How to open cells in metro last light. Walkthrough Metro: Last Light. Walkthrough of the game Metro Last Light - Bandits

Metro: last light is a game that is a much improved version of Metro 2033 in all respects. This project was developed according to latest version 4A engine. Therefore, players will meet with amazing graphics and quality lighting. In addition, many other features await them. For example, the dynamic change of weather conditions. This allows you to plunge even deeper into the world of a possible future.

The developers have put a lot of effort into reworking artificial intelligence, animation improvements, physics changes. In addition, there are two completely new game modes. Concerning storyline, then it remains the same. That is, the main character will survive in the underground world of the metro in post-apocalyptic conditions, fight dangerous enemies, and so on.


The passage of the game Metro 2033: Ray of Hope begins with the fact that the main character is in the tunnel together with Miller. You must go upstairs, talking to the character along the way. When you are at the top, Miller will hear something from the next room. You will need to go there very carefully. You will open the gate, the partner will cover. Take ammo, reload weapons. Then follow the Miller again, rise to the surface.

Put on a gas mask, a little later you will be attacked by the guards. There are not many of them, so you will deal with them. After the fight, go further, open the door. There will be a second group that will surprise attack. During the shooting, you will understand that people will not be able to resist. You need to kill a certain number of enemies, after which the level will be completed.


Journal Entry: Prologue

After the cutscene ends, wait for the hallway to darken. You will need to move back from the squad. Get ready as your allies will turn into black creatures. They will have to be killed. On further passage metro games: Last Light exit your room, turn left, follow the door to the very end.

Turn right, then go straight ahead, turn left. Walk forward a little, turn left again and only then follow only forward. You will have a conversation with the guard. Take the three items that he will give you. To the right of him will be a stand with a weapon. Take guns. A little further away from it you will see a shooting range where you can test your skills to kill.

Go right from the last stand. You have to go straight to the elevator. Come into it together with Khan. After the elevator, follow only your partner to the meeting room. After completing the dialogue of your partner with the authorities, follow the task with Anna.


Diary entry: Train to the past

Get off the train when it arrives at the station. Follow Anna, turn on the electricity. Follow her, open another door. In the sewer, go right. There will be stairs along the way, it is to the left. Put on a gas mask, climb up.

You need to run through the wreckage, as well as the destroyed cars. Get down, follow to the krator. Soak the monsters. Walk around to the left. Then the partner will give clues where the target is. Chase her. When you are at a dead end, then shoot the mutant. After that, grab it.


Journal entry: Enemy of my enemy

Passage of the game Metro: Last Light - watch the video. Then follow Paul. When you are in the hall, follow the shade from the fan plates. We need to get a partner. He will lower the ladder, climb up the ladder. Carefully follow in a sitting position to the right, deal with the guard with a knife. Turn on the panel. Then go up the path, which will become visible. Unscrew the light bulb to the right of you. Wait until Paul turns off the light. Follow the path, deal with another guard. Climb up the stairs. Turn right, go through the pipe. Take the knife from the corpse, throw it at the guard in front. Talk to Pavel. Call the elevator, deal with two more enemies. Go your way through the elevator. You will reach a corridor, follow it to the end. On the way, you will have to deal with the Nazis. Open the door with the lever.


Diary entry: Reich

Follow Paul. When Pavel shoots, you need to run after him to the left. After that, turn right and only forward. There will then be a short cut-scene. Upon its completion, shoot at the enemies until the end of the mission.


Journal Entry: Escape

Leave the railroad. Follow Pavel to the end of the tunnel. Help him climb the pipe. When your friend is captured, you need to hide behind the barrel and wait until the door opens on the right side of the tunnel. Quietly deal with the guards that will arrive from there. Follow the room where the enemies came from. There you will have to deal with all the enemies. It is best to take cover and shoot for accuracy, as the cartridge may not be enough. With the further passage of the game Metro 2033: Ray of Hope, you need to go into the building on the right side. Climb up the stairs, then along the small balcony. Outside, you have to go on without stopping. Meet the guards on the stairs. Deal with everyone, keep going. When you're in the room with the unarmed Nazi, go left and crawl into the hole.


Diary entry: Friend

Go straight, then switch to quiet mode. Turn right, go straight a little, right again. Climb up the stairs, turn off the lights. Follow the path above, go down. Then you just have to go forward to the refrigerator. Go to the end of the room, climb into the hole on the left. Go past the flower room.

Go down the stairs, then follow the passage that is behind it. Deal with the guard there, but quietly. After that, get outside. Move along the left side of the location very carefully, without making any noise. Go through the covers, climb into another opening that you will see in the floor. Go further, get out at the end of the path. There will be a switch on the wall to the left, click on it. Climb up the stairs, deal with the guard in the wheelhouse. Open the door, follow further through it. Go down the right side, then straight ahead and up the stairs. Crawl into the opening on the left, deal with the enemies. At the end, quickly run after Pavel. The passage of the game Metro: Last Light continues.


Journal entry: Through the darkness

Follow Pavel through the tunnel. Help Pavel open the hatch, then go downstairs. Follow with a partner in the elevator, go up the elevator. Keep up with him. Then you have to help pull the stick from the cliff. Take turns jumping over the obstacle. If there is an attack from monsters, you need to shine a lantern on them. When they turn over, then boldly shoot in the belly. Move on with Paul. Wait for him to burn the web, follow forward.

You will reach a dead end. The partner will ask you to go to the right to find the switch. You just need to go through the rooms in order. Turn on the light, return to your partner. In this task, it is better to do everything as quickly as possible, since the monsters can attack, and you do not have as much ammo as you would like.


Journal Entry: A Path Through the Light

Put on a gas mask, follow Pavel to the street. Kill the monsters as quickly as possible. You do not have much air, and there is nowhere to replenish supplies. First you need to get with Pavel to the plane, go into it through the door, after breaking it. Watch the video in the pilot's office. Then you need to follow Pavel to the base.


Diary entry: Theater

Passage of the game Metro 2033: Ray of Hope - you should walk around the base. When he is near the guards, Pavel will appear. We must go further with him, after studying the location (buy a weapon, go to the bars). Then Paul himself will find you. Follow him to the cafe, bypassing the brothel. Sit on the chair on the left.


Journal Entry: Betrayal

There will be a very long video. After you will be released by the son of the chief secretary. He will also tell you how to get out of here. Climb through the pipe to the very end.

It's hard to imagine a more atmospheric game project recent times than "Metro" and "Metro: Last Light". They showed that the gaming industry on the territory of the former Soviet Union is highly developed and from time to time can give birth to real masterpieces that are in demand all over the world.

