What does qq mean. What does QQ, QQ All, Ku mean? Using the abbreviation "kk"

If you are just starting your journey as a full-fledged gamer who constantly communicates with other players in thematic communities, plays matches between his friends and knows absolutely all the features of characters, maps and other game objects that are important to him, then you will also have to pay attention to game vocabulary. The fact is that it is very different from the standard language that people use in communication. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will find another jargon in which there would be similar abbreviations, terms and abbreviations. Accordingly, many questions will have to be studied, including what “kk” means in the gaming field.

Game vocabulary

If you decide to find out what "kk" means and other abbreviations that are used in computer games then you have to put in a lot of effort. The fact is that modern gamers are constantly producing new and new terms that are used in various gaming areas. Moreover, they have more than twenty years of history, of which a huge number of words are used that are incomprehensible ordinary people which are far from this area. New terms appear all the time, as they are generated directly in the process of conversations between gamers, gradually come into use and are sometimes even fixed in special dictionaries that you may find useful if you want to know what "kk" and other similar terms mean.

Using the abbreviation "kk"

In this article, you will learn what "kk" means, because this term is very common among gamers in all genres of games. You can notice far more than once how this term is used together with a certain number, from which you can already begin to draw some conclusions. However, at the same time, any person may be confused that sometimes this abbreviation is used on its own, without textual or numerical support at all. Accordingly, you will have to dive deeper into the study game vocabulary to find out all the smallest details regarding this term, so as not to make mistakes in the future and not to confuse the terms with each other. And yet - what does "kk" mean in DotA and other computer games?

Amount notation

The most common meaning of "kk" is a specific amount, or rather, the number of zeros in this amount. In most cases, this term is used when we are talking about game currency. After all, it is quite a long time to write what a gamer has in his inventory, for example, three hundred thousand gold or five million coins. That is why this abbreviation exists, which was formed from another even shorter term - "to". If you have, as in the example described above, three hundred thousand game units, then you can write the abbreviation "300 k", and absolutely everyone will understand you. Accordingly, if you use "5 kk" in the message, then every gamer will understand that you meant five million. Now you know what "kk" means in games, but it should be borne in mind that this value is not the only one. Cases have already been mentioned above when "kk" is used separately from numbers - how then to interpret this abbreviation? After all, in this case it cannot describe millions.

Another meaning of kk

In addition to the designation of millions, the term "kk" can have another meaning, which is used in, that is, when communicating on forums or in chat rooms dedicated to games. This meaning of the term comes from the English "ok", used twice. Accordingly, the term "kk" is a message in English "ok, ok". It expresses agreement with another interlocutor, but repetition gives it a special coloring, which demonstrates the reluctance that a person, although he agreed to the conditions offered to him, does not want to continue the conversation. That is, the term "kk" is used to curtail unwanted and unpleasant conversation. Sometimes gamers do not even mean a positive answer in this abbreviation, using it as a shorter analogue of the word whatever ("whatever", "no difference"). This definition will give you an answer to the question of what "kk" means "VKontakte" and others in social networks. Thus, "kk" has two meanings, and they are completely different, so you will need to be very careful about the use of this term so that you do not make an unpleasant mistake. However, be sure - over time, you will stop paying attention to these terms and will use them automatically.

The four most common (everyone should know):

gg - good game - good game , or gg wp - good game well played - good game well played(usually said at the end of a game or match, the loser usually speaks first, thereby showing that he gives up)
gl - good luck - good luck(said to the opponent before the game)
hf - have fun - have some fun(also before the game, often used together with or instead of gl - gl&hf)
n1 - nice one or number one - good or number one(usually about a frag)

Less commonly used:

Hello, hi, ky, qq - Greetings, hello.
bl - bad luck - bad luck
bg - bad game - bad game (usually losers write lamacks as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half(well played half - 15 rounds per side) or have a good hunting(wish is used less often).
eco - eco round, zero - no buy round, is used to save money for the next rounds, in order to save up for more serious weapons.
nk - nice kill - good kill
nt - Nice try - nice try
gj - good job - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job(to teammates)
save - save (save)- When a player realizes that he can no longer win a round for his team, he simply runs away and saves his weapon for the next round.
drop - ejection of weapons- that is, your teammate asks to give him a weapon
rdy - ready - ready/readiness
sorry, sry - sorry - sorry
hp - health point - health, life

