What makes a child play. How a child develops in the game consultation on the topic. Game and mental development of the child

Importance of play in a child's life.

Preschool children spend most of their time playing games. Sometimes it seems to adults that when playing, children spend time on useless activities, because the game is perceived as an idle pastime and pampering. In fact, the game is the leading activity for preschoolers. This means that it is the game that is necessary for the development of children of this age. The developmental impact of play on a child is impossible without the participation of an adult. How younger child, the more involvement in the process of the game is required from parents. When a baby is just starting to play, mom and dad are his favorite playmates. Parents can initiate games themselves or support the child's initiative. At an older age of the child, parents can act as third-party observers, assistants and consultants. In any case, an adult acts as a guide to the world of the game.

The impact of play on child development

During the game, the child develops physically, mentally and personally. Let's take a closer look at how games affect the development of a child.

Development of the cognitive sphere. During the game, the child actively learns the world around him, gets acquainted with the properties of objects, their purpose. This aspect of the influence of the game on development is manifested at a very early age, when the child does not play yet, but only manipulates objects: puts cubes one on top of the other, puts balls in a basket, tries toys “on the tooth”. Along with the assimilation of new knowledge about the world around, in the process of the game, the development of cognitive processes takes place: attention, memory, thinking. The skills formed at an early age to concentrate, analyze, memorize information will be very useful for a child to study at school.

Physical development. During the game, the child masters different movements, improves his motor skills. All children love outdoor games: they run, jump, somersault with pleasure. In such games, the child learns to master his body, acquires dexterity and good muscle tone, which is very important for a growing organism;

Development of imaginative thinking and imagination. During the game, the child endows objects with new properties, models his own imaginary space. The child himself at this moment understands that everything is happening for fun, but when playing, he really sees in the leaves - money, in the pebbles - potatoes for soup, and in the damp sand - dough for fragrant pies. The development of imagination and imaginative thinking is the most important aspect of the influence of the game, because the child has to make non-standard decisions in order to realize the plot of his game. True, in recent times this property of the game is exterminated by manufacturers of children's toys, creating a wide variety of play sets for all occasions. The most realistic children's kitchens, laundries, sets for playing in the store deprive children's play of an element of fantasy.

Development of speech and communication skills. In the process of a role-playing game, the child constantly has to pronounce his actions, act out dialogues between the characters of the game. Games in the company of other children contribute not only to the development of speech, but also to the development of communication skills: children need to assign roles, agree on the rules of the game, and maintain contact directly during the game. The child learns not only to negotiate, but also to follow the accepted rules.

Development of the motivational sphere. Role-playing games are based on the fact that the child imitates an adult. During the game, the child, as it were, tries on the role of an adult, on game level tries to fulfill its functions. Such a game forms the child's motivation to become a truly adult, that is, to get a profession, earn money, start a family. Of course, in order for the “correct” motivation to form during the game, the child must have a positive example of adults before his eyes.

Development of moral qualities. Although the plots of children's games are fictitious, the conclusions that a child draws from game situations are real. The game is a kind of training ground where the child learns to be honest, courageous, decisive, and benevolent. Of course, for the formation of moral qualities, not only children's play is needed, but also an adult nearby, who will help to see the game situation more deeply and draw the right conclusions.

Development and correction of the emotional sphere. During the game, the child learns to sympathize, support, regret, express sympathy. Sometimes it happens that a child’s emotional problems “break through” through games: fear, anxiety, aggression. AT game form you can give vent to these emotions and live with the child difficult situations for him.

Unfortunately, in recent years, real spontaneous children's play has been supplanted by learning in the form of a game or computer games. You need to understand, but neither one nor the other activity is, in essence, the game that gives so much for the development of the child. Of course, real and "high-quality" children's games are not always convenient for adults, because these are huts made of pillows and blankets, constructor cities throughout the apartment and a mess. However, you should not limit the child in his imagination and games, because they say correctly that everything has its time, and childhood is the time of play. A child who has been allowed to play enough will be better prepared for the transition to new stage ku of its development.

Just as work is important for every adult, a child needs play. Through the game, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, with the relationships between people. The game in the development of preschoolers has one of the leading roles, since it is in it that we see the projection of the thinking, imagination of the baby, his inclinations and interests.

How does play affect a child's personality development?

