Guild of Thieves 1. TES V Thieves Guild Quest Walkthrough What to find in Mercer's house

One of the most powerful organizations in Skyrim is the Thieves Guild. Her followers prefer to constantly remain in the shadows and from there, covertly and imperceptibly, do their dark deeds. Nevertheless, Dovakin will have the opportunity to join the famous guild and even receive certain privileges for this.

Before becoming part of the thieves' elite, the main character will have to complete a chain of tasks. Almost all of them will not cause any difficulties, but there is one that will make even Skyrim veterans sweat. "Pursuit" is the name this quest and that's what this article is about.

Beginning of the chain

First, Dovakin needs to go to Riften. This city is famous for its skillful meadeurs and is located in the southeastern part of the kingdom "Skyrim". The Thieves Guild, for reasons known to them alone, decided to establish their headquarters here, carefully hiding it in the sewer network.

To start the first of the tasks in the chain, the hero just needs to walk around the city market. There, a representative of the thieves' fraternity named Brynjolf will approach him and offer to crank out a small business. Its essence is to steal the ring and slip it to a local merchant, for which the latter will be put in a dungeon.

After that, Dovakin will need to knock out debts from local businessmen, infiltrate the estate, take part in the dismantling of meads and complete other tasks that the Thieves Guild will give him. The Pursuit quest will become available towards the end of the chain. It's time to talk about it in more detail.

Passage of the quest

So, Dovakin helped Karlia to get evidence of her innocence, after which the thief invited him to meet at the Rampant Flask tavern. It is at this place that the quest "Skyrim" "Pursuit" originates. Arriving at the place, the hero needs to convince Brynjolf to open the Guild vault and make sure that it is empty.

Now Dovakin needs to go to the Riftveld estate and find out what Mercer did with the loot. The problem is that the house is guarded by a certain Wald. The watchman can either be killed or persuaded to give the key to the estate and leave the territory. One way or another, the path to the estate will be open and the hero will have no choice but to proceed there.

Once in the house, the first thing to do is to inspect a suspicious closet on the ground floor. Behind him will be a secret passage that will lead the hero to a secret room. Here, on the table, are Mercer's plans, which Dovakin must take to Brynjolf to complete the quest.

There are a few useful tips, which will make it easier for you to complete the "Pursuit" quest. "Skyrim", the passage of the main storyline which was supposed to teach you that any situation in the game can be solved in several ways, and this time does not deviate from its traditions. So, for example, Wald, guarding the estate, can not only be killed, but also persuaded to leave his post. And you can do this in two ways:

  • If the hero has a high Speech skill, he can deceive Vald and tell him that Mercer is waiting for him in Markath. The watchman will give the key and go home.
  • You can learn from Vex that Wald owes money to Maven. The latter will agree to forgive the guard, but will ask for a dual pen for this. It can be found at the bottom of a lake near Riften.

In addition, many of the locks on Mercer's estate will require you to have an expert lockpicking skill. If you pump this skill, you can find several valuable items.


During the "Skyrim" "Pursuit" you may encounter several unpleasant bugs:

  • Karla does not want to go to the tavern anywhere and, accordingly, the quest stops there. solved this problem with help console command Setstage tg07 20. She teleports the naughty thief to the agreed place, and you can safely continue to complete the task.
  • If you visited Mercer's manor and took the plans from there before you started the Pursuit quest, the task will be bugged and it will become impossible to complete. The situation will be corrected by the commands Setstage tg07 10 (it will start the task) and Setstage tg07 60 (return the plans to the table in the estate).

Continuation of the quest chain

Dovakin, if desired, can continue to carry out the instructions of the Thieves Guild and make decisions that will ultimately affect the entire Skyrim. "Pursuit" is one of the most important quests in the chain, but not the last one. After its completion, the hero will not only have to sort out the squabbles of the thieves' brethren and join a mysterious cult, but also get one of the powers of the dark goddess Nocturnal.

By the way, under certain circumstances, the Dragonborn can even lead the Thieves Guild and return it to its former glory. For this, he will receive excellent armor, an amulet that replaces the Eloquence skill, and, of course, the key to the treasure chest. In general, thieves' quests are not only interesting for their plot, but also can bring good profit.

