Corsairs 3 cursed by fate girl in the jungle. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own. The insidious island of Xochitham. "Return of the Baron", "Isle of Justice" and "The Dive"

Get - in the center of the story is a romantic and / or sexual relationship between a man and a woman

Pairing and characters: Heroes "Corsairs: To each his own!" + copyright. Rating: R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Romance- a fic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending."> Romance , Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Mystery- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mystique, Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, OZHP- Original female character, appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> OZP Size: Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 38 pages, 15 parts Status: completed
Reader Awards:


Reward fanfic "Corsairs: Thronebreaker"


With sailing to the Caribbean, nothing ends. After all, our heroes know how to find adventure in their second 90, even on the high seas. The second part of "The Long Hard Way Out of Hell".


To friends in the game and, of course, to you, the reader!

Publication on other resources:
Author's notes:

Grade: 7

The return trip to Martinique to the pirate settlement took a week. All week Charles had been tormented by the thought that something bad might have happened in Le Francois. Helen practically did not show up from her cabin - maybe she was worried about Dodson's Shark, or maybe something else occupied her mind. No one was able to understand what was going on in the blonde's head. Michel tried to reassure his brother, saying, what could happen there, in this corner of Martinique, forgotten by God and the authorities? De Mor only waved it off - a bad feeling did not leave him ...
Dropping anchor in the bay of the settlement, Charles was the first to go ashore. On the shore, he barely waited for Michel. Mylene decided to stay on the Queen, to look after Helen. She offered de Maur to accompany her restless trinity, but he refused.
Even on the way to the settlement, the brothers realized that something was wrong. Or rather, something is missing, but what exactly, neither Charles nor Michel could understand. Having reached almost the gates of Le Francois, they finally realized that they could not hear the usual drunken songs coming from the settlement. Without saying a word, the brothers quickened their pace. When they finally entered the pirate village, they were dumbfounded.
There was not a single soul on the streets. The settlement seemed to be dead. Directly opposite the gate, in the middle of the village, stood a gallows, which had never been here. Her boards creaked ominously. The gallows appeared clearly recently, but it looked as if for a hundred years the violent heads of pirates and rebels had been tossing up on it. The view of the houses was also horrifying - saber blows were clearly visible on the doors of each house.
- As if someone was breaking in, but he did not have the strength to take out the door ... - de Monpe muttered. Charles, after these words, started up and rushed to the residence.
The residence also had a very deplorable appearance - they also burst into it. Forgetting that danger may lurk in the settlement, de Mor ran inside. There was not a single living soul in the residence. The Frenchman searched every room, and every room was empty. Charles had already thought through many options about what happened to Mary and Louis, when he shuddered when Michel called him from below:
- Charles, come here! I don't know why, but Mylene sent one of her jesters here!
Going downstairs, de Mor found a funny picture - Preston threatened Michel, promising to "pull out the arrogant Frenchman's tongue." Charles coughed urgently.
- Jah Preston, if I'm not mistaken? What do you want?
Jah looked angrily at Michel for the last time and turned to de Maur:
- The captain asked to urgently bring you to the frigate. The fact is that a boat was sent from a hefty manowar, and we have a red-haired girl in a red camisole on board ...
- MARY!!! - in a moment the Frenchman was blown away by the wind.

The red-haired girl in the red camisole really turned out to be Mary. She looked already very unhappy, it seemed that troubles had fallen on her head again, as on the Island of Justice. Climbing on board, Charles clasped his wife in his arms and suddenly felt her burst into tears, clinging to him.
- Mary, what happened? .. - the man gently stroked his beloved on the head, trying to console her. I'm here, I'll help...
Ryzhik tried to answer, but sobs did not allow her to say a word. And the appearance of Mylene on the deck completely nullified all the girl's attempts to speak.
Looking critically at her friend, Mylene said:
- Let's go to my cabin, she obviously needs a drink of water.

In the cabin, the camelina was seated in an armchair and given water. Noticing that Mary's hands holding the mug were trembling, Charles carefully held them with his own.
- Charles ... - Mary whispered, sighing convulsively. “I won’t let you go anywhere else alone, yes!” the girl blurted out and drank the water. “And I won’t let go of myself at all!”
- Mary, honey, calm down, - Charles tried to start, but Mary suddenly pushed him away from her. Throwing aside her empty mug, she pounced on the taken aback de Maure:
- How could you go on this terrible campaign?! How could you leave me and Louie?! she shouted, pounding her husband's chest with her fists. Charles, at first dumbfounded by such an outburst, finally caught Mary and pressed her to him. The girl resisted at first, but soon calmed down, only occasionally shuddering.
- Everything, my dear, calm down, everything is behind ... - the Frenchman whispered gently. Mary, where is Louis?
- At the "Paris", - still resentfully answered Mary. - The whole settlement fled - some to the jungle, some to the ships, yes!
- What happened while Michel and I were gone?
- A few days later, the wreckage of the corvette, on which you went sailing, washed ashore in the bay of Le Marin. Instantly there were rumors that you and Michel were dead... I don't know how I lived all this time with the thought that I would never see you again... Only Louis made me smile... It was worse than on the Island when you disappeared, yes!
- We were saved by Milen, - smiled Charles. - It turns out that all this time she was in the Caribbean, and she sails on this wonderful frigate!
“Well… I still have a brig and a xebec,” Holford smiled modestly.
- And literally a week ago a gallows appeared in the middle of the settlement! At these words, Mary shuddered.
- I saw her ... - Charles said thoughtfully.
- But you did not see the one who hung in the noose! It was the Shark!
- Dodson? – all those present in the cabin were numb. - He is dead?!
- Dead, but not completely! We were all afraid to touch it. Everyone seemed to be moving. And on the third night, he suddenly fell out of the noose and got to his feet! Mary trembled. - Everyone heard the sound of falling, and managed to lock the doors. And with a terrible roar, he pulled out a saber and burst into every house, even into a residence ... In the morning he again fell dead. Then we all quickly packed up and left Le Francois in a hurry. Charles… Is he still there?… – the girl's voice trembled.
De Mor shook his head.
- The settlement is empty. Mary, my soul, has anyone suspicious appeared in the settlement before this?
- Appeared! Mary nodded. - An elderly man with a pointed beard and mustache, was dressed like a courtier, and on his head was a short hat with a feather, yes!
- An old man in a hat with a feather?! Mylene tossed her head. – Are you talking about Merriman?!
- How do you know Joaquim Merriman?! Charles turned to Holford in surprise.
- Muddy type. I saw him a couple of times in Curacao, where I was on business. His eyes are evil. And I know because the residents gossip about the fact that strange things are happening in the house he rents.
“The fact is that I once sold the jade skull of Yum Simil for half a million pesos to this old man ...
- Didn't it seem strange to anyone that Jeremy and Camilla had gone somewhere? Michel asked with a squint.
- They disappeared shortly before the appearance of the gallows with Dodson ... - Mary answered. “Charles, if you’re thinking of looking for this Merriman, then keep in mind that Louis and I are going with you, yes!”
- This is not even discussed, now I will not leave you unattended for a minute, - Charles promised, kissing Mary on the back of the head.

A couple of hours later, the “Queen”, and not alone, but taking the “Fortuna” with them, headed for Curacao. On this day, an unpleasant incident occurred on the frigate Milen ...
Michel, standing at the bulwark, noticed that Jah and Milen were arguing heatedly about something on the forecastle. The officer tried to take the girl by the hand, but she pulled it away and, going down, went into the cabin. De Monpe did not disturb the enraged Holford and went up to Preston:
- What do you want from her?
- What do you care? Jah snapped.
- She's my fiancee, so that's a stupid question!
- Oh, the bride ... - mockingly stretched out Preston. - And where did you wander for a year, little groom? And I've been going with her for six months on the same ship ...
- What do you mean by that?! Michel tensed up.
- Do not see her as your own ears! She is mine! I decided that she would be my wife even when I first saw her in a tavern in Port Royal! Jah said. - And I will do everything to ensure that she chooses me, not you! So get ready - soon she will brighten up her nights with me!
The officer also left the deck. De Monpe remained standing where he was. Two feelings struggled in him - to decorate the bow of Mylene's ship with Jah's head and the desire to quit everything, hold Holford close to him and not give her to the impudent pirate...

Other works of the author


Fandom: Devil May Cry Rating: R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Fantasy- a story about magic, invented worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mystic , Hurt/comfort- one character suffers in one way or another, and another comes to his or her aid."> Hurt/comfort , Mythical Creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical Creatures , Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (mat) in fanfiction. "> Obscene language, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). geta elements- romantic and/or sexual relationship between a man and a woman."> Geta Elements Size: planned Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, written 46 pages, 10 parts Tags: , Status: in progress

After the destruction of the Qliphoth, as well as the disappearance of the two sons of Sparda, two months passed. Nero, along with Lady and Trish, continues to hunt demons, while trying to distract himself from his tormenting thoughts. One question has been especially disturbing recently: who is his mother? Virgil did not deign to say who she was, well, if he himself was in the know. And who knew that the impetus for new events would be a girl who was almost knocked down by Niko...


Fandom: South Park R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Humor- humorous fanfiction."> Humor, Fantasy- a story about magic, fictional worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Detective- detective story."> Detective, Prank- comical situations on the verge of bullying, sometimes black humor."> Banter, Educational institutions- a significant part of the action of fanfiction takes place at school or around school or student everyday life. "> Educational institutions, Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (mat) in fanfiction. "> Obscene language, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, written 52 pages, 10 parts Tags: , Status: in progress

So, there were two newcomers, they were twins, and the war for the Stick of Truth became more interesting. Because there was a little too much Newbie there)


Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, depressive motives and some dramatic events are present in fan fiction. "> Angst, Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external collisions. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama , Fantasy- a story about magic, invented worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mystique, Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC, Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, Death minor character is a fanfic in which one or more minor characters die."> Death of a minor character Size: planned Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 41 pages written, 8 parts Tags: , Status: in progress

It would seem that Alduin is defeated, what else can you do? That's what a normal Dragonborn would think, but not Killidge. Remaining an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood, she conscientiously fulfills contracts. But will it help her if the Family suddenly disappears? What then remains?


Fandom: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Middle-earth: Shadow of War (crossover) Pairing and characters: Talion, Celebrimbor, Eltariel Rating: NC-17- fan fiction, which can be described in detail erotic scenes, violence or some other difficult moments."> NC-17 Genres: Angst- strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, there are depressive motives and some dramatic events in fan fiction. "> Angst, Fantasy- a story about magic, invented worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. ">Mystique, POV- the narration is conducted from the first person."> POV , Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons, or other mythical creatures." > Mythical Creatures Warnings: Death of the main character is a fanfic in which one or more of the main characters die."> OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC, Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually non-sexual)."> Violence Size: Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20.">

When you die for the first time, it's scary. When you die a second, a third time, it's embarrassing. When you die endlessly, it's tiring. But I don't have a choice.