The last part is especially epic. Firstly, the players were still able to find out about Artyom's further fate (according to the book, it was much more unenviable), and secondly, there is an opportunity to try their luck again with the "correct" ending of the Metro: Last Light game. The passage of it captivates so much that you can go through this path at least a couple of times from start to finish. In one case, you choose the “career” of a fearless fighter, firing right and left, in the other, a peacemaker hiding in the shadows, who tries not to leave a single corpse behind. So how do you get through Metro: Last Light "correctly"?

However, we did not accidentally put the last word in quotation marks: no one is forcing you to a specific style of play, which is why the project is valuable.

Actions and karma of the protagonist

Throughout the game you will have a choice. How could Metro: Last Light end? Endings are chosen based on what actions your character performs in the course of events. Everything will be bad if you go through the game as a regular "shooter", especially without hesitation and killing all the enemies. As for the second option, it is somewhat more difficult with it ... This is such a game - "Metro: Last Light": good ending less common among gamers.

As you can understand, for a "happy ending" you have to work hard. In particular, it is necessary to do as many good deeds as possible, to help everyone in need in the terrible and cruel world of Metro: Last Light. Endings directly depend on even the most insignificant, at first glance, trifles.

For every good deed and simply positive action, the game will “thank” you by displaying a flash of white light on the screen. In this case, only mutants (aggressive) are supposed to be killed. But not everything is so bad: it is not forbidden to eliminate individuals. The main thing is that there should be more flashes of white light than people killed.

We note right away that Metro 2033: Last Light Redux, although it has many new additions (DLC), is no different from the original release in terms of passing.


Together with three companions you appear in some tunnel. Then Darkness begins to move from its depths, and Blacks jump out of it. You shoot at them, but soon, horrified, you realize that you have killed your comrades. Black has thrown a hassle, but after that you suddenly extend your hand.

You wake up terrified in your bed at the station. It turns out that Khan woke you up.

After that, you can familiarize yourself with the controls and gradually immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the awakening station. To get the "Musician" achievement, we will use the guitar (in the starting room) and the balalaika, which can be found in front of the weapons room. Actually, there are a lot of musical instruments in the world of Metro 2033. Last Light is a thoughtful and leisurely game, so we advise you to listen to the songs of all the bards that you meet along the way.

In the armory itself, you will be given the necessary set of equipment. Note! It is better not to shoot army cartridges, but to exchange them for something you need. We choose any three trunks, hang them with auxiliary devices, and after that we train in the shooting range. We pass into the dining room, where Ulman and Khan are already waiting for you, we go up with them in the elevator.

He brings you to the command center. Here Khan, who is trying to prove the need for peaceful contact with the last surviving Black, is taken into custody. You, along with the sniper Anna, are sent to destroy this mutant. First we take the elevator, then we sit down in the monorail car. Begins new chapter"Metro: Last Light". We continue the passage in the same spirit.


We go to the next station. We go into the collector, we get to the vertical stairs at its end. From the stairs we go to the right along the tunnel. We reach the ascent to the surface, put on a gas mask. You will find yourself on the ruins of the Botanical Garden, where the Black settlement was burned out by a rocket attack. We reach the columns, on which Anna climbs to insure you. By the way, in Metro 2034: Last Light you will see this pretty girl again, but this will happen towards the end of the gameplay.

We reach the clearing, where we meet with three waves of Guardians. These are dangerous mutants, you need to destroy them. Anna will help with sniper shots. If you manage not to take any damage in this encounter, you'll be rewarded with the "Not a Bunny" achievement. We pass to the end, we see little Black. Let's follow him into the hole. The kid takes possession of your mind, showing a picture of destruction and his salvation from missiles.


From the influence on the mind, Artem falls into oblivion. Waking up, he finds himself in captivity of the Nazis. Together with him there is a couple of soldiers from the Red Line and one civilian. The Nazis begin the execution of prisoners. Together with Pavel, one of the soldiers, you manage to kill the enemies and free yourself from captivity.

We go down to the cellars of the Reich, we find ourselves in some kind of round room. We put Pavel on the stairs, we ourselves climb after him. You will find yourself in a mine with hundreds of cells with prisoners clinging to the walls. Using the E (kill) or V (stun) key, you need to neutralize the first guard. Don't forget to take ammo from enemies.

We pull the lever - the ladder extends. We unscrew the light bulb, and Pavel removes another sentry from his side and also removes the lighting. We pass along the bridge, eliminate (kill or stun) another spy. From above we climb into the next pipe.

During the exciting crawl below, we hear a conversation about the fact that the Black cub was sold to merchants from the Hansa. We get out, a corpse is already lying near the pipe, stuck in the household. They will come in handy, so it’s worth picking them up. A corpse hangs on the wall in the same room, near the feet of which there are some boxes. On them you can find a useful note, behind them - another

We unscrew the light bulb again, wait for the next guard and turn it off. We climb up, press the green button and hide. Another guard will come out, who also needs to be stunned. We climb into the gateway and press the lever. We get from Pavel In the collector, you still have to shoot three patrolmen. The other four soldiers can be stunned from behind without much difficulty. After that, we get the achievement "Freedom".

We reach the end of the foul-smelling sewer, we see the control panel. We pull the lever, after which we observe with satisfaction (through the window) how all the cells with prisoners open in the prison. So that Pavel can open the gateway, we pull the right lever located on the wall.


We come to the subway escalator. Unemployed, of course. On the table in front of him, you can find another note. We climb the escalator up, we see a bunch of fascists there, chanting in a frenzy to their leader. He is just talking about the rich supplies of station D6, which the Nazis want to capture. We carefully start to leave from there.

Here the Fuhrer receives a report on your escape. Hold down the Shift key and run into the left side corridor. Once you have to jump over an obstacle. On the way, the main character is wounded once, but Pavel will be able to drag Artyom to the nearest railcar. List of our Clean Escape achievements in Metro: Last Light. The passage should be continued, while trying to get more of this kind of achievements, as they are important for getting a "good" ending.


Since a monolithic lattice comes across on the way, it has to be rammed, as a result of which the trolley turns into a pile of rubbish. We plant Pavel in the collector pipe. Alas, on the other side are the Nazis who grab him.

On the right, a gate immediately opens, from where a couple of guards jump out, who are looking for an "accomplice of a caught communist." We hide in the corner, after extinguishing the lantern. When the guards inspect the station and turn around, we catch up with them and eliminate them (kill or stun, at your discretion). Ahead you will also meet a dozen fascists, but with due diligence, they can also be stunned. To make it easier, you need to unscrew all the nearest lamps, and get into the far ones from a pistol with a silencer. If you succeed, you will get the "invisible intruder" achievement.

On the control panel (in the house on the second floor) you will find another note. We climb into the closed part of the room, we find three more enemies there, we neutralize them. In one of the rooms we find a fighter not in uniform and without weapons. If you don't want a "bad" ending, you can't kill him. There is another note on the nightstand next to him. We go into the next room, climb into the ventilation.


