “turn” the complaint into praise, or at least find an excuse for your friend. Write down the new wording in red on the other side of the piece of paper. For example, if it was: “I am unhappy that the teacher gives me deuces” (“I don’t like that Olya rarely comes to visit”), then on the back appeared: “It’s good that the teacher is demanding, I have to study more” (“ It's good that Olya lives such a full and interesting life that she doesn't even find time to visit me.")

When each card has become double, it is necessary to stick all the small leaves in red on top of a sheet of paper. Now you can reread them and rejoice in the virtues of your loved ones. Goodwill allows any situation to be seen in the best light!

"Inscriptions on the back"

A piece of blank paper is attached to the back of the participants. The guys stand one after another with pencils in their hands. Everyone writes on the back of his comrade those qualities that he appreciates in him. The first student of the chain goes to the end and in this way, in a circle, the guys add positive qualities to each piece of paper. Alternatively, participants can move in random order.

This exercise encourages the development of a trusting, friendly environment and also helps the participants gain self-confidence as they see attention and support from others.

"Unfinished Proposal"

Participants are invited in turn to complete sentences that stimulate the search for positive. For example,

- "What I like most about my friends is..."

- “In our school, I like most of all ...., because ...”

“Supporting and helping others is important because…”

"Secret Friend"

Each participant draws the name of one of the classmates by lot. From that time on, he becomes the "secret friend" of this classmate. His task is to provide all kinds of support and help his friend, but this must be done unobtrusively so that he does not guess (otherwise the guys can be overly annoying). You can provide secret signs of attention: write good wishes, make a small surprise gift with your own hands. A week is allocated for the game, and then it is discussed. Participants recall situations when they felt supported, received help.

"Words That Hurt" / "Words That Heal"

Stage 1. "Words That Hurt" The facilitator asks the participants to name words and expressions, critical insulting remarks that can cause suffering, pain to a person, but, unfortunately, that children hear from each other. The facilitator writes these words on the board. Then the participants unite in groups of 3-4 people, and each group discusses one expression and explains to everyone why it should not be used, why it hurts a person, makes him suffer, what feelings it causes in the offended. As the explanation progresses, the facilitator erases the words that hurt from the board.

Stage 2. "Words That Heal" The host asks to name words and expressions that bring relief, joy, cause a good mood and self-confidence. The facilitator writes them down on the board. Also, in small groups, the participants speak, and then explain to everyone why this or that word refers to the words “that heal”.


"Writing on a T-shirt"

Everyone knows that now everyone can choose a T-shirt to their taste and color. Some people, for example, with the help of information placed on a T-shirt, try to tell others about their life credo, their principles or hobbies. If a person takes off his T-shirt, will the inscription disappear along with it? Of course not. Whatever he is wearing, a person “broadcasts” this inscription with his whole appearance, communication style, attitude towards others.

1) Task for 3-4 small groups: Take a close look at the members of the group closest clockwise. "Read" and discuss the inscription on the chest of each of them, remembering, first of all, about his best qualities, make a "copy" on a separate strip of paper. In this case, it is not necessary to sign who owns this plate.

2) Plates with "inscriptions on a T-shirt" are transferred to the group of "owners" of inscriptions. The groups must now decide which of their members each inscription is intended for. Participants take turns “introducing themselves”, reading their inscriptions and explaining why they chose this tablet for themselves.

3) Participants are given the task to break the groups and break into new ones, in which the "inscriptions on T-shirts" of their members would be close in meaning. The number and size of new groups are not limited.

5) Collective analysis of the game. The content of the conversation is the feelings and emotions of the participants, the new things they learned about themselves and each other during the game.

"Building a house"

The lesson begins with an individual task: everyone draws a house on a piece of paper in which he would like to live. In the "foundation of the house" "bricks" are necessarily laid, on which the basic life principles of the residents of the house are written. When everyone draws their house, the students are united in small groups. Members of one group are invited to "build" one house for all, cutting out the necessary parts from different drawings and sticking them on one sheet. And finally, the groups are invited to “build” one house for all according to the same principles. When the task is completed, the final project is presented, then all participants discuss whether they are satisfied with this project, whether their ideas were taken into account, if not, why.

Necessary materials: sheets of paper , h preparation of a schematic image of the house, colored markers, scissors (for each group), glue (for each group).

"Tree of Life"

We invite each participant to draw a tree of his life according to the following scheme:

Root - the purpose and meaning of your life;

· Trunk - your idea of ​​yourself today;

· Branches - directions of self-improvement, self-development, what you want to change in yourself;

· Fruits - qualities that you would like to have; desires that you want to realize.

Better if the trees draw on large sheets paper (maybe back side wallpaper). Then, according to the results of the work, the “trees” are hung on the walls and each participant “introduces” his tree. It turns out a "magic grove". You can discuss with the guys the question: “What did our grove turn out to be?” (cheerful, dull, kind, varied or monotonous). Each participant chooses his own definition and justifies it.

At the request of the teacher, you can continue to work with the "magic grove". In order for the grove to develop in favorable conditions, certain rules can be established on the territory of this grove. After all, there are road signs: allowing, forbidding, warning. What similar signs can be offered to ensure that the humane rules of good neighborliness and mutual respect are respected, which contribute to the prosperity of each tree in our grove? Tasks for participants: draw or explain in words possible options such signs: permitting, prohibiting, warning. You can compose posters or rules of conduct "in the grove."

