Computer games for preschoolers: pros and cons. How do you feel about computer games in general? The influence of the computer on the pelvic organs

Igor, 41 years old, engineer

A lot of computer games develop logic and spatial thinking. So you just need to instill good taste in your child. Let him play puzzles and logic games, show him them, collect a home collection. After all, a computer game is not necessarily some kind of “shooter” or “walker”. There are more intellectual entertainment! The same chess, for example. And why do you think that playing chess with a neighbor is good, but with a computer is bad? By the way, even elementary walkers will bring your child some benefit. At least he will learn how to use a computer. And without it in our time in any way. After all, you see, it is much better if a child masters a complex technique not from under pressure, but of his own free will. So I do not forbid my children to play. And nothing, their eyesight seems to be normal so far, they, thank God, have not turned into maniacs sitting at the computer for days on end.

Alexandra, 47 years old, salesperson

Personally, I always quarrel with my son because of the computer. I just do not understand what you can do with this piece of iron for so long. And so already the vision is minus 7, and he is all staring at this computer. It's no surprise that at 21 he doesn't have a girlfriend. Not only is he a bespectacled man, but he also doesn’t go out into the street - he can’t leave his toy in any way! In our time, young guys ran to dates and dances, and now they send e-mails to girls. Will they also have children via the Internet? So I don't think kids should be taught that. Then it will be impossible to take away the computer. It's useless to argue with mine now. This piece of iron is dearer to him than anything in the world! You should have seen how carefully he wipes the dust off her! Every speck will be brushed away. And if I ask you to wash the dishes, in response, only “Mom, leave me alone!”. In general, we somehow lived without all these computer games and everything was fine with us. And they fell in love, and got married, and had children. And now every second young man cannot find a girlfriend. And there are a lot of single girls. And all why? Because they don't meet. Everyone sits at home near the computer and does not show his nose to the street.

Vladimir, 39 years old, entrepreneur

I don't see anything wrong with computer games. Let the child deal with them better than drinking vodka in the cellars. And then I look at these modern teenagers, they sit on the street all day long. There, at our entrance every evening, companies gather. All drunk, each with a cigarette in his mouth. Do you think this is more useful than ruining the eyesight of a computer? I will speak from personal experience. As soon as I gave my son a computer, we immediately had much less problems with the child. Now, instead of walking in the evenings, no one knows where and no one knows with whom, he sits in his room. I'm not worried about him. The child is at home and under supervision. The wife, however, argues. He says that sitting at the computer for a long time is harmful, that this is how our son will lose all his friends. But personally, I believe that friends will not go anywhere even from a lack of fresh air he won't die if he spends a little more time at home. But I don’t have to worry every minute about where my child is now and call him on his mobile. By the way, we began to quarrel much less. Now the son himself, without any scandals and reminders, comes home at 9 o'clock in the evening. Before that, he had never come home before eleven, although every time before leaving I warned him that at nine in the evening a curfew began in our family. Just now the child has something to do at home. And, in my opinion, it's just great.

Pavel, 57 years old, technologist

Computer games turn our children into monsters. When a child shoots imaginary enemies all day and receives bonuses for this, the concept of what is good and what is bad is gradually erased from him. The game teaches him violence. He gets used to the fact that if you shoot someone, you win. And then translates these ideas into reality. That is why we have such a high juvenile delinquency. I would ban violent computer games. Or at least he sold them to people, starting from a certain age, when the psyche was already strong. Like alcohol or cigarettes. I do not argue, among the many computer toys there are good ones. Those who teach the child something useful. But, unfortunately, logic games are not so spectacular. And children are attracted by everything bright. As a result, all sorts of solitaire and tetris are a game for adults, and children prefer to play virtual war.

Anna, 32, accountant

What's wrong with computer games? I myself like to play solitaire from time to time or drive some balls. And I don't feel any discomfort from it. This does not mean that for the sake of a new toy I will give up all urgent matters or I will sit at the monitor all night. In my opinion, the talk that as soon as a child or an adult sits down at a computer, he immediately becomes crazy, who, apart from a mouse, does not need anything in life, is unfounded. If you think like that, then everyone who has ever tasted alcohol immediately turns into a chronic alcoholic. But it's not like that! Many people drink a glass of wine on a holiday and limit themselves to this. So it is with computer games. For most people, they just help pass the time. And Internet addiction develops in units. For example, I have many friends, acquaintances, work colleagues. They all have a home computer and they all play games from time to time. But among them there is not a single person who could not do without it. In children and adolescents, I think the situation is exactly the same. Well, the child plays from time to time, but he also has other interests! So let them play. Well, if parents are afraid, you just need to allocate a certain amount of time that, in your opinion, the child can spend at the computer. But in no case should you ban toys. After all, as you know, the forbidden fruit is especially sweet!