Crawling along it, we will see a chamber at the end and Pavel in it. To save him, you need to hurry - soon your friend will be led to the execution. Of course, you should emerge from the ventilation in the next room. Along the way, do not forget to search through the nightstands and a couple of rooms, as there you can find some ammo and first-aid kits. Proceed further along the corridor to get into a small two-story room.

Attention! Three guards are visible behind the glass in the room. It may be tempting to lay them down quietly, but in fact there are many more of them. On the right stairs we rise to the second floor. We get into the next room, hiding behind a pile of boxes. We listen to the conversation of a pair of guards. From the words of one of them we understand what is hidden in the closet good weapon. We are waiting for him to proceed into the room with a closet, follow him and stun him. We get the machine with three improvements. It should be noted that the passage of "Metro 2033: Last Light" does not indulge in such examples of technology, and therefore they should be appreciated.

To the left of the entrance to the security room you can find an accordion (musical talents are needed for a "good" ending). We go to the second floor, we see one guard near the sparking shield. When he moves away from a well-lit place, we stun. Down we go along another ladder, we go into the door on the right.

We ended up right in the freezer. There is one guard at the entrance, there are no other Nazis within reach here. There is a gap at the end of the freezer through which you can crawl into another room. You will immediately enter the hydroponics room, where food crops are grown in tubs. Look to the right - there is a small room with a decent supply of weapons and ammo. We go to the generator room.

There, under bright lanterns, five guards sit at once. On the left side there is a shield, by picking in which you can turn off the light, but this is not necessary. It's much easier to shoot the lights above the bridge with your silenced pistol. We go along it, turn right, to the passage. If you crawl inside, then in the left dead end there will be a wonderful "gift" in the form of a box with a bunch of first-aid kits and cartridges. After getting out of the ventilation, you will find yourself on the first floor. By the way, if you kill those five guards, you will go through here right away, but you will ruin your karma, and you won’t find any ammo.

Below you can see a few. Under the floor there is an extensive network of channels, through which you can easily bypass all the guards. So we get to the control room, in which one fascist is sitting. We mute him. In a separate lighted room you will find a new note.

We jump down, heading for the big red door. It is closed, so you have to jump to the lower level again. Note! Along the way, you will come across a stretch that must be removed. We go out into the tunnel, completely littered with concrete and reinforcement.

Having got out of it, we see two guards who are preparing to hang Paul. We muffle them and take out a friend from the loop. You will soon find out that the passage of "Metro 2033: Last Light" will give you an unpleasant surprise.


Will have to go through dark level, inhabited by not the most trustworthy and kind spiders. To stun them, it is preferable to use a flashlight. Since Paul knows the way, he leads us through the dark the underworld"Metro: Last Light" 2.

We leave to the surface, we pass into the fallen plane. We look at the hallucination, after which we bring the fallen ally to life. We follow Pavel, who takes us to the Teatralnaya. Soon he overtakes us in a restaurant, where he offers a drink and a snack. This is where the terrible happens: there was sleeping pills in the food, and Pavel, as it turned out, is far from our friend. However, the game "Metro: Last Light" contains a lot of such discoveries.

You will be taken to a meeting room where Moskvin, the local boss, will torture Artyom to tell him about the telepathic abilities of the Black Mutants. It will be possible to escape thanks to the son of Moskvin, who hates his father and shows us a passage in the pipes, which he himself constantly uses.


We go out to the trolley, on which we have to catch up with Pavel's group. By the way, this wonderful cart is also available in the "Metro: Last Light" Redux. It greatly simplifies the vicissitudes of the game. We climb into the transport, and almost immediately after the start of the journey we encounter a group of refugees. They will tell you about a group of bandits who took all the combat-ready guys with them. We deal with the enemies, go back to the railcar. Along the way, you will have to destroy a few more enemies.

During the trip, your transport breaks down, and therefore you have to continue on foot. Here you are overtaken by the Guardians. We fight them off, we are waiting for the Ferryman's boat. We swim with him, then we jump over to the lift. We withstand another fight with the mutants, after which we rise to the ventilation system.

We reach a room with a large number of corpses. In the next room there will be a couple of enemies that can be easily bypassed. On top we go to the other side. You will have to move on your haunches, as all the rooms are heavily smoky. Enemies will not notice you, but especially smart ones will have to be jammed. Once again, we remind you that the game "Metro: Last Light" will only end well if you are as generous as possible to your defeated opponents.

We get out to our people, meet with Khan and make all the necessary purchases in a weapons store. We follow the mentor into the interline tunnel. Along the way, you will have to fight off Black several times. We get to the Tower, from where rockets were launched at one time, which completely destroyed the Black settlement. After some time, Khan gives the command to chase the cub, as he feels his presence. We get to the trolley, we begin the pursuit.

Train to the future

We catch up with the train, destroy all the enemies on it. We make contact with the baby, after which we take him to a safe place.

We get down from the train, open the grate and go down, following the cub. We crawl under the floor, carefully neutralize all the enemies that are in the room. We pass to the other side of the room on which there is a hatch. Again we deal with the bandits, again we pass to the other side. Note! An enemy is sitting right under the stairs, who will probably have to be killed, since it is virtually impossible to approach him from the back. We move to another location.

New fights

And again you will meet enemies, about which Black will warn you ahead of time. We go into the car, jam or kill the enemy. We leave from its other side, we rise along the left stairs. We jump onto the overturned car, we go down. There, behind the next door, is Lesnitsky. We grab him. Black at this time "gut" the memory of the enemy. After you know everything, the choice is again given (often found in Metro 2033: Last Light): stun or destroy the enemy.

We pass through the destroyed house, get out to the site. We pass to the opposite side, methodically eliminating enemies that will inevitably meet on your way. We go upstairs. We get out of the building through the open window, go out to the roof of another house. We kill the demon, we leave further. By the way, in "Metro: Last Light" Redux, these monsters have become much more evil and dangerous, so you will have to use the already scarce cartridges even more economically.

We keep close to the Black, as soon a storm begins. Let's wait it out together. Attention! Souls will try to capture you, so it is very important to go near the Black, who will protect you. We move to the other side, jump into the ditch. Here it turns out that an ambush awaits you. Our mutated friend will help by highlighting adversaries. Before he gets tired, you need to try to destroy them as much as possible.

At the same time, do not forget to change shelters more often, as enemies will try to get close to you from all sides. Pavel will be your last target. You can track him down by a clearly visible light. We go into the building, clean up the mutants that have turned up, and then in short bursts from around the corner we remove the traitor Pavel. Having learned his memories, we leave the window located on the left side. We continue the passage of the game "Metro: Last Light".


