The best level 8 Fri in the world. Two types of combat

Let's present in this article the best tier 8 tank destroyers. We can appreciate the strengths and weak sides each model, as well as disassemble their tactical features. Let's start from the last place.

AT 15. Opens our rating in 10th place.

The vehicle is equipped with heavy frontal armor, and it is well protected from other directions. For lower-level enemies, such armor will be an unpleasant surprise.
The advantage of the gun is a very short reload time and excellent penetration, which will allow tank destroyers to continuously attack the enemy. Damage per minute 2760 units. Tactical advice: if you aim well at the caterpillar, then it will definitely fly off from the first shot, so try to start the attack from this place.
AT 15 is distinguished by excellent vertical and horizontal aiming angles. We won’t have to show up much for a shot, and it will be problematic for the enemy to circle us.
Tank Destroyers have the highest HP at their tier - 1450 HP - this can save your life more than once.
The huge size of the AT 15 nullifies the camouflage option. Enemies will notice us before everyone else.
As a consequence of the dimensions - very poor mobility, most likely, you will have to play near the base.
The tank destroyer's gun doesn't do much damage (only 230 damage), so it won't be possible to frighten someone with a hit. Try not to get involved in an exchange of blows.
In the frontal armor there is a dangerous weakness- the hatch is very large. When shooting, try to turn to the line of attack in front, so that it is more difficult for enemies to hit the turret.

The AT 15 is a clumsy tank with an underpowered gun. Try to take control of some direction and endure the battle, relying on your armor.

T28. 9th place. One of the cars on the way to T110E3.

The tank destroyer is equipped with chic frontal armor - 254mm. Even level 10 enemies will not always be able to break through it.
It has an almost universal tool.
The small height of the hull increases our concealment rate.
The slowest tank of this level. The maximum speed is 18 km/h. Don't even try to go anywhere. You don’t need to capture any positions, you still won’t have time.
Terrible vertical aiming angles - only 5 degrees.
The side armor is only 50mm, which means that the tank destroyer is very vulnerable to enemy artillery. Moreover, there are two large hatches on the tower, and the enemy will aim there.
T28 is designed to protect the strategic direction. Try not to let the enemy get closer than medium range and rely on your frontal armor.

T28 prototype. 8th place. The turret makes the tank destroyer look like a heavy tank.

The frontal part has good armor, the weak point is only a machine gun, but getting there is quite difficult. The defense is hard to break through for any classmate;
Despite the presence of the turret, the gun remained almost the same. We can play a little like TT.
Mobility parameters leave much to be desired. The maximum speed is 13 km/h.
Very bad side armor, almost everyone will break through, so twist your body when they shoot at you.
The tower rotates only 143 degrees - do not let the enemy get too close.
Tactics of the game remains the same - to keep the direction. Don't forget to use the tower.

The highest damage per minute at this level is 2865 units.
The tank destroyer has a very low hull, which means it has a good camouflage indicator.
SU-101 is able to occupy more advantageous positions on the map due to good dynamics.
Terrible UVN - 3 degrees. The slightest roughness and we will no longer aim.
The gun has weak penetration by an armor-piercing projectile - 219 units.
Very little margin of safety.
The characteristics of this machine suggest only one tactic: hide somewhere and destroy enemies at a long distance thanks to the gun's rate of fire.

Ferdinand. 6th place. German tank hunter, in Russian "Fedya".

Frontal armor is 200mm.
It has a really serious weapon "mousegun" with a damage of 490 units. Such a gift will cool the ardor of a too arrogant opponent. The penetration rate is 246 units.
The main thing is that with such a tool we have adequate angles of inclination.
Due to the large size, camouflage is useless.
Again, because of them, the same poor speed and maneuverability.
Frontal armor is vulnerable closer to the bottom. Hits in this area often disable the engine.
The tank destroyer is capable of dealing significant damage thanks to its gun and is well protected, but try not to lean too far forward. Enemy artillery will attack you among the first.

AMX AC ml.48. 5th place. It's not hard to get used to her personality.