10 1

Fandom: Risen , Corsairs (crossover) Pairing and characters: Heroes "Corsairs: To each his own!", "Risen 3: Titan Lords" + authors Rating: R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: , ER (Established Relationship)- fanfiction, at the beginning of which the characters are already in an established romantic relationship."> ER (Established Relationship) , Hurt/comfort- one character suffers in one way or another, and the other comes to his or her rescue." > Hurt/comfort , Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external collisions. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters."> Friendship, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mystic, Romance- a fic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending." > Romance Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC, Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD Size: Maxi- great fanfiction. The size often exceeds the average novel. Approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 118 pages, 22 parts Status: frozen

According to the account, this is the second subpart of the fourth part, but in fact - the fifth part of "The Long Hard Way Out of Hell". Read, experience, comment.


Fandom: Corsairs Pairing and characters: Charles de Maur and the gop game company R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Humor- humorous fanfiction."> Humor, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Parody- a parody story that makes fun of characters or some other phenomenon. "> Parody, Prank- comical situations on the verge of mockery, sometimes black humor."> Banter, Historical eras- The action of the text takes place in a clearly defined historical period."> Historical epochs Warnings: Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (mat) in fanfiction. "> Obscene language, Mary Sue (Marty Stew)- an original character, according to the general opinion, is the embodiment of either the author himself or what the author would like to be. Mary Sues are usually easy to spot as they are all stunningly beautiful and indescribably smart. Sometimes the ideal image of Mary Sue is also invested in some character in the canon. "> Mary Sue (Marty Stu), geta elements- romantic and/or sexual relationship between a man and a woman."> Geta Elements Size: Maxi- great fanfiction. The size often exceeds the average novel. Approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 94 pages, 15 parts Status: frozen

Not quite short, but funny enough passage of the game "Corsairs: To each his own!". No meaning, no seriousness, no drama, nothing but humor. Fans of complex plots in fics, please pass by.


Fandom: Dragon Age , The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim , Divinity II: Dragon Knight saga (crossover) R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: , Angst- strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, depressive motives and some dramatic events are present in fan fiction. "> Angst, Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external collisions. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters."> Friendship, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Mythical Creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical Creatures , Fallers- The main character in one way or another gets into another world or moves into the body of a character from another world.- a fic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending."> Romance, Prank- comical situations on the verge of bullying, sometimes black humor."> Banter, Fantasy- a story about magic, invented worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Humor- humorous fanfic."> Humor Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Obscene language- the presence of obscene language (mate) in fanfiction. "> Obscene language Size: planned Maxi- great fanfiction. The size often exceeds the average novel. Approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 121 pages written, 9 parts Status: in progress

Everyone knows what's going on with Gray Warden during the Fifth Blight. So Elissa Cusland got into saving the world. The only trick is that she will have to do this with guests from other worlds: the Dragonborn - a wayward pupil of the Dark Brotherhood, and the last fiery knight - who does not miss her life as a dragon hunter.


Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Pairing and Characters: What do you think? Rating: PG-13 are fanfictions that may contain romance at the level of kissing and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments." > PG-13 Genres: Mystery- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Everyday life- description of ordinary everyday life or everyday situations."> Everyday life, POV- the narration is conducted from the first person."> POV , Mythical creatures- text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons, or other mythical creatures." > Mythical Creatures, Missing Scene- Story-Assumption: "> Skipped Scene Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually non-sexual)."> Violence Size: Mini- a little fanfiction. Sizes from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 14 pages, 8 parts Status: completed

The newcomer of the Dark Brotherhood, who had just entered the Sanctuary, barely had time to fight off a strange jester, when he got to the Redguard, who sent him to take a bunk and handed him a strange book in a black cover and with a red handprint. Intrigued, the newcomer went to the bedroom, where he laid out his simple belongings, collapsed on the bed and opened the book. On the spine, a certain Killidge was listed as the author.


Fandom: Corsairs Pairing and Characters: WMD, WFP Rating: R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, depressive motives and some dramatic events are present in fan fiction. "> Angst, Mysticism- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mystic , Hurt/comfort- one character suffers in one way or another, and another comes to his or her rescue."> Hurt/comfort , Missing scene- Story-Assumption: "> Skipped Scene Warnings: Death of the main character- a fanfic in which one or more of the main characters die."> Death of the main character, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 5 pages, 1 part Status: completed

The answer to the question: "But how did Michel resurrect?" A prequel to The Long Hard Way Out of Hell. Indeed, what prompted Michel's resurrection?


Fandom: The Avengers Rating: G- fanfiction that can be read by any audience."> G Genres: Humor- humorous fanfiction."> Humor, Parody- a parody story that makes fun of characters or some other phenomenon. "> Parody, Prank- comical situations bordering on bullying, sometimes dark humor."> Banter Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of Character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC Size: Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 2 pages, 1 part Status: completed

We could not save the Universe, so at least we will avenge it. - Like this?! - Well... At least like this.


Fandom: South Park , South Park: The Stick of Truth (crossover) Pairing and characters: Craig Tucker , Tweek Tweek PG-13- fanfiction that may contain kiss-level romance and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Genres: Humor- humorous fanfiction."> Humor , Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, ER (Established Relationship)- fanfiction, at the beginning of which the characters are already in an established romantic relationship."> ER (Established Relationship) , Educational institutions- a significant part of the action of fanfiction takes place at school or around school or student everyday life. "> Educational institutions Warnings: WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 6 pages, 1 part Status: completed

During the events of "Tweek+Craig", the Brown twins (Chmo and Badass) were not in South Park. Cartman decides to take advantage of this and play a trick on Tweek...


Fandom: The Avengers Rating: PG-13- fanfiction that may contain kiss-level romance and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments."> PG-13 Genres: Humor- humorous fanfiction."> Humor, Parody- a parody story that makes fun of characters or some other phenomenon. "> Parody, Prank- comical situations bordering on bullying, sometimes dark humor."> Banter Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of Character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a character description."> Drabble, 2 pages, 1 part Status: completed

Having collected the Infinity Gauntlet, the titan suddenly realized that saving half of the Universe by erasing the other half is, firstly, boring, secondly, ridiculously, and thirdly, frankly a bad plan. But resources are still running out. So, according to the logic of things, it is necessary to replenish them! But not Thanos himself to do this? Let the people save themselves!


Fandom: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Angst- strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, there are depressive motives and some dramatic events in fan fiction. "> Angst, Fantasy- a story about magic, fictional worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Detective- detective story."> Detective , Horror- intense scary storytelling atmosphere."> Horror , Hurt/comfort- one character suffers in one way or another, and the other comes to his or her aid."> Hurt/comfort , Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually non-sexual)."> Violence Size: Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 15 pages, 1 part Status: completed Humor - humorous fanfiction."> Humor, Fantasy- a story about magic, fictional worlds, mythical creatures, in other words, "the world of sword and magic."> Fantasy, Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons, or other mythical creatures." > Mythical Creatures Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC, Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually non-sexual)."> Violence Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfic. Often just a scene, a sketch, a character description."> Drabble, 2 pages, 1 part Status: finished, Mystic- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Mythical Creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures."> Mythical Creatures , Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, Non-chronological narrative- The events of the work occur in non-chronological order."> Non-chronological narration Size: Mini- a little fanfiction. Size from one typewritten page to 20."> Mini, 11 pages, 1 part Status: finished - a fic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending."> Romance , Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Mystery- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mystic , Hurt/comfort- one character suffers in one way or another, and another comes to his or her rescue."> Hurt/comfort , ER (Established Relationship)- fanfiction, at the beginning of which the characters are already in an established romantic relationship."> ER (Established Relationship) , Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: OOC- Out Of Character, "Out of character" - a situation where the character of the fic behaves completely different from what one would expect, based on his description in the canon. "> OOC, Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). Maxi- great fanfiction. The size often exceeds the average novel. Approximately 70 typewritten pages."> Maxi, 102 pages, 30 parts Status: completed

The fourth part of "The Long Hard Way Out of Hell". As you can guess from the header, it is itself divided into several subparts. For a better understanding, it is recommended to read the previous parts of the story;)

Hurt/comfort - one character suffers in one way or another, and another comes to his or her aid."> Hurt/comfort , Mythical Creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons, or other mythical creatures." > Mythical Creatures, ER (Established Relationship)- fanfiction, at the beginning of which the characters are already in an established romantic relationship."> ER (Established Relationship) , Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, WMD Rating: R- fanfics that contain erotic scenes or violence without a detailed graphic description."> R Genres: Romance- a fic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending."> Romance , Drama- conflict relations of characters with society or with each other, intense and active experiences of various internal or external conflicts. Both a happy and a sad resolution of the conflict are possible."> Drama, Mystery- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, ER (Established Relationship)- fanfiction, at the beginning of which the characters are already in an established romantic relationship."> ER (Established Relationship) , Friendship- Description of the close non-sexual non-romantic relationship between the characters." > Friendship Warnings: Violence- description of acts of a violent nature (usually not sexual)."> Violence, WMD- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters)."> WMD, OZHP- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). Midi- average fanfiction. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages."> Midi, 50 pages, 22 parts Status: completed

The battle with Kukulkan in Tayasala was supposed to put an end to the plot of the game. But who said we want this? Only a comma (well, or an ellipsis). In general - the continuation of the story "Corsairs: To each his own!" in my vision.

The topic will describe the passage for all the "nations" presented in the game, including the passage for the pirates.

French Line:


Having received a patent, sail to Tortuga, where in the residence you need to talk with Bertrand d "Ogeron about working for the benefit of France ...

Task one. Deliver Pierre Legrand to the bay of Le Marne, on the island of Martinique.
The first task is to accompany the French privateer Pierre Legrand, who captured a military galleon with rich booty on a lugger and now wants to quietly return to France. In Martinique, he will board a regular ship that goes to France, but since he is sitting on a pile of gold, he needs an escort.
After receiving our first task, we go to the tavern, we speak with Pierre, he will become our passenger. Now we sail to the island of Martinique, the bay of Le Marne. Five thugs who need Legrand's gold will be waiting for us on the shore. We enter the battle and do our best to save the life of our ward.

After you kill all the thugs, you will be paid the promised reward, which will be 20,000 piastres, wishing Pierre a good journey home, we sail to the governor-general. Arriving at Tortuga and talking with Bertrand, he will ask you not to disappear for a long time...

If Pierre dies, or we ourselves kill him, for the purpose of profit (He has: 1,000,000 gold, Tanat, a four-barreled pistol, a good spyglass, a Dutch cuirass and other goodies ...).
So, if Pierre still died, then sailing to Tortuga and reporting on the outcome of the assignment, Bertrand d "Ogeron will ask you to give back the money that our ward had, but not 1,000,000, but 1,200,000 piastres. The task will be completed!