We jump over the wall, as quickly as possible we try to get to the stream. You need to go to the left, where you are met by ubiquitous enemies: after killing them, we go left again. We face a monster that protects its cubs from the Guardians. We kill the attackers. We turn left again and go until we meet our allies. Khan falls into a trance and communicates with the cub of the Black. Together with them, you can see the gates that have opened, behind which many relatives of the baby are sleeping in suspended animation, who turned out to be not at all extinct in Metro 2033: Last Light.

With Khan and the colonel, you need to move to the conference. We go to Moskovin, whose little Cherny can count his memories. We go along a long corridor, opening all the doors in a row. Moskvin had already managed to escape, as he realized what he had done. The time has come to finally go to the native station D6 in order to support it in difficult times. That's it, the passage of the game "Metro: Last Light" will end soon.

Further, the plot depends on your karma in the game (the notorious "good" and "bad" endings). If you went through the "Metro" in the mode of a regular shooter, then the enemies will eventually overpower, and therefore Artyom will have to set off explosives that will completely destroy the station and himself. In the case when the hero managed to kill the minimum number of enemies, a sudden finale comes: at the moment when people are ready to start shooting, the awakened Blacks enter the station and stop the bloodshed.

That's it, the final cutscene. You have now completed Metro: Last Light. The passage was difficult, but it was definitely worth it!

Cheats and codes

By the way, is there anything you can do to make your life easier? game character? Are there any codes for Metro: Last Light? Alas, but I have to upset you: in official game there is no way to introduce some combinations that would remove restrictions and make the process of passing easier.

Of course, there are many so-called "trainers" on the Internet. By putting them, you get great cheats. Metro: Last Light becomes much easier, as a bunch of ammo or first-aid kits can be obtained simply by pressing a certain button. But! We note right away that this should only be done on pirated copies.

The official release, distributed through the Steam system, is extremely painful "reacting" to any change in files. Passion for cheating may well lead to the fact that Valve will simply block your account without the possibility of recovery. This is especially true for "Metro 2033: Last Light" Redux, since in this case the developers have seriously tightened the system of protection against piracy.


For us there is only

one time is present

and only one place - the subway.

Metro: Last Light begins with a story about blacks who came from the surface to the subway. That they are very terrible and terrible, that everyone is in great trouble and danger. Who played or watched knows who the blacks are and that at the end of the game there were two endings. It all depended on how we would play the game. Main character Artyom either destroyed the black lair, or decided not to do it.

The game begins with a group of people sitting near a fire in the subway and unexpectedly black people attack them, and people catch glitches seeing each other as mutants and start shooting at their own.

In the meantime, the hero Artyom, already familiar to us, awakens from the fact that Khan wakes him up and keeps saying that he must make contact with the blacks. While we are exploring the station along the way, it turns out that Artyom was taken to the Order of Sparta and they settled in the secret bunker D6, which they had previously found. Artyom is given a weapon and he goes to Melnik, who called him.

Train to the past

Khan saw one black near the Botanical Garden and therefore Melnik gives Artyom a sniper Anna and gives the task to kill the black. Khan protests against this and says that they should not be killed, but just need to find contact with them (as I understand it doesn’t smell like a good ending from the first part and that then a missile attack on the lair was inflicted). Of course, Khan is detained, and Artyom goes with Anna to the surface in a scorched hive of blacks.

Artyom found a black cub. He recognized Artyom and was frightened and gave him his visions of the moment when rockets were flying at the hive. Artyom passed out and was taken prisoner, the black cub was put in a cage.

Enemy of my enemy

Artyom wakes up in captivity of the Nazis with other prisoners. He, along with another captured communist, manages to kill the guards. and they, together with him, make their way through the fascist camp filled with prisoners. Having reached the cabin just before the very end of the mission, you can press the lever and release all the prisoners from the cages.

Also, having overheard the conversation of two fascists, he learned that the black one was sold to merchants from the Hansa. Hansa is the ring line of the Moscow Metro Union of Trade Stations.


Artyom learned that the name of the red prisoner with whom he fled was Pavel. And they, together with him, disguised as the guards of the Reich, went into the very crowd of Nazis, but they were burned. And the two of them start to run away. Artyom catches a bullet and Pavel drags him to the trolley.

Artyom missed the black one and now he needs to get to the headquarters of the Order and report on the failed operation. He also finds out that the Nazis know that Sparta found the secret bunker D6 and they want to smoke them out and take it. Therefore, perhaps soon a war is expected.

The escape

Pavel breaks through the railing with a trolley and it overturns. They are looking for a way further, but when Pavel climbed into the sewer manhole, the Nazis took him and now Artyom alone makes his way through the Nazis.


Artyom understands that Pasha, a man whom he knows very little, helped him a lot and therefore he is not going to leave him as a prisoner of the Nazis, since death awaits him. So he goes to rescue his new friend. Arriving in time, just in time for the moment when Pasha was hanged and he barely managed to pull him out of the noose alive.

Through the darkness

Artyom freed Pasha and he promised him that he would lead him to his own. And the two of them make their way through dark tunnels teeming with spiders.

Way through the light

Having made their way to the surface through the tunnels, Artyom and Pavel go further to the Theater Station. On the way, they pass a crashed plane, in which Artyom saw a vision of how he got into the very epicenter of a nuclear strike and fell.

After that, as in the classics of the genre, there will be a flying monster - the Devil, and many mutant guards, almost in front of the entrance to the station, where our heroes barely fight them off and the gates open, just in time for them to escape.


Our guys got to the Theater Station, from which it was quite a bit to walk to the Pole, unless, of course, Pasha would lead through his - the posts of the Reds. While Pavel negotiates with his people, Artyom has time to explore the Theater Station. The station where people of art and creativity gather.

After that, Pavel offered Artyom a drink. But it turned out that he got him drunk and, together with his Red friends, took him prisoner and handed him over to his superiors. Our hero did not expect such a betrayal from his new comrade.


Pavel took Artyom to his superiors and he was immediately taken to the interrogation room, where they began to beat information about D6 out of him. Also, at the very beginning of the game with D6, a certain Lesnitsky disappeared. Artyom saw him among the Reds and realized that he was a spy.

Artyom was injected with the truth serum, he switched off and saw an episode from his past, when he was still very young with his friends and went to the surface and they were attacked by monsters. Then one of the Blacks helped them. He also heard a conversation about the Black and knew that Pavel could know where he was.

Artyom, as always, was lucky. The son of General Secretary Moskvin was against this red nonsense and torture, so he frees our hero and he tries to leave through the pipes. He accidentally overheard a conversation between the Secretary General and the head of the State Security, in which he learned that the Reds were planning a special operation to capture D6.

Red line

Now Artem, realizing that he can find out about the whereabouts of Cherny and the plans of the Reds, only from his former "friend" Pavel, goes in search of him, making his way along the Red Line. Looking at the training of the Reds, Artyom understands that they are not preparing for a serious war and it will be quite difficult to recapture D6.

