Fallout 4 how to cure an infection. Differences between survival and other difficulty levels

In this guide we will look at how to remove radiation fromFallout 4 and reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

Like in mobile Fallout, it is implemented new system
irradiation. The bottom line is that the life bar and the disease bar now fit into one, and if the level of infection increases, then the maximum level of health decreases. As in other parts, dangerous radiation awaits us at every step, but more on that later.

Fallout 4 how to treat radiation?

Many people, especially beginners, wonderhow to cure radiation Fallout 4. The answer is quite simple! As in other series of the game, a time-tested, pre-war remedy called Antiradin is used for this. RadAway). One tablet will help you remove 300 units of radiation (you can see what level of infection you currently have on the Pip-Boy indicator to the right of the main screen). Usually a couple or three capsules are enough for a complete cure, and if you need more, then most likely you are already a corpse.

Fallout 4 how to remove radiation from food?

We've already sorted it outhow to recover from radiation Fallout 4 And how to lower its level, it remains to find out about prevention. If you haven't noticed, then all raw food, be it mole rat or radscorpion meat, is contaminated and if consumed raw, the level of radiation will inevitably increase. Fortunately, fire was invented yet primitive people. To cook a juicy deathclaw steak (a local delicacy), you will need to first kill it and then fry it at any cooking station. By the way, one of these points is located at the Red Rocket truck stop, right where you find your dog. The essence of cooking is simple, go to the menu, select the desired dish and if we have all the ingredients, then cook. The advantage of processed foods is not only that they get rid of radiation, but also give certain bonuses, you can see them in the cooking menu to the right of the recipes.

In addition, you need to avoid dirty water sources, close fights with ghouls and contaminated places and then you will always be healthy and full of strength. To protect against radiation, use suits; read about the strongest armor.

Now we've found out how to reduce radiation levels inFallout 4 or reduce completely and now there will be one less danger for you, because you know how be treated for the main pandemic in the Fallout world, especially since we know where to buy antiradin.

Have a good game!

So, my dear comrades, you have decided to test your nerves and strength and try to play in the “Survival” mode.

I must immediately warn you about two things:

Firstly, you can’t just leave this mode. If you decide to cheat and, for example, change the difficulty to an easier one in order to save, and then go back, the game will make you the well-known three-finger figure and give you this warning:

Secondly, you will die here often, and since in the “survival” mode there is only autosave, it will also take a very long time to return to the last point.

And if after all this you still want to test your strength and resistance to stress... let's continue.

Differences between survival and other difficulty levels

The need to sleep, eat, drink and take medications (the ability to relieve one’s natural needs has not yet been introduced, which is a pity).

Reduced health recovery rate from stimulants and water. But now food will not give any positive effects at all until you satisfy your hunger.

Antiradin will also remove radiation gradually, and even reduce your immunity for a long time.

Reduced outgoing and increased incoming damage to you. In fact, at the initial levels of the game, the only ones who won’t one-shot you are dutni and radroaches, but some very recent raider can easily shoot off your head with a sawn-off shotgun with one shot, even from a decent distance.

Reduced maximum carry weight for both your character and his companions.

Various additional effects (mostly negative, such as diseases) that will affect you depending on the situation and your actions.

The previously mentioned autosave, which will only work if you sleep somewhere and nothing else.

Lack of fast travel. If you want to get somewhere, move your buns. Reduced maximum tolerable weight for you and your companions.

There are no enemy markers in this mode.

But don't be scared right away. This is still an RPG, albeit a little inferior, plus the Sims, which means most of these negative effects can be reduced to zero. But first things first.


Well, you spent an hour or more creating a handsome protagonist (or maybe a beauty), whose face you still won’t see for 90% of the game, even when playing in third person, because you’ll be running around in a hard hat or even a full helmet. The nuclear explosions have died down and you emerge from the freezer like an alien from a host. We passed shelter 111, which I will not focus on because of its introduction to the essence of the game and controls. Now you are standing on the street, looking at what American democracy has turned our home into and wondering what to do next.

And right away you have a choice: either go on a solo journey, or complete the first quests, bring settlers to Senchuari (the main character’s hometown) and thereby make your life easier in the future. Personally, I recommend the second option. And the point here is not a passion for building and breeding Sims of all types and breeds, but pure pragmatics. Let's step back for a moment and look at ourselves from the outside in this mode. Well, first of all, get ready that your eternal companions will now be the three local horsemen of the apocalypse - hunger, thirst and chronic lack of sleep. Well, these nice guys will bring with them new interesting effects, which I will now try to describe:

Fatigue- reduces the speed of stamina recovery. It occurs during prolonged wakefulness as well as inconsistent sleep, which I will write about below.

