Corsairs to each his own. Corsairs to each his own Corsairs to each his own passage of the bloody island

I've completely lost my patience. They voiced their suspicions at the most inopportune moment, when there was no time to lose, when they had to run before Eimad caught himself.

“And here it is again,” Janai said. “You said you didn't know where Vor Dai was, and now you say I'll see him in a few minutes.

There was a time when I didn't know where he was. But then I found it, but I did not dare to tell you about it. Vor Dai is now in such a position that he cannot help you. Only I can do it. Unfortunately, in order for our plan to succeed, you will have to find out what happened to Vor Dai. But we have wasted a lot of time. I'm going and you follow me. I'm a friend of Vor Dai and I'm obligated to help you escape. The rest can do as they please.

"I'm coming with you," said Pandarus. - Worse than here, will not be anywhere.

They all decided to go with me. Sitor is very reluctant. He stood beside Janai and whispered something in her ear.

Together with the Tiat-ov, I went to the laboratory, where I took all the tools needed to transplant my brain into my body. I loaded the Tiat-ov with them. Then I turned off the motor and collected all the tubes: without them it is impossible to pump blood. It all took time, but in the end we were ready to go.

I was sure we could get away without arousing suspicion. The main thing is to get to cell 3-17. However, our detachment, consisting of two hormads, four red men and a woman, loaded with very strange devices, attracted the attention of the new caretaker of the Laboratory Building.

- Where are you going? - he asked. What are you going to do with this equipment?

“I want to move it to the basement. It will be safe there,” I said. “When Ras Tavas returns, he will need all this.

It's safe where it was. Now I am in charge here and if I want to move the equipment, I will do it myself. Put everything back in place.

“Since when did a dvar give orders to an odvar?” I asked sharply. - Step aside! “Then I, along with my comrades, went to the stairs leading to the cellars.

- Stop! he shouted. “You're not going anywhere with these devices and this girl without Eimad's orders. You must take the girl to the palace, not to the basement: I have orders from the jeddak to make sure that his instructions regarding you and this girl are carried out.

He called out to the guards. I knew that the warriors were about to come running here, and I told my comrades that we should hurry. We ran up the stairs. The successor was chasing us and calling for help. And in the distance the voices of warriors were already heard.

17. Insidious Island

My plan seemed to be doomed to failure, as if we had managed to get to cell 3-17, we would not have ventured into it, lest we reveal the places where we were going to hide. However, we had already gone far, and there was no turning back. There was only one thing left: to make sure that not a single witness returned to Eimad.

We were already in the basement and walked along the main corridor. My successor followed closely behind us, but kept at a safe distance. The cries of the warriors indicated that they were still after us.

I called Tung Gang and quietly instructed him. Tun Gan spoke quickly with Pandarus and the Tiatas. Then all three turned into a side corridor. The chief hesitated for a while, but did not follow them. He was only interested in Janai and me, so he continued to stalk us.

At the next intersection, I turned into the right corridor and stopped immediately, dropping my burden.

“We'll meet them here,” I said. “Remember one thing: if we want to survive and escape safely, then we must not leave any of the pursuers alive.

Sitor and Gan Had stood next to me. Janai was left behind, a few steps away from us. The successor also stopped and began to wait for his soldiers. We did not have firearms, since the materials for making gunpowder were not yet known in Morbus. We were armed only with swords and daggers.

We didn't have to wait long for the warriors to show up. There were ten of them. All chormads. The chief had the body of a red man. I knew him well: he was cunning, but a big coward.

“You'd better give up,” he said. - Get back. You don't have a choice. There are ten of us, only three of you. If you go back voluntarily, I won't tell Eimad anything.

It was noticeable that he was very afraid of battle, but only in battle was our salvation, a chance for a successful escape. In the palace of Eimada, me and Janai did not have to wait for anything good. I pretended to consider his proposal, trying to buy time, and soon I saw Tun Gan, Pandara and Tiat-s silently approaching the warriors from behind.

- It's time! I shouted, and the three of them rushed at the enemies. And then I, Sitor and Gan Had rushed at them in front. They outnumbered us, but they had no chance of victory. Of course, the unexpectedness of the attack threw them into disarray, but my superhuman strength and long sword-wielding arm were the deciding factor. But they soon realized that they were fighting to save their lives, and despair gave them strength. They fought fiercely like cornered rats.

