Corsairs GPC passage of all quests. Corsairs - GPC Passage of quest lines (of all nations). Quest "Sink the Blue Bird"

A light morning breeze fills the sails of a small xebec, which is on its way to Bermuda. There, they say, Henry Morgan recruits dashing guys to make easy money. A young captain named Andrew Frost, impressed by pirate romance, is ready to enter Morgan's service and raise the Jolly Roger...

This time, we'll rush through the lines of the French and pirates. Why exactly them? Firstly, the French line has not changed since the days of The Return of the Legend, and in the guide we somehow bypassed it. Secondly, the pirate storyline appeared in the add-on. Thus, we kill two birds with one stone - or, if you like, sink two ships with one shot.

Ship's log

“Do you need a worthy person who does not disdain to cut, chop and burn, who owns a fast sailboat and desperate guys? In that case, I am at your service, Mr. Morgan." With these words, my career began in the service of the famous pirate admiral.

This is how the Coastal Brotherhood recruits. Who refuses to earn extra money?

But you can’t just get the location of Morgan, I was sent to him by Captain Goodley, whom I met in Puerto Principe. In turn, Goodley asked Henry Morgan to do a favor - to deliver a certain John Bolton to Jamaica. For me, this is just a gift of fate - I met Bolton in the bay, and we headed for Jamaica.

We were already waiting at the port. No, not Morgan, but English soldiers. Turns out Jack Bolton is a fugitive and I'm his accomplice. I did not resist, there were too many soldiers, and my ship would have been immediately turned into chips. Rumor has it that Morgan has a lot of influence in Jamaica, maybe the commandant does not have to figure out who is a criminal and who is not?

I was not too surprised when Henry Morgan himself came to the prison of the fort. He released both me and Bolton, but in return he offered a job that cannot be refused. Apparently, someone framed my new employer. But now I have a task - to give a certain Edward Lowe a black mark. I don’t know why this Lowe didn’t please Morgan, but I wouldn’t want to be in his place ...

I decided to give the team a rest, and in the morning we sail for Martinique: Lowe lives somewhere there, but where exactly? ..

Black Mark

I arrived in Martinique twenty days later. It could have been faster, but at sea we met a Spanish punitive squadron, and we had to flee from it at full sail. The wind was blowing to the east, so we had to make a good detour, but at Antigua we broke away from our pursuers.

First I decided to look into Fort-de-France - I still need to replenish supplies, and patch up the sails. If Lowe lives here, I'll give him a package from Morgan. However, the innkeeper immediately crushed my hopes - there is no Low in Fort-de-France, and he had never heard of such a person. So, Edward lives in a pirate settlement - Le Francois, it remains only to go around the island and visit him.

Henry Morgan himself.

And for sure, Lowe lives in Le Francois, moreover, he is not even hiding! But what surprised me the most was that he did not change a bit in his face when I handed him the mark. He just grinned and said that he and Morgan had sorted everything out, so I should return the mark and convey "that everything is going according to plan." With these words, he kicked me out of the house. There is nothing to do, we will have to return to Jamaica.

The way back was not easy. The sea was calm, only a light breeze created a small ripple, but even this breeze was enough to drive our vessel. The navigator assured me that the weather would not change, but three days later a storm broke out that I had not seen for a very long time. Should have thrown the navigator overboard, but where to find a good navigator? Our troubles did not end there; two days from Jamaica, we met an English privateer who saluted with a salute from the side and changed the flag to a pirate one. The storm-worn xebec could no longer give a head start in speed, so they had to fight. A short exchange of fire ended in a fireball that swallowed up a pirate brig, and we are forced to get to Jamaica almost by oars. Cursed Pirate demolished one of the masts and apparently damaged the hull below the waterline. The ship has listed to the left, and every day the list is increasing. Morgan promised me a reward, now it will be very useful.

After listening to my story, Morgan called me a blind puppy - he did not settle anything, and Lowe simply deceived me. Naturally, I did not receive any money, but Morgan gave me another chance - I have to find Lowe myself and end him.

Naturally, Lowe was not at home. The innkeeper said that he urgently sold everything and disappeared, but dropped that he wanted to buy a ship. As far as I know, there is only one shipyard in Martinique, and it is in Fort de France. I made some inquiries and learned that Lowe had gone to Bermuda, although he never bought a ship. Raise the sails! We're on the run!

When I got to Bermuda, Lowe was no longer there, although I was able to get a lot of valuable information at the shipyard, and the innkeeper shared something. It turns out that Lowe tricked the brig "Sea Wolf", which was built for Jackman himself. In addition, I learned from an old acquaintance of Goodley that Lowe was interested in Kumana. I don’t know what this scoundrel thinks, because all the pirates of the archipelago are now hunting for him. The way to the English colonies is also blocked for him, and something tells me that he is not looking for shelter on Maine. Anyway, if Lowe's still with Cumana, I'll get him.

The brig "Sea Wolf" is a masterpiece of shipbuilding. Already under the command of Andrew Frost.

It is important: to find Low at Cumana, you need to be in good relations with the Spaniards. If you're playing as England like me, you'll have to buy a trade license.

I arrived at Cumana and immediately asked the innkeeper about the news. For a thousand piastres, his tongue loosened so much that I found out with whom his sister was having an affair, where to buy good tobacco, what makes Jamaican rum beautiful, and that courier ships disappear near Cumana. Mostly luggers and sloops, larger ships ply through these waters, but they can't find anyone. It is said that some survivor spoke of a brig as nimble as the sea devil himself. There is no doubt that Edward Lowe has found a warm spot. It's time to ruin his life...

It is important: Lowe will not appear in the "sail to" menu until you change to a low-class ship: sloop, lugger, and the like. The difficulty here is that Lowe is a skilled fighter, and he has more teams. I advise you to get a cuirass before the battle.

As I suspected, Low showed up not far from Cumana when I went to sea in my lugger. This rat can only attack those who are weaker, but we are not born with a bast. After a volley of buckshot and boarding, Low was in for an unpleasant surprise.

I took the ship and killed Lowe. Morgan's task is completed, and I, perhaps, will leave Jackman's ship to myself. Let the old pirate sulk all he wants, I've already spent well hunting Lowe. It remains to tell Morgan the good news and receive an award.


It is very difficult to rob tartans. You need a light, maneuverable ship, otherwise you will simply crush small boats.

Morgan's third task is to get pearls. He got the information where the divers are looking for pearls this month - not far from the Turks. Since it is difficult to call this task in the style of "sail and do" and an adventure (Morgan himself speaks of this), we will consider it from a purely technical point of view. It is not easy to complete it, there are several pitfalls that will lead to the failure of the entire line. So, for starters, pick up a maneuverable ship. I did this mission on the Blue Bird and had no problems.

So, we sail to the Turks and first of all, if you have companions, we give them the command to “lower the sails”. The pearl divers' tartans will be hostile to you, and if you can not "pull the trigger", the allies will not fail to fire a volley or two from the cannons, and the tartans do not need more. The highlight of this task is that it is not necessary to board, let alone sink enemy ships. You just need to swim as close as possible, and then they will voluntarily give you pearls. Morgan needs to bring at least 1000 small and 500 large pearls. Having robbed all the tartans, I was able to collect almost one and a half times more and earned about one hundred and twenty thousand piastres.

This is a bug: you must bring the pearls to Morgan without laying them out anywhere. Yes, the character will be overloaded, and it will take longer to go to his house, but otherwise the task will fail!

Head hunter

My old acquaintance, Goodley, ambushed me near Morgan's house. Of course, he wasn't waiting for me just to say hello. It turns out that old Goodley is not at all simple, he is a professional bounty hunter, and he kills people on order in secret from Morgan. Now Goodley must kill a certain John Avory, but Morgan keeps him in Jamaica, and the task must be completed at all costs. Having estimated the possible profit, I agreed and went to Willemstad - according to Goodley, Avory lives there.

It is important: on Willemstad you will learn that Avory has gone somewhere. Where exactly is determined by chance. For example, I had it in Antigua, and you will have it, for example, in Nevis.

Damn that Goodley! It seems that in search of this Avory, I talked to all the moneylenders of the archipelago! The fact is that John Avory shakes money out of debtors, and if they run out, he goes to the next city. A pawnbroker on Marigot Island said he had been robbed, and Avory went to Bermuda to get the robber. This happened very recently, which means I have a chance to catch up with both the target and, possibly, the robber.

As I expected, Avory is here. The bartender said that he just, just a couple of minutes ago, left the tavern and went to Orry Bruce. Apparently, this is the robber. I followed him and met both the robber and John. When they learned that I was going to kill both of them, they forgot about their enmity for a while and attacked me together. Needless to say, I had to kill them. Be that as it may, I completed the tasks of both Goodley and the pawnbroker with Marigot. All that's left is to get the award...

Instead of a reward, I almost lost my head! Goodley the dog set me up! Avory was a confidant of Morgan himself, and I killed a member of the Coastal Brotherhood for money! Fortunately, Morgan did not kill me, but decided to look into the matter. He called Goodley, and we settled the matter in the only possible way - I killed him. What to do, everything is simple for pirates - when both tell the truth, only one survives.

Poor Goodley. Since you are up to dark games, practice fencing more often!

I need to head back to Bermuda and tell Jackman what happened here.

It turns out there are rumors that someone ratted out Sid Bonnet to the Spaniards. But the most unpleasant thing is that Jackman was whispered that I did it. He sent me to meet John Leeds and find out what was going on. He, in turn, said that he let my double's ship go to the bottom, but he was able to escape by swimming to the shore. Leeds doesn't want to land, because Bonnet is already dead, and there is nothing to profit from those guys. I, by all means, need to punish the double - his actions have already generated a lot of problems.

I landed on the beach with the crew and went deeper into the jungle. However, old Leeds did not warn me that more than half of the crew escaped from the corvette. The fight was hot, but we finished with both the double and his team. Surprisingly, the one who called himself Andrew Frost really looked a lot like me. Even dressed exactly like me!

It is important: stock up on healing potions. This fight is one of the toughest! For example, fighting Lowe and storming the forts will seem like a walk in comparison with the battle on the shore.

Steve Liney

I went to Morgan and told him what had happened. But news travels faster than the wind, and by the time I arrived, he already knew about the doppelgänger and the fight in the jungle. Morgan thinks there's something fishy here. Yes, and my double wanted to tell me something in exchange for life. In vain, I probably refused. Be that as it may, Steve Liney went to pull the strings of this incomprehensible ball. On the instructions of Morgan, he must visit all the pirate settlements and sniff out what's what. In order not to start the search from scratch, I will go to Hispaniola, to the small pirate settlement of La Vega.

This fight is one of the toughest. While the pirates are fighting with the crew, Frost cuts everyone at once with a circular blow.

Quest ships are highlighted on the global map with purple sails.

Steve's tracks lead to Santo Domingo, where, as his friend told me, Linea's sailboat was sold. Steve loved his ship very much and would never sell it. I decided to talk to the owner of the shipyard, and for good reason. I learned that the "Swallow" was sold to him by some slippery type, perhaps one of the pirates. Lucky for me, he recently went to sea, and you can still catch up with him. His frigate is called "Lyon" and is equipped with purple sails. Yes, you can’t confuse this one with anything!

I caught up and boarded the Lyon and killed the whole crew. The cornered captain suggested that I join the service of his admiral, Richard Sawkins. The fool never realized that he gave me just what I was looking for. I killed him and sank the frigate. There is only one Pirate Admiral - Henry Morgan!

After telling Morgan about the situation, we decided to intervene in the affairs of Sawkins. They say that he decided to pinch the Spaniards, and if so, we need to somehow spoil his affairs. I took a course in Puerto Principe, in Cuba.

