Corsairs to each his own Spanish Guadeloupe passage. Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe. "Return of the Baron", "Isle of Justice" and "The Dive"

Open the map and move to the shores of Guadeloupe. Having dropped the anchor, go to Fadey's house, which will be indicated by the sign of the same name. Chat with the man you find inside and tell him that Michel sent you. However, he will not have money and he will reward you with a saber. Do not forget to ask him about the questions that interest you. Then go to the prison and talk to the commandant. You need to obtain permission to visit the Indian.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and go inside the cell to talk with the prisoner. Then return to the commandant and find out from him what is needed in order to set him free. It turns out, just the consent of a certain Fadey. You can go to him and chat. At the end of the conversation, he will demand 150 gold. But you should not immediately agree to this amount, because he will then throw it off up to 100. You can go to the moneylender and buy from him a few precious stones. But you will not have enough of a couple, so go to the ship and start your journey to the island of Martinique to get two more missing doubloons there.

But you don’t have to try too hard, because you won’t be able to free the prisoner yet, so after landing on the island, you can find Michel and talk to him. It turns out that Fadey did not give you the original of the old saber. He also notes that you need to take a task from him. Now in the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own, go to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper to help pick up a new team. Then return to Guadeloupe and find the cunning Fadey to return 100 gold to him.

After that, you can give a receipt to the commandant and release the red-skinned Tichingita from captivity. Chat with him and persuade him to join your team. Head to the church and talk to the priest, it turns out that he was robbed. You can offer your services. Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you have to go through the quest. So head to the tavern and ask its owner about the robbery of the church. He doesn't know anything.

Go to the table and chat with a pretty drunk man. It turns out that this was done by a local gang of thieves who are hiding in the jungle. Move there. As soon as you reach the fork, turn first to the left and then to the right. Be careful, because in the thickets you will meet three. Approach them and chat. They will offer you to buy the stolen goods for a small amount.

Caribbean manners

As soon as dawn comes, go to the shop and chat with Gerard Lecroix. After that, visit the tavern and get some sleep. Go back to the store and talk to Gerard to receive a task from him, which is to transport cargo to the port of Port-au-Prince, located on the island of Hispaniola. Open the map and start sailing.

After mooring, head to the jungle. When you reach the fork, turn right, and then head towards the fort. There you will meet the commandant, approach and talk to him. As soon as you earn 5000 gold, you can take on the next task. It consists in transporting 15 cannons to Porto Belo, where the frigate belonging to Florian Choquet is located. It is worth noting that this is located near the island of South Maine.

Be careful because on the way you will be attacked by one of the Spanish interceptors. Let it sink to the bottom and keep swimming. Since the port you are heading to belongs to the French, you need to move a little west of it. After the passions subside, slowly get close to the Martial. After talking with his captain, agree to help him in a reconnaissance operation. Now you can head to Mosquitos. As soon as you land, expect darkness to fall. Make your way into the city and move towards the shipyard.

When in the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own you find yourself near the bridge leading to the shipyard, then look into the tavern. Look for a person here who is ready to treat you to a drink. Then ask him about breaking news that have taken place in the district. It turns out that a spy was recently caught here. Then he will ask you to find a beggar. Wait for the morning and go to the city in search of him. When you find a beggar, offer to earn some money by finding out something for you. Then head to the pier and wait for him to find out the obtained information.

After listening to him, return to the ship and take a course to the ship "Inspirational" to tell Captain Shock about everything. Also take another task from him, which is to board the ship "Pueblo", which transports gunpowder to the shores of Alakantara.

I advise you to take a course along the coast of the Maine, where you will meet him. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should intercept the ship, and then head to Guadeloupe. Go ashore and go to the local shop. Look for a merchant in it, from whom you can get honestly earned money. Then you can start transporting goods that you need to take from the owners of local shops.

Dishonest Competitor

After you enter the store, go to the merchant and take the task from him, which is to bring Robe Dumas from the tavern. Agree and go to the entertainment establishment. There, look for a man dressed in a mask and a hat. After talking with him, return to the shop and convey the essence of the conversation. After you deliver the letter to the address, you will receive a small reward.

As soon as he offers you to find a competitor to Lara and force him to close the shop in which he sells smuggling. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and return to the tavern to tell her that you are looking for cheap products. You will immediately receive an offer to meet, agree and head to the indicated building. Wait for him and move into the building. After that, he must be informed that a detachment of soldiers is already waiting outside the door. In order to escape, he will offer you a bribe of 10,000 gold. Take her.