Task two. Delivery of the letter d "Ogeron to the island of Curaçao.
The second task to be issued by the French Governor General will be to deliver an important letter to the Governor General of Curaçao, Peter Stuevesant. We are heading for Curacao, the reward for completing the mission depends on our speed. Arriving in Curacao, we go to the residence to give the letter. We will be mistaken for a pirate who killed the messenger d "Ogeron and put in jail ... After spending some time in prison, a jailer will approach us, from a conversation with which there will be a chance for release, he says that his father-in-law is one of the officers of Stavesant (Governor-General of Curaçai In return, some of the gold is taken from you. After a while, Stevesent himself comes, who will free us. The governor-general will wish a happy journey back to Tortuga, but will warn that the devil is going on near the island ...
You can sail to Tortuga and finish the quest, but there is another option:
Let's visit the tavern and ask the tavern keeper about the incident that happened to us, he will explain to us what's what, and point out two strange types sitting at the table ... Approaching them, the conversation will not work out, but we learn that some kind of meeting is scheduled in Bay of Palm Beach. They will immediately run out of the tavern, and we will follow them, run after them from location to location and, having reached the bay, we will overhear their conversation about the galleon. Seeing us again, they will not be happy, but from the dialogue, it will be possible to find out useful information. We run back to the city, board the ship and go out to sea, the same galleon will be waiting for us in the sea. The team will not consist of pirates, but of Spanish soldiers. The captain of the ship, a Spanish officer, will say that he has already sunk 20 ships in the vicinity of the island. We kill him, if you search him, you can find a couple of goodies ...
Now we return to Stevesent and tell everything. Stavesant will pay us a reward for the sunken galleon in the amount of 20,000 piastres.
We return to Tortuga and tell d "Ogeron about everything.
Mission accomplished!

Task three. Find a way to bring Donna Anna to Tortuga
The Governor-General wants us to deliver to Tortuga his beloved, the wife of the commandant of Havana, Don José Rameriz de Leyva. D "Ogerona will give his ring, which must be transferred to Donna Anna, as well as Escorial's Spanish trade license for a period of 60 days. We go to the port, go out to sea and sail to Havana.
Upon arrival in Havana, we immediately go to the tavern and talk with the waitress, give her 500 gold and she agrees to take the ring to Donna Anna. We wait until the next morning right in the tavern (we spend the night) and approach it again, pick up a letter from the commandant's wife and give 500 gold. Next, you should wait for the night and enter the house of the commandant of Havana, the door will not be locked ...
In the house, the Commandant himself, her husband, will be waiting for us, and not alone, but with a couple of bodyguards. After a short dialogue, we kill everyone (it will not be easy), and go up to the 2nd floor, where Donna is waiting for us, inform her that her husband is dead and she should go with us. Now we make our way to our ship and sail back to Tortuga!
d "Ogeron, in joy, gives us 25,000 piastres and asks us to leave him ... He is not up to Administrative issues now

Task four. Escort of the battleship Soleil Royal to Guadeloupe.
The fourth task is to escort the first-class battleship "Suley Royal" to the island of Dominica.
This is a mission of the utmost importance! It is said that several Spanish galleons are already hunting for the ship, under the command of Juano Galeno.
Near Dominica, the ship should connect with the squadron of the island of Guadeloupe. We go to the port authority, and take command of the Soleil Royal. Now let's go to Dominica. Off the coast of Dominica, 4 Spanish galleons will be waiting for us and not a hint of the French squadron! It is necessary to sink the Spaniards, while the Souley Royal must remain safe and sound!
After the sinking of the squadron of Juano Galeno, we must go to Guadeloupe and find out why the promised squadron did not meet us.
The governor of the city of Bas-Terre will say that he received a letter about the nomination of our squadron only yesterday and did not have time to prepare anything, he will take the royal manovar and thank him for what he has done.
We return to the governor-general and tell about everything that happened to our squadron, we will receive 28,000 zlotys as a reward. ...

Task Fifth. Revenge on Donna Anna.
After you have received the task from d "Ogeron, we go to the next room, Donna Anna is already waiting for us there. She devotes us to all the details. Then we go to Havana. You can buy a patent and calmly go into the city, or you can go through the jungle at night .
It is better not to go to the tavern, an ambush awaits you there. Upon arrival in Havana, we go to the house of Iness de Las Sierras. We go into the house and find out from Donna's friend Anna about the details ... Relatives of the murdered Don Jose are hunting for the fleeing bottom, they went into the jungle in order to negotiate with smugglers to secretly deliver them to Tortuga. We go into the jungle and find Don's relatives at the Lighthouse location. After a short conversation, we kill them. Now we sail to Tortuga and report everything to Ogeron. From him we get 5000 piastres, then we go to Donna and listen to her thanks.

Task six. Deliver the letter to the filibuster François Holone.
After receiving the task (to deliver a letter to Francois Olone), we are heading for Guadeloupe, where Jean David, better known as Francois Olone, settled ...
Closer to Guadeloupe, we will be attacked by a Spanish warship ... Having defeated the ship, we moor in the port and go to the house of the French filibuster, which is located almost opposite the residence. He will not be very happy, but after learning the purpose of your visit, he will immediately change his attitude...
There are 2 sequels:
First - Refuse to attack Cumana and receive the promised reward of 10,000 gold.
Second - Agree to attack the Cuman (there is one condition - there can be only one from you in the squadron, that is, your ship).
The squadron will include our and 3 other ships, a frigate and two corvettes. We sail to Kumana. After storming the local fort, he goes to his governor and demands money from him. After receiving, you can take your share (50,000 - a quarter) or take everything (200,000) for yourself, but then you will need to deal with Francois and others.
Now we are sailing to Tortuga and reporting to the Governor-General ...

Task seven. Get the Brazil Roca out of jail in Santiago.
The objective of the quest is to get the Brazil Roca out of prison in Santiago. To get into the city we will be issued a trade license. We sail to Santiago, upon arrival we go to the tavern and ask the tavern keeper. Having received an indistinct answer, we go to the church and speak with the Holy Father, he says that the Inquisition is located directly under the church (Entrance under the stairs) ...
We leave the church, look under the stairs and find the door. We go there and get into the Inquisition. We find Rock there, talk to him and make our way through the crowds of enemies. Having sailed to Tortuga, Bertrand will admire the work we have done, and will give 30,000 piastres, do not forget to talk to Rock, he has something for you

Task eight. Go to the disposal of the Marquis of Bonrepos.
Immediately after receiving the assignment, we sail to Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe). When we sailed to Basse-Terre we go straight to the residence and talk to the marquis. He gives the task of persuading Henry Morgan (he is in Jamaica), Jackman (the governor of Bermuda) and Morris (he is in Trinidad and Tobago) not to participate in the war against Holland.
First we sail to Bermuda, to Jackman, he did not even think to get involved in this matter. Then we sail to John Morris, in Trinidad and Tobago, he does not want to attack the Dutch and agrees not to do this if we perform one service for him - we deliver Captain Gay's logbook to him. Now let's go to Jamaica. In Jamaica, we go to the tavern and ask the innkeeper about Captain Gay, and find out that he rents a room in this very tavern. We go upstairs, kill Gay, search the corpse and take the magazine! Immediately in Jamaica we go to Henry Morgan, but his servant will say that he is in his house in Antigua and that his house there is always closed. Then we sail to Morris and give him Gaia's logbook, in return he agrees not to attack the Dutch. Now sail to Antigua, straight to Morgan. Having sailed to Antigua, we find that the door to Morgan's house is indeed closed, we go around the house and find a passage to the dungeon. we go down there and go through them to Morgan's house. We go to his house and talk about non-aggression on the Dutch. For non-aggression, he will demand 250,000 piastres. We have nothing else to do, so we give him the money. The task is completed, we sail to the Marquis of Bonrepos, and from him already to Tortuga ...

Task nine. Reflection of the Spanish attack on Port-au-Prince.
In this task, you will be appointed commander of the punitive detachment and will be given to us at the disposal of the Souley Royal.
The main task will be to repel the attack of the Spanish squadron on Port-au-Prince. But it is necessary that the royal manowar stay afloat, otherwise the task will fail. We sail to Port-au-Prince, fight off the Spaniards (a fleet of 6 ships near Port-au-Prince), when we sank the enemy, we go to Tortuga and ... We receive a meager reward = (

Task ten. Capture of Santo Domingo.
Retaliatory attack on the Spaniards. The goal is to capture Santo Domingo and transfer it to the possession of France.
We sail to Hispaniola, destroy the fort, land troops. After you storm the city, go to the governor and declare this colony the possession of France. We return to Tortuga and get a reward!

Task eleven. Capture of Santa Catalina.
Another mission to capture the city! This time we need to capture Santa Catalina and proclaim it a French colony.
Santa Catalina is on the Main. We sail to it, we destroy the fort, we land troops, we cut everyone, we go to the governor and say that the colony is now French!
We return to the Governor-General Bertrand d "Ogeron and talk about increasing the French possessions. The Sun King Louis XIV himself found out about us. Now it's worth going back to Guadeloupe to the Marquis of Bonrepos.

Continuation of the Eleventh task
Sail to Guadeloupe, meet with the Marquis of Bonrepos at the residence. After talking with him, the reputation in the colonies of France increases. Now you can go to Bertrand d "Ogeron, who will report that we have been elevated to the rank of Admiral of the French Fleet!

Spanish Line:


Having received a patent, sail to Havana, where in the residence you need to talk with Francisco Oregon y Gascon about working for the benefit of Spain ...

Task one. Release three Spanish citizens.
The first task is to free three Spanish citizens who were taken prisoner by Henry Morgan. For their release, Morgan demands 500,000 piastres. We need to infiltrate the Port Royal prison and free the captives. We have 1 month for this. We sail to Jamaica, moor in the outskirts of the city (for example, in Portland Bay), land in the jungle. We go to the fort, if there is a Trade license, we just pass by the English, if not, we chop them ... in prison we free the Spaniards. We go to the ship and sail to Havana. Upon arrival in Havana, we go to Oregon and get 50,000 for the task.

Task two. Work for the Holy Inquisition.
A high-ranking Jesuit António de Suosa arrived in the archipelago.
You will work for him.
We leave for Santiago, arriving in Santiago we go to the representation of the Holy Inquisition in the archipelago. It is located under the church, the entrance is under the stairs. We find Antonio and take the task from him.
The task is this: it is necessary to collect an indulgence, which is 50,000 gold from three Florentine merchants: Joao Ilhaio, Josef Nunen and Jacob Lopez de Fonseca, if they refuse, they will have to be killed. All three live in Curacao.
We sail to Curacao, upon arrival at Curacao, we immediately go to the owner of the tavern and ask him about these three. We learn from him that Joao Ilhayo and Jacob Lopez de Fonseca Josef Nunen run the store, and Josef Nunen is a moneylender, and not a very decent one at that. Let's go to the store first. In a conversation with Joao, we learn that he does not dispose of the amount of 50,000 piastres, moreover, he still does not know where his companion Jacob Lopez is. He offers us a deal: if we find his companion, then their families will collect 100,000 and can buy forgiveness.
We are sailing to Panama, because that's where his companion went. Once in Panama, we go to a local store and ask the seller about Jacob Lopez. He will say that Yakov promised to visit him a month ago, but he never did... Now we need to search the whole city. .
He will ask you to find for him the Gospel of Judas Iscariot. The last time the thief of this book was seen was in Bermuda, but he went to the shipyard and disappeared. We sail to Bermuda, upon arrival we go to the shipyard to Master Alexus. He will say that this thief entered the door on the right and will open it for us. Entering the dungeon, a bunch of dead people will rush at us, kill them and search this strange place. In one of the chests, we will find a whole treasure, consisting of several decent blades, including combat claws and tanat, a pair of pistols, a blunderbuss, jewelry and a couple of idols, including a rat god, and of course the Gospel!
Now we return to Curacao to Joao Ilhayo. From him we receive indulgence. we also give the book, we get a bonus for it
Now we go to the Spreader. You won't be able to talk to him. We go to the tavern and ask the waitress. She will say that the pawnbroker's son went yesterday in a pirate lugger to Fort Orange. Fort Orange is located in the Jamaican jungle. We sail to Jamaica, on the way we find and board a ship with the son of a usurer. We take him prisoner. We return to the usurer and take away the indulgence.
The task is completed - we sail to António De Souza, we collect the reward, we sail to the Nubernator General of Havana and hand over the task to him.

