Did games on ecology middle group. Card file of didactic games on ecology. Ecological game "walk in the woods"

The proposed didactic games of ecological content are easy to manufacture and can be used in working with middle and older children. preschool age. They have a clear structure:


Description of didactic material;

The methodology of conducting, and individual games - several options for conducting.


Target: introduce children to the concept of "food chain" and give an idea of ​​food chains in the forest.


The first option is planar: a set of cards with four illustrations each (for example, a forest - a plant - a herbivore - a predator);

The second option: - three-dimensional: four cubes of different sizes, on each side of which there are illustrations of a forest (forest - mushroom - squirrel - marten; forest - berries - hedgehog - fox; forest - flower - bee - bear; forest - acorns - wild boar - wolf; forest - birch - Maybug - hedgehog; forest - pine cone - woodpecker - eagle owl, etc.)

Methodology: at the first stage, children play together with the teacher, they start the game with any cube.

Educator:"It's a mushroom, where does it grow?" (In the forest.) “Which of the animals eats mushrooms in the forest?” (Squirrel.) "Does she have enemies?" (Marten.) Next, the child is invited to make a food chain from the named objects and explain his choice. Show that if one of the components of the food chain (for example, a mushroom) is removed, then the entire chain falls apart.

In the second stage, children play on their own. They are invited to make their own ecological tower.

At the third stage, competition games are organized: who will quickly make a tower, in which, for example, there is a hedgehog or a wolf.


Target: to form knowledge about the simplest bird food chains in nature, to consolidate knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life.


The first option is planar: a set of cards of different colors (yellow, blue, red, black), simulating the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life; sets of three cards with various illustrations of plants and birds (for example, pine - pinecone - woodpecker).

The second option is volumetric - a set of seven cubes, where the first-fourth cubes are of different colors, indicating the conditions necessary for the life of plants and animals; fifth - plants; the sixth is bird food; seventh - birds (for example: mountain ash - rowan berries - bullfinch; spruce - fir cone - crossbill; oak - acorns - jay; algae - snail - duck; grass - grasshopper - stork).

Methodology: by analogy with the Ecological Tower "Forest". However, when drawing up a pyramid, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules: multi-colored cubes are placed horizontally, and three cubes with illustrations of plants and animals are placed vertically, one on one, on this horizontal line, in order to show food chains in nature.


Target: and their use by man, exercise in their recognition in the illustrations.

Material: a flat basket with a red-green cross on one side, a set of illustrations of medicinal plants (plantain, St. John's wort, chamomile, wild rose, nettle, etc.).

Methodology: the teacher makes riddles about medicinal plants for children. The child finds an illustration in the basket, names the plant and explains why it is called the “green doctor”. Similarly, you can play games with ecological baskets on the topics: “Meadow Flowers”, “Primroses”, “Berries”, “Mushrooms”, etc.


Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about various types of animals, their nutrition and habitat in nature.

Material: a tablet, on which two treadmills, start, finish and nine moves are depicted in a circle; in the center of the stadium there are six sectors with illustrations of animals: one is a starling, two are swallows, 3 is a bee, 4 is an ant, 5 is a bear, 6 is a squirrel. On separate cards - illustrations of food for these animals and their shelters (birdhouse, anthill, beehive, lair, hollow, etc.). The set also includes a dice to determine the move.

Methodology: two children participate in the game. With the help of a cube, they alternately determine the sector with the task and make three moves: the first is to name the animal, the second is to determine the food for this animal, the third is to name its refuge in nature. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.


Target: exercise children according to .

Material: a set of 36 playing cards, each colored with reverse side in green, and on the front - illustrations of various animals and plants, which are compiled in such a way that in the end there are 18 pairs (the animal is food for it).

Methodology: from two to six children take part in the game. Each child is given 6 cards. It is checked in advance whether there are any among them that can be paired. With the correct move of the child, the cards are postponed. The number of cards is constantly replenished to six until they run out. The winner is the one who first leaves the game or who has fewer cards left.


Target: to form, expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest, exercise in recognizing warning and prohibition environmental signs.

Material: a tablet with an image of a forest clearing with several paths with warning signs; silhouettes of children that can be moved along the paths; a set of prohibitory environmental signs in an envelope (for example, do not pick lilies of the valley; do not trample mushrooms, berries; do not break tree branches; do not destroy anthills; do not make fires; do not catch butterflies; do not shout; do not turn on loud music; do not destroy bird nests, etc. .).

Methodology: the game can be played by a group of children who go to the forest for a walk. At the first stage, you should lead the children along the path, tell what is on it, put up appropriate environmental signs that help to follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

At the second stage, children travel on their own along forest paths, where various environmental signs are placed. Players must explain the rules of behavior in the forest using them. For the correct answer - a chip. The winner is the one who collects the maximum number of chips.


Target: fasten ; exercise in recognizing environmental warning signs.

Material: a set of triangular environmental warning signs depicting forest objects (lily of the valley, anthill, edible and inedible mushroom, berries, butterfly, cobweb, bird's nest, hedgehog, bonfire, birdhouse, etc.).

Methodology: children take turns playing the role of a forester, who chooses one of the environmental signs lying upside down on the table and introduces the participants in the game to the forest objects that this sign represents; tells how to behave in the forest, being close to these objects.

I. Komarova, N. Yarosheva



6 – 7 YEARS



Target . To teach children to understand the processes occurring in nature; show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover.

Game progress . The teacher names different plants and shrubs, and the children choose only those that grow in the area. If they grow up, the children clap their hands or jump in one place (you can choose any movement), if not, the children are silent.

Plants: cherry, apple tree, palm tree, rosehip, currant, apricot, raspberry, orange, lemon, pear, pineapple, etc. .


Target. To consolidate knowledge of the signs of different seasons, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts; develop auditory attention.

Game progress . The teacher calls the season: "Autumn." Then he lists the signs of different seasons (Birds fly south; snowdrops bloomed; the leaves on the trees turn yellow; fluffy white snow falls ). Children name an extra sign and explain their choice.

3. "MY CLOUD".

Target . Develop imagination, figurative perception of nature.

Game progress . Children sit on blankets or squat, look at the sky and floating clouds. The teacher offers to dream up and tell what the clouds look like, where they can swim.


Target. To consolidate the ability to classify and name insects.

Game progress . Children stand in a circle, the host calls the insect (fly ), and passes the ball to a neighbor, he calls another insect (mosquito ) etc. Anyone who cannot answer is out of the circle. The host says "flying insect butterfly ” and passes the ball, the next one answers: “Mosquito " etc. At the end of the circle, the host calls "Hopper ' and the game continues.


Target . To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of birds.

Game progress . The teacher calls the birds mixed up, whoever notices a mistake should clap his hands (sparrow, crow, fly, bullfinch, etc.).

6. "YES OR NO".

Target . To consolidate the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn.

Game progress. The teacher reads the poem, and the children should listen carefully and answer “yes” or “no”.

Do flowers bloom in autumn? Harvest the whole harvest?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn? Are the birds flying away?

Clouds cover the sun? Does it rain often?

Is the prickly wind coming? Do we get boots?

Do fogs float in autumn? The sun is shining very hot

Well, do birds build nests? Can children sunbathe?

Do the bugs come? Well, what should be done -

Animals mink close? Jackets, hats to wear?


Target. To consolidate the ability of children to classify and name indoor and garden plants.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. The child names a houseplant(violet ) and passes the ball to a neighbor, he calls another plant (begonia ) etc. Anyone who cannot answer is out of the circle. In the second round, the leader names garden plants, and the game continues.


Target . To consolidate ideas about autumn changes in nature; develop creative imagination, observation.

Game progress . Children form a circle. The teacher suggests depicting autumn weather with facial expressions, hand gestures, movements: it became cold(children shrivel, warm their hands, put on hats and scarves with gestures ); cold rain is fallingopen umbrellas, turn up collars ).


Target . Teach children to compare objects, recognize objects by description.

Game progress. One child guesses the animals, while the others must guess them according to the description.

10. "HUNTER".

Target. Exercise in the ability to classify and name animals.

Game progress . Children stand in front of the line, at the end of the site - a high chair. This "forest » (« lake", "pond "). A "hunter" is sent to the "forest" - one of the players. Standing still, he utters these words: “I am going to the forest to hunt. I will hunt for ... ". Here the child takes a step forward and says: “Hare”, takes a second step and names another animal, etc. You cannot name the same animal twice. The winner is the one who reaches "forests" ("lakes", "ponds ”) or moved on.


Target . To systematize the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature.

Game progress . "Live" (inanimate) nature, ”says the educator and passes one of the players an object (or throw the ball ). Children name natural objectsthe one indicated by the teacher ).


Target. Teach children to describe an object and recognize it by description.

Game progress. The teacher offers the player to describe the plant or make a riddle about it. Other children have to guess what kind of plant it is.


Target. Teach children to describe birds according to their characteristic features.

Game progress. Children are divided into two groups: one group describes the bird(or riddles ), and the other must guess what kind of bird it is. Then the groups change places.


Target . To teach children to recognize and name a plant by a leaf, to find it in nature.

Game progress . Collection of leaves fallen from trees and shrubs. The teacher offers to find out which tree or shrub the leaf is from and find proof (resemblance ) with non-fallen leaves that have a variety of shapes.

15. "IT HAPPENS - IT DOES NOT HAPPEN" (with the ball).

Target . Develop memory, thinking, speed of reaction.

Game progress . The teacher pronounces the phrase and throws the ball, and the child must quickly answer: frost in the summer (can not be ); snow in winter(it happens ); frost in summercan not be ); drops in summer(can not be ).

16. "FIND A PAIR".

Target . Develop in children thinking, ingenuity.

Game progress . The teacher distributes one sheet to the children and says: “The wind blew. All the leaves are scattered. Hearing these words, the guys are spinning with leaves in their hands. The teacher gives the command: “One, two, three - find a couple!” Everyone should stand next to the tree whose leaf they hold in their hands.


Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about the appearance of some trees and shrubs(trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds ).

Game progress . A "forester" is chosen, the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new plantings. "Forester" says: "A lot of birch trees grow on my site (poplars, maples ), let's get some seeds." "Forester" can only describe the tree without naming it. Children look for seeds, collect them and show them to the "forester". The winner is the one who scored more seeds and did not make a mistake.


Target. To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what has been done by man, and what nature has given to man.

Game progress . "What is man made?" - the teacher asks and throws the ball to the child. He replies: "Machine." After several answers from the children, the teacher asks a new question: “What is created by nature?” Children name objects of nature.


Target . To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what has been done by man, and what nature has given to man.

Game progress. The teacher becomes in a circle, in his hands is a ball. He negotiates with the children in advance: the teacher names the objects, and the children answer with one word: “Man!” or "Nature!" For example, the teacher throws the ball to the child and says: “Machine!”, The child answers: “Man!” The one who made a mistake leaves the circle for one horse.

20. "THIN YOURSELF" ( option 1 )

Target. Teach children to make sentences with a given number of words.

