What Fri Sau. The best tank destroyers in World of Tanks. What would you recommend putting

5 years and 5 months ago Comments: 1


The first thing I would like to point out is that if you are a beginner you should not download the PT branch in game world of Tanks, because you will have a lot of problems. Firstly, you need to play PTs very competently, without showing up, and inexperienced players in this area know little. Secondly, it will be very unusual for beginners to play without a tower, and there will be many problems associated with the discomfort of the gameplay. Thirdly, the tactics of combat on the AT are very diverse and accurate, well, inexperienced players still know little about accurate tactics.

Varieties of tank destroyers.

Despite the fact that each nation has branches of tank destroyers (and some nations have several of them at once), they are very different, both in appearance and in characteristics. Basically, this is a tank with poor armor and a good gun. For example, all tank destroyers up to the ISU-152 (inclusive) have very poor armor, but a very powerful gun. These types of PT should not be downloaded immediately, but as late as possible. There is also a tank destroyer with good armor and a medium gun. This includes the German development branch going to the Jag.Pz.E-100. These tank destroyers have a pretty good gun and very good armor, but top tank destroyer(Level 10) Jag.Pz.E-100 even has a very powerful gun, which has a penetration of almost 300mm. Well, the last type of tank destroyer with a turret. These PTs are very diverse. There are turret tank destroyers with good armor (for example, T28.Prot. or T110E4), and there are very bad ones (for example, Hellcat, Borsch). But there are very few tank destroyers in the game with a turret, and if you are inexperienced and are just starting to play tank destroyers, then I would advise you to download the branch going to T110E4, because. this tank is very close to the structure of a heavy tank and you will be more familiar with it.

application tactics.

1. Let's start, perhaps, with tank destroyers with poor armor and a good gun. On such tank destroyers, it is best to stand at a very long distance and attack the enemy from afar. But also, do not forget about additional modules. Let's take, for example, . Its frontal armor is 90mm (and this is the peak), but there is also a well-armored gun mantlet in the forehead, which is very . But you should not count on this mask especially. they don't always get there. Well, let's go back. Let's say you're on a robin, what do we need? Firstly, we cannot, which means that we need to put up a camouflage net. But, if you upgrade your crew with the disguise perk (additional skill), then you can not put the net and save room for more useful module. If you have pumped the camouflage perk, then you can put reinforced aiming drives, because. the speed of information and accuracy of the ISU-152 (as well as for all Fri of this type) is far from ideal. Next, you need to put a stereo tube so that you can highlight enemies from the bushes for yourself. Well, the last module is a large-caliber gun rammer. This thing will reduce our reload time from 17 to 15 seconds, which is quite important for tank destroyers.

2. Tank destroyers with good armor. These tank destroyers, as I said earlier, have an average gun and good armor. On this type of PTshek, you should not be so afraid of visibility (as on the ISU-152, for example), good armor can save us from many hits, even very powerful guns. Take the German Ferdinand as an example. Its frontal armor is 200mm in the forehead (partially) and exactly 200mm in the cabin (completely, as well as + mask). That is, we can stand, for example, in a Himmelsdorf banana and calmly fire at enemies in it. If you hide the hull, then no one will almost break through your cabin. Well, the gun has an average damage of 490 and penetration of 246mm. Such indicators are quite enough to attack classmates.

3. Tank destroyer with a turret. As I said earlier, this type of PTshek is very different. Some with good armor and some with bad armor. Let's start with the well armored ones. For example, T110E4. Frontal armor varies from 150~200mm, as well as a tower with a huge mantlet of 300+mm. The same story as with Ferdinand (Fedya). You can safely hit a banana in Himmelsdorf, for example, it will be even easier, because. the presence of the tower removes some inconvenience. As for poorly armored anti-aircraft guns. This type of PT generally has very good mobility, for example, helkat. You can easily break through some flanks, capture slides, etc. Thanks to good stealth, you can drive into the bushes and attack for 1-2 minutes, after which you can change position with all sails and attack again. This type of PTshek is very poorly suited for beginners. These tank destroyers are skill-dependent, i.e. they require very direct hands and careful strategy (fighting tactics). You can start downloading them somewhere from 5-7k fights.

Brief description of the branches.


1 branch. Consider a branch ending in ob.268. This branch is full of tank destroyers suitable for the first type (bad armor, good gun). But this branch ends with two tank destroyers with good armor, an excellent weapon and super stealth, because. ob.704 and ob.268. I would advise you to download this branch from 6-7k fights, because. requires very straight arms.