Task three. Capture Roca Brazilian.
The third task is to capture Rock the Brazilian and hand him over to the hands of the Inquisition.
He lives in Tortuga, and we sail there. We make our way into the city and immediately go to the tavern for information. We learn that he is not on Tortuga now, he is pirating near Maracaibo. We sail to Maracaibo, and off the coast of the island we find Rock on our corvette. We board the ship and then we take it prisoner. We are taking him to António de Suosa. He will send us to Oregon-Gascon, and he will torture the Brazilian. After talking with Gascon, we take our leave and swim for a few days. Then we go to Oregon and get the task to find the treasures of Brazilian rock, which are located in Cuba, Hispaniola and near Belize.
Treasure in Cuba : we sail to the bay of Ana Maria, moor, then turn left, and then straight ahead, go into the cave and search the chest, in which we find 150,000 gold and several idols.
Treasure in Hispaniola : We swim to the Samana Bay, go straight and find a well that serves as an entrance to the cave, we find a chest with a treasure there.
Treasure in Belize (Main) : We dock at the port, go out of the city gates, turn left, then right, go into the cave and search the chest, which will contain 150,000 gold.
Now we return to the Governor-General of Oregon-Gascon and hand over the money, as a reward we get the 5th part (100,000 piastres). Task completed.

Task four. Investigation into the assassination of the commandant of Havana, José Ramirez de Leyva.
The purpose of the assignment is to investigate and find out who is responsible for the death of the commandant of Havana, Don José Ramirez de Leyva.
First, we will visit the house of the murdered commandant, he is opposite the residence, we will go up to the second floor and search the room, we will find an unfinished letter belonging to Donna Anna.
Then we go to the tavern and ask the waitress. She will tell you that she recently handed over a letter to the wife of the commandant of Havana from an unknown, apparently ladron (So the Spaniards call Flibusters).
We go to Oregon-and-Gascon and tell everything that we have learned. After that, he will give us a French trade license and send it to Tortuga. Upon arrival, we go to the Tavern and ask the local bartender. He says that d "Ogeron has a Spaniard, the name is Donna Anna. And that we will bring her one of the Flibusters Henri d" Estre. We leave the tavern and go to Henri d'Estre's house. We go into his house, his servant will meet us there and say that the owner is talking in front of the house. We leave the house and follow the runaway. Then he will stop and ask why we are pursuing him and we learn that this is Henri d "Estre. We kill him. Now we boldly sail to Havana, to Francisco Oregon-and-Gascon and receive a reward.

Task five. Business trip to Santiago
After receiving the assignment, we will be sent to the governor of Santiago, Jose Sancho Jimenez.
We sail to Santiago and upon arrival immediately go to the residence. There we receive a task from the governor.
It consists in the destruction of the pirate settlement of La Vega (Hispaniola). We sail to Hispaniola and moor at La Vega. Let's go to one location. The assault will begin. We kill everyone and go to the city. Now we kill everyone in the city. We go to the local residence and kill Edward Mansfield. We leave the residence and go straight to our ship. We sail for Santiago. We report on the performance of Jose Jimenez and receive a reward. Now we sail to Havana, to Oregon-and-Gascon and tell him about everything. Task completed.

Task six. Interception of the messenger general-governor of Holland.
We need to intercept a message from the French Governor-General Bertrand d "Ogeron to the Dutch Governor-General Peter Stuevesant. We are issued a French trade license. We sail to Tortuga. Upon arrival, we go to the head of the port authority. We show him the license and ask him to say when he appears dutch ship. He says that he will send a messenger to you as soon as the ship arrives. We go to the tavern and spend the night there for several days. Then we go down to the tavern and the same messenger comes up to us. Next, we lure the orderly into the tavern room by deceit and pick up the armor. We sail to Havana, give the armor to the Governor-General and receive a reward. Task completed.

Task seven. To help Manoel Rivero Pardal.
After receiving, we quickly sail to the island of Antugua, hunt for English merchant ships spanish corsair Munoel Rivero Pardal. The French filibusters, led by Moisey Vokleyn, went to intercept him. We sail as quickly as possible to the shores of Antigua. And upon arrival (somewhere near the bay) we enter the battle. We save Perdal and send it to the Ladrons. After you sink all the Ladron ships, the task will be completed and you can safely go to Havana for a reward and a well-deserved rest...

Task eight. Defending Cumana from an attack by a combined Franco-English squadron of pirates.
The purpose of the task is very clear: To protect the Spanish colony of Cumana from the attack of the French-English squadron of pirates led by Captain Ansvel.
We sail to Kumana and meet the enemy in battle near Kumana. You have to defeat 8 ships.
After the destruction of the squadron, we sail to Havana and report on the implementation to the Governor-General. We receive an award. Task completed.

Task nine. Business trip to Porto Belo.
After receiving the assignment from the Governor-General, we sail to the governor of Porto Belo. He will bring us up to date.
The task is to escort 4 galleons loaded with gold, up to desert island Cayman, where it is necessary to transfer the squadron to the powerful Spanish fleet, going to the old world.
We accept a squadron from the governor of Porto Belo and sail to the Cayman. Having sailed to the Cayman, we will be expected not by the promised Spanish ships, but by pirate ones! Having killed the pirates (while keeping the Galleons safe and sound). We sail to Havana and tell the Governor-General about everything. We receive an award. Task completed.

Task ten. Defense of Maracaibo against a possible invasion.
Our task is to protect Maracaibo from possible enemy attacks. We sail to Maracaibo. Upon arrival, we go to the governor. After talking with him, we go outside. A Spanish officer runs up to us and says that the city was attacked by an English pirate squadron. Then again we go to the governor, he will order to start repelling the attack. We go out to sea and sink all the ships (8 ships, but the fort will help us). Then we moor, go to the governor and report on the implementation and receive a reward.
Then we sail to Cuba and tell the Governor-General about the success. Task completed.

Task eleven. Devastation of the Dutch colonies.
The task is quite difficult. The goal is to ruin Willemstad (Curaçao) and Marigot (San Martin).
This is a punishment for the Dutch for financing the French in the war with Spain.
In Vilemstad, the fort is simpler.
We swim in turn, first to one, then to another fort, destroy them and storm them.
After what has been done, we sail to the Governor-General in Havana and report.
We receive a reward and go to rest.

Task twelve. Capture of Port-au-Prince.
Our task is to make the island of Hispaniola completely Spanish.
To do this, you need to capture and transfer to the Spanish possession of Port-au-Prince.
The fort is good, so get ready.
We sail to Port-au-Prince, first we smash the fort, then we storm it. Next, we go to the residence and announce that from now on Port-au-Prince is a Spanish colony. Now we sail to the Governor-General Francisco Oregon y Gascon and say that from now on Hispaniola is completely Spanish. This ends the Tasks, we are told to continue to do everything in the Interests of Spain, but on our own.

Dutch Line:


Having received a patent, sail to Vilemstad, where in the residence you need to talk with Peter Stevezan about working for the benefit of Holland ...

Task one. Deliver Jansenist leader Chumakeiro to Willemstad.
The first task is to transport the head of the Jansenist community, Aaron Mendez Chumakeyro, from Marigot (San Martin) to Willemstad (Curaçao).
Arriving in Marigot, we go to the tavern and ask its owner about Chumakeyro. He says that Chumakeyro was already interested today ... And he says that he is renting a house to the right of the residence. We go to his house. We find several pirates in the house. We kill them, we rise to the 2nd floor. We listen to his gratitude for the salvation and go to the ship. We sail to Vilemstad.
Upon arrival in Vilemstad, we go to the residence, where Chumakeyro thanks us financially, then we go to the Governor-General and hand over the task. Task completed.

Task two. Purchase a consignment of goods at Fort Orange and deliver it to Willemstad.
The task is as follows:
Purchase coffee, ebony and mahogany, and sandalwood for Curaçao from Fort Orange.
We will be given special papers to purchase goods at a special price and a certain amount of money.
All this together will weigh 6800 centners. You need to bring all this no earlier than in 2 months.
We sail to Jamaica, moor in some bay (for example, Cape Negril) and go through the jungle to Fort Orange.
First we go to the residence and show the papers to get a discount. Now we go to the store and buy the necessary goods.
Well, now we go to the ship and sail to Vilemstad.
Then we go to Stevesent and hand over the task.
Task completed.

Task three. Obtain information about the plans of the British in connection with the trade war.
We need to deliver a letter to the head of the buccaneers. We sail to Hispaniola. Upon arrival in La Vega, we go to the residence.
The head of La Vega knows nothing about Madiford's plans, but last week, a messenger from the English governor-general came to Mansfield with persuasion to attack Curaçao, the pirate refused.
Then we sail to Port Royal. You can buy a trade license and go there calmly, or you can sneak into the city through the jungle!
We are looking for Morgan's house and go into it. His secretary will say that Henry is now at his house in Antigua and that the door of that house is always closed.
Now we sail to Antigua, we make our way into the city and find Morgan's house. The door is closed. We go around the house and from the other side of the house we find a descent into the catacombs. We go down, we find the entrance to Morgan's house. Morgan Agrees to help if we do him one favor: He thinks that his companion Pierre Picardy is hiding prey from him... We take this task and set sail for Tortuga.
On Tortuga we go to the Shop, the Shipyard, the Tavern, the Brothel and to the Usurer, we ask everyone and find out that he was throwing money around.
Now we sail again to Antigua, make our way to Morgan and tell him everything.
Morgan says that he is not in the know, but knows that an English officer is sitting in a local prison (for a drunken fight).
We rush to the prison (tomorrow he should already be executed), we interrupt the guards, and we release him for information. He tells that the British are planning to capture Fort Orange.
Now we sail to Vilemstad and report on the situation to Stevezend. We receive a reward. Task completed.

Task four. Defend Fort Orange from an impending British attack.
After receiving the assignment, we sail to Jamaica as quickly as possible. An English squadron of 3 ships will sail in the vicinity of the island. We drown the squadron. We landed in the bay (near which there was a squadron). Let's kill the landing in the bay and at the next location. That's it, Fort Orange is saved - we boldly return to Stevesent for a reward.