Perfectly balanced gun, good rate of fire and accuracy. Penetration rate 257.
Good indicators of speed and maneuverability. We can take a more advantageous position in time or not allow the enemy to spin us.
The frontal armor will withstand hits from tanks of the same level without any problems.
Weak Armor sides makes you suffer from enemy land mines.
Two turrets and a rangefinder at the top are a weak point, they are even accidentally hit quite often.
Too much big time tool information (buy drives as soon as possible).
The low health pool of 1000 will force you to be more careful.
It is advisable to immediately analyze the map and capture a profitable point. Destroy enemy tanks from afar and try to avoid close combat. FROM long distance your turrets are harder to hit.

ISU-152. 4th place.

It is difficult to call it universal, but it copes well with the tasks of its class of technology.
The most powerful gun BL-10 with a penetration rate of 286 units is the main trump card of the ISU-152. Even tanks of higher tiers will think twice before turning on her head-on.
The main thing for us is disguise.
Very large gun mantlet.
Weak mobility.
The gun has a long aiming time and low firing accuracy - 0.41.
Very bad armor, even frontal. Tank destroyers will penetrate all and sundry.
Too little margin of safety.
Rely on camouflage and a chic weapon in battle. Wait for someone to light up the enemy, and try to avoid protracted firefights as much as possible.

Jagdpanther II. 3rd place. Some players underestimate the potential of this tank destroyer.

The most powerful weapon we have is the same “mousegun” with great damage and penetration.
This tank destroyer has one secret: a very strong cabin. There is an opportunity to hide behind some stone, putting up only the cabin, and to shine for yourself and shoot.
The car boasts excellent mobility.
The frontal armor is only 100mm, and there is nothing to say about the armor of the sides.
Despite the huge disadvantage in terms of armor, this tank destroyer is the first that can both shine for itself and support the team with fire, and not hide in thistle thickets.

Rhm. BorsigWaffentrager. 2nd place. Another German woman, in Russian "Borsch". Will kill the enemy without even leaving the disguise.

We get a choice of the familiar "mousegun" or a 1500mm cannon with damage of 750 units and slightly less armor penetration.
Magnificent invisibility, we are practically invisible. It's very hard to find us.
Gorgeous view - 400m, allows you to shine on your own (the best at this level).
The tank destroyer turret can rotate 360 ​​degrees.
Very poor armor, easily penetrated by enemy land mines.
Land mines do a lot of damage to the crew.
"Borscht" hides remarkably well and attacks well from a long distance. If necessary, he can illuminate himself. The main thing is that you are not found by enemy artillery.

Charioteer. 1st place


Amazing speed and maneuverability, 22l/s per ton - this is an indicator inherent in a medium tank. You can quickly take or change positions.
An excellent weapon with good accuracy and armor penetration.
Hash bombs with 210 penetration make it possible to effectively counter any enemy with good aim.
The tower excludes the possibility of spinning us.


Not very good hull and turret armor.
The number of shells in the ammunition load is not enough (30 pieces).
Playing as Charioteer is easy and comfortable. Even more interesting is the fact that you can choose different variants actions: at least sit in an ambush, at least quickly take a more advantageous position or go to the aid of friends. This tank destroyer is the most versatile and therefore takes first place. Moreover, with its help you can fill up any tank.

So the review of the best tank destroyers has ended. This information should help you achieve even greater results in World of Tanks.

In World of tanks, this tank destroyer is a premium tier 8 tank, the cost of which is 10,000 gold coins. Our AT differs from the Level 9 Jagdtiger only in the gun. The strength of the tank is very good and is 1300 units. This indicator is enough for us if we substitute the sides for a shot, especially for artillery.
Speed ​​characteristics leave much to be desired. With a tank mass of 70 tons, an engine power of 700 horsepower gives us a maximum speed of 28 km/h with a power density of 10.5 horsepower per ton. From the speed characteristics, it is clear that our tank is spinning not in the best way - 22 degrees per second.
The main feature of the tank destroyer is the armament. The 88mm Pak 43 cannon has good penetration for the 8th tier among premium vehicles. Namely, armor-piercing shells penetrate 203 mm, sub-caliber - 237, and high-explosive - 44. The average damage does not differ in high alpha, but the rate of fire in the amount of 11 rounds per minute, accuracy of 0.31 and fast convergence - allows you to deal enormous damage per minute.
The tank has a good overview - 390 meters, with a communication range of 710 meters.