I saw Tiata-ov fall with a split skull, Pandarus was wounded, but killed his opponent. Tung Gan finished off two, and Sitor, to my disappointment, tried to stay behind and not risk himself. But we didn't need it. My sword cut down opponents one by one. Their skulls cracked from the blows like rotten nuts, and finally there was only one opponent left - the chief himself, who prudently kept aloof during the battle. Now, crying out, he tried to run, but Tung Gan blocked his path. A flash of steel, a short cry, and now Tung Gan pulled the sword from the chest of the enemy and wiped it on the hair of the defeated enemy.

The corridor was covered with blood, decapitated bodies lay near the walls. What happened next, I prefer not to remember, but it was necessary to do it - to destroy their brains in order to consider themselves safe.

I ordered Tung Gan to take what Tiata-ov was carrying, put on the motor, and we went to cell 3-17. I noticed that Sitor always walks next to Janai and constantly says something to her. However, I was busy solving more pressing problems and did not give due attention to this fact. So far everything has been going well for us. But who could predict what awaits us next? How will the island meet us, how will we make our way through the Great Tunolian Swamp if John Carter for some reason does not return for mine?

I was firmly convinced that only death would deprive him of the opportunity to return, and I did not allow the thought that the Lord could die. To me, like to many others, he seemed immortal. But suppose he returns without Ras Tavas.

This thought filled me with horror and left me no other fate than suicide. Better to die than lose Janai forever! These were my thoughts when we arrived at cell 3-17, and I flung open the door to let in my little squad.

When Janai saw my body on the cold table, she screamed in horror and turned to me with fury:

“You lied to me, Thor-dur-bar!” she said in a whistling whisper. “You knew all along that Vor Dai was dead. Why did you treat me so cruelly?

“Vor Dai is not dead,” I objected. He is only waiting for the return of Ras Tavas to bring him back to life:

"But why didn't you tell me about it?"

“Only I knew where Vor Dai's body was hidden, and the fewer people who know this secret, the better. Even you, whom I trust, I couldn't open it. And now you only recognize her because the path from Morbus lies through the chamber where this body is hidden. I am compelled to confide this secret to you, but I warn you that none of you will return to Morbus while I live and while Vor Dai's body lies here.

Sitor walked up to the table and carefully examined my body. I saw a faint smile cross his lips, and he gave me a fleeting glance.

I wondered if he had guessed the true state of affairs. But what's the difference, now I can make him keep his mouth shut. I didn't want Janai to know that Vor Dai's brain was in Tor-dur-bar's body. Of course, this is stupid, but I could not help thinking that if she found out about this, she would never be able to forget my ugly face and would always mentally connect Vor Dai and Thor-dur-bar. Even when I become Thief Dai again in my own body with my brain.

Go to the pharmacy and find Gino there. After handing him things, wait a while and return. Chat and collect a card with two Manifestations. Then open inventory and click on the map that appears. It is worth noting that while you will not see anything interesting in it. Go to Gino and talk to him again. He will tell you that the compass will function precisely at those points that are located in the area of ​​​​the islands of Dominica and Western Maine.

In order to continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you should get a map of the archipelago. If you do not have it, then head to the island of Curacao to get it at the headquarters of the GVIK. I advise you to immediately save before going inside. Go to that man who is sitting at the left table and buy a card from him. Together with her, you can again head for Antigua. Drop anchor and chat with Gino. He will put the necessary coordinates on it.

So, at the very beginning, you should go to the central part of Dominica, then to the northwestern part of Blueveld. Board your ship and start your journey by heading to your first destination. I advise you to anchor on the beach of Castle Beam and move from there to the jungle. There you will see a statue, go up to it and click. Now we need a second line in order to find an island at their intersection.

Go to Blueveld and anchor in Amatica, because there you will find the statue that transported you to the Isle of Justice. Get close to her and click. After you see the intersection of the lines, head towards Belize and turn right from there. After the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will find yourself on the high seas on one vertical line bordering western part Cayman. There you will see an icon resembling an anchor, you can head to this island and land there.

