Figures for children 3 4 years. Didactic game "Geometric shapes" for the second junior group. Games "Geometric shapes" for children

In today's article, I would like to talk about how easy and fun it is to learn geometric shapes with a baby, and why bother with geometry at such an early age. What games will be interesting for a baby from 1 year old, and what materials you will need for classes - read about all this in the article. In addition, here you will find some useful materials for download.

Why study geometric shapes with a toddler?

    Geometric shapes are found everywhere, they can be seen in most of the objects around us: a round ball, a rectangular table, etc. Analyzing the similarity of surrounding objects with geometric shapes, the child wonderfully trains associative and spatial thinking.

  1. The study of geometric shapes is useful for general development baby, expanding his knowledge of the world around him. If you introduce a child to forms at an early age, it will be much easier for him at school.
  2. Many interesting educational games are based on the ability to distinguish geometric shapes. This is construction, games with, mosaic, mathematical tablet, etc. Therefore, the study of forms at such an early age will contribute to the further successful development of the child.

So, games for learning and consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes :

1. We name geometric shapes always and everywhere

If during games or reading books you come across any figure, be sure to pay attention to the baby and name it (“Look, the ball looks like a circle, and the cube looks like a square”). Even if it seems to you that the child is still unlikely to remember the names of the figures, pronounce them anyway, and they will certainly be deposited in his head. You can do this for up to a year. At first, point only to the main shapes (square, circle, triangle), then, when you realize that the baby has mastered them, start studying other shapes.

2. Playing Geometric Lotto

For the first lessons with the baby, it is better to use the loto, where there are only 3-4 figures. When the baby has mastered such a game well, gradually complicate the task. It is also useful for the first time to make all the pieces on the playing field of the same color and size. In this case, the child will focus on only one sign - the form, while other characteristics will neither distract nor prompt him.

You can impose on the playing field both cards with the image of figures, and three-dimensional figures. Good for this purpose Gyenes blocks (Ozone, KoroBoom), figurines from the sorter, insert frame.

Well, the most troublesome option is to purchase ready-made loto with geometric shapes.

3. Playing with the sorter

Around the age of 1 year, the child begins to notice that the figure he has chosen sorter (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop) can not be pushed into every hole. Therefore, during the game, it is necessary to focus on this: “So, here we have a circle - it doesn’t fit here, it doesn’t fit here, but where does it fit?”. At first, turning the figure at the right angle can be difficult for the baby, but it's not scary, it's a matter of practice. Most importantly, don't forget exciting process“pushing” all the time to pronounce the names of the figures, and the child will imperceptibly remember them all.

Important! When choosing a sorter, pay attention to the fact that all the main geometric shapes are presented there, and not just hearts and crescents.

4. Playing with the frame insert

It will take such insert frame, which shows all the main figures. At its core, the game is similar to a sorter.

Here's another one interesting game for shape recognition - "" ( labyrinth, My shop). Despite the fact that the age on it is 3-5 years old, it will be of interest to a child of 2 years old and even a little earlier.

9. Learning forms from Doman cards

In fact, I believe that this method of studying forms is the most effective. If you are engaged in, the child will very quickly remember all the figures, and you will spend a minimum of effort on this. However, it should be noted that in order for the knowledge gained from Doman's cards to be deposited in the baby's head, they need to be fixed through other games (see above). Otherwise, the child will quickly forget everything that you showed him. Therefore, I recommend starting to look at Doman's cards with geometric shapes at about the age of 1 year, since at this time the baby becomes interested in sorters, insert frames, drawing, appliqué, etc. And, having studied the forms from the pictures, he will be able to use the knowledge gained in these games. By the way, the cards Geometric figures"you can, but buy HERE.

You can read about our experience in studying figures using Doman's cards.