In hot pursuit

Artyom unexpectedly stumbles upon a man, but he was lucky - Andrey Kuznets, already familiar to us, who helped us once. Andrei promised that he would tell Melnik about what happened to Artyom and their mission, and that he continued to search for Cherny. Andrei gives our hero a home-made Regina railway trolley and he sets off further on the road on it. On the way you will meet a train, you need to push it forward with a railcar. we also pierce the passages with a trolley.


Pavel's group is moving to Tretyakovskaya, aka Venice, a few hours ahead. While chasing through the tunnels, Artyom suddenly runs into a group of refugees from the Red Line. All the men who could fight moved forward and they were all shot there. The refugees left only a few men, and mostly women and children. And now you can’t go forward there is danger, and behind the Reds who will shoot them. Moving on, Artem runs into bandits, who shot everyone.

dark waters

Artyom, along with a fisherman, makes his way on a ferry through the subway tunnels through a bunch of mutant shrimp, which, as the fisherman puts it, the local fish is very good with beer.


Having reached Venice with a fisherman, a large den of thieves. Artyom learns from the locals that two Reds have recently arrived at the station. And he is sure that one of them is Pavel. He must catch up with him no matter what. He has two missions connected with Pavel: Find the Black, and find out about the plans of the Reds associated with D6 and the Order.

Finding Pavel in a brothel, he followed him to the warehouse and grabbed him there. Pavel told that Cherny at the October station and the Reds were experimenting with him and his abilities. But Paul managed to escape. And Artyom goes to the surface in the swamps to get to the base of the Order and meet with his own.

Continuation of the passage Metro Last light

Greetings to fans of the fresh shooter Metro Ray of Hope! In this detailed step by step instructions you will find Full description passing computer game Metro 2033 Last Light including screenshots.

Passage of the game Metro Last Light

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 1. Sparta

Passing the level in Sparta


Shoot the Blacks who turned out to be your friends. You will be awakened by a man named Khan. Listen to him. Exit the room using the left analog to move and the right analog to pan the camera. At the top left, you will see an icon indicating the update of the task. Open the tablet by pressing Back. Press LT to light the lighter or put it out. Press RT to see the task.

Quest Black

Press Back to hide the tablet. By the way, the tablet has a radar that indicates the direction of the assignment. Go further to the armory, take a gas mask, filters, first aid kit, army cartridges. The latter can be used both for shooting and as game currency. Hold Y to open the weapon and ammo menu. Hold down LB to open the equipment menu. Next, the gunsmith will say that you need to select guns. Click on the X at the panel to the right. You need to choose three trunks. Click on A on the first cell, select one of the five weapons - Valve rifle, Kalash assault rifle, Killer shotgun, Bastard handicraft assault rifle or revolver. Press B to exit the selection menu. You can attach scopes to your weapons to improve accuracy.

To the right there is a shooting gallery - shoot where the instructor points. Follow further to the Khan and go through the opened gate. Go to the command center, go through the gate, listening along the way for Khan. Talk to the commander, follow the girl. In front of the elevator with the girl on the right side, you can find a note from the newspaper lying on a chair. Get on the train and go to the right place.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 2

Train to the past

Hold LB and press Y to turn on the flashlight. Pull the lever to the right of the door. Climb up and open the door. Go right through the tunnel and up the stairs. But first you will need to hold down LB and press X, which will allow you to put on a gas mask. Hold LB and press Y to turn off the flashlight. Press LB periodically to wipe the glass of the gas mask. Go straight ahead, the Guards will appear. Kill them. Fortunately, a sniper will help you. Now turn left on the road and follow the path until you see Black. He will hide. Go around to the left and see how he jumps into a small hole. Follow him while crouching on B. Hold LB and press A as soon as a message appears stating that you need to change the filter.

Follow Black by jumping onto the ledge on the right. When you finally catch him, you will see a vision. Through the eyes of the Black you will see how the missiles fly.

Passage of Metro Last Light. Chapter 3. Pavel

Enemy of my enemy

Watch the cut-scene. Red will open the garbage chute. When the elevator leaves, follow Red. Follow him in the shadows - do not show yourself in the light! You will automatically help Red to climb up. Climb the lowered ladder, follow Red, crouching on B. Stop when he says "Freeze!". Move on with the command "Otomri!". Go to the guard on the right and when the distant guard turns to the right side, then kill this Reichian, or stun him - a click of the right analog and the X button, respectively. Pull the lever and the ladder will go down. Walk along it, unscrew the light bulb on the right by pressing X. Crawl to the other side when the red turns off the light on the bridge. Stun the enemy by sneaking up from behind and go up the stairs. Immediately turn into the pipe on the right and crawl to its end. Along the way, you can hear that some soldier sold the baby Black to the representative of the Hansa.

Pull the knives from the corpse. You can throw a knife at RB. Opposite the corpse on the box is a note. Go to the passage, stun or kill the enemy and climb higher. Click on the green button on the right and hide. The gateway will open and Red will kill the enemy. Run into the gateway and pull the lever to close it. Go down the corridor, kill all the enemies. When everyone is killed, Red will go down. Pull the lever to the right of the gate, and Red will pull the lever to the left. Go through the gate and escape from the Reich prison.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 4

Take the note from the table in front. Follow through the crowd of Reichs. When the alarm goes up, run after Paul. jump over when you hear Pavel shout "Jump!". Follow further until you crawl under the gate.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 5

The escape

Click on B to exit the railcar. Follow Pavel forward and help him up to the chimney. An alarm will rise. Crouch down, turn off the flashlight and hide behind the barrier. When the enemies go into the tunnel, you can follow them and stun them one by one from behind. Clear the work area with the soldiers of the Reich. At the top you can find a note lying on the control panel. At the bottom, go to the other side of the grate through the rooms where there are soldiers. When you find yourself on the other side, then pay attention to the Reichovets, sitting on the right and listening to music. Kill him so that the alarm does not rise. Climb the stairs and stun the surrendering soldier. There is a note on the table on the left. Go forward and climb into the ventilation shaft opposite the glowing lamp. Crawl forward.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 6

Watch the cut-scene and you will see Pavel. Crawl straight ahead and jump to the left. Move forward, to the right, until two soldiers block the road. One of them says that he hid some kind of weapon in the chest. Wait until one of the soldiers goes to the radio. Wait for it to go back to where you came from. Deal with him there. Kill his interlocutor. There is a ladder to this place - go upstairs and shoot two enemies - first the one that sees the other, and then the last one. Move on top to another staircase, but along the way, it is advisable to lower all the toggle switches to turn off the light. Go downstairs and go through the door indicated by the inscriptions on the wall "EXIT". Kill the soldier who is squatting.