2 branch. This thread ends with rev. 263. All tank destroyers have poor armor, but very good mobility and a medium gun. It is impossible to attribute them to the first or second type, it is something in between. These tank destroyers require a very diverse tactic. Sometimes you can rush, attack, but other times you need to defend (defend). So, I would advise you to download this branch as late as possible.


1 branch. Let's start with the branch ending with Jag.Pz.E-100. All tank destroyers in this branch, starting from stug 3, have good armor and a medium gun, i.e. belong to type 2. This branch, in principle, can be downloaded quite early. With 2-4k fights, it’s quite possible to start, because. especially direct hands are not required.

2 branch. In the second branch, very cardboard tank destroyers ending in 3 tank destroyers with a turret. This branch belongs to types 1 and 3. I would advise you to download it in 7-8k fights, because. very poor armor (no more than 100mm) requires very straight arms and extremely careful play. So, for example, Nashorn has 30mm frontal armor. Unable to attack from afar and wait, you will merge on it in 2 minutes.


1 branch. This branch includes all 3 types of tank destroyers. At levels 5 and 6 there are turret tank destroyers, at levels 1-4 and 7 they are poorly armored, at levels 8-10 they are well armored. But I want to note that at levels 8-9 there are two very slow tank destroyers T28 and T95. The maximum speed of T95 is 13km/h, and the average speed is 7-9km/h. So, if you have very strong nerves and patience, then you can download this branch, because. at the end, a very good tank destroyer T110E3.

2 branch. This branch includes tank destroyers of the 3rd type, with a turret. Almost everyone has poor armor, but the top T110E4 PT has very good armor (I talked about it earlier). There is also a helkat in this thread, which I also told you about. So, I would not advise you to download this branch right away, but wait a bit (about 5-7k fights.)


In France, there is one branch of Fri with very good frontal armor and an excellent gun with good mobility. This branch can be attributed to type 2 tank destroyers. In principle, you can download them early with 2-4k fights, because. direct hands are not particularly required.


In Britain, all tank destroyers have very good armor and belong to type 2 tank destroyers. You can even start downloading this branch from 1k fights. But at the end you will find a very cardboard tank destroyer with a very powerful gun, with a one-time damage of 1750 HP. In principle, you can practice on other branches with tank destroyers of a similar type, so that when you pump it in there will be no difficulties.


Tank Destroyers are a very good and useful tank type in the game. Knowing how to play well on them, you can be of great benefit to the team, as well as fill the status,

Each world player of Tanks thinks about what type of tanks will be the most effective. Someone prefers LT, as they are very fast and agile, they allow you to confuse more clumsy opponents, illuminate other people's tanks, break through to the base and perform other useful features. However, many choose TTs because they have thick armor and powerful guns, which attracts many beginners. But do not think that heavy tanks are the best in the game - they also have their drawbacks. Some gamers think that the ideal option would be medium tank, because it includes the benefits of both LT and TT. However, you should not forget that along with the advantages, you also get disadvantages. In general, all tanks have their pros and cons, and if you develop a competent strategy, you can fight all types of opponents. But for some reason, everyone very often forgets about artillery, although this type of combat vehicles also plays an incredibly important role in this game. It can hardly be said that there is the best tank destroyer in World of Tanks, because, again, everyone has pros and cons, some advantages and disadvantages that you need to know about and that you need to be able to use or hide.

tank destroyer

Anti-tank installations are key figures on the battlefield, but they are periodically underestimated, although they do a huge amount of dirty work. The best tank destroyer in World of Tanks is the one that can deal a lot of damage and "survive" until the end of the battle. Naturally, this requires sufficient skill not only from you, but also from your partners, because you will not have enough firepower to fend off the attack of enemy vehicles in close combat. You need to understand that self-propelled guns are a static object that fires at distant objects, but cannot protect itself near. So if you have SPGs in your team, you need to build your strategy taking into account the fact that somewhere in your back lines there will be artillery that will help you a lot, but at the same time need constant defense. If you are going to play as an artillery tank, then you should immediately take into account that you will have a significantly lower efficiency indicator compared to other tanks. The whole point here is that efficiency points are partially awarded for capturing an enemy base and for returning one's own base - naturally, an artillery installation cannot do this. However, the best tank destroyer in World of Tanks can bring a lot of benefits to the team. And this is even without participating in the battles for the bases.