10. Watch educational cartoons

And, of course, watching cartoons on the theme "Geometric shapes" does not hurt, now you can find a lot of them on the Internet. Here is some of them:

Instead of a conclusion

Very often, the process of teaching a child geometric shapes (and not only shapes) is perceived by parents solely as a constant examination of the child, i.e. they show the child a couple of times, for example, a square, and in the future, the training comes down to the question “Tell me, what kind of figure is this?”. This approach is extremely wrong. Firstly, because, like any person, a child does not like it too much when they arrange a knowledge test for him, and this only discourages him from studying. Secondly, before asking a kid about something, he needs to explain and show it a lot of times!

Therefore, try to keep screening questions to a minimum. Just repeat and repeat the information you are learning, be it the names of shapes or something else. Do this while playing and talking with your baby. And the fact that the child has learned everything, you will soon see for yourself without unnecessary checks.

There are a lot of techniques for children representing geometric shapes. modern market. Below are the main ones, as well as games that develop the child.

Nowadays, the early development of the baby is of great importance. The crumbs begin to be taught almost from the hospital. There are many games, books, video and audio materials that help children quickly master such simple - at first glance - topics as letters, numbers, shapes, colors. Especially popular are cards showing geometric shapes for kids. This guide is clear and concise. It allows the child to quickly and easily master the necessary knowledge.

When to start learning geometric shapes?

In general, it is possible to acquaint a child with forms from the first months. There is nothing wrong if you are game form, without annoying the baby, you will show him pictures or toys, clearly pronouncing the name of the figure (circle, square, etc.).

Thus, by the age of two, the child should know three forms well:

  1. triangle;
  2. a circle;
  3. square.

By the age of three, this list should include:

  • oval;
  • rhombus;
  • rectangle.

By the way, much attention is paid to the study of geometric shapes in the method of Maria Montessori. In her materials there are several games that help the child quickly learn to identify the shapes of objects. We will talk about them further.

Why study geometric shapes for a baby?

Much has already been said about the benefits of early development. Exactly active learning a baby in the period from birth to three years forms his creativity and fluency of thinking, diligence and love for knowledge, the ability to quickly assimilate information.

The study of forms is necessary for several other reasons.

  • The whole world around consists of figures (a circle is a car wheel, a plate, the sun; a square is a window, a chair seat, etc.).
  • Preparing for school - the sooner the child masters simple knowledge, the easier it will be for him to study at school.
  • The study of forms will allow the baby to play those games that are inaccessible to children who do not know what a circle, square, etc. are.
  • Studying geometric shapes, the child expands his horizons, trains the brain, increases vocabulary.

5 rules for learning geometric shapes

It is worth remembering that all the information that seems elementary to us is new and often incomprehensible to children. With geometric shapes, this rule almost always works. Therefore, if a child confuses a circle with a square and does not want to correct himself, be patient and do not scold the baby for mistakes.

For faster and easier assimilation of knowledge by the crumbs, follow simple tips.

  1. Point your child to geometric shapes in everyday life. Showing the book to the child, say that it is rectangular, showing the saucer, give it the definition of “circle”.
  2. Try to get feedback. Find out from the baby which category the house, table, pillow belongs to. Watch the instructional video and ask your child to describe what they saw.
  3. Use toys of regular geometric shapes. Buy crumbs round and triangular molds, cubes, a ball.
  4. Play games that require knowledge of the names of the pieces (see below).
  5. Watch videos and cartoons about shapes (like "Baby Einstein").

Games "Geometric shapes" for children


This is one of the first educational toys for the baby, which allows you to learn about the properties of different figures. The essence of the sorter is that for a certain hole you need to pick up a toy of the appropriate shape (ball, cube, and others). The child very quickly begins to understand what's what.

Such a toy not only teaches the little one to quickly distinguish between figures of different geometric shape, but also trains fine motor skills of the fingers, and also develops logical thinking.

