Which tier 1 tank is the best. Anti-tank self-propelled gun Hetzer

Many players Worldoftanks believe that the main thing for a tank is not speed and a powerful gun, but reliable armor. Well, this review is especially for you. Below we will consider the strongest representatives of the tank fleet of the game at each level. Besides, after updates 0.8.6 the number of artillery - the main enemy of such machines - fell sharply. In addition, the effectiveness of many "golden" projectiles has been cut, and armored dinosaurs have reappeared on the battlefield today.

Before proceeding to the review, let's say that we are aware of, so to speak, the debatability of the topic being raised. There will be few definitive answers here. Indeed, in addition to the nominal thickness of the armor, many other factors must also be taken into account - from the notorious "ricochet" to the number of "pain points" and the convenience of their defeat.

1 level

Looking for the most armored tank at level 1, of course, is a little ridiculous - with some effort, any of them can be pierced with a finger, and in any projection. But rules are rules, and we still have to choose one representative. According to the performance characteristics, it turns out that this is a Soviet MS-1 with indicators 18\16\16 on the hull and turret. This is already 2mm more than the nearest pursuer. We find it difficult to say which gun such armor can protect against, but, probably, sometimes it can. If you're very lucky.

2 level

And here there are already quite serious toys. The main contender for victory is the American PT T18 with their 53mm frontal and 32mm side armor. This is really serious for level 2. A good half of the opponents without the use of "gold" are simply not able to break through the T18 in the forehead. At the same time, the machine is very nimble and has serious weapons. But the maneuverability let us down - it feels like the crew is turning the tank by hand.

In addition to T18, we also note French hotchkissH35- 40mm all around. For this tank, opponents who come from the flank or rear are not even very critical. On it, you can use the “reverse diamond” with great success and single-handedly hold back a whole crowd of not too smart opponents. However, "Gosh" is slow, clumsy, and even rolls down the hill very reluctantly. In addition, you will constantly be enraged by his weapons - weak and very inaccurate.

So, let's give the palm to the American.

3 level

"Light" tank AMX38 typical of pre-war French vehicles - very armored and very slow. Despite its classification, in terms of combat tactics it is a typical TT with 60/40/40 mm of armor on the hull and turret. It would seem that it is noticeably more than on Gosh, but the 3rd level no longer falls into the "sandbox", which means that serious opponents will regularly confront it. For example, most PT3s have about 100 armor penetration. It is clear that they wanted to sneeze at the AMX 38 armor. However, light classmates may well find her very serious. Like all similar machines, the AMX 38 will be very difficult when it gets into the basement of the table - there is no speed, the armor no longer saves, the gun resembles an anti-tank rifle ...

At the third level there is a British Valentine AT, which, according to the passport, has a circular reservation of 60mm. However, this is an example of unscrupulous deception of players. Only the body has a thickness of 60 mm, and the huge shield of the gun is made of cardboard - 14 mm.

4th level

At the fourth level, we have a serious struggle for the first time. There are several well-protected tanks at once. These are British LT Valentine and ST Matilda, French LT AMX40 and German PT Hetzer. Let's deal with all this economy.

First, about Hetzer, fortunately, everything is simple with it - 60 mm of frontal armor, including NLD, at an excellent slope and a small mechanical drive slot on it (and even then it is considered 40 mm). In addition, there is excellent camouflage, acceptable mobility and a formidable high-explosive gun. But the sides are made of paper, which, however, is not critical for the PT.

Comparing the Valentine and Matilda armor, we come to the conclusion that it is still better on the Mota - 75 mm versus 65 mm on most parts. And let no one be confused by the nominal classes of LT and ST. Typical strands. Slow and clumsy. Especially Matilda - in terms of its dynamics, it is ready to compete with such luminaries of the genre as T28 and Maus.

About another "light" tank AMX 40, we can say that it is the most "ricochet" of all of the above and really has from 80 to 60 mm of armor in a circle, except for the rear and a narrow strip of side under the turret itself - there is 45 mm. And yes, it is also very, very slow.

Thus, the British Matilda is recognized as the winner at the 4th level. However, it must be said that if the evil VBR pushes any of these tanks to 6 levels, then he will be very sad and very hurt. The exception is Hetzer, which can run relatively quickly, cleverly hide and bite painfully.

A special prize goes to the Soviet premium variant of the Valentine for its extremely comfortable level of combat. It only balances against tier 4 tanks.

5th level

At level 5, the first serious TTs appear in the game (the pre-war B1 still does not pull on this role). As part of the armor comparison, we will be interested in KV-1, T1 and ChurсhillI.

The first to fall off is the Briton. Despite decent frontal armor, it breaks through quite easily - square shapes and weak side protection affect.

