Play Chinese games for fun. Mobile games from China. Game of kungzhu (yo-yo), or juggling diabolo

All over the world, children and adults play games using tin cans, stones, slippers, old socks, wheels...

Bank and slippers

Tumbang Preso is a popular game in the Philippines, a bit similar to our towns: a team of players, armed with their own shoes, tries to hit a tin can, being 5-6 m away from it. One person stands at the jar and guards it, covering it with his shoe. If the jar manages to be knocked down, the "guard" must quickly return it to the circle, at this time all the others run after the shoes and they can be tagged as soon as the jar is in place, or captivate someone else's shoe by stepping on it and the jar at the same time. There is a similar game in neighboring Malaysia.

Through thorns

Another traditional Filipino game is Luksong-tinik, which translates to “jump over the thorns of a plant.” Two participants sit on the floor, connect the soles and depict thorns, the rest must jump over without hitting the barriers.

rubber band

In Asia, our favorite game of rubber bands has not been forgotten. It is called Chinese Garter but is more popular in the Philippines than in China. Children jump with a turn and so masterfully that what is happening sometimes resembles a dance. The youth compete in the high jump, the pinnacle of the art is to jump over an elastic band stretched between the necks of your comrades. Rubber band games are also popular among African children.

Chinese Checkers

The traditional entertainment of Chinese men is xiangqi, somewhat reminiscent of chess. Tournaments are often held on street benches, everyone plays - from young people to old people.


In Ghana, children play a game of songs, claps, and jumps Ampe in twos or in a group: the leader starts jumping and, landing, throws one leg forward. Each of the team repeats the movements in turn and, depending on which leg is put out - right or left, gets points and a chance to become a leader.


While children jump and run, adults sit at board games mancala: in a special sequence, multi-colored pebbles are shifted along the holes: whoever has more, he won. According to legend, this game originated in Africa, when two caravans stopped in an oasis to water camels and cameleers to pass the time, dug holes in the sand, took grain and came up with rules that have survived to this day.

World Games

Wheel and stick

Rolling a wheel with a stick is a game with a long history: it was played by children and youth of Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantium, in China it existed 1000 years BC. e. Back in the 19th century, small inhabitants of Europe, Asia, Africa and America had fun with hoops. Now this simple game is played in Africa, India and Malaysia.

shuttlecock kicking

Throwing a shuttlecock or a ball with your feet is an international youth game common in America, Europe and Asia, known by various names. Its prototype is the ancient Chinese game Jianzi (Jiànzi), which originated in the 5th century BC. e. In China, the game has not only survived to this day, but has also become a national sport. Not only children, but also adults are happy to kick balls in parks, squares and in the market, waiting for buyers. There are several variants of jianzi: a duel between two players, in a circle like team game, as well as through the grid.


In America similar game appeared in 1972 in Oregon, called footback, or Hack The Sack. A small soft ball is used as a shuttlecock. The game came to Russia in the early 90s, it was called the socks - often the ball was made from a sock and stuffed with grits. In Central Asia, including in Kazakhstan, there is more than one century similar game langa: instead of a shuttlecock, a piece of goat or sheep skin is used with a lead plate sewn to it.

marble balls

Another one between folk game- marbles, marble, or clicker, in Afghanistan - Tushla bazi, in Malaysia - guli. Children from prosperous countries like America, Canada, Australia also like to play marble colored balls. The rules are simple: a circle is drawn on the sand or earth, a small hole is made in the center, the players move a distance and try to get into the hole, in another version - knock the opponent's balls out of the circle. Archaeologists suggest that the game came from Pakistan, as the earliest stone and clay balls were found at the excavations of Mohenjo-Daro. Many centuries have passed, and boys around the world continue to fight for "treasures", stuffing their pockets, and growing up, become collectors of "marbles".

Chinese traditional games are very diverse, and people of any gender and age will find something interesting for themselves. Many of them originated in ancient times, spread throughout China and became part of the culture for many centuries. Some of those ancient games are considered the progenitors of modern species sports. They were very simple in rules, did not require a long explanation, and most importantly - they did not need any special equipment, only what could be found on the street was used or did not require special skill in manufacturing. Therefore, children from the poorest families could also participate in the games.