Insomnia(in different localizations it may be called differently because even in the description of the drugs the name “lethargy” appears) - you need to sleep more often. Occurs with prolonged fatigue.

Hunger- reduces maximum endurance. Occurs if you don't eat for a long time. The longer you go without eating, the greater the penalties to your stamina. While you have this status, food will not provide any positive effects.

Thirst- reduces maximum endurance. Occurs if you don’t drink for a long time. The longer you don't drink, the greater the penalties to your stamina. Unlike hunger, clean water restores health even when thirsty.

Infection(the most dangerous status, in my opinion) - causes periodic damage to health. Occurs randomly when you are attacked by mutants, swimming in bad places and if you neglect yourself in terms of malnutrition, lack of drinking and lack of sleep.

Reduced immunity- there is a greater chance of catching some kind of infection. Occurs when using Antiradin.

Overload(yes, in this mode it can also be classified as a negative status) - in addition to the usual reduction in movement speed and the inability to run, in the “survival” mode the overload also causes periodic damage to health, as well as damage to your legs.

Of course, almost all of this can be instantly removed with antibiotics, but this thing is quite rare and expensive (traders ask for around 300 caps per unit, and not everyone has it), and all these diseases go away on their own over time if you start eating right and regularly , sleep and lead a healthy lifestyle, and therefore I still recommend that you endure everything firmly on your feet, and use antibiotics only as a last resort, when the negative effects become too many or if you catch an infection.

As a last resort, you can brew it for yourself in a chemical laboratory or find somewhere analgesics or antibiotics from herbs that will increase resistance to certain diseases (though, in my opinion, these things are even less common than simple antibiotics) or visit a doctor and spend your blood caps, honestly taken from cold corpses and found in other places for instant treatment of a loved one. In addition, it is worth noting a few more interesting facts. The use of stimulants and some other drugs takes its toll on you, causing severe thirst. Take this into account in battle. Also, if you suddenly want to sleep, and there is no bed in the foreseeable vicinity, drink Nuka Cola, it contains caffeine, and therefore will dispel sleep for a while and give you strength, but it causes hunger. And of course, your health is restored by all sorts of fountains, puddles and any other water. The only thing is that the radiation there, in most cases, is more than the benefit from such treatment. And lastly, healthy sleep. Of course, you can sleep in sleeping bags or on mattresses, but you won’t be able to sleep on them. The fact is that in survival you can sleep no more than 3 hours in a sleeping bag, and no more than 5 hours on a mattress. However, in order to get a full night's sleep (and also get a temporary bonus to the experience gained), you need to sleep in bed for about 8 hours.

I would also like to dwell on such a specific thing as “Adrenaline”. This is a special skill or, if you want, a perk (although I don’t like this bourgeois word), which is issued by default in this game mode. The point is simple - the longer you don't sleep, the greater the damage. But here everyone decides for himself what is more important to him, hitting harder or health. Adrenaline is completely removed if you sleep for more than an hour.

So, we jumped back, stomped to the side, let's go back to the sinful scorched nuclear war land. So, based on all of the above, your life in survival will not be easy if you cannot build yourself a minimum of amenities (a bed and a water pump). No, of course you can sleep wherever you want, eat pasture (well, or use various fires, barbecues and other food service points scattered in abundance throughout the wastelands) or drink dirty water, but this is the choice of a completely hardcore extreme sportsman, who is already closer even to a nerd . And the only sources of clean water in the immediate area are Vault 111, from which you just left, and the pump on the farm, which is located slightly to the left (if you look at the map) from this shelter.

Well, it looks like we are moving on the quest to Concord and doing everything that is asked of us.

I won’t focus on everything, I’ll just note that now the Death Claw will kill you in one hit even in power armor, so actively use your brain, namely, if you couldn’t kill from the roof of the museum, run into the tool store opposite it. All the windows in this store are broken, so you can shoot from it without fear, and the front doors are too small for the death claw, so he won’t be able to enter and you can deal with him without any problems.