The T1 has good frontal armor and undercarriage screens. However, the sides are high and thin, and above the tracks they are not covered by anything. In addition, T1 easily breaks through the tracks if the projectile goes past the screen.

The KV-1 has no such problems. Its thick (75 mm) sides, almost completely covered by caterpillars, are very badly penetrated by classmates even at small angles. The forehead is also good, however, it has several vulnerabilities in the form of a mechanical drive slot and a machine gun nest. Who knows, he will shoot there, but it is not a fact that he will be able to confidently hit. However, there are few literate people at level 5, and for inexperienced players, KV-1 can become an insurmountable obstacle.

Again, we separately note the Soviet premium TT Churchill III. It has very thick frontal armor, huge caterpillars, which at a good angle eat up shells flying into the side, but everything is spoiled by a relatively thin-walled turret without rational angles of inclination. You can't hide it, unlike the case.

However, the KV-1 is still not the most armored vehicle of the 5th level. For the game has a British PT AT 2. The frontal frontal parts, located at a right angle, have an incredible thickness of 203 mm and, in fact, do not break through anything at this level. The weakest point is the commander's turret, there is "only" 103 mm. The same number on board the cabin. There is much less armor behind the tracks, only 25 mm, but 76 mm screens offset this drawback. However, projectiles flying past them (for example, through the front roller) can cause a lot of headaches.

Well, and, probably, it’s not even worth saying that this miracle of technology drives extremely leisurely.

6th level

At level 6, there are already quite a few vehicles with solid armor. Among them, the most notable are T-150, Sherman Jumbo, ARL 44 and Churchill IV.

Formally, the Churchill IV has the thickest forehead armor - 139-152 mm on various parts. But the same right angles spoil the idyll. And at KV-1S, for example, 175 mm armor penetration.

The French ARL 44 has 120 mm on the VLD with a good angle and this gives excellent protection. The forehead of the tower is not much inferior in thickness to the armor plates (110mm), but they have no slope. As a result, the tank breaks through quite easily, but, in any case, it is narrow, and it is not very easy to hit it. However, everything is finally spoiled by the cheeks of the tower, made of traditional French cardboard.

The Soviet T-150 has only 90 mm on the NLD and VLD, and there are no special slopes. On the other hand, the sides, which are almost completely covered by caterpillars, have the same thickness, and this makes it possible to successfully use the "reverse rhombus". The tower is also strong.

On AT 8, a powerful frontal plate with a thickness of 203 mm was installed. But on the left side of the cabin, where the machine gun is visible, it seems that there was not enough steel. As a result, a real “hole” flaunts on the forehead of the AT 8 - only 76 mm. Right angle. And this car is also decorated with a whole collection of easily punched turrets. In addition, it is traditionally slow even against the background of not very nimble competitors.

American M4A3E2, or otherwise Sherman Jumbo, formally refers to medium tanks, but, in fact, is a TT - slow and very durable. The large NLD is rounded and has a thickness of 139 mm, the VLD is much thinner - 101 mm, but is located at a large angle. 177 mm on the gun mantlet, the forehead of the turret smoothly passes into the cheeks, there are only 76 mm, but at a solid slope. True, there are no slopes under the mask, and these 76 mm penetrate very easily. And there is also a commander's cupola with the same armor. However, Jumbo's vulnerabilities are still less obvious than the others. He becomes our winner at this level.

7th level

When we talk about level 7 armor, the first thing that comes to mind is TigerPorsche. But not everything is so simple. Yes, some of the frontal parts of this tank are protected by 210 mm of real Teutonic steel. But the tank is adorned with a high commander's turret with a thickness of only 80 mm, the same thickness of the NLD and fenders, which, at the slightest turn of the hull, will be almost at right angles to the enemy. Plus - very weak and high sides.

Two British PTs are very well protected, having almost the same booking scheme - AT7 and premium AT-15A. Almost their entire forehead is covered with 203 mm armor. The most serious vulnerabilities are the machine gun nest and traditional turrets. 100 mm of armor on the sides can protect against weak guns, but you shouldn't count on it too much.

And the victory, perhaps, we will award another Briton - BlackPrince, 152 mm VLD, 139 mm NLD and an almost impenetrable tower. There is a “bump” on it, but the enemy gets a real chance to get there only at close range. The sides are rather weak, but they are covered with screens. In general, the "Negro" leaves the impression of the most successful tank of level 7 in terms of booking.

8 level

Immediately upset fans of German technology - TigerII, despite his very strong body, there are no contenders for victory. The thin cheeks of the tower and the huge NLD are too obvious and critical weak points.