"The project of my" I "

We give each participant a project matrix: at the bottom left of the sheet there is a window where the student "places" "I" - today "(describes or draws his idea of ​​himself). At the top right - a window for describing himself in the future "I" - ideal ". The first and second windows are connected by a staircase, each step of which is a small step on the way to the ideal. On the "steps" the student, with the help of a teacher, writes down a program of action for self-improvement - approaching the ideal.



Warm-up exercise "Associations"

Target: to actualize the emotional layer of the parents' experience associated with conflicts, and thus prepare them for the role-playing game "Through the Looking Glass".

Instruction:“Pick up, please, verbal (verbal) and figurative associations to the word conflict. Write and draw them on a flipchart.

Parent associations: Thunder and lightning; anger, rage, resentment; noise in the beehive, cats scratching; explosion (2), fall; divergence of principles, heavy sediment, heaviness in the soul, a broken heart.

Role-playing game "Through the Looking Glass"

Purpose of the game: expand parents' awareness of their own contribution to the development of the conflict situation and develop a deeper, empathic understanding of the experiences of the other party involved in the conflict.

Instruction, scenario and roles: Please select a typical conflict situation with pupils of your school, for which you would like to find a more constructive solution (teachers choose). We will try to play it in a role-playing game and look for other options for solving it.

Tell us who is involved in it, when and where, what the conflict unfolds around, what is the sequence of events (one of the teachers offers his story).

The teacher describes the situation and lists the characters in this story. The trainer addresses the group with the question: “Who would like to be part of this role play? Several people respond. The teacher, who acts out his story, distributes roles between them, taking into account the wishes of the participants. Then the actual role-playing game begins.

"Say good words to Mishka"

Let's try to name good qualities of people.

Let's come up with good words for our Mishka.

You are kind….

Then each in turn "turns into a bear", and the rest of the participants say kind words to him in the role of a bear.

Now think about what good qualities you have.

We'll have a boasting contest.

Everyone in turn should say as much good about themselves as possible.

Who found it easy to name their good qualities?

Who found it difficult?

3. Let's stand in a circle, join hands and say: "We are very good!" - first in a whisper, then in a normal voice and shout.

"Pump and Ball"

One of the participants becomes a pump, the others become balls. "Balls" stand, limp with their whole body, on half-bent legs. The body is tilted forward, the head is lowered. When the "pump" begins to inflate the balls, accompanying their actions with sound, the children begin to slowly straighten up, puff out their cheeks, raising their hands. The balls are inflated. The leader pulls out the pump hose and the children, making the sound “shhhh”, return to their original position. You can repeat several times.

"Where do my feelings live?"

All our feelings live within us. Feelings live in us: Joy, Sadness, Interest, Fear, Anger, Love.

Each feeling lives in its own home.

Before you is a silhouette of a human figure. We will now try to determine exactly where your feelings live.

Imagine that you are now very angry with someone or something. Try to feel your anger with your whole body. Feel where your anger is in your body? How do you feel about it? Maybe she's like a fire in her stomach? Or do your fists itch? Shade with a red pencil the place where you felt angry.

Imagine that you are afraid of something. What can scare you? Represented? Where is your fear? Shade this place with a black pencil.

Now remember what makes you sad? Where is your sadness?

Take a blue pencil and paint over this place.

Imagine that you are now very happy about something, it is easy and fun for you.

Where does your joy live? Shade this place with a yellow pencil.

Remember those you love? What do you feel about it? Where did you feel love, where does it live in you. Take a green pencil and shade this place.

Let's see what we got. All figurines are different. Why?

Conclusion: we are all very different and feel, too, in different ways.


"Gifts" (20 min.)

Materials: for each participant a set of sheets in an amount one less than the total number of participants; pencil.

All members of the group anonymously give each other imaginary gifts, as if the gifts of the giver were not limited by anything. Everyone writes the names, designations, designations, characteristics and quantity of those things, objects, objects, phenomena that you want to give to this particular participant. Gifts are not signed by the giver. Then the presenter collects the gifts and puts them in separate sets, not passing them on to the recipients until the gifts for everyone are collected. Then gift sets are distributed. For some time, the participants study the contents of the notes.

Discussion of the results can result in a free exchange of impressions. Conclusions, conjectures, considerations related to the nature of what was presented to each other, the participants make themselves.

"Envelopes for good wishes" (20 min.)

Materials: envelopes and pencils or felt-tip pens for each participant. In addition, everyone will need as many sheets of paper as there are members in the group, including you.

"Group poem" (30 min.)

Materials: sheets of paper and felt-tip pens for each participant.

Ask participants to write their initials in the upper right corner of the paper (you will also sign your paper). Each participant writes a short line with which the poem will begin, passes his sheet to the neighbor on the left, and he finishes his line that continues the poem. After everyone has written one line on all the sheets, the finished poem is returned to the author of the first line.

After all the poems are written, read your own. Then ask who else wants to read their poem.


1. "Feel Baby"

Parents are invited to feel the moments of his various experiences in everyday communication with the child and name them when addressing the child. For example. “You are upset ...”, “You are pleased ...”

2. "What do children owe us?"