When the smuggler hides, head to the shop and tell the shopkeeper that there is no more competitor, for which you will receive another reward of 15,000 pesos.

jungle girl

You can meet this character in Guadeloupe. She will run away from three bandits and ask you for help. After you take the girl home to Bas-Teret. It turns out that her father, the owner of one of the local shops, wants to marry her to a moneylender. However, her heart belongs to someone else. It is worth noting that if you deliver the girl to the address, then her father will reward you with 7500 gold.

The burden of the Gascon. Continuation

Now you should return to the island of Martinique to visit Michel, who is currently in prison. After you chat with him, he will offer you to choose from several options for the development of events:
- become a member West India Company located on the island of Curacao;
- become a member of the British Navy;
- become a member of an unknown organization located in Barbados.

Dutch West India Company

Start going through this storyline in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, going to Curacao. Drop anchor near the shore and get to the place where the GVIK headquarters are located. You can recognize them by a rectangular plate with a corresponding inscription. Be sure to let them know that you want to work for them. Then climb to the second floor and find Lucas Rodenburg there. After you talk to him, get the first task to complete.

First task. Escort Balthazar

After receiving the settings, head to the Willemstad Port Authority, where you need to find and chat with Ridderbock Balttazar. Then you can again go to the open sea, but very carefully, because the Fierce will now begin to overtake you. Since under his control is a rather powerful vessel, it is almost impossible to leave.

I advise you to go through this battle in the game Corsairs: To each his own get to the fort and sit there, because this is the most best position of all. After repelling the enemy attack, head to the island of St. Martin and find Balthazar in the city. After you will be rewarded and you can safely return to Curacao. To land on the shore and go to the residence of the GVIK and report on the completion of the task to Rodenburg.

Second task. Acevedo's secret letter

Now you will have to visit Cuba and find Don Simono in Santiago to hand him some documents. By the way, this person holds an important position in the bank. Start your trip to Cuba and try not to catch the eye of the Spaniards. I advise you to anchor on the right side of the cape, and then gradually move to the bay called Anna Maria.

Once on the shore, continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and go to the city gates. It is worth noting that you do not need to pass through them around 00:00, because there is a guard there. As soon as morning comes, then go to the bank located in the alley opposite the residence. Find Simon there and talk to him. Then he will offer you to come back tomorrow. Now be prepared for the fact that as soon as you cross the threshold of the bank, you will immediately be stunned.

Opening your eyes, you will see opponents, but you should not immediately tell them about everything. Wait for the leader to leave. Now you are under protection. As soon as one of them leaves his post, quickly run up to the chest and take out the harpoon from it. Then use it on the enemy and get out of the room.

After taking a few steps, you will stumble upon Veron, also use a harpoon on him, and then go down below. Once on the first floor, find a chest there and take all the things that were taken from you earlier. You can get out of the building and head to the bank.

Find Simon there and take the return message. He will tell you that some person must surely die. You can get out of the city and climb aboard the ship. Once on the ship, head to the island of Curacao.

Third task. fleetwood

After you once again find yourself at Rodenburg in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will be puzzled by the fact that he will let you go for a week. In the meantime, you can deal with the delivery of goods for shops or the port. At the end of the rest, go back to Rodenburg and take the next task. Then head to the port authority and deposit your ship. It is worth noting that it will be completely free.

The burden of the Gascon:

Having received our ship, we sail to Guadeloupe. Having sailed, we go to Fadey. We speak with him and mention the debt. Fadey, in turn, says that he was robbed and, they say, there is nothing to pay him with, but he gives a very expensive dagger, according to him. After that, ask about the thieves, and he will say that one of them was caught and that he is in prison. We go to the prison and ask the head of the prison to talk with the Indian, he in turn allows. We pass along the corridors and find an Indian. He will call his name - Titchingit. After talking with the Indian, we decide to help him. We go to the head of the prison, and then to Fadey.

Fadey will break the price first at one hundred and fifty doubloons, and then he will drop up to one hundred doubloons. And we have ten days to buy them, otherwise the Indian will be hanged. In order to buy doubloons, you need to take money from the moneylender. If you have saved the doubloons, then you need to buy a total of sixty or sixty-five doubloons. After the purchase, we return to Fadey and redeem the Indian, return to prison and pick up the Indian, and after that we accept him into our team.