Svetlana, 30 years old, florist

Look around! How many fat children and teenagers! Previously, only adults and the elderly suffered from excess weight. Why would kids get fat? At this age, they must constantly run, jump, ride bicycles. But now the situation has changed. Instead of playing outside, the kids play on the computer. I think it's very bad. After all, health begins in childhood. And if a child at the age of 12 already has shortness of breath due to excess weight, and heart problems, and metabolism is disturbed, and his eyesight is spoiled, how will he grow up? By the age of 40, it will turn into a complete ruin. Why risk your future so much? To learn a new shooter?

We all know what computer games are. Either they played themselves, or they saw how others play. Many children play. Many people play at work to kill time. Games are divided by genre, but are divided mainly into online and offline games. Online games are games that can only be played over the Internet. Off-line - these are games that you can play with a simple installation on your own computer.
There are fans of both off-line games and online. And there are opponents of computer games as a matter of principle.
So about the dangers and benefits of games.
The main harm that computer games can bring is damage to your eyesight and your stomach. Very often people who are fond of (and not only games) simply forget about rest and food. Hence various eating and sleep disorders. There may be irritability.
The benefit of computer games is that with their help you can improve your reflexes. Such as attention to detail, the ability to work in a team, increased reaction in dangerous conditions. Development of tactical and strategic abilities. The ability to calculate the situation. Some games develop the ability to organize and manage. Manage time - since many games require you to act within a strictly limited time.(1)
Types of computer games:
Action. This is what scares parents more than anything. Still not to be scared! In such games, there is a lot of blood, weapons, and the game is played from the first person. That is, it seems as if a person puts himself in the place of a hero. This is not entirely true. Or rather, not at all. Our subconscious is not ready to perceive the image on the computer as real. Therefore, combining the image with real person not happening. A person perceives the hero as what he could be if he were in such conditions.
Simply put, the same thing happens when we read a book. After all, everyone willy-nilly put themselves in the place of the protagonist. Especially if the story is in first person. No one has yet gone to shoot people just because in the book he read, main character does exactly that. Therefore, do not be afraid that the child will go to wet everyone right and left, playing action games. Only people with an already damaged psyche are capable of this.
But the benefit of the action is clearly there. The child develops attention, speed of reaction, speed of thinking. After all, in these games you need to make the right decisions very quickly. In addition, many action games have already become sports games. And virtual sports are also sports. It is a pity that he does not develop the body, and the computer spoils the eyesight, but still these are not drugs.
Simulators. Perhaps this is one of the most popular genres of computer games. The secret of its popularity lies in its diversity. After all, anything can be simulated. You can be both an airplane pilot and a god. A separate type of simulators is sports. Any sport - football, volleyball, snowboarding, hockey - whatever your heart desires.
The advantage of this genre is that all similar games more or less educational. Some training programs are built on the basis of simulators. For example, if you want to learn English. You find a game where the protagonist is Russian, ends up in England, and there, starting from the basics, learns the language in order to get used to this world. The benefits, in my opinion, are tangible. Especially if you play with sound.
Strategies. This genre is also very popular. Especially among the male half. Even very adult uncles, sitting in their office, often play these games. Here you need to think, and think from above - at the level of the head of the city, army, state or even the whole planet. You can think step by step, or you can think in real time. Step by step is easier, because you take turns thinking with a computer. In the second case, there is no time for reflection. Otherwise, while you are thinking, the computer will already do everything. Great workout trainer strategic thinking.
Role-playing games. The good thing is that the hero develops during the game, accumulates various necessary items and generally grows in the eyes of others. Usually role-playing games have a fantasy story. You can choose different heroes. Basically it is a priest, a thief, a magician and a knight. The development of the player determines himself. You can be good, you can be bad, you can do tasks, you can not do them. Complete freedom of choice.
What is a good game for a teenager? The whole point is that if you choose the path of evil, then the game becomes much more complicated. Accordingly, the conclusion is made: it is easier to be kind and good than to be evil and very bad.
And finally, quests. Meticulous and scrupulous people specialize in them. Those who love to think. real time It doesn't matter, the main thing in these games is not to miss anything. They are mostly detective stories. Solving the problem in quests with a swoop will not work. Their benefits are obvious. Logical thinking, attention develops, and memory, perseverance, and at the same time patience are trained (2).
In our time of highly developed technologies, when the computer has become a public and necessary element of everyday life, the question arises of its impact on humans. Is it beneficial or negative? This issue becomes especially acute when it comes to the impact of computer games on children, since it is games that persistently crowd out all other activities from the children's world.
