Dishonored death of the outsider contracts. Dishonored death of the outsider kidnapping of the bartender. Dishonored Death of the Outsider: all contracts and their passage. Escape from location. Where to find the archive

In this article, you will find the passage of all contracts in the third and fourth missions. There are no contracts in the fifth mission

Other guides for this game:

  • Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Guide to finding paintings
  • Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Guide to Finding Bone Amulets
  • Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Black Market Robbery Guide
  • Third mission. Bank robbery

Contracts in the third mission are at the impossible level. Infiltrate the bank without raising an alarm or getting kills or stuns. These are completely strange requirements, especially considering the fact that the bank is filled with civilians, guards and sentries. In addition, the bank will have electrified floors, tesla coils, and other traps. In general - complete madness.

In this guide, I will show you how to complete all four contracts in the third mission. The first three quests are very easy, but there are a couple of little things that can make the quest difficult if you don't know where to look or what to do.

[Note: contracts are optional side quests which can be completed for a large monetary reward. Every contract has a little loophole]

Contracts in the third mission are completed in the same place as in the second mission. To get four new contracts, go to the black market and pick up new tasks.

Contract #1: Art Connoisseur

In this contract, you need to go down to the water channel and break open the closed boat. This area has already been robbed, so you will have to knock out or kill two workers who are trying to pick the lock. But will not help you get into a closed room.

To get inside, jump into the water and find a corpse floating underwater. He has a key. Take it and return to the boat to open the door. Take an ugly piece of art for a reward. A very simple task.

Contract #2: Pickpocket's Happiness

This contract is a little more complicated. Here you need to steal a wallet from a special guardian. The guard is in the security section on the left as you enter the square in front of the bank. Use the balconies on the right side to access the courtyard, then slip to the left side and steal the wallet. Use Foresight to tag him and then lure the guard out of the office.

Do not get caught in his eyes and do not raise the alarm. If you are caught stealing, the quest will automatically fail. Try to lure him into the hallway - it's much easier to steal the wallet there and no one will notice you.

Contract #3: From rags to riches and back to rags

To turn in this contract you need to sneak into the basement of the bank. Go down to the safe room via the central staircase in the inner atrium, then turn left and enter the offices. There will be a safe in the back room that you need to crack.

The code for Galvani's safe can be found in his memoir - 287. Enter the code to unlock it and take the crystal. You definitely need to go into this room to complete the banking mission - a captain with security codes will patrol this room and fall unconscious if you calm all the staff with a tincture of Laudanum.

Contract #4: Quieter than water, lower than grass

The most difficult contract in this mission. To complete it, you need to sneak into the director's office and pick up the documents from the table. At the same time, you must not catch the eye of the guards and do not touch anyone. This only applies to staff at the bank.

Purchase a Laudanum tincture and use it in the vent on the roof. You can buy this tincture for 800 coins on the black market, or go to the auction house and steal it or place a bid. If you place a bet, don't forget to use the Semblance ability.

Inside the vault, do not raise the alarm or harm personnel. This means that you must not attack the robots or reprogram them, otherwise they will start killing sleeping patrons. Hack the wall of light to avoid detection and get the security codes from the captain of the guard in the basement.

With the help of codes, you can access the vault and complete the mission. This is the best way to pass the contract. Just move carefully and don't disturb the engine sentries.

Fourth mission. Stolen archive

The fourth mission will have the final set of contracts in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider. Now the conditions are changing and in one of the missions you need to kill everyone except one of the soldiers in the royal conservatory. This is a rather interesting order and I will also talk about other contracts.

Contracts are usually taken from black market bulletin boards. In the fourth mission, everything will be different. This time the contracts are automatically added to your journal - two of them are quite easy, you just have to find special items in hidden places. One of them is an artifact and can be found in the trap apartment, and the other is in the elevator of the royal conservatory.

Contracts in the fourth mission are automatically added to your journal. There will be three contracts in total, but one of them is very difficult.

Contract #1: Alvaro and the Abbey

This is one of the hardest contracts in the game. To complete it, you need to kill every soldier and sister in the Royal Academy of Music. This is not an easy task, but before you complete this task, you will need to complete a special challenge.

Climb up to Delilah's office on the third floor through the stairwell to the private room at the top of the Conservatory. There is a conference room where the sisters sit and work with the lonely man from the abbey. This is Cardoz's brother - don't kill him.

Note: to complete this contract you need to kill all the soldiers of the abbey - do not forget about starting location and the area under the stairs.

Find Cardoso and knock him out, then take his body to the basement. Next to the smuggler's place will be a brightly lit room with a special chair. Put Cardoso in the torture chair. The contract will not be completed if any of the guards remain alive. So I advise you to kill all the guards indiscriminately.

Contract #2: Dangerous Bet

This contract is issued by a wealthy patron of the area. He needs you to steal a valuable artifact from the second floor. The safe itself is already open, but the apartment is a death trap. The apartment is opposite the main gate of the Royal Conservatory.

The apartment is filled with mines and trip wires. No matter how you enter, there will be a lot of wires everywhere. I advise you to carefully use teleportation here so as not to touch the wires. Look for the upper balcony. Make sure you move to the second floor and not the railing - or you'll run into bombs.

Open the safe and collect the artifact to complete this simple contract.

Contract #3: Stealing Prophecies

Another fairly simple contract. You need to steal the document on the roof of the conservatory. Approach Delilah's office on the third floor and continue up the stairs to find a strange oracle order ritual. The books of prophecy can be found behind the ritual scene, on a chair.

You can reach this area without any problems if you steal the appearance of an abbe soldier or a sister of the order. Go ahead and take the pages, but you still need to find the prophecies in the book. Return to the large atrium room with the birds hanging from the ceiling and use the inner ledge from the windows on the top floor to reach the wall opposite the office. That will be the vent that will lead you to the top of the elevator shaft.