Montessori games

Maria Montessori, as mentioned above, attached great importance to geometric shapes in the developmental games of the baby. In her methodology, there are several ways to introduce a child to geometry in a playful way. For example:

  • Place the figures in an opaque bag or bag. Let the baby take one toy in turn and, without taking it out, determine what shape it is.
  • For an older child, you can come up with the following task: say a word-definition, for example, “ride”. The kid must name the forms that have this property.
  • You can invite the baby to name all the shapes with or without corners, with or without edges.
  • Creative version of the game with figures. Ask the child to dream up and say what a circle, square, triangle looks like.

In the Montessori method, there is a special device called "Frames and inserts." This is a kind of analogue of the sorter, which we talked about above.

Drawings and stencils

If your child likes to draw, then use this to teach him to distinguish between shapes. Draw a house together. Speak all the details: The windows are square, the roof is a triangle, etc.

You can also offer the child stencils. You can cut them yourself from thick paper or buy ready-made ones.

Outlining this or that figure, the kid will learn to draw them (“fill his hand”), and your comments (this is a circle, this is a triangle) will help the child remember their names faster.

Doman cards

The Doman method is very popular among parents interested in the early development of their child. It involves the use of visual cards for better assimilation of the knowledge gained by the baby. Doman has a separate set of cards dedicated to geometric shapes. It can be bought or downloaded on the Internet (there you can also find a video about this technique).

Literature and didactic material

Below are the most popular and effective methods and materials for introducing children to geometric shapes.

  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

In the cycle of books for the early development of children "School of the Seven Dwarfs" there are two devoted to forms: "Square and Circle" (for children from birth to one year old), "Form. Color "(for children from 1 year to 2 years). The books show the main figures in a large and visual way.

  • Geometric figures. soft mosaic

A very convenient and bright way to introduce the child to the forms. The mosaic is made of safe soft material. It will be interesting for the kid to consider its details and collect pictures from them.

  • coloring pages

There are many such books on the market today. You can select "Smart coloring. Smeshariki" with children's favorite characters from the cartoon of the same name.

  • stickers

Reusable stickers will also be very useful during the period of teaching the child "geometry for the little ones." These stickers can be applied anywhere! In the bathroom, in the nursery, in the kitchen. Offer the baby a game: in the environment you need to find objects of one kind or another.

Cartoons about geometric shapes


Teaching and introducing a child to geometric shapes is not only important, but also very interesting! Show your imagination, come up with your own games and tasks for the child, show interesting videos, and he will answer you with love and gratitude.

The presentation is designed for children of the second junior group and includes game exercises by FEMP. These exercises are aimed at introducing children to geometric shapes. The presentation uses signs-signs (TRIZ).



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Slides captions:


OBJECTIVES: * Introduce children to geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Learn to examine the shape of these figures using vision. * Strengthen the ability to highlight color, shape, size as special properties of objects; group similar objects according to sensory characteristics.











On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Formation of ideas about geometric shapes in preschool children

The first ideas about the shape, size and relative position of objects in space, children accumulate in the preschool period. In the process of playing and practical activities, they manipulate objects...

card file of didactic (mobile, cognitive) games aimed at developing ideas about the shape of objects and geometric shapes in preschool children, the second junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups

games aimed at developing ideas about the shape of objects and geometric shapes in children preschool age...

Educational games in mathematics. Geometric shapes" for children of senior preschool age

educate observation, develop thinking and activity in children. learn to group geometric shapes....

Consultation for educators "Methodological techniques for the formation of ideas about geometric shapes in children of senior preschool age"

Teaching children to compare the shape of objects with geometric figures as standards of object form is an important task in preparing children for school .. The child needs to develop the ability to see ...

Didactic game as a means of forming ideas about geometric shapes in preschool children

The leading activity in preschool children is play activity. Didactic games contribute to the development of cognitive and mental abilities. In games with objects, children learn ...

Marina Gekkel
Fun math lesson. "Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes", for children 4-5 years old

Entertaining lesson in mathematics"Journey to the Land of Geometric Shapes"


1. Fix the skill children distinguish geometric

shapes in color and shape.