The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, because even useful and vital things can become dangerous... The same can happen with computer technology especially with computer games.
Remember, first there were simple games created for fun and relaxation. They developed attention, speed of reaction. Growing up, the child began to be interested in more complex - mind games. So, the passage of labyrinths can be a good mental training that develops logical thinking. They were replaced by more complex games - strategic (strategy), they were already significantly different from the previous ones, since they simulated the reality in which the player was. Rather, they set the path to follow, creating this reality on their own. Based on the name, we can say that such games teach planning, develop analytical thinking well.
Therefore, children playing computer games are broad-minded: they have a well-developed idea of ​​the world around them, and it is more in line with the worldview of adults. Such "computer-smart" children are usually ahead of their peers in mental development, easier to learn educational material, confident in their knowledge.
However, there is also a negative side of passion for computer games. This is when cyberspace becomes a reality of life for a child. This is especially pronounced when the child experiences socially unsuccessful contacts and plunges into the game world, where he feels himself the master of the situation. It is in this ghostly world that the feeling or anticipation of victory increases self-esteem, compensates for low self-esteem and shapes behavior when the only meaning of life is the pleasure of gaming sessions. Thus, "computer or game addiction" is developed.
Such a disease can be characterized as an excessive passion for computer games for the sake of avoiding reality, which leads to qualitative changes in the personality - the social, professional, material and family values ​​of a person are deformed.
Particularly dangerous in terms of acquiring addiction role-playing computer games (RPG - role playing games), where the player (gamer) takes the role of a computer character. Virtual reality forms the unreal world of a computer game, develops the effect of "presence". There is what can be called "Ego-disintegration" into "I am virtual" and "I am real". Such games undermine the mental state and can radically change the idea of ​​yourself and the world around you. All this contributes to the growth of anxiety and disharmony.
There is an opinion that some computer games, in particular, military strategies and "shooters", which were originally created to develop special skills in the military, form cruelty. Much research has been done on this subject to support this view. On the one hand, they help the release of aggression and negative emotions to the outside, on the other hand, on the contrary, they form certain negative stereotypes of behavior. And they even influence the psyche more strongly than militants.
And if while watching an action movie the child only follows the events taking place on the screen, worries about the characters, tries on their roles, then during the game this happens “interactively”: that is, the player, taking the role of a character, plunges into his world and on time becomes that character. Thinking or acting on behalf of the hero, he brings this experience into real life. Another feature of the game is that the heroes are "immortal": every time after they were destroyed, they come to life again and again, and the number of their lives is infinite. This fact inevitably affects the perception of the value of life, removes the boundary between life and death and develops a propensity for life-threatening behavior.
That is why the problem of computer addiction and the influence of computer games is very relevant. Therefore, buying game disc your children, think and, if you still decide to make such a gift, carefully consider the essence and purpose of this game (3).
How to protect your child from computer-gaming addiction
If we talk about children, then the parents themselves are able to protect their child from this disease. To do this, it is necessary to give the baby as much attention as possible, to attach to culture and sports, so that he does not seek to fill his free time with computer games. If the child prefers to shoot virtual monsters instead of knitting or swimming, do not be angry with him and in no case forbid him to play. Prohibitions here do not work for good, only aggravating the desire of the child to plunge into the "forbidden" computer world. It makes sense to limit access to games with violence and cruelty, and instead offer a "computer alternative" - ​​instructive toys that broaden one's horizons. It is necessary to help the child learn from the very beginning that there is a game and there is reality, that despite the interesting virtual world, there are still real friends and hobbies. Try to occupy it with something else besides the computer. Don't like chess and gymnastics? Take him to dance or draw, something the child will definitely like, and he will spend less time at the computer. In any case, the child definitely needs to feel your love and care, be sure that he will be understood and supported. Then he will have less reason to move away from you, "hanging" in virtual reality.
In addition to universal remedies - understanding and care - herbal remedies that reduce excitability help in the treatment of gambling addiction. nervous system and positively affect the functioning of the brain. Doctors recommend ginseng extract, preparations of Rhodiola rosea, oregano and a number of other herbs known since the time of great-grandmothers. You also need a vitamin complex. Specifically, for people who spend a long time at the computer, preparations with vitamins A, E and selenium are useful.
In any case, the best way to overcome gambling addiction is the desire of the gamer himself to start a "real" life. If a person wants to get rid of addiction to the computer and restricts access to it himself, no advice, no medicine, no help from psychologists will be needed (4).
1. Sadikova Diana. What are the benefits and harms of computer games? / electronic resource - [access mode]