Under cover of night, I managed to steal Sawkins' logbook. To do this, it is true, I had to borrow a ladder that stood behind one of the houses, but I think it will be returned to the owner when they find out that I was at Richard's residence. As Morgan predicted, Sawkins set out to once again rob the Spaniards. They planned to transport a cargo of precious stones around caribbean, but a single ship of the line will still pass from its eastern side. Soukins expects to watch for him near San Martin. However, it also says that the ship will pass near Trinidad and Tobago and sail north to San Martin. Somewhere along the way, I must intercept the precious ship. But you need to hurry - according to the plan, the Spaniards should reach San Martin in two weeks, which means that there is even less time to intercept.

Stealing Soukins' journal is best at night, you'll be safer.

It is a pity that it is impossible to take away all the treasures from the Spanish ship...

It is important: you can whistle the papers with the Sawkins plans at any time. But during the day there are a lot of guards, and the governor of the pirate settlement himself is immortal for the sake of the plot.

I intercepted the battleship Elusive en route to San Martin, near Antigua. The information was accurate, the Spanish battleship was literally stuffed with precious stones. I took what I could, but some still had to be sent to the bottom. Here Soukins will be surprised when, even after a month, the Spanish ship still does not appear. Happy sunbathing, Richard!

It is important: purple sails are a sign of quest ships. The ship you are looking for is marked on the map, as is Lyon. The ship is really full of precious stones and decorations, but you are unlikely to be able to carry even a third - this is how the developers intended. One can only guess what money the Spaniard was transporting, because I sold three hundred diamonds for two hundred thousand.

Legendary trip to Panama

Storming of the fort of Porto Bello. Apparently, during the bombardment, one of the cores landed directly on this gun.

When I next arrived in Jamaica, having squandered my fortune, Morgan let me in on the plans to take over Panama. I think he's gone mad, but they don't call him a pirate admiral for nothing! We will attack Porto Bello, and then we will move along the isthmus, and not through Cape Horn. The last thing the Spaniards expect from us is such a daring attack, and they certainly don't guard the "rear entrance" to the city so well. Besides, along the way, I have to present a bullet to our companion Sawkins. We need to check the case so that there are no suspicions.

Especially for the trip to Porto Bello, I equipped the largest ship that I could find. No, not a corvette or even a frigate, but a whole manovar. This floating hundred-gun fortress will show the Spaniards who is the most important pirate in these waters...

It is important: leave all the ships in storage, because Morgan will entrust you with the command of an entire squadron of battleships. Each ship will be controlled by a pirate governor: Jackman, Sawkins, Morris and, of course, Morgan.

The Spaniards are suppressed and scattered, in a second the pirate army will break into Panama.

We took Porto Bello by storm and interrogated the governor. It turns out that the Spaniards know about our enterprise. Isn't it Sawkins' trick? It's high time to get rid of him, so according to Morgan's plan, we will split up. He with Jackman and Morris will go to Panama from Porto Bello, and I will meet with Soukins in Darnesky Bay and move from there.

After breaking through three Spanish ambushes, we finally reached Panama. I didn’t have to kill Soukins, some Spanish musketeer did it for me, and I am grateful to him - I really didn’t want to shoot in the back, and I couldn’t kill the leader of the pirates in front of my eyes.

The battle at Panama was terrible, but the Spaniards scattered their troops through the jungle, and we were able to defeat them thanks to our superior numbers. We plundered Panama and then piled all the booty into one pile to share it according to the laws of brotherhood. But while everyone was minding their own business, the vile Morgan stole absolutely all the gold and set sail on a captured galleon. He abandoned everyone in Panama, and somewhere in the jungle the Spaniards are still waiting. But what's worse is that they think I'm his henchman, and if I even hint at returning to the ships, my throat will be cut. I decided to try my luck and get to the ship alone.

The jungle almost killed me, Spanish bullets whistled over my head ... But with God's help, I was able to get to the ship and headed for Jamaica. In Henry's house, I found only his secretary, who informed me that the traitor admiral had gone to old light and will be back in less than a year.

French line

This one of national lines, obligatory for receiving tasks of the City lost ships. She has nothing to do with the adventures of Andrew Frost. I remind you that in order to receive tasks from the Governor General, you need to get a patent. This document, in turn, is obtained in at least two ways. First - complete the tasks of the governors, and after a while you will be awarded a patent. Second - buy it from a diplomat in any pirate city. I note that the first method is much more profitable, but if you already have everything in order with the money, the second method will save time.

Mission 1: Pierre Legrand

Monsieur Legrand is already waiting on the ship, it's time to go!

So what if I have a small boat. But manowar covers with fire!

Lucky filibuster Pierre Legrand wants to leave the Caribbean. He recently robbed a Spanish galleon and is now literally sitting on a pile of gold. Unfortunately, too many people know about this, so Legrand is unlikely to be able to get to his homeland alive. D "Ogeron asks us to escort the poor fellow to Martinique, from where he can safely sail to France.

Bandits will be waiting for you in the bay of La Marin. I advise you to prepare for the fight and take three well-armed boarders with you. Otherwise, the enemies will fall on the whole crowd and cut down first Legrand, and then you. After interrupting them, talk to Pierre, and the task will be completed. You can return to Tortuga.

Mission 2: Vestovy

One Spaniard is dead, and the second will now go after him, you just need to parry this blow.

If you remember, playing as Spain, we intercepted the messenger to get evidence of the Dutch conspiracy. Following storyline France, you will be the messenger. This is an unusual postal assignment. Bring the envelope and give it to Stevezan - he will suspect you of a pirate and put you in jail. Then, however, during a search of your ship, papers confirming your status as a French privateer will be found, and you will be released. Stavezan, by the way, will refuse to tell what the matter is and why he declared you a pirate so immediately. However, the information will be happy to share ... the innkeeper. We ask him and find out that Stavezan looks at all the captains like a wolf, because behind recent times some galleon sank as many as nineteen ships! In addition, he will point to two suspicious comrades at the table and advise them to ask questions - they say they are not local and, in general, the devil knows who they are. Wanderers at the table will immediately leave the tavern as soon as you offer to keep them company. Run after them and in the end you will reach the Palm Coast and there you will slaughter... the Spaniards. It is the Spanish heavy galleon that patrols the waters of Curaçao, and, moreover, it should moor in the bay any minute. We return to the ship, and here we are given a choice: sail to Tortuga (or somewhere else) or sink the Spanish ship. Personally, I chose the second option, since there is no extra money, and heavy galleons are also very roomy, and they can be used as merchant ships. In the inventory of the captain of the galleon, you can find a tanat and a mortar. If you board the galleon, you can get another 20,000 piastres from Stevezan, and if you just sink, he won’t say a word to you, since there is no evidence that this is exactly “that” ship.

Mission 3: Anna

D "Ogeron will ask you to perform a very delicate task. You see, our highly respected Governor-General fell in love ... And not with anyone, but with the wife of the commandant of Havana. Not only are France and Spain at war, but also Donna Anna's husband is very jealous and does not let her out of the house, but we are invited to steal the young lady and deliver her to Tortuga.

We go to Havana; d "Ogeron will issue a trade license so that the Spaniards do not tear you to shreds the first time you appear in the city.

Look how dressed up the commandant. I even put on a front cuirass!

It is important: to be honest, there are several ways to get to Havana. The best is to moor somewhere in the bay on the island and come to the city on foot. As soon as you steal Anna, the Spaniards will become hostile, and if the ship is left in the raid, it will be smashed by the fort.

You will find the commandant's house right away, it catches your eye because of the columns. But it is closed, what to do?.. We go to the tavern for information. The bartender doesn't know anything, but the waitress? No, but she is willing to give Anna the ring for a modest fee of a thousand coins. Go to the room and rest for a couple of days, then talk to the waitress. She will say that Anna is waiting for you at midnight at her place, and the door will be open. We are waiting for midnight and go to her, but we do not meet Donna Anna, but guess who? Her husband, and at the parade. He found a letter and a ring, locked his wife and calmly waits for the envoy d "Ogeron, and on the second floor four Spaniards are sitting in ambush, and when the battle begins, they will rush to help their commander. Try to get to the stairs leading to the second floor. It's crowded , and only one soldier can beat you, besides, all the Spaniards are armed with pistols, so it is useless to fight them in a large room - they will kill you right away.

Mission 4: Soleil Royal

It's funny, my personal ship is in no way inferior to the flagship of the French fleet...

D'Ogeron's new task is to escort the French flagship Soleil Royal to the shores of Dominica to meet a squadron from Guadeloupe there. -four galleons will easily take it on board.

The task is quite simple, because with such a ship as a companion, you don’t need to do anything. We sail to Dominica and go out "to the sea" not far from the island. I advise you to save in advance, because four galleons will be waiting for you at once. They are unlikely to sink the Soleil Royal, but they will easily turn your ship into chips if it is of a low class. The optimal course of action is as follows: one ship must be boarded personally, and I recommend sinking the remaining three with the help of manowar. Just give him the order to attack any ship, and let him board the other two.

It is interesting: passing this line, I already swam on the manowar, so I had absolutely no problems with this task. A volley from the side is enough for any galleon.

Note that there is no squadron from Guadeloupe, so you need to go to Basse-Terre and find out what's wrong. The governor will say that he received news of the campaign only yesterday (the post office works badly, badly) and did not have time to equip the ships. Well, anyway, everything ended well. You can return to Tortuga for a reward and a new title.

Mission 5: Revenge

It's not destiny for Leiva's brothers to take revenge on Anna, oh, it's not destiny...

The governor of Havana decided to investigate the death of the commandant, and all the threads lead to Donna Anna. The lady is afraid that the Spaniards will want to take revenge on her - kidnap or kill her. We need, firstly, to find out how serious this is, and secondly, to somehow settle the situation.

It is best to land at the lighthouse. From here it is easiest to get to the city (only one location), it is impossible to get lost here, and the fort will not shoot at you. We need to get information in the city; to do this, you can talk to Ines de Sillerras. She is an old friend of Donna Anna and will gladly help her (and you). Do not go into the tavern, there is a whole detachment of Spaniards sitting in ambush, and the waitress will immediately recognize you.

From Iness we learn that the cousins ​​of the murdered commandant arrived in Havana and planned to move to Tortuga with the help of smugglers. We need to intercept them, and where do we usually have smugglers? That's right, in the bays. Search the jungle and finish off the avengers. Now you can return to Tortuga with a clear conscience. Donna Anna is no longer in danger.

It is important: My brothers appeared in the Lighthouse location, right next to the ship. The second time they appeared there, but I'm not sure if they always look for smugglers at the lighthouse. Maybe you will meet them somewhere else?

Mission 6: Francois Olone

D "Ogeron will hand you a package that needs to be delivered to Guadeloupe to a certain Jean David, but you need to look not for him, but for Francois Olone, the famous filibuster. His house, by the way, is located directly opposite the residence. But first you need to swim to Guadeloupe. On the way to the island I advise you to save, as you will be met by a Spanish warship.Here you have several options.First: capture the ship (the captain has good things, plus a hold, well, the ship itself is not cheap), second: sink it.If you are not confident in your abilities , on the global map, swim directly to the city - then you will appear near the fort, and your opponent will be right next to you. Thus, you will receive the support of the fort. Having finished with the Spaniard, we land on the shore.

Olone will read the letter and offer to attack Cumana with him and plunder it. You can refuse - get 10,000 piastres and complete the task. I chose the first option. Storming the city requires considerable investment and a large team. And the booty - 200,000 piastres - will have to be divided into four. Even according to the most modest estimates, only the loss of a team, weapons and medicines will cost more. Of course, you can cheat Olone and take all the money for yourself, but you will have to fight him and his friends.