Jump down the elevator shaft to find a dead body and a real prophecy book.

Minimum Requirements

Intel Core i5-2400 3.1 GHz/AMD FX-8320 3.5 GHz, 8 GB RAM, DirectX 11 graphics card, 2 GB memory such as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660/AMD Radeon HD 7970, 60 GB hard disk space , internet connection and Account on Steam

Recommended Requirements

Intel Core i7-4770 3.4GHz/AMD FX-8350 4.0GHz, 16GB RAM, DirectX 11 graphics card, 6GB memory such as NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060/AMD Radeon RX 480

release date age limit from 18 years old Platforms PC, PS4, Xbox One Official site

Game tested on PC

In the dark world of Dishonored, reality coexists with the Abyss, a mysterious dimension of shifting forms and dark omens. It is surrounded by secrets and contradictions: mystics do their best to look into the timeless void, the Abbey of the Philistines considers this heresy and severely punishes any manifestation of interest in the Abyss, and ordinary people tremble at the mere thought of it. Above all this, a black shadow rises the Alien - the divine essence of the Abyss, with which all misfortunes and bad deeds on the Islands, from small to great, are associated. The murder of the Empress, the coup d'état, the devastating plague and the terrible invasion of cadaverous wasps are all attributed to the thoughts of the Alien.

And in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider we are offered to kill him. Kill the deity. To put it mildly, a large-scale approach, against which the palace intrigues, the fate of the empress and the royal protector are just petty squabbles of fussy little men. And who offers - Daud, the Knife of Dunwall, the most dangerous assassin alive!

It's unfortunate that the overall performance of Death of the Outsider doesn't live up to the level you'd expect after such an impressive opening and two previous games.

Don't ask too many questions

There is no doubt that the addition is independent, but it can be called a plot with a big stretch - the story is frankly weak and primitive. The retelling is indispensable without spoilers, so I will simply note that the narrative does not throw up any surprises and monotonously moves towards an unimpressive denouement. Billy Lerk, the main character and long-time student of Dowd, also has problems with motivation. Why would she go on such a suicidal mission? Just because a mentor she hadn't seen in fifteen years asked for it? A few characters, including the key duo, are sketched out like shadows in the Abyss, just as waving and vague. They don't get any development. It's especially a shame for Daud - in Death of the Outsider, Downall's Knife looks more like a broken fork. He is lying on the ship "Fallen House", as Anton Sokolov, exhausted after imprisonment in Dishonored 2. But if everything is logical and understandable with the old man, then why did the scriptwriters turn Daud into such a broken and miserable creature? Probably, he simply could not find a more significant role in this uncomplicated story.

Someone else got it too. For seven hours of passage, this mysterious entity plays the role of a banal red rag - he must be killed, simply because he must be killed, he is bad. And in the last fifteen minutes it suddenly turns out in passing that "there is another way." Such a clumsy attempt to turn everything upside down, undertaken simply because Dishonored is so accepted - to give the player a choice between destruction and mercy. But in Death of the Outsider this is implemented extremely clumsily. The plot and mythology of the expansion offer no depth to long-time fans, and newcomers will not be imbued with this helpless floundering in shallow water.

⇡ Along the path of simplification

With the gameplay, the situation is better - after all, the strong foundation inherited from the second part is not easy to break up. We are again offered branching locations, which everyone explores at their own discretion. Walk over corpses with a blade and deadly gadgets, use supernatural abilities in combat or to move unnoticed - it's up to you. There is no chaos system this time (the number of those killed will not affect the finale and the environment in any way), so nothing prevents you from “cutting corners” and changing stealth to combat and back at will. Karnaca used to be a dark place, and in Death of the Outsider life is worth nothing at all - someone will not notice, but for me personally, the rejection of the chaos system has noticeably transformed the atmosphere and made it more difficult.

Alas, the developers also cut a couple of corners, turning to the unsightly practice of reusing materials. Of course, I don't mind exploring the Kunstkamera from Dishonored 2 again - it's a wonderful location. But why does the new addition, which consists of only four full chapters (and a small introductory one), inherit one chapter from its predecessor? Well, at least they made a “rearrangement of furniture” in it, changed the location of the enemies and the time of day, and with it the lighting, which still “makes” the whole picture.

Each location in Dishonored 2 had its own flair, gameplay or art, and sometimes both - dust storms in the mining district, the spaciousness and splendor of the Grand Palace, breathtaking views of the gloomy sea from the islands of the Addermere Institute. And this is not to mention the mechanical abode of the inventor Jindosh, which changed its configuration unpredictably, or the Stilton mansion, where travels between the past and the future were organically woven into game process. The last two examples in general can be safely called one of the best examples of level design in the history of video games. The sequel set the bar very high, so I wanted to believe that Death of the Outsider would not lose face.

To some extent, he succeeded. In addition, there is one chic level - a bank robbery. It has all the features of the best of the best: several ways to enter and escape, optional tasks, the implementation of which will significantly affect the style of passage and change the impression of the location. This daring raid is so good that you want to do it several times in a row - try a different tactic, find a hidden loophole, explore a completely different route and use opportunities that you did not know about on the first playthrough.

The rest of the new "sandboxes" presented in the add-on are not so memorable, but the verified gameplay holds them securely on their shoulders. Also, Arkane found a way to keep us longer. In each location there are several optional tasks-contracts: set up an accident, steal something valuable, follow the right person, and so on. If you enjoy Dishonored's gameplay, you'll surely jump at this bait. True, some contracts conflict with each other and require execution in a certain order - it is difficult to understand whether this is a bug, a feature or a design error, but there is a place to be.