After finding Gino, go to the cliff and stick to the right side as you move along it. Sooner or later you will see a path to the left leading up. Arm yourself with a blade and go further. Be careful, because now the skeletons will attack, deal with them and go further. Repel the attack of the second wave and go to the first location.

Repel attacks of skeletons and move on. When you get to the fork, turn right and go to the beach. Destroy all the opponents hanging around there, and then approach the island from the ship. Find a passage in it and move inside. Look around and find a chest. The script will now activate and an entry will appear in your journal.

Now in the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own, you should return to the fork and turn right. Deal with the skeletons and reach the cave. You need to be sure to get inside. There are also opponents, you may not fight them, hiding in the flooded part of the grotto, located on the left. Start swimming on it. Sooner or later, you will get out of the cave and find yourself on the shore of the Cursed Bay. Fight off the attacks of the skeletons and try to destroy them to one, because only after that the entry in the journal will be updated. I also advise you to look around and see that the broken ship skeleton is in the water, because the mast fell off it.

You should swim up to the mast and climb on it to move to the ship. Find the door on it and go through. Be careful, because now the skeletons are attacking again. After fighting off them, go to the one with a cocked hat on his head - this is the captain of the Santa Quiteria. Chat with him and repel the attack of two of his retinue.

After killing the captain, search him and find the key. You can also get your hands on his saber and other useful loot. Continue through Corsair: To Each His Own and go down to find some chests that need to be looted. Then look around and find a closet on the left. Approach him and take out the ship's log. After reading it, you can leave the ship and swim to the shore. It is worth noting that there are also several chests on it, go to them and open them. Then look to the left and notice three barrels standing there, and next to them is a small chest. Approach it and open it with the key you found earlier. You will see the mask of Kukulkan, take it. However, do not rejoice, because this is not the original.

The real mask is in the second location. You need to get close to the sculpture and find a path near it. Only when you get to the fork, you need to turn right. After a while, you will find yourself near the bridge, go through it. When you are in the middle, turn left and notice a niche in the rock. Then you need to jump into the water and swim to it. Near the niche, you need to find an active transition point, which will move you to the cave. Go through and immediately save, because the way back is not going to be easy.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and swim straight until you are near the stone. Stop and find a boulder opposite, swim towards it. When you find yourself near the stalagmites, go around them and swim up to the stone on the left. Here you need to find another transition point in order to get into another cave. You can go forward and climb up the hill, turn right and go to the stairs. When you get to the top, you will see a passage to the room in which the original mask is located. It is worth noting that after a while the Guardian of Truth will appear before you. Gather up and defeat him. But I will say right away that it will not be easy, because his health will be restored four times. After you defeat him, talk to him and hand over the Claw of the Chieftain. So the rating of agility and endurance will increase. Then return to the room and pick up the mask of Kukulkan.

Start going back the same way you came here. Go into the bay and arm yourself with a cannon, taken from the skeleton captain. In a few minutes the soldiers will attack. Put on your mask and start the fight. Run to the ship, find and chat with Maldonado. However, you will not agree on anything with him, so you have to fight. After defeating him, get out on land and finish off two more opponents. Then in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you can return to your ship and find Gino on it. After you talk to him, open the map and start sailing to the shores of Antigua. Drop anchor in Port St. John's and speak to Gino again. Then wait a while for Vincento's father to appear.

He will give you a letter, read it and find out that the priest will be waiting for you at the cemetery, which is located in Curacao. Start your journey to the shores of Willemstad and make your way to the cemetery. Look around and pass. Find the chapel and make your way inside. Padre Vincento is waiting for you there. Approach him and chat.

Mayan ancient city

Having met with Vincento, you will find out that Maldonaldo did not follow his order. However, he is on your side. You will also learn that the end of the world can be prevented by closing the gate located in the city of Tayasal, which can be reached with the help of guides. Their names are Maldonaldo and Dichoso. Since one of them is dead, you need to find the second one, who was recently seen in Sharptown near Isla Tesoro. Also, the holy father will give you the Tanat sword. He will tell you that within a few days Father Adrian will appear on the island, who will bring potions and charms. Wait the right amount of time and return to the church. Meet with Padre Adriano and take the potions with amulets from him.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and go to Isla Tesoro. Find Shark there and ask him about Dichozo. It turns out that the admiral has not yet seen him. Go to the tavern and ask about it from its owner. If you do not find out anything, then go to the store, and then to the shipyard. But if the owner of the tavern tells that Dichoso has seen and he is sailing in the direction of the Blueveld, hasten to your ship. After a while, you will have to repel an attack by a squadron of opponents. After you let the Spanish ships sink, head to Blueveld. Drop anchor and wait for Dichozo's messenger to come to you. He will tell you that Miguel wants to see you on the island of St. Christopher in the city of Capsterville. There is a cemetery where the meeting should take place. He wants to go with you to Tayasal.