After the release of the Indian, we visit our brother in prison. We come and tell about the situation with Fadey. The brother will say that the dagger is a fake and that Fadey fooled us.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Also, he will tell you how to act in the Caribbean in order to get money: take tasks from governors, transport passengers and goods, try to rob merchants, acquire a letter of marque. He will also give us a drawing of paper bullets, which speed up the reloading of weapons. Now we need to visit the brother in three months and preferably experienced in maritime affairs.

We return to Fadey and talk about the dagger. He will begin to insist that the dagger is real and belonged to Cortes himself and blah blah .... We agree and say that the incident is over. After that, we drink Russian vodka and learn the secrets of how to drink a lot and not get drunk. After that, we ask Fadey for a task and get: “ Caribbean manners».

After completing this quest, we use the remaining three months to earn money and level up at least to the fifth rank. It is possible, by the way, to dissect sea spaces for more than three months. Still, it's worth visiting your brother. He'll point you to three companies where we can raise big money and make connections. We are offered a choice of three companies to which we can join: the West India Company, the British Navy and the Barbados Organization.

Caribbean manners:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Fadey will say that in a day you need to go to Gerard Lecroix in the store and talk about the assignment. We wait one day and go to the store. We arrive at the store the next morning and see Lecroix standing in the corner. We're talking about assignments. We need to get a load of bombs and gunpowder to Port-au-Prince in 10 days. We take on this task and immediately go to the place. Since if we do not deliver the goods on time, then we will fail an excellent chain of tasks and will not receive money, but we really need them. Upon arrival in Port-au-Prince, go to the far right gate, and then turn right and go into the fort's armory. Report and receive a reward: five thousand pesos. Also a new challenge.

We need to deliver fifteen guns to Porto Bello. We leave immediately and stumble upon a Spanish patrol. We wait until the fort significantly injures the ship, and then we board it. Now you can sail to Porto Bello, which is located in Maine. Do not swim to the city itself, but keep your distance, after that send a boat to the frigate "Militant" and talk with the captain for a new task. He will ask for intelligence.

At night we land on the Mosquitos Bay and go to the city. In the city, bypassing security, go to the tavern and talk to the drunkard, having bought him a beer in advance. He will tell you about the captured spy, and you will try him further and further so that you have a journal entry. Now we need to find a person who will get us information for money. They will be a tramp. We are waiting until 14:00, we find a tramp and offer him money for work. After that, we hide somewhere and wind the time until midnight and get new information. After all this, return to your boat, and then to the ship "Militant" and report everything you learned and get the last task.

You need to sink the ship "Pueblo", which carries a cargo of gunpowder. We board the ship and take a little to the right of Maine and find the ship we need. We storm or sink, it doesn't matter. Either way, return to Guadeloupe for your reward. We come to the store, but Levroy is gone. We speak with the merchant and find out that the reward for this chain of tasks is with him and amounts to four hundred doubloons. We collect the reward and complete an excellent chain of quests. Now you need three months to raise the level, earn money and try to survive.

Return the Priest's Manuscripts:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

The city in which this task is issued may be different. So swim around the cities and ask if the priest needs help, and say that you are trying to truly help. After that, he will ask you to float to another city, take the manuscripts and return them back to him. After the return of the manuscripts, we receive rewards and ardent warnings about sins and devils, just like in the Bible.

Deliver a citizen to a settlement:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Sometimes, in cities, people will approach us with a request to transport them to another city for an appropriate fee. For example, to transport Brian Fink to Bridgetown in nine days for three thousand pesos. If you do not meet the deadline, the passenger will get off at the first port. Although, you can seize it and demand a ransom for it. Port Authority Fractal Shipping:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." Guadeloupe

Sometimes, the heads of port authorities give tasks for the transportation of cargo to the port authority of another city. And they pay very well for this venture, but they give short terms. But nothing, even if you are late, the task will not fail - you can safely carry cargo to the city, you will simply be charged a small percentage for delay.