Mission 7: Rock Brazilian

The entrance to the lair of the Inquisition can be found under the stairs. Here it is.

The famous filibuster was caught by the Spaniards and sent to Cuba to calmly draw out all his secrets there. D "Ogeron is afraid that, under torture, the Brazilian will tell not only about hidden treasures, but also personal letters with small requests. Well, we need to save Rock before he splits. Besides, you can’t raise the alarm, you’ll have to act covertly. To do this, d "Ogeron will issue a trade license to Spain, you just need to raise the right flag.

We go to the tavern and ask the bartender about the Inquisition. He will say that she is somewhere in the city, but he will be afraid to indicate the exact place (no wonder). We go to the church, we learn from the priest that the inquisition is under the church, and the entrance can be found under the stairs on the street. We go inside, choose a place convenient for the battle and kill all the guards. By the way, in order to successfully complete this task, it is better to moor in some bay, otherwise, after the release of the prisoner, the fort will attack you.

Upon arrival at Tortuga, Rock will tell you where he hid the “little thing that is indispensable for a corsair”, and which one you have to find out.

Mission 8: Bribery

In this mission, d "Ogeron will transfer you under the command of the Marquis of Bonrepos. He lives in Basse-Terre, in Guadeloupe. What Bonrepos has prepared is unknown and can only be found out by asking him himself.

We sail to Bas-Terre and immediately go to the residence. Bonrepos stands to the right of the governor. He will tell you that France started a devolutionary war with Spain, and for this she needs Dutch money. The situation is complicated by the fact that England has declared war on Holland, but the British have nowhere to get reinforcements. Unless to hire local pirates as privateers. Bonrepos wants to prevent this, so we need to talk to three pirate captains: Morgan, Jackman and Morris. The naval commandant does not issue money, you will have to pay all the expenses yourself.

I propose to start with the closest pirate - Morris. Trinidad and Tobago is located near Maine, in the easternmost corner, so you need to sail there in the first place so as not to wind countless circles around the Caribbean. Morris does not like the war with Holland, but, on the other hand, he needs to restore relations with England. A certain Captain Gay framed him, but we need to find the ship's log of this captain in order to justify Morris. You can find Gay in Jamaica, at the same time it's worth going to Morgan.

Morgan is not in Jamaica, he is at his residence in Antigua. Then first we will visit Jackman, and then Morgan. But first you need to find Captain Gay and get his ship's log. You need to start your search from the tavern, and there the bartender will immediately say that Gay rented a room and still did not go out. He will not voluntarily give the magazine, he will have to be forced. In addition, almost a hundred thousand piastres, silver bars, a pistol and one of the skulls of the Toltecs can be removed from it. Now you can sail to Bermuda.

In Bermuda, Jackman will tell you that he was not going to fight against the Dutch anyway, so there is no need to bribe him. Well, then we'll visit Morgan, and then we'll give Morris the ship's log.

We sail to Antigua. Morgan's house is locked. Try to keep to the right wall and you will find a passage to the basement. Morgan, in principle, agrees not to attack the Dutch, but his guys spent all their money on rum and to continue the fun they need no less than two hundred and fifty thousand piastres! Give the money and the task will be completed.

Mission 9: Protecting Port-au-Prince

In this mission, you will be given the Soleil Royal and sent to defend Port-au-Prince from the Spaniards. I advise you to get a ship no less than the first class for this fight. At Port-au-Prince, six ships of the Spaniards will be waiting for you, and the flagship will be the manowar. Naturally, it is better to board him, and destroy the rest. The peculiarity of this mission is that the Soleil Royal must stay afloat at all costs. Upon your return, you will be given a generous reward. I bet you will even be surprised by the generosity of the Sun King...

The fort is practically destroyed, although some of the guns are still intact and continue to fire uselessly.

Together with the Soleil Royal, we smashed the Spanish fleet to pieces. The enemy did not even have time to react.

Missions 10 and 11: Capturing cities

Like other lines, the last missions are to capture cities and transfer them to the French crown. You need to capture the cities of Santo Domingo and Santa Catalina. I advise you to prepare a squadron of ships of the first class for these missions; besides, it is worth buying a trade license and carefully studying the forts of these cities under the Spanish flag. A direct attack of fortifications is deadly, so it is better to go from the side, where there are fewer guns, and destroy them as quickly as possible. Don't forget to hire the maximum team as well. Storming the city is a very difficult task.

The insidious Morgan deceived Andrew Frost and left him penniless, but that's okay! Ahead is the mysterious City of Lost Ships, Tenochtitlan and the pearl banks. This means that the adventures of our brave captain are far from over!

Side quests
Quest to kill all the beggars

Is taken:In the hero's starting city.

Need: pumped character with good characteristics, an extra million

Reward: the beginning of the GPC quest, money, items, Diffindur's key.


A certain Oliver Trust stops you on the street, and offers us, for a substantial reward, 1,000,000 piastres, to kill all the beggars in the archipelago. We can either agree or refuse a tempting offer, this will have little effect on the further outcome. We agree, or we refuse, an entry appears in the ship's log. Now, we should look for beggars (a man in rags, usually sits on the ground, can move around the city) in cities, and find out who they annoyed so much if such a reward was announced for their heads. You need to interview several beggars on different islands. In the end, one of them will send us to a tramp who lives on one of the islands of the archipelago. If he is not in the city, spend the night in a tavern, he will be found soon. Tramp suggests that the governor-general of Curaçao, Peter Stuevesant, himself was involved in this case. We weigh anchor and head for Curacao, to the colony of Willemstad.

If relations with Holland are, to put it mildly, not very good, we raise the flag of a nation friendly to the Netherlands and moor in a port or in a bay, as we are lucky J. We act carefully in the city, trying to avoid soldiers. After we enter the residence, we go into the room (the door opposite the entrance), and we approach the chest near the round table. The chest is locked, but we don't have the key. We leave the residence and make our way, or we calmly go to the tavern, start a dialogue about the key keeper, the tavern keeper will tell us to contact the key master, Hill Corner, who is sitting at a table near the counter. The master of keys, agrees to make a copy of the key, from the chest in the residence for a decent amount of money, we agree to his proposal, and wait 2 nights in the tavern. After that, we go to the house to the key keeper, for the promised duplicate. We go into the house, and we understand that we have fallen into a trap, Korner informed the governor about us, and we will have to go to the residence. An officer and 2 soldiers will come, send them to the next world, go up to the second floor and pick up a duplicate from the table. Now we go to the residence, to the desired chest. Having seized the moment when the soldier turns away, we open the chest and take away all its contents, the letter (Stavesant's correspondence with the Dutch West India Trading Company) and the treasure. Feet in hand, we board the ships and go back to the beggar.

It turns out that Teaser Dan really visited the Island of Justice. We, again, need to go back to Willemstad, to Stevezant and talk to him. Having landed in the sweat of Willemstad, we will go into the tavern and ask the tavern keeper about Teaser, where Den disappeared, the owner of the tavern does not know, also, he will advise not to get involved in the affairs of the Governor General and the Dutch West Indies Company. Now we go to the residence and start a dialogue with Stavesont. But as soon as we mention the name Teaser, the governor will sharply alert. We get out of the current situation, we say that we are writing a book, but we won’t be able to really find out anything. Well, the matter is small, it is necessary to find a representative of the Dutch West India Company in the archipelago.

Our path lies on one of the pirate colonies, since only there are diplomats, and they deal with representatives of trading companies. Having reached the nearest diplomat, we ask him about the representative, but the diplomat refuses to name the location of the representative of the Dutch Trading Company. If we've had business with him before, then we must know his name and tell him. We call the agent the name of Oliver Trust, and he says that the customer of our quest can be found on San Martin. We go out to sea and head for the Dutch island.

Having moored in one of the bays of San Martin, we make our way to Marigot and go to Oliver's house, which is located just opposite the local moneylender. Save before entering the house, and go in. After a short dialogue, from which we will dot all the " i”, kill Trust, search the corpse and take the letter from the table! From the letter, we learn the location of that very mythical island of Justice, which turns out to be by no means mythical. He returns to the ships, and we sail to the familiar beggar.

We tell the tramp the sad news that Teaser is dead, that the Dutch West Indian Company was behind the order to kill the beggars, and in return we get the Diffindur key, which will be very useful to us in the future.

So, forward to the City of the Lost Ships, we will find the chest of Teaser there, and open it with the Diffindur key and read the letter left by Denn.

Quest "Ghost Ship"
How to take the quest?

In the taverns of the archipelago we drink with visitors. In the end, one of them, when asked about stories and rumors, will tell the legend of a ghost ship. You can not drive around the archipelago, but save before you start drinking with a tavern visitor and load until he talks about the ship. We continue to drive around the archipelago and drink with other visitors to taverns. You need to hear about the ghost ship (Flying Dutchman - LG) 3 times. After the third time, we must meet him.

Meeting with LG

After the third message about LG, we board our ship and go to the global map of the Caribbean Archipelago. LG will attack us (big pirate ship). You can not move anywhere on the “global”, but just wait. It is possible that the enemy boat may get confused on the other side of the island, then swim up to it.

You have two options: be sunk and sink the enemy. The second option is very difficult. In the first option, you will not die, but will find yourself in a random bay, losing the ship, officers and money. All items that were in the pockets will remain. Therefore, the money must be given to the usurer, and the ship left in the port management, having bought a dead ship (tartan, longboat). If you want to keep the officers, buy tartans or launches from the shipyards, put the officers as captains, and the ships themselves in the port authority. If you have version 1.0, then it is possible that you will be thrown onto a desert island. The only way out is to download. Versions 1.1 and 1.2 shouldn't have this problem. In the meantime, save often. To earn money and get to the city where you left your capital, take the quest from the governor, look in the chests for the owners of the houses, take from the bandits in the jungle, or from the skeletons in the caves, and then arrange with the smugglers to transport you to another island or buy ship.

"White Boy"

After you have sunk the LG or he has sunk you, you need to go to the White Boy (BM is a character on the quest, dressed in rags, in a headdress like a cap with a visor). It can be found on Maine in the Pearl Divers Settlement. Land in the bay of Amatica, this is between the cities of Belize and Santa Catalina. Always left at the forks. BM will tell you about LH and tell you that the curse can be broken by collecting 666 cursed pearls. Recommendation: if you are in hostile relations with Spain, proceed as follows: kill the sentry, then "walk" in other locations for two hours of game time and return to the settlement. Should work.

Collecting pearls

We take tasks from the governors to protect the city from the attack of the undead (skeletons - sailors from the LG ship). If you have version 1.0 or 1.1 you will have to collect pearls from skeleton corpses by searching them. At this time, frequent departures are possible - save more often. If you have version 1.2. then the pearls should automatically appear in the pocket of the GG when the skeleton is killed. Do not forget to report to the governor on the completion of the quest. Having collected the required number of pearls, we return to the BM and give them back. Now LG has become mortal. Note: if you have an extra "cursed pearl", sell it - you will earn good money.

LG capture

We drink in a tavern with visitors and one of them tells us that LG has seen recently. We go out to sea and onto the global map. We meet with LG and take him on board. Quest completed.

Valuable prizes: a ship with good characteristics for its class, a rat god in a chest in the captain's cabin, an axe.
Quest "Tenochtitlan"

taken: in Tenochtitlan itself.

Swim to Mosquito Bay on Main (above Santa Catalina). Disembark and see the sailor Silvio Ricci on the shore. He will tell you that the captain and the crew of the ship explored the mainland and found an abandoned city, but most burned in the fire when passing through the dam, and the rest were killed by the Aztec. After the conversation, go through the jungle to the city.

