Heroes evolved the best heroes. What is Heroes Evolved? Minimum system requirements

Here's a general strategy guide for Heroes Evolved. Compared to other similar MOBA games, there are many heroes and items in Heroes Evolved, but you must first unlock them either by playing the game or by spending money.

For successful game follow our advice:

1. Focus on one hero and bring your skill with him to the highest level. This does not mean that you should not try other heroes, but it is better to spend most of the time on your favorite character, close to you in terms of combat style.

You don't have to master all the heroes at the same time, even most professional players use the same character in the league, making allowance for the composition of the team. This is important, especially if you are playing in the leaderboard, in which you need to show the best result. Mechanics, prediction, killing creeps, pumping, teamwork and counteraction will help you in mastering the character. Just train the same hero in multiple matches until you feel comfortable using it against different opponents.

2. Practice Perfect Creep Score (CS). CS (creep score) is the number of enemy or neutral creeps that your hero managed to finish off. The higher the CS, the more gold your character has. This is very important in the game. Be sure to get creeps. There are tricks to get the highest Creep Score (CS) and they are based on owning your hero, as mentioned above, and confronting opponents.

Mastery of your hero will give you an idea of ​​how to deal damage based on both the level of the character and the features of the items used. Just play many matches, and even hundreds, using one hero to effectively last hit the creeps. Also, in order to successfully fight your opponent, you should gain a lot of experience in several matches in order to know the possibilities of the opponent's creeps. This will help determine when to attack them and when to finish them off.

You need to experiment with different builds to see which one suits you best. After that, play the same build in different matches to understand how much damage you do when leveling this build. Keep in mind that different items give different damage bonuses, resulting in different gains in Creep Score (CS) experience.

3. Stay close to your tower. This is a common mistake made by players believing they are in a dominant position. Although there are circumstances in which this is justified, it will be better to be close to your tower. The further you move away from it, the higher the chance that the enemy will kill you.

It is better to take advantage and kill opponents near your tower.
Don't hit creeps until it's a single hit that kills them and increases Creep Score (CS). Kill them one by one, one by one, without missing.

4. Stick to your role. Most MOBAs have 5 roles: Carry, Jungler, Burst, Support, and Tank. If you are playing as Carry, then act accordingly. This is the most rewarding role in the game, but also the most difficult, as everyone on the team is counting on you. You need to deal maximum damage to the enemy in the game. Heroes suitable as Carry: Guan Yu, Cao Cao, Zhao Yun, Minerva, etc. (With full list heroes can be found in the game itself). Next to Carry there will always be Support, or support, which helps throughout the game.

For Support (a), it is better to choose a hero who is weakly dependent on items, but has good abilities. If you're playing as Support, it's best to focus on Carry. Protect it against threats. The Jungler has a rather interesting role - he controls the map, a good Jungler knows where the opponent's Jungler is.

When playing, they need to know the respawn time of creeps and buffs. You need to choose a hero who is good at finishing off heroes. Tank is the initiator of the team, you must be good at making decisions. As a good Tank, you should have a good sense of when to attack and when not to. There are a lot of factors to consider, but ironically, this is where decisions need to be made before the enemy team. Burst is an instant damage hero that destroys the enemy, Tank(s) or Carry. He also, like Carry, needs protection, because. they are quite vulnerable. You need to deal damage to several targets at once, so it is important to choose the right position and time to attack in order to inflict maximum damage.

Now, having an idea about each role, you will be able to complete the task, using the potential of the hero to the maximum. All roles are important, what matters is how you play your part. Same as owning a hero - hone your skills in a certain role so that it is easy to make decisions, position, attack, etc. to bring maximum benefit to the team.

5. You must remember that in any case there is no perfect build or team that works in all circumstances. You have to adapt to the game, depending on the composition and game of the team, as well as opponents.

If you see that the team consists of rather vulnerable heroes, then work with items intended for the Tank (a). You should not focus on crowd control, which will absorb your damage. Too much damage is also not very good in a skirmish when there is no Support (a) or Tank (a).

Mastering the game is all about adapting to different circumstances in the game, using all the factors such as the hero you play, your team, and the opposing teams.