The money you earn can be spent on upgrading equipment on the black market: get hold of silent boots, increase your supply of ammunition, improve new toys like non-lethal grenades and traps, and so on. It is not required to upgrade skills - Billy initially knows how to do everything: go on reconnaissance with a disembodied spirit, put a mark and then move to it (try to do this when someone is in the “landing place”), impersonate other people, stealing their faces, and listen to the murmur of rats, from which you can sometimes get something useful.

In the mode " original game+" instead of the three listed abilities, Lerk uses "Transfer", "Darkvision" and "Domino" from the sequel. This should provide interest in re-passing, but locations for such a set are not sharpened. As a result, many players complain that in the fourth chapter it is impossible to get into the black market, in the bank robbery you cannot get achievements for clean passing and so on.

And so in everything. It seems that they saved money on Dishonored: Death of the Outsider - on testing, on graphics, on a plot that does not stand up to criticism. There are no memorable visual images here, and the only location that can be compared with the best "sandboxes" from Dishonored 2 is still inferior to them. In fact, just for the sake of this raid on the bank, it is worth paying attention to the addition. But sometime later, at a sale.


  • solid gameplay foundation inherited from the main game;
  • secondary contracts make you stay longer at each location;
  • the bank mission is one of the best in the entire series.


  • a faded story and an unremarkable ending - such significant figures as Alien and Daoud deserve more;
  • the duet of the main characters turned out to be by no means a duet, and Billy Lerk did not receive proper development;
  • fleeting and less deep game than the numbered parts.
Graphic arts The visual style and work with lighting still deserve only positive words, but this is the merit of Dishonored 2 - Death of the Outsider does not develop the chosen aesthetic in any way, does not bring anything of its own to it.
Sound Accurate, high-quality and informative sound is an important aspect for stealth action, and there are no problems with this. The voice acting in the localization is mediocre, which, combined with the script's pallor, produces a depressing effect. Play original.
Single player game A few more hours of exciting Dishonored gameplay. If you like it, join, but do not count on something new.
Collective game Not provided.
General impression Still an addictive stealth action game, only simpler and shorter than the numbered Dishonored, and the plot didn’t work out at all. However, this does not prevent fans of the series from enjoying the familiar gameplay.




Fallen Angel

You are looking for your old mentor Daoud, whom you have not seen for 15 years. According to rumors, an underground fighting club operates in the Albarka bathhouse, where they use black magic and bone amulets. Maybe he is there?

Last Stand.

Look around in the cabin, take the first two contracts from the table - “Burn white dog and Industrial Espionage. go out on deck, go down to the pier and run forward. You will see rats and learn about the special ability of the main character, who can listen to their thoughts - to do this, press the F key. To see the list of missions, press J. In the same window there is a tab with contracts.

Contracts are special tasks that you can complete in parallel with the game's story. The reward for them will be issued after completing the main mission. Get into the carriage and go to the Albarka baths.

North Campo Set

Look around, destroy the boards that are blocking the hole above the brick wall. Go forward and kill or disable the enemy - LMB or CTRL, respectively. Go a little further, through the doors, and eavesdrop on the conversation of two guardsmen. After that, go down to them and deal with them separately. Enter the tunnel and follow the passage on the right, where the stairs are.

Here you will find yourself in neutral territory. Enter the lair of the Eyeless. So you have two contracts. First, let's look at the implementation of each of them.

Contract No. 1 - "Industrial espionage"

The goal of this mission, the equipment where moonshine is made, is behind the door on the right after entering the building. The door is locked. Examine her. The eyeless one sitting opposite will tell you that she will open the door for 100 coins. You can go downstairs, collect the required amount of coins, and then return here and pay Eyeless.

Moonshine workshop.

But there is another way to get inside! In the same hall at the entrance, find the rats. Listen to their conversation and learn about a secret passage that leads to a room where moonshine is made from rats. The passage there is in the locker room. Go downstairs and you will see the captive Daud, held by the suppression device. Take a good look around here. In particular, check the control panel of the suppressor to read the note. It states that the head of the Eyeless gang, Jeannette Lee, has the key to the device.

Now go to the dressing room with the shower on the left. You don’t need a shower room, but in the locker room you can climb to the very top through various objects, onto the pipes, from where through the hatch you can get to the second floor of the bathhouse.

On the second floor, carefully neutralizing the enemies, go to the right, into the room where moonshine is brewed. Neutralize the man sweeping the floor, take his key and find a locker with two drawers on the right wall. In one of them there will be an amulet, and in the other - the moonshine recipe you need. Also, find crates with brown bottles (it's moonshine) and destroy them all using your primary weapon. This is how you complete the first contract!

Contract #2 - "Burn the White Dog"

Based on this contract, you need to find a wolfhound named Snowball, kill and burn his body in order to put him out of his misery. Marker. which you can activate through the contracts menu, will lead you to a cage in which three wolfhounds are being held - one of them has a white color - this is Snowball. But before you can deal with him, you will need to deal with two Eyeless. One of them is Jeannette Lee, which you need in the main storyline.

Try to act silently, but if it does not work out, then kill the enemies. After that, be sure to search Jeannette's body to get KEY overwhelming device. Open the cage on the right, kill all the wolfhounds and pick up Snowball's corpse. Take it back to the room where the rats and the furnace are located (if you activated the contract marker, it will point you to the location of the furnace). Open the furnace, and then throw the corpse of the wolfhound Snowball by clicking LMB. This is important, because it is impossible to put the dog inside the furnace through the F key. Surely you will have to practice to throw a dead carcass. After that, close the doors and press the red button on the left.

After completing both contracts and getting the key, go downstairs, where Daud is being held, and unlock the grate on the remote control with the key. Lower the switch to free Daud and talk to him.

After that, you have to return to the crew to go back to the Fallen Angel. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: guards will appear on the location, which will kill the remaining Eyeless. You will need to carefully bypass all opponents, or kill them, and only then use the crew. Don't forget that it is located behind a brick wall with a hole in the top. When interacting with the crew, you will complete the mission.