"Corsairs" - this is one of the few games of domestic production, which has gained worldwide fame. Many players appreciated the idea and how well the adventures they had to face were worked out. However, it is worth noting last game series, called "To each his own" - this is a kind of culmination, a collection of all the good that was in previous parts, and placing it within one. The result is a very interesting project that will allow you to try yourself as a brave pirate who needs to surf the seas and oceans, complete tasks, fight both on land and on water. And all this happens in open world, that is, no one ties you to a specific plot - you can sail to any part of the world at any given moment. You can earn money by trading, you can piracy and rob ships - no one limits you, so you can do what you see fit. Well, life here is incredibly rich. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to guide you through it - you will have to learn everything on your own, but the quests that you can receive during your journey can be described.

There are also add-ons in the game, such as "Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche", the passage of which is not necessary to consider, since not everyone may want to purchase DLC. The same goes for other add-ons. DLCs ​​such as "Corsairs: To Each His Own - Gweek" will not be considered here, the walkthrough will only concern the base game, so you can not look for quests added to the game by downloadable content.

"Rum for the Bartender", "Call Girl" and "Return the Priest St. Pierre's Manuscripts"

The first quests that you come across in the game world are unlikely to present any difficulties for you. You do not need anything supernatural, special weapons or unusual ships, so you can safely take on them. The passage can take you tens, even hundreds of hours, because life here is leisurely, and if you want to enjoy it, you can take your time. But if you take on a quest like "Rum for the Bartender" you are getting closer to completing the game. So in this quest you will have to meet with real ghosts who will travel on a no less real ship. And just from them you will need to pick up the rum. To do this, first find out the password that you will need to tell the captain of the ghost ship, and then meet with the ghosts themselves. Having said the password, you will confirm your identity and receive rum, which you need to deliver to the bartender.

The passage of "To each his own" can be different - it depends on the essence of the quest: in some cases you will have to get down to business instantly, and in some you may not be in a hurry. For example, as in the quest "Call Girl", where you will need to order a special woman prostitute for one dignitary. You will need to find out information about the right girl from the pimp, and you will understand that it will be possible to pick her up only for an hour, from eleven to twelve in the evening. But on any day, so you can not rush.

But the quest "Return the manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre" needs to be done as soon as possible, but it is not difficult. You will simply need to deliver manuscripts from one church to another, but you will have to prove that your thoughts are not dirty.

"Warehouse Worker", "The Stolen Jewel" and "Cannibals"

The passage of "To each his own" will periodically surprise you, as you will be offered to complete quite unusual tasks. For example, " warehouse worker"is a quest consisting of two parts. It will be given to you by a seller in a store who has lost a valuable employee - a worker from a warehouse. You have to find him. It is clear that there are no time limits, but you can immediately head into the jungle and find a pirate village, in one of the shops of which the missing employee will work. He will not want to return, so go back and tell the merchant the news. This will end the first part, but you can immediately start the second. The merchant needs a replacement, and in the pirate town you will find. After paying a certain amount, agree to conduct a screening of candidates, and if you take a nap, when you wake up, you will see three pirates in the tavern who have expressed a desire to get a job. Choose one of them and send him to the city. When you go there next time come, the merchant will say that you have brought an excellent employee, for which he will generously reward you.

But there are also less complicated quests in the game, such as "The Stolen Jewel". When you wander through the jungle, a scene will unfold in front of you - two natives will run away in an unknown direction. You can chase them, but this will not work - the passage of "To each his own" requires a deeper approach. Better go to where they fled from, and there will be a corpse. Examine it - you will find earrings. They can be sold quite expensive, but is it worth it? Again, think about what will be best for you, and ask the inhabitants to whom these jewels may belong. It turns out that these are earrings stolen from the governor's wife, who will generously reward you for finding them.

If you want to fight, then you need to take the "Cannibals" quest - it can be found at one of the inhabitants of the post near the city. He will tell you that his friend is going to go alone to save his daughter from the clutches of the natives. Join him and go to the cannibal hideout - there you will have to fight, but when you do it, it turns out that your partner's daughter is alive. You will also find another hostage who can also be rescued. As a result, both the partner and the rescued hostage will reward you.