  • In the game, the child learns to communicate and interact with peers, acquires new qualities that are necessary for successful communication;
  • The ability to invent various games influenced by the child's imagination. The better the imagination is developed, the more interesting games the child will come up with. For those who can compose Interesting games, other children are stretching, and this develops sociability and sociability in the child, makes him a leader among a certain group of kids;
  • The game is the most interesting thing in the life of every child, therefore it is in the form of a game that the most necessary qualities for later life develop: obedience to the rules, compliance with the role taken on, memory development, purposefulness;
  • In the game, we often note the reflection of our adult relationships, because even when playing the “shop”, one child will behave measuredly, politely, while the other will quarrel and sort things out. A preschooler cannot come up with such tactics of behavior on his own - for sure this is a projection of your relationship with other people. Perhaps you do not notice many nuances in your behavior, but by the way the child behaves in the game, some deviations in a negative direction can be noted. Change your behavior and the way you play will also change;
  • The game is extremely important as a means of developing responsibility, comparing thoughts with actions, calculating possible consequences, attentiveness, and developing arbitrary perception. Through the game, the child learns to control his emotions, behavior, compare them with the behavior of other children;
  • The child will quickly understand this truth: in order to play with other children, you must obey the rules of the game. By virtue of his zeal to communicate with peers, the child learns to be disciplined, which requires a lot of effort from him;
  • The role of the game in the development of the personality-leader and the personality-follower is especially important, because these qualities are one of the main ones in life. If your child is a leader, he will immediately take the initiative, offer a lot of options for the variety of the game, and take "command" into his own hands. If your baby is a follower, then he will impeccably obey the rules that others have come up with. If you do not like your child's statement, train him to be a leader, and you can see the results of your efforts during the game;
  • If a child plays with toys, then this is the most successful case in order to teach the baby to share them, to eradicate greed, and also to teach him to clean up after himself;
  • In the game, the child best develops thinking, the ability to calculate his next step, to predict the behavior of another person.

Variety of games

Until the child goes to kindergarten, that is, until about 3 years old, he does not have, as such, knowledge about what a game is. More precisely, he has a game, but it is at the elementary level. When a child has a sufficient vocabulary, some life experience, peers around - that's when you can talk about the game as a means of development, because it is collective game, invented and meaningful, has the greatest value.

  • Role-playing games

We all remember our children's games in the "hospital", in the "shop", in the "family" - we distributed roles for friends, and maybe even for all relatives, came up with our own clearly assigned role, imagined a plot, and played with pleasure. This is called a role-playing game, because the very name already contains the essence of this game. gaming activity.

This is where the character of the baby, his concept of relationships between people, his addictions to a particular social status, profession, is most clearly manifested. And even if some role has alerted you or the behavior of the child does not satisfy you, remember that while this is a game, the child does not need to be distracted. Note to yourself those oddities that alerted you the most, and in the future talk about it with the child, find out his motives - perhaps it was your behavior that caused such a performance of roles.

The role-playing game, as a means of child development, has an undeniably important role, especially in the formation of personal qualities and the ability to communicate and live in society. The child develops imagination, because in each game he gets used to a new role and must fully comply with it.

And if everything is clear with the roles, then you will have to think about the plot. If the child himself comes up with a plot, the direction of the game - this speaks of his unusually developed imagination, the ability to think broadly and creatively, to be fluent in playful ways activities. If your kid can't think that big yet, come up with a plot yourself.

But the most important thing is inventory, helper items that will turn the game into a kind of real life. Agree, playing with real pills, a puppet syringe and bottles is much more interesting than with an imaginary thermometer. Perhaps you have old USSR money lying around at home - give it to your child, let it be an interesting help for playing the “shop”.

The role of the game in the development of personality is not only in the formation of certain feelings and qualities of the child, but also in the knowledge of the world by the baby, teaching him elementary, but much necessary knowledge about shape, color, size, space.

Didactic games are aimed more at learning than entertainment. But thanks to the bright cubes, figures, educational toys, the child happily takes up the game, learning to group objects, having previously compared them according to specified criteria: by purpose, by external signs (yellow objects to yellow, or cubes in one basket, and balls in another ).

Thanks to didactic games the child develops attention, concentration, perseverance, develop cognitive abilities, through the game he will quickly learn to distinguish objects.

Movement is life! And in childhood, we didn’t have to talk about it, because any child cannot sit still - he loves to run, jump, hide. Excessive activity of children should be directed in the right direction, that is, in the game.

We all know very well the game with chairs, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players. While the music is playing, the children dance around the chairs, but as soon as the music stops, everyone must sit on the chair. The one who does not get the chair is out of the game. An interesting, funny, mobile game that develops in the child the desire for a goal.