2. Learn to highlight data geometric shapes from

many others.

3. Improve counting skills (within 5).

4. Develop higher mental functions: memory,

thinking, attention, develop fine motor skills.

5. To develop in children a sense of mutual assistance.

Guys, today we will go to land of geometric shapes. First you need to open the gate (gates are attached on the board)

To do this, you need to guess puzzles:

1. Since childhood, I've been your friend

Every corner here is right

All four sides are the same length

I am glad to introduce myself to you.

And my name is... (square).

2. I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

And on the circle and the wheel (a circle)

3. My riddle is short:

Three sides and three corners

Who am I? (triangle)

Well done. Your clues are the key to this gate. (The gates open to the music, there is a picture of a street attached, where on one side all the houses are round, and on the other - oval).

Let's go down the first street.

What kind of people do you think live there?

(showing the street where everything is round and oval).

That's right, circles and ovals live here.

Why do you think they live together?

(he is very similar)

How are these similar figures?

(no sides, corners)

What is different anyway?

(ovals elongated)

Now let's play.

look carefully How do houses on one side of the street differ from houses on the other side?

(the windows in the houses on one side of the street are oval, on the other side they are round). - But on this street everything is messed up.

Let's put things in order.

(children attach windows of the desired shape in the houses)

Is everything right?

How many oval windows on one side?

How many round windows on the other side?

What more?

So, now there is complete order on the oval and round street, we go to another street.

(Showing another picture of a street where everything is square and rectangular.)

What do you think figures live here?

How are these similar figures?

(4 corners, 4 sides)

What is the difference?

(square has all sides equal)

Guys, look, they also have something wrong, some kind of disorder.

(a circle and an oval hid near a square and a rectangle)

That's right, here are extra figures, they are from the other street, probably got lost, let's send them home.

Guys, what kind of street figures we have not yet visited?

That's right, we're going to the triangles.

(pictures of each child depicting triangular houses).

Guys, what do you know about triangles, how do they differ from others figures?

(3 corners, 3 sides)

Guys, triangles also need help.

New houses have been built on their street, but it is impossible to get into them.

How do you figure out why?

(children look at pictures of triangular houses in which there are round, oval, rectangular and triangular doors.

I would like to replace the doors "wrong" triangular shape.

Guys, let's count how many doors we have changed.

A moment of rest.

One, two, three, four, five!

We can also rest

Put your hands behind your back

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy - easy to breathe.

One, two, three, four, five!

We stomp our feet.

One, two, three, four, five!

We clap our hands!

Pull up, on your toes so many times,

Exactly as many as there are fingers on our hand.

How many fingers do we have on our hand? (5)

And how much figures did we visit today?

Outcome: - Our journey through the city of Geometric shapes comes to an end. And so that all the inhabitants of this city always have a good mood, let's make cookies of various shapes for them.

Mathematical task - Geometric shapes for children 3-4 years old "Coloring" is aimed at developing the mathematical representations of the child and are leading in teaching preschool children. By the age of 4, a child should be able to distinguish and name a circle, a square, a rectangle, an oval, as well as all primary colors.

Geometric shapes for children 3-4 years old - Task conditions:

Here you can download geometric shapes for children 3-4 years old in the form of educational coloring tasks. Print the downloaded file on a black and white printer and let your child color it, after reading the conditions to be followed:

  • First task: Color all circles blue. Count how many there are?
  • Second task: Color all triangles orange. How many?
  • Third task: Color the squares red and the rectangles yellow. How many squares did it make? How many rectangles? What more?
  • Fourth task: Color the ovals green. How many ovals did you get?

Download geometric shapes for children 3-4 years old (form with tasks) in the original size (for printing on a computer) you can in the attachments at the bottom of the page.