Task five. Escort three flutes to the La Vega settlement and back.
You need to escort 3 Flute with goods to La Vega and back.
Having sailed to La Vega, we learn that the Spaniards killed half the population of La Vega, including Edward Mansfield.
We make trade operations, and on the road. Near La Vega, the Spanish squadron will be waiting for you, we drown it in Vilemstad. The more Flutes left afloat, the greater the reward. We tell everything to Stevesent. Task completed.

Task six. Revenge for Mansfield's death.
After receiving the assignment, we sail to Jamaica and there we go to the residence of Henry Morgan. We ask him about the attack on La Vega and find out that it was organized by the governor of Santiago, Jose Sancho Jimenez. We sail to Santiago. We go to the Tavern and ask the bartender about Jose Sancho, he tells us everything, but on the last question he begins to suspect us, then Spanish officers enter the tavern. We kill the soldiers and run to the ship (it is better to moor at the lighthouse or in one of the bays). Now to Jamaica, we tell everything to Morgan. The British will storm Santiago, and we have completed the task and can sail to Vilemstad for a reward.

Task seven. Deliver a secret dispatch to the Governor of Tortuga, Bertrand d'Ogeron.
We take the Task and finish it. We are heading for Tortuga. Upon arrival, we go to Bertrand d "Ogeron and give him a message. He asks to come for an answer in 2 hours. After 2 hours, we again go to Bertrand d" Ogeron. We take the answer and go to sail, but a man meets us in the port and says that Stevesend's messenger is waiting for us in the tavern. Having risen to the 2nd floor of the tavern, they stun us and take away the armor. Waking up, we go to Bertrand d "Ogeron. He says to go to the port authority and find out which ships sailed in the near future. We go to the port authority and find out that the port has recently left the brig "La Rochelle" and it is sailing to Puerto Rico. Near Puerto- We board the Brig Rico and learn from the captain that the person who stole the package has boarded the Spanish Galleon "Isabella" and is on his way to Santa Catalina (Main). Now we need to catch up with the "Isabella". and take the dopesh from the captain.
Now you can sail to Vilemstad with peace of mind, give the armor to Stevesent and get a reward.

Task eight. A book for Aaron Mendez Chumaqueiro.
After you have taken this task, we go to Aaron Mendez Chumakeyro. His house is in Vilemstad, not far from the residence.
He wants to get a book that is important to the Jansenist society.
We sail to Bermuda and ask Jackman.
Then we sail to Martinique and go to a local brothel.
We ask all the girls in it and one of them will say that the person who wanted to sell the book is called Laurent de Graf, and that he lives in Tortuga.
In the tavern of Tortuga we learn that he went to Cartagena. We sail there, not far from Cartagena Laurent Fights with the Spaniards. We help Laurent fight them off. Then we send a boat to his ship and buy a treasure map from him for 235,000 piastres.
The treasure is hidden on Turks Island. We sail to the Turks. We find the Grotto on the island and search it. There will be the same book, and a couple of goodies.
Well, now we return to Aaron Mendez Chumakeyro, we receive a reward from him, now we hand over the task to Stevezend. Task completed.

Task nine. Capture four First Class battleships.
The purpose of this: tasks to capture 4 Manowar and transfer them to the Dutch crown.
In general, look wherever you want, but so that they are
They are in the Great Military Patrols and in the great Merchant Squadrons...
Anyway, good luck in your search

Task ten. Repel the attack of the Spanish squadron on Curaçao.
We need to protect Willemstad from the Spanish invaders. The Spaniards will have 8 ships.
Set off, solve the villains, turn in the mission and get a reward.

Continuation of the tenth task (Task eleventh). Repel the Spanish attack on San Martin.
Similar to the previous task.
Once you have secured Curaçao, upon reaching Stavesent, we learn that the Spaniards also want to capture Marigot (San Martin).
We sail to Marigot and repulse the attack.
Now you can patch up the ships and go for a reward to Stevesent...

Task twelve. Capture of Maracaibo.
In this task, you need to capture Maracaibo (Main).
We set off on our way to Maracaibo.
We destroy the fort, land troops, declare the colony the possession of Holland. We return to Stevesent and say that Maracaibo is now a colony of the United Republics, we get 300,000. This completes the tasks.

Pirate Line:


We go to Jackman (governor of Bermuda) and ask if he needs any help. He says he doesn't need help. But he says he knows Captain Goodley, who this moment in Puerto Principe (Pirate settlement in Cuba) needs help. We sail to Puerto Principe and go to the tavern, Goodley will be there. He says that you need to take a certain John Bolton from Puerto Principe to Port Royal, to Henry Morgan. We agree. We go to the port and there we meet John Bolton. We take him as a passenger and sail to Port Royal. Upon arrival, we lead Bolton to Morgan's house (it is located to the left of the port). On the way, we are stopped by a patrol and we are charged with having links with pirates. We are put in jail. There, Henry Morgan comes to us, who has paid a ransom for us. He says he is waiting for us in his house. Let's go to his house...

Black label
Upon arrival at the residence, we receive from Morgan the task to hand over the black mark to Edward Low, who lives in Martinique (In Le Francois).
We sail to Martinique and moor in Le Francois.
We go to the tavern and ask about Low, we are told that he lives in a house sheathed with boards, to the right of the tavern. We go to Lou's house. Upon arrival, we say that you have a Black Mark from Henry Morgan for him.
But Lowe says that he settled all the issues about this with Morgan and says to give the mark to Morgan. Well, let's sail back to Morgan. Morgan says we've been fooled. And this time he asks just to kill Lowe without any marks (it would be right away). We sail again to Martinique. We go to Lowe's house and find that he is not there. We go to the tavern and ask the bartender about Lowe. He says that Lowe really left, but the bartender does not know where.
We go to the store and ask the merchant about Low, he says that Low was interested in where to get the ship, the merchant naturally sent him to the shipyard. The nearest shipyard is in Fort-de-France. We are sailing there.
In Fort-de-France, the first thing we do is go to the shipyard and find out about Lowe. Lowe really wanted to buy a ship, namely the brig. But Low did not have enough money for him and Low went to the moneylender, but the owner of the shipyard did not see Low anymore. We go to the usurer. The pawnbroker says that Lowe visited him, but the pawnbroker suspected him of a swindler and did not give him any money. Where Low has gone The pawnbroker does not know.
Now we go to the port authority and ask its owner about Lowe. When asked for what purpose we are interested in Edward Low, we answer that Low is our close friend and we must inform him about the serious illness of his mother, but it’s just that we can’t catch up with Edward. The head of the port authority believes us and says that Low got on a ship that went to Bermuda.
We sail to Bermuda and upon arrival we head to the Tavern. The owner of the tavern says that Lowe was here and was interested in the local shipyard. Let's go to the Wharf. We speak with Alexus (the owner of the shipyard in Bermuda) about Low, and to the question of Alexus about who we have to Low, we answer that we want to catch up with him in order to settle scores with him. Alexus says that Low forged Jackman's signature, and Alex gave Low the ship - Brig "Sea Wolf" - unique ship, built specifically for Jackman.
We go to Jackman, he only asks when we kill Lowe to send him greetings from Jackman. Where Lowe went is unknown. We start asking everyone in the Archipelagos last news until we learn that attacks on mail ships have become more frequent near Kumana (Main). Thinking that this is Low we sail to the shores of Kumana. In order to seem like a weak enemy, you need to sail for the "hunt" without a squadron and on a ship no higher than class 6. Then we sail to the shores of Trinidad and Tobago, where we will meet Lowe on the Brig "Sea Wolf". We take him to Boarding, kill Lowe. We get a Decent boat.
We sail to Morgan, We hand over the task.

Pearl crafts
Morgan wants to rob pearl divers who have been collecting pearls for a whole month on Turks Island, North Bay.
You need to get at least 500 large and 1000 small pearls. We split the profit in half.
We are actually sailing to the Turks in Severnaya Bay. There we will find a lot of Tartan. You need to collect pearls from them. To do this, swim up to each and pearls automatically appear in your inventory. We collect the right amount and sail to Morgan.
We give Morgan the promised half. You can profitably sell your half.

Head hunter
When we leave Morgan's residence, Goodley will meet us and offer to work as a bounty hunter. We agree. Our target is a certain John Avory, last seen in Vilemstad (Curaçao). We sail to Vilemstad. Upon arrival, we immediately go to the moneylender and ask him about Avori. He says that Avory really was in Wilemstad, but now he should be in Trinidad and Tobago. We sail to Port of Spain and upon arrival we go to the moneylender. He says that Avori worked for him, but then sailed to Maracaibo. We sail to Maracaibo (Main). In Maracaibo we go again to the moneylender, he says that Avory was in the city, but now he went to Port-au-Prince (Hispaniola). Well, we're on our way there. Upon arrival, the first thing we do is go to the tavern and ask the bartender, then we go to the moneylender. He says that Avory worked for him, but he does not know where he went next.
There is an assumption that in Vilemstad, a moneylender was robbed there. We sail to Vilemstad. There we go to the local moneylender and ask him about what happened. 50,000 piastres were stolen from the usurer and he hired Avory to find the robber.
The usurer also promised us 5,000 piastres if we were the first to return the money to him. From the pawnbroker we learn that Avory went to Bermuda. We are on our way there. Upon arrival, we go to the tavern, and learn from the bartender that Avory is now in Bermuda, namely in the house of Orry Bruce. Let's go to Orry's house. There we find both Orry Bruce and John Avory. We interfere in their conversation, after which we kill them both.
Now we sail to Vilemstad and give the money to the moneylender. Then we sail to Port Royal, upon arrival we go to the tavern and report to Goodley on the implementation, we receive a reward and go to Morgan.
This is where things get interesting...
We learn from Morgan that John Avory was his confidant. We say it was Goodley's order. Morgan calls Goodley, he comes and says that he did not give any order.
Morgan says that the fight will judge us, whoever wins will tell the truth. We kill Goodley. We assure Morgan that this will not happen again. Task completed.

We need to go to Bermuda and tell Jackman about Goodley's death.
Upon arrival in Bermuda, we go to Jackman. When he sees us, he is very surprised and says that we captured and handed over to the Spaniards the pirate captain Sid Bonnet.
Jackman directs us to the Bay of Cozumel (Main). There, on the frigate Antwerp, John Leeds anchored, you need to talk with him.
Upon arrival at the bay, on a boat (function) we sail to the ship of John Leeds.
There we speak with him and find out that he sank the corvette, the captain of the corvette was like two drops of water similar to us. Now we need to deal with the double. We land in the bay. In the bay, we destroy the first batch of soldiers from the corvette. We go further and meet their captain, really one to one like us. We kill him. Now we sail to Jackman and tell him about everything. From it we sail to Morgan, we tell him about what happened. Task completed.