Game progress. Offer children reference words: autumn, leaf fall, snow, snowflakes. Ask the children to come up with sentences of 4, 5 words. The first child to make a proposal gets a token.

(option 2)

Game progress. The teacher appoints a leader and sets the topic: “Seasons”, “Clothes”, “Flowers”, “Forest”. The child comes up with words and says them to everyone else, for example: "Flowers, insects, opened." Children should come up with as many sentences as possible so that these words sound in them.


Target. Develop the ability to group plants according to their structure(trees, shrubs).

Game progress. Children will be "squirrels" and "bunnies", and one child will be a "fox". "Squirrels" and "bunnies" run around the clearing. On a signal: "Danger - a fox!" - "squirrels" run to the tree, "Hares" - to the bushes. "Fox" catches those who perform the task incorrectly.

22. "BIRDS".

Target. To consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. The host calls the bird (fish, animal, tree... ), for example, “sparrow” and passes the ball to a neighbor, he calls “crow”, etc. Whoever fails to answer is out of the circle.

23. "Don't Yawn!" ( wintering, migratory birds).

Target. Develop auditory attention, speed of reaction.

Game progress. The teacher gives all the children the names of the birds and asks them to carefully follow: as soon as their name is heard, they should stand up and clap their hands; who misses his name, out of the game.

In the second version of the game, it is recommended to use the names of animals.

24. NAME THREE OBJECTS (option 1).

Target. Exercise in the classification of objects.

Game progress. Children must name objects that correspond to this concept. The teacher says: "Flowers!" and throws the ball to the child. He answers: "Chamomile, cornflower, poppy."

(option 2)

The teacher divides the children into two teams. The first child names the flower and passes the ball to the other team. She must name three names of flowers and pass the ball to the first team, which, in turn, also names three flowers. The team that named flowers last wins.


Target. To consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what is done by human hands, and what is done by nature.

Game progress. “What is man made? - the teacher asks and throws the ball to the player. After several answers from the children, he asks a new question: “What is created by nature?” The children answer.


Target. Learn to understand the causal relationships between phenomena; exercise in right choice words.

Game progress. caregiver(or child ) begins the sentence: "I put on a warm coat because ...". The child who completes this sentence constitutes the beginning of a new one.


Target. Clarify and deepen children's knowledge of the seasons.

Game progress. The teacher calls the season and gives the chip to the child. The child names what happens at this time of the year and passes the chip to the next player. He adds a new definition and passes the token, and so on.


Target. Teach children to find inaccuracies in the text.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Listen carefully to the poem. Who will notice fables more, what does not actually happen?

Warm spring now. Likes to sit in the river.

Our grapes are ripe. And in winter among the branches

Horned horse in the meadow “Ga0ga-ga, the nightingale sang.

Jumping in the snow in summer. Quickly give me an answer -

Late autumn bear Is it true or not?

Children find inaccuracies and replace words and sentences to get it right.


Target. Learn to perceive a poetic text; educate aesthetic emotions and experiences; consolidate knowledge about the months of each season and the main features of the seasons.

Game progress. Writers and poets in their poems sing of the beauty of nature at different times of the year. The teacher reads a poem, and the children should highlight the signs of the season.

30. "THIRD EXTRA" ( plants)

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of plants.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children: “You already know that plants can be cultivated and wild. I will now call the plants mixed: wild and cultivated. Whoever hears an error should clap their hands. For example: birch, poplar,Apple tree ; apple tree, plum,oak etc.


Target. Learn to describe an object and recognize it by description; to form the ability to choose the most striking sign of a plant.

Game progress. The teacher invites the child to name one of the most characteristic features of the plant, the rest of the children must guess the plant itself. For example, a white trunk (Birch tree ); red hat with white dotsmuhomo p), etc.

32. "GOOD - BAD."

Target. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature.

Game progress. The teacher shows the children the schematic rules of behavior in nature. Children should tell as much as possible about what is shown in the pictures, what can and cannot be done, and why.


Target . Cultivate love for nature, the desire to take care of it.

Game progress . The teacher says: “There are many different kind words, they should be said to everyone more often. Kind words always help in life, and evil words harm. Remember kind words, when and how they are said. Come up with different kind words that you can refer to ... a cat, a flower, a doll. friend, etc.


Target. Learn to describe a bird and recognize by description.

Game progress . The teacher invites one child to describe a bird or make a riddle about it. Other children have to guess what kind of bird it is.


Target . To systematize the knowledge of children about the plants of the garden and garden.

Game progress. The leader describes any plant in the following order: shape, color, use. Children must recognize the plant from the description.


Target. To teach to classify objects according to certain characteristics (by place of growth, by the way they are used); develop speed of thinking, auditory attention, speech skills.

Game progress . The teacher asks about what is planted in the garden and asks the children to answer “yes” if what he calls grows in the garden and “no” if it does not grow in the garden. Whoever makes a mistake will lose.

37. "WHAT WILL BE IF..."

Target. Learn to notice the consequences of your actions in relation to nature.

Game progress . The teacher sets a situation for discussion with the children, as a result of which the children come to the conclusion that it is necessary to observe the measure and protect nature. For example: "What will happen if you pick all the flowers? ... destroy the butterflies?"


Target. To consolidate knowledge about forest (garden) plants.

Game progress . The teacher chooses three children and asks them to name what grows in the forest. The teacher says: "Mushrooms!" Children must name the types of mushrooms in turn. The teacher says to other children: “Trees!” The children name the trees. The child who names the most plants wins.


Target. Teach children to group plants according to their place of growth; describe their appearance.

Game progress . Children play the role of sellers and buyers. To make a purchase, you need to describe the plant you have chosen, but do not name it, but only say where it grows. The seller must guess what kind of flower it is, name it, then issue a purchase.


Target. Learn to name the seasons and the corresponding months.

Game progress. The teacher names the season and passes the chip to the child, he must name the first month of this season and give the chip to another child who names the next month, etc. Then the teacher calls the month, and the children - the season.


Target. Learn to divide words into parts, pronounce each part of the word separately.

Game progress. Children are divided into two teams. The first team names the animal, and the second lists what it eats, trying to highlight two-syllable words, and then three-syllable ones.


Target. Strengthen children's knowledge about insects.

Game progress. The teacher thinks of a word, but only says the first syllable. For example: the beginning of the word ko ... Children pick up words (mosquito ). Whoever guesses first gets a chip. The child with the most chips wins.



Target. Teach children to listen to the sound of words; exercise in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to find a mate. To do this, one of the children says a word, and the other responds with a similar word, for example:parsley - parsley . The children who made up a couple step aside and come up with words that are similar in sound (car - tire , sock - sand ), but the child who picked up the rhyme should answer.


Target . To teach children to group words according to meaning, to understand the direct and figurative meaning of words.

Game progress . The teacher asks the children: “Is it possible to say that? How do you understand this expression? Children explain phrases.

Fresh breeze -chill .

Fresh fish -recently caught , unspoiled I.

Fresh shirt -clean, washed, ironed .

Fresh newspaper -new, just bought .

Fresh paint -dry .

fresh head -rested .


Purpose of the game . Activate vocabulary, expand horizons.

Game progress . Children form a circle. The teacher names the sound and asks the children to come up with words in which this sound occurs. One of the players throws the ball to someone. The child who caught the ball must say the word with the set sound. Anyone who did not come up with a word or repeated what someone had already said skips a turn.

46. ​​"SEARCH".

Target. Exercise children in the use of adjectives that agree with nouns.

Game progress. Children should see as many objects of the same color as possible around them within 10 - 15 seconds (or the same shape, or from the same material) . At the signal of the teacher, one child begins to list items, other children complete. The one who correctly names the most items wins.

47. "Think up for yourself."

Target . Teach children how to correctly compose sentences with a given number of words.

Game progress. Key words are given: autumn, leaf fall, snow, snowflakes. You need to make a sentence of 3, 4, 5 words. The first child to make a proposal gets a token.


Target. Develop logical thinking, the ability to notice inconsistency in judgments.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Now I will tell you stories. In my story, you should notice that. What doesn't happen. Whoever notices, let him clap his hands.

In the evening, when I hurried to Kindergarten, I met a mother who was taking the child to school.

At night the sun shone brightly and the stars burned.

Apples ripened on the birch ».

Children find contradictions in sentences.



Game progress . The children are sitting on the bench. The teacher makes riddles. The child who has guessed the riddle comes out and guesses himself. For guessing and guessing riddles, the guys get chips. The one with the most chips wins.


Target . Teach children to understand the meaning of the sentence.

Game progress . The teacher reads the sentences. They made mistakes that the guys should correct.

The goat brought food to the girl.

The ball plays with Sasha.

The road goes by car.

Gena broke the ball with glass . Etc.


Target . Learn to listen to the sound of words; exercise in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress. Children become in a circle. Each child must name a word and say it to the next participant; The next participant says the same word. So, in turn, all the children must say one word at a time. After three rounds the game stops. You can't repeat the same word twice. The one who did not manage to quickly name the word or repeated what was already mentioned leaves the circle.

52. "STOP! STOP, STOP!".

Target . Exercise in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher says that they will describe the animal, and each child must say something about it. For example, the teacher says: “Bear!” - and passes the wand to the child, he answers: “Brown!” - and passes the wand to the next. Anyone who cannot say anything about the animal is out of the game.


Target . Learn to select definitions that correspond to a given example, phenomenon.

Game progress. The teacher calls a word, and the players take turns picking up as many signs as possible that correspond to this subject.

Squirrel - red, nimble, big, small, beautiful.

Coat - warm, winter, new, old. Etc.


Target . Expand children's vocabulary.

Game progress. The teacher asks to look at the pictures and tell what the objects do: a blizzard (sweeps, vyuzhit, purzhit ); rain (pours, drizzles, drips, drips, starts ); crow (flies, croaks, sits, eats).


Target . Expand children's vocabulary.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to make phrases according to the example:milk bottle - milk bottle .

Cranberry jelly - ... (cranberry jelly ).

Vegetable soup - ... (vegetable soup).

Mashed potatoes - ... (mashed potatoes ). Etc.


Target. To teach children to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare them, find common and different.

Game progress . The teacher says that there are words that we use often, and we call many different objects with the same word: head (dolls, onion, garlic, human head ); needle(at the syringe, at the spruce, at the pine, sewing, at the hedgehog ); nose(at a person, at a teapot, at an airplane ); leg; pen; wing, etc.


Target . Develop in children quick wit, quick thinking.

Game progress . educator (or child ) calls the word, the children pick up a word with the opposite meaning to it (far - close, high - low).


Target . To develop in children phonemic hearing, speed of thinking.

Game progress . caregiver(or child ) says one syllable and throws the ball. The one who catches the ball must complete the word, for example, ma - ma, books - ha, etc. The child who completed the word again throws the ball to the teacher (or child ).

59. "SAY A WORD."

Target. Teach children to choose single-root words.

Game progress. The teacher reads a poem, and the children must add words related to the word "snow".

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground...snow).

Fluffs are all sliding from the sky -


Here's some fun for the kids

Getting stronger...snowfall ).

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play... (snowballs).

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up...(snowman) .