Open the map and head for St. Christopher. I advise you to anchor in Sandy Bay, and then continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and go into the jungle. Once at the fork, turn right and continue on. Your companions will go to the right and sit down. You only need to go forward to enter the cemetery. Find the crypt there and go inside. Find the door in the room, open it and go down. Meet a stranger, talk to him. Now he will impersonate Dichoso, but do not believe him. After the conversation ends, you will find out that Dichozo gave the order for your destruction. You can read this in the message that this pretender will give you. You will also read that Dichoso and your brother Michel are the same person.

Leave the crypt and go to the cemetery. Be careful because you will be attacked by opponents. Kill them and move to your ship. Then go down to the cabin and think. Now you can do it in several ways:

Find your own way to Tayasal;
- start unraveling the mystery of the sculptures that move everyone to the same place.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, preferring the second option. Set a course for West Main and drop anchor in Amatica Bay. Land on the beach and go to the shaman. After you talk to him, come back after a while and ask about the consequences. He will send you again. Wait a certain time and come back. He will give you the Mayan calendar and four Comanche potions.

You should give these potions to the team that will go with you on the road. Move to Thayasal and get ready to repel the attacks of opponents. After that, Huracan will head towards you. So you don’t need to go to him yourself, because you risk being shot by his retinue.

It is worth noting that you can get here by going along a different path. If you go to the north end of West Main and anchor in Doom Bay, then you go. Sticking to the left side, you will be in place. It is worth noting that along the way you will have to repel the attacks of opponents. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to talk with Hurakan and find out what Kacalkan awaits you. Find the bridge and cross it. After a while you will see a pyramid, go around it and go to the second one.

After climbing the steps, find the entrance leading to the Great Temple. Go there and talk to your brother. Then beat off the attack of the redskins and grab Michel. After defeating him the first time, he will escape. Follow him, dealing with his associates along the way. You can shoot him with a pistol. Near Michel there will be a slab that can become your cover while reloading the revolver.