The role of outdoor play in the development of the child is to help him develop speed in movement and thinking, discipline and the ability to play by the rules. In addition, it is in outdoor games that a child often sees deceit and a desire to “go ahead” of other participants. If you notice that your baby does the same, explain to him that bad manners and rudeness can be overcome with cunning.

Outdoor games are a great way to distract a mobile baby from dirty tricks, or to liberate a quiet one.

Toys are the main value

Of course, you can play without toys, but this is the same as eating right from the pan, without a plate, fork and spoon - the process is the same, but with additional elements it is much easier, and in the case of toys it is many times more interesting and exciting.

There is an imaginary division of toys into “girlish” and “boyish”, but you should not limit the child by not buying a designer for a girl, or forbidding a boy to play with dolls. Each kid has his own imaginary world, and he has the right to choose those toys that he likes. It is worth every time to give the child toys for different purposes, so that his inner world is enriched, and childhood becomes more and more interesting every time.

  • Dollhouse

We are used to the fact that only our daughters are busy with dolls, but sons must also have at least 2 dolls so that they can play with them in role-playing games. In order for a child to transfer your life into a game with a doll, he needs all the things that you use at home, but in a doll version - a house, furniture, dishes, clothes, household and cosmetic accessories.

  • Constructors, puzzles

If designers and transformers are more for boys, then everyone likes puzzles.

We will try to determine the role of play in the development of the child using the example of constructors: we can notice the amazing ability of the baby to construct something new every time from the same details, which even an adult would not have thought of. Some boys are able to sit over Lego for hours and construct castles, fortresses, cars, and then play with them, as with a whole imaginary world. Constructors and transformers develop imagination and fine motor skills of hands. And if you buy not just a set of parts, but also with various methods and ways of connecting them, then you will see real happiness in the eyes of a child, because now he has more scope for a flight of fancy, the opportunity to learn how to hold a key in his hands, work with nuts.

But even adults like to put puzzles together, because this is a very exciting activity that can keep a person busy for more than one hour. The main thing is to choose an interesting picture, because the kid likes to fold cartoon characters more than nature. You, as parents, probably know your little one's favorite characters - so buy your baby a puzzle to start with large details. Games with puzzles develop in the child extraordinary attentiveness, perseverance, desire, desire to bring the matter to the end. As a result, parents have a free hour, and the baby develops thanks to a beautiful puzzle. You should not buy puzzles with a solid pattern, for example, a sea, a forest, a field, since most of the small pictures will be similar, and even an adult will find it difficult to assemble them, not to mention a child, and this can discourage a child from playing with puzzles.

  • Educational toys

For the smallest crumbs, educational toys are very important, since the game, as a means of developing the skills of the baby, cannot yet be considered, because the baby is unlikely to be able to participate in it. Therefore, kids need to be developed with the help of toys: musical, bright, large, beautiful, each of which is aimed at developing a particular skill. At least 2-3 such toys, no doubt, should be in your crumbs.

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Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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Hello, friends! How to develop a child in the game? I think every caring mother asks herself this question. Let's figure out how to develop a child in a game and does any game develop?

Play through the eyes of children and adults

For 78% of children, joint play with an adult is preferable. For them, playing with their parents or loved ones is a manifestation of love and care. The minimum need for children to play together with their mother is only 15 minutes a day. But not any game, namely developing.

But not all games are educational, and in this article we will analyze which games are educational and which are not.

Game through the eyes of an adult. Adults have myths and stereotypes that hinder them in joint game with baby:

1 myth: buy toys, and the child will figure out how to play them. But it's not! The child needs an adult who will show and teach him how to play with this toy, and not act.

Myth 2: It is much more useful to read and count. Let's look into the future, at school all children read and count, the teacher will teach them this. And for a preschool child, it is more important to learn how to play. Since during the game the child acquires such qualities as: originality, creativity, creativity, non-standard thinking, the ability to interact with other people, the ability to agree, also in the game the child learns to overcome obstacles.

Myth 3: the main thing is that the child is busy and does not bother me, but what he plays is not so important. But we know that not everything that a child likes will be good for him.

Myth 4: I can’t play, I don’t know how. Here it is important to find a middle ground between complete non-interference in the game and dictatorship. Where is this middle, where is the developing effect, how to develop a child in the game? We will answer this question today.

Let's imagine a climber who is climbing a mountain. In the same way, our child in his development is similar to a climber.

The foot of the mountain is the zone of the actual development of the child. What the child already knows without our help.