Next to the snow figurine

This girl…(Snow Maiden ).

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth ... (snow ).

( I. Lopukhina )

- What words did you choose? What word do they all look like?


Target. Learn to choose synonyms.

Game progress. The teacher says that in this game, children will have to name words that are close in meaning (for example,cold - frost ).


Target. Develop phrasal speech.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen carefully and determine what sounds they heard.(car signal, rustle of a falling leaf, conversation of passers-by, etc. .) Children must answer in full sentences.


Target. To develop the speech activity of children, the speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher says the beginning of the sentence, and the children must complete it with new words to make a complete sentence. For example, a teacher: “Mom bought ...” “...books, notebooks, sweets ...”, the children continue.


Target. Teach children to select words that are opposite in meaning in tasks of various types.

Game progress. The teacher asks a sentence and invites the children to answer the questions: “If the soup is not hot, then what is it?”, “If the room is not bright, then how?”, “If the knife is not sharp, then it ...”, “If the bag is not light, then it is ... ”, etc.


Target. Develop phonemic hearing, speed of thinking.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Come up with a word with a sound (a) - and throws the ball to any of the players. The child answers: "Hat" - and throws the ball to the next player, etc. round. Then the teacher calls another sound, and the game is repeated again.

65. "WHERE WAS I?"

Target. To teach children to form forms of the accusative plural of animate nouns.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Guys, guess where I was? I saw jellyfish, seahorses, sharks. Where was I? (On the sea ).

- And now you ask me riddles about where you were. Tell who you saw. The main thing in this game is not guessing, but making up a riddle.


Target. Teach children to choose words that are close in meaning.

Game progress. The teacher says: “One boy was in a bad mood. What words can be used to describe it? I coined the word sad. Let's also try replacing words in other sentences." It's raining (pouring ). Clean Air (fresh ).


Target. Develop auditory attention and speech; accustom to detect semantic inconsistencies; choose the right words according to the content of the text.

Game progress. The children are read the poem twice and asked to find the discrepancy.

Is it true or not that snow is black like soot,

Sugar is bitter, coal is white, but a coward, like a hare, dare?

That cancer can fly, and a bear can dance a mastak,

That pears grow on willows, that whales live on land,

That from dawn to dawn the pines are felled by mowers?

Well, squirrels love bumps, and lazy people love work,

Don't girls and boys take cakes in their mouths?

If the children do not name all the mistakes, then the teacher reads the poem again.


Target. Learn to divide words into syllables.

Game progress. The teacher tells the children that you can find out the length of a word in steps (or clapping ). He says the word "soup" and steps at the same time. The teacher says that only one step turned out, so this is a short word. Children line up along the line, and one at a time begin to pronounce the words and take steps. Whoever incorrectly divides the word into syllables is out of the game.


Target. Reinforce and clarify the meaning of ambiguous words.

Game progress. Tell me, please, what else can you say:

It's raining: it's raining... (snow, winter, dog, smoke, human ).

Playing ... (music, girl ).

Bitter … (pepper, medicine ).


Target . Develop phonemic sound, speed of thinking.

Game progress . The teacher asks the children to remember the names of insects that have sounds(a), (k). Whoever says the most words wins. For example: butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly, etc.


Target. Reinforce the use of generalizing words in speech.

Game progress. The teacher calls generalizing words, and the children - a specific concept, for example, "Insect is ...". Children: "Fly, mosquito, ...".


Target . Teach children to divide words into syllables (parts).

Game progress . Children become in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a tambourine in his hands. The teacher hits the tambourine 2 times, the children must name insects that have 2 syllables in the name (mu-ha, ko-mar); then strikes 3 times - three-syllable words (stre-ko-za, mu-ra-wei, ba-boch-ka, etc.)


73. "Think up yourself."

Target. To form the ability to use the same object as a substitute.

Game progress. The teacher (or the leader) suggests that each child choose one object (cube, leaf, cone, etc.) and dream up: what do the objects look like?

74. "WHAT IS IT?"

Target . To teach children to create images in their imagination based on the characteristic features of objects, to notice the unusual in the most ordinary things; develop fantasy.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle, the teacher stands in the center of the circle. He puts the object (or objects) and invites the guys to think what it looks like. Then the teacher throws the ball to one of the children. This child must answer, the rest of the children complete his answer.


Target. Develop speed of thinking; to consolidate knowledge of what children do at different times of the day.

Game progress . The teacher names different parts of the day (or the actions of children). Children should answer in one word: “Let's have breakfast " or "We wash ourselves ” (or name part of the day).

76. "HOW ITEMS?"

Target . Teach children subject count; develop quantitative representations, the ability to understand and name numerals.

Game progress. Find and name identical objects (two three ...), and then those that meet one at a time. The task can be changed: find as many identical objects as possible.



Game progress.

_ What happens wide? (River, tape, road, street ).


Target . Teach children to find their way by landmarks.

Game progress . The teacher chooses one or two leaders who, according to noticeable landmarks (trees, shrubs, flower beds, buildings) determine the path. According to it, all children must come to a hidden toy.

79. "COATS".

Target . Develop quantitative concepts.

Game progress . Children stand in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “I will count to 5, and as soon as I say the word “five”, everyone should clap their hands. When pronouncing other numbers, you do not need to clap. Children, together with the teacher, count in order, at the same time bringing their palms together, but not clapping them. The teacher plays the game correctly 2-3 times, then starts making mistakes: when pronouncing the number 3 or some other (but not 5 ) he quickly spreads and joins his hands, as if he wants to clap. Children who repeated the movement and clapped their hands take a step out of the circle and continue to play around the circle.


Target. Clarify children's ideas about the shape of objects.

Game progress. The teacher raises the circle drawing, and the children should name as many objects of this shape as possible.

81. "WHO AM I?"

Target. Learn to name the specified plant.

Game progress. The teacher points to a plant. The one who first names the plant and its shape (tree, shrub, grass ) gets a token.


Target. To teach children to describe the signs of an object, perceived by touch.

Game progress. The teacher puts natural material in a bag: pebbles, twigs, nuts, acorns. The child must identify the object by touch and talk about it without taking it out of the bag. The rest of the children must identify the item from the description.


Target. Develop imagination, counting skills; reinforce ideas about artificial objects (for children, we call them objects of "non-nature") and geometric shapes Oh.

Game progress. The teacher calls the object “non-nature” to the children, and the children must guess what geometric figure it looks like.



Target . To consolidate the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of various elements.

Game progress . The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to the child, while saying one of four words:earth, water, fire, air . If the host says, for example,Earth , the one who caught the ball must quickly name the animal that lives in this environment; at the word "Fire » - drop the ball. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

85. "And I."

Target . Develop intelligence, endurance, a sense of humor.

Game progress . The teacher says that he will tell a story. During the pause, the children should say: "And I" - if the words fit the meaning. If the words do not fit the meaning, then nothing needs to be said. For example:

I go one day to the river ... (and I).

I tear flowers and berries ... (and I).


Target . Learn to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; compare, contrast, select names that fit the definition.

Game progress. The teacher asks: “Tell me, what is green?”(Cucumber, crocodile, leaf, apple, dress, tree).

_ What happens wide? (River, tape, road, street ).

For each correct word, the child receives a token. The child with the most words wins.

87. "WHAT'S CHANGED?" (fun game).

Target. Develop observation skills in children.

Game progress . The driver closes his eyes and turns away from the children. Three children at this time change something in their appearance: they unbutton a button, remove a hairpin, change their shoes. Then the driver opens his eyes, and he is offered to find changes in the appearance of the guys.


Target . Teach children to find a plant by description.

Game progress . The teacher describes the plant, naming its most characteristic features. The first person to guess and name the plant gets a token.

89. "Unusual Blind Man's Bluff" (fun game)

Target . Develop observation.

Game progress . Two players are blindfolded, the rest of the children come up to them in turn. Blindfolded players compete to see who gets to know their friends the most.

In this case, it is allowed to use only several methods of identification: by a handshake; by whisper; by coughing; by touching the hair, ears, nose.

Whoever recognizes the arc correctly gets a point. The player with the most points wins.

90. CROCODILE (emotional-didactic game).

Target . Develop dexterity, observation, attention.

Game progress . The driver is selected (he will be a crocodile ”), which stretches its arms forward one above the other, depicting a toothy mouth. The rest of the children put their hands in the "mouth". "Crocodile" with a calm look distracts children, sings songs, stamps his feet and suddenly closes his hands - "mouth". Whoever gets caught becomes a "crocodile".

91. "WHO ARE YOU?"

Target . Develop auditory attention, speed of reaction.

Game progress . The teacher comes up with a story in which all the children get roles. Children become in a circle, the teacher begins the story. At the mention of the character, the child should stand up and bow. Children should be very attentive and follow not only their role. But also for the roles of neighbors. The child who did not hear about his role and did not get up leaves the game.


Target . To consolidate children's knowledge about animals and birds.

Game progress . Children stand in a circle. The selected child names some object or animal, raises both hands up and says: "Flies." If an object that flies is named, all children raise both hands up and say: “Flying”. If not, the children do not raise their hands. If one of the children makes a mistake, he leaves the game.

93. "GUESS IT!"

Target. To teach to describe an object without looking at it, highlighting essential features in it, to recognize an object by description.

Game progress. At the signal of the teacher, the child who received the chip gets up and gives a description of any object from memory, then passes the chip to the one who will guess the object. Having guessed, the child describes his object and passes the chip to the next child, etc.


Target. Develop memory, resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Game progress. The teacher says: “I have a glass in my hands. Who's to say what it can be used for?" Whoever names the most actions wins.


Target. Exercise children in the classification of objects; to develop the ability to name objects necessary for people of a certain profession.

Game progress. The teacher says: “Let's remember what people of different professions need to work. I will name the profession, and you will say what a person of this profession needs to work. In the second part of the game, the teacher names the object, and the children say what profession it can be useful for.


Target. Develop memory, attention.

Game progress. The player names anyinsect, animal, bird , for example, a beetle. The second repeats the named word and adds his own(beetle, mosquito …) etc. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.


Target. Develop memory, attention, sense of rhyme.

Game progress. The teacher reads excerpts from poems, and the children should say the missing words, for example:

Where did the sparrow eat?

At the zoo at…(animals ).

You don't stand too close:

I'm a tiger cub, not...(pussy).

wind across the sea... (walks)

And the boat...pushes ).


Target. Develop auditory attention; cultivate endurance.

Game progress . Children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the middle. He names an object and throws the ball. If the object flies, then the child to whom the ball flies must catch it, if not, throw it away with his hands. Whoever makes a mistake goes out of the circle and misses one move.

Daria Toptun
Didactic games on environmental education for older children

Explanatory note

1. Didactic games about animals…. 4

2. Didactic games about inanimate nature ....10

3. Didactic games about plants ....18

Explanatory note

The game is the leading activity in preschool age. Didactic The game is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon. This is both a method of teaching, and a form of teaching, and an independent game activity, and a means of a comprehensive personality education.