Tank history.
Jagdtiger 8.8 cm (Jagdtiger) is a German anti-tank self-propelled gun during the Second World War, which was produced in 1944-1945. The Yagtigr was the heaviest of the mass-produced armored vehicles. Mass production was greatly hampered by the aerial bombardment of the allied forces. The body of the Jagtigr was almost entirely borrowed from the King Tiger tank.
As a result, according to various sources, 70-79 self-propelled guns were produced. Due to the small number of tank destroyers, their reliability, and the constant lack of fuel, the use of Yagtigr did not affect the outcome of the Second World War. But those machines that took part in the battles demonstrated an excellent ability to destroy enemy forces.

What perks to download for the crew.
Speaking about the crew perks, I would immediately like to note that although we are tank destroyers, we don’t need camouflage because of the too large size of our combat vehicle. The first is to upgrade the entire crew for repairs, and the sixth sense for the commander. Very important skills are smooth running, virtuoso, off-road king and sniper. Having studied these skills, it is best to start pumping the entire crew into combat brotherhood, which, coupled with ventilation, will give a significant increase to all the skills of the crew.

What equipment and modules to install.
It is best to put a gun rammer on the Jagtigr - a very important module to increase our rate of fire, improved ventilation - increases the characteristics of the tank, and the third module to choose from - coated optics or a stereo tube. Consumables take a repair kit, first aid kit, fire extinguisher or high-octane gasoline - it all depends on the tactics of your game.

Penetration zones and weak points.
Reservation of the tank is very peculiar. Frontal projection is not satisfactory. The upper frontal part has armor of 150 millimeters at an angle of 50 degrees, and the lower one - 120 millimeters at the same angle. The wheelhouse of the tank is excellent. Booking is 250 millimeters and is a tough nut to crack for most combat vehicles. The thickness of the sides and stern is several times lower. The sides are almost at right angles and have a thickness of 80 millimeters. The roof armor is even smaller - only 45 millimeters. The stern is also not impressive. The rear part of the cabin is protected by armor of 80 millimeters at an angle of 80 degrees, and the lower part also has armor at an angle of 60 degrees. According to the protection of this tank destroyer, it is clear that basically we are protected only from the front.

How to play correctly.
According to the balance weight, the tank gets into battles by levels 8 and 9, which is a plus for the Jagtigr, because you don’t meet with 10 levels. There are two main tactical applications self-propelled unit in battle - ambush, aka sniper, and support heavy tanks.
Ambush tactics mean that you first choose the optimal position and work on someone else's detection at distances of more than 400 meters. A weapon that has a high rate of fire and accuracy for its level helps you with this. The disadvantage of this practice is the possibility of non-penetration of tanks of levels 8 and 9, since penetration even of sub-caliber shells is not always enough. The main danger is your detection by light tanks, followed by a volley of enemy artillery.
This style of fighting is very effective when getting into battles of level 9. Another ambush tactic is holding a direction, but, in this case, you must choose a flank and hold back the enemy forces. Such conduct of the battle is facilitated by excellent frontal booking. It is implemented as follows. Having taken a position, you must be sure that the enemy tanks will not be able to go to the rear, at least in the first half of the battle. Hide the lower frontal part, it is advisable to stand next to an object that, both in height and in length, exceeds the size of your tank, you can slowly shoot enemy combat vehicles. It can also help to position the hull at a slight angle relative to the enemy, which will increase the reduced armor and ricochet of the tank.
Option number two - support for heavy tanks. With the support of allied tanks, it is desirable to be at a distance of at least 100 meters for your own safety. It is worth hiding the NLD and turning the body over. When using tank destroyers in this way, your main task is to harm and immobilize enemy vehicles by damaging the tracks. This option is quite effective if you find yourself in level 8 fights.

The profitability of this combat vehicle is pretty good. With the low cost of shells, high level damage per minute, accurate and very fast-firing cannon, the average earnings per battle with a premium account are 50-80 thousand silver, provided that you do not die at the beginning of the battle.