Well, we brought the settlers home and learned the basics of construction. What now? And now we need the very minimum that will help us live more or less comfortably in this regime. And the first thing is home. It's always nice to feel protected by strong walls, but there is also a practical meaning. The fact is that you can catch something bad even after sleeping well in the open air. Yes, that's such a nuisance. Therefore, our crib should preferably be located indoors. It's up to you to decide whether to build your own home or occupy an existing one. The next item we have is the column. It is located in the resources section in the construction menu. This is the simplest device, but irreplaceable. You can also drink clean water and fill empty bottles if you have them. Speaking of bottles, I recommend not throwing them away or recycling them in the workshop, but filling them with clean water from the tap. Well, the last thing is the cooking point. You can simply drag it closer to your home; the basic grill is located near the first house from the bridge. Well, comrades, you are ready for your first freeplay trips.

this is just the beginning, you are still quite weak, and around every corner there can be an enemy who will kill you, if not with the first, then, quite possibly, with the second or third blow, which is also not ice. So what should we do? Well, in the first couples I recommend pumping up strength and endurance, but it’s better to pump up some of this to the maximum already at the stage of distribution of characteristics. Naturally, you will need strength in order to carry more. And you can only carry so much here; at 10 strength, the maximum weight you can carry is only 175 local kilograms (and yes, I know that’s pounds). Endurance is responsible for the maximum amount of health of the character, which is also important. Next, for comfortable game, I recommend immediately building a minimum survival kit in all available places: a bed and a column.

Note: I won’t mention here that you can just drink from the pump to quench your thirst and heal, because in my version of the game the speakers have a limited resource and after some time of active use they stop restoring health, although they still quench your thirst and allow you to fill bottles clean water.

Well, how can we make it so that when a character dies, we don’t have to cut half the map to the right place again? And here there is little trick. Of course, mattresses and sleeping bags are not suitable for proper sleep, but how? check Point may well fit. When you see this artifact, feel free to click “sleep for 1 hour” and save yourself without wasting much effort. However, this should not be abused. If you keep doing this too often, you will quickly become tired, and maybe even develop insomnia.


And last but not least - partners. Like no other difficulty, here the partner must live and be able to distract the enemy well. An ordinary dog ​​is not very suitable in this case, although it can briefly distract the enemy by grabbing his limbs or even finishing him off. The ideal option is Ada. This is an experimental assault gun from the Automatron add-on. Even in its basic version it can carry 280 kg of local weight. In addition, all her armor and weapons are built-in, which means they weigh nothing. Well, plus she will give you drawings of a machine for creating robots. On it you can further upgrade your robot (strengthen her armor, change weapons and increase the maximum carry weight) or create a new robot for yourself based on your personal aesthetic preferences. I can say for myself that now my Ada can quite easily withstand hand-to-hand combat with two death claws, one of which is the legendary leader. At the same time, she aggravates them quite well, which allows me to shoot too. The only negative in this matter is that you must inflict more than 50% damage on the enemy, otherwise, if the enemy is killed by your partner, you will not be given experience.


Well, that’s probably all, dear comrades. Now you are ready to survive in the world of Fallout 4 on maximum difficulty. Of course, survival will become easier over time, and by level 20, enemies that previously seemed unkillable will become quite ordinary. So, the swampers, who at first one-shot my character simply by running past, are now quite easily killed with a few shots from a shotgun, and the character himself is already able to withstand five of their blows.

And a few final tips:

Collect the weapon pack that is most convenient for you. Personally, my pack is a shotgun for mutants, a carbine with explosive cartridges for raiders and other people, and a sniper.

Don't hesitate to use stealth and ranged weapons. Often, an enemy can be taken out with one single shot from afar so that others will not even understand what happened. And even if it doesn’t work out, you will have time and the opportunity to retreat or change position before you are discovered.

Use Wats. It’s not that I’m a fan of this business, on the contrary, I don’t recognize it, but by clicking the Wats along the way, you can find unnoticed or hidden enemies (for example, swampers under water or in an ambush) or mines. Remember, there are no enemy markers in this mode.

Don't rush to eat antibiotics as soon as you find them. Most diseases are not dangerous and only slightly worsen the overall comfort of the game, and they go away on their own over time. Only the infection is dangerous, so it must be treated as quickly as possible.

Do not throw away or recycle empty bottles from the trash section. You can fill them and some other glass containers with clean water from the tap.

Use your brain. You can defeat even the most powerful enemy if you can lure him to a place where he can't reach you and you can't.


Only recently Bethesda announced the first three DLCs that will begin to be released in March. But after a few days Todd Govrad said in an interview with GameInformer that understands the importance Survival mode, but the release of the updated version will take place only when everything is ready. Reddit user discovered full list of Survival mode changes in the game files.