Computer games: pros and cons June 20th, 2017

Often there are disputes around computer games: are they useful or harmful? Is it art or not?

I also asked myself a similar question. There was a time when I spent quite a lot of time playing games. Most of it I now consider wasted. Most, but not all. There are games for which I am by no means ashamed of myself. On the contrary, recalling the experiences that arose, I understand that a film or a book is hardly able to evoke something like this. I'll explain why.

The fundamental difference between a computer game and a book, picture, or film is that it models the human will, free behavior, and the effect of personal presence within itself. Here it is necessary, of course, to make a lot of reservations that this is just an illusion of will, that the conditions and the playing environment are still set, and all “moves are calculated”, and so on. But, be that as it may, compared with the works of art of classical genres, games have an amazing degree of freedom. Reading a book or watching a movie, we follow the thoughts and feelings of the characters, in a sense we wander along the narrow path laid by the author. We cannot curtail, try other options for the development of the plot, conduct an experiment.

It's not like that in the game. The author creates a model, a virtual world, sets the conditions, rules, goal. Behavior within this model is our business. Yes, the author guides us, stimulates us, but the narrow path nevertheless turns into a rather spacious highway, which contains by no means the only route.

This illusion of will creates a completely different effect. The degree of a person's experience of what is happening becomes many times higher than with passive observation. Because what is happening on the screen, a person to a much greater extent considers his own, what is happening to him, even if it is virtual.

This creates big risks. In such a depth of experience of gaming reality lies the secret of a terrible addiction, because of which computer games are so cursed today. But let's think, don't all the discoveries of mankind have double-edged ends? Yes, absolutely everything, including breakthroughs in the means of artistic expression, has a dual use. Weren't photography and cinematography initially perceived with hostility by art? Isn't bibliomania possible when the world of books replaces the real world for a person?

In my opinion, the only real answer to going into all sorts of "manias" is not a total ban on the means of escape, but the destruction of the very motivation to escape. Life should become so bright and saturated that the very desire to dump it somewhere does not arise. And where to run is a secondary question. In order for all the increasingly complex virtual shells not to replace, but revolve around reality, this reality must be something very powerful.

I warn you of outrage. I am by no means opposed to combating specific and already existing distortions. But I'm talking about the long term, about strategy. After all, computer games really opened up something unprecedented before them.

So let's talk about it, about the future. Perhaps, instead of denying computer games, it is worth thinking about a different application of the opportunities they have discovered? After all, the emerging powerful connection between the human psyche and game reality is a force that can be used for creation. Imagine how game methods can be used in teaching. For example, one of the most important stages in the study of physics is an experiment. With enthusiasm, children assemble simple mechanical structures, gaining knowledge about Hooke's law, friction and gravity with their own hands. But the more complex the subject becomes, the more difficult it is to implement an experiment in school and even university conditions. In the case of the physics of ultra-small and super-large, this is simply impossible. However, in virtual reality, all this is quite feasible.

