Didactic game living and inanimate nature. Didactic games on ecology for preschoolers. phrases by ear

Ecological education of preschool children. Lesson-conversation “What is nature? live not Live nature»

Target: To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial, man-made objects inanimate nature.

To form in the child an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inextricable connection of a person with nature, (man is a part nature) .

Get to know the main natural components and their connections.

Empirically consolidate knowledge about the air, develop speed of reaction, quick wit.

MATERIAL: Pictures nature and non-nature; alive and inanimate nature; for experience water bank, glass, bottle.

PRELIMINARY WORK: looking at pictures nature and non-nature; alive and not alive nature.

HOD: The children are coming in. caregiver is reading poems:

Here on earth is a huge house

Blue roof.

Sun, rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and sea surf,

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends. (L. Daineko.)

Children, do you know what such is nature?

(Children express their assumptions about what such is nature, and lead examples: sun, air, forest, sea, animals, birds.)

Children that cannot be named nature. (- What is made by human hands)

-Nature is that that exists without human assistance.

The car is in nature? (Children express their opinion.)

And here is a horse and a camel, on which a person also rides. Where shall we take it? (children speak)

A person often comes up with things that look like nature. (A helicopter is like a dragonfly, a submarine is like a whale. A mushroom is like an umbrella. A rainbow is like a bridge. Rain is like a shower. An airplane is like a bird. Wind is like a fan. Carpet is like grass, etc.). Children continue this row.

The game: "What does it look like"

A forester came to visit us, and he mixed up all the pictures on my table. On one table put what belongs to nature, and on another table - which does not apply to nature.

The game: « Nature and non-nature»

Physical education minute: Hands raised and waved.

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we'll show-

Wings we fold back.

(Children follow the text.)

All nature The lands can be divided into two huge peace: world inanimate and living world. Living nature is that moves, grows, develops, dies and reproduces.

Name what is alive nature(children called: animals, birds, fish, insects.)

The game « Living inanimate nature»

(called, objects alive nature-Children take a step forward inanimate nature - stand for revenge.)

Guys, what kind of person we attribute to nature?

Children: to live nature.

How is man different from animals? (children's answers.)

And what do you think, nature maybe without a person? (maybe.)

And a man without nature? (no, the children explain why.)

What happens if there is no air?

Children's answers.

Now we will carry out experiments with air.

The teacher picks up a glass, (shows to children)

Guys, do you think this glass is empty? (Yes) Let's check if this is the case. (There is a container of water on the table.) Turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into a container of water. What happens? Does water enter the glass? (Not) There is no water in the glass, the air does not let water in.

Conclusion: there is air in the glass, it does not let water into it.

And why did we first think that there was nothing in the glass? Because air is transparent, invisible. This is the first property of air.

Guys, we managed to see the air - invisible, and now I propose to hear it.

Take a bottle, place it on your lower lip and blow into the neck. What do you hear? (sound). The air is trembling. When the air trembles, sounds are produced. What does an artist who plays a wind instrument do? It blows into the hole of the instrument. The air trembles, sounds are obtained, in contrast to the whistle - musical. Sound travels through the air. Sounds only exist where there is air. For example: on the moon, where there is no air, nothing is heard. (conclusion).

Kokkonen Margarita
Interactive game "Living and non-living"

Target: Introduction to concepts "live" and « inanimate» nature

Tasks: to learn to distinguish which objects belong to wildlife, which to inanimate nature and which ones are man-made.

Develop attention, memory, speech

Description of the game.

The game consists of 18 slides. Transition from slide to slide by clicking on the control button. The game is accompanied by a hero - the Wise Owl, who sums up the results and awards nuts for the correct answers. On slides 3-4, we look at photographs and find objects related to nature. 6 slide - the game"Find Pairs". Given 8 pictures: in the top row are the dome of the church, an airplane, a helicopter and a submarine, in the bottom row are a seagull, a bud, a sperm whale and a dragonfly. You need to find pairs and explain your decision. By clicking on the desired picture from the bottom row, it goes to its pair. Warm-up on the eighth slide. 11-12 slide the game"Spread the pictures": there are 6 pictures on the slide that need to be distributed in columns « alive» and « inanimate» . 15-17 slide the game"One Extra". There are 6 pictures on each slide, you need to choose an extra picture. If the answer is correct, the picture disappears on click and wiggles if the answer is wrong. Three slides and, accordingly, three groups: what pertains to inanimate nature, which refers to wildlife and what is man-made. On the last slide, the owl thanks you for your diligence.