Aztec Montezuma meets you in the city. After talking with him, you will learn the details about the city, and he will offer a deal - in exchange for the jade skull, which is located in the temple of the Great Vitality, he will give you the weapons of the gods. Naturally you agree and he says that the only way to get to the city is through the dam, and the curse of fire lies on it. To remove the curse, you must insert two totems into the slabs in front of the entrance to the dam or one totem, but in the city itself (for this you need to run through the fire).

Locations of the three totems:

The Camashtli totem is located in the location with the Aztec, run in the opposite direction from the place where he stands (Montezuma), go into the water and there he lies next to the stones;

The Tlasolteotl totem is located in the previous location, look for the edges of the hills (to make the search easier, I advise you to turn off the grass in the settings, then the totems will be visible from afar);

Totem Tonatiu is abandoned between the cities of Porto Bello and Panama. After leaving Porto Bello, run to the location on the left, there again to the leftmost location and that's where the totem is located (again, look along the edges of the hills).

After finding the totems, return to Tenochtitlan and remove the curse from the dam. After that, talk to Montezuma. He reports that the curse has been lifted and now you need to open the temple of the Great Life Force, for this you will need to find 10 totems (Xochiquetzal, Mictlantecutli, Quetzalcoatl, Mixcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Chalchicitlicue, Huitzilopochtli, Tlaloca, Mayahuel, Tonacatecuhtli). They can either be bought from street vendors, in a store, from people in a church (jungle), or found (they can be in absolutely any place).

After talking with Montezuma, you can walk into the city if you wish. There you will meet two Aztec brothers. Talk to them.

In the city, on the edges of the temple of the Great Vitality, there are two buildings with columns, inside the entrance to the water. Enter the water (it's better to save before that), find yourself in a labyrinth under water, swim to the opposite exit (the first turn to the left, and you'll find it yourself, just hurry up, time is limited). And now the main thing, after swimming through the labyrinth, you will find yourself in a closed space inside the temple of the Great Life Force. In one of the two places you will take away a closed chest, take away the totem of Sinteotl from there (just don't sell it later, you will still need it).

So, after a long search for 10 totems (and you won’t get it quickly), you found them all. Head back to Tenochtitlan (be sure to load up on plenty of healers and antidotes beforehand). To the left and right of the Temple of Great Vitality (near buildings with columns) there are two tall buildings, go up and you will take 5 doors away. You need to go through each door and place the desired totem in the slab on the floor. Behind each door, 3 Aztecs will attack you, so it's better to save before each entry. After installing all 10 totems, your path lies in the temple of the Great Vitality.

In the temple you will again have to fight (by the way, you will fight alone, the officers will not enter the temples) with the Aztecs. After passing through the temple and killing everyone you will see a pedestal, and on it a large gold coin, a jade skull will lie next to it. Take it away and the god of the dead appears. He says that it will be possible to get out of here only by defeating him in battle. Okay, let's start fighting. After defeating him, he says that you are a good warrior and you can keep the skull, he also reveals who Montezuma really is.

Everyone, you can leave. But don't rush. In the opposite corner from the place where the skull lay, there is an exit, and next to it is a stove. Insert Sinteotl's totem into this slab (it will open a chest). To the left of the pedestal at the end of the corridor there is a chest, take the sacrificial knife from it and exit the temple.

After that, rise to the round building (it is the only one in the city). The door to the temple will be closed, go around it and you will see a small hole in the wall, a hand will appear, insert a knife into it and the door will open. Come inside and take the shotgun.

On the way out of the city, talk to the brothers, they will congratulate you and wish you good luck, they will tell you to take care of the skull.

It remains to talk with Montezuma. He is waiting for you at the dam. In the conversation, it turns out that he decided to revive the dead Aztecs and conquer the world. Of course, you don’t like such a prospect and with a clear conscience you kill him. Exit the location, a new entry will appear in the ship's log. Quest completed.

Important: Do not sell the jade skull. You will need it to complete another quest.

Quest "Enchanted City""
Taken: in Caracas or Cuman.

Having moored, in the city at the tavern you will see a crowd of people. Talk to anyone in the crowd and find out that the tavern keeper has locked the tavern and that there is a werewolf there. Enter the tavern (not from the main entrance) and talk to the tavern keeper. He will say that the same werewolf is at the top. Go upstairs to the room. There you will see a man, he asks you to bring a priest to him and reports that the city of Maracaibo, from which he arrived, is cursed. You go to church. The priest will say that you must bring a person (werewolf) to the church. Return to the tavern, but the room is already closed. Again, contact the tavern keeper, and he will tell you that he still had to let people in. The werewolf has already been burned at the stake.

Travel to Maracaibo. There, talk to the tavern keeper again. He will say that there is a settlement near Maracaibo, but for several days no one has come from there. Sail at night to the Cape of Unfulfilled Hopes (near Maracaibo), you will be met by guards on the shore; deal with them. After you have killed the guards, run to Des Moines (there you will understand what a curse lies on the city) and enter the first house to the right of the entrance. Talk to the one in the house, he will tell the story of the curse. You decide to help them lift this curse. Then he will tell that a young Englishwoman came to the city and asked about what happened. First you need to find her to find out what data she has.

Sail to Nevis. If you run along the pier to the city, then her house will be on the left, on the very edge (the house is large, it is impossible not to see it). Come in and start a conversation with her. She will tell you that she knows everything about the curse over the settlement and the ship. To remove the curse, you need a jade skull (it is taken from the Tenochtitlan quest, so if you have not completed Tenochtitlan yet, go on this quest).

You have obtained a jade skull. Return to Nevis to the girl. She will say that in order to remove the curse, it is necessary to deliver the skull to the captain's cabin damn ship. Where he swims, she does not know exactly, but she will tell you that you need to look for him far from the cities. Sail towards West Main. Look for a ship with pink-purple sails on the global (if you meet, don't miss it). It cannot be drowned, only taken on board. After you have killed everyone on the deck, in the cabin you meet the sister of the girl from Nevis, Danielle Sheppard (this, by the way, is the model of the same Danielle from PKM). After a fight and a conversation with her, it turns out where the curse came from. You inform her that the curse has now been lifted and offer her to become an officer on your ship, and she agrees.

Now sail back to Nevis and talk to the girl. She will be very glad that you saved her sister and took her as an officer on your ship.

After talking on Nevis, sail to Des Moines, there go to the officer with whom you have already talked. He thanks you on behalf of all the inhabitants of the settlement and will offer you all the money that they have - 20 thousand. Take or refuse, it's your choice. If you do not take, then the reputation will increase.
Quest Destroy the chirp "Blue Bird"

From the owner of the store after contacting him again or when he refuses to take the goods for delivery.


The reward can be of two types - either a sum of money or an excellent fast xebec, ideal for piracy and avoiding patrols. This ship is unique in the game, the only representative of the xebec class.


1. Pumped hero, preferably at least level 10 and with basic personal abilities.

2. Sufficiently fast and powerful ship ("Arabella" is perfect)

3. Money for provisions, team salaries, etc.


So, in the store, the merchant told us the trouble of all the merchants in the Caribbean. An elusive pirate ship called the Blue Bird plunders defenseless ships carrying various cargoes. From the dialogue with the shopkeeper, we also learn that his colleague, Pascal Voisier, who settled in Bermuda, is the only one whose flute managed to escape from the mysterious xebec. On behalf of all the merchants of the archipelago, our interlocutor asks for help, promising money, and we, of course, agree.

We are heading for Bermuda to that same Voisier, and using the item of the dialogue “I have a question”, we ask him about the “Blue Bird”. The cunning merchant refuses to say anything about this, but the tavern keeper has nothing to hide from us, therefore we go to him, having previously looked into Jackman's residence and asked him about the desired shebek, but he will not tell anything, except that " Blue Bird never comes into port.

The innkeeper will say that he knows about Pascal's feud with the owner of the store in Puerto Principe, and will send us to him. Not forgetting to replenish supplies from the suspected Voisier, we head to Cuba.

From a merchant in Puerto Principe, we will learn that Voisier took away his store in Bermuda and that the Blue Bird belongs to him. One question remains - how the goods from the ship get unnoticed to Voisier in the store. At first, the answer seems simple - the pirates carry the loot from Rune Bay through the dungeon to the shipyard, but in reality everything is not so obvious. We need to return to Bermuda and visit the owner of the shipyard, Master Alexus.

The master will tell us that only an idiot will carry cargo through the dungeon and that this is out of the question. We leave for the bay of Broken Trough, disembark, go to the cave and turn right from the star that calls the skeletons. Soon the xebec team will appear. We run to where the pirates came from, board the ship and fight the Blue Bird!

With good skills, the matter remains small - to decide whether to capture this work of art, or sink it and return to the merchant from whom the task was taken and receive the amount of money.

In my opinion, the answer is obvious.
Quest "Find a double-barreled musket"
To successfully pass, you will need a nationality friendly to England or the ability to infiltrate an English colony.

Reward: an excellent officer, the like of which cannot be found in the entire archipelago.

We sail to Port of Spain, on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. A little to the left of the pier, we go to the room on the second floor, to which the stairs lead from the street. Humphrey Douglas sits at the table with a mug of rum. From the conversation, it turned out that he is an English musketeer, the best shooter in the regiment, who was recently dismissed from the army, due to psychological trauma, he cannot take up arms! While he was sailing here from the Old World, they were attacked by unknown pirates. The team twisted Humphrey and did not have to join him in battle with the pirates and die, but he lost his unique double-barreled musket, a work of weapon art, and he became so attached to him that he could not get used to other "clumsy" blunderbusses. Humphrey heard from his commands about some kind of arrow, he promises to go to our ship as an officer if we get him that same musket...
We sail to a pirate settlement in Bermuda. In the residence we talk with Jackman. Apparently, corsair Albert Ziver attacked Humphrey's ship, but he is not a member of the coastal brotherhood, so he cannot be found through pirates. On the brigantine "Strela", it runs between the bays. We need to find this ship. It will take some time to sail around the archipelago in search of the Ziver brigantine, but on the global map, it does not look like an ordinary ship. Since this is a quest ship, it looks like and your ship, but only with scarlet-violet sails! We attack it and take it on board. There is a double-barreled musket in Albert Ziver's cabin, in a chest! Of course, you cannot use it, like musketons. We sail to Port of Spain. Humphrey will demand 16,000 piastres to pay off his debts and 4,800 piastres a month, did the English government really pay him such amounts! But it makes sense to agree. It is also possible to sell a double-barreled musket for a large sum without giving it to Humphrey.
Humphrey does not understand anything in the sea delhi, but as a boarder! He can only be armed with a rapid-fire double-barreled musket, no firearms or melee weapons can be handed to him. It has an extremely high "Pistols" stat, which also helps "Luck" shooting at a high level and in a secret campaign in enemy city it is better to take Humphrey (high "Stealth"). It also initially has 300 bullets in its inventory. The mystery is that he has 2 "Unarmed", but it's better not to sell one of them in the store for 0 piastres, you never know how the system will react to this ...
Quest "Askold"
How to take the quest

Askold's quest is taken in any store throughout the archipelago. You offer the shop owner to charter your ship (carry cargo). Respond to the offer of the merchant with a refusal - "No, it does not suit me." After that, the store owner will ask you for one favor - to find the mummy powder. At early ranks, the ability to quickly get this task increases. If you have a pumped hero and a high rank, then you will have to swim between the islands until one of the owners agrees to give you one. I (rank 43) had to travel around six islands before I got the go-ahead to search.