Didactic environmental games content helps to clarify, consolidate, generalize and systematize knowledge about nature, and also enable children to operate with the objects of nature themselves (seeds, fruits, vegetables, fruits, compare them, note changes in individual external features. While playing, children learn better knowledge about objects and phenomena nature, learn to establish relationships between them and the environment.

Such games help to see the integrity of an individual organism and the ecosystem as a whole, to realize the uniqueness and originality of each object of nature, to understand that unreasonable human intervention can lead to irreversible processes in nature.

Didactic games about animals

The game "Who will help the baby?"

Target: clarify knowledge children on the adaptation of animals to their environment.

Rules games: The facilitator selects a picture with one of the animals and places it in "foreign conditions". The animal goes on a journey - wants to return to its environment, but on the way it encounters many obstacles. To save the traveler, the children must pick up another animal that can help in this situation. You cannot repeat the same name over and over again. That one wins who found more helpers.

Example: Children chose a hare. The cube fell into the sea. Who will help the poor bunny? Helped whale, dolphin, crab. Throw the dice again. Desert. Who will help? Etc. The game can last a long time, depending on what the knowledge is. children in this area.

The game "Magic Train"

Target: fix and organize views children about animals, birds, insects, amphibians.

Material: Two trains cut out of cardboard (each with 4 wagons with 5 windows); two sets of cards with pictures of animals.

Game progress

Two teams play (each has 4 child guides who sit at separate tables. On the table in front of the team lies "train".

Sun: in front of you is a train and passengers. They need to be placed on the cars (in the first - animals, in the second - birds, in the third - insects, in the fourth - amphibians) so that one passenger is visible in each window.

The first team to place the animals in the wagons correctly will be the winner.

Similarly, this game can be played to consolidate ideas about various plant groups(forests, gardens, meadows, kitchen gardens).

The game "Zoological dining room"

Target: To form an idea of ​​​​preschoolers about the ways of feeding animals and grouping them on this basis.

Material: for each team - a sheet of cardboard with the image of three tables (red, green, blue, a set of pictures of animals (15-20 pieces)

Game progress

Two teams of 3-5 people play.

caregiver: as you know, birds, animals, insects eat different foods, so they are divided into herbivores, predators and omnivores. You need to seat the animals at the tables so that the predators are on the red table, the herbivores are on the green table, and the omnivores are on the blue table. The first team to place the animals correctly will be the winner.

"Wonderful bag"

Did. a task: consolidate knowledge children what the animals eat. Develop curiosity.

materials: pouch.

move games: in a pouch are: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc.

Children get food for animals, guess who it is for, who eats what.

"Animals of Africa"

Did. a task: to consolidate knowledge about the animals of Africa. Develop fantasy.

move games: participates in the game a group of guys, the number of players is not limited. AT the group has a leader. One of the players retires a short distance, turns away and waits until he is invited.

Group the guys confer among themselves about the beast, that is, which beast they will portray or the 2nd option: Answer questions from the presenter.

So, the beast is guessed, the participant is invited, the game begins.

Participant asks questions group of players, eg: the beast is small? can crawl? jump? does he have fluffy fur? etc.

The children, in turn, answer the leader "Yes" or "No".This continues until the player guesses the beast.

Target: Consolidate knowledge children about food relations in the meadow.

"Forest dwellers"


To learn to distinguish and name the characteristic features of wild animals, to establish links between habitat and lifestyle, and appearance animals.


Pictures: animals, "houses", cubs, animal food.

Scheme for compiling descriptive stories about animals.

Rules games:

The child is shown pictures of animals.

Name the animals. Where do they live?

Choose and describe the animal according to the diagram.

Find each animal cub. Whose family is walking in the meadow? (bear, wolf)

Pick up animals their houses. Who lives where?

What do animals eat? Choose pictures.



Systematize knowledge about the animal world.

To form the ability to use graphic symbols.

Develop logical, imaginative thinking.


Tables with graphic symbols;

Object pictures depicting representatives of the animal world.

Rules games:

1. The child chooses a table with graphic symbols and explains which animal is encrypted.

2. Using the table, compose a consistent story about the animal.

"I know"

Did. a task: to consolidate knowledge about nature. Develop curiosity.

move games: children become in a circle, in the center - teacher with ball. caregiver throws a ball to a child and names a class of natural objects (animals, birds, fish, plants, trees, flowers). The child who caught the ball He speaks: "I know five names of animals" and lists

Didactic games about inanimate nature

Didactic game"Picture of Nature"


Expand knowledge children about wildlife, habitats of living organisms (water, earth, air).


Volumetric tetrahedral pyramid depicting water, earth, air; removable badges with pictures of animals, plants, birds, fish, insects.

Rules games: We invite children to consider the faces of the pyramid and tell what kind of habitat it is. Choose among the icons pictures of living creatures living in each specific environment, place them on the corresponding faces of the pyramid and explain your choice.

Example: "This is the Sea. Fish, marine mammals, crustaceans, various algae live in the sea. I'll take a picture of dolphins and put them in the sea because they're marine mammals."

Land, air, water Water, air, land

"Frog traveler"


Summarize the knowledge of preschoolers about objects living and inanimate nature, about their features, properties, characteristic features, relationships.


Playing field, cards depicting objects of living and inanimate nature on different kinds generalizations (man, domestic and wild animals, animals of the north and hot countries, birds, insects; plants: berries, trees, flowers; rainbow, clouds, snow, rain, schematic cards - designations with various signs of natural objects and phenomena (wing - paw, forest - house, claws - hooves, spring - winter, cube, buttons - frogs, chips - insects.

1 option: "Frog Riddles"


Learn to classify objects of animate and inanimate nature according to a given attribute.

Game progress:

Children lay out the images, focusing on the cards - designations. ( For example: On the left side playing field to be card - designation "claws", on the right - "hooves". Children work on the generalization of concepts "predators" and "herbivores")

Option 2: "Curious Frog"


To reveal the interaction between man and objects of nature, between objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Game progress:

Around the card "human" images of objects of animate and inanimate nature are laid out randomly. The child throws the frog, reveals the positive and negative connections of the dropped object with the person ( For example: A cow gives milk to a person, but it can hurt to butt, etc.). In the center instead of a card "human" you can put any other (for example, "a fox", then children will identify connections between various natural objects ( For example: The fox can hide behind a rock. The fox is looking for a mouse under a stone.)

3 option: "Little tricks"


Determine how living organisms adapt to environmental conditions.

Game progress:

Using a cube, chips and moving in the direction of the arrows, the child names ways of adapting living organisms to the environment ( For example: Butterflies have a long proboscis to extract nectar from flowers.)

4 option "The Frog is looking for friends"


Develop associative thinking based on the allocation of common properties and features of objects of nature.

Game progress:

Throwing a button - a frog on the playing field 2 times, the child determines the connection between the dropped objects, focusing on their common features. (For example: Frog and snow are cold, pike and tiger are predators)

5 option "Frog - talker"


Develop coherent speech based on the use of existing children environmental information.

Game progress:

Using a cube, chips and moving in the direction of the arrows, the child makes complex sentences about the dropped object ( For example: A bee is an insect that lives in a beehive. An elephant is an animal that has a trunk) Playing with cards turned down, the child can describe the object that has fallen out without naming it. A child can think of an object using only the means of pantomime.

In all game options, for the correct answers, children receive chips with the image of bugs and worms. That one wins whose frog has the most insects.

Didactic guide"Journey of a Drop of Capa"


introduce children with the water cycle in nature.


Pano-scheme, cards with image: snowflakes, rain, icicles, boiling kettle; puddles, a tap with water, a snowdrift.

Fairy tale variant:

The children sit around the panel. caregiver tells the tale of the journey of a little droplet "Cape".

Lived - there was a small drop. Her name was Capa. There she is! (showing a card with a droplet). One day, the droplet became sad and she decided to go on a trip. At this time, a rain cloud floated across the sky, and a droplet quickly jumped on it. She sat a little bit, looked around and saw flowers below. They were so bright, so beautiful that

a little bit definitely wanted to them. She turned into rain and landed on a flower. Droplet really liked to be friends with the flowers.

But Capa was very curious, she wanted to travel further, and she

decided to jump into the lake. I swam there a little, played with the fish, and next to the lake grew a big, big tree. The roots of this tree loved to drink water from this lake, and our drop, along with some water,

roots and along the trunk hit the very top. She sat and swayed and sang her favorite song. But the sun came out, and the drop turned into a white cloud. This is how our little Capa has been traveling ever since.

During the storytelling educator moves the drop in a circle from object to object.

Where can we meet a drop of Kapu? (in a tap, in a puddle, in a snowdrift, etc.)- Cards are displayed.

What can be a drop? (liquid, gaseous, solid)- Cards are displayed.

What is tap water like? (cold and hot)

What are the benefits of a drop?

What happens if the drop disappears?

"What it is?"

Did. a task: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. Develop thinking.

move games: educator thinks of an object of animate or inanimate nature and begins to list its signs. If the children guessed it, the next object is guessed, if not, then the list of signs increases. For example: "Egg"- oval, white, fragile, solid on top, more often liquid inside, nutritious, can be found in a peasant yard, in a forest, even in a city, chicks hatch from it.

"Living - non-living"

Did. a task: to consolidate knowledge about animate and inanimate nature.

move games: educator names animate and inanimate objects. If this is an object of wildlife, the children wave their hands, if it is an object of inanimate nature, they squat.

Didactic games about plants

The game "Magic Flower"


Consolidate knowledge children about the importance of plants in human life; develop skills in reading ready-made symbols, bring up the child needs to take care of plants and his health.


Chamomile petals cut out of paper, on each of which a cipher symbol is drawn; cube.

Rules games:

The child is invited to read to choose a petal with symbols of the meanings of plants in human life (No. 1 - air purification, No. 2 - determining the time, No. 3 - weather prediction, No. 4 - decorating the world around, No. 5 - creating a mood, No. 6 - use as medicine ); from the game is out who fails to decipher the symbol on the petal.


Each player has their own "flower". The host makes riddles by symbols. The child guesses and lays out the petals. The winner is the one who completed the task correctly and quickly.

The game "Wonder Tree".


Consolidate knowledge children about the distinctive features of plants, their constituent parts.


The playing field consists of ten boxes connected on the same plane. In the boxes - birch bark, acorns, rowan berries, spruce and pine cones, cut wood, leaves, moss, spruce and pine needles. Each box is closed with a lid with numbers from one to six.

Rules games:

Children take turns picking numbers from "pouch", open the corresponding box and guess the plant by its part, explain the functional significance of this part for the whole plant. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. That one wins who by the end games more chips.

The game "Who is friends with the tree?"


To consolidate the idea that the forest is a community of plants and animals that live side by side and depend on each other.


Pano with the image of the forest. Cards with pictures of animals, birds, insects. A cube with red, green, blue and yellow circles or a bag with multi-colored buttons.

Rules games:

There is a pano on the table and cards with pictures are laid out. The children take turns rolling the dice. If the side of the die with a green circle falls out, the child takes a card with the image of any animal, places it on the panel and tells why this animal is friends with the tree.