Map Plans county Rift Settlement Riften Zones creatures Bandit Characters Wald Quests Wald's Duty, Stalking, Thieves' Adventures (orig. Riftweald Manor) - building in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
  • Location code:



Manor "Riftveld"- home of Mercer Frey, head of the Thieves Guild in Riften.

When it becomes possible to get inside through the back entrance in the backyard, you will have to go past Wald, the guard of Mercer Frey's house, the owner of the only key to the estate. You can get this key in several ways:

  • help Wald with his debt to Maven, then he will give the key and leave the estate;
  • simply kill him and take the key from his body (no penalty will follow);
  • with the developed skill "Eloquence", in case of failure of the intimidation attempt, an option with persuasion will become available, if it is triggered, Wald will give the key and leave the estate;
  • steal the key.

The latter method is difficult, because after breaking the lock of the gate in the backyard and entering the outer territory of the house, Wald becomes aggressive towards the protagonist and attacks him. If you choose the first or third methods, you should wait for Wald at the gate (he is constantly moving), where you can interact with him.


All doors leading to the estate are bolted and boarded up from the inside (except one), and you can get inside the house only through the door located on the balcony of the second floor in the backyard. Under the balcony is special mechanism, which should be shot; a ramp will descend, along which you can get to the desired door. This is where Wald's key comes in handy.

Inside, you will have to get rid of three bandits before examining the premises. The manor has a lot of dishes and a variety of food, but the house still looks rather empty - there is nothing on most of the shelves. On one of the floors, just opposite the stairs, there is a statue of Dibella.

On the first floor there is a room where there is a note "To the owner of the estate" on the table. In the same room there is a "Suspicious Cabinet", inside of which a false panel is hidden. This closet is the entrance to Mercer Frey's secret lair. This is a short passage through the sewer, such as can be seen in the Rat Hole. It's stuffed different traps, there is one chest with leveled content.

At the end of the corridor is a small room. Here you can notice a Dwemer chest, a funerary urn and a showcase (the level of the castle "Expert"), inside which lies unique weapon, cooler, and on the shelves - a few books. There is a bowl on the table precious stones and golden decorations (every ten in-game days, the interior of the location, including the contents of the bowl, is updated), a bust of the Gray Fox and the textbook "Admirer of the Red Kitchen"; there is also a note "Thank you so much", addressed to some M (obviously, Mercer Frey himself), and, the main purpose of visiting the location is Mercer's plans.

Mercer Frey's Lair

You can leave the estate right there, not far from this room there is an exit to the vaults of the Rat Hole.

  • You can also get to the manor before the quest, for example, by jumping onto the roof of the Temple of Mary, from there to the roof of Mercer Frey's house, and then to the balcony with the right door (lock difficulty "Expert"), but if you take any quest items inside, then this fraught with bugs.
  • In the world of Skyrim, you can be both a defender of the weak and poor, and a villain and a thief. To play the last role, the Thieves Guild is just intended.

    How to join the thieves guild?

    The Thieves Guild is one of the few guilds in Skyrim where you can't just go to the right NPC and join.

    In order to join the thieves guild, you need to complete two "introductory" tasks. We leave for Riften and find Brynjolf there. I found him in a tavern, although he may be elsewhere.

    As soon as you meet him he will start a dialogue and offer to turn the "business".

    chance meeting

    The essence of the task is to rob one merchant and frame another. For a fee, of course.

    Go to the square and find Brynjolf there (if it's night, then you will have to wait until morning). Tell him you are ready. He will start advertising his new "product" so that everyone will take a break from their work and gather around him. Your goal is to pocket the key from the lizard's pockets, and his counter (at first I thought that his counter was a house, in fact it is a simple rack in the market.

    A small guide to pickpocketing:

    • in order for the steal option to appear, you need to enter a secret rack (Ctrl);
    • the chance of theft is checked on each item separately, so take only the most necessary;
    • if the skill of stealing is low save before stealing, so that in case of failure, it will be loaded.

    You can take anything, the main thing is to take the ring. Now, you need to put this ring on another (I forgot the name, open the magazine it will be written to whom). An object is placed in the same way as it is stolen.

    After a successful operation, wait for Brynjolf to finish, and if he still won't let up, enter and exit any building. After that, talk to him, say that everything is done, and you will receive a reward.