Hello, dear fans of multiplayer battles! In this article, I wanted to talk about one game in the MOBA genre called Heroes Evolved, or rather about its two variations: the original PC version and its mobile adaptation. But first, a little history.

The open beta testing of the American version of Heroes Evolved began last year. And in early January, this game reached Europe along with the release on Steam. Haven't heard anything about her? Not surprising! The game never gained popularity. The servers are still empty and those few fans are forced to play with bots. positive feedback on Steam, this MOBA also cannot boast. Mostly people complain about donations, boring gameplay, lack of players, and copying Dota 2 and League of Legends. And one cannot but agree with this.

Personally, I'm most perplexed by the current VIP system. "VIP in the mob? Are you serious?" - I thought the first time I entered the game. And it looks really absurd. Well, remember those browser games or mobile crafts in which the VIP level grew depending on the amount you spent real money. It's about the same here. With the growth of the VIP level, you get a lot of additional features, such as unique heroes, reduced cooldown of special abilities (for example, instant resurrection, tower defense) and more. And if you do not donate, then your VIP level will drop sharply. Well, what did you want? If you pay, do it regularly!

I have never been afraid of copying other people's ideas. If the game itself is good, then I can forgive it some borrowings from other games. So, in Heroes Evolved there are plenty of such "reciprocations". From LoL "and the developers took the abilities of many heroes, and from Dota 2 they took strength, dexterity and intelligence, which work on the same principle. One involuntarily recalls the popular in recent times meme. I have LoL. I have Dota 2.ugh. Heroes Evolved! I'm sorry... But then again, that could be forgiven if the gameplay itself was fun. And here it seemed to me boring and drawn out. I would like more dynamics.

And then suddenly a mobile phone comes out Heroes version evolved. I have already managed to play on the American server and now I started again on the European one, despite the fact that I did not pump badly there. Looking ahead, I will say that I really liked the mobile version. It is much better than computer. And in all respects.

Most importantly - the gameplay has accelerated at times! A match usually takes 15-20 minutes and you just don't have time to get bored. This is really fun to play! Many aspects have changed, just for a quick gameplay. But everything that was in the PC version remains. For example, a map is smaller but has the same structure, with the same forest monsters and bosses. There are wards. There are active items. And most importantly, there is the fog of war. Yes, the above is common computer games, but for phones this is a rarity.

There are a little more than 30 heroes so far (against 75 in the PC version). But the developers plan to migrate everyone else regularly. Although the abilities of some heroes are copied from LoL, it’s interesting to play for them. The characters themselves are drawn very beautifully. By the way, everything is in order with the balance. There are heroes who are a little weaker than others, there are those who are a little stronger. I did not see imb.

There is also a VIP system in mobile version. But, fortunately, it does not provide any advantages here. One hero and small weekly rewards. That's all!

As the title of this article says, the student has surpassed the teacher! It would seem that the usual mobile adaptation of a mediocre game. But moving to phones, it has become exactly the game you want to play! So, if you are looking for a good moba for phones, then here is a great option for you!

Heroes Evolved is a free client online game from the developer "R2Games". The game was released in 2016. In our rating, the game has a rating of 4.4 out of 5.

Heroes Evolved is a cool free MOBA game in which you have to destroy your opponent's base. At the same time, you need to build a high-quality defensive system for your base so that no enemy can get to it. The game has a well-developed unique glyph system, thanks to which you can customize the stats of your hero. You have more than 50 interesting characters to choose from, with great voice acting and various weapons. You will play in single player campaign as well as in multiplayer mode against real people. use unique system fight and defeat all your rivals in this anime universe.

System requirements

Minimum system requirements

Operating system: Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP.
Processor (CPU): 2.2 Ghz.
Video card: 256 MB.
Disk space: 2 GB.

At the end of July, R2 Games celebrated five million downloads of their latest hit. I think this is a good reason to join the community of players and get to know Heroes Evolved. What is it, do we need MOBA games on smartphones and is it even worth spending your time on this project - we figure it out together.