AT 15- the first British AT without noticeable vulnerabilities in the frontal projection. Even everyone's favorite turret has become noticeably lower. 225 mm of steel on straight planes give excellent protection. But with VLD, everything is somewhat ambiguous. There is only 128 mm, and this is already not enough, even though the armor is located at a good angle. Therefore, it all depends on the location of the enemy. The higher its barrel in relation to the VLD AT 15, the straighter the angle of the projectile's meeting with the armor will be and, accordingly, the higher the chances of penetrating it. On the other hand, few people know that the most vulnerable spot of the Briton is the VLD. So, either the pros or beginners with auto-aim will shoot there.

In description T28 it is said that the frontal armor of this PT is 254 mm. This, of course, is not true. She has such a thickness only in the “beak”, and the rest of the surface of the muzzle is 203 mm. It seems to be very good, but against guns with 250 or more armor penetration it helps every other time. In addition, there are small but vulnerable turrets.

Soviet KV-4- one of the most heavily armored tanks in the game. 160-180 mm NLD / VLD protection is nominally weaker than that of the T28 and AT 15, but, as they say, there is a nuance. The presence of the turret allows you to turn the hull, forcing the enemy to shoot at serious angles, and this increases the survivability of the tank by an order of magnitude. In addition, the sides of the KV-4 are also very thick (130-150 mm), and they are almost completely covered by the chassis. Most of the opponents, seeing the KV-4 standing in a rhombus, joyfully decide that he turned his side. And they are cruelly deceived. Would you say that the KV-4 has a big “cap” on the turret? This is also a snag - there are still the same 180 mm, and it breaks through very reluctantly, especially if the KV-4 actively rotates the turret, knocking down the sight.

Thus, we call the Soviet battleship KV-4 the most protected tank of the 8th level. By the way, it's not that slow.

9th level

Everything is simple here, because it is at this level that T95- the slowest and most armored vehicle in the game. Simple and no fuss: solid 305 mm of armor in the frontal projection. NLD is very small and located at a large angle. If it is not specifically substituted, then attempts to break through it will be a waste of time. And the commander's turrets are damn "ricochet" and have a thickness of 152 mm. The sides are weaker than the forehead, but half covered with screens. However, if you are already happily rubbing your palms and getting ready to rock this monster, keep in mind that you won’t even accelerate it faster than 13 km / h even from a hill. As a rule, the T95 rarely leaves its base at all.

For the sake of order, let's add one more competitor here - E-75. Excellent frontal armor, including NLD, the absence of serious vulnerabilities, excellent maneuverability, decent dynamics - all this will appeal to fans of thick armor, but who do not want to pretend to be a pillbox.

Level 10

Well, what can I say ... Choosing the most armored tank at level 10 is just as exciting as at level 1, because you can argue to the point of hoarseness, for example, who is stronger - E-100 or IS-7? Moreover, worthy contenders for the throne are not limited to this couple. However, something needs to be decided, so we will act by the method of elimination.

The main trouble is the E-100 (like JagdPzE-100) is a huge and weak NLD. In addition, there is a small, but, in principle, accessible, bar of observation devices on the tower. At Mouse there are no such problems - its NLD has a thickness of as much as 200 mm and much more modest dimensions. In addition, the “mouse” has stronger sides of the tower. But the “cheeks” curved in an arc when hit in the middle part, where the angle of the meeting of the projectile with the armor is smaller, they hold the blow weakly. It is in them that these giants are beaten, although this requires a serious gun or "gold" ammunition.

At first glance at booking the IS-7 and IS-4 we come to the conclusion that the "seven" is better armored in front, and the "four" - on the sides. But not everything is so simple, the upper part of the side of the IS-7 is covered with fake screens, and the inner armor is installed with huge rational angles of inclination and breaks through very badly. It is safest to shoot through the middle part of the undercarriage, but if you do not have a very accurate gun, the projectile can go under the belly. The IS-7 also has an impenetrable front turret, unlike the IS-4, which, like the IS-3, is often ruined by roof armor. It's only 30mm, and it's not that hard to get there. Especially tall Germans.

There is also an American PT T110E3 with their 305 mm frontal armor. Moreover, the commander's cupola of this monster is covered with 228 mm of steel and is equipped with good slopes. This PT is almost impossible to break into the turret, which causes a lot of indignation among those players who do not know about such a surprise. Only 152 mm NLD remains, but it is well inclined and small in size.

Thus, we are left with Maus, IS-7 and T110E3. It is difficult to choose the best, it all depends on the situation and the VBR. But you still need to name someone, and let it be Maus. Formally, his armor is the thickest and, when set in a diamond, he can tank half the enemy team. But take care of the cheeks of the tower!