Fallen Angel

Talk to Daud, and then go to the crew and move to a new location - Upper Kyria.

On the trail of ink.

Upper Kyria

As soon as you are in place, then jump onto the guard box, and from it - onto a high fence to get into a closed area. Look around the place - you need to get to the beauty salon "Camellia" on the right side. There is no key to it, but a little further around the corner, if you move to the right of the front door, there is a small passage. Go there, open the gate and stun or kill the wolfhounds. Having done this, go inside. Here you can gently stun the maid, search her and pick up the key to the beauty salon. You need it in order to leave this place through the front door. And so go to the far office and on the desktop find a book with records of visitors. Examine it to find two new targets story mission– Shan Yuan and Ivan Jacobi. It is about them that you will have to find out further, but for now, let's deal with contracts.

To get contracts, you will have to follow the dotted marker and go down to the black market. If you don't want to be noticed, then use the Similarity skill. To do this, in a secluded place with the left character, use it on him to take the appearance. So you can freely move around the location, but do not forget that in this case energy is consumed.

Contract #1 - "Death to a Mime"

This contract requires you to kill the mime, but in doing so, make it look like he died a natural, accidental death. Go to him. There will be a couple of people nearby, so just stunning the mime will not work. Opposite it there is a passage leading to the stairs. Go down the passage and enter the shop on the left, which sells various stuffed butterflies and other insects. Steal the key from the mistress and go down to the basement, neutralizing the mine on the steps along the way. In the basement, you can free the prisoner, and also pick up a bottle of chloroform on the table with the corpse. Having done this, go upstairs and throw chloroform at the mime and standing people. Then, together with the unconscious mime, go down to the dam where the fisherman is sitting. Go to the very edge of the dam (farther than the fisherman and the bridge) and drop the mime down so that he falls under the dam itself. If you throw it into the water a little closer, then it will not be an accident.

Contract #2 - Lost Brother

While in the Camellia beauty salon, go to the room near the place where you found the journal of records. There will be a chair for tattoos and the device itself, which allows them to be done. Use the device and apply the Eyeless Tattoo.

Tattoo machine in a beauty salon.

Move along the markers of two contracts pointing to the bartender and Alberto (the same missing brother). Knock on the door and show the tattoo to be let in. Here you will have to make some noise. The brother is on the top floor in the back room, lying on the bed. Enter and neutralize the black man, and then switch the device on the wall. Pick up Alberto and carry him outside the bar. But first! Complete the third contract related to the kidnapping of the bartender. You will need to either make a lot of noise, or use another jar of chloroform located at the top. If the fight starts, you will need to counterattack the bartender, and then hold down CTRL and stun him.

After that, take Alberto to the right place inside the building near the dam and the fisherman. Put it on the ground and the contract will be fulfilled.

Contract No. 3 - “Kidnapping of the Bartender”

You can read more about how to get into the bar in the description of the previous Lost Brother contract. Once inside, there are several options - try to disable everyone and then stun the bartender, or attack all enemies. As soon as you have a bartender in your hands, then drag him through the house not far from the Camellia beauty salon, up the stairs to the very roof, and then place him inside the open blue box.

We will consider the fourth contract later, but for now, go to Shan Yuan's house, knock (you can learn the secret knock at the location from rats or other characters - to be honest, I “stuck” the moment I found out about it) and go inside, after stunning the maid .

Shan Yuan's house

Inside the house, you can act as you wish. If you decide to go with noise and ahead, it will, of course, be much easier. One way or another, you can, for example, find the key to the room with the elevator, which is located on the second floor. It's about definitely about the kitchen lift. Inside this room is a device from which you must pull out a special battery. This will disable the electrical traps on the floor of the adjoining booth space. Behind the glass of one of these stands is a piece of paper with an audiogram.

This is a very important audiogram, as it is the key to opening the safe on the third floor. The key to the room with the elevator, where you can disable the trap, is located on the third floor in Shan Yuan's office. Actually, Shan himself will be there - you can decide what to do with him - kill the bastard or leave him alone.

Another key is on the butler's belt, which is usually found in the kitchen on the ground floor. Anyway, when you have the key, disarm the trap on the second floor and take the audiogram hidden behind one of the display cases. Climb to the third floor, enter the room and on the left wall, behind bookcase find the safe. To open it, apply the audiogram to the player standing here. Get the necessary documents from the safe, and then leave Shan Yuan's house.

Upper Kyria

Follow to the apartment of Ivan Jacobi. Try to get inside, but the door will be closed. Read the note on the door, and then run to the square where Ivan is holding a rehearsal. Decide how to deal with the soldiers. Whether you kill everyone or act silently, you just need to steal the key from Ivan.

Ivan Jacobi.

Use this key to open his apartment, go to the office in the far right corner, and then search the table, taking the note and the blade. In fact, you can now return to Fallen Angel and continue the story, but there is one more unfinished business - you can investigate the crime and find evidence on Ivan Jacobi. You don't need to go far - open the picture hanging on the wall behind Ivan's desk, and take the vial of blood and the note from the safe. Deliver this vial to the journalist on the square in front of the bank.

Contract #4 - "Threats"

I don’t remember the exact name of the contract, but as part of it, you have to look into a local bank and overhear threats from a woman. Then follow her until she stops near the accomplices. All of them will need to be killed. How exactly you do this is up to you!

Bank racketeer.

After that, return to the crew and move to the Fallen Angel. To get through the fence, use the movement so that the main character teleports to the gate. You don't even have to try to move through the bars!


Climb to the deck, talk to Daud and go to the crew to move back to Upper Kyria.

Bank robbery.