    Reliable roof

    Talk to Brynjolf again. He will say that he likes smart and nimble guys like you. And he will say that he will accept you into his guild if you complete one more task.

    Note: he can give you this task right away, or he can send you away, subtly hinting that you need to find a suitable place this place is from the "headquarters" in the dungeons under the city, that's where, in my case, he gave second task:

    It consists in the fact that you need to knock out a debt from 3 people. And the most important thing, as it turns out, is not money. It is necessary that people understand that the guild of thieves must be reckoned with. The only rule victims must survive.

    Instructions for knocking out money:

    • Kirava. It will not work to knock out money directly, you need to talk with the Argonian Talen-Jay, and convince him to influence Kirav. He does not want anything bad to happen to her, and will find a peaceful way to persuade her;
    • Helga. Her weakness is her favorite statue. Find the statue in her tavern and steal it. Then talk to Helga, threatening that if she does not give the money you will break her;
    • Bercy. To hurt Bersi to the quick, you will need to break his favorite vase. He will scream for a long time, but then he will return the debt.

    We return to Brynjolf, we talk about the successful completion of the assignment, and welcome to the thieves guild!

    List of members of the Thieves Guild


    Mercer Frey leader of the Thieves Guild

    Brynjolf accepts us into the guild, in fact - Mercer's deputy.

    Vex master locksmith, gives small contracts

    Delvin Melory gives small contracts, buys a variety of unique interesting things

    Tonilla the buyer of stolen goods

    Gravedigger guard

    Vekel Warrior bartender



    Gives: Brynjolf
    The essence of the task: Punish Aringolf

    So. Our first task in the Thieves Guild. You need to get into the estate of a certain Aringolf, rob the safe and burn three beehives. It would seem empty. In fact, as usual, there is a catch. And it lies in the fact that Aringolf's guard consists of mercenaries. Not very happy news. Is there a way to sneak in somehow? Yes, you can. We speak with "baby Veksy". She will tell us that you can get into the estate through the sewers. Classics of the genre. Yes, do not forget to go to Tonilla for armor, you will like it.

    Well, go. Goldenflower Manor is waiting for us.

    It is best to go at night there is less chance of being seen by the guards. And here is our entrance to the sewer.

    Everything is simple there go along the corridor, kill the malevolent, and reach the stairs. Get up, go into the house. And here the most interesting begins. There are guards in the house. Most sit, two or three walk. In general, getting around them with the proper stealth skill will not be difficult. But beginners will have to sweat. To begin with, I advise you walk around the house and take everything that is not nailed to the floor, and only then go to the safe.

    We get to this grid.

    Here you can turn back and go to the second floor there will be the owner of the mansion, who has the key. And you can go further and open the safe with master keys. Choose. But getting the key is more cumbersome than opening it with master keys. For those who still want to open the key.

    We go to the second floor and see this picture:

    Getting around is very simple we go in the door. We pass through the room, exit, go a little further and see this:

    You won't get around here anymore. You just need to sneak very slowly. And here is the next surprise:

    The owner is in an uncomfortable position for us. I don’t advise talking to him it won’t be possible to kill him to give the key, besides, he will raise the alarm and the guards will come running. Just try to steal the key from his pocket.

    Regardless of the action option, we look to the right into the corridor, if we see the guard’s back we open the grate and make our way further, if we see his physiognomy we wait until we see his back and only then we open the grate and make our way further. In the basement we will see such a careless guard:

    No, well, I should have thought of putting the chair on a puddle of flammable oil. Okay, you're an idiot. It will be extremely difficult to get past it - the space between it and the stairs we need to climb is well lit. You can try to get through, or you can set fire to the oil with a fire spell. But he will not die instantly you will have to finish him off. And there can still come running two guards from the next room. But with luck, you can already run the stairs and hide in the shadows there. In general, the choice is yours.

    So we found the safe.

    We open it or open it with a key, take everything we have and exit through the sewer or through the front door. Who cares, because the next part of our cunning plan is vandalism. Namely, setting fire to beehives. Through the front door will be closer in my opinion. We carefully pass along the bridges, bypassing or waiting for the guards, and set fire to three hives with fire spells. The beauty:

    All right, we can leave. We return to the shelter (a secret passage is now available to us) and receive a well-deserved reward of 200 coins. Plus what you honestly managed to steal from the estate.