Good day to all, and let me start a series of tutorials dedicated to the favorite network action of millions - World of Tanks. Today we will take a closer look at such a difficult entry-level technique as the MS-1. In skillful hands, this tank can turn into a real "weapon of victory", as it combines a number of hidden talents that can and should be used against the enemy.

Connoisseurs and experienced players It is not for nothing that the MS-1 is called the best tank of its level. He easily confronts all his opponents-classmates and easily competes with equipment to a higher level - if you know and use his features.

History reference:

MS-1 is the first development of the young Soviet state, which needed to create its own modern armed forces almost from scratch. After the First World War, in which even the most bulky and primitive tanks demonstrated their effectiveness, military doctrine could not do without armored vehicles. The USSR did not have its own tank designs, so it was decided to purchase several FT-17s from the French and creatively rework them to local conditions. In August 1920, the first tanks began to roll off the factory assembly line. The vehicle showed excellent performance in terms of maneuverability and speed, with satisfactory armor and firepower. MS-1 was in service with the Red Army before the start of World War II.

What are the main goals of MS-1?

    An excellent tool for raising statistics at high levels.

    An excellent choice in team fights.

    Makes it possible to farm medals well, for example, “Warrior”.

    It allows you to warm up in front of the main machines and “knock down an asterisk” with the optimal ratio of effort expended and the result obtained.

Features of tactics on the tank

MS-1 is a completely versatile machine and demonstrates excellent results both in close combat and in firefights at long (for its class) distances. However, it is worth keeping at an average or even a long distance from the enemy, using "sniper" tactics, more typical for anti-tank vehicles - you need to take a comfortable position with good overview(on a hill). Such an arrangement will help to control the maximum territory and quickly respond to any enemy that appears in the visibility zone.

It is best to shoot when the gun is fully aimed at the target - it does not differ in accuracy, so you should not leave any chance to the insidious random. Be sure to have a dozen, or better two, sub-caliber shells in the ammunition load - they will come in handy in battles against second-tier vehicles (the vehicle rarely hits such opponents, but it’s better to take care of the situation in advance).

If you have chosen a position on a hill, you need to take care of a detour. The slope will help develop even more speed, so study the map for suitable positions for you.

Choice of additional equipment

For this tank, a gun rammer would be optimal, in combination with a camouflage net and coated optics. Good results are also shown by the use of a stereotube. Choice additional equipment emphasizes the specialization of the machine - an ambush against an enemy who does not expect a catch. The rammer will allow you to speed up the rate of fire, the camouflage net will increase the time to detection, and the stereo tube or optics will help you aim at the enemy at a long distance.

Crew training

MS-1 has only two crew members. Here, in terms of development, everything is relatively simple. The first skill of the commander is to make the sixth sense, for the mechanic - disguise. The second skill of the commander should be disguise, the mechanic - a virtuoso or a smooth move. The third skill will be the combat brotherhood (it must also be pumped for the second crew member). The fourth skill of the commander will be the eagle eye, and the mechanic will have a virtuoso or a smooth ride.


For comfortable game and revealing its full potential, the tank will require the player to be attentive, concentrated and able to quickly respond to an enemy that has appeared in sight. He has a small amount of health and, although the MS-1 performs well at medium distances, in no case should you go into a head-on collision. Also, the player must take care of choosing a position in advance - if everything is done correctly, this tank will have no equal and will bring many joyful minutes to its owner. It will help to lay down the correct skills of playing AT machines and will clearly demonstrate the differences between cantata and distance fighting styles. An excellent choice for a beginner or an experienced player who wants to escape from intense fights at high levels.

Despite the constant balance changes, in World of tanks there are still tanks that are more fun to play, and which allow you to more influence the outcome of the battle or even fight for victory, left alone against several enemies.

The best tanks in world of tanks by levels in 2018

Today's article provides examples of the best tanks in World of tanks at different levels, according to the author. Perhaps you will notice that your favorite tank has been undeservedly forgotten, you can write about it in the comments.

Overview of the best tanks in WoT

  1. good tool
  • With high precision
  • With huge damage
  • Reliable protection
    • Strong circular armor
    • Thick frontal armor
    • ricochet silhouette
  • Good mobility
    • High top speed
    • Fast acceleration
    • Excellent maneuverability
  • low visibility
    • good disguise
    • Excellent review

    Of course, fulfilling all the conditions at the same time is impossible, the tank may be, but have too weak weapons, which will not allow it to become the best. However, the presence of several positive qualities will indicate that we have a worthy combat vehicle.

    So, let's start the review of the best tanks in WoT.

    The best first level tanks in World of tanks

    It is difficult to single out favorites among Tier 1 tanks, but at high ranks one can distinguish excellent vehicles such as the IS-3, T-54, T-29 and others, but first things first.