The tasks are the author's development of the children's portal "Miracle-Yudo". Copying and republishing the task on other websites or in printed publications is prohibited by copyright law.

There are a lot of techniques for children representing geometric shapes on the modern market. Below are the main ones, as well as games that develop the child.

Nowadays, the early development of the baby is of great importance. The crumbs begin to be taught almost from the hospital. There are many games, books, video and audio materials that help children quickly master such simple - at first glance - topics as letters, numbers, shapes, colors. Especially popular are cards showing geometric shapes for kids. This guide is clear and concise. It allows the child to quickly and easily master the necessary knowledge.

When to start learning geometric shapes?

In general, it is possible to acquaint a child with forms from the first months. There is nothing wrong if you in a playful way, without annoying the baby, show him pictures or toys, clearly pronouncing the name of the figure (circle, square, etc.).

Thus, by the age of two, the child should know three forms well:

  1. triangle;
  2. a circle;
  3. square.

By the age of three, this list should include:

  • oval;
  • rhombus;
  • rectangle.

By the way, much attention is paid to the study of geometric shapes in the method of Maria Montessori. In her materials there are several games that help the child quickly learn to identify the shapes of objects. We will talk about them further.

Why study geometric shapes for a baby?

Much has already been said about the benefits of early development. It is the active learning of the baby in the period from birth to three years that forms his creativity and fluency of thinking, diligence and love for knowledge, the ability to quickly assimilate information.

The study of forms is necessary for several other reasons.

  • The whole world around consists of figures (a circle is a car wheel, a plate, the sun; a square is a window, a chair seat, etc.).
  • Preparing for school - the sooner the child masters simple knowledge, the easier it will be for him to study at school.
  • The study of forms will allow the baby to play those games that are inaccessible to children who do not know what a circle, square, etc. are.
  • Studying geometric shapes, the child expands his horizons, trains the brain, increases vocabulary.

5 rules for learning geometric shapes

It is worth remembering that all the information that seems elementary to us is new and often incomprehensible to children. With geometric shapes, this rule almost always works. Therefore, if a child confuses a circle with a square and does not want to correct himself, be patient and do not scold the baby for mistakes.

For faster and easier assimilation of knowledge by the crumbs, follow simple tips.

  1. Point your child to geometric shapes in everyday life. Showing the book to the child, say that it is rectangular, showing the saucer, give it the definition of “circle”.
  2. Try to get feedback. Find out from the baby which category the house, table, pillow belongs to. Watch the instructional video and ask your child to describe what they saw.
  3. Use toys of regular geometric shapes. Buy crumbs round and triangular molds, cubes, a ball.
  4. Play games that require knowledge of the names of the pieces (see below).
  5. Watch videos and cartoons about shapes (like "Baby Einstein").

Games "Geometric shapes" for children

This is one of the first educational toys for the baby, which allows you to learn about the properties of different figures. The essence of the sorter is that for a certain hole you need to pick up a toy of the appropriate shape (ball, cube, and others). The child very quickly begins to understand what's what.

Such a toy not only teaches the little one to quickly distinguish figures of different geometric shapes, but also trains fine motor skills of the fingers, and also develops logical thinking.

Montessori games

Maria Montessori, as mentioned above, attached great importance to geometric shapes in the developmental games of the baby. In her methodology, there are several ways to introduce a child to geometry in a playful way. For example:

  • Place the figures in an opaque bag or bag. Let the baby take one toy in turn and, without taking it out, determine what shape it is.
  • For an older child, you can come up with the following task: say a word-definition, for example, “ride”. The kid must name the forms that have this property.
  • You can invite the baby to name all the shapes with or without corners, with or without edges.
  • Creative version of the game with figures. Ask the child to dream up and say what a circle, square, triangle looks like.

In the Montessori method, there is a special device called "Frames and inserts." This is a kind of analogue of the sorter, which we talked about above.

