The best ranked battles. Ranked battles in World of Tanks. What are ranked battles in World of Tanks

A new mode and a new season of ranked battles only for the tenth levels, after a lot of experiments, create something new, but on old fret(perhaps this is the ranking of players by skill?).

Battles, as usual, will be held 15 tanks for 15 tanks, without platoons, pure skill (skill). In Ranked Battles, the balancer will distribute players by Rank, equal rank against equal rank, for the same condition, but there will also be plus / minus one rank and this is normal.

Ranked Battles 2019 - New Season

Ranks in WoT

Such battles will be held in a standard format: 2 teams of 15 players. The peculiarity lies in the fact that only tanks of the 10th level will participate in the battles.

The conditions of the battle correspond to the random battle mode: the team that completely destroys the opponent's tanks or captures the base wins.

However, this is where the analogy ends. Key Feature Ranked battle is a personal result. The essence of the plan is as follows: by showing the high performance of the game, tankers will move up in the ranking, increasing their rank, receiving interesting rewards and prizes.
If a tanker is in the top 12 winners or in the top 3 of the losing squad, he receives a chevron. Chevrons are the key to getting the next rank. To rise to the first step in the ranking and become the owner of the first rank, one chevron is enough, but then the conditions will gradually become more difficult.

It should be clarified that ranks 1 and 5 are a kind of checkpoints that save game progress. In essence, these are points of reference from where players can move further in the rating system.

Curiously, rank 5 is the maximum possible for an account. Having reached the top, the rank of the technique begins to rise. The same principle applies here: a personal contribution to the outcome of the battle increases the rank of the tank.
you win in ranked battles, you progress and get new ranks. Number of ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - rank.
losing - the first top 3 players of the losing team not only do not lose their rank, but also continue to move up after reaching the highest rank. The first and fifth ranks are non-combustible.
What should I do if I got rank 5 in World of Tanks? New opportunities are opening up for players, ranks of cars appear. The more ranks of cars you farm, the higher your place in the final standings.

Season of Ranked Battles

Ranked battles divided into seasons. The seasons of Ranked Battles were deliberately made not very long — only a MONTH. Within the season, ranked battles are divided into stages. Where after each stage the results will be reset. At the end of each season, a table of the best players is formed - these are LEAGUES, there will be three leagues in total. The best players will enter the first league, those in the middle will go to the second league and the rest to the third. All rewards in Ranked Battles will be awarded at the end of the seasons.

The main reward for ranked battles will be special boxes containing boosters, credits, free experience, even in-game gold. Especially for Ranked Battles, a new reward in the form of BONDS is added, which will give additional motivation to players. We worked to the smallest detail and took into account the experience of previous modes.

Bonds can be used to purchase two types of rewards:
- improve the characteristics of the crew, but only one battle is valid.
- increased performance of conventional equipment installed on the tank. The cost will be very expensive and in BONS.
It will be possible to use pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment together in order to maximize the strengthening of the tank. In the future, the possibility of adding BONS to other World modes of Tanks is a matter of time.

Changes in the economy. Ranked battles have an additional funding system. Players are credited with a standard number of credits based on the results of the battle, plus financial bonuses are added for obtaining the next rank, completing special LBZs. To this is added prize equipment and personal reserves. When the season of Ranked Battles comes to an end, participants are credited with Bonds, a new monetary unit that cannot be purchased in the in-game store. Bonuses are spent on the purchase of upgraded equipment and "Pre-battle briefing", which significantly increase the performance of the crew and the vehicle as a whole. The number of bonuses accrued depends on the player's efficiency.

In the future, there will most likely be new ways to earn BONS, but for now in Update 9.19, it is planned that Ranked Battles will be the only way.

Bonds- a new WoT currency, earned exclusively in the Republic of Belarus. Bonuses cannot be bought, but can only be earned in the game, which are accrued after the end of the season / stage. Bonuses can be spent on newly added equipment in patch 9.19.

Improved equipment - increased performance of conventional equipment installed on the tank. The cost will be very expensive and in BONS.

Improved equipment purchased for bonds, where you cannot use two identical equipment on one tank. Installed in slots with conventional equipment. The cost in bonds is large, and it is also removed for 10 units of gold.

Pre-battle instructions - improve the characteristics of the crew, but only one battle is valid. Also, a new slot for additional Buffs (pre-battle instructions) is added, something similar to additional gold equipment that adds bonuses to equipment or crew, but only for one battle.
Pre-battle instructions - for equipment.
Increases the effect of installed equipment.
Pre-battle instructions - for crew.
It helps to upgrade a perk for one battle or improve an existing one, but you cannot get two effects at the same time.

Use all introduced innovations for bonds on absolutely any class of equipment and level, for all types of battles.

Along with patch 0.9.19 comes to the game new mode- Ranked battles.

Ranked Battle- this is a separate type of random battle, the players in which will be matched according to their skill. In other words, very strong players will not be able to hit against (or together with) weak players. Everyone will be more or less equal.