    Wrong Honey

    Gives: Brynjolf
    The essence of the task: Talk to Maven Black-Briar and fulfill her request.

    We go to Maven (I found her in a tavern or on the street near the stalls)

    She wants us to eliminate her competitor, Honning's Meadery. She sends us to Whiterun, to the tavern "Prancing Mare" to a measure named Mallius Makius:

    Mallius tells us that Sabjorn is hosting a tasting of his mead for the Captain of the Guard the other day. And here's the bad luck he got skeevers at the meadowry. It would be necessary to poison, and Sabjorn is looking for someone who will take on this. "And rat poison and honey don't mix well." But the rats still need to be disposed of Maven plans to take over the meadery when Sabjorn leaves. As usual, all the rough work falls on our shoulders. Well, where to go? I'm going to the honey factory.

    We go into the building and talk to Sabjorn.

    We offer him help with his problem, demand a deposit (if possible) and go to the basement. We kill skeevers, Crazy named Heimlin:

    (look at it and read the diary we again thwarted the plan to take over the world with a psycho. This is already becoming a routine), pour rat poison into the nest and go to the mead factory itself. Pour poison into a vat of honey. Well, I did something nasty heart joy. Yes, and wallet:

    Now we need to attend the tasting. The commander of the Whiterun guard will try the honey, but he will not like it (and who will like honey with the taste of rat poison?) And he will take Sabjorn to prison, and Mallia will appoint him in charge. Happy end. Almost. All that remained was to look around Sabjorn's room for an explanation of how he was able to open his meadery so quickly. We take the key from Mallius and go up to Sabjorn's room.

    We open the chest of drawers, pick up the coins and the document. But don't rush to leave. Hack the second door and take away the Carafe of Honning's Honey there. Delvin will give 200 coins for him and put him on a shelf where he will put all the interesting items you brought. We go to Maven, give the document and as a reward we get ... the Holy Orc Dagger.

    Hmmm ... Well, at least you can sell it.

    We go to Brynjolf. He says that Mercer Frey urgently wants to see us.

    Caprice of the Scoundrel

    Gives: Brynjolf
    The essence of the task: Find out from the lizard named Gulum-Ai about the buyer of the estate "Goldflower"

    We go to Solitude, to the Laughing Rat tavern and talk to the lizard.

    We try to bribe and he tells us about a box of fire wine in the Blue Palace, which one person really wants to get. And we, therefore, must help him in this. There is nothing difficult - there is no one near this box at all. They came, took and left. We give the wine, and in return we get information about a certain woman who came to Gulum-Ayu with a purse of gold and offered to represent her interests in one case. Namely, to take the payment for the estate to Aringot. He, of course, did not remember the name and face. But something this lizard darkens. We are not in a hurry to leave when we finish the dialogue. Let's follow him to the East Empire Company Warehouse.

    We go after him. Be careful, there will be guards on the way. I advise you to take all the torches from the holders along the way less light, which means less chance that we will be noticed. Silently kill the guards or walk past depends on your preference. The main thing is not to make noise. By the way, the guards also walk with torches, which complicates our following the lizard.

    We reach the entrance to the Salt Water Grotto. That's where Gulum-Ai went. We follow, but the lizard is already in an unimaginable way at the very end of it, and we will have to make our way through the robbers. Proceed in the same way as with the guards before. We reach Gulum-Aya. Nearby are two robbers. We have no choice but to kill them. We kill, threaten Gulum-Ayu and he tells us about a certain Karlia a thief who killed the former head of the guild Gall, and now is hunting for Mercer. Where she doesn't know Gulum-Ai, she just said "went to the beginning of the end." Don't forget to talk to him again and tell him that you owe him another buyer of stolen goods will appear. We open the secret door with one of the levers and go to Mercer. We tell him about Karliah and the "beginning of the end." From which he concludes that Karlia went to the ruins, where she once killed Gallus. And that he would go there with us and help kill her. Okay, but first, let's go to Tonilla for a reward exchange one of the armor components for a better one.

    Conversation with Silence

    Giver: Mercer Frey
    The essence of the task: Go to the ruins of the Snow Veil and kill Karliah.