Upper Kyria

First, visit the pharmacy, but you will not find anyone in it. Go to the beginning of the location, where there is a staircase leading to the pier with a bridge. When you go down the stairs, look up and find a balcony. Move there using the heroine's skill, and then talk to the pharmacist's daughter on all topics. You will find out that the drug you need is about to be sold at auction. We are talking about poppy tincture.

By the way, you can buy the same one on the black market, but it costs 800 coins. If you go to the marker auction, you will have to use the Similarity skill and turn into any ordinary citizen. After that, go to the auction and interact with free space. During the auction, you will have to raise the rate several times, and you can finally buy the lot for approximately 440 coins. Agree, it's cheaper than on the black market. Now you have a tool with which you can put the bank employees to sleep. It remains to get into the bank itself, but first, let's fulfill the contracts. As usual, go to the black market and take the contracts hanging on the bulletin board.

Two contracts must be completed outside the bank, and two more - inside.

Contract No. 1 - "Connoisseur of Art"

Everything is very simple here - go to the pier to the courier boat. Here you will see two people - one of them will soon leave, and the other will remain guarding the courier boat. You will have to kill him or stun him. Anyway, don't even think about waiting - this burglar won't be able to open the door. You need a key, and finding it is very simple - dive into the water in the same pond and inspect the bottom of the boat, where the corpse of the courier will float. Search, take the key and open the boat door. Pick up a lot of useful items, including the painting needed to complete the contract. It is done!

The body is under the boat.

Contract No. 2 - "Happiness of a pickpocket"

The task is not easy, because you have to visit the heavily guarded bank yard and steal a note from one of the elite guards. To do this, I would recommend turning into one of the guards using the Similarity skill, sneak up on the guardsman and steal the note. You need to act quietly, and after that do not stun this guard, otherwise the task will fail.

In the second story mission Walkthrough Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is not limited to completing the main tasks: there are additional four that appear in the "Contracts" section if you visit the underground shop and press the action button next to the booth in it. All of them are not mandatory, but they pay very well for them, therefore there will hardly be any problems with motivation, not to mention the fact that these puzzles are quite interesting.

bartender kidnapping

Getting into the Eyeless bar, where the bartender is located, is not an easy task: unlike most other locations in the game, this bar does not have a large number of entrances and exits: we managed to find only two of them. The easiest way is to get yourself a Eyeless tattoo at the Red Camellia beauty salon nearby (you will visit there in the story). Then they will not only let you through, but they will not touch you, mistaking you for their own.

Another way is through the air corridor leading to the bar from Shan Yun's mansion, which is even more difficult to get to, not to mention the fact that this corridor goes from one building to another through the top floor. But the thing is that in Shan Yun's house you will visit the plot in any way, and on the top floor - including, so you have a full choice of how to invade the bar. Moreover, without a conflict, it’s not a fact that you will be able to leave it later, because the bandits will hardly like it that you strangled one of them and are trying to take it out into the street.

In general, how to get to Shan Yun's house - we wrote in a previous article, where we described the passage of the main quest. If you want to enter from there through the upper floor - you are welcome. In any case, the task in this contract is easy if you have already managed to get into the bar: you need to knock out the bartender and take him to a box on the roof of one of the buildings nearby. The game will kindly lead you to the target with a marker, so there should be no difficulties.

missing brother

And one more contract, for which you will inevitably need to get into the Eyeless bar. Only if the bartender is on the first floor, then the character required in this task is, on the contrary, on the last one. If you entered the bar as "their" thanks to the tattoo, you can easily reach the very top without resistance. Otherwise, you will have to cut down everyone to the right and left in any way you like.

And the essence of the task as a whole practically does not differ from the one in the quest with the bartender: you need to free the would-be club visitor and take him to the place indicated by the marker. Again, the main problem is getting into the bar, delivering the body will not be difficult. Moreover, this time you don’t even need to climb onto the roof: the target room is located on the first floor near the canal.

Mimu's death

It is necessary to kill a mime - a person working as a living statue. With one major caveat: the murder must be like a suicide. Nearby there is a place with a huge abyss, where many other people took their own lives, so if you throw it down from there, no one will throw much suspicion on the customer. Mime, on the other hand, is completely defenseless, because he is unarmed, however, to show aggression towards him in a frontal attack with a high degree of probability means to attract the attention of the guards roaming back and forth. Therefore, it may not be superfluous to first cut them down.

The mime must be carried to the abyss alive, so we will only be satisfied with stunning this character and transporting him to his destination on our shoulders. You can knock it out in any way - from the usual suffocation to the use of special equipment, such as electric charges or even attracting mines. Then put the mime's body on your shoulders and drag it to the cliff, drop it down, which will complete this contract.

Threats at work

Another one side mission, in which we are actually assigned the role of a hired killer. You need to get to the bank to find the blackmailer there, follow her in order to reach her customer, and then, when the latter becomes known, kill both on the spot. In general, the task is perhaps the simplest of all, but with one caveat: if you preliminarily cleared the guards along the route of the victim to another victim.

Otherwise, you will have to follow her by jumping over lampposts, rooftops, balconies and other hills so as not to attract the attention of law enforcement officers. Fortunately, it will not go long and not far - literally 500 meters, no more. Also in a straight line, without wagging back and forth at intersections. And so as not to lose track, it is also marked with a marker, because in general this is a very easy job. And it will be easy to deal with both of them.

The main character of the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider Billy Lurk arrived on Karnaka with one single purpose - to find her former mentor Daud, who has not been seen for over 15 years. Rumor has it that a real fight club has been opened in the Albarka baths, in which black magic and bone amulets are used. Perhaps he is right there!

In our walkthrough, we will follow the path of low chaos. This means that we will not kill all the enemies in a row indiscriminately, but will try to describe alternative options for passing without raising the alarm and detection. Of course, there are several ways to achieve victory in the mission, but we have described the less obvious tasks.