Notice how many times the word “should” was uttered during the conversation with the child. To feel how the child reacts to the word "should" - try to replace this word with another, note the reaction.

3. "How much do you accept your child"

Within 2-3 days, count how many times you turned to the child with emotionally positive statements (joy, greeting, approval, support) and how many with negative ones (reproaches, remarks, criticism, accusation, etc.) If the number of positive statements is or more negative, then everything is fine with communication.

4. "Joyful meeting"

Imagine you are meeting best friend. How do you show that he is dear to you and close? Now imagine that this is your child coming home from school and you are showing that you are happy to see him. Now this must actually be done before all other words and questions. It would be good to continue this meeting in the same spirit for a few minutes.

5. "I-message"

Try speaking in the first person. Tell about yourself, about your experience, and not characterizing the child and his behavior.

6. "You are dear to me"

Hug your child at least 4 times a day (regular morning greetings and kisses at night do not count).

It’s good to do the same with respect to adult family members. Pay attention to your child's reactions and your own.

List of used literature

1. Borzova in history lessons. M. Ed. VLADOS-PRESS.2001.

2., Ukolova teaching in the lessons of law. // Toolkit on interactive methods of teaching law at school. M. Publishing house "New textbook". 2002.S. 4-122.

3. Raising a difficult child. Children with deviant behavior. Teaching aid./Ed. M.I. Rozhkov. M. VLADOS. 2001.

4. Erokhin material on the course "Man and Society" (grade 8). Pskov. Ed. POIPKRO, 1994.

5. Education of individuality: Teaching aid / Ed. E.N. Stepanova. M. TC Sphere. 2005.

6. 50 lessons about the meaning of life (For classes with children of middle and older age) M. Amrita-Rus. 2003.

7. 600 creative games for big and small.) M. Amrita-Rus. 2004.

8. Human rights education. A Practical Guide for Primary and Secondary Schools. M.1990; United Nations, New York, 1998.

9. Furmanov children with behavioral disorders. M. VLADOS. 2004.

10. Shchurkov guide: game techniques. M. 2004.

11. Shchurkova pedagogy of education. SPb. Peter. 2005.

The interaction of specialists working with families and families is a purposeful process, as a result of which favorable conditions are created for the development of the child. The higher the level of this interaction, the more successfully the problems of raising children are solved.

Seven mandatory rules:







give thanks


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Phone: (383, 24–369

Email mail: [email protected]

Larisa Razumkina
Game training "Prevention of emotional burnout"

Purpose: to create conditions for the prevention of burnout syndrome and maintaining the mental health of teachers.

1. Introduce self-regulation techniques.

2. To teach psychotechnical methods of self-regulation of the emotional state.

4. Optimize the self-esteem of teachers.

5. Remove emotional stress.

6. Form positive thinking of teachers

Materials and equipment:

Popular expressions prepared in advance in the presentation for the Typewriter exercise

A pre-drawn tree on whatman paper, a magnetic board, multi-colored leaves;

Recordings of calm relaxation music (at this seminar, musical compositions of the album "Eolia. Love in the wind" were used, pencils

Pre-printed Feedback Form

Two deep plates, rose petals

Beautiful decorative candle

Time: Approximately 1 hour. The total time depends on the number of participants.

Participants: educators, speech therapists, narrow specialists.

1. The game “Swap places those who….”

Purpose: removal of accumulated stress; bonding of group members. Instruction: the host calls a sign that is common to many. Those to whom it is characteristic change places. The leader's task is to take someone's place.

2. Information for participants

At present, it has been established that pedagogical workers, social specialists and managers are most susceptible to the syndrome of professional burnout. Generalization of the results of the study of the activities of the above specialists made it possible to distinguish three main stages of the syndrome.

The first stage is at the level of voluntary behavior: forgetting some moments, speaking in everyday language, memory lapses regarding the performance of any motor actions (for example, the necessary entry was made or not in the documentation, whether the planned question was asked.). Usually, few people pay attention to these first symptoms, jokingly calling it a girl's memory. Depending on the nature of the activity, the magnitude of neuropsychic stress and the personal characteristics of a specialist or manager, the first stage can be formed within three to five years.

At the second stage, there is a decrease in interest in work, the need for communication (including at home, with friends): I don’t want to see those with whom the specialist communicates by occupation (clients, patients, schoolchildren); on Thursday, the feeling that it is already Friday, the week lasts endlessly, an increase in apathy by the end of the week, the appearance of persistent somatic symptoms (no strength, energy, especially towards the end of the week, headaches in the evenings, an increase in the number of colds); increased irritability, a person starts up with a half turn. The period of formation of this stage is on average from five to fifteen years.

The third stage is actually personal burnout: a complete loss of interest in work and life in general, emotional indifference, dullness, a feeling of constant lack of strength. Man seeks solitude. At this stage, it is much more pleasant for him to communicate with animals and nature than with people. The stage can take from ten to twenty years to form under normal circumstances, and in the conditions of the global economic crisis, the reaction intensifies.

Studies show that the methods of self-regulation and self-healing are an effective means of preventing the symptom of professional burnout. This is a kind of safety precaution for professionals who have numerous and intense contacts with people in the course of their work.

The first definition of stress was given by the Canadian scientist Hans Selye: “Stress is everything that leads to rapid aging of the body or causes disease.” “The way we think is the way we feel,” said Albert Ellis. That is, it all depends on the ability to correctly respond to certain events. Distress is harmful stress that can have socially dangerous consequences, including inappropriate behavior.