Bondarenko T. M. "Environmental activities with children 6-7 years old".

Internet sources

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Kudinova Olga Nikolaevna

Compensatory group teacher

Card file of games of ecological content

The game "Alive-non-living"

Purpose: to consolidate children's understanding of the main features of wildlife.

Material: pictures depicting objects of animate and inanimate nature, ball.

Game progress: a. Preschoolers are offered pictures depicting nature, they must be divided into two groups and motivated for their actions.

B. Children stand in a circle. The host throws the ball and names a living or inanimate object of nature. The child, having caught the ball, must answer: “living” or “inanimate”. Children who made a mistake are out of the game.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: to teach children to classify objects of nature and justify their actions.

Material: 7 cards, divided into 4 squares, depicting objects of nature and 7 small white cards.

1 card: chamomile, cornflower, birch, bell

2 card: spruce, poppy, cat, river

3 card: snow, stone, cloud, bird

4 card, hare, hedgehog, fox, fish

5 card: owl, mouse, ear, turtle

6 card: tree, bird, sun, man

7 card: river, cloud. Sand, reeds

Game progress: children are invited to look at the pictures and close the picture that is “superfluous” with a white square, justify their actions.

Food chain game

Purpose: to consolidate the ideas of preschoolers about the connections and dependencies between phenomena and objects of nature. Equipment: a few strings.

Game progress: children are invited to name an object of nature. With the help of leading questions of the educator, children name the representatives of the natural world on which the life of this object depends. All participants are assigned a certain "name" of the objects of nature they named. With the help of strings, they are combined into an ecosystem. The extraction of one of the "objects of nature" is accompanied by a jerk for the string, which is passed in a circle.

The game "Who needs whom?"

Goal: same as in the third game.

Equipment: cards with the image of objects of living and inanimate nature.

Game progress: the children are offered the following situation: “Imagine that there is nothing on Earth. And suddenly there were birds (or other living beings). Will they be able to live on such an Earth? What do they need to live? Drawing up a chain of dependencies by preschoolers.

Game "Sense Organs"

Purpose: to show preschoolers the relationship between the work of the senses (vision, touch, smell, hearing, taste)

Material: apple, bow, rattle, soap

The course of the game: among the players, the roles of the sense organs are distributed and the leader is selected, who plays the role of the brain, he leaves the group room. Children are shown an object, examining which, they must tell the leader only the information for which they are "responsible".

The game "Tops and Roots"

Word game.

Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: what is edible for them - a root or fruits on a stem)

Material: ball.

Stroke: Clarify with the children what they will call tops and what - roots: "We will call the edible root of the vegetable the root, and the edible fruit on the stem - the top." The teacher calls the vegetable, throws the ball to the child. The child must answer what is edible in it: an inch or a spine.

Complication: The teacher says: “Tops”, and the children name the vegetables in which the tops are edible.

Game "Living or inanimate nature"

Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects of animate and inanimate nature.

The teacher names the object of living or inanimate nature. If an object of wildlife is named, the children move. (For example, a tree is named - children raise their hands, “grow”, If an animal - jump, etc. If an object of inanimate nature is named, children freeze in place.

Game "Do you know..."

Purpose: to classify wildlife objects, to consolidate knowledge of models.

Stroke: In children playing fields with the image in the first row of a model of animals, in the second row - birds, in the third - fish, in the fourth - insects. The teacher says: "Bird." Children from the proposed set of cards must select and put on the appropriate line the image of any bird, then animals, etc. The player with the most chips wins.

The game "Who knows, let him continue"

Purpose: to exercise in the classification of wildlife.