Entrance to the baths "Albarka"

In the first episode, Billy will save Dowd. You have no abilities in this task, so all that is required of you is cunning and skill, as well as finding the right items. Move through the tunnel and bribe the guards to let you pass. Listen to the whispers of rats that can give a few useful tips on completion of each task. To complete the mission without any killing, you will have to discreetly release Daud, who himself will deal with his captors. Daoud is located inside a pit in the Albarka baths. A special mechanism operates here, which blocks the connection of Daud with the Alien. If you manage to disable the device using the locked switch, Daoud will be freed and will deal with the gang members.

Liberation of Daoud

To release this character, you need to take away the key of Jeanette, who is the leader of the eyeless bandit group. The key is located on the woman's belt, and she, in turn, is located on the second floor near the cage with the dogs. Climbing up is already a difficult task! If you are found eyeless, they will immediately attack you.

How to get to the second floor

There are several ways that will allow you to get to the second tier. Two the best options- a dressing room near the shower and an entrance hall. As for the hallway, in the corridor you can find a locked door. It's right at the entrance to the location. Try to open it, after which one of the eyeless guards will turn to you and offer his help for 100 coins. For this amount, the girl will open the door.

In the locker room, on the left side of Daud's pit, there are pipes. Climb up them, look for an opening that will lead you to the service character area (above). Rotate the valve to turn off the hot air supply, and then follow through the hole and you will be at the top.

After that, you should go to Jeanette. It is located inside the office, which has a wall with windows. It's at the end of the hall. In the central room there is a closet for workers. There are pipes here through which you can climb up and ambush enemies (or just get past them).

Finding Jeanette's Key

Move through the hallway and stun a few dogs in the small room. Look for a small hole that is easy to miss. There is one enemy in the corridor. Jeanette will surely see you kill or stun dogs. Try to open the door and wait for the opponents to sit on the chair. You can rob him or use a dart to stun him, then finish him off. After searching the body of Jeanette, take the key.

Location Escape

Climb down and use the key on the counter near Daud's pit. Press the switch, allowing Daud to leave the cell.

Lever to turn off the unit

Daud will kill all the enemies, after which the guards will appear here. You will need to leave the baths, but the only way out is still upstairs. You don't need to go up the main stairs, as this is how enemies will notice you. It is best to go up to the second floor, to the balconies, and wait for the enemy to leave the place of patrol. Then through the rooms where moonshine is produced, leave the baths. You can sneak past the guards or stun them. When the guards realize that there is no one in the house, they will leave the bathhouse altogether. Sneak to the left and jump into the train tunnels. Jump onto the wagon, and from there - onto the pipes. The rest of the path will be linear.

The second mission of the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider. On the trail of ink

We won't tell you about walkthrough, indicate where to turn, jump or duck. Instead, our article will indicate the most non-obvious moments, hidden objects, allowing you to go through the episode without killing and raising the alarm. There are two people on the location that you need to go out on in order to get a way to get to the Alien. You will need to get to Shan Yun's house and Jacobi's office.

This is a big mission, and your first goal will be to penetrate the Red Camellia beauty salon. Inside are documents that will give you an idea of ​​which characters to visit. In general, you need to find a double blade that allows you to kill the Alien. Looking ahead, we note that it will not be possible to do this within the framework of this mission, but you will find out where he is.

How to get to a beauty salon

Use teleportation to get to the high balcony, then go to the right side to the stairs. Move to the west, where there is a passage, get over the fence and go around the sleeping dogs. There will be an emergency entrance to the beauty salon. There is one person inside - a cleaning lady. Stun her or sneak past.

Note. In the back room you can find the information you need, but on the way there in the room on the left is a tattoo machine. Use it to tattoo the eyeless, and thus gain access to the private club. It will be useful to you in order to sneak into Shan Yun's house unnoticed, as well as complete two contracts.

The right room in the beauty salon

Go to the far office and inspect the huge table. Examine the document lying on it and learn about two characters - Jacobi and Shan Yun. Both NPCs have the information you need to find the knife. You need to explore the location, find the keys and information about the artifact.

Path to Jacobi's office

First, let's study Jacobi's office. It's easy enough, and the information obtained at the office will make it easier for you to break into Shan Yun's mansion. The office is locked, you will need to find it. First, go to the office and inspect the locked door, on which there will be a note that Jacobi is rehearsing a speech at Colibron Plaza. Go there and you will see a huge number of guards. We'll have to try hard to steal Jacobi's key and not raise the alarm. We offer two methods to do this. We continue the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider.

How to get the Jacobi key?

Head to the square and use teleportation to get to the small office at the back of the stage. Follow through the entrance on the right side of the desired character, since no one is watching this door. Jacobi stands near the tent, it is quite easy to find him. Climb down underground using the stairs on the left side of the stage, then pull the lever, which will cause Jacobi to fall off the stage. Unfortunately, this method leads to the death of Jacobi.

On the other hand, you can take the form of a butler, using the appropriate skill, and then chat with Jacobi. In a conversation, a man without any suspicion will give you his service key.

Inside Jacobi's office

Make your way to Jacobi's office and inspect the desk. There are three items you need here. Take the key from the table - you will need it in the third mission, when you have to open the safe deposit box. At the same time, two keys are used there, and the second one is held by Shan Yun. Examine the note lying on the table to learn more about Spector, the journalist digging under Jacobi. If you collect evidence, you can provide it to Spector. Approach the painting and use it to find the very evidence. Behind the painting in the safe is a vial of blood. You should show it to the journalist. After all that, your next task is to get to Shan Yun's mansion.