History opens up even more possibilities. One of the most important problems of historians of all times and peoples is the difficulty of conveying the very spirit, the drama of history, without which it turns into dead writing. We already know what force fiction books and films play in terms of updating history. But virtual reality can provide even greater involvement in the comprehension of history. Already now, a lot of games that operate on one or another era attract the attention of young people to history much more strongly than school textbooks. The point is to refocus this engagement from entertainment to education. Imagine for a moment that the student of history can get an almost sensual experience of immersion in the life of a bygone era, to become a witness to historical events. To what extent it can interest and captivate the student!

As for teaching various practical skills, a lot has already been implemented here today. Driving a car, helicopter and plane, docking spaceships- people are already learning a lot of this on specialized stands-computers.

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I will draw a small conclusion. What is called computer games today is an extremely controversial thing. On the one hand, it is simply amazing what power of influence they can have on a person, what complex worlds create. On the other hand, the real horror is the understanding that this force today serves mainly to pump out money and manipulate consciousness. But the symmetrical answer is not the rejection of this force, as such, but its redirection to the development of man.

Are you for or against computer games? Vote

Most fans of computer shooters, walkers and other toys do not think about their beneficial or harmful effects on our psyche. Or rather, they just don't care. The main thing for them in such games is the opportunity to relax, get distracted, stop thinking about difficult topics.

However, few of the players have not heard that such games are harmful to the psychological state of a person. Someone says that this is a way to escape from reality, some pay attention to the severe addiction that can arise if you play without stopping for a long time.

It is also noted that games are dangerous for children and adolescents, who, due to their young age and impressionability, no longer distinguish between the real and the fictional world.

Of course, like any other process, devoid of control, computer gambling can be truly dangerous, in the sense that an addicted person becomes ill-adapted to the outside world. His performance decreases, he falls into depression, begins to feel that real life meaningless.

However, if, while playing, a person remains the master of himself, does not lose himself, then one can even benefit from such an activity. First of all, some games develop the ability to think and reason. By solving problems in the game on how to build a city, protect it from enemies, get funds for food, a person learns to think faster and respond to changing circumstances.

In addition, the game provides an opportunity for psychological relaxation. This applies to a greater extent to "shooters", where you can "take your soul away." It is believed that games help a person gain new emotional experience.

So, there is also a benefit in such an activity. As for addiction, it will never occur in a person who has everything in order in life and in his soul. Even if a completely healthy person starts to play, he, most likely, will simply exhaust this desire at some point, and he will get bored with the game. So when an addiction occurs, you need to look for its causes, which means some disharmony in life or in the state of a person, which makes him use this method of escaping reality.

I would advise everyone who likes to play computer games to think about what you are looking for in the game, what you need it for before starting the “session”. This goal will become a kind of “charm” for you, which will not allow you to dive deeper into the process than you yourself want. And you definitely will not lose touch with reality.

Today we will talk about the impact of computer games on children. Today you often hear complaints from many parents: “My child sits at the computer all day long, you can’t pull it out with a crane!”

Or: “And what did he find in these toys? It would be better if he gave so much energy to study. Other moms and dads, on the contrary, are only happy about such a hobby for the child: “At least they don’t hang out on the streets, anything is better than alcohol or, God forbid, drugs!”

In third families, children generally treat computer “troubles” with the calmness of a mammoth: they say, they will go crazy and return to normal life. So who is right anyway? So let's try to figure it out together.

And we argue, you won’t fight?

Larisa, 36 years old, doctor

Computer games are evil! Honestly, if I were a deeply religious person, I would say in all seriousness that this abomination was brought into our world by the devil. It’s not enough for us to have real wars and all sorts of local conflicts, now virtual ones have also appeared! Think for yourself what it sounds like for a mother when a child boasts at dinner with a full mouth: “Mom, today I soaked such a bunch of ghouls, it’s very nice!” Personally, such statements just give me the creeps. Who after these "shooters" can grow out of my son - the new Chikatilo? Bin Laden? No, quit!

Dmitry, 42 years old, journalist

For some reason, many people believe that computer games, the same shooters and action games (“shooters” - for those who are not in the know), make our children unnecessarily aggressive. And in my opinion, it's quite the opposite. Killed several enemies, relieved tension - and the mood was restored. It is not in vain that in Japan they once invented a way to relieve stress - to beat the doll of their boss. Or, for example, this is what Stephen King, the famous "king of horrors" says: they say, I will be offended by another review of critics, I will come home, I will see a couple of old women on the monitor -
and life becomes beautiful again!