"Burden of the Gascon" - story quest

After completing these tasks, you will have access to story quest"Burden of the Gascon", which you can complete, but it will take quite a long time. So get ready for it and get started. Your goal is to buy a ship, assemble a crew and go to Guadeloupe. In the project of quests not related to storyline, will periodically help you advance to the final. Naturally, you should not rush into this, but you should still understand that the game has a logical end, to which you must come in the end. After buying a ship, you will need to go to a tavern where you can assemble a team at a time - there is one sailor who is ready to offer you as many as forty pairs of hands, but only if you take everyone at once and fulfill his conditions. They are quite simple - you need to have the right atmosphere, food and medicine on the ship. You can buy a little bit of everything just to meet the requirements, but that's not all. You need a navigator, and he is in custody, as he owes a large amount of money to a moneylender. Go to him and find out what you can do to give back this amount. Here you will receive side quest"Spanish Engineer", as you have to save a fellow pawnbroker kidnapped by pirates. At first, you can try to persuade the latter to give up the engineer, but as a result you still have to kill them - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" passing quests often comes down to just this. Then you will have a hand-to-hand fight with the Spaniard himself, who does not want to believe that you have come to save him. Defeat him and lead him into the city, but avoid the guards. When you bring the engineer to the moneylender, the latter will give you receipts that the debt has been repaid - you need to take them to prison so that the navigator is released and the Guadeloupe quest is activated.

"Guadeloupe", "Caribbean Mores" and "Dishonest Competitor"

This is one of the most difficult quests, here danger awaits you around every corner. Passing it may require you to have great skill and dexterity in handling both your character and the ship on which you will sail. You need to sail to Guadeloupe, where the multi-level task will begin. First you will need to talk to one person who will guide you further. There you will learn about a collection of sabers stolen by the Indians, which you need to return, but you will not find it without the help of an indigenous person who was imprisoned. You can buy it for a lot of money, but there is nothing to do - you can only argue with the commandant and bring down the price a little. After freeing the Indian, you can equip the expedition, but at the same time you will still need to complete one job, which will give the quest "Caribbean manners". Again, danger is waiting for you around every corner, the passage is unlikely to seem easy. As part of this task, you will first need to deliver a load of guns, sailing past the enemy port, then get important information by hiring a beggar for this, and then completely intercept the enemy ship with a load of gunpowder. It won't be easy, so get serious. Well, the next quest is basically running around with errands. " Dishonest competitor"As a result, it turns out to be a smuggler who interferes with the local merchant. Make an appointment and give him a warm welcome - it is not necessary to kill him, since he will pay a decent amount for his life.

"The Burden of the Gascon. The Sequel", as well as "Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

The passage of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is moving forward, and this is signaled to you by the fact that you can continue the quest "Burden of the Gascon". But first, try to get the quest "Jungle Girl" - for this you only need to travel through the jungle until you see a girl running away from three men. She will ask you for help, saying that her father wants to marry her to one person, and she loves a completely different one. In any case, inform the men that you yourself will deliver the girl to her father, and then decide whether to let her go and do a good deed or take her to her father and receive a reward. After that, you can take on the "Burden of the Gascon". To do this, you need to return to Martinique and talk to your friend Michel, imprisoned. He will offer you several options for the development of events, which will start the quest "The path of the Dutch West India Company". The passage of the "Corsairs: To Each His Own" forks here, as Michel offers you three different options for achieving the goal. The first is joining the West India Company, the second is joining the English army, and the third is membership in a secret organization.

"Dutch Gambit", different options for passing

It will be very difficult to describe the passage in detail here, as it branches and can go in a variety of ways. This is one of the most interesting parts game "Corsairs: To each his own." Walkthrough" Dutch Gambit", the quest that will lead you to the goal of interest to you and Michel will take quite a long time. You will need to complete a large number of assignments, deal with dangerous opponents and follow complex orders. You can even say that in some places you will have to look under every stone, this quest chain may well require it, no matter which path you choose, the result will still be the same - you will complete all the tasks and collect enough money to free Michel.

"Million for Michel", "Pirate Saga" and "Shark Hunt"

Check if you have a million - after all, that's how much it takes for Michel to be free. Of course, the amount is simply huge, and it will be terribly pitiful to part with it, but it is still yours. best friend. And most importantly - this is a key character in the plot of the game, so do not be stingy. However, in the part of "Corsairs 3: To each his own" the passage is not so simple that everything was limited to this. It turns out that there is not enough money to ransom Michel - you need to do what he promised, but did not do. To find out what in question, talk to Michel himself, find out a terrible secret - something impossible awaits you. Your goal is to capture and overthrow the local government! But the island has its own full-fledged fleet, how do you deal with it? This is where you will find out that among the pirates there are those who are also not satisfied with the government on the island.