Drawings and stencils

If your child likes to draw, then use this to teach him to distinguish between shapes. Draw a house together. Speak all the details: The windows are square, the roof is a triangle, etc.

You can also offer the child stencils. You can cut them yourself from thick paper or buy ready-made ones.

Outlining this or that figure, the kid will learn to draw them (“fill his hand”), and your comments (this is a circle, this is a triangle) will help the child remember their names faster.

Doman cards

The Doman method is very popular among parents interested in the early development of their child. It involves the use of visual cards for better assimilation of the knowledge gained by the baby. Doman has a separate set of cards dedicated to geometric shapes. It can be bought or downloaded on the Internet (there you can also find a video about this technique).

Literature and didactic material

Below are the most popular and effective methods and materials for introducing children to geometric shapes.

  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs"

In the cycle of books for the early development of children "School of the Seven Dwarfs" there are two devoted to forms: "Square and Circle" (for children from birth to one year old), "Form. Color "(for children from 1 year to 2 years). The books show the main figures in a large and visual way.

  • Geometric figures. soft mosaic

A very convenient and bright way to introduce the child to the forms. The mosaic is made of safe soft material. It will be interesting for the kid to consider its details and collect pictures from them.

  • coloring pages

There are many such books on the market today. You can select "Smart coloring. Smeshariki" with children's favorite characters from the cartoon of the same name.

  • stickers

Reusable stickers will also be very useful during the period of teaching the child "geometry for the little ones." These stickers can be applied anywhere! In the bathroom, in the nursery, in the kitchen. Offer the baby a game: in the environment you need to find objects of one kind or another.

Cartoons about geometric shapes


Teaching and introducing a child to geometric shapes is not only important, but also very interesting! Show your imagination, come up with your own games and tasks for the child, show it, and he will answer you with love and gratitude.

It is not difficult to study, because today there are a lot of different games and toys that help them with this.

Did you know what a two year old should know three basic geometric shapes - a circle, a square and a triangle, and at the age of three, the little one should already know six geometric shapes : that is, a rectangle, an oval and a rhombus.

How can a baby learn to distinguish between them?

And here are a few advice how to help your child learn geometry:

1. Geometric shapes for children need to be introduced somewhere from the age of 2. For the first time, you need to show a large image of them and name them.

2. The name should be mentioned several times so that it is better remembered.

3. Constantly remind your child what shape they have various items, for example, the ball is round, the book is rectangular, etc.

4. After the baby can show the figures, you can ask him to name them.

5. You can also show the baby a cartoon from the "Baby Einstein" series, in which a clown is assembled to a cheerful song from geometric shapes and various objects from them are shown. Or any other educational cartoon for children, the main idea of ​​which is the study of geometry.

From 3-4 years old, you already need to start explaining to the child why the rectangle and triangle are called so. Count the angles with your baby.

6. Buy a crumb sorter - the basic principle of which is to insert an object of a certain geometric shape into the desired hole. These, by the way, are very funny - musical.

7. Draw pictures from various geometric shapes and invite the child to tell what kind of shapes they consist of.

8. Cut out geometric shapes from cardboard and ask your child to sort them. But first, cut out all the shapes of the same color.

9. It is possible to pierce holes in such cardboard geometric shapes and ask the baby, with the help of a cord, to assemble a caterpillar either from the same figures, or alternating them.

10. Good helpers in the study of geometric shapes for children can be cubes, balls, pyramids, constructors.

11. Make from geometric shapes.

12. You can draw figures on the croup (on buckwheat or rice) together with the little one - this is a very interesting and entertaining activity, but after it you will have to do a little cleaning.

13. It is possible, if the weather permits, to draw geometric figures on the street, with sticks in the sand.

14. An interesting activity can also be in which the baby "draws" figures from the ropes.

15. Encourage the imagination and interest of the baby, praise him even for small achievements!

What methods of studying geometric shapes do you know? Write in the comments.

Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's greet them, say hello.