An inaccessible peak is something that he still cannot do at all even with your help.

And the middle (zone of proximal development) is where your game will be directed.

Very often playing with a child, as it seems to us in educational games, we still remain in the zone of actual development. Why? This happens when we ourselves give the child the same type of tasks, for example, when playing a constructor, we most often ask the child to build a figure according to a model or guess what the figure looks like.

How to encourage the development of the child in the game with the designer? Very simply playing with a child of 5 - 6 years old in the designer, you can give him the following tasks. “Let's build a rocket for Dunno with you? What figures does it consist of, draw it? The child thinks and sketches a rocket on a piece of paper. And then it is built from the constructor.

When playing with a child, it is necessary all the time to say a little, so that the child thinks about how this can be done. Thus, we will push him to the top.

Game Land Guide

All games can be divided into two groups:

1. Games with rules: hopscotch, hide and seek, catch-up, lotto, split pictures, Nikitin cubes. All these games are similar in that they have rules, and we act according to them. All games have a partner and a moment of competition. This is very important for the development of the child. The child learns not only to win, but also to lose! Those. gains immunity to failures in life! If we give in to a child all the time, and he only wins, then he will not learn to lose and will behave in the same way in life.

2. Story or creative games: role-playing, directing, dramatization. There are no pre-set rules in these games. The child makes up the rules.

Role-playing games, for example, a child is a doctor and toys have come to him. The child treats them from the role of a doctor.

In the director's play, the child is not a doctor, but he has a doctor toy and he treats it.

And dramatization is a game based on a fairy tale and replayed.

Now answer the question: which games have a greater contribution to the development of the child, influence him more? Correctly creative games, since there the child himself creates the rules.

Of course, games with rules are also needed, but look what is happening here. We buy a game in a box for a child, and we have to explain the rules of the game to him and he plays by them. And when a child plays with a doll or a bear, we think, but he plays, okay, I'll go about my business. And it turns out that we do not pay attention to the most important games.

What do creative games give a child?

1. A means of self-expression. Playing in story games the child is the master of life. He can be where he wants, who he wants, and behave as he wants. No one controls him, he controls the toys himself. The child has an understanding that I can, I will succeed, I will find a way out of any situation, I am successful.

2. Development of imagination and figurative thinking. At school, a child is often asked to count mentally, but a child will never calculate mentally if he has never played mentally before. Parents of older children probably observed such a picture, the child lies and looks at the toys and does nothing. If you ask him what he is doing, he will answer, I am playing. He lies and imagines how he plays with his toys.

The child develops imagination, he can use not only toys, but improvised objects in his game: shells, pebbles, ribbons, leaves, etc. Those. if such a child with a developed imagination gets to a place where there are no toys, he will play with what he finds.

3. Development of the emotional world. It is important that the child creative play empathized. A doctor to his patient, a mother empathized or rejoiced with her child, etc.

4. Experience interacting with people! This can only be placed in preschool age and only in the creative game. The ability to listen to the opinions of other people, the ability to take it into account, but not to offend yourself, i.e. the ability to work with people in a mutually beneficial way.

Life situation. Children play in the sandbox, one child, let's call him Sasha, took the car, and the second (Misha) also wants to play with it. Misha came up to Sasha and said, let's play together, and Sasha answered, no, I want to play myself. Misha got upset and ran to his mother to complain. Those. Mom did not show Misha how to get out of this situation, he does not know what to do, so he ran to his mother. And if this situation happens where there is no mother, what will Misha do? Most likely he will take away the toy and there will be a conflict. What else could be done?

- wait for Sasha to play enough and take a toy. Rather, agree with Sasha that when he has played enough, he will give Misha a toy;

- exchange for another toy;

- play together, suggest a plot.

All these scenarios must be played out with the child so that he knows what to do in this situation next time. And the main thing that the child will understand is that you need to look for ways out of the situation. If that doesn't work, let's try something else.

5. Ability to manage your behavior. For example, a girl plays mother-daughter, she is a mother. And in the game, she picks up and throws the doll (her daughter) on the floor. Here you can say, “Masha, and you are a mother, did you see a mother throwing her daughter on the floor?” The child will smile and quickly fix everything. But if you just say “Masha pick up the doll”, then most likely you will not achieve anything. Because this will be a claim that will be negatively perceived by the child. But from the role he will definitely do it!

It remains to learn how to play with the child not at his level, but constantly pushing him a little bit forward. How are we going to do it? We will talk about this in the next article “How to play with a child?”.