Many of these changes will radically change the entire gameplay, changing the atmosphere of the project and the perception of it by gamers.

Let's get started...


Saves and quick saves will be disabled. But save progress it will only be possible while sleeping on the bed.

Fast travel won't work. Thus, to get somewhere, you have to go on your own.

The compass will work differently: Enemies will not be marked on it, and the distance at which object icons will begin to appear will be reduced.


Satellites, Those wounded in battle will not be able to automatically heal after the battle. You need to cure them yourself. If a companion is abandoned sick and crippled, then he will return to his home himself and thereby abandon the Hero.


Battles will become more fatal. Now you not only have to shoot a lot at enemies, but also endure multiple damage yourself. By using "Adrenaline" can increase damage.

Adrenaline is a perk, what will appear in the Hero automatically when the game starts in Survival mode. Thanks to it, the damage from any weapon will be increased. Upgrade this perk You can only kill enemies. The more kills, the higher the damage bonus.

During sleep Adrenaline ranks will decrease. You can check your Adrenaline levels in your Pip-Boy.

Concerning respawn enemies, then after clearing a certain territory, new enemies will not appear here very soon.

Cartridges and projectiles will have weight. It is small, but it will vary depending on the type of caliber. Heavier ones, such as cores, missiles, nuclear blocks, can greatly overload the Hero, with all the ensuing consequences.


Taking care of yourself is one of those actions without which it is almost impossible to survive. Avoid hunger, thirst, rest to improve morale. If you don't eat or drink for a long time, then The body may get sick, immunity will decrease, and fatigue will appear.

If during the battle the hero breaks an arm or leg, then after the fight she will not be cured automatically. Use the first aid kit.

Large carrying weight indicators will have a bad effect on the Hero. Endurance and agility will decrease, and such weight will also affect the health of your legs. What can we say about the back!

Diseases will affect the Hero's immune system and affect the successful and quick killing of enemies. Raw meat, dirty and contaminated water, “contact with unknown NPCs,” and not only this can lead to illness in the body. If the hero gets sick, a corresponding message will appear on the screen. And in the character data in Pip-Boy you can find out in more detail about diseases and problems.

Antibiotics will help cure almost all diseases, so purchase them from doctors.


Beds in Fallouit 4, as you know, are different. That's why different beds will be offered to the hero different amounts of sleep time. A sleeping bag, of course, is also good when there are no other items for rest, but such sleep cannot be compared to sleeping on a bed. Besides, You can’t stay in a sleeping bag while sleeping, but you can stay on a bed.

Fatigue will be like radiation, But will have an impact not for health points, but action points. If you are tired, there will be very few such points and, accordingly, little that can be done. Fatigue can accumulate, and its indicator will be displayed in the AP bar.



In the final stages of testing before the release of Fallout 4, many of us realized that we wanted to experiment with the Survival mode. And when the game came out, we discovered that you wanted it too. So how did we come to these changes? Two of our designers, Josh Hamrick and John-Paul Duvall, showed off what a revamped Survival mode might look like during our internal game jam. The idea turned out to be so interesting that we allocated several programmers who brought to life the ideas that emerged during testing. Today we want to show you these changes: tell you how they work and why we made them. We will not describe some things in detail, as we want you to find out about it yourself. Myself new mode"Survival" comes complete with new patch which you can download here.

“My favorite moments in games are when my decisions lead to consequences—even unplanned or catastrophic ones. The stories created based on such decisions are the coolest thing. I think that's why we changed the game the way we did."
- Josh Hamrick, BGS Designer, Survivor

Difficult choice

Overall, we wanted to make sure that you have to make tough decisions. To do this, we made the player's motivation more contrasting, using round-robin systems, such as, for example, in Dark Souls(we are talking about two or more systems that oppose each other). As a result, four “pillars” appeared in the “Survival” mode.

1. Strategy: Reinforce the importance of decisions about when to engage in combat and when to avoid combat, and also force the player to think about what equipment to choose for combat. Then back up those decisions with shorter, more intense fights.
2. Exploration: Slow down the pace of the game and encourage the player to explore all corners of the game world.
3. Resource management: balance items so that they are not easily hoarded, force the player to think about what exactly they need to take with them.
4. Role-playing game: Increase the level of realism and challenges faced by the player.