It's time to move on to the quest" pirate saga". In it you have to find all the influential pirates who will be ready to join their forces with you in order to storm Tortuga. But you will not count one, the most important pirate - the legendary Shark. You will have to spend quite a lot of time, but, alas, everything your attempts will be in vain - the Shark disappeared without leaving a trace.But in the quest "Pirates: To each his own" the passage simply cannot reach a dead end, so you just need to be distracted by other things.

"Return of the Baron", "Isle of Justice" and "The Dive"

From this moment on, real miracles will begin in the game. You will need to find a shaman who crafts special medallions that allow you to access the mysterious Isle of Justice. Naturally, you will need to complete quite a few errands and wait a couple of months before the medallions are ready, but it really is worth it. Only then will you be able to continue moving in the Corsairs game. Each walkthrough of the "Isle of Justice" may seem difficult, as this is a turning point in the game. After all, on this incredible island you will still find the Shark, and he will agree to join you, but for this you will need a ship, which, unfortunately, is not. And this whole quest will revolve around trying to get a ship for the Shark.

As for the task "Immersion", here the miracles will continue. The passage of the game "To each his own" will take a completely unusual turn - you will have to go down under the water to find an ancient Mayan city there. These unexpected plot delights await you in this wonderful game.

Decoupling is near...

So, the passage of the game "Corsairs: To each his own" is approaching its logical conclusion. It remains for you to complete a number of side and story quests in order to free Michel, capture the island of Tortuga, and also see many more various wonders associated with the Maya. Pastime for this game can not be called boring, and the project is not protracted - you decide how long you will play. You can go exclusively through the quests of the storyline, or you can complete all third-party assignments and travel around the world. Naturally does not cover this passage"Corsairs: To Each His Own" ships, sabers, cannons, ammunition and many other aspects that are not directly related to the plot itself. You have to study this on your own, and you are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure from the process.

The final

As a result, everything will come down to the search for an ancient relic - a Mayan mask. And, unfortunately, not only will you be looking for her - your "millionth" brother Michel will also want riches, betraying you and practically killing you. But here you can take revenge. First you will have to fight the Indians, and then Michel himself, who is the main boss in the game. Every minute everything will become more difficult, as you will already be fighting with everyone at once, including your brother. Well, everything will end, of course, with your victory - if you have a real artifact in your hands, then you will need to finish off Michel, and then the final video will start. But the game does not end at the same time - you get the opportunity to continue to surf the oceans - piracy, trade, live, and, of course, go through those quests that you did not have time to do before.