- Do you hear someone knocking on the door? Look, the puppy Sharik came to our lesson, he wants to play with us. Do you want to play with Sharik?

Sharik recently got acquainted with geometric shapes, are you familiar with them?

What geometric shapes do you know?

The ball will make riddles, and you guess what kind of geometric figure the Ball has guessed.

I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the ring, on the wheel.

Guess, friends

Slide 1. (red circle)

Q: You guessed the riddle correctly. What do you know about the circle?

That's right, it has no corners and therefore it can roll.

What color is the circle in this picture?

Q: Look, children, what is shown in this picture?

How many circles are in this picture?

Zhenya, come to the blackboard and count the circles.

What size are the circles?

What color is the small circle?

What color is the big circle?

Puppy: Well done, children! Listen to the next riddle!

Three peaks, three corners

I have three sides.

Children, who am I?

Slide 3. (blue triangle)

Q: Look, children, the picture shows a triangle.

Who knows why the triangle is called that?

Let's count how many angles the triangle has. Olya, go to the board and count the corners.

How many sides does a triangle have?

Let's count. Andrei, go to the blackboard and count the sides of the triangle.

What color is the triangle in this picture?

Q: Children, look at this picture?

How many triangles are in this picture?

Karina, go to the blackboard and count the triangles.

Lera, what color are the triangles in this picture? Go to the blackboard and show, please.

Gosh, what size is the green triangle? (large, medium or small)

Zhenya, what size is the blue triangle?

Karina, what size is the red triangle?

Puppy: What are you good fellows! Listen to the next riddle.

He is my friend for a long time

Every angle is right

All four sides are the same length

I'm glad to present it to you

And his name is…..

(green square)

Q: Look at the picture, it's a square.

What color is this square?

How many corners does a square have?

Maya, go to the blackboard and count the corners of the square.

How many sides does a square have? Seryozha, go to the blackboard and count the sides of the square.

See what is shown in this picture?

Let's count how many squares there are in this picture.

What size are the squares in the picture?

What color are the big squares?

What color are the small squares?

SH: You are so great, you solved all the riddles and answered all the questions!

Q: Sharik came up with another game for us with geometric shapes. Shall we play?

Look, Sharik put the figures in order. See what figures are shown?

What is the first figure?

What color is the square?

Which figure is next, second?

What color is the circle?

What is the last figure?

What color is the triangle?

The ball mixed all the figures and laid them out again, but he made a mistake. Let's help Sharik and find a mistake?

Q: See what Ball put in the wrong order in this picture?

Let's look at the following picture, what pieces did Sharik place incorrectly?

Which figures have changed places?

Right, which figure should come first?

Exactly, the yellow circle remains in place.

Which figure should be the last one?

Well done! The ball folded the figures again, and again made a mistake. Let's help him again!

Which shapes are out of place in this picture?

Which figure should come first?

What figure should be the second?

What figure should be the third?

SH: Thank you! You helped me put all the pieces together correctly! Well done!

B: Now let's have some rest!

Stand near your chairs and let's play with Sharik.

The puppy was playing in the yard
Jumped, ran and counted:
"One - jump and three nods,
Two - head to the right,
Three - turn left" -
And ran to the gate
Then he sighed and sat down.
He was tired and relaxed.

Q: Did you enjoy playing with Sharik?

You know, our friend Sharik doesn't have a house. But we can help him and make a house for him out of geometric shapes.

Let's help Sharik, make a house for him?

Do you know the name of the house where the dog lives?

What do you think, from what we will make a booth for Sharik?

Go to the tables. Look, each of you has a square, a triangle and a circle on the table.

What figure do you think we will make the house itself from?

Correctly! What color is the square on your table?

Lay the square yellow side down on the table.

Open the glue, take it in your right hand, and smear the entire square with glue, holding it with your left hand.

Put the glue on the table, take a square, and glue it in the middle of the sheet, as shown in the picture on the board.