A few more found in chats (not necessarily in games):

afk - away from keyboard - away from the keyboard
btw - by the way - By the way, in the end
fu - f..k you - go to...(all clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut up on... th(everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the - what the f… me?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - Oh my goodness
omfg - oh my f....g god- (an even cooler statement, usually when something incredible happens in the game, an unrealistic frag or something like that)
1337 - elite - elite(often used by noobs in clan names)
bb - bye bye - bye Bye
kk(k) - ok - OK
cya (cyaz)see you - I'll see you
np - no problem - no problem
lol - laughing out loud - laughing very loud(denoting laughter)
rofl - rolling on the floor laughing - rolling on the floor laughing(same)
nvm - nevermind - no matter
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - cry(two eyes from which tears are pouring, used in upper case)
pls, plz - please - please
w8 - wait - wait
gtg - got to go - Need to go
thx, ty - thank you - Thanks
LMAO - laughing my off - I'm laughing so hard my ass is about to fall off

Designations on the maps (English): (click on the picture to enlarge)

Basic terms:

Contra, xstrike, CS, CS- abbreviated names of the game Counter Strike.
config- a set of parameters that allows you to optimally configure cs for comfortable game; involves the use of variables together with aliases;
individual for each player.
Connect (connect)- connection to the server.
Ping- the speed of exchange (delay) of information with the server (the lower the ping, the better the connection).
TT, Teres- Terrorists (team of terrorists).
CT, CT, Cops, counters- Counter-Terrorists (team of counter-terrorists).
Spectator (Spectator)- watching the game without participating in it.
Enemy (Enemy)- Enemy.
Teamplay (teamplay)- team game.
Frag- the enemy you killed, the number of frags and deaths is recorded in the table and your place in the team is determined.
Console - command line, called in the game with the tilde "~" key.
Map, Map, Map- map in Counter Strike.
Demo- recorded in a special file game process individual player or the entire game, it can be used to expose cheaters.
Resp, Respawn, respawn- the spawn location of the terrorist and counter-terrorist teams.
father, dad,- cool player.
Clan (clan)- a team consisting of 2 or more players (maximum 5 for a game).
Clan War (clan war), cw- war of clans, one team plays against another.
Skill (Skill)- the game skill of the player, which includes all the characteristics characteristic of a professional player, such as: reaction speed, high level possession of weapons, a quick assessment of the situation and much more.
aim- a player's characteristic that allows him to quickly and accurately aim at any required place on the enemy's body (by default - at the head) and inflict the maximum possible damage in the minimum possible time.
Cheater- a player who uses specialized programs that give him a clear advantage over other players.
Aimbot (Aim)- a cheat that gives you incredible accuracy (default - to the head).
W. H. Wallhack- a cheat that allows you to look through walls, is fired by many servers and anti-cheats, it is not recommended to use it so as not to ruin your reputation.
Anti-Cheats (Anticheat)- a program that monitors (prohibits) the use of cheats.
Headshot (headshot)- Hit in the head to death.
Camper (camper)- a player who is absent from the zone of active operations out of connection with the fulfillment of a team task, playing for himself, does not help anyone, hides behind boxes, walls and other places and kills enemies.
Ears- headphones.
Leaver, Leaver- A player who leaves the game before its logical conclusion. Usually this is the name of people who deliberately leave the game when they start to lose.
LS (Low Skill)- low level of play.
MS (Middle Skill) - average level games.
HS (High Skill)- high level of play.
PS (Pro Skill)- Pro game level.
Bots (bots)- computer players.
Noob (Nub), lamer (Lamer)- a novice player who plays poorly.
Meat, Bot, Farsh, bomj (meat, bot, minced meat, bum)- synonyms for the word Noob, but more offensive to the player.
Random (random)- a situation where a person holding the trigger when shooting, i.e. firing with a clip in very long bursts almost at random, accidentally hitting the opponent's head.
check- short-term looking through the territory for the presence of the enemy.
Rush- fast movement from spawn to a given point. It is characterized by complete disregard for the actions of the enemy.
Arkadnik- a player who plays for surprise, i.e. one runs out into the danger zone, which is controlled by enemies.
Def/Hold- protection of the specified area of ​​the map, tactics of the game "from defense" / killing arcade players.
Lag (Lag) / Bug- bad connection / errors of the game (map).
Splash (splash)- indirect damage, when the projectile deals damage with an explosive wave.
Strafe (strafe), strafe- move sideways, keeping the target in front of the "eyes".
Up- replanting
Device (device)- one of the accepted designations of weapons in Counter-Strike.
Burst- Shooting multiple rounds.
Plant (Plant), bmb (Bomb)- an explosive device that must be delivered to bomb place by terrorists.
Bomb Place (Bomb Place), plant (plant)- a place for laying a bomb by terrorists on maps like "de_".
HE, HaE- fragmentation grenade.
Fb (flash, flash drive)- blinding grenade.
Smoke (smok), smoke- smoke grenade.