Distress symptoms:

1. distraction;

2. memory impairment;

3. increased excitability;

4. constant fatigue;

5. loss of sense of humor;

6. a sharp increase in the number of cigarettes smoked;

7. addiction to alcoholic beverages;

8. lack of sleep and appetite (or, conversely, immoderate appetite);

9. sometimes psychosomatic pains in the head, back, in the stomach;

10. complete absence of sources of joy.

If you have 5 or more of these signs, then you urgently need to “pull yourself out of the swamp”!

3. Exercise "Brownian movement".

Purpose: the uniqueness of this exercise lies in the fact that within a short period of time it is really possible to relieve excessive muscle tension, gain freedom and looseness of movements. Participants stand in a circle and begin, at first slowly, and then at an ever-accelerating pace, move towards each other, trying to avoid a collision. Having reached the border of the circle, they turn around and move along the opposite trajectory.

The task has several levels of difficulty: at the first stage, the movement is carried out with open eyes facing each other. Gradually, the movement speeds up and turns into a run; hands are involved in the work, which help the participants to maneuver. At the second stage of the exercise, they move with their backs to each other, occasionally turning their heads to orient themselves in space.

4. Exercise "Typewriter"

Purpose: mobilizes attention, improves mood, increases activity.

Let's imagine that we are all a big typewriter. Each of us is the letters on the keyboard (a little later we will distribute the letters, each will get two or three letters of the alphabet). Our machine can print different words and does it like this: I say a word, for example, “laughter”, and then the one who gets the letter “s” clap his hands, then we all clap our hands, then the one who has the letter “m” claps, and again general cotton, etc.

The facilitator distributes the letters alphabetically in a circle.

If our typewriter makes a mistake, we will print from the beginning.

And we will print the phrase: "Health is more precious than gold" William Shakespeare.

Space between words - everyone needs to stand up.

5. Exercise “Washer”

Description of the exercise: Participants are divided into pairs and stand in a line facing each other - this is the “washing machine” itself. One pair breaks, and one of them stands at the beginning of the line - this is the “thing” that needs to be washed, and the other at the end is the “dryer”. The “thing” begins to move slowly inside the line, and everyone strokes it, touches it, says kind words, etc., i.e. “washes”. The “dryer” takes the washed “thing” into its arms and “dries” it, hugging it tightly. Then "thing" and "dryer" change places. The game continues until each participant of the game passes through the "washing machine".

6. Exercise "ATV"

Purpose: warming up the group in active physical interaction; creating an atmosphere of emotional freedom, openness, friendliness; helping participants to get to know each other better, to reduce the distance in communication.

Leader's instruction; “Now let’s warm up again, digress from our thoughts. Let's perform an exercise that helps to work out the switching of attention, launches spontaneity and creative thinking. We will move around the room at a fairly fast pace, carefully listening to the leader's tasks. Everyone, having heard new information, analyzes it as soon as possible and changes its actions depending on the conditions of the game, depicts what is at stake. You need to adapt to new circumstances quickly, without talking and condemning! So, are you ready? Started!

We go through the forest. Birds chirp, butterflies flutter, tall grass on the edge. Nettles hurt bare legs. Mosquitoes have eaten. And all because they got into a swamp. Topko. Scary. It's disgusting. Twilight is gathering...

A snowy field penetrating a winter evening. And the bullets whistle overhead. More and more! Where would you hide? To the trench! No, this is not a trench, this is a pond with pleasant, refreshing and very clean water. But very cold, eight or ten degrees. We get out on the shore and get surrounded by spiders. The web sticks to the face, clings to the hair. It fills the space. No, it seemed!

We go through the citrus orchard. Fruits ripen on the trees. We'll pick one. Let's inhale the wonderful aroma of elastic skin, take a refreshing slice in our mouth. Cheekbones cramped - wow, how sour! Onward, through the sparkling and bubbling garden filled with lemonade bubbles! Seashore, sunset, walking along the water's edge...

Note Participants act out everything the facilitator says.

7. Help tree exercise Purpose: concretization of personal resources under stress, analysis of options

behavior when exiting from a state of stress; exchange of opinions, familiarization with someone else's experience of dealing with stress.

Material: a large sheet of drawing paper with a painted tree with five branches - “Family”, “Students”, “Colleagues”, “Workplace”, “Activity / Creativity”, leaflets, preferably in different colors, markers, glue stick.

The host's word: “We have already talked a lot about what leads to stress, how you can deal with it. Now let's move on to the specifics of your own, proven ways of dealing with stress. We all get stressed in all areas of life every day, but we continue to live. On the board you see five such spheres. Write on the cards how they help you deal with stress, save yourself from burnout? What specifically (what is your or someone else's action, what object or object in these areas) helps you every time, as if holding out a hand? What do you do in this area to relieve stress? Write on pieces of paper and put them on topics in separate piles. And now let's stick them, like leaves on a tree, on our branch. Thank you! Now look, which branch has the most leaves? Do you think it means anything? Go to the tree, read what is written on its leaves. What surprised you? Is there a way to get out of stress that especially struck you?

This tree will now remain in your group. You can approach him at any time and look for new ways to deal with burnout.”