Here's how these goals were implemented in Survival mode:

Saving via sleep:
- Random and quick saves, as well as almost all automatic saves, are now unavailable. In order to save the game, you need to find a bed and sleep in it for at least an hour. This means you have fewer options and you need to think more about what you're getting yourself into and whether you have the strength to handle the situation. In some cases, you may decide that the enemy is too strong and therefore it is not worth engaging in battle. Otherwise, you decide that you can go all-in. In order to make an informed decision, you need to conduct reconnaissance and gather information, and this is interesting in itself. Additionally, if you can only save the game in one of the beds, those beds become something of a holy grail. They're so important that you'll find yourself scouring the area to find a place to camp near the next fight - and as a result, you might find something you'd otherwise miss.

No teleportation:
— Fast travel is disabled. If you want to get somewhere, you will have to get to your destination the old, proven way. In other words, exploring the world is now mandatory, and the player now has a better chance of seeing the hidden gems of the Commonwealth. It will also force you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to use the workshops. And even if you don't think charisma plays a major role in survival, several abilities related to it will make it easier for you to manage your bases.

Increased level of danger:
- You now deal and receive more damage. You can also increase the damage you deal using Adrenaline - we'll talk about that now. As a result, fights become more dangerous, which in turn forces you to slow down and think about what lies ahead. Add to this the complicated save game rules, and suddenly the battles become much more intense and scary.

The importance of a correctly chosen strategy has increased:
- Since both you and your enemies have become stronger, in battle it is now very important to take an advantageous position and shoot accurately at the target in time. Melee has changed even further, requiring the player to block attacks to defend themselves. As a result, the abilities required to play the game have changed, but those who choose Survival know what they're getting into.

“It makes everything more intense and you have to rethink your approach to fighting.”
- Dane Olds, BGS artist, survivor

Facing the unknown:
- Threats only appear on the compass if you are using the scout scope. In addition, the distance at which you can see markers on the map has been significantly reduced. You can no longer just run around the world knowing what awaits you around the corner. At the same time, you will likely be more engaged in exploring the world, trying to find as many interesting things as possible.

- New basic ability in Survival mode. It increases the damage dealt to you. Its level increases when you kill enemies. The Adrenaline level increases after every 5 enemies destroyed, and with each additional level you deal 5% more damage. The maximum level of the ability is 10, so in total you can increase damage by 50%. This increased damage is a very attractive thing. “Adrenaline” motivates the player to make stupid decisions, which are always so nice to tell friends about. (Sleep reduces your adrenaline levels by a number ranging from 2 to 10, depending on what bed you sleep in.

Well-being - fatigue, hunger, thirst:
- In order to survive, you need to take care of yourself. You must drink, eat and rest - only then will you be in full combat readiness. If you don't eat, drink or rest for a long time, you will damage your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. parameters. In addition, you become tired and your immune system weakens, and in the end, these negative factors can directly harm your level of health. This will affect all your decisions because you now have to constantly consider your changing level of wealth. The struggle for survival will force you to participate in new, unexpected adventures. At the very least, you will be hunting - to get valuable meat - and this will lead to clashes with representatives of the local fauna. But not all edible items are beneficial: certain items can cause not only positive, but also negative effects - for example, they can increase levels of hunger, thirst and fatigue, or reduce immunity.

“As a result, I started searching every building, looking for food and water, which I didn’t think about at all in the main game. It changes the pace and style of play a lot."
- Michael Dulaney, BGS programmer, survivor

— Fatigue mainly accumulates as a result of physical activity, but its level is also affected by hunger and thirst. The effect of fatigue is similar to the effects of radiation, but fatigue does not affect health, but action points. The higher your fatigue level, the fewer action points you have to spend on running or acting in VATS. The level of fatigue is indicated in red on the action point indicator.

Everything matters

It's not just the major changes that have impacted Survival mode. We've also changed a lot of items and conditions.

Bed types:
- The time you can spend sleeping, and therefore the level of recovery, depends on the type of bed. The maximum bonus is given only by real beds, of which there are not so many in the world. This encourages the player to explore what is in the vicinity of his "base", or spend caps in exchange for the opportunity to spend the night in comfortable conditions.

Plus, it will be so nice to find a sleeping bag somewhere... or better yet, a dirty mattress... and finding a real bed will feel like you won the lottery. Have you found all the workshops yet? Then it's time to start making beds.

Diseases and antibiotics:
— Several different diseases affect your level of health. The chance of getting sick increases as you decrease general level welfare. Antibiotics can be created, purchased, or found. They heal you from diseases, but you can also consult doctors. Fighting certain creatures or using drugs can cause you to instantly become ill. Also, stimulants are no longer a miracle cure, so be prepared for anything!