"Admiral" Richard Soukins
catch up with the pirate Steve Linnaeus, who was sent by Morgan to La Vega (Hispaniola) to find out a series of oddities taking place in recent times in the Coastal Brotherhood. We are sailing there.
Upon arrival, we go to the owner of the tavern and ask him about Linnaeus. He says that in the near future Liney did not appear here, but one of his friends recently went to sea. We go out to sea and send a boat to the ship of Steve's friend. We ask him there and find out that Steve's ship is for sale at the Santo Domingo Shipyard. We leave for Santo Domingo. Upon arrival, we immediately go to the owner of the shipyard. He says that the purchase of "Swallow" was very profitable. He says that he does not know the name of the seller, but his servant saw him go to sea on the frigate "Leon". We sail from the island and go to global map. We see a ship with purple sails. This is the frigate "Leon". We attack him and take him on board. The captain of the ship offers to go over to the side of his admiral - Richard Soukins. He also tells us that Line is dead. We kill the captain.
Now we are sailing to Henry Morgan with a report.
After hearing that, Morgan will send us to Puerto Principe, where Sawkins is planning some kind of operation against Spain. It must be thwarted, this will damage the reputation of Sawkins among the pirates.
We are heading to Puerto Principe. Upon arrival, we go to the tavern and ask the tavern keeper about the Soukins operation.
He replies that Soukins really plans something, but keeps everything in the deepest secret.
We go into the Soukins' house, take the papers from the table and run from the settlement.
The documents contain information that the Spanish battleship (Ship of the line) will transport jewelry from the New World to Spain.
Now you need to swim to San Martin as quickly as possible and intercept the Battleship with jewels, while doing it faster than Soukins.
We swim there. We drown or board the Battleship (It is better to board, because there will be a lot of jewelry in the chest of the captain's cabin).
Now we go to Morgan and hand over the task.

Attention: After a trip to Panama, it will not be possible to continue, finish or start passing for the Nation.

Hike to Panama
Henry Morgan invites us to participate in a trip to Panama.
His plan is this: Capture Porto Belo and attack Panama from land.
We will need to leave our squadron in the port management.
Morgan gives us 20 days to prepare.
After 20 days, we come to Morgan.
By this time, Morgan had already assembled a squadron of 5 ships of the 1st class.
Now we sail to Porto Belo and capture it.
After taking the city we go to the governor of the city.
We learn from him that the Spaniards knew about Morgan's plan and were surprised that we took the city. He also says that in the jungle, on the way to Panama, we will die.
We tell all this to the coming Morgan.
Morgan believes that Richard Sawkins secretly leaked information to the Spaniards.
But it's too late to abandon the plan. Morgan suggests splitting up.
We will lead the second squad, which will include Sawkins.
We need to land in the Gulf of Darien and go to Panama.
On the way, you need to shoot Soukins, while unnoticed, otherwise his part of the team will rebel. We landed in the Darien Bay. Soukins comes up to us and says that he is ready for the upcoming operation.
I'm going to Panama. On the way, we will be attacked by the Spaniards and the local population. At the walls of the city we accept last Stand. In the same place, Morgan will pull up to us and give the task to search for the governor of Panama.
We go to the governor's house and find him in one of the rooms. He says that Escorial's gold is in a chest in the same room, but the commandant of the city has the key. He participated in the battles and probably died. Let's go look for the key.
We leave the residence and meet Morgan. He says to look for the key, and he himself will go to interrogate the governor.
We go to the local Fort and find the key on the commandant's desk.
We return to the residence. We return to the residence and open the chest... There will be Escorial gold, namely 50,000,000 (Fifty million) piastres. At this moment, Morgan comes up and asks to give him the gold. He says that he will collect all the booty and in the evening will divide everything according to the laws of the Coastal Brotherhood.
Morgan says the governor also mentioned a chest that is on the outside of the fort. And sends us to check the chest.
We go to the fort, there will be a narrow path leading to the fort. We go along it and see a chest, but there is nothing of value there.
We return to the city.
At the entrance to the city, a sailor comes up to us and says that Morgan collected gold from everyone, loaded it onto a galleon in the port, and secretly left Panama in an unknown direction.
The sailors remain in the city and continue to rob it, so we go to the ship ourselves.
We sail and head for Port Royal. Upon arrival, we go to Morgan's house. Morgan's secretary says that Morgan himself is in London and will not arrive until a year later. Well, let's go somewhere for a year. A year later, we come to the residence and demand our part.
We return a year later to Morgan and demand our share of the booty. However, Morgan says that the Shore Brotherhood has come to an end,
that soon the countries would stop fighting and destroy the pirates, but Morgan bought himself and all members of the brotherhood forgiveness from the English crown with the gold of the escorial. End

"Corsairs" - this is one of the few games of domestic production, which has gained worldwide fame. Many players appreciated the idea and how well the adventures they had to face were worked out. However, it is worth noting last game series, called "To each his own" - this is a kind of culmination, a collection of all the good that was in previous parts, and placing it within one. The result is a very interesting project that will allow you to try yourself as a brave pirate who needs to surf the seas and oceans, complete tasks, fight both on land and on water. And all this happens in open world, that is, no one ties you to a specific plot - you can sail to any part of the world at any given moment. You can earn money by trading, you can piracy and rob ships - no one limits you, so you can do what you see fit. Well, life here is incredibly rich. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to guide you through it - you will have to learn everything on your own, but the quests that you can receive during your journey can be described.

There are also add-ons in the game, such as "Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche", the passage of which is not necessary to consider, since not everyone may want to purchase DLC. The same goes for other add-ons. DLCs ​​such as "Corsairs: To Each His Own - Gweek" will not be considered here, the walkthrough will only concern the base game, so you can not look for quests added to the game by downloadable content.

"Rum for the Bartender", "Call Girl" and "Return the Priest St. Pierre's Manuscripts"

The first quests that you come across in the game world are unlikely to present any difficulties for you. You do not need anything supernatural, special weapons or unusual ships, so you can safely take on them. The passage can take you tens, even hundreds of hours, because life here is leisurely, and if you want to enjoy it, you can take your time. But if you take on a quest like "Rum for the Bartender" you are getting closer to completing the game. So, in this quest you will have to meet real ghosts who will travel on a no less real ship. And just from them you will need to pick up the rum. To do this, first find out the password that you will need to tell the captain of the ghost ship, and then meet with the ghosts themselves. Having said the password, you will confirm your identity and receive rum, which you need to deliver to the bartender.

The passage of "To each his own" can be different - it depends on the essence of the quest: in some cases you will have to get down to business instantly, and in some you may not be in a hurry. For example, as in the quest "Call Girl", where you will need to order a special woman prostitute for one dignitary. You will need to find out information about the right girl from the pimp, and you will understand that it will be possible to pick her up only for an hour, from eleven to twelve in the evening. But on any day, so you can not rush.

But the quest "Return the manuscripts of the priest Saint-Pierre" needs to be done as soon as possible, but it is not difficult. You will simply need to deliver manuscripts from one church to another, but you will have to prove that your thoughts are not dirty.

"Warehouse Worker", "The Stolen Jewel" and "Cannibals"

The passage of "To each his own" will periodically surprise you, as you will be offered to complete quite unusual tasks. For example, " warehouse worker"is a quest consisting of two parts. It will be given to you by a seller in a store who has lost a valuable employee - a worker from a warehouse. You have to find him. It is clear that there are no time limits, but you can immediately head into the jungle and find a pirate village, in one of the shops of which the missing employee will work. He will not want to return, so go back and tell the merchant the news. This will end the first part, but you can immediately start the second. The merchant needs a replacement, and in the pirate town you will find. After paying a certain amount, agree to conduct a screening of candidates, and if you take a nap, when you wake up, you will see three pirates in the tavern who have expressed a desire to get a job. Choose one of them and send him to the city. When you go there next time come, the merchant will say that you have brought an excellent employee, for which he will generously reward you.

But there are also less complicated quests in the game, such as "The Stolen Jewel". When you wander through the jungle, a scene will unfold in front of you - two natives will run away in an unknown direction. You can chase them, but this will not work - the passage of "To each his own" requires a deeper approach. Better go to where they fled from, and there will be a corpse. Examine it - you will find earrings. They can be sold quite expensive, but is it worth it? Again, think about what will be best for you, and ask the inhabitants to whom these jewels may belong. It turns out that these are earrings stolen from the governor's wife, who will generously reward you for finding them.

If you want to fight, then you need to take the "Cannibals" quest - it can be found at one of the inhabitants of the post near the city. He will tell you that his friend is going to go alone to save his daughter from the clutches of the natives. Join him and go to the cannibal hideout - there you will have to fight, but when you do it, it turns out that your partner's daughter is alive. You will also find another hostage who can also be rescued. As a result, both the partner and the rescued hostage will reward you.

"Burden of the Gascon" - story quest

After completing these tasks, you will have access to story quest"Burden of the Gascon", which you can complete, but it will take quite a long time. So get ready for it and get started. Your goal is to buy a ship, assemble a crew and go to Guadeloupe. In the project of quests not related to storyline, will periodically help you advance to the final. Naturally, you should not rush into this, but you should still understand that the game has a logical end, to which you must come in the end. After buying a ship, you will need to go to a tavern where you can assemble a team at a time - there is one sailor who is ready to offer you as many as forty pairs of hands, but only if you take everyone at once and fulfill his conditions. They are quite simple - you need to have the right atmosphere, food and medicine on the ship. You can buy a little bit of everything just to meet the requirements, but that's not all. You need a navigator, and he is in custody, as he owes a large amount of money to a moneylender. Go to him and find out what you can do to give back this amount. Here you will receive side quest"Spanish Engineer", as you have to save a fellow pawnbroker kidnapped by pirates. At first, you can try to persuade the latter to give up the engineer, but as a result you still have to kill them - in the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" passing quests often comes down to just this. Then you will have a hand-to-hand fight with the Spaniard himself, who does not want to believe that you have come to save him. Defeat him and lead him into the city, but avoid the guards. When you bring the engineer to the moneylender, the latter will give you receipts that the debt has been repaid - you need to take them to prison so that the navigator is released and the Guadeloupe quest is activated.

"Guadeloupe", "Caribbean Mores" and "Dishonest Competitor"

This is one of the most difficult quests, here danger awaits you around every corner. Passing it may require you to have great skill and dexterity in handling both your character and the ship on which you will sail. You need to sail to Guadeloupe, where the multi-level task will begin. First you will need to talk to one person who will guide you further. There you will learn about a collection of sabers stolen by the Indians, which you need to return, but you will not find it without the help of an indigenous person who was imprisoned. You can buy it for a lot of money, but there is nothing to do - you can only argue with the commandant and bring down the price a little. After freeing the Indian, you can equip the expedition, but at the same time you will still need to complete one job, which will give the quest " Caribbean manners". Again, danger awaits you around every corner, the passage is unlikely to seem easy. As part of this task, you will first need to deliver a load of guns, sailing past the enemy port, then get important information by hiring a beggar for this, and then completely intercept an enemy ship with a load of gunpowder. It won't be easy, so get serious. Well, the next quest is basically a run around with errands." Dishonest competitor"As a result, it turns out to be a smuggler who interferes with the local merchant. Make an appointment and give him a warm welcome - it is not necessary to kill him, since he will pay a decent amount for his life.