When Gosha Kopiev (our native editor) asked me to write partner material about Heroes Evolved, I rolled my eyes. Mobile game? Nigga please. And also a MOBA? I hate this genre with all my heart. Therefore, I was sure that I would have to play through force.

I perfectly understand that the same ones changed the world of video games and brought a lot of money to the industry. I am aware that these are great games. But I hate them. I hate writing about them and reading news about these games, hearing friends talk about latest update client. “Kura”, “aegis”, “wand” - even the local terminology turns me on. This is all very subjective, of course, but any genre should be presented at different depths: hardcore, casual, and for me personally - something in between. That's just the middle.

A celebratory video released to celebrate the game's five million downloads.

The gameplay of Heroes Evolved cannot be called a revolution or a divine revelation - everything is exactly the same as in large MOBAs. classic card, towers and creeps. The essence of each session remains traditional - to smash enemy towers, eventually destroying the main building at the opposing team's spawn point.

Kill the creeps, guard your towers, go mid - classic, no surprises. I tried to learn Dota 2 while working as an esports section editor on Sports.ru, but I didn't last long - I just got sick of the game. But lying on the couch with a smartphone in hand, all the gameplay mechanics seemed to me quite fun and enjoyable.

There are a total of 45 heroes in Heroes Evolved - 14 of them are available from the very beginning, the rest can only be unlocked with money.

It is clear that free-to-play, all things, but only 14 characters ... The developers are clearly greedy. However, as a result, for me personally, this turned out to be a plus - I didn’t have to spend hours studying the characteristics of one and a half hundred abilities, figuring out who is best to play against whom.

Presentation of heroes and gameplay.

The game servers are divided into regions, so you don’t have to play with Koreans (this is not racism, it’s just that if you once played multiplayer games with Asians, then you obviously don’t want to experience such humiliation anymore). There are a lot of players, you register for the match instantly, you don’t need to wait for anyone.

In general, it seemed to me that Heroes Evolved is a kind of light MOBA, where all the complicating ballast in the form of endless hero settings has been dropped from the game. The threshold for entering the same Dota 2 is quite high - from the first time you will not understand anything there, you need to google guides and ask experienced comrades for advice. In Heroes Evolved, in the first match, my team won, and I took the first line of the rating! Cybersport, bitch! However, later I did not have such dizzying successes. Look at my stats in the screenshots below (I have a weird numbered nickname).

Heroes Evolves doesn't have the annoying annoying voice chat. Big MOBAs like League of Legends have already proven that communication between teammates can be based on text chat and specialized signals (however, Riot Games recently gave up and are adding to LoL voice chat). But I am glad that he is not here - my mother remained unharmed, no one subjected my playing skills to an examination, and no one called me a marine zodiac sign. However, if you do not hear psychopaths, this does not mean that they are not in the game ... I finished the next map, went to the main menu and found messages in a personal:

There is an ill-fated donut in the game, but I still don’t understand why it might be needed - at least for early stages games. In the second match, I became the MVP - I received the status best player(in your face!) But I did not buy anything, and the developers did not give me any free bonuses. And the game itself rewards you with a bunch of goodies for daily matches, so there is absolutely no need to part with money.

If there is a desire to unlock all the heroes at once, then it probably makes sense to drop the dough.

Of the obvious disadvantages that caught my eye: very often the animation lags seriously. In every second battle, my hero did not move smoothly around the map, but hysterically twitched in convulsions while walking. This is seriously annoying considering the overall art design is pretty cute.

The game is also available on PC, but looks like perfect entertainment on mobile devices. I haven't played on PC in a year (since I bought the console), and then there's also MOBA ... I can't imagine myself hunched over in my office chair in front of the keyboard while playing. And on a smartphone - yes for a sweet soul, give two. Sessions in Heroes Evolved last an average of 10-15 minutes, which is ideal for a break from work, on the road or for one visit to the toilet. No, I'm serious, it's not funny!

After having fun playing mobs like MOBA Legends and Mobile Legends, we decided to expand our roster for a new multiplayer online battle arena game with hero dialogues. Unlike the two games, it can be played on a PC with stable graphics and features.
Comparing this game with other simple MOVs, Heroes Evolve has many heroes/characters and items to play with. But first you need to unlock them, and that's either playing the game or spending money on it.