For example:

This is a squirrel. She lives on a tree in a hollow, sometimes she builds a nest herself. Another squirrel collects spruce and pine cones, hangs mushrooms on the branches - makes supplies for the winter.

If a blue color falls out, he chooses a bird; red color - insect; yellow - a bird, insect, animal that does not live in the forest and motivates its choice.

The game "Tops - roots"

Target. Enrich sensory experience, learn to analyze the image of a plant, highlighting its parts. Develop the ability to compare. Learn to compose an image from two parts that form a single whole. Fix the names of plants, develop a sense of shape, color.

rule games. Fold the card in two parts according to the principle "tops-roots".

The game "Forest high-rise building"

Target: deepen knowledge children about the forest as a natural community; reinforce ideas about "floors"(tiers) mixed forest.

Material: model depicting 4 tiers of mixed forest (soil, herbaceous, shrubby, arboreal); silhouette images of animals; chips.

Game progress

I option. caregiver gives children tasks to resettle animals on 4 tiers of a mixed forest.

II option. caregiver places animals in tiers unusual for their habitat. Children must find mistakes, correct them and explain why they think so. Whoever finds the mistake first and fixes it gets a token.

The winner is the one who at the end games there will be more chips.

The game "Who Lives Nearby"

Target: generalize views children about the meadow, reservoir as natural communities. Concretize ideas about typical inhabitants of various communities. To consolidate the ability to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships that reveal the need for the cohabitation of plants and animals.

Material: Masks (hats) plants, mushrooms, animals of the forest, meadow, reservoir (for example, wolf, hare, squirrel, woodpecker, spruce, birch, hazel, white mushroom, butterfly, lark, bee, dandelion, chamomile, frog, heron, perch, egg capsule, reed) - in count children; hoops of red, blue, green colors.

Before the game teacher reminds that plants and animals are adapted to life under certain conditions and in close connection with each other; that they live in the water, others - near the water, in the forest or in the meadow. Forest, meadow, pond - these are their homes. There they find food for themselves, raise offspring.

Game progress

Hoops of red, blue and green colors are laid out in different parts of the site. Children put on masks (hats).

Sun: determine who you are and where you live, grow. For a while you will walk around the playground. On command "Occupy your houses!" the inhabitants of the forest should take their place in the green hoop, the inhabitants of the meadow in red, the inhabitants of the reservoir in blue.

After the children take their places in the hoops, teacher checks whether done correctly the task: "animals" and "plants" name themselves and where they live. Then the children change masks, the game is repeated several times.

The game "Live Chains"

Target: expand views children about natural communities, their integrity and uniqueness, about food chains.

Material: Masks (hats) animals and plants.

Note: the following objects of nature can be used to form chains nutrition: oak, wild boar, wolf; aspen, hare, fox (forest); plantain, caterpillar, grasshopper, lark; chamomile, butterfly, dragonfly (meadow); algae, crucian carp, pike; water lily, snail, duck (water) rye, mouse, stork (field).

The game is played on the example of a forest community. During the preliminary conversation educator clarifies the views children about that the forest is home to many plants and animals that are closely related to each other. Plants are food for herbivorous animals, which, in turn, feed on predators. This is how food chains are formed.

Game progress

Two teams play (3 children each). Children put on masks (hats): one child is a plant, the second is a herbivore, the third is a predator. The game is played in several stages.

caregiver: on command "Build the chain!" you must line up in such a way that chain: plant, herbivore, predator. Then everyone will have to introduce themselves and explain why they took this or that place in the chain.

The first team to line up correctly and explain the order of formation will be the winner.

At the second stage games children change roles; at the third stage, other objects of nature are used.

At the final stage of the games an object is removed from the chain. When building, children must detect its absence and tell what this can lead to.

If children can easily cope with the implementation game tasks chains can be extended.

"Name the plant"

Did. a task: clarify knowledge about indoor plants.

move games: educator suggests naming plants (third from right or fourth from left, etc.). Then the condition the game is changing(“Where is the balsam?” etc.)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to that plants have different stems.

Name plants with straight stems, with curly stems, without a stem. How should you take care of them? How else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?

"Name three things"

Did. a task: exercise children in the classification of objects.

materials: ball.

move games: teacher says one word, for example, flowers, and the one to whom the teacher will throw the ball must name three words that

Spring, summer, autumn.

move games: Children stand in a circle. caregiver or a child throws a ball, while naming the time of the year when he grows up plant: Spring Summer Autumn. The child names the plant.

Didactic games on ecology

Did / game "Paired pictures"

Purpose of the game: To consolidate the knowledge of domestic animals, the ability to distinguish and name them.

Equipment: A set of paired pictures depicting domestic animals (cow, goat, dog, cat, pig, horse, sheep).

Game progress:

The teacher distributes pictures of pets to the children. "The animals are lost and are asking you to find their mate." Pairs of these animals are laid out on the tables. Children find a mate for their animal. The teacher asks the children who they found, prompting them to name the animal.

Did / game "Wonderful bag"

Game action: Search by touch for a hidden object.

Rules: You can not look into the bag. First you need to determine what is in the hand, and then show the item to everyone else.

Equipment: Small pouch (opaque); apple, pear, banana, orange, cucumber, tomato.

Game progress:

The teacher puts an apple, pear, banana, orange, tomato, cucumber into the bag and asks to observe what he will do. Then he offers one of the guys: “Find by touch, without looking into the bag, what you want. Now tell me what you got." Or you can ask: "Find what I will call." All children take turns doing the task.

At the end of the game, the teacher washes fruits and vegetables and treats them to children, encouraging them to name what they eat.

Did / game "Find your home"

Purpose of the game: Find the whole item by part.

Game action: Search for a "house" on a certain basis.

Rules: You can run to your "house" only on a signal. The leaf in the hand and the leaves on the tree should be the same.

Equipment: Leaves from different trees (birch, oak, mountain ash, maple, Christmas tree, pine) are drawn on the cards; layouts of these trees (volumetric or planar).

Game progress:

Children are "bunnies". So that the “bunnies” do not get lost in the forest, the “mother hare” gives them leaves from the branches from which their house is made. Everyone jumps, runs around the clearing, and at the signal “Everyone is home - the wolf is close!” - they run to their house - under a certain tree. The game can be continued if the children change cards - “move to a new house”.

Did / game "Find who I'll name"

Purpose of the game: Find the object by the word-name.

Game action: Search for baby animals by the word-name.

Equipment: A set of toys or pictures with cubs of domestic animals (chicken, goat, calf, puppy, kitten, foal, duckling).

Game progress:

The teacher offers the child to find a calf. The child comes to the table, finds a picture or a toy of a calf and shows it to all the children and the teacher. The teacher encourages the children to name the cub (Who is it?). Another child is called and the game continues.

Did / game "Paired pictures"

Purpose of the game: To consolidate the knowledge of insects, the ability to distinguish and name them.

Game action: Find a picture with the desired insect, comparing it with your picture received from the teacher.

Equipment: A set of paired pictures depicting insects (grasshopper, ladybug, butterfly, fly, mosquito, bumblebee).

Game progress:

The teacher distributes pictures of an insect to the children. "Insects are lost and are asking you to find their mate." Pairs of these insects are laid out on the tables. Children find a mate for their insect. The teacher asks the children who they found, prompting them to name the insect.

The pictures are collected, the game starts again.

Did / game "Guess who it is?"

Purpose of the game: Find the animal according to the description.

Game action: Search for a wild animal.

Rule: You can show a recognized animal only at the signal of the teacher, after listening to its description.

Equipment: Arranged on a board or easelwild animals (fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hedgehog, hare).

Game progress:

The teacher talks about some wild animal, describes its characteristics and habits, and then invites the child to find this animal. The game is repeated with each of the animals on the board.

Did / game "Find what I'll tell you about"

Purpose of the game: Find a flower according to the listed signs.

Game action: Guessing the flower from the description.

Rules: You can name these flowers only at the request of the teacher.

Equipment: Pictureswith images of flowers (snowdrop, bell, coltsfoot, chamomile, dandelion, rose, sunflower).

Game progress:

The teacher describes in detail one of the flowers, at what time of the year. Then the teacher suggests to one of the guys: “Show, and then name what I told.” If the child coped with the task, the teacher describes another flower, and another child performs the task. The game continues until all the children have guessed the flower according to the description.

Game progress:

Did / game "Guess what you ate"

Purpose of the game: Find out the subject with the help of one of the analyzers.

Game action: Guessing by taste.

Rules: You can not look at what is put in your mouth. must be chewed with eyes closed and then say what it is.

Equipment: Pick up vegetables and fruits that are different in taste (apple, pear, carrot, cucumber, banana, orange, tomato). Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. The same vegetables and fruits are laid out on the table in front of the children for control and comparison.

Game progress:

Having prepared vegetables and fruits (cutting them into pieces), the teacher brings them into the group room and treats one of the children, after asking him to close his eyes, then says: “Chew well, now tell me what you ate, find the same on the table” .

After all the children complete the task, the teacher treats all the children with fruits and vegetables.

Did / game "Find a couple"

Purpose of the game: Find the item by similarity.

Game action: Search for a similar item.

Rules: Search for a pair only on a signal. The pair is made up of children who have the same leaves.

Equipment: Leaves from 3 - 4 trees according to the number of children.

Game progress:

The teacher distributes one leaf to the children and says: "The wind blew, all the leaves flew." Hearing these words, the children begin to run around the playground with leaves in their hands. Then the teacher gives the command: “One, two, three - find a couple!” Everyone should stand next to the one who has the same sheet in his hands.

Did / game "Paired pictures"

Purpose of the game: To consolidate the knowledge of animals and their cubs, the ability to name them.

Game action: Find a picture with the desired animal, comparing it with your picture received from the teacher.

Equipment: A set of paired pictures depicting domestic animals (cow, goat, dog, cat, pig, horse, sheep) and their cubs.

Game progress:

The teacher distributes pictures of pet cubs to children. "The cubs are lost and are asking you to find their mothers." Laid out on the tables adults animals. Children find a mate for their animal. The teacher asks the children who they have in the picture and who they found, prompting them to name the animal and its cub.

The pictures are collected, the game starts again.

Did / game "Guess, we will guess"

Purpose of the game: Describe objects and find them according to the description.

Game action: Guessing and guessing riddles about indoor plants.

Rules: You need to describe the plant without naming it.

Game progress:

One child walks out the door. He is the leader. Children agree on which plant and what they will talk about. The driver returns, and the children describe their plans to him. After listening carefully to the children, the driver must name and show the plant.

The second option: The teacher invites one of the children to describe a plant standing on the table. The rest should recognize the plant from the story and name it.

Preschool age is considered the classic age of play. In the game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. Game activity influences the formation of the arbitrariness of all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. So, voluntary behavior, voluntary attention and memory begin to develop in the game.

In the conditions of the game, children concentrate better and remember more than on the direct instructions of adults. A conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain an impulsive movement - is the earliest and most easily distinguished by a child in the game. In the formation of children's emotional attitude to nature, the teacher uses many types of games.