From what figure will we make a roof for the booth?

What color is the triangle on our tables?

Look at the picture on the board.

Place the triangle with the red side down on the table. Take the glue in your right hand and smear the entire triangle on the white side with glue, holding it with your left hand.

We put the glue on the table, take the triangle in our hands and glue it as shown in the picture on the board, above the square.

What figure will we take to make a door in our booth?

What color is the circle on our tables?

Look at the picture on the board, where do we stick the door?

Lay the circle blue side down on the table. Take the glue in your right hand and smear the entire circle on the white side with glue, holding it with your left hand.

Put the glue on the table, take the circle in your hand and glue it as shown on the slide on the board.

SC: What wonderful booths of geometric shapes you have made for me!

Now I will have a place to live! Thank you!

Modern manufacturers of goods for children and child psychologists offer to engage in the development and education of the child almost immediately after his birth. It is up to parents to decide which methods to use, but some basic concepts should be explained outside the main program. for kids are no less important than the colors and names of the main household items. How to introduce a child to circles and ovals?

Why do preschoolers need geometry?

The concept of shape and size helps to perceive the world and objects, to compare them with each other. You will not hesitate to say, describing some unusual piece of furniture, that it looks like two rectangles with rounded edges. Now imagine how difficult it is to describe and compare some objects without knowing the names and concepts of simple shapes. That is why it is useful to learn geometric shapes for kids as early as possible. By the age of 2-3, the child should know at least a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a rhombus. Gradually, more complex shapes can be added.

Let's go in search of figures!

The easiest way to teach a child is to play. Try to interest the baby, serve new material in original game form. For the smallest, you don’t even need to organize classes, you can study in between times. Explain that the cup is round and the book is rectangular. A visual aid that reveals the concept of "geometric shapes" for kids will be the most ordinary toys. Match cubes and balls together, make the task more difficult by adding dishes or fruits to play in the store. Older children can be kept busy for a long time by asking them to find as many circles or triangles in the room as possible. Help show all the imagination and explain that the figures can "hide" on the fabric or wallpaper in the form of a pattern, represent a whole object or part of it.

Interesting geometry

Learning 5 geometric shapes is much easier if you draw them yourself. Offer the baby creative task, take a sheet of paper and paint, pencils and felt-tip pens and draw a circle, rectangle, square, triangle and rhombus. More interesting version of this game - the mother draws a geometric figure, and the child draws some elements, turning the form into an object or animal. You can also draw a rectangle on a sheet of paper and hang it in a conspicuous place. Of course, some of your guests will be surprised by such an interior decoration, but you can always answer: “We are learning geometric shapes with kids.” The next day, draw a circle and hang it next to the rectangle. And then offer to compare the figures with each other. Gradually add the rest of the forms and be sure to devote a few minutes a day to this training.

Useful toys for learning shapes

A variety of games and toys will help in learning the basics of geometry. The easiest option is to purchase ready-made cards with figures. Usually such sets are focused on the study of form and color. There can be many cards, the figures on them are repeated, but differ in size and shade. You can play with this board game for hours. Ask to collect all the same shapes, then arrange them by size. Then mix the cards and offer to find all the shapes of the same size or color. If desired, such a game can be made with your own hands. A special children's lotto can also help in the study of geometry. If desired, it is not difficult to find such a game dedicated to figures. And yet, sorters remain the most popular geometric toys. Usually this is some kind of base (container, frame) that has slots of various shapes. Colored geometric shapes are inserted into the holes. The task of the child is to choose the appropriate slot for each small object on the base. Sorters come in a variety of styles, but by choosing the simplest - geometric, you get the opportunity to learn the names of the shapes as they are placed in the base. Wooden or cardboard frames with inserts, made according to the principle of a sorter, can also help in the study of forms. It is also useful to watch special educational cartoons about geometric shapes for kids. Combine all the proposed training options, and then your child will not have problems with geometry.