Shan Yun Mansion

The mansion is in front of Spector's club. These locations are connected to each other, but it is best to go inside through the front door. Go to the room where Shan Yun's friend lives - it's near the beauty salon. Go to the square with the statue and pay attention to the blue building. Inside the apartment there is a note with a password. Go to the mansion and interact with the door to perform a secret knock and get inside. Proceed to the kitchen, acting stealthily, until you find yourself on the upper floors, which can be done using the kitchen elevators. You can use teleportation, or you can pretend to be a butler. Go into the room on the right side, and through the living room, proceed to the kitchen. Neutralize the waiter and take the key from him. Or just steal the key by sneaking up from behind.

Upstairs you will find a locked safe, but you don't need to know the password to open it. Shan Yun's audiographer is required to unlock. Climb up and pull the blubber out of the generator to disable the hall's security system. Inside the hall on one of the showcases is the same audiograph. It is he who will help unlock the safe - just connect it to a musical instrument nearby.

After exploring Shan Yun's office, return to the ship where the bank robbery planning will begin. Before you do that, you can optionally complete a few new contracts, getting the money you need to upgrade your character.

The third mission of the walkthrough of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider. Bank robbery

This is the longest and challenging mission throughout the game. You will return to the same streets as in the previous quest, but this time you will need to infiltrate a heavily guarded bank. There are several ways to do this at once, but one of them is special. It is associated with obtaining poppy tincture and putting all bank employees to sleep.

This is the case when it is easier said than done. In addition to the usual guards in the bank, you will encounter robots that, for obvious reasons, can neither be destroyed nor put to sleep. The bank has several options for passing, but only one of them will help you complete the task without killing, on "low chaos". Of course, you can neutralize all the guards on the way. This will simplify the task, but in this case, you will have to sacrifice one or even two contracts associated with stealth passage. If you stun the target, then, for obvious reasons, everyone becomes aware of your presence in the territory of the bank.

Central courtyard of the bank

The first step you must take is to find a poppy tincture. To get started, visit the pharmacy, located on the left side of the city gate on the bank square. The pharmacy is closed, but the pharmacist girl will talk to you. After talking to her, pick up the note hanging on the door so that a marker appears on the map pointing to the apartment of the pharmacist's daughter. Go there and talk to her. The apartment is located near Jacobi's office, next to the river. You can get there using teleportation. Chat with the girl to find out about the auction that takes place on the square where you stole the key from Jacobi. The pharmacist's things are sold at the auction, and among them is the same poppy tincture. We continue the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider.

Where to find poppy tincture?

Move to the square, neutralize the guard and pretend to be any civilian. After that, go to the auction and sit on the chair, interacting with it. At this point, the duration of the skill will pause, so you don't have to worry about it. Raise your bet. In the worst case scenario, you will have to pay about 500 coins, but in the best case - 350-360 coins. The game chooses the final bet randomly. It will be much cheaper than buying a tincture on the black market for 800-900 coins! However, you should be aware of this possibility as well.

How to apply poppy tincture?

Once you have the poppy tincture at your disposal, you will need to get on the roof and pour it into the ventilation system. There is only one way to get to the roof - you need a construction hatch located on the side of the right building, if you look at the main entrance to the bank. But in order for the cradle to move, you will have to find a tank with a blubber and place it in the generator.

The tank is in the alley on the left side of central entrance to the bank. There is also an automatic tank filling station. Fill it with blubber, bring it to the generator so that no one notices. It is best to stun enemies standing in the way. But make sure that no one sees them, and be sure to drag the body to the side. After inserting the tank, hide, as the guards will run to the noise. After that, ride the cradle upstairs, jump over to the roof of the bank using teleportation and get to the desired hole marked with a marker. Along the way, you may have to stun targets.

How to get to the courtyard?

Now comes the hardest part of the task. There are robots inside the bank that will react to any movement. In addition, you must walk around employees, moving silently and not stepping on their bodies - otherwise they may wake up. To complete one of the most difficult contracts, you cannot raise the alarm and wake anyone up.

Before you explore the bank, you must sneak into the courtyard. From the roof, get down to the office on the third tier, go through it and get out to the balcony. You will see hanging lamps. You can teleport to them, but in reality you just need to jump down - you won't be able to get into this part of the bank. Use the terminal located here to unlock absolutely all the doors. Be careful as there are traps in the hallway that will destroy you (rotating electrical installations). To turn them off, make your way along the left wall through the office departments, teleport between the two rooms to the other side and turn off the installations in each of the rooms by pulling out the blubber tanks. We continue the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider.

How to get inside the shelter?

It takes a lot of effort to break into the vault. First, use poppy tincture to put bank employees to sleep. We wrote about this above. Enter the bank through its roof, make your way to the courtyard, which is done by unlocking the doors and disabling the two traps on the first floor. Here you will see that the path to the elevator and stairs is blocked by an electric barrier. In addition, the first robot will appear. Make your way along the barrier to the right, going down a couple of steps, and enter the room on the right. Interact with the tank to turn off the installation that generates the force field.

Move down the stairs to the storage area. Teleport to open door on the left, from there - to a distant fallen column, where it will be possible to turn off the electric field. Look for the body of the sleeping guard here to find the security code on him. On the left side in the room with safes is the captain with the necessary codes. Climb to the second floor, where the door is still locked. There will be an intercom next to her. Interact with him to tell the guard the password, and then go inside the control room.

Ahead will be a floor covered with electric traps. Here you need to act with extreme caution, using teleportation to move through window spans or doors. Next, turn off the floor and move the storage to the control room on the third floor, to the director's office. The guard will wake up and wake everyone else up. Let him know on the speaker that you are just checking the mechanism. So, the safe is located upstairs, in the director's room. Go up the main stairs there and click on the button located on the director's desk. You will open a panel hidden behind the painting. Inside it is a key that unlocks the safe. Remove the blade from the vault by using two keys on two keyholes. Return to the Fallen Angel to continue your search for the demigod.