Didactic games of ecological content help to see the integrity of an individual organism and ecosystem, to realize the uniqueness of each object of nature, to understand that unreasonable human intervention can lead to irreversible processes in nature. Games bring a lot of joy to children and contribute to their all-round development.

In the process of games, knowledge about the world around is formed, cognitive interests, love for nature, careful and caring attitude towards it, as well as ecologically expedient behavior in nature are brought up.

They broaden the horizons of children, create favorable conditions for solving the problems of sensory education. Games contribute to the development of observation and curiosity in children, inquisitiveness, arouse their interest in objects of nature.

Didactic games develop intellectual skills: plan actions, distribute them over time and between game participants, evaluate results, and so on.

The more diverse the content game actions, the more interesting and effective game techniques. Conducting didactic games in natural conditions has its own difficulties: children are easily distracted, switch their attention to foreign objects, people, etc.

Therefore, in such games it is advisable to use visual artistically designed material, come up with interesting game moments, actions, and engage all children in solving a single problem. In their practice, educators resorted to the help of a fairy-tale hero. With the help of a fairy-tale hero, you can play any game, for example, "Mushroom meadow", "Autumn forest", "Build a house for an animal", "Prepare medicine", etc. The game can be designed and musical accompaniment. Children really like games, participating in which they can win, relying on their knowledge.

In the process of environmental education of preschoolers, the following types of didactic games are used:

  • subject;
  • desktop printed;
  • verbal.

Subject games. These are games using various items nature (leaves, cones, seeds, pebbles, etc.) Object games are recommended to be used in order to clarify and concretize children's knowledge about the qualities and properties of natural objects. Object games teach children to examine, develop the child's sensory skills. As an example of subject games can be given - "Wonderful bag" , "Tops and roots," From whose branch are the children? etc. Object games can be used in all age groups, both in collective and individual lessons, complicating the content of the game depending on the age and individual capabilities of children.

Board - printed games. These are games like loto, dominoes, split pictures ("Botanical Lotto" , "Berries and fruits" "Mushrooms" etc.) These games provide an opportunity to systematize children's knowledge about plants, animals, natural phenomena. They have a great influence on the development of logical thinking of preschoolers, develop the ability to quickly, mobilely use existing knowledge in a new situation. Board games It is advisable to use in work with a small subgroup of children. They are also effective in organizing individual correctional work.

word games. These are games that do not require any visual material. Their content is oral questions regarding the ideas that children already have about the natural world. An example of word games can be answers to various questions: "Who flies, who runs, and who jumps?" , "When does it happen?" , "Who lives in the water, who flies in the air, who lives on the ground?" etc. Word games are held in order to consolidate, generalize, systematize children's ideas about the natural world. They are an effective means of developing attention. Memory, ingenuity of preschoolers, well develop the speech of children. This type of games does not require special conditions, it can be organized both indoors and on a walk.

When conducting didactic games, it is necessary to rely on the following principles: consistency, developmental learning, accessibility, the principle of relying on the leading activities of children.

The specificity of didactics implies a gradual complication of games from group to group, implies their variability. If junior group acquaintance with wild and domestic animals takes place in such didactic games as "Tell me who it is?" , "picture an animal" , "recognize by voice" , and others, then in the middle group - in games like "guess who is where

lives?" "help the animal" , "big and small" etc. Children of senior preschool age successfully cope with the following games: "Zoo" , "Logic chains" , "Think of a riddle about an animal" , "Journey to Africa" . Older children solve crossword puzzles, solve puzzles, conduct experiments, long-term observations of animals and plants, and answer various quiz questions with pleasure. Often games of ecological content arise at the initiative of the children themselves, which indicates their interest.

Didactic games of ecological content should also be carried out during excursions and targeted walks, when introducing children to the work of adults when teaching them to work in nature, as well as in the experimental activities of preschoolers.

Didactic games of an ecological nature include two relatively independent blocks:

  • games for the development of aesthetic perception of nature (development of a sense of beauty in nature, an emotional attitude towards it)

Games for the formation of moral and evaluative experience of the behavior of preschoolers in nature.

For a better development of aesthetic, emotional perception of nature, it is desirable to play games in a natural environment. Didactic games aimed at developing a positive attitude towards nature, as well as games for enriching ecological ideas, should be used variably depending on the level of environmental education of children.

In didactic games, preschoolers, based on ideas about natural objects, deepen their knowledge about them. Children independently solve various cognitive tasks: describe objects, identify their characteristic features, guess according to the description, combine according to different properties and characteristics. To form in children "environmentally humane feeling" - a sense of belonging to everything

alive, awareness of the planet Earth "common house" ; to instill in children ethical and moral responsibility to every living being, be it a plant or an animal. A child will be able to understand an ant, a butterfly, a blade of grass when he imagines himself in their role, looks at the world through their eyes.

To do this, you can invite children to imagine themselves as a parrot, a hamster, etc. Man is a giant for them. “Imagine that a person takes the parrot Sasha, the hamster Ira in the palm of his hand and starts pulling their tail, paws, screaming. What do you feel?" Children usually respond like this: "I can go deaf" , "I may die" . So the child learns to put himself in the place of the weak, in the place of someone who needs care and protection, and to understand that cruelty towards the living is evil. After that, they begin to take care of the inhabitants of wildlife.

Didactic games should be used to enrich ecological ideas, taking into account the ideas about the diversity and diversity of natural objects, about plants and animals as living organisms; about interconnections and interdependencies in nature; about man as a part of nature; about the culture of behavior in nature.

Didactic games Training games environmental content "On a walk" Purpose: development of the emotional sphere, the ability to express various emotional states, the removal of psycho-emotional stress. Move. The teacher offers the children the following training games. "Sun" . Smile at the sun like a cat; the sun shines brightly, furry fur, the cat is warm, he stretches, smiles at the sun. Smile like the sun itself (emotions: pleasure, bliss). "Warm Breeze" . The breeze blew, it is warm, we are pleased. "Cloud" . A cloud covered the sun, it is formidable, angry, frown like a cloud. "Rain" . It's raining, the kids are happy and laughing. "Wind" . A breeze came up, blowing, the droplets were frightened, scattered in different directions. "Snowflakes" Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional stress, reduction of afesia, weakening of negative emotions. Material: finely cut paper (confetti). Move. The teacher invites the children to take turns throwing up their "snowflakes" while trying to shower them on as many children as possible. The game takes place with the participation of the teacher. (Similarly, a training game can be conducted "Rain" .)

"Spring Summer Autumn Winter" Purpose: development of the ability to identify and express various emotional states. Move. Reading fiction, reflecting information about the characteristic features of the seasons of the year. Questions for children: "What "mood men" live in the spring (summer, autumn, winter)? Why? Depict, what spring, what "little man"? "Mood Men" Purpose: to develop the ability to compare emotions and the reasons for their appearance, the development of a sense of empathy, a positive attitude towards the world around. Material: model cards "Mood Men" depicting two basic emotions (joy, sadness). Move. The teacher invites the children to consider the plants of a corner of nature and determine how they feel, pick up "mood men" . Questions for children: “How does a dry plant feel? How does a watered plant feel? (Children accompany the answers with a demonstration of cards.) "Flower" (accompanied by soft music) Purpose: removal of muscular, psycho-emotional tension, formation of the ability to express feelings and emotions. Move. The teacher offers the children "turn into" into a seed - a warm sunbeam fell to the ground and warmed the seed in it. A sprout sprouted from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from a sprout. A flower basks in the sun, exposes each petal to heat and light. "Picture an animal" Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Themes: "Angry dog" , "Funny Puppy" , "Sad Bunny" , "Funny Bunny" , "Cunning Fox" , "Naughty Kitten" , "Scared Chick" , "Clumsy Bear" , "Cowardly Bunny" , "Brave Bunny" , "Sad Cat" , "Funny Kitten" . "The wind blows on..." Purpose: stimulation of activity, development of cohesion, development of attention, removal of muscle tension. X o d. With words "the wind blows on that..." the host starts the game. The wind blows on those who have some special features, differences. For example, someone who loves animals, who loves winter, who cries a lot, etc. Word "wind" can be replaced by the names of wind types: hurricane, strong wind, warm (cold) wind, etc., determining the nature of the breath and movement of the one on whom the wind blows. The leader must be changed when changing the type of wind, qualities, features. "Walking along the brook" Purpose: stimulation of activity, development of cohesion, removal of muscle tension. Move. On the floor, a winding stream is drawn with chalk, now wide, now narrow. Tourist children line up one after another and put their hands on each other's shoulders. Tourists all together slowly move along the bank of the stream. "Training emotions" Purpose: developing the ability to express various emotions, relieving muscle and psycho-emotional stress. Move. The teacher suggests to the children:

  • frown like an autumn cloud, like a thundercloud
  • smile like the sun, like a warm breeze
  • angry like thunder, whirlwind, hurricane
  • get scared like a man who sees lightning
  • get tired like a man walking through a blizzard
  • rest like a bird on a branch, like a boat on the waves.



removal of psycho-emotional stress, reduction of aggression, weakening of negative emotions. Material: sheets of paper, scissors. Move. The teacher invites the children to cut the paper into small pieces - to do "raindrops" (within 3 min). At the end of the work, the children take turns throwing up "droplets" , showering each other. It then discusses how children feel when they are exposed to warm (cold) rain, downpour, drizzle, etc. (Similarly, a training game can be performed "Snow" .)


"Conversations with Trees"

Purpose: to teach children to see and emotionally respond to the beautiful in nature; cultivate a humane attitude towards her.

Preliminary work. Reading fairy tales and stories on the topic.

Game progress. Educator. See how many trees there are in our area. Choose a tree that you like, go up to it, hug it and stand like that with your eyes closed. Hear what it is for you "will tell" . Return at my signal.

Returning, the children optionally talk about "his" tree.

Can be held "Conversation with Flowers" using plants from a flower garden or a corner of nature; "Conversations with Animals" using animals from a corner of nature.

"Encounter with Plants"

Purpose: To form an emotional attitude towards nature.

Material: Pictures depicting trees and flowers known to children - for each

Game progress.

The teacher distributes pictures to the children.

Educator. Look closely at your picture. Are you familiar with this plant? Children's answers. Think about what you can say about him. The teacher asks leading questions, helps to answer them and gives a sample story.

"Prepare the Medicine"

Purpose: To introduce children to medicinal herbs, to consolidate knowledge about the structure of a plant, to form the ability to properly use useful herbs (know which part of which plant should be used to prepare medicine, and at what time of the year, so as not to damage nature), to form goodwill, a sensitive attitude towards the world around us.

Material. Herbariums of medicinal plants, cards with the image of medicinal plants, cut cards for completing tasks such as collect a plant, find the right parts of a plant for preparing a medicine; "dishes" for decoctions and infusions.

The rules of the game are contained in the task: whoever does everything right, wins.

Game progress.

Educator. Let's look at herbariums of medicinal plants. Name the plants you know, tell us about their medicinal properties. (Some children tell, others listen, the teacher clarifies the statements of the children.) And now let's play. Today you will be pharmacists - these are people who work in pharmacies and prepare medicine.