"The Burden of the Gascon. The Sequel", as well as "Maid in the Jungle" and "The Way of the Dutch West India Company"

The passage of the game "Corsairs: To Each His Own" is moving forward, and this is signaled to you by the fact that you can continue the quest "Burden of the Gascon". But first, try to get the quest "Jungle Girl" - for this you only need to travel through the jungle until you see a girl running away from three men. She will ask you for help, saying that her father wants to marry her to one person, and she loves a completely different one. In any case, inform the men that you yourself will deliver the girl to her father, and then decide whether to let her go and do a good deed or take her to her father and receive a reward. After that, you can take on the "Burden of the Gascon". To do this, you need to return to Martinique and talk to your friend Michel, imprisoned. He will offer you several options for the development of events, which will start the quest "The path of the Dutch West India Company"The Corsairs: To Each His Own walkthrough branches off here, as Michel offers you three different options for achieving the goal. The first is joining the West India Company, the second is joining the English army, and the third is membership in a secret organization .

"Dutch Gambit", different options for passing

It will be very difficult to describe the passage in detail here, as it branches and can go in a variety of ways. This is one of the most interesting parts game "Corsairs: To each his own." Walkthrough" Dutch Gambit", the quest that will lead you to the goal of interest to you and Michel will take quite a long time. You will need to complete a large number of assignments, deal with dangerous opponents and follow complex orders. You can even say that in some places you will have to look under every stone, this quest chain may well require it, no matter which path you choose, the result will still be the same - you will complete all the tasks and collect enough money to free Michel.

"Million for Michel", "Pirate Saga" and "Shark Hunt"

Check if you have a million - after all, that's how much it takes for Michel to be free. Of course, the amount is simply huge, and it will be terribly pitiful to part with it, but it is still yours. best friend. And most importantly - this is a key character in the plot of the game, so do not be stingy. However, in the part of "Corsairs 3: To each his own" the passage is not so simple that everything was limited to this. It turns out that there is not enough money to ransom Michel - you need to do what he promised, but did not do. To find out what in question, talk to Michel himself, find out a terrible secret - something impossible awaits you. Your goal is to capture and overthrow the local government! But the island has its own full-fledged fleet, how do you deal with it? This is where you will find out that among the pirates there are those who are also not satisfied with the government on the island.

It's time to move on to the quest" pirate saga". In it you have to find all the influential pirates who will be ready to join their forces with you in order to storm Tortuga. But you will not count one, the most important pirate - the legendary Shark. You will have to spend quite a lot of time, but, alas, everything your attempts will be in vain - the Shark disappeared without leaving a trace.But in the quest "Pirates: To each his own" the passage simply cannot reach a dead end, so you just need to be distracted by other things.

"Return of the Baron", "Isle of Justice" and "The Dive"

From this moment on, real miracles will begin in the game. You will need to find a shaman who crafts special medallions that allow you to access the mysterious Isle of Justice. Naturally, you will need to complete quite a few errands and wait a couple of months before the medallions are ready, but it really is worth it. Only then will you be able to continue moving in the Corsairs game. Each walkthrough of the "Isle of Justice" may seem difficult, as this is a turning point in the game. After all, on this incredible island you will still find the Shark, and he will agree to join you, but for this you will need a ship, which, unfortunately, is not. And this whole quest will revolve around trying to get a ship for the Shark.

As for the task "Immersion", here the miracles will continue. The passage of the game "To each his own" will take a completely unusual turn - you will have to go down under the water to find an ancient Mayan city there. These unexpected plot delights await you in this wonderful game.

Decoupling is near...

So, the passage of the game "Corsairs: To each his own" is approaching its logical conclusion. It remains for you to complete a number of side and story quests in order to free Michel, capture the island of Tortuga, and also see many more various wonders associated with the Maya. Pastime for this game can not be called boring, and the project is not protracted - you decide how long you will play. You can go exclusively through the quests of the storyline, or you can complete all third-party assignments and travel around the world. Naturally does not cover this passage"Corsairs: To Each His Own" ships, sabers, cannons, ammunition and many other aspects that are not directly related to the plot itself. You have to study this on your own, and you are guaranteed to get a lot of pleasure from the process.

The final

As a result, everything will come down to the search for an ancient relic - a Mayan mask. And, unfortunately, not only will you be looking for her - your "millionth" brother Michel will also want riches, betraying you and practically killing you. But here you can take revenge. First you will have to fight the Indians, and then Michel himself, who is the main boss in the game. Every minute everything will become more difficult, as you will already be fighting with everyone at once, including your brother. Well, everything will end, of course, with your victory - if you have a real artifact in your hands, then you will need to finish off Michel, and then the final video will start. But the game does not end at the same time - you get the opportunity to continue to surf the oceans - piracy, trade, live, and, of course, go through those quests that you did not have time to do before.

Talk to Gino in his pharmacy, hand over the things, return to him in two days. Rewind time, so do it. Talk to Jino, get a card with two Manifestations from him. Open inventory, find the map and take it. You won't see anything new. Talk to Gino, he will give you the Chieftain's Claw Dag. Open the map again and you will see two skulls. Talk to Gino again. Obviously, the compass will work exactly at these points, which are located on Dominica and West Maine. But at what points on these islands? Gotta bring Gino paper map archipelago. If you do not have one in your inventory, then sail to Curacao, go to the GVIK headquarters. Without going inside, save (to save time). Enter and view the goods from the man at the table on the left. If there is no archipelago kata, then reboot. Otherwise, you will have to rewind time 7 days ahead, because it is once a week that a man changes his assortment of goods. After taking the map, return to Antigua and talk to Gino. Your character will automatically sit down at the table. After a while, he will put marks on the map. So, the first place is the center of Dominica. The second location is northwest of Blueveld, jungle.

Follow the ship, sail first to Dominica. Land on the east coast - Castle Bruce Beach. Exit the beach into the jungle - the transition is ahead on the right. At the location you will see an idol familiar to you. Walk up to him, walk around. You may need to click LMB. Your hero must tinker next to the idol and report that he marked a line on the map where the compass points. Now you need to find the second line and find an island at the intersection.

Swim towards Blueveld. But you need to land in Amatica Bay. It is there that the idol is located, with the help of which you got to the Island of Justice. Approach him and click LMB. Intersection found! Swim to Belize, follow to the right and go out to the open sea when it is in the same vertical line with the western (left) part of the Cayman. Xochitem found - the script should be updated. Swim along the coast of the island until the "anchor" icon appears. Dock to the island. Let's talk with Gino, go straight, move to the right along the cliff until the path up appears on the left hand. Don't rush to move on. Gino said that your daga "Chief's Claw" against the inhabitants of this island works the best. Pick up this blade, then move on. Fight the first group of skeletons. Hit them with a strong blow (middle mouse button), try to make them come one at a time. With other weapons, fighting with them is a real "nerd". After defeating the first three enemies, proceed further and kill four more.

Move to a new location. Kill the skeletons, left and right are two passages, guarded with two groups of skeletons. Go left, after killing the enemies, go to the next location. Kill nearby enemies. From here there are two ways - straight and to the right. Both are guarded by skeletons. Pass first to the right and go to the shore. Clear it, on the right there will be a skeleton of a destroyed ship. Enter through the gap, find the chest and press Space. Instead of opening the chest, a script will run and a fresh entry will appear in your ship's log. Is this really the same ship? But the gold that lies here is not worth hunting for.

Go back one location and turn right. You haven't gone there yet. After killing the skeletons, go to the location and find yourself near the cave. You can kill enemies, or you can just run inside the cave, after hiding the weapon. In the cave, you can kill enemies, or you can run forward and to the left, where there will be a transition to the flooded part of the cave. Go there, swim forward. The corridor will leave at the end a little to the left - go there and follow. Exit the cave.

You will find yourself on the shore of the Cursed Bay. Clear the coast of skeletons. You need to kill ALL the skeletons, after that the entry in the diary will be updated. Pay attention to the broken wreck of the ship lying in the water. The mast fell off him. Swim up to the mast, climb on it from any side and run across to the ship. Find the door and go inside the ship. Skeletons will attack you. Defeat the skeleton in the cocked hat - this is the captain of the Santa Quiteria. After that, he will talk to you. Chat with the dead man, then defeat him and his two minions again. Take the iron key, saber and other useful items from the captain's corpse. Go downstairs and clear the chests. There will be a closet on the left. You can find the ship's log in it, open it through the inventory, then read it in the Log / Documents in the archive section. This is optional, but you will be able to find out what happened to the crew of the ship through the eyes of the captain. Exit through the door and swim back to the shore. There are several chests on the shore, to the left of them there are three barrels, and on one of the barrels there is a small iron chest. Approach it - it will open with the found key. Take the mask of Kukulkan from the chest. Attention! This is not a real mask! To find the real one, go back to the second location after the coast, where you landed on land. There will still be a stone statue. On this path you turned left, but now you need to go right. Cross the next location, on another go inside the cave. Walk forward a little and you will see a stone bridge. Kill the skeletons, stand in the middle of the bridge and turn 90 degrees to the left. You will see a niche in the rock. Jump into the water, approach the niche and find the transition point to the flooded cave. Follow there, save immediately, because. the exit from the cave is quite difficult to find!

Swim straight without turning anywhere until the character hits a stone. Opposite this rock, against another wall, there is a second boulder. Turn to him. To the left of the boulder are stone icicles sticking out from below. Swim these icicles so that you can swim up to the second stone from the left side. This is where you look for the transition point (near the left side of the stone). You will find yourself in another cave. Run forward, climb up a little, turn right and see a ladder. Climb up on it, on the left side, find the passage to the room with a real mask. Next, the Guardian of Truth will appear. You need to defeat him. His health will regenerate four times. In this case, after the first time, another skeleton will appear for 30-40 seconds, which is not necessary to kill (it will disappear on its own). After defeating the Guardian, talk to him, give him the "Claw of the Leader" Dag. It will increase your performance - agility and endurance. Next, go back to this room and take the mask of Kukulkan.

Now run back (in the same way), once in the bay where the ship was left, take the weapon found on the corpse of the captain of the abandoned ship. It’s just that now there will be a fight with soldiers, and if you haven’t even found a real mask (which implies the transfer of the “Claw of the Leader” dagi), then you won’t really fight with a daga against living people. Take, for example, the saber of Captain Santa Quiteria. Go towards the ship, talk to Maldonado, Montoya's friend. Negotiations will lead to nothing - kill the enemies. It's best to run back from the musket shots and kill Maldonado and the two swordsmen first. Then return to the shore and kill the two musketeers. The diary will be updated. Go to your ship. Set sail from the shore and fight four ships from the Maldonado squadron. After defeating them, go to the cabin, go to the wardroom and talk to Gino. Sail to Antigua, land at St. John's Harbor and chat with Gino. After that, the envoy of Father Vincento will approach you. Read the received letter. For two weeks, Vincento will be waiting for you at the cemetery, located outside the city of Willemstad, in Curacao. Swim there, go out of town, run forward to another location. Here is the cemetery. Go to the territory of the cemetery, enter the chapel and talk to Vincento.