A joke, of course, but in every joke, as you know, there is some truth. So, in my opinion, spat on by all the “shooters” contribute, among other things, to the pacification of the nervous system. In certain situations, of course.

Stanislav, 37 years old, manager

To say that computer games pave the way to hell is a clear exaggeration. There are three points to be considered here. First, a lot depends on the parents. Why not keep track of what your son or daughter is playing? You don't let them watch porn videos, do you? This is where control is needed. Secondly, the character and type of temperament of the child plays an important role. Phlegmatic - one thing, choleric - another.

In general, to each his own, as they say. And thirdly, computer games do not consist of only shooters. There are many logic games. Yes, and the same Quests, "walkers" can bring considerable benefits, developing both logical and, in some way, spatial thinking. So I'm all for it.

Alexey, 31 years old, car mechanic

I don't understand my son. He sits in front of the monitor all day long. And it would be fine to do business - after all, on the Internet now not only useful information search, but you can earn real money. And the guy has only one game on his mind. I explained to him, explained that no matter how many monsters you kill with a rifle, you still won’t become a champion in bullet shooting. And the same story with massacre: put at least a hundred fighters on the monitor at once, in a dark alley a half-dead drug addict will rob you - if instead of playing sports you stare at the screen all day long. Zero attention!

True, some benefit from the stupid box has recently nevertheless formed: the kid became interested in iron. He digs into this system unit of his, changes the details, and even cleans something. But, actually, this has nothing to do with computer games ...

Zhanna, 37 years old, teacher

As with any situation, there are pluses and minuses here. Develop thinking? Yes. Ruin your eyesight? Undoubtedly - in case of non-compliance with the elementary rules of working behind the monitor. Develop a reaction? The fluff is complete! Yes, you will undoubtedly learn how to move the mouse quickly, but so what? The real reaction is developed not by games, but by normal physical training, the same martial arts, by the way.

I think the whole point here is how to turn the minuses into pluses. And this is the task of parents. For example, having noticed that my son in games is most attracted by the quality and originality of graphics, I sent him to computer design courses. Now he dreams, when he grows up, to develop computer games himself. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

The opinion of psychologists about computer games

In general, everything is as usual: how many people, so many opinions. However, by and large, here the opinions of parents were divided strictly into two positions: for and against. What is most interesting, among psychologists, there is also no unambiguous answer to the question: are computer games harmful in the end or do they still bring some benefit? Therefore, we present, in our opinion, one of the most democratic opinions.

According to some child psychologists, computer games may well perform an educational function - but not all, but only some of them. "Correct" games are designed in such a way that the child can imagine not just one specific situation, but also automatically form a generalized idea of ​​all similar situations or objects. That is, the cub will develop such important components of logical thinking as generalization and classification.

In addition, computer games facilitate the process of learning to count or read to yourself. The memory and attention of the child improve, intelligence and motor skills develop. Educational computer games for children from 3 to 15 years old (or older) are very useful in learning foreign languages ​​and mathematics. And, as strange as it sounds, simulation games (for example, you in the role of an airplane pilot) can help with the development of certain skills. For example, such as driving a car.

However, as it always happens, there is always a “BUT”. And here it is quite simple: in no case should you forget about certain norms. Experts, not without good reason, believe that prolonged communication with a computer adversely affects the physical and mental health of children. Therefore, you need to follow the elementary rules, which, if they do not protect the child completely, then at least minimize the negative impact of the computer.


  1. Parents should monitor the content of the children's games. Any violence and cruelty, of course, should be excluded.
  2. Never skimp on buying a good monitor. Now the best thing is a quality LCD monitor.
  3. Organize your workspace properly. The child should sit on a chair with a back no closer than 60-70 cm from the display. Houseplants, constant ventilation, an ionizer and a humidifier are useful indoors.

And of course, there is a time limit. It is better not to let a kid under five years old to the computer at all. Until the age of seven, a child should not spend more than half an hour a day at the monitor. From 7 to 12 years old - no more than an hour daily. And from 12 to 16 - no longer than two hours. Classes at the computer are strongly recommended to alternate with physical exercises and special exercises for the eyes.