  • You can only participate in cars of level 10.
  • The main goal is to show high personal effectiveness. TOP 3 players by experience from the losing team will also receive buns and candy wrappers.

  • The matchmaker will try to match players of the same rank. However, to avoid very long queues, players of different ranks will sometimes be matched.
  • To get a new rank, you need to get into the TOP 12 of the winning team by experience or the TOP 3 of the losing team, which will give chevrons. To get the first rank, you need only one chevron. With each new rank, more and more chevrons will be needed. 12 players of the losing team lose the chevron.
  • Ranked battles will be held by seasons (1 month), each season is divided into 4 stages (1 week each).

  • At the beginning of each stage, the ranks are reset. The result achieved in seven days is recorded in the rating. At the end of the season, the result for the last 28 days is summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to the value of his rating.
  • In Ranked Battles, there will be unique whistles and nishtyaks - improved equipment, instructions (a new type of equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew).
  • The player can receive a new element as a reward for participating in the season appearance- a patch that is - a unique icon that is displayed next to the player's name in battle and is visible to all users.

New currency - bonds

Along with the standard reward based on battle results, players will receive additional rewards (credits, equipment, personal reserves) for gaining new ranks and completing special combat missions available only in Ranked Battles. At the end of the season and each stage, players will receive a certain amount of new game currency - bonds, which cannot be bought with credits or gold.

Bonds can be used to purchase advanced equipment that has improved characteristics compared to standard equipment, as well as pre-battle instructions, which enhance the installed equipment or increase the level of the learned skills / abilities to the crew. The higher the result for the season, the more bonds the player will earn.

Hello friends! Today let's discuss ranked battles in world of tanks added to our favorite game with patch 9.19.

I think that it's not a secret for anyone - the usual fights in a random house somehow bother the player. They do not have a competitive part in a big way, except for the numbers in the post-battle statistics. Therefore, in order to maintain interest, various formulas for calculating the effectiveness of a player played well in their time.

From the oldest portal, for example, there was an "Efficiency Rating" or efficiency, which everyone, so to speak, equaled and tried to score as many points as possible. Since they could show their coolness on the World of Tanks forum, or in their videos, streams, and so on. Of course, according to the efficiency rating, players were also evaluated for admission to the top clans, in the years that way 2012-2014. Further, the WN8 rating appears in WoT, according to which the effectiveness of the player in battle was evaluated. To get the coveted purple nickname in the Olenemeter or to be accepted into a clan.

Ranked battles in tanks are designed, in my opinion, to bring just the same entertaining and competitive part to the game. Plus, of course, to separate the players into different leagues: Gold, Silver, Bronze - as it is implemented in others popular games. After all, you will agree that it is much more interesting to play ranked battles in World of Tanks, when players of a sufficiently high skill are against you, than to watch fights in a random house where from battle to battle, some fool, to put it mildly, drains his tank in 30-40 seconds . And there are no penalties or restrictions for him, he swept, let's say, on the batch, merged and ran immediately to the next fight, and you continue to drag the rink and sweat to get the coveted victory and result.

The essence of ranked battles in World of Tanks, in my opinion, is to encourage players to try to win back as best as possible. After all, with positive results, your ranks grow, you rise in the rankings, and finally move up in the leagues. Plus, depending on the results in World of Tanks ranked battles, we will earn Bonuses. This is a new currency that is used to buy an improved version of equipment for tanks. As well as various instructions that further enhance our modules in tanks or crew perks of your choice. Bonuses, in turn, will be awarded by developers for the so-called stages and seasons. Each stage is divided into 7 days, in turn, the season will last a month. The entire rating of ranked battles in WOT based on the results of stages and seasons will be summarized in the player's statistics. Determining the best of the best by the end, and giving the opportunity to get into the prize league.

All of this is a great move from the Wargaming campaign that will ultimately reduce the toxicity of randomness and stress after playing World of Tanks Ranked Battles. In the strongest leagues, idiots who drain their tanks in 30-40 seconds of battle should disappear. And leaving your team in an awkward position during the fight. I hope that fights with a score of 15:0 or 15:3 will also disappear as a species, because they do not bring any joy or pleasure. All this can be checked only after the expiration of time and the experience of playing in ranked battles of the world of tank.

How to play ranked battles? the most important question tormenting the majority.
Prime time for different servers:
RU5: 15:00-24:00 (MSK);
RU6: 15:00-24:00 (MSK);
RU8: 11:00-16:00 (MSK).

Keep in mind the schedule and calendar of Ranked Battles!

How to participate in ranked battles in World of Tanks?

Very simple! select the desired item from the drop-down menu and go to battle!
Do not forget that in order to get into a ranked battle, you need a lvl 10 vehicle in the hangar!
By itself, the Ranked Battles mode does not differ from a regular battle in WOT.

Rewards in Ranked Battles will be given out every stage and season.

Most likely the list of awards will change, in this moment it is relevant for the beta season of ranked battles in the world of tanks.