    We go to the ruins and meet Mercer there. He declares that Karliah is still here, he is sure of it. And he lets us go forward, and he follows us. Okay, we need to hurry before she disappears again. We approach the door, observe how Mercer opens it, and go inside. Be careful there are a lot of traps and draugrs. Mercer will warn you about most of the traps. In the Sanctuary you can find one of the words of power:

    We reach the door, for the opening of which a claw is needed. But since we don't have a claw, Mercer has to cheat and opens the door without a claw (here, no, to tell us how to do it). We go in and ... we fall from an arrow shot at us. We lose consciousness, but we wake up almost immediately, and we see that Mercer and Karliah are talking.

    From the conversation it turns out that not Karliah, but Mercer killed Gallus! Mercer wants to send Karliah after him, but she runs away. But we will not succeed, and therefore we get a sword in the stomach. But we won't die. And when we wake up, we will see Karliah in front of us.

    She tells us everything that we have already guessed. And she says that, fortunately for us, her arrow was poisoned with a special paralytic poison that slowed our heartbeat and prevented us from bleeding. Thank her for this. She also found Gall's diary in these ruins not just because she came here. But the diary is written in a language unknown to her, but she knows who can translate it Enthir, a friend of Gallus. It is to him that we must go. To Winterhold.

    We need the Frozen Hearth Inn.

    Enthir will tell us that Gall kept a diary in the Falmer language. Original, given that only a few people in all of Skyrim know him. He himself cannot decipher, but he knows someone who can. Kolselmo, Jarl's court magician in Markarth. Let's go there:

    And here is Calcelmo himself:

    He really is an expert on the Falmer language. But he categorically refuses to show his work. You can ingratiate yourself with him by completing the quest, or you can steal the key from the pedestal behind him and sneak past the guard into the museum. By the way. The guard will talk to you for the first time anyway, even if you are invisible. Learn it. So, regardless of the path, we made our way to the museum. There will be guards and a lot of light. Carefully make your way to the entrance to Calcelmo's laboratory. But if you are confident in your abilities, you can search this room and look for something useful or expensive. It will be there. In the laboratory, at the very beginning, you can steal the control stick with a spider. The instructions are in the diary. And here is the pouch:

    There are guards in the lab too. You can sneak past them or kill them. Or you can set traps to make "accidents" happen. After all, the Dwemer mechanisms are old, who knows what kind of failures can happen there? In the room where Aikantar is sitting, you can also launch a trap you will kill faster. Don't forget to pick up the cube in that room give it to Delvin.

    From this room we go out to the balcony, and from there we get to the Calcelmo Tower. The deed is almost done. In his office, take the coal and the roll of paper. If you want to inspect his office for usefulness now is the time, then he will be gone. We leave through the door in the office to the stone and redraw it on paper. Ready. Op-pa. And here is the cavalry:

    You can wait and slip past them to the exit. And you can kill them. The captain will linger in the aisle a little - a good chance to quietly cut his throat. Then one will stand at the stairs, and the other two will go up. We kill him quickly. Then one will reach the top of the stairs and turn back, and the second will go further, to the stone. We kill one, then the second. Everything, you can return to Enthir in Winterhold. We go into the basement and see Karlia next to Enthir:

    We give him the copied text of Kolselmo, and he begins to translate. It turns out that Gall had long had suspicions about Frey's loyalty. Gall learned that Mercer was leading too luxurious a life. Looks like he robbed the guild. Robbed the Thieves Guild. Ironic. In addition, Gall mentions that Mercer defiled a certain Twilight Tomb. Karlia says that the transfer must be delivered to the guild immediately so that everyone knows what a bad Mercer Frey is. But first, let's talk with Enthir he will offer us to drop in on him at the College if we want to sell the stolen items. Another buyer. Excellent. Now we are talking with Karliah, and the mosaic is starting to take shape little by little. Twilight Tomb temple of Nocturnal, patroness of the night and thieves. The nightingales swore to protect the temple to the last drop of blood, because all her gifts are stored there. And even more through him she interacts with our world. And Mercer defiled the temple. Hence the fall of the Thieves Guild Nocturnal herself turned away from them. We need to go to Riften as soon as possible and punish Mercer. Finally, Karliah will give us the Nightingale Blade - Gall's sword:

    The pursuit

    Gives: Karliah.
    The essence of the task: Expose Mercer Frey.