Now you know that you can develop a child in a creative game!

game lesson biology school

The game is closely connected with the development of the personality, and it is during the period of its especially intensive development - in childhood - that it acquires special significance.

L.I. Bozovic says that in the early, preschool years of a child's life, play is the kind of activity in which his personality is formed. The game is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of the personality, in the formation of its properties and the enrichment of its internal content.

In the process of development, personal significance and attractiveness are usually acquired, first of all, by those actions and those manifestations of the personality that, having become accessible, have not yet become everyday. What the child managed to do for the first time, whether it was opening the door, turning the handle, because this is an achievement for him, some kind of luck, acquires significance, attractiveness, due to which the action turns into a game plan: the child begins to open and close the door over and over again , to turn the handle again and again, not because now it is practically necessary to open the door, but because this action unconsciously pleases him, as an expression of his achievements, his successes, his development; actions that are already familiar, everyday lose interest and cease to be the theme of the game. Precisely the new ones, those that have just come into being and have not yet taken root, as something habitual acquisitions of development, come into play par excellence.

Entering the game and performing in it over and over again, the corresponding actions are fixed; while playing, the child masters them better and better: the game becomes for him a kind of school of life. The child, of course, does not play in order to acquire preparation for life, but, while playing, he acquires preparation for life, because he naturally has a need to act out precisely those actions that are newly acquired for him, which have not yet become habitual. As a result, he develops during the game and receives preparation for further activities. He plays because he develops, and develops because he plays. Game is the practice of development.

Various forms of serious adult activity serve as models that are reproduced in children's play activities. Games, writes L.S. Vygotky, are organically linked with the entire culture of the people; they draw their content from the work and life of those around them. Countless examples confirm this position. They are mentioned a lot in the literature; life delivers them at every step. The game prepares the younger generation to continue the work of the older generation, shaping and developing in it the abilities and qualities necessary for the activities that they will have to perform in the future. However, we will not say that play is the preparation for later life, as if, while playing, the child did not live, but only prepared for life in the future. In reality, it is only in life that one can prepare for life. Playing, the child lives a life full of spontaneity, efficiency and emotionality, and does not prepare only to live in the future. But precisely because, while playing, he lives, he is in the game and receives the first, quite specific preparation for life. The first human needs and interests of the child are manifested and satisfied in the game; manifesting themselves, they are formed in it at the same time. All aspects of the child's psyche are formed in the game.

In the game, the child develops an imagination that includes both departure from reality and penetration into it. The ability to transform reality in an image and transform it in action, to change it, are laid down and prepared in a game action; in the game the path is laid from feeling to organized action and from action to feeling; in a word, in the game, as in a focus, they gather, manifest in it and through it all aspects of the mental life of the individual are formed; in the roles that the child, playing, assumes, expands, enriches, deepens the very personality of the child. S.L. Rubinshtein notes that in the game, to one degree or another, the properties necessary for learning at school are formed, which determine readiness for learning.

The game, undoubtedly, is of the most significant importance for the formation of the basic mental functions and processes of the preschool child. As in the pre-preschool period, the main thing in the development of the child is the mastery of objective actions and speech, so in the preschool age, the main thing is the development of an act regulated by social norms. Its formation is a fundamental acquisition or neoformation of the preschool period in human development, which in no way excludes the importance of the game for the formation of the child's psyche and the enrichment of his spiritual life.

Play is a particularly spontaneous quality of the child, and at the same time, all of it is based on the relationship of the child with adults. Adults, taking into account the capabilities of the child, create for him, on the basis of their labor, such forms of existence in which play can become the main type of his activity; a child can bake pies from clay or sand, because the mother bakes for him other, real, edible ones.

From communication with adults, the child draws the motives of his games. At the same time, especially at first, a significant role in the development of games belongs to the imitation of the actions of adults surrounding the child (L.S. Vygotky).

Adults direct the child's games so that they become for him a preparation for life, the first "school" of his early childhood, a means of his upbringing and education.

But the child, of course, does not play in order to prepare for life: the game becomes for him a preparation for life because adults organize it in this way. The possibility of organizing it in this way is due to the fact that, as we have already seen, the game naturally and naturally includes, first of all, the new, emerging and not yet familiar - developing.

At different stages of development, children tend to different games- in line with general character of this stage. By participating in the development of the child, the game itself develops.