Why are there no ranked battles? most likely you are trying to play at the moment when the mode is turned off.
Follow the schedule, including temporary.

How to participate in ranked battles in tanks? you must have the desire and technique of lvl 10.

The best tank for ranked battles? very common question.
In my opinion, you need to choose the technique on which you play best in World of Tanks.
After all, you need to show maximum results per battle. To gain rating in ranked battles and advance through the leagues to receive prizes and bonds.

Therefore, only you can answer which technique is better for ranked battles. In my opinion, IS-7, T110E5, T62A, E 100, Maus, batchchat, TVP T 50/51, and other handy vehicles will be popular in order to deal as much damage as possible.

The chip is ranked fighting world of Tanks is, including the rating. It is built not only damage done, as it was in random battles.
Basically, people with a higher skill, let's say, often stood behind their backs and inflicted damage. To raise your WN8 rating or capture the base.
Now in ranked WOT battles, including exposure and other parameters that affect the final distribution table of the best players in the ranking. Which should say positively on the overall gameplay and remove the players who are always standing in the bushes.

You shouldn't expect a good balance in Ranked Battles right away, because it's the beta season now. As a result of which there will be a distribution of players and other goodies.
Therefore, do not expect that right here and now by going to the ranked fighting World of Tanks, you will experience epic battles.

Why won't ranked battles work in wot? most likely you have not studied prime time for fights.

I hope that we answered how to play ranked battles, why do it, and what will be the benefit for your nerve cells.
See you on the battlefield gentlemen!

Ranked battles started on February 19 at 05:00 (UTC) and will continue until March 12, 05:00 (MSK). Detailed regulations can be found at the following link:

One goal, one step

Starting from the next season, the Ranked Battles season will become uninterrupted. The new season will consist of only one stage, so it will no longer be necessary to sit at the computer all day long to reach the maximum rank in a week. Now you will have 21 days and as many as 15 consecutive ranks.

Rank protection

As you already know, there will be 15 ranks in the new season (the higher the rank achieved, the better). Rank 1 and 15 do not burn out. However, the season will be long and stressful, so we're introducing a "Rank Protection" system that will ensure certain ranks are safe and give you room to make mistakes.

How it will work: rank 5, 10 and 13 will have protection (literally) that will allow you not to lose rank even if according to the rules it should have happened. This system will allow us to forgive you for some mistakes, and for you to get ready for the next push. Defense is destructible. Before the defense breaks and you lose rank, you will be forgiven a certain number of defeats.

  • Rank 5 allows 3 defeats.
  • Rank 10 allows 2 defeats.
  • Rank 13 allows 1 defeat.

Remember that each defeat will reduce the defense of the rank by one point. However, even getting one chevron will be enough to fully restore the strength of the protection.

Winner gets it all

Chevrons still determine rank progression, and we've changed their distribution to keep you motivated.

At the end of the battle, chevrons will be awarded to the top 10 players on the winning team and only 1 best player on the losing team. However, if you finish in the top 3 on the winning team, you will receive an additional chevron. If you are among the bottom 10 players on the losing team, you will lose one chevron. For all other occupied positions, the number of your chevrons is preserved. Such a system will allow good players Earn ranks faster, providing extra motivation to play effectively.

Here's what it will look like:


To guarantee yourself a place in the rankings, you will need to earn at least 6 rank points, which means reaching rank 6. Further progress will be more difficult than it seems. As before, you will receive one point for each new rank. After reaching rank 15, every 5 chevrons earned on a specific vehicle will give an additional rank point and 25 . Starting this season, you will be able to monitor your position in the ranking both in the game and on our portal.

Special rewards will await participants in Ranked Battles: they will depend on your progress in the season. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate good game both individually and as a team!

About awards

Since the next season will be a single competition, there will be no milestone awards. However, rank rewards will remain and will be revised to justify your efforts and motivate you to move forward. For example, having reached the 9th rank, you will earn up to 1 500 , and the higher the rank, the larger the reward will become. For reaching rank 15, you will receive a total of 4,500 and more than 3,500,000 .

We will also revise the rewards at the end of the season so that you get a decent promotion in gold, bonds, and Premium Account days. And for getting into each of the leagues, you are guaranteed to receive unique styles and patches.

Abbreviated list of cards

The previous season showed that some maps are not well suited to the requirements of Ranked Battles. For this reason, we have updated the list of available cards, removing Erlenberg and Swamp from the rotation.

Available maps: Karelia, Malinovka, Himmelsdorf, Prokhorovka, Ensk, Lasville, Mines, Murovanka, Siegfried Line, Monastery, Westfield, Peschanaya river", "El-Haluf", "Airfield", "Fjords", " fishing bay”, “Arctic”, “Highway”, “Quiet Coast”, “Tundra”, “Windstorm”, “Paris”, “Industrial Zone”.

We've made all of these changes to make winning more rewarding, to reward top performers, and to make the ranks match your skill level. Now it's your turn: take part in Ranked Battles and tell us if we succeeded with the help of feedback on the forum!