Search for mummy powder

So, the Main Hero will have to find mummy powder - a very rare thing in the Caribbean Archipelago. This task is not so much difficult as boring. How it's done. You approach the merchant (hawker) and ask him a question - “Do you have mummy powder for sale?” The hawker will answer that he has never seen such a thing anywhere. We repeat the question until the merchant refuses to talk to the Main Hero. This operation will have to be done dozens of times, to visit most of the islands, to piss off about 50 merchants. Finally, one of the hawkers agrees to sell us this powder for a small amount, I think 1000 piastres. Victory - the mummy powder is found! We return to the owner of the store, from whom the quest was taken, we say that the task has been completed.

The search for ritual objects

The store owner sends us to a certain Askold, who lives in the settlement of Basse-Terre on the island of Guadeloupe. We're heading there. Askold's house is located opposite the governor's residence (run straight from the pier, turn left before the crossroads). We go into the house, start a conversation. Blimey! Askold paid 30,000 piastres for the mummy powder. Not bad money, considering that it cost the Protagonist cheap. After the deal, Askold offers to find us 3 things of the Indian cult: a red gold mask, a ceremonial vessel and a priest's scepter. We agree. All these things can be found in treasures, but if you are too lazy to look, then we head to Port Royal, in Jamaica, to the residence of Henry Morgan. Morgan's secretary for 1,000,000 (million) piastres agree to sell us these things. If there is such money and it is not a pity to part with them, we buy. When 3 things are found in treasures or bought from Henry Morgan's secretary, we head to Askold. For each item, Askold is ready to give 30,000, in total for 3 items - 90,000. We agree. If you demand more money from Askold, you will fail the quest, as he does not like miser. Another task completed. You can take a break for two or three months before the next task.

inventory list

After two or three months, we return to Askold for a new assignment - to get an inventory list of valuables that will go to Spain. We sail to Havana on the island of Cuba. We talk with the innkeeper. The innkeeper tells us that recently all the inhabitants of the city participated in the loading of valuables onto the manowar. But where he went is unclear. An entry appears in the journal that you need to find Askold's informant friend. Far, no need to swim - the informant is in the city of Santiago, on the island of Cuba (you can run through the jungle). The house of the informant is opposite the pier. We go in, talk, find out that the manowar went to the bay of Amatica (Western Maine, between Belize and Santa Catalina).


A squadron of manowars is waiting for us near the bay of Amatica. The Inventory List (the one that Askold asked to get) is in the cabin of one of the manovars, which one is unknown. Therefore, we will have to methodically board them until we find this list. Important: in no case do not sink manovars if you have not found the Inventory List. There is only one tactic in this mission. Need to materialize global map to the battlefield, to board the nearest, extreme manowar and sail away with the wind. Be sure to search the captain's cabin for inventory. When the global map icon appears, click, sail to the nearest friendly port, repair and replenish the team. We repeat the operation with the capture of manovars. If you found an inventory list (for example, on 4 boarded ship), then the rest of the manowars can be flooded. For this task, you need a fast ship with a crew of 500 - 600 people. The Flying Dutchman is ideal for this task. You can simplify the task. Put up the Spanish flag and hope that the enemy does not recognize the Protagonist. If everything goes smoothly, then the task is simplified as much as possible - we select some extreme manowar from the total number - we smack it with buckshot and immediately board it. Only in this case, your reputation will drop sharply. You can avoid the loss of reputation. A couple of seconds before you board a manowar, change the flag of Spain to any other. There will be no reputation loss.

Spanish Expedition

So, the manowars have been destroyed, now it is necessary to destroy the Spanish expedition at the Inca temple. We disembark in the bay of Amatica and run to the Aztec temple (at the forks - to the left, then to the right). It is very easy to destroy the expedition, so I will not write how this is done. We return to Askold, we report on the results. We rest for a couple of months.


After two or three months, we return to Askold for a new assignment. This time he asks us to find some kind of tomb, which is located in a cave in Guadeloupe. We run into the cave (on Guadeloupe it is the only one) we find the entrance to a small room with a star on the floor. An inscription should appear that an entrance has been found. We return to Askold. He says that this entrance is surely the one that de la Fontaine needs. The key to the entrance is the tablets. These tablets are to be found by the Main Hero. Askold shows us a possible search area: uninhabited islands (Cayman, Turks, Dominica), Western Maine and the Inca temple located there. The search for the tablets is not an easy task. They can take anywhere from a few minutes to several days. The tablets must be sought in caves on the uninhabited islands and on West Maine; near the temple of the Incas, in the settlement of pearl divers. You should now have a "hand" (item pointer). Take an object - this object may turn out to be the tablets. But do not rejoice at the appearance of a "hand". The subject may be an ordinary saber. I found the tablets in one of the grottoes in West Maine. Victory - tablets found! We run to Askold.

Leif Happy

Askold again sends us to the cave. We resort to the star, use the tablets ... Hooray! The passage is open! Before us is a small room with a tomb in the middle. It is impossible to open the tomb - "there is no necessary item." God! Do you really need to look for something again? Bullet to Askold. Askold gives us a crowbar with which the Main Hero can open the tomb. Back to the cave, to the tomb. Let's use the item. Several skeletons appear. We kill skeletons. If it is difficult - we run to the narrow passage, we kill the skeletons one by one. The owner of the tomb appears - Leif the Happy. An interesting dialogue follows, after which ... You will see for yourself what will happen to the Main Hero after the conversation! So, Leif gives us a task - to capture Bas-Terre and take three items from the governor - 3 Tolltec skulls and something else. We can't do it alone. We speak with Leif the Happy two more times. A detachment of skeletons is given to help the Main Hero. We carry out the task of Leif. We destroy 2 detachments of the French: near the city gates and in the city. We run into the residence, talk to the deathly frightened governor. We take the things we need from the closet on the right. So, we have Tolltec skulls and a strange item, now we return to Leif and return the items. After that, we run to Askold. After talking with Askold, our task is to save the world and destroy Leif the Happy. Eh ... Once again, we run into the cave. It is not easy to kill Leif the Lucky - this character is very strong. But you can deal with it. After the battle (!!!) we must (!!!) search Leif and find a lamp with him. Again to Askold (the end of the quest is already close). Askold agrees to buy a lamp from us for 50,000, but in no case do we agree - we leave the lamp with us.


This lamp must be opened to find out what is inside. You can open the lamp at the shipyard. The shipyard is located on the most famous island of the Caribbean Archipelago. I won’t name the island – you can guess for yourself. You must find something on your own. After opening the lamp, the most unusual reward in this game awaits you. Good luck!
Quest "The Story of the Beautiful Isabella"
How to take the quest

On the island of Bermuda in the settlement of pirates we meet Attila (Negro). This character himself must find the Main Hero and talk to him. From Attila's story, we learn that his former companion, named Salvator, stole their common booty. Little is known about Salvatore. He married a noble girl and lives on the island of Puerto Rico in the city of San Juan.

San Juan

We go to the island of Puerto Rico to the specified city. We head to the church, talk to the priest. From the conversation, the Protagonist learns that Don Salvatore's wife, Isabella, is a decent woman and goes to church regularly. Then we head to visit Don Salvator himself and his wife Isabella. Salvator's house is located near the governor's residence. From the pier, go straight at the crossroads, turn left and find Isabella's house. Meet Don Salvatore. From the conversation, the Protagonist learns that Salvator was a corsair in the past, and a very successful one at that. We go up the stairs, get acquainted with Isabella. In a conversation with her, do not say that you and Salvatore are friends, and be kind and courteous. After this conversation, we head to the store. There we become witnesses of the conversation between Isabella and the seller. It turns out that Salvator has debts to the owner of the shop. We pay our debts and get the location of a beautiful lady. Then we head to the church. There we meet with Isabella, who makes an appointment for us at her house. We arrive at the appointed time. Isabella tells us that the ship called "Five Wounds of Christ", on which her brother, Don Miguel de Valdes is supposed to sail, is delayed in Cuman. We offer help.


Kumana is in the left

Toy Corsairs: GPK will probably never go out of fashion. Fascinating sea and coastal battles, even now, after several years after the release of the gizmo, look fantastic. And therefore we bring to your attention, immediately in two variations: video and text.

Watch video walkthrough of the game Corsairs

Dying Lord's Manor

The story begins back in 1665, on January 1st. Main character game learns from his faithful servant that the honorable Lord Gilda is badly wounded. Next, you need to enter the house. On the threshold will stand Andrew James, the Lord's servant. In his company main character goes up to the top floor. The dying Lord lies in bed. A servant approaches and brings the necessary potions and tools needed to save the Lord's life.

Later, Peter Blood shows up in his office. Suddenly, Jeremy's servant appears and declares that the Royal Dragoons are rushing here at all times. This news is unfortunate. Jeremy advises taking a sword on the balcony for self-defense. Which should be done immediately. The protagonist takes the keys from the table. Then you need to go up to the second floor, there is a chest on the balcony.

Having opened the old chest with the key, we take all its contents. Now the main character is armed to the teeth. Jeremy appears again and says that the royal dragoons are already very close. A moment later, Captain Gobart enters the house and announces a warrant for the arrest of the protagonist. The player is attacked by a Dragoon. You can fight off enemies, but in the end it turns out that this is a useless exercise. There are a lot of them. Peter Blood is captured and taken to jail.


April 1st, 1665, penal servitude. Jeremy's servant appears and says that Colonel Bishop wants to see Peter. The guards come and take the protagonist out of the cell directly into the colonel's office. Bishop apologizes for the misunderstanding, saying that the soldiers overdid it. Next, we follow the residence of the governor.

We rise to the second floor. There sits and weeps Miss Steed. She needs medicine for her seriously ill husband. Next, you need to find Mr. Dan. Let's go looking for him. We find Dan's house. However, Peter's competitor, Dr. Wacker, is already sitting on the chair.

He asks the main character to come to the tavern a day later. We leave the house and meet Dan. We tell him that the governor's wife urgently needs medicine. Upon hearing this, Dan gives the drug to Blood for free. We return to the governor's estate and give the potion to Madame Steed.

Empty tavern?

The main character goes to a local tavern. However, Wacker was not there. We then go to his hut. We raise Wacker and explain the current situation to him. Wacker gives the main character 2000 piastres to organize a successful escape.

Assemble a team

In order to go on a long voyage, you should first organize a crew. We're going to hire staff. After the required number of sailors is hired, we go to the port.

Adventure at sea

In the port of the protagonist, his faithful sailboat is waiting. And now the ship sets sail, the weather is simply magnificent: a clear, cloudless day and a strong north wind. The ship is heading north. After some time, pirates attack the main character's ship. We successfully fight them off.

Then the conquistadors attack - this is a more serious threat. It is easier to pay off them than to expose your skin under cannonballs, buckshot and knippel. And in the meantime Walkthrough Corsairs: City of Lost Ships be in full swing!

Bay of thugs

We are approaching the mysterious peninsula without a name, where it is necessary to track down four thugs who are planning to implement high treason. Immediately after the crew disembarked on the island, we set off to the north.

Along the way, the main character will be met by thugs and demand a large amount for the preservation of life. We ask criminals and bandits to lead to their Leader.

Farewell Aaron!

Peter Blood is led to the leader of the thugs' tent. Aaron invites to his home. We accept the invitation. And as soon as Aaron is next to Peter, we strike with a sword from all over, striking the head of the gang to death. Then we leave the tent and finish off the rest of the enemies, sneaking up unnoticed to each of them.

Watch the final video. On this Corsairs: City of Lost Ships walkthrough is coming to its logical conclusion!