1. Focus on mastering the hero. Please don't misunderstand me when I say focus, it's not about not playing all available heroes, but spending most of your time on a hero, you like the playstyle and the mechanics work for you. You don't have to master all the heroes at once, even most esports players have the same hero in the league based on the current meta as well as the team roster. This is essential especially if you are playing ladderboard/rank where you should use your best bet.

2. Practice perfect score (COP). It should play in a MOBA, which is very important in a game. You must not miss a single last hit. There are tricks to getting the most CS in a MOBA, and that's mastering your hero, as we mentioned above.

For mastering your hero, this gives you an idea of ​​how much damage you can go based on the level as well as the item you are using. Just play several or even hundreds of games using a single hero so you can master last hitting. Now to fight your opponent, you must get great experience in multiple match so you know the opportunity for your opponent's cs. This will help you when to CS or when to kite/attack them. And to build, you need to experiment on the build that works best for you. Now play the same on different matches as you need to understand the detriment of each build you progress. Keep in mind that various items leads to various damage which gives you a different experience in CS.

3. Don't spread too much from your tower. This is a common mistake for players who feel they have dominated the lane. Although there are circumstances that you can do to expand, but in general it will be better if you stay humble in the lane with the tower. The longer the extension you have the better chance the enemy has to kill you. As a head jungler, this is reason enough to take advantage of and kill a laner that has too much to draw from their tower.

Now for tricks on not too many, you don't creep if it's the last hit for cs. But it doesn't hit anything at all, as you need to make a difference in their lives, as you don't want to let them get slaughtered at the same time. Need to provide time for you to kill them one by one not to be missed.

4. Stick to your role. Most of the mob include heroes evolved, there are 5 roles players must adhere to, such as Carrying, Forester, Serie, Support, Tank. If you are playing as carry-on, you need to act as a carry-on. This is the most rewarding role in the game, but also the most difficult, as everyone on the team is looking for you. You need to do the best damage in the game as you are in the team's arsenal. Together with the bear is a support that will help you throughout the game. Support must choose a hero who is not dependent on nomenclature, but with good utility. If you support, you should focus on your wears. Fill your carry and protect it from the threat. Now for the jungler this is my main role, as I found it very interesting, you have to control the map, a good jungler knows where the location of the enemy jungler is. You need to know the cooldown of all neutral creeps and buffs. The jungler must choose a hero that is good in CS as you need to kill the enemy. For a tank, you are the initiator of building a team, you must be good at making decisions. How good tank, you must have control of when and not to conflict. There is a lot to think about in making this decision and ironically you need to quickly decide how the opposing team can decide whether they are going to attack you or not. And burst, this is the kind of hero that relies on instant damage that can eliminate an opponent, either a tank or a carry. How to wear they are soft, so they also need protection. A good burst of carry can be considered in positioning and targeting. You need to do instant damage against multiple targets. You need good positioning for this, as well as making decisions about waiting for the right moment to use your burst skill.

Now with the idea of ​​each role, I think you will fulfill your tasks in the place of the role you play so you will get the most out of your champion. All roles are important, it's how you play your game that matters. The same in mastering your hero, I advise you to master the role, so everything will come easy from decision making, kiting, positioning, touching and so on. This will bring to the team from you how difficult it is for each team member to fulfill their role, which will lead to teamwork.

5. No perfect assembly or team under any circumstances. I said you need a master hero, but it's not just about one hero, it's also about building. Mastering a hero will diversify everything, including how you build it, otherwise in a mob game, there is no perfect build or team that works in all circumstances. You have to play based on your team composition, play style and how your opponent act on it. If you see that your team consists of a sucking hero, you need to work with tank positions, and vice versa. Now in the team I recommend this set: tank, crowd control, DPS and burst. You need to diversify your team in 4 ways. You don't have to focus on crowd control that your damage output will suffer. Too much damage is also not good in a clash where there is no filler to carry or a tank to start a fight. Mastering is about adapting to different circumstances in the game, using all the factors based on which hero you play, and on the opposing team you don't mind.