8. Exercise "Plate of water"

The purpose of the exercise: to develop mutual understanding in the group, to understand and discuss the patterns of mutual assistance.

Task: a group of participants, silently with their eyes closed, passes a plate of water around in a circle.

As a result, during the transfer, communication methods develop, the search for the partner’s hands until the plate is passed, the warning about the transfer by touch.

Exercise analysis:

1. What do you think went wrong?

2. How can this be fixed, what needs to be done?

3. What emotions did you experience during this exercise?

Reflection. "Me today. ”

Each member of the group, passing a candle to the person sitting next to him, completes the phrase: “To me today. ”, share their impressions with colleagues.

Teachers fill out an express questionnaire.

Dear teachers, please answer the questions of the express questionnaire.

1. What are your impressions of the training? ___

2. In what ways did your expectations from the training come true/did not come true?

Justified ___

Failed ___

3. What exercise / task did you like the most?


for teachers





Target: the formation of a team spirit and a friendly attitude within the team, the opportunity for young professionals to get to know experienced teachers, the development of a sense of support and approval from THEM.

Snowball game

Equipment: medium-sized soft foam ball.

Participants sit (stand) in a circle. The facilitator greets all teachers and offers to do a short introduction exercise.

The leader of the training begins the exercise, naming his name .. Then he passes the ball to the neighbor on the right, who. In turn, he repeats the name of the leader and calls his own. Then the game goes around in circles like a snowball." Thus, the last participant will have to name the names of each person sitting in front of him. The exercise requires patience, attention and concentration from teachers.

Exercise "knock knock, right hand"

The exercise is aimed at strengthening the acquaintance of the participants. To the right of the leader is empty chair(there should be more chairs than the participants themselves)

The leader knocks on a free chair with his right hand and says: Knock, knock right hand,

Marya Ivanovna, sit down to my right.” The person who was called sits next to the leader, while his chair is released and the game continues on.

So, teachers will be able to consolidate their acquaintance with each other, remembering the names of all the participants present at the training.

Exercise "Guess me"

Equipment 6 sheets of paper, pens.

Each player must describe himself in a few words, but with the condition: do not indicate the age and name. Further, all descriptions are given to the leader, which he reads aloud. The players guess who they are talking about.

Game-unity by interests

“Change places those who…”

The teachers stand in a circle. Participants change places among themselves according to the signs that the leader calls (change masses for those who ... came in a skirt, who has a short haircut, who loves gold jewelry, who speaks a foreign language, who always observes the daily routine, who has difficulty in planning their activities, who likes to travel to different countries, who has a good mood, who loves his profession, knows how to work in a team, etc.)

Exercise "Fulfillment of desires"

One of the group members is invited to express their desire. The group discusses how to satisfy this desire - here, in this setting, and then implements this method (in imagination, pantomime, real actions, with the help of substitute objects).

Game "Siamese twins"

Participants are divided into pairs. The members of each pair form a single whole, acting only with their hands (one with the left, the other with the right). Couples are asked to complete some kind of speed challenge (such as lacing up a boot). Those who complete the task the fastest win.

Exercise "Decipher the word"

Equipment: sheets of paper, pencils.

The facilitator invites the participants to imagine that the word "TEACHER" requires decoding, but unusual. It is necessary to use each letter from the word to characterize the professional qualities of the educator and all pedagogical activity in general.

At the end, a summary is made of what the concept of “teacher” includes (with reading out the written concepts).

Exercise "Loading the barge"

Participants stand in a circle. The host offers to throw the ball to each other on the condition that this is a necessary quality of the teacher. Which can be "loaded onto a barge" called "EDUCATION". Educators throw the ball to each other, naming the qualities that are necessary for raising children (desire, skill, knowledge, empathy, patience, creativity, etc.)

Exercise "Unusual gift"

Equipment: gift box.

Each participant in a circle gives colleagues “an unusual gift by passing a gift box to each other. The leader of the meeting begins the exercise with the words "I want to give you a fan that will brush off all failures and hardships." The game continues until each participant presents their "unusual" gift to the group.

Exercise "Towards each other"

The leader says that different peoples The world has its own farewell rituals.

b The participants are divided into pairs. Next, the teachers in pairs conduct a ritual of farewell to each other. different ways voiced by the presenter: “Europeans” (shake hands0, “Japanese” (bow), “Africans” (rub their noses), “Italians” (send an air kiss), “Russians” (pat on the shoulder0, “French” (remove an imaginary hat”, etc.

It is desirable that the participants change in pairs: so everyone can be paired with each other.


Equipment: medium sized ball.

Each participant, having caught the ball, talks about his feelings, experiences and emotions received during the training. Everyone has the opportunity to express their opinion feedback is held in a circle.

, parent-child interaction, psychological training for parents, training for children and parents

Currently, issues related to the relationship between adults and children within the family have acquired particular relevance in the work of a school psychologist.

The training offered to your attention is the second stage of the program for teaching adults the skills of partner communication with children. It is assumed that the adult members of the group received appropriate training in the parental effectiveness training sessions (see the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson-2004”, section “Support Service”, Sacerdova S.N. “Parental Effectiveness Training in the School Psychologist Work System”).

The purpose of this training is to form the skills of cooperation between an adult and a child based on the development of trusting relationships in the family.