    We go to Riften, to the "Rampant Flask" and talk to Karliah. Together with her we go into the guild, and we are greeted with a warm welcome Brynjolf, Vex and Delvin. And all with drawn blades. Wonderful.

    But Karliah gives Brin Gall's diary, he does not believe his eyes and offers to open the vault. Delvin claims that two keys are needed to open the vault. Vex says it's impossible to pick this lock. But Brin insists on his own, and he and Delvin open it. It turns out that Gall was right we see empty chests.

    Vex is furious, she threatens to kill Frey with her own hands, but Bryn reassures her, and sends her along with Delvin to the Flask to notify them. If Mercer sticks his head in here. And we have to go to his estate "Riftveld" and look for clues where he could go. And we are allowed to kill anyone who gets in our way. It's lovely.

    The easiest way to get into the estate is from the courtyard, along the ladder that Mercer made in case of an emergency departure. But there is a small snag Wald. Mercer's bodyguard. Let's talk to Vex she used to know Wald very well. Vex will tell us that you can't befriend him - he's only friends with money. But you can promise him that Maven will close his debt. Do what you want you can close the debt, or you can just kill him and take everything you need from his corpse. No difference.

    This is actually the ladder mechanism itself, where you need to shoot so that it goes down.

    The house itself is empty, but there is one secret. One of the cabinets is the door to Narnia. Well, I mean, at Mercer's hideout. It is located on the second floor. In the shelter, look both ways the traps are not asleep. Yes, and there will be something to profit from, as in the house. We reach his room, take the plans, a good sword in the window (glass, cold damage) and the Bust of the Gray Fox give Delvin. Well, and what else will appeal. There is no need to go back here there will be a passage to the Rat Hole. We go through it to Brynjolf and give the map. It turns out that Mercer is after the Eyes of the Falmer, huge gems that are worth a fortune. If he finds them, we will never find him. This money will be enough for him until old age, and there will still be children left. We must stop him at all costs! You need to talk to Karliah. There is little time left.

    Reborn Triad

    Gives: Brynjolf
    The essence of the task: Become a Nightingale.

    Yes Yes. We will become Nightingale. As usual, our hero is an uber-super-duper-many-who. Well, okay, everything is in order. Karliah asks us to meet her at the ancient standing stone beyond Riften.

    Upon arrival there, we see both Karliah and Brin. Karlia asks us to follow her, she will explain everything on the way. And we enter the Word Hall. Karliah really wants us to become Nightingales. To do this, you need to put on their armor and go through the rite of passage. We go to the Stones and, taking the armor, dress it.

    Now the rite of passage. We need to stand on the left circle, stand and listen. And so, the initiation happened, and we became the Nightingales. So, what is next? And then Karliah will tell us about the true crime of Mercer. It is that Frey stole... the Skeleton Key. If you have played Oblivion, you should remember what it is. But this key opens not only physical constipation. After all, the possibilities of the human body are very great, and we use only a part of them. And when you realize that the key can open even such "locks" - the possibilities become almost limitless. It is impossible for such a thing to fall into the hands of a man like Mercer.

    Before moving forward, talk to Brin. He invites us to become main guild Thieves. Of course we agree. Where are we going? Now let's go for Mercer. The path lies in the ruins of Irktand. The entrance will be guarded by bandits I counted six. We kill or sneak, we go inside. The first level nothing interesting. A bunch of corpses of bandits, broken Dwemer robots, 4-5 living robots and that's it. We go to the second level and immediately stumble upon Karliah and Brin. Kariya claims that Mercer was here recently. We need to find him. Next, we watch the scene of the murder of two Falmer by Mercer. Move on. We find a huge room with a grate at the end. To open it, you need to pull two levers to the left and right of the room on the dais. By the way, there is also a ballista behind the door with the Expert lock. We pull the levers, shoot from the ballista at Falmer and move on. And look under your feet this is still Dwemer ruins. Traps have not been canceled. In general, these are ordinary Dwemer ruins. Enemies mechanisms and Falmer. True, the Centurion can deliver trouble.

    A healthy colossus, tenacious and painfully beats. Going into hand-to-hand combat with her is not the smartest idea, of course, but with good armor you can. And you can give Brynjolf this honor, and join Karlia himself and shoot him with a bow. Or magic. Improvise, show imagination.