    Among the players in the battles of the first levels, players on vehicles with upgraded crews can stand out, who have been playing on tanks of the first level for a long time, for example, there are quite a few such players on a Soviet tank MS-1.

    The best tanks of the second level in World of tanks

    At the second level, anti-tank and artillery self-propelled guns become available to players, and among them there are vehicles that differ from others for the better. it American tank destroyer T-18 with a well-protected forehead, which most tanks of the second level are not able to penetrate, in addition, the T-18 has good mobility and a good top gun.

    SAU T-18

    • ✔ High precision gun
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    Best tier 3 tanks in Wot

    Among the tanks of the third level, it is worth noting the Soviet premium T-127. This tank is well protected from the front, with sloping armor, a good gun, and good mobility. Excellent armor allows you to fight alone against several enemies.

    American Tank destroyer T82- an excellent combat vehicle of the third level, it boasts high one-time damage, good dynamics and maneuverability, excellent visibility.

    The best tanks of the fourth level in World of tanks

    At the fourth level there are several cars that you will always be glad to see in your team.

    British tank Matilda

    This combat vehicle is better protected than heavy tanks of the fourth level. Being at the top Matilda able to decide the outcome of the battle, remaining even against several enemies. Of course, you have to pay for good armor with poor mobility. Getting into battles with opponents of the fifth and sixth level, Matilda is not so good, but can still be useful due to a good top gun.

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun Hetzer

    The German tank destroyer is the nightmare of many tier 4 tanks, because they cannot penetrate this vehicle head-on, while the Hetzer can easily destroy them with one or two shots. Playing against higher level opponents for armor ACS Hetzer you can’t count on it, but this machine will still be able to hit enemies, acting from ambushes.

    The best tanks of the fifth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the fifth level, one can distinguish Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Which, with a competent game, remains impenetrable for many rivals of the same level. The poor mobility of the KV-1 tank requires a careful choice of the direction of attack, because it is impossible to return through the floor of the map in order to break the capture. Among the advantages of the KV-1 tank, one can note the availability of several good guns - the rapid-fire project 413, the universal F-30 85mm, and the high-explosive U-11 122mm.

    American tank destroyer T49

    anti-tank self-propelled unit with a turret that allows this vehicle to be used as a medium or light tank. The T49 self-propelled gun is equipped with an excellent top gun. This good mobility Tank destroyer T49 sometimes misused by players, you should not go alone to the enemy base, where the T49 will be quickly destroyed.

    M-24 Chaffee

    American tank Chaffee- an excellent firefly, which can also attack enemies from a good, quick-firing weapon. After the introduction of new light tanks, the top gun was taken away from Chaffee, now this one is not so good, but it doesn’t even get to the tenth levels now.

    The best tanks of the sixth level in World of tanks

    At the sixth level, the KV-1S tank stood out with an excellent D2-5T gun, but it was divided into two combat vehicles - the KV-1 of the fifth level, and the KV-85 of the sixth level, which have less impressive characteristics. .

    Hellcat in World of tanks

    American Tank destroyer Hellcat has excellent dynamics and speed. Its top gun is capable of dealing 240 damage, penetrating 160mm. Armor on the Helket is practically absent, it is worth noting only a well-protected gun mantlet, which, together with good vertical aiming angles and a mobile turret, allows you to shoot from behind hills and shelters without fear of a return hit.

    FV304 - new generation self-propelled guns

    On the sixth level, there is also a favorite by many players self-propelled art. installation FV304, with high mobility and a quick-firing gun, this machine shows good results.

    T 34-85 in WoT

    According to our readers, the T 34-85 should be included in the list of the best tanks in World of tanks in 2016. Indeed, we undeservedly disregarded this combat vehicle. T 34-85 is a universal fighter, without pronounced weak characteristics and with skillful use it is able to turn the outcome of the battle.

    Best Tier 7 Tanks in Wot

    There are quite a few good combat vehicles on the seventh level, but the American T-29 and the German tank destroyer E-25 deserve special mention.

    T-29 - play from the tower

    Tank T-29 when used correctly, it can be considered the best heavy tank of its level. A powerful top gun, good elevation angles and a thick turret front are the best features of the American TT to be used.

    American heavy tank T-29

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The main thing when playing on the T-29 is to hide a weakly protected hull, showing the enemy only a tower. The T-29 performs well in hilly terrain, when shooting from cover, and can compete with Soviet vehicles (which are good in cities) in battles in urban areas. .

    Inaccessible E-25

    Premium Tank Destroyer E-25 has a bonus when balancing teams - it does not get to the tanks of the ninth level. This makes the game more comfortable on it, but it cannot be said that it is unbalanced. The only problem is that the E-25 was removed from the sale.