The training is intended for parents of students in grades 1-3. In real work, taking into account the age, intellectual, personal characteristics of the group members, it can be modified for parents of older preschoolers or younger adolescents.

The training is designed for 4 meetings lasting 2 hours each with a turn once a week. The composition of the group is 4 - 6 pairs of "parent - child", that is, 8-12 people.

The program is based on the methodological developments of Yu.B. Gippenreiter, I.M. Markovskaya, K. Fopel, O.V. Khukhlaeva.

After completing the training, each participant will be able to:

  1. Establish warm, friendly relationships in the family and take care of their preservation.
  2. Provide psychological support to a communication partner.
  3. Take into account the goals of the communication partner when achieving your own goals, even if the partner is a child.
  4. Find effective solutions to conflict situations on a win-win basis.
  5. Choose a productive communication strategy consciously and competently.

Conducting classes involves a room with free space and walls to which drawings are easily attached. The room should have several tables, chairs according to the number of participants, a tape recorder. For some exercises, you will need paper, colored pencils (felt-tip pens), adhesive tape (buttons), a ball of thread, blindfolds, a candle.

General remarks to the moderator:

  • This version of the training is a game, as children of primary school age get tired of group classes quite quickly and do not have the experience of reflection. The facilitator needs to carefully monitor the condition of the group members. Sometimes it makes sense to interrupt the exercise, continuing it with other participants after a short rest or energy warm-up.
  • The subject of discussion in the group is the relationship between parents and children that arise during the exercise; communication strategies that partners choose (cooperation, rivalry, ignoring, etc.); new emotional experience. It is important for the facilitator to take into account the age of the children, the temperament and personal characteristics of the participants in order, on the one hand, to analyze the exercise, and, on the other hand, not to drag it out, turning it into a tedious event.
  • The program describes the first lesson in detail, since it is the most important for establishing an emotional contact between the group members and the leader. The following is a list and description of the exercises. In some cases, links to relevant sources are given.

Lesson 1

Purpose: to introduce children and parents to each other, to establish a friendly atmosphere in the group, to activate communications in the family.

Those participants who came to the lesson earlier than others can be invited to draw drawings on the topics “Self-portrait”, “Friendly cartoon of myself”, “What I like to do on weekends”, etc. This reduces emotional stress, creates mutual interest in children and adults, and sets up further communication. Before the start of the lesson, the drawings are hung on the walls of the room.

1. Exercise “Circle of acquaintances” (20 min.)

Equipment: writing board, fluffy ball of thread.

Part 1. The group members sit in a circle. The facilitator asks the question: “Who do you think has gathered here today?” and writes down the answers on the board - mothers and children, people, adults and not so, etc. When there are a lot of options, the facilitator suggests: “Let's get acquainted!”, And the second part of the exercise begins.

Part 2: game "Spider Web". In the hands of the presenter is a ball of fluffy yarn. Starting an acquaintance, the host calls his name, wraps the end of the thread around his palm and rolls the ball to one of the children. The leader asks each child not only to give his name, but also to tell about his mother (dad), so that from the description one can guess which of the people sitting in the circle is his parent. You can ask different questions, for example:

  • What is your mom?
  • What does she like doing?
  • What does she like, what does she not like?

An adult, in whose hands the glomerulus turned out, talks about his child. Before rolling the ball to the next storyteller, each member of the group wraps the thread around his palm so that the “web” is more or less taut. When the ball returns to the leader, he asks: “What does it look like what we got?”. There are many answers - a network, a web, an asterisk, a mycelium, etc. The facilitator draws the attention of the group to the fact that in life our relationships with relatives and friends resemble such an interweaving of threads.

At the end of the exercise, the ball is wound in reverse order, while it is necessary to repeat all the names again so that the participants remember them.

2. Exercise “Change places those who…” (10 min.)

The leader removes his chair and stands in the center of the circle.

Instructions: I will now make a statement. Those of you to whom this statement applies will have to stand up and change places quickly. Those to whom this statement does not apply remain seated. So, switch places who came here today... who likes ice cream... who has a brother.

When the rule of the game becomes clear to everyone in the group, the leader takes someone's chair at the next change of places. The member of the group left without a chair becomes the leader.

Such a game well raises the mood in the group and brings the participants together.

3. Accept group rules (10 min.)

Equipment: a large sheet of paper, felt-tip pens, tape or buttons.

The facilitator talks about the need to adopt the rules and invites each participant to express their attitude to the rules: agree with the rule being adopted - raise your thumb up, disagree - put your finger down and tell us why, in your opinion, this rule is not suitable for you or the group.

Sample list of rules:

  • Only one person can speak in class.
  • You can only talk in a circle, you can not whisper with a neighbor.
  • Other people, even close ones, can only talk about what you yourself did or felt at the training. You can not talk about how they behaved or what other members of the group said.
  • Try to participate in all exercises.
  • Take care of yourself: tired of sitting - get up quietly, if you want to drink - do it without disturbing others, etc.

It is better to fix the rules in the form of drawings-symbols on the poster. This may well be done by one of the group members. The poster is attached to the wall for the duration of the group's work.

4. Exercise “Getting to know the hands” (20 min.)

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of pairs, a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music.

Participants sit on chairs in two circles: inner and outer. Children in the inner circle sit with their backs to each other, in front of each child facing him, an adult sits in the outer circle. Further, this method of arranging participants will be called a “carousel”.