Terms of violations:

Admin (admin)- a player who keeps order in the game.
TK, Team Kill (Tim kill) / TA, Team Attack- killing a teammate / attacking a teammate.
Flood (flood)- writing meaningless or unreasonably often repeated messages through the say and team_say commands, or through voice messages into the microphone
Troublemaking- creation different kind problems.
Laming (laming)- deviation from the performance of the task and the implementation of actions that are not related to the goals of the game.
Lagger (lagger)- a player with a slow or poor connection, because of which he does not move smoothly, but in jumps.
Kick (kick)- Ejection from the server. Light administrative punishment for minor violations of game discipline.
Slay- Killing a player by an admin. Punishment.
Slap- kick player by admin. Takes away from 0 to 100 hp.
Ban- "Heavy" administrative punishment. Ejection from the server with a ban on further entry. Punishable for a period of 1 minute to infinity (permament), based on the severity of the violation (permament is usually issued for cheats).

Radio command terms:

Radio Commands (General-purpose radio commands) - called by default "z" key.

1. cover me- We need cover.
2. You take the point- Take this point.
3. Hold this Position- Hold this point.
4. Regroup Team- Regroup.
5. follow me- Follow me.
6. Taking Fire, Need Assistance- Got under fire, need help.

Group Radio Commands - invoked by the "x" key by default.

1. Go go go!- Forward forward forward!
2. Team, Fall Back- Back!
3. Stick Together Team Team, don't split up!
4. Get in position and wait for my go- Take this point and wait for my order!
5. Storm the Front- Let's attack!
6. Report in, team- Team report!

Radio Responses / Reports (Radio response / alerts) - called by default "c" key.

1. Affirmative / Roger that- Yes / Understood.
2. Enemy Spotted- I see the enemy.
3. Need Backup Everyone, I need help.
4. Sector Clear- It's all clean.
5. I'm in position- I'm on the spot.
6. Reporting in- I report.
7. She's gonna blow! Get out there, it's gonna blow!- Let's run! The bomb is going to blow everything up!
8. Negative- No / disagree!
9. Enemy down- The enemy is dead.

Please read this article, not all of you know this.
(It is clear that not all, but the most common in my experience)

The four most common (everyone should know):
qq - ku ku - hello
bb - bye bye - bye bye
gg - good game - good game
gl - good luck - good luck
hf - have fun - have fun
n1 - nice one or number one -
not bad or number one (usually about a frag)

Less commonly used:
bl - bad luck - bad luck. in response to the phrase Good Luck (gl).
bg - bad game - bad game (usually losers write lamacks as an excuse)
gh - good half or good hunt - good half (well played half - 15 rounds for one side) or successful hunting (wish is used less often).
gf-good fight- good fight(often used after a lightsaber duel, for example in JK2 or JKA) (less often a good frag is a good frag)
gk - good kill - good kill
gt - good try - good try
gj - good job
ns - nice shoot - cool shot!
wd - well done - well done - good job (to teammates)