    The best tanks of the eighth level in World of tanks

    At the eighth level, one of the most dangerous opponents is German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger. The low silhouette and excellent top and stock guns make this vehicle one of the best in the game. It should be noted that for a good game on Rhm. Borsig is desirable to give her under the control of an experienced crew with good visibility and camouflage, in addition, you need to choose the right position, because weak armor will not leave you a chance in case of detection. If you think that the main thing in a combat vehicle is a weapon, then Rhm. Borsig is for you.

    Armored KV-4 World of tanks

    Our readers consider the KV-4 one of the best tier eight tanks. Good armor and a penetrating top gun are excellent qualities for entering the top of the best tanks in WoT.

    Pike nose - IS-3

    Soviet IS-3 may not have any outstanding data, but due to the combination of characteristics, he deserves to be noted in this list. Good armor, powerful gun, good mobility. What else is needed for good tank? The IS-3 has it all.

    Heavy tank IS-3

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Strong armor
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette

    The best tanks of the ninth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the ninth level, one can distinguish Soviet medium tank T-54, characterized by a low ricochet silhouette, good mobility and a good gun. Particularly dangerous are the T-54 tanks in a group, so find yourself an assistant in a random battle or play the T-54 in a platoon.

    Medium tank T-54

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette
    • ✔ Good mobility

    Object 704 - carrier BL-10

    In addition, I would single out the Soviet Tank Destroyer Object 704, equipped with the famous BL-10 gun in the game (a few years ago, this gun was the most powerful among its counterparts on tank destroyers and tanks). Also, the Object 704 is well protected from the front, its armor plates are located at rational angles, which gives hope for a ricochet or non-penetration. The combination of these characteristics will let you act on the second line of attack, being in the thick of things.

    Tank ST-1 at the ninth level

    In 2016, our readers consider the Soviet ST-1 one of the best at the ninth level. This tank can be equipped with a weapon that is used in WoT on the IS-4. At the ninth level, it is very strong, and allows CT-1 to break into the ranks of the best.

    There are quite a few good vehicles of the tenth level, these are the American T57 Heavy and T110E5, the Soviet T-62A and Object 263, the German JagdPanzer E100 and Waffentrager E-100, the French Bat Chatillon 25t, the British FV215B. The style of play on these tanks is different and best car is difficult to single out.

    The best tanks in WoT in 2017 - the opinion of the players

    Many WoT fans have named their favorites in the comments. Let's see which tanks we underestimated. Among the best tanks in 2017, players most often named: medium T-34-85 and T-34, heavy ST1, KV2, KV4.

    The marked tanks are really very good, the T-34 and T-34-85 are universal fighters that have good mobility, a lethal weapon for the ST. They are able to provide worthy resistance to any enemy, and in capable hands they become machines for destruction. These Soviet STs have long been valued by the players, in 2017 the situation has not changed.

    The Soviet KV-2 has a 152 mm gun, unique for a Tier 6 TT, which makes it a very strong opponent, but only when fired skillfully from a large-caliber cannon.

    KV-4 and ST-1 are distinguished by good armor and good armament, which allows them to be included among the best.

    We have considered many tanks, many contenders for getting into the list of the best have been proposed by our readers, but not all vehicles in WoT are good, there are others that we have identified in .

    On the this moment More than 290 military vehicles of the past are available in World of Tanks. Each tank has its own strengths and weaknesses, however, there are such cars that are extremely comfortable to play on, these tanks really bend over. We have selected for you the best tanks at each level, so that you know what to buy in order to have the greatest impact on the outcome of the battle. In general, if you want to bend over - read the material!

    Before we start, let me tell you about how the tanks for the material were selected. Server-wide statistics for each tank were taken as a basis. The highest percentage of victories was taken into account. However, some changes were made, because there were situations when the vehicle was new and only experienced players upgraded it, which is why the percentage of victories on the tank is much higher without any reason. In addition, such vehicles as, for example, the KV-220 did not get into the material, the statistics on which are very high, but the tank is now impossible to get.

    Several levels housed several tanks, because it was very difficult to choose the best one.

    First level - MS-1 (49.08% of victories on the server)

    The undisputed leader comes from the USSR - MS-1. Thanks to its set of characteristics, Pug mercilessly oppresses newcomers and pedobears who have just entered the game with tens of thousands of battles behind them.

    The MS-1 has no armor (at the first level, no one has it), amazing dynamics or accuracy ... But a 45mm gun can deprive the enemy of 47 HP, which is quite a lot. In addition, the tank has a small size, which reduces the likelihood of hitting it.

    Watch video about MS-1

    Second tier - PzKpfw 38H735 (f) (56.53% of victories across the server)

    Although I promised not to include tanks that are impossible to get in the article, I simply cannot but tell about the Minimaus, since this unusually protected tank can simply bend random battles with its chic armor.