Instructions: Now we will try an unusual way of communication - with our hands. Adults, please blindfold children. Return to your seat. Close your eyes, take three calm breaths in and out (turn on the music). Stretch your hands forward, find your partner's hands. Say hello to them, get to know them, make friends (all commands are given slowly). And now - fight, quarrel ... and make peace again, ask for forgiveness. Now, thank you and say goodbye. Adults, open your eyes and move one chair to the right. You have a new meeting. Close your eyes, stretch out your hands, etc.

5. Break 5 min.

6. Exercise “Drawing together” (30 min.)

Equipment: sheets of A4 paper, sets of colored pencils according to the number of pairs, adhesive tape or buttons for attaching drawings, a tape recorder and a cassette with a recording of calm music.

Instructions: Now you will work in parent-child pairs. I invite each pair to draw a picture, which will be called “Our House”. Paper and pencils are already on the tables, please find a place for yourself (only one pair works at each table). You have 15 minutes to complete the task, but you can't agree on what you'll draw or even talk to each other! After everyone has finished, each pair will present their piece.

During the exercise, the facilitator can turn on calm music.

At the presentation of the work (15 min.), the facilitator asks the child to tell how the drawing was drawn, who initiated the ideas, what helped or hindered the work, how they agreed on drawing the details. The features of the interaction between parents and children that manifested themselves at various stages of the task are also discussed: cooperation, rivalry, orientation towards the interests of the partner or ignoring them.

7. Completion of the session (10 min.)

A ritual to be performed at the end of each class. The facilitator asks everyone to sit in a circle and take turns briefly answering the questions:

  • What do you remember from today's lesson?
  • What seemed unusual?
  • What was the most difficult thing for you to accomplish?
  • If you were bored, what can you do differently next time to change that attitude?

This practice is extremely important because it divides the responsibility for what happens in the group between the facilitator and the participants.

8. Parent circle (10 min.)

If it is possible to immediately discuss the lesson with parents, then the subject of discussion may be typical forms of interaction between children and parents; relationships that arise between a child and an adult during the exercise; unexpected for the parent behavioral manifestations of the child in the group, etc.

Lesson 2

Purpose: formation of ideas about non-verbal means of communication, development of the ability to understand a partner without words, development of cooperation skills.

1. Greetings from the presenter, updating important points for the participants of the last lesson, defining the tasks of today's meeting (10 min).

2. Exercise “Agree with your eyes” (5 min.)

Instruction: now each of you will mentally choose a partner. You will need to agree with him with your eyes and at the same time get up from the chairs (or change places if the participants are not sitting, but standing in a circle). Please remember that nodding your head, winking, waving your arms is prohibited.

Note to the facilitator: if the exercise is easy, then after it is completed, you can simply offer to summarize what our actions contribute to establishing contact. However, quite often there are children in the group who cannot join this game. In this case, the game is suspended and the analysis is carried out immediately.

3. Exercise “Magic Box” (15 min.) - see, part 2, p. 45

Goal: training the imagination, developing the ability to understand gestures and movements.

4. Exercise “Mirror” (10 min., performed in a “carousel”)

Equipment: tape recorder, rhythmic music cassette.

Instructions: now you can train both your imagination and your ability to carefully observe your partner. At first those who stand in the inner circle will be the mirror. Their task is to accurately repeat the movements shown by the partners standing in the outer circle. Then you switch roles.

During the exercise, the facilitator can turn on rhythmic music.

5. Exercise “Old grandmothers” (15 min.) - see, p. 43

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of pairs, two long ropes or chalk.

6. Break 5 min.

7. Exercise “Guess whose hands” (20 min.)

Equipment: blindfolds for the number of pairs.

Instruction: first, the children determine by touch who is who, trying to guess the name. The parents then find their child's blindfolded hands. See page 103 for details.

8. Exercise "Flashers" (5 min.)

Instructions: You need to split into pairs. One person from the pair sits in a circle, the other stands behind his chair. The hands of those standing are hidden behind their backs. In front of one of those standing there is an empty chair, this is the driver. The task of the driver is to lure someone from those sitting to him by winking at him. The task of the standing participants in the game is to keep their rider by putting their hands on his shoulders. If the rider nevertheless ran across, then the one who missed becomes the driver. After a while, you will switch roles.

9. Exercise “Fingers-suggestions” (15 min., performed in a “carousel”)

Part 1. Instruction: now you will meet in a carousel without words. If you show your partner a fist, then you remain in place, demonstrating with your whole being that you are rejecting your partner. If you show your partner one finger, it means that you simply remain without contact; two fingers - a handshake and a smile; three fingers - almost a hug, four - free hugs; five - close proximity (the implementation of each choice must be visually shown). If there is inconsistency in the choice in the pair, then the contact is made according to the smaller choice.

Part 2. Instruction: each person standing in the inner circle addresses his partner with the words: “I see in you ...” and within 30 seconds. speaks, and the partner only listens. Then those who stand in the outer circle will turn to their partners with the same phrase. When they finish talking, they will take a step to the right, and there will be a change of pairs.

After several changes of couples, a similar exercise is carried out, beginning with the words “I like about you ...”.

Part 3 The first part of the exercise is repeated.