The old game of spinning top appeared during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), only at that time it was called "Thousands". Special rules and preparations for the game are not required. Everything is very simple, the children needed to find a needle-shaped object about three centimeters in size. Stick it in the middle of a small plate, such as wood or ivory. It turns out something like a modern top, which, accordingly, needs to be untwisted. Whose scrolls longer, he won. As a rule, each player made his own spinning top. It is interesting that in Russia back in the 10th century there was similar game, the top was called "head over heels", hence the expression "roll head over heels". Hundreds of these very head over heels were found at the excavations of ancient Novgorod. In China, a more modern name for the game, which is translated into Russian as “top”, appeared much later, during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Already at that time, the toy could be purchased in city markets. It was wooden and slightly modified, with a long rope. According to the rules, it was necessary to throw the top and pull the rope so that it began to spin. As soon as the toy began to slow down, it was possible to pull the rope again. So, spinning the top, you could play indefinitely. The game was very popular all over China. Today, who do you think is addicted to playing top? Grown men! They hit the rotating projectile with special bits in a big way, not giving it a break. A sort of hybrid of a child's game and a good physical exercise and emotional discharge at the same time.

Now about the "swallow game". It is akin to a game popular in Russia at the beginning of the 2000s called “socks”. The origin of the "Swallow" dates back to the reign of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). But the game gains popularity during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In one of the books of that time there is a legend about this game. One wandering Shaolin monk arrived in the city of Luoyang. While walking through the streets of the city, he spotted a 12-year-old boy. He tossed the shuttlecock with one foot 500 times on each leg. And never dropped it on the ground. The boy earned this attraction by entertaining street onlookers. The monk was amazed by such abilities and invited the boy to study at Shaolin. Since then, the game has gained unprecedented popularity. It was believed that thanks to the skill of the legs, it was possible to get into the students of Shaolin. Over time, several varieties of the game appeared: in one, a couple for a couple, four for four, etc. The goal of the game remained the same: do not drop the shuttlecock for the longest time. The game of swallow reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). We can say that the swallow was played in all corners of China. The game has no age restrictions, it can be played by the whole family. One more distinctive feature is its mobility. The Chinese have always paid attention to their health Special attention. And playing swallow is very useful for maintaining physical fitness. That is why the game is still so popular in parks in any part of China, although now this game is more popular among the elderly population. Then absolutely everyone played it, especially teenagers loved it. The game was so popular that many songs, poems and even paintings have been preserved about it. This is truly the most family and folk game in China.

Playing kunzhu can be considered a Chinese yo-yo. The appearance of the game is associated with the period of the Three Kingdoms (220 - 280 years). It was then that the first mentions in the poems of the poet Cao Zhi about the precarious game of kunzhu were found. Since the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), a children's song about kungzhu has also been preserved. All this only proves once again how Long story at this game. It was during the Ming Dynasty that the first general rules and material of manufacture. The toy was made of bamboo or wood. Kunzhu is shaped like a coil. It is hollow, and small holes are made on the sides in circles, 4 to 6. Wooden blocks are inserted there so that a sound is made during torsion. Then, the player pulls the rope on two sticks. Raises above the head and throws kunchzhu. The goal of the game is to spin faster and longer than other rivals. An important role was played by the sound emitted by the projectile. Mostly children of all ages participated in the game. The game was very helpful physical development children, reaction speed.

Already during the Jin Dynasty (265-419), swings became a favorite pastime at court. And during the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, swings become unheard of in popularity. Every palace during the Tang Dynasty had a swing set and was considered the "Game of the Demi-Goddesses". The court girls spent a lot of time on the swings, playing word games. In the Song era, thanks to the swing, acrobatics is born. This is no longer just entertainment for girls at court, but a way to maintain the physical health of men, develop endurance and flexibility. Demonstrations were held in summer and autumn. Everyone came to watch these spectacles, from peasants to the emperor and his concubines. Before the start, two ships were put on the water, a swing was installed on the bow of each. Then the drums called the audience and announced the start of the performance. The acrobats slowly swung the swing and started doing tricks and all sorts of frills. They spun in the air, jumped into the water, did somersaults and so on. The performances were attended by young physically developed men, often from the emperor's army. In the development of the future of sports, these performances have played an important role in Chinese history. It is believed that victories in artistic gymnastics and acrobatics are ensured by Chinese athletes precisely by their historical love for swings.

Flying a kite into the sky is a traditional Chinese occupation. A game with a truly very long history. Previously, the kite was not paper, but wooden. Descriptions of how "a wooden kite soars in the air" have survived. More than 2,400 years have passed since the first wooden kite was made. And even then, somehow, it was launched into the sky. During the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220), the first snakes made of paper appeared. And the new name of the game is "Paper Kite". Then the kite was launched by children. Everyone was proud of their paper pet. Interestingly, during the Tang Dynasty, one of the emperors used a snake to transmit secret letters and was very successful in this.