Quest: "Kill all the beggars"

Is taken- in the main city of your nation, look for a man named Oliver Trust

Important- if you have a Dutch patent, you will lose it


1. Oliver Trust approaches you with an offer to kill all the beggars in the Caribbean in exchange for 1,000,000 piastres. You can agree, you can disagree.

2. Interrogation of the poor - "Who wants them dead."

The third respondent will send to the beggar *** in the city *** (randomly generated)
3. Conversation with a beggar.
Said beggar sends to the governor of Holland, Peter Stevezant.

4. We visit the residence, we find a locked chest

5. We are looking for a way to open the chest.
We go to the tavern and interrogate the tavern keeper

6. Making a key.
We turn to the master of keys, make an order and wait 2 days.
Important: For the work, the master of keys asks for 3/4 of all the money the player has, but not less than 15 thousand. If it is a pity to give a lot, give the extra money to the usurer for a while.

7. We return to the master of keys,
it turns out that he betrayed us. We kill the officer (this is where the patent is lost, it is not removed from the inventory, the Dutch flag remains on the ship, but if you lower it to raise another, you can no longer raise it), who came to arrest us. We take the key from the table on the second floor of the house.

8. Open the chest with the key,
take the letter and swim back to the beggar.

9. Beggar
talks about Teaser Dan and sends you to find out about him.

10. Return to Curacao
and ask the tavern keeper about the teaser (he will point to Stavesant) and the governor himself. The governor will send you to hell.

11. On a tip from the magazine, we set off to look for a representative of the Dutch East India Company.
It is easy to guess that this is Oliver Trust. We ask a diplomat about him in any pirate settlement.

12. We sail to the representative of the GVIK,
we kill him and take papers from the table, which indicate where to look for the "Island of Justice"

13. We return once again to the beggar, we talk about our findings,
we get the "Difundera key"

In the city of lost ships

Having received Diffunder's key, we sail in the indicated direction, to the northwestern corner of the map (north of Cape Catoche and west of Havana), exit the world map into the sea and use the "Swim" command.
We are met, told what's what and sent to report to the admiral on the San Augustin warship.

Important- upon arrival at the GPC, you will lose the ship with the crew and officers.
At the first conversation, the admiral of the city will take everything else from you, leaving only 1/50 of the cash and the totems needed for the Tenochitlan quest.
This can be avoided by putting all the contents of the pockets in the chest on the ship "Fernando Diffunder". And giving the money to the usurer for safekeeping.

The GIC has a residence (warship "San Augustin"), a tavern (caravel "Fleron"), a shop ("Esmeralda"), a church ("Gloria"), a moneylender ("Carolina") and a prison ("Tartarus"). Fast forward doesn't work.
To earn a fast transition, you need to complete the priest's quest.

The store sells the GPC card.
The seller will charge a very high price for the card. You can refuse to buy and go complain to a woman named Sandra Gomez, the seller will drop the price to an acceptable one.

All chests in the GPC are locked. You need three keys - simple, normal and complex.

Where to get the keys
simple key

Lying near the mast on that half-submerged ship that the San Augustine warship ran in half.
- obtained from the quest Alice Taylor
- obtained from the quote Dominic Legros

Ordinary key

Lies on the boxes right opposite the entrance, inside the "Velasco" (you don't need to go there until the quest is sent)

complex key
- obtained by the quest Pedro Hurtado
- lying in a chest on "San Gabriel" (you will also have to follow the quest)

Important- when rummaging through chests, do not sell, eat or throw away 10 bags of salt, 10 bunches of grapes, 3 bottles of wine and 1 lute, otherwise the passage of the main quest of the GPC will become impossible.

Main quest in GPC


1. We turn to the tavern owner Hill Bruner.
Let's talk about Teaser Dan. Hill asks to keep quiet about Teaser and wait a few days while he gathers information.

2. Second conversation with Brunner
A few days later we come to Hill Bruner. He asks to meet him secretly after midnight in the "wine cellar" of the tavern - a separate room on the quarterdeck. There says that Dan often visited the ship "Fernando Diffunder".
If you haven't been to Diffunder yet, then sail there and take the letter that Dan left there from the flooded chest. If you have already been on Diffundet, immediately show the letter to Brunner.
Brunner reads the letter and sends the carpenter Andre Labor to search.

3. Search for a carpenter.
We find a carpenter, he makes an appointment in the cabin of the corvette "Protector"

4. We come to a meeting,
we are in for a surprise in the face of a millionaire. You have to kill a millionaire and a carpenter.

5. We return to the tavern owner Brunner.
He teaches how to cover his tracks - he sends to the ship of the Narwhal clan, to the back room, for a medallion.

6. Conversation with the admiral
We bring the medallion to the admiral and say that we found it in the Protector's cabin. The Admiral believes and sends you to destroy the Narwhal clan. Three millionaires are given to help.
The more millionaires survive, the more money the admiral will give out for work. Everyone will die - there will be no money.

7. We report to the admiral
about the destruction of the Narwhal clan. Then we tell everything to Brunner. He again asks to wait a few days.

8. In a few days. Brunner
sends to the "wine cellar" to eavesdrop on the conversation of the admiral with the leader of the "Casper" clan.
Important - you must be there before midnight.
We eavesdrop on the conversation, we tell Brunner about it. Brunner again asks to wait a few days to find out who the "mechanic" mentioned in the conversation is.

9. Next day
in place of Brunner, a new tavern keeper appears, who tells that Brunner was found dead.
Important - in order for the tavern keeper to change, it is necessary to change the location.

10. We talk with the waitress Armo Dulin.

11. We talk with the admiral,
he tells you not to poke your nose into this matter. And we go to interview all the inhabitants, in search of the oldest citizen.

12. Search for the oldest citizen.
On the galleon "Eva" we save Cecile Galard from reprisal, who tells that the mechanics is Henrik Wedeker. And he is most likely languishing in captivity at the residence of the Casper clan on the San Gabriel.

13. We talk with Armo Dulin,
she offers to help - lure Caspers out on a date one at a time.

14. After the 3rd date, Armo is found dead.

15. We go to the jailer (Armo's fiancé) Thomas Boyle, we offer to "avenge Armo" together.
Instead of 13, 14, 15, you can immediately go to the Kaspers (or go only on 1-2 dates) and kill them alone, then Armo Dyulin will remain alive.

16. We go to the "San Gabriel"
and kill everyone there. In a separate cabin on the quarterdeck we find a mechanic.

17. Conversation with the Mechanic.
The mechanic sells us the Warhound corvette for 1,500,000 pmasters and sends us under water for the gear needed to free the corvette from the wreckage of ships.

18. We travel under water.
We find a gear.

There are many chests with good. In one, 2 rat gods and a bunch of rare idols, in the other, Morgan's rapier.

19. The mechanic sends us to look for equipment for the ship.
Provisions, weapons, medicine, cannonballs, buckshot, knippels, bombs and gunpowder.

20. Search for equipment.
According to rumors, we learn that the admiral holds weapons and gunpowder in his hands. We go to the admiral, he shows. We are looking for millionaire John Workman, he agrees to steal gunpowder and weapons from the warehouse, in exchange for the fact that you will take him with you.

21. Provisions, boards, canvas.
We buy provisions, canvas and boards from the owner of the store for 40,000.

22. Nuclei, bombs, knippels.
We talk with the waitress in the tavern, she says that you can ask the owners of the ships for cannonballs, bombs, etc. They are Alice Taylor, Aurélie Bertin, Lea Tooors and Eliza Calvo.

23. Medicines.
Talking to the Padre

24. Gunpowder, weapons.
We learn from rumors that gunpowder and weapons are kept by the admiral. We talk with the admiral, we get a refusal. Looking for millionaire John Workman.

25. Having collected everything you need, we return to the mechanic.
He sends to gather a team. You need to find 15 people, the log is counting down. We ask local residents.

26. Again we return to the Mechanic
and find out that he was arrested. We go to the residence and kill the admiral with the millionaires. Then we go to the prison, kill the boss and talk to the mechanic.

Important- before entering the prison, carefully remember the position of the 2nd mast of the "Fernando Diffunder"

27. Departure.
We leave the prison, it turns out that the GPC sank. We sail to the second mast of the "Fernando Diffunder" and find ourselves on the corvette "War Dog"

Prize - an exclusive corvette "Dog of War", an officer in the team

Side quests in the GPC

1. Quest Pedro Hurtado - rob a store. You can get the key to complex locks.

2. Quest Alice Taylor - release her husband from Prison.
The fact that Alice Taylor's husband is in prison is told by the townspeople in the form of gossip.
If you talk to Maxim Taylor himself, he will ask you to tell his wife that he is in prison.
Alice Taylor asks for help. For her husband, Alice gives a simple key.

3. Dominique Legros' quest - to give a bottle of wine to his friend, jailer Thomas Boyle.
You need to find a bottle of wine on your own. A few runs back and forth and Dominique Legros will give the key to simple locks.

4. Priest's quest - bring 400 candles. Candles litter the chests. There are just 400 pieces in the chest in the store, you can steal when the seller turns away. People in the store do not react to the player's actions. There are many more candles under water in a barrel that is in the skeleton of a ship lying at the bottom.

Prize - a quick transition between locations appears.

5. Quest about the search for the missing Leighton Dexter.
Royel Haag tells about the disappearance.
We talk with Lea Toors.
We talk with Admiral Chad.
We talk with the jailer Thomas Boyle.
We jump from the side of the "Tartarus" into the water, swim to the left to the hole in the side, we see a hanging skeleton and a chest.
We talk about rumors with any local resident. We will be told that the admiral has lost the key.
We are looking for the key of the admiral. The place where the key will lie is random. It lies only outside, there is no need to look inside the ships.
We open the chest.

The prize is a chest with the goods of Admiral Chad.

The chest contains a golden cuirass, an exclusive spyglass, 2 rat gods, a bunch of other rare idols, 2 tanats and a lot more little things.

Quest Tenochitlan

Is taken- on the Mosquito Bank on the Main (above Santa Catolina).

Prize- a jade skull needed to complete the quest "The Enchanted City" and a shotgun.

Having landed on the shore, we meet sailor Silvio Rici, who says that their entire expedition for gold to the city of Tenochitlan died.
Having delved into the jungle, we come to Lake Texcoco and meet the Aztec Montezuma, who asks to defeat the god of the dead reigning in Tenochitlan.
To get into the city, you need to remove the fire from the dam. There are two ways to do this.
1. Find the Kamashtli totem in the location with the lake in the water near the stones, run through the fire (if the Persian has few hit points, then this is unrealistic) and insert the totem into the sacrificial stone behind the dam.
2. Find two totems: Tlasolteotl (lies in a neighboring location) and Tonatiu (lies between the cities of Porto Bello and Panama. After leaving Porto Bello, run to the location on the left, there again to the leftmost location).
Totems with these names, bought from merchants, will also work.
These totems must be inserted into the sacrificial stones near the entrance to the dam.

List of totems
1. Shochiketsal
2. Mictlantecuhtli
3. Quetzalcoatl
4. Mousecoatl
5. Tezcatlipoca
6. Chalchihuitlicue
7. Huitzlopochtli (god of the blue sky)
8. Tlaloca (the god of thunder and rain) - there was a mistake in the game, Montezuma also named this totem after Huitzlopochtli
9. Mayahuel
10. Tonacatecuhtli

Totems can be bought from vendors in stores, street vendors, people in churches, and jungles. All totems can be found.
Here is the location of the totems that have been reported online:
1. Tescalipoca. In a dungeon in Fort de France in Martinique (next to the ski lift).
2. Witzlipochtli. At Governor Stavesant's residence in Curaçao (next to the entrance, at the top of the stairs).
3. Mousecoatl. Trinidad and Tobago, behind the church, near the fence post.
4. Shochiketsal. Bermuda, broken trough bay, behind the ship in the middle of the beach.
5. , to the left of the church, near the house.
6. San Juan del Norte, in a grotto on the shore.
7. Quetzalcoatl. San Martin, in a cave near one of the pillars (closer to the rope)
8. Talaloka. Santo Domingo, on the lighthouse on the window (climb the stairs almost to the very top, sideways along the board and jump down the tiers).