French and British branches

If you need the best tank destroyer in World of Tanks, then you are unlikely to find it in this thread. However, as in the rest, therefore it does not exist. Each of them has its own features that you can learn how to use. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that French SPGs, even at low levels, can cause inconvenience to the enemy, but at the same time, it is not recommended for beginners to take such tanks, because they have a number of features that will greatly complicate your life, and playing for SPGs is already not too easy. Naturally, to understand all the subtleties, you need more detailed overview Tank destroyers of each model. In this article, you will find only basic information that will show you that all settings are equal if you play well. As for the British branch, these vehicles have excellent armor, powerful guns, everything you need for a high-quality anti-tank installation. But there is one problem - in fact, this is not quite artillery. British tank destroyers are more like a mixture of an artillery mount and a conventional tank. You won't be able to succeed with them in ambush, you need close range fights, which is a little different from the very idea of ​​​​PT.

German branch

If you need high-quality and powerful artillery - choose these tank destroyers. German installations will give odds to everyone else, as they are very accurate and have high damage. They are well protected and generally can be a standard self-propelled unit. This line was one of the first to be introduced into the game and has remained one of the best since then, so you should definitely try such tank destroyers. The German vehicles can set up incredible ambushes, but there are other branches to consider as well.

American branch

As for the tank destroyers of the Americans, there is a rather strange set here. Turret mounts are more like a medium tank, as is the case with the British variants, but the turretless ones have a lot of armor, too much, so they are extremely clumsy, so not everyone will suit. It is clear that artillery cannot be particularly mobile - but so much so!

If you choose Soviet branch tank destroyers, then you may have certain problems, since the cars here are not the most impressive player-friendly. But the first branch is really the standard of anti-tank installation, and it is recommended to try it for those who are just starting their journey and would like to try themselves as a sniper.

I’ll say right away - there are no most best tanks, upgrade branches, positions on the map, win-win tactics. But I know how to help you. Having great experience games in World of Tanks, I guess that a similar question can be asked by a beginner who has not been in the game for a very long time and is trying to choose which vehicle to start with. Therefore, I will advise a branch on which it is comfortable to play, there is no strong distortion of some parameters to the detriment of others, there are no cars that you want to go faster and forget about them (the so-called "cacti"). And since you have decided to download tank destroyers, you need these tanks to play a purely anti-tank role in battle - mainly an ambush tank with a high armor penetration gun and high one-time damage (the so-called "alpha strike").

1) French branch Tank destroyers are not for beginners.

In general, the first 4 tanks of the branch cope quite well with the role of anti-tank guns, weak mobility can be distinguished from the shortcomings. But cars of levels 6 and 7 are passable. ARL V39 has an inaccurate gun, AMX AC 46 has more disadvantages than advantages.

Tier 8–10 vehicles have good mobility and accurate weapons. However, it is very important to feel the combat when playing them - French TDs have extremely weak side armor, so if you allow the enemy to go to the flank, you will quickly "run out". Also, all tanks of this branch, except for the Foch 155, have low one-time damage for tank destroyers, and the latter, in addition, also has an automatic loader (“drum”), which will make life difficult for a beginner.

2) US tank destroyer turret branch - is this exactly a tank destroyer?
The peculiarity of these tanks is that they do not look like PTs, they have a turret and good armor. Often redundant. Most of these tank destroyers should be played as either a medium tank or a heavy one, depending on the model. The branch is distinguished by eccentricity, for a player who wants to try how it is - "PTsht" the branch is of little interest.

3) Turretless tank destroyer branch of the USA - sleep right in battle!
The branch is special in that almost all tanks have excellent armor, huge mass and monstrously low mobility. An exotic that few will appreciate.

4) British tank destroyers are good, but not for us.
In general, an interesting branch, replete with comfortable cars, which, due to good armor and high armor penetration, easily forgive mistakes for beginners. Good branch for bending. But this branch has little in common with tank destroyers, up to level 10 - playing on British tank destroyers requires aggressive contact play, preferably in city maps. Ambush tactic on this technique is better not to abuse.

5) The German tank destroyer branch without a turret is an excellent choice.
One of the first PT branches introduced into the game. Interesting, painfully stinging armored vehicles, characterized by high accuracy, armor penetration and damage per minute (DPM). All ATs of this branch are quite comfortable in battle and are able to significantly influence the course of the battle. The author of the article advises leveling 8 through Jpanther II, and not through Ferdinand, unless you are a big fan of armored vehicles from the Second World War.