    And finally, we got to Mercer. We go into the Sanctuary and see how he gouges out Falmer's Eyes from the statue.

    But suddenly the platform on which we are standing breaks off and falls. Karliah and Brin stay upstairs. You will have to fight Mercer alone. And he also bewitched Brin so that he was forced to fight Karliah. We need to hurry. This fight is difficult because Mercer is tenacious. And no more. Yes, he likes to go into invisibility, but at the same time it is not difficult to see him. After his murder, the cave in best traditions the genre begins to collapse, and the room itself floods. The door does not open. What to do? Wait until the room is flooded. No, I'm serious. Wait. When the room is flooded, stones will fall over the head of the statue and open a passage leading to the Bronze Water Cave.

    Return of the Twilight

    Gives: Karliah
    The essence of the task: Walk the Path of the Pilgrim.

    We speak with Karliah, and she will tell us that we need to return the Nocturnal key. But to get to it, you need to go through the Path of the Pilgrim. She can't go there because the tomb was desecrated because of her, Brin needs to return to the guild and maintain order there. Who stays? That's right we are. Before leaving, she will give us her bow a useful little thing.

    By the way. After all, it is not necessary to immediately give the key, right? And the Eternal Master Key is a very good thing. You can, for example, keep it with you until you have such a perk. But at the end of this task, a very good reward awaits you. But more on that later.

    Our path lies in the Twilight Sepulcher:

    The Nightingale-Guard will stand at the entrance:

    When talking with him, it turns out that this is none other than Gallus himself. But he himself cannot return the key to the Tomb the closer he comes to the Well of Night, the weaker he becomes. And even now he feels like dying. We'll have to. Don't forget to read Nystrom's diary he lies against the wall to the left of the Warden Nightingale, near the skeleton.

    The quest marker will then disappear. But even without it, everything is transparent here. In the first room, three Nightingale Guards are waiting for us. Two together and one a little further. In the next room, you need to walk in the shadow without touching the light you will die very quickly. Light is light, but you should not forget to look under your feet. Next will be a room with a statue of Nocturnal and a dead bandit nearby (I wonder how he got here?). Seems like a dead end. Although ... And what is there behind the right torch in the form of a bird's head? Aha! Chain! We pull and ... Nothing happens, except that the torch goes out. Hmm ... And if you look behind the left? Also the chain. We pull it, and the door opens behind Nocturnal.

    In the next room, banal pressure plates and pendulum blades. There will be a surprise at the door. And for you, it will most likely be unpleasant. I can only say that no one has died from caution and quicksaves. And here you are in front of such a door:

    And finally, we are in the Sanctuary. But ... there is only a pit with a skeleton at the bottom and nothing more. Don't get upset and jump. It won't hurt too much. But there is no way out of the hole, is there? Not scary. Sit a little or run around it soon our hero will get the key, turn it and suddenly lo and behold! the floor will dissolve and we fall into the holy of holies of the tomb.

    It remains only to stick the key into the lock (logically, isn't it?) and ... listen. Nocturnal herself will speak to us. Frankly, I thought that her face would be prettier.

    But maybe it's just my graphics. Doesn't matter. The important thing is that we will be called selfish. That, they say, neither honor, nor duty, nor fidelity lay here and there - the main reward. Well… well, she's right. And the reward is really worth it. Standing on the circle with the picture of the month, we will get a talent, when applied, an excellent buff is laid down for thieves invisibility is automatically applied when sneaking up. Standing on a semicircle frenzy spell all creatures in the area of ​​the spell attack everyone indiscriminately for 30 seconds. And standing on a full moon, we will get a spell to drain health from the enemy I don’t know if it’s leveled or not, but at level 18 it eats 100 health from the enemy. Agree not a little? But, unfortunately, these are not spells, but talents. This means you can only use it once a day. Sorry, but there's nothing you can do. And you can't take all three either. Choose. After the selection, we will see Gallus. He came to say goodbye to Karliah.

    Here you go. The adventure is over. You can complete the generated endless quests from Vex and Delvin, or you can just forget about the guild, and visit only to sell stolen goods. Good luck to you. Keep your eyes open go to the Shadows.