— Items that cleanse your body of radiation cause fatigue and temporarily reduce your immunity level. By adding negative effects to Antiradin, we force you to use it only when absolutely necessary.

Slow Healing:
- The rate at which health is restored using food and stimulants has been significantly reduced. To survive, you need to choose the moment to heal carefully.

Damaged limbs:
- Injured limbs no longer heal automatically after the battle ends. Now they need to be treated with stimulants or sleep. This not only makes battles more difficult, but also further increases the consumption of stimulants.

Cargo weight:
- The total weight you can carry has been reduced. In addition, items such as ammo and stimulants now also have a weight. Bullets and shells weigh little, but missiles and nuclear bombs are quite heavy. Now you must choose your equipment carefully, taking into account common benefit and the weight of objects.

“My life has completely changed. The refuge is my refuge. Every day I go out looking for supplies and bring something home. I don't think about the future. I have to survive."
- Rick Weissens, BGS Animator, Survivor

Heavy burden:
- Excess weight reduces your level of well-being, quickly increases your level of fatigue, and will eventually lead to leg injury. Now you can't accumulate a ton of items and then slowly and sadly carry them home. Hide your loot and fly on like the wind.

The price of friendship:
- Satellites now carry less cargo than before. Companions wounded in battle no longer automatically rise after battle. If you don't cure them, they will return home. So don't clamp down on your stimulants and turn your friends into beasts of burden!

Also, if you have already downloaded DLC Automatron , then you will also have to carefully monitor the condition of your new robot companions. If you forget to use the repair kit in time, the robot will return home.

Respawning Enemies and Loot:
- In sectors that you have cleared, enemies and loot appear much slower. So go ahead and explore new places!

“Overall, it creates a completely unique feel for the Fallout world. You truly understand what the Wasteland is.”
- Todd Howard, BGS producer, survivor

There is still a lot of interesting things in the “Survival” mode and you will discover all this for yourself. Play the beta and let us know what you think about it. With your help, we will make this mode even better and then release it on all platforms. Thanks again!

Source of information



There is a lot of fun to be had with the settlements in this game, so you should try to open them as soon as possible. This is done by completing a certain line of quests, after which you become able to create your own settlement, in which you will collect survivors, develop it, create retail outlets, sow fields, harvest crops, and so on. However, the biggest problem in this matter is automation.
Yes, the descriptions of each item indicate that it works autonomously and is activated independently. But nowhere is it stated that you will need to activate certain features manually, and sometimes even assign survivors to work at a particular point for it to become active.
For many gamers, these features come as a surprise after just a few dozen hours of gameplay.

Damage to enemy

The size of your gun matters, but it is much more important to know about your enemy's resistance to a particular type of damage. This can be easily missed or ignored, but it is much better to level up the right skill so that you always have access to information about what types of attacks your opponent has a higher resistance to. This way you can neutralize enemies much faster without wasting precious ammo.

Better hide

Another point that is not the best explained in training is the squat. If your character sits down, an icon will immediately light up, indicating that he has entered stealth mode. Bethesda has a reputation for not having the smartest AI in its games, so hiding from an enemy in an open field is much easier than you might think. Moreover, if you are spotted, you can crouch behind some cover, and your character will take a defensive position from which you can look out to fire.


One of the main problems of this game is the small number of slots for storing found items. And if you're going on a loot hunt, your best bet is to make sure you have the Lone Traveler skill, which allows your character to take more damage and carry more items if he's traveling without companions. However, your dog is not considered a companion in this case, so you can enjoy the bonuses that the above skill gives you, and also store items in the dog’s slots.

Searching for the dog

All the survivors you interact with in the settlement will come to you as soon as you ring the bell - but not your dog. And if you don’t want to lose him in the vastness of the Desert, then you should build a booth for him in your main settlement and always send him there when you don’t need him - this way you can guarantee that you will always find him where you sent him.

Magic Jaws

Many gamers who started playing Fallout 4 were greatly enticed by the sight of the cryolator, an incredibly powerful weapon hidden behind glass under a secure lock in Vault 111, where the game begins. To get it out of there, you will need to become a lockpicking master, which will take many hours of play. However, there is a workaround, and this is where your dog can help you again. You meet him a little after leaving the Vault, so you can quickly return, clear the room of loot and instruct the dog to look for items. Miraculously, the cryolator will end up in the dog’s mouth, and with a successful combination of circumstances, it will also be equipped with a large number of cartridges.