Stroke: The teacher calls the generalizing word, and the children - words related to this meaning.

Teacher: Insects are...

Children: ... a fly, a mosquito ...

Teacher: Fish are...

The game "Who will collect sooner"

Purpose: to teach children to group vegetables and fruits.

Material: two baskets, on one model "garden", on the other - "garden"; cards with the image of vegetables and fruits.

Move: Choose two teams of two people - whose team will harvest their crops faster. In the basket, where the “garden” model is depicted - we collect fruits; where the garden model is vegetables. The first team to harvest raises the basket (you need to check if the children made a mistake, if the wrong vegetable or fruit got into the basket.)

Game: "Describe, and I will guess"

Purpose: to teach children to classify vegetables and fruits according to their characteristics.

Task: identify and name the characteristic features of the subject in response to the questions of the educator.

Rules: you can not name what they describe. Answer questions clearly and definitely.

Move: vegetables and fruits are laid out on the table behind the screen. The teacher does not see them.

The teacher tells the children: “From the vegetables that are on the table, choose one. I will ask what it is, and you answer just do not say its name. I will try to guess from your answers. Questions are asked in a certain sequence: “What is the form? Everywhere, like a ball? Are there pits? What colour?" etc.

Children answer questions in detail. After the children talk about the characteristic features of the subject, the teacher guesses riddles.

Game "Give me a word"

Purpose: to develop the speed of reaction.

Stroke: The teacher begins the phrase, and the children finish it.

Q: A dragonfly has transparent wings, but a butterfly?

D: Colored, not transparent.

Q: The crow croaks, but the magpie?

D: Magpie chirps.

Q: The rooster crows, but the hen?

D: The chicken cackles.

Q: A cow has a calf, and a sheep?

D: A sheep has a lamb

Q: The mother of the bear cub is a bear, and the baby squirrel?

D: The squirrel's mother is a squirrel.

Game "Earlier-Later"

Task number 1. The pictures offered for consideration show flowers. You need to indicate a picture with the image of flowers planted earlier than others (four pictures).

Task number 2. Four pictures depicting the four stages of bulb growth are offered for consideration. You need to show a picture where the bulbs are planted later than others.

Task number 3. Four pictures are offered for consideration, which show different stages of carrot growth. You need to show a picture where the carrots were planted earlier.

Task number 4. Four pictures with four stages of turnip growth are offered for consideration. You need to show a picture where the turnip is planted later.

The game "Third extra"

Purpose: to develop logical thinking, to be able to isolate the excess.

Move: the cards show two insects (butterfly, grasshopper) and one bird; two fish (carp and pike) and one frog. Children must determine who is superfluous.

Complication: the game can be played with models (oval body, fins, beak).

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Goal: develop logical thinking.

Stroke: In front of the child, lay out four pictures depicting objects, 3 of which relate to one general concept. Having determined the excess, i.e. not matching the rest of the picture, the child gets a chip. Sets of pictures can be very different: table, chair, bed, teapot; horse, cat, dog, pike; fir tree, birch, oak and strawberry; cucumber, turnip, carrot and hare, etc.

You can suggest the correct answer: “Cucumber, turnip and carrot are vegetables, they grow in the garden. And the hare is not a vegetable, so it must be removed.

The game "What is planted in the garden"

Purpose: To teach children to classify objects according to certain characteristics (according to the place of their growth, according to the way they are used), to develop the speed of thinking.

Move: the teacher names different objects, if they call what they plant in the garden, then you will answer “Yes”, but if what does not grow in the garden, the children say “No”.

If someone is in a hurry and answers incorrectly, the teacher can say: “Hurry up - you will make people laugh. Be careful!"

Game "Bouquet"

The goal is to fix the place of growth of plants.

Move: On the table are sets of images of forest, field, garden and indoor plants. The participants of the game are given the task to collect a bouquet, but each one collects flowers from a strictly defined habitat. For example, only forest.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of seasonal natural phenomena.