    A few words about the operating system

    As you enter Guild of Thieves and passing story quest of this faction, you will come across a variety of collectibles. For each item in the collection, you will be paid a reward in gold. For an award, please contact Delvin Mallory who buys these items for a collection in a bar "Rampant Flask". All of these items will be displayed in a review cabinet. Thieves Guild in location "Rampant Flask" - Cistern.

    A similar system will be with the implementation small tasks, but the items will themselves appear in the overview locker by the number of completed tasks from Vex and Delvina. Absolutely all types of work from these characters are suitable. Below I will try to describe to you these trophies and how to get them.

    This is what the complete collection looks like "cistern"

    Quest "Unusual things"

    This quest belongs to the category "small tasks"(displayed in the diary in the section "Miscellaneous"). As you progress through the quests Thieves Guild, you will find items for the collection in locations that you will need to sell Delvin Mallory in "Rampant Flask". As I said earlier, these items will appear in "cistern", on shelves behind Desktop Guild Master. Here is a list of items and their locations:

    Crown of Barenziah

    Unlockable Items

    As I said earlier, there are items that can be opened in the trophy room completing tasks from Vex and Delvina. Here is a list of items and the number of quests required to get these items:

    1. Precious candlestick. Available after completing 5 quests by Vex and Delvin

    2. Decorated drinking horn. Available after passing 15 tasks Vex and Delvina

    3. Golden ship model. Available after passing 25 tasks Vex and Delvina

    4. Golden urn. Available after passing 35 tasks Vex and Delvina

    5. Precious Cup. Available after passing 45 tasks Vex and Delvina

    6. Precious flask. Available after passing 55 tasks Vex and Delvina

    7. Precious jug. Available after passing 75 tasks Vex and Delvina

    8. Thieves Guild Safe. Available after completion 125 tasks Vex and Delvina. Contains random items, as well as special potions that improve Dovahkiin's stealth skills.

    9. Crown of Barenziah. Appears on a bust behind the Guildmaster's desk after completing the quest. "Look Under Every Stone".

    After Enthir translated Gall's diary, Karliah has proof of her innocence. Dovahkiin will meet with the exile in the Ragged Flask, where she will convince Brynjolf to open the vault, which will turn out to be empty. We need to find out Mercer's plans in order to return the loot.

    Dovakin must figure out how to get to Mercer's house in Skyrim and go to Riftfeld's estate for this. The area around the house is guarded by Wald, with him is the only key to the entrance. The gates of the estate are locked with a complex lock.

    When you try to break in, the guard attacks immediately.

    In addition to killing, there are peaceful ways to solve the problem; for any of them you need to start a dialogue with the thug. With a high eloquence skill, Wald can be lied to by convincing him to go to the supposedly waiting host in Markarth. Before setting off, Wald will give you the key.

    Vex can reveal that Vald has a debt to Maven Black-Briar. She is ready to forgive the guard if Dovakin gets a dual feather for her, which Wald managed to drown in Honrik (in the middle of this lake is the Goldflower estate).

    The pen lies in a safe among the wreckage of a sunken boat. The easiest way to find the wreck is by sailing west from the ship moored at the city pier. Upon learning of the forgiveness of the debt, Wald will unlock the gate for you and leave, and you will be able to enter Mercer Skyrim's house.

    All entrances to the house are locked from the inside, with the exception of one, through the balcony door in the backyard. To get there, you should activate the mechanism under the balcony with a bow shot. We climb up the descended ladder and unlock the door with the Wald key.

    There is practically nothing to profit from in the house, and from the inside it is guarded by three thugs. They can be calmed or scared away with the help of Illusion spells, or simply finished off. On the ground floor, you need to find a Suspicious Cabinet, inside of which, behind a false panel, there is a passage to a secret room.

    The tunnel is filled with traps, and there is also a chest with random contents. In Mercer's secret lair, you can get hold of precious stones, in addition, there is a quest Bust of the Gray Fox and, of course, the goal of our search is Mercer's plans. In a locked display case is a unique glass blade Chiller, enchanted for cold damage and paralysis of the enemy.

    You can also find the Stealth tutorial here. Not far from Mercer's lair, there is an exit to the Vault area in the Rat Hole. Upon returning to the Ragged Flagon, speak with Brynjolf to complete the quest.

    So our article came to an end, in which you learned how to get to Mercer's house in Skyrim.