Passage of Corsairs To each his own. Guadeloupe
Press Enter, exit to the world map and sail up from the island to the north, to Guadeloupe. Time can be accelerated by pressing + NAM. By pressing TAB you will have the maximum view of the map. Moor near the city, next to the church, find Fadey's house - it will be called that when you approach the door. Talk to the man, say that you are from Michel.
From the log: The conversation with Fadey took place. I didn’t get any money from him, but I got hold of some rare dagger. Not an equivalent replacement for money, but better than nothing. I am now heading back to St. Pierre to my brother for further instructions.
We sail to Martinique to our brother.
From the log: Well, it's time to get used to the role of a sailor for real. My dear brother gave me three whole months for this. Unheard of generosity!... Poor Lulu! She will definitely not wait for my return ... Although, to be honest, Lulu is recent times I care the least. But Michel's meaningful allusions to some kind of "adventure" are very alarming. My beloved brother unequivocally keeps back, and much. Well, okay, my time will also come ... It seems that Michel considers me completely worthless, judging by the patronizing and moralizing tone of the last conversation. Damn it! Now, more than ever, I want to wipe the nose of my arrogant brother. We'll see! And now, perhaps, it is worth paying another visit to Fadey, but not to drag it out. Let the fat man make a little fuss and help me with the work, since he shamelessly cheated on Michel's debt.
From the log: Fadey agreed to help me find a job. True, it was also not without teachings - well, when will they end? .. You need to come tomorrow to the local store and talk with a certain Gerard Lecroix. I need to deliver a load of bombs and gunpowder to the Port-au-Prince fort in Hispaniola. The freight charge will be five thousand pesos. However, according to Lecroix, this is only the first and easiest step in my assignment. I will receive further instructions from the commandant of the Fort.
Swim left-up to Hispaniola. Moor at the port of Port-au-Prince, which is approximately in the western part of the island. Exit to the jungle (the gate on the right far side of the city, when viewed from the pier). Turn right, run to the fort and go down. Go to the armory and talk to the commandant. After receiving 5000 pesos, find out the next assignment.
From the log: The commandant of the fort of Port-au-Prince gave me a responsible task: to urgently deliver a shipment ship guns to re-equip a certain frigate "Militant", which in this moment cruising off the coast of Porto Bello. I don't have more than two weeks. Should hurry up!
Swim there, as soon as you get the task, swim out once. Most likely, you won’t be able to swim far, because. you will be attacked over and over again by the same Spanish interceptor - wait for it near the fort and sink it with the help of allies. Or move away from him not on the map, but by the sea on acceleration, as soon as he disappears from sight, open the map. Then swim down to the shores of the southern Maine. Porto Bello is an enemy port, so sail a little west of it and go out to the open sea. When the alarm disappears, swim up to the ship "Militant", send a boat to it. Talk to the captain of the "Militant" ship, agree to help him in reconnaissance. Now I have a task of 250 doubloons, from Florian Choquet. It is necessary to get into Porto Bello and find out why the Alakantara galleon, which Choquet is hunting for, is not preparing to go to sea, and what happened to an agent named Silvain Laforet, or Jaime Silizio. The name of the informant needed is Jaime Sicilio, he is a merchant. The galleon bears the name of Alakantara. You need to get into the city at night, through the jungle. Time - no more than two days. Sail into Mosquitos Bay, disembark. Wait for the night. From the beach, go like this - straight, left, left, on the right there will be a gate to the city. Enter the city, carefully make your way to the far left. A bridge will lead to the shipyard, opposite the bridge there is a corner house - a tavern. Log in there. It is not worth talking to the innkeeper, because. he will call security and the scenario will change slightly. Find a drunk here who will offer you a drink. Agree to drink, then ask about the news in our area. He will start talking about the captured spy - ask him to the last, until a journal entry appears. Now you need to find some inconspicuous person in need of money. Beggar! Rewind time to 12 days or a little later, find a beggar in the city and offer him to earn money. Hide around the corner, rewind time to 23-00 or later, go to the shipyard on the pier and find out the information obtained by the beggar. Return to the jungle, to the shore of Mosquitos Bay, sail to the Inspirational ship and report the learned information to Captain Shock. But if you decide to ask the innkeeper, then.
From the log: Damn it! You must have been so careless! The damned tavern keeper, barely hearing about Jaime Silicio, called the guards. Now the whole city is disturbed. I'll have to go to Florian Choquet without salty slurping - I would have to carry my legs myself ...
Next, Florian will ask you to come later, you come, and he gives you one more task.
From the log: I have another assignment from Florian Choquet. It is necessary to sink the barque "Puebla" with a cargo of ammunition, going from Cartagena to Porto Bello. If I do this, then I will greatly facilitate Choquet's operation to capture the Alacantara galleon.
Swim along the coast of Maine to the right and meet the same ship. Attack it, sink it or board it - it's up to you. If you are going to sink it, first use the knipel to slow down the ship, and then the bomb. If boarding, then knipel, then buckshot.
From the log: The task set by Florian Choquet has been completed! Now I should go to Guadeloupe, to my old acquaintance Gerard Lecroix for a reward and another money assignment.
Next, sail to Guadeloupe, enter the store and talk to the merchant - Lecroix passed your reward through him - 400 doubloons.
Speak with Fadey in Guadeloupe. Ask about the thieves, find out about the captured Indian and the stolen collection of sabers, which, if found from merchants on the islands, will need to be redeemed. Go to the prison, talk to the commandant to let you through to the Indian. Go deeper through the entire corridor and talk to the Indian standing behind the bars. Return to the commandant and ask what needs to be done to free the Indian - Fadey's consent is needed. Go to Fadey, talk to him. He asks you for a penalty of 150 doubloons. Say that the man collapsed from the oak, asking for that kind of money. The amount is now 100 doubloons. Find and give Fadey 100 doubloons, go to the prison and give the note from Fadey to the commandant. Follow Titchingitu to the cell and report that the Indian is free. In a conversation with him outside the city, agree to accept the Indian into your team.