Good news for World of Tanks fans, the developers promise that a new imba will appear in the game. This is the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105, a Tier 8 Tank Destroyer that will appear in Germany as an equivalent for the Premium Shop. It is curious, but this PT-shka has already repeatedly rolled on test servers, inaccessible to the Russian region and now appeared on domestic servers.

Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 is a new German premium Tier VIII tank destroyer specifically for the RU cluster, since kanonenjagdpanzer has already been sold on European servers, but now some changes have been made to pass testing at the SuperTest and make a further decision. The tank destroyer is equipped with a 105 mm high-performance gun.

Historical facts Kanonenjagdpanzer 105

The technique has quite interesting story. Work on the creation of Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 began in the mid-50s of the last century. Then the German army, recovering from a crushing defeat in the war, developed measures to counter the tank power of the Soviet army.

The SCHUTZENPANZER LANG HS light armored personnel carrier was chosen as the base. 30. The first combat-ready prototype was created in 1959, however, field tests revealed a lot of shortcomings, so the car went for modernization. These works dragged on until 1965, and some time later the PT was put into mass production and put into service. The tank was produced until 1967, during which time about 380 pieces of equipment were created.

Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 Tactical and technical characteristics

So, our attention is presented to the tank destroyers of the eighth level with a safety margin of 1,200 units. Quite a decent indicator among classmates. The viewing radius is 360 meters in the basic package. For this class of technique, which depends on the right of the first shot, farsightedness looks mediocre, so it definitely needs to be improved.

In terms of mobility, there are no complaints. Weight in 26 tons with an engine power of 500 liters. c gives a ratio of 19 "horses" per unit of live weight. Therefore, the tank confidently accelerates to 70 km/h, holds speed well on difficult terrain.

Separately, it is worth considering the masking coefficient, which exceeds 41% for a stationary machine. Accordingly, the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 will not glow when fired and will be able to cause a lot of problems to careless opponents.

Let's talk about weapons. Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 is equipped with 105mm BORDKANONE L7 gun with very good features. In particular, armor penetration by an armor-piercing projectile is 268 mm, by charging the cumulative, this figure can be increased to 330. Accordingly, you can confidently inflict damage on classmates and vehicles of a higher level. The one-time damage also looks decent: 390 units.

In addition, the gun has good aiming speed, accuracy and stabilization. However, the reload time varies within 11 seconds, which gives DPM in 2,130 units. There are no serious complaints about the UVN: the barrel drops by 8 degrees.

Full values performance characteristics are presented below:

Equipment Kanonenjagdpanzer 105

There is no need to reinvent the wheel, but to use the standard set for this class of technology. In particular, you can install the following additional modules:

  1. Rammer.
  2. Camouflage network.
  3. Stereoscopic telescope.

Note that you can replace the camouflage net with something more suitable for you. The tank has good stealth performance and a squat silhouette, and the sight radius needs to be improved in any case. Please note that final choice is up to you, so you can improvise and try your sets of extras. modules, focusing on their own game tactics.

Perks Kanonenjagdpanzer 105

Those who played the E 25 know what skills tankers need to upgrade first. Considering that Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 has a lot in common with the legendary "flea", you can follow similar principles when choosing perks. We advise you to learn crew skills in the following order:

Do not forget about combat equipment, so be sure to take a first aid kit, a repair kit and a fire extinguisher into battle. Some testers advise replacing the fire safety product with a chocolate bar to make the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 even more dangerous, but we do not recommend this, and the next section of the review will explain why.

Booking Kanonenjagdpanzer 105

For good speed performance and maneuverability, you usually have to pay with the lack of armor. The frontal projection of the hull and sides is protected by steel sheets, the thickness of which is only 30 mm, feed: 20 mm. Naturally, for battles of tiers 8-9, where vehicles have rather serious guns, 30 mm armor looks more like cosmetic, so everyone and sundry will penetrate the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105, including opponents of a lower level.

In addition, land mines will “enter” the cardboard case, causing fatal damage, maiming crew members and causing critical damage to internal modules. A flat roof will be a tasty morsel for artillery, so playing the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105 should be done with extreme caution and when choosing a position, immediately determine the path for a possible retreat.