Subsequently, the game, according to N.P. Anikeeva, especially in adults, having separated from non-playing activities and becoming more complicated in its plot content, it completely goes to the stage, to the theater, to the stage, to the stage, separating itself from life like a ramp, and takes on new specific forms and features. At the same time, the complexity of the plot content and, most importantly, the perfection that its embodiment in action requires at higher levels of development, give the game a special character. The game becomes art. This art requires a lot of special work on yourself. Art becomes a specialty, a profession. The game here turns into work. There are only a few people who play, act in the game-art; among adults, only they retain for themselves, raising it to a new level, that privilege that everyone enjoys in childhood - to assume all possible roles accessible to the imagination and embody their many-sided life in their own activity; the rest participate in the game as spectators, experiencing but not acting; not by action, but by a dream, they enter into one role or another, which also requires more or less high level development .

The internal character and results of the development that takes place in the process of play depend on what content play acquires by reflecting the adult life surrounding the child.

The game does not appear with the birth of the child. True, even a nursing baby shows interest in bright and sounding objects. He seeks to touch and grasp, manipulate them.

The rudiments of play activity appear when the child, not without the influence of adults, takes on this or that role, when one object acts as a designation for another object or being. Then it becomes possible to “ride” or “fly” on a chair, like on a car or plane, ride on a stick, like on a horse, etc. “In the game, the child creates an imaginary situation,” emphasizes L.S. Vygotsky, noting the extraordinary importance in the play of the imagination, which allows the illusory realization of unrealizable desires.

Along with the development of the child, the enrichment of his life experience, the game itself develops. It becomes more and more story-driven. Its center moves from action with objects to the depiction of actions and relationships in the life of adults. Summarizing the extensive experimental material, the author of the monograph "Psychology of the Game" D.B. Elkonin comes to the conclusion that “the path of development of the game goes from a specific objective action to a generalized game action and from it to a game role-playing action: eat with a spoon; feed with a spoon; feed the doll with a spoon; to feed a doll with a spoon like a mother - this is a schematic path in a role-playing game ", and" the role is the semantic center of the game, and the created game situation, and game actions".

What is the need for a child's play activity? A growing child is by nature an active being, mastering a huge amount of information thanks to his curiosity. But he is not able to satisfy his vital needs for food, clothing, shelter, etc. by his activity. But he doesn't need it now. Therefore, he can afford to engage in unproductive activities, activities for their own sake, for the sake of the pleasure that it delivers. And she gives pleasure not only to the process motor activity sense organs and parts of the body, but also by the fact that it resolves the contradiction between the need to act like an adult and the inability to act realistically, to really carry out those operations that require the content of the action (to drive a car, treat a patient, cook dinner, etc.) . Can this contradiction be resolved at all? - puts the question A.N. Leontiev and answers it as follows: “Yes, it can be resolved, but it can be resolved in a child only in one single type of activity, namely, in play activity, in play. This is explained by the fact that the game is not a productive activity, its motive lies not in the result, but in the content of the action itself. That's why game action free from that obligatory side of it, which is determined by the real conditions of the given action, i.e. free from obligatory modes of action, operations.

In their play activities, players do not directly depend on what practical necessity or social duty dictates. The doctor, busy with his work, treats the patient because his professional or official duties require it; the child, playing doctor, "treats" others only because it attracts him. The game expresses a more direct attitude to life, it proceeds from immediate motives - immediate interests and needs.

These immediate impulses are, of course, mediated in their own way. They do not come from the depths of a developing individual, as if closed in himself; they are born out of his contact with the world and are mediated by all human relationships in which the child is included from the very beginning. In the process of his spiritual development, the world opens up to him more and more. He sees the diverse actions of the people around him, and much before he is able to master the knowledge and skills underlying them, all the complex techniques that ensure the practical effectiveness of actions, he already experiences these actions in his own way, and the activity manifested in them, full of irresistible attraction for him. The child vividly feels the attraction of what is connected with the role that parents play in life, and the doctor, and the pilot, and the warrior who defends his homeland, and the driver who controls the train. From contact with the external world, the child develops diverse inner impulses, which stimulate him to action by their immediate attractiveness.

When a child plays a particular role, he is not just fictitiously transferred into someone else's personality, writes N.P. Anikeeva; assuming a role and entering it, he expands, enriches, deepens his own personality. The importance of play for the development of not only imagination, thinking, will, but also the personality of the child as a whole is based on this relation of the child's personality to his role.

In life in general, not only in play, the role that a person assumes, the functions that he therefore performs, the totality of relations in which he is thus included, leave a significant imprint on the person himself, on his entire internal appearance. .