In Tenochitlan itself there are baths, if you enter the water, you can get into an underwater labyrinth, after swimming through it, we find ourselves in a small closet in the temple of Life Force, where there is a chest. In the chest is the totem of Sinteotl, which will be needed to get to the shotgun.

When all 10 totems are activated, the door to the Temple of Vitality will open. We get to the center, take the skull, fight with Mictlantecuhtli and get a skull as a gift.

At the foot of the pedestal with the disk there is a stone with a hole for the totem of Sinteotl. The chest next to it opens. It contains a ceremonial obsidian knife.
This knife must be inserted into the relief on the wall of the Temple of the White Gods. The door will open, you can take the hose.

Quest "The Enchanted City"

It is taken in cities lying near Marocaibo.

Prize - brig "Queen" and Daniel Sheppard as an officer in the team

To complete the quest, you need a jade skull, obtained from the quest "Tenochitlan"

Having landed in the port, you see a crowd of lynchers at the tavern. GG volunteers to talk with the "werewolf", from whom he learns that he fled from Marocaibo and a terrible curse fell on their city.

1. We sail to Marrocaibo, we talk with the tavern keeper.
2. We sail to Des Moines, wait for the night, talk with the head of the city (the first house to the right of the entrance). Either we get out of the city with a fight, or we offer to help remove the curse.
3. We are looking for an Englishwoman Elizabeth Sheppard. She lives in Nevis big house on the left at the end of the embankment.
(It is she who tells about the curse of Miklantecutli and sends to look for a jade skull in the ancient Aztec city of Tenochitlan).
4. If the Tenochitlan quest has not yet been completed, sail to Tenochitlan.
If passed, we tell that the skull has already been mined.
5. We set off to look for the brig "Queen". On the desert shores of Maine and uninhabited islands we are looking for a ship with bright purple sails on the world map.
6. We take the "Queen" for boarding, talk with the captain and take her to ourselves.
7. We return to Nevis, we report to Elizabeth about the fate of her sister.
8. Sailing to Des Moines for a reward.

Quest "Sink the Blue Bird"

Is taken at the store owner in the main city of your nation.

Prize- super unique xebec "Blue bird"


1. From a conversation with the owner of the store, we learn about Pascal Voisier, the owner of the store in Bermuda.
2. We sail to Bermuda, we talk with Pascal Voisier, he gets angry and kicks GG out.
3. We go to the tavern and talk heart to heart with the tavern keeper. He will tell about the former owner of the store, John Norton, whom Pascal ruined and survived. Norton lives in a pirate settlement in Puerto Principe.
4. We sail to Cuba in Puerto Princesa, we talk with Norton. He sends us back to Bermuda to the shipyard.
5. We talk with the owner of the shipyard in Bermuda and set off to explore the island, or rather to the cave on this island. When the GG stands in a certain place, they will turn on a video in which they will show how the pirates drag boxes of goods.
6. We go out to sea and sink or board the "Blue Bird".

Ship parameters are generated when going to sea.

7. We sail to the customer for the promised reward of 50,000.
It may turn out that the customer will not pay the money and there will be an opportunity to take revenge - to find out the rumors when the merchants' own ships go to sea and sink them ...

Corsair ruler

Is taken- in Bermuda at the head of Jackman's pirate settlement. Topic about work.

Important- after talking with the main pirate in Bermuda, the nation's quest will not start until Morgan allows you to deal with them (after the disruption of the action of Richard Soukins), the governor will say that you have been seen in connections with pirate leaders.

Prize- brig "Sea Wolf"

We are sent to Cuba in Puerto Principe to help Captain Goodley. Captain Goodley asks to render a service to Henry Morgan (you can agree, you can refuse) - to take John Bolton to Jamaica in Port Royal to Morgan.

Morgan himself offers to do a few things with him, but first he asks to complete all his affairs.

(meaning the quest of the nation, if you get involved in the affairs of Morgan, you will not be able to complete the quest of the nation)

Exercise 1.

Black label delivery to Martinique

Task 2.

Rob the Spanish pearl divers.
To rob tartans, you need to carefully approach them closely, side to side.

Task 3.

The job of a bounty hunter.
Captain Goodley sends to kill John Avory.
To catch up with Avon, you will have to visit five cities. Ask moneylenders and in the tavern about it.

Task 4.
Morgan sends to Jackman, and Jackman sends John Leeds to help.

Task 5.

Looking for Steve Linnaeus.
5.1. We find the killer of Linnaeus, we learn that he serves Richard Srukins, about which we report to Morgan.
5.2. We get the task to disrupt the action of Soukins. Why sail In Puerto Principe and talk with a tavern keeper and a waitress.

Double-barreled musket

Is taken- the city of Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) at Humphrey Douglas (sitting in one of the houses)

Prize- brigantine "Strela", musketeer officer in the team


1. We find Humphrey Douglas, listen to the story, promise to help
2. (if patch 1.1.10 is installed) We sail to Bermuda and talk to Jackman
3. We are looking for the "Arrow" on the world map (a ship with lilac sails), boarding
4. Back to Douglas

Flying Dutchman

Is taken- from a conversation with drunkards in taverns.

Prize- actually warship "Flying Dutchman".

1. Conversation with drunkards.
Sooner or later you will be told about LH.
(after the conversation, the next time it will be possible to talk on this topic, only the next day).

2. After the third story about LG, we go to world map, meet LG and sink.
Important - you will lose the ship, all the officers, the contents of the chests and all the money.

3. We sail to Amatica Bay and go to the settlement of pearl divers. In the penultimate location before the settlement, there will be a guard. If you are not playing for Spain, or if you are not a proprietary spanish corsair, the sentry will have to be killed.
In the settlement we talk (2 times) with the White boy.

4. Collecting pearls.
Mayors of cities have quests "to help fight off the skeletons in the port." When killing each skeleton, a certain amount of black pearls appears in the inventory.

5. Having collected 666 black pearls, we return to the White Boy.

6. Again we talk with drunkards until they tell us that they saw LG in the local bay.

7. We go out to the world map and take the LG for boarding or sink.

Random quests

In cities, you can get quests from people on the street

"Rescue wife/husband from pirate captivity"
"Revenge on the captain who sold him into slavery"
"Revenge on the captain who rejected love"
"Find a Trade Captain Friend"

You need to look on the world map for a ship with bright pink (if hostile) or light green (if friendly) sails.

You can ask about the captains you are interested in at the port authority and the captains of the ships in the roadstead.
If they tell you that the captain you need is in the city, you need to go to the world map and wait for the ship to appear.

You can get the quest "Find the ship stolen from the parking lot" from the head of the port

The flag of a stolen ship is usually the one you captured it near. In order not to quarrel with your nation, it is better to catch a ship near enemy islands.

From the owner of the shipyard, you can get the quest "Steal the blueprint of the ship"

You can get the quest "Find gem in the jungle"

From the priest in the church, you can get quests to kill skeletons in the nearest dungeon and guard church utensils for 3 nights.

Ruler for Blood

You can pass by starting to play Peter Blood.

The prize is the frigate "Cinco Llagas", two quest officers, money and equipment are not bad to start the game.


1 Oglethorpe Estate
The key to the chest with a saber appears after Pitt's message about the arrival of soldiers on a round table near the door to the office.

2. Colonel Bishop on the plantation sends to the governor's house.

3. Residence. We're talking to the governor.
You can ask the governor (free of charge) for money for medicine.

4. We go for medicine.
House to the right of the residence. There we talk with Dr. Wacker.

5. We take the medicine to the wife of the governor.

6. Meeting with Wacker in the tavern.

7. Gathering a team.
Jeremy Pitt. Agrees immediately, but says that it is necessary to get weapons.
Hagthorpe. Asks to kill Stuart Winterwood. If the leadership is more than 5, you can persuade Hagthorp not to take revenge.
Nicholas Dyck. Cancel its sale.
We talk with the colonel. We talk with drunkards in the tavern. We rob the chest in the specified house.

Ned Ogle. It is necessary to pay his debt to the usurer.

8. Quest Get a cure for a headache. We get a dagger as a reward.
With the medicine, you first need to go to the guard at the entrance to the residence and say that you brought the medicine for Mrs. Steed. The guard will open the door to the residence.

9. Get weapons.
You can talk with the tavern keeper, with the smuggler in the tavern (in exchange for the ring of the governor's wife) and take it in the gunsmith's house.

10. Meet Wacker in the tavern.

11. If there is enough money, we buy a sloop.
We talk with the carpenter Nettal. He wanders around the city, after a conversation he waits at a table in a tavern.

12. If there is not enough money, we go around the houses and get additional quests.
1. In the store we meet Captain Jacques Nightingale. He asks to find a captain who would agree to take him to Tortuga. Pays 1,500. We ask about the captain at the shipyard.

2. The usurer asks to return the loan received fraudulently. Where to look for a deceiver we learn from the tavern keeper for money. (if, in a conversation with a found deceiver, pretend to be his old friend, then you can, at the cost of lowering your reputation, get not 30, but 55 thousand)

3. A fisherman lives in the same house who asks to know where his competitor is fishing. Pays 2,000. The competitor sits in a tavern, drink with him and find out information.

4. There is a strange person in another house who takes you for someone else. If you answer his questions correctly, you can get 2,500.

13. We go to save Pitt.

14. We return to the city, at the entrance we kill the Spaniard chasing the girl, we get an increase in reputation, weapons and money.

15. Meet at the shipyard with Hagthorpe.
You need to go down into the water and swim around it.

16. Capture of "Cinco Llagas"

Taken: in the unpatched version freely - we swim to the upper left corner of the map and go out to the open sea. The city is not visible, so you can get to it only through the "swim" command.

Reward: unique corvette "Warhound", items

Required: upgraded hero (preferably rank 25-30). With a small rank, it makes no sense for an inexperienced player to swim there.

P.S: it is desirable, even necessary, before the GPC, to complete the “Kill all the poor” quest, as a reward for which you will receive more accurate coordinates of the City (to the north of Cape Katoche, on the mainland, and west of the city Havana, on the island of Cuba), as well as the key of Diffindur, previously owned by the beggar Teezer Dan, a unique quest item. He opens the only chest in the City where you can hide your belongings without fear of being stolen.

P.P.S: before you set off, leave your ship at the port authority and transfer to the tartan. Give the money to the moneylender. Place the officers (if you need them in the future) on boats and also leave them with the port chief. If you don't, you will lose all of the above.