Move: The players stand in a circle leading in the middle. The host names the season, for example, autumn, then names a natural phenomenon, for example, frost, and throws the ball. The child must say whether it happens or not. The ball is thrown around. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

The game "It happens - it doesn't happen"

Goal: develop logical attention.

Move: The game requires a rich imagination and common sense. The child needs to imagine the situation that you are describing, and say if there is something that in question. If he answers correctly, it is his turn to ask you a riddle (phrase), and if he answers incorrectly, the turn is skipped. Real and unreal options alternate, for example: “a wolf roams the forest”, “a wolf sits on a tree”, “porridge is cooked in a saucepan”, “a cat walks on the roof”, “a dog walks on the roof”, “a boat floats in the sky”, “a girl is drawing a house”, “a house is drawing a girl”, etc. You can use the ball: the player throws the ball, saying the phrase, and the second player catches it if what is said really happens, and does not catch it if it does not happens.

The game "Who will be who?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the subject at different time periods (in the present future, the former).

Stroke: The child answers the questions of an adult: “Who will be (or what will be) an egg, a chicken, a boy, an acorn, a seed, an egg, a caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, cloth, a student, sick, weak, etc.?) . In the discussion, the possibility of several options is emphasized.

For example, from an egg there can be a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake, and even scrambled eggs. For one game, you can make out 6-7 words.

A variant of this game is the game "Who was?". The meaning of this game is to answer the question of who (what) was before: a chicken (an egg), a horse (a foal), a cow (a calf), an oak (an acorn), a fish (an egg), an apple tree (a seed), a frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), bread (flour), wardrobe(board), bicycle(iron), shirt(cloth), boots(leather), house(brick), strong(weak), etc.

You can give other words that require the child to understand the transition of one quality to another. Each word has a choice of answers.

The game "Who flies, jumps, swims?"

Purpose: to classify animals, insects, birds, reptiles according to the principle - they fly, jump, swim.

Move: Three colored squares (triangles, circles) are prepared, conditionally indicating the classification: “fly” - green, “jump” - yellow, “swim” - blue. Three link leaders are selected, to whom the teacher gives one conventional sign, for example, squares of different colors Everyone else is given pictures of animals. At the command of the facilitator, children who have pictures depicting those who fly gather around the link, holding, for example, a red square, with the image of those who jump, around the link with a green square; those who swim - around the link with a blue square. The link that completes the task faster wins.

The game "Name all the animals that ..."

Purpose: To form children's ideas about such concepts as "herbivores", "carnivores", to teach to classify animals into these groups.

Move: First, it is specified in the conversation what wild animals and birds eat. The teacher shows a picture, and the children suggest where it should be attributed: to insectivores or predators, and explain. why.

Complication: find all the animals that eat plant parts, fruits, buds, roots. Find all the animals that eat other animals.

Game "Education of analogies"

Purpose: to develop logical and conceptual thinking in children.

Move: paired cards are laid out in front of the children, the principle of communication of which the children must compare with one of the samples on a separate table.

For example, the pattern shown by the educator is “sheep-flock”.

Children pick up cards: raspberries - berries, a garden bed - a garden, a drop - rain, etc.

At the end of the game, when the cards are laid out, summarize each analogy by explaining the relationship of the items.

The game "Answer quickly"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to classify objects (by color, shape, quality); teach them to think and respond quickly.

Move: The teacher stands in a circle, holding the ball in his hands. Names the color, throws the ball to the child. The one who catches the ball must name an object of this color, related to animate or inanimate nature, then he himself names any color and throws the ball to the next one. He also catches the ball, names the object, his color, etc.

"Green" - go) and throws the ball to the child. “Sheet,” the child answers and, saying “blue”, throws the ball to another player. “Sky,” another child answers and says “yellow”, throwing the ball to the next one.

The same color can be repeated several times, since there are many objects related to wildlife of the same color.

Game "Nature and Man"

Purpose: to consolidate, systematize the knowledge of children about what is created by man and what nature gives to man.

Course: A conversation is held with the children, during which the children's knowledge is clarified that the objects around us are either created by people's hands, or exist in nature, and a person uses them; for example: wood, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and houses, factories, transport are created by man.