    Pay attention to the server win percentage - 56.53% is very, very high. And all due to the fact that the PzKpfw 38H735 (f) has a completely amazing circular armor with a thickness of 40mm. Classmates in terms of level pierce Minimaus with great difficulty, and first-level machines may not even try to do it (unless the same MS-1 can try and it is unlikely that he will succeed).

    In addition, these 40mm of armor are located not only in the forehead and sides, but also, attention, in the stern. Among the shortcomings of the PzKpfw 38H735 (f) should be noted low speed and not very high penetration. However, these shortcomings are easily compensated by the chic advantages of the car.

    But stop choking on saliva, let's move on to cars that you can buy and on which you can bend down no worse than on the PzKpfw 38H735 (f).

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    T18 (50.43% of server wins)

    Want to bend down on the second level? Please, this is not difficult, for this you will need straight arms and a small accessory in the form of American tank destroyer T18. What makes the T18 better than its classmates? It's simple - thanks to the huge one-time damage, tank destroyers can literally one-shot enemies, and thanks to their excellent speed, you can quickly respond to the situation on the battlefield, which changes at lightning speed in the sandbox. It is also worth mentioning the good 51mm tank destroyer armor, which can save you from shots in difficult times.

    Of course, it was not without drawbacks. You should always remember that you are a tank destroyer, not a tank - the T18 does not have a turret, so an enemy that has climbed into the rear can cause you a lot of problems. Yes, and the enemy can get used to the board, which is also not very pleasant.

    And one more thing - to guarantee high damage, carry a Serbogold with you, if, of course, you have enough silver.

    Watch about T18

    T2 Light Tank (53.95% of server wins)

    If the T18 is designed for those who like to one-shot the enemy, then the T2 Light Tank will appeal to players who love fast rides. This is one of the most fast tanks in the game, so you can always hope that the tank engine will help you out in difficult times. For example, when the base is captured, you can quickly return and break the capture.

    In addition, in addition to speed, the T2 Light Tank boasts an unusual armament - a machine gun that takes down 12 HP units to the enemy in one hit. If you know how to use these weapons correctly, you can work real miracles.

    The tank also has disadvantages, for example, the complete absence of armor and not very high maneuverability, which will play a trick on you more than once.

    T2 Light Tank in all its glory, watch the video

    As you can see, on the second level you can choose between two tanks. Consider what style of play you like.

    Third level - FCM36 Pak40 (59.02%)

    Phenomenally high win rate on this French FCM36 Pak40 tank destroyer! It is not surprising - the most powerful weapons and good armor (machine guns are not terrible) allow you to work real miracles.

    In addition, the PT-shka boasts phenomenal visibility at its level - as much as 400 meters! You see the enemy when the enemy does not even suspect that he glows like Christmas tree. Properly using the view and the power of the FCM36 Pak40 cannon can pull the most mundane battles. And don't be put off by the fact that the FCM36 Pak40 costs real money, the price is not very high, only 850 gold coins. Believe me, this is a small price to pay for bending over.

    Of the minuses, one should single out low speed and not very large horizontal pickup angles. Not very significant disadvantages, pluses overlap them several times.

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    Tier 4 - Hetzer (49.45% of server wins)

    At the fourth level, it was rather difficult to choose the most bending tank, since almost all vehicles are rather average in terms of their characteristics. However, an interesting tank destroyer at this level also has its name "Hetzer". True, for a comfortable and spectacular bend, you will need a lot of silver. Thick frontal armor and an excellent land mine, capable of depriving the enemy of 350 HP, make Hetzer a real monster. Of course, for a comfortable game, you need to shoot with a Serbogold in order to maximize your chances of dealing those same 350 damage.

    The car is rather peculiar and in inept hands Hetzer will infuriate the tanker with its low speed.

    Video clip under the spoiler

    Fifth level

    KV-1 (49.1% of victories)

    Do not look at the fact that KV-1 has such a low percentage of victories on the server. This is due to the fact that the tank is extremely popular, and the statistics on it correspond to the concept of "balance" as much as possible. Gorgeous protection at its level, excellent weapons, but poor mobility and visibility - that's key features this tank. Getting into the TOP, KV-1 drags the battle and is the main combat unit of the team.

    Watch about KV-1

    S-35 CA (52.21% wins across the server)

    The second machine for bending at the fifth level is the S-35 CA, which has completely lethal weapons - a 105mm gun can upset the enemy by as much as 300 hit points, which is a record among classmates. Huge number! If the evil VBR throws you at the top of the list, then you can be punished mercilessly.