Move forward and make your way through the hole on the left. You will find yourself in a room with withered flowers. Move straight ahead, kill the soldier who has gone deep. On the right there are many Reichs. On the left there is a shield with toggle switches - lower all the toggle switches and turn off the electricity. Move to where the lone soldier went. On the other side, go right, kill the enemy on the chair and put out the lamp. The enemy ahead should move to the right. Walk forward on your haunches and turn left. Go through the door and the task will be updated.

You need to find a switch that turns off the gateway. You can crawl to the right and get supplies from the box. Go down the stairs and straight into the water. Follow the water, turn left to go around the area where the soldiers are standing and the lanterns are shining into the water. On the way in the water, kill the enemy and go up the stairs. Follow to the left and put out the lantern on the box. An enemy will come here - kill him. Go through the room on the left and jump into the ditch to the left. Move to the left, go up the stairs at the end of the ditch and lower the toggle switches on the electrical panel on the left. Kill an enemy. You can go up the stairs on the left and kill another enemy in the room. In general, you need to climb another ladder, which was directly above you when you got out of the last ditch. In the room on the left, where the soldier can go, there is a note on the table. Well, on the right there is a lever that you need. Pull this lever. On the right there is a switch that turns off the light completely - it also does not hurt to turn it.

Go through the opened airlock, turn right, go up the stairs in front and move into the hole on the left. Kill the two enemies hanging Pavel and save Pavel by walking up to him and cutting the rope (automatically). Follow Paul.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 7. Torch

Metro: Last Light chapter 7 walkthrough video (Torch):

Through the darkness

Move straight, turn on the flashlight, after a few seconds go to the grate and press X to help Pavel open it. Follow Pavel by jumping down. Enter the elevator. Point the light at the spiders to throw them off the elevator. When you arrive, follow Pavel. Jump down, there will be an abyss ahead. Kill a couple of spiders and approach Pavel when he asks for help. Click on X a few times. Click on X while standing near the pole to get to the other side. Pavel will help you to rise and will rise himself. Follow Paul into the light. Wait for him to make a torch. Follow him, straight to the door with an electronic lock. Go right, turn on the flashlight. You need to find a place where the wires go. When you go up the stairs and hit the locked door, then go into the corridors on the right. In the room on the left, overgrown with cobwebs, there is a note on the floor. Get to the panel and click on X to apply power. Return to Paul and he will open the door. Pass through it.

Path through darkness

Take the note from the counter on the left. Take gas masks from the box, follow Pavel down the wing of the plane. When you pass through the turnstiles, then in the room on the right, try to find the filter on the floor. Although, on high level there may or may not be any difficulty. Check out the back room, near the aisle where Pavel is standing. At the end on the table you will find a shotgun. Follow him and open the plane door. Press X several times to open the door together. After the vision, approach Paul. To the left at the feet of the skeleton is a note. Continue on from the plane. Inside the plane, near the right wall, there will be a skeleton with a gas mask - you can pick it up. Move on, kill the guards, then go around the corner to the right and climb inside the building through the hole. Go down the elevator to the door and fight off the last waves of enemies.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 9


Follow Paul until he turns to you. Listen to him. Go through the station, pass the market where you can buy ammo and weapons. When you pass it, then right away from the bench on which the person is sitting, pick up a note. This is where Paul comes in. Follow him, sit on the chair on the left when Pavel offers to walk. Listen to him.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 10. Korbut


After a long cut-scene and a video clip, Lenya, the son of the Secretary General, will free you. Climb into the pipes on the left, move through the ventilation - you can eavesdrop on the conversation between the Secretary General and the General. The mission is short. You don't have to do anything - just listen.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 11

Red line

After picking up the weapon, find the filters in the room. Go through the door, kill the three enemies on the right near the metal detector. Go down the stairs and turn into the room on the left, where you will find a note on the table. Go through the door here and lower the tumblers on the right. You partially turn off the light. Wait for the enemies to disperse, and kill two soldiers without delay. Go to the right of the locomotive, move along the right wall, hiding behind the columns. Turn off the lamp and jump onto the box, from where you will climb into a square pipe that looks like a ventilation shaft. When it breaks, then jump forward towards another pipe. Get out on this pipe to another part of the subway. Go after the two enemies walking forward, turn into the door on the left. Open it, kill or stun the enemies on the right. Move to another part of the tunnel and you will see how the soldier is pulled up. When he is alone, stun him. Turn right and find a note on the cabinet with the word "ATTENTION".

And on the left you can find a room with a "fireplace". There is also a huge gate and a lever. Lower the lever and go through the gate. Go through them, move along the right wall. There will be an enemy on a loader ahead. Wait until he leaves him and stun him. You need to go through the door with the valve. A guard sits a little further - he will notice you if you do nothing. Throw a knife (RB) at him, or kill him with a silenced pistol.

Go through the door and find yourself in a new room. Move along the wall to the right and lower the toggle switches on the electrical panel. Move further along the wall and climb the stairs up. Move on top to another wall and go down the stairs to the right. There is also a descent down into the ditch. Jump down and move on to the stairs. Climb up, stun the guard on the left, or immediately move forward and right along the wall, ignoring the fact that the enemy is ahead. Stun an enemy against a wall. Move further along the right wall and climb up the stairs. Kill the enemy upstairs, take the note from the table on the left, then lower the lever. The huge valve will stop. Go to it and find a hole on the left. Jump into it and find yourself in a new room.

Walk to the right and go down the stairs. When two enemies disperse, you can finish them off one by one. There is a note on the table they were originally standing next to. Move along the right wall, go up the stairs and follow the top to another wall, extinguishing the lamp along the way. Go down to the right and move along the wall to the door with the inscription "EXIT" on the wall. Go there and open the door with the valve. Move past the enemies along the left wall, turn right and hide to the right of the massive door as armed soldiers walk by. Go through this door, stun or kill the only enemy. Drive straight and turn right. Follow through the ventilation shafts until you find a door. You will meet Andrey Kuznets.

Metro 2033 Last Light. Chapter 12

In hot pursuit

Follow the Blacksmith and after his speech, climb into the car on the Regin rails. Click on A to start the engine. Control the railcar with the left analogue. Click on B to exit. By the way, turn on the light - LB + Y. Get to the door, pull the lever, but nothing will happen. Pay attention to where the wires go from the lever, and go through the door. Move to the end of the corridor and turn on the electricity with your charger. There will be a wagon ahead - push it with a trolley, killing enemies along the way. In the room on the left you can hear the voices of ghosts. In the room on the right, at the very end of the flooded corridor with a green tint, there is a corpse, and next to it is a note. Then the car will turn right and crash into a dead end. Ride back behind the arrow, turn it to change the direction of the rail. Move forward to the wooden barrier. Break through barrier after barrier.