6) German tank destroyer branch with a turret - better to upgrade later.

More precisely, not with a tower, but with a rotating wheelhouse. Reference tank destroyers: good level camouflage, amazing damage, armor penetration, exactly. BUT - high dependence on the experience of the player. Once discovered, the PT of this branch immediately turns into a pile of smoldering metal. And all because of the weak, almost bulletproof booking. When these armored vehicles were introduced into the game, one of the lead developers explained that the German turret anti-tank guns fit into the so-called "glass gun" concept - a unit that has heavy firepower, but high vulnerability. I advise experienced players to play.

7) The Soviet second branch of tank destroyers of the USSR is for players with developed willpower.
Replete with "cacti", it's hard to pump. But at level 10, a very dangerous Ob. 263 - mobile and armored PT, ideal for close combat in a narrow space.

8) The Soviet first branch of the tank destroyer of the USSR is the crown of the tank destroyer.
It is this branch that is best to download for a beginner, or just a player who wants to try playing on the tank destroyer class for the first time. Each branch machine is just perfect for the role of a sniper, who, sitting in the bushes, is ready to tear off the cabin floor to an unlucky enemy.
Of particular interest are the following machines:

SU-100- Tier 5 PT with a 122 mm muzzle - a projectile of this caliber will upset even a heavy tier 8 tank.

SU-152- has a high-explosive ML-20, which (if you're lucky) deals damage up to 1138 units per shot - a monster.

Let's present in this article the best tier 8 tank destroyers. We can appreciate the strengths and weak sides each model, as well as disassemble their tactical features. Let's start from the last place.

AT 15. Opens our rating in 10th place.

The vehicle is equipped with heavy frontal armor, and it is well protected from other directions. For lower-level enemies, such armor will be an unpleasant surprise.
The advantage of the gun is a very short reload time and excellent penetration, which will allow tank destroyers to continuously attack the enemy. Damage per minute 2760 units. Tactical advice: if you aim well at the caterpillar, then it will definitely fly off from the first shot, so try to start the attack from this place.
AT 15 is distinguished by excellent vertical and horizontal aiming angles. We won’t have to show up much for a shot, and it will be problematic for the enemy to circle us.
Tank Destroyers have the highest HP at their tier - 1450 HP - this can save your life more than once.
The huge size of the AT 15 nullifies the camouflage option. Enemies will notice us before everyone else.
As a consequence of the dimensions - very poor mobility, most likely, you will have to play near the base.
The tank destroyer's gun doesn't do much damage (only 230 damage), so it won't be possible to frighten someone with a hit. Try not to get involved in an exchange of blows.
In the frontal armor there is a dangerous weakness- the hatch is very large. When shooting, try to turn to the line of attack in front, so that it is more difficult for enemies to hit the turret.

The AT 15 is a clumsy tank with an underpowered gun. Try to take control of some direction and endure the battle, relying on your armor.

T28. 9th place. One of the cars on the way to T110E3.

The tank destroyer is equipped with chic frontal armor - 254mm. Even level 10 enemies will not always be able to break through it.
It has an almost universal tool.
The small height of the hull increases our concealment rate.
The slowest tank of this level. The maximum speed is 18 km/h. Don't even try to go anywhere. You don’t need to capture any positions, you still won’t have time.
Terrible vertical aiming angles - only 5 degrees.
The side armor is only 50mm, which means that the tank destroyer is very vulnerable to enemy artillery. Moreover, there are two large hatches on the tower, and the enemy will aim there.
T28 is designed to protect the strategic direction. Try not to let the enemy get closer than medium range and rely on your frontal armor.

T28 prototype. 8th place. The turret makes the tank destroyer look like a heavy tank.

The frontal part has good armor, the weak spot is only a machine gun, but getting there is quite difficult. The defense is hard to break through for any classmate;
Despite the presence of the turret, the gun remained almost the same. We can play a little like TT.
Mobility parameters leave much to be desired. The maximum speed is 13 km/h.
Very bad side armor, almost everyone will break through, so twist your body when they shoot at you.
The tower rotates only 143 degrees - do not let the enemy get too close.
Tactics of the game remains the same - to keep the direction. Don't forget to use the tower.