A few more found in chats (not necessarily in games):
afaik - as far as i know
afk - away from keyboard || a free kill - frag, freebie, frag of a player who has retired from the computer.
btw - bye the way - by the way, finally
fu - fk you - go to (everything is clear)
stfu - shut ta f..k up - shut up on ..th (everything is clear here too)
wtf? - what the f.ck? - what the f... me?
brb - be right back - I'll be back soon
omg - oh my god - oh my god
kk (k) - ok - ok
сya (cyaz) - see you - see you
np - no problem - no problem
lol - laughing out load - laughing very loudly (indicates laughter)
rofl - rollin on floor laughing - rolling on the floor with laughter (same)
nvm - nevermind - nevermind
imho - in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion
imo - in my opinion - in my opinion
TT - crying (two eyes from which tears are pouring, used in upper case)
pls, plz - please - please
w8 - wait - wait
gtg - got to go

cs jargon

LOL - (laughing out loud), which means "Laugh out loud", "Laugh from the belly", for some "I'm pazztalom"

IMHO - (in my humble opinion), which means "In my humble opinion"

IMO - (in my opinion), arising from IMHO. Means "In my opinion". It is not recommended to use often, because. not everyone has this phrase “reached” and they will think that you are illiterate))

Terra - Terrorists
Cops, trash, counters - Counter Terrorists

Spectrum - Observer

Config or Config - individual settings

Head, Headshot - headshot

Cheats or Cheats - a set of programs that give certain bonuses in the game in front of other gamers. Don't use this if you don't want to be called...

Cheater or Cheater - a person who uses cheats. Downgraded and slandered by everyone, do not use cheats.

Map or Mapa - counter map Strike

Resp, Respawn - place where Terrors and Cops spawn

Zolozhi, Bald - hostages

Bomb Place - the place where the bomb is placed on maps de_*

Grenka or Heshka - fragmentation grenade

Flash or Flash, Blind - blinding grenade

Smoke, Stinky, SG - smoke grenade

stink - throw a smoke grenade

Kalash or Kalah - Kalashnikov assault rifle

Emka, emochka - M16
Machine Gun - M249

Deagle - Deagle

Elephant, elephant - sniper rifle AWP

Fly - Scout sniper rifle

Frag - killed enemy

TK - Team Kill, killing your comrade

TA - Team Attack

Kemper is an asshole who only plays for himself, not for the team. Hiding in every hole, not paying attention to dying comrades. Hiding in a secluded place, stealthily kills enemies.
Shara is a stray bullet to the head from an unrealistic position.

Freebie - non-playing opponent

Freeloader - a player who killed a hung enemy or cleared a bomb

Father, dad, zadr - a tough player
Lamer, spade, bot - not a cool player

Noob - a player who does not know the rules of the game

Flood - sending the same message several times
Hi all, qq all, ky all - Hello everyone

hi, q, ky - hello

Bb all - Bye Bye all, that is, bye to everyone.

:-D, xD, xDDD, gg - neighing emoticon

admin - admin, he is also the main one on the server

change map - change map

ban - ban - the player will no longer be able to enter the server

kick - kick a player, kick him from the server

slay - kill

Lags (Lagi) - These are the brakes in the game, that is, small delays in the game

2 Many chatting, social networks and forums could turn to a strange abbreviation " qq", which is sometimes also used by Vkontakte. There are its analogues in the form of" Ku everyone" or "qq all". What does "qq all" mean? Vkontakte, where did it come from, and what is it all about? However, before you continue, read some of my new articles on the topic of Internet slang, for example, who is called Cerebral Palsy, what does Drop mean, what does the word mean, who is Doven, etc.

The meaning of the abbreviation qq all

First value. There is an opinion that "qq" first appeared on the Internet thanks to the old cartoon "Kin dza dza", please do not confuse it with a movie of the same name. In it, the characters used the word "ku" as a greeting, and the particle "kyu" was used as a negative word. Most Lovers online games with experience they probably remember what exactly in game Counter-Strike for the first time they saw such a greeting, which is still used today.

For example, you are sitting on Vkontakte and suddenly you see that your Koresh has appeared, you immediately send him a message " qq, bro!", which means a greeting. And in response, he answers you " you too dude!".

Second meaning. Abbreviation " qq all" is a mirror image of an expression that is popular in the English-speaking segment of the Internet " bb all", which can be translated as " bye bye everyone!". Accordingly, it has nothing to do with the cartoon and the film "Kin dza dza".

Third meaning. QQ is China's most popular instant messaging service, respectively. "qq" was formed from this semblance of the Chinese ICQ.

Fourth meaning. QQ is the designation for the English word " Cry", What means " Cry". When you feel that a girl is very upset, you can text her " Stop QQ", What means " It's good to cry". Also given