How to play Kanonenjagdpanzer 105

Here you need to adhere to the principle: flutter like a butterfly, sorry like a bee. Therefore, when counting down the timer, we look at the position in a potentially dangerous direction and quickly occupy the bushes on 2-3 lines.

Taking advantage of the fact that teammates will highlight the enemy, we try to use the relatively good potential of the weapon as efficiently as possible. Accuracy allows you to comfortably fire at long distances, replenishing the in-game piggy bank with silver credits, and a high stealth coefficient will not allow the enemy to detect us.

For obvious reasons, we try not to engage in open confrontation. A long reload of the gun will not allow you to trade damage comfortably. However, you can get close to bulky opponents and, taking advantage of the fact that the low silhouette will not allow the anti-tank gun to be in the enemy’s crosshairs, methodically dismantle the enemy tank.

In addition, do not forget about the speed characteristics that allow you to quickly change flanks, return to defend the base, make raids deep behind enemy lines in order to “cut out” artillery. In general, fans of a cautious but dynamic game will definitely like the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105.

Tank destroyers, mobile gun carriages, assault guns, tank destroyer"High-explosive messenger" continues to publish the top of the best anti-tank self-propelled guns(Start ).

"Boris": the razor of the "World of Tanks"

At this level, there are many good tank destroyers- yes, the same Soviet ISU-152, - but the best of them, perhaps, is still German Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger.

Compare the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger machine to the jeep on the left.

Waffenträger is not the self-name of the car in question, but rather a term that unites a whole model range. Translated from German, this word means "Squire", and the name was chosen for a reason. And Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, and Krupp Steyr Waffenträger, and even "waffle" Waffenträger Auf E-100- those same mobile artillery carriages, or artillery transporters that were supposed to carry heavy-duty guns.

A distinctive feature of all "paper" projects, like the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, is that information about them is very difficult to find.

According to a few testimonies, Rheinmetall-Borsig began development at the end of 1942, but in the middle of 1944 the project was closed, considering the end result too expensive - which is strange, because they were going to use parts for the chassis. Hetzer. The same "Ferdinand" cost much more, but the leadership of the Wehrmacht still chose the project of the company ArdeltWaffentrager 8.8cm PaK 43 L/71.

In this position, the short Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger has nothing to fear. Bushes, pumped skills and a camouflage net will leave a cunning "firefly" at the base of a rock with a nose.

Wargaming from a project that exists only on paper, they created the strongest anti-tank self-propelled gun at the eighth level. Yes, she cannot boast of 200 mm armor, but the combination of a very low silhouette with a camouflage net more than compensates for this.

Stories like “I was shot by a ghost, because there is nothing but grass around” - just about our hero, since they are not limited to disguising the dignity of the “barsik”. The movements of the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger turret do not give away your location and allow you to hide your frail hull behind rocks. In addition, an excellent 15 cm Pak L/29.5 cannon can be mounted on the turret.

Unlike the same ISU-152, which has an equally impressive weapon, the "borscht" is a very mobile thing for a heavy tank destroyer. Where others will be blocked by a ram or attack from the side and, as a result, defenseless, the “barsik” will scare the insolent to death by simply deploying the tower.

There is never too much armor

At the ninth level, there is not much to choose from: here only "Object 704" and it’s good with armor, and the caliber pleases.

Soviet engineers had no less love for sharp corners than German engineers for large sizes and caliber.

Developed by none other than J. Ya. Kotin , the most important constructor of that time: KV-1, KV-2, IS-4, SU-152, ISU-152 and no less than a dozen models were made under his strict guidance. The frontal armor of the "Object 704" sometimes did not penetrate even the most powerful Pak 43, a thunderstorm of Soviet tanks.

Unfortunately, during the tests it turned out that the machine did not meet the requirements of the Red Army. The pursuit of ultimate security led to the fact that the crew had to move. The idea was unsuccessful, and the only existing sample of the "Object 704" settled in Kubinka.

Object 704 is also known as ISU-152 Model 1945, but don't believe the name. ISU - "IS-installation", adaptation of the IS tank to the platform, and nothing more.