The fourth mission of the walkthrough of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider. Stolen archive

In the fourth task as part of the passage of Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, Billy Lurk goes to a previously unexplored location. Although you should have already visited the royal cabinet of curiosities when you played the second part of the game. Here is the abbey for the fight against heretics. They torture witches, burn magic books, and getting past them is not so easy.

View from Billy Lurk's hideout

Next, we will explain how to complete this quest without killing anyone in your path. So, there is a secret route leading to the basement of the royal cabinet of curiosities. It will only be available if you knock on the right door, pretending to be a soldier of the abbey (corresponding skill). In addition, you can find a special engraving from the leader of the sisters.

Billy Lurk has received a weapon that will allow her to kill the Alien. But now we need to find a way to get into the Abyss. The information you need is hidden in the royal cabinet of curiosities.

Where to find the archive

Before Billy finds the archive, you need to study the book located on the street, outside the royal cabinet of curiosities. When the guards are not looking, then steal the book lying on the table. Use a special skill that allows you to pretend to be another person. So you will find out that the leader of the sisters is here, who has the documents you need. The office is located at the very top of the Kunstkamera. We continue the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider.

How to get into the royal cabinet of curiosities

There are several ways to get inside this object, but we will use the safest one. Below the stairs, located on the right side of the main entrance, there is a door with a sentry. Use the skill of pretending to be another person to get past him. Knock on the basement door, after which the guard will have to let you in. Head up the stairs on the left side of the interrogation room, or move through the basement to the main stairwell with the broken elevator.

There will be many soldiers inside the cabinet of curiosities, so try to extend the skill that allows you to pretend to be a different person. When you get to the stairs, go up to the third tier and see the sisters.

How to steal an archive

Use the same ability while interacting with the sister standing near the elevator. So you can get to the curator's office. Everything you need is located on the second floor of this office. Go up the stairs where you will see the sisters. There is one person here that is needed in order to gain access to the archive. Brother Cardozo is located in the room on the left side of the place where you find yourself after the stairs.

Wait for the sister to go aside, then neutralize the brother by using the ability to take someone else's face. In the role of Cardoza, go to the sister you need, talk to her and pick up the item. The last goal remains.

There are projectors on the map, but you need the one located in the office with the soldiers, near the entrance to the curator's room. Go down the stairs, neutralize the guard in the conference room and use the projector in the room to view the filmstrip. The guards will be alerted, but this will not cause an alarm to be raised. After taking the tape, go to the garden and get to Billy's outpost, where you need to interact with the bag to start the last mission, moving to the Alien's lair.

The fifth mission of the walkthrough of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider. There is a gaping hole in the world

This is the most difficult task, because there will be new enemies that cannot be killed. They will hunt Billy and also revive dead cultists. Somewhere nearby is the eye of a dead god, allowing you to return to the Abyss. Inside the Abyss, an Alien awaits you, who is guarded and studied by cultists. Fighting them is like death, so you need to try to get through unnoticed.

The path ahead is clear, and the yards are patrolled by a pack of dogs. There will be several rooms with various items. Use the Foresight ability to find these things, and then go through the tunnel to the park with the statues. Here for the first time you will see cultists dressed in white suits. Stun the enemies, as they will then be unconscious in the Abyss, which you have to go through a new one. The more enemies that are stunned here, the fewer of them you will encounter in the Abyss. There are two opponents in the courtyard, and the gate ahead will be blocked. Find the access code or immediately enter the combination "282". We continue the passage of Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider.

Chanderey Peak

Ahead is the main elevator, which sends the hero into the mines. It's blocked, but there's another route that doesn't require a key. Approach the garage door and use foresight to mark the destroyed window with a marker. The door will close quickly. There will be even more sectarians at the plant. Use a skill that allows you to pretend to be another person, which will allow you to pass them.

Here you will need to get close to the dead eye, which will move Billy to the Abyss. The only route is through mines inhabited by cultists. Crouch and follow through the overturned carts, which will allow you to get close to the mines. Wait for the cultists to leave the thing from the Abyss. In the large room, move to the platform on the right side using the black pipes. You will be taken to a location with a locked door, on which you can see an inscription prohibiting entry. You will return here later.

Walk along the upper chamber, make your way through the window or door, and then follow the right side. You will find a staircase that leads to a dead end, as well as a hidden path directly below it. Use them to get into the lecture hall. There is a bridge leading to the other side of the ravine. Pass through the abyss to find the entrance to the Abyss. You will see two cultists in the narrow passage to the church with the eye of the dead god. Interact with the eye to move to the Abyss.


You will be in parallel measurement which partly reflects reality. The abyss is guarded by incomprehensible monsters that you cannot even kill. They can be stunned. If you finish off the cultist or stun him, then those same monsters will immediately approach you. They kill the main character with one blow, and the ability to pretend to be another person does not work for them.

Place marks on the monsters of the Abyss using the Foresight skill and watch their movements. Fighting in this mode is a bad idea! Walk around living cultists that you haven't stunned before. Now you will have to understand why I insisted on disabling them before moving to the Abyss.


The game can be completed in two ways - kill the Alien or save him. First, search the cultist on the left side and take the key from him. The cultist will be nailed to the wall in the mine. This key will open access to a room with memories from the Alien's personal life. Remember that locked door? Go there and examine what is inside the closed box. Enter the code "962" to unlock it, pick up the book and learn how to free the Alien without killing him.

Visit the ritual site, go upstairs and save manually so that you can view the two endings. Examine the Alien and choose the no-kill option. Chat with Daud and confirm several times that you do not want to kill him. This will give you a good ending.

On the other hand, to see a bad ending, do not hesitate to plunge into the Alien Blade. On this walkthrough Dishonored: Death Of The Outsider came to an end.