The highest damage per minute at this level is 2865 units.
The tank destroyer has a very low hull, which means it has a good camouflage indicator.
SU-101 is able to occupy more advantageous positions on the map due to good dynamics.
Terrible UVN - 3 degrees. The slightest roughness and we will no longer aim.
The gun has weak penetration by an armor-piercing projectile - 219 units.
Very little margin of safety.
The characteristics of this machine suggest only one tactic: hide somewhere and destroy enemies at a long distance thanks to the gun's rate of fire.

Ferdinand. 6th place. German tank hunter, in Russian "Fedya".

Frontal armor is 200mm.
It has a really serious weapon "mousegun" with a damage of 490 units. Such a gift will cool the ardor of a too arrogant opponent. The penetration rate is 246 units.
The main thing is that with such a tool we have adequate angles of inclination.
Due to the large size, camouflage is useless.
Again, because of them, the same poor speed and maneuverability.
Frontal armor is vulnerable closer to the bottom. Hits in this area often disable the engine.
The tank destroyer is capable of dealing significant damage thanks to its gun and is well protected, but try not to lean too far forward. Enemy artillery will attack you among the first.

AMX AC ml.48. 5th place. It's not hard to get used to her personality.

Perfectly balanced gun, good rate of fire and accuracy. Penetration rate 257.
Good indicators of speed and maneuverability. We can take a more advantageous position in time or not allow the enemy to spin us.
The frontal armor will withstand hits from tanks of the same level without any problems.
Weak Armor sides makes you suffer from enemy land mines.
Two turrets and a rangefinder at the top are a weak point, they are even accidentally hit quite often.
Too much big time tool information (buy drives as soon as possible).
The low health pool of 1000 will force you to be more careful.
It is advisable to immediately analyze the map and capture a profitable point. Destroy enemy tanks from afar and try to avoid close combat. FROM long distance your turrets are harder to hit.

ISU-152. 4th place.

It is difficult to call it universal, but it copes well with the tasks of its class of technology.
The most powerful gun BL-10 with a penetration rate of 286 units is the main trump card of the ISU-152. Even tanks of higher tiers will think twice before turning on her head-on.
The main thing for us is disguise.
Very large gun mantlet.
Weak mobility.
The gun has a long aiming time and low firing accuracy - 0.41.
Very bad armor, even frontal. Tank destroyers will penetrate all and sundry.
Too little margin of safety.
Rely on camouflage and a chic weapon in battle. Wait for someone to light up the enemy, and try to avoid protracted firefights as much as possible.

Jagdpanther II. 3rd place. Some players underestimate the potential of this tank destroyer.

The most powerful weapon we have is the same “mousegun” with great damage and penetration.
This tank destroyer has one secret: a very strong cabin. There is an opportunity to hide behind some stone, putting up only the cabin, and to shine for yourself and shoot.
The car boasts excellent mobility.
The frontal armor is only 100mm, and there is nothing to say about the armor of the sides.
Despite the huge disadvantage in terms of armor, this tank destroyer is the first that can both shine for itself and support the team with fire, and not hide in thistle thickets.

Rhm. BorsigWaffentrager. 2nd place. Another German woman, in Russian "Borsch". Will kill the enemy without even leaving the disguise.

We get a choice of the familiar "mousegun" or a 1500mm cannon with damage of 750 units and slightly less armor penetration.
Magnificent invisibility, we are practically invisible. It's very hard to find us.
Gorgeous view - 400m, allows you to shine on your own (the best at this level).
The tank destroyer turret can rotate 360 ​​degrees.
Very poor armor, easily penetrated by enemy land mines.
Land mines do a lot of damage to the crew.
"Borscht" hides remarkably well and attacks well from a long distance. If necessary, he can illuminate himself. The main thing is that you are not found by enemy artillery.

Charioteer. 1st place


Amazing speed and maneuverability, 22l/s per ton - this is an indicator inherent in a medium tank. You can quickly take or change positions.
An excellent weapon with good accuracy and armor penetration.
Hash bombs with 210 penetration make it possible to effectively counter any enemy with good aim.
The tower excludes the possibility of spinning us.


Not very good hull and turret armor.
The number of shells in the ammunition load is not enough (30 pieces).
Playing as Charioteer is easy and comfortable. Even more interesting is the fact that you can choose different variants actions: at least sit in an ambush, at least quickly take a more advantageous position or go to the aid of friends. This tank destroyer is the most versatile and therefore takes first place. Moreover, with its help you can fill up any tank.

So the review of the best tank destroyers has ended. This information should help you achieve even greater results in World of Tanks.