It was during this dynasty that paper toys of various shapes began to be made. Makers appear. The progenitor of modern doorbells in China is considered a Chinese paper toy. One of the emperors was very fond of music. And I decided to combine a flute and a paper dragon. The tool was put into a craft and hung up. When the wind blew, the toy made a melody. From here, as the legend says, the modern name "Kite" appeared.

Are you wondering what games children in other countries play? Let's start with China as an example.

"Catch the dragon by the tail!"

It's movable fun game for big company suitable for a birthday.

At least ten people take part in the game. They should line up one behind the other in such a way that they put their right hand on the right shoulder of the person in front. The one in front is the dragon's head, and the last one is its tail.

The essence of this outdoor game is that the dragon's head catches itself by the tail. The line is constantly in motion, the body follows the head. The head tries to grab the last player. In this case, the line should not be broken. The players on the side of the tail do not allow the head to grab the tail. However, if the head grabs itself by the tail, then the player standing last in the line goes forward and becomes the head, and the player who was the penultimate one in the line becomes the new tail.

"Yes zrr"

This outdoor game is played outside. The whole family can play.

You will need two sticks. One should be pointed at both ends and have a length of about 10 cm, and the other should be about 70 cm long. This is a "club" or a bat. You can even use the handle of the brush, as it is quite strong and thick.

A square field should be drawn on the ground. Each side should be one and a half meters. This game is played with two people, but can also be played in teams. The stick must be in the square and the club must be in the player who starts first. He hits one of the ends of the stick with it, and it takes off. When she flies in the air, he hits her in such a way that she falls as far as possible. The goal of the other player is, from the place where the stick fell, try to throw it back into the square. If he succeeds, he is credited with one point, and he becomes the player who starts the game.

If there are many players, they should be divided into equal teams. Players of the teams alternately make initial kicks, as well as return throws. The starting player throws the stick out of the square as far as possible. The first player of the other team hits back in the direction of the square. In case the wand hits the wrong place, his teammate hits it further while still in the air.

Only players on the batting team receive points. The team with the most points in ten rounds wins.

July 12th, 2016 09:02 am

If you consider yourself a strict parent, then after reading this article, you will understand that you are just a sweetheart for your children. Why did the Chinese take the lead in the world? Why are there so many cool businessmen, brilliant athletes and scientists among them? There is every reason to think that the matter is in education, which allows you to make the best of the best out of young Chinese.

Let's start with the fact that children in China have a special attitude due to objective reasons. Back in the 70s, the world's largest state in terms of population was forced to adopt the "One Family - One Child" program, which provided for serious fines for the birth of a second and subsequent children. In recent years, however, the demographic policy has noticeably softened. There are exceptions for certain categories of citizens: for example, for national minorities; for the Chinese employed in agriculture; for Chinese couples where at least one of the parents was the only child in his family. And so on. However, having two children in China is quite an expensive pleasure, not everyone can afford it. And in China, the birth of boys is much more preferable than girls. It's such a tradition. Therefore, in some provinces it is allowed to give birth to a second child if the first was a girl. It may sound crazy to us, but that's how things are in China. Because of this, by the way, in China, the gender disproportion is 106.28 men per 100 women. According to sociologists, by 2020 there will be 35 million "extra" men in China. In the sense that they objectively do not have enough brides. Now there are 20 million. And the competition for women is one of thousands of other competitions that the Chinese endure throughout their lives. Preparation for the struggle for a place in the sun among millions of competitors begins in childhood.

Raising children in China is completely different from ours. Chinese women work very hard, so they leave the decree already 3-4 months after giving birth. Because they don’t keep them at work, if you just gape, they will fire you and find another one. As soon as the mother goes to work, the child is given to the nursery. From 3 years old to Kindergarten. There is a strict regime in kindergartens: a clear schedule for sleep and food, early potty training. Children are trying to develop as quickly as possible. It is considered normal to teach a child in a year and a half to draw and count.

From early childhood, the Chinese are rigidly subordinate to the will of their parents. The traditions of Confucianism make themselves felt. Respect for elders and once again respect for elders. Parents play with their children only those games that develop skills that are useful for future work. Mom and dad are very specific in choosing circles and sections for their child. There is no such thing as choosing a music school just to "do something to keep the child busy". No, the child must become a musician. An excellent musician.

There is no "carrot and stick" method in Chinese parenting. Almost always a whip. A child can rarely hear praise. In exceptional cases. Parents teach their children first of all discipline and diligence. Thanks to these qualities, you can become a successful person. Thanks to these qualities, China has become one of the most advanced countries in the world.

This is how they lay discipline among the little Chinese.