Walkthrough Metro Last light. Chapter 13

Move further on the trolley and meet the RED refugees. They will tell you that there are bandits ahead. Go ahead, kill the bandits. At the end, the road will be blocked. The lever that opens the gate is to the right of them, in the corridor. You can get into this corridor through a passage located 50 meters behind. Thus, move from the closed gate back and turn left. Go to the end of the corridor and lower the lever.

Move through the opened gate, kill two patrolling bandits without making any noise. Move further along the tunnel, turn into the tunnel with the image of the skull. Kill the bandits, move to the end of the corridors and you will find a man tied to a chair - he is dead. There is a note on the table behind him. Open the door and kill the last bandit. Come back. After the first bandits, where a trolley stood on the tracks, you could see a tied bald man to the right of the rail. Now you can untie it. He will move the trolley off the rails. Go back to your trolley and go straight on it. Change the arrow before entering the tunnel with the skull - you need to go to this tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, ram the boards with the dead guard. The rail will break. Go forward and through the passage on the left. Move in reverse side along the carriages and enter the last carriage. Go to the very end of the train, go to the tunnel, flooded with poisonous liquid. Pull the rope to ring the bell. This will call the ferry. While the ferry is moving, kill the guards. As soon as he arrives, then jump on the ferry. Mission completed.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 14

Immediately, as soon as control passes to you, then pick up a note. When you swim in the boat, duck down so that you don't get hit by a log. Shoot back from mutated shrimps. When one of them jumps into the boat and the ferryman asks for help, press E (not once, but many times until you kill the mutant shrimp), otherwise it will eat you and you will not be able to swim to Venice.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 15. Venice

Move through the station, go along the right wall, climb the steps after the market and listen to the mustachioed man at the table. To his left is a note on a cardboard box. Get down from it and move to the right. Go behind the red curtain where the girls are dancing. Go downstairs and see how Pavel closes the car door. Here on the box is the second note of the level. After the girls leave, go to the door and eavesdrop on Pavel and his friend. Follow them, kill the bandits in the corridor. On the left, you can turn off the light. Go through the door at the end of the corridor and meet Pavel. You have cleared the warehouse that the man who met you at the dock was talking about. He will appear. Pavel disappeared.

Follow the man, he will move a large box hiding the passage. Put on your spacesuit and climb the stairs.

Chapter 16


Climb down, move through the fence ahead and go forward. Turn left and go around the huge tank trailer on the left side. Examine the canisters inside the ruined building - empty. Move on the radar by pressing Back to call it up. Cross the log and get to the bus, there is another log to the right of it - go over and go inside the plane. At its end, find a can of gasoline. Return back by climbing onto the wing and crossing the river. Fill the generator with fuel. Wait until you see a ferry with a burning lamp on the other side. Click on the button to call the ferry. Survive and get on the ferry, then pull the lever. Mission completed.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 17


Move along the radar, go into the building, go up the elevator and exit to the bridge. Move along the wooden bridge towards the church. Try to walk along the log to the church, as a huge monster will appear. Shoot at him, trying not to get too close. After the victory, the rangers will push the log towards you - go along it to the church. Get inside.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 18

Through Hell

Go ahead, buy supplies and weapons. Approach the door, there will be an explosion, and enemies will appear. Move through the catacombs until you find an elevator. Get on it to go down. Shoot back from the guards, press X several times so as not to fall down. Go through the tunnel, kill the guards. Follow the radar. Turn the wooden valve while holding X to raise the gate. Move on. Pull the suspension platform lever. Climb down, kill the monsters, go up the steps and jump down to the other side. Kill the guards. Go to the wooden lift and lower the huge log on its left side so that water flows. Defeat the enemies that appear - they will appear again and again, so as soon as possible, run up to the lift and jump on it.

Move on. Here you will find a huge monster. Don't try to kill him. Get behind the columns. Let him run at you and destroy the columns. When he destroys all the columns, he will punch a hole in the wall and hide. Follow and you through this hole in the wall. In another part of the cave, again make the big monster destroy all the columns and obstacles. He will take damage for it. When everything is destroyed, you will have to make several shotgun shots at the monster. Preferably in the stomach.

The room will start to flood - wait for the end of the mission.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 19

Through the fire

Go forward, to the right, follow the stairs further and eavesdrop on the conversation between Lesnitsky and his subordinate. You will also see Anya. Move to the right and you will see the execution. Keep crawling and jump down into the room. Move on and kill the two red ones. Preferably silent. Approach the dying man and listen to something about the Reds. Move along the tunnel, turn off the lamps and kill enemies one by one. Or you can make some noise - it's up to you. You will need to find a hole near the wall and crawl through it. In the new part, go down through the hole on the right under the floor. Move to the other end and get out. You will see how the soldier kills the infected captain. Kill the soldier after that.

Deal with other enemies. There is a narrow staircase leading up to the carriage. At the end, there is a note on the table. Climb up there and go along this car to jump down to the other side of the iron fence, which is indicated by the radar. Move past the burning boxes, go down through the gap in the floor and go down to the end. Climb up.

Let the enemies disperse - one of them will go up the stairs. Kill the one that went up the stairs. Go back downstairs and deal with the rest one by one. Better to stun or kill with a knife. The knife can be thrown from afar at RB. Follow further, wait for the soldiers around the bend to disperse. Kill the first one on the left, go up the stairs and kill the soldier with the book in his hands. Make your way and open the red door. Shoot the enemy holding Anya. Watch the cut-scene.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 20


After the cut-scene, go down, go along the radar, stay in the disinfection chamber with the doctor and the general. Listen to their conversation. Move on to Khan. Follow him, buy supplies, weapons and pick up the filters on the right. Leave the station with Khan.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 21

River of Destiny

Follow Khan, go through the blades while Khan stopped the valve. After Khan opens the door and jumps down, do not rush to follow him, but move to the end of the corridor. There will be a note on the floor. Follow Khan further, kill the guards. When Khan says, press Back and LT to burn the web. Behind the web there will be a grate. Help Khan break it down. Burn the web further, walk on the water. Pick up the phone… Mom? Go forward, stand under the water. Watch the cut-scene. Watch the video, run after Khan. Sit down with him in the railcar. Mission completed.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 22

Train to the future

Shoot the Reds on the railcars. You need to be careful and use first-aid kits on time! Aim more accurately. Once on the train, move forward and kill the enemies. When you are in the second car, which has a roof, then find a note on the box on the right. Move to the end and watch the video.