The task is given to a child or a group of children (two - three):

  • choose medicinal plants that will help get rid of a cold, or cough, or stomach pain, etc.:
  • select the right parts of the plant for the preparation of medicine (decoction or infusion)
  • pick up "utensils" for the preparation of medicine
  • tell me about your medicine.

"What do we take in the basket"

Purpose: to consolidate in children the knowledge of what kind of crop is harvested in the field, in the garden, in the garden, in the forest.

Learn to distinguish fruits according to where they are grown.

To form an idea of ​​the role of people in conservation of nature.

Materials: Pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, cereals, melons, mushrooms, berries, as well as baskets.

Game progress. Some children have pictures depicting various gifts of nature. Others have pictures in the form of baskets.

Children - fruits disperse around the room to cheerful music, with movements and facial expressions depict a clumsy watermelon, tender strawberries, a mushroom hiding in the grass, etc.

Children - baskets should pick up fruits in both hands. Prerequisite: Each child must bear fruit that grows in the same place. (vegetables from the garden, etc.). The one who fulfills this condition wins.

"Which plant is gone?"

Four or five plants are placed on the table. Children remember them. The teacher invites the children to close their eyes and removes one of the plants. Children open their eyes and remember which plant was still standing. The game is played 4-5 times. You can increase the number of plants on the table each time.

"Where does it ripen?"

Purpose: to learn to use knowledge about plants, to compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.

Game progress: two branches are laid out on the flannelograph: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (Apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of different plants. (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) The teacher asks a question: “Which fruits will ripen and which will not?” children correct the mistakes made in drawing up the drawing.

"Flower shop"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors, name them quickly, find the right flower among others. Teach children to group plants by color, make beautiful bouquets.

Game progress:

Children come to the store where big choice flowers.

Option 1. On the table is a tray with multi-colored petals of various shapes. Children choose the petals they like, name their color and find a flower that matches the selected petals both in color and in shape.

Option 2. Children are divided into sellers and buyers. The buyer must describe the flower he has chosen in such a way that the seller immediately guesses which flower he is talking about.

Option 3. From flowers, children independently make three bouquets: spring, summer, autumn. You can use poems about flowers.


Children sit in a circle. The teacher calls the vegetables, the children make hand movements: if the vegetable grows on the ground, in the garden, the children raise their hands up. If the vegetable grows on the ground, the hands are lowered down.

"Recognize and name"

The teacher takes plants from the basket and shows them to the children. Clarifies the rules of the game: here are medicinal plants. I will show you some plant, and you must tell everything you know about it. Name the place where it grows (swamp, meadow, ravine) And our guest, Little Red Riding Hood, will play and hear about medicinal herbs with us. For example, chamomile (flowers) harvested in summer, plantain (collect only leaves without legs) spring and early summer, nettle - in the spring, when it is just growing (2-3 children's stories.)

"Name the plant"

The teacher asks to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the game condition changes (“Where is the balsam?” etc.)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that the plants have different stems.

Name plants with straight stems, with curly stems, without a stem. How should you take care of them? How else do plants differ from each other?

What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?

"Guess what tree these seeds are from"


  1. Introduce children to seeds - lionfish.
  2. Develop the ability to correlate a leaf of a tree with its

3. Consolidate knowledge about the names of trees.

4. Cultivate love for nature.

5. Develop thinking, memory.

Material: In plastic transparent jars, with screw caps, put the seeds of linden, ash and maple (per individual seed). On the lids, leaves of linden, ash, maple are depicted.

Game progress: The lids are removed from the jars and placed in "wonderful bag" . Children take turns taking out the lid, examining the leaflet depicted on it, calling the tree corresponding to this leaf. Next, they find a jar with the seed of this tree, screw the lid on the jar.

"Build a house for the animal"

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of the life of various wild animals, about their housing, about "building materials"; to form the ability to select the right material for building a "house" for any of the animals.

Material. A large picture, cards with images of "houses" of animals, "building materials", the animals themselves.

Rules. Choose from the proposed animals those whom you want to help. Choose from the proposed "building materials" only those that are needed for your animal. Choose a "house" for the animal.

Whoever copes with the task faster and will be able to explain his choice, he won.

Game progress.

Educator. Today we received a telegram from the animals in our kindergarten, in which they ask us for help - they ask us to build houses for them. Let's take care of them, take care of them. Can we help build a house for the animals? (Yes.) Choose from these animals who you would like to help. Next, the teacher introduces the children to the rules of the game.

"Well no"

All questions of the presenter can be answered only with words "Yes" or "No" . The driver will go out the door, and we will agree which animal (plant) we will tell him. He will come and ask us where this animal lives, what it is, what it eats. We will answer him with only two words.

“What would happen if they disappeared from the forest…”

The teacher suggests removing insects from the forest:

What would happen to the rest of the residents? What if the birds disappeared? What if the berries were gone? What if there were no mushrooms? What if the hares left the forest? It turns out that it was not by chance that the forest gathered its inhabitants together. All forest plants and animals are connected to each other. They cannot do without each other.

"Guess what's in your hand?"

Children stand in a circle with their hands behind their backs. The teacher lays out models of fruit in the hands of the children. Then he shows one of the fruits. Then he shows one of the fruits. Children who have identified the same fruit in themselves, on a signal, run up to the teacher. It is impossible to look at what lies in the hand, the object must be recognized by touch.

"Where are the snowflakes?"

Children walk in a round dance around the cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict various states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflake, drop, etc.

During the movement in a circle, the following words are pronounced:

Here comes the summer.

The sun shone brighter.

It got hotter to bake

Where can we find a snowflake?

With the last word, everyone stops. Those in front of whom the necessary pictures are located should raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally, winter has come:
Cold, blizzard, cold.
Come out for a walk.
Where can we find a snowflake?

Re-select the desired pictures, and the choice is explained.

Complication: There are 4 hoops depicting the four seasons. Children should place their cards in hoops, explaining their choice. Some cards may correspond to several seasons.

"Wonderful bag"

The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc. Children get food for animals, guess who it is for, who, what it eats. Approach the toys and treat them.

"Where did the fish hide"

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to analyze, fix the names of plants, expand vocabulary.

Material: blue cloth or paper (pond), several types of plants, shell, stick, snag.

play hide and seek with them." The teacher asks the children to close their eyes and at this time hides the fish behind a plant or any other object. Children open their eyes.

"How to find a fish?" - asks the teacher. “Now I will tell you where she hid. The teacher tells what the object behind which “hid the fish is like. Children guess.

"The Fourth Extra"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge that not only insects and birds fly, but there are also flying animals.

Game progress: Children are offered a chain of pictures, from which they must choose an extra one, in accordance with the rules of the game.

hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee;

wagtail, spider, starling, magpie;

butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, cockchafer;

bee, dragonfly, raccoon, bee;

grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, mosquito;

cockroach, fly, bee, Maybug;

dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug;

frog, mosquito, beetle, butterfly;

dragonfly, moth, bumblebee, sparrow.

"Word Game"

The teacher reads the words, and the child must determine which ones are suitable for the ant (bumblebee, bee, cockroach).

Vocabulary: anthill, green, flutters, honey, dodgy, industrious, red back, apiary, annoying, beehive, hairy, ringing, river. Chirps, web, apartment, aphids, pest, "flying flower" , honeycombs, buzzes, needles, "jumping champion" , mottled, big eyes,

red-whiskered, striped, swarm, nectar, pollen, caterpillar, protective coloration, frightening coloration.

Game option: what words fit the vegetable (fruit, etc.)

"Birds, fish, animals"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and says the word "bird" . The child who caught the ball must pick up a specific concept, for example "sparrow" , and throw the ball back. The next child should name the bird, but not repeat. The word game is played in the same way. "animals" and "fishes" .

"Air, Earth, Water"

The teacher throws the ball to the child and calls the object of nature, for example, "magpie" . The child must answer "air" and throw the ball back. On word "dolphin" the child answers "water" , on word "wolf" - "Earth" etc.

Another version of the game is also possible: the teacher calls the word "air" . The child who caught the ball must name the bird. On word "Earth" - an animal that lives on earth: on the word "water" - an inhabitant of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans.


The educator has in his hands a subject picture depicting an object of living or inanimate nature. Transferring the picture, first the teacher, and then each child in a chain, names one attribute of this object, so as not to repeat. For example, "squirrel" - an animal, wild, forest, red, fluffy, gnaws nuts, jumps from branch to branch, etc.

"Who lives where"

Game progress. The teacher puts pictures on the board with images of maple, lilac, oak and ash leaves and asks the children which of the leaves is superfluous and why. Children must determine that an extra leaf of lilac, because lilac is a bush, and oak, ash and maple are trees. The game is played until each of the children present at the lesson answers.

The game can be played with the aim of differentiating deciduous and coniferous trees, edible and inedible mushrooms.

"What do they look like?"

Purpose: development of natural science and mathematical concepts.

Equipment: subject pictures with images of tree leaves, cardboard or plastic geometric shapes of different colors.

Game progress. The teacher places images of geometric shapes on the magnetic board: a red circle, a brown oval, a scarlet pentagon, a yellow quadrangle, a green triangle. On the table, he lays out subject pictures with images of aspen, oak, maple, birch, and lilac leaves. Children get the task: to find on the board figures that resemble leaves lying on the table. Each child chooses one sheet of paper, names it, attaches it next to the corresponding figure.

"Protect nature" On a table or typesetting canvas, pictures depicting plants, birds, animals, humans, the sun, water, etc. The teacher removes one of the pictures, and the children must tell what will happen to the remaining living objects if there is no hidden object on Earth. For example: he removes a bird - what will happen to the rest of the animals, to a person, to plants, etc.




"Joys and Sorrows"

Purpose: to form their own attitude towards nature.

Material: old woodman doll; bright chips - yellow, green, red; dark - gray, brown.

Preliminary work. Excursion to the park, to the lake, etc.

Game progress. 1 option. The game is played by type "finish the sentence" . The teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it at will. For example:

The most beautiful place in the park...

I was happy when...

I got very upset when...

I felt sad when...etc.

For each answer, preschoolers receive a chip: bright - for the continuation of the first two sentences and dark - for the continuation of the last two. After the game, a result is drawn - which chips turned out to be more: if there are dark ones, for example, there is a lot of garbage in the park, tree branches are broken, etc. discusses what children can do to improve the situation.

Option 2. The game is played by type "question answer" . The old man-forester asks the children questions. For example:

What made you happy while walking?

What upset you?

For each answer, children receive a chip of a certain color. After the game, the results are summed up as in the first option.


Purpose: to cultivate respect for nature.

Material. Pictures depicting hares, cats, flowers; chips.

Game progress. In different places of the group room, furnishings are equipped: pictures depicting hares, cats, flowers are placed. The teacher invites the children to go on a trip. At each stop, he talks about what is shown in the picture.