In just a few seconds, a calm breeze turns into a destructive flurry. The clear sky becomes formidable because of the many clouds. Torrents of rain and lightning erupt. Suddenly, from behind the horizon on torn sails, a chilling horror appears, a nightmare on the waves. He brings death to all living things. This is a ghost ship.

In the empty labyrinths of an abandoned temple, there are many terrible guards who are summoned by the angry god of death, Yum Simil. A powerful ancient artifact must be returned to the Dead Realm. Then the Caribbean archipelago will get rid of evil spirits that want war.

  • The mystical macro quest will take at least 6 game hours;
  • The newest unique military galleon - a class 1 ship;
  • New unique melee weapon - katana;
  • New unique firearms- double-shot pistol;
  • New unique armor- Lamport suit.

Don't be afraid of the undead. The brave can overcome everything! You will have to find three artifacts and return the jade skull to its place.

Attention! This quest Available only if you purchase the DLC from the Steam store!

Conditions for obtaining the quest: The Dutch Gambit must be successfully completed. If you completed Dutch Gambit with GVIK, either secret organization, then you need to sell the skull to the Portuguese. Time must pass - approximately 4 months after the completion of Gambit. The game version is 1.1.3 and higher. Otherwise, you may experience all sorts of glitches.

Reward: Flying Heart War Galleon, Double Shot Pistol, Lamport Costume, Shaman Potion, Katana.

How can I get the quest? There are three ways to do this:

  1. Buy a strange amulet from a beggar in town
  2. Remove the strange amulet from the body of the slain Indian in the jungle
  3. Find a strange amulet in the chest in the cabin of the captain of the aborted ship.

To start the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche in one profile, you can get the "Strange amulet" in any way. It will fall into your hands anyway.

So, you have a "Strange Amulet" on your hands. You need to find out what its purpose is. Who can give a hint? Naturally, the lighthouse keepers. They can also give orders for amulets. Visit three lighthouses - Santiago, Guadeloupe, Cartagena. One caretaker in any case will tell how the amulet appeared in the Caribbean and that Charles is already the third person who shows this thing.

However, only one person can know how to use the amulet. This is the shaman of the Carib Indians. The tribe lives in Dominica. Do not flatter yourself, the Indian does not talk to anyone. In order for him to start communicating with you, he needs to present an offering. He only accepts firearms. This is not a simple pistol, but a real drill musket, or a naval carbine.

When you get something useful, go to Dominica. In the depths of the jungle, find the village of the Caribs. In one house you will find a shaman, talk to him. When he recognizes his amulet, then get to look for the other two. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues.

Don't think it will be easy for you! As soon as you enter the water area of ​​the island, a strong storm will begin. A ghost ship will rush towards your ship! By the way, he won't shoot. As soon as your ships get close, the ghost will start boarding. You need to deal with the skeletons on the ghost's quarterdeck and go to the captain's cabin.

In the cabin of the captain of the Kaleuche

Don't try to pummel the undead captain. He cares about everything! After a while, he will stop and start talking. The captain will say that he and his team are immortal. He attacked because he needs the strange amulet you are in possession of.

Well, start fighting him again. As a result, you will fall unconscious. Come to your senses on the coast of Dominica. As far as health is concerned, it is at a disadvantage. A sailor from your ship will run up to you, or a girl if you managed to go through the Pirate Saga. From the conversation, you will learn that your team was able to drag your body from the ship. But your ship was sunk with just one salvo.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. By the way, the sailors also managed to take your chest from the cabin, so the little things remained intact. Talk, go back to the shaman and find out how Kaleuche appeared in the Caribbean, why he needs amulets and how you can fight him.

As for fighting, it is not difficult - you need to find the two missing amulets, as well as the jade skull of Yum Simil. He is now with Joaquim Merriman. Well, you'll have to pick it up. But first you need to find the remaining amulets before the undead captain. The shaman will give advice to find a fast ship that will get away from the Kaleuche.

Hint: Ships such as the Mirage, Meifeng, Valkyrie can get away from the ghost ship. However, you feel sorry for them, or for some reason you will not be able to enter them. Pay attention to ships of small classes, but not merchant ones.

Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche. Go back to the lighthouse keeper who told you about the amulet. Ask him about the other two amulets. Or rather, who can own them.

So, you need a hunter from Belize, Fergus Hooper, Jack-Jackson from Barbados. All that is known about him is that his ship is called "half-woman-half-bird". In fact, the name is "Harpy"!


You should ask the Port Authority about Jack-Jackson. When asked what his xebec is called, answer "Harpy". You will be told that this captain is now in the service of the Dutch West India Company. That's where you need to look for it. Go to Curacao. In the GVIK office, the one that sells commercial licenses will find out that your Jackson is engaged in regular flights between Port Royal and Phillipsburg. Look for desired ship on this route, send a boat to the xebec.

You will learn that Jackson keeps the amulet in the chest of the lighthouse in Barbados. So that's why the undead captain couldn't get it! However, Jackson cannot go to Barbados with you. He has a contract. Therefore, for the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche, buy from him the key for the chest. It costs 500 doubloons. Return to Barbados, land at the lighthouse. In the chest you will find a strange amulet, as well as a two-shot pistol and other small things. Deliver the amulet to the shaman, as "Kaleuche" is now hunting for you.


In Belize, you will find out that your hunter will arrive no earlier than in three days. In addition, it will be in the period from 6 to 9 pm. Wait for it. It may appear in a week. Ask, in general, about the amulet.

He would have gladly given the amulet, but only he was robbed by local bandits. Long story short, the amulet was stolen along with Hooper's other belongings. Go to the commandant of the prison, but there you will not learn anything except that the bandits have assistants in the city. We'll have to take on the white ourselves.

Shame at home. So in one you will find a suspicious type. Kill him, search the body and find an interesting note. Wait until midnight, blow into the jungle. In the next location, you will meet bandits outside the city gates. Give the note, get an invitation to the case. This is a robbery of a merchant.

For the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche you must agree and help them. At the next dialogue, you will receive another invitation to the case. It will be over in three days. You will also learn that the gang is located nearby in a cave. The next day, also at midnight, go to the cave, there will be caches. Find the amulet, Lamport's costume and other rubbish. Two bandits will find you. You will have to kill them and go to the shaman, running away from the Kaleuche along the way.

Hint: if you hand over two bandits to the commandant, then after three days you will receive a reward for capturing the villains.

jade skull

So, you need through Yum Simil. He is currently with Joaquim Merriman. Blow into Willemstad. There the Portuguese rented a room. Don't rush anywhere at the pier. A monk will run up to you and say that Merriman is missing. Also missing was the owner of the house where he rented a house. Plus, strange things happen there at night. However, the soldiers found nothing.

Naturally, you have to figure out what's what. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche continues. When midnight comes, go to the house opposite the residence. You need to go up to the second floor. The monk did not deceive! A fairly thick smoke will rise above the chest near the bed. After that, a skeleton holding an ax will appear in the room! When you deal with the undead, search the corpse. You will understand that this is the housewife. Yes, after all, Merriman is a very dangerous type!

Go to the church, talk to the priests. From him you will learn that Joaquim is a former nobleman. Now this is a terrible witch. In Havana, the disappearance of the townspeople, as well as attacks from the undead, were noticed. Well, go to Cuba. Here you have to go to church. You will learn from a local monk that all kinds of undead are in the jungle in a cave. The passage to this place is guarded by a musketeer.

Blow into the jungle. In the location in front of the cave itself, talk to the musketeer. He will let you through. With the further passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche needs to kill all the skeletons both at the entrance and in the cave itself. As soon as the last cave skeleton falls to the floor, smoke will begin to pour from her corner. This is where Chavinavi comes in. Those who follow Richard Gambit will immediately recognize the creature. Kill him, return to the monk. He expresses gratitude. All this is great, but you still haven't found Merriman. By the way, he is somewhere near!

Nobody in the city saw him. Will have to look for him. At the cemetery, stick to the caretaker. Press on him, then you will find out that Joaquim is sitting in the crypt and quietly stealing corpses from the cemetery. Take the key, blow behind the skull. Go into the crypt, go past the coffins, go through the door.

You ended up in a cave with a number of grottoes. Everywhere you need to clean up the skeletons, find Merriman. You will find it in the room with the throne. Talk to him, watch the transformation from a human into a nasty undead. At first, fight off the summoned chavinavi, then from the jaguar warrior, as well as Joaquim, who joined him. When Marriman falls, the chavinavi will die on its own. Search the corpse of a Portuguese subject. Take the jade skull from him. Do not forget to also search the cave, take the Easter chest. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own - Kaleuche.

It's time to go to Dominica. Now there is a strange thing - if the amulets so attracted the ghost ship, then the jade skull is not at all interesting to him. When you come to the shaman, listen to the story. You need to listen carefully, because it is important! Then take two amulets. Regardless of whether the amulets are worn or not, they are only good for a month. During this period, you must find the island with the temple of Yum Simil. Leave the skull there.

Hint: If you completed the Pirate Saga, then you will learn the coordinates of the island from Nathaniel Hawke. Well, if not, then you need the center of the notorious Bermuda Triangle. Its peaks are Sint Maarten, Antigua, St. Christopher. Get ready to fight serious battles, both on land and at sea.

So, you have found Hael Roa. On it you must leave Yum Simil's skull. Go to the depths of the island, where the temple is visible. Climb to the top, come in. When you get to three passes, you need to choose the middle one. Climb up the stairs. Next, you need to navigate by the sign "skull-sun". Focus on the sun, killing skeletons along the way, as well as Chavinians. When, during the passage of the Corsair: To each his own - Kaleuche, open the door, you will enter a room in which there are teleports. Go to the right one. Then there will be only one road. All teleports are correct. After entering the last teleport, you will find yourself in a sanctuary. There, a Chavinavi chief will approach you.

Hint: the leader will start bombarding you with questions. The answers to them were in the shaman's story, which had to be listened to carefully! If the answers are wrong, at least one of them, then the leader will attack you. If you don't make any mistakes, you will get the skin of a leopard warrior.

At the end of the conversation with the leader, go to the statue on the other side of the sanctuary. Put down the jade skull. When you leave the temple, you need to go to the sea. In the water area, the military galleon "Flying Heart" is already waiting for you. It already has a mortal team led by a captain. Take the former ghost on board, mow down everyone who gets caught. Along the way, you need to search the skeletons, which may contain interesting amulets. There will be a battle with the captain in the cabin. After - a conversation. At the end of the conversation, kill him. Remove the first strange amulet from the body. In one of the chests you will find a katana. The other will have 5,000 doubloons. You can't take them away, so don't try in vain.

Here it is, chilling the soul "Kaleuche" ... ours!

Do you think that the passage of Corsair: To each his own - Kaleuche is completed? It wasn't there! You need to return to the shaman, give him the amulets. You will receive a task - to deliver 15 Mangaros. Of these, he will prepare a potion for you. You can bring everything to him at once. You can, as far as you find - in fives. As a result, you will receive three potions: a potion of endurance, a potion of reaction and a potion of your choice. As soon as you get the potions, say goodbye to the shaman, who will go to comprehend the wisdom of his ancestors.