How to get through episodes 22 and 23:

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 23


Take the Black out to the street, a little further there is a corpse with a gas mask - change it if there are holes in it. Follow the radar - kill enemies. Black will show you them (highlight). Go down to the river and turn right. Move on ice. Climb the stairs, enter the building, go to the second floor and open the grate. Rise above and follow to the right. Black will show things. Run straight and fall into the water. Run to the ship on the right, climb up and find a note on the deck near the corpse. Move across the river on the wagons, go around the building and up the stairs.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 24

When you pass through the bridge, killing enemies, then turn into the room on the left. It is lit with green light. There is a note on the table. Get to the stairs in the room on the left and go upstairs. Clear the upper tier and roll forward on the rope. The monster will bite the rope and you will fall down. Follow Black through the room on the right.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 25

The path together

Walk forward, enter the building on the right. Bargain if necessary. Move on and go up the stairs. Kill the people ahead. Without raising an alarm, you are unlikely to succeed. Go through the corridor and open the door. Go upstairs, Black will give you a filter. A note is visible behind the bars. Until you get to her. Open the door on the right, clear the corridor ahead and go down the stairs at the end of this corridor. Move along the right wall of the room with very angry bandits. Enter the booth and kill one. Exit at the other end and turn right. Find the door and go through it. Clear another room, go up the stairs and open the door. See Lesnitsky's memoir. Stun him.

Walk along the wagon and jump down to the right. Move forward.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 26

ghost town

Enter the building on the left, go up one flight of stairs and go down the corridor on the right. Open the door and from the cabinet, behind the red table, take the note. Go outside, see how the children play. Drop down and walk forward across the water, then climb up the fallen slab on the right. Enter the building ahead after killing the enemies. Climb the stairs, enter the room on the left and you will see people. Get on the car through the far window. Ahead on the ruined building there is a fire escape - climb it up. If necessary, kill the mutants first.

Go forward along the roof, go inside the building and go down. One floor down in the room you can see a girl on the floor. Go down to the very bottom and see a vision. People in the subway. Run straight, jump down and go towards the light.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 27

Follow Black, stay close to the wall while the wind blows. Follow him around the hole and enter the tunnel with the hands. Follow the Black past the hands, climb the stairs to Lenin's mausoleum. Go down on the other side, go forward until you hear Paul's voice. Kill enemies. Then shoot Pavel upstairs. Move up the stairs while shooting Pavel. Then decide whether to forgive him or not.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 28

Go straight, to the left and move along the ditch, killing the guards. Turn right, duck down to crawl where the guard ran. When you see a huge monster in front that leaves, then pick up a note from the corpse on the left. Shoot the monster. Preferably with a shotgun. When you are in slow motion, and there are small creatures on the back of the monster, then shoot at the red dot. When he hides, follow him. Kill three small guards who gnaw on a huge monster, thereby saving him. Go left, go inside the building, where the colonel and Khan are waiting for you. Watch the cut-scene.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 29

Peace enforcement

Go forward, when the bald soldier decides to report something to the colonel, then from the sofa behind him, on the left side, take the note. In the visions, look through each of the doors on the left. Watch the cut-scene.

Walkthrough Metro Last Light. Chapter 30

Last Stand

Kill the Reds until you end up with a tank on the rails. What you need to do to destroy the tank in Metro Last Light: grab sniper rifle and shoot the red thing on wheels first. When she flies away, then shoot at two wheels. When both wheels fly off, then shoot at the cannon area, which will be highlighted in red. Kill the second group of enemies. Shoot at the shields, then at the flamethrower. When you win, you will hear that the complex is mined.

bad endingMetro Last Light:

To end the game with a bad ending, kill people, spare no one and be cruel. Most often, gamers who have completed the game see this particular Metro Last Light video final.

Good ending Metro Last Light (in Russian):

To see the video of the positive ending of the game, you need to fulfill a number of conditions and complete more quests without violence, helping other people in this cruel virtual world:

kill as few people as possible throughout the game;

do not kill surrendering soldiers;

save women and children;

listen to the end what people say in metro cities, thereby showing sensitivity and sympathy;

When you save a life or just listen to someone's story, you will see a small flash of white light on the screen. This means that you have done a good deed, which will be credited to you when choosing the final cinematic at the end of the Metro Last Light game.

Don't forget to bookmark this walkthrough for Metro 2033 The Last Beam so you can return to it at any time. We would be grateful if you share a link to this article with your friends in in social networks. Enjoy your travels in the post-nuclear Moscow metro!

There is nothing particularly difficult in contrast to the first game, where there were several moments when questions arose, and what to do next. For example, such as open the door in the library, how best to get past the librarian, which trunks are best and so on. Also, I see no reason to talk about nychki in the game. If you carefully examine everything, then you can find cartridges and filters for a gas mask.

Stealth in the game has become more thoughtful and improved. Therefore, the most the best weapon in the game, these are throwing knives and helsing. They are good at killing any opponents, both humans and mutants. The beauty of knives and helsing is that if you do not miss, they kill all enemies the first time and silently.

Throwing knives


Ideal to kill them mutantstrazhey. While they don’t see you and stand on their hind legs and listen, you can easily kill them with a knife, he doesn’t have time to raise the alarm and a bunch of his relatives don’t come running, so we save ammo.

On the Shrimp Mutants, (the ones that climb out of the water), it is best to use incendiary grenades. Throw them feet, they quickly burn out.

incendiary grenade

As soon as the shrimp open their abdomen, we shoot at it, if they close it with claws, then we stop shooting, run away from them and wait for them to open their abdomen again.



The first boss in the game is a large shrimp that we will meet in the swamps. While we will get to the order, she will appear from time to time. All in all the best option it is to run away from her and not to shoot, to hide in the house. Near the church, we throw in incendiary grenades and shoot in the belly. we put mines in front of us, well, we stupidly run shooting back.

Big Mama

The next boss or leader that we will meet literally immediately after the church. The most idiotic boss in the game. You don't need to waste a single bullet on it. This mother will kill herself. We get up so that the barracks are between you. She runs up and hits them with her head, we do the same. When she knocks them all down, she will fall. Do the same in the second room.


With the she-bear, everything is clear, we run from her, we put mine traps under us, when time slows down, we shoot her in the back. At the end, when the monsters will gnaw at her, we can kill them and save the bear or leave her to be torn apart. This action affects the ending in the game


The armored tank that appears in the final is killed in just a few seconds. We shoot first at the wheels, they are highlighted in red. After they collapsed, we shoot the wheels at the tower, it will also be highlighted in red. In general, you can deal with it in half a minute. It is ideal to shoot from a sniper, which is right there to eat a good look around.

How to get a good ending.

In fact, to get the ending where Artyom and the others survive, you just need to do good deeds and not kill anyone. Help the bear survive, save Pavel, don't kill Lesnitsky. Listen to all the sick people in quarantine, find a teddy bear for the boy in Venice (won after three wins on the dash). Do not kill animals that are not dangerous. when black says it.

Easter eggs and all sorts of secrets in the video game