    The disadvantages of the car are standard - lack of armor, low speed and low strength. But believe me, these shortcomings are compensated by frenzied damage. And the review of the S-35 CA is excellent - we can see as much as 400 meters. If you put in an enlightenment and a pipe ... Soviet blind tanks will suffer, suffer a lot;).

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    AT 2 (52.23% wins)

    This tank destroyer is only for those players who love the sounds of projectiles bouncing off them. Thanks to the record thickness of the armor, AT 2 survives where the rest of the team would have already merged. Just imagine, at the fifth level, as much as 203mm of frontal armor is available to us! It's so damn cool that you can't even ask for better.

    The stern and sides, of course, are less armored, but 101mm also helps a lot.

    What characteristics of the AT 2 were sacrificed to the Serb? Armament and speed. We move at the speed of a turtle and bite the enemy with the strength of a mosquito. Which, however, does not prevent this tank destroyer from brutally bending down, especially on city maps, where there are many narrow passages.

    Playing AT 2 has become even more comfortable after update 0.8.6, as the evil imba SU-26 has been nerfed. Feel free to buy if you like armored tanks. A lot of emotions are provided.

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    Sixth level

    KV-1S (49.06%)

    Recognized imba in World of Tanks. The most severe one-time damage of 390 units, enemy tanks burst with two shots. In addition to an excellent gun, Kvass has good mobility, which is quite unexpected for a tank that deals such wild damage.

    The advantages are compensated by not very good armor (but there are ricochets, and quite often) and a high probability of fire (perks will help you).

    The most popular tank in the game - it's not for nothing that the "quaskaktank" meme is alive and well. "Quaskaktank, is he holding a punch?"


    M18 Hellcat (51.31% wins)

    The highest speed and excellent weapons are a deadly combination, especially in the realities of the World of Tanks. The Cat from Hell M18 can not only drag battles, but also give the tanker completely new emotions, because it is in this tank destroyer that you will find speed and good gun. BUT weak penetration- it's not a problem.

    M18 Hellcat is a chic alternative to Kvas.

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    Tier 7 - PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) (50.19% wins)

    The seventh level, like the fourth, is also difficult to choose the bending technique. Many, of course, will prefer the Soviet IS, but I choose the German PzKpfw VI Tiger (P), which I advise you to do too, because with the right use of this wonderful machine, you will enjoy every battle.

    Excellent armor penetration, good 200mm armor make the tank really interesting. Of course, one should take into account low mobility and low one-time damage. But even despite these drawbacks, the PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) can bend over. And if you put the tank in a rhombus, enemy shells will regularly bounce off the car.

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    Level 8 - IS-3 (48.69%)

    And again we have an undisputed leader at our level. Quite a rare occurrence, but it is the IS-3 at the eighth level that is the best tank. He has everything - a chic gun, good armor, mobility ... The disadvantages are very insignificant - poor visibility and long mixing are easily offset by advantages.

    Feel free to buy if you are looking for the most bending tank at the eighth level. The IS-3 especially changes after buying the 122 mm BL-9 gun, which increases armor penetration to 225 mm.


    Ninth level

    T54E1 (51.83% wins)

    Despite its weak armor, the T54E1 is still able to dodge randomly using its loader drum, capable of delivering 1560 damage. In addition, the T54E1 also has good dynamics, allowing you to quickly respond to changing situations on the battlefield.

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    T-54 (49.32% of victories)

    Armament, armor, speed - the T-54 has no flaws, only advantages. An extremely pleasant tank in World of Tanks, which is able to bend over not only in straight arms.


    T57 Heavy Tank (51.66% wins)

    And again, our guest is a relatively new American tank with a loading drum. Powerful armament, good dynamics and very fast reloading of the drum are compensated weak armor and a small margin of safety.

    However, if you do not expose yourself to enemy shots, you can score record numbers in the "damage" column. One of the most enjoyable tanks at the moment.

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    AMX 50 Foch (155) (53.54% wins)

    How can we do without Foch, who became especially popular after patch 0.8.6 due to the almost complete absence of artillery in battles. It has chic armor, a three-round loading drum and excellent dynamics. The AMX 50 Foch (155) is the perfect example of how the biggest pluses can be in one car.

    The disadvantages are insignificant - the lack of armor in the stern and sides, as well as the low margin of safety practically does not play any role in random battles. Foch 155 now bends like never before.

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    Well, my friends, that's all for me. Of course, not everyone will agree with this list of tanks, however, I tried to collect vehicles based on all factors - the percentage of wins on the server, player votes, as well as personal feelings and observations. But in the end I will say one thing - even the most disgusting tank can bend over. It all depends on your hands, the characteristics of the car are in the background, they only complement your skill.

    Good luck in battle and fast pumping to you!