So here we are. After the “swim” command, a video will play, and then the hero finds himself in the City. The sea is raging, wild storm. A local resident named George Stokes comes up to you and says that he saw the sinking of your ship ... It seems that you are the only one who survived. He will get you up to speed a bit. The city consists of many wrecked ships connected in an incomprehensible way. You are on the galleon "Velasco", which is inhabited by one of the established criminal clans - narwhals. On the barque "San Gabriel" there is a second clan - Caspers. Neither one nor the other spares anyone who dares to disturb them. Stokes will also say that you need to visit the head of this God-forgotten place, Admiral Chad Capper, on the San Augustine warship before the end of the storm. As it turned out, this is the same missing privateer who went out three years ago for the prize and disappeared without a trace. And now he's an admiral and head of the city. Not bad. ... However, if you do not visit it yourself, Capper will come himself.
Meanwhile, turn around and jump into the water. We need the Fernando Diffindur flutes, on which the chest is located. The ship has a rift roughly in the middle. Having found the ship, we swim around it and go into the gap. Chest on the right. We put all our things there and calmly go to the admiral.
So, the conversation took place. You have been officially declared a "Citizen of the City". Now you can better study the place of your present stay. In the City there is practically everything that is inherent in an ordinary port: a tavern, a shop, a church, a usurer ... About the last one, Augusto Brahms, a special remark is needed. Everyone will tell you that he is a terrible, terrible man, a warlock. The debtor will be obliged to return to him an amount five times greater than this. It turns out that Brahms gave his soul to Miclantlecuhtli, the Aztec god of the dead. If the debt is not repaid, after a while, when moving to any location, you will be transported to the sacrificial temple, to Tenochtitlan. God will come to you and demand your money back. If you don't have them, you won't get out of there. This will happen even after you get out of the City.
Now we go to the caravel "Fleuron", to the owner of the tavern Hill Brunner and ask him about Teaser Dan (the same missing beggar). It turns out that everyone here believes that he drowned, but we know that this is not so ... Hill asks us to keep quiet about the fact that Teaser managed to get to the mainland, because the admiral should in no case find out about this. The Law of the City says that no one can build rafts and boats to sail away. So, Hill will ask us to visit him later, he must think over the information received. And we should walk around the City, get to know the locals ...

Side quests:

1. The missing pirate Leighton Dexter.
From the rumors, we learn that Leah Tooors was remembering a certain Leighton Dexter. We start looking for clues as to who it could be. We learn from Royel Haag that he crossed Kapper's path and disappeared. We go to Leah Toors for clarification. The story turns out to be incredibly banal: Chad and Layton used to be friends, but then they quarreled over money. Apparently, Capper killed a former friend on the Tartarus battleship. Well, let's dig further. We go to the admiral. He says that Dexter was punished and is now guarding his money, which, apparently, encroached on. So, it remains only to visit the crime scene. We jump into the water and swim to the Tartarus. It has a hole in the left side. We swim and go right. A terrible picture appears before us: a skeleton is chained to the wall, and next to it large chest. Well, Capper wasn't joking when he said that Dexter was now guarding his money... But the skeleton won't stop us from taking the admiral's treasure! We approach the chest and - woe! - the chest is locked. But all is not yet lost. After some time, we learn from rumors that the admiral has lost some very important key. Our task is to find him first. Time is limited, the location of the key is random (it is generated anew each time). He can be ANYWHERE. If you don't find the key, fail the quest. Find - open the chest and get a very good reward

2. Order of Dominique Legros.
Dominique Legros asks you to get a bottle of wine somewhere and give it to his friend Thomas Boyle, the jailer on the Tartarus. However, he not only did not take the wine, but also threatened to cut off Legros ears. Dominic doesn't know what's wrong. It turns out that Boyle doesn't like that Dominic was flirting with the tavern waitress, Armo Dulin. Legros says he was just talking to her. Having convinced Boyle, we receive a simple key for chests as a reward from a grateful Dominic. Now we can open some chests in the City.

3. Alice Taylor's unlucky husband.
From rumors, we learn that Maxim Taylor, known for his drunken antics, was in prison. His wife is now looking for help to rescue her unlucky husband. Well, let's go to understand the "Tartarus": first we will talk with the brawler himself, and then we will visit the head of the prison, Gabriel d'Exmes. It turns out that Taylor got here because of hooligan actions in relation to the admiral himself! It's amazing that he is still alive. We go to Alice and promise her to release her husband from prison. So, let's go to Capper. Yes, Taylor messed up: drunk as hell, he showed up to the admiral and put a knife to his throat! Wow... Surely the tavern remembers the last visit of the brawler. We go there and ask the waitress about Taylor. It turns out that not one left the tavern, but with Gilles Baru. As expected, it was he who sent the drunk Taylor to the admiral. We talk about this Kapper. The admiral shows enviable philanthropy and decides to give Taylor another chance. Now it remains to please Alice and receive a reward.

4. Get into the living quarters of the store on the Esmeralda.
Pedro Hurtado suggests that we visit the living quarters on the Esmeralda for money, while the owner of the store, Eric Jost, will be in the store itself. We share the profit equally. Well, the matter is small: we arrive at the appointed place, Hurtado opens the door, we kill the guards. Our reward is a complex key for chests (it can also be found on the San Augustin warship, namely on the second ship wreck, located behind the warship itself; there is a suspension bridge above the front wreck) and money.

5. Candles for the parish.
Padre Angel asks us to get 400 candles for the parish. The required number of candles is in the chest in the shop. Your task is to quietly take them out of there. Since you can’t carry everything at once, you will have to carry it in parts. So, the task is completed, we get a beautiful "thank you". But that's not all - in the future, the padre will help you with the departure from the City.

We return to the main line. Hill must have thought it through. Indeed, he makes an appointment for us after midnight in his wine cellar (this is one of the cabins on the same ship, you need to go on deck and go to the stern of the ship). After the conversation, we will need to visit the Fernando Diffindur flutes, where Teaser often swam. Hill needs proof that we're right.
Now our task is to find Andre Labor, a carpenter, in the city. According to Brunner, it was he who helped Dan build a swimming facility. Labor appoints us a meeting in the cabin of the Protector corvette. So the carpenter betrays us. He brings a policeman with him. You'll have to kill everyone. We tell Hill about what happened. He offers to cover up the traces of the crime and substitute one of the clans, namely the "narwhals". To do this, you need to lie in wait for one of the "narwhals" in the bow of their base (the galleon "Velasco"), take the clan amulet from him and take it to the admiral, and thus avert suspicion of murder from us. Having completed our plan, we stumble upon an even greater obstacle: now we are instructed to destroy all the "narwhals". Officers will be given to help us. Dealing with the clan is difficult, but possible. After killing everyone, go to the barrels opposite the entrance. Between them lies an ordinary key for chests. We report to the admiral about the successfully completed task (bonus: if we still manage to save all the assistants, the admiral will reward us with a hundred thousand gold). Now we go back to Hill Brunner and tell him about what happened. His reaction turned out to be a little strange: he asks to come to him later, he must find out something. ... We spend the night in a tavern for several days, then we go to Hill. He says that today at midnight in the tavern there will be a meeting of Kapper with a certain person. We must eavesdrop on the conversation by hiding behind a column in the wine cellar (stand sideways and don't move, otherwise you will be detected). The information turned out to be really important. It turned out that Capper and the leader of the Kasperov clan (and it was he) were in the same bunch! It turns out that we are not the admiral, but he has twisted us around his finger! With our hands he destroyed the "narwhals"! In addition, they mentioned a certain Mechanic. We report everything to Brunner. He will express his thoughts on this matter and try to remember who has already lived here before him. This is necessary in order to find out who this Mechanic is.
Unfortunately, we will not learn anything more from Hill. After a while, he is killed. In confusion, we begin to find out everything from eyewitnesses. Tavern waitress Armo Dulin told us that she found Brunner's corpse in the wine cellar, and noted that before he died, he asked her questions about the man who lived there before him. Apparently, some people did not like that Hill was digging in this direction ... We should try to find out from the admiral what is being done in connection with the murder of the tavern keeper. And now we have to find out for ourselves about the man who lived here before Hill. Maybe he knows who the Mechanic is.
We go to the admiral. He tells us not to get involved in this matter... Then we ourselves try to find the oldest inhabitants of the City. One of them is Cecile Galard, who lives in the Eva galleon. Going to her, we stumble upon three "Caspers" who are trying to kill the unfortunate woman. We kill them and get information about the Mechanic as a thank you (if we fail to save the elderly lady, Aurelie Bertin will tell everything). His name is Henrik Wedeker, and it was he who came up with the method of securing the ships of the City. It looks like the admiral has isolated him on the barque San Gabriel, the base of the Casper clan. You need to get to him. You will have to destroy the entire clan alone. It will be difficult, prepare very carefully.
So the goal has been reached! We're talking to Henrik. It turns out that the city rests on only three skeletons of ships and can be destroyed by any storm. Fortunately, he has a ship to sail away from here. But: firstly, he will sell it to us, and only for a million and a half, and secondly, the ship still needs to be freed from the wreckage. But this can only be done with the gear that Henrik dropped into the water. Our task is to go down into the water in a special suit (you can do this only from 10.00 to 19.00) and get the gear. But it won't be easy to do so. The supply of air in the suit is only six minutes, and terrible voracious creatures have wound up under the City. But there are also advantages: there is a lot of gold under water, so the cost of the ship will pay off with interest. Yes, and later it will be possible to return for what they could not carry away. True, for a fee.

Note: after diving, all items in open chests will disappear. In the future, you will need a lute, 10 bunches of grapes, 3 bottles of wine, 10 bags of salt. You need to keep them for yourself.

The suit hangs on the wall inside the Phoenix platform. He puts on (and takes off) automatically, you just need to approach him (to the place where he was).
So you are underwater. The location of the gear is random, but quite often it is found behind the skeleton of the ship (turn left), near the stones. We will have to fight with huge crabs. It will be possible to fight only with a saber, gunpowder, as you know, will immediately become damp. We won’t be able to run either, and you won’t clear up in six minutes. Crabs poison the hero, so you need to take a sufficient amount of antidotes with you.
Having found the gear with great difficulty, we return back to the Mechanic. If you wish, you can dive again. If you refuse, then it will no longer be possible to do this later.
It's not safe to stay in the City. The sooner we get out of here, the better. The corvette must be provided with all the necessary goods for sailing. These are cannonballs, buckshot, knippels, bombs, canvas, medicines, boards, provisions, gunpowder and weapons. But where can you get them? We go to the waitress of the tavern Armo Dulin. So, shells for guns can be obtained from the hostesses of houses (that is, ships). They are Lea Tooors, Aurelie Bertin, Alice Taylor and Eliza Calvo. Elise will need a lute, 10 bunches of grapes and 3 bottles of wine, Leah - 10 bags of salt. Provisions, boards and canvas can be bought from the owner of the store. Medicine will be given to you by the grateful Padre Angel. For gunpowder and weapons, you need to contact policeman John Workman. He will help with the condition: take him with you.
So, all the necessary goods are collected. It remains to recruit a team of at least 15 people. It is dangerous to delay this, as a storm of unprecedented strength is approaching the City. Having finished the set, we hurry to the Mechanic, because the storm has already begun. Thousand devils, Capper arrested him!!! We need to save the scientist. You will have to fight anyway, so Workman's help will not hurt.
In the residence we fight off the admiral. There is no mechanic here. He's in jail on the Tartarus. We immediately run there, any hitch can cost lives. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to free Vedeker - he is in a cage, and there is no time to look for the key ... The mechanic sends us to the second mast of the Fernando Diffindur flute, to the very place where Teaser Dan hid his chest. We won't see the city again...
Having hardly reached the indicated place, we go out to the open sea through the “open” icon. We have a unique corvette "War Dog", which has no analogues in the Caribbean, and many different artifacts. Quest completed!

"In one of the conversations with the waitress (Armo Dulin, it seems) after the death of the tavern keeper, she will ask her to tell her if you find out something about the death of Hill Brunner. So we tell her about the caspers and she will make appointments with them - in this way we cut out most of the clan Then when Armo is killed, we go to her boyfriend - the guard on Tartarus and tell everything. He offers his help and with a huge smile we go to cut all the remaining caspers. Moreover, I forgot, in order to inform Armo about the caspers, you need to save Cecile Galard from the killers ".