Nevertheless, the Leftover is, without exaggeration, a legendary self-propelled gun. Even though she does not have a tower, like the Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger, everything is fine with protection. The 120 mm sloping frontal armor at 50 degrees ricochets so often that it is uncomfortable in front of the enemy team.

What can we say about the gun mask! Even on a dare, no one manages to break through it, which fully corresponds to the real characteristics of the "Object 704". The 152mm BL-10 cannon (one of the best in WoT) adored by the “heavy drivers” hides behind a 320mm (!) armored mask.

And why did they call a great car "Obyedkom"?

Of course, the sides of the "Object" can no longer boast of the monstrous thickness of the armor plate, but this does not at all dispel the mystical veil around this car. Even a direct hit with a “golden” shell in the side sometimes caused only bewilderment - how so, E-100 did not break through the Soviet "cardboard"? But the "leftover" still needs to be found. This TD has excellent camouflage, which, coupled with the BL-10 cannon and brutally ricocheting armor, makes it the best at level 9. If she were more mobile, she wouldn't have a price.

A Millennium of Pain

Level 10 is rich in excellent examples of anti-tank self-propelled guns. Here and AMX50 Foch (155) , and British FV215b (183), and Waffenträger Auf E100- Of course, great cars, but our choice fell on them.

The number of Freudian jokes about the size of the Jagdpanzer E-100 is such that especially hot tankers immediately send high-explosive fragmentation to the side of the joker.

The Jagdpanzer E-100 is a Dora cannon in miniature, its shot can be heard in any corner of the map, and you can’t confuse it with anything. The Millennium of Pain embodies all the best and worst features of the design genius of the Third Reich: wondrous armor and a 170-millimeter Pak gun, but truly monstrous in size. How the Jagdpanzer E-100 differs from the E-100 that served for it is not clear, since the project did not progress beyond the “paper” stage and it did not even have a wooden layout.

A visual demonstration of the difference between the projects of the E-series tank destroyers. Beloved by the players, the E-25 next to the bulk of the E-100 looks like a pony next to a heavyweight.

In WoT, the Punisher has nowhere to hide, so forget about disguise, they will still light up. The main thing is to take a place outside the reach of artillery and start robbing in a chosen area. The frontal armor does not have such a slope that it often ricochets, but 200 mm is also very good, not everyone top tank will go to the Jagdpanzer E-100 in the frontal.

The thickness of the armor of the "Punisher" is great, but not unlimited. Stupidity is usually punished very quickly.

However, spin "Bismarck" worthless, because this hulk is graceful, like a drunken penguin. It turns out a funny paradox. The highest burst damage and thick skin make the Jagdpanzer E-100 an excellent vehicle for defense, ambushes and slow rushes, but in close combat and in open spaces it is defenseless.

With the best Soviet tier 10 tank destroyers, the situation is different. "Object 268" different from its competitors, except AMX 50 Foch (155), increased mobility and smaller dimensions than the Jagdpanzer E-100. The Deerslayer is not very well armored, but its armor angles make up for it.

"Object 268" is usually called "Iron" because of the external resemblance, but not only: it just as smoothly and categorically passes through its enemies.

Like many Soviet top cars, "Object 268" ricochets excellently, which, combined with a very accurate and powerful gun, makes it not only popular, but also self-sufficient. Previous machines, despite all their advantages, in isolation from the rest of the team, certain weaknesses appear. "Borscht" - cardboard, "leftover" - slow, "Bismarck" - huge and clumsy. "Iron" is devoid of these shortcomings, it (at least in the game version) harmoniously intertwines the best features of Soviet developments.

And you can’t say that it was the failed “King of St. John’s Wort”.

History of creation "Iron" started with the M-64 gun. In 1954, a 152-millimeter gun was assembled at the 172nd plant, striking in a straight line for a whole kilometer, and along a trajectory, according to calculations, for a distance of up to 13 km. The military became interested in a promising development and instructed the design bureau to assemble a self-propelled gun for this weapon.