Weapon modification

If you upgrade your weapon modification perks, you can easily turn even a basic gun into something incredibly powerful. The most important thing here is to always extract mods from weapons you don't need, and not sell them along with them - this way you will have the necessary materials for the job, and sometimes even those that would be simply impossible for you to get otherwise.


In addition to modification, you also have access to weapon personalization, which means that you can rename any of your guns the way you want on any workbench. And besides, not far from Vault 111 there is a location where you can even change appearance your weapon.


If you go to the main menu of the game, you can change the display of your Pip-Boy, or rather its color. There are several options available so you can find the one that suits you best, but for practicality reasons it's best to choose the white one as you can then use the Pip-Boy as a free flashlight.


There are a lot of crafting options in this game, and they need to be used wisely so that you can get the most out of the system. Some crafting ingredients can sometimes be very difficult to find, so always use them carefully so as not to regret losing them later.


The same rule that was used in Skyrim applies in this case - if you want to return to an already cleared location, but so that there are all the same opponents there, as well as loot, then you need to wait thirty days, and then the game will automatically restore the location to its original state.

Turn off and on

Unfortunately, in new game There are some bugs and glitches, but if some creature is blocking your only exit, stuck in the door textures, you can save the game and load it again.
This will trigger a respawn at the current location, and you can safely continue the passage.


Greetings. Please explain to me the logic behind the appearance of sores in Survival mode. I started again in this mode and was completely blown away. I chose it for the adrenaline, but ended up with permanent hemorrhoids. First of all, I died from an infection before I even got back to Century with the Minuteman. Moreover, the extreme stage began to take effect, taking away life even before entering the museum, and then the stimulants stupidly ran out. Not a single stimulant or antibiotic was found in the raiders. There are no antibiotics or doctors anywhere, anywhere at all. It is impossible to craft them, because even antibiotics from plants contain in the recipe something that cannot be found in the first couple of days. But what’s most infuriating is that, eating cooked, clean meat and drinking only clean water, I managed to become infected. I slept just as well, but I developed a full set at the very beginning of the game, when nothing can fix it - insomnia, infection and something else, weakness (-20% damage).
I also dealt with the creatures from a distance, mainly by distracting them with sand and killing them via VATS.
Maybe there is some kind of mod that adjusts loot in such a way that in addition to clothes, a gun and a couple of cartridges, raiders also have food, stimulants, and at least every 20th, but an antiseptic!? It’s just that otherwise it’s some kind of bullshit. GG wants to eat and drink almost constantly, but all the food is radioactive, and you can only remove the radiation by cooking it, meat. All kinds of tops can only be found in complex recipes, and until you find all the ingredients you’ll just stupidly die of hunger. Moreover, death from hunger (and this is when you have not eaten for just a couple of days) occurs as quickly as from the extreme stage of infection. There are not many animals in the area. I would love to hunt, but there’s almost no one to hunt. More precisely, not that quantity. To get enough food, you need to eat 10 pieces or even more, because for the preparation of some products you need 2 - 3 components of these to get 1, and in order to get enough you need clean 3 - 4. For some reason, you can’t cook any pumpkin separately in water, it’s just difficult compound recipes. And if you eat it, you will definitely die very quickly, because an infection will definitely appear, and this, as I described above, is 100% death at the beginning of the game. She appears even without dirty food.
In general, are there any mods that level the Survival mode to a normal state, and not realism from the word masochism?

PS I don’t know, maybe, of course, the possibility of the same antibiotics and stimulants appearing in loot depends on some perks, but at the beginning of the game, no matter how hard you try, you can’t level up much until you reach the required level, and not just experience points.

Mole-rat disease is a non-fatal, but incurable disease in Fallout 4. You can catch this infection when completing the quest “The Nook” of Vault 81. It is impossible to get rid of the disease by “legal means”. Therefore, it is important to know how to avoid getting an infection or deal with the consequences of the disease.

Start of the quest

The mission "The Nook", during which you can become infected with the mole-rat disease in Fallout 4, will become available after donating blood to Dr. Forsythe and completing the quest from Erin. Then, the next time he enters the medical compartment of the Vault, the hero learns that Austin Angill has become infected. The boy was bitten by a mole rat, and now the child is dying from the infection. To save him, you will need to find an antidote.

Passing the task

Head to the secret entrance and go to the laboratory part of the shelter. From the room covered with earth, climb the stairs. At the top you will find a room through which you can enter a room with a terminal. There is nothing particularly interesting inside, except that here you can find out information about the location. Be careful, around the next corner there are two turrets and an aggressive Protectron wandering around.