1 stop - "Grandfather Mazai and hares"

Once, during the spring flood, the river overflowed its banks and flooded the forest. Grandfather Mazay went on a boat for firewood, and this is what he says: “I see one small island - Hares gathered on it in a crowd. From every minute the water was getting closer to the poor animals; already under them there was less than an arshin of earth in width, less than a sazhen in length. Then I drove up: they babble with their ears, Themselves from their seats; I took one, I commanded the rest: jump yourself! My hares jumped - nothing! The teacher asks the children questions, for example: What did we learn about grandfather Mazai?

How can people help animals in need? The children answer.

2 stop - "Cat"

A cat was meowing outside. The boy Sasha will ask his mother to give her food. He went outside, gave the cat milk and watched her eat. The cat was happy, and Sasha was happy... What can you say about Sasha?

3 stop - "Flowers"

In the spring, together with her mother, Lena planted flowers in a flower bed. In the summer they grew and bloomed. Once Lena went to the flower bed to pick flowers, but then she thought about it and decided: “It’s better to let the flowers grow here, the houses will wither soon anyway, and they will have to be thrown away” .

What can you say about Lena?

"What is good about what is bad"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about environmentally correct behavior.

Material: plot pictures children plant trees, water flowers; children break tree branches, tear flowers; children make a birdhouse; children destroy a bird's nest; a boy shoots birds with a slingshot. Cards of dark and bright colors - for each child.

Game progress. The teacher shows the picture. Children tell what is shown on it, then, at the request of the teacher, they evaluate the actions of the characters - they raise a light card if the assessment is positive or dark.

"Ecological traffic light"

Objective: To continue to refine children's ideas about environmentally sound behavior. Material. Red and green circles cut out of cardboard.

Game progress. The teacher gives each child two cardboard circles green and red Teacher. I will tell you some stories. If

Do you think that the characters in the story behave correctly? "ignite" green light, and if wrong - red.

1. Vova and Ira were walking in the garden. Suddenly they saw: the boys climbed onto a mountain ash and began to pick green berries. Under the weight of the children, one branch broke. "Get down and leave!" - said Vova with Ira. A handful of green berries flew at them, but they repeated their words again. The boys ran away. And in the evening, Vova and Ira consulted with dad on how to help the broken mountain ash.

Do you think Ira and Vova behaved correctly?

2. Anya liked colorful moths. She took a net, caught a few insects, put them in a jar and closed the jar with a lid. In the morning, she saw dead moths at the bottom of the jar. They were no longer as beautiful as when they fluttered in the meadow. Anya threw the jar of moths into the trash can.

How do you rate the girl's actions?

3. Julia and dad were walking through the meadow and saw a bird that was restlessly flying from place to place. “She is so worried because somewhere near her nest” , said dad. "Let's look for her nest" Yulia said. "The birds won't like it," Dad said. When we get home, I will show you a book about birds. There are pictures of their nests." .

Do you think dad did the right thing?

4. Lena and her parents went out of town by car. When they drove up to the forest, dad asked: "Where shall we stop?" It was possible to turn off the road and drive between the trees into the depths of the forest. Someone has already done this, and the traces of the cars remained for a long time. Therefore, there was almost no grass growing here. Lena's parents decided not to go to the forest

enter. They left the car on the road and went to the forest on foot.

Do you think Lena's parents did the right thing?

Then the game is played Fanta . The teacher emphasizes that the tasks proposed for completion should be related to the theme of the game: make a riddle, sing a song, tell a poem about nature, etc.

"Nature and Man"

Purpose: to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about what a person has created and what nature gives a person.

Materials: ball.

Game progress: the teacher conducts a conversation with the children, during which he clarifies their knowledge that the objects around us are either made by people's hands or exist in nature, and people use them; for example, wood, coal, oil, gas exist in nature, and man creates houses and factories.

"What is Man Made"

"What is created by nature" ? the teacher asks and throws the ball.

Children catch the ball and answer the question. Those who cannot remember miss their turn.

"Unusual travel"

Purpose: To continue to teach preschoolers to evaluate the actions of people in nature in an ecologically correct way.

Material. Pictures of 20-30 pieces depicting respect for nature, people plant trees, feed animals, etc. and cruel broken tree branches, ruined nests, etc. ; wallpaper strip.

Game progress.

option. The teacher lays out the pictures in random order on the carpet. Children move from one picture to another in order

determined by lot/, tell what is drawn on them, evaluate the actions of people.

option. All pictures are laid out in a row on the wallpaper strip. Two pairs of children, on command, go towards each other and quickly collect pictures depicting, for example, caring for nature. The pair with the most pictures wins.

option. Children examine and analyze pictures depicting respect for nature. Then, together with the educator, they discuss in what cases of nature protection they could participate.

"Nature thanks and gets angry"

Purpose: to teach children to correctly evaluate the actions of people in relation to nature. Material. The chips are bright and dark, the old man is a lumberjack doll.

Game progress. The game is played during a walk in the park, forest, square. The old man-forester ask the children to answer two questions:

For what nature could tell you "Thanks?"

Why would nature be angry with you?

Preschoolers receive chips: for answering the first question - bright red, green and yellow colors and dark gray or brown - for answering the second question.

At the end of the game, you can offer to give the dark chips to the teacher, and keep the bright ones for yourself, emphasizing that nature will never get angry if it is treated with care.

Imagination exercises

There are also many exercises to develop the imagination. For example, you offer children, picking up an object (or by looking at something in the room), compose its history: who were its owners, what

How did he get here, what will happen to him in a hundred years, when he is found in excavations.

You can take 3 or more items that are not related to each other (say, a needle, a bench and a key) and try to compose a story with the children, where these objects would appear and be needed for each other to develop the plot.

For example. Once upon a time... He dreamed of... Somehow he met... How he (she is) helped him? And did they help? etc. Note that the most wonderful stories about the most ordinary things you can find in Andersen's fairy tales. They can serve as an impetus to your own imagination. "Educate, educate yourself."

There are a lot of methods for developing the imagination, we will outline only a few.


Imagine yourself as an image in a situation where this image has problems.

Example: You are a tired grasshopper, lost your way in the meadow. What do you feel? (What do your legs feel? Mustache?) Or. You are a flower in a sunny meadow. You really want to drink. It hasn't rained for a long time. What do you feel? Tell. Or. I am an evil boy, and you are a beautiful daisy. I want to rip you off. Convince me not to.

"Point of view"

We set the situation on the basis of which the sketch was invented, and then we change the character of the hero in this situation.

Examples: The boy saw the nest. His actions. (A boy can be kind, cruel, curious, stupid, distracted). Or: in the same situation, we offer the child to play different images: the fly got into the net to the spider. What does a fly feel? And the spider? Now switch roles. Or: you represent two dogs. One is large, sits near her kennel and gnaws at a bone. The other is small, homeless, hungry.

After discussing the actions and feelings of the given images, the exercises are played out in the form of dramatizations. The value of this technique is that the child learns to feel the situation from different points of view, can analyze its pluses and minuses.

This ability lies at the heart of nature protection activities. Picking a flower is good for a person. It will stand in a vase, you can admire it. But when the child feels like this flower, he will think. At least he won't tear the flowers for nothing to do, in order to immediately throw them away. Again, this is about a sense of responsibility.

Exercise "Natural Orchestra"

Target. Expand the sensory experience of children. To stimulate the desire of children to convey a variety of sounds heard in nature, using objects, materials, musical instruments. Develop imagination. Recommendations for the exercise. Children are invited to listen to the sounds of nature. Try to identify their sources. Using a variety of materials, objects, musical instruments, children can reproduce the sounds they hear. Assess their similarity. When the children have enough experience, organize a "nature orchestra". Each child chooses his own way of transmitting sounds.

Exercise "Funny dancing"

Purpose: Identification with animals and plants. Stimulating the desire to convey their images in dance. Recommendations for the exercise. Participants are invited to imagine their favorite plant or animal and try to express it in motion. Children are invited to come up with a dance of a snail, an earthworm, a drying leaf, a broken tree, and then a dance of rain, rainbows and other phenomena that occur in nature. The dance can be accompanied by any music.

Exercise "It's raining on the site"

Target. Development of a sense of emotional responsiveness, environmental empathy, imagination. Recommendations for conducting exercises. Children are invited to remember the site in the fall during the rain, tell how it looks, what is on it. (The trees are wet, with withered foliage, large puddles, a bench darkened from the rain, ruffled sparrows, etc.) Invite each child to choose one of the objects, imagine himself in his place. Describe how this object feels when it rains. Offer to come up with a short story about your feelings on behalf of the selected object, conveying its mood, emotions. Organize a dialogue between two objects, which could take place during the rain between a bench and a puddle, a droplet and a tree, a leaf and the wind.

Butterfly dance exercise.

Target. Development of a sense of emotional responsiveness, environmental empathy, imagination. Recommendations for conducting exercises. Together with the children, you can tailor and color the "robe" of the butterfly, that is, its wings, from thick paper. Children, dressed up as butterflies, sometimes slowly and smoothly, sometimes impetuously and quickly depict the flight of a butterfly.

Relaxation pauses


Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass and look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, big, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you are warm and comfortable. With each inhalation and exhalation, you begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, to the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light. Your whole body becomes light as a cloud. Here you swim to

the biggest and fluffiest, to the most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently strokes you, this fluffy and gentle cloud ... (pause - stroking children). Stroking ..., stroking ... You feel good and pleasant. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud lowered you into a clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and count "three" open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud.

“Cold - hot”

Imagine that you are playing in a sunny meadow. Suddenly a cold wind blew. You felt cold, you froze, wrapped your arms around yourself, pressed your head to your hands - you are warming yourself. Warmed up, relaxed ... But then the cold wind blew again ... (repeat 2-3 times).

“Sun and clouds”

Imagine that you are sunbathing. But then the sun went behind a cloud, it became cold - everyone huddled into a ball to keep warm (hold the breath). The sun came out from behind the clouds, it became hot - everyone relaxed (on the exhale). Repeat 2-3 times.

“Sand Play”

Imagine that you are sitting on the beach. Pick up the sand (on the inhale). Strongly clenching your fingers into a fist, hold the sand in your hands (breath holding). Sprinkle sand on your knees, gradually opening your hands and fingers. Drop powerlessly hands along the body, too lazy to move heavy hands (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Expose the sun to your face, your chin also tans (open lips and teeth while inhaling). A bee is flying, going to sit on someone's tongue. Close your mouth tightly (breath holding). Chasing the bee, you can vigorously move your lips. Bee

flew away. Slightly open your mouth, exhale with relief (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is sunbathing, your nose is also sunbathing - expose your nose to the sun, your mouth is half open. A butterfly flies, chooses whose nose to sit on. Wrinkle your nose, lift your upper lip up, leave your mouth half open (breath holding). When chasing a butterfly, you can vigorously move your nose. The butterfly has flown away. Relax the muscles of the lips and nose (on the exhale) (repeat 2-3 times).


Imagine a warm, summer day. Your face is tanning, the gentle sun is stroking you (facial muscles relaxed). But then a butterfly flies and sits on your eyebrows. She wants to swing like on a swing. Let the butterfly swing on the swing. Move your eyebrows up and down. Butterfly flew away, and the sun warms (relaxation of facial muscles) (repeat 2-3 times).