The chassis of the tank was taken as the basis T-10, but thoroughly redesigned it, taking into account the intricacies of maintenance and operation of the M-64. To reduce the length of the rollback, engineers equipped the "Object 268" with a two-chamber muzzle brake and other things necessary for firing.

During the tests, all assumptions regarding the effectiveness of the M-64 were confirmed, and it turned out to be more effective than the ML-20 installed on the ISU-152. However, the gun revealed many small jambs, and their correction was delayed.

Trying to compete with the "Iron" in such a situation is the height of stupidity. What this German demonstrates.

When they were finally dealt with, the need for the M-64 disappeared. The allies had new tanks, in terms of security and armament, according to the calculations of Soviet analysts, they were not inferior to the "Object 268". That was the end of the life of the only prototype of the Iron, which still lives in Kubinka.

* * *

Life is full of small events and accidents, which sometimes lead to unexpected results and disastrous consequences. It is not known how the course of the Second World War would have changed if the Germans had had time to finish at least half of the development of the E-series and let the Soviets into the business of a pile of projects closed due to small jambs. On this philosophical note, the High-Explosive Herald says goodbye to you!

Soon World of Tanks is expected to expand the number of vehicles. is added. On the this moment all the performance characteristics of the new technology are already known, but they are not yet entirely accurate. Let's take a closer look at the Swedish tier 8 tank destroyer - UDES 03, has a rather small size, has a low silhouette in comparison with existing machines of this class.

Historical Facts UDES 03

Tank brand UDES 03 can be called an experiment of Swedish engineers. It was on it that they first tested the mounting of the gun outside the tower. The tank itself had no turret. A 105 mm gun was fixed in an uninhabited turret, which was located on top of the tank hull. After testing such a tank model in action, the military admitted that the engineers' idea was very interesting.
The Swedish military ordered about three hundred tanks of this brand for their needs. Weight UDES 03 - fifty-eight tons, the crew consists of three people. The main gun with a caliber of 140 millimeters is complemented by a cannon with an automatic sight of 40 millimeters. The tank was "dressed" in heavy-duty armor. In order for the UDES 03 tank not to be inferior in speed to its competitors, it was equipped with a diesel engine with a capacity of 1475 horsepower. In addition to the engine, the tank has an automated transmission and hydropneumatic suspension. All these components made it possible to change the angular position of the tank.

She has a break in 223 mm, a conventional projectile, and 260 mm– premium. The DPM of the gun is one of the worst on the level, it is approximately 2230 points. As for dynamics and mobility, everything is very good here. It turns out that the speed forward and backward is the same, and is integer 75 km/h. This indicator is not found in any PT in game world of Tanks, moreover, not many tanks can boast such speed indicators. It also has a good stealth coefficient, which allows you to use a handicraft way of playing.

If you look at the overall characteristics of the UDES 03, they look like this:

Comparison of Swedish tank destroyers UDES 03 and Strv 103B

Despite the difference in 2 levels, when compared with, these tanks have a lot in common. When visually compared, their shape and silhouette immediately catches the eye. Both vehicles have a low height, a rational arrangement of armor, in the frontal part of the hull, and there are some similar performance characteristics.

Their guns are almost the same, both have information in 3 seconds, accuracy 0,3 , and the number of shots per minute is - 6,43 . Only one-time damage differs, at level 8 - 240 , and on 10 - 390 . The stealth of the two tanks is very similar, they have almost the same coefficients. This means that they will have the same gameplay.

Crew skills for tank destroyers UDES 03

The crew of the UDES 03 tank destroyer consists of three people, so the right skills for the crew are matched to the tactics of playing on the tank.

And if the UDES 03 can carry out full-fledged shooting only from the "siege mode", then it is best to set " stereo tube» - increasing the viewing range. Do not forget about increasing DPM in battle, for this we set " gun rammer". We also recommend installing camouflage for all seasons.

Brief summary of the UDES 03 tank

Having studied in detail the performance characteristics of the UDES 03 tank, we can assume that the car will feel comfortable on open maps, due to its high maximum speed and stealth. Whereas in urban areas, she will not be able to live long, because she has few durability points, and there is no reservation. The tank turned out to be quite balanced for the 8th level and is likely to be a popular vehicle among World players of tanks.