Passage of Corsairs To each his own. insidious island Xochitem Part 01
After a dialogue with Gino Guineli, he asks you to come back in two days.
From the log: So we started to unravel the mystery of the Guardian of Truth. I gave the Guardian components to Jino to start his research. I hope that the extraordinary mind of the alchemist will be able to solve the problem. I need to visit my friend in two days: by then, Gino may already have an answer.
After two days, talk to Jino, get a card with two Manifestations from him. Open inventory, find the map and take it. You won't see anything new. Talk to Gino, he will give you the Chieftain's Claw Dag. Open the map again and you will see two skulls. Talk to Gino again. Obviously, the compass will work exactly at these points, which are located on Dominica and West Maine. But at what points on these islands? Gotta bring Gino paper map archipelago. Any card can be obtained regular card”, “Cheap card”. If you don't have a map, go to Curacao, go to the GVIK headquarters, on the first floor on the left. Before you enter the house, save, and so go until the desired card appears in his inventory.
From the log: Half of the work is done - the map and the doug are working! Now you need to visit the places indicated on the map "Two Appearances", in real world. That's just what these places are - for me so far a mystery shrouded in darkness. Only that is known. that one is somewhere in the center of Dominica, and the second - to the northwest of Blueveld. I'm on my way.
So, the first place is the center of Dominica. The second location is northwest of Blueveld, jungle. Land on Castle Bruce beach, go into the jungle, there is an idol at the fork in the road, go around it, the script will work.
From the log: The "manifestation" indicated on the leather map has been found! This is an Indian idol in the jungle. As the Arrow of the Way approached the idol, the arrow, which had been chaotically rushing before, took a confident, clear direction to the west-north-west. I will mark this on the map with a line - somewhere along it is Xochitem. However, to get the location of the desired island, you need to find the second "manifestation". I'm heading to Maine.
Talk to Gino, he will warn you to be more careful. Further, our path is located between Belize and Blueveld, in Amatica Bay. We pass through the jungle, to the idol, where you first went to the "Isle of Justice", we approach it and the script works, we watch the video.
From the log: Both "manifestations are found", the directions of the Arrow of the Way are fixed on the map. So, Xochitham is northeast of the Maine jungle idol and west northwest of the Dominica idol. I will mark the place where the directions intersect with a cross - there you should look for Xochitem. I will not hesitate and go in search of a mysterious island.
Intersection of lines between Jamaica Island, Cayman Island and Belize Port. After a dialogue with Gino, we understand that we need to prepare for the journey, potions, potions for poisoning, etc.
Exit to approximate location global map, and when entering the local sea map, we find ourselves in a storm.
From the log: I found Mysterious Island. The weather near its shores, to put it mildly, does not indulge. Not a single bay suitable for landing can be seen in such darkness. We will have to move along the coastline and look for a place that is at least a little suitable for anchorage.
We move to the island and sail along the island until the anchor is displayed, we moor.
From the log: We've arrived on Xochitham. Yes, a dark place! You need to be on your guard - I really don’t like the situation on this island. So, my task is to find traces of "Santa Quiteria", and also to find the mask of Kukulkan. to prevent... the end of the world... Or maybe my brother is around here somewhere?
We take the “Claw of the Leader” dag in our hands, go along the ledges, kill the first three skeletons, then four more skeletons, I suggest hitting the “SKM” best. Then we move on to the next location. We kill the skeletons in the middle, left and right, a total of 12 pieces. We pass to the left into a new location, from it there are two ways straight and to the right. You can return to the ship to collect elixirs, the skeletons will not respawn. In the new location, we destroy 12 more skeletons and move to the right, to the shore. Do not run ashore much, otherwise you will collect a gang of skeletons, then you will not be able to cope. Kill the four skeletons at the entrance, then the ones on the left, then carefully shoot the nearest one along the coast and slowly destroy them all. There are interesting amulets on the skeleton with a pirate hat, take a closer look. Then approach the ship, as a hand appears, press the space bar.
From the log: I found a bay, the entrance to which from the sea is blocked by reefs, and in it is the wreck of a ship and a detachment of skeletons around it - none other than the former team with the captain at the head. Is this really Santa Quiteria? I could not find the name of the lost ship on its remains. But if this is "Santa Quiteria", then where is the Indian treasure? That. what I managed to find is unlikely to be something for which my brother would even lift a finger. Has all the gold sunk?
Then we return one location back and go straight, kill four skeletons near the cave, go into the cave, kill skeletons in the cave. We have two entrances, one dead end is the second flooded, we pass into the flooded entrance. Then you have to swim, swim straight and to the left, you have limited time. At the exit from the grotto, three skeletons will be waiting for you, without leaving the water, take the fight. The next location is Shark Beach, you need to completely clear the location, after which a message will arrive.
From the log: After passing through a flooded cave, I went to the beach. Not far from the shore, on the shallows, there is a skeleton of a ship broken in half, and chests and boxes are on the shore. And, of course, a detachment of skeletons. It is necessary to swim to the ship's remains and rummage in the holds - it seems to me that I found what I was looking for.
There is a half-flooded ship on the shark beach on the left, go to it along the mast, then go through the door and kill all the skeletons.
From the log: Yes! This is Santa Quiteria. So, right here, in this bay of Xochitham. and ended his journey the frigate Miguel Dichoso. It turns out - that we have two similar frigates; "San Martin", sold by Miguel Akula and later became "Fortune", and "Santa Quiteria", on which Dichoso tried to take Indian treasures to Europe. Now these treasures belong to me! I still need to find the mask of Kukulkan, so that my mission will be crowned with complete success.
There are a lot of treasures here. To drag them alone through an underwater cave is an extremely difficult and unnecessary task: I will return back to the ship, go along the coastline, find this bay from the sea and give up anchor here.
Take the key from the captain and all you need is to search the chest, in the closet on the left is the ship's log.