10. Completion of the session (10 min.)

11. Parent circle (10 min.)

Lesson 3

Target: development of cooperation skills in a pair of adults - a child, development of the ability to work in a group.

2. Exercise "Monster" (10 min.) - see, part 2, p. 83

Purpose: to develop the ability to establish contact with the help of a glance.

Note to the facilitator: before starting the game, you need to agree on how to call adults for help - “Aunt Lena” or by name and patronymic, which is too long. Usually everyone willingly agrees to call themselves by name.

3. Exercise “Sweet problem” (10 min.) - see, part 1, page 132

Purpose: to develop the ability to make joint decisions through negotiations, taking into account both your own interests and the interests of your partner.

Equipment: napkins according to the number of pairs, a pack of cookies.

4. Exercise “Ship among the rocks” (25 min) - see, part 2, p. 104

Purpose: to develop the ability to cooperate in a pair of parent-child.

Equipment: eye patch.

5. Break (5 min.)

6. Exercise “Night train” (20 min.) - see, part 3, p.70

Equipment: blindfolds according to the number of participants.

7. Exercise “Island” (10 min.)

Equipment: two sheets of newspaper glued together with tape.

Instructions: imagine that a shipwreck has occurred, and you are the surviving passengers of the ship. In front of you is a small island, literally the size of a newspaper, I will now put it on the floor. Very interesting, can you accommodate on this island?

Note to the facilitator: at the beginning of the game, the newspaper freely accommodates all participants. After the group has easily placed themselves on the newspaper, the host says: “Very good! But there was a flood, and the island decreased - the newspaper folded in half. What will you do now? You can’t tear or part the newspaper.” Then the newspaper is folded in four, and so on.

8. Exercise “Chips on the river” (10 min.) - see, part 3, p. 96

Purpose: development of group cohesion.

9. Completion of the session (10 min.)

10. Parent circle (10 min.)

Lesson 4

Target: developing interpersonal skills, receiving feedback from participants, completing the work of the group.

1. Greeting the facilitator, updating important points for the participants of the last lesson, defining the tasks of today's meeting (10 min.)

2. Exercise “It is forbidden to laugh” (5 min.) - see, part 2, p. 28

3. Exercise “Overcome the obstacle” (15 min.)

Equipment: chairs and tables to build an "obstacle" in the middle of the room.

Instructions: Now the whole group will gather at one of the walls. Each of you needs to get to the opposite wall. To do this, you need to overcome the obstacle. You can do this with the whole group at once, you can take turns. After all the participants have gathered on the other side, we will discuss how you did it.

4. Exercise “Bridge over the abyss” (15 min.)

Equipment: long rope.

Instructions: Now you will work in a parent-child pair. Please agree which pair will start first, second, etc. The first couple will stay here, the rest will go out the door, waiting for their turn.

Further instructions are given in turn to each incoming pair: imagine that you are travelers, you are now at different points of the route (the participants diverge quite far from each other), and at one fine moment of your journey you find yourself on opposite sides of this bridge (between the participants a long rope is laid on the floor). The bridge is rather narrow, the river under it is stormy and cold. Each of you needs to cross the bridge and, without delay, move further along your route. How will you do it?

5. Exercise “Applause in a circle” (10 min.) - see, part 4, p. 111

Goal: increasing the level of group cohesion, relieving emotional stress.

6. Break 5 min. Jittering Jelly Exercise (5 min.) – see Part 2, p.31

Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards future joint activities.

7. Exercise “Magic circle” (10 min.) - see, part 3, p. 87

Purpose: development of mutual trust in the group.

8. Exercise “Creating a statue” (10 min.) - see, part 3, p. 85

Goal: development of interpersonal communication skills.

9. Exercise “Postcard” (30 min.)

Equipment: thick A4 paper, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Instruction: each participant folds a sheet of paper in half, puts his palm on the outside of the “postcard”, circles it with a pencil and writes his name inside the “hand”. Postcards are simultaneously passed to the neighbor on the left, who must write something inside. Postcards are handed out until everyone writes at the suggestion to the others.

10. Exercise “Last meeting” (10 min.)

Equipment: a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music, a candle, a lighter.

Instruction: please stand in a big circle. I will turn on the music, and you close your eyes, take three calm breaths and exhalations. Imagine that our meetings in the group are over, you go home. Remember how you came to the first lesson, what you expected from the group. Remember the most unexpected, the funniest, the most touching moments. Think about what you didn't say to the group but would like to say. In a minute you will be able to do it (pause). Take a deep breath, open your eyes and say it.

Note to leader: At this point, you need to light a candle. The host says words of gratitude to one of the participants and passes a burning candle to him. When everyone has spoken, and the candle is in the hands of each member of the group, the leader says the final words, holds the candle in his palm to the center of the circle, gestures the group to come closer and blow out the candle with a single exhalation.


  1. Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with the child. How? - M.: MASS-MEDIA, 1995. - 240 p.
  2. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. - St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing house "Rech", 2000. - 150 p.
  3. Fopel K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide: Per. from German: In 4 volumes. – M.: Genesis, 1998.
  4. Khukhlaeva O.V. Ladder of joy. Correction of negative personality deviations in preschool and junior school age. Methodological guide for psychologists kindergarten and elementary school. - M.: Publishing House "Perfection", 1998. - 80 p.