Having dealt with the opponents, go down the stairs to the dining room. There is also a turret and an observer protectron that is still turned off. The robot can be reprogrammed and made an ally in the fight against rodents. But you shouldn’t do this, because then the chance of contracting mole-rat disease in Fallout 4 increases significantly.

At the end of the corridor on the left side you will find a staircase. There are 6 rodents running around here, so shoot them from a distance. Continue along the corridors until you reach a door with a terminal. Be careful, 15-16 rodents will attack you on the way. You can open the terminal yourself if you have leveled up your Hacking skill. If the skill level is insufficient, then go to the far right room. In this room there is a holotape with the password for the terminal.

After unlocking the door, talk to Curie. After the conversation, the robot itself will open the partition and give you the serum. Take the medicine and take the elevator to the Vault. Give the serum to the doctor and watch how the boy is cured of his illness. As a reward, you will receive the Short Injection Carbine weapon, and Curie will become your partner.

If in the process of completing the task you pick up an infection, you can keep the serum for yourself. Otherwise, you will suffer from illness and constantly lose health. Then the boy will die from infection, which will have a bad effect on your karma. Moreover, with such an outcome, Curie will not become your companion. In any case, the choice is yours.

How to Avoid Getting Mole Rat Disease in Fallout 4

Completing the task and not getting sick is quite difficult, but possible. To do this, it is important to meet several conditions. First of all, take a fast-firing weapon with good range and damage to the mission. Then you will kill all the rodents without letting them near you.

Another important condition is not to take a partner on the quest. The fact is that the contagious mole-rat disease in Fallout 4 is also transmitted through a companion. For the same reason, you cannot program a second Protectron to protect you. After all, in this case he will be considered your partner. And if rodents bite the robot, the infection will be transmitted to you.

Having fulfilled these conditions, carefully shoot the mole rats and do not forget to save often. But before that, check the status of the effects applied to you. Then you will complete the task without consequences.

How to cure mole rat disease in Fallout 4

If during the mission you do catch an infection, you will have to either let the boy die or suffer from the infection. In any case, the consequences of your choice will only bring trouble, because the boy’s death will affect your reputation and future relations with Curie. If you save the boy at the cost of your life, you will never be able to take Strongman as your partner.

Will help solve this complex problem console command. To get additional medicine for Mole Rat Disease in Fallout 4, press the "~" key. In the field that opens, enter the following command: player. additem 00055F10. After this, another syringe with serum will appear in the “Help” section.

In this guide we will look at how to remove radiation fromFallout 4 and reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

As in mobile Fallout, a new system has been introduced
irradiation. The bottom line is that the life bar and the disease bar now fit into one, and if the level of infection increases, then the maximum level of health decreases. As in other parts, dangerous radiation awaits us at every step, but more on that later.

Fallout 4 how to treat radiation?

Many people, especially beginners, wonderhow to cure radiation Fallout 4. The answer is quite simple! As in other series of the game, a time-tested, pre-war remedy called Antiradin is used for this. RadAway). One tablet will help you remove 300 units of radiation (you can see what level of infection you currently have on the Pip-Boy indicator to the right of the main screen). Usually a couple or three capsules are enough for a complete cure, and if you need more, then most likely you are already a corpse.

Fallout 4 how to remove radiation from food?

We've already sorted it outhow to recover from radiation Fallout 4 And how to lower its level, it remains to find out about prevention. If you haven't noticed, then all raw food, be it mole rat or radscorpion meat, is contaminated and if consumed raw, the level of radiation will inevitably increase. Fortunately, fire was invented by primitive people. To cook a juicy deathclaw steak (a local delicacy), you will need to first kill it and then fry it at any cooking station. By the way, one of these points is located at the Red Rocket truck stop, right where you find your dog. The essence of cooking is simple, go to the menu, select the desired dish and if we have all the ingredients, then cook. The advantage of processed foods is not only that they get rid of radiation, but also give certain bonuses, you can see them in the cooking menu to the right of the recipes.

In addition, you need to avoid dirty water sources, close fights with ghouls and contaminated places and then you will always be healthy and full of strength. To protect against radiation, use suits; read about the strongest armor.

Now we've found out how to reduce radiation levels inFallout 4 or reduce completely and now there will be one less danger for you, because you know how be treated for the main pandemic in the Fallout world, especially since we know where to buy antiradin.

Have a good game!