"What is man made?" - the teacher asks and passes one of the players an object (or throws the ball). After a few responses from the children, he asks a new question: "What is created by nature?"

Game: "Fish - birds - animals"

Purpose: To learn to name species groups according to the proposed example

Stroke: The teacher throws the ball to the child and pronounces a word denoting a class from the field of wildlife.

The child, having caught the ball, must pick up the species concept and throw the ball back.

Example: Bird - "Sparrow", fish - "Karasik", etc.

Similarly, you can play with the classification groups of the man-made world.


1. Gorkova L.G., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A. "Scenarios of classes on environmental education preschoolers (middle, senior, preparatory group). - M: VAKO, 2005 - 240s.

2. Palatkina S.P. " Ecological games for kids preschool age» / Toolkit. – Khanty-Mansiysk: Printer. – 328 p.

3. Sidorchuk T.A., Korzun A.V. "We imagine, we think, we create" - Mozyr: OOO Publishing House "Belyi Veter", 2006. - 201p.

Elena Shramko

Didactic game for older children

« Live nature»

Purpose of the game:

enrich knowledge children about the world, learn to name objects alive nature.


Develop attention, imaginative thinking and vocabulary children. Expand and generalize knowledge children about living organisms. To form a conscious and careful attitude towards living nature.

Manufacturing Description games:

To create this game, you need to print 12 pictures of animals, birds, flowers and trees. For strength, you can stick it on cardboard, you can laminate pictures. For creating "drum" I used a circle cut out of cardboard and lined into 4 even parts. On each of these parts I pasted a picture depicting which group it belongs to. (animals, birds, flowers or trees) in the middle "drum" I attached a rotating arrow.

Game progress:

The game can be played by 3,4 or 6 players. Cards depicting animals, birds, flowers and trees are shared among all participants. Children take turns spinning the arrow on "drum" The task of the player is to find a picture in his place in accordance with what fell out, name it correctly (animal, bird, flower or tree) and put it aside. If the pictures dropped on "drum" the child does not have it, the move passes to another participant in the game. The one with no cards left wins.

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OO: cognitive development, social - communicative development, speech development. Goals of the game: 1. Exercise children in identifying the animal.

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Didactic game.

Topic: "Living and non-living nature".

Purpose: to continue work on the formation of knowledge about inanimate and living nature.

Tasks: -to enrich the vocabulary of children

Expand the horizons of children through a variety of game exercises

Develop logical thinking, auditory-speech perception

Cultivate respect for the environment.

1 org. MOMENT: - hearing test

Emotional mood.

Conversation on TB with equipment

2 phonetic charge: (F)

Alive do - rain beetle beetle beetle and buzz, fly (make a sentence)

3 phrases by ear:

What day of the week? -What is your job today?

Target setting: We will (think, speak, play.)

Related work:

Guess what the lesson will be (collect split letters)



Early, early, but in the morning everyone shouts ku-ka-re-ku

Winter and summer one color

White Antoshka passed through the earth, found a red hat

The gray eagle spread its wings in the sky.

Who guessed, I give a picture with the answer

Work with a crossword puzzle (CHILDREN ENTER THE ANSWERS THEMSELVES)

Read the red letters in the crossword puzzle.

What is nature?

What is nature like? (alive and not alive)


DIOLOGIST'S ALGORITHM? …. What kind of picture do you have?



Connect with arrows where living and non-living nature

Looking at pictures: (SEASONS)

    Put the pictures according to the seasons and name them

    Choose and display a color that matches the season

White - winter

Blue, green - spring.

Summer green.

Autumn - yellow, red.

Physical minute (TREE)

- .... what season is it now?

- .... Name the seasons in order.

-….what season will it be?

-… what season will it be?

-…..what season do you like, why?

When were you born (s)? I was born

What time of year is this? This is the time of the year…..

GAME: find mistakes” the artist drew pictures and mixed up something.

Bottom line: what was the job?

What were